Something Is On It’s Way

Richard's POV:

I smiled softly as I snuggled up to Paris, humming to myself lightly as I breathed in his scent. The sunlight filtered into the room through the curtains, lighting up our surroundings softly. I loved this... being up before him. It meant I got to think about whatever I wanted and curl up to him for as long as I wanted...till he woke up that is. I laughed and pulled him closer as I closed my eyes happily. I love Paris with all my heart...even when he's being a tease. "Mommy! Daddy! I had the weirdest dream!" Peyton jumped up into bed and crawled in between us. I groaned and then took a deep breath before giving a smile.

"What did you dream about sweetie?" I asked as I pulled her to me. She looked up at me innocently and touched both sides of my face before giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I dreamt that SpongeBob showed up and took us to Bikini Bottom, and then I got to tour the Krusty Krab! After that, Plankton tried to destroy everyone by mind controlling them! I got away though, and I saved you and then Plankton became seaweed!" She giggled and looked towards Paris, reaching out for him. Paris woke up from her excitement and looked at her sweetly.

"Good morning princess." He purred and kissed her cheek. He looked towards me and kissed me softly and when he pulled away he told me, "Good morning darling." He moved out of bed then and went towards the bathroom, scratching his shoulders. I narrowed my eyes and picked up his pillow, throwing it at him and hitting him in the head with it.

"No shoulders Paris," I scolded. Peyton giggled and sat up.

"No soiwders," she tried to repeat. Paris looked towards me as he rubbed his head.

"Uh... huh." He mumbled and tossed the pillow back before going into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I frowned and then looked at Peyton. She smiled at me innocently and curled up on top of me.

"You know daddy and I were having parent's time this morning...right?" She giggled.

"You two don't need parent's time," she said with a smile. I shook my head. But I wanted more time before he woke up.... Paris came out after a second and was filling his nails as he walked over to us, still in his night clothes. The doors to our bedroom flung open and our butler walked in with a tray of bottled blood in his hands.

"Good morning Master Paris and Master Richard... Oh! Peyton... Good morning Miss Peyton." He bowed in her direction before sitting the tray down on the bed and walked over to the windows, opening the curtains. "Paris, would you like to be dressed now or later?" He asked as he turned around. Paris purred in amusement and walked up to his butler.

"Later, I want a drink. Get me two maids in here." Paris whispered in his ear. I frowned. Since when did the servants start entering this room... I kicked the bottled blood off of the bed in disgust and curled up with Peyton, kissing the top of her head as she giggled at the butler.

"Since I decided that they should start doing their jobs better." Paris told me and watched as the butler left to do as he was told. "Plus I don't want to oversleep." He smirked.

"That's not fair... You oversleeping is my time," I told him and looked his way. Peyton relaxed and started to fall asleep in our bed, curling up to me and humming a bit.

"Your time?" Paris asked me and took a seat at the foot of his bed then started to scratch his shoulders. I sat up, grabbing his hands and exposing my fangs.

"That's bad for you Paris," I hissed and then pulled him to me, kissing his cheek and then biting down on his shoulder. He yelped and then relaxed into my arms.

"No it's not." He objected. "I've been doing it for years."

"And look at us now... I'm about to eat you for breakfast," I teased, pushing him onto his back and crawling on top of him. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Eat me for breakfast?" He asked then started to scratch his shoulder. "Uh huh."

"You better stop with the scratching," I hissed and bit his hand then bit down on his neck. I gripped his hands in mine then pinned them above his head. He groaned out and arched his back.

"I can't, it's just something I do." He hissed out. I sighed, dismissing it for now as I got a good taste of his blood. I wrapped my arms around him and then deepened the bite, wanting more. He gasped and then teleported out of my grasp. "Hahaha." He laughed and then started to walk out of the room. "I'm going out for a hunt." He purred as he looked towards me. He was still not fully dressed for going out. I pouted and sat up.

"You have two maids on their way for you...and you're not fully dressed....and you forgot to invite me," I complained. He looked down at himself and then smiled.

"If you want to come you better get dressed." He told me and walked off towards his closet. "Come on!" I laughed and got up, going for mine and then pulling out a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans, slipping them on and going to the door. It's been awhile since I hunted last.... Paris was waiting on the bed in sweat pants and a random band t shirt. His hair was messy from the bed and he gave me a huge smile. He forgot shoes. least he's dressed. The only one who should see him half naked like that is me. I smirked and walked over to him.

"Coming Paris? I'll go without you....if you don't hurry," I teased. He got to his feet then and walked up to me, kissing me on the cheek. When he pulled away we was standing in an alley.

"I love a good hunt in the morning." He said as he started walking off down it. I laughed and went invisible, something I don't normally do. I silenced my thoughts the best I could and then snuck up behind Paris. He turned around quickly and then teleported a few feet away from me. "I know your out there." I held in a laugh. Do you now Paris? I sat down on a box and watched him closely. He's lucky he can read minds. It's kind of hard to quit thinking. I reappeared and smirked at him. He looked my way and laughed. "Ello love." He whispered. He started off down the alley with a skip in his bare feat. I stood up and ran after him, getting beside him.

"So...any reason to our hunt this morning? Or is it for the sheer joy?" I asked and wrapped an arm around his shoulders as I kissed his cheek.

"I decided that we should hunt the kidnapper." Paris told me. The kidnapper? I frowned.

"So...we aren't exactly going to hunt and feed.... we are investigating," I whispered. Darn... I was looking forward to more breakfast.

"First one to find him gets to eat him." Paris told me. "It's a perfect challenge for us." He smirked.

"Oh, it's on," I said and smirked back. "The winner also gets whatever they want from the loser," I added on, exposing my fangs to him teasingly. I kissed his cheek then and laughed. Oh, I'm so going to win.... I'm going to get to eat the kidnapper and get Paris! He blushed as it slipped in my mind and he looked towards me.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." Paris told me and kissed my cheek. I blushed then and bit my bottom lip.

"All in good fun," I whispered, defending my thoughts quickly. I nuzzled my face into his neck and smelled him to hide my embarrassment. He laughed and wrapped an arm around me.

"I'm sure of it." He purred into my ear. I bit my bottom lip and didn't say anything as I felt my face heat up a bit. I kissed his neck then and brought him closer, pausing in the street as I wrapped my arms around him. He teleported out of my arms and laughed. "Not so fast. The hunt is just beginning."

"Before you know it, you'll be the hunted," I teased and then started to walk off, putting my hands into my pocket. "Depends if I get bored."

"Well... I'd enjoy being the elk to the mountain lion." He purred and started walking with me. I glanced at him.

"Then you better run because this mountain lion is starting to prowl," I purred back. He blushed.

"You can't catch me, I'm too clever." He smirked and walked ahead of me, swaying his hips. I laughed and let out a predatory growl.

"I remember plenty of times when I caught you for my very own....Once on a piano bench... Once in a guest bedroom in my parent's castle which is now mine.... At least a thousand times in our own bed.... and at least once in Canada," I teased, watching his every movement. He turned to look back at me.

"I let you catch me." He teased.

