More Then Friends

Hachi's POV:

I used my magic to take me straight to Isaac. "Isaac!" I yelled before my magic could clear out of the way so I could see around me. He was in the wizard's academy, pinning down the dean against the wall. He looked over with wide eyes and quickly backed away, and that was when I noticed he was covered in blood. The dean fell down to the ground then, his neck bleeding out.

"Hachi!" He smiled at me happily and came over, swinging his tail side to side in excitement. I took a step back and felt a lump in my throat forming.

"What have you done?" I asked him. He frowned as he saw my reaction then he stopped and took a step back.

"W-well..." he bit his bottom lip and looked at the floor. "You never showed a fondness for this place... so I didn't think you'd be upset with me."

"I'm not upset." I whispered softly then pulled out the spell book. "I came to make a deal." His eyes flickered to the book in my hands, and he came over quickly with an excited smile.

"What kind of deal?" He asked eagerly, seeming to like the idea already as he was picking up on what I wanted. He rubbed his head up under my chin and then kissed my neck. I brushed away from him and started to walk towards a wall, swaying my lips and rested my wrists against my hips. I turned to him slowly.

"Well... I really would like to switch spell books with you." I purred. He looked a bit lost as he stood there, watching me curiously. He had bit his bottom lip gently and looked up from my hips to my eyes.

"Y-you said something about spell books?" He blushed and I watched as he flicked his tail nervously. I nodded and started to look at him seductively as I threw my head back slightly.

"Yes, a spell book." I told him as I exposed one side of my neck and ran my hand down it and into my shirt then back up. "Please?" His eyes had followed the movement, and I could see him staring at my exposed neck hungrily. He took a step towards me slowly.

"Is that all you want?" He whispered and seemed to be hanging on the very edge of keeping under control.

"Spell books switched." I told him and waved my spell book out to him as I sunk down into a chair. I crossed my legs and leaned down into the chair. "Or else you won't see me for a month." I told him as I bounced my foot playfully. He whimpered and walked over, sitting down on the floor in front of me.

"But Hachi.... Don't do that to me. You know I love you- I need you...." He rubbed his head against my leg like a cat and looked up at me sadly. "Promise me you won't ever leave me for too long? A month is too long... Even a week." He reached into his jacket and pulled out my family's spell book and looked at it before setting it in my lap and accepting the one I had in my hands. He put it in his jacket and rested his head against my leg as he hugged it to keep me from leaving or getting up. I shoved my spell book into my pocket then spelled it to where it would scream if it was opened by anyone that wasn't me. I looked down at Isaac and frowned.

"Get off my leg, YOU TURNED ME INTO A GIRL." I growled. He pouted up at me and didn't move.

"But Hachi.... you made me. You are the one who enchanted a belt and tested me... I had to, and I turned you back," Isaac murmured and looked up at me desperately. "Don't be mad at me. I love you, and I'd die all over again if you hated me...."

"Well you know what! I'm going to get a chastity belt next time you try turning me into a girl and then I am going to throw the key away." I told him and leaned towards his face. "Don't try me."

"I won't try you like that... I love you too much to do it without cause," he murmured and then leaned in quickly, stealing a kiss. His tail wrapped around my ankle, and he gave me a cute smile.

"Let me go." I leaned over him to grab at his tail. He pouted at me, but he didn't move an inch. He was about to move his tail out of the way when I finally got my hands on it, making him go rigid at the touch. He looked at me pitifully and let out a heartbroken sounding whimper.

"Don't you love me?" I let his tail go, feeling bad.

"Of course.. I do." I told him and nodded. "I got you out of hell, didn't I?" I asked him. He gave a nod and cheered up just a bit.

"You did make Paris go get me," he admitted then let go of my legs obediently. "Hachi... I feel strange without your mark," he told me and looked up at me from the floor. "It's like a piece of me is missing."

"You want me to mark you again?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. He bit his bottom lip as he thought it over and then looked up at me.

