Teaming Up With The Enemy

Hachi's POV:

I was sitting outside on the porch, watching the trees sway when I heard a small laugh from beside me. "You must be Hachi... I need to speak with you," a voice said and then I saw a black haired princely looking male step in front of me. His dark eyes glanced me over and he smirked. "I come in peace, so don't freak out." I smirked and looked him over. Ohh look... he's presenting himself to us.

"Are you here to be one of my vampires?" I asked sweetly as something told me that he was a vampire. He looked alarmed and shook his head.

"No.... not at all Hachi. It's important. We need to go elsewhere. I don't feel comfortable discussing it... here," he said and gestured to the manor. I smiled sweetly towards him.

"What's there to talk about? You can say it here." I told him and patted beside me as I made more room for him. He looked like he was thinking about it but shook his head.

"Paris doesn't... exactly like me, but I'm trying to stop a lot of pain that is going to come, and you are part of the key. You may return when I am done speaking with you elsewhere," he insisted and gestured for me to come. I stood up then.

"You know Paris?" I asked him and tilted my head. "He's my favorite pet. I like his hair." I told him as I thought about his snow white hair. He laughed and shook his head.

"Of course you like his hair- listen, this will affect Paris and Louis. I need you to come with me because they cannot know what I have to tell you. It's the only way to keep the future from happening. No one can know except you," he told me and held out a hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked him. "I can't go too far. I need to make sure that they are safe. They are my pets after all." I told him and placed my hands on my sides. He nodded.

"Just to my house I have here in Maine. Don't worry... They will be fine as long as you come and hear what I have to say and listen carefully," he told me and reached out for me. I nodded and grabbed his hand.

"Okay!" I said quickly. Watch it Hachi, something is off. He said something about Paris not liking him. I gave him an innocent smile. "Let's go." We were suddenly in a well furnished living room, and he let go, giving me a relieved smile.

"You did the right thing Hachi. Have a seat, and I'll get you something to drink," he told me and started for a door leading off of the living room- the kitchen.

"Tea sounds good!" I told him and took a seat on the sofa. I looked around at my surroundings then kicked off my shoes and sat indian style on the couch as I waited. "So what's your name again?" I asked him. He came back out with a glass of tea and brought it over to me, holding it out.

"Is it important?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"You know my name.. but I don't recall getting yours." I told him as I took the glass and then sat it on the coffee table. I stood up then and waved my hands in front of his face. "So tell me it or I will stitch you up and make you my pet for all eternity." I teased him. He widened his eyes and stepped back.

"Dustin! My name is Dustin!" He said quickly. I put my hands down and took a seat on the couch, sitting indian style.

"Excelent." He's lieing. "So you wanted to tell me something?" I asked as I grabbed my glass of tea.

"Yes..." He said hesitantly and sat down on the couch beside me. He glanced at the tea in my hand and then at me. "It's something that will hurt everyone in the end... I am supposed to be a key part of it, but I am trying to change what will happen if you don't listen to me. Everything I am about to tell you cannot be repeated. You cannot tell Paris or even think about it around him. They cannot know. No one can know."

"Know what?" I asked him as I looked from the glass back to him, deciding if I wanted to drink now or later.

"It's..." He glanced around and then leaned in. "I think you know this name well and will take me seriously when I tell you... Oz," he said, whispering it to me. Oz! I dropped the glass in my hand and spilt it everywhere. I got up quickly.

"Oh so sorry!" I said quickly and waved my hand over it, making it go back into the glass and the couch was saved from being stained. I sat the glass on the table. "Oz?" I asked quickly. My heart started to race in my chest. "What about him? Is he angry at me?" I started to pace the room, growing worried.

"Hachi, you should really sit down and drink the tea," he whispered and watched me, hesitating on telling me more. I took a seat on the couch and looked at him worriedly.

"Well?" I asked him.

"Hmm..." He glanced at me considering me. "Yes... he's a bit upset. He's coming for you Hachi... for you and to get revenge on the Grimm twins. He wants them. He told me his plans, and I know that you and I... if you listen to me and do exactly what I tell you... can stop him."

"Oz... wants... to hurt my pets?" I asked and looked down into my lap. "But why? I'm happy here..." I mumbled. I took the glass of tea into my hands.

