A Rotten Corpse

Hachi's POV:

I spotted a young girl- about the age of ten- giggling mischievously behind a box on the street. She waved her hand and a woman was hit with a gust of wind, messing up her hair and frazzling her just before she was about to be kissed by her lover. She ducked back behind the box then and walked out around it, going into a small alley as she held out her hand and looked at it as a small purple cloud started to form above it. She looked at it curiously and watched as it swirled a bit then sparked into fire. She quickly shook her hand to stop it and then glanced around before bringing her small coat closer around her. She ran her fingers through her tangled hair and smiled happily as she pulled out an apple from her pocket and started to eat it, walking away.

Soup's on Hachi, time to cook a wizard. I giggled as the voice suggested what I wanted earlier. I walked towards the alley, keeping my fair distance. You should turn her into a cat then eat her! She would make a lovely cat soup. Why not a bunny? I giggled and held my tongue so I wouldn't give myself away just yet. She stopped, tilting her head a bit in my direction and started to walk again without looking at me. She moved her hands in front of her and out of my view, probably conjuring a spell again. I bit my bottom lip as I decided to do the old sand trick on her, making her walk into a sink hole. "Perfect." I mumbled. She shrieked as she got caught in it and reached her hands out to a building where a vine was growing up the side. She squeezed her eyes shut as she started blocking out her surroundings, focusing on making it grow towards her and started to pull herself out. She got on her knees and giggled with relief before she stood up and began dusting herself off then waved her hands at my sinkhole- making it go bye bye. I growled then. She's going to get it! Oh a challenge... I like this, you rarely get challenged now... Not since you ate off your sister. I felt a slight bit guilty about it then licked my lips. She was tasty. I waved my hands at the girl and had the wind carry her to me, putting her right in front of me.

"I'm Hachi." I told her, grinning. She frowned at me, not recognizing the name. She looked really young and innocent, as if she was just learning magic and not corrupt. She glanced behind her and then up into my eyes.

"H-hello?" She said softly and tilted her head in confusion. "Were you the one that trapped me in that sinkhole?" She'll be in a stomach soon. I nodded.

"To test you." I told her. She giggled then and nodded.

"Well... Nice to meet you Hachi! I'm Anny," she said sweetly. "Mommy is expecting me, so I gotta go." She turned on her heels then, walking away. I began to follow her. More wizards to eat. I smirked.

"Can I meet her?" I asked curiously.

"Mommy don't like visitors," she told me, glancing over her shoulder at me. She hesitated in her next step but continued. I laughed and had her feet glued to the ground to demobilize her. She frowned and looked down at her feet as she noticed and then looked up at me. "That isn't funny Mr. Hachi," she mumbled. "Let me go. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, and I'll be late getting home. You'll get me grounded for a month!" I tsked.

"Oh but... You aren't going home." I told her in a soft whisper then walked up behind her. I got out a needle and poked her with it in the neck, making her body go numb and to where she wouldn't be able to run. "See.. I eat... What you are." I purred in her ear. Her eyes widened as she fell to the ground, her knees giving out from part fear and partly because of what I did.

"D-don't hurt me," she whispered quickly. "Please.... I'll be a good girl." I got down on my knees and examined her small body then frowned. She's as big as my little brother was... She won't be satisfying but... It's better then letting her go.

"No." I growled. "I've been wanting to eat someone like you. You shouldn't be on my territory." I laughed and leaned in towards her neck to start the process there.

"I didn't know. I swear! I just go where the wind takes me!" She said quickly and pushed at me. "I'll leave! I promise!"