"Please?" He asked softly and looked into my eyes hopefully. "I love you, and I don't ever want to be apart from you...."

"I'll mark you." I whispered, uncertain about it. "Right now?" I asked. He looked down at the floor in thought and gave a small nod.

"If you are ok with it, that is. I remember you telling me that you don't ever wanted to go through losing me again if something should happen to me again. I don't think that something will because I've gotten stronger already...." I nodded as I looked him over. He was a cannibal now and nothing should happen to him... but I really don't want to take a chance. I shook my head. He looked up at me sadly then nodded as he stood up. "Ok," he murmured then walked over to the dean's desk, stealing the magic book out from a drawer and put it in his jacket. I got to my feet as I watched him.

"What are you doing? There isn't anything else to learn! I learned it all... You can just ask me." I told him and waved the subject off as I walked towards him. "You don't need those filthy books."

"I'm starting a collection in Paris's library," he informed me with a smile and walked over, giving my cheek a kiss. "I know I can ask you, but what if one day you are off doing something...or you are..." He bit his bottom lip and glanced at the floor. "What if you are gone?"

"I won't be gone. I'm immortal." I shrugged. "I'll be walking this earth long after you are gone." I jabbed him in the side with my finger. "So don't go asking stupid questions like that again."

"Well what if you leave me?" He wrapped me up into a hug and kissed the top of my head. I could hear his heart beating through his shirt.

"I don't think I will leave you..." I trailed off. I never left anyone.... besides Oz and Zehara.

"Ok," he whispered then let me go. He gave me a smile and rubbed my cheek. "I would love you even if you did leave though.... Thanks for not being too mad about the whole girl thing," he laughed and ruffled my hair playfully. He grinned and flicked his tail before tickling my side with it.

"I'M STILL MAD." I growled at him. "I'm still thinking about your punishment for doing it too." I crossed my arms, trying not to laugh as he tickled me. He smirked and tickled me some more, slipping his tail up under my shirt to get at my skin. I pushed his tail down my shirt and let out a laugh. "S-stop! That's not funny!"

"Yes it is," he laughed and then moved his tail out of my shirt in obedience. He smirked at me and then kissed my cheek, leaning in towards my ear. "Hachi," he purred, "you won't punish me." I shook my head.

"I will punish you." I told him and took a step back from him, walking away from him and swayed my hips teasingly.

"You don't want to punish me," he said and began to follow. "I'm too sweet and lovable." I looked over my shoulder and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh but I do want to punish you for turning me into a girl and taking my spell book... You naughty little boy." I stopped and put my hands on my hips. He stopped an inch away from me and touched my cheek then trailed it up under my chin to tilt my face up to his.

"You shouldn't punish me for that.... You're mine, mine to me forever and always," he said seductively and looked me in the eyes. I blushed.

"I'll punish you." I told him firmly. "No matter how hard you try to make me not." I felt my skin melting under his touch so I pulled back. His eyes looked a bit sad, but he didn't move to force me to stay right there.

"What kind of punishment are you thinking of? I might let you if it makes you happy depending on what it is." He crossed his arms, and I saw his tail flick to the side before coming to a rest.

"I think I will put some distance between us. We can't sleep together.... for a very long time. You are going to be sleeping alone now and I am going to be... well not in your bed." I smirked. He narrowed his eyes, and I heard him growl faintly.

"Oh? You think so?" He waved his hands and I felt my feet glued to the floor. I couldn't feel my magic either anymore. He started for me, anger rising in his eyes. I widened my eyes in fear.

"What's the matter, Isaac? I thought it was a great punishment." I told him as I looked around me for ideas of what I could do. Little demon... I should make him forget he is a wizard... He snarled and then stopped an inch in front of me.

"You can't punish me if you are going to do that to me! You killed Evelyn, then you took my memories, and I forgave you for that! On top of that, you marked me without my permission! I do one little thing, and you can't even forgive me for it... I have to be punished for something as stupid as that?!" He growled in my face then gripped my shoulders in his hands. He exposed his fangs to me and narrowed his eyes. "Well... if I'm such a bad demon and I need to be punished, then what is going to stop me from eating you, huh?"

