The Fire Demon

Hachi's POV:

Dante was sitting on the couch reading a book as his dog snuggled up into his side. He flipped the page, not noticing me or maybe noticing but not caring.

"Dante I have a request... I need you to look up vampires in Las Vegas... I want a list of them oh and I want to know who this... Fire demon is." I said as I walked towards him. He glanced up at me then and nodded.

"Sure, why not. It's not like I care about Vegas. The Fire Demon... he's something you should stay away from. He's a very powerful wizard that is rarely seen and lived to be told about. I met him once. He had been in Germany. The way I understand it is that he is currently traveling around, gathering power and magic to up his skill or something. Kind of silly considering that he is one of the most powerful wizards out there. There isn't much for him to learn anymore. He would be a great ally if you could insure his loyalty, but he changes his mind about that kind of stuff a lot. He's dangerous, and he only does things for himself. He's had a few loves in the past, but most of them he killed," he told me and shrugged, going back towards his book.

"I want you to find out where he is." I told him, walking over. I took a seat by him and smelled my shirt that had dried up blood on it.

"Easy, I keep tabs on him for my own uses. He's in Austria right now," he told me and smirked. "The Austrian Prince has been trying to get him to leave. He's anxious with him in his territory, but he can't make him leave." I nodded.

"Thanks! Where at in that country?" I leaned in towards him, looking him in the eyes. He frowned.

"That I do not know. Like I said, he changes his mind a lot. He could be anywhere, but I know he is in Austria. That is as detailed as I can get about his location," he said and frowned as he flipped the page in his book. "Why? You going to eat him or something Hachi? It'd make you king of the foodchain and of the wizarding realm. I wouldn't advise it, but I know you ate your family for power."

"I didn't eat my family for power." I hissed. "I ate them to get them out of my hair. Now I'll get him out too." I smirked evilly.

"Why? Got a personal vendetta against him?" He asked and looked up at me, a faint intrigued look in his eyes. The dog whined and then got up, leaving us.

"Nothing that concerns you." I whispered. "Soon I will be king of the foodchain though. I bet Oz will be drooling to get a hold of me then." I got to my feet. "I'll be back later." I promised and then waited to see if he had anything to say. He nodded and went back to his book then, sipping on a cup of coffee. I had the magic take me to Austria then and I started my hunt, looking around to see what I could find~ wanting to see how easy it would be to track him down. I phased through into the wizard's hidden city. I walked towards the nearest Wizard to get a report.

"Eye, have you seen The fire demon?" I asked. I wanted to keep this as simple as it could be. He glanced at me and then pointed behind him.

"He was here...about twelve hours ago. Wiped out the whole West District back there," he told me and shivered. "We're lucky he left at just that. Something about a bar fight. I heard he moved on to the next country already." I hissed. That means I just missed him. I nodded towards the lad.

"Thanks." I mumbled. "Know the country?" I wondered. He frowned and looked thoughtful.

"Well.... if I'm right and he is traveling the world, he hasn't been to Africa at all nor has he gone to the Baltic states and Ukraine," he told me and shrugged. "I'd wait for the next news to figure out where exactly he disappeared to.... though I wouldn't go looking for him if I were you." He started to walk off then, shoving his hands into his pocket. I watched him disappear before going back to Dante.

"He left Austria." I told him, taking a seat right by him on the couch. I turned the TV on and hit a secret number, having the TV switch to the WIZARDNEWS. I waited for there to be any sign of the fire demon making his next target. There were reports from that town I had just visited, but they couldn't say for sure where he had disappeared to just yet. Dante glanced up at that after looking at his phone.

"Two of my newborns spotted him in Ukraine a moment ago." He smirked. "They're a little slow with finding him, aren't they?" I nodded and turned the TV off then looked towards Dante.

"Thanks! Wish me luck." I had my magic take me to this Ukraine place, in a wizard town. "Hm~ Here Fire Demon..." I mumbled. A guy glanced at me as he walked past, giving me a look that told me he thought I was crazy. He stopped then as he heard commotion from inside a small coffee shop and dodged as someone was thrown out of it. A guy with red hair stood, leaning against the door frame as he looked out at the small pipsqueak who landed on the side walk. He grinned, showing sharp canines and laughed.

"You're small.... You're lucky that I forgive children easily," he hissed and then held up his hand, making the boy flinch. He got up and took off running to get away from the man. The guy laughed and pulled off a black coat, dropping it in the trashcan by the door. "It's too hot for something like that." However it was pretty chilly out. The guy smirked and went to go back inside.

"HEY!" I yelled and smirked. "You there! PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE." I snapped. I had a gush of wind throw him back into the street and I began walking towards him. "They said you was all tough.... Whatever. You are going to be easy to gobble up." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hm... Great," he muttered and stood up, dusting himself off. He disappeared from in front of me and then I was grabbed from behind. He leaned in towards my ear and gave a sniff. "Hmm... I can smell that your a cannibal," he whispered and then I felt my body paralyze. He laughed and curled his fingers around my hair, yanking on it. He touched his other hand to the front of my throat and I felt his fingers leave a trail of burned flesh as he moved them across slowly, making me scream as it felt like a thousand burning needles that penetrated deep and wouldn't stop. I closed my eyes tightly then opened them as I started to form a shield in my core and it pushed his magic out of my system, unparalyzing me and sending the burn away, shocking him. I smirked, feeling pretty cleaver.

"Fire all you got?" I asked him and then looked him over. I pulled out the needle from last night and stuck him with it hard, a bit of magic was left on it. "Enjoy. I want you to come find me when you wake up. We are going to have a long game." I whispered to him. I looked at him curiously to see what he would become. He laughed and then pulled out a vial. I watched as the potion I had injected slowly started to appear in it, leaving his system much like how I had put my blood in the bottles for Isaac. He tossed it to me.

"You'll have to try harder than that... I'm guessing Hachi?" He raised an eyebrow then started sauntering off. "See ya later." I caught the vial he tossed me and put it in my pocket then pulled out my wand and flicked it towards him, the intent to take his eyes and have them in my hands. He smirked then as he glanced over his shoulder. A spike of blue appeared around him then, revealing he had put up a magic barrier around him for protection. I wouldn't be able to use any on him with that up unless I could get past it. "Nice try, but next time." He went back into the coffee shop then. I fumed with outrage then tucked the wand back into my jacket.

"Next time...." I grumbled. "I'll get you in your sleep." I hissed his way and went back to Dante's couch, sitting down on it. "I've been sized up."

"Told you," he said simply. "I told you that he was one of the top wizards. You're lucky he didn't really fight you. You wouldn't have come back until you had at least lost something- probably your magic. He likes to steal it from his victims." He flipped the page in his book again and laughed a bit at something on the page. I shook my head.