"Uh huh? Not the very first time....not the time after that....and not that time right before Canada when I stole you out of the manor." I smirked. His breath caught and then he turned his face away from me.

"P-please." He muttered. "I don't even remember that." He said stubbornly, but I was positive he did and he even kept journals. It would be easy to jog his memory.

"I wouldn't mind if you forgot the whole....thing that happened a long time ago.... but I would hate it if you forgot the very first time in a very magical music room on a very special piano bench," I called towards him.

"I could never forget us on that bench." He purred and turned towards me. "I knew it right off the bat." He claimed and raised his chin high. "That you was important to me."

"Oh? The very first moment we laid eyes on each other in the royal hall? Or the very first time you heard me play my song?" I started to walk towards him then, smiling innocently.

"The very first time my eyes locked on you." He whispered. "You standing there... I wanted you to be in my life forever."

"Hmm.... You know... I was hoping you'd go into the music room," I whispered as I got close and leaned in, kissing his cheek. "I love you...and you made me really happy when you took an interest in something else I loved- the piano. It's such a beautiful instrument."

"It's a very beautiful instrument indeed," Paris agreed with me. "I'm glad I learned to play it." He kissed my cheek and started to walk off down the alley from me.

"Hey! Get back here tease!" I shouted and narrowed my eyes. He just...left me....standing here. He looked towards me then teleported a couple of more feet down the alley and laughed. I glared at him. You are in so much trouble tonight.... I turned on my heel and then started down the opposite end of the alley. Meet back at the café?

"Six, don't be late!" Paris yelled to me. I smirked and shook my head. Oh he's in so much trouble....

"Ok sweetie!" I left the alley then, deciding to start near the school.

Lauren's POV:

It was late in the afternoon and the sun was starting to set... It had been around three years since I last seen Paris. Benjamin and I was keeping mostly to ourselves. Ellie had grown up to be eight and was quite an explorer. We were taking her around the world, since that's what she wanted to do... explore. We was on a beach in Hawaii, in a small little hut that provided wifi and the other necessaries to live normally. She was into surfing right now and she had a friend that took her surfing early in the mornings. I stayed in contact with my old college friends, we skyped every day to keep in contact. Franny and Alex were now dating... I couldn't be happier. Alex needed a good girlfriend. Kaylie was having her second child, and was a very happy mother to a guy but I forgot his name. Scarlet was now a wonderful actor for some new supernatural show on TV... I hadn't watched it yet. Something about witches? Then there was Jayce, he had passed away a year ago from a car wreck. It was a tragic accident. It made me want to never go back home to Maine. It was horrible to speak about. We all skyped for at least three hours, sometimes we watched movies together. It was cute actually and they enjoyed talking to Ellie when she came back from exploring.

I sat on the couch in the hut, looking at my blank laptop as I waited for one of my friends to skype me first- then start adding in the others. I was eager to talk to them. After all, I did miss them. I seen them everyday of college until graduation. Which was around three years back of course... Right around when Paris announce he was having kids with Richard. I smiled at the thought... I missed them... I even missed Raven. I laughed at the memory of how we first met. "Hey sweetie, waiting on your friends?" Benjamin asked as he sat beside me and made a cup of tea appear in his hands. He smiled and started to sip on it. "You know...I've been keeping track of things happening in Maine- because my maker is there.... and there have been," he frowned and looked at his glass then. "Well, disappearances. Far more than average for Maine.... Something is going on there," he whispered and started to look worried as he glanced over at me. "Oh, on a happy note, Raven recently became the goddess of three different major cities!" I raised an eyebrow.

"Since when!" I laughed. "I knew she'd do something good with her eternity." I mumbled to myself. I then frowned at the fact that there was disappearances occurring in Maine. "What do you mean by disappearances?" I asked him and sat my laptop aside to face him better. I motioned for him to tell me the details.

"Well... High school graduates have been disappearing left and right. The supernatural side of the story says that something big might be coming.... They haven't found any bodies and the werewolf packs have been searching for the one behind it. It's got both humans and supernaturals looking," he started then took a minute to sip on his tea and let that sink in. I took in a deep breath. My friends might be in danger then... Might be.... I grabbed Benjamin's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"I hope our friends wont be in danger..." I whispered softly. "Supernatural or not. Something is off about the disappearances."

"Yes.... Indeed it is. Want me to check in with Louis or with Paris? They might be investigating. It is their territory after all.... They rule that place," he whispered and rubbed my hand with his thumb comfortingly. "We can always go back...."

"Ellie is fascinated here though... Plus Jayce..." I looked down into my lap. "He was a friend of mine... I don't think I can go back just yet."

"What if they need us? I mean, I'll call first...but Louis still didn't release me," he said and sighed, shaking his head. "I swear he's clinging on to me."

"Okay... call and ask him." I told him then grabbed his hand. "You will be telling Ellie though." I warned. He laughed and gave me a look.

"That's suicide," he said quickly. "Your friends, you're telling."

"You tell Ellie and I will tell my friends." I promised.

"That's a joyful thing to tell your friends! You'll all be squealing while Ellie gives me that withering look...that terrible...withering look that could freeze the ocean," he got quiet and shuddered before pulling out his phone.

"Oh yeah?" I teased him and then picked my laptop back up and placed it into my lap. "That's easy for you to say, they are going to be waiting at the airport for the next couple of days just waiting for us to arrive." He laughed and dialed up one of the two.

"Hey Paris! We wanted to say hi...see how you guys were doing," he started and then relaxed into the couch, sliding down it a bit.

"BENJAMIN!" I heard Paris yell with delight into the phone. "It's good to hear from you." Benjamin laughed and gave a smile.

"Yes, it's been awhile. We've been traveling around and showing Ellie the world. We're in Hawaii right now- seems to be her favorite. She's taken to surfing.... I got a little worried when I heard about the disappearances. Is everything alright up there? We can come back if you need us. I'm sure that wasn't you or Louis."

"We are fine, you two can stay where you are. It's just a human getting carried away. I'm actually hunting it right now... I'd love it if you came back. Raven just came home." I heard Paris informing him. "That's good to hear about Ellie by the way. The boys are eager to see her." He laughed. "How about you come home anyways~"

"Say you need us and I'll be able to make them come," he teased, glancing over at me.

"Oh I need you. If you don't come I will simply disappear." He made a poof sound. "Come on~ Come home." I blushed and nodded towards Benjamin.

"Got an agreement from the missus," he said and laughed into the phone. "We'll be back in about...two- maybe three days. The hard part is getting Ellie to come."

"Oh tell her Dannie is jealous that she's spending more time with the waves then him and see if that gets her to want to come home." Paris suggested.

"She'll just giggle though. I don't think she'll care that she is making him jealous. Though she might come back just to rub it in his face," Benjamin looked towards the window out towards the sea with a spark of amusement in his eyes.

"Exactly! I have to go now... I'm hunting a kidnapper." Paris told him. "Good bye you two." He purred into the phone before hanging up. Benjamin set the phone down and smirked over at me, crawling over into my space and giving me a kiss.

"Thanks sweetie...." He whispered into my ear and then got up, going for the door. "ELLIE!" I watched him walk out and shook my head. A second he was out I felt the skype call coming in before it actually did. I answered it and smiled as I seen Franny.

