The Luna’s Other Half

August's POV:

Rick came running up to me then and got up beside me.

"Luna says that we aren't going back just yet.... and I think we should do something about that Hachi fellow. He turned me into a butterfly for playing with our Luna," he reported and wagged his tail. "He also said that we could have what we want for dinner tonight." I scoffed.

"Stay here!? When our territory back home is being invaded... Why the nerve...." I growled as I looked towards the lake I was laying by. "He can sleep alone tonight." I snapped.

"But Alpha August... we shouldn't be fighting with our Luna like this," he pointed out and laid beside me. "Can't we go back and discuss this civilized? I'm sure there is something that could be worked out.... or something we are missing."

"Didn't our Luna say that his twin went demonic," Alice asked as she looked up from where she was laying with the rest of the pack a few feet away. They were staying a bit away from me since how I was upset. Cage came swimming out of the water with a fish in his mouth and laid down by me.

"My pack can handle the land, don't worry August. Fish? Let's get some fun out of this." Cage told me as he licked by my ear to try to cheer me up. "Hey.... I could have Hachi turn you into a butterfly if you'd like." He joked and I snapped my jaws his way.

"Don't you even think about it!" I laid my head down and whimpered. "I want to go home."

"Well too bad, your pups are here and so is your luna," Rick told me and nipped at my other ear. "So cheer up...take advantage of the situation that practically everyone around here is busy with Louis's orders and go play alpha and luna to make up," he teased jokingly and pressed his paw against my side. "I'll check out the area with the rest of the pack." I shook my head and curled up into Rick.

"I don't want to go see our Luna... she angers me. She should know better then to take me from my land.... and with my pack too... In the time we was going through... Cage even got stuck here with us." I snapped my head to him. "Alpha Hunter must be furious." Rick sighed then.

"Well... at least she didn't leave you behind in Maine with a demon and some rogues invading and take the kids for the rest of the century- which might I point out, might be how long you live. I don't think we live to be over a hundred years old, now do we? She could very well have raised them all by herself," Rick told me in my ear. "She's looking out for us all."

"I'm not going back to our Luna." I growled.

"So you are going to come with me to explore then?" Cage asked as he ate the fish. "After all... I wonder how big this country really is.... I bet Maine is bigger."

"Well, Wales is a piece of England, so of course Maine is bigger," Rick pointed out then stood up. "I'm going to go be our Luna's wolf for the next...couple of hours. After all, she doesn't have an inner wolf to help her understand on how best to take care of the alpha. You have to remember that she is operating with the knowledge of a vampire, not a wolf's knowledge." He gave me a pointed look before walking back in the direction he came.

"Hey... If this is Wales.... and England is nearby.... then that means Laurence's castle must be close by... are you thinking what... I'm thinking?" I heard Cage whisper in my ear, stirring up my inner wolf. "Race you? We run until we find the right area?" I wagged my tail and watched him getting up. "We will be back in no time... We run Maine all the time after all." He suggested. I got to my feet and started to run off with him.

"OUR LUNA WILL BE MAD!" Alice shouted after us as my pack got to their feet. I heard Rick howl then and my pack took off running to his side as he began to lead them to the mansion, obviously not wanting them to go with me on this.

"JUST DON'T LET THE LUNA KNOW." Cage shouted to them and laughed, making me laugh as I chased after him.

"I DON'T LIE TO OUR LUNA! IT'S BAD POLICY!" Rick howled back at us.


"WE HAVE TWO DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS!" He shouted back. I growled his way.

"RICK IF YOU GET ME IN TROUBLE WITH THE LUNA ALICE WILL BE PROMOTED AND YOU WILL BE AN OMEGA FOR A MONTH." I yelled to him. He shut up after that. I laughed as I took off with Cage, bounding with him at a fast pace. "So what should I do with my luna?" I asked him.

"Make him beg for you back!" Cage hollered back and let out a howl. "THE RIVER KING IS GOING TO MAKE HER PAY!" He howled, making me howl back. I wagged my tail as I watched him take off in front of me.

Louis's POV:

I put the kids to bed and looked back at Rick who had come back about two hours ago then walked out of their room, grabbing his hand. "He's in so much trouble when he gets back. I can tell you are protecting him Rick," I hissed and shut the door. I led him towards the study and sat him down in a chair as I sat on the desk. "Rick, be honest with me. Do you think he's being ridiculous?"

"A-a bit maybe," he admitted nervously and looked towards the window. "I don't want to speak out against my alpha...and you shouldn't be speaking against him either. If you two are going to eventually are going to have to quit with trying to do that. After all, you might be the one to have to apologize to him."

"I'M NOT APOLOGIZING! I had a very good reason to take you all here," I said and narrowed my eyes at Rick. He sighed and then shook his head.

"I know that Luna. You are protecting your children and us, and it is a very noble thing of you to do...but he is more worried about the land back home that he worked hard to obtain," he told me then sunk down in the chair.

"SO WHAT?! The land is still going to be there! He should be more worried about keeping his family safe from harm!" I got up then and growled. "He's stubborn!"

"I'm here! I fell asleep... sorry... but then I remembered you so NOW I am here." Hachi said as he appeared in front of us and motioned around him then at me. "Ready for that inner wolf? Oh HI butterfly." Rick screamed as he saw Hachi and ran out quickly, scrambling to his feet. I sighed and then looked towards Hachi,

"Hello Hachi," I mumbled and sat back down on the desk as I began to calm down.

