Demonic Lovers

Agni's (Isaac's father) POV:

I growled as I paced the forest outside Paris's house. I could sense my son in there... in that devil ridden household. He's in there... with that evil little cannibal and that demon vampire. He thinks I'm bad...when he's hanging out with them. I stopped and narrowed my eyes as I glanced at a window, seeing Isaac walk past it. I felt my fire race through my veins as I surged with rage at how they had acted the other night. They forced him to stay.... I glared at the window then and moved back deeper into woods to avoid being seen. I'm going to remove him from this...and then he will have to help me with my plans. I smirked as I thought them over. All I needed now was Isaac. I needed his fire. It would take two to open the gates of hell. Then I would need a sacrifice to keep the demons at bay when I enter. It would save me from going insane upon setting foot in hell, and I'd be able to leave after getting what I am aiming for- the power of hell. I wanted special forbidden demonic magic from hell. The only way to get to it would be to do this. It's what Isaac was born for, the reason why I didn't kill his mother. That evil- "What are you doing?" I heard a voice husk down the back of my neck. I was flipped around and faced a man, a foreign looking man from perhaps South America. He glared me down then. "Well?" He asked and tilted his head. "Only I can stalk the manor." I narrowed my eyes.

"Let. Me. Go," I hissed and let my fire race up his arms, burning him from the inside out. "First, you should tell me why you are stalking the manor." I shoved him away and glared him down. How dare he touch me?! He laughed and I was hit with a storm full of dust that entered me then started to poor back out of me.

"Don't burn me again, wizard." He hissed. "So you must be after that kid Isaac that Hachi is so... close to." He growled towards the manor. I put a protection spell on me quickly to prevent anything like that again and glared from him to the manor.

"That kid is mine," I muttered. "He will be coming with me very soon, whether he likes it or not. I will have to dispose of that abomination that is keeping him."

"Oh so you plan to take him? You are in luck! I plan to get rid of his little- HACHI IS NOT AN ABOMINATION! He's my little wizard." The man hissed. "I have you know I plan to take him back home soon." I smirked then as I raised an eyebrow. Perfect. I won't have to attack this place....This stranger will do the work for me.

"Then how about you go get him. You won't have to worry about Isaac following," I purred and held out a hand to shake his. "I'm Agnidev, but you can call me Agni for short."

"You'll have to excuse me for not shaking your hand." He told me. "I'm Oz." He looked towards the manor longingly. I dropped my hand then, understanding.

"Tell you what... I'll help you take him. After all, I need that- cannibal- out of my way. He's troublesome." I glanced over at the manor then. How to go about this? There are tons of vampires in there.... A spell then? I closed my eyes and cast a protection spell over this Oz fellow and then cast a spell that hid our presence and scent so that way we wouldn't be picked up by the vampires. He looked towards me and raised an eyebrow.

"What'd you do?" Oz asked me and looked over himself. He was able to detect something happened to him, so Hachi possibly had done things to him before. I laughed at that. This should be interesting.

"Just a protection spell so that way your little wizard can't harm you, and then I cast a spell to hide our presence from the vampires of this manor. They won't be able to smell us or sense that we are here. It gives us a better shot at just dealing with getting Hachi out."

"Well this will be too easy then." Oz smirked. "What about that new security system? I can't go in there because of it." I frowned then and looked towards the manor before walking over and conjuring up a metal rod after sensing their security type. I placed it in his pocket then.

"Here's your complementary ticket inside," I whispered and laughed as I pulled back. "Go get him." Oz smirked towards me.

"I'll owe you thanks later if this ends up working." Oz disappeared through a sandstorm. I laughed and started for the edge of the woods, sitting down on a tree stump and looked out to watch. This should be interesting. I'll be able to snatch up Isaac when the time is right...but I shouldn't make my presence known to those two wizards just yet.... Not until Oz has a good chance at grabbing Hachi. I don't want a battle today. I'm a bit lazy.... Oz came back after a few seconds with Hachi on his shoulders- struggling to be let down.


"Be quiet! You will give me away." Oz hissed. Hachi squirmed and looked beyond pissed. I laughed darkly, seeing him like this.

"Hello little cannibal," I greeted, standing up. I stretched then. "By the way Oz, that spell I did to protect you from Hachi will wear off in the next twenty four hours. After all... not all spells can last forever, and I can't have you as a possible threat for the rest of your life," I told them and smirked, glancing at Hachi. Great, I will be able to get my hands on Isaac easily. Hachi sent a death glare my way and I felt a few spells vibrate through the air trying to get past my protection spell.

"Haha... I'll have him tamed by then." Oz told me and purred into Hachi's ear making him shriek.

"Good, I'd hate for him to interrupt. After all, my little ritual might drag out longer than I prefer it to. It all depends on how easy Isaac makes this," I said with a smirk. "Little one, your spells can not effect me. I'm not as stupid as you may think I am. You can't touch me." Hachi growled towards us through the hand.

"Hm~ Good luck then. I hope our paths cross again... I might take you out for drinks. Come on Hachi, you still need to be punished before I tame you." Oz started to pet Hachi as he started to walk off into a storm of dust. I laughed before using my magic to land me directly inside the manor. A little fifteen year old looking boy appeared directly in front of me with cross arms.

"Your going to loose. You should give up now. Hachi is going to eat you and he will start from your eyes. Oh by the way my name is Laurence and I know EVERYTHING. You will make it into hell and you will be running back out in fear... when you come out Hachi is going to gobble you up and then Paris will get Isaac back. You will get your wish in the end- except it will be an eternity in hell being tortured. You are a sinner." Laurence laughed at me. I narrowed my eyes at the boy, not liking his attitude. I raised my hand to silence him and growled, getting close and leaning down to his face.

"Well, if you know everything, then you know that you shouldn't mess with me," I hissed in his ear before pulling back. "Don't even bother telling anyone I am here. You will find that you can't speak." He shrugged and disappeared through shadows. I raised an eyebrow then before starting for where I had seen Isaac. What was he talking about anyways? Me running out of hell in fear? I'm prepared. I've been prepared for a long time now. Isaac is the final piece of the puzzle. I stepped into a room after using my magic to find out Isaac's fire then smirked as I spotted him standing by a bed. He was playing with the bedsheets, watching as the blanket let him draw things on it due to it's material. I raised an eyebrow. "Isaac, just what are you doing?" I asked. He yelped and jumped, turning to look at me with wide eyes.