"He feels that you are his. I know the feeling," he mumbled and glanced away, taking a deep breath as he grew silent.

"I'm not his anymore. I left him because he tried to eat them. He should come apologize to me if he wants to be my friend again." I muttered to myself. I gave him the glass of tea then. "I'm not going to let Oz hurt my family." I raised my chin a bit. "I'm powerful enough to stop him." Dust looked at the glass in his hands and frowned.

"You don't want the tea? It is very soothing..." He said and held it back out to me. I shook my head.

"It's contaiminated anyways." I told him, talking about how it was on the couch.

"Then I'll get you some more," he said with a smile and got up, going towards the kitchen.

"You don't have to do that Dustin." I told him and smiled sweetly. "I think I should go home." He whirled around then, wide eyed.

"You can't go home yet! I'm not done telling you things! If you go now...this will all be ruined. They'll get hurt. EVERYONE will get hurt. The future depends on how this goes, and not even Laurence will be able to save us. It will take you and I working together." He came back and set the glass down. "Look, I haven't been completely honest. I'm Dante, Prince of Germany.... Oz stole my mate and tried to get me to obey him, but I found a loophole, and I want to keep him from winning. He will get them, with or without me....but if he thinks that I'm still on his side, we have a fighting chance. His plan is already at play here...I'm just one of the missing keys he wanted. You have to listen to me....Hachi, you have to play it my way if you want to save them. I'm trying my best, and you need to drink my blood....I had...placed a few drops in the tea, but you aren't interested in it for a sign of our working together to stop him, here," Dante said and exposed his wrist to me. I took a few steps back from him.

"I knew you was lying to me." I told him and gave him a dirty look. "You should tell me the truth, every part of it instead of avoiding it. See now I got it out of you the hard way." I took a seat on the couch. "I won't drink your blood, I know what that stuff does." I pointed to his blood. "I'm not dumb. I didn't see my family devour eachother for no reason as well as myself eat them. I am powerful and I plan to keep myself high up on the food chain." I told him. He sighed and sat down next to me.

"Look Hachi.... He's going to get them. He's got a spy in Maine building him an army, and he plans to banish Laurence to another realm for good. He said he needed a wizard and that he would go for you later, but I told him that I would get you to do it. I need you to play along Hachi. I promise I will not allow Laurence to be banished, and I will save you and the Grimm brothers.... His plan is to get everyone powerful out of the way and then kidnap the kids and ruin the twins and keep you to himself. He's angry.... Hachi, you have to listen to me because if you don't...he'll find out and he'll kick me out of his plans and kill Charlie. He'll kill us all....So please, you need to drink my blood so that this will work. I won't use it for anything other than helping get us out of this mess. I won't command you unless it's needed.... You'll have most of your free will, and it will only last two weeks at most," he told me and watched me closely. "Paris and Louis cannot know. No one else but you and I can know at the moment. I plan to use you and Raven to stop Oz. You two are my cards that he doesn't really expect."

"I don't think so Dante." I shook my head. "How do I know that you aren't trying to trick me?" I asked him and grabbed his hands. "I care deeply for Paris and his family and if I find out that you are trying to hurt any of them... I'll end you when I do." I smiled at him and hissed in his face. "Or I might just eat all of you right down to your little pure blood stone and I will eat it and take your power." I smirked at him. "I don't have to keep you alive. I could do it now because you sound more like a threat then a hero." I leaned in towards his face as I growled. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"See, this is why I didn't want to tell you my name, because I knew that you wouldn't listen to me. I'm trying to save them. They are Charlie's family, and it makes them mine as well... Look, if you don't believe me, then I'm sure an all powerful wizard like yourself has a truth spell in there somewhere. You could cast it on me and make sure I am telling you the truth," he suggested. "I want to save them, I really do. Oz made me an enemy...and I'm not a good enemy to have." I looked him over trying to figure out if he was lying to me. I pulled away from him then.

"If I drink your blood..." I began. "You do realize that it won't effect me. You can order me to do tiny things like come to you but if you ordered me to do something big... like kill someone I don't want dead.. I will be able to have free will. Oz never knew that but I know it." I told him and smirked. "You're not so tough now." He shrugged.

