
Isaac's POV:

Isaac... I sat up then, looking around as I could have sworn I heard my name being called. Louis turned over then, obviously not hearing it. Isaac, get up. I widened my eyes as I felt the fire inside me flare up at the voice. It was my father. He was nearby and calling me to him. My feet planted themselves on the floor as I got up, going over towards the door and putting my ear against it. I could hear a maid out there, dusting the halls. She'd probably ask questions. Why am I going to my father anyway? He's a no good, dirty- Isaac! I quickly pulled back from the door then and went over to the window.

"Isaac, where ya going?" I heard Louis mumbling, sleepily. I glanced back over my shoulder at him and bit my bottom lip. He sat up then and rubbed at his eyes. "You can't leave the room. You are under my wa-" I held up my hand and watched as his voice was lost. His eyes widened and he touched his throat then tried a scream looking much like a shout for that Paris fellow. I smirked then and opened the window, looking out into the courtyard below. If I'm careful, I can get down and away without taking too long and getting in trouble with my father. He seems a bit irritable this time. I was grabbed then by Louis and turned around, seeing him glaring at me. Paris was in the room within seconds and glanced from Louis to me.

"Where are you going?" Paris asked me and smirked. "You aren't leaving us so quickly... are you? Can't handle the cannibal?" He started for me then. I bit my bottom lip and threw them both back with my power, raising up my hands to keep them pinned against the far wall.

"You can't stop me. I have to go, but I might come back," I told them, backing up to the window.

"Don't go!" Paris ordered me. "You shouldn't be tempted to go out there... He might be working for Oz. Stay. Here." He glared me down.

"I have too.... he's my father," I whispered, glancing out the window then. That's right Isaac. I'm your father, and you will obey me. It's high time you stop playing with them and come back. I climbed onto the windowsill then, feeling the fire in my chest heighten threateningly.

"Isaac don't!" Paris teleported to me and grabbed my elbow. "Hachi would be beyond upset." He urged. I looked back at him then, shocked. How'd he get off the wall?! I tried to pull away from him then, starting to panic. My balance on the ledge faltered as I struggled, almost making me fall, and adrenaline rushed through me as I started to fear for my life. I clutched Paris to keep from falling and let out a small scream. He pulled me into the room quickly before I could tumble over the edge.

"What's going on?" I heard Laurence's sleepy voice asking us from the doorway. I widened my eyes as I saw him and quickly pulled away from Paris, using Laurence as a distraction as I climbed onto the windowsill and edged my way out, clinging to the bricks and vines growing up the side of the wall. Good boy.

"ISAAC NO!" I heard Paris shout and leaned out the window, trying to snatch me back. "Get back in here!" He ordered. I looked up at him then and glanced at the next step to get down, slowly taking it to keep from falling down to the courtyard and my death. Paris glared me down then started to climb out the window to go after me.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?" Laurence shouted, I could hear him panicking as he came into view and glanced me over then had me pulled up- back into the room by shadows. "Excuse you~ I don't know who you think you are trying to run away." I struggled then and tried to get out of the shadow's grasps.

"LEMME GO!" I shouted and kicked, squeezing my eyes shut. Isaac, you idiot. Quit playing! Get your butt out here! Paris stuck his head out of the window.

"YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM YOU BASTARD! GO AWAY BEFORE I WAKE HACHI UP AND LET HIM EAT YOU!" Paris shouted into the darkness, It was loud enough to almost wake the whole castle... The heat in my chest flared up painfully then in response, making me whimper. You can't seriously be hanging out with these vampires. What did your mother teach you? I'll have to pay her a visit. I widened my eyes. Don't touch my mom! Then get out here. I closed my eyes then and tried to calm down, going limp as I focused on controlling the flare ups. Paris wrapped me up in his arms as he kissed the top of my head. "Tell him to get lost, you are Hachi's." I felt my hand rise up to his chest as I let my instincts take over then froze up. I can't burn him. He's been so nice to me. I ripped my hand back from his chest then and struggled to get free. He held onto me tightly. The door to the room opened slowly and Hachi stepped in, rubbing his eyes.

"Paris... Why aren't you in bed and why are you screaming?" Hachi asked softly then looked at the situation and frowned. "Let go of Isaac." He ordered and Paris done as ordered. "Isaac~" He held out his arms for me. I looked at him then and started to go to him as I calmed down. Isaac, take another step, and you'll be punished. I froze up then and glanced towards the window, not liking the sounds of that. "I-Isaac?" Hachi asked and started to walk towards me. I looked to him then and bit my bottom lip. Isaac... you know better than to let a cannibal near you, don't you? Now. Leave. I took a step back then and looked down at the floor, ashamed about the whole situation. If you like him, then maybe you'll come to protect him. I clenched my hands then as I stared at the floor. Paris blocked the window then as he seemed to know what was happening.

"I won't allow it," Paris growled. Mind readers are always pests.... You should kill him. I widened my eyes then and looked up at Paris. I can't kill him! He's my friend! Even if he's scary!

"I'll kill him instead." Paris shouted. "You ever dare~" He hissed out the window. Hachi grabbed me then and held me close to him.

"No~" Hachi hissed and kissed my cheek. "He'll never get you, not on my watch!"

"Hachi," I murmured and glanced back at him. I felt the tug and flare ups of my power stop. I will be back... when there are less pests around. You are a disappointment Isaac. I whimpered then and buried my face into Hachi's shoulder. I'm not a disappointment! I'm a very powerful wizard!

"What is going on?" Louis whispered from where he was standing, watching the whole thing. "Is it over?"

"YOU ARE A VERY DISAPOINTING FATHER!" Paris hissed out the window. "SHOW YOUR FACE AROUND HERE AND I WILL BURN IT OFF!" He threatened then shut the window, locking it up.