"D-dad? Is that- What are you doing here?! How'd you get in?!" He backed up then, bumping into a nightstand. I laughed then and walked over slowly, watching him.

"I think you know. Don't worry about Hachi. I had him taken care of. He won't be able to get in between us this time, and I will free you from him," I told him as I held out a hand. "Now how about you come with me? I'll teach you a few tricks if you'd like." He glanced at my hand suspiciously.

"What did you do to Hachi?" He asked quickly.

"Oz has him." Isaac narrowed his eyes.

"You didn't!" I smirked and grabbed him by his arm and pulled him to me.

"Oh, I did. He can't interfere anymore. You're coming home with me." I used my magic to take us home and sat him down on the couch, touching his head before he could protest. I quickly took his memories of Hachi and of his time in that manor then took away his sense of right and wrong, giving him innocence. I took away almost all of his memories and altered the ones I left to where I was a more loving father and his mother had disappeared. He blinked slowly then as his eyes glazed over. He rubbed his head against my hand and smiled.

"Daddy, I'm so glad to see you," he said sweetly, giving me a loving look. I smirked then and kissed the top of his head to play the part.

"Isaac, how would you like to help your dear old dad on a project of mine, hmm?" I purred. He gave an eager nod.

"Okay!" He got up then and kissed my cheek. "What's the project?"

"I need to open the gates of hell," I whispered. He frowned a bit but nodded then.

"Sounds fun! When can we start?" He asked with an innocent smile. I smirked and started to pull him towards the door that led to the stairs into the basement.

"Right now," I told him. "What we need to do is focus our fire together to open it. You and I are the key to the gates of hell. No one else will be able to open it without help from demons." He frowned a bit then.

"What's a demon?" He asked as I led him down the stairs.

"Don't worry about that and let daddy handle that part," I said and laughed as I turned on the light. I walked over to the altar where I had the book for the ritual for the gates of hell laid out. I opened it and turned to the first page of incantations. "Can you read this?" I asked him, making sure. I didn't know his level of skill yet. I had ignored that for a few years. I really hope that it doesn't come back to bite me now. I watched as he looked it over. He gave a nod and smiled happily.

"I can read it!" I laughed then and pulled him closer.

"Good boy. Now read this with me. Channel your powers for me, and lend me your strength." He leaned his head in towards my neck and rested it there, breathing in my smell.

"Of course," he told me and then looked down at the page, starting to chant it. I quickly joined in and smirked. This is going to plan easier than I thought it would. Take away someone's sense of right and wrong and make them adore you, and they'll practically do anything.

~An hour later~

I felt my power being drained by the second as a gate started to form on the far wall then, branding itself in with fire. I blinked tiredly and continued chanting as Isaac slumped against me. He kept going as well and kept going after the job was done. I quickly put my hand over his mouth to stop him, wanting him to save his strength. "That a boy Isaac. We did it. The gate is here. All we need now..." I trailed off as I looked at him and smirked. I snuck a hand behind me, gripping the ritual knife that would sacrifice Isaac to hell in my place. He should've been stronger. He shouldn't have let himself become a pet. He may carry my fire inside of him by being my biological son, but he is a disappointment and is only good for a tool. I threw him down on the altar then and let my fire light the candles lining the sides of it. I laughed darkly as I lifted the knife up and looked him over.

"D-dad?!" He widened his eyes and looked from the knife to me. "What are you doing?! Don't you love me?!" His eyes welled up with tears and he began to struggle.

"No, actually, I don't. You see, I had been planning this all along," I told him with a smirk and brought the knife down into his chest. He yelped and gripped my hand that was holding him down, squeezing his eyes shut. I heard his blood sizzle as it hit the altar, burning up as hell began to accept my offering. I pulled the knife out and set it down, looking him in the eyes. He cried out as his power began to drain rapidly as his blood flowed freely.

"D-dad," he whimpered and loosened his grip on my hand then and dropped it completely after a few seconds. I watched as the light faded in his eyes and then wiped his tears away.

"You served your purpose Isaac.... I won't let your sacrifice go to waste." I stood up and then went over to the gates of hell, holding out my hand. It opened for me and I smirked as I cast a few protection spells over me before entering.

Hachi's POV:

Oz laid me down on his bed and chained me to it, smirking evilly. His room seemed dusty, like no one had been home in a while. It made me concerned about Zehara slightly. I hadn't seen her... just him. I looked Oz over- glad that his disgusting hand wasn't over my lips anymore. I looked towards Oz's wrist- seeing that he no longer had on the bracelet... which made me wonder how he got it off. I pulled on the chains then- having them freeze over so I could break them. I hissed as it hurt my wrists and then a overwhelming depression rushed over me like a waterfall. I was drowning in it, meaning something was wrong. One of my pets was dead. My eyes blurred into dark- black colors. Oz snapped his fingers in front of my face. "Hachi are you listening? Why are you looking like that? Oh sweetie! Don't be sad! You are going to be happy with me, I promise." He let out an evil laugh. I shook my head as I broke the chains and curled up into myself. I grabbed one of my stitches and began to pull on it, causing myself harm as I tried to fight the deep sea of sadness.

"It's going to be okay..." I mumbled to myself, trying to keep cool. I can't be going through this at the moment! I need to get away from Oz. He tried to reach out for my hands then.

"Hachi! Stop that." Oz hissed. "It's not going to be okay if you keep that up!" I growled his way and grabbed his wrist biting into it then pulled him onto me, leaning up towards his throat. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING! STOP ACTING LIKE AN ANIMAL! YOU DON'T EVEN EAT VAMPIRES!" He screamed and tried to get away from me. I put up an protection spell quickly against his sand powers and pulled him into me, biting down into his throat and I ripped out a chunk. I felt my stitches pulsing. I shrieked as it frightened me and then let out a laugh as blood poured over my face. The thrill of getting to kill something- especially OZ... made the depression fade slightly. I flipped us and pulled out my chopsticks.

