
Dante's POV:

I smirked as I shut the door to my bedroom back at the castle. I glanced over to the bed where I had been imprisoning Charlie for the past couple of days since how he didn't want to be turned. "Are you willing to be turned yet?" I asked as I walked over to the bed, getting in it. Charlie curled up to me and shook his head.

"Nope." Charlie growled in my ear. "Now let me see some sunshine." He poked my cheek hard. "Or else suffer being poked to death." I laughed and shook my head.

"No... not until I turn you," I insisted and then laid down on the bed, watching him. "You will be turned eventually, whether you like it or not. You don't have the vampire hunter muscles and skills anymore to fight me." He grumbled, like he was hiding something then smirked.

"Heh." He leaned in towards my neck and bit down. I widened my eyes and gripped his hair as I yelped.

"C-Charlie? What are you doing?" I hissed out. He bit down harder and growled playfully before pulling back.

"Getting you back for leaving me here to rot." Charlie growled. "I want to go outside."

"No," I insisted as I narrowed my eyes at him. HE BIT ME. I growled then and grabbed him by his sides, pulling him on top of me and biting down on his neck hard and tearing a chunk out as revenge. He screamed out in pain and whimpered, trying to get away from me.

"OWE YOU ASS!" Charlie hissed out and kneed me between the legs. "I'm at my weakest you~ vampire." I laughed darkly as I ignored the pain and then bit down again.

"That's what you get.... I should send you back to Dylan soon...when I have turned you and had my fun. I don't think it's fair to let you not have your hunter skills resharpened. I'll always be at an advantage and that's no fun," I purred in his ear and then licked at his blood on his neck. He grabbed a hold of my sides and dug his nails in.

"I'll get you back for this." He husked out. He tried to get off me then. I laughed, deciding I was done waiting for him. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Nuh uh," I murmured in his ear and then tore into his neck again. He let out a scream.

"DANTE!" He cried out and whimpered. "Stop!" He squirmed in my arms as his heartbeat started to speed up. I smirked and then pulled out my phone as I moved my head back. I pulled up Dylan's number then, deciding I'd tell him that Charlie finally showed up. I pulled up messages then, licking Charlie's neck to keep it from dripping on my shirt.

Me: Dylan, I found Charlie. He's safe.

Charlie started to crawl away from me then as I was busy with my phone.

Dylan: THAT'S GREAT! Are you bringing him home?!

Me: Soon. I am turning him.


Charlie fell off the bed then and took the covers with him.

Me: You better get over here then or else there won't be any Charlie left for you. He's bleeding out on the floor. Want me to come pick you up?


Charlie groaned out in pain as he tried to crawl away from the bed. I put my phone in my pocket then, teleporting to the Ainsworth's front porch. "DYLAN! LET'S GO!" I shouted, giving a smirk. Dylan rushed out the door then, in his night clothes and sat down a bottle of empty blood. He smirked.

"Let's go!" Dylan said with excitement. "Riley is out hunting right now. I didn't tell him because I thought it should be a surprise." I gave a nod and took Dylan's arm, teleporting us back to my bedroom.

"Charlie! I brought your brother! We're going to be your maker together!" I laughed and walked around the bed, finding him still wrapped up in the bedsheets. He was already passing out from the blood loss.

"Dylan?" Charlie asked softly. Dylan walked around to stand by me. "I want to go home..." He mumbled softly. I laughed and knelt down beside him, pulling his head into my lap.

"I will let you go home soon... The only rule is that I have to go too. I can't let it happen again to you," I whispered and then looked up at Dylan.

"You are welcome to come home with him." Dylan told me as he knelt down. "Do you know the procedure of duel maker?" Dylan asked curiously. Charlie started to pass out on us. I thought it over and then moved Charlie's hair out of his face, tapping the side of his face to keep him up.

"Yeah," I said and kissed Charlie's forehead. Dylan reached over and rubbed his hand against Charlie's cheek. Charlie looked up slowly then closed his eyes.

"Perfect, let's do this before he dies." Dylan mumbled then bit into his wrist and waited on me. I glanced over at him to watch and then pulled my hand back from Charlie, copying Dylan and licking my lips clean of my blood. Dylan pulled back and opened Charlie's mouth then waited for me to join as he started to hold his wrist over Charlie's mouth to make him drink his blood, he held it up couple of inches so we both could feed him. I quickly moved to feed him, not wanting to lose my chance at it. If Charlie swallowed Dylan's blood before he got mine, we wouldn't be dual makers. Charlie snapped his jaw shut after a second and let out a groan. He was refusing to swallow. "Charlie Ainsworth." Dylan hissed. I narrowed my eyes and leaned down to his ear.

"Would you like me to drain every...last...drop?" I hissed in his ear. "I will do it and then I will force our blood down your throat." His heart skipped a beat as fear took him over and he swallowed what was in his mouth already and then opened up for us.

"Good boy." Dylan whispered. I smirked and held my wrist above his mouth again. I wonder how Dylan managed to turn such a stubborn little hunter. Charlie swallowed our blood without hesitation and started to go for Dylan's wrist but Dylan held him down. "Nope, you have to have our blood- both of ours." Dylan told him. I gave a nod and watched, getting a bit curious. I had heard how to do it...but I'd never really done it- being a dual maker. Charlie turned over after a minute and curled up, beginning to spit out some of the blood as his turning process was beginning. Dylan stepped back and motioned for me to do the same. "Now our blood bonds together in him." Dylan mumbled. "Quite painful I heard." I raised an eyebrow and pulled back, sitting down on my bed.

"You may sit if you like Dylan," I offered, watching him. "I don't know if it will take long or not." Dylan got up and sat down by me.

"It will take longer then the usual bite and go." Dylan told me. Charlie let out a shriek of pain and curled up into himself. I frowned and looked down at him.

"Charlie....when you become a vampire, is there anything you would like when you wake up? Like a thing of flowers or a box of something sweet? A bowl of icecream? One of my maids?" I asked, laying out on the bed to get comfortable. Charlie hissed my way and let out a groan.

"No!" He hissed stubbornly and I heard him roll over onto his back, arching it.

"Oh you big baby. You went through this before. You know it gets better."

"And pleasurable," I added on with a smirk. "Be glad Dylan is here or else you wouldn't get a break from me." I laughed darkly and then looked towards the door. "Melanie!" After a few minutes, one of my sweetest maids walked in and curtsied. I smirked. "Melanie, remember Charlie?" She gave a nod and glanced down at him then bit her bottom lip.

"You want me to feed him when he finishes turning," she whispered, right on target. I nodded to her. She closed her eyes in fear and then walked over, sitting down beside Charlie and untied the cloak around her, revealing her shoulder and neck. She moved her hair to one side and began waiting.

"Don't worry. I won't let him kill you," I promised, watching with interest.

"Go away." Charlie growled towards her through the pain of his turning. She shook her head, knowing to obey me over Charlie. After all, I was the master.

"Charlie, you'll be wanting to feed," I reminded him. Charlie glared me down.

"I'll drain you." Charlie hissed, earning a laugh from Dylan.