"Now would be a good time to tell you that I tried to eat your father..." Hachi whispered in my ear. I pulled back then, shocked. He what?! I narrowed my eyes and smacked him hard across the face.

"YOU TRIED TO EAT MY FATHER?!" I shrieked. He rubbed his cheek and shrunk away.

"S-sorry?" Hachi looked me in the eyes. "I didn't think you would be that upset... I mean... He lived." I crossed my arms then as I started to calm myself.

"You better not be using me," I hissed then looked away as I started towards the bed, still upset. Louis raised an eyebrow and walked over to Paris, wrapping his arm around his waist. Paris kissed his brother on the cheek and Laurence seemed to disappear. Hachi rushed to me quickly.

"I'm not! I swear! I really do like you... I just want to make it safer for you." Hachi mumbled and blushed. I felt the anger disappear, and I gave him a soft smile, sitting down on the bed and patting the space beside me.

"Ok Hachi... I won't be upset at you about it as long as next time you consult me. I don't want you eating my father without my permission. He's my father after all," I whispered, waiting for him to sit next to me.

"Maybe Hachi should sleep with Mr. Run-Away tonight," Louis suggested quietly in Paris's ear. Hachi sat by me and nodded.

"I will tell you first before I go hunting for him again, I promise." Hachi told me, still rubbing his cheek. Paris seemed to be slowly pulling Louis out the room to let us sleep together for the night.

"Just for the night you two." Paris told us. I blushed as I watched them and then looked at Hachi as the door shut. I bit my bottom lip nervously and gently touched the spot where I hit him, letting my warmth make the pain lesson. He rubbed his face against my hand then leaned in towards my chest and rested his head against it.

"You won't leave me... right?" Hachi asked softly. I gave a small nod and kissed the top of his head.

"I'll try not to," I whispered in his ear softly. "My father was trying to make me do something again...."

"Don't go with him." Hachi mumbled. "You are mine... not his." I blushed at that and tilted his head up to look at me.

"Oh really? I distinctly remember saying you were mine, not the other way around," I teased as I kissed his forehead and then laid down on the bed. He laid down with me and kissed my cheek.

"Mh~ Still... Your loyalty is to me." He muttered. I laughed then, deciding to tease him further about it.

"Who says that?" I asked with a smirk and moved some of his hair out of his face. He looked up at me with a hurt expression.

"It is." He insisted.

"It is, is it?" I asked and looked in his eyes. He sat up then.

"I MARKED YOU." He hissed. I laughed and pulled him back down to me, kissing his cheek.

"Alwright," I said, trying to be cute. He curled up to me and pulled the blankets over us.

"You should be loyal to me~" He mumbled. "After all I haven't ate you yet."

"You took a chunk out of my neck!" I hissed at him and narrowed my eyes. "I am loyal to you. I like you too much to betray you, but you did hurt me before!"

"I'm sorry... I can't help myself... after all I ate my whole family." Hachi mumbled. "Beauty and the Beast much?" He asked and laughed. I bit my bottom lip then as I was unsure about what to say.

"Just don' me," I whispered and then curled up on the bed.

"No promises." He grumbled and curled up. "I might just do so to keep you with me."

"I won't run away. Just don't eat me," I insisted, sitting up a bit. "I don't want to be eaten! You'd much rather have me like I am now." He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"I won't eat you! I swear it." He tried to lay me back down. I smiled then and laid down beside him, kissing his cheek.

"Good.... You better keep your promise, or I'll incinerate you," I threatened. He nodded and buried his face into my neck.

"Yes Isaac~" He purred.

"And it won't be a good incineration," I mumbled and kissed his cheek as I moved closer to him, smelling him. He smelled so good...always has. If I had fangs....but I don't. He looked up at my eyes and blushed.

"You know... there are spells... That would give you fangs." He pulled out a spell book. I widened my eyes and quickly shook my head. I wouldn't know what to do with them anyways! I mean.... do you just bite, or is there a certain way you bite? Mom never had to teach me! I don't know anything about hunting! I'm more of a wizard than a vampire! He laid the book by my head then. "Well.. think on it." He kissed my cheek before pulling the covers over our heads. I blushed and looked up at the sheet then looked at Hachi.

"Hachi, do you like me, or are you just after eating my father and maybe me?" I whispered, unsure whether or not he was lying about using me.

"I told you I liked you." He mumbled. "Why is it so hard for you to see that?" I bit my bottom lip then snuggled up to him.

"I don't know.... I just wanted to make sure. After all, I decided not to get revenge for Evelyn.... even though you ate her. I managed to forgive you for it too," I murmured and then kissed his cheek as I felt bad for even asking. Man, what is wrong with me? I shouldn't doubt Hachi.... "I love you," I whispered, barely audible. I blushed as I realized I let it slip and looked up at it. Maybe he didn't hear it! Hopefully... Hachi seemed to not have heard it but his breath caught for a split second.

"I'm very fond of you." Hachi whispered. I blushed and moved away a bit, burying my face into the pillow. I really am a screw up. I have to be more careful in the future. I touched the book then and pulled it to me, opening it up. I glanced over the pages then, looking for the one where I could have fangs. He grabbed the book and flipped a couple of pages in then handed it back over to me. I blushed, looking over at him then down at the page as I studied the spell. Do I really want fangs? I mean...I would have to be taught to use them...and I like my spells more than I think I would like fangs. I don't know... I bit my bottom lip. It might get me into trouble.... Then again it might save me one day.

"I'll have to think on it Hachi," I whispered and then shut the book, sliding it under my pillow and laying my head down on it. I looked over at him then, slightly curious about his thoughts on it. "Would you like me better with fangs?" I asked softly, looking him over.