"Well? Let's get this started... if it makes you feel better I will sleep by your side through the whole process of dreaming and meeting her." He reached out towards the ceiling and grasped something then brought it to his chest.

"Wait what? What all is going to happen?" I asked quickly, getting worried as I followed his every movement.

"You have to fall asleep to meet the Luna for the first time. Oh and you also communicate with the moon goddess. Once all of that is completed you wake up and you will be walking with a wolf spirit at your side for ages." He hummed at the thought.

"Is it going to hurt?" I asked, shying back from the idea. I mean... look at August.

"Well.... not as bad as death." He suggested. I winced and got up to walk over.

"I guess I can deal with it. Come, let's go to my room to do this," I grabbed his hand and teleported us to my room then laid down on the bed. He sat down by me and pulled out his spell book then looked through it. He pulled out a potion and a wolf skull then a bottle of blood and looked towards me... Drink up." He ordered. I wrinkled up my nose as I took the potion and the bottle of blood.

"In what order...or is this blood not for me?" I asked and looked up at him warily.

"The blood then potion." He told me as he sat the book down and picked up the skull, starting to chant something under his breath. I gave a nod and did what he told me, drinking them in that order. I wonder what is up with the skull... The book started to glow red then flowed magic into the skull and into his body. He looked towards my hand then and motioned for it with his eyes. I bit my bottom lip and held out my hand towards him. He had the skull bite my hand hard, making it bleed and I was sent into a surge of pain as it spread through my body and made me paralyzed like it was a snake bite and suddenly I was under.

Rick's POV:

"C'mon...pick up," I murmured as I paced back and forth, the phone pressed to my ear. I had decided to call August after realizing that Hachi and Louis were up to something, and since how I didn't know, I doubted August knew. Hachi appeared by me and grabbed the phone.

"He's not going to answer, he went hunting, which means no phone and no clothes." Hachi told me and pointed towards his head. "Duh." I widened my eyes as I realized he was right.

"Well I forgot! Who asked you anyways? What are you doing to our luna?" I growled at him, reaching for my phone.

"What he wants... Want me to cut those off?" He pointed towards my manhood. "Be nice." I narrowed my eyes at him and then backed away a bit.

"Don't touch me.... ALICE TAKE A SMALL GROUP AND GO HUNT DOWN ALPHA AUGUST! BRING HIM HERE!" I shouted then as I protectively put my hands over my privates to keep Hachi away in case he was serious. He laughed and then poked my face.

"Got a mate yet?" He asked curiously.

"N-no," I admitted and backed up further. He nodded.

"I don't either but there is this guy who thinks he is my mate... but Wizards don't have mates... Well at least cannibal wizards don't have mates.... I wonder what werewolf tastes like.. can I bite you?" He asked as he followed after me.

"NO! You can't bite me!" I growled threateningly at him and then took off, not wanting to be near him.

"You can bite me back~" He purred as he followed me.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled then started to take my shirt off, planning on transforming to get away faster. Right down the hall...into the foyer...and right outside into the woods.

"Why are you running from me! You aren't any fun! Come here~" I was blown by wind right back to him. "I just want to be your friend." I widened my eyes.

"Friends don't bite other friends!" I shouted and went to get away again. He tackled me down and growled playfully.

"Come on, have a little fun!" He purred. "Want to see something awesome!" I looked up at him then.

"What?" I asked, trying not to panic. RUN YOU IDIOT! He took a piece of my hair then pulled out a potion and placed it inside then shook it up and took a sip from it.

"This should transform me into a wolf." Hachi said with excitement. "Thanks for holding still." He patted my face and waited on top of me for the transformation. I widened my eyes and shoved him off before taking off for the door. "Where are going, wimp!" He called towards me. "You aren't any fun! Live a little! Omega!"

"I'M NOT AN OMEGA!" I growled as I stopped, getting upset at him for it. I came back and growled threateningly. "I'M A BETA! GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!"

"No? Really? A wimp as a beta? Who would have guessed." Hachi said teasingly. He reached out for my hand. "Think it's not working." I growled at him again and transformed, getting in his face. I snapped my jaws as I snarled at him then lunged for his throat. He shrieked and took off running from me in a circle. "Wolfie's gonna bite me!" I chased after him then snapped at his feet to trip him up, making him fall over. I bit down into his leg and then jumped on top of him, scratching at his chest to claw his shirt off. He shrieked and tried to shove me off. "Sorry! I'm sorry I swear!" Hachi yelled as he tried to get away. "I won't do it again~" I growled and bit down into his arm when he tried to shove me off. I tore out a chunk and swallowed it then continued scratching at his shirt, ripping it to shreds. I growled at him and then bit down into his side. He screamed out in pain then got away from me and ran for the door. "Mangy wolf on the loose!" He cried. I chased him down and threw him up against the door and growled in his face. After a second, I took a step back and sat down, watching him. I've punished him enough. He ought to respect someone chosen to be beta. I twitched my ears and brought my tail to me. He curled up into a ball and whimpered from the pain. "Mut." He grumbled. I growled then and stood up, bristling my fur threateningly. He didn't pay me any attention. I took a step towards him then and bit his leg again, tearing out a decent sized chunk of his leg muscle. He wouldn't be able to run now...much less walk. I swallowed it and laid my ears back as I glared him down. He didn't move much as if he had put up a spell to not feel anything. Well in that case... I moved towards his throat, planning on doing him in. They don't need him anyways. HE TURNED ME INTO A BUTTERFLY! He shrieked and used his magic to drag me all the way across the room and his leg started to heal up. I growled as I stared him down then transformed back, standing up.


