Ambush Unexpected

Quinton's POV:

I ran back into the house and straight to the living room, tackling Dannie's feet in my wolf form. I had gotten Isabelle to open the door for me by scratching on it to annoy her. Dannie rawred as I did and tried to get away from me. "Quinton~ I'm watching cartoons... quit it." He nudged me away. I growled and jumped up onto the couch and onto him, growling in his face and then nipped his ears.

"Don't tell me what to do," I barked out and then went towards his shoulder. He picked me up and laid his ears back. He hissed at me then sat me down into the floor.

"Bad boy," he pointed a finger at me. I growled at him and then went after his feet again.

"You better not ever eat bacon and watch cartoons with another alpha!" I growled at him as I put my teeth on his ankle to threaten him and show him I was dominate.

"What are you talking about!?" Dannie asked and put his feet up on the couch. "Calm down... I don't know other apha's besides August.... and Cage." I growled from the floor and sat up to look at him.

"Don't ever met another alpha. I'm your alpha, so you can't be near another one without my permission," I told him and pawed at his feet on the couch.

"I'm not taking orders from you!" Dannie growled. "I'm older."

"Then I'll have to bite you!" I growled and jumped up onto the couch, laying my ears back. "You're mine, so you can't be near another alpha!"

"Get off." He shoved me off into the floor. "I do whatever I want."

"But you're mine," I growled and then jumped back up onto the couch and bit his foot lightly but enough to get his attention. He hissed my way.

"Quinton!" He pulled his foot closer to him. "Don't bite me!"

"Then don't go near any other alphas because you're mine and I will not lose you to competition," I showed him my teeth and sat down on the couch to look at the tv.

"Whatever... You never make any since in the morning." He grumbled.

"Well daddy said that if I left you alone, you'd go to a different alpha and eat bacon and watch cartoons with him instead of me, and that's our thing... I don't want you near another alpha because you're mine- my beta," I whimpered and crawled into his lap. "So you can't leave me."

"I don't even want to be in a pack." He said as he scratched behind his ear. "I can't anyways."

"Then you'll be honorary werewolf like how mommy has been luna without being a werewolf," I said simply and forced him on his back so I could lay down on top of his chest. He rubbed my head.

"Your so silly. Watch our cartoons." He looked off at them. I gave a nod and watched them, turning back into my human form and smiled as I curled up on top of him.

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea," I mumbled along with the theme song.

"SpongeBob square pants." He sung along. I giggled then and sat up on top of him and kissed his cheek.

"I'm going to go get Issy to get us some bacon, kay?" I laughed and then crawled off of him.

"And some orange juice!" He called after me. I nodded and walked out into the kitchen and shouted for her, but as soon as she appeared, she giggled and then picked me up.

"Did you go wolfie this morning huh? You're in your birthday suit," she teased and disappeared to my room then set me on the bed. She smiled and went over to my closet then grabbed a shirt and pair of shorts.

"Well... I wanted to go hunting," I mumbled and watched as she dressed me. She picked me up and smiled sweetly.

"So.... Are you hungry?" She asked and teleported me to the kitchen. She set me down on the floor and grinned.

"Yeah! I'm starving! Bacon!" I said eagerly and hugged her leg. She laughed and then turned me around to the door that led to the living room.

"I'll bring it in when it is done," she told me and then nudged me towards the door. I ran off into the living room and tackled Dannie on the couch. Dannie looked me over.

"Good, you have some clothes on." He pinched my cheek and hugged me. I hugged him back and licked his cheek.

"I thought you didn't care about that," I mumbled. Does it matter about not wearing clothes?

"I do care!" He growled.. "I don't like running around without clothes on."

"Well," I grinned wickedly then and pulled his shirt off and threw it. "Now because you defied me about staying away from other alphas and told me that you'd do what you're going to stay shirtless for the rest of the episode," I teased and laid down on top of him. He reached for his shirt.

"QUINTON!" He hissed and let out a soft growl my way. "Go get me my shirt back, jerk."

"Nope," I giggled and wrapped my arms around him to keep him down. Aiyana was suddenly beside us and she held up Dannie's shirt.

"What're you two doing?" She asked innocently. I widened my eyes and shrieked, jumping off of Dannie in shock. SHE JUST APPEARED OUT OF NOWHERE! Dannie tried to get his shirt from her then.

"Give me!" He begged. She giggled and dangled it in his face playfully then and kissed his forehead as she dropped it on him.