"I wouldn't mind you having them." Hachi told me. "It would help you defend yourself against me when I get too.... carried away." He blushed. I-it would... I gave a nod, adding that to the list of advantages.

"Well...." I trailed off then as I looked at his eyes then curled up into him as I smiled softly. "I trust you enough I think," I whispered, giving a sweet smile. He probably wouldn't eat me...and if he tried, he would snap out of it when I smack him or run or hit him with my magic. I kissed his cheek then and wrapped my arms around him as I moved on top of him, kissing his neck. I smirked then as I scraped my teeth against his skin, teasing him and giving him a little taste of what would happen if I had fangs. I felt an urge to bite him then, but I held back and kissed his neck again. He giggled and looked up at me.

"No fair~" Hachi growled and went to snap his jaws my way, aiming for my neck. "I bite too." I laughed at him and pushed him back down.

"Oh, I know you do," I whispered in his ear, tickling him with my breath and then nipped at his ear to tease him again. He blushed a deep shade of pink and tensed up.

"Don't you dare think about biting me with your wizard teeth~" He mumbled. I smirked at him as I pulled back a bit to look down in his eyes.

"Maybe I should get the fang spell done...You might enjoy being bitten by me," I joked and kissed his lips. He bit his bottom lip.

"I- I don't know... I don't let vampires bite me and the last one that did- it wasn't too pleasant." He whispered. I laughed then.

"Alright Hachi, I won't bite you if you don't bite me." I kissed him again, tilting my head a bit. I moved off of him then and curled up beside him, bringing him close to me. He touched his lips and smiled softly to himself as he looked me over.

"Then let the game begin?" He asked and leaned down, kissing my head. I blushed a bit and looked up into his eyes.

"Are we turning this into one?" I whispered and wrapped my arms around him to bring him closer, curling him up to me.

"If you want... I was meaning it as in a hunt." He told me and then let out a soft yawn before a louder one. I smirked. Hunt huh?

"Are you tired sweetie?" I teased, touching his nose gently with my finger and then kissed right above his left eyebrow.

"Yeah... This is the time where I sleep, Mr. Night creature." He informed me. "Now let me sleep." I gave a small nod and closed his eyes with my hand, moving to brush his hair out of his face.

"Alright sweetie, get some sleep," I whispered in his ear. "I'll be here in the morning.... Well, around somewhere."

"Be right here?" He begged and gripped my shirt. "I don't want to wake up with you gone... I would be scared... thinking that you was stolen away from me." I widened my eyes and quickly kissed him.

"I'll be here," I promised him, giving his cheek a kiss. "I won't leave the bed until you wake up if it scares you."

"Stay with me." He relaxed his grip as his whole body seemed to numb and unstiffen. I smiled at him.

"Always," I murmured, deciding right then and there that no matter what, I'd return to him. Even if he tried to eat me.... I would come back after I escape. Even if my father hated the idea of me hanging out with a cannibal.... I wasn't going to leave willingly. I kissed his cheek then. He let out a sigh before passing out on me shortly after. I smiled as I watched him then fell asleep myself.

Lauren's POV:

I walked over to Ellie and Benjamin with car keys for my red sports car I had left behind and gave them a smile. "Got the keys, let's go get it." I told them, reaching out for Ellie's hand. We had just gotten into Maine's main airport and I had gotten my car as promised. I just hopped it was still in good shape- or rather hoped it was still there. I wasn't in the mood for getting a new one. I picked up Ellie and carried her towards the car lot and made Benjamin take care of the luggage. He had one of the carts so he wouldn't be loaded down with bags... He could carry them of course but it would look unnatural to human's eyes. I gave Benjamin a smile then heard a squeal of delight from a few feel away.

"LAUREN! How lovely to meet up with you here~" I heard a familiar girl shrieking with joy and then I was pulled into a hug. "Awe! Hi you lovely treasure! Remember me? It's been a while!" I looked towards my predator and seen Brooklyn standing in front of me, running a hand across Ellie's cheek and trying to give her kisses.

"Brook?" I asked with surprise. She was the last person I expected to meet at the airport... I was still surprised no one was waiting to meet us off the plane.

"IT'S ME DOLL!" Brook yelled as she pulled back. Her hair was a bleach blonde and brought out her- now bright blue eyes. Her hair was straightened and longer then the last time I remembered seeing it. She gave me a wink then smirked. "I was just on my way to catch a plane~" She purred. She exposed her fangs. "I think I can miss this one though to get a drink with you!" She looked towards Benjamin. "Perry has been asking for you two." She pouted. She looked towards Ellie then. "I know the perfect babysitter! We can drop her off at Paris's manor." She wrapped an arm around my shoulder then. "You can drop the boy off there too~" She mumbled into my ear then bit down on it, making me yelp as her fangs pierced my skin. Benjamin pulled her away then, growling protectively.

"Brooklyn, don't touch my mate like that," he hissed as he exposed his fangs, making sure to hide it from the public view. He glared her down and then spun her away, moving to my side and starting to lead me away from her with our luggage.

"Bye Bye!" Brook yelled, waving our way. She let out a giggle before disappearing into the crowd of people nearby.

"The nerve of some people-" Benjamin started muttering under his breath and shook his head. "I swear...." He took us to the parking deck where my car should be and glanced around for it. It was sitting there, as shinny as ever like it had been recently cleaned... probably from rain. I shrugged it off and walked over to it, unlocking it. I set Ellie in the back seat and got into the drivers side as I waited for Benjamin to get in after messing with the luggage... He put it all in the trunk then got in the passenger's seat, shutting the door and kissing my cheek. "Are you alright love?" He asked, gently touching the wound. He made some antiseptics appear and started to clean it then made two cups of steaming tea appear. He placed one in my lap and then sipped on his, making a thing of orange juice appear and then handed it back to Ellie. Ellie took the orange juice and began to sip on it. I sat the tea aside and shrugged.

