Royal Pack

Richard's POV:

I smirked as I watched the little demon walk off then looked up to Paris. "I want my children," I told him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Where are they?"

"With Louis, I figured they would be safe there while we are busy." Paris told me. I frowned then and looked up at him.

"Those are my kids.... I gave birth to Peyton, and I want to spoil her and Dannie," I complained, poking his sides as if that would make him give me back my kids.

"Donnie is watching them- I'm sure of it. He doesn't stay for too long away from Dannie. Now stop worrying. We need to focus on the game plan."

"Kids," I insisted and narrowed my eyes up at him.

"Not now! They would be terrified of us." Paris growled.

"Kiiiiids," I whined in his ear. "Give. Me. My. Precious. Babies."

"No." Paris shook his head. "Not now."

"Fine, I'll pester you later," I sighed, giving up for now. "We should take over this continent first. It's easy to do. The princesses and princes here don't belong here in the first place. They call themselves gods... but they are just after power. Take the power away from them," I suggested as I sat down in a chair then pulled Paris into my lap. I nuzzled my face into his neck as I smirked. Val first.

"Val first? Our dearest friend.... Haha." Paris smirked at the thought. "I might just take her land-"

"Paris~" A female rushed into the room, one of the servants. "Something big is happening on the news and you need to take a look." She told him. Paris nodded.

"I wil-"

"NOW! It's urgent." She motioned for us to do so. I sighed and grabbed my phone out of my pocket then went to the news on it. I opened up the live feed and held it out for Paris to see. He looked through it and then handed the phone back to me.

"SON OF A DEVIL." Paris growled. "We have to go pay a little Prince a visit to make him get a firm hold on his little newborn." I felt my shoulders sag down with the idea of it. Great... More work that I don't want to do. I frowned at him.

"Do we have to?" I asked then put my phone in my pocket. "Just go capture the newborn and stick it with your army to make the newborn stop."

"The newborn is Brook.." Paris informed me. "She's taking territories right out from under the god's noses around our territory." I raised an eyebrow then shoved him into the floor.

"Then go fetch," I told him and crossed my legs as I stared him down. "We don't need Dante to stop her. You can go get her and imprison her in the dungeon if she bothers you enough to consider going to find the elusive German Prince." Paris shrugged.

"I don't have to get her right now... She isn't showing my territory much threat at the moment." Paris started to come back to me. I watched him then and uncrossed my legs to let him back in my lap, pulling him down onto me.

" that case...what would you like to do next for our little revolution?" I purred, kissing him passionately. Good, he isn't leaving me to go take care of some little newborn.

"Take over everything and become king. Enslave the humans, get rid of the hunters... Hunt the purebloods down to extinction if they are not with me." Paris told me firmly. I gave a nod and kissed his cheek then.

"Just one thing... You can't kill Raven because I ordered her to take your stone at all costs and we both know she is very loyal to us. She wouldn't betray me and would view us being demons as a sickness that impairs our judgement. She'll follow the last order I gave her as a nondemonic entity," I whispered in his ear. "It isn't really fair to her if we were to kill her for how the cards played out...and she's family. Oh, and we shouldn't kill any of our family either- even if they are against us. We should avoid doing that." I didn't want to lose any family to this revolution.... We'd make them join us if they refused.

"Family is never against you." Paris told me. "I'll make them all demons if I have to."

"Good," I purred. "Shall we try to get them to see our side first...or should we go pick our first prince or princess to murder then go for our family's loyalty?" I think I have the perfect one to start with- my brother. I smirked at that. I hated his guts so much I stuck him in a mental asylum a long time ago over some disagreement about whether or not cats were superior over dogs. He has been there for centuries, and it helps when the asylum is run by one of your newborns.

"I think that is a good start."

"Um.... He broke out like a month ago...." I heard the servant whisper.

"WHAT?!" I stood up then, accidentally throwing Paris in the floor. "WHY WASN'T I INFORMED?!" I growled at her then stormed towards the door. "BOOK ME A FLIGHT TO TRANSLYVANIA!"

"Because everything was so peaceful." She whispered.

"NOT ANYMORE!" Paris hissed. "Honey take Laurence and go to Transylvania."

"Someone call my name?" I heard Laurence ask as he appeared. I stopped and looked at him.

"Oh that's no fair! You get to keep Laurence around...and I can't have the children?!" I said, putting my hands on my hips as I turned to Paris.