"Guess what Ozzy poo! I'm going to eat your eyes." I told him. He yelped and shook his head no.

"Hachi! Don't eat me! I've kept you safe for centuries! How could you just up and leave me! Of course I am going to try to get-" He screamed out in pain as I was already leaning the chopsticks to his left eye. "HACHI STOP!" He was panicking and I could see Sand coming towards me and trying to devour me but it wasn't working due to my protection spell. "HACHI! YOU'LL REGRET THIS! I AM ONLY TRYING TO HELP YOU!"

"Help me?" I asked and snapped my jaws towards him. "That is the least you have done." I told him then stabbed him in the eye with one of the chopsticks, making him sling me off of him and into the floor- he took off towards the door in fear. "Where are you going? It's just getting fun!" I told him and had the door seem farther then it actually was to him. I laughed evilly and started to crawl towards him. "Come here breakfast! I need some fun~" I told him and pulled my stitches out of my skin with my magic and slung it his way with my hands, catching him with the thread. I started to tug him towards me and laughed. "Hachi is going to eat you! Hachi is going to get you! Hachi is going to DEVOUR you." I purred. I struggled with pulling him to me with the thread and once I got him to me I wrapped the thread around my throat and had my magic stitch the thread back into me. It also kept him to me as I had my magic stitch the thread to him. "Let me have that~" I pulled out my chopstick- with his eye attached to it and ate the eye. I smirked as I looked into his empty eye socket and then at his eye. He was horrified.

"Please let me go Hachi and I will never- ever.... You will never- ever see me again. I SWEAR!" He pleaded.

"Then there isn't any fun in that." I purred and leaned in towards his neck, biting down into him and began to devour him- ignoring his thrashes and pleading. I discovered something while eating him- it was hard to silence a vampire! They were just so hard to kill while eating this way. It took me half an hour to eat every single bit of him. When I finished I had my magic take me back to Paris's manor, and my stitches came back to me- placing their selves right where they belong. I glanced around the manor as I was consumed by hunger and anger.

"PARIS- LOUIS." I called quickly. Either they both were alive- and my little Isaac was dead or something else happened that I didn't expect. I feared it was Isaac that died though... since how his father had been after him. "GET IN HERE." I growled out the order. No more depression. IF they both were alive then I would send one or both into hell for my little Isaac. Louis appeared in front of me then and wiped at the tears on his face.

"Hachi, what happened? I suddenly was overcome with grief," he said quickly, coming over and giving me a hug as he felt the depression I had earlier. He sunk to his knees and buried his face into my chest as he tried to stop crying. Paris came next, walking in- using the wall to keep himself standing up. He slid to the floor and crawled over to me, grabbing at my feet and wrapped me up, pulling me close to him. That means I was correct.

"Isaac died." I hissed. "Go get him Paris." I ordered. "If you can't come back with him then don't come back at all." I kicked his head back- not harshly but enough to give authority. He looked up into my eyes then gave a nod.

"I'll bring him back." Paris hushed out and stood up quickly. "I will be back." He promised and then disappeared from my sight. I balled my hands up into fists. "Louis... I need you to find when that freak comes back from hell- I mean Isaac's dad of course. When he comes back- which I think I know that is the spell he must have been after to do- Anyways I need to know where he is. You'll track him down and when you get him... Tell me. I want no mercy to be shown." I hissed.

"I'll bring his worthless self to you," he hissed back, already beginning to blame Isaac's father for the pain he felt. He disappeared from my sight then to go seek him out. Richard came in then with a bottle of alcohol and looked at me.

"Where'd Paris go? He just up and left me after practically whimpering like an injured dog." He walked over and took a swig of his drink. He looked a bit concerned but not overly. Louis appeared again and tossed a knife towards me, letting it land at my feet.

"I managed to find the scene of the crime," he growled, looking bloody. He must have gone to a wizard coven to find Isaac's father's house so fast. He looked at me as he licked his lips clean of the wizards' blood he had devoured. "Isaac's body is still there- along with a book written in some kind of gibberish." The knife was a ritual knife I had seen once in a book- a dark one, forbidden. It was to be used in a ritual where a life would be sacrificed to the demons and to hell in exchange for passage to one who was able to open the gates. I could still see Isaac's blood on the knife. The jerk hadn't even bothered to clean up his mess and had left Isaac's body to rot. I kicked the knife away and had it light up in flames.

"I know what he done, as I suspected." I muttered. "Hell is no place for a wizard." I laughed and then started to walk towards the kitchen. "Tell me when he's back." I ordered Louis and flicked my hand to have him go watch the crime scene. Laurence appeared in front of me then and looked me over.

"So he did go through with it.... Huh." Laurence mumbled. "It's okay Hachi. Good guys always win."

"Who said we are the good guys?" I asked and brushed past Laurence. "Whatever you seen... You should have warned us."

"I thought it was for the best... It's going to lead into something magical." Laurence promised. I turned to looked over my shoulder for him but he had disappeared. Richard came up then and narrowed his eyes.

"Hachi, what is going on?" He asked, demanding as he grabbed my arm. "What was up with that knife? Where is Paris, and why is Louis watching a crime scene?!"

"Isaac's father killed him in a ritual. I sent Paris to get Isaac." I summed up. "We don't have to worry about Oz anymore." I whispered. I felt nasty being drenched in his blood- it almost made my skin crawl. Richard's eyes widened and he let go.

"Wait.... you sent hell?" He asked, on the verge of panic. He bit his bottom lip. "He'll come back a demon...."

"He's already part demon." I told Richard. I changed my course of direction to my bathroom so I could get a bath.

"You don't understand! He'll be a full demon! He'll have no sense of morals! We are all in danger!" Richard followed after me, dropping the bottle of alcohol then stopped. "We need to get out of here...." I raised an eyebrow.

"Quit being over dramatic. Laurence said it was leading up to something magical. So go take a chill pill." I waved it off. "I want my Isaac back.... Only I get to kill my pets." Richard was already freaking out though.