"I don't want you to leave, I'm going to eat you." I told her. "You are my food." Her eyes widened and then she leaned forward, biting my nose hard and making me bleed. She pulled back and her eyes flashed a pretty violet color and she whimpered, spitting my blood out of her mouth. I held my nose and let out a small yelp of pain. "WHY'D YOU BITE ME!" I screamed. "Bad food!" I had her mouth zipped up then. "BAD wizard." I hissed into her ear. I saw the alley light up then and felt something burn me. She had pressed her hand up against my stomach, that purple cloud from before forming against me and then lighting on fire. I yelped and took her wrists in my hands then pinned them to her side. I leaned in quickly, taking a bite out of her neck, and tore it off. I started to eat her flesh and purred at the taste. "MHHHHHHMMMM." She let out a muffled shriek and started to thrash in my hands before my head pulsed in pain, her powers being tied to her panic. She hit me across the face, raking her nails on my cheek and causing a big welt and blood trickling down. She squeezed her eyes shut and then I felt the blood in my mouth sour and my head started to hurt worse. She pressed her hands against me again, and I started to feel nauseous. I used my magic to move me away from her a few feet so she couldn't continue torching me as I put up a force field around me to protect me from her magic. "Son of a crock..." I groaned and held my head, spitting out what I ate of her. "I need to stick to males." She got up then, the magic on her wearing off and she took off running down the alley, her hand over her neck as she made a sharp turn. I saw a black cat appear beside her and chased at her heels, keeping up with her. She had a familiar... I smirked as I had my magic steal the cat from beside the girl then put her in my little field. "Kitty cat. Well, looks like cat will do tonight." I teased. Anny stopped then in the alley and turned wide eyed, shrieking as she saw I had her familiar.

"DON'T TOUCH JACE!" She screamed and the ground trembled around me. Her cat backed up as far as it could from me, hissing and laying it's ears back. I pulled out my wizard want and smirked, using it to transform her cat into a small little eatable mouse and made it land in my hand. I was so going to hurt Anny back for biting me. I went to eat her familiar then. Her familiar disappeared then into a pile of dust. Anny cradled something to her chest and waved her hand, disappearing into a small cloud of purple smoke. I laughed and lowered my shield, putting up my wand. I skipped off down the road, licking my lips at the taste I still had on my mouth. I got prey in my territory and I will... eat... them all. I used my magic to take me to Los Vegas, having a taste for a wizard. I knew this is where the heart of the wizards were now. They all had a secret city within LV that kept them hidden, safe, and of course it was where they traded their knowledge or whatever. I didn't like living near others like myself... because I was actually different from them. I flicked my fingers and had a coat hide my identity then shifted myself into the hidden city within Los Vegas. I walked down the street, waiting for my victim, this time preferably a male. Males were easy to give up~ There was so many of us after all and few female wizards. I tucked my hands into my coat pockets and glanced around for the first one to stand out to me to test. I spotted a girl running down the street, disappearing into a house and shutting the iron door behind her. I heard bolts and locks (about twenty of them- ten were magical locks) shut and lock it completely. A male was walking down the street, stretching as he flicked a card and watched as it caught on fire and disappeared into nothing but smoke in the air. He smirked and pulled out a potion, drinking a few drops and then sticking it back in his coat. I smiled, loving the air this place brought. I could be myself here... I had my shadows stretch against the sidewalk, going up the walls dramatically. A few wizards noticed and quickly disappeared, not liking the looks of it, but that guy from earlier glanced at them and crossed the street, going towards a small apartment building. I watched him then had the shadows disappear, liking that there was less... witnesses. I bit my bottom lip, thinking about what to do with the wizard before me. I remembered he was playing with the fire element earlier... I had a bucket of water appear above his head and dump itself, causing him to get wet. He yelped and then looked down at his soaked clothes.

"Ugh...great, I was about to go on date night.... Jeez, I'll be late, and I have to change, and I have no more clean clothes... This is why I need a girl in my life... I'll finally get everything together! Where did the water come from anyways?!" He glanced up into the sky and frowned as he noticed there weren't any clouds and there was a bucket above his head. I had the bucket fall onto his head then and blind him. I ran over to him, closing our distance. He yelped in pain and then threw the bucket off his head, accidentally slinging it at me and hitting me in the head with it. He turned as he heard the thunk and frowned. "Hey, are you alright mister?" He asked. He raised his hand up then as he saw the gash on my head and then was in front of me instantly. "Lemme fix that for you, so there isn't any hard feelings," he said and gave me a friendly smile. He placed his hand over the wound, and the pain disappeared. I blushed as I looked into his eyes, my hood had been removed in the process of getting hit on the head.

"Owe..." I mumbled, having a late reaction. "Why'd you do that to me?" I hissed towards him and rubbed my head- that was already better. He frowned then.

"I didn't see you there... The bucket just fell on my head." He shivered then as a slight breeze picked up, freezing him through his wet clothes. He started to take off his soaked jacket and dumped it on the ground. "Well that's ruined...." He mumbled and rubbed his arms as he glanced at me and started to walk off in a different direction- probably his home. "All my trick cards are ruined too," he whined to himself. I started to feel a bit bad for him... Paris is starting to rub off on you, go eat him before this develops and you won't be able to eat him.