"You are taking him with you." Paris told me. "We aren't keeping him around though. No offence Laurence but you need to be in your country." I growled as I walked over to Laurence, wrapping him up in my arms.

"Mine," I murmured, deciding on keeping Laurence to myself if I couldn't have my kids. After all... he's small like a child, and he's my best friend. I smiled as I buried my face into his hair, squishing him.

"I guess we can keep him around too since I am keeping Hachi and Isaac around... to be fair." Paris agreed.

"Good, Laurence, you're now mine," I whispered in his ear and picked him up as I began to walk off with him. "You can't let Paris have you from this point forward." Laurence giggled and nodded in agreement.

"I don't mind-" Laurence was cut off as a laugh erupted from around us. "Uh-oh.... she's coming- IT'S worse then Hachi too." I frowned and stopped as I glanced towards Paris.

"Parie darling, take care of it? I've got a brother to murder," I told him and then walked out of the room and looked at Laurence in my arms. "He won't let me have my children back," I complained to him and kissed his forehead. "He even chased our family out...." I growled. Out of everything he's done so far, that's the biggest issue I have with him right now. The fact that he kicked our family out for the moment.

"It's for a good reason." Laurence promised me. "He's making them as safe as possible."

"But I can keep them safe easy peasy," I told him and shook my head. "Take me to my brother?" I gave him a smile as I jumped topics. After all... I will have to eat all the servants when I get back. None of them did their job, so they are useless. They are supposed to tell me these things! Their punishment will be the ultimate one. Laurence had the shadows consume us and travel us to my castle in Transylvania. I grinned darkly and set Laurence down as I walked up the steps to my castle, sensing he had run back here. "Oh brother of mine~!"

I found him in the music room of the castle, the one where I had lured many of my victims before and where I had eventually lured Paris. I smirked as I shut the door behind me then went over to him. "Hello," I whispered as I got close. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes.

"Richard," he hissed my name. Suddenly I was pinned against the piano and had him growling in my face. "You locked me that awful place! Not once did you come visit me, and not once did you ever apologize for what you did to me! You killed my guests when I was little, and you killed our parents! You're a monster!" He shrieked and dug his long sharpened nails into my throat. I winced in pain and then gripped him before exposing my fangs.

"You shouldn't have ran away from the asylum... You were safer there... You know what I do to those who enter my music room," I threatened. He laughed insanely then and ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh, you don't scare me! You may be evil, but I learned a thing or two in that hellhole!"

"You know nothing of hell," I hissed before biting into his neck. He quickly kicked me away, sending me stumbling back into the piano bench. I laughed as I felt that his kick was weak. That asylum didn't help him any...and now he doesn't have the strength he used to. I grabbed him and threw him back into the bookshelves full of music, making him hit his head. "You're weak!"

"But I have my hatred for you to spur me on!" He yelled at me as he got to his feet shakily. He let out a battle cry and threw a knife at me, getting me right above my stone by an inch. Shocked at how close he came, I pulled the knife out and dropped it before walking over to him.

"You really shouldn't have done that," I hissed lowly. He bared his fangs at me then and started for me as well, matching my steps.

"When I'm done with you Richard...there will be a new prince ruling this country," he hissed back. Laughing darkly, I stopped an inch away from him and watched as he mirrored me, his eyes sparkling dangerously.

"You want to rule?" I smirked and then leaned in towards his ear. "You see... I'm going to be king of the world beside my mate Paris. You will be the first to go," I promised then grabbed him, throwing him down and kneeing his stomach before shoving him away. I pulled out a knife and stabbed him in the back as he started to get up and watched as he screamed in pain. He fell back down and reached for the knife to pull it out, but I stomped down on it, sending the hilt and everything into his guts and used enough force to pierce the other side. I grabbed the back of his shirt and hauled him to his feet, making him shriek as it upset the knife lost in his tummy. He bit down into my neck in retaliation and spat out the blood before swallowing it.

"You've become a demon!" He accused me and then narrowed his eyes at me. I smirked at him.

"Yes, I have... Say your last prayers!" I laughed and dug my fingers into his chest as I went for his stone. He widened his eyes and looked at me in fear.

"B-brother," he whimpered and buried his face into my shoulder. "Please, there's so much I haven't seen. I've been locked away for so long. It's not fair. I was promised eternity!" I paused and looked at him, pitying him for a second then gripped his stone.