"He told me that to, on the first time I turned him." I laughed then.

"You can't kill me," I told him and then looked at Dylan. "We should stick him in the dungeon for saying that to us."

"You both are going in the dunge-" He coughed up blood, and never finished his sentence. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"We should make you watch Frozen while you are down there....then Nemo," I teased. He fell silent as he looked up at the ceiling. I noticed his features changing to make him look like a vampire and he close his eyes. I glanced over at Dylan. "I'm surprised you didn't attack me and make him your newborn." I smirked as I sat up.

"It's not that big of a deal, as long as I am one of his." Dylan smirked. "Plus I will find this entertaining. I'm surprised you didn't just keep him to yourself."

"Well... I was planning on sending him to you for training because I don't know the way of the hunter as well as you...and he lost his skill. He can't even fight me," I said and looked down at him. "Plus I didn't want the next time we saw each other to have a bullet put in my shoulder again. And I figured that because you are his brother you would want to be involved."

"I deserve to be his maker." Dylan grumbled. "After all he is my brother." He shook his head. Charlie let out a yelp and covered his mouth. "What's wrong Charlie? Getting your fangs?" I laughed at that and then got off the bed and into the floor, pulling his head into my lap. I rubbed his cheek and kissed his forehead.

"It'll all be better soon," I whispered to him. He whimpered and curled up into my lap.

"No it won't..." He argued. Dylan walked over and sat down by us.

"Cry baby." Dylan hissed. "You went through this once. Now stop crying and let it happen again."

"Want a kiss?" I teased, looking him over. "I can take your mind off of it...though your brother will have to turn around."

"No!" Charlie hissed and blushed a bright pink. He moved out of my arms and went for Dylan who gladly took him into his arms. I dropped my jaw then and pouted.

"You're so mean," I muttered and then crawled back into the bed, curling up to the pillow he had been using for the past few days. It smelled like him now.... Dylan kissed Charlie on the top of the head and then picked him up, placing him onto the bed with me and picked up the covers, putting them on the bed.

"I'm going home to give you two privacy. Behave... Or don't." Dylan told us and looked towards the maid. "Give them an hour of privacy then come in to feed Charlie unless you want to watch." He walked out of the room then. I widened my eyes.

"DYLAN, DON'T LEAVE ME WITH YOUR BROTHER!" I screamed out as I watched Melanie get up and leave the room. Dylan didn't come back as Charlie curled up into the blankets to give himself comfort. That traitor.... I shook my head and felt my lips curl up into a smirk then. He's a bit like me. I glanced down at Charlie and bit my bottom lip. He's going to kill me.... I leaned in and kissed the top of his head. "Charlie?" I whispered, wondering if he was mad at me or not. I kissed his check then the corner of his lips teasingly. He turned over and faced away from me and groaned.

"Stop... it all hurts..." Charlie grumbled. I raised an eyebrow then kissed his neck where I had bitten it then moved down a few inches to start a love bite. He groaned and pushed me away then covered up his head. I sighed.

"Fine, be that way," I hissed and turned over onto my side as I buried my face into my pillow. He started to roll over then and fell off the bed, yelping at the impact of the floor. I sat up and looked at him. "Charlie?" I reached out for him then pulled him onto the bed. I kissed his cheek then and smiled at him, giving him a sweet look. He looked up into my eyes and then closed his, looking extremely tired. "You are going to wake up so hungry," I murmured. I really hope that by then those two come back. He'll eat me. I kissed his cheek then and laid him out on the bed, curling up beside him as I watched over him. He curled up to me instantly after catching my scent and found comfort in me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, keeping him close. He's getting close then. If he finds comfort in something such as scent.... He curled up into a ball against me and whimpered.

"Dante...." He mumbled.

"Yes my love?" I asked, kissing his cheek again. I smiled softly and closed my eyes.

"I don't want to be a vampire." Charlie grumbled.

"Well too bad," I grumbled. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Even your brother agrees with me." He shook his head slightly and held his stomach.

"It sucks." He huffed out.

"You'll be fine," I whispered. "Besides, you don't want to die and leave me here on this Earth alone, do you? That'd be cruel...." I kissed his lips then gently and pulled back to look at him. He looked up at me and then looked away and shook his head. "Thank you Charlie," I mumbled as I smiled. At least he wouldn't leave me here forever alone to rule this planet. I pulled him closer. "How are you feeling? Would you like to sleep the rest of this off?" I asked, deciding to be nicer about the whole situation. He nodded sleepily.

"Did you say sleep?" Charlie asked me softly. I gave a nod.

"Go ahead. I'll watch over you," I whispered. "I won't leave your side." I kissed his cheek and started to play with his hair to make him even more sleepy. He passed out within seconds as if the whole time he had been using every single word from my mouth to keep him conscious.

~Time Skip~

Charlie started to wake up slowly in my arms after a couple of hours and moved out of my arms. He started for the door then without hesitation, stumbling a bit. "Where ya going?" I sung out playfully then teleported in front of him, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his neck. He fell into my arms and blushed.

"I'm hungry." Charlie whispered.

"I'll get Melanie," I murmured in his ear and then pulled my face back. "DYLAN! MELANIE!" I shouted, giving a little smirk. Dylan walked back in after a few minutes, eating an apple and looked towards Charlie. Charlie had been slowly falling in my arms the whole time.

"Oh look who's awake!" Dylan purred. "My little brother." Melanie walked in and bit her bottom lip when she saw Charlie.

"Master Charlie," she whispered, lowering her eyes. I let go of Charlie and gently nudged him towards her. Charlie looked towards her and shifted his eyes towards Dylan and exposed his fangs then walked up towards Melanie and pulled her close, leaning into her neck. He bit down without hesitation and started to drink from her, showing no mercy.

"No killing her Charlie," I warned, watching him closely. I liked Melanie. She didn't deserve to be killed by Charlie. She whimpered and let her arms go limp by her sides, falling silent. Charlie looked towards me while he feasted upon her blood and gave me a glare. "Charlie," I said in a warning tone. When she started to go weak, I reached for her, taking her from him before he could keep on to the point of no return. I kissed her cheek and pulled her close to me, inspecting her neck. Charlie cleaned off his face and slung the blood onto the floor and then walked over towards Dylan.

"What's the matter Charlie? Didn't get enough?" Dylan asked. Charlie growled and grabbed Dylan quickly, pulling him close and bit into him, beginning to drink his blood. "You are so troubled." I sighed at that.

"Melanie, report to the infirmary. Get it looked at. If you end up needing being turned, please, feel free to send for me," I told her and opened the door. I let her out and watched as she walked down the hall, holding a hand over her wound. I shut the door then and looked towards Charlie and Dylan before walking over to my bed and climbing in it. "Dylan, you may spend the night tonight. The room right next to mine is free, or you may pick a different bedroom. Your choice," I told him with a smile as I got underneath the covers. Charlie is his problem now. Charlie pulled back after a second and looked towards the door and shoved Dylan away, heading for it. "Charlie," I hissed out. "You are not to leave my sight," I ordered, using my blood rather than my power as his maker. Charlie looked my way as he stood in the door way and looked out into the hall longingly.