"Uh.... let me help you." I whispered to him. NO! YOU CAN'T JUST HELP YOUR VICTIM! "Least I can do." I giggled and walked towards him, having the wind blow him back to me. He shivered again and looked at me.

"Can you not do that? It's really cold when I'm wet. I need to go home to change," he told me and rubbed his arms again. He ran his fingers through his wet hair and winced in disgust at the feeling of the wetness against his skin sticking to him. He let out a whimper and started to squeeze the water out of his shirt and hair. I held out my hands then had a fresh pair of clothes appear in my hands that would adjust to his size as soon as he touched them.

"Take these." I insisted. He glanced at them gratefully and took them from me.

"Thank you so much... I never caught your name. What was it?" He asked, glancing at me as he started to pull his wet shirt over his head and leaving him bare chested as he looked down at the clothes in his hands.

"Uh... My name.... is.... Smee." I told him the last part too quickly. I couldn't just go out giving my real name to wizards. I nodded then. "Smee." He gave a nod and slipped the shirt over his head and glanced around as he frowned at the pants.

"Well Smee.... Give me a moment for some privacy. I can offer you some hospitality if you'll let me. You really helped me with these. I hate the water," he mumbled and then used his magic to go somewhere then reappeared completely dressed in the outfit I had given him. He gave me a smile and held out his hand to me. "Let's go back to my place, shall we?" I nodded as I took his hand. Wonderful idea Hachi, taking him to his place and then eat him. You are smarter then you look. Who said I was going to eat him? I linked my arm with his.

"What's your name?" I asked him curiously.

"Isaac," he said and smiled at me as he started to lead me down the street. "My home is only a few blocks away. I hope you don't mind. Is there anything in particular that you like? Something to drink and eat? I have extensive food choices for my guests."

"Hmmmm..." I smiled. You. No.... "I like tea." I told him and followed him down the street. "Isaac is a funny name for a wizard." I claimed. "Of course... Smee is too." I laughed. He laughed with me and shook his head.

"My mother had a weird taste in names. My father wasn't around much though," he told me and then stopped outside a door to a house. He flicked his hand and watched as it opened then led me inside. He shut the door and made some sort of symbol with his hands, and it locked, a fire brand appearing on the door then disappearing. He led me to a living room then went out before coming back with a glass of red liquid and a glass of tea for me. "Here we go," he said, holding the tea out to me as he took a sip of his drink. I took a sip of the tea and took a seat on the couch.

"Mhhhh~ Thanks for the tea." I mumbled into the cup. He gave a nod and then sat down on the couch beside me.

"You're welcome. I hope it is sugary enough for you," he whispered and then set the glass down on the coffee table. He looked at the fireplace and waved his hands, watching as the logs caught on fire.

"You're a fire wizard." I informed him as I waved my hand over the cup, making it have a bit more sugar in it for my liking.

"Yeaaah, I know that already though. Mommy told me it was because of my no good daddy." He laughed darkly and shook his head.

"Oh! You had a bad dad too!" I looked at him with interest.

"Uh huh, called the Fire Demon of the wizards...sometimes the Fire Bane- depends on where you are from. Mommy had hunted him one night, not knowing who her prey was and....one thing led to another and they started seeing each other. You see, I'm a Halfling." He said and waved his hand at his glass. "Hence the blood." I raised an eyebrow then looked at the drink he had... It was blood?

"You aren't part... vampire... are you?" I asked, glad I didn't hunt him now. I would have bit in and got nothing out of eating him.

"Naw, not really. I just can't eat normal food. The only thing I inherited was the taste...plus I have a habit of accidentally burning my food, so blood suits me better." He smiled innocently at me.

"Oh whoa... You are a rare treat. Guess I should tell you my real name isn't Smee..." I giggled, taking his hands into mine. "It's Hachi. Well technically it is a nickname." His eyes widened as he recognized the name.

"Oh....You...put the bucket on my head, and dumped the water on me- didn't you? You came here to hunt," he whispered, it dawning on him.

"I'm only interested in full breeds so don't worry." I told him and stood up. "Thank you for the tea... but I should go now... since you look like you are about to throw a fireball at me or something." I blushed. He frowned then and relaxed.

"Well...if you aren't going to eat me, then you may stay a bit longer. It will be hard for you to hunt here however. Every wizard is very careful about protection on their houses. Each door is imbued with special properties. Mine won't open up unless it is my own magic signature every single time." He smiled at me then and watched me closely.