"Hi! I-" I began to tell her but she cut me off.

"Hold on... I'm going to call up everyone else." Franny told me and I sighed, might as well wait for the rest of them. After five minutes Alex appeared beside Franny and kissed her cheek as she was focused on calling the others. I laughed and waved at him.

"Hi!" I smiled as I mouthed the word to him. He laughed and got smacked by Franny. Scarlet was connected first followed by Kaylie.

"There we go." Franny said and we all made out own cheers of joy.

"Okay! I have to tell you guys something." I told them before any of them could get to speak about their day first.

"Oh no... Did Ellie get a boyfriend?" Alex asked and I busted out laughing, holding my mouth as the others followed.

"NO! Better!" I told him.

"Oh?" Scarlet asked with interest. "What could be better?"

"Benjamin and I decided to move back to Maine." I told them. They all gasped.

"YES!" Alex yelled. "GET THAT BOY ON HERE NOW! BENJAMIN I KNOW YOUR THERE!" Alex yelled, earning a slap from Franny.

"Your going to disturb our neighbors." Franny hissed. Franny and Alex were living in an apartment building, a really nice place.

"You know what, I want to move back then." Scarlet said in jealousy. "California is getting boring."

"You can't until you finish the TV show." Kaylie reminded her.

"UGH!" Scarlet threw her back of popcorn over her shoulder.

"You know, there has been some killings here anyways, you don't want to come back." Alex teased her.

"WHAT!?" I heard Scarlet freaking out.

"Calm down! It's just missing people... We don't know that they are dead." Franny told her.

"Oh yes they are." Kaylie teased. "I bet you five bucks the first one shows up tomorrow dead."

"Seriously?" I asked, trying to sound surprised.

"OH! I hope that doesn't change the fact you want to move back, Laur!" Franny said and gave me a pouting face. "Please come home."

"HEY! WHAT ABOUT ME?" Scarlet hissed.

"Stay in California! If you leave the show I will be pissed." Kaylie hissed. "I don't have anything else to do while the kids are asleep."

"Oh~" Franny started to tease Kaylie about the guy she was with- I think she said Eric? I couldn't hear her good. They all were yelling then over each other. All I made out of it was Alex calling for Benjamin for help.

"Yeah, keep your shirt on," Benjamin teased as he walked back into the room, holding two bowls of ice cream. He set one down in my lap and then set his on the table. He moved his hand out of the camera and made a thing of sprinkles appear and then smirked, handing it to me. I smiled and sprinkled them onto my ice cream. Alex smirked as he seen Benjamin.

"BEENNNNNYYY PIKKKKKKKEY POOOO! YOU GOT LAUREN TO COME HOME!~~ Well not yet." Alex hollered over the girls. I took a big bite of my ice cream.

"Yeah, I did.... Now you owe me when we get back Alex," he said and smirked, kissing my cheek. "I think.... a guy's night out will suffice? I've been stuck with just girls for so long." The girls started to calm down again.

"Oh that would be fantastic." Alex smirked.

"Bromance." I coughed into my shirt.

"So what movie are we going to watch tonight?" Franny asked, always acting like the Alpha to our group.

"Movie?" Benjamin asked and frowned as he laid down, putting his head in my lap and eating his ice cream.

"We usually watch a movie together." I whispered and then turned on the tv, surfing the channels. We all had the same cable.

"OH! HOW ABOUT SURFS UP! IT'S A CUTE MOVIE~" Kaylie suggested. I busted out laughing, seeing what she was doing there.

"Seriously?" I asked and then stopped at Twilight and smirked evilly.

"Oh no~" Franny began as she seen my look. "Don't you dare suggest it."

"I'm out," Benjamin said quickly, jumping up with his bowl of ice cream and taking off running for our bedroom.

"Fine." I huffed out and kept moving through the channels.

"Oh! Let's watch The Great Gatsby." Scarlet suggested. She was good at picking movies.

"AGREED!" I yelled and took another bite of my ice cream then froze up as I noticed I was eating, my stomach was even curling up. "BENJAMIN!" I hissed out.

"Uh- oh someone is in trouble." Alex commented. I set the laptop aside then ran off for the bathroom. I leaned over the toilet and started to puke up the ice cream. He came in quickly and set his bowl down, kneeling beside me.

"Hey... Are you alright?" He frowned and started to rub my back. "The ice cream didn't agree with you?" He kissed my arm and rested his head against me to help comfort. I shivered as I felt like my spine was twisting.

"I told you I don't eat human food." I whispered as I fell weakly against him.

"I forgot... I'm so sorry," he whispered. "You should've handed it back to me. It's not like it came out of the freezer here.... You know I don't ever go to the kitchen unless I have to." I nodded. I should have been more responsible but I was distracted.

"It's fine." I grumbled and then flushed the toilet. "I didn't eat that much." I told him and then went to stand up as my body started to recover. "Good thing... I didn't." I blushed. "Besides it was my fault."

"No... It was mine. As your mate, I should've remembered," he mumbled and stood up, pulling me into a hug. He exposed his neck to me then. "You can bite me if you are hungry.... after all, you just went through something horrible to you." I shook my head.

"I can't drink any blood for a hour. I need to let my stomach settle." I told him. "So can we go back to the couch now before they think I murdered you?" I asked and pulled him back to the livingroom. He sighed and let me.

"Fine but no Twilight, that's my only rule." He sat down on the couch. "I'm alive guys! Almost had my head bit off, but I'm still here!" He laughed as he exaggerated the situation. I took a seat by him and put the laptop in my lap.

"So what did we decide on?" I asked them.

"The Great Gatsby." Scarlet told me with pride. I nodded and switched to the channel they told me to go to and smirked as it was about to come on in ten minutes- commercials were on now. We always muted the commercials to talk to each other.

"So what happened?" Alex asked us curiously. "All I heard was Laur running off and yelling your name!" He laughed.

"I said she about bit my head off, didn't I?" Benjamin joked and then leaned against me, kissing my neck. He smiled innocently and looked from me to the laptop. Alex shook his head and then kissed Franny's cheek.

"Awe, we should all go out when I get back~ You know I get a break next month. A whole week off." Scarlet told us. I nodded in agreement.

"Mhm," Benjamin hummed. "Now I've got to go get Ellie from the beach. You all hang tight." He smirked and got up, going for the door again. I shook my head as I watched him walking out the door.

"He's going to miss the best part!" Franny complained as the movie cut on, so I unmuted the TV. Benjamin came back in with Ellie in her swim suit and laughed, setting her down on the ground.

"Go get your mommy good for me will you?" He whispered in her ear. I dropped my jaw and looked towards them as Ellie ran up to me and got into my lap with a towel wrapped around her.

"What are we watching mommy?" Ellie asked and I hushed her.

"A good movie." I told her. "It's a parents movie though, so go to your room." I urged her. She nodded and gave me a kiss before leaving towards her room. Benjamin started to follow after her then, making a cute doll appear in his hands. I shook my head then went back to the movie, paying attention to it. He laughed as he entered her room.