"Hachi, Paris will take me!" He shrieked and then shook his head backing up in fear. He took off running towards his bedroom with a look of terror.

Richard's POV:

Paris is going to be a demon... and we all thought it was bad when I went demonic! This will be the worst thing to happen in our history if he comes back and isn't cleansed right away! I should run away- no I got to cleanse him. I burst into our bedroom and then went over to the closet, grabbing out a black t-shirt and one of my vests for war. I put it on and quickly slipped my combat boots. Glancing at the watch on my wrist, I marked the time and estimated how long ago he might have left then predicted the times he might reappear in our world. If I want back up, I'll have to hurry this up. I ran out to the bedroom and then got down on my hands and knees, pulling out one of my boxes I had up under our bed. Opening it, I reached in and pulled out a set of bullets I had made just for these situations then shoved them into my pocket, grabbing the loaded gun for them. I put the holster on with the handheld gun inside and then raced out towards the cleansing room we kept. I went in and grabbed a bag, stuffing it with a jar of holy water, a spray bottle full of the stuff as well, a bible, and a book of prayers and blessings. I grabbed a cross necklace that had been blessed by some saint that Paris liked and shoved it into my free pocket then checked to make sure I had everything I thought I would need. I groaned when I realized I forgot a set of knives. What if Paris takes my gun?! Idiot! I quickly ran out of the room and to my private weapons room that I had stocked with my favorite weapons for everyday uses. I grabbed the best set of knives I could find (made by Dylan of course) and hid them on my person before grabbing some rope and shoving it into the bag. I grabbed extra guns and bullets as well before I was satisfied. Now to pick the one I will trust to go with me. I sat down in a chair as I glanced from wall to wall full of weapons. Lauren has Ellie and Benjamin to take care of, and she doesn't fight that often. Sure, she's got points with Paris because he favorites her a bit, but even wouldn't help her up against a demon. Laurence is vicious, but he's also manipulative when it comes to futures playing out. On top of that, he's small and might easily be thrown. His shadows would be helpful though.... Then there's Raven. She's only got Austin to worry about, and he's not that much trouble. Besides that, her unpredictability could work in my favor against Paris if she were to go insane. He would have a hard time determining her next moves against him. Also, she has been trained by Dante and various other strategists and masters of war and fighting- including me. I trained her even further in the small war with Louis. She knows how to fight me, and it might help in fighting Paris because I've fought and trained with him as well. We'd be matched up excellently, and Raven would tip the scales in my favor. So Laurence or Raven? I smirked and stood up, hoisting the bag's straps onto my shoulder. I think Raven deserves a spin around the block. After all, she's never actually gotten to fight Paris, and Paris has only seen her fight every once in awhile. She will be a good partner to help take down Paris in his demonic form. Besides, he'll forgive her after its all said and done because I asked her to. He'll understand it was necessary. I laughed a bit, getting nervous. However...he might get mad at me for a bit like I did him. At least I'm not sending a priest vampire hunter out to rip him apart. I'm keeping it to his lover and his close family and confidants.

I walked out of the room then and into the living room where I found Raven curled up on the couch, watching the children play. "Raven, I need you to go get ready. We are going into a battle, and I think that you should be the one to go with me. After all, I don't want to take too many people for stealth's sake, but I need a partner to do this with." I gave her an encouraging smile and watched as she sat up. She giggled a bit and stretched.

"Well, I'm honored. Who are we fighting?"

"Paris... He's gone demonic, and we need to take his stone before he can cause any big damage. We will cleanse him as soon as we have it. You understand, right?" I asked, making sure I wasn't just speaking gibberish to her. She smiled then and stood up, giving a nod.

"I do. That's a big task you are entrusting me with. Are you sure you wouldn't rather have someone else though?" She tilted her head as she studied me, her golden eyes searching mine. I gave a nod and patted the top of her head.

"I've thought it through. You are very loyal to us, and you know your way around a fight. Besides, I'd rather take you and know that the future is not being manipulated for someone's benefit by Laurence. He might ditch me mid battle if he thinks there is any profit in not fighting." She giggled then and walked over towards the door with a bounce in her step.

"I'll get my weapons then," she told me and disappeared out of the room. I smiled and looked over to see Peyton looking up at me.

"What's wrong with daddy?" She asked worriedly as she came over and tugged on my shirt. She looked about ready to cry. "Why are you fighting? Are you trying to kill daddy?" I shook my head and knelt down.

"No, no, no not at all. I'm just taking his stone because he's sick. He'll be fine. I'm just trying to help him get better. A few months before you were born, your dad had to take my stone because I had gotten very sick as well... It just happens sometimes and a stone needs to be taken to heal them. Your father will be alright hopefully. I'm going to take good care of him," I explained and watched as she gave a nod and buried her face into my chest.

"Please don't get hurt," she whispered to me as she hugged me.

"I won't. Your father, even while he's sick, probably won't hurt me. I'd be more worried about Raven." I laughed softly and pulled back to look in her eyes. "Tell you what, when this is all over, I'll make Paris go out with all of us to go get a treat, deal?" She giggled then and kissed my cheek.


"You're a smart little princess," I told her and ruffled her hair before standing up and going over to the door. "I'll see you when I get home. Go make Austin babysit." I walked to the front door and waited for Raven who soon came and grabbed my hand.

"Where to?" She asked as she adjusted one of the guns that was at her side.

"To the middle of town, but make sure it's a concealed spot. We have to find out where Paris is...or if he's even back from Hell yet." She gave a nod and teleported us then to an alley somewhere near the center of town and let go of my hand as she glanced around cautiously. She drew a small gun in one hand and a knife in the other then looked at me for instructions. "Raven, when we find him, I want to do most of the talking and fighting. He'll tear you up in his condition if you anger him. With me...I'm more likely not to be fought as much as he would with you. I had you come along so that way you could offer back up and assist. You will listen to me, got it?" She frowned then.

"You mean... I'm going to watch most of this?" I gave a nod.

"Yes, only when I call for you do I want you to even reveal yourself. You will stay hidden for your protection."

Paris's POV:

In order to take Isaac from Hell you will have to give me something...