"Stop begging. It's not something to be proud of," I hissed and started to tug on his stone. He shrieked as pain coursed through his body, making him go rigid.

"RICHARD PLEASE!" I heard him shriek, but it sounded far away as I was lost in the moment. I ripped his stone out and held it up, seeing it was purely white. I widened my eyes as I noticed that my arms were scratched up big time and bloody with large gashes. When did that happen?! I screamed out and looked at the rest of me, seeing that I had a knife in my side and my neck was bleeding out into my shirt, staining it. There was a blossom of red appearing on my side in a new spot that stung. My body was sore, and I realized what happened. He had fought back in his dying moments...and somehow I missed it all. I whimpered in pain and looked at the pile of dust at my feet then at the stone.

"You really messed me up bad little brother.... It makes me a bit more proud of you, fighting for your life instead of giving up. However, I won't crush your stone... It'd be a waste of good power... so I'll eat you instead," I murmured softly to the stone and put it in my mouth. I felt his essence on my tongue and smirked, swallowing him whole.

Louis's POV:

I looked at Isabelle as I got back from the manor and went over to her quickly. "Isabelle, round up everyone. We are retreating to Wales for the time being. Don't scare anyone, but we are going to the mansion I have in the countryside of Wales- the one only you and I know about. Get the children and take them first then have the other three round up the newborns and werewolves. We are all leaving. I will take August and Benjamin's family. Don't utter a word about this to anyone outside this house. Just get them there," I told her and went to go find August as I got my phone out of my pocket. I texted Benjamin to pack his family's things and that we had to leave right now. August was sleeping with Cage and Rick, curled up on the living room couch as a Twilight marathon was running on the TV and Lauren was hovered near it, watching. I sighed and walked over. "Lauren, go get Ellie. I have Benjamin packing your things. We are leaving Maine right now," I told her and then grabbed the three boy's arms and teleported us to the mansion in Wales. I made sure to land them on the grand sofa in the living room in front of the fireplace. "Boys, your pack will soon be joining you. Behave," I whispered and kissed August's head. August mumbled something as he curled up into Rick's chest.

"Rick....." He mumbled. "Louis....." He whispered. "So close." I frowned and looked at him.

"August, what are you mumbling?" I asked as I brushed Rick's hair out of his face, seeing he was almost breathing it in and it was tickling his nose.

"Rogues again..." August told me in his sleep.

"Well... We are in Wales. You are now the royal pack of my country because we aren't leaving for a bit. You have new hunting grounds, just don't get too far away from this mansion," I told them and went over to the fireplace, throwing some wood in from beside it and tossed a lit match in. I watched as it took easily because the wood was so old and dried out.

"Got to protect my land... Louis.... Rick, search past the water...." I heard August mumble and shake him.

"Sleeping," Rick muttered. I raised an eyebrow and walked over.

"Wake up you three!" I shouted and clapped my hands loudly to startle them. "You've got things to do!" August shrieked and fell off the couch, bringing Rich and Cage with him. I smirked as I watched Rick smack August's chest lightly. "You three will be one of the first werewolf packs in my country, so you better behave," I hissed at them, giving them each a glare. "If you don't, I will punish you. I chased all the werewolves out centuries ago...and I can do it again if I need to."

"What are you talking about?" Cage mumbled and curled up to August and Rick. "Go away and let us sleep." He mumbled as he stretched out on them.

"Hey...this isn't home," Rick pointed out then smelled the air. "It smells dusty."

"Because I don't ever use this home. You are in Wales. Your pack will arrive shortly. We won't be returning to Maine for a long time," I informed them and sat in front of them. "You will have to work together- Cage, August. I will not have a war on my soil."

"What's he saying?" August asked Rick as he let out a yawn.

"We've been relocated. We are not in our territory anymore," Rick simplified as he began to wake up more, looking around.

"RELOCATED!? I CAN'T BE RELOCATED!" Cage and August said in unison. August got to his feet and started for me.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" He growled. I got up to my feet quickly, holding up my hands as I backed up.

"August, calm down. Your pack will be here soon. It's for our safety," I told him, trying to get him to stop. "It's dangerous at home...and no one knows about this place except for Isabelle and I."