"I got you a dollie!" He smirked and shut the door behind him then. I could hear her getting excited about the doll and I bit my bottom lip. "And here's her partner in crime!" He must have made another one appear and handed it to her, making her squeal with delight.

"Your missing the movie!" I called to him.

"ELLIE WON'T BE EIGHT FOREVER!" He shouted to me. I shook my head and sunk on the couch. He came out after a few minutes then sat down beside me, pulling me into his lap and kissing me. "And we won't be on an island forever...isolated from our friends and responsibilities," he teased, giving me another kiss and then starting a trail to my neck. I giggled and moved my head away from him.

"You~ and I have all of eternity. We can come back here whenever we want." I teased him in a soft voice so the technology couldn't pick it up but he could hear me.

"Hmm... but I want to enjoy... every second of it," he murmured and then moved me onto my back and got on top of me, kissing me again out of view of the laptop. I giggled and started to kiss him then looked towards the TV.

"We are missing the good parts." I whispered to him.

"No I'm not... I'm getting the good parts for myself," he teased and kissed me again. "It's just a movie... We can watch it later." I pouted and looked towards him.

"Oh alright...." I mumbled and leaned in to kiss him softly on his cheek. He smirked and then leaned in towards my neck, exposing his fangs. He bit down roughly and then began to remark me. I gasped and waved my hand to the computer, putting us on mute. I looked towards him and blushed. I exposed my fangs, daring him to try me. He laughed and kissed me then gently bit my lower lip to mess with me. I pushed him into the floor then and got on top of him, laughing. "You are going to get it." I purred.

"I think you got that backwards," he said and then kissed me again, licking my bottom lip to clean my blood off of it. I raised an eyebrow.

"How so? I survived living with Val for a few days." I teased. "I dare you to try me."

"Oh, I'll try you quite literally... You smell like tea," he murmured in my ear and then nipped it. I gasped as I remembered he liked tea and that was exactly what I smelled like.

"I'm older." I growled. I pinned his arms down above his head. He laughed.

"So?" He teased, leaning up and kissing me quickly. I raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"So I have more knowledge.... and I'm an elder... You should respect your elders." I told him.

"Hmm.... I do respect you," he hummed and then bit down into my neck. I gasped and dug my nails into his wrists.

"Sure you do!" I teased and pulled back from his bite. He frowned and looked at it, licking his lips before looking up into my eyes.

"Is something the matter?" He asked softly.

"Nothing is the matter." I smirked. "I just think that we should watch the movie. It's movie night." I got back on the couch and sighed. "Plus I don't think I am in the mood... After all... You tried to kill me." I teased, talking about the ice cream.

"Aww, now don't play mean with me," he said and then crawled over to the couch, sitting in front of it. He reached towards the laptop then, planning to shut it to have alone time with me. I dropped my jaw then grabbed my laptop from him.

"Uh- no." I told him. "They don't live forever might I tell you. If this is what they want to do then this is what we will do with them." I hissed. He sighed, taking a deep breath.

"Fiiiine....because I love you," he told me then crawled up onto the couch and then kissed my cheek before unmuting them and pulling me close. I kissed his cheek and looked towards the movie, seeing we had already missing a good bit... Darn it!

~After the Movie~

He fell asleep with his head resting against my shoulder, breathing against my neck.

"Hey guys, guess who fell asleep on me! I'll text you in the morning. Goodnight." I told them and they said their goodnights to me. I closed my laptop and got up, looking down at him. I picked him up and carried him to our bedroom then laid him down on the bed. I got in beside him and face planted into the pillow, I let out a groan as I remembered I didn't sleep. I flipped over onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. I looked towards the book on my bedside table and picked it up. I flipped to the first page of Twilight and began to read it....

"I'll burn it...burn it all....then I'll shatter it," he murmured, sleep talking. He had picked up that little habit about a year ago.

"What?" I asked and looked at him. "I love Twilight, you know this." I teased him.

"Edward glass...shatterable," he hissed and snuggled up to the pillow then smiled softly as he caught my scent. "Mine..." I leaned in towards his ear.

"Your late for tea." I hissed out and held back a giggle as I pulled away and got to my feet. I walked over to the book shelf and grabbed Alice in Wonderland to read. I went back to the bed with it and laid down, to start it.

"One two.... He's coming for you," he mumbled and then fell silent. I raised an eyebrow, wondering what he dreamed about. I shook my head and started to read the book in my hand, smiling. It was sort of nice to read something different. I liked reading Twilight though... It was a good story. He twitched then and frowned. He let out a whimper and curled up on the bed into a ball and then let out a pained cry as if he was hurt.

"Bae?" I asked and shook his shoulders. "Wake up... You are having a nightmare." I told him and then shoved him off the bed to see if that would wake him up. It didn't though. He slept right through it. His fangs exposed themselves and he opened his mouth into a gasp and squeezed his eyes shut as he balled up his hands. He let out a strangled cry and held his head then. I got into the floor by him and started to shake him. "Benjamin you have to wake up." I told him and then leaned in towards him, biting his neck to see if that would help. He shrieked and pushed me away, his eyes snapping open. He looked at me wide eyed and took deep breaths as he glanced at his surroundings. I got onto the bed then and smiled down at him. "This is why I don't sleep. You had a nightmare, Benjamin." I informed him then laid down on my back and pulled the book back to my sight to read. Reading was my brain's way of resting. He shakily crawled back into bed and curled up to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"L-Louis went crazy.... He and Paris tore me apart and ate me," he whispered.

"We both know those two love you, he's not going to- they wouldn't hurt us." I told him, positive about that. "I promise. Just a bad dream." He gave a nod.

"Just a bad dream," he repeated to himself. "They wouldn't eat me...."

"Of course not." I told him and laid the book down to look at him. "Now, get some sleep." I suggested. He shook his head stubbornly and looked at me fearfully.

"I don't want to have another nightmare like that," he whispered. I turned to him then.

"You won't. Not so soon anyways. You aren't like me. You can dream again and not have a nightmare for a while." I rubbed his cheek. "I would love it if you'd not abuse the gift. Get some sleep." He gave a small nod then and relaxed at my touch, closing his eyes. I kissed his cheek then went back to my book to read it, smiling softly.

Louis's POV:

I smirked as the kids ran off towards Isabelle. ALONE TIME! I laughed and curled up on the couch, watching as they chased her down the hall. "August!" I shouted, wanting him to enjoy it with me. Twins were hard to take care of... One gets into so much trouble and the other will act insecure one moment and then bite you with the confidence of a tiger the next. August walked in from the kitchen eating a pork sandwich.

"Yeah?" He asked me. "I'm eating." He complained.

"The kids are gone," I said with a huge grin. I patted the cushion next to me for him to sit down. He smirked and walked over to me then took a seat right where I wanted him to.

"Oh~ So are you ready to know what Cage and I found last night?" He teased. He never did come in last night from that wild hunt he had went on with Cage.

"Sure," I said and shrugged. He ditched me yesterday for it... He owed me a report. He leaned in towards me and kissed me.

"Well~" He said as he pulled away. "We picked up wolf, not from either of our packs. It's a new pack actually.... very strange.... smells like a river and wolf." He told me. "I don't like it at all." He puffed out his cheeks. "They only passed through... but we fear they will be back."