"I never planned on ordering you to kill someone Hachi. I just need you to drink a bit so that way I can call you to me and then I need you to act like the orders work when I ask you to do things. We need to trick Oz," he said and glanced at the glass of tea that he hadn't taken to the kitchen yet. "Look, I would have forced you to drink my blood by now if I was lying, now wouldn't I?"

"You would have tried." I told him and nodded. "It's your lucky day... I feel like drinking vampire blood." I smirked his way. "Don't worry.... I know how to fake taking orders." I winked at him. "Did it until I was ten then I ate them." I smirked as I remembered my past for a split second but pushed it away. "I'll do this your way... because I see that you care for my family... and when you save them.... they will care for you and everything will be the way it should. It will be peaceful." I reached out for his hand then. "Now... try not to brag about getting bit by me." I told him as I showed my teeth with a huge smile. He frowned.

"Why would I brag about being bitten?" He laughed nervously as he looked me over, but he held out his exposed wrist to me.

"Because I am Hachi, a wizard. Do you know how rare it is getting to find a wizard?" I asked him and then pulled his wrist to my lips. "It's an honor in other words." I told him as I looked into his eyes then bit down into his wrist hard enough to break his skin and started to sip on the blood that oozed out. He let out a yelp and tensed, curling up onto the couch as he tried not to pull his wrist back from me. He gripped the couch cushions and then buried his face into the back of the couch to hide his pain and discomfort. Oh this tastes good.. you should eat him.... all of him Hachi.... Yes... Let's eat him. I bit down harder and took out a bite of him and started to eat it as my eyes blurred a bit. How tasty.... I let out a soft moan. He noticed the change in attitude and started yanking on his wrist, getting it back and then teleporting across the room.

"I said drink my blood only!" He said and held his wrist close to him, eyes full of pain. He sunk down against the wall and winced. Uh-oh, look at what you done Hachi. You made him teleport away. Bad boy. I dropped my jaw and then got off the couch, walking towards him.

"Sorry... I do that sometimes." I told him. I licked my lips, feeling his blood giving me strength and power. "Want me to heal you?" I asked him. His eyes widened with alarm and he backed up against the wall as far as he could.

"Don't touch me," he said quickly, scared of me now. I placed my hands on my hips. Hahaha.... You have him afraid. Vampires don't realize just how powerful you are. They seem to slither away though when you bite them. They realize that you wasn't lying about your past, you are a cannibal.

"I'm not going to eat you." I promised him and reached out for him. "I'm not even hungry." He looked up at me warily and then gave a small nod, deciding to trust me again. He reached out for me too. I grabbed his hand and then leaned down to his wound and kissed it. I fought back my hunger, making myself pull away and seen his wound start to heal up. "S-see." I whispered as I took a few steps back and took in a deep breath. I can have self restraint. He looked at it in wonder and then stood up.

"T-thanks Hachi.... I really thought you were about to eat me for real," he laughed nervously. "Now remember, you can't tell anyone," he reminded me. "You can't even think about it around Paris."

"That' fine. Paris can't hear my thoughts just like every vampire's power doesn't work on me." I told him. "It's a gift." I explained. "Our secret is safe." He gave a nod and then smiled.

"Great... This will work then. It has to... I need you to get Raven away from them though. I need to speak with her as well, and she's not going to stick around if she sees me.... I have to get her to bite me as well, whether she likes it or not because I know that she will do her own thing if I don't. I need her as well as you. He's not interested in her as much, so she will be able to help us if we can convince her without her ripping my head off," he told me and looked thoughtful.

"I'll get her somehow... I mean... In the past we had a rough... well... beginning but I think she would go somewhere with me if I asked her too. Should I bring her here? Today?" I asked curiously. It would be easy for me to find her. He thought about it for a minute.

"If not today then soon.... You guys had a rough start? I thought that you two would hit it off like pals," he laughed a bit, referring to how we were both different from normal people.

"Well... I took Paris and Louis right out from under her nose... She was a little upset with me. In fact so was Laurence. He doesn't like it that he can't see me." I told Dante. I then blushed, thinking about Laurence. I really did like him even though he had a mate he was still cute to me and was the only other boy my age- well he looked my age. "So.. I'll go get her." I told Dante. He gave me a nod.

"Thank you Hachi," he said softly and then grabbed the tea, going towards the kitchen.

