Bad Black Bird

Raven's POV:

I watched as they left and smiled softly. They're so cute together... I giggled a bit and looked towards the girls as they started to spell their mommy's names. Peyton got hers wrong by one letter- pretty good for her age and considering it was a big name. She giggled, thinking it was right. I reached over and moved one of the letters to show her the correct way to spell it, making her frown. "Mommy's name isn't spelled like that."

"Yes it is.... You almost had it sweetie," I told her, giving her a sweet smile. She gave a small nod after watching me for a few minutes.

"Aiyana, I'm tiwred! Come to bed with me!" She giggled and grabbed her, starting to pull them towards the door.

"Want me to tuck you in?" I asked with a smirk, standing up. They looked up at me innocently.

"Will we get a bed time story?" Aiyana asked, blushing a bit as she hid a little behind her friend.

"Hmm... Sure," I said and giggled, walking over and picking the two girls up. I teleported them to Peyton's room and laid them in the bed, tucking them in. I walked over to the bookshelf and picked up Cinderella, taking it to them and opening it to page one. They giggled at the sight of it and then curled up to each other. Raising an eyebrow, I began telling them and watched as they fell asleep together, not even letting me finish. I sighed and set the book aside before teleporting to the living room. For some reason... I felt like I was forgetting something....ever since Paris came home. It was on the tip of my mind, but I couldn't recall it. I frowned and sat down on the couch. Hachi appeared in front of me, drinking tea.

"Hi Raven." Hachi purred. I looked up at him then.

"Hey Hachi," I said, deciding to put my troublesome memory aside for now. He didn't need to see that. It was my problem. He tilted his head and smirked.

"You look bothered. Want to go somewhere with me?" Hachi asked. I frowned at him.

"Like where?" I asked as I slouched on the couch, not interested in sitting properly at the moment. He took a seat by me and looked me in the eyes.

"To Neverland of course." His voice hinted he was teasing with me. I laughed, shaking my head.

"I'm fine Hachi.... Just, well...confused, but other than that, I'm fine. Besides, this is Neverland. Paris is Pan," I said and giggled. He nodded.

"You're right. I'm Tink." He crossed his arms and laughed.

"Richard is Wendy," I joked and then curled up on the couch, dangling my feet over the edge as I watched him. "So what do you want Hachi?" He shrugged and leaned against me then, sipping on his tea.

"I'm waiting." He informed me.

"On what? More brownies?" I asked and raised an eyebrow as I studied him.

"I stopped making those. You want to try some cool things?" Hachi asked me curiously and pulled out a potion in his pocket. I frowned. Why is he messing around with potions at the moment?

"What is that?" I asked curiously.

"Well it'll turn you into an animal~ Your spirit animal. Native American's used these... sort of." He dangled it in front of my face. "Want to try it?"

"How long does it take to wear off?" I frowned. That would be be an animal for a bit- just not forever.

"Around.... a night. Depending on how long it takes you." He smirked as he left it at that.

"Takes me to get around to trying it?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Something like that." He nodded at me. I thought it over and then gave a nod.

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do." I shrugged as I sat up more. He gave me the bottle.

"Bottoms up." He told me and relaxed into the couch. "I should give it to Louis..." He laughed. I laughed at that. I wonder what he'd be.... Possibly a wolf because of his mate. That would be funny. I popped the top then and raised it to my lips.

"Any side effects?" I asked, pausing.

"You are my guinea pig." He informed me then tipped it into my mouth before I could pull away. I widened my eyes as it went into my mouth then and tried not to swallow it, watching him. I'M A FREAKING GUINEA PIG?! "The book said that it would depend on the person." He told me and smirked. That's not vague at all! I narrowed my eyes at him and almost swallowed it to yell at him for making me drink it. I glared him down then. He looked me over curiously. "I bet you end up being a raven." He teased me. "Come on, I don't have all day." PARIS! I know you tap in on thoughts! I crossed my arms as the potion started to taste bad, making me want to gag. "Raven, drink it." He urged then pinched my arm to make me. I widened my eyes as I jumped, swallowing the potion accidentally.


"The best part is that if you die, Paris will bail you out of hell." Hachi promised. I frowned then.

"That's not fair to Paris," I told him. I widened my eyes as I felt my body go numb, making me fall over face first into the couch next to Hachi. He poked me in the cheek as he looked at me curiously.

"Rave? Your not mad are you?" He asked me. "Are you alive?" He bit his bottom lip. I let out a small noise to let him know I was still alive, but I started to lose conscience.