"Don't you dare bite me! I'll never forgive you and I will leave you." I told him threatively. "You better unspell me too." I warned. "I'll have Paris take you back to hell for a century." He growled then and stepped back.

"Fine, do what you like," he hissed then stormed off towards the door. I felt my magic come back, and I could move again as he opened it. "Like I care... Why the hell should I stay around someone so cold hearted towards me?" He slammed the door behind him, making a picture on the wall fall and shatter. I crossed my arms as I watched him go. It's not my fault... I'm not the one prancing around and trying to turn people into girls. I started for the door but decided not to and used my magic to take me to Louis's manor.

"Louis! I got the magic book." I told him. "I almost got bit though... SO you owe me." I told him. He gave a nod and walked over as he saw me.

"Tell you what... I can cleanse Isaac's soul for you if you'd like. He'd go back to being his happy normal self, and he'd be less likely to bite you," he offered and brushed some of my hair behind my ear.

"I don't want you to go out of the way for my happiness... besides.. I think I will just stay with you and only go to Paris when he needs me... that will keep me away from Isaac... and maybe he will cool down." I nodded at the thought... plus that would ensure my safety... Especially my private area's safety. He laughed a bit and then sat down on the couch.

"You know Hachi... I do know a thing or two about demons. They are kinda like their own alphas... If they are in love or they have a mate- which is what you are to Isaac- they get possessive and have to be right about everything. To them, you are either with them or against them, and if you do something they don't like, you are against them. They don't understand why you are mad most of the times, so they get angry very easy themselves. Quick to anger is what demons are. He won't calm down easily...not without you to help him. After all, Richard left Paris for a long time when he was a demon because he believed he had been betrayed when all Paris tried to do was help him. They don't think anything is wrong with the way they are as a demon, and all they see is the disapproval that to them doesn't make sense. You'll either have to talk to him...or you'll have to have him cleansed completely," he informed me, crossing his legs as he gave me an encouraging smile. I nodded.... I did anger him...

"I may have... angered Isaac... Should I try to go.... not make him angry?" I asked curiously.

"If you want to see him anytime soon or else,it will get stuck in his mind and he will openly be against you for a long time- maybe forever. It's either talk to him and get him to calm down...or he will need to be cleansed by someone who knows what they are doing, mainly someone like me." He patted the spot next to him and gave me a smile. I rubbed my arm and looked at my feet.

"Think I should go apologize then." I sighed out and used my magic to appear near Isaac. "Isaac?" I asked as I looked around. He was already out in the woods outside the academy, but he stopped when he heard me. He glanced over at me and then narrowed his eyes before turning his head away and then kept walking.

"What? You made it perfectly clear."

"Don't be so upset... I'm sorry~" I followed after him. "Come on now... I won't punish you since you are a demon and have no idea what you are doing." He shoved his hands into his pockets and squared his shoulders.

"Oh, because I'm a demon huh? A big scary demon?" He kept his emotion out of his voice and refused to look at me.

"You are so- ugh." I crossed my arms. "Well you better get use to this Isaac~ the distance because if you keep up being stubborn then I am just going to let you keep walking away." I stopped following him. He stopped as well and turned to me, looking like he was about ready to cry in frustration.

"What do you want from me?! I don't know what it is you want me to do! It seems everything I do is wrong!" He yelled at me and took his hands out of his pockets. I sat down on the ground as I watched him.

"Nothing you do is wrong." I told him. "Sometimes it isn't right." He started pacing back and forth then as he ran his fingers through his hair, clutching at the ends of them.

"Well what does that mean?!"

"Uh.... I'm not sure." I laughed. "Just don't be so mad at me!" I laid down and looked up at the sky. "Life is too long to stay mad at someone."

"But you're the one mad at me!" He came over then, coming to a stop by my head and looked down at me. He sat down then beside me and frowned.