"MY LAND IS BEING INVADED BY ROUGUES AND YOU TOOK ME AWAY FROM IT!" August shouted and reached out for me. "You and I need a long talk Louis." He was glaring daggers into me. I shrieked and quickly took off running.

"IT'S NOT MY FAUUUUULT!" I screamed out as I ran towards the door. He chased after me.


"YOU HAVE ALL OF WALES!" I shouted and opened the door quickly, slamming it behind me. I threw myself up against it to keep it shut so he couldn't get me. "CALM DOWN!"

"I'M NOT CALM! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! I WORKED HARD~" He threw himself against the door and tried to open up the door.

"BECAUSE MY BROTHER WENT DEMONIC! I HAD TO HIDE US!" I screamed back as I threw more of my body weight against the door.

"YOU RAN! COWARD!" He yelled through the door. "FACE YOUR FEARS!"

"MY COUNTRY IS IN DANGER! HE'S TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!" I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to keep the door shut.

"HOW COULD YOU!" He sunk against the door. "My poor land!"

"You'll get it back you big baby," I said and sighed. "Paris will eventually be taken down. It always turns out that way....and when it is over, you will have Maine again." I opened the door a crack and looked in at him, checking to see if he calmed down enough.

"UGH." He was walking away from the door then. I went in then and shut the door.

"Are you still mad?" I asked, following him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me. "Look, you want to fight my brother when he's demonic and kicked everyone he loves out of his manor?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'll take you over there."

"That's my land! I'm not going to abandon it because of a crazed vampire is running amongst it." August told me and pulled away from me. I growled at him then and crossed my arms.

"Fine, be that way." I turned away from him. "I have a lot of people to move and take care of, and if you aren't going to be supportive, then you can sit in this room and cry all you want about your land."

"I'm sorry I don't run away from my problems!" I heard him growl. "Rick, Cage- let's go outside." He started for the door.

"Jerk," I hissed and started walking off then. "WHEN YOU GET A TWIN THAT WILL GLADLY EAT YOU, LET ME KNOW!"


"START BEING A BETTER MATE AND MAYBE I WILL!" I growled and turned to look at him. "You can't even see why I'm doing this. If I went to challenge Paris for the sake of some land in his state... I would be torn to pieces and you'd be mateless and landless. My people would drive you out of Wales without me here. They don't like werewolves."

"Why would you even fight him!? He is your twin you should join him!" August said stubbornly. "You be the better mate!"

"Oh, you want me to go demonic?" I narrowed my eyes. "Do you know what that would do to me?! Fine, screw it. I might as well go jump off a cliff into the sea! Lemme just go offer my soul up to the devil and my body to my brother so that way he can turn me into a lovely little demon that would gladly kill anyone who got in his way and would practically never listen to you! My demon is like your inner wolf! Would you let him out if it meant just keeping some replaceable house?!"

"YOU AREN'T SEEING MY POINT. WHY WOULD I WANT YOU DEMONIC!? GO BACK HOME AND TELL PARIS YOU ARE ON HIS SIDE! THIS RUNNING TO YOUR COUNTRY TO DEFEND IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA! THAT'S AGAINST HIM! HE'S GOING TO KILL YOU FOR DOING IT TO!" August started for me then. "You just run- keep running and see where that gets you." I looked at him then. Oh...he wasn't talking about surrendering. I see what he's saying. It may appear that way to a demonic Paris, not as a safety thing.

"Fine, I will call him," I mumbled and pulled out my phone as I calmed down. I dialed his number and pulled August to me as I rested my head on his shoulder. Paris didn't answer the call though, for the first time. I frowned and looked at August. "Well, we aren't going back until he picks up because I don't want him to do something against me." I hugged him. "Can you deal with it until then? It isn't permanent after all... It never was."

"Since when has he never answered the phone? Even when you two were fighting?" August asked me curiously. I frowned then and glanced at my phone.

"Let me try again.... If he doesn't answer, I'll go to him. He might be in trouble." I called again and bit my bottom lip as I saw Isabelle appear and drop off about five members of August's pack. She disappeared then and went for the next batch. Paris picked up the call but it ended almost immediately. "Oh, he's in trouble," I growled, getting angry. I threw my phone and watched as it shattered against the wall. "I'll be back eventually. Take care of things here." I teleported to the manor and growled. "PARIS GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!" I shouted, knowing he'd hear me. I heard something clatter in a nearby room and suddenly a girl was flung through the wall and into the next one. Paris stepped through the wall and smirked at me.