"Ugh!" Charlie grumbled. "Darn you!" He turned towards me.

"Can't have what happened last time happen again," I whispered as I watched him. "Where were you going anyways?"

"To hunt." Charlie hissed. "Ever thought about that?" He snapped.

"Spicy." Dylan tsked as he looked at us both. "Riley wants to see you." Charlie's eyes light up then.

"He does?" Charlie asked. I sighed.

"Charlie, you may go with Dylan. You are not to leave his sight though. That's my condition," I told them and gestured for them to run along as I curled up to the bedsheets. Charlie looked towards me with sad eyes then turned towards Dylan and smiled.

"Let's go see Riley!" Charlie urged.

"You can't hunt though until you are more... fit." Dylan told him as he took him out of the room. I looked after them and frowned, not liking that Charlie was gone already. I had just gotten him back from Oz, and I couldn't warn Dylan or else Paris would find out. The whole plan would go to pieces. It was already risky enough letting Dylan back in Charlie's life at this point. I looked down at the bedsheets and picked at them, feeling empty at the moment. After a few moments Oz appeared right by me, laying down on his back.

"Hmmm.... Have you gotten Hachi yet?" Oz asked. I sat up quickly and then looked at him.

"Hachi? I have," I murmured. "Are you wanting to start the first phase of your plan now? We can go retrieve them and begin the banishing process while Charlie is out," I said and watched him. So he just thinks he can show up when he feels like it?

"Sounds like a plan~ But first I want to see Hachi." Oz ordered. I nodded and closed my eyes.

"Hachi...come," I ordered, knowing he would feel the need to come to me- whether he took it or not would truly be up to him, but he'd do it because of the need to protect Paris. Hachi appeared in front of me with a stack of pancakes in one hand and a bottle of orange juice in the other.

"Yes Dante?" Hachi asked sweetly and then froze up when he seen Oz. I smirked and stood up.

"Hello Hachi," I said and walked over, wrapping an arm around his waist to get back at Oz for Charlie. I looked over at Oz and smelled Hachi's neck. "Well here he is Oz." Hachi looked at me then handed me the plate of pancakes and opened up the bottle of orange juice and started to chug it. I laughed and set the plate of pancakes on the nightstand. I didn't take my arm from off of his waist and kept him close to tease Oz. Oz sat up slowly on the bed and looked Hachi over curiously.

"Hachi... I have to say... You look like you are a bit drained. Have you been letting someone feed off of you?" Oz asked and got up slowly then started for Hachi. Hachi stepped back slightly and stopped drinking his orange juice.

"Maybe I have... Maybe I haven't." Hachi teased. I raised an eyebrow at him and then tilted his face to look at me.

" dear sweet Hachi...go fetch Laurence....Bring him," I ordered and slowly let go of him, giving him a look. "Don't forget the bracelet I gave you to put on him." Hachi nodded before handing over the bottle and disappeared from our sight. Oz raised an eyebrow and walked over to me, taking the bottle and smelled it.

"It's called orange juice. You should try it if you haven't before," I told him and gestured for him to go ahead. "Hachi shouldn't mind." I laughed and sat on the bed. "We'll have to be quick. My mate may still be home...and he'll come to see what the screaming is about."

"Have you turned Charlie?" Oz asked as he looked around the room and sat down on the bed, taking a sip of the orange juice. I glanced at him then.

"Does it matter?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Not at all." Oz told me. Hachi came back quickly with Laurence beside him, with the bracelet on.

"Here you go." Hachi said softly and went for his pancakes after seeing Oz had his orange juice. Laurence took one good look around then hissed at Oz and I.

"WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE!?" Laurence hissed out in outrange.

"Wait.... was I supposed to take banish him now or later?" Hachi said absent minded making Oz laugh. I shook my head and looked at Laurence.

"This works out in my favor... I've always wanted to mess with Laurence and not have him able to fight back," I said and smirked wickedly, getting up and walking over to Laurence. I grabbed him by his arm and pinned him up against the wall then exposed my fangs. Laurence widened his eyes as he realized the bracelet was restricting him from his powers.

"Dante~ What are you doing? You are our family now. You shouldn't be betraying us! Hachi how could you do this!" Laurence said, sounding hurt. Hachi stuffed his face full of food to keep quiet. I smirked and looked him over.

"Surely you saw this coming...all the way from," I murmured and then leaned in towards his neck, biting down. He let out a scream and tried to get away from me, stomping down on my foot hard then and squirmed in my arms. His fangs sharpened as he tried to defend himself. I laughed darkly and reached in to his mouth, touching his fangs. "Bite me...and I'll rip them out," I hissed. His eyes widened as he grew still. I pulled back then and licked my lips, looking over at Hachi. "Hachi....banish him," I ordered then went over to Oz. "Oz, let's go enjoy some of my maids while my mate is out. Hachi will wrap things up here for us." Oz smirked and looked Hachi over.

"Oh alright.. When you finish carrying out the order, Hachi... come see us. We have catching up to do." Oz purred and started for Hachi. Hachi slipped out of his grasp as he went to Laurence as ordered and took him away. Oz pouted then looked towards me. I smirked and took Oz's arm, leading him away to eat my lesser maids.

Laurence's POV:

Hachi took me into a dungeon and smirked as he placed me in a cell and healed up my neck for me. "Stay here cutie and I will explain everything to you." Hachi promised me. I glared him down.

"YOU MONSTER! GANGING UP WITH THEM! I HOPE PARIS FINDS A WAY TO RIP YOU APART WITHOUT HURTING HIMSELF!" I screamed at him in outrage. Hachi looked down at his feet in shame for a few seconds then looked back up at me.

"Laurence you should know me well enough to know that I would never let anyone hurt our family." He tried lying to me. I smacked him across the face.

"YOU LIAR!" Hachi yelped out in pain as I yelled at him. He rubbed his cheek and I paused, realizing he had let me hurt him. "Y-you let me hurt you."

"It hurt too!" Hachi mumbled and had ice appear in his hand and he placed it against his cheek. "Oweeeeee...."

"WEAKLING!" I yelled at him and tackled him to the ground, pinning him down onto the floor. Raven appeared in the hall outside the bars of my cell and looked in at us, her eyes glazed over a bit.

"Hachi...stop rolling around in the dirt with him," she said and smirked, walking over towards the door. Hachi looked up at her and then looked towards me.

"I'm afraid you need to stop Laurence and control yourself. You need to hear me out." Hachi told me, making my muscles tense up.

"LISTEN TO YOU!?" I yelled and glared him down. "I hope the fire demon comes and eats you." I spat his way and went to bite him. He had me thrown into the wall by a gush of wind, showing no guilt over doing it.

"Don't you dare bite me." Hachi hissed as he got to his feet. "Now listen up!" He ordered and my lips was sewn shut. I widened my eyes as it stung like a bee. "You need to lie low for a while Laurence and trust that everything will go well here." He told me as he walked my way. "I will try forgiving you for how you acted as well." He promised. "Now lie low here until we come to get you." His eyes flicked to Raven. She came in then and smiled, the light returning to her eyes. She ran over and giggled, kissing my cheek.