I finished reviving Isaac next to me and took a step back. I leaned into my wrist and licked up my demonic black blood- waiting for Isaac to rise up. I was aware that this would also make him a demonic vampire- but Hachi wanted him back and this is what he will have. Bringing back Isaac- meant that I could only bring back his vampire half... his wizard soul half had been lost into oblivion which meant I had to go into oblivion to find it. I had to give the devil himself something of mine to recover that lost soul. I scratched at my wrist as I waited on him to rise up. He had both halfs now plus my demonic blood. I took in a deep breath, sniffing the air. I could smell every scent within a five mile radius- soul and all. I was hungry for power. I tried to steady my nerves. I had teleported us back into town- right near Perry's bar. "Isaac~" I purred as his body was done forming. "Rise with me to power beyond our imagination. Feed with me." I reached out for his hand. Isaac blinked slowly as he sat up, looking towards me.

"P-Paris? I thought I..." He frowned slightly and looked down at his hands as he started to remember his death. A growl rose up in his throat, and he got up, taking me hand. "He's so dead," he hissed, the feeling of fire racing up my arm as his powers began to act up with his rage. He looked up at me then and grinned, showing his sharpened teeth from being a demon. He didn't have much other signs- well, take that back. He had a tail twitching behind him now. I looked it over and smirked. I also got his memories back- the devil explained to me that he had them misplaced because of his destructive father. Which he was mad about- him entering hell undead. He was also upset about me.... I had finally gotten caught of course and my family demon DITCHED me.

"Glad to be back?" I purred. I motioned with one finger for him to follow. "Hachi's got plans for your father... You though are going to help me for now." I told him and then started off towards Perry's underground bar. I took Isaac with me as I stormed down to Perry's and entered the underground bar. "I got you fangs." I purred to Isaac. "Drink up and fill your endless hunger." I told Isaac and myself. He smirked and walked away then to go prowl around and eat any unsuspecting strangers, eyeing a girl who was stumbling towards a vampire who was compelling her to him. He snatched her up though and bit down into her neck as he curled his tail around them. I cleared my throat- making the bar fall silent.

"Get out if you aren't a human." I ordered. I stared towards Alexis- a mute waitress. "You can go." I told her- motioned my head to make her leave. She ran off as the other vampires fled the room in their own way. "If any of you humans try to run, you won't live." I told them- smirking. I didn't exactly plan to keep them human though. I walked towards a nearby waiter and pulled his hips to me then bit down into his neck- he let out a moan of delight. The humans in this bar were trained to take bites, it was so cute. I started to drain him, knocking him out of it in mere seconds then moved on to a girl. She whimpered- seeing her friend. "He's sleeping." I told her, looking her in the eyes and compelling her to me. I bit down into her neck. Within five minutes I moved through them and before I knew it there was no more left. I went through them- giving them a few drops of my blood then looked towards Isaac. "Let's go home, Hachi will want to see you and I have a few arrangements to accomplish." He pouted as he licked his lips, obviously liking the idea of having fangs.

"But I don't wanna," he complained as he walked over. His tail curled around his stomach then and he played with the end of it.

"You'll get to see Hachi." I promised and rubbed his head. I teleported us back to the manor and cleared my throat, snapping my fingers towards a servant of mine.

"TRENT! Clear my manor." I ordered. "The only ones allowed here are my army, Hachi, Isaac, and Richard. Take the kids to Louis's manor. I want you to get HAHQ on the phone." I ordered. He nodded and ran off quickly, yelling out my commands and telling everyone to evacuate. "It won't be permanent but it's to ensure their safety." I mumbled to myself. "I can't bring them into what I have to do." I looked towards Isaac. "Go find Hachi and tell him to come to my study." I ordered then teleported into the study and took a seat at my desk. My phone rang and I picked it up.

"Paris Fucking Grimm! You wanted to talk?" I heard a old man ask.

"Hell is coming to get you." I laughed into the phone and hung up. I thought it would be nice to warn them. I teleported into my weapons room and pulled out a machine gun- strapping it around my back then grabbed twin pistols and hooked them to my waist with amo. I took a few throwing knives- tucking them away and then at last I grabbed my twin swords, my father's swords. I pulled out my phone from out of nowhere and called Richard.

"Paris?" I heard a cautious voice say on the other line. He had immediately picked up. "Are you back? Where are you?"

"I'm going hunting." I told him as I looked at a sword. "Start blood binging, we are going to start a new revolution sweetie." I purred into the phone. "If you don't I'll just feed you my demonic blood and we will see who wins." I smirked. I heard him laugh nervously.

"W-whatever you say Paris...Where are you going hunting?" He asked. I could hear the sounds of traffic and the town. He must have gone looking for me as soon as he heard I had gone to hell.

"You'll never guess." I teased. "Bye-Bye." I hung up on him and teleported into the middle of the main HAHQ. It was a internationals HQ. A bunch of hunters went here to train. "For the good of my race." I whispered. I heard sirens of panic going off- looks like the word got around. I heard a few guns snapping off a few rounds my way- making my demonic laugh erupt from inside my chest. I dodged them with teleporting and looked at them- seeing they were in a lined formation. Don't they know that you can't just line up like that around me? Honestly... I can take them out with one bullet. I rolled my eyes then used my vampire speed to go after them. I glided in front of them- slitting their throats with my swords and when I finished the last one I heard their corpses dropping to the ground with a heavy thud. Blood splattered everywhere. I used my tattered pants to clean off my swords then walked towards the next group trying to take me down. "HERE ME NOW!" I roared. "My name is Paris Grimm and I am going to rule Earth on a tall throne. You all are going to end up kissing the bottom of my foot-" I held up a leg to show my foot. "before this is over." I heard some of them laugh before taking off running away from me. There was only a few left- good they take me seriously. "There will be no hunters when this is over with." I promised.