"I need to be quicker next time." I grumbled. I thought back to how that little girl got away from me... If that can happen then why did I even think I had a chance with that man... I'll need to start practicing. I looked Dante over. I flicked a finger at his book and had it light up into flames. He sighed and dropped it in the floor.

"That... was a very good book you just burned... but I guess it doesn't matter. I've seen plenty of books burn in my life. I burned most of them," he said and shrugged, getting up. "I need to go check on Charlie anyways."

"Is Charlie a vampire yet?" I asked curiously. He laughed darkly.

"I decided to wait just a bit longer. I rewarded him last night though... with a nice little dinner date in a restaurant I like there." He disappeared then, leaving me in the living room by myself. I rolled my eyes and went back to Isaac, entering his lovely little home.

"Issy!" I called sweetly. He looked up from the floor where he was meditating in front of the fireplace.

"Hachi?" He frowned and then looked at the fireplace, waving his hands and making the fire go out. He got up and dusted himself off, walking over to me. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing's the matter." I told him innocently.

"Oh... ok," he said simply and smiled, giving me a hug. "That's great...." He pulled back then, not clinging to me and took a sip of a drink he had in his hand. I looked at it and then gazed into his eyes.

"What do you know about your father? Tell me everything." He looked thoughtful then.

"Hmm... not much," he said and shrugged. "He doesn't bother to visit me unless he wants something. He's very powerful, and he's a deadbeat dad. My mother tells me that he can be sweet, but I don't believe it. He kills for fun and takes others magic for his own. He also has his own little dimension in the fold of ours- a kind of limbo that he can disappear into. From what I remember, he sleeps in it for protection. He doesn't want to leave openings for anyone to assassinate him." He downed the rest of the drink and licked the rim of the cup to get the remainders off.

"Would you care if he died?" I asked sweetly and ran my fingers through his hair. He tsked.

"I would but I wouldn't. You see, he's still my father and I love him for it, but he still does a lot of messed up things in the world." He set the cup down and moved away from me.

"You don't need him then, huh?" I asked and watched him moving away.

"No, I don't need him. I've survived this long without him, and I have a hang of my powers that I got from him...." He said and stretched a bit.

"I'd help you with them anyways." I smirked. "He's not going to make it.... The good always wins and he is going to fall."

"Everything falls... just like fire destroys everything it touches," he mumbled then, looking down at the floor with a lost look on his face. I leaned in towards him and kissed his cheek.

"It doesn't destroy... it just simply transforms matter into another." I told him, patting his head. He blushed at that and looked at me, at a loss for words. I gave him a smile and then walked over to the couch, laying down on it. "Come here sweets." I motioned him over. He followed obediently and stood in front of me.

"Yes?" He asked, looking me over. I pulled him onto me and then beside me as I curled up to him.

"You feeling okay?" I asked. He gave a nod then.

"I am.... I just feel like something is missing, but I'm not sure what," he told me, nestling his face against my neck.

"Hmmm... nothing is missing!" I insisted. "Everything is as it should be." I promised. He gave a nod but didn't look convinced. He glanced at my stiches on my arm and touched them gently.

"You know... you never told me why you have these," he whispered.

"These are my wizard symbol." I told him. "I was a patchwork wizard before I became a cannibal." I explained. "They are also there for my amusement and joy." I smirked as I remember stitching them onto me. He gave a nod and then moved his head away from my neck.

"That makes sense," he whispered and stretched out before touching my wrist lightly. I felt that warm feeling spreading throughout my body again. I hummed and gave a soft smile.

"Would you like to see some of my old magic tricks?" I asked.

"S-sure," he said softly and looked at me, a small beautiful light in his eyes that reminded me a bit of dancing flames. He gave a smile and the feeling grew stronger in a good way, not the hot burning way that he had done to me this morning. I nodded and then ripped his shirt.

"Watch and learn." I told him as I had a needle and thread appear, beginning to stitch up his shirt. "There wasn't much I could do." I admitted. He blushed as he watched me.

"Well... even I can't stitch things up properly. I suck at household chores," he mumbled and his blush deepened as he admitted that to me. I pointed to the clothes he had on... which were the ones I gave him.

"I made these." I told him. "Magic and all." I laughed and curled up into him even more as the needle and thread finished then disappeared. He laughed softly and kissed the top of my head.

"Well.... I like them," he told me and closed his eyes. The warm feeling paused before I started to feel it growing up my arm and throughout my body, warming me to my very core. I purred softly and looked up into his eyes.

"I like you." I told him and poked his nose. He opened his eyes and blushed as he looked at me.

"I.... like you too?" He asked and gave me a shy smile. The feeling nestled up to my heart then, surrounding it as it became the center of the flood. I giggled and blushed.

"Are you aware of what your wonderful magic is doing to me?"

"N-no.... I mean, I was trying to give you that warm feeling that my friends like, but I don't know exactly what it feels like or does." He smiled at me a bit then.

"It's warming my core." I mumbled to him and kissed his cheek. "It's a good feeling." He bit his bottom lip then.

"I've... never heard them say it warmed their core before. They always just said that it felt nice and helped them relax," he whispered to me and then closed his eyes. "I wonder...." He opened them and then leaned in, giving me a kiss. The feeling sparked against my lips, making me feel ecstasy as the rest of the warm feeling at my heart reacted to it at my lips, coursing through me. I gasped with shock, his kiss coming out of no where so quickly... I was sort of startled by it. I pulled back and touched my lips. Is this what Paris and Richard feel every time they kiss? How do they manage to keep so calm about it? He blushed as he realized what he did and started to stammer out excuses and apologies quickly, but it was hard for me to understand because the warm feeling was distracting me. I leaned back towards his lips and shushed him by connecting our lips once more. I tried to slip my tongue into his mouth to try to see what would happen. He tensed up, but I managed to enter his mouth. He made a small noise of surprise but didn't pull back as his tongue started to fight against mine for dominance. I gasped and slipped my tongue back into my mouth, afraid that his would win. He kissed me harder then, tilting his head and sending little fireworks through me as he wrapped his arms around my waist, bringing my body closer to him. The warm feeling reacted in joy spiking up inside of me at his touch. I pulled back, growing slightly scared.

"Isaac?" I asked as I looked him over. "Do you know what's happening? Do you feel it too?" I looked into his eyes. He blushed and bit his bottom lip.

"My magic keeps getting stronger each time I kiss you and bring you closer... like it's reaching for something," he whispered. "It seems happy and light instead of it's normal way.... It feels...right," he mumbled the last word and glanced down to avoid looking at me. I nodded, not understanding half of what he said.

"What do you mean by your magic?" I wondered. Was I the only one feeling all these random signs going off in my body.... was he only feeling heat? He blushed then.