"I'm not mad anymore." I hissed. "You happy?" I asked. I shook my head. "You better be happy."

"But you still sound mad," he whispered then, looking at me in hurt.

"I know it." I rolled over onto my stomach and rested my head against his knee.

"Then you are still mad at me," he murmured and pouted, running his fingers through my hair. He brought his tail close to him then and curled up on the ground next to me as he wrapped his arms around me, leaning his face into my chest.

"You better not- ever take my spell book form me." I hissed. "It's my family's."

"Well how was I supposed to know that," he whined and peeked up at me from my chest before burying his face into me again. "Truce?"

"Fine." I mumbled. "Truce for now."

"Hachi?" He whispered my name and then glanced up at me shyly.

"Yeah?" I asked, wondering what he was asking for.

"Do I upset you like I am now?" He blushed and then moved his face back into my chest as he waited for the answer. "I mean... you used to think I was the best little thing in the world, and now you've been shunning me since I died." I blushed.

"What? I think your amazing~" I purred and ran my fingers through his hair. "You can be a demon, I don't mind. I'm glad to have you back." I told him then pulled back. "Now don't get overdramatic about it, okay?" He gave a nod.

"Ok... I missed you," he mumbled and snuggled up to me in happiness. He kissed my cheek and smiled sweetly. I nodded and sighed.

"I have to go~" I whispered. "I'm playing with spells, I get to do them on Louis."

"Sounds fun," he laughed and then got up and held a hand out to me. "Tell you what, when you get back, we should go out on a date- we haven't done that, and since how we both like each other...I think we should try it," he said and blushed as he heard himself. "That was terrible... Oh my gosh I suck at asking people out! How the heck did I get Evelyn to date me?!" I shrugged as I took his hand and got to my feet.

"What's a date?" I asked in confusion. There was two dates I knew about. His blush darkened and he put a hand over his mouth.

"W-well... a date- the kind I'm referring to... I-it's what two people do together when they like each other...m-more than friends that is... Like Paris and Richard...they go on dates... It's just when two people agree to spend time together for a day where they can either go out to the town or they can stay at home and watch a movie or something," he explained, trying to keep his blush under control. "I-I'd like to go on a date with you...."

"Huh? What's more then friends?" I asked and bit my bottom lip. I put my hands behind my back. "Richard and Paris are friends." He laughed nervously and then shook his head.

"N-no...they are more than friends because they love each other more than friends.... They are...They're mates... Humans would get married in their situation a-and maybe have children together. Y-you do know about that, right?" He blushed again and bit his bottom lip.

"Wait.... What?" I asked and shook my head. "I don't think I understand... but sure we can go on a date.... out to eat... you like food right?" I asked and smiled sweetly. "Pasta sound good?" He gave a nod and smiled, looking relieved.

"I will explain later about that...or you can ask someone. Wait! You know how we kiss? That's what people who are more than friends do- like what mates do," he told me and gestured to us. "We've been doing things that more than friends do...and I'd like to make it official by taking you out on a date which is a stepping stone and considered romantic by most." I blushed.

"We aren't like that... are we?" I asked. He gave a nod.

"We kinda are.... I mean... I guess if you don't want to be more than friends... we can quit it and we won't go on the date.... We also won't be sleeping together in the same bed and cuddling because that is another act that more than friends do...." He looked at me a bit scared about what I might say. "Friends only give short hugs...." I widened my eyes.

"I won't be able to cuddle with you in bed? That sucks!" I crossed my arms. "I guess we can be more then friends." He smiled then and kissed my cheek.

"You know...they call that boyfriend and girlfriend- but in our case it would be boyfriend and boyfriend...or we can simplify that to mates if you'd like...but I don't know if you are ok with that Mister I-guess."

"No.... I think we should take it reallllllllllllllllllllllly slow, we are only inbetween stages and that's how it will be." I told him. He blushed and gave a nod then, backing away a few inches.