"Did you find them?" I asked and frowned. This is the Grimm's territory.... They should have reported to Paris about being in town.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy!" Quinton shouted, running back down the hall. "Auntie Izzy said she'd eat us!" I quickly looked at him as he crawled up into my lap. His sister wasn't far behind. August laughed before looking towards me.

"We didn't... just their scent. We lost them at a river, heading out of Maine. There was maybe thirteen in all... Something is coming... Packs don't travel like that- part of packs unless... well.... they are interested in something." He shrugged. "Either way, we are going to start patrolling more and we are going to join together to protect Maine." He informed me. I went to say something, but Quinton licked my face and then curled up under my neck like a pup would it's mom. I blushed and watched as Aiyana curled up in my lap. I frowned. I thought they were playing with Isabelle.

"Well... I hope that your little joining together works. I haven't heard anything good about two alphas like that," I whispered, earning a small whine from my son. August let out a small puff and then covered Aiyana's ears then motioned for me to do it with Quinton. I gave a small nod, wondering what else he needed to tell me and covered up his ears. He glanced up at me, but he yawned and snuggled up to me, looking like a little angel.

"Last night~ Alpha Hunter went... missing. Cage hasn't called me yet to tell me he is found... so we suspect the worst." August whispered to me softly. I widened my eyes then.

"He's missing?!" I almost went to stand up and teleport to Paris to offer my help, but I stayed down, knowing that the kids were on me and that August might need to talk to me more.

"He is... I'm not that worried.. He's a big alpha... I think he's just doing his own thing... like investigating.. but still." August shook his head. "Cage will be made Alpha in ten days time if Alpha Hunter remains missing and we get a sign from the moon goddess." He frowned. "It's just pack laws." He shook his head. "With that being said, Cage plans to unite our packs."

"Sooo...Joint leadership...or are one of you going to have to give up the alpha-hood?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. I hope that Hunter shows back up. He's a good guy.

"It's up to the moon goddess and she's being quiet." He told me. "We can't act without her consenting to it. We don't want to upset her~ Otherwise our spirits in the afterlife will be doomed."

"Glad I'm not a werewolf," I teased and gave him a kiss. "I'd have to deal with the moon goddess, you, and your inner wolf, along with my own."

"It's a huge responsibility you are missing out on." He teased me. "The thing is... Cage doesn't have a mate yet... His pack will fall if he ends up becoming Alpha without one... and well... We don't want to be around him or his pack when he ends up at his lowest point."

"I...guess that's bad. I don't see what that has to do with us besides we live here and we are friends with him," I whispered, frowning a bit.

"You've seen my inner wolf, he acts the way he does because he doesn't have a way to be with his mate right now." August tried to explain it to me. He acts that way just because he's bitter? It took me three years to get that? I'm still going to hit him with frying pans though... He'll have to deal with it. I gave a small nod and rubbed Quinton's ear comfortingly as he started to scratch at my hands.

"I'll tell you if he sending me a text then, about anything." August said then pulled his hands off of Aiyana. I gave a nod and let go of Quinton's ears just as he started to growl angrily at me. He looked at me and snarled, showing me his teeth. August reached over to Quinton and pulled him up and into his arms as he stood up. "Hey kiddo, let's go outside. I'll show you a few neat tricks to being an amazing Alpha." He teased. "We have to stay in the yard though... okay?" August asked him. Quinton eagerly started squirming in his arms, trying to get down so that way he could run to the door.

"Triwks!" He giggled and licked August's cheek. August sat him down on the ground then followed him outside. I glanced down at Aiyana who was peacefully curled up in my lap.

"Want to go watch? Or do you want to see your uncles?" She glanced up at me and then at the door.

"I wanna go see Uncle Paris!" She giggled and hugged me, wrapping her arms around me.

"Alright dear, we'll see if he's home or not." I teleported us into the manor then and smiled at her, kissing the top of her head. Raven glanced at me as she walked through the hall towards the living room.

"Paris is out," she said simply then disappeared into the living room. I glanced down at her as she frowned.

"I can't help it that he's not home.... He's probably out hunting for his food.... You can always watch your father and your brother." She pouted and then rested her head on my shoulder.

"What about Laurence? It's no fun watching something I can't do...." I sighed, giving a nod.

"LAURENCE! ARE YOU HERE?" I shouted as I readjusted my hold on her. Laurence appeared in front of me then.

"Oh good, you are here! Hachi won't leave me alone." Laurence said and rolled his eyes. Hachi appeared a second later and wrapped his arms around Laurence.

"BECAUSE I CARE!" Hachi yelled happily. "You know you want to go to a theme park with me!" He urged.

"I am not... going out with you." Laurence grumbled. Aiyana perked up at the sight of them and turned around in my arms, reaching out for them. I laughed and set her down, watching as she stumbled over to them and then tripped on her dress, falling at their feet. Laurence looked down at her and smiled, picking her up. "Well hello Aiyana!" He kissed her cheek. "You are going to be a very pretty girl one day." He promised her.

"She already is." Hachi tried to top Laurence and smirked, earning a glare from Laurence. She blushed and looked at Hachi, grabbing his sleeve tightly as she started to get shy again, curling up in Laurence's arms. I smiled softly, watching. Eventually she might grow out of that.... Hachi looked towards me and smiled. "You know I love you yes?" Hachi asked me suddenly as he walked up and took my hands. "You are a wonderful pet." I tensed up as I looked at him.

"Yes?" I said unsure of the answer. "Hachi, what's the matter? Why are you bringing this up to me?" I asked and started to get worried. Is he up to something again? He smiled innocently towards me.

"Don't freak out about the kitchen then." He told me and disappeared.

"He was trying to make breakfast.... again." I heard Laurence muttering. "Paris is going to kill him."

"Time to remodel again I guess?" I asked and laughed, walking over with relief. I thought he was maybe about to possibly do something to me, Laurence, or my baby girl.... I don't know why though, but that's the drift I caught.... like he was going to take me away again. I rubbed Aiyana's head and watched as she smiled sweetly then kissed Laurence's cheek. "You get to babysit," I told him and kissed the top of his head.

"Oh- okay." Laurence said uncertainly and then carried her off towards the living room. "I don't mind doing it!" He told me as he disappeared into the living room. I heard Raven shriek and then heard her yelling at Laurence for just randomly appearing. I shook my head and teleported back home, wanting a nap.

Laurence's POV:

Raven narrowed her eyes at me as she finished freaking out. She had dropped a glass of cranberry juice when I had appeared in the living room. She sighed and shook her head. "Sorry Laurence....You scared me, and I had a long morning..." She teleported out of the room then reappeared with stuff to clean it up with and finished quickly. She smiled at me and sat down on the couch. "Forgive me?" I nodded and sat down with Aiyana in my arms.

"I forgive you." I told her and smirked. "So jumpy. Why is that?" She bit her bottom lip and looked at me, blushing a bit.

"W-well...." She got quiet and glanced towards Aiyana then smiled. "Hey cutie!" Aiyana widened her eyes and then buried her face into my shoulder, watching Raven with a shy smile. I raised an eyebrow at her then frowned as I felt something was up. Was she hiding something? Did it have to do with Hachi? He was acting strangely too...