"There you go! Quinton, have you seen mommy all morning?" She looked at me and then snapped her head towards the kitchen door as it opened, Isabelle walking in. She smiled at us and set the plate of bacon down.

"Good morning little ones," she said sweetly and kissed each of our heads. Dannie put his shirt on the grabbed his plate of bacon.

"Orange juice?" Dannie asked Isabelle.

"Say please," she said and ruffled his hair and then started rubbing behind his ears. "I'm not helping raise little hooligans." He pushed her hand away and curled up into his plate, eating his bacon.

"Could you?" Dannie asked her.

"Say please," she repeated then smirked as she crossed her arms.

"Please go get me some orange juice." She gave a nod and laughed as she went into the kitchen then came out with a glass of orange juice. She handed it to him and smiled.

"You're welcome Dannie. I will teach you to be a polite little boy by the time we return you to your father," she said and ruffled his hair. He pulled away from her and took the orange juice, drinking it. "Think about how pleased Paris will be when he sees how nice and sweet you are," she teased and then pinched his cheek before walking off. I giggled and looked at him.

"You got schooled." Dannie growled towards me and slid away from me. I crawled back on the couch and then stole his drink, sipping on it. Aiyana followed after Isabelle, tugging on her shirt to pester her about our mom. Dannie grabbed his drink back.

"That's mine!" He growled. I giggled and then licked the side of his face. He got up and walked away from me with his food and drink. "Gross!"

"NO WAIT COME BACK!" I screamed and ran after him, not wanting to be left behind. I tackled him to the floor and stole a piece of bacon. He growled towards me.

"That's my food, jerk." He hissed.

"I asked Isabelle for both of us," I pouted and looked at him. "Quit calling me a jerk!" He exposed his teeth towards me.

"Fine, take the bacon." He held it out to me. I took another piece and ate it before kissing his cheeks.

"Still friends?" I asked and gave a sweet innocent smile at him. "After all.... An alpha and his beta shouldn't fight."

"Nope. I don't want to be your friend." He said stubbornly.

"But I'm so cute and adorable, and I'm only three," I complained, giving him the cutest look I could. He glared me down.

"You always take my shirt and bite me!" He complained.

"But I'm a wolf," I mumbled. "You're the only one I like to play with so much."

"Don't take my shirt from me." He grumbled.

"I will try not to take your shirt from you if you promise to play with me," I said innocently, not understanding why it was such a big deal. It's just a shirt.

"Fine. We can play together." He hissed out grumpily.

"Awww, don't get upset with me," I told him and then pulled him to his feet and took him back to the couch. He laid down on the couch and curled up onto his side.

"But I am." He mumbled.

"But don't be," I mumbled back and curled up to him. "I'm too cute and innocent, and I will never let you go till I die."

"Never?" Dannie asked. "What if when I get older I want my own space? What if I have babies with someone?" I thought about it for a few minutes then shook my head.

"Nope, not even then. I'm going to protect the kids too because they are yours," I promised and gave him a cute smile.

"What! You mean I am stuck with you!?" He let out a sigh.

"Well... You're my best friend. I don't want to leave you.... I will always watch over you so no harm comes your way. I'm alpha!" I told him with a small grin.

"I want to be Alpha." He narrowed his eyes my way. I frowned and then got an idea.

"Tell you what... You can be alpha for the rest of the day!" I tapped his head like I was promoting him.

"Nuh... I want to be alpha forever." He said stubbornly. I smiled innocently at him and kissed his forehead.

"So Mister Alpha, what's your first order for today?" I asked sweetly.

"Let's watch spongebob." He suggested as he looked towards the TV. I nodded and looked towards it with a small smile. At least he's happy again...

Paris's POV:

"So we take this spot first, and that will give us an outpost over there to help our progress," Richard summed up as he pointed to a city in America. I nodded and grabbed his hips, pulling him close to me. I kissed his head and looked at the map of the world I had laid out over my desk. I had already started to plan out who gets which continent and countries. I laughed and looked towards Richard.

"We need to strike everywhere at once." I decided. "We need to talk to the Russian prince... Oh and how did it go with your brother?" I asked curiously.

"O-oh... My brother?" He smiled nervously. "Kinda... ate his stone," he said that part quickly, knowing it was usually taboo to do. He bit his bottom lip and looked up at me. I shrugged it off, knowing he had ate his parent's stones before. I looked him over.

"Have any new powers?" I asked in wonder. He frowned and looked at himself.

"I'm not sure yet... I haven't tried testing anything yet. Anyways, I have contacted the Russian Prince already. I got his voice mail," he told me.