"Protection spells for houses..." I trailed off... that was something I should look into doing for Paris. I took a seat by him and smiled. "That's something I would love to look into, I have a pet that needs something like that for his house." I noted. "So! You aren't afraid of me? I hate my whole family." I smirked and waved my hands into his face to give off an effect. He grabbed my hands then and looked at me curiously.

"No....for some reason you don't scare me. It might be because I know that you aren't planning on eating me because of my mom, but I think even then...I wouldn't be afraid of you." He gave me a sweet smile and let go of my hands as he reached for his glass. I took a sip of my tea, leaning back into the couch.

"You are very interesting, I must say. I usually don't keep wizards around me for too long. I just can't resist my inner urges... but of course.... You aren't a pureblooded wizard and I am a bit picky.... though Dante was kind of tasty when I bit into him... and he's a vampire." He frowned at me then.

"Who's Dante?" He asked curiously.

"A pureblood prince. He's just a.... vampire I keep in touch with." I nodded at the sound of that. He gave a nod then and looked at his glass curiously.

"Mom mentioned that there were royal vampires," he mumbled and then took a sip of his drink but then spit it out into the glass as he wrinkled his nose and held his stomach in disgust. "Oh...I hate it when it starts to cool down." He set the glass down quickly and waved his hands over the glass, bringing it to steaming. He touched the side of the glass. "I overshot it just a bit." I nodded in a agreement then waved my hand towards it and had ice cubes get dropped into it.

"Helpful?" I asked him. He looked at it appalled then and nudged it across the table away from him as the ice cubes began to melt into his blood, diluting it a little.

"Ewww..... I'm not drinking that," he said and curled up on the couch. "Oh well.... I can try not lighting my next bagel on fire again...." I watched him then had a glass appear in my hand and I had magic take out some of my blood and put it into the glass. I handed it to him and smirked.

"Nice, fresh, and warm." I waved off the contaminated glass~ making it go into his kitchen sink. He glanced at it and then up into my eyes.

"But Hachi.... I don't want to drink your blood. You said you weren't going to eat me, and it wouldn't be kind of me to drink my guest's blood...." He sat up a little more and then shook his head. "I must be the worst half breed out there.... I don't even have fangs, yet I find it hard to eat human food and be able to stomach it...and then there is the chance that I scorch it with my power."

"I think you should drink that." I pointed to the glass I gave him. "I insist you do." I smiled and took a sip of my tea. "I don't give out my blood to just anybody. I don't even let my pets have it." He looked at it then and shook his head as he picked it up, slowly going to take a sip of it. His eyes lit up a bright, gorgeous red and he curled up with the glass, sipping it down with happiness. I smiled, glad my blood wasn't horrible. I half expected him to spit it out in disgust. "Well that's a relief." He gave a hum in response, finishing the glass and he set it down on the table as he curled up on the couch, yawning much like a child would after eating as he started to get drowsy. I leaned over him then, and pulled out my potion to make someone into a spirit animal. I pulled out a needle, dipping it into the potion then stuck him with it, putting the potion into his blood stream then sat back in my spot, putting the evidence away. He frowned and touched his neck and then shivered as he fell into the floor with a groan.

He dug his nails against the floor, making claw marks on it as he started to change into an orange tabby. He sat up and meowed as he saw himself and then turned to look at me, curling his tail up against his feet. His yellow eyes glanced me over and he got up, jumping onto the table and pawed at me in irritation. I laughed and then rubbed his head. "I just had to, I swear it will wear off." I promised him. "I wanted to see what your spirit animal is." I smirked and leaned against the back of the couch. "Mind if I crash here for the night?" He jumped into my lap then, growling a bit before he rubbed his head against my stomach and curled up into a ball, not really telling me no. He stuck his claws into my pants then, keeping me here and flexing them tighter every time I moved a little. I laughed and nodded. "Alright, thanks for letting me then." I whispered and rubbed his head. I closed my eyes to try to get some sleep with him on me. "Wake me up when you turn back." I mumbled and drifted to sleep.

I woke up to a warm feeling spreading throughout my body then as something heavy shifted in my lap. "Wakey wakey Hachi," he whispered in my ear. I giggled, trying to shake my head no.