"My magic has more personality than others do.... It resides in me as a warm feeling that I've grown used to and responds to my will. I can project it to others as the warm feeling that you were experiencing except it is different to other people than it is to me. For me, it's just there...others are awed by it and say that it's the best thing they ever felt.... It reacted to you...and I felt-" he blushed then as he looked at me. "Hachi.... Our kiss didn't only affect my magic... It sent off little sparks throughout me- not because of my magic." I nodded then eagerly.

"I felt them too!" I said excitedly. "You must be very important to me." I purred and then leaned in towards his neck and kissed it. He bit his bottom lip and looked at me.

"Is this wrong?" He asked, unsure about the morality of kissing another guy. "I know that we've been really close lately and flirting with each other..... but," he trailed up and watched me. I shook my head quickly.

"Almost everyone I know is gay. Don't you go telling me this is wrong." I hissed and sat up. He looked up at me innocently.

"I-I'm not saying that... I was just asking...Mom never really discussed love to me. I was just asking," he whispered. I nodded quickly.

"I was too young when I killed off all my family... So... I never asked." I told him. "Though... I am positive it is fine." He gave a nod then and kissed me quickly before resting his head against my chest.

"Well... if it is alright then..." he whispered. I felt the warm feeling gather in my chest then and it hurt for a second then became pure bliss. He smiled innocently and I could feel that he had used the warm feeling to mark me there much like I marked my pets with stitches. The warm feeling stayed there, not disappearing or leaving me. "It'll stay with you forever..." he whispered. I widened my eyes.

"You marked me like I am a pet!" I shrieked. "WHY!" I hissed. He looked up at me innocently.

"So everyone knows your mine... Besides, it's not like a pet," he said and bit his bottom lip nervously. I raised an eyebrow.

"What'd you know!" I got off of the couch. "You don't know much~ I could be a pet to you." I felt my face heating up. He pouted up to me.

"But I don't feel like you're my pet.... I feel like you're my equal. I like you, and I want others to know I like you and that I'm protecting you," he told me as he sat up, sitting indian style on the couch as he watched me. I sat down by him then and crossed my arms.

"Still doesn't change how you marked me." I snapped. He narrowed his eyes at me then.

"Well, if you are so upset about it, then why don't you go pout about it somewhere else," he hissed at me and then curled up on the couch irritably. I about stood up then shook my head. I would be too embarrassed to go home right now. Paris would flip! He'd ask me too many questions I wouldn't be able to answer. I curled up on the couch.

"I'm not upset over it! I just think.... you could have warned me." He glanced over at me.

"I could always take it back if you aren't going to be happy with it," he told me, watching me closely. I looked at him closely.

"I can't take mine back from the twins. It's stuck on them. So how is it that you think you can take it back from me?" He smirked.

"Because that's my fire living inside your chest. It responds to me, remember? I told you that it has it's own personality.... It would come back if I asked it to," he said and sat up. "I can demonstrate it for you." He reached out towards my chest then, his palm held up. I shook my head and hit his hand, not letting him near my chest.

"No." I growled. "You can't have it back." He quickly brought back his hand, cradling it to him as he hissed out in pain.

"You didn't have to hit me!" He shouted at me, looking hurt. I stuck out my tongue at him childishly then got off the couch and ran into his kitchen, deciding to find something to eat for myself since I had to eat unlike most the people I knew. It was easy to forget that I had to eat something... Plus this will tease him. I heard him get up and start to follow me. When he got into the kitchen, he went straight for the refrigerator and got out another bottle of blood, popping the top off and sipping on it. He reached in and then pulled out a container then threw it at me.

"Here...there's some rice and beef in there. I think you'll like it," he said and gave me a smile, closing the fridge with his foot. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at the rice and beef.

"Rice?" I asked him and opened up the lid of the container. I hadn't had rice since my mother was alive and cooked meals for us. "Hmmm." I sniffed it curiously. He laughed and came over, grabbing two forks out of a drawer and then using one to scoop up a bite. He put it in his mouth and ate it.

"You eat it like that," he told me and shook his head as he swallowed it. "Probably going to make me a bit sick...." I put the fork aside and pulled out chop sticks from my pocket and then heated up the container before beginning to eat it. I perked up at the flavor and sunk to the floor with pure joy. He frowned at me and put the forks in the sink, starting to wash them. "Glad you like it? I made it myself. One of the only things I didn't burn recently," he told me and shook his head, looking down at his hands in the sink.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I shoved a bite of rice into my mouth. Why'd he frown at me? Am I doing something wrong?

"No, its nothing. I just hate not being able to cook things as well as others. I always burn it because I find it hard to get it just right, and then I run out of patience and try to speed the process up." He looked a bit sad as he put the two forks back in the drawer after drying them off. I finished eating the rice and beef within minutes and gave him the empty container then stood up.

"Thanks sweetie for the meal." I purred as I put the chop sticks in my pocket. He smiled at me as he placed the container in the sink. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Anything for you Hachi," he whispered to me and smiled softly. The warm feeling in my chest got stronger and started to pull me to his voice. I blushed and looked away from him. I bit my bottom lip hard and tried to pull back from him.

"Isaac~" I mumbled. I bit my bottom lip harder and then managed to get out of his arms. He looked at me and frowned then put his hands in his pockets. He gave a nod then and leaned against a counter.

"Alright," he whispered as he glanced around his kitchen. I hummed then gave him a smirk.

"Let's do something fun." I reached out for his hand then. He glanced at it in shock and then looked up at me with uncertainty. He took my hand slowly and then gripped it in his hand.

I pulled him to me and then had my magic take us outside of a building that held an old auditorium. "You are in luck that I am a wizard~ a powerful wizard." I whispered to him as I pulled him into the building. Inside the building was smoky like and dust covered the area. The seats in front of the stage was torn up and the walls looked like they were crying. It was ancient. The stage looked to be about the only thing safe in the room. The ceiling had a huge glass chandelier glowing the room with light from the windows at the top of the walls. I pulled Isaac to the stage and smirked. "Alright... I'm putting you on the spot light." He widened his eyes and looked down at the stage then at me.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked quickly.