"Because I was already on my way little demon," I heard a voice say with a thick Russian accent. He appeared next to me and smirked. "I sensed that you were wishing to speak with me, so I came. You were, da?" He poked one of my horns curiously, looking at it in wonder.

"It's time for a revolution~" I purred to him. "Are you going to join me? If you do you will get to keep your land and become a part of my family. Did I mention we are enslaving humans?" I smirked towards him and grabbed his hand, pulling him close. He tilted his head and then smirked again.

"Enslaving the humans...huh? I can't wait," he whispered and then moved close to me. "I don't really care either way about being apart of it or not...but since how you asked so nicely, I think I will assist you instead of staying in Russia. After all, it's been awhile since I've had any fun. The council is constantly watching my every movement, something about how I'm known to suddenly be scary and murderous?" He laughed darkly then looked towards Richard.

"Don't worry... When I am finished there won't be a council." I purred and then exposed my fangs. "It's going to be thrilling."

"Great! I'm tired of being watched!" He smiled and then pulled away from me. "You have my loyalty Paris...that I can promise as long as you get rid of the blasted council. I hate it, and I don't even know why I signed that treaty we did back then. It was stupid," he told me and shook his head. "I will send you some of my choice newborns."

"Keep your newborns... When I call... Expose yourself to the world." I told him simply. "I don't quite care how but make it worthy... fearsome."

"Down with the government," he mumbled and then started for the door. "Oh, by the way, since how I don't come to people usually... and I'm quite hungry, I'm going to hunt. Hope you don't mind," he informed me and walked out. Richard watched him then looked to me.

"Sure we can trust him? He's been known to change his mind a lot."

"I think we can trust him." I whispered. I shrugged. "If we can't... who cares." I should have warned him about Ander.... I smirked. Hopefully he stays away from the mirrors in the halls.

"You have a point. We will just kill him if he doesn't... Anyone else you wanted to speak to before we begin?" He asked me and then sat down on the desk and laid down on top of the map. "I will get them on the phone for you..."

"Well Ander is being difficult... So we will have to ignore her country for now. I think the Russian Prince was all we needed. We have the other targets in hand." I said as I thought about Hachi and Laurence.

"Alrighty then.... Where would you like me to strike first? Anywhere specific? Las Vegas perhaps?" He smirked as he started thinking about Val.

"Hmph.... No... Val will have that covered for us- promise. I think we need to strike Texas." I rubbed my chin as I thought it over. Perfect spot... Or.... Start at the heart of all vampire tales... down in Louisiana.... was that Louisiana?

"Texas?" He asked and sat up then. "How about you go get Texas...and I will go get Washington? I can go take the American government!" He smiled at me and got up, coming over and kissing me. "That'd be the perfect present for my little mate, wouldn't it?"

"Oh now that's no fun.... Taking out the government without my help? It would be like stealing candy from a baby either way since they aren't anything like HAHQ." I laughed at the thought. "Don't you want to hear cries of panic first?" He frowned and thought it over then nodded.

"Let's take the president hostage!" He suggested and smirked.

"Drain him on national television?" I asked and laughed. He nodded eagerly.

"I'll kidnap him, and I will drain him with you!" He smiled and grabbed my hand, rubbing his head against it lovingly. I laughed.

"In a few days... We aren't going to take over the world yet because I still have more preparations to do." I told him, thinking about how I had to go to Val soon to get Alex and her ready and in on it. He pouted and looked down at his feet.

"Can I go kidnap Perry instead then?" He asked then looked up at me. "I'm itching to do something...and just sitting around the house makes me want the kids more."

"Oh yes... Go get Perry! He's a fine fighter and I would love to have him by my side through this... I should give him land too as a reward when we are done taking over." I laughed at the thought, he'd be better off sticking close to me. Richard nodded and then hugged me.

"Anyone else you want as well my love?" He asked sweetly as he was digging in his pocket for his phone.

"Not right now." I told him as I started to mark on the map. "How about you check in on the boys?" I suggested... Talking about Hachi, Isaac, Laurence, and Ashton. He gave a nod and kissed my cheek.

"Ok.... but when are we going to invite the rest of our family home?" He asked me and then started for the door. "After all...we will want most of them to help, won't we?"