"Hiya~ I'm sort of busy." Paris told me. I heard a growl from the girl as she faded into a mirror. "Remember princess Ander?" Paris asked me. "She's a bit grouchy." I raised an eyebrow.

"What's the Princess of China doing here?" I asked and walked over to him. I glanced at his horns but quickly adverted my eyes, not wanting him to catch me staring at it.

"Something about I killed her friend when I was raiding the international HAHQ and she wanted to test how strong I truly was. I don't know... She's speaking gibberish." Paris told me. "She's not supposed to be here... We had her locked up in an insane asylum over a century ago." Paris muttered. "She's a stone eater." He shivered at the thought. I wrinkled up my nose and then looked around to see if she was gone now. I didn't spot her anywhere and then looked at Paris.

"Well, she's gone for now. ANSWER YOUR PHONE LIKE THE GOOD BROTHER YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE!" I shouted at him, picking up one of the vases off the end table nearby in the hall and throwing it at him. I aimed for his head. He dodged it and laughed.

"I did but then she broke it!" Paris explained. "Come on now... do you really think I would purposely ignore your calls?" He asked. I gave a nod and calmed down.

"You would to make me come over if you wanted something," I whispered and walked up to him. "Paris... what are you doing?" I asked and sighed as I crossed my arms. "You're planning on taking over the world...but how are you planning on going about that. You know that I don't want to give up my country, so you better not mess with it. I already moved our family to a better location, including my mate's pack and the children."

"Don't worry about it, our family is going to come out on top and I might give you all of Europe if you be good." He purred to me. "Things are going to change, want to see?" He asked me and reached out for me. I bit my bottom lip and looked at his hand hesitantly. What if he's tricking me? He wouldn't. He couldn't. He's my twin, and he wouldn't betray me like that. I smiled and took his hand then.

"Sure... I'll see what you have to show me, and I'll listen the best I can without trying to freak out about- well you know," I whispered, gesturing to his demonicness. He pulled me close then looked me in the eyes firmly. I saw a glimpse into his idealistic future where he intended to share Earth with his family and give them individual continents to rule., even share. He also intended to slave the lesser beings- like humans. In the end his family was coming out on top. He was going to totally transform the more dominant species. He was going to expose the supernatural to all of the humans. He was ready for this idealistic society where hunters didn't exist. I gasped and blinked as it faded then looked at him. Whoa... That'd...actually be great. Why didn't we do this sooner? I smirked and gave a nod to him. "I'll do what I can to help you."

"I need you to take our family to a safe place because they might get targeted while I am focusing on this revolution." Paris whispered to me. "No matter what don't let Richard see the kids, got it? He wants to see the but he'd scare them, understandable?" Paris asked me and gave my cheek a kiss. "I'll come find you when I need you to come home." I gave a nod to him then and rested my head on his chest right above his stone.

"Of course.... I have everyone already hidden away. If you want... I can tell you where, but I'm not sure if you would like it....and it's one of my secret holes no one knows about. I doubt Richard will be able to find me to force me to reveal your children to him," I whispered to him and then pulled back to look up at him.

"Don't tell me." Paris mumbled. "It's not safe for me to know." He bit his bottom lip hard. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"By the way, I'll be back on my throne in Wales...don't view it as a threat," I warned and then stretched.

"I won't be." He promised. "I hope the werewolves will take the move in a good way. They are protective about land." He muttered. I shook my head.

"I almost got my throat ripped out," I pouted and curled up to Paris then. "They're so rude... I don't want to go back to such rude werewolves. I tried to help them, and they tried to attack me in a fit of rage from being moved to a new land. THERE AREN'T EVEN OTHER PACKS THERE!" I sighed and buried my face into Paris's chest, taking comfort in his scent even if he was demonic. "My mate is mean...."

"He's just an alpha. You are his Luna, you should calm him when he gets outraged." Paris told me. "Need some books of encouragement?" He asked and laughed. I frowned.

"You mean... As a Luna, I'm supposed to keep the August calmed down? Why can't he do that himself?" I complained. It does make since though. The more I get upset, the more he gets upset, and one day I might end up looking straight at that evil inner wolf I have been avoiding the past years. I've been lucky so far with getting away. "I guess I will start working on keeping him calm. He does get riled up easily."