"Oh I'm fine." I told him and then cranked the car and drove us towards Paris's manor. "I just find that... Brook was a bit strange and looks completely different from the Brook I knew and left three years ago. She's more confident and there is something else there...." I shook my head.

"I don't want you going near her," Benjamin whispered as he sipped on his tea then. He made a small biscuit appear and munched on it.

"No promises." I whispered as I turned on the radio so he couldn't respond to that. I turned up the volume and smirked towards him as I pressed down on the gas pedal since we was already on urban roads. He glanced over at me then and looked out the window, taking another sip of his tea and then glanced back at Ellie. He gave a soft smile and reached back, making a toy appear in his hands and gave it to her. She placed it aside as she was more focused on her Nintendo. I giggled and looked into the mirror as I seen her frown at the toy. He narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything as he looked towards the road then, pouting a bit. I handed him my phone. "Call Paris and tell him we will be home soon." I ordered. He glared at me for being bossed around, but he turned down the radio and called him.

"Hello Paris! We're going to be home soon," he said and smiled, looking away from me and out the window.

"That's great, listen~ Be careful we are having enemy problems right now so make sure you- well.... Drive safely and go inside as soon as you get home." Paris told Benjamin, I cut off the radio and looked towards the phone.

"Enemy problems!? We come home to this..." I growled. Benjamin looked over at me and gave an innocent smile.

"At least we are here and able to help our family," he whispered and then looked back out the window. "We will be careful Paris.... Are you still in contact with Brooklyn? She approached us at the airport, and I didn't like how she was acting."

"I haven't seen Brook in a while..." Paris trailed off. "How was she acting?"

"She wanted to get Lauren alone and nipped at her ear," Benjamin growled, clenching one of his hands as he started to get upset again.

"You are overreacting." I hissed. "I'm sure she meant well."

"You said you met her at the air port? Did you catch what plane she was getting on?" I heard Paris ask. Benjamin shook his head then.

"No, but she said she would miss it if Lauren would go hang out with her," he mumbled. "I didn't like how she was being so friendly with my mate and how she practically was not thinking about hiding her presence from the humans in the vicinity. She exposed her fangs where anyone could see."

"Newborns." I heard Paris hiss, making me laugh. "I'll talk to Dante about it... He is her maker." Paris told him. "See you soon~"

"Something about Brooklyn? Awww, did she terrorize some humans? That's my girl," I heard Dante very faintly right before Benjamin hung up. I shook my head and looked in the mirror at Ellie, seeing she had put headphones in. I looked towards Benjamin.

"You are overreaching about Brook and now she is going to get in trouble." I growled. He shrugged then.

"She shouldn't have touched my family like she did," he said simply, not seeming the least bit guilty about tattling on Brook.

"I'll tell Louis on you next time you do something that upsets me." I teased. He widened his eyes and looked over at me.

"Don't do that!" He begged and leaned over, kissing my cheek. "I was just looking out for you!"

"Well I am over a few centuries old... I don't need a caretaker." I told him then turned on the radio and his the pedal, making the speedometer read 120mph.

"Not with Ellie in the car," he hissed suddenly, seeing how much I was speeding. "If I can't eat in front of her, you can't speed with her in the car."

"I never said you couldn't, I just advised you not to." I exposed my fangs towards him. "Besides... I am an expert at driving sports cars."

"Slow. Down," he hissed again, narrowing his eyes at me as he slowly began to reach over. He exposed his fangs and his tea disappeared. "Or I'll eat you."

"That's an empty threat. you trying to eat me will only risk her life higher right now." I told him, then dropped the speed to 115mph. "There."

"70 at the highest," he told me and then pulled out his phone, texting someone.

"She's my daughter. I can be a bad influence as much as I want." I growled.

"Louis says you need to slow down," he told me and smirked. "Two opinions against yours."

"Louis isn't my maker." I smirked.

"I'll text Val then," he told me and started texting again. He frowned then and started texting again. He sighed and put his phone up. "I'm going to revoke your driving privileges," he muttered.

"I'M OLDER THEN YOU! You can't do that. THIS IS MY CAR." I grumbled then started to slow down as we started to come up on the manor.

"I can always take your keys from you," he said and smirked then made another cup of tea appear, sipping it. I pulled up to the gate and punched in the key number then watched as the gate opened. I drove up to my garage door and punched a button in my car, opening it. I parked inside then closed the garage door and got out.

"We are here!" I yelled as I put my keys into my bra. They suddenly disappeared though, and I saw Benjamin shoving something into his pockets, going towards the trunk. He opened it and pulled out our bags, starting for the door to the house to put them in our rooms.

"Ass." I muttered under my breath and opened the door for Ellie, helping her out. I carried her towards the house since she was jet lagged and was looking a bit too tired to walk on her own. I carried her into the manor and brought her towards her bedroom that was right by Benjamin and my room. I laid her down, tucked her in, and finished off by giving her a kiss goodnight. I closed her Nintendo and placed it on the bedside table then walked off towards the living room to see who I could find. "HELLO! I'M BACK!" I announced. Peyton was sitting in the living room, playing with letter blocks while Quinton was curled up with a stuffed wolf, growling in it's ear while his sister Aiyana was sitting in the corner with a book. They looked up at me as I came in, and Quinton jumped up, running over.

"Hello lady!" He said and smiled broadly, not remembering me. Aiyana shrunk back into the corner more, looking frightened while Peyton just shrugged and went back to her blocks. Dannie came running in with a cup of orange juice and giggled as he seen me.

"LAUREANNA!" He held his arms out for me.

"Without Anna.." I reminded him. "Where is everyone?"

