Counted Bullets

Richard's POV:

I growled as I put my phone back up in my pocket then looked towards Raven. "He's hunting something down. We'll have to go back to the manor and wait to ambush him when he gets home." She gave a nod and came over, grabbing my arm and then teleporting us inside the manor. I quickly led her to one of the secret rooms, knowing that Paris probably had this place on lock down. I couldn't hear anyone, so I'm guessing he kicked out a lot of people in his demonic state. I'll have to hide her from the servants if I am wanting to keep her to fight against Paris. I shoved her into the secret room of mine and closed the door. "Stay in here.... I'm going to the study. When I call for you, come," I told her. Like hell if Paris thinks I will binge eat and become a demon with him. I'm made out of tougher material than that! I know that Paris needs to be cleansed, so I can't go around doing stuff like that. I went to our bedroom and glanced around it, looking for things that I could use against him in here in case he took my weapons and blocked my way to the weapon room.

~Time Skip~

Paris appeared in his study, where I had been waiting. He was a bloody mess and looked as terrifying as ever. He had bull horns sticking out from the side of his head and his hair was extremely curly. His clothes was shredded and he had scratching all up his arms and legs. His nails were about a inch longer then I remembered and when he walked a black mist lingered around him. He had black feathered wings tucked up, not really showing proudly. Paris had also dark circles under his eyes which meant he was definitely tired, probably from the travel back from hell. He looked healthy though, well fed. "Richard~" He purred in amusement when he noticed me. I bit my bottom lip as I looked him over and then tried to give him a sweet smile, attempting to show him I wasn't afraid. It'd be important if I was going to have to fight him like this.

"Paris..." I said and held out a hand to him. "Sweetie, come here.... Let me help you."

"Help me?" Paris asked, narrowing his eyes. "I don't need help." He told me. He walked towards me then and looked me over. "You ready to go hunting?" He asked as he started to disarm himself of weapons, slinging them into the floor. I waited till he was done before I smirked, slipping a hand down to the gun at my side.

"Of course," I whispered and then pulled it out quickly, leveling it to him. "However... I'm not going to binge this time Paris. I know you just got back from Hell...and I know that you won't like it, but you need to let me cleanse you."

"You can't cleanse me." Paris whispered and disappeared. "I knew you'd do something like this." I heard him whisper in my ear. I widened my eyes and then jumped away from him quickly. I shot him in the shoulder and used my power to go invisible, extending my power to my weapons. He looked at his shoulder, as it healed... He didn't even flinch. "Count your bullets Richard." He spoke out towards me. "You aren't going to win with none." He held out his hands and dropped bullets. I backed up slowly, making sure not to make a noise as I focused on keeping my thoughts purely on breathing. I wasn't going to allow him to find me like this.... I shook my head as I glanced at his shoulder then studied him. I leveled the gun and shot him again then quickly moved out of the spot of where I had shot him. He dodged the bullet quickly. "I've been dodging bullets all afternoon." He informed me. "Get over here, we are taking over the world and I need you to be my demonic little general. Unless you don't want a throne." He purred in amusement. "Next is the council." I widened my eyes and growled instinctively. He better not take my throne from me! He's wanting to take over the world?! I forgot about being invisible and charged him, dropping my gun in anger.

"You better not touch my country Paris!" I shouted as I let myself be seen on accident. I crashed into him and exposed my fangs as we were thrown into the floor with me on top. He reached up and pressed his hand into my chest, over my stone and grasped it.

"Rule with me!" Paris growled. "Drink from me." He exposed his neck. I paused then, eyes wide as I realized he had my stone in his hand.

"P-Paris, let go," I said quickly, getting scared. "Let go." He bit his bottom lip hard and I could smell his contaminated blood. He leaned up and kissed me then, giving me a taste of his blood. I widened my eyes as I was sitting on him in shock then felt a surge of hunger, the burning feeling that I had felt three years ago coming back into full focus. I pulled back quickly, swallowing what I had gotten and then curled up on top of him. "It hurts...the burning.... It's back," I whimpered, gripping his hand. He let my stone go then and rubbed my face with his bloody hand.

"Drink up~ I need your strength." Paris whispered and smirked. "We'll be together forever as kings, no more princes and princesses. Kings only, just us." I felt myself giving a nod before I knew what I was doing. That sounds nice... Just us... I felt my fangs sharpen as the burning in my throat intensified, driving me on instinct as I moved to his neck and bit down harshly. I drank greedily and wrapped my arms around him, smiling in happiness as the burning died down the more I got. Paris rubbed my head and laughed. "Good boy.. Yes... We will rule forever." He whispered. "I can't wait to take over." I wasn't listening as I got lost in the taste of his blood, a hint of darkness in it's usual taste. I kissed him over the bite before biting down again and then licked up the blood before any could be wasted. I laughed in delight and then moved to the other side of his neck, biting down again. He let out a moan and smirked. I could taste a strong tea in his blood mixing with the coffee, orange, and chocolate taste. He tasted stronger, I could tell he was healthy. The demonic blood was striking and rooted in my system quickly, making me feel demonic by the second. I pulled back then as I realized what was going on and looked down at him with wide eyes. Crap! I was supposed to cleanse Paris!

"Paris," I whispered and touched the side of his face. I failed him. He was probably expecting me to cleanse him before he went into hell.

"Don't be upset... I have to carry out my deal with the devil." Paris whispered into my ear. "It's a long deal. Step one is to take over." He rubbed my face. I pouted then as I looked down at him.

"But Parie, if we were going to take over the world, I would have liked it better if we did it without a shove from the devil," I whispered and then kissed his lips. I glanced down at his chest, thinking about trying to help Paris get cleansed before I could become a full demon.

"I'm sorry. I'm in dept to him though.... He's upset at me." Paris husked out and kissed me. I sighed and touched his chest, drumming my fingers over it. I won't be able to do anything about it in a few minutes... If I'm going to make a move, I'll have to make it now. The demonic transformation is already starting. I bit my bottom lip as I remembered that I had hidden Raven. I could call her...but would she be able to handle us both? He watched me and smirked, not seeming worried that my hand was lingering around his chest. I narrowed my eyes.

"You don't think I'll go through with it," I hissed, accusing him of doubting me.

"I know you wont." He challenged.