"MUT!" He growled to me as he tried to stand up, his leg was still healing.

"NO GOOD LONELY WIZARD!" I shouted back. "You ate your whole family! AT LEAST I PROTECT MINE!" Hachi laughed.

"That wasn't my family... it was just people I grew up with. My family is this." He smiled cutely. I growled and walked over.

"Then don't pick fights with other members of the family," I hissed and then narrowed my eyes at him.

"You started it. I was just messing with you." He rubbed his newly healed leg. "So, want to try to kill me again? I'm going to give you a secret.... I am immortal." He whispered. I shrugged.

"I could care less about that. After all, I wouldn't want to anger our luna," I said and then ruffled his hair. "Don't mess with me." He showed his teeth and growled.

"I'll mess with you all the time~" He promised me. I sighed, letting it go for now.

"What are you doing to our Luna?" I asked, looking at him.

"Connecting her spiritually with her inner wolf." Hachi told me and shrugged. "What else?"

"Wait...You can do that? Why didn't you do it sooner? We might not be having a problem between our alpha and luna if you had done this sooner!" I sat down on the couch and looked up at him.

"Well... It took me a while to figure out the potions, ingredients, and whatever else I needed..." Hachi explained and sat down by me. I gave a nod then and bit my bottom lip. Man.. I wish I could tell August so that way he'd come home to check on her. He loves our luna too much to let her go through that by herself. Too bad he doesn't have his phone... Alice will get him here though...hopefully.

"Well... that is understandable. Are you staying the night Hachi?" I asked, trying to be polite.

"I need to go back to Isaac..." Hachi told me and sighed. "So no... I won't be." I gave a nod then stood up.

"I'm going to go sit by Louis's side in our alpha's place," I informed and then went for the door. "Good night Hachi."

"Goodnight then. Don't worry about Louis... He is fine. I don't kill my pets because that would halfway destroy me." He smiled innocently and left with magic. I walked away then to Louis's side, making sure to hurry.

August's POV:

I woke up to the smell of a rotting corpse nearby and some sort of gnawing sound making me wonder where I was. I looked up to see I was in a meadow warm enough to heat up my coat from the sunshine. Cage was laying by me eating a dead dear with flies around it. "What.... are you eating?" I asked in disgust.

"Want some?" Cage offered.

"Jeeze Cage... Catch something fresh you idiot." I got to my feet and stumbled over him and looked around at the bunnies surrounding us. I picked on and started after it, catching it within no time and brought it to him. "Eat up." I told him and dropped it by him. "Don't eat that old thing, come on." I wondered then where the heck I was.... Was I in England... or was I in Whales... or was I in Maine? I heard a nearby howl and recognized it as a tracking one- Alice's. She came charging out of the woods into the meadow and stopped when she saw me, wagging her tail.

"Hey howdy do Alice." Cage said as he wagged his tail and chomped down on the bunny I caught.

"What you doing Alice?" I asked in surprise. I laid down by Cage and tore off half of the bunny for myself. She came over and laid down in front of me.

"I have been tracking your scent all night Alpha August. Rick asked me to find you and bring you home. Something is up with the Luna.... He sounded worried," she informed me and laid her head down between her paws.

"I was coming home anyways." I told her and licked her head. "Need some rest?" I asked her. "You can take it slow back with Cage." I told her as I stood up, deciding to track my way back to my Luna.

"I think I heard Hachi before I left. There was a lot of screaming," she murmured as she crawled over to Cage and curled up by his side to rest. I grew worried then. "Take your time getting back." I told them and took off running in the direction Alice came from. If anything made Hachi scream it had to be big or he was just asking for pain. It took me little to no time to get back home, realizing that I must have been in Wales... I couldn't keep up with the territory just yet. I transformed into my human form and walked into the doors of the manor and took a quick look around, grabbing a curtain and wrapping it around my waist.

"ISABELLE! I NEED CLOTHES!" I called for her. She appeared in front of me and smiled, holding out a pair of pants and shirt.

"There you are August. Welcome back... The children are all up and playing outside with the pack. Rick is with Louis," she told me and gave me a warm smile. I put the pants on and gave a quick nod.

"Thank you for the briefing." I started off for Louis's scent. "RICK GET IN HERE!" I yelled loud enough for him to hear me.

"SORRY ALPHA! I'M NOT LEAVING OUR LUNA'S SIDE TILL SHE WAKES!" He shouted out to me from a bedroom. I walked into the bedroom and went to his side then grabbed him by the ear.

"Don't sorry me. Why was Hachi screaming last night?" I asked curiously. "Tell the truth."

"I was eating him because he threatened to bite me then he had ripped out my hair and called me an Omega and a mutt," he admitted. "He's still alive alpha," he added on quickly and looked up at me worriedly.

"You know good and well harming Hachi harms Louis and Paris.... get out of this room and think good and hard about that." I told him and shoved him towards the door. "I might just make you an omega, boy." I growled playfully.