"Not sure." Dannie shrugged. "Rick and August are off hunting. So we are being looked after by Austin and not many others." He informed. Austin came stumbling in with a bottle of vodka.

"RA-LAUREN!" He yelled and started walking towards me- more like stumbling. "I thought that was you." He fell face first into the floor before he could reach me. "Where's Ben?" Peyton giggled at him and spelled his name with the blocks then while Quinton frowned a bit, looking up at me after looking at Austin.

"Raven took mommy somewhere last night," he told me innocently. I nodded then.

"BENJAMIN CALL PARIS!" I yelled. Dannie ruffled Quinton's hair then tried to bite his ear.


"Hey, where is Donnie? Is he home?" I asked.

"Out on a date." Austin informed me. Benjamin walked in and frowned at me.

"What for?" He complained, sitting down on the couch. Quinton let out a growl at Dannie then tackled him to the floor, nipping at his nose.

"Paris and like... half our family is missing. Let's see... Paris, Richard, Raven, Laurence, and.... Oh no... Hachi... Who else- Louis to!" I gasped. "Then August and Rick are off hunting."

"With Cage."

"With Cage." I finished my reasoning.

"GRRRR!" I heard Dannie growl and bite back at Quinton, trying to overpower him. Quinton let out a yelp as Dannie managed to do so. Benjamin sighed and stood up, walking out of the room as he pulled out his phone to call. Dannie leaned into Quinton and bit his neck then pulled back with a giggle, I was relieved to see he didn't break skin. Quinton whined, squirming under him.

"No fair!" He shouted then turned wolf, growling up at Dannie as he scratched at his chest to get him off then jumped to his feet. He laid his ears back and growled playfully, stalking Dannie. Dannie laughed and ran off for the couch, getting his stuffed rabbit and got behind the couch for protection. I picked up his cup of orange juice and placed it on a table. I saw Quinton get down low then pounce at the furniture, getting on it and growling as he peeked over the back of the couch, getting up on top of it as he wagged his tail. He almost lost his balance, but he didn't and he jumped down behind the couch, making Dannie shriek as he landed on top of him.

"LAUREN HELP ME!" Dannie yelled and giggled. I watched as he threw the bunny over and back onto the couch. Quinton started nuzzling his snout against Dannie's belly, making his shirt go up and then gripped it with his teeth, shaking it playfully. Dannie growled as his ears fell back. "THAT'S MY SHIRT! STOP! I DON'T WANNA BE SHIRTLESS!" He yelled and tugged at his shirt to keep it on. Quinton tore the shirt off of him and then started nuzzling at Dannie's bare stomach, letting out a dominant growl as he put his weight on Dannie. He wagged his tail for a moment and then nipped at Dannie's skin. Dannie growled back and shoved Quinton away then got up and ran towards the door. Quinton chased after him, biting one of his pant's legs and pulled his feet out from under him. Dannie rawred his way and started to crawl away. "BOOGER!" Quinton threw his head back then, letting out a hunting howl and then crouched down low, pulling his lips back to show his sharp teeth and started slowly after Dannie. Dannie screamed and ran towards the couch then and grabbed his rabbit then ran off towards the other door out of the room. I frowned and took a seat on the couch. Quinton's gaze shifted to me then, seeing that his prey had escaped. He let out a soft growl and started for me.

"Your letting him get away?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. He wagged his tail then and got down low, prowling over towards me as he let a growl rise up in his throat. He pounced up into my lap and put his teeth over my throat, threatening to bite down. I scooped him up before he could and held him out from me. "Someone needs to tame you." I hissed. He started squirming then, growling at me sharply in irritation. He barked at me then and laid his ears back as his back claws started scratching my arms to try to get a grip. I let him go into the floor then got up, pausing time. I walked off towards my bedroom, taking my sweet time about it then locked myself inside once I was there. I took out my Twilight book and sat down on the bed, letting time unpause. I heard a howl about five seconds later and Peyton shrieked from the living room. I heard Dannie let out a howl shortly after. Well Benjamin isn't going to sleep tonight if that's what happens all the time around here.... I know there is two packs around.... This should be interesting.

"Paris says that Raven had originally kidnapped them," Benjamin informed me as he came into the room. "She was under Dante's influence and was helping fight some guy named Oz who was wanting the Grimm twins dead and Hachi back. Dante was against him and had Raven under his control again." He sighed and put his phone back into his pocket. "They should be home soon."

"Well... Why didn't they just tell us in the first place." I grumbled. I could have stopped at our house to check in on it.

"Paris wanted you here where it would be safe," he whispered and laid down in the bed beside me. "Raven says hi." I smiled at the thought of Raven.

"I know he wants us safe..." I sighed out. "I just think... that we should have been informed better." He gave a nod and curled up beside me.

"We should go out on a date soon...Just you and me," he mumbled and gave a soft smile towards me. "We'll make Paris babysit Ellie. I'll take you somewhere nice."

"How about we go see a ballet or play?" I suggested and smiled as I sat Twilight aside. He gave a nod.

"I can handle that." He pulled out his phone then and turned away from me to start searching for upcoming shows. I shook my head then curled up to a pillow, watching him. "They'll be doing The Nutcracker soon," he told me, glancing over. "Two days from now..." I nodded, thinking about it.

"I wouldn't mind going to see it." I shrugged it off and closed my eyes to rest them.

"Then we'll eat dinner first and then go see it," he mumbled, putting his phone down then pulling me close. He kissed my cheek and smiled.

"It sounds like a great plan." I mumbled and looked towards him. He gave me a kiss then and rested his head against mine, watching me.

"Good.... We'll do that then," he told me and closed his eyes but tensed up when Quinton let out a sharp howl. I looked towards the door, wondering what was going on out there. I heard frantic scratching at my door then and heard Quinton howl from the other side, obviously still hunting me. I raised an eyebrow as I wondered what was at my door.