"Uh- huh... Five more minutes Laurence..." I grumbled and tried to push him off me. The warm feeling turned to hot then as the person moved off of me, keeping their hand over my heart. I widened my eyes and grabbed at the hand, starting to panic. "Laure-!" I froze as I noticed it wasn't Laurence... it was the guy from last night. "Oh.... Good morning?"

"Morning," he said simply then took his hand back from me, the hot feeling fading to a warm comforting feeling and staying there- centered around my heart. I blushed as I looked him over.... What was his name... Rick? No... That's a beta's name.... Oh wait! It's Isaac.

"What'd you do?" I asked him as I touched over my heart. "I have a funny feeling..." He laughed then.

"Nothing much. That's just my magic signature sticking around as an after effect from having my fire powers used on you. It'll eventually go away- usually," he told me, looking me in the eyes.

"Why'd you wake me up like that?" I asked, starting to pout. "That was really hot."

"Well, I was trying to be nice but you wouldn't wake up. I find that my power- when used lightly- helps others feel better and makes them happy," he whispered and stretched a bit. I shook my head and then looked at him curiously.

"You aren't related to a Val are you? She had powers just like yours, she's a vampire, and she is goddess of Las Vegas." I informed him. He shrugged then.

"How would I know? All I know is that my mother keeps her family away from me, and my father doesn't pay me any attention unless he wants something. He is the Fire Demon after all," he said, not sounding to concerned.

"I don't think you are related to her... she's too high on drugs to get pregnant." I shook my head. "So how did you like being a cat?" I asked him and sat up, fixing my hair. He narrowed his eyes at me then, being reminded of what I did.

"Why did you do that to me?" He hissed out, turning on the couch to look at me better and face me.

"I felt like it. I'm a wizard without morals.... I ate my family because I was raised to believe~ well I'm sure you heard." I smirked and snapped my jaws towards him. He flinched then, backing up on the couch away from me. He looked at me closely as he bit his bottom lip.

"Y-you said you weren't going to eat me," he whispered. "You said you wouldn't because my mom was a vampire. You can't eat me."

"Of course I won't eat you." I promised him. "I'm not interested in eating you anymore." Yes you are.... it's a halfing... you know you want a bite. Not anymore... He's cute. He gave a nod then, relaxing before standing up.

"Well... I've got to go meet my girlfriend... If you want to come," he offered, holding out his hand. That's right. He had been going to meet her last night when I dumped water on him. I frowned slightly, reminded that he was taken.

"No... I'm goi-" Eat her instead Hachi, you know it would be fun. Then you could have him all to yourself. That's not the right thing to do though.... He wouldn't be my friend anymore. I would have to hit him with a wonderful potion to work around the mishap. How about you eat her then make him forget allllllllll about her. You could always just steal him away... that works too. Yes.... Kidnap him and mark him as yours. I smirked at him. He gave a nod then in response to my earlier start.

"Alright then Hachi.... You can stay here if you want while I'm out then. I don't mind, but once you leave, you won't be able to get back in without me unless I update the door to your own magical signature," he told me then started for the door to the hall to go to the front door. I had my magic make him come back to me.

"I never finished." I told him. "How about I come with you to meet this... girl that is a friend of yours." I laughed and stood up. He frowned as he thought about my sudden change then shrugged.

"Well, I already said I don't mind. Her name is Evelyn," he told me and took my hand in his, leading me out of the room and out of his house. He turned to the door then and raised up his hands, redoing that symbol he did last night with his hands. The door glowed for a second then I sensed it was locked up again. He smiled at me innocently and started to walk down the street. I followed after him. Steal his heart away. I grabbed his hand and leaned my head against his shoulder as we walked, I had to stand on my toes to do so. He blushed and looked down at me, but he didn't say anything. He walked us back to where I had dumped the water on him and walked towards the building from last night, pressing a button to call up to her. I saw a girl with messy long dark brown hair stick her head out a window a few floors up. She had a bit of paint on her cheek and was wearing an artist's apron.

"ISAAC! IS THAT YOU?" She called down to us and smiled brightly as she recognized him. She got up onto the windowsill then and spread her arms out dramatically, letting gravity take over as she tilted forward. She fell down, but she grabbed the drain pipe and slowed her descent slightly with her magic, sliding down to us. She smiled and ran over to us, bare foot. I widened my eyes, starting to like her already. You can't like her! You have to eat her Hachi! I held out a hand to her, smiling.

"Hi! I'm Smee." I told her sweetly, acting like I was as young as I looked. She looked at me and giggled, taking my hand in hers and giving it a squeeze before letting it go. She had closed her eyes when she had done so and gave me a strange smile when she pulled back.