"Let's see your magic!" I told him and then pulled out a deck of playing cards in my pocket, pulled out the cards, and flicked all of them at him. The cards was set on fire and started to dance around him as I was working my magic on them to tease him. He looked at them and smiled softly as they stopped. His magic took over and they slowly fell to the floor as grey ash. He smirked at them and flicked his wrist suddenly, sending them flying towards my feet. They rose up into a column and swirled around me as my own personal storm. They went up into the air above my head then into a small ball. Almost as soon as it became a perfect sphere, it exploded and the ash started to rain down like snowflakes. He smiled and closed his eyes, making them start to glow softly almost like they were fireflies. I smirked and had them swept away into oblivion then walked up to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You are so cute." I purred against his lips. You should eat him. I laughed and pulled back from his lips then leaned down towards his neck and kissed it softly. Bite him and then eat all of him! Eat him like you ate his girlfriend. I stiffened a laugh. You know you want to taste his rare meat. He's a vampire and wizard. Take a bite... just a small bite... then you can eat his father! You can eat his whole family.... What a delicious treat... Eat him. I yanked back and looked into his eyes. Scoop out his eyes and gobble him up, he'd be easy to eat. Steal his fire~ I took in a deep breath. Nope. I took a couple of steps back from him and looked towards the chandelier. I had the light it was giving off from the windows shine down on us and smiled.

"A-are you alright?" He asked softly. I noticed that he was blushing big time and seemed really nervous at the way I was acting. "Hachi?"

"Hmmm? Just struggling against my instincts is all." I informed him. He bit his bottom lip and then took a step back from me and the light.

"M-maybe I should go home then," he mumbled.

"It's okay. I won't eat you." I told him. Yet. He blushed again and gave nod, walking over slowly. He rubbed his hands as he started to move them behind his back, clasping his wrist. I snapped my jaws towards his playfully and then looked up at the ceiling. "How about a bit of remodeling? All it takes is a bit of magic." I had the ceiling fix itself and then an illusion of a galaxy appeared on it, the galaxy was moving- making it look real and alive. He looked up at it in wonder and then sat down on the floor, watching it as his eyes flickered from the different solar systems. I sat down by him and smirked as I wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Looks like my eyes huh?" I teased and kissed his cheek. He smiled and leaned his head against me, watching it.

"A bit," he murmured. "It's gorgeous...." He didn't dare take his eyes off of it as his breathing slowed down to almost nonexistent.

"It's only an illusion." I told him sweetly.

"I know...but I'm glad that I can see it," he whispered and then slowly looked at me, giving me a smile. He buried his face in my chest and took a deep breath of my scent. I looked down at him then kissed the top of his head. You could start at his feet and give him a slow death! I giggled at the thought. He glanced up at me and then pulled away, crawling about a foot away and bringing his knees to his chest. He looked up at the ceiling and then around at the rest of the room curiously. He touched the wooden floor and watched as he left a trail of black. He smirked and signed his initials on the floor. I smiled at him and crawled over to his foot then grabbed it, yanking his body to me.

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked. His eyes widened, and he looked at me as I could hear his little heart start beating faster.

"N-nothing," he said quickly, stuttering as he blushed.

"Nothing?" I asked and then grinned. "Oh I bet you are doing nothing." I leaned in towards his face and kissed his forehead. He bit his bottom lip and looked up at me. He then looked down at the floor shyly and trailed his fingers against the floor, not actually marking it with his powers this time. I growled softly and leaned in towards his neck, trailing my teeth against it to tease him. He whimpered out in fear and then pulled back from me, not going to far but putting at least three inches between us. I laughed and looked into his eyes. "What's wrong?" He glanced up at me and bit his bottom lip.

"N-nothing... I just got a bit nervous," he whispered and curled up, watching me. I laughed and then brought the galaxy out to surround us.

"Hmmmm.... Nervous?" I asked. He looked at it in wonder and smiled softly, relaxing a bit as he looked around and then at me. He moved back over to me and kissed my cheek as he curled up into my side. I wrapped my arms around him and then kissed his cheek. "You like it?" I asked him. He gave a nod.

"Yes, I love it," he mumbled and then closed his eyes as he brushed his hair out of his face and smiled softly, relaxing. "I feel selfish because I don't want anyone else to ever see it."

"Oh really?" I asked and laughed softly. "I'll let you keep a mini one if you'd like." I whispered to him. He blushed then and glanced up at me.

"How would you go about doing that?" He asked softly.

"I'm magical. I can do anything I want." I scooped up a random section of the galaxy around us then had a little glass ball cage it and placed it in his hand. "There you go." He blushed as he looked down at it then let me go and curled up to it, laying down on the floor. He held it close to him and watched it.

"I love it... I'll never lose it," he told me.

"I hope not!" I kissed the top of his head. "I'd give you one with fire but fire needs air to breath." I told him and shrugged. He laughed and looked up at me.

"I can do that actually- cage fire. I figured it out a while ago, and I did it once for my mom," he told me and then looked down at his ball of galaxy with a smile. He sat up then and pulled me to him, kissing my cheek and holding me to him closely.

"So how did you manage to do it?" I asked him and ran my fingers through his hair. He smiled and held out his hand then, making a ball of fire appear. It danced around and was almost hypnotic the way it moved and swirled.

"Well.. it would be hard for others to do it. You see, I use my magic to give it all the air it will need, constantly producing it for it." He kissed my cheek, and I watched as a ball formed around it. It shrunk down just a bit, leaving a few centimeters between the glass and the ball of fire. It swirled around and turned a blue then a fiery orange. He tossed it to his other hand and caught it with a smirk then held it out. "I also enchanted it to react to your thoughts, so for instance," he whispered in my ear as the ball turned back to an icy blue then a passionate red. It flicked through a couple of more colors and then he placed it in my hands, the color going back to its normal fire look. It swirled around a bit slower and then turned a darker shade of orange, verging on red. I looked down at the fire as I was curious about how it knew my thoughts enough to react to it. I put it into my pocket then and smiled towards him.

"Thank you, it will remain with me forever." I promised. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I'm glad it is in safe hands," he murmured and then laid down on the floor, looking up at me. He placed the ball of the small galaxy in his jacket and curled up. I stood up then and motioned for him to follow.

"Come on, you and I still have things to do!" I told him happily. "We are going to see Paris." As soon as I said his name the galaxy around us faded. He frowned and sat up.

"But I don't wanna go see Paris," he whined and gave a pout. "I like it here... I can use my powers more frequently without worry of destroying anything expensive and really important."

"If you destroy something he wouldn't care. I ruin his kitchen periodically." May I add he grounded you for that too. He blushed and then looked down at the floor, drawing something on it with his finger as it left a line of black. He finished it up and looked down at it before looking up at me. I crossed my arms as I looked him over. You should take a small bite out of him... He looks so tasty.

"But I-" he cut himself off as he saw my look and jumped to his feet, a spark of fear in his eyes. He took off running from me then, going as fast as he could. I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked him. I had the air pick up in the room, creating a gush of wind that carried him back to me. He shrieked as he landed in front of me and quickly tried to get away again. I grabbed his wrists and wrapped him up into my arms, kissing his neck. "Scared of me?" He squeezed his eyes shut quickly.

"Please don't eat me," he said, barely able to get it out as he started to tremble. I licked his neck and then kissed his jaw line.