"Go see what's at the door." I whispered. "Your the man."

"It's a wolf. I'm not going over there," he told me, looking at the door as he recognized the howling on the other side. "I'll be eaten. Quinton will eventually move on." I shook my head and curled up to Benjamin.

Hachi's POV:

I woke up as Isaac moved closer to me, rubbing his head against my cheek in his sleep. He let out a small happy noise and moved his head up under my chin then licked my neck. I giggled softly and tried to nudge him off me, trying to be gentle so I wouldn't wake him. He purred then and moved up under my chin more, moving his body on me a little. His warmth spread throughout me then as he started unconsciously using his magic. I tensed up then as I wondered what he was dreaming about. He licked my neck again then grabbed the front of my shirt as he moved all the way on top of me and kissed it before brushing his teeth against me. I panicked and pushed him off- trying to not wake him in the process. The warmth suddenly faded as his eyes snapped open. He looked at me then and blushed big time, curling up on top of me. "I didn't do something...did I?" He whispered. I pretended to be sleeping with my eyes open, not moving or making a sound. Go back to sleep. He glanced up at me and waved his hands in front of my eyes then sighed, laying back down on top of me and taking a deep breath. He closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around me, starting to relax. I waited for him to fall back asleep, feeling like I was a predator. He glanced back up at my neck then and tilted his head curiously, sniffing me. He smiled as my scent pleased him then he leaned forward to my neck, giving it a small kiss. He tightened his arms around me and closed his eyes as he gave me a love bite. I tensed up more and let a moan slip.

"Isaac!" I grumbled. "What are you doing?" I hushed out. He didn't respond though as he licked my neck again and let out a purr in my ear. I saw the look in his eyes get lost as he stopped thinking about what he was doing and let instinct take over. He bit down then on my neck, taking a small chunk out then pulled back, looking at me in awe and practically melted on top of me, curling up. He let out a moan of ecstasy and swallowed it, licking the blood off of my neck before it could touch the pillow. I heard Paris let out a scream from somewhere in the castle then appeared by the bed before I could act on my own.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Paris hissed out as he held his neck. The pain started to head towards Louis next as he let out an involuntary scream and then- I expected Isaac to feel it. He curled up then and whimpered, shrinking back as he touched his neck. He got off of me quickly, snapping out of it and curled up to the pillow.

"Now that's why you doing bite me." I hissed and touched my neck, blood was already gushing out.

"Would you like me to heal you?" Paris asked, holding his breath. Isaac let out another whimper as he fell off the bed, grabbing at his neck in the area where he had bitten me.

"Owe!" He yelped and then stood up, walking over towards the door as he rubbed at his neck. He bit his bottom lip to distract himself from the pain as he started to open the door.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING JERK!" I crawled off the bed and stumbled after him. "You don't just bite me and leave me here!" I hissed. He looked back at me and pouted.

"But it hurts...and I was going to see about getting you breakfast," he said innocently as he shut the door and leaned against it, rubbing his hands nervously.

"Oh okay... I think that would sound good." I waved him off and looked towards Paris. "No- it's fine Paris I can heal myself." I promised and started chanting a healing spell. Paris nodded then teleported out. Isaac glanced at me then, hesitating before leaving the room quickly. He shut the door behind him, and I heard him walking fast down the hall to get away from the bedroom. I finished healing myself then had a mop appear and clean up the blood on the floor and more cleaning supplies started coming out of no where to clean up the blood on the bed. I took off my shirt and walked towards the closet, grabbing a new one that seemed to be just lingering there for me to grab. I walked into the bathroom and stood over the sink, cleaning off the blood and put on the fresh shirt. When I had it on I stumbled towards the window seat in the bedroom and sat down on it, opening up the window to look out it. Isaac came back in after a few minutes with a tray of food, bringing it over. He sat it in my lap and smiled at me, kissing the top of my head before going towards the bed and laying down in it.

"Sorry about biting you... I don't know what came over me," he whispered as he curled up.

"Instincts?" I asked as I took a bite of the food he brought me. It wasn't as good as wizard eyes but... it will do for now. "I think you should get fangs." I suggested. I watched as a bird flew over to the window and landed down on it, hopping over to me. I smiled towards it and reached a hand out for it, letting it hop on and brought it towards my face. "You'll make a delicious soup.." I whispered.

"Hachi," Isaac growled, getting up and coming over. He made sure to scare the bird back out the window and crossed his arms, looking at me. "Don't eat innocent birds like that," he told me and then took the apple off my plate and glanced it over before setting it back down as he lost interest in it. He gave a soft smile as he looked outside then sat down in the floor to watch me.

"We are wizards, we have to take animals for soups and potions- or spells." I informed him. "Now I lost that bird's wings and feet. Even the eyes were good for something." I hissed. He laughed then and shook his head.

"It was the bird's lucky day. He got away from the mighty Hachi," he teased me and laid down on the floor as he looked up at me. He gave me a sweet smile as he ran his fingers through his hair. "You can get that somewhere else."

"You are so lucky..." I grumbled then ate the rest of the food on my plate. I put it in the floor then looked out the window to see if I could spot his slimy father out there. I didn't see him though, so if he was out there, he was hiding and waiting. Isaac frowned as he saw what I was doing and tapped his head.

"My father hasn't spoke to me since last night. He shouldn't be out there if you are looking for him. He probably lost interest," he told me as he rolled over onto his stomach and started tracing his fingers over the floor. I looked towards him.

"Think so? I still need to stay on guard." I got off of the seat and closed the windows. "Let's go see if the others want to go home to the manor yet or not." I suggested. Isaac gave a nod and got up, giving me a smile.