"Hmm, well, it's your choice to tell me whatever name you wish to be known as. Maybe later I will learn your real name from your own mouth," she said and gave me a wink. Isaac leaned down to my ear then.

"She specializes in fortunes and artistic areas of being a wizard. She's also a match maker on the side," he whispered to me. "She can see big moments of your past from a touch as long as it is not guarded by magic." I looked towards her then, curious... Did she see me eat my family?

"What'd you see?" I asked her.

"Weeell," she started to circle me then, touching my hair and holding it in her hands before letting go off it and smirked at me. "You went to a school for wizards that is well known, but your father pulled you out. The rest was a bit blurry, but I do know about your real name...and what happened to your family through little glimpses. I'm not afraid of you," she said bravely. I laughed then and waved my hands towards her, making small rain clouds appear around my fingers.

"You should be." I told her. "I eat your kind for breakfast." I teased. She raised an eyebrow at me and clasped her hands in front of her then, looking up through her eyelashes at me.

"Oh? I would dare you to try, but it's not everyday that Isaac misses date night and then comes back the next morning completely healthy and without a hang over from his night." She giggled and looked at him. "I'm surprised that you weren't with your friends.... I thought that was where you went. Though I did find your coat in the street this morning." She made his jacket appear in her hands. "I cleaned it for you." He blushed and took it from her, slipping it on.

"I was hunting him." I told her. "Then I found out he's not fully a wizard... so I helped him dry off from the bucket of water I dumped on his head... then I turned him into a cat sometime after that." I summed up why he was missing date night. She gave a nod and then looked at him.

"Do you want to come inside?" She asked and tilted her head. He glanced up there and then at her.

"I was thinking getting us coffee and bagels...but sure," he said and smiled sweetly. She smirked and then looked at us, waving her hands and then made our feet lift up off of the ground. She pointed to her window and set us levitating up there, into her apartment one by one. She was soon behind us and shutting it. She glanced around, and I noticed that there were paintings everywhere- some of Isaac with fire surrounding him and others of strangers I've never seen before and some nature ones.

"I paint what I see when I touch others," she informed me and smiled, taking off her apron and revealing a sweatshirt and pair of sweatpants that she was wearing. She seemed to dress for comfort instead of looks. I looked around the apartment then felt my phone going off in my jeans. I pulled it out and took the call.

"Yeah?" I asked into the phone.

"HACHI WHERE ARE YOU! GET BACK HOME NOW! I SWEAR! I'LL PUT YOU OVER MY KNEE BOY!" I heard Paris yelling into the phone, I could hear worry in his voice.

"I'm busy though..." I complained.


"I'm busy though." I muttered. "I'll be home... later."


"UH...Not with you yelling like that."


"We will talk about this when I get home."

"You better come home right now Hachi."

"Uh.... no." I hung up on him then and put my phone back into my pocket. Evelyn raised an eyebrow at me and then froze up as she saw Isaac going towards her kitchen area. Her apartment was pretty much open like an art studio, so we could easily see him. He opened the fridge then and reached all the way to the back, grabbing an apple and a thing of blood.

"When did you put that in there?! I don't remember giving you permission!" She hissed at him. He turned and looked at her innocently, heating up the bottle in his hand as he shut the door with his foot.

"But I'm hungry....and I like your cooking- honestly- but you know that it is hard for me to stomach any kind of normal food." He took a bite out of the apple then. I smiled as he reminded me of Lauren slightly... except she NEVER ate human food. I made a chair appear and sat down on it, watching them.

"So you two~ how long have you known eachother?" I asked curiously.

"About a year now," Evelyn said and smiled at me as she sat on the couch. Isaac jumped up onto the kitchen counter and sat on it, drinking the blood he had as he leaned up against the refrigerator. He closed his eyes as he started to drink all of it. I watched him, changing the blood in the bottle out and putting some of my blood in it. I heard him make a small noise of happiness and he practically curled up on the counter, sipping it more slowly to make it last. I smirked and looked towards Evelyn.

"You two aren't living together? Whoa." I said, impressed. She shrugged.

"I like my art studio, and he likes to have that house of his. He said he liked it because of the fireplace in the living room and the fact that he had the door made especially for him and that there was something about how his bedroom overlooked the small yard in the back. I dunno. He's attached to that house and won't leave it, and I need this place for my work," she told me.