"But alpha, it was self defense," he said back and grinned before he left the room. I looked towards Louis then and crawled into bed beside him, poking his cheek.

"Luna...." I hummed and felt my wolf in me stirring for some reason. Louis groaned and then grabbed my hand to make me stop.

"Shhh.... sleeping," he murmured, his voice sounding softer than normal. He curled up to me and kissed my chest. Mate. Yes.... we have been through this before.... Louis is our mate. No I mean... mate. I closed my eyes and ignored my inner wolf. Louis opened his eyes then and blushed. "Shh, not so loud Akira," he whispered. I felt my wolf let out a howl and I screamed as it echoed in me, making me jump out of bed.

"What the heck is wrong?! You want to go for a run or something?" I asked my inner wolf allowed. "WE WENT FOR A RUN ALL NIGHT!" MATE. I shrieked. Louis sat up then and frowned at me.

"August, what's the matter?" He asked and then got up, walking over. He smiled suddenly and kissed me before bouncing off towards the bathroom attached to the room and shut the door. I followed Louis's every move. How does a vampire have an inner wolf? Hachi.... of course! He didn't.... No.... Oh he did.... I whimpered. Oh yes he did! I felt my body moving towards the door and I tried to open it. I frowned when I felt the door was locked.

"Louis?" I asked.

"I have to go to the bathroom. Hold on a sec!" He called out to me. I heard the toilet flush then and heard the water for the sink. He came over and opened the door then and looked up at me, a toothbrush in his mouth. I felt my wolf running past my legs and into the bathroom before I could step in. I shook my head at being able to feel him this active.

"What did you do?" I asked. "Alice said Hachi was over last night." I walked towards the bathtub and turned on the water.

"Nothing," he said simply as he spat the toothpaste into the sink and started to rinse it down the drain.

"Liar." I hissed. "I know... at least I think I know what you done... You are still a vampire though... right?" I asked. He exposed his fangs and walked over with a smirk.

"Of course I'm still a vampire. Besides, I didn't lie. I didn't do a thing. All I had to do was obey Hachi, so technically, it was Hachi who did it," Louis told me and then sat down on the edge of the bathtub. I felt a howl ripple through my skin as my inner wolf was connected to his mate at last.

"Can you feel that?" I asked Louis. He blushed a bit and looked up at me with a nod.

"Akira is going crazy...." He whispered. "That's her name...she told me. It didn't quite work the way Hachi said it would- that she wouldn't actually be in me. He told me that she would just be at my side, but she is both."

"Props of being mated to a werewolf." I whispered softly and felt our inner wolves marking each other.

"Is this what you hear constantly?" He asked and tilted his head. "She won't be quite for a second....especially since you are here."

"I think they will calm down." I whispered. I let a laugh slip as my inner wolf's happiness rushed into me and filled up all the anger I had been feeling and replaced it. I let out a sigh of relief. Louis got up then and hugged me.

"I'm glad you aren't upset. I wanted to tell you what I was planning, but you were outside when I found out that it could be done," he whispered to me. I nuzzled my head into his neck and sniffed it then leaned in and bit down hard, sending my venom into him in a bit of a rush. He gasped and grabbed the front of my shirt. "A-August?" He sounded a bit afraid but he soon melted in to me and bit down on my neck, remarking me as well. I pulled us into the tub then, having the water run over our bodies. I felt our wolves starting to settle down as if they were resting with each other and catching up. "You haven't said a word to me about it yet."

"I don't mind." I whispered softly. "If you are okay with this then so am I." He gave a nod and smiled at me.

"I love you August.... Oh, and don't be mad at your beta for biting Hachi. The pain didn't last long and for most of it I was in a trance talking to Akira and the moon goddess," he told me and kissed my cheek. I raised an eyebrow.

"You talked to the moon goddess?" I asked in amazement. "What did she tell you? The basics of being a Luna? Sounds like something she would say... She's very loving and kind. Sometimes I feel her running by me when I hunt."

"She told me that normally I wouldn't be honored with an inner wolf, but in my case, it was a good thing that I had come to her. She told me to take care of Akira and to stop hitting your inner wolf with a frying pan every full moon," Louis said and laughed. I nodded in agreement.

"He's a good alpha, he just needed guidance from his Luna... As I needed my own guidance from you..." I whispered. I wondered how it would work out for me in the after life... Louis can't travel with me to the moon goddess to be rebirthed into a wolf in need... He'd have to come find me... Or I would have to find him to keep my wolf sane. I smirked.

"Well... I went through with it for you," he whispered, not noticing my smirk. He curled up on top of me and smiled. You shouldn't think like that August, enjoy the times you have now... alive. I heard my inner wolf hum to me from across the bathroom. Louis blushed and looked towards the area where I heard my inner wolf, eyes locking with something I couldn't see beside him. "Akira, you shouldn't tease me like that," he whispered and then blushed again. I laughed and pulled the curtain between us and kissed Louis on the lips so we were alone from our inner wolfs... well not exactly. Louis smiled at me then and kissed me back. I leaned in towards his hear and started to nip at it playfully.

"Oh I am so gay." I whispered into his ear, losing my three year long battle. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me then.

"Hallelujah! Mark the day on the calendar that August finally admitted he's full out gay! Guess this means no more children," he teased and playfully splashed at me. I laughed and blushed softly.