"Luna's are there to help create calm and warming feelings for the pack and alpha. You are the happiness and calmness. Get use to it Louis. The pack is counting on you to look after their alpha and keep him balanced." I gave a nod.

"I'll try to be better about it than yelling at him while he's yelling at me. Maybe I can learn the art of patience," I joked and laughed a bit to calm my nerves. "Where's Hachi?" I asked suddenly as I realized that I hadn't seen him in awhile nor has he summoned me. Is he mad about something? Or is he busy?

"Last I seen him he was munching away on Isaac's dad in the west wing's hall." Paris shrugged. "He likes sleeping in my study though, so try there." He suggested. I gave a nod and teleported to the study, wanting to check up on him. I glanced around for him and smiled as I saw him sleeping on the couch. I walked over and nudged his face with my hand.

"Hey Hachi, guess who's here?" I teased and sat down on the edge of the couch as I played with his hair. He looked up at me sleepily then pulled me to him.

"Louis~ I'm glad to see you! Isaac stole my spell book and turned me into a girl earlier." He complained and whimpered. I laughed and hugged him.

"Awww, sounds like you got a case of crazy lover over here." I chuckled and kissed his forehead before running my fingers through his hair. "How are you doing?"

"I'm a bit tired." He admitted. "I got a rude wake up call~" He curled up into my arms and hugged me tightly.

"I'd imagine so what with your book being stolen," I whispered in his ear. I smiled and ruffled his hair. "You should come back with me. I'd love to have you stay with me for the whole ordeal...." I looked him over and grinned. "You'd be safe from the scwary liwttle demons."

"Paris said I had to stay here though." Hachi told me and whimpered. "These demons are going to drive me bonkers...."

"You could always run away with me!" I suggested and looked him in the eyes. "Come with me... please?" I asked sweetly.

"I don't know... I don't want to disobey Paris." He whispered to me.

"We'd have a lot of fun...if you can handle werewolves. You'd be with the children," I pointed out to him.

"NO! I don't think I want to go~ The children always tackle me~" He pulled away from me. "Plus werewolves? Those things bite."

"Then I'll just have to kidnap you," I teased and pulled him into my lap. "You're coming with me little Hachi."

"Wh-why?" He asked me. "I'm needed here~" He tried to crawl out of my lap.

"Because I want to see you more often." I gave him a cute look and kissed his cheek. "Plus I don't know what to do about August...and I need to calm him down." He nodded as he thought about it.

"It gets me away from Isaac...." He whispered to himself. "I'll do it!" He hugged up to me then.

"Great!" I teleported us away quickly back to the living room of my mansion in Wales. "KIDS! Hachi is here!" I shouted. Quinton, Dannie, Peyton, and Aiyana came running around the corner and quickly tackled his legs.

"HACHI~!" They all squealed in unison. I smirked and sat down on the couch. Hachi looked at me in panic then tried to get away from them.

"H-hey kiddos." Hachi smiled towards them and Dannie grabbed his hand.

"Hachi! Will you show us magic tricks?" Dannie begged. Quinton nodded quickly then and started jumping up and down, tugging on Hachi's shirt.

"Magic twick!" He insisted. Peyton sat down beside me with Aiyana and they curled up to each other as they began to take a nap, worn out from all the moving we did. I got up then and picked up Quinton and Dannie.

"Boys, Hachi just got here. Give him some time to relax," I suggested and then sat them down on the couch. "How about you take a nap with your sisters?" Dannie rawred and nodded as he curled up into Quinton.

"Nap nap time!" Dannie informed Quinton. He growled playfully and nipped at Dannie's ear as he laid down and pulled Dannie on top of him, curling up to him. He yawned and started to close his eyes. Smirking, I turned to Hachi and grabbed him by the hand and led him out of the room while we could make a break for it.

"Paris is not to know about this place...and neither is Richard. Paris does not want his children to see them until it all is over," I whispered as I shut the door behind me and looked for August.

"Okay~ I can handle not telling Richard or Paris where this is at." He promised me, giggling. "It's my safe place after all from Isaac." I gave a nod and kissed his cheek.

"Good...." I murmured then pulled him down to the library. "Isaac took your book right? I happen to have another magic book around here somewhere. I had killed a wizard a while back and took it, but it's all gibberish to me." I led him to a shelf and traced my fingers over the spines till I came across it and pulled it down, placing it in his hands.