"It's Hachi." I told her. "My name." She nodded, looking at me a bit sadly.

"Yes... I know," she whispered. I nodded and leaned back against the chair, pulling my knees to my chest.

"You don't know at all." I told her and shook my head. "You only seen glimpses."

"But I had caught your name...and I keep up with the dangerous wizards of our time," she told me. "If you came here to eat Isaac, I can tell you that you'll have a hard time getting to him," she threatened.

"I'm not after him anymore.... at least not to eat him." I said and looked towards him, watching him drinking my blood. "I think I can protect him from myself." I laughed. He finished up my blood and looked a bit sleepy as he was pleased, but he got up then and walked towards a door then. She laughed.

"He must have really liked that one.... Honey! Don't forget the rule!" She shouted after him. He gave her a thumbs up and left the room. She shook her head and relaxed into the couch, looking over at me.

"So I'm on the top most dangerous wizards huh?" I asked her curiously. She nodded then, looking at me warily.

"Yes... you are, along with his father," she said and pointed towards the door that he had disappeared out of.

"Hmmm~ all I did was eat a couple of wizards." I purred.

"Enough to be universally feared and be called a monster by our race," she hissed towards me, crossing her arms.

"Just did what I was taught." I defended myself. "Can you blame me? I had a bad father." She sighed then.

"However you still hunt us when you have already killed your father," she whispered and then laid out on the couch. "You better not hurt anyone in this town Hachi," she warned. "I protect it's residents." I stood up then.

"Is that a challenge?" I asked and had her glued to the couch, ready to pounce on my prey. She didn't look fazed as she noticed she couldn't move.

"If you want to take it that way," she said simply, looking at me. "You can just leave and not return."

"I go where I want." I told her and walked up to her, looking into her eyes. I leaned down towards her face as I glanced at her eyes, giving her a sniff. "I think.... You should know that you are.... my prey." I whispered and then grabbed a hold of her neck, lifting her head towards my face. She narrowed her eyes at me and flicked her wrist, making my hands let go of her as they stung sharply. I hissed out in pain then looked her over. "Really hate eating girls...." I muttered to myself. "Too feisty." I had my magic flip her over and then ran my fingers down her spine, paralyzing her. She went limp as I did so, and I could feel her panic rise up at it. Her fingers twitched as she tried to cast another spell, but she couldn't move enough to do so. Her magic relied on her hand movements mostly then. I turned her back over with my foot and then got on top of her stomach. "Know what I like best? What my favorite part of a wizard is to eat? It's their eyes. For eyes are the window to the soul." I laughed. She looked really freaked out as she stared up at me, her fingers twitching again. Her lips moved a bit as she tried to speak- probably to yell for Isaac or say a protection spell. I covered her mouth with one hand and then shushed her. "You don't want to call for him." I told her. I reached for her left eye then. "I'll devour you slowly." I smirked, excited. She squeezed her eyes shut then and I felt her trying to move her arms to push me away, but they stayed where they were. She let out a cry of frustration and kept her eyes shut tight. I pressed my fingers against her eyes then, laughing. She was going to be easy to eat. I checked the door that Isaac went into and then looked back towards her. "Open up! I don't have all day." Her eyes relaxed then, but she didn't open them. She untensed below me and then she looked up at me, her look a bit dazed as she had retreated into the furthest reaches of her mind. Her hand moved then, and I was sent into the floor with her magic. I groaned and then mumbled a few words under my breath, a spell. It made her start to sweat blood. She sat up quickly, looking at her arms and then at me. She muttered a counterspell and jumped over the couch, going over to her art supplies and picking up an artistic knife and pointed it towards me.

"Come any closer and I'll cut you up," she hissed. I had the knife become a feather in her hand and laughed at her.

"With a feather?" I asked her then looked towards the wall, I had her body get flung up against it with enough force to knock her out. She fell limp to the floor as the wind was knocked out of her. She had hit her head, giving her a concussion that made her pass out. I skipped over to her then sat down by her, pulling her head towards me. I opened up her eyelids and had a spoon appear in my hands. "I love eyes." I whispered as I scooped one of them out and popped it into my mouth, moaning at the flavor of it and texture. I watched as blood started to fill her empty eye socket. "Next one." I told myself and scooped out the next one. "Awe.... no fun... Your not awake to witness this." I told her as I ate her other eye. I laughed, throwing my head back. "Mhmmmmmmm Paris you wouldn't want me home right now!" I yelled out and then began to eat the rest of her, taking my time in doing it. I was drenched in her blood as I left about.... twenty percent of her behind to rot. I waved my hand over the remains and then it disappeared. I whipped off my face and then took a seat on the couch, waiting on Isaac. I giggled, feeling a new since of power from devouring her. "OH ISAAC!" I yelled. It took a few moments, but he came out, his hair drenched. I could smell his scent from here, fresh. He had taken a shower in there while I devoured his girl. He rubbed the towel against his head, drying his hair as he glanced around.