"Well...if I don't, Raven will," I threatened and then widened my eyes as I felt a pang at my stone. I buried my face into Paris's chest as the demonic blood started working at my stone.

"Better make it quick." He teased. "Your becoming a demonic being." I growled at him and reached into my pocket for my phone, not trusting my voice to be able to carry all the way to her. I glanced at the screen as my vision blurred and I quickly started to pull up my text messages, going all the way down to Raven. He took my phone and threw it across the room. "You do it." I widened my eyes and looked at him.

"That was my phone!" I growled and went to go take his stone but another pang sent me to the floor in a ball. I squeezed my eyes shut as I scratched at my own chest, trying to get it to stop. He grabbed my hands and smirked.

"Don't scratch at your chest, silly. Let it happen. No stopping it now." He laughed. I gripped his hands in mine and rubbed my face against them as I nodded, listening to him. He's right... I can't do anything against it...and what's the harm in being a demon if Paris is a demon? We'd be demons together....demonic vampire mates. We'd be together forever... What happened last time won't happen again. We learned better..... I softened my expression and curled up to Paris's side.

"I love you," I mumbled. He purred and flipped us, beginning to pull off my shirt.

"I love you too." He mumbled as he started to tear off my pants. "Every last bit of you." He teleported us into our bedroom, onto the bed and leaned up to my face, kissing me passionately. I widened my eyes and looked around, getting nervous.

"P-Paris," I started and put my hand on his chest to gently push up on him.

"Why are you nervous? We do this all the time." He mumbled against my lips, he didn't move a muscle. I blushed and looked up at him, shrinking back into the bed.

"But never as demons," I pointed out. After all, I'm still not a full demon. I'm still transforming, and I will still keep my fears and morals till I do change.

"We did, a long time ago." He whispered in my ear. "You must have forgotten... let me refresh your memory." He ripped off his shirt and threw it. I blushed and grabbed the pillow, pushing it into his face before he could mess with me.

"Paris, you're funny, but can I at least finish transforming first?" I laughed and looked towards his shirt. My little demon Paris thinks he can take off his own cute. He frowned as he moved back from the pillow.

"Why'd you shove that into my face? Does it really matter if we wait or not for you to finish transforming?" Paris asked me and placed the pillow aside. I bit my bottom lip as I looked up at him then sat up, forcing him to as well.

"W-well... I guess it doesn't," I murmured, looking him over. "If you are sure about this..." I moved into his lap, straddling it and smirked as I kissed him then went to his neck as I instinctively sharpened my fangs. I bit down into his neck and growled playfully before shoving him down onto his back and moving onto his stomach. Grinning, I touched my nails to his chest and looked into his eyes before dragging them down and across his stomach, drawing blood. When I got to his stomach, I stopped digging my nails in and trailed them gently across his skin, leaving a trail of blood as I smeared it. I laughed darkly and leaned down, licking up the blood till I got to where the open wound was and bit down right above his stone. Before he could react to stop me, I snatched his hands and pinned them above his head, looking up from his chest with a smirk. "Got you," I teased as I looked back to his chest then bit down again, tearing out a chunk. He let out a yelp and teleported away from me, across the room.

"OWE!" I heard him hiss out. I laughed darkly as I sat up, adjusting my position since how he wasn't under me anymore. I swallowed what I had and licked my lips clean before I kicked the blankets off the bed into the floor.

"Awww, are you alwright?" I asked with a smirk, stretching out onto the bed as I kept my head up with my hand and stayed on my side. He healed his chest then started for me.

"You are a naughty lover." He hissed as he crawled on the bed, coming for me. I smirked as I watched him, staying still.

"Am I now?" I asked, teasing him as I laid my head down on the bed and ran a finger through my hair, rubbing my leg with my foot. "I don't think so." He got on top of me and purred in my ear.

"You are to." He leaned down, giving me a passionate kiss. I kissed him back as I wrapped my arms around his neck then tangled my fingers in his curly hair. Laughing against his lips, I went to flip us for dominance. He pinned me down and shook his head. "Not anytime soon. You better think twice before trying to bite me like that again." I pouted as I looked up at him, resting my head against the bed.

"But Parie~! You know I can't help myself...." I told him and then curled my fingers in his hair tighter, tugging gently on it. He let out a soft groan and exposed his fangs.

"Did I tell you what I did today?" Paris asked me. I frowned, shaking my head.

" didn't tell me. What did- Oh crap," I stopped and tilted my head to look at the door. "I left Raven in that herself...for a long time."

"I took down the international HAHQ." He purred and kissed my cheek. I looked up at him and raised an eyebrow then kissed him.

"You did now, did you? I think you deserve a treat then," I teased, giving him a kiss on the corner of his lips. Raven can wait a bit longer....besides, she'll probably try to take both our stones when she sees us next. I did tell her that we had to get Paris's demonic stone no matter what. I laughed at that and tilted my head a bit to allow Paris access to my neck, planning on letting him get a taste for his victory earlier. He leaned into my neck and bit down without hesitation, pulling me closer. I let out a soft grunt and tightened my grip on his hair before closing my eyes tightly. His fangs were sharper.... I blushed and opened my eyes to look at his head out of the corner of my eyes. He bit down harder from my shifting. He smirked and pulled back, licking his lips.

"I'm going to take a shower, join me?" He moved off of me then. I sat up and shrugged, keeping my thoughts off of what I thought he had originally wanted from me. Fine by me. I went towards the bathroom then and left the door open as I turned on the water in the shower for us. He followed me and got close behind me when I was turning on the water then shoved me into the tub playfully and went in after me. I screamed as I fell forward and put my hands out instinctively to save myself from falling, tripping on the edge of the tub.

"PARIS!" I hissed as I caught myself on the side of the tub. I gasped as the cold water hit my head and backed out of the water before it could get me too wet and cold. He started to pulled off the rest of our clothes while he kissed me seductively. I widened my eyes and pulled back quickly, looking him in the eyes. "That's not funny!" I hissed again and then grabbed him by his arm, moving him under the cold water and laughed evilly as it got him wet. "Payback!" He smirked.

"I like the cold, everything is just too hot in hell." Paris mumbled and slipped his body in-between my legs. I felt my heat began to beat as I looked at him, getting a bit scared again. I felt adrenaline start to kick in as I reached for the shampoo bottle, opening it and dumping some on his head to distract him. He leaned in and kissed me, shoving the shampoo bottle away and laughed. "I want you~ I will have you to." He told me. I shook my head then and narrowed my eyes.