Raven's POV:

We all appeared in the living room using our teleportation after everyone had gotten up and was ready to go. Dante had fed us before he let us leave, saying it would be bad manners not to. I smiled and glanced around for Austin. "I'M HOME!" I shouted, knowing he'd hear me. Lauren appeared in front of me.

"Oh thank goodness you guys are home. THE BOYS ARE NUTS PARIS- LOUIS. Oh and Raven.. Austin is drunk on the floor-" She pointed at Austin who was knocked out on the floor, I could smell the alcohol from here. I narrowed my eyes and walked over, nudging his head with my foot.

"You drunk, get up," I hissed. How dare he get drunk when I'm not here! He curled up to my foot and kissed it then rolled over onto his back and began groaning. He looked up at the ceiling.

"Everything is moving.... Why am I on the ceiling? What happened to the gravity?" He reached up for the ceiling and then started to spit at it, the spit fell back down and hit his cheek.

"Eweeee." Hachi hissed and turned away. I narrowed my eyes and teleported into the kitchen, getting a gallon of ice water before returning to him and dumping it on his head.

"I can't believe you got drunk!" I hissed at him. He started to squirm around.

"I'M DROWNING!" He yelped.

"Bad drunk..." I heard Paris mutter.

"You know... I think it turned out the other way around," Richard whispered in Paris's ear. "He's totally in trouble with her, not like you predicted." He smirked and started to pull Paris out of the room then as I watched them. I glared down at Austin then and pulled him to his feet, taking him into the kitchen and sat him down before handing him a glass of water.

"Drink up," I ordered. He spit into the water then and sunk in the chair.

"No~ I wanna go to bed.... Raven why'd you leave me?" He asked and started to cry- becoming a sad drunk. I frowned then. Leaved him?

"What are you talking about Austin?" I asked, softening my gaze as I pulled him into a hug. "Sweetie, I never left you. I was just helping save Paris and the rest of us. I was and always will come back, so I never truly left you," I whispered in his ear as I kissed his cheek. He curled up into my arms then.

"It felt like foreverrrrr~" He mumbled. "I didn't know when you was coming home- how- when.... If you was coming home. I was so worried. I pulled out a scotch and started drinking. I was left with the kids too! Everyone was disappearing and scotch was my only friend...." He held up an invisible bottle and started to hug it to him then drunk out of it. I raised an eyebrow at him and sniffed him to find out how much he drank...which was a lot. He'll be drunk for a bit.

" time don't drink like that. Don't I always come back to you?" I asked and gave a smile, giving him a kiss. "By the way...." I looked at him then, unsure how he would take this. I hadn't exactly told him yet that he wasn't allowed to drink my blood. He hadn't moved to bite me since Dante made me drink from him. "You can't drink from me for two weeks."

"Why not? Don't you care for me anymore Raven? No one cares for me! I'm doomed to a lonely eternity with scotch! You don't love me anymore~ I'm not allowed to drink from her, scotchy!" He mumbled into his invisible bottle then held it up and looked into it. I frowned at him, feeling sad.

"Austin, I do care about you... It's just that I just don't want you to get hurt. Dante made me drink from him, so his blood is in me for the next two weeks. If you drink from me, he'll be able to control you, and I don't want you to get hurt," I whispered to him and kissed his forehead. "I'm looking out for you. Besides, if you drink from me and then I drink from you, this will keep going until one of us stops drinking from the other to prevent sharing Dante's blood again." I gave a smile then as a thought occurred to me. "If you can't wait for two weeks, I can go demand to be released. His blood will have no effect on us if he does so." I looked into his eyes then, brushing his hair out of his face. He puffed out his cheeks.

"You drank from that scum! How dare you sink your fangs into another! It's abomination!" He yelled out, becoming an angry drunk. "I can't look at you any longer!" With that being said, he disappeared before my eyes and was gone.

"Hmmm, I say that went... well." I heard Lauren say from behind me. "A drunk vampire has ventured off to who knows where! Should we let Paris know? I mean after all... Austin could be chasing rainbows- unicorns.... or every possible human in sight. What happens if he accidentally blood binges, because he has no clue what he is doing, since he is drunk?" Lauren asked. "Paris won't be happy if Austin is doing that in his territory." I looked down at the floor then, closing my eyes. Why'd he have to put it that way? I shook my head and turned to look at Lauren. It's not like I had a choice. He was going to force his blood down my throat if I didn't drink from him myself. Austin shouldn't have said that. If he's going to act that way, then you should punish him. It's your life, not his! Punish him! I growled softly then and walked over to Lauren.

"Yes. We will tell Paris, and when I get my hands on Austin..." I narrowed my eyes then. Atta girl. Make him pay for getting drunk and telling you that.

"He's only drunk." Lauren reminded me. "He probably won't remember anything when he wakes up tomorrow." She shook her head. "Don't take it out on him for whatever he said to you.... He's just drunk."

"He blames me for what happened with Dante when I had no choice!" I hissed and then looked back at where he had been. "He shouldn't have gotten drunk! He knows better!" I teleported to where Paris was, walking over to him. "Paris, Austin is out drunk and is angry. We need to hunt him down." Paris frowned, he was currently sitting at his desk with Richard in his lap.

"Really! I was just about to feed on my precious little Richard... Guess it will have to wait." Paris groaned.

"Hey, you weren't about to feed off of me. I was about to feed off of you!" Richard complained, giving a smirk before kissing Paris's neck. I wrinkled up my nose at the thought. Remember that feeling you get when you were little and you watched your parents kiss..... That's this moment except worse. Paris exposed his fangs and leaned in towards Richard, gliding his fangs softly against his neck then pulled back.