"No problem." I said and then used my magic to take me to Paris's manor. I looked around the living room first for Raven. "RAVEN! I want to ask you something!" I called for her. She appeared in front of me then in pink kitty pajamas and yawned as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Yes Hachi? You woke me up," she said and smiled at me softly, the dazed sleepy look still in her eyes. "Is it important?"

"I was wondering if you would come look at something with me." I smiled innocently at her. "It's just in the woods." She frowned and shook her head.

"In the woods? Hachi, I just woke up. Why don't you tell Paris about it?" She stretched and yawned.

"Because Paris is... out." I told her. "I also thought that we could go together and well.. talk." I said and faked a blush. "About.... well..." She looked at me closely.

"About what?" She asked and looked like I had captured her attention.

"About this guy I like... I am planning on taking him out on a date.... and I need advice." I told her, making it up on the top of my head. She giggled and nodded.

"Give me a moment to change. I'll be right down, and then we can go," she said and disappeared from my sight. I made a bottle of axe appear in my hand and I sprayed myself down so my scent didn't yell out Dante. I threw the bottle across the room afterwards and waited for Raven. She appeared in front of me, dressed for the day and her hair brushed and pulled back into a ponytail. "Ready!" She giggled and gave me a thumbs up. I gave her a huge smile and then walked towards the door to go outside like I had told her where we was going to. Raven followed me and smiled sweetly as she glanced around. "So is there anything in particular in the woods you wanted me to see? Or were you just wanting to talk to me about it in private?"

"You caught me." I told her and blushed a bright red. "There's nothing in the woods... Are you mad?" I asked sweetly. She considered me for a moment and shook her head as she smiled cheerily to me.

"No, I can't be mad at you Hachi. You're too cute.... and after you said you wanted my advice, I kinda figured," she said and wrapped me up into a hug, ruffling my hair. I laughed and tried to get out of her arms. I pulled her a few feet into the woods before turning around to make sure we was fully alone and then looked at Raven. She raised an eyebrow at me as she sat down on a fallen tree. "So who's the lucky guy?" She giggled as she watched me, not suspecting at all. I took a seat by her and grabbed her hand. As soon as I did I used my magic to take us to Dante's living room and we was on his couch. Ops... I left my shoes here. I kicked off my dirty socks.

"Got her!" I yelled. I looked towards Raven and cut off her ability to teleport. "Hear him out." I whispered. She widened her eyes as she felt powerless and looked at me.

"Hachi... what did you do?" She asked softly, starting to panic. She glanced around with wide eyes and then sniffed the air, standing up as she recognized the scent.

"What he asked me to do." I told her sweetly. "He's got news to tell you. We can trust him.. I made sure he wasn't lying to me." I explained. "I may have lied to you though about asking out a guy and needing advice... sorry." She looked back at me and exposed her fangs, panic in her eyes.

"Do you know who's house this is?!" She practically shrieked and started to laugh hysterically. Dante came into the room from the kitchen and watched with faint interest as she started freaking out. I pulled my knees to my chest as I watched her.

"Yes... A prince named Dante." I told her sweetly. She slowly looked over at him and started to back up, putting up her hands.

"Hello Raven," he purred and started towards her. "Missed me?" She shook her head and grabbed a picture frame off of a table and threw it at him, hitting him in the head. He winced and held his wound as he let out a soft groan. "That wasn't very nice," he muttered. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"You're not very nice," she hissed.

"He is trying." I told her. "I swear it. He's trying to save everyone. Hear him out." She looked at me and softened her expression then sighed.

"Dante, I swear that if you are trying something.... I will kill you without hesitation," she told him and then came over to me, sitting down. He smiled at her and walked over, sitting down on the coffee table.

"Good girl," he said and smirked at her. "Anyways, as Hachi was saying, something is going to happen... You two are the only ones that can know about it at the moment. Remember when Hachi stole Louis and Paris away from the manor?" She narrowed her eyes and glanced at me then stared him down.

"What about it?"