"Hey Laurence! Tell ya what. When this is all over, I'll take you to go get an ice cream if you behave," she said and smiled at me sweetly then looked at the bracelet. "Hachi, Dante needs the bracelet soon. It's going to start with or without it in the next five minutes....and we don't want Oz to have his powers when he realizes the betrayal." I widened my eyes. What were they meaning by betrayal?

"See! We are doing something good. Now lay low here cutie... Hmmm...." He flicked his hands and exchanged the bracelet out for a Nintendo in my hands. "Play with that." He put the bracelet into his pocket and then glared me down. "And if you move an inch out of this cell or even think about it... I will put you ten feet under just to make sure you don't spoil our plans." He waved his hands my way and I was shackled to the wall. "Good boy." Raven frowned a bit as she looked me over then went over to Hachi, reaching into his pocket and taking the bracelet. She slipped it into hers and smirked.

"Mine," she whispered and then bounced over to the cell door. "Now lets go catch ourselves a vampire!" Hachi gave me an air kiss before closing the cell door and disappearing with his magic. I pulled on the shackles to test them and was stung by them.

"OWE!" I hissed. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on getting out of them through the shadows, finding my whole body getting shocked from thinking about it. "AH!" I curled up to the wall and whimpered. I pulled out my phone and it suddenly disintegrated. Raven appeared in front of me then and smirked.

"By the way, don't struggle. Think about it this way. It's better than taking away your powers forever and then banishing you to another dimension like Ashton's," she told me and walked over, kissing my cheek. "It'll be over soon...hopefully."

"You can't just lock me up down here forever, Raven! I need to go warn Paris!" I reached out and grabbed her wrist. "Raven~ What did Dante do to you?" I asked softly. "He's working with Oz! You don't see that though.. do you?" I asked, panicking. I curled up into myself as the future was so unclear since Hachi was playing a big part in it. She sighed.

"Weeell... I've given the bracelet to Dante already. I can stay with you until I'm needed," she whispered and then sat down in front of me. "Look, he is trying to help save Paris and Louis. Oz was Hachi's master once upon a time, and when Oz tried to eat our favorite twins...well Hachi didn't like it, and so Hachi joined our happy little family. Oz is upset and wants Hachi back and to ruin the Grimm twins. In order to do that, he stole Charlie to force Dante into working with him, but no one messes with Dante and usually lives to tell about it, so Dante is protecting his family for Charlie and for his own revenge. You are safe. Oz may have targeted you, but Dante is about to use the bracelet on him to take his powers. After that, we are going to kill him. The disappearances in Maine is one of Oz's scouts and is the start of an army to get Paris and Louis. We have to be careful, and that means keeping it a secret from those who are not involved directly. You get to know now because it was time to 'banish' you," she said and did air quotation marks around the word banished. She smiled at me sweetly and watched me. I narrowed my eyes towards her then softened them.

"I don't know if I can trust you Raven, you are under his influence... You have drunk his blood and are enslaved to him." I shook my head. "I swear if this ends badly... They both will pay for it!" I growled. She looked up at me sadly then and looked at the ground.

"I only drank his blood in hopes that I could save Paris. Paris couldn't know...or Charlie would get hurt and everything would be destroyed," she murmured. "Everyone that I've come to love these past years would be killed."

"How do you know we can trust him though!" I growled. That mongrel Dante has been the bad guy since day one... Just look at his country's history. She gave a nod, understanding what I was talking about.

"Yes, Dante has been terrible. It's why I left him....Laurence, how much do you love Ashton? I bet a lot, right? He's your mate. Charlie is Dante's mate. He'd do anything for Charlie and for his own honor. His mate was defiled.... He is doing it for himself and for Charlie and for his family. He is learning," she told me and gave a small smile. "After all, it's been three years since he had even attempted to bring me back, and he only brought me back for this." She looked up at me then. "We just have to take the chance and trust that Dante will be Dante and fight to the death for his honor if not for his mate or his new family." I nodded then, trying to put my faith into him... for Charlie. I hoped that he was a good reason for Dante to try to save the Grimm brothers. I bit my bottom lip hard.

"I'll try... to put faith into him... I hope he has enough respect for Charlie to not harm his family." I mumbled. So far... as far as I knew Dante he was one of the most foul creatures I ever met. She gave me an encouraging smile and then stood up, wrapping her arms around me and then kissing the top of my head.

"And if it turns out that he is using us and he is going to hurt Paris and Louis and you.... I want you to take my stone so that way he doesn't use me," she murmured in my ear, reminding me that she wasn't just any vampire- she was a pureblood, just not a princess. I nodded.

"You'll be the first thing I take down." I promised her. I paced my hand over her stomach. "I promise. Then Hachi is going to get it for being stupid." I growled.

"I'm very sure that it won't come down to it," she whispered and then kissed the top of my head. "After all...Hachi was the first to trust him, and I don't think Hachi is that stupid. Still friends?" She smiled at me then as she looked at me.

"I guess." I muttered. "You still should have came to Paris or I... We know how to take care of ourselves. We have been dealing with these things for centuries." I patted her cheek. "Oz is just a big boy trying to rule an ocean that is nothing like his tiny little pond back home." She gave me a nod and tried a weak smile.

"Well... It's kinda hard when Hachi kidnaps you out of the house and then Dante pretty much tells you that you are going to drink his blood whether you like it or not," she told me, blushing a bit and looking at the floor. "And then Dante orders you to be silent on the whole thing. I only get to tell you because Dante said it was alright."

"He's trying to be the big hero then to prove himself?" I asked myself and looked down at my wrists. I wondered to myself if that was what seemed to be going on. For some reason I still couldn't see anything and I was starting to think it was from the magic of Hachi's on the shackles. She glanced at them and frowned a bit.

"I'd take them off.... but Dante ordered me not to help you out of this cell. He knew I'd be tempted to release you, and Hachi would be mad as well," she whispered, touching the shackles gently. It stung her as she touched them.

"Don't touch them!" I hissed as they stung me. She jerked her hand back and yelped, cradling it to her chest.

"Evil little demon spit fire hell-" she cut herself off before she started to curse worse than that.

"It's okay, it won't hurt me unless I try to get out of them." I told her and rubbed my wrists. "I can't even think about it or I will be shocked!" She gave me a nod.

"I promise to fix this if it goes sour," she whispered to me, giving me a regretful smile. I nodded as I looked into her eyes.

"Don't let them hurt Paris and Richard... Please." I begged her. "They are precious to me."

"I won' are all precious to me. I'd do anything for Paris and his family.... He's the one who helped me when I was having frequent episodes," she told me and then gave me another smile.