"Does it have to do with Hachi?" I asked her. She laughed nervously.

"Well he did stich up Paris and Louis. You kinda have to watch it, don't you? Even if you are friends," she trailed off. I felt uneasy then. Was he planning on stitching me up too! I paled.

"Hehehaheh," I laughed nervously. I need to go talk to Paris... Soon... VERY SOON. Hachi appeared with his magic and smirked my way.

"There you ARE." Hachi smirked as he walked towards me. "I was calling for you in the kitchen. I think I made the brownies right this time." He told me. I shook my head then.

"I'm not hungry." I told him.

"BUT I MADE THEM FOR YOU!" Hachi hissed and gave me a pouting look. I looked towards Raven for help. She smiled at him then.

"Well if Laurence doesn't want them.... I could eat them for you Hachi," she said sweetly.

"Me two!" Aiyana giggled. Hachi pouted and then nodded. He made a batch of brownies appear and gave them a brownie from it.

"There you go." He told them and then looked me down, giving me a look. He wanted me to try his brownies bad.

"No." I told him stubbornly. He stomped his foot and then disappeared.

"Oooooh....he's mad," Aiyana whispered. Raven frowned.

"That can't be good.... Great job Laurence," she teased. Ashton appeared then from the corner of the room and walked over.

"Laurence, my darling dear..." He smirked at me. I threw my hands up quickly, trying to look innocent.

"I'VE DONE NOTHING." I told him.

"Done what? I just wanted to see you," he said and frowned. He sat down beside us and then took Aiyana from me. "You should be a good little girl... because the bad children are given to me to be my subjects," he told her, giving a smirk. She started crying then, frightened by him.

"You are scaring my little niece." I told him and took her back, shushing her sweetly. "There there.... I'm here." Hachi appeared then, mixing something in a bowl.

"Will you eat eggs?" Hachi asked me.

"NO!" I hissed angrily. He pointed the spoon at me then.


"I'm not hungry." I simplified. He threw the bowl down then and started for me. Raven got up and pulled him into a hug.

"Hachi, sweetie, you aren't going to get him to warm up to you if you cling to him," she whispered in his ear and kissed the top of his head. "Now if you want to be better friends than you already are, try giving him a bit of space."

"A bit of space..." Hachi mumbled and then sat between Ashton and I. "Laurence..." He mumbled. "Now that I gave you a bit of space..." He leaned in towards me. "Can we do something fun together?" Ashton narrowed his eyes at Hachi and pushed him into the floor.

"Laurence is mine," he hissed, wrapping an arm around me. Aiyana shrieked as he got close and crawled out of my lap, falling into the floor and crawling into Hachi's lap for protection. Raven sighed and sat down across the room.

"Laurence!" Hachi cried out. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"Yes Hachi?" I asked.

"Come on.... How about a card game. I'm good with cards." He smirked.

"You'll cheat."

"I don't know what that means." He said innocently. Aiyana curled up to him and then reached into his coat, pulling out a tarot card.

"Pretty!" She giggled and pushed it into his face. "What's it mean?" Hachi leaned back to look at the card better.

"Well..." Hachi began. "It means rainbows." He told her and stuffed it back into his jacket. She giggled, believing him. She started to dig in his pockets then and pulled out a small jar of powder. He shrieked and took it from her. "Don't touch that! It's dust from a dragon's bones.... Very powerful." He told her. She pouted and then held up a bag with glowing marbles in it.

"Can I play with this?" She asked, giving him a cute look.

"The marbles are strictly... not to play with." He told her as he took them. He gave her a rose then. "Play with that." She blushed and sniffed it cautiously then yelped, dropping it.

"Ow!" She winced and looked at her finger, seeing it had a small prick on it. She started to cry at the sight of her blood out of her body. Hachi smirked and took her hand in his then kissed her finger, healing it for her. He licked up the remaining blood and pulled back, his eyes flashing a strange color. She looked at it in wonder, suddenly stopping with her cries. She glanced up at him and blushed. "How?"

"I have powers to heal others." Hachi explained. She gave a nod and looked at her healed finger before hugging Hachi.

"Tank you," she said, not quite getting it right. Hachi nodded sweetly at her.

"Your welcome. So where is your brother?" Hachi asked curiously to change the topic.

"Playing with daddy," she whispered, looking a bit sad. "Mommy offered to drop me off here to play with Uncle Paris...." She then brightened up and kissed Hachi's cheek before digging in his pockets and pulling out a vial of some sort of bright liquid. Hachi gasped and took it from her then put it back into his pocket.

"You don't want to open that." Hachi warned. She gave a small pout and then started to dig in his jacket's pockets instead, pulling out a small book of spells.

"What's this?" She asked curiously, looking at Hachi.

"My very first spell book. I know everyone that is in it." He told her and smiled, letting her hold it. "It has very powerful spells in it."

"Can I do spells too?" She asked, frowning a bit as she turned it over in her hands and looked at the cover.

"No, you are a vampire." Hachi informed her. "You can't do magic." She bit her bottom lip, looking up at him.

"Oh.... but I guess that is alright... Being a vampire should be fun," she whispered. She exposed her fangs. "See? They already grew in!" She giggled as she opened her mouth to show him her baby fangs. He nodded in amusement and went to touch one of them.

"They are so cute!" He said as he got his book back and put it in his pocket. She giggled and again and hugged him.

"One'll terrorize whole cities with those," Raven said and smirked over at them. "You might even terrorize Hachi soon."

"Not at all." Hachi mumbled happily. "Well~ I have to go." He said as he got to his feet and walked up to me, giving me a tight hug. "See you soon Laurence~!" He disappeared before I could shove him away.

"UGH!" I growled. Ashton narrowed his eyes.

"Remind me to make sure that the wizard knows that you belong to me later," he muttered. Aiyana glanced from me to Raven as she debated on who to sit with, pouting a bit as she saw I was sitting next to the Shadow King. I reached out for her anyways.

"Come here cutie!" I called, ignoring Ashton. "I won't let him get you." She smiled at me sweetly then began to crawl over, reaching out for me as she got close to the couch. Raven smiled, shaking her head as she got up to go towards the kitchen.

I began to smell spilt blood as my vision blurred, giving me a vision of a possible future. I looked towards the TV as it was suddenly playing the news. "A woman has revealed herself to us that she isn't just a woman but a supernatural being! She claims to be a vampire." A news reporter was saying. "She said- right here where I am standing..." The reporter motioned around her and pointed towards the main square in town- The town I was so familiar to that was where Paris had build his manor right on the edge of. "That she's going to enslave all of mankind~" I widened my eyes as the news reporter began to scream and start running, the camera dropped and within seconds there was blood right in front of the camera as the reporter was slaughtered within seconds. The camera was turned off then and the power cut off in Paris's manor.

I shrieked as I found myself still sitting by Ashton. Oh no.... I need to warn Paris! I looked towards Ashton with a pale expression. "Something's coming." I whispered. Raven appeared in front of us then, eyes wide.