"Well.... Hachi was friends with this guy named Oz. He wants revenge on them both and wants to take Hachi back. He told me to remove you from the situation, but I know how powerful you are. You're my ace card Raven," he started and leaned forward. "In order for my plan to work to stop him... I need you and Hachi on my side. He told me his plans...believes I'm with him, but I'm trying my best not to let him figure out what I'm doing. He's threatened Charlie's life along with everyone else's. He tried to manipulate me, and we both know what happens when someone tries that, don't we Raven?" He laughed and looked us over. "Anyways...he plans to have me find him a wizard to banish Laurence with. He doesn't want Laurence to save the day, and I told him I'd get him Hachi by having him drink my blood then force him to banish him to another realm because he was after Hachi anyways.....After that, well he already has the packs chasing their tails and there is a vampire in Maine building him an army. He plans to get rid of Richard and to kidnap the kids then take Hachi and ruin both Louis and Paris. He told me to get you out of it on my part," he explained and watched her reaction. She blinked as she was absorbing the information, tensing up as she glanced at me.

"Did you drink his blood Hachi?" She whispered, on edge.

"It wouldn't effect me even if I did." I told her. "Remember vampire's powers don't work on me." I took a seat by him on the coffee table. "But..." I looked at my feet as I started to kick them. "I can easily fake that. Plus if you want to know... Dante is truthful. He wants to help." I rubbed my hand against Dante's face. "He's trying to protect his lover's family. It's now his too." Raven stood up and stared Dante down. He sighed.

"Raven.... There's the hard way and the easy way," he told her. "Choose wisely, but you will have to drink my blood." He watched her closely. She shook her head and narrowed her eyes.

"I know what your blood does Dante. I'm not falling for that. You just told me that Oz wanted you to remove me from the situation. How do I know that you aren't trying to do just that?!" She smacked him across the face, causing him to hiss. I stepped between them then. I looked into Raven's eyes.

"Raven... I would never let any harm come to Paris. Do you really think I would be siding with Dante if he was siding with my enemy... Oz? Oz is coming for us.. and Dante has a plan to make sure he falls to his doom. I know he's on our side... I have a wizard's feeling. I'm positive we can trust Dante." I assured her. "If we can't then you can rip me apart and eat all of me and I won't stop you." I placed my hands up towards her to stop her incase she tried to strike Dante again. She looked at me then and then at Dante and took a deep breath.

"Paris will kill you if you are lying Dante," she hissed out. "He'll know it was you if I disappear." He nodded.

"You won't, I promise," he told her. She glanced at me and sighed, pulling me into a hug as she buried her face into my hair.

"I don't want to," she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut as I heard her heart start beating in fear.

"I won't let something bad happen." I whispered back to her. I wrapped my arms around her. "If he somehow decides to join the other side without me detecting him... then... well.. Trust me I will fix everything.... I know the key to time traveling." She took a deep breath and then pulled me down onto the couch, holding me tightly as she looked over at Dante.

"Give me one good reason," she said, trying to sound fierce.

"Paris, Laurence, Richard, Louis, Hachi, the kids, August, your mate," he said, starting to list everyone that she cared about that would get hurt. She closed her eyes and shook her head then looked at Dante.

"F-fine...but you better only use it for saving them...." She hissed out.

"He will." I told her and looked towards Dante. "Because if he doesn't I will put him in a sink hole and not let him out of it." I smirked. He shivered and looked away.

"Oz already did that," he muttered.

"He likes to do that, I learned it from him." I whispered more to myself. "Sand is his element and his sister Zehara rules the water element." I explained. He shook his head and then stood up, getting closer to us.

"Want to do it yourself?" He asked her. She looked up at him and frowned.

"No, I don't want you to force feed me.... You'd make me drink more than I have to," she said and watched him. He smirked and got down on his knees in front of us, exposing his neck to her. She looked at it in fear and then sharpened her fangs, leaning in.

"You'll be fine," Dante told her. She closed her eyes and bit him then pulled back quickly before she could get more than a sip. He frowned at her. "You didn't even enjoy it," he complained. I leaned my back into Raven and smiled.

"You got bit though." I told him. "That counts for something." He shook his head and laughed.

"I remember when you used to crave me," he told Raven. She blushed and hit him with a pillow then, making his head snap to the side from the force. I slid off of Raven and curled up on the couch, watching them.

"You two are like two old couples.. You remind me of Paris and Richard in some way." I told them to mess with them. Raven hissed at Dante and kicked him away, making him yelp.

"What'd I do?" He narrowed his eyes at her, but she stared straight back at him.

"You brought me into a mess!" He sighed and stood up.

"You'll be fine...and you'll even like me better by the end of it. Anyways, here's the thing. You are going to have to not tell Paris...and in order for me to make sure of that..." He smirked at her and tilted her chin up to look at him.