"You are such a Luna." I whispered to him and stuck out my tongue. He smirked as he grabbed it between his fingers.

"Got your tongue," he joked then kissed me and took my tongue into his mouth as he sucked on it. I let out a soft moan and heard my inner wolf howl. He pulled back after a second then took our shirts off, dumping them in the floor and laughed when he heard the wet splat. He took off his pants and stripped as he moved off of me and put his feet on my leg in the water. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him.

"Having fun?" I asked. He laughed and sunk under the water a bit then came back up and grabbed the shampoo. He started soaping up his hair and then rinsed it out.

"Well... you got me all wet, so I might as well take a bath while we are in here," he told me and smiled my way. "So- wanna try something cool soon?" He had a spark of excitement in his eyes. "Like after we are done taking a bath?"

"What do you mean by cool?" I asked in wonder.

"Akira has been begging me to let her try transforming me," he said simply and grabbed the conditioner.

"I don't think that would be possible." I heard my inner wolf growl. Don't you dare say that. I shrunk under the water. Louis shrugged.

"Well, like I said- try," he rinsed out his hair and then started soaping up and crawled out when he was done. He grabbed a towel and started to dry off then put on a robe and tied it. He smiled back at me innocently then brushed his hair out and bounced out into the bedroom.

"Do you not remember what my transformation was like!?" I asked as I looked towards the door. You better tell my Luna that she can't transform... she's going to die. Oh stop being dramatic. I growled and sunk down into the water again.

"Hey, I went to Hell....had my stone ripped out a couple of times.... and I gave birth to twins," Louis said from the bedroom and I heard him messing around in there. "I think I'll be fine because it probably isn't possible anyways. She has just been asking me to at least let her try." I growled and stayed under the water. Louis can't turn into a wolf because he is a vampire. Hachi is a miracle worker. "But if you don't want to even attempt it," Louis said and I heard him lay down on the bed. I started to ignore him as I looked at the running water coming out of the faucet. "I think I will go to my castle today and officially state that I've returned to my country," he mumbled then sighed as he rolled over on the bed. "I won't be able to come back often after I do that because I'll be so busy with work."

"This is one reason why I like Maine better." I whispered lowly. Paris is going to change that so hush up.

"Well I don't have to go. I'm just trying to get you to appreciate me a bit more because you're being a pessimist again," I heard Louis mutter. "Why the heck would I go back to my throne the day after I just got back and the morning I just got my inner wolf?"

"Well I don't want you to go." I grumbled. "You left me alone too." I motioned to the tub. He laughed and came back into the bathroom, kneeling down beside the tub and kissed my cheek.

"Aww, is the little wolfie upset that I got up and dried off? You know, I remember when you were small and I had to carry you because you couldn't walk, and I remember when I had to give you a bath in the tub because you were covered in nastiness," he said and ran his fingers through my wet hair.

"I'll have to lick that stuff off of you when you transform so just think on that for a while." I teased. "That's if you could." I smirked his way. He widened his eyes in surprise then.

"I thought we weren't going to try... You sounded so against it," he murmured softly.

"No we are not trying." I growled. "You have no clue what kind of pain you will have to endure for a long period of time." I shook my head.

"Akira says that you can try to stop her, but she'll just do it when your back is turned," Louis mumbled, glancing over at where my inner wolf was laying.

"I doubt you will be able to turn sweetie because you are a vampire- a pureblood vampire at that. It is impossible." Louis shrugged.

"I don't mind really- if I can turn or not. It won't bother me either way.... I am just bringing it up because Akira keeps wanting to and is begging to try. She'll be the only one disappointed when I don't turn wolf," he told me and sat down on the edge of the tub. "So I'm not really worried because I don't believe it will work anyways. I don't see the harm in letting her try and get it out of her system to stop asking."

"Fine.... You can try." I grumbled. I looked away from him. He gave a nod and crawled onto the floor and sat there, watching as his inner wolf must have been moving towards him.

"Well, here's to attempting the impossible," he mumbled and closed his eyes as he bit his bottom lip gently. He winced then and curled up on the ground, cursing.

"Now!?" I asked and got out of the tub. I can't even have a good bath without something happening.... Ugh. I grabbed a towel and started to dry off. He looked up at me and then curled up into a ball. I shook my head. "If this works.... I will be very disappointed in the witches." I whispered and took a seat on the edge of the tub, waiting. After a few minutes, he let out a small whimper as I heard a bone shift and crack, signaling it was actually doing something to him. I slipped as I was taken by surprise and fell back into the tub, letting out a yelp. I can't have him turning into a wolf! Yes you can. I heard Louis staring to crawl across the floor then, whimpering a bit and then managing to get out into the bedroom. I got out of the tub and followed him. "You can't run from it silly." I told him.

"I don't wanna be on the floor," he whispered as he reached out towards the bed and then fell to the side as another bone cracked. He yelped and curled up on the floor into a ball. I rolled my eyes and picked him up, laying him down on the bed.

"You rip up those blankets and I will make you buy us new ones." I told him and pointed his way. He nodded and buried his face into the pillow and bit down on it to keep from whimpering. Another bone cracked again, making him yelp again and he pulled the sheets over his head slowly to hide under them as he curled up to himself. I thought for a minute about leaving him there but sighed and laid down by him to stay with him through the whole process like I done for all my little werewolves.