"Why not?" I asked softly. Eat him up. He shivered and tried to get away then, my hands that were holding him heating up painfully as he began burning me. He got out of my arms and then took off again, tripping and falling off the stage into the floor. I caught him with my magic before he hit the ground. "I'm just messing with you silly." I bit my bottom lip and sat him back down on the stage. "You know I have more control over myself then you think. I had a very long time of calming my taste." I walked over towards him and reached out for his hand. He blushed and glanced at where he would have fell onto the floor then up at me. He reached out for me then and took my hand, standing up. I exposed my teeth to him in a smile and leaned back towards his neck and bit it playfully. He yelped and gripped the front of my shirt as his blood- which was absolutely heavenly- got in my mouth. It was rich like a vampires but had the undertone of power and a wizard's taste- absolutely unlike anything I've ever tasted. He curled up into me then, trying not to give another cry out. I widened my eyes as I tasted him. HA! NOW YOU ARE HOOKED! Eat him. I bit down harder as I pushed him to the ground and got on top of him. He screamed out and tried to push up on me, his eyes panicked.

"Hachi! Knock it off! It's not funny!" He shrieked, trying to get away. I growled and bit down harder, feeling excited to get to eat him. I tore out a bite of him and started to eat it. He screamed out and then placed his hands on my chest, burning me. He quickly crawled away as the pain started to hit home, feeling like a thousand needles as the unbearable heat started to react with the warm feeling he had put in my chest. I heard him starting to cry as he managed to get to the other side of the room, opening the door and running out of it with his hand cupped over his neck wound. I groaned as the pain in my chest seemed to be endless and caused me to loose focus for a second. I mumbled a chant and the pain faded as I sent a shield from my core out to push out the painful spell. I stood up quickly as I started to heal myself and took off after Isaac.

"ISAAC!" I hissed angrily. He quickly flicked the wrist and the door slammed shut in my face. I could hear him running, almost tripping over things on the floor in the hall. I had the doors fly open and took off after him through the door. "GET BACK HERE!" I yelled and had the floor under his feet turn into five feet of water. "NOW!" He shrieked as he sunk down into it. He started to panic and let out a terrified scream, trying to get over to the edge and clung onto it for dear life. I laughed as I stepped onto the surface of the water and walked across it like a god. I got to him easily and knelt down by him. "You are bleeding out everywhere." I informed him. He looked up at me in fear and managed to get out of the water, taking off running as he put his hand over his wound. He bit back a scream as I heard his skin sizzle from him burning it to stop the bleeding. I shook my head and tsked. He's getting away. I had him brought back to me by the wind. "Isaac." I purred as I wrapped my arms around him. He squeezed his eyes shut, refusing to look at me as he trembled. He started stuttering out protection spells as quick as he could as a last ditch effort. I kissed him quickly to try to calm him, I was back in control now after all, not my hunger. "It's okay." I whispered against his lips. He paused in his spellcasting and opened his eyes to look at me, still shaking.

"D-don't ever... do that again," he whispered and then buried his face into my shoulder, trying to calm down as he took deep breaths.

"I can't promise that... You know I am a cannibal." I purred. "I just can't help myself." He shook his head quickly.

"I'll run away," he said quickly, moving his head back to look me in the eyes. He looked torn- both afraid of me but loving me at the same time. I looked towards his throat.

"If you run I will eat all of you so you never leave me." I told him aggressively. His eyes widened and his knees started to get weak from terror. He gripped the front of my shirt to keep from falling and then buried his face into my shirt.

"Don't eat me. I'll be good, I swear," he promised, his voice trembling. I hissed his neck, where I bit it, having it heal up.

"I bet you will." I smirked as I looked him over. "After all you are mine." He glanced up at me with a frown.

"I'm not yours. You're mine," he told me, putting a hand over my chest to remind me of the mark. The warm feeling spread throughout me, making me want to melt into his arms. I blushed and leaned against him for support.

"F-fine." I mumbled.

"Now don't bite me again," he whispered and the feeling paused before it started to reach up towards my head and took over my heart.

"But..." I trailed off. "What if I do?" I asked weakly. He smirked at me, getting confident again.

"I'll burn you up and serve you on a plate to Paris," he whispered in my ear. "Extra crispy." I giggled at the thought.

"He'd fry up too." I mumbled.

"So don't bite me or else," he said and then pulled back putting his hands in his pockets before he started to walk off, playing around with fire as little flames danced around his knuckles. I pouted as he walked away from me. Weakling... You let him live. I puffed out my cheeks then followed him. He stretched then and looked back at me.

"Wanna go home?" He asked softly, giving me a sweet smile. You have gone soft Hachi. I nodded towards my sweet little Isaac.

"Let's go home." I purred then used my magic to take us to Paris's manor right in his study. He widened his eyes and looked around.

"Hachi! That's not what I meant," he hissed out quickly, getting behind me before he could be spotted. "You knew I meant my home!"

"Heheheheee." I giggled as we were spotted by Paris, who was furious at his desk.

"HACHI!" Paris yelled out in anger. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! Who is this? RICHARD HACHI IS HOME!" Richard stormed into the study, looking pissed off and then narrowed his eyes at me.

"WHAT THE HECK HACHI?!" He yelled at me coming over and then freezing when he saw Isaac. "Who is this? Did you make a new friend?" He laughed as he calmed down, realizing that I had been off with him instead of getting into trouble. Isaac bit his bottom lip and then tilted his head with a frown.

"I'm Isaac...don't you remember me Richard?" He asked, looking back and forth between Paris and Richard.

"Nooo... they must not remember you... looks like you are easily forgotten Issy." I teased him and then looked at Richard and Paris. "This is Isaac. He's my new friend." I told them. "He's got a bad memory." Isaac frowned and looked at me.

"This isn't fair. I remember them and you say that I have the bad memory. I can't believe they forgot me!" He said and pouted, looking over at Paris. Paris laughed as he seemed to be getting what I done to Isaac.

"Oh! Isaac. You look different then from the last time I saw you." Paris began to play along and looked towards Richard. He frowned at him and then looked at Isaac, looking at him closely. It took him a minute to understand that something must have happened to Isaac's memory then he smirked.

"I'm sorry Isaac. I had a large meal today, and it makes me forgetful and in a daze sometimes. How about you go play with Raven, hmm? We need to talk to Hachi alone." Isaac gave a nod and started to walk off with a smile, happy to be remembered.

"Raven!" He called out and laughed as he left the room. I widened my eyes.

"Someone better tell Raven to play along." I mumbled. Paris nodded and got out his phone and sent out a text before turning back to me.

"WHAT THE HECK IS THAT ABOUT!?" He asked and pointed to the door.