"Let's hope Dante will do the right thing." I muttered. Most of our family had never treated their birth family right... For instance... Hachi. He ate his family... Then I murdered my parents... Paris, Richard, and Louis killed their parents. None of us exactly could speak about never harming our family.. but we loved each other too much to do something like we done to our parents to each other. Hachi was questionable of course. Richard... even was.... We was all messed up. I just hope we can all do the right thing... ESPECIALLY OUR NEW ADITION TO THE FAMILY~ Dante. She stiffened up then, going rigid and her hands clenched up into fists as the light in her eyes disappeared for a second then came back. She started walking for the door then, not looking back at me. He must have summoned her... I watched her leaving me and had my shadow cast across the room dramatically. She stopped and looked at it with wide eyes, coming back for a moment.

"Laurence?" She asked worriedly, getting scared of my shadows as she got momentary control.

"Go ahead and go, I'm just messing with my shadow to pass the time." I told her and waved her off. She gave a nod and then left, pulling out a knife as she started to prepare for whatever she was ordered to do.

Dante's POV:

I glanced over at Oz from my maid and smirked. "So Oz.... I think Hachi may be done by now... Would you like me to call him for you?" I asked, knowing that Hachi would make an excellent distraction to slip the bracelet on him that Raven had given me a bit ago out of Oz's sight. He didn't even know she was here. I had managed to get out of the room to meet with her and Hachi. The drugs in Oz's maid would soon be kicking in. Oz hadn't even touched his maid yet as he was looking out the window, talking about his land back home.

"Hmmm?" He asked turning to me. "Bring in Hachi." He purred. "Give us some alone time too." He started to grin devilishly. My jaw dropped a bit. He didn't even touch her yet?!

"Aren't you...going to eat first?" I asked and glanced at her as she was trembling.

"No." Oz told me. "I'm not quite hungry." He admitted. I frowned.

"How impolite," I hissed, wondering if it would work or not. It does on some of my enemies...wanting to keep me happy.

"You'll have to excuse me, I don't have a taste for... girls." Oz gazed over the maid. "Or humans." I raised an eyebrow at him then.

"Would you prefer a vampire male? I happen to have one that you may eat," I informed, thinking back on the ones I kept for these occasions.

"Like I said... I'm not hungry Dante." He laughed and looked me over. "Fetch my Hachi." I gave a nod and stood up, dropping the girl I was devouring into the floor. She let out a sharp whimper and started to crawl away to the corner. I'll have to check on that one later. I walked over to the door then and left, going down the hall towards where I last saw him.

"Hachi, come here," I muttered under my breath when I was far away from the room. I leaned up against the wall and waited. What am I going to do now? Obviously the drugging isn't going to work, and I'm not leaving Hachi who has been so loyal alone with Oz. Hachi appeared a few feet down the hall and skipped up to me, biting into an apple.

"Hmmm?" Hachi asked, seeming to be eating a lot more now that Oz was around.

"He wants to be left alone with you," I informed him. "He didn't drink his maid, so he isn't drugged. Make a call. We can either force the bracelet on him and attack...or we can wait this out a bit longer. Raven is down with Laurence more than likely. She seems a bit attached to them," I whispered that last sentence. She really has been worried about Laurence ever since she arrived here. Hachi nodded as he seemed to be thinking it over and stopped a couple of inches away from me.

"I think he knows something is off. He doesn't pass up blood so easily." Hachi mumbled. "We should wait it out. I can take care of myself in a room alone with him. I'll eat him if I have to." He pulled out two spoons. I widened my eyes as I saw them and then pulled the bracelet out of my pocket, slipping it into his.

"Don' up my room too much," I said weakly and started to walk off, not sure what to say to that. He shoved his spoons, the bracelet, and the apple into his pocket.

"Don't good luck me... Luck is not what I need right now." Hachi grumbled and then started towards the room hesitantly.

"Good luck!" I shouted over my shoulder and then summoned Raven to me. She appeared in front of me then, the knife in her hand. "Go to Hachi.... stay outside the room... if there is any signs of trouble on Hachi's part, I want you to go in and help him. You are to obey him unless it endangers your life," I ordered her and watched as she started walking towards the room. I gave a small smile and then teleported down to Laurence to check on him. "Hello Laurence," I said with a smirk and walked over, pulling out the gauze I had in my pocket. "Let me see it." He hissed at me.

"You stay back Dante~" Laurence growled. "I'll bite you next." He promised. I laughed and gestured to the shackles.

"I'd like to see you try, but for now, I'll fix that up for you," I told him and walked over, moving his head so that way I could see the bite mark I had given him earlier. I started to bandage it up, making sure to clean it. He growled at me and narrowed his eyes as I cleaned it up.

"You are so lucky that I am in these shackles." Laurence growled and tried to kick my feet out from under me. I dodged him easily and smirked.

"Laurence, I'm the Prince of Germany. I was born to fight. I wouldn't be trying to kick me down if I were you," I whispered in his ear and then finished. I moved back a little and smirked as I looked him over. "So you think you would kill me?"

"I'll kill you." Laurence grumbled. "When this is all over with you are dead for biting me! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO BITE ME!" He exposed his fangs. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Jeez Laurence, I wonder why I bit you! Maybe it was because- hey, I need to be convincing," I hissed at him and narrowed my eyes. He glared me down.

"How dare you." He hissed. "I'm the bloody hell Prince of ENGLAND." Laurence yelled at me. "You are going to get it too for biting me rather it was to be convincing or not- it hurt!" He laughed then. "Ashton's going to rip you apart when he finds out." I tsked and then shoved the gauze back in my pocket.

"Be grateful," I told him. "I'm not killing you, now am I? I'm not biting you right now when I could take advantage of this." I gestured to how he was chained up. He tried to grab my shirt then, the shackles only restrained him from doing it.

"You are so lucky I adore Charlie." He hissed and shook his head. I sighed and decided to let him have a little revenge. I walked closer to him and watched, wondering if he'd take the opportunity to grab me or not now that I was in range. He grabbed my shirt then and pulled me to him, he went to bit me- for revenge but stopped himself and hissed out in frustration. "I'm not that dumb." He muttered and shoved me away. I laughed then as I fell back.

"See... you can't bite me back. You wish you could, but you can't," I told him as I caught my balance. "You'll just have to punish me a different way," I teased as I took out a knife and started to flip it. He watched me curiously and then had the shadows grab my feet and lift me up into the air, throwing me to the wall.

"You asked for that." Laurence warned. I hissed out in pain as my grip on the knife loosened and I crumbled to the floor. I let out a low growl and looked up at Laurence in anger then took a moment to calm down, taking a deep breath. Laurence smirked my way. "Consider yourself punished for now."

"You better be soooo happy that I love Charlie enough not to get you for that," I hissed back at him as I grabbed my knife and threw it, imbedding it in the wall an inch away from his head and all the way to the hilt.

"I hear that a lot." Laurence growled, he didn't even flinch. "You are forgetting I know.... EVERYTHING." I growled then in irritation. I can't even scare him! Ugh! What kind of world is this! I can't kill him or hurt him too badly, and I can't scare him!

"I hate you," I said simply and looked away from him. He snickered.