"Laurence, what happened? Why'd you scream?" She asked quickly, coming over to my side. She looked at me worriedly, glancing me over as Aiyana started to cry and run off from the suddency of my screams. I looked towards Aiyana with slight concern then looked at Raven.

"I seen something..." I pointed to the TV. "Soon we will see it... I'm not sure when though... I didn't see an exact date because it must still be being decided but.... A girl vampire is going to try to enslave humanity and then... the power in the room will go out." I told them.

"A girl... is going to try to enslave humanity... Here first?" She asked, eyes widening slowly. She pulled back from me and glanced towards the TV then at me. "And it had shown up on TV right?"

"There was a news reporter and everything... she was slaughtered right in front of the camera." I explained what I had seen. "Maine is going first. There will be a new age coming... The age of the vampires." I predicted. Raven frowned.

"Wouldn't that... be bad?" She whispered. "I mean, it sounds great and fun and all...but- well, you said it was here first?" She looked really worried, clenching up her hands.

"The power went out in the manor." I told her. "I'm not sure why... perhaps the humans cut it off." I suggested. "It was here in Maine first though." I nodded, sure of myself. She started to narrow her eyes.

"Laurence... thank you. I will be back," she said and started for the door, a purpose to her walk.

"It was a woman that started it." I repeated, hoping that would help her step. "You're welcome." She stopped turning to look at me.

"At least I know what gender I will be hunting," she hissed, angry looking.

"What's wrong?" I asked her. "Give me more time and I will be able to point a finger and name names." I growled. I stood up then and teleported into a café, where Paris and Richard was lovingly looking into each others eyes. "Paris... Richard. We have a problem." I told them as I took a seat next to Richard. He glanced over at me then and frowned.

"Yes we do have a problem.... It's date night," he informed me.

"There is... complications." I told him, ignoring the spunk in his tone. I looked around us and sniffed the air. "A vampire.." I began after finding the cost was clear. "Is going to try to take over... humanity. Starting here to be exact, in Maine." Richard looked at me then without the attitude.

"Here in Maine? Maybe that's what is up with the disappearances. A human would have messed up a bit by now...." He pointed out and looked to Paris for his reaction. "What do you think?"

"So... A vampire is building an army here in my territory?" Paris hissed. "To take over humanity without my permission!?" He stood up then. "We need to tell Louis." He insisted. "I'll track that little monster down and rip her apart!"

"So it's a girl?" Richard asked to make sure and sunk down in his seat. "Man, I thought that if anyone was going to do something like that it would be me."

"I had that planned out for us to do once the children were of age..." Paris hissed to himself. "I'm not going to let some girl vampire do it before I can!" Richard sat up then with a frown.

"You know.... it could have been Lauren or Raven in the future sending a message for us," he pointed out. "Maybe?"

"Uh.... possibly." I agreed. "Even then.... Why would they do that? They wouldn't do that themselves and you two would take over humanity alone." I pointed out to them. "No... It was sloppily done." Richard nodded.

"Well... that rules those two out. They wouldn't be sloppy with a task such as that. Lauren isn't even here, so it would more than likely be Raven, but even then... she isn't like that to get caught on camera unless ordered." Richard stood up. "It must be a newborn or something. Older vampires wouldn't be public like that."

"It could be Val." Paris suggested. "She killed all of her brothers just to get the head title of Italy back in the revolution." I nodded but then shook my head. I doubt Val would do something as low as come into Paris's territory to start it off.

"She might be crazy enough to get caught on camera, but you know she respects you too much to do it here. She'd leave this area to you." Richard whispered then grabbed Paris's arm. "We can always hunt again tomorrow... We have a better idea of what we are looking for, and it might be years from now....though the disappearances make me worry that it will be sooner rather than later."

"I think it is coming." I whispered. "Sooner then we expect." I shook my head. "We need to warn the others and start asking around~ Perhaps Perry or William might know something... or have seen something. Paris ask your family too, your uncle to be precise and your cousins." I started for the door. "Wouldn't hurt to ask the Ainsworths." Paris followed after me.

"Good idea.."

"Now?" Richard whined, starting to follow after throwing money down on the table to pay for their coffee. "I was just starting to enjoy it...." He pouted, looking at us. "I don't get breaks very often with the kids around...and then Paris always has business...and then I have to fill out paperwork to manage my country.... I need to do that thing tomorrow," he mumbled, suddenly remembering one of his duties as Prince. "But it can wait.... Paaaris," he called out.

"It can wait, but we need to tell Louis first.. He has the right to know." Paris told his lover. I nodded in agreement.

"Let it wait till tomorrow.... Louis doesn't have to know tonight. There isn't much he can do about it tonight," Richard complained, wrapping his arms around Paris's.

"I'll go tell him." I suggested and then stepped into the shadows and appeared outside of Louis's manor. "LOUIS!" I called. He appeared in front of me then with Isabelle.

"Yes?" He asked, glancing me over. "Where's Aiyana?" Isabelle narrowed her eyes.

"If you did something to my master's child, August and I will both have your head," she hissed out. I frowned.

"Left her with Ashton. I need to tell you something." I told them and then grabbed Louis's hand. He gave a nod as he relaxed. Isabelle only tensed up further at the mention of Ashton.

"What is it? Did you see something important?" He asked, starting to pull me towards the door of his place.

"I did." I followed him. "I think it is connected to the disappearances in town." I tried to begin.

"Oh? What about them? It must be pretty major then if you got a vision and came all the way out here to tell me," he noted and watched me as he opened the door. I suddenly felt like I was being watched, but they didn't notice it like I did. Isabelle had already disappeared back inside, so she wouldn't be able to, but Louis didn't. I looked around then, feeling funny.

"We need to talk about this inside." I whispered and then pulled him inside. "A vampire girl is going to try to take over.... Enslave humanity." I told him right off the bat. "Here in Maine." He narrowed his eyes and then hissed.

"ISABELLE! GET A HUNTING GROUP TOGETHER! YOU'RE HUNTING A VAMPIRE GIRL! FIND THE ONE BEHIND THE DISAPPEARANCES!" He shouted. I heard some shouting from further back in the house then as they started to get things together. I grabbed a hold of both his shoulders.

"Louis..." I began. "If she succeeds... We will rule this planet as the dominant race." I told him. "The vampires that is." He gave a nod.

"I realized that... It's just that this is my territory with Paris. I want to speak with her or else be the one that starts it- not someone else in my territory," he explained. "ALIVE GIRLS!" I heard them groan and a few heavy things fell to the floor back there. I nodded in agreement.

"Right. Paris knows." I told him. "I informed him first before you. He's not going to start asking around until in the morning. Something might happen tonight anyways. He doesn't want to spoil it." I smirked.

"Oh? Does Paris think he's getting lucky with Richard or does he think something might happen to reveal our mysterious vampire?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Let's assume both." I whispered. He smirked and shook his head.

"Well... Isabelle and the rest will be watching the town for clues tonight. I'll see what I can do about researching the disappearances...find out when most of them are being lost and where. It might be a specific hunting area that I know about." He nodded to himself and then rubbed the top of my head. "Thanks for telling me Laurence."