"Uh...." Richard crossed his arms as he sat down on the desk, staring me down as they both waited for an answer. "Well that is a half breed. Crossed with vampire and wizard. A rare treat. I sort of found him when I went out hunting."

"I'm guessing that you altered his memories then.... What are you going to do with him?" Richard asked, looking me over suspiciously.

"Not eat him." I specified that right off the bat. "I think he's interesting. Plus I am hunting his father."

"You're not using the poor boy are you Hachi? That's a little alter someone's memories to trick them into liking you and your family to earn his trust to get him to lead you to his father. He's going to end up heartbroken," Richard muttered and looked over at Paris. "Paris, what should we do? We can't let Hachi use this poor boy like that. You saw the look in his eyes. He was tricked into loving Hachi." I frowned.

"I already got to his father~ Which is a mean father to him- the whole reason why I am hunting him down. I'm only interested in hunting his father because I want him to be safe. He's my little rare treat. I'm even trying not to eat him-"

"That mark on his neck say otherwise." Paris hissed out.

"And you keep calling him a rare treat," Richard pointed out. "People only do that when they plan to eat it- vampires especially."

"I'm not going to eat him!" Yes you will. I frowned. "Besides, he's a new addition to our family. Put up with it."

"Another wizard... and he's a halfing...." Paris shook his head. "We all know you Hachi. You are a cannibal." Richard frowned and looked at me then at Paris.

"Paris...can't you work at the boy's memory and mind, try to tease out his memories that Hachi altered? I don't think this is very fair. He might have had a life before Hachi snatched him out of it. Plus he's obviously going to try to eat him again," Richard whispered to his lover.

"NO DON'T DO THAT! I sort of ate.... his girlfriend..." I mumbled. "He's also got me marked and I don't feel like dying today."

"You ate another wizard?" Paris asked and widened his eyes. I heard a familiar giggle behind me.

"Looks like the cats out of the bag," Raven whispered. I heard Isaac's breath catch in his throat and then he took off running quickly. "Oops, my grip slipped," Raven said and giggled again. I looked behind me and then widened my eyes.

"RAVEN!" I hissed and watched as Isaac ran away. "WHAT DID YOU DO!" I hissed angrily then took off after Isaac. "Isaac come back." Raven appeared in front of him and picked him up with a smirk, watching as he started kicking and screaming. She giggled and held him down.

"Now, now little Isaac," she whispered in his ear.

"Raven~" I hissed as I walked towards them. "Give him to me." She gave a nod and looked at him.

"You really do smell good... but you don't belong to me. Hachi seems to have claimed you," she mumbled and then pushed him towards me, making him stumble and fall against me. I gave him a tight hug.

"Sorry Isaac but if I gave you your memories you would hate me." I told him and patted his head. "I enjoy having you around too much to just freely give them back." He looked up at me then and bit his bottom lip.

"So it is true... I had a girlfriend that I can't even remember?" He looked upset and then glanced back at Raven. "And I never met them before?"

"Right." I curled my fingers around his hair. "You don't even know much about me." I mumbled into his ear. He shook his head then and buried his face into my chest then, wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't care.... It should matter to me, but it doesn't. I know that the stage was real and the rice was real. I know that the mark is real. If I had a girlfriend, I must not have been really in love with her because I can't remember her at all. I don't care what you've done," he mumbled as he started to calm down. Raven smiled then and disappeared, satisfied at the outcome. Paris stood up then.

"Now the only question is... Will Hachi be able to keep you around and not eat you." Paris smirked, like he already knew the answer.

"I will keep him around." I confirmed. You won't on my watch. Isaac pulled back with a smile and kissed my cheek before walking off as he started to play with his fire again. "So he can stay, right?" I asked Paris.

"Hm... as long as you let him live." Paris walked up to me and rubbed my head. Laurence appeared in the room then and glared me down.

"Hachi! We was all worried for you!" Laurence shouted and walked over to me, smacking my chest hard. "Don't do that again!" Isaac turned around with a smile then to look at him.

"Hello Laurence," he said sweetly, using his fake memories to identify him. Laurence looked towards Isaac and raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you? Am I supposed to know you... WHY CAN'T I SEE ANYONE COMING ANYMORE!?" Laurence yelled out in frustration. I pulled back from his fit and blushed.

"He's a wizard and vam-"

"Vampire." Laurence finished off for me. "Father is a... wizard.... named.... The Fire Demon?" Laurence crossed his arms. "What are you doing playing with one of his children?"

"One of his children?" Isaac said and frowned. "I'm the only one." He crossed his arms and watched Laurence curiously. "Does that mean you can see my future now?" Laurence nodded.

"Everything that was and will be." Laurence confirmed. "He~" Laurence hissed my way. "Just makes it hard for me to see things."

"Sowwie." I mumbled. Isaac laughed and then walked over to Laurence.

"Ok," he said and then hugged Laurence. "We should punish Hachi."

"Yes we should." Laurence agreed.

"No you shouldn't!" I shouted.

"He went hunting." Paris informed Laurence.

"I only got.... A girl." I mumbled. One wizard out of four... You are weak, and a huge disappointment. You should have gotten all four of them.

"His girlfriend." Paris mumbled. Isaac looked at me and tilted his head, giving me a cute look.

"Can I have my memories back?" He asked and bit his bottom lip. I nodded and released the spell on him, taking a few steps back from him, getting ready to get murdered. His eyes glazed over and then he gripped Laurence tightly as his knees about gave out. He widened his eyes as he came to and looked at me.

"Hachi....." He looked like he was about to break, unable to make a decision about what to do with his memories restored. I bit my bottom lip as I thought over what I done to his girlfriend. Paris fell out of his chair and started to cough, reaching out for his liquor on the desk. Richard glanced at me and then picked up Paris's drink, taking a huge swig of it as he understood that I must have done something really messed up to make Paris fall out of the seat like that. Isaac, on the other hand, shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut. "I thought....that I heard screaming," he whispered. Laurence looked confused for a second then widened his eyes.

"Ewe... gross." Laurence mumbled then walked over to Richard and grabbed the glass and took a swig of it.

"Please! I need it the most~ I seen what he did!!" Paris shouted and grabbed the drink, running across the room with it and took a sip as he got onto the couch. He pulled away after finishing it off. "Hachi, no more spoons for you." He told me and pointed me down. I blushed. I suddenly heard Isaac mutter something, and I was glued to the floor. I felt my voice and powers were gone, making me completely unable to do anything. Isaac glared at me and started walking over, summoning a fireball in his hand as he had a dark look in his eyes. Paris tackled him in a minute and threw him into a wall. "I can't let you hurt Hachi." Paris told him sternly. "If he dies, so do I and Louis and then it will be impossible to come back from hell and Richard~ as well as August will be left here alone, mateless." Paris growled. Isaac glared at him and then raised his hand up, touching Paris right over his stone and narrowed his eyes as he started to burn him, making him shriek. Paris stayed strong though, I figured he thought it was better then being doomed to hell. He was protecting me as well, being my loyal pet. "Calm down Isaac." Paris ordered, trying to compel him. Isaac widened his eyes as he saw that Paris was able to stay standing and lowered his hands. He shook his head and then looked at me.