"You lured me into the shower...didn't you?" I accused then went to get away from him, opening the shower curtain to grab a towel. He pinned me down under him.

"You know you like it." He leaned in and started to kiss me, trying to lure me into enjoying the moment. I blushed and brought my hand back in, letting go of the towel I was grabbing. I kissed him back then kissed his neck.

"But it's no fair that you are trying to be dominant this time," I murmured, complaining a bit.

"I know you like being the dominant one but I need to get some experience in being on top~" He kissed my cheek and then started trailing kisses downwards.

Dante's POV:

"Charlie!" I shouted for him, sitting down on the Ainworth's couch. "Come here!" Charlie walked up to me in some work out shorts and a tank top. He was all sweaty and out of breath, his knuckles were red.

"What's up sweetie?" Charlie asked me as he walked up. "I got to get back to the gym or Dylan will be upset." I glanced him over and sighed, grabbing the remote.

"Just wanted to see if you wanted to watch a- Hey, want me to come help you train?" I asked with a smirk as I looked over at him. So much better than watching a movie...

"You can come watch." Charlie shrugged. "I don't need help though."

"DYLAN! I want to help train Charlie!" I shouted, standing up as I grabbed him and teleported us to the gym. Dylan and Riley was sitting down on a set of mats in the middle of the floor looking at their phones.

"Hahahah! HQ international got raided. THERE ISN'T A SOUL LEFT!" I Riley cried out and made Charlie start laughing.

"Seriously! Who did it!" Charlie asked as he ran over to get more information. Dylan put his phone to his ear and looked slightly distracted- and irritated. I smirked. They got raided huh.... That's good news. I should go raise an army while the hunters are scrambling to replenish what they lost. I'll take advantage of this. I laughed then and exposed my fangs as I thought about it. Where should I start?

"You'd never guess... Paris." Riley told us after getting another text. Charlie looked towards me and giggled.

"I got to go, you two have fun with Dante." Dylan told us and disappeared. I shrugged at that.

"Have fun kiddies," I said and started for the door. I think I'll start in Italy.

"Where are you going?" Charlie asked as he appeared in front of me. "I thought you wanted to help me train." I widened my eyes and started stammering as I tried to find a good excuse.

"I-um- going for a str- Ummmm..... Taking advantage of the situation," I admitted. "I guess I will stay and train you with Riley."

"You better not go out and try something! I'm a hunter and I can't allow you to just go out like that." Charlie hissed as he grabbed my arms. "I may be weak but I got connections." I chuckled at him then and kissed the top of his head.

"I'll go take advantage of the situation later... You're little friends won't be able to fix it too quickly. I will still have my chance later. I will train you for now," I told him and pulled him back to Riley. Riley looked towards us with a board expression the disappeared.

"HE LEFT ME ALONE!" Charlie yelped. I laughed then and spun him around as I gripped his wrist, pinning it behind his back then shoved him forward. I grabbed a knife out of my jacket as he stumbled forward then threw it at him, aiming for his feet. I got the loop of his shoelace and it embedded into the floor by a few inches, tripping him. He stumbled as he tried to catch his balance and not fall over. He managed to keep on his feet and checked his shoes. "YOU USED A KNIFE!" He whimpered then grabbed the knife and threw it my way, missing by half an inch near my cheek. He stood up straight and looked at me then held up his fists, ready to go. I grinned wickedly and teleported behind him, sinking my teeth into his neck before he could react. He let out a small yelp then spun around fast, pushing his hand into my chest and grabbed my heart, giving it a squeeze. I shrieked and quickly grabbed his arm and then ripped his arm out of my chest. I shoved him away and then pulled out a knife as he hit the wall. I threw it and got it into his sleeve, pinning it to him. My wound healed up easily, but I still narrowed my eyes at him. He grabbed the knife and tried to pull it out of the wall, taking too long to do so. He seemed to be panicking as the minutes passed. I watched on before walking over and ripping the knife out of the wall.

"Fifty push ups," I growled, pointing to the ground at my feet. He raised an eyebrow.

"What are you? My drill sergeant?" He asked, giving sass. I smirked and then grabbed him, pulling him towards me.

"Oh, when we are training...I'm not your friend," I joked then shoved him to the floor. "Fifty." He rolled onto his back and looked up at me.

"You aren't my commander." He teased. Raising an eyebrow, I leaned down and opened his mouth, touching one of his fangs to mess with him.

"Wanna bet? You'll lose that fang." He whimpered and tried to shove me away.

"Don't take one of my fangs!" He whimpered. I laughed then and moved back.

"As your maker, I order you to give me fifty pushups, then you are to hit the weights and lift at least a thirty pound weight hundred times each arm." I leaned against the wall and watched him. "After that, give me two hundred sit ups."

"I really hate you right now." I heard him grumble as he started on the pushups, cursing for going to me in the first place. I shrugged and went over to the area where the targets where. I pulled out a knife and started practicing my throws while he worked on my orders. It took him thirty minutes to reach fifty pushups then walked over towards the weights. "Can't believe you ordered me into doing this!" He hissed out.

" couldn't even pull a knife out of the wall," I said then glanced at him before going to collect my knives. I put then in my pocket then went over to the wall where there were a few guns loaded with darts that simulated what an actual bullet felt like. I looked over to him with a smirk, seeing he wasn't watching me then leveled the gun and shot him in the leg. He let out a scream of pain and fell to the floor, reaching towards his leg.

"WHAT THE HELL! I am so not sleeping with you tonight!" He growled towards me.

"Oh, does that make you mad?" I teased. "Charlie, you don't have to lift the weights or give me the sit ups." I leaned against the wall and inspected the gun. I like it... This would be great in training newborns.... I will totally keep this. "Love you sweetie!" I shouted towards him. "Don't be mad! I said we were training! You should have been on your guard!" He pulled out the fake bullet and threw it across the room then looked towards me, giving me the middle finger and started for the door with a limp. I laughed evilly and leveled the gun again, aiming for his spine. "Heads up!" I shouted as I pulled the trigger. He dodged the bullet swiftly and pulled out a knife from inside his shorts then flung it my way, hitting me in the foot with it. I groaned then and teleported beside him as I dropped the gun in pain. "That hurt," I hissed as I lifted up my foot and pulled out the knife. I licked the knife then put it in his hand as I forgave him almost immediately. "I love you though...." I kissed his cheek then and wrapped my arms around him as I picked him up then teleported us to my room. "I think you got some good training in today. Feel sore?" He glared me down with his eyes like they were daggers.