Hachi's POV:

I heard the door open, causing my head to shift towards the door as I was curious to know who was coming into the room. I had just finished my bath and gotten dressed into something comfy when I heard the door. I lingered my towel by my head- waiting for the coast to be clear so I could start drying my hair with it. Isaac walked in then, shutting the door behind him as he leaned against it. He kept his hands behind his back and looked at me with a devilish grin. "Hello Hachi," he purred then began to walk over. "Guess what?" I dropped the towel. His form- was different. It was demonic and slightly terrifying. I felt like I was walking in hell myself. I took a slight step back.

"What happened to you?" I asked weakly. Is this one of those 'careful what you wish for' things? He's different- physically different. I didn't even want to guess what... His grin widened and he stopped an inch in front of me.

"I came back with fangs," he whispered in my ear and exposed them, biting down into my neck. His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me close, marking me with both his newfound venom and his fire. I let out a slight yelp as fear was trying to consume me along with the need to get away, protect myself, melt into his arms, and forget what all I needed to do at the moment. I felt my small protection spell break from my confusion- so he didn't get shocked from biting me. My knees buckled before I could keep up with what was happening and I gripped onto his arms for help as I started to fall.

"F-fangs?" I asked weakly. He laughed and pulled back as I felt the familiar warm feeling center in my chest again, taking it's rightful place. He smirked at me and then opened his mouth to show me.

"Uh huh," he hummed and watched me calmly. I reached up and touched one of his fangs. I pulled back as it cut me and put my finger in my mouth, sucking at the wound to make the pain stop.

"Why'd you bite me!" I fell down onto the floor then and looked up at him innocently as I sat on my knees. He smirked at me and knelt down in front of me.

"Because you are mine," he purred, touching my new mark on my neck. "I marked you both ways." His shirt moved then and he laughed a bit as he slipped out a tail from behind, unraveling it from around his torso. He glanced back at it then at me. "Oh, and that's new." I widened my eyes and squirmed away- realizing what I had gotten into.

"Uh oh...." I mumbled and looked him over- he's a bit demonic. Paris must have brought him back. He grinned wickedly then and pulled me close.

"Oh, and you aren't going to kill my father Hachi... I am," he purred into my ear as he rubbed his head against mine then nudged it up under my chin. "He is going to get what's coming to him for killing me for power. No one sacrifices me to do something like that." I let out a sharp hiss.

"I'll turn you into a cat! I want to devour him. I have been wanting to do that for some time now! I deserve it. You should just be happy with being back." I leaned back- distancing my neck from him as I sat up a new protection spell. Next time I won't be so absent minded! He pouted as he sensed it and moved back.

"Now that's no fair," he said and then stood up, his tail twitching back and forth slightly in irritation. "You are mine...and I should be allowed to have what is mine." He went over to my bed and stretched out on it as he brought my pillow over and rested his head on it as he smelled it. I widened my eyes as I watched him.

"I am not yours! You are mine. I claimed you first." I stood up then- balancing myself out on my legs then picked up the towel and started to dry my hair with it. "I can't believe you marked me- AGAIN!" I whined. I'm never going to be the more dominant one this way... I walked up to my bed and took a seat on it- leaving distance between us. He glanced up at me and raised an eyebrow.

"You claimed me first? I distinctly remember marking you first," he told me and held up his hand as he let his flames dance across his palm. The warmth in my chest reacted, warming up and spreading as it soothed me.

"Well... I picked you with my eyes." I told him. "So ha." I pointed a finger at him. "Bet you didn't pick me with your eyes when we first met."

"No, I had a gorgeous girlfriend that you ate," he hissed at me and then lowered his hand as he curled up to the pillow. His tail curled up around him then and the end twitched as he glared at me. I bit my bottom lip.

"Don't glare at me like that..." I whispered softly. "You didn't really care for her- she wasn't your type." I rubbed off the topic and changed it. "Would you like anything to eat?" I asked softly. I was reminded about Oz then and blushed. Should I tell him? He'll eventually find out... He'll ask.. Someone will tell him. He sat up then with the sweetest smile.

"Mhm, I'm starving," he said cutely, crawling over to me expectantly. He sat down an inch away, knowing that I was being cautious of him and was respecting me. I made a glass of my blood appear and gave it to him.

"Drink up then." I told him. He took it from me and looked at it in pure joy before sipping on it. He moaned a bit at the taste and then drank it quickly. He curled up on the bed then and dropped the empty glass onto the floor, letting it shatter. Smiling softly, he closed his eyes and rested his hands over his tummy. I threw the towel into the floor after I was done drying my hair. I leaned in towards him and grabbed his tail, to make sure I wasn't dreaming. He yelped then looked up at me wide eyed as he got still, almost deadly still. He just watched me closely as he gently bit down on his lower lip to keep from doing something, tensed. I ran my fingers down it to the tip and widened my eyes in wonder. A shiver went up his spine, and he shuddered a bit but didn't move away or take his tail back from me.

"Yes, it's a tail," he told me and looked into my eyes. I pulled on it to see how he would react. He yelped and curled up on the bed. Obviously his tail was sensitive, probably why he had it tucked in his shirt and wrapped around his torso when he first came in- to protect it. He blushed and I saw the tip of his tail twitch a bit. I let it go then crawled closer to him, poking his cheek.

"You are a cute little demonic halfbreed." I told him. He blushed a darker shade of red and turned his face into my pillow to hide it as he started to get embarrassed.

"That's not funny," he whined and brought his tail close to him, wrapping it around his stomach. I giggled and shook my head.

"YES IT IS!" I laid down next to him, pulling a pillow to my chest. "So cute!" I told the pillow. He looked at me then and bit his bottom lip before glancing at his arms. His eyes widened when he looked from his arms to me and then back to them.

"I...don't have stitches anymore," he whispered as it dawned on him. "I lost them." I felt a protection spell go quickly up and he smirked at me. I growled towards him and then grabbed a threat and needle from my pocket.

"Guess I will have to do it by hand this time." I started for him then. He screamed out in fear and started to crawl away, moving his tail up under his shirt and tightly coiling it up to where it was unnoticeable. He fell off of the bed before I could grab his foot and then crawled under the bed, knowing better than to run for it because I would easily use my magic to pin him against something. "Isaac? You are supposed to be making me scared Mr. Demon." I purred out and slipped my feet over the edge of the bed then fell off the bed, crouching to look up under it. "I've got a monster up under my bed!" I shouted to the walls. He growled threateningly as I saw his eyes looking at me, kind of reflecting like a cats but not by too much.