"I-it's ok... you can go," he whispered from under the blanket, sensing my mood about it.

"No... I want to be here." I told him. "You really shouldn't be transforming though... it is against the laws... of nature."

"I can't help it that Hachi had some weird wolf skull bite me to send me into the trance after potion and the blood, and I can't help it that Akira actually was right about being able to," he muttered and then fell silent.

"What did Hachi say exactly that he was giving you?" I asked and wrinkled up my nose. Did he curse us?

"I don't know...he just told me to drink the blood then the potion and had the wolf skull bite me, then I was sent into a trance where I met Akira," he got out and groaned in pain as another bone cracked. "Can I sleep through it?" He whimpered and looked at me from under the blanket, locking eyes with me.

"No... I am afraid you should stay awake for this." I whispered. Curse you, you just had to want your Luna. Hachi is a good kid.

"F-fine... I've been through worse anyways," he muttered and then gripped my hand as he came closer and curled up to me. He started humming to himself to keep from crying out in pain for the next hour and eventually fell off the bed into the floor as it became hard for him to keep still and keep from whimpering in pain. I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. How long did it take for me? Eight hours? Something like that... I should take a nap. That's when I heard a small wolfish whimper from the floor then a small bark of confusion. I opened my eyes and looked towards the floor. There laid a small white wolf that was looking at itself in slight fear. He looked up at me and then shrunk into himself shyly.

"I should have known you would be white... With your white hair and all... Very typical. Colorless aren't you?" I got off the bed and transformed into my wolf and sniffed Louis. He lowered his head and laid back his ears as he sniffed my paw. I saw his tail shake a bit and then start to wag as he gave me a cute look. He licked up under my chin and then rested his head between his front paws. I smirked and looked him over. "Who's alpha now?" I asked and started to lick his fur clear. I am definitely the dominant one. He growled softly and then rolled onto his side as he closed his eyes.

"That's not fair," he said quietly.

"Oh but you are my Luna." I growled into his ear playfully. He growled back and nipped at my nose like he has seen Quinton do a million times. He wagged his tail then and turned on his back to expose his tummy to me teasingly as he gave me a cute look. He really was small for a wolf- like how I had been my first go around with how tiny he was looking. He put a paw under my snout and pushed up but wasn't able to budge my head. "Hold still, I am trying to clean you up." I told him and rolled him back over onto his stomach. Lowering his ears, he placed his head down and stopped moving as he waited.

"Sorry...It's just a bit weird to me," he murmured and looked up into my eyes from where he was laying. I chuckled and finished up what I could get and nuzzled my head into his side then laid down by him.

"Okay tough guy.... Try to walk." I encouraged. He looked from me to the rest of the room and stood up shakily. As soon as he placed his paw down to take a step, he fell down on his face. He seemed a bit embarrassed, but he got up to try again, trembling because his wolf form wasn't strong yet. I laughed. "Good! I'm not the only runt." I got to my feet and pranced around him. "You aren't going to learn to walk." I teased. He whined and then laid down on the ground.

"Screw you," he muttered, looking away as he laid his ears back against his head. "I don't remember making fun of you because you couldn't walk." I towered over him and sniffed him.

"Come on pup." I picked him up by the scruff of his neck and placed him on the bed. "Bed time." He started to crawl, keeping his body on the bed as he moved towards the pillows.

"I'm not five," he told me and looked down at me. "I don't have a bed time."

"You do in my pack." I told him as I got onto the bed then curled up to him to keep him warm. "Now.... Don't get excited when you wake up naked with me." I teased.

"But I just woke up like....maybe three hours ago!" He complained and then started to crawl away from me, shaking slightly as he moved towards the edge of the bed.

"Get back here." I ordered. "You are weak." He growled at me in response and looked down at the floor from the edge, hesitating about jumping down as he saw how far down it was. "Louis~" I tried to call him back in a sweet voice. "Come here sweetie before you hurt yourself." I saw his ears perk up at my tone and he glanced back before crawling towards me slowly, keeping his belly against the bed to help.

"But what if I don't wanna go back to sleep?" He asked and then nuzzled up under my chin, getting in between my front paws and curling up against my chest. I laid my head over him.

"You should get some rest, you just transformed for your first time." I told him. He licked me and then laid his head down.

"Promise not to brag to your pack?" He asked softly as he started to calm down and relax.

"I'll think about it." I teased and licked the top of his head.

"You better not," he growled threateningly and then twitched his ears. "You look so big from my size.... I feel like I'm curled up to a giant," he murmured.

"I am a giant wolf." I told him and smirked at the thought. "You better start growing before the next full moon."

"I'm not transforming the next full moon," he told me and laughed darkly. "I'm going to Australia."

"You are ridiculous. What is the worst that can happen? We run into a briar patch together?" I laughed at the thought.

"That'd hurt," he muttered and then looked up at me. "Fine... I won't go to Australia as long as your inner wolf promises to behave. After all, because I'm still a vampire technically... I have the ability to control myself on a full moon according to Akira. She says that unless I let her, she can't have control at all."

"You better hush up and take a nap." I growled in his ear. "Little pup."

"I'm not a pup!" He growled back and laid his ears back to keep me from breathing in them. "I just happen to be smaller than your average wolf!"