"How could you?" He whispered. "She was innocent.... She did nothing to deserve that fate. You should have killed me instead.... I don't know what to do." He bit his lip and closed his eyes before relaxing. "I can't kill you," he mumbled and I felt his power over me loosen, letting me move and speak. My magic flooded back into my core then. "I can't.... because I love you too... I don't understand it. I loved her, but I can't even avenge her death." Paris took a few steps back from him cautiously then walked over to me and rubbed my head.

"You'll have to look past his predator side." Paris told Isaac. "He's not so bad." I snapped my jaws at Paris, making him jump back.

"That's right." I growled. "I'm the king here." I muttered. Laurence laughed and got on the desk. "Isaac, I don't regret eating her. Her eyes was just right." I purred. "Just the right texture."

"I think... I'm going to puke." Paris mumbled.

"Plus she's out of my way to you now." I added. Isaac bit his bottom lip and then slid down the wall, curling up into a ball.

"I shouldn't have taken you to her....knowing that you were interested in eating wizards," he whispered. "It's my fault that she's gone...." He pulled out the small galaxy and looked at it. "Though its strange because... I'm not exactly mad at you. I'm just sad that she had to die." He looked up at me then. I licked my lips as I thought about how good he tasted. He's next.

"I think I will put you in a bedroom far away from Hachi's bedroom tonight." Paris told Isaac as he looked me over. "You need to get out of those clothes before the kids see you like that Hachi." I looked down at my blood-stained clothes. Isaac got up then, putting the ball back in his pocket and then left the room, shutting the door softly behind him as he left us. I bit my bottom lip then went after Isaac. When I was out of the room I looked for him then had the wind carry him back to me.

"Exactly where do you think you are going? Do I have to mark you to make you stay here?" I asked him. He blushed, clearly not that upset with me anymore.

"N-no... I was going to the library. I like to read a book before going to sleep," he mumbled and then wrapped his arms around me, burying his face into my shirt. "Hachi, can you take my memories of her away? If you could leave everything else...." I shook my head.

"I think you should keep them." I told him and rubbed his head. "You might want to get them back one day and.. well.." I shook my head and pulled away. "I'll be in our room. Which is my room." I told him and then walked off down the hall. Isaac took off running then in the direction of the manor's many libraries, not hesitating to make his escape. I frowned then had the magic take me to my bedroom that I kept locked always. I walked over towards my bathroom and entered it then stripped off the yucky clothes and started up a hot bath.

I added bubbles and waited for it to fill up. I walked around the bathroom, looking at the smallest of things. I picked up my hair brush and ran it through my hair to pass the time. I looked towards the bath as it was halfway full now so I stepped in and sunk down into the hot water. I giggled and started to play with the bubbles, creating more with my magic. I laughed and had a rubber ducky appear in my hands and sat it down in the water with me. I sunk my head under the water when it was high enough and looked up at the ceiling. I turned the water off before it over spilled and sat there under the water, testing my luck. I was trying out how long I could hold my breath under. 10...5....3...2..6.....7.....5....7...8..8...3.....2...8...1...9? I shot up out of the water when it grew hard to hold my breath and concentrate on counting. I smirked and closed my eyes, resting my head against the back of the tub in pure bliss.

I got out of the water after it started to get cold and dried off. I looked at the clock in my bathroom, seeing I had been in for about two hours. I shrugged it off then stood in front of my mirror with scissors and trimmed up my hair over the sink. I washed down the hair and then began brushing my teeth. I dried off my body afterwards and walked off towards the closet. I stomped around it for a few minutes, trying to pick out something to wear. I ended up putting on cargo shorts and a Green Day band t-shirt that Lauren had gotten me. I shook my hair for a few seconds- making it really messy and then walked out of the closet to my bed.

After about twenty more minutes, I heard a subtle, timid knock on the door. "Hachi?" I heard Isaac ask softly for me. I had my magic open the door for him.

"Come in." I told Isaac. I sat up on the bed and looked towards him. He had a book of fairy tales tucked under his arm and his red hair looked a bit ruffled. He had probably been laying down in the library curled up in one of the window seats. He blushed and came in, shutting the door softly behind him before coming over and setting the book on the nightstand.

"Were you wanting to see me earlier? I remembered that you told me where you would be, but I wasn't sure if that meant to come see you or not," he whispered and looked me over. The door was opened quickly and Dannie rushed into the room.

"HACHI!" Dannie shouted with joy as he rushed over and jumped up onto the bed with me. He gave me a tight hug. "You was away! You are home though, aren't you? You won't leave again?" He asked me. He looked towards Isaac then and shied away. "Who's that?" He asked as he snuggled up to his bunny that he always carried around. Isaac laughed as he remembered Dannie from his false memories I had given him before and then picked up the book, looking at me.

"Good night Hachi," he told me and started for the door. "Maybe I'll see you in the morning." Paris was by the door and smirked at Isaac.

"I have the room ready for you, right on time huh?" Paris asked him. I frowned but sat up and smiled at Dannie.

"My boytoy." I told Dannie. I saw Isaac tense up and the book dropped from his hands. He slowly turned around and glared at me, flicking his wrists. I was suddenly being held down on the bed by some unseen force and the pillow was over my head, cutting off my air supply. The warm feeling in my chest heated up to a mild burning feeling.

"I'm. Not. Your. Boytoy," Isaac hissed out. I heard Isaac being slammed up against the wall, probably by Paris.

"Let him go." Paris ordered. I was suddenly freed, but the burning feeling didn't stop. This is why we don't keep wizards around. You'll eat him tonight. Got it? You don't need to be killed in your sleep by this... child. I growled.

"Could you please excuse Isaac and I?" I asked Paris and Dannie. Dannie took off out the room quickly and Paris glanced at boy of us before leaving the room. My magic shut the door and I hopped off the bed, heading for Isaac. His eyes widened and he took off for the window in my room to escape. I had his feet glued to the ground and then I made him loose his gravitational pull to Earth. He started to float up towards the ceiling then. "Isaac." I growled. "You tried to kill me twice." He looked down at me and bit his bottom lip.

"I wasn't going to kill you....just going to scare you," he whispered as he curled up, not liking being detached from the floor. I laughed darkly.