"I'm not sleeping with you." He exposed his fangs.

"Didn't ask," I said with a smirk and then shoved him down on the bed. I kissed his cheek and then sat down beside him. "Charlie, I order you to not feel the pain from the bullet I had previously shot you with," I told him, knowing his brain would stop registering it and he'd feel better immediately. He curled up into himself and looked up at me.

"I hate when you control me." He mumbled. I gave him an innocent smile before laying beside him. I wrapped him up in my arms then and kissed him.

"Alright... I won't be ordering you quite as much... just respect me a bit more. I'm older than you, and I'm also your mate," I pointed out.

"I can't help I am stubborn." He said innocently. He started to get out of my arms. "I'm sleeping with Riley tonight." He snapped.

"RILEY! CHARLIE IS SLEEPING WITH ME TONIGHT!" I shouted and smirked at Charlie. "Besides, it's date night." I teleported us to the parking lot of a restaurant I had heard good things about, leading him towards the doors as I didn't let go of his hands.

"Stop! I don't have shoes on and I am in my gym clothes!" He said in embarrassment. He tried to pull away from me. I glanced back at him as I stopped then pouted.

"But I want date night...." I sighed and teleported us back to my place here in Maine, shoving him into the pool out back. I sat down on the edge and put my feet in after rolling up my pants and watched him. He swam up to the surface and chocked on the water, spitting it out.

"WHAT THE HECK~ You are out of control!" He accused. He swam towards the other side to get out. I gave him a pout and then spread out on the side walk.

"I can't help that you keep me cooped up indoors all day.... I don't want to leave you when you are busy bettering yourself...What if someone tried to grab you while I was away?" I pulled out a knife and began to examine it as it caught the light.

"No one is interested in grabbing me except you, Riley, and maybe Dylan." Charlie hissed. "So go do something and quit messing with me." He tried lifting himself out of the pool but fell back in. I sat up then and teleported in front of him. I reached in and pulled him out gently.

"You ok?" I asked softly, giving him a concerned look. I pulled him into my arms and kissed the top of his head. "Oh, I released Raven by the way..."

"You should release me!" He mumbled and curled up into my arms.

"But I don't want to go through what happened with Oz again! Plus Dylan hasn't released you," I pointed out to him as I held him close. I teleported him into our bathroom and turned on the water for him before I let go and went to go get him some clothes.

"Leave them on the counter." I heard him tell me as his tanktop hit the floor. I gave a nod as I picked out a great outfit for him- well, for myself in the end. It'd look great on him. I smirked and sat it down on the counter before kissing his lips.

"Love you mein kleiner Engel," I whispered in his ear, letting my breath tickle his skin. He pulled away from the kiss and shoved me out of the bathroom.

"I need some privacy." He told me. Really? Disappointed, I went over to the bed and laid down, pulling out my phone. I decided to text Dylan then.

Me: Dylan, Charles is being cruel. What should I do?

Dylan: Punish him.

Me: I already shot him with those simulator bullets and I shoved him into a pool. What more can I do?

Dylan: Give him some blood, he might be grouchy because he is hungry.

Me: I'll attempt it.

I got up then and teleported into town, snatching up one of the nearest people then smelled them. She was clean smelling...and she had a great sweet scent to her. I smirked and purred in her ear before I teleported back to my bedroom, clamping a hand over her mouth. "Charlie, I brought you a gift!" I shouted. She gave a muffled shriek and started to thrash as it clicked for her that she had been kidnapped. Charlie was still in the shower though, I could hear the water rushing over his body. "It should be good!" I walked over to the door, dragging her with me. She bit down on my hand, making me yelp.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" She shrieked, thrashing in my arms.

"Shut it," I hissed as I threw her up against the door. "Bad little blood bag." I could hear a hushed singing on the other side of the door. She started to cry and sunk against the door.

"What do you want? Who are you? Where am I? How'd we get here?" She started asking, panicking as she looked around for a way out of the room. I smirked and then took off her jacket and scarf. I reached behind her for the doorknob then twisted it, shoving her in.

"Eat up my darling!" I shouted to Charlie as I shut the door. I heard a thud against it as she ran into the wood, trying to get out. The handle frantically twisted, but I held the door shut and laughed evilly. I heard Charlie scream.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BATHROOM! OH MY GOSH GET OUT!" Charlie yelled and I heard him throw something towards her. She shrieked then and started banging on the door.

"LET. ME. OUUUUT!" She screamed. I sighed and opened the door, watching as she fell on her face. She quickly scrambled out and then took off for the door on the other side of the room. I chased after her and grabbed her, throwing her over towards the bed.

"You're Charlie's dinner, so stop trying to run!" I hissed at her as I locked the bedroom door then went over to the bathroom door, shutting it. Charlie walked out of the door with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"What is SHE doing here?" Charlie asked me. I smiled at him innocently.

"It's an offering!" I said, leaning in and kissing his cheek. We used to do it back then... I wonder why it kind of faded away out of vampire society. It doesn't happen very often with most modern vampires.... Well, that would explain it. Humans buy each other things instead of actually working and making it or something big to give the other. She got up then and went over towards the bedroom door, trying to pull it open. I laughed. "It's locked!"

"I'm not going to take it." Charlie mumbled. "I only drink bottled blood sweetie, it's a hunter rule." I pouted then and looked over at her.

"What if I have her bottled?" I asked, being stubborn.

"Let her go." He held his towel up with one hand and put the other one on his hip. I laughed, unable to take him seriously.