"You better not touch me," he hissed out. I reached out for him under the bed.

"Come here~" I purred. I wanted to get to him before he realized he could just control his fire in me and make me obey him. "Kitty, Kitty." He shrunk back in fear and almost ended up going out from the other side of the bed, but he stayed under it and watched me with wide eyes.

"Nuh uh!"

"Please!" I begged and started to cry. "Do you not love me?" I asked as I tried to win him over. His gaze softened, and he glanced from me to the thread then back to my eyes. He winced as he thought it over.

"I do love you," he whispered and inched back over to me just a bit before stopping, just out of my reach. "Stitches hurt though!"

"Too bad! My mark is painful but worth it~" I told him, trying to seduce him into it. He shivered in fear and watched me.

"But I'm not a masochist," he mumbled, curling up into a ball. I could just put my finger on the edge of his arm.

"I don't want to be the only one marked!" I hissed his way. "Come here little demon~" I waved my hand that was just barely touching him. He squeezed his eyes shut to keep from seeing what came next as he moved into my range, making it to where I could grab his arm easily. I snatched it quickly and pulled him closer to me then started the stitches at his fingers. "HAHAHA!" I purred. He shrieked out and tried to pull back as his instincts kicked in.

"I changed my mind!" He kicked and tried to get away. "I don't want to be stitched up!" He opened his eyes wide in fear and looked up at me pleadingly. He got away from me- with the needle and thread attached.

"GET BACK HERE!" I went after him then- going under the bed. He shrieked in fear and crawled out on the other side of the bed, taking off for the door as he lifted up his hand where I had started to stitch him to his mouth. He grabbed the thread and needle and went to bite down on it to tear it. I crawled out from under the bed and had the door disappear from an illusion and started for him. "ISAAC!" I snarled. "IT'S NOT FAIR THAT YOU MARKED ME TWICE TODAY AND I DON'T GET A CHANCE AT ALL TO MARK YOU!" He screamed and crashed into the wall where the door had been, banging on it in despair. His knees gave out from fear, and he slumped against the wall, curling up into a small ball at the bottom of it against the floorboards. He looked at me in fear as he trembled then glanced around for ways out of this, his eyes landing on the windows. I walked up to him as I cast a spell on the window- locking it. I took my needle and thread away from him and stuffed it into my pocket. "Your not worthy of it." I hissed. "Last time I marked you I was depressed when you died- and I had to go through it under Oz." I walked towards my bed then. He didn't move and curled up tighter into a ball.

"I'm sorry Hachi.... It scares me.... I still remember the pain from last time.... I'd love to be yours again. I love you, I do.... I'm just scared," he murmured as he buried his face into his knees. "I know it's just because of the pain- the reason why I am scared. I already know that I'd die a thousand times for you.... but it scares me." He curled up even tighter then and whimpered. I sat down Indian style on the bed and looked towards the wall as I dropped the spells on the room. I kept quiet, mad at him. He glanced behind him at the door then crawled away from it. He saw the look on my face then froze up, eyes wide. "Y-you're mad at me...for being afraid?!" He got up then and came over, narrowing his eyes in anger. "How can I help it?! I can't, now can I?!" I snapped my head away from his view, keeping quiet. He growled then. "Fine...fine, be that way." He stormed off towards the door then. "Not like I was looking forward to seeing you." I looked towards him then, getting a bit sad.

"Don't leave." I whispered. He stopped then as soon as I said it and glanced over at his shoulder before letting his tail out of his shirt. He came back over and sat down on the bed in front of me, moving his tail into his lap and absentmindedly played with it. He glanced up into my eyes then sighed.

"I guess... if you still want to... I'd be better about it," he murmured, referring to stitching him up. "Though if you don't want to, I understand that too." He looked down at his hands then, glancing at the spot where I had started stitching but was an empty area from me not being able to finish. I crawled into his lap then and curled up against his chest.

"No.... You keep your freedom for as long as you like." I insisted. "For if I was to die, so would you and I don't know if I like that too well." He pouted then.

"I won't let you die...and I don't want to be alone here.... You can't just sentence me to live without you. I love you," he murmured in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I know but still... I do bad things... like eat people." I mumbled and sniffled as I could still taste Oz.

"Did Oz touch you?" He asked, tilting my head up and then looked from my eyes to my lips. He stole a kiss quickly and then wrapped his tail around us as he pulled me close. His tail tickled me as he slipped it up under my shirt to tease me. I jumped a bit at the feeling of it on me.

"Uh.... well...." I looked up into his eyes. "Uhmm...." I bit my bottom lip hard. How do you tell someone you ate your kidnapper? He tilted his head and then smirked as he saw the look on my face.

"Good Hachi," he murmured and then stole another kiss. "Don't let anyone touch you because you are mine." He moved me onto my back and then crawled on top of me, slipping his tail further up my shirt and up against my spine. He laughed and kissed my neck then started a trail to my lips as he moved my shirt up with his hands. I blushed a bright red and tried to move his tail away, getting tickled from it.

"Th-that tickles~" I whispered softly. He laughed darkly and then moved his tail away, arching it over him and twitched it in excitement. His eyes were full of amusement as he kissed me again. I looked towards my shirt, remembering he was moving it up. "Isaac?" I asked. "I don't want to be shirtless." He purred in my ear, and he started to manipulate the warm feeling in my chest, making it spread out. It soothed me, making me happy and full of bliss as he kissed my cheek. It stretched all the way to my toes, warming me up. He slipped the shirt over my head. I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting my protection spell slip unconsciously. He let out a soft growl and glanced at my neck, moving towards it as he sensed it. He bit down gently and put his weight on top of me, wrapping his tail around me. He pulled me close and edged his tail to the top of my pants, pausing as he let out a soft moan from the taste of my blood. I let out a gasp and tried not to moan from him biting me. I closed my eyes tightly as I let him drink my blood. After a few more seconds, he pulled back and licked my neck, healing it with his magic before kissing my lips passionately. His tail tickled my spine as he trailed it up my back, making me arch it. I giggled and squirmed under him. "MH! ISAAC!" I said in our kiss, trying to get away from him.