"You have a huge grudge on Paris for something stupid." Laurence hissed. "You are so... curious. You are trying to save his precious nephew- Your mate from a world full of pain from loosing.. family once again. You are very... complicated Dante. He even has your girl." He said as his shadows was stretching across the room dramatically and coming towards me. I glanced at them and blinked as I looked up at him.

"So?" I said, trying to keep my cool. So what that he has Raven's respect and admiration...and that I'm pretty much only doing this for Charlie?

"You are doing this all for your mate." Laurence told me. "I find it hard to believe." He growled and the shadows started to grow around my feet. I narrowed my eyes at his shadows.

"Cut. It. Out," I hissed towards him.

"Or what?" Laurence asked. "You gonna bite me again?" He teased. I looked up at him and exposed my fangs.

"Oh, I'll tear your throat out. All I need is your stone in the end to cover it up. My blood will bring you back, and then I can compel you to forget so that way I don't get in trouble with Charlie," I hissed at him threateningly. He had the shadows hide him then from me, the whole wall and him falling dark. I laughed then. "Thought so Laurence. I won't kill you," I told him as I calmed down myself and relaxed against the wall. "There is no reason to kill you." Laurence didn't make a sound in the shadows. "Laaaaurance," I sung out and smirked. "Surely you don't believe a word I say." He still didn't respond to me. "Ugh, fine," I said and brought out another knife, examining it. "Stay that way. Not like it matters in the end." A knife from the shadow was flung at me then and missed my head by less than an inch. I could hear Laurence giggling. "Childish," I muttered and glanced over at the wall.

"Can you blame me? I'm trapped in a child's body." I heard him adjusting in the shadows, and groaned as he was flipping around and rearranging himself. "I hate these darn things.... I'm so going to shackle him when this is over."

"Who? Hachi?" I raised an eyebrow over at him. "If you promise to behave and not run off and you stay in here, I will unshackle you. I have a key," I said and knew better than to actually pull it out. He'd have his shadows steal it. "We can't have you run to Paris because of the plan is just starting. We need you to lay low so that way this will work."

"You have a key to these darn things!?" Laurence hissed. "Why didn't you tell me this five minutes ago!"

"Because I needed you to be more comfortable with me before I could tell you. Now promise," I told him and put the knife in my pocket. "You have to stay in this cell until I send someone for you."

"I'm not staying in this cell! This is worse then when Ashton imprisoned me! Put me in a bedroom at least." He pleaded.

"W-well..." I thought it over. Oz is about to be imprisoned soon...and we can hide Laurence easily on the other wing of my castle. I gave a nod then. "You may stay in a bedroom, but you are not to leave it for a second." He sighed and the shadows revealed him. He was on his back on the floor with his legs against the wall, his arms were crossed, looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Sounds good to me." Laurence motioned me over. I pulled out the key from my jacket pocket and walked over, unlocking it. I quickly gripped his wrists, unsure whether or not I could trust him. I pulled him to his feet and looked him over. He blushed and yanked his arm away from me then fixed his shirt and walked towards the cell door. "Get. Me. Out." He growled. I rolled my eyes and walked over, opening the door for him.

"I don't know why Ch- You know all act the same. You all yell at me without saying please," I said and gave a playful pout as I stepped out of the cell before he could. He stepped out of it and then grabbed my arms tightly.


"You know what. I am the king of the damned. That immediately puts Raven in my territory because of her insane side," I said and smirked as I flicked him on the forehead to mess with him. "Let's get you some tea to calm your nerves, shall we?" He nodded eagerly.

"Tea would be fantastic right now." Laurence admitted. I widened my eyes then and glanced back at him. Did I just find a way into figuring out how to deal with Charlie's family? Is the secret to give them tea? Are they a bunch of tea drinkers? Well... The rumors are is that Richard is a bit of an alcoholic and binge eater.... Paris will probably drink both tea and alcohol. Maybe that's what I should try. Tea on the lot of them.... I smirked at that. I'll even attempt it on Charlie.

"Charlie's more of a coffee drinker and as for the rest of them... well... they like their tea, especially if they smell like tea. Paris is more into drinking blood from his twin or drinking a combination of orange juice, chocolate, tea, and honey. You can tell just by the way he smells. Richard likes his alcohol and blood.... Well.... I am sure you will have fun figuring out the rest and as you know.... Hachi likes to eat wizards." Laurence told me. I narrowed my eyes at him. Did he just use his future powers on me?

"Laurence...." I started then trailed off, deciding not to get into a fight right now.

"Couldn't help it." Laurence told me. I sighed and gestured for him to follow.

"Let's get you settled in. Dylan and Charlie are around," I informed, knowing he'd want to see them. "When they are done hunting, I will send them to you." I put my hands behind my back as I walked, glancing around. The servants were doing a good job keeping it clean in this area....

"They didn't go hunting... They..." Laurence seemed to be concentrating. "Went to get Riley." He nodded then, confirming it. "Dylan didn't want to take him out just yet.... because Charlie is a weak little human that lost his hunters strength... no he was human.... now he is a vampire." He smirked. "You turned him with Dylan." I smirked back at him.

"Of course I did...and he will be remarked as soon as he gets back in," I said, planning it now. I'd have him held down if he didn't let me willingly. Though I'm sure it wouldn't come to that. Laurence shook his head, trying to get something out of thought.

"Ewe gross! I didn't want to know about your plans with him." Laurence complained.

"Mr. Sees the Future anyways," I pointed out and then made a turn, going up some stairs to get to the bedroom areas. "Small or master sized?" I asked, referring to the rooms.

"Master." Laurence told me. "I don't want to hear you two doing it either~ It's bad enough I hear the maids and butlers by accident at Paris's manor." I blushed then as it dawned on me that it might lead to that. Charlie was a bit... well...let's just say that when Charlie wants something, he normally gets it. He just became a vampire and might react stronger to a mark than he would a few months from now.

"You won't hear us....because we'll be sleeping," I whispered softly, biting the inside of my lip.

"Uh... huh.." Laurence giggled. "Just what Paris said when he brought Richard with him to visit me for the first time." I glanced back at him.

"Laurence," I whispered, getting nervous. He had vampire strength now- newborn vampire strength. He still remembers vampire hunting techniques too, so he would be able to fight me better than I originally thought. "Nothing will happen," I said, more for myself. I shook my head then and stopped outside a bedroom door, opening it. I peeked inside and nodded when I saw that it was good enough for Laurence to sleep in comfortably. "Here you are."

"Send me tea." Laurence told me as he walked in and looked around the bedroom. "Go check on Hachi too."

"Laurence, this is my castle. I don't need you telling me what to do," I reminded him as I gestured to a nearby maid who was cleaning off an end table. "Tea for the guest," I told her. She gave a nod and scurried off.

"Oh but I am a prince and an elder." Laurence informed me. "As well as your guest.... show some hospitality." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Just because you are older does not give you the rights to boss me around," I hissed.

"I'll do it either way." He batted his eyes towards me then closed the door in my face. I rolled my eyes. Why does this remind me of a messed up version of Beauty and the Beast? I teleported outside the door I had left Oz in and saw Raven was still standing there. They must not have gotten into a fight then. I gave a nod to her.