"WE'RE LEAVING!" Isabelle shouted before the house got quiet. He laughed and started to pull me towards the living room.

"You should stay awhile! We could have a lot of fun!" He said and sat down on the couch with a smile.

"Hmmmm.... I need to talk to you about something... Hachi has been acting strangely." I told him as I sat down by him. "He's been cooking for me and has been wanting to take me out to places... on like a.... date." I whispered the last word. He laughed a bit.

"Sounds like a crush. I wouldn't worry about it too much. He probably will get over it when he finds his mate...or you could try to hire a witch to make a potion to try to cure him of the crush- he'd be different without it, so I wouldn't advice it. You should probably just let it play out and not worry about it for now," he told me, pulling me down on the couch and hugging me. I nodded and hugged him back.

"I'm not but still... it's stranger then his usual self. I don't like it." I mumbled and hugged him. "If only I could see him clearly and help him find his mate."

" just got to get through it and let things happen naturally," he whispered. His phone suddenly started making a siren sound then, making him tense up. "Dammit." He stood up and looked at his phone. "That better just be Paris," he hissed and started to walk off. I followed after him curiously.

"Who is it?" I asked eager to know.

"How should I know?! The system just informs me when there is an intruder- if someone teleports directly into my house who isn't set in the system!" He looked at his phone then and narrowed his eyes. I nodded and grabbed his arm, wanting to stay close to him.

"I'm not leaving your side then." I promised him. "Louis I felt a funny feeling outside like I was being watched... We should be cautious." He growled then.

"Whoever it is waited for the right moment. The girls just left, so it's just me and a few newborns who aren't set up to receive an alarm....along with August and his pack. August gets an alarm too, but he might be hunting. I don't know," he hissed. He walked down the hall then, sniffing the air as he tried to find out who it was. He stopped then. "Dante," he whispered, his eyes widening. "Why is he here? We aren't on friendly terms...." I widened my eyes.

"What the bloody hell is he doing here!?" I asked and then decided to trust my shadows. I used them to take us to him. Louis glanced around then, frowning.

"This is... Isabelle's room," he whispered and then narrowed his eyes as he saw Dante across the room. Dante stiffened and looked at us, shoving something into his pocket quickly before we could see what he was holding.

"Well... that was fast reaction time. I see you installed something Louis," he whispered, backing up towards the window of the room. I waved my hand and had the shadows grab his feet and hold him up into the air.

"Well hello Dante." I purred. "What are you doing?" Dante calmly looked at me then, flickering his eyes between us.

"Borrowing something," he said and shrugged.

"Dante, what are you doing here? You aren't welcome here anymore!" Louis hissed, starting for him. Dante smirked.

"Like I said, I'm borrowing something. You can have it back later." He laughed darkly.

"What do you need it for?" I asked as I had the shadows take it from him and place it on the bed. Louis widened his eyes as he saw it.

"Isabelle's bracelet," he whispered, walking towards it. Dante suddenly was by it, snatching it up and then disappeared from sight, somehow escaping my shadows to teleport. I widened my eyes and looked towards Louis.

"How'd he escape my shadow's grasp?" I hissed out then puffed out my cheeks. "He's going to get it!" I hissed.

"We need to get that bracelet back," Louis said, looking freaked out. "That bracelet takes away powers when it is clipped on to someone. It can't be removed except by the one who put it on the other.... I had it made for Isabelle. It's one of a kind...and him taking it means that he's planning something again." He sunk down onto the bed, running his fingers through his hair and gripping it tightly in worry. "In the wrong's a dangerous deadly tool." I shivered. Who would he use it on though? He can't attack one of us.... We all circle each other and it wouldn't be safe for him to just stick it on either one of us.... He'd get no where.

"I want to know why he has it." I muttered. "It can't be for us." Louis thought it over then shook his head.

"Not if he kidnapped one of us from the others and managed to....Laurence," he looked up at me with alarm then. "Do you think he might be planning on taking back Raven maybe? She recently did become a goddess over here. She'd be valuable as a pet now- even more so than before. Or maybe he has an enemy..... He doesn't have enough to use it on all of us to be safe. He'd have to play it smart if he was after one of us...but with Raven he could just slip it on her and force her to drink his blood again to make her obey then take it off....but he might have someone else in mind.... There's no telling what he'd use the bracelet for," he whispered.

"I bet it has something to do with Charlie's disappearance." I muttered. "He's probably onto something. I don't think he's after Raven just yet. Something is pointing me away from her. She's acting strangely too though. She screamed when I walked in on her in the livingroom this morning." I shook my head.

"Raven screamed? That's.... not normal for her," he mumbled. "She normally makes others scream."

"Riiiiight. Something fishy is going on and I bet you more then anything that Raven knows something just as much as Dante wants to cuff someone." I crossed my arms. "I'm going to investigate them."

"Investigate both Dante and Raven? Have fun with that.... You know, she might just be a bit jumpy because she just recently moved back in," he pointed out to me as he stood up. "Dante does need to be watched and investigated though.... That bracelet needs to come home." I nodded, I was probably over reacting about Raven... but that sneaky Dante.... I growled.

"I'll find him and get that bracelet back." I promised. "For now, you keep a look out for that vampire trying to rule."

"Deal," he said. "I'll try to hide it from Isabelle what happened. She'll never leave me again if she finds out that we had a run in with Dante." He laughed nervously and started for the door.

"Yeah, keep that a secret." I mumbled. "I'm going home.. Be safe." I told him then teleported into Paris's manor. I started for the livingroom to see who was in there currently. As I walked down the hall Dannie ran into me from coming out of a room.

"LAURENCE!" He said happily and hugged me tightly. I rubbed his ears and laughed.

"Hi!" I kissed the top of his head. He giggled then took off down the hall before I could say more. I shrugged then kept walking, going into the livingroom. Raven and Ashton were sitting in there, playing with Peyton and Aiyana who were messing around with letter blocks and spelling things like cat and mouse. I smiled and took a seat by Ashton.

"Hey~ So Dante showed up in Louis's manor." I whispered to Ashton. Raven frowned, looking over at me in shock.

"Dante? I thought he was over in Germany," she said and looked worried. "What was he doing there?"

"Oh? Did you kill him?" Ashton asked with a little smirk. I shook my head no.

"He got away with something." I told them. "A bracelet." I frowned. "We all should be uneasy... The bracelet can trap you and you won't be able to use your powers. So Raven~ Especially you.... be careful." She widened her eyes and gave a slight nod.

"Of course.... I will be more wary," she whispered. She blinked then and touched her head lightly before looking down at the kids. They giggled and tossed a block towards each other, each spelling their names. I curled up to Ashton then and closed my eyes.

"I need a nap..." I whispered softly. "This day has already grown long. I'm going to go take one, coming?" I asked him as I started to stand up. He got up without a word, wrapping his arms around my waist and then using the shadows to appear in my bedroom here. He laid me down on the bed and got in, bringing me close to him and humming softly to me.

"I love you.... get some rest. I'll be here in the morning," he told me, kissing the top of my head. I nodded as I closed my eyes tightly.

"Don't let anything happen while I sleep." I ordered. "I love you...." I mumbled, already drifting asleep.