"Alright, we will finish this later. I have to go hunt down a drunk teenage vampire. Welll.... he's not a teen but he acts like one." He sat Richard aside- in the floor then walked over to me. "So he's drunk and got away? Let's go to Dylan and get him to help us track him down. When we catch him we are taking him downstairs until he is sober, okay?" Paris smirked and grabbed my arm, teleporting us to Dylan's porch. He rung the doorbell and waited. Dylan opened up the door and smiled at us.

"Hey~" He handed us a rod each and let us come in. Paris walked in casually.

"Raven, you can brief him." Paris suggested. Dylan gave me a raised eyebrow before looking at Raven. I smirked then. You should so get Austin into trouble. It'll teach him a lesson.

"We have to find a drunk vampire on the streets. He's highly dangerous," I said and laughed evilly. "Any means necessary."

"Hmmmm... Who am I looking for?" Dylan asked as he pulled out his phone and started for his study, motioning for us to follow him. Paris walked after him quickly and hummed to himself. I followed then.

"Austin," I told him simply, getting right next to Dylan.

"Mhmm... Watch how quickly it is to find him." He told me and put his phone to his ear. "Blade! I need you to run it through the system that D.A.1 is looking for a drunk three year newborn vampire with the name of Austin. Yes- in this area, but also could be else where... Teleporter. Yes. That's right, Dylan. Part of Paris's...... Thank you." He put his phone into his pocket and turned to us. "He's in Val's territory in California. Apparently Val is pissed and had already reported him in. She's going to call you in a minute- she's currently working on trapping him. Kind of hard to trap a teleporter though. Look for him around L.A." He let out a short sigh. "I can't go with you, I have to train Charlie. So good luck. You can take one of my tranquilizer guns." He suggested. I giggled then. Pay back! I gave a nod and ran for the tranqs, picking up one and grabbing the largest dosage I could find. I loaded it and went over to Paris.

"Let's go get ourselves a vampire," I hissed out and started for the door. "Thanks Dylan!" Paris gave Dylan a short hug and thanks before walking up to me and grabbed my arm. He teleported us straight into the heart of L.A. We appeared in front of a cute little café. He let me go and looked around.

"I'm going to go find Val, I'm not familiar with her territory nor where her headquarters are. I need to give her an apology. You can go hunt down your mate and get him back home. I'll see you there soon. Richard should know where to take him for safe keeping." Paris told me. I gave a nod and smirked.

"I will," I said and teleported onto a roof nearby, looking around for him. "When I get my hands on you...." I narrowed my eyes and then started my search. I growled softly as I teleported to a different part of the town and exposed my fangs. "AUUUUSTIIIIIN!" I shouted and then giggled as I rested the tranquilizer on my shoulder and looked around with a smirk. When he's found, bite him and remind him who's dominant! I smirked and giggled. Oh I will. He's going to get it. I don't care if he is drunk. You do not say things like that to me and get away with it. Not even if you are my mate. I found Austin sitting at an outside bar talking to a ground of three, two girls and one guy. He seemed to be hunting, I could tell by the way he was acting. I narrowed my eyes at the two girls and then felt a bubble of anger. Kill him.... Mates are useless- especially when they are hunting two other girls outside a bar without you. I giggled then and gave a nod. Oh yes... He'll get what is coming to him, though I can't kill him. I leveled the tranq gun and walked over, ignoring the pedestrians. I shot him in the neck with it when I got close enough, laughing evilly as I heard a lot of people scream. I threw it aside and ran over, grabbing him by the collar. "You...are in so much trouble," I hissed, exposing my fangs out of the sight of the three he had been hunting. I yanked him towards me and then into an alley as the tranquilizer started to kick in. I threw him up against the wall and bit down into his neck harshly. "Oh, if I can't sink my fangs into anyone else but you without your permission, then I'll be as rough with you as I would any idiot in the street," I growled in his ear and bit down again, tearing out a chunk as I yanked the dart out of the other side of his neck. He let out a whimper and squirmed against me.

"Leave me alone Raven! I don't want to see you!" He growled as he shoved me away- having me shoved up against the wall across from him. "DON'T BITE ME WITH THOSE FANGS." He raged and then started to slide down the wall- starting to get tired. "What did you do to me?" He asked, out of breath.

"Oh, I tranqed your drunk self," I hissed at him as I got off of the wall and walked over, yanking him to his feet. "You dirty drunk.... I can't believe you said all that to me. You would be so dead if I didn't have an ounce of love for you." I narrowed my eyes and looked him in the eyes before leaning in and kissing him, pressing him up against the wall. Austin mumbled something before passing out against me. I pulled back and kissed his cheek, glancing at the bite mark I had given him and winced as I snapped out of my rage. "I'm so sorry," I whispered and teleported us home, setting him down on my bed and running to the bathroom where I grabbed the first aid kit. I came back out and started to bandage his neck up, cleaning it out. I kissed his forehead and then teleported to Dante's place, knowing he'd be here for Charlie. He glanced up at me from the couch in his living room then smirked.

"Hello Ra-"

"Release me," I hissed, walking over. "You better release me right this instant. You're going to regret it if you don't." He laughed as he set his book aside.

"I'll regret it? That's a big threat coming from a little collared kitten." He stood up and looked down at me as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I'm not a collared kitten! You better watch it! Release me, or I'll have Paris tear you apart!" He sighed then, ruffling my hair.

"Fine... Raven, I release you," he told me, making it official. I felt his power fade from me and I smiled happily, teleporting away before he could do something. I appeared back in my room and sat down on the bed beside Austin, biting down into my wrist and holding it over his lips. He was probably hungry since how he was hunting... and he was angry because I denied him what is his. The least I can do is let him have some...even if he is drunk and being influenced by a tranquilizer. He didn't move an inch as he was knocked completely out by the tranquilizer. It was sort of amusing to see him so still and peaceful. I pulled back after a moment and kissed his cheek.

"I love you Austin, and I hope that you forget about tonight."