"Oh you scared me alright." I muttered. "I should mark you as punishment." His eyes widened and he started to cast a protection spell on himself and a gravity one. He fell to the floor then took off for my bathroom, slamming and locking the door behind him. I saw the door shimmer then with a boundary spell to keep me out. I frowned and looked at the bathroom door. "COWARD." I hissed. I heard him unlock the door then and come out.

"I'm not a coward!" He yelled at me, looking upset.

"Yes you are." I snapped. He looked me in the eyes then.

"No, I'm not," he growled at me. "You are the one that called me your boytoy." He walked over to me then. "I am not anyone's boytoy." He softened his expression then and pulled me to him, giving me a hug. "Sorry...about trying to scare you to get back at you. I would never actually kill you unless I had a really good reason. I like you too much," he whispered and kissed my cheek. The spell off of my bathroom disappeared then and I felt his protection spell lower. I smirked and then stroke him with my mark spell. The stitches started to cover his body as they stapled their way into him. I laughed, pulling away to watch from a distance. My beautiful stitches made their way into him. I felt a bit jealous that I couldn't hand stitch them into him... but if I did try to he would get away. He screamed out and fell to the ground, crumbling up into a ball as he scratched at the floor, leaving a small trail of burned wood as his powers started to act up. I watch him and laughed, letting him get away with being dramatic. I walked over to the bed and sat down on it, playing with one of the stitches on my wrist, causing Paris, Louis... and now Isaac to feel it. Isaac whimpered and curled up on the floor as the stiches finished up on him. "W-why?" He asked as he held his wrist to his chest in reaction to my playing with the stich. He bit his bottom lip to keep from crying out. I smirked.

"I think I want new ones." I purred as I got out a needle and a thread. I began to stitch up my bottom lip, making new ones appear on my pets. Isaac shrieked out in pain and started to cry as he touched his lip as they began stitching themselves onto him. He gave me a pleading look as his other hand was scratching at the floor, breaking and tearing up his nails and giving him splinters as he was trying to take the pain out on something other than his voice. I stopped after three stitches and then put away the needle and thread. "Never... ever... mess with me." I ordered him. "I have power beyond your imagination." I told him and waved my hands his way. "Now come here and let's see those nails." He got up obediently, unable to disobey me and walked over then got on the bed in front of me. He looked sad as he glanced at the stitches then up at me. I kissed his cheek then started to pull out the splinters in his fingers. When I finished I began kissing them and healing them up for him. "Don't do that again." I ordered. "Paris has issues with scratching and I don't want something like that to pick up with you." He whimpered and gave a nod then leaned forward and buried his face into the crook of my neck. I made a glass appear in my hand full of my blood and I gave it to him. "Drink this."

"What is-" he stopped as he pulled back, recognizing the scent of the drink. He took it and curled up on my bed, sipping on it in pure happiness. I smiled and got under the covers, curling up into them.

"I hope you like your reward." I purred to him.

"Reward?" He asked, glancing up at me and then taking another sip of the drink. He curled up to the glass then, smiling softly.

"Yes, that is for being obedient." I told him. "Now don't try to kill me again, or scare me." He gave a small nod and looked up at me lovingly.

"I won't," he told me sweetly and took another sip. "I like you too much to kill you, and I'm too nice to do that....But I won't scare you again like that." I nodded and closed my eyes to get some rest. I needed it badly since I had been using so much magic today. I opened my eyes then in panic. I sat up and cast a spell around the manor instantly- a shield spell. I relaxed then and looked towards Isaac. He tilted his head as he sensed the spell and then crawled across the bed to be closer to me and curled up against me as he took another sip, halfway through my blood.

"Do you like that?" I asked him as I motioned to the blood in the cup. "It's mine." His eyes widened and he blushed a dark shade of red. He looked from the glass to my eyes.

"Its....yours?" He asked softly.

"Yes, that is my blood." He looked at it, taking another sip then giving me a longing look.

"'s the best thing I've ever tasted," he whispered. I smiled and leaned in towards his cheek, kissing it.

"Glad you do." I whispered.

"Are you sure this is alright?" He whispered back, looking at the blood. "I can drink the bottles of blood Hachi." He blushed at the idea of drinking my blood and then set it down on the nightstand, kissing my cheek as he wrapped his arms around me. He snuggled up to me and rested his head against my chest.

"Don't let that go to waste!" I grumbled. "If I didn't want you drinking my blood then I would have gave you a bottle of blood in the first place." I insisted. "Drink up." He blushed then and reached for it, taking a sip of it as he curled up into a ball against me.

"Does this mean I'm supposed to be your pet?" He asked, referring to the stitches. "I mean...when I marked you, that's what you thought I was doing."

"Hmmm... You're my pet." I told him and rubbed his head. "That's what it means." I decided. He blushed and then finished up the glass as he looked up at me.

"Does it mean I can't disobey you?" He gave me the glass as he watched me. I threw the glass across the room and nodded.

"Never disobey me." I ordered sharply. "Unless.... Unless you have good reason." He nodded then and curled up to me.

"Ok," he mumbled and then kissed my neck. "Paris will be wanting me to go to my own room soon."

"You should probably obey him. This is his home and house... Plus he's a bit old stylish and he's worried I might eat you in my sleep. So you can go whenever you get ready to. I'm sure he's outside waiting." He gave a nod and sat up then looked at his arms and blushed.

"Did he know you were going to do this to me?" He whispered, glancing at me.

"I'm not sure." I mumbled. He pulled his shirt sleeves down as far as he could, wanting to hide it from sight. "There are some long sleeves in my closet." I suggested. He gave a nod quickly and got up, going for my closet. He came out wearing one of my black button up long sleeve shirts and was finishing up buttoning the second to top one as he shut the door behind him. He looked up at me and bit his bottom lip before coming over and kissing my cheek.

"I guess I can't be too upset about this," he mumbled.

"No, you can't." I told him and curled up to my pillows. "Goodnight Isaac." I mumbled. He smirked then, tucking me in to bed.

"Goodnight little Hachi," he murmured in my ear. I looked up at him then and pulled him into a kiss. He blushed and then wrapped his arms around me as he sat down on the edge of the bed. He kissed me back, tilting his head to deepen the kiss. He licked my bottom lip playfully and then took it in between his teeth to tease me even though we both knew he didn't have fangs. I heard a knock on the door then.

"Isaac! Come on, time for bed." Paris called on the other side. Isaac whined then, pulling back from the kiss and burying his face into my neck.

"But I don't wanna," he whispered. The door opened and Paris stepped in.

"Come on, you may have survived one night with Hachi asleep but who knows about tonight. Let's go." Paris insisted. I pouted and looked towards Paris.

"But Paris!"

"Let's go Isaac." Isaac whined again but sat up obediently, moving to do as he was told and left me alone.