Hachi's POV:

I poked her in the face as I watched her pretty white skin turning into feathers and her body shifted into a bird~ a raven. "Raven! How pretty." I mumbled and scooped her up into my hands. I had my magic teleport us into Dante's house to show off what I done. "Dante! Guess what!" I called. "I have a new pet!" I giggled. Of course when she wakes up her timer will start counting down and she will turn back.... so the book said. Dante appeared in front of me and frowned, seeing her.

"It's a... bird. I didn't know you liked them," he said and sat down. She twitched in my hands then, her wings fluttering a bit. She picked up her head and looked at me, tilting her head to see me better.

"No.... It's Raven." I told him and smirked. His eyes widened.

"You...turned her into a bird? HACHI! You knew we needed her! Plus she's mine!" He hissed at me, narrowing his eyes.

"It's not permanent." I promised. "She's just posing as my guinea pig. I needed to test it out on someone as equally insane as I am... who better then Raven?" I smirked, proud of myself. "So want to pet her?" She stood up shakily in my hands and then pecked at me, drawing blood. Dante laughed.

"I think she's a bit upset with you," he told me. "Seems that she doesn't like the idea of you making her risk everything because you didn't want to." I squeaked and dropped her into the floor.

"Bad black bird." I hissed. "Raven you can't just go around hurting people." She made an angry noise at me as she tried to stand up again, falling down and then trying her wings to balance herself. She managed to get a grip on standing and then looked up at me, poofing out her feathers to make herself look big and intimidating. I laughed and got onto the couch, sitting cross legged. "Dante, want to try it? It'll only last a few hours." I told him and pulled out a tiny bottle of the potion to give to him. He shook his head no.

"I don't drink things from wizards.... They can't be trusted like that," he told me simply and glanced at Raven. "Besides, I'd prefer not to end up like her and get you calling me your pet like you did her a few minutes ago." He laughed and held out his hand to her. She tried to fly over, but she had to stick to walking, not yet used to her new feathers. She jumped up into his hand and curled up, watching us.

"I bet you are a snake. A kings snake." I hissed towards Dante then moved onto the coffee table, shifting to it for a reason. I looked at the bottle in my hand, debating about drinking it now or not. Raven looked at it and flew over, landing on my arm and worked the bottle out of my hand then flew off with it. "HEY! GIVE ME THAT BACK!" I flicked my hand and had a cage form around her then and was chained to the ceiling to give it a nice effect. I walked over to her, seeing the cage didn't have a door on it. "Don't go flying off with my potions." I hissed. She regarded me then as she rested, keeping the potion under her and watching me closely. She titled her head and then started to look at her feathers curiously. I reached through the bars and took my potion back from her then put it in my pocket. I made a door appear on the cage, having it open for her freedom then walked over to Dante. "You know... I like her as a bird. She could be of some use to us like that. A wonderful spy." He glanced at her then nodded.

"Yes... I guess it would be helpful.... We could use the potion on her later if we need to get intel on something. Oh, I got something for Laurence," he said and dangled a bracelet in front of me. "We are going to use it on him and then we will use it on Oz." I nodded as I took the bracelet then tucked it away into my pocket.

"What does it do again?" I asked him, incase he had told me. I smiled innocently and sat down by him.

"It takes away the power of those who wear it. It cannot be removed except for by the one who put it on, so it works as a trap for the supernatural. It would even strip you of your magic if it was placed on you...." He told me and smirked. "But we are going to use it on Laurence when we go for him. We want him to believe it is real so that Oz believes it is real, and we don't want him seeing anything in the future while we are busy. After that, we will slip it on Oz after he thinks you banished Laurence. He'll be powerless and all ours."

"Sounds cool." I smiled at the thought. "It should be destroyed though.... After we punish Oz." I didn't want to end up being the next one in it of course.

"No, it belongs to Isabelle.... It was a gift from Louis who had it made one of a kind from some powerful witch. I only heard rumors of it, so I had to find it in her room to steal it. We will return it when we are done using it. We don't need them as our enemy," he said, not sounding like it was up for debate. He glanced towards Raven who had flown over and was resting on the back of the couch, listening. I nodded then.

"Fine, we won't destroy it." I told him. I'll just talk to Isabelle about destroying it later. I smirked towards Dante. "Want some?" I asked, pulling the potion back out.

"Umm...No... You see, I have to turn Charlie tonight," he told me with a smirk. I smiled sweetly towards him.