"Laurence is released. You may go to him and tend to him," I said and gestured down the hall. Her eyes lit up with happiness and she took off running. I knocked on the door then. "Oz, I'm coming in."

"Don't come in." Oz ordered.

"My house, my rules," I growled.

"You should stay out there." Oz suggested. I went in then, ignoring him. Hachi was sitting calmly in a chair next to Oz, and they were leaned in close.

"Yes, did you want something?" Hachi asked me innocently. Oz smirked my way and the grabbed a hold of a lock of Hachi's hair and twirled it around his hand.

"Hachi...are you uncomfortable?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at them. "If you need to be separated for a few minutes, I'll gladly help." Hachi looked confused for a minute then smacked Oz's hand away.

"No we was talking." Hachi told me and looked towards Oz. "Don't touch me." Oz frowned and leaned in, smelling him. I sighed and shut the door, locking it.

"Hachi, lock the room and make sure to freeze Oz for me, will you?" I muttered under my breath so that way Oz wouldn't hear. Hachi laughed and got to his feet, I could hear Oz's breath catching.

"Got you." Hachi sung out. "Want to see what a real cannibal does to people that cross him?" Hachi asked Oz and purred into his ear. I walked over, taking the bracelet out of Hachi's pocket and then got on Oz, putting it on his wrist before anything else could happen. I smirked as I watched it adjust to his wrist.

"Hachi, may I have him first?" I asked, looking over my shoulder to Hachi. "After all...there is a little something I'd like to do." Hachi blushed.

"I don't know... I was going to have fun with these~" He pulled out his two spoons from earlier. I smiled at him then.

"You'll still be able to use them on him Hachi... I just want to get him back for what he did to my mate," I said and then looked back at Oz with a smirk, leaning in. "You...are going to pay for defiling him." Oz let out a soft chuckle from his frozen body. The air began to taste like sea salt and suddenly water rushed into the room from the windows and doors. As the water rushed around us Oz disappeared from under me and we was left with nothing but the salty taste of the sea as the water drained as fast as it rushed in. Hachi stood up from the ground and coughed up some of the water then started to tremble with fear.

"I locked the door.... I locked the room!" Hachi cried out and started to sniffle. I glanced over at him and narrowed my eyes in irritation- not at him though. Great...Oz is gone.

"At least the bracelet is on him," I muttered as I stood up. "You did good Hachi. Oz can't use his powers until I take it off, and we both know that I will personally rip him apart the next time I see him. We will have to move some things around to keep him from getting a leverage on us. Bring Paris, Richard, and Louis to me please," I said and walked over, ruffling Hachi's hair. He rushed into my arms and buried his face against me.

"Do I have to go right now?" Hachi asked as he trembled. "That was Zehara..... His sister." I frowned. Should have done research on Oz....

"You don't have to go right now... I'll have Raven retrieve them. Let's get you to Laurence and get you some tea or something. You'll need a change of clothes," I murmured as I glanced over his wet clothing and felt how cold the rush of sea had made him. He fell to his knees and started to curl up into himself.

"Isaac..." He whispered, making a boy appear with his magic.

Hachi's POV:

Isaac looked around wide eyed as he was in a pair of sweat pants and no shirt. He was in his PJs in the middle of a strange room. He looked at me and then came over. "Hachi, did you summon me?" He asked, pouting a little. He rubbed his eyes like I had woken him up. I saw Dante leaving the room out of the corner of my eyes, probably to go make Raven get them and explain the whole situation. I nodded as I grabbed him and pulled him to me for his warmth. Zehara had showed little to no mercy about getting her brother and had almost froze me to death from the freezing waters she brought in. Dante probably couldn't feel it but I could. It was enough to have me summon Isaac. I wrapped him up in my arms as I searched for his warmth.

"Warm me up!" I begged. He blushed a bit, but he closed his eyes and started manipulating the barely there warmth in my chest from his mark, making it grow again. He placed his hand on my chest right over his mark, making it work faster as it started to race through me. It comforted me as the freezing feeling started to leave. My clothes dried on me and he ran a hand through my hair, drying it. I stopped shivering after a few seconds and started relaxing in his arms. "Thank you..." I mumbled and let out a shaky breath. "I doomed my friends..." I mumbled to myself.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, tilting his head as his eyes glanced me over. He leaned in and stole a quick kiss before I could react then snuggled up to me, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. You should have ate him! You shouldn't had waited so long, idiot. Now he's going to kill your little pets and it will be all YOUR fault. I shrunk into myself then. It's your fault Hachi! When they start falling and you are forced into serving that monster again I will LAUGH when he makes you eat Isaac to get rid of him. You knew he's the jealous type and wants you all to himself. What's he going to think when he finds out about Isaac? You should have been eaten by your twin instead! You have failed the Hachi name. You wretched wizard. I whimpered.

"Oz got away..." I mumbled, knowing he would know about Oz since I gave him the ability to know about what happened to Oz and I. He bit his bottom lip and pulled back, sniffing the air a bit and shivered.

"What was in here? It smells like the bottom of the sea, and then on top of that, it smells like death," he whispered and stood up, walking over to the chair where Oz had been sitting. He sniffed it and then growled, his hand sparking up as the flames danced around them due to his anger. I could sense he was about to lose control as his small flames got a bit brighter.

"Zehara got him and whisked him away." I explained, knowing that I would have went too if it wasn't for my magic keeping me to the ground. Isaac's whole body stiffened and I felt the warmth spike up in my chest painfully for a second as his flames brightened blindingly for that second. "Don't worry." I whispered. "They will pay." I assured. I wasn't going to just let them ruin my life here in Maine. Isaac turned to me then and bit his bottom lip as he walked over, the flames disappearing as he began to calm down. He sat down in front of me and brought me close, smelling my neck as he relaxed.

"I'm sorry that they scared you and did this to you," he whispered to me, sounding protective. I rubbed my head into his stomach.

"Mhmmm." I mumbled. I whimpered and gripped his sweat pants. I began to tug them down a bit as I leaned up towards his face and kissed his cheek. Isaac widened his eyes and went to grab my hands to stop me.

"What are you doing?" He asked quickly, nervous about me touching him like that. I linked our fingers together as I moved onto him and looked down at his face.

"Nothing." I promised and laid down on him, nuzzling my face into his neck. He blushed as he had to move his head a bit, allowing me better access to his neck.

"Didn't look like nothing," he whispered to himself as he tightened his grip on my hands. I blushed and then looked at his face.

"I'm not going to do something like that!" I growled. "It would be unhuman." I shook my head as I remembered what Oz would do to me. I curled up on him and freed my hands. He blushed and then pulled me closer.

"It's ok Hachi," he whispered to me and then the fireplace in the room was lit up. "Here, lets go get closer to it. I don't want you to be cold...." He started to move us over to it, getting us a few feet away from it to where it warmed us up more. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "I'm glad I got to see you again. Paris was kinda scary...." He laughed and nuzzled his face into my hair, smelling me. I looked towards the fire and smiled softly as we got close to it and found it warming.