"Where's Evelyn?" He asked after a second then walked over, freezing when he saw the blood on me. The towel slowly dropped out of his hand to the floor, and he stood there as he stared at me with wide eyes. "Hachi....what did...you do?" He asked, his breath catching in his throat as he saw her blood against the wall from where I had eaten her.

"Oh!" I smirked. "Just took care of a pest problem." He looked slowly at me then, and I could see the beginnings of rage in his eyes, not quite there yet as it was still clicking in his head. I waved my hands towards him, hitting him with a memory swipe, replacing her with me and making him think he had loved me all along, giving him false memories of everyone at Paris's manor so he'd know them and she was gone from his memory for good. "How was that shower?" I asked him. He smiled at me as he came over, sitting down beside me.

"It was great Hachi," he said and frowned at the blood on my face. He reached out, grabbing the towel from his shower and then wiping my face completely clean and started to cleanse the rest of the blood off of my body. "What did you eat Hachi? You're covered in blood," he complained.

"A really big bug." I explained. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in, kissing his cheek. He blushed at it and let go of the towel before hugging me back. He leaned up against me and licked the remainder of the blood off of my neck to finish cleaning me.

"Whatever it was... tastes great," he mumbled and closed his eyes.

"It was a worthy meal." I told him and licked my lips, remembering the texture of the eyes against my tongue. "Really worth it." I whispered. He nodded then and looked around the room.

"Where are we?" He asked, not remembering the room. "Is that... me?" He asked, glancing towards one of the paintings. "That's kind of creepy...."

"I know right..." I whispered. "We must be in one of your dreams." I told him playfully. He smacked my chest then lightly and got up, going over towards the window and looking out of it.

"Hey I know that street... If you go that way, it leads to my house," he said and smiled, but he looked a bit sad as if something was missing. I nodded and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Let's go home then." I suggested. He gave a nod then and opened up the window, getting up onto the windowsill and then lowering himself towards the drain pipe, sliding down. He looked up at me from the ground and gestured for me to follow. He glanced down at his hands as he started to play with his magic, watching as small flames danced between his fingers and across his knuckles without burning him. I used my magic to help lower me to the ground without gravity taking a heavy pull on me. I grabbed one of his hands and dragged him towards his house. He laughed then and shook his head.

"Hold up sweetie," he said and then got beside me. He took his hand back and smirked playfully at me as he started to run down the street. I followed after him curiously, not in a rush.

"Where are you going?" I teased.

"To beat you home so that way I can get some peace before I let you in," he teased back, glancing over his shoulder as we neared his house. He made the sign then and the door opened for him, letting him rush into the house. He left it open, probably going towards the living room. I walked towards the door and went to walk in, hesitating as I wasn't sure if his magic would let me enter his home or not. I glanced at the door way before entering the house, and shut the door. The symbol appeared on it, and I heard him laugh from down the hall. He had one of his trick cards in his hand and tossed it towards me, watching as it landed at my feet and then burned up, leaving a little wreath of fire that didn't burn his floor. I walked towards him then, giving him a look that told him he was going to get it. I gave him a predator look, waiting for him to run. His eyes widened and he quickly ducked into the living room to escape me at the moment. I laughed and chased him down.

"You beat me home." I told him, clasping my hands together. "Well done. Now you have to escape from me." He laughed nervously from where he stood in the center of the room. He glanced at the fireplace and watched as it sparked to life again. He summoned a small ball of fire into his hand and started backing up towards the kitchen, giving me a weak smile. I took a seat on the couch and took off my shoes, pulling my feet up so I could relax. I pulled out my phone and began to play a farming game on it. He went into the kitchen then, shutting and locking the door behind him and the fireplace went out after he left. I frowned and got to my feet. "I'll be back in a bit." I told him, loud enough so he could hear. I used my magic to teleport into Dante's house and looked around for him.