"Oh you found Charlie!" I hoped he didn't already tell me that... Ops. "So how will you turn him?" I asked curiously and leaned in to listen.

"Not a word goes back to anyone that Charlie is found," he told me. "I plan to force him into it since how he has been against it....should be fun." He laughed wickedly then and stood up. "You two are free to use the house tonight for whatever you want. Don't destroy it." He disappeared then, leaving the two of us alone in the living room. I frowned as he had disappeared on us.

"Well... Want to go home Raven?" I asked as I looked towards her. I held out my arm, waiting for her to get on. She flew onto it and crowed at me as she started up my arm to my shoulder, nestling up against my neck. I giggled and then used my magic to take us to Paris's manor. We appeared in Paris's study this time. She sat up on my shoulder straighter as she saw them in the room, but she didn't leave me.

"What's with the raven?" Paris asked me as he was leaned back in his chair, drinking some type of alcohol I wasn't familiar with.

"This is Raven." I explained. "She's being my Guinea pig at the moment." I walked over to Richard so he could see her, then walked over to Paris.

"You know... she reminds me of the raven from that Edgar Poe poem when she looks like that," Richard murmured as he walked back with me to Paris.

"That's strange..." I heard Paris mumbling to himself. "I never seen something like this before... sure a man into a wolf.. but a vampire into a bird?" He laughed then at the thought.

"I'm trying to fix the potion up a bit more." I admitted. "You should have seen the mice I was experimenting on earlier, while I made brownies."

"She better come out of this fine," Richard told me, reaching out and petting her. She made a small noise and had moved her wings a bit to keep balanced.

"She will." I promised. Paris gave me an eyebrow raise before reaching out to pet Raven on the head.

"If she turns back and kills you, I won't be too happy." Paris told me. She leaned her head up against his hand and then flew onto his arm, catching her balance quickly.

"I bet she kills him," Richard said and smirked at me. Paris kissed the top of Raven's head then looked back at me.

"So, you can turn vampires into animals now Hachi, how does that make you feel? I know I'm proud of you." He said as he rubbed my head.

"It's just like any ordinary spell." I whispered. "Not as thrilling as when I accidentally..." I trailed off as I thought of how I turned myself immortal by accident. Now I never age, so I can't die. Raven looked up at me and then up at Paris, moving up his arm to his shoulder and nestling against his neck. She crowed and rubbed her head against his neck. Richard laughed at it and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Just don't turn any of us into animals, ok Hachi?" He whispered to me and rubbed my head. I nodded then.

"Just testing it, I want to use this against our enemies." I suggested to them. "Turn them into pets." I laughed and bit my bottom lip. "Maybe even just for my own amusement." I smirked and sat down on the desk. She flew onto my shoulder then and made a biting motion towards me teasingly.

"On our enemies would be cool," Richard agreed as he sat down in Paris's lap. I nodded and smiled. Paris kissed Richard and purred into his ear. I raised an eyebrow then got up.

"I'm going to my room now." I told them and used my magic to take Raven to her room. Her mate wasn't in there so I sat her down on the bed and then pulled out the antidote I made. "Here... try this." I suggested. "It should reverse this~" I waved my hands across what happened to her. She took it from me and started to eat the pill then flew over to her pillow, landing on it as she started to get dizzy. I waited to see what would happen and after five minutes she started to transform back into her vampire form. I took a step back from her incase she was upset at me. She groaned a bit and sat up, holding her head with one hand and watching me.

"That gave me a brain splitting headache Hachi," she told me and winced. "Why do I feel like I can't remember something... I can't think too hard because my mind keeps scattering my thoughts every time I feel like I get close to the answer.... and I guess I can forgive you for the whole forcing me to drink it." She closed her eyes as she laid down, massaging her temples. I nodded as I watched her.

"Hmmm~ Thanks Rave for answering my questions about my latest passion! These are going to be fun to work with later on in the future against my enemies. I'm going to convert them into my hand wave powers.... or something similar to it. At least I know I got the formula right!" I smirked then left her there. I appeared in my bedroom, but got a better idea. I smirked and left the manor for town. I wanted to go out and test the waters to see what I can find out on my own about these missing high school graduates. Plus I might find another wizard if I'm lucky enough.... though I would probably have better luck in Val's territories rather then Maine... If I found a wizard I could eat and consume his(or her) powers and be a happy wizard for the night. It would serve the wizard right for coming into my territory uninvited. I laughed evilly at the thought~ soups on. I could make a nice wizards stew. My mouth watered at the idea.