"Oh yeah, Paris can't find out... No one can Raven." I told her as I sat up to watch them with interest. Dante nodded and looked over at me approvingly.

"Want to see how my power works Hachi?" He asked and smirked.

"Of course." I said as I leaned in to get a better view. I looked back and forth at their eyes. She shook her head no.

"Dante...don't order me to do something, please," she said, sounding afraid. He laughed and then kissed the top of her head.

"Too bad Raven.... I have to make sure. Raven Sylvia... I command you to not breath a word about this to anyone. The only ones you may discuss this with is Hachi and I in private. You may not think about it around Paris.... You must certainly not even hint that I was here. Oh, and to make sure that no one else gets caught with my blood.... you are not to allow anyone to bite you," he told her in an authority voice. She tensed up then relaxed. "And finally, you will trust me during all this." She gave a small nod as she calmed down, the blood working on her. I leaned in to sniff her neck and went to bite her to see what she would do. She shrieked and threw me away from her, getting up and running to the other side of the room and covering up where I had sniffed with her hand. She watched me with wide eyes and then slowly calmed down. I laughed and then looked at Dante.

"Brilliant." I told him and got onto my feet on the couch then stepped off of it onto the coffee table. "I think I want some tea." Dante nodded and went towards the kitchen as Raven slowly walked back, rubbing her neck nervously.

"You wouldn't have really have bitten me...would you?" She asked, looking me over.

"Uh no.. I'm only interested in biting Dante." I teased her and licked my lips. "I got a chunk out of him last time." She frowned and glanced at the kitchen doors.

"He must really be desperate then.... Normally he would have injured you so wouldn't be able to come back for years after doing something like that."

"Come back for years? You mean I would be able to come back out of him hurting me?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"If he liked you," she said and shrugged. "The others he would torture and slowly kill in various ways. Hitler didn't get all the ideas from his advisors," she told me and smirked.

"What's a Hitler?" I asked her and sat down on the coffee table. She frowned.

"Hitler... killed millions of people... because he hated them.... He took over Germany and tried to take over the world," she mumbled, her face clearly confused at how I didn't know that already.

"I didn't get educated the way you were." I told her. "Things like that isn't important to a wizard." I shrugged.

"Well... actually I lived through it, so I don't think that is education right there...." She said and gave me a smile then hugged me.

"Oh, interesting." I smiled. "I didn't know. I should have assumed though." I shook my head. "By the way... If I was to ask out someone... How would I go about it?" I asked her and smiled. She giggled and ruffled my hair.

"It depends on who you're asking out. You find out what they like and then you ask them if they'd like to go do it or go out for a meal or to do something fun on a date," she told me. "You got to be able to say it though.... Some have a hard time with that step."

"Say it? Like... Not stuttering and making sure you keep it clean and ask them without hesitation?" I nodded. I think I could handle that step. She gave me a nod and smiled.

"That's the idea. People respond to confidence," she whispered and gave me a wink. "Or if it's a vampire, they might be thinking about eating you, so watch out." I nodded and then looked towards the kitchen.

"Dante!" I called. "Are you lost?"

"No! I was frosting my cake I made!" He came back out with my glass of tea then and set it down in front of me. "Nothing is in it, so don't worry. It's just tea and sugar." I nodded and grabbed the glass and took a sip.

"Mhhhhhh." I sat the cup down and looked towards Dante. "So what's our first step as a team?" He thought it over and sat down.

"Well... I'd say we already did that by actually getting together. We need to make sure no one gets suspicious....and you need to start getting close to Laurence," he told me, pointing at me. "You'll need to be able to get him to go places with you without hesitation because Oz will think we are going to banish him. We will let him know what is going on when the time is right, but for now, he is not to know. Oh, and you probably need to come with me and meet Oz again before then...act like you've been enslaved by me..." He glanced towards Raven. "Raven, I want you to continue doing what you normally do. I will eventually summon you to start having you fight. Oh- you can investigate around and try to find the spy. Be subtle about it... Look for any disappearances." She frowned.

"Teenagers have been disappearing," she told him suddenly. He frowned.

"Look for a young vampire then. One who would target teenagers." She gave a nod.