"I'm not just going to put her back on the street. She's seen too much," I told him then walked over as I exposed my fangs. She shrieked and ran for the other side of the room, grabbing one of my paperweights and throwing it at my head. I dodged it then appeared beside her, biting down into her neck. I heard Charlie go back into the bathroom and shut the door. She was great...too great to be true. I pulled back and narrowed my eyes as I waited for something to happen to me, but nothing happened. "Oh I'm so bottling you." I teleported down to the kitchen then with her and dumped out about six bottles of blood then snatched her over to me and then cut her wrists. I held them over the bottles as she shrieked, trying to fight back, but she soon lost her ability to. She fell limp just as I finished with the bottles, and I smirked as I put the caps on the bottles. I put five away then teleported up into my bedroom. "I got you a bottle from the kitchen!" I shouted, knowing he'd hear me. He was just coming out of the bathroom with the clothes I picked out on him and walked towards the bed.

"What did you do to that girl?" He asked innocently.

"I ate her," I said and grinned as I showed him my fangs. I ate a bit of her then put her blood in a bottle. He reached out for the bottle as he got comfortable. I smirked and put it in his hands as I laid back and watched him. He sat it down by him as he curled up to me. "What's the matter? Are you not hungry for bottled blood?" I asked sweetly then tilted my head up. "You can drink from me~!" He shook his head quickly.

"I'll drink it later." He promised. I gave a nod then kissed his head.

"Are you tired then?" I brought him closer and rested his head on my chest to make him more comfortable. He nodded.

"I don't want to work out tomorrow...." He groaned. I smiled at him sweetly then and leaned in towards his ear.

"Run away with me then," I whispered, lingering my lips by his ears to tease him. He nodded as he snuggled up to me.

"I want to." He yawned out.

"Let's go on vacation then...We'll go to Indonesia for the month," I suggested as I kissed him, trying to seduce him further.

"What's Indonesia?" He asked me curiously.

"It's a group of islands between Vietnam and Australia," I informed as I gave him another kiss.

"I'd love to~" He rubbed circles around my chest. "Just us."

"Mhmm...It'll be just the island paradise," I purred in his ear as I pulled him closer. I kissed him again and smirked before leaning in towards his neck and gave him a small love bite. He gasped and nodded in agreement.

"Let's go!" He shook me then eagerly. I laughed then.

"Right now?" I asked, giving him a look that I knew he liked from me. He nodded and started to crawl out of bed. Laughing, I got up and teleported into our closet, grabbing some of our suitcases and began packing. "Start grabbing your things! We are going to be there for a month! I'll rent us out a place to stay before we get there! Shouldn't be too hard!"

~Time Skip~

I smirked as I dropped the bags in the living room that was made for the view. It was gorgeous with a great view of the sea, and the sunlight spilled into the room just right. You didn't even need a light, and I bet it was gorgeous even at night with the moon over the waters. The perfect honeymooners' house. I laughed then and teleported outside where I had left Charlie, picking him up. "Coming my little vampire hunter prince?" I teased as I carried him up the steps and towards the door. I was totally going to carry him over the threshold. He struggled to get down in embarrassment.

"Stop!! I'm not married to you~" He giggled and hit my chest. I laughed then and stepped inside with him, carrying him straight to the living room where I laid him down on the couch then crawled on top of him.

"You don't have to be married to me....That's just some silly human vow that vampires have no need for. We are soul mates, something deeper than husband and wife." He bit his bottom lip and nodded slowly.

"My parents thought the world of their marriage though.." Charlie whispered. "They said it was important."

"Well...they were human," I pointed out and smiled at him. "If you want to look at it as marriage is important...well, we kind of are married. Your wedding ring is riiiight here," I touched the mark on the side of his neck and laughed. He shivered.

"F-forced marriage?" He mumbled weakly.

"Hey, it used to happen," I whispered and then kissed right over his mark. "If it bothers you... I can always...renew my vows with you being more accepting of me."

"I'm going to bite you!" He hissed and leaned in towards my neck. He bit into me and flipped us. "That's what you get for thinking you can just bite me all the time!" He mumbled against my neck and licked at the blood oozing out. I blushed and looked up at him as I kept from making a noise. I tilted my head to allow him to bite me better, wanting to encourage him. After all, it's not very often Charlie actually bites... I want to teach him to use his fangs to get what he wants. He pulled back and curled up on me then starting to play with his fangs as he wiggled them.

"You're going to lose them if you keep that up," I said and grabbed his hands in mine then kissed them. "If you want to play with your fangs, you should use them on me more often," I teased and gave him a smirk. Kissing the top of his head, I rubbed his cheek and looked out the windows that were everywhere in this room. He sat up on me and looked around the room.

"What should we do first?" He asked me.

"Destroy the bedroom together," I said immediately, looking up at him with a big smirk.

"No." He said quickly. He looked down at me and blushed. "I told you I'm mad at you." He crossed his arms. "Next time don't shoot me." I pouted at him then.

"I won't shoot you again... I don't like you mad at me.... Can I make it up to you?" I sat up, making him sit in my lap as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Uh huh." He nodded. "How do you plan on doing that?"

"By offering you a great home cooked meal then take you out onto the patio to eat it...After that, you and I will go down to the beach and spend time together exploring the area....Then we will come back and go to bed together and sleep in each others arms... I will behave the whole time," I told him, looking into his eyes with a grin.

"Sounds interesting." Charlie admitted. "I want something Chinese though, okay?" He asked me.

"Ok," I whispered and kissed his cheek before getting up and going towards the kitchen.

Isaac's POV:

I yawned sleepily as I opened my eyes. I had heard something.... Something that didn't belong in the house, or at least I was sure I heard something. I glanced at Hachi and smirked as I got an idea, reaching into his pockets to pull out his magic book. I'd use it against him later! My tail twitched involuntarily, and I blushed as I realized it was wrapped around him. Traitorous tail! Hachi giggled and curled up into a ball. Crap! Don't wake up! I snuck the book under my pillow then and slowly began unraveling my tail from around him, wincing as I had to tug on it to get it out from under him. He grabbed a handful of covers and pulled it towards his chest, purring. I smirked as I finally got it free then crawled over towards the edge of the bed. He stretched out then and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to him. I held in a shriek as he did so and looked at him wide eyed. Darn it! "Are you awake?" I whispered as softly as I could to avoid waking him up if he was just sleeping. He pulled me into his arms and wrapped me up tightly. He didn't make a noise that registered he heard me. Blushing, I started to slip back out of his arms slowly, tickling his tummy with the tip of my tail to make him loosen up. He giggled and grabbed at his tummy, rolling over to face away from me.