"Nuh uh," he hummed and laughed, playfully licking my lower lip. His tail tightened around me and he moved his hands down to my pants, undoing the button. He unzipped them before I could react and then slipped them off, tossing them into the floor. He smirked at me and kissed under my jawline, pressing his face up against my neck. I tensed up and tried to get out from under him.

"Isaac?" I asked, not too sure about this now. Was he even aware of what he was doing as a demonic being? I should ask Paris when I get the chance... He growled in my ear possessively then and pulled back to look me in the eyes.

"What?" He hissed, not liking the fact that I interrupted him. He glanced from my eyes to my lips longingly. I felt my lungs begin to ache as I wasn't breathing.

"Are... Are you aware?" I asked softly. He laughed then and kissed me.

"Of course I'm aware. I undressed you, didn't I? I'm kissing you, aren't I?" He purred. "Why? Are you scared little Hachi?" He sounded like he was teasing me. I shook my head no.

"I'm not scared." I defended myself, holding my boxers in one hand. He glanced down at it and raised an eyebrow at me before kissing me again.

"You're scared," he stated and then laughed darkly. "You should be." I blushed.

"I'M NOT SCARED." I told him, hoping he wouldn't be able to tell how scared I was. We never gotten this far... He sat up on top of me then, twitching his tail and then wrapped it around my thigh as he reached for the hem of his shirt. He grabbed it and started to lift it up. I panicked then and tried to slip out from under him without him noticing. He growled at me as soon as I tensed up to move. His tail tightened on my leg.

"Don'," he hissed.

"L-louis?" I whispered, hoping he'd come and help me out. Isaac growled again and tossed his shirt to the floor, revealing his bare chest. He leaned down and then kissed me.

"Louis won't come," he mumbled in my ear. "Knowing my father...he is back already and Louis is probably fighting him if you ordered him to go watch for Agni," he told me, actually saying his dad's name.

"DANTE!" I begged. He'd hear me right? His blood is in me... "Please??????" Isaac laughed and then bit my bottom lip gently.

"How about you stop calling for others...and focus on the moment?" He purred in my ear. I shook my head and reached for a pillow, hitting him with it. He narrowed his eyes and exposed his fangs, placing them against my throat threateningly as he tucked his tail into his pants to protect it, seeing that I was fighting back and didn't want me to use it against him. I put up a protection spell quickly and then looked him over, I snapped my jaws his way.

"I bite." I grumbled. He growled then and crawled off of me, irritated. He moved over to the other side of the bed and moved his tail into his lap after taking it out from under his pant's hem and glared at me in disappointment. His tail flicked in irritation as he was still growing slightly. I sat up quickly in alarm that I was free and went after my shirt first, slipping it onto my head and then went for my pants, wanting to make this quick. He watched me undo his work and narrowed his eyes but didn't move to stop me. He seemed to pout before he turned his face away, tilting his chin up as he looked off towards a far wall. "Stop pouting." I ordered, crawling back onto the bed and towards him. "You aren't aware at all you big tom cat." He looked at me then in sadness, like a child that woke up to find his parents had forgotten his birthday.

"I am aware of what I was doing...and I'm not a tom cat," he whined, fidgeting on the bed a bit as his tail twitched in embarrassment at being called a tom cat. I placed my hands over my manhood and folded them there.

"You.... sure?" I asked him. "I mean... we never done that... and..." I blushed. "I'm not really comfortable with showing off my body... No matter how old I am." He glanced from my hands to my face and sighed.

"Fiiiine....we'll a day to two days before I go there again," he muttered and then started playing with his tail. I widened my eyes.... he seemed determined... I blushed a bright red. I need a belt... to keep him out of my pants. I pulled out a belt from inside my pocket and put it in the belt loops then enchanted it to only unbuckle for me. I relaxed then, knowing this would keep me safe for when we sleep together. He glanced at it and tilted his head, narrowing his eyes as he sensed the magic on it. "That's no fair. You're mine...and you're going to play that game with me," he hissed then curled up on the bed into a small ball, watching as he moved his tail back and forth.

"Good thing you don't know spells." I mumbled towards him then laid down by him, getting under the covers to get warm.

"I know some spells...I just don't know how to undo ones like that," he admitted and looked up at me, influencing his wizard mark to warm me up faster. He pouted and watched me. "You're not fair to me."

"I can't be! You are just sooooo much more... advanced." I looked him over. "Not in wizardry but just in... strength." I blushed. If he ended up becoming a cannibal there wouldn't be any fairness. I would be his forever without a say... Being a cannibal unlocks so much. He crawled over a bit and wrapped his arms around me as he got under the covers, snuggling up to me.

"You know...Paris might be mad. He told me to take you to the study like...a long time ago," he whispered in my ear.

"Wh-why me?" I asked, knowing Paris wouldn't be in his best of moods. I curled up into Isaac. Now if Isaac was smart, he'd try to get my spell book from me when I'm asleep or something to find a spell to take my belt off.... but he's not smart enough. I relaxed into his arms and laughed.

"Because Paris said so... Oh, and he's kicking everyone out of the manor except us and Richard," he purred in my ear. "We'll have to go in there soon. It sounded important I believe."

"HE'S DOING WHAT!" I panicked as I sat up. "Even Laurence!?" I asked, I couldn't handle the idea of not getting to see him. He's like the same age as me- appearance wise. I crawled out of bed then.

"Oh calm down," Isaac groaned and watched me. "He said it wasn't permanent." He pulled me back down to him and curled up, yawning as he started to relax. He smiled softly and closed his eyes. "Take a nap with me?" I turned back to him.

"Why do we have to stay here? Is it because your a demon and I'm- Oh.... okay it makes since." I sat back down on the bed. I was connected to Paris and he was wanting to keep me safe. Paris was up to something.... I crawled back to Isaac and curled up to him. "A nap sounds good." I whispered and closed my eyes. I needed one after what I went through. I started to drift almost as quickly as I shut them.