"Oh yeah.. The werewolves went out investigating. Ask August and Cage if they found anything." I suggested to Raven. "I bet they picked something up tonight." She nodded thoughtfully.

"I can try that..." Dante nodded and looked at me.

"But for now, you have the most to do out of you two," he said and looked me over. "I really hope that this will work.... It could turn out into a war."

"I can fake being under your spell Dante. Want to see me try?" I asked him. "Order me to do something." He frowned as he glanced around and then at me.

"Like what? There's not really much for me to order you to do...I mean, I could order you to offer yourself to me like I do with most my pets, but I'm sure that you wouldn't like that one," he laughed. I glared him down.

"Don't you dare ever make me do something like that in front of Oz." I snapped at him. He smirked.

"No... I won't do that. He'd kill me for it. How about this... I order you to trap Raven," he said and smirked her way. Her eyes widened and she looked at me.

"Don't you dare," she said quickly.

"Yes Dante..." I looked at him like Raven had done when she was compelled. I smirked as I had her feet glued to the floor. I looked at her and stared at her feet then looked back at Dante. "It's done." I told him. "She can't move, I trapped her as you ordered." He smirked and stood up, walking over to her. She tried to move back from him, not liking the way he was looking at her.

"Stay back!" She hissed as she narrowed her eyes at him and tried to move again. He laughed and looked at me.

"Good job Hachi.... You got the look down.... Did you pick that up from Raven or was that instinctual?" He looked at me curiously as he stopped moving towards her. I looked innocently at him.

"Huh?" I asked, playing with him. "Sorry, did I do something wrong Dante?"

"Yes, you did. Try to look more blank when you go to do something. You looked like you liked it too much," he told me and smirked. "My slaves only sometimes look that way...and I want you to look like you don't have a choice." I nodded towards him and released Raven.

"I'll keep that in mind." I promised. He gave me a nod and looked towards Raven who was sneaking off towards the door.

"Raven, where are you going?" He called out to her, making her freeze up. She glanced back at us and smiled innocently.

"No where?"

"Exactly, sit down," he told her and pointed to the couch. She came over and sat down, looking upset about it. I laughed and poked her face.

"What's the matter Raven? At least you don't have to be in my shoes when I meet Oz." I told her. Dante nodded.

"Yes...You're lucky that Oz doesn't have much interest in you Miss Goddess," he said and laughed.

"Yeah, I noticed that." She blushed and glanced down at her feet as she started to shuffle them.

"So when do I have to meet Oz?" I asked Dante.

"Soon... I have to talk to him first and tell him that I secured you as ours." He looked over at me thoughtfully. "I'll have to figure out how to contact him then... He didn't tell me."

"If he didn't give you a way to contact him then he will contact you." I told Dante. "He's probably giving you a certain amount of hours before he will come see you."

"Oh great.... I hope he doesn't walk in on me and Charlie then," he muttered and shook his head. "You two are free to go when you like. I need to clean things up around here. It's getting kind of dusty since I haven't been around in months." He glanced around and then walked towards the kitchen. I nodded and used my magic to appear in Paris's manor.

"OH LAURENCE!" I called for him and ran off to find him. I found him in the music room playing the piano. I tackled him into a hug then smirked. "Laurence, would you like to do something fun with me?" I asked him. He stopped playing to look at me.

"Do what?" Laurence asked. I nodded towards him.

"Let's go out."


"You know.... To the movies."

"That's what couples do Hachi. I have a mate." He growled.

"So??????? I'm too cute to pass up." I pouted.

"Hmmmm.... Okay but if Ashton kicks you where it really counts don't come crying to me." Laurence said and laughed. He stood up and grabbed my hand then teleported us into the movie room Paris had built. "What do you want to watch?" Laurence asked me. I pouted.

"Laurence.. I wanted to go out, out." I mumbled.

"Oh..." Laurence said innocently and then shrugged. "I could go back to playing the piano..."

"NO!" I hissed and then looked towards the screen. "This is fine." I mumbled.

"FRED PUT A MOVIE ON!" Laurence yelled to the butler that watched over this room.

"As you wish." Fred mumbled and cut a movie on for us, putting Snow White and the Seven Dwarves on.

"This is for kids..." I whispered then smiled. "Cute. Laurence... he thinks we are kids." I laughed as Laurence glared me down.

"I am not." He growled.