"Runt." I howled and licked his head. "You are still small and you are pup because you was just recently born into the wolfhood." I told him.

"I'm older than you!" He complained and then nipped at my paw. "Stop making fun of me."

"In wolfform I am older." I told him. "You were just born." I licked his head then closed my eyes.

"That's not fair because that makes Quinton even older than me in wolf form. It shouldn't count," he muttered then laid his head down. He adjusted himself into a better position and then watched as he moved his tail a bit, curious.

"Well." I laughed. "Your own son... Older then you?" I smirked at the thought.

"Exactly, it shouldn't count," he told me and then rolled over onto his back and exposed his belly as he pressed his paws up against me playfully. I growled playfully and started to nuzzle my head into his belly. He laughed and stretched out trustingly as he stopped squirming under my head. He wagged his tail as he watched me. I sniffed at him then sneezed.

"Come on goof ball... Time to sleep." I told him and licked his head once more. "You need it." He rolled back onto his stomach and glanced towards the door as he heard someone walk past. He looked up at me and then curled up to me as he started trying to sleep. I licked his head constantly to try to smooth him to sleep. He sat up after a few minutes and whined.

"I'm hungry though.... I haven't had breakfast," he told me.

"Want some milk?" I asked. "I could go out and get you a bunny." He laid his ears back against his head then.

"Of course I don't want milk! Stop making me out to be three!" He growled at me and then laid back down. "I wonder if Isabelle will come to me if I try to call her..."

"No blood in wolf form! You need meats and milk." I told him firmly. "Milk will help those bones." He looked up at me then and whimpered.

"But I don't want a raw bunny," he told me.

"How about deer?" I asked. Get Rick and tell him to bring in something to eat for the luna.. Already done. I smirked. One thing I loved was how good my inner wolf was at connecting with the rest of the pack. He didn't say anything as he started to curl up again.

Rick came in after a few minutes, carrying two plates of food then stopped as he saw us. "Alpha August?" He sounded unsure about it now that he saw that I was in wolf form. He walked over and his breath caught as he saw Louis.

"I hope you brought us steak on those plates." I teased him. "Come on in and take a good look at your Luna." I snuggled up close to Louis. Rick smirked and he set down the two plates on the bed.

"Awww, you make the cutest little pup I've ever seen," he teased Louis and laughed as he saw Louis looking at the plate of meat hungrily. He went to stand up eagerly but fell and started to crawl towards the plate, making him laugh some more. "You take after your mate."

"Ouch... Oh come on... You wasn't even around to see me." I shook my head and helped Louis to the plate. "I was awesome." I held my head high.

"Awesome at being carried," Louis mumbled and then sniffed the meat and tore into it happily. Rick laughed and rubbed his head.

"You'll have to be trained up in order to walk.... You won't want to be stranded on a full moon without strength to run with us... How in the world are you a wolf anyways?" He frowned as it occurred to him that Louis shouldn't be able to transform.

"Hachi is pretty cleaver." I growled. I went towards the plate that was mine and started eating the meat on the plate. "Bring in some milk too for the baby." I looked towards my Luna.

"I'M NOT FIVE!" He yelled at me and growled as he started to crawl towards me, baring his teeth threateningly. Rick laughed and started for the door before he could see what came next. I laughed.

"Milk! Don't forget it!" I yelled to my Beta then took my plate and headed for the floor.

"I'M GONNA GET YOU!" Louis shouted and stumbled over towards the edge of the bed. He growled at me as he tried to make himself look big, but it was hard when he couldn't even stand. I shook my head as I laid down on the floor, not worried at all. If he got down here then I would go back to the bed and he would be stuck on the ground. He glanced at how far the floor was then growled at me again and went for his plate of food and started eating again. He kicked the plate down into the floor when he had finished and crawled up under the blanket so that way he could stay warm easier. I had finished my food before him, waiting. Once he settled down under the covers I got up on the bed and curled up by him. He poked his head out from under the blanket to look at me then and growled a little before laying his head down under my head and going to sleep without a problem since how he was full. I transformed back into my human form after a few minutes and got to my feet, going to my closet and picked out something comfortable to wear. I decided to ditch the pup in the bed and go do alpha things.

"Got it," Rick said as he came into the room then stopped. " aren't going to make me play nurse maid are you?" He asked as he saw that I was dressed and preparing to leave Louis.

"You can always ask Isabelle." I suggested. "Or we can leave Louis alone... He is after all old enough to be alone." I shrugged.

"Well what am I supposed to do with this?" He asked and held up a small bowl of milk.

"Leave it for Louis." I told him as I headed for the door. He gave a nod and set it down on the bed and chased after me, shutting the door behind us.

" you are happy," Rick mumbled as he looked up at me.

"About what?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "Jealous because you don't have a mate, huh?" I asked him playfully. He blushed and shook his head.

"No... It's just that you've been grouchy lately...and now that our luna has an inner wolf and can change into a wolf... it changes everything around, doesn't it? I bet you are really happy," he told me and punched my shoulder lightly. I rubbed my shoulder.

"Yes... it does lighten the mood a bit." I told him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. "We need to find you a mate."

"Nah... I'm fine. I'm too busy helping you and protecting the pack to worry about finding my mate at the moment," he said and laughed a bit.