"Thanks, I don't really need spell books anymore- but he has my family one and it's sort of upsetting me." He grumbled. I nodded and glanced at the book.

"Well...maybe you can get him to trade?" I suggested, trying to be helpful. "It seems he's just after spells, so he'll probably trade."

"You think so?" Hachi said hopefully then put the book in his pocket. I gave a nod.

"Just don't let him know that is your family spell book he's got. He might keep it to mess with you. Or you could just put him to sleep then take it...but the nicer way to go about it would be a trade. You'd both get what you want." I think it would be great for them both honestly. I gave an encouraging smile then ruffled his hair. He nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you~ I'll go try to get it as soon as possible." He told himself. I nodded and then smirked.

"If it doesn't work out, tease him to death. He's a demon, and most demons- especially when they have lovers- want to have their mates close by and usually end up messing with them a lot. If you tease him, he might give it back as well." I touched his nose playfully and then went for the door of the library.

"What do you mean by teasing?" Hachi asked as he followed me. I laughed and looked at him.

"I'm guessing that Isaac already tried to take you...didn't he?" I asked and pointed to his body. "When I say tease... I mean make him see what he can't have and make it look great and appealing so that way he wants it more."

"Oh... how do I do that?" Hachi asked me as he grabbed my hand and leaned his head against my shoulder.

"One...give him a big kiss...two... walk off and sway your hips like this," I said and then started walking off with a sway in my hips. He followed me.

"UH-HUH?" He watched me curiously.

"Then, when he chases after you, and don't worry, he will..." I turned to him and smirked. "Turn to him and give him a seductive look. Draw him in...and then kick him right back out." I hugged Hachi and kissed the top of his head. "And that is one of the many ways to tease."

"Oh?" Hachi looked confused. "What if he gets his way?" I nodded at that.

"That's a risk of teasing... You'll just have to keep the upper hand- for your case, use magic against him. Paralyze him if he starts to go too far and you don't like it. If you like it, then let him, but if you don't or you are trying for something in particular, just paralyze him or even remark him if you wish."

"Mhmmm... I don't know about teasing him... he's getting smart." Hachi admitted.

"Well... you can try if you want. It's fun to do sometimes. I use it on August every once in awhile. Wanna see an example?" I asked with a smirk before teleporting with him to outside. "AUGUUUST!" I shouted, knowing he had been talking about going outside with Cage and Rick.

"No! I don't want to see an example." Hachi begged. He tugged on my arm. I laughed and pulled him into a hug.

"Well fine, I won't tease him too badly. However, I am not just about to see him when he's mad at me without a friend of mine around."

"I don't want to see a mad alpha!" Hachi hissed towards me. I sighed and shook my head.

"But Hachi, I have to face him all by my little lonesome....Help me out?" I pleaded, giving him a look.

"But.... but...." Hachi gave me a small pout. "I don't want to get ate!"

"I don't wanna get bit," I said back, looking around for any signs. I pulled Hachi closer, refusing to let go. "He's been grouchy towards me..." I glanced around wearily again and then buried my face in his neck. "Don't leave me? He's cruel...." He'd eat me for moving him over here... Plus I have to tell him we are staying here even if we are on friendly terms with my twin. He's going to hunt me down and tear my throat out. Rick came running up then in wolf form, growling at us as he came to a stop. He glanced from Hachi to me then ran over and tackled me to the ground, snapping his jaws in my face. "HACHI! HELP!" I screamed and put my hands over Rick's muzzle in fear. He snarled again and moved his nose back from my hands then started nosing at my shirt and tore it off. "CUT IT OUT!" Hachi let out a soft gasp then turned Rick into a butterfly.

"You okay?" Hachi asked me with concern. "This is why I didn't want to come out here." I blushed as I looked up at him then at the butterfly as he landed on my nose and started opening and closing his wings slowly.

"We should go inside then if this is how I will be treated." I got up slowly, looking towards the woods for anymore then grabbed Hachi's hand to lead him back inside. Butterfly Rick fluttered up to the top of my head and then landed on my hair to keep from getting lost. "You'll have to turn him back Hachi. This is August's beta.... We don't want him mad at us when his friend dies of old age quickly." Hachi nodded then turned him back.

"I hope you learned your lesson." Hachi growled towards Rick. He looked at us and pouted then rubbed his head against my shoulder.