"O-ok... I will try to be respectful of your personal space then until you tell me it's alright," he whispered and shifted his feet nervously. I frowned. What was with it- him and these... name defining what we are... I thought we was doing good with what we was doing. I sighed.

"Whatever you want Isaac."

"Or we could throw the rules out the window," he suggested as he looked me in the eyes. "I was working without me saying anything about it... I just wanted to go on a date with you because I like you...." He blushed again and kissed my cheek. He stole a kiss from my lips and purred in my ear before kissing my neck. I blushed.

"I like you too~" I purred and tried to part his lips from my neck. "No rules is the best thing ever."

"Bye bye rules," he mumbled and laughed happily as he wrapped his arms around me then kissed my cheek instead of my neck, seeing I was uncomfortable with it. I nodded.

"So tomorrow we will go out for pasta?" I asked him to make sure.

"Of course... I'm taking you to Italy myself for pasta," he told me and then we were back at Paris's manor. He let go and kissed my forehead. "Go play with Louis...and I will work on tomorrow's preparations." I nodded and took a few steps away from him.

"I'll see you tonight then." I promised and had my magic take me to Louis. He was playing with the kids who were full of energy and biting him lightly. He laughed and tried to move his hand away from Aiyana who was actually the only one trying to actually bite him bite him. She had her fangs exposed and everything. I widened my eyes and went back to Isaac. "Louis is busy at the moment so I'll go see him later..." I blushed.

"Louis?" I heard Richard say from behind me. "Are my kids alright?! HACHI WHERE ARE THE KIDS?!" He sounded really worried, and he spun me around, shaking me lightly.

"I don't know where they went." I told him and shrugged, knowing I could get away with not telling him the truth. He narrowed his eyes and let go.

"PARIS! WE NEED TO GO FIND THE KIDS!" He shouted and started off to go find him. Isaac laughed and shook his head.

"I think he still has his motherly instincts from Peyton in him," he whispered. I nodded.

"I don't want those kinds of instincts." I mumbled as I watched Richard running off to find Paris. I looked back towards Isaac. "Want to take a shower together?" I asked him. He blushed a dark shade of red.

"S-sure," he mumbled, looking a bit shocked. He took my hand in his and slowly started us towards the bathroom near our room.

"I swear though if you try something Isaac while we are in the shower~" I grumbled and followed him to our bathroom. "After all... we haven't gone far yet."

"I won't," he promised and then took us into the bathroom. He shut the door and started up the water for the shower before glancing down at his bloody shirt and started to take it off. I took off my pants first since I didn't want to loose my shirt just yet. I blushed and walked over to the towels and laid some out for us then lost my shirt in the process. I caught Isaac watching, but as soon as I did, he looked away quickly and took off his pants, completely undressed now. He got into the shower then, and I heard the shampoo bottle open. I bit my bottom lip then lost the last bit of my clothing and stepped into the shower behind him and stopped breathing as I looked him over. His tail was curled up around his body, trying to stay dry as he was shampooing his hair. He didn't see me behind him yet, so he started to rinse the soap out, ruffling his hair and then ran his fingers through his hair as it was soaked, turning a darker shade and sticking to his skin. I grabbed the bottle of shampoo and started to squirt some into my hand then rubbed it into my hair, closing my eyes. I felt a bit panicy, rethinking about taking a shower with a demon.

"H-Hachi," I heard Isaac whisper my name as he saw me then, and I could tell he was blushing. He reached past me for the conditioner and opened it. "I'm not going to hurt you.... You told me not to mess with you, and I said I wouldn't," he said softly then kissed my cheek before pulling back to give me some space in the shower.

"What are you... reading my thoughts or something?" I asked as I rinsed out the shampoo and went for the conditioner, taking it from him.

"I can hear your heart beating, and I know how to read your body language," he told me before laughing a bit. He grabbed the body soap as he rinsed his hair then smiled innocently at me. He moved his tail from around his body carefully and held what he could of it out of the way of the water. I noticed then just how much of him was muscle. He didn't really have much of a belly and was pretty skinny. He didn't look like he worked out much, but there was definitely some muscle there. I blushed as I put some conditioner in my hair, rubbing it in.