"When I say they can come home." I told him. "Right after the first wave of the revolution." I informed him. He glanced at me and smirked, starting to sway his hips as he walked towards the door as he slipped his hands up under his shirt a bit. "Tease...." I whispered. I started for him then. He laughed as he saw me then leaned up against the door, running his hands from out of his shirt down his hips to his legs. I let out a small seductive growl then reached him within seconds. I wrapped my arms around him and gave his butt a smack. He yelped and looked up at me. He kissed me quickly and wrapped his arms around my neck as he hooked one of his legs around mine and then went for my neck. I leaned back so he couldn't reach my neck then picked him up and started for our bedroom. He widened his eyes and looked up at me then.

"What do you mean I can't have a bite?" He asked, looking from my eyes to my neck.

"Not until you give me something for it." I purred in his ear.

"I teased you though... so I get a bite," he told me and reached up to my head and twirled my hair around his fingers.

"It doesn't work that way." I purred. I sat him down on our bed and got on top of him.

"Since when?" He asked innocently and looked up at me then at our position. He smirked and laid back on the bed as he trailed a hand down his side to mess with me.

"Since I became dominate." I whispered in his ear. He raised an eyebrow then exposed his fangs to me before he reached up and ran his hands down to the hem of my shirt and slid them up under it and trailed his hands across my stomach to my back and up.

"You think you are dominate huh?" He smirked at me. I nodded as his fingers ran across my fresh scars on my shoulders.

"I know I am." I whispered as a shiver ran down my spine from his touch.

"Mhmm?" He laughed and then stole a kiss, hoping to distract me- I could hear it in his thoughts. He went to flip us with a smirk against my lips. I made it clear though that I ruled the top and stayed on him, teasing him by hovering my lips above his.

"Oh yes." I whispered. He growled and then leaned up, stealing the kiss again and then dug his nails into my shoulders as punishment for teasing him. He smirked and then took my shirt off and threw it across the room, laughing up at me as he got out from under me and stood up beside the bed. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and slowly started moving it up as he swayed his hips slightly with the movement and gave me a look. I crawled off the bed and started to pull of my pants in excitement. He smirked and shoved me back onto the bed before I could touch him then pulled off his shirt and slowly dropped it in my lap then went for his belt, giving me a playful look. I smirked as I watched him, throwing his shirt across the room. He took his belt off and then crawled into my lap and grabbed my hands before I could react. He tied them up in his belt then used it to tie me to the bed with a smirk.

"I caught me a demon," he sung out and adjusted himself on my lap as he glanced me over. I smirked as I looked up at him.

"What's all this about?" I asked as I motioned to what he was doing to me. He smirked and exposed his fangs, leaning in and biting down on my neck.

"You wouldn't feed me," he whispered and licked at my blood as it ran down my neck.

"Oh~" I whispered and let him drink my blood. "I hope I get something in return." I said as I bucked a bit, to throw him off of me and to the side. He gasped as he almost fell into the floor, but he caught himself then looked at me.

"What do you want in return then?" He asked, pouting a bit as he looked at his bite mark on my neck then at my hands tied to the bed.

"You know what I want." I said as I looked towards his privates. He smirked and stood up on the bed and started to unbutton his pants slowly.

"Oh? Is this what you want?" He teased as he started on the zipper. I tried to get out of the belt and nodded.

"Come on Richard.... Quit being a tease." He laughed and pulled out a knife in his pocket and held it close to my mouth.

"Tell you what...if you can cut yourself out of my belt... I will personally let you undress me the rest of the way," he whispered in my ear. I growled and took the knife in my mouth and started to turn it around, using my chest to help me out then started for my wrists. Richard sat down on the bottom of the bed and was starting to play with his hair as he watched me. I started to cut the belt once I got to it and in seconds I had it cut. I snapped the belt off of my wrists and started for Richard with a growl- being playful. He laughed and uncrossed his legs as he watched me with a smirk. "You got yourself out faster than I thought you would," he told me and then laid down on the bed, placing his hands on his stomach as he rubbed his head against the blankets and watched me. He reached for the blanket and gripped it in his hand as he smirked my way.

"I'm not that useless. In fact on my way to America I had a little run in with some very peculiar people." I whispered, trying to make him jealous. He growled and let go of the blanket and grabbed my arm as he narrowed his eyes.

"What...kind...of people?" He hissed, looking like he was ready to bite me again. "You better not have been playing with anyone else," he told me as he looked me over.

"I have only had you." I promised... and one other guy but we didn't really go that far... He considered me for a moment then nodded, going back to his playful teasing as he took his hand back and ran it through his hair, pulling his head back a bit and exposing his neck and chest better. He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes and smirked. I leaned in towards his neck then, wanting a bite. I bit down before he could react and started to drink his delicious demonic blood that filled me up and made me want more by every drop I took in. Richard and I were destined for greatness... We always were. "I love you." I whispered in his ear. He nodded and arched his back a bit, squirming.