"Momma stop." He mumbled. Momma? Just what does he dream about? He ate his whole family after all. I heard a small growl then and widened my eyes as I realized it was me. I quickly stopped and then started for the edge of the bed again. "Bad dog..." He whispered. Glancing back at him, I got out of the bed and then found my shirt on the floor, putting it back on. I smirked as I started to slip my tail up my shirt to hide it. After's so sensitive to being tugged on. I shouldn't let anyone touch it that I don't trust. Hachi is alright though. He may touch my tail if he is behaving. He stretched out and started to reach out for me. "Issy..."

"Issy?" I whispered, frowning a bit. When did I get a cute nickname? I don't remember agreeing to this. I walked over as I lost interest in the noise I had heard earlier and stood by the bed beside him. He grabbed my hand and started to kiss it. "What's the matter Hachi?" I asked softly as I bent down to lean my face over his. I smirked and stole a kiss. He let me go and looked at me with tired eyes.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he noticed my appearance.

"I heard a noise," I said simply as I sat down on the edge of the bed and then slipped my tail out of my shirt. I flicked it and then rested it on top of his hands. He nodded and rolled over onto his back and started falling back to sleep. I sighed and got up. "Get some rest.... I'll go find it myself." I reached over him and grabbed the book out from under my pillow before walking for the door.

"Call me when needed..." He whispered. I laughed and shook my head. Guess he doesn't care about the book?

"Ok, well I'm going to go study your magic book while I'm at it," I said, wondering if he'd realize I had it or not. He's really out of it.

"Yeah...." He mumbled. "Chocolate will do..." He waved me off.

"What page will I find counter spells?" I asked loud enough to disturb him.

"On the last pages is the index..." He told me, sounding really out of it. "Don't drop it." I laughed and dropped it on the floor on purpose to test him, making a loud thud. He sat up quickly but fell back shortly after. "Vanilla then." I smirked and picked up the book, flipping it open randomly to a page where I found a spell to turn someone into a mouse. I laughed evilly and started the incantation, aiming it at Hachi. He was so tired that his protection spells would be weak enough for me to bypass. He was soon a little mouse on the bed, a cute little brown one. I walked over and scooped him up into a hand. He still slept soundly in my hand, showing me he could sleep through anything. I wonder if there is a spell to wake him up more... Guinea pig time! I grinned wickedly then set him back down on the bed and opened up the book to the index, going through all the spells till I found one to wake him up more. I flipped to the page and started to cast the spell. He sneezed and started to wake up then squeaked in fear. He turned himself back into himself and then glared me down. "ISAAC!" He growled. Lucky for me there was a sleeping spell right under the waking one. I grinned evilly and started to say the incantations for it, wanting to test it's extent. He started to pass back out and face planted the bed as soon as I cast it.

"Hahahaha, this is great! I'm so keeping this!" I laughed darkly and then flipped back to the index, searching for the next spell I wanted to try out. I ended up picking one that would allow me to change his hair color and his skin as well. I smirked and turned his hair a bright electric blue then turned his skin a shade of purple. I then tried out another spell that allowed me to freeze him in time, making him stop mid-breath. "Cool.... I like this book," I murmured then unfroze him and tried out many other spells before the sleeping spell began to wear off. He started to wake up as he groaned.

"Isaac.... I'm going to kill you." He whispered as he was coming to. I widened my eyes and quickly cast a spell over him to make his body go numb to keep him from being able to do something to get back at me.

"Love you?" I said sheepishly, giving him a small innocent smile as I backed up from the bed just a bit. He tried to lift his arms and growled.

"What are you doing with my spell book?" He asked.

"Learning," I told him and smirked as I saw he was powerless. I came back up to the edge of the bed and looked down at him as I flicked my tail excitedly.

"Freaking demons... can't trust them at all..." He grumbled. I laughed then and kissed his cheek before flipping through the spell book some more.

"Which one should I try next? I think..." I chuckled as I found one that would turn someone to the size of a smurf.

"Don't you dare look farther into that!" He growled.

"Oh? Don't want to be the size of a gerbil?" I giggled at that- yes giggled. I blushed then and started the first word of the spell to play with him.

"STOP THAT! THIS ISN'T FUNNY! STOP MESSING WITH MY SPELLS!" He tried to move. I laughed and then said the next word slowly, drawing out the word as much as I could and still pronounce it right. His body lit up as he done counter spells to the ones currently on him and then disappeared with his magic. I pouted then and put the book into my jacket.

"My little Guinea pig ran away...." I glanced around then went for the door. I left the room then and started looking around for what had caused the noise, searching the whole house till I eventually found Raven. She was hiding out in a room, sharpening a knife, but she didn't take any notice to me. "Raven," I started and narrowed my eyes. She looked up at me and widened her eyes.

"Isaac, what happened to you?" She whispered and stood up, looking from my tail to the rest of me. "A-are you a demon?"

"Yes, I am. You best leave if you don't want to get hurt," I threatened, growling her way. She laughed at me and then walked over.

"You think you can hurt me little demon Isaac, hmm?" She giggled and then brushed her hair over her ear. I snatched her up then and pulled her to me.

"Oh, it's not me that you have to worry about," I hissed, smirking as I caught her scent. She smells so nice... "It's truly Paris that you should be worried about. He's stronger than us all...."

"I know that. I'm here to save him," she told me then shoved me back to avoid letting me smell her for long. She looked at me cautiously and held the knife up protectively.

"Save him? He doesn't need saving Raven," I purred towards her then reached out and grabbed her, biting down into her neck before she could react. I paralyzed her with the new magic I had learned and laughed evilly as she shrieked, going limp in my arms.

"RICHARD!" She screamed out, expecting him to come rescue her. He must have asked her to come then and help take Paris. Paris appeared in front of me with a robe on and smirked as he seen Raven.

"Get out of my manor." He ordered her. "Right now and don't come back until it's all over." She widened her eyes as she saw him and exposed her fangs towards me. I laughed and let her have control of herself again as I pulled back, licking my lips. I went over to Paris and rubbed against his arm as I watched her staring at us.

"What...the hell happened to you two?" She whispered then widened her eyes. "Where's Richard? What'd you do to him?!" She backed up towards the door and raised her knife as she watched us closely.