"Well don't pay attention to that! It's not fair if you can tell." I mumbled and handed him the bottle of conditioner. He set it down back in it's place and laughed as he started to soap up with the body soap then rinsed himself off as he finished. He got out and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his waist. I finished rinsing the conditioning out and then soaped up my body- rinsing it off. I followed him out shortly after and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around me. "Isaac?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He hummed and looked at me from where he was brushing his teeth. He gave me a smile and spat out the toothpaste, rinsing his mouth out with the water. "Something the matter sweetie?" He put his toothbrush back and turned to me, kissing my cheek. I shrugged and grabbed my toothbrush and tooth paste then started to brush mine.

"No, I was just wondering if you wanted to have a date tonight... Just us... We could watch a movie downstairs in the livingroom and eat popcorn with chocolate and soda." I suggested. His eyes widened and he slowly grinned. Laughing, he wrapped me up into a hug.

"Of course I'd love to do that with you! I'll go get dressed and pick out a movie then pop us some popcorn," he told me and kissed my cheek before running off out of the room excitedly. I bit my bottom lip, hoping he wasn't going to pick out a scary movie or something that was romantic... Hopfully a cartoon. I rinsed off my toothbrush and my mouth after finishing up and put the bush and paste away. I walked off to our bedroom and into my closet, picking out something comfortable, gym shorts and a band shirt. I put them on then went downstairs to see if he was set up yet or not. He had the commercials running, and I could hear him popping popcorn in the kitchen. "Where's the darn- AH!" He screamed and I heard a crash. "Oh wait, there it is!" He laughed and then came out with a glass full of blood and another full of soda for me. I reached out for my class of soda and in the process I had the blood in his glass disappear and put mine in there for him. I smirked and took a seat on the couch, sipping on my soda innocently. He hadn't noticed me do it and sat it down on the coffee table as the microwave beeped. He ran back into the kitchen and came back out with a bowl of popcorn and a smaller bowl with Reeses and MnMs mixed together. He sat them down and then got on the couch beside me, taking the remote and fast-forwarding through the rest of the commercials to show the menu of The Jungle Book (newer one). I looked towards him and raised an eyebrow then motioned for him to hit play as I grabbed a handful of popcorn and started to eat on it.

He did and picked up the blood, raising it to his lips then took a sip. "H-Hachi.... is this-" he cut himself off as he took another sip and let out a small moan of pleasure, curling up to my side. He closed his eyes and took another sip. I smirked towards him and started to munch on the popcorn and candy as the movie played. He didn't say another word till he had finished the glass then set it down on the coffee table and moved into my lap, pressing his head against my chest and curling up on me. "I love you," he whispered softly, a smile on his face. I blushed and nodded in agreement as I tried to pay attention to the movie... or atleast fake it. He kissed my chest then and hummed lightly in happiness then kissed me again right above it. I looked down at him then at the TV. I let out a soft sigh. He adjusted himself on me to better face me and kissed right between where my collarbones met my neck and then went up a few centimeters and kissed me again. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and fed him a piece then gave myself the rest. I grabbed another hand of candy and started to eat it before he went up more with the kisses. He ate it and swallowed it before giving me another kiss then started on a lovebite. I gasped and adjusted us, laying down on the couch and sat him on top of me then grabbed another handful of popcorn and started to eat it. He purred as I did so and started a trail of them, wrapping his arms around me and influencing the warmness in my chest to spread throughout me and make me completely relaxed and happy. He laughed a bit and I felt his tail touch my side as he adjusted himself on top of me into a better position. I glanced his way then grabbed my soda and took a sip from it then sat it aside, grabbing the candy and started to eat on it, trying to watch the movie as well. He kissed my lips then when he noticed I wasn't paying him any attention then slipped his tongue into my mouth. I gasped and let out a slight moan, then put a MnM into his mouth as I pushed him back. I tried to look more interested in the movie. He curled up on top of me and ate it, glancing towards the movie as he took a break from the kisses.