"Paris is one of the sweetest... most protective... vampires I know and he makes me feel better." I mumbled happily. He's going to die, Oz is going to rip him up! Hahaha... Raven appeared then with Paris, Louis, and Richard and let go of them, biting her lower lip.

"Please don't kill me," she said quickly, obviously having kidnapped them here. Dante appeared in the room then. Paris exposed his fangs and tensed up then looked towards me and widened his eyes.

"HACHI!" He rushed to myside and seemed to be already reading my mind as he pulled me into his arms. "No~" He mumbled and kissed my head. "Don't you dare think that." He told me and rubbed my head. "I'll slaughter him like sheep and cattle." He started to rock me in his arms and rubbed my head. "No one is going to take me from you." He whispered in my ear, making me blush. Richard glanced towards Dante then at Raven and sighed, knowing that Paris would have killed Dante on the spot if there was ill intentions. Louis raised an eyebrow and sat down on the couch, being calm about the whole thing. Dante smiled and looked at Raven then, gesturing her over to him. She walked over obediently and made a small noise as he wrapped her up into his arms and then sat down on a chair with her in his lap.

"Well.....Paris got the idea of what has been going on from Hachi. I should explain for you two," he started, glancing from Richard to Louis. Paris seemed to be already coming up with plans, I could tell by the color of his eyes. I giggled and he laughed, seeing I was in a better mood.

"There, there Hachi..." He kissed my head and then looked towards Louis. "YOU ARE A TERRIBLE LITTLE SLAVE TO OUR MASTER! Get over here and comfort him!" Paris motioned him over. Louis pouted and looked over at us.

"But Paris... I can't read minds like you. I need to hear what is going on first. Besides, we both know I make a better master than a pet," he said and smirked.

"He's still our little wizard." Paris grumbled. Louis appeared by us then and took me from Paris, laughing as he kissed my cheek.

"Hey Hachi! Whatcha doing hanging out with mean old Dante?" He asked and then we were on the couch. Isaac sat up and pouted. I pouted at his sadness then looked towards Louis.

"Swell it all started with one angry Oz." I began, letting Dante take it over. Dante gave a nod and began telling, Louis and Richard listening. His grip on me loosened as he started to understand what was going on, and Raven struggled to get free, earning a hiss from Dante in her ear. I curled up in Louis's arm as I tried to find some comfort in his icy skin. Louis held me closer then and purred in my ear to make me giggle as his breath tickled me. Raven exposed her fangs then, earning a glare from Dante.

"Be a good little pet," he told her and touched her on the nose.

"You said you wouldn't do this!" She hissed back at him, earning a laugh from Dante.

"I got bored," he said simply. He glanced up at Richard who was narrowing his eyes at Dante and then looked towards Louis who was playing with my hair. "Anyways, Oz is out to get us." I giggled from the tickle of Louis's breath and then kissed his cheek.

"I need to fight this demon on my own." I mumbled softly, but loud enough for them to all hear. Dante frowned then.

"Hachi, you know very well that I won't let you fight him on your own. He took Charlie for a very long time and defiled him. He's going to pay from my own hands...and then you can have him," Dante told me. Louis laughed then.

"You took Isabelle's bracelet for Oz, didn't you?" Dante gave a nod then and watched as Raven started to get upset.

"Oz is powerful." Paris muttered. "We haven't had a good challenge like this in a while. It's going to be fun destroying him." He cracked his knuckles before beginning to scratch his shoulder. Richard hissed at him then.

"No shoulder scratching!" He yelled at Paris, throwing a couch pillow at him. Raven let out a snarl then as she tried to get away from Dante, but he only held her closer. Charlie stepped into the room then, followed by Riley and Dylan. Charlie let out a growl towards Dante.

"DANTE." Charlie growled. Dante looked over at him innocently.

"What?" He asked, giving the best I-don't-know-what-I've-done look. Charlie stomped over to them and gently took Raven out of his arms and took a seat in his lap.

"YOU. KNOW. WHAT." Charlie growled. Dante pouted.

"I was just having a bit of fun," he complained as Raven rushed over to Paris, hugging him for safety.

"I'm the only fun you need." I heard him whisper into Dante's ear. I wrinkled up my nose.

"EWE GUYS!" I shouted. Dante's eyes widened a bit and he looked at Charlie then before giving him a kiss. He pulled back and smirked, picking him up and then walking over to the door.

"You are free to stay the night," Dante said over his shoulder to all of us as he left the room, shutting the door with his foot as he carried Charlie out bridal style. Raven let out a sigh of relief and sunk to the floor.

"This is the last time," she whispered and shook her head. "Never again.... Never... ever... ever." I made my way out of Louis's arms and stumbled over to Isaac, feeling like I was walking on a boat as the smell of sea tricked my brain. Isaac looked at me happily then and held out his arms for me. I stumbled into them and sunk to the floor, unleashing my magic to form a force field around the castle to protect us for the night... though I doubt it would work against that SEA MONSTER! Isaac curled up to me tiredly and then rested his head against my shoulder, passing out. The warm feeling in my chest heated up a little at his touch, sending joy throughout me. I felt Paris scoop me up.

"You are sleeping with Richard and I.... so I know nothing happens to you. Louis you are on Isaac duty." Paris told us, I squirmed in his arms for a few seconds before giving up. Isaac murmured something in his sleep and rolled over, touching the floor gently and sending little sparks flying across it- not lighting the floor on fire however. Paris shirked and ran away with me. "Good luck on Isaac duty." He told Louis as he looked towards Richard, wanting him to follow. Richard got up then, walking over to Raven and kissing her on top of her head.

"Good night sweetie," he whispered and then looked towards Louis with a smirk. "Have fun with the fire demon's spawn," he told him and then walked out of the room before Paris could. Louis shook his head then and walked over to Isaac, scooping him up and disappearing. Paris carried me off, going after Richard as quick as he could so they could go to the right room together. Richard picked a random one and walked in, going over to the bed. "Darling, what should we do about this whole situation? We have another wizard to take care of...and then we have to figure out what to do about Raven," Richard said as he sat down on the bed, looking up at Paris. Paris shook his head as he laid me down on the bed and tucked me in, making sure I was in the middle.

"I don't know yet... I'm planning though." Paris promised. "I might take this into a international war against that little- monster." He smiled at me innocently. "Daddy's going to make it safe again."

"Ok... that solves the whole Oz problem, but what about Isaac? Hachi seems to be keeping him for real...and we have to make accommodations for him... and I don't know if you want to punish Raven or not for not coming straight to us," Richard whispered as he laid down in the bed beside me.

"We will have to start... preparing for Isaac's stay with us if Hachi is truly going to keep him. I don't turn down people, you know this. I am very friendly when it comes to additions to the family. Raven is going to get her punishment, when Austin finds out. We don't need to punish her, she didn't have a choice anyways." Richard gave a nod then and pulled me close, getting under the covers with me.

"Good..." he murmured softly and then started to fall asleep.