"It was only fun and games luna," he whined.

"Suck up." Hachi hissed. I sighed and ruffled his hair then went for the door with Hachi.

"Tell your alpha that I wish to speak with him when he's calmed down about the land shift... Oh, and let him know that everything is under control, but we aren't going back yet," I ordered and then opened the door to let Hachi inside. Rick pouted at me and looked towards the woods.

"B-but...fine.... What's for dinner tonight?" He asked curiously and looked at me with a grin.

"Whatever the pack agrees on.... I will have Isabelle make it for you all, so go find out and report back to me so that way she can start. We can't have a hungry pack running around my mansion. Plus, I think it will be beneficial to you for the pack to pick." He nodded and took off towards the woods, letting out a howl to call to August as he finished transforming back. I smirked and looked at Hachi then. Hachi placed his hands behind his back and started walking in with a sway to his hips to start practicing teasing. I laughed and followed him in, shutting the door. "Very good, but try it more like this," I whispered and then placed my hands on his hips to help show him how to go about it better. After I demonstrated, I let go and took a step back to watch. He blushed and started walking off like I showed him. I followed and then led him towards the old study. I'd need to have this place thoroughly cleaned to even get it to my standards. I winced at the dust on the tables and shook my head as I opened the door to my study and went in. "So Hachi... I heard about you testing out a new potion on Raven? What was it? It didn't harm her, did it?" I asked, glancing over my shoulder at him. After all... it had turned her into a bird. Why'd he even do that?

"Oh that was a little experiment I was testing out." Hachi told me, not getting too specific. I raised an eyebrow.

"Little experiment? You turned her into a bird," I said and sat down on top of my desk and crossed my legs while I watched him. He took a seat by me.

"I turned her into her spirit animal." Hachi came out and told me. Frowning, I looked at him then shrugged.

"Didn't know those things were real. I thought they were just some weird thing Indians cooked up to worship," I told him then stretched. "Ever wondered what yours would be?" He nodded.

"Not too sure about it though. Did you know I am connected to a unicorn?" Hachi asked me. I shook my head and smirked.

"A unicorn Hachi?" I laughed and ruffled his hair. "Sounds like you have an interesting life outside of what you've been doing lately." I can't believe he ever went to Oz and Zehara if he had something as cool as a unicorn to hang out with. Wouldn't that be every wizard's dream?

"Mhmmm, Unicorns are a rare catch." Hachi informed me. "She doesn't come around often enough though. She likes to travel." I gave a nod and then looked towards the door, worrying about August a bit. After all...he'll be mad when Rick tells him we are staying for awhile even though I was supposed to go fix it.

"He's going to be mad," I whispered and shook my head. "I don't know if I'm cut out to be a luna... Paris said that they are there to calm down the alpha, but all I do is rile him up more."

"Well.... You don't have any guidance." Hachi told me. "Luna's always have guidance from their inner wolf." I laughed at that.

"Well... I happen to be a vampire, not a werewolf. I can't have an inner wolf to help me do anything with August," I told him and got down off the desk as I walked over towards a window and wrinkled up my nose at the dust on it. I put a finger on the windowpane and slid it down, making a clean mark against the glass. Gross.... "ISABELLE, GO GET SOME NEWBORNS TO CLEAN THE MANSION!" I shouted, not wanting to deal with this any longer.

"Hmmm.... Well I could give you one. I need my spell book first." Hachi told me and stood up on the desk. I widened my eyes and looked at him.

" can't be serious," I whispered. A vampire with an inner wolf?! How would that even work?!

"Very differently. Like how I have a unicorn.... except not so much." I frowned and walked over to him, glancing at him skeptically.

"But what if it is a bad idea?" I asked. I mean... I might have to deal more with August's evil inner wolf who needs to be spiritually gutted and sent to- Well, that's a bit cruel.

"Oh relax. It will be more like the animal is walking by you and you can only see it or something like that. Your inner wolf will be unleashed but not.... In you." He pointed me over.

"W-well... I guess if that is all that would happen," I murmured and then gave a nod. "I guess I'd be willing to do it." He shrugged.

"I have to get my spell book." He jumped off my desk.

"Would you like me to help?" I asked and gave him a smile. "I can pin him down and you can take it back. Shouldn't be too hard. I've fought harder than him."

"I'll do it on my own." Hachi told me. "Be back later." He disappeared before I could object.