"Things are going to change around here..." Paris purred. "I'm starting a new revolution." She shook her head.

"I've got to warn them," she whispered to herself and then opened the door quickly, taking off running. Warn them? Warn who? The people that Paris used to keep here? I frowned and rubbed my head against Paris's side as I felt my tail swing back and forth slightly.

"Warn them all you like! I'm going to rule." Paris yelled, letting out an evilly laugh. "Bye-bye now!" I looked up at him and then towards the open door.

"Are we really letting her get away? She tastes so good," I murmured as I felt upset about her leaving so soon. She was the best thing I had tasted in all the things I have eaten in my lifetime. Well, besides Paris who let me have a bit of his blood upon coming back to life....and maybe Hachi.

"Yes." Paris told me. "Now where is Hachi? I needed to speak to him." Paris reminded me, and raised an eyebrow.

"How should I know?" I asked and shrugged, walking off. "I cast a few spells, and he disappeared to get away from me." I pulled out the spell book and started flipping through it again as I lost interest in the girl and Paris. I think I should get my hands on more spells.... Where is my father anyways? He should have been back by now.

"By the way...Is that Hachi's spell book?" Paris asked as he followed me. "Why do you have it?"

"Stole it," I told him simply, not sparing him a look.

"What for?" Paris asked curiously.

"He enchanted some belt of his to where I can't take it off, and I stole the book to learn more spells. After all, they kicked me out of wizard school after my second year because there were mandatory fortune readings. They said I'd be dangerous in the future and refused to teach me anymore to try to prevent it," I explained then glanced up at him before muttering a spell to make an apple appear in my free hand.

"Hmmm... Does it have an index?" He seemed curious enough to ask... or maybe he was helping me.

"Uh huh," I hummed as I tossed the apple then tried another spell that would give a limited time of extra strength. I smirked as it rushed over me.

"Should I leave you to it then?" Paris asked me.

"Unless you have business with Richard, I don't mind if you stay," I whispered and started heading for the library only to be stopped as Louis appeared in front of us, blood all over his face and hands. A broken form lay at his feet- my father. I widened my eyes and shoved the book into my jacket before kneeling down. "Dad?!" I looked at him worriedly then remembered what he did to me and growled, yanking him to me. I searched his pockets till I found the spell book he had stolen from Hell and hid it in my jacket as well before Paris could see and take it. "You dirty little-" I started, but Louis gasped, interrupting me.

"Paris," he whispered, taking in the sight of his brother.

"Hello Louis." Paris smirked. "Shouldn't you have taken him to Hachi as ordered?" He snapped.

"Don't take that tone with me!" Louis snapped back. "I just can't find him. I guessed he was here." He looked down at me and jumped back quickly in fear. "DEMON!" He screamed and then disappeared quickly, leaving before one of us could touch him. Paris raised an eyebrow then pulled on one of his stitches.

"Hachi~ Got you something...." He hummed to the stitches. Hachi appeared in front of us and let out a soft nod as he stretched. He smirked as he noticed my father.

"Breakfast!" He gasped. I growled then and grabbed my father, making him whimper as pain coursed through him. He was so broken and bloodied...

"Mine," I muttered, looking up at Hachi. Hachi glared me down.

"I CALLED DIBS." Hachi growled. "He is rightfully mine, Isaac." He waved his hands my way to warn me off of his prey. I growled back threateningly.

"He's my father- my flesh and blood. I get to make him pay for what he did to me," I hissed.

"That's unfair. He fed me to Oz to get me out of his way to get to you. I get to eat him up." Hachi snapped. I twitched my tail in irritation then yelped as I felt it being pulled on. I whimpered and curled up into a ball.

"Ha! No one is eating me!" My father shouted, somehow managing to keep his mind intact in his state.

"How about this.... We both eat him." Hachi suggested. "I'm going to turn you into a cannibal." I kicked at my father then to get him off of my tail and growled at him before looking at Hachi.

"A cannibal?" I wrinkled up my nose as I brought my tail close to me. "You want me to be like you?" I wasn't planning on eating my father...just killing him.

"Of course I do! I have a bunch of power." He flicked his hand around, causing a small little galaxy to follow it. I looked at it longingly and watched him then blushed as I realized I was kinda drooling and staring....

"Mhmm~ Let's eat." He pulled out a pair of spoons and tossed me one. He leaned down towards my father's face. Paris wrinkled up his nose and teleported away. My father shrieked and went to crawl away, but I grabbed his foot, tugging on it.

"Not so fast there," I growled at him and then looked at Hachi, unsure about all this. I mean...a cannibal? Really? I want my father to pay....but the price of eating him is pretty high, isn't it? I glanced at my father as he was scrabbling at the floor, stretching out to get away from me as I kept a tight grip on his foot. I love Hachi though... I'd do anything for him. I smirked as I looked at my love and glanced towards his belt, getting irritated. I let go of my father then, reaching into my pocket for Hachi's spell book. I'd unenchant his belt while he's distracted with that evil son of a- I cut myself off and growled softly before flipping the book open and turning to the page where counter spells and finding the one to fix it. I muttered it under my breath then smirked as I got an idea. I laughed evilly. As payment for him trying to avoid me... I'll turn him into a girl. I flipped to the index quickly, running my fingers over the pages till I came across the page number then flipped to the page and started saying the incantation quickly before he could catch on. Hachi was already scooping out an eye when he noticed his body starting to change. He shrieked and dropped the spoon as he reached towards his man hood and curled up into his self as his body started to transform into a girl.

"Isaac! What have you done!" I heard him yell in a cute girlish shriek. His hair grew out to his shoulders and curled around his face. He grew a bit curly but not by much. His facial features changed, and I was sure something else was changing when he screamed out in panic. "MY DIGNITY!" He screamed in fear and started to crawl away from me, as if leaving my sight would stop the spell. I laughed darkly then and cast a spell over him to keep him from undoing it. I'd be the only one able to change him back into his former self.

"I LOVE YOU SWEETIE!" I called after him, flicking my tail as I was crouched down. I glanced at my father as I shoved the book back into my jacket and watched as he whimpered like a pitiful dog on the floor, holding his eye socket.

"ISAAC CHANGE ME BACK!" Hachi begged. "I don't want to be a girl! Girl's a weird and I feel funny and I want my manhood back!" He cried out. "This isn't fair!" I smirked and got up, shaking my head.