Just as the credits started rolling, he kissed my neck again and started a love bite again. I arched my back as he done so and let a soft moan slip. "You should go put in a new movie." I suggested.

"In a minute," he purred and then kissed me on the lips again, gently biting on my lower lip playfully. I let out a soft growl and went to bite his bottom lip. Isaac kissed me back passionately just as I had gotten it. Slipping his tongue into my mouth again, he pulled me closer to him. I let out a soft growl and kissed him back, trying not to encourage him though. He didn't pick up on that though and kissed me harder, getting my tongue and sucking on it gently. He got in between my legs and slipped his tail under the hem of my shirt. I giggled as his tail tickled me and I tried to push it out.

"Whoa there kitten." I purred. He laughed and took his tail back out of my shirt then pulled back to look into my eyes before going towards my neck and giving me another love bite. He trailed his hands down my sides and then began to push my shirt up my stomach slowly. I grabbed at my shirt, trying to keep it down. "Time to pick out that movie." I suggested. He sighed, letting his breath tickle my neck before he glanced at me.

"Pleaaaase?" He asked, and I noticed his fangs were sharpened. He was still hungry. I nodded and exposed my neck to let him have a bite.

"You may." I told him, giving a smile. He smiled in delight and leaned down to my neck, biting down gently to not cause me too much pain. I let out a soft grunt and laid my back down, trying to relax so it wouldn't hurt. The pain soon stopped and turned almost pleasurable as he licked my neck clean of blood and continued drinking from me. He pulled my shirt off before blood could get on it and set it aside as he went back for more. I let out a soft moan and looked up at him in wonder, reaching for my neck to feel it. He let me touch his bite mark on me and then moved to the other side of my neck to bite down. I could feel where his teeth made a mark in my skin, and I felt my blood get on my fingers, making them slippery as they became red. I pulled my fingers away from the bite and looked at the blood on my fingers then smudged it onto his cheek and smirked. He paused before he could bite me again and rubbed his cheek to look at it then smirked at me. He went back to his previous bite mark and licked at it as he wrapped his arms around me and reached up to tangle his fingers in my hair at the bottom of my head. He purred against my neck as he stayed in between my legs and kissed my wound. I looked towards the TV screen and pouted. "Pick out a movie now..." I urged and grabbed his tail. He growled playfully, not paying attention to the fact that I had his tail. He licked the wound and kissed it again. I started to pull on his tail harder. "Isaac..." I groaned. He whimpered and curled up on top of me as he got out from in between my legs to curl up on my stomach. He was trembling and clutched at my stomach in pain.

"P-please," he whined and squeezed his eyes shut. I let his tail go.

"Please go put on another movie." I purred in his ear. He nodded and slowly crawled off of me to go towards the shelf of movies. He sat in front of it and grabbed one after a few minutes then put it in and put The Jungle Book up and came over to me, still shaking. He laid down on top of me and curled up on my stomach as he tried to stop trembling. I kissed his cheek and waited to see what he put on as I grabbed a handful of candy. Anastasia came on after a few moments, and Isaac hit play as he closed his eyes, deciding not to kiss me again. He eventually stopped shaking and curled his tail around his body to keep me from being able to tug on it should I grab it for any reason. I laughed softly and rubbed his head. "Not so tough, are you?" I asked him.

"That's not funny...It really hurts when you tug on it," he mumbled and leaned his head into my hand. "I think I should stop letting you touch it because you keep tugging on it.... You know, you are the only one I have let touch it. That says something about trust right there." He looked up at me then and gave me an accusing look. I shrugged.