"It's time I tell you something very important. Beta's have to have mates... Want to know why?" I asked. He sighed then and looked up at me.

"Because if something happens to you... I'm supposed to take over, and I will be alpha and have to have a Luna by myside of my very own," he mumbled.

"It's good for the pack to know that there is always back up plans." I told him and rubbed his head.

"But I'm fine... It will happen in it's own time. I don't need to actively go search. Besides, nothing is going to happen to you because we will keep you safe if your life is threatened," Rick told me and smiled innocently. "So, let's go out and hunt. We have the area to learn since how we are going to be staying here for the next...whenever Louis takes us home." He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the front of the house to take me outside. "WE'RE GOING OUT! GET READY!" He shouted for my pack and Cage. They came running quickly, tripping over each other as they ran past us to the outdoors. Alice let out a howl and quickly transformed, the others following suit. They all did a group howl and then started pouncing on each other playfully as Rick sighed then clapped his hands to make them, catching their attention. They all looked to him with their ears perked up then they all went and pounced on him, knocking him to the ground and started licking him and nipping at his ears and hair. Cage ran up to me and wrapped an arm around my neck.

"Hey! I heard the big news that Luna is a wolf now." Cage purred in my ear. "Tell her I send all my wishes for some new pups!" He growled playfully and I blushed.

"Cage~" I growled and shoved him away. "No more pups anymore. I'll get myself fixed if I have to." WHAT!? "Ready to go for a run?"

"You know it~" He started to transform then and I followed suit. I let out a hunting howl and took off running, Cage following my every move. My pack ran after us, and I was soon tackled by a little pup. Quinton wagged his tail and looked up at me as Rick came to a stop beside me.

"I wanna go!" He howled at me and licked my muzzle. Cage let out a laugh as he ran over ans sniffed Quinton.

"Your are too young, go back to your nursery." Cage told him. "You can't even keep up with us." He let out a howl.

"Cage is right, go home Quinton and play with Dannie." I ordered. "When you are older, okay?" He growled at me and laid his ears back, trying to look fierce.

"I'm old enough! I'm three- almost four!" He growled at me again and nipped at my side. Rick laughed a bit and then shook his head.

"I can't believe our alpha doesn't want another kid...That's adorable," he teased me. I snapped my teeth towards Rick.

"Alright Quinton, you can come along... but the whole time you will be thinking about Dannie... What he's doing... if he's cheating on you with another alpha... if he's watching your favorite cartons without you and eating waffles with... what is it? Bacon? Oh yes.... Bacon without you and sipping on orange juice. He's not going to worry about you but... you will be wondering about him." I teased as I held my head down to his level.

"Is that what you think about mommy when you leave the house?" Quinton asked with wide eyes as he glanced towards the house. "Dannie better not go hanging out with another alpha! He's mine."

"Oh but he will... and together they will eat bacon." I told him.. You are so cruel... feeding him this... He's going to come back one day and bite you on the snout. Quinton whimpered and looked towards the door then at me.

"Then I will have to trust him! If he betrays me, I'll bite him!" He said and growled before nipping at my ear.

"Oh alright Quinton... No bacon this morning then huh? No cartoons? You will miss your favorite cartoons... Hm... Come on then." I told him and started for the woods. He followed after me hesitantly and then sniffed me.

"You smell like mommy...if she were a wolf like us," he mumbled and then started smelling me some more.

"That's because mommy recently turned into a wolf... I was cleaning her up... She's resting now." I told him. "Are you sure you want to leave Dannie?" I asked. He whined and came to a stop, looking back at the house.

"N-no..." he admitted then he looked at me. "When I'm alpha of the pack, can I have Dannie as my Luna or maybe my beta.... what is a Luna anyways?"

"Luna is mate... when you are older you will understand it better." I told him as I ran beside him. "Rick, have the pack spread out." I told him. He barked orders at them and went ahead of me as Quinton stopped and whimpered.

"SpongeBob is on... AND IT'S MY FAVORITE EPISODE! DANNIE WAIT FOR ME!" He howled and took off towards the house quickly, making Rick laugh ahead of me. I made sure Quinton got inside before taking off after Rick.

"That was too easy." I told him as I caught up.

"Give him time. He's only three. SpongeBob would come before hunting for someone that young. You should have another that way when Quinton is hunting, there is another home to keep things safe and watch over the Luna and Aiyana." He wagged his tail a bit and nipped at my ear. "I'm sure your inner wolf agrees with me."

"I wanted him to stay home... He's too young." I told Rick. "Like how my Luna is too young." I shook my head and started towards Cage who was way ahead of us. "He's safer home."

"WHEN HE'S OLDER HE IS GOING TO GET YOU!" Rick shouted after me and then laughed softly.

"Hopefully Dannie will calm him down so I don't get ate!" I called back and laughed.

"I doubt it!" Rick teased and caught up. He nipped at my tail then split off into another side of the forest by himself. I caught up to Cage and started running with him.

"So? Pup went home?" Cage asked me.

"He did."

"Typical." I laughed as I followed beside him. I felt like I was always running... Running somewhere. I looked towards Cage.

"So big strong Alpha~ When are you getting your Luna?" I asked him.

"When I feel like hunting her down." Cage told me. "Until then I am going to run fast and as wild as ever to the horizon." He let out a thunderous howl. I followed the howl and heard the pack howl back to us.