" will stay like this until I am bored with it," I said simply then walked over, leaning down and tilting his face up to mine. I examined her features and smirked before kissing her. She hit me with her fist, sending an electric shock through my chest where she hit.

"YOU LITTLE SCOUNDEL." She hissed as she shoved me back. I gasped as I touched my chest, eyes wide as the pain started to fade away.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed at her and narrowed my eyes, starting for her in rage. I can't believe Hachi hit me! Hachi disappeared before I could reach her. "HACHIIII!" I shouted, getting as angry as I had ever been.

"Ha....s-she left you," Agni whispered, making me target him instead.

"Oh... I'm not done with you," I hissed, grabbing him and throwing him against the wall. I exposed my fangs and bit down into his neck, widening my eyes as I got a taste. An uncontrollable urge came over me, making me tear out a chunk of his neck and eat it. His shriek echoed in the hall, but I didn't stop there. I began devouring him viciously as I tore into his shoulder. Hachi came back and picked up her spoon and then scooped up the eye and ate it then went for the next one without hesitation. I growled at her, looking over for a split second before I nuzzled my face into my father's shoulder again and bit down, making him shriek. She stopped trying to get the eye, changing course because of my warning. It was almost kind of musical to me... I liked it. I wanted to make him shriek some more. Hachi grabbed a hold of one of my father's arms and bit down into his wrist, tearing out a chunk and started to eat it with happiness. Wait a minute...who said I was sharing. "Hachi," I warned, sending him a dangerous glare as I started to get possessive over my meal.

"Nope." Hachi growled. "I'm getting some too." He tore off one of the fingers and started to eat it. I snarled at her and then let go of my father, grabbing Hachi as I flicked my tail in irritation. Hachi grabbed my tail and yanked on it, making me yelp. "Don't touch me.." She growled out in a cute way then bit into his hand. I let go quickly and grabbed my tail protectively in one hand.

"I can't believe you just used my cute adorable bad ass tail against me," I whimpered as the pain was still there. He took his spoon and scooped out my father's last eye then shoved it into my mouth. Eyes wide, I jerked back and then melted as I felt the texture to it. I leaned up against her and slowly started to chew on it, my tail curling around her happily as I brought her close. My father was slumping down to the floor as he started to get weak and had a look of despair on his face, knowing he couldn't protect himself if he couldn't see. Hachi giggled.

"Eyes are the windows to the soul and also hold all the power and riches." Hachi whispered and then went towards my father, going for his harm. She tore it off and started eating on it. I watched on with faint interest as I swallowed and then leaned down, biting my father again. He yelped and gripped my shirt as I started to tear pieces out of him with my teeth.

"J-just kill me...get it over with," he begged, not able to take the pain from it. I grinned and looked up at Hachi to see if she was partial to keeping him alive. After all...she's my new teacher. Hachi waved a hand towards me.

"Eat him up~ I don't keep left overs... I eat it all and get rid of what I can't eat... like bones." Hachi told me. I grinned wickedly then and tore into my father's throat to kill him off faster.

"Go to Hell and stay there," I hissed then licked my lips as I watched my father bleed out. I licked up the blood and then went to his stomach, tearing his shirt off. I wonder what the organs taste like.... Hachi placed the arm aside and pounced on me, kissing my cheek. Yelping in shock, I fell backward with her on top. "Hachi?" I asked quickly, looking up at her with wide eyes. I moved my tail out of the awkward position I had landed on it in and then blushed. "I wanna eat," I complained, looking to my father's bare chest. It's just a few feet away.... So teasing.. Hachi smirked.

"Too bad~" She purred then went for my father's chest. "I'm getting the organs first!" I growled then and paused as I remembered how she had been in pain and unable to pretty much do anything when I transformed her into a girl... I wonder what would happen if I changed her back. I muttered the word I had picked to use to keep Hachi from undoing the spell and watched as she started to transform back into a male. I could always get Hachi back later...but I want those organs! Hachi screamed and fell over into a ball as he started to change back into a male and reached for his privates. "I'M TAKING THAT BOOK FROM YOU!" Hachi growled. I laughed evilly and went for my father quickly, tearing into his stomach to get first picks.

"Oh no you won't...Oh, and you won't be able to protect yourself from the gender spell either," I said with a smirk as I immediately fixed him to where any protection spell he put up would allow me to change him on my every whim. He's so screwed later. I bit down into my father's heart as I glanced over at Hachi. Hachi's eyes widened.

"I WAS GOING TO EAT THAT!" He growled. "No fair~" He shouted, trying to crawl over. I laughed and bit down into the muscle of the heart again and chewed on it.

"What was that?" I asked teasingly then shoved the rest of the heart into his mouth before going for the liver. He chewed at the heart in pure joy and curled up into a ball. I finished eating the liver then worked on the rest of him. When I got tired of it, I pulled back and looked at Hachi, pulling out the spell book and curiously flipping through it. I wonder what the other spell books have in them. Each one is different from what I've heard.... I want the others...all of them. I smirked as I came across a few more spells I would try out later. Hachi looked towards me then at the corpse and shrugged, using his magic to leave me. I got up then and frowned as I shut the book, putting it in my jacket. "Paris!" I shouted, going for the study. Maybe I can get some help? After all, I want to better myself. Isn't that a good thing?

"In my music room!" Paris called to me. I changed direction quickly and walked down there, going in without knocking. I saw Richard- now fully a demon- hitting the piano keys as he laid on top of it, laughing like he was drunk. I frowned and looked towards Paris.

"I want a room to myself- a room to keep books in," I said, walking over to him. "Pleeeease?" I purred, trying to be cute as I arched my tail into a half circle like cats do. I gave him a sweet smile and rubbed my head against him.

"You can have some empty shelves in the library, you can enchant them to only let you take off the books on it." Paris suggested. I guess that is good enough. I smiled at him then and grabbed his hand, rubbing it against my face.

"Okay," I murmured then looked up at him. I heard Richard hit a chord that sent a chill up my spine, sounding completely discordant and terrible. He laughed darkly and slid off the piano, walking over to us.

"Excellent. I have a butler that over watches the room, go tell him to get you some shelves cleared off." Paris suggested. I gave a nod then and went to go find this butler of his.