"I have to get your attention some how." I mumbled. He sighed and gave a nod as he unraveled his tail and then rested it against my hand as a show of trust. He smiled and watched the movie then as he reached for a piece of candy. I started to eat the candy I had and finished it off, I took another sip of my soda, and looked towards the TV. I got up after a few minutes, putting him in my place and headed for the bathroom. I smirked as I left him there... I was such a tease. He didn't do anything as he continued to watch the movie, not too concerned with me getting up for the bathroom. I went towards the bathroom and walked into it. I shut the door casually then walked towards the toilet, pausing as something in the mirror caught my eye. I walked over to it as I looked towards my neck and leaned farther in, looking at the mark. I healed it up then sighed in satisfaction... except the mirror image of me didn't copy the sigh. I took a small step back and yelped as a hand reached out for me.

"ISAAC!" I yelled in fear, as the lights turned off. He burst into the bathroom after a few seconds just as the hand about grabbed me. I heard an evil snarl rip through his throat and he pounced at the hand, grabbing it and sinking his fangs into it as he tugged on it. He dug his nails into the arm and then bit down into the elbow and started to chew on it, ripping out chunks of the arm's skin and got down to the bone quickly. The arm came through the mirror with ease... like it was cut off of a body and started to spaz out in his mouth. I shrieked and ran out the bathroom, going for my bedroom. I ran into Paris in the hall and he scooped me up into his arms then tried to calm me.

"What's wrong?" Paris asked, knowing something was up.

"SOMETHING TRIED TO GRAB ME IN THE MIRROR!" I yelled and pointed to the bathroom.

"Well... least it wasn't from the toilet." He joked. "That's just Ander... She's crazy. Stay away from mirrors until I kill her." Paris told me and patted my head as he let me go. "Isaac! Take Hachi to bed... I got this." Paris said as he walked towards the bathroom. I sunk into the floor and shrieked..

"But whatever it is tastes good," I heard Isaac complain as the arm hit the floor from him dropping it.

"Go to Hachi." Paris growled.

"But I want to catch it so I can eat it," Isaac growled back.

"I already called dibs." Paris told him. I got to my feet and walked away from the bathroom, going towards my bedroom.

"Fair enough," I heard Isaac tell him, the aggression in his voice fading. "HACHI WAIT FOR ME!" He yelled and ran up to my side then slipped my shirt back over my head. "You forgot it on the couch." I crossed my arms over my chest, glad to have it on. I can't believe I forgot about it... No wonder why he didn't move when I got up... He knew I'd have to come back. He smiled at me innocently and picked me up bridal style, carrying me towards my room. "So some creepy hand tried to grab you huh?" I nodded and laid my head on his chest. Who the heck is Ander? I shivered at the thought of ending up in a mirror. He opened the door to my room then shut it, taking me over to my bed and laying me down with him on top. He smirked and kissed my neck then growled. "Hachi...did you heal my bite mark?" He sounded upset, and he kissed where it had been then gave me a love bite there, making me moan involuntarily.

"I...might have." I whispered, trying to hold back from moaning. "Sorry?" He sighed and then made another love bite right above my shirt collar. I blushed and covered up my mouth to hold in my moan. "Uhmm.... Isaac?" I asked.

"Nuh uh," he mumbled and flicked his tail as he looked my body over then looked up into my eyes seductively. "Hachi, sweet darling," he purred and kissed my lips. I blushed a bright red then.

"Yes?" I asked curiously. "What's wrong?" I tried to part our lips. He pressed his lips against mine firmly to stop me and kissed me again as he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into the kiss then and blew into his mouth so he'd move away and smirked. He gasped and buried his face into my shoulder.

"What the heck was that Hachi?!" He gripped my shirt in his hands and then looked up at me, narrowing his eyes. I took in a deep breath as I saw the look he gave me then smiled innocently.

"Nothing...." I told him. "Just messing with you is all..." He sighed and then gave me a kiss again and moved off of me, curling me up to his side as he pulled me close.

"Well... Unless you have some other business, how about you get some sleep with me?" He purred and closed his eyes. I nodded at the idea and closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

"Goodnight Isaac." I purred, surprised he was going to sleep now. He smiled softly and started to drift off as he rested his tail over us.