"I love you too sweetness," he whispered and growled in my ear playfully. He rubbed my head and made a small gasp as I drank from him. I pulled back and licked my lips, cleaning them of the sinful blood.

"Richard... What would you say if you were to meet god?" I asked as I started to trail kisses down his chest. "Or are we god?" I teased.

"Well...if we weren't god.... and we met god," he started, putting his hands on my head and playing with my hair as I kissed him. "I think I'd ask him why he made the world the way he made it and if he liked to watch things fall to chaos.... If you were god... I'd go to church every day of the week... If we were god, well-" he cut himself off and smirked as he kissed the top of my head. "I'd rule this little planet with you and keep you safe from those like our parents," he told me and then titled my face to him and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back and growled at the thought of meeting someone like our parents... They were fools to keep all this sin out of our lives... It was magnificent to feed off of another pureblood... It opened up a whole new door to living. It wasn't so deathly.

"We will be the ultimate rulers... Nothing will take us down." I promised. We weren't like our parents... So nothing would corrupt us. He nodded and gave me a look as he pushed me onto my back and crawled on top of me. He smiled and kissed me before moving to my neck and giving me a love bite teasingly. I gasped and then heard a crash in our bathroom, like the mirror was shattering. "Ugh.... Ignore it." I mumbled. He gave a nod and sat up on me with a smirk.

"Y'know... I remember making a deal with you," he said, a teasing tone to his voice as he ran his hands down my side to his legs where he was straddling my stomach. He ran them up his legs and to his sides, watching me with a smirk.

"What kind of deal?" I asked as I smirked, knowing what it was. I started to roll us over so I was on top and could start stripping him of the rest of his clothes. He laughed at me and looked up into my eyes.

"A deal," he told me and kissed my lips as he took my hands in his and placed them on his chest.

"That we get to have fun?" I asked and exposed my fangs.

"Hmm... I remember saying you could strip me...but I don't remember saying you could have fun," he teased as he took one of my hands and ran it down to his side and placed it there, moving his hand away from it.

"I want to." I whispered. "Don't you?" I asked and looked him over. "Or would you rather have another African?" I snarled. He pouted as he looked up at me and exposed his neck.

"If I went for have my permission to kill me on the spot," he told me and gave me a smile. "I don't want another...just you," he whispered and kissed my cheek. "From the first moment you walked into my castle... I planned to have you and tricked you into the music room." He started humming the song he played on the piano that night and kissed me on the lips. "Just as you are mine... I am yours."

"Forever and always." I whispered and then parted us. "You better save your little strength for when we are done taking over because we are going on a long romantic trip to someplace really nice." I thought over the plan, knowing he would love it. "Until then..." I smirked as I decided to make him beg for me. I started for the door of our bedroom, aware I wasn't properly dressed. He growled and sat up.

"You're not allowed to walk around like that... What if someone else sees you? I kill your maids for less," he hissed and stood up. "Put a shirt on because you are for my eyes only."

"I'm little over 20 centuries old... I do what I want." I told him and started to open the door teasingly. He grabbed me then and threw me down on the bed, getting on top of me.

"You are not going to leave this," he hissed and gestured to the rest of me. "If I catch you walking around like that.... you won't have me for a full month, and I will walk around in shorts only the whole time."

"That's just too good." I purred and leaned up to kiss him. "I like going around without clothes on though... It's my house."

"Well too bad," he told me and moved his lips back from mine before I could kiss him. He smirked at me and then got off, stripping out of his pants and stretched as he got up. "So put some clothes on before you leave the room...or you won't be touching me for the next month... and I will walk around like this the whole time." He swayed his hips a bit and walked over to the book shelf, touching his fingers to one of the spines of his strategy books. He smirked as he looked at me over his shoulder.

"I doubt you would last." I whispered, knowing him too well. He'd want me real bad before the week was up. I got off the bed and put on my clothes then walked over to him. I wrapped him up in my arms and kissed his cheek. He smirked at me and kissed my cheek back.

"Wanna bet?" He asked evilly then slipped out of my arms.

"No." I shook my head and pouted. "I like what we do here. We have a good thing going... an understanding that we both want and need each other." I purred in his ear and snapped my jaws to put some affect into it. He smiled and then wrapped his arms around me.

"Hmm... you're very right about that," he purred back as he nuzzled his face into my neck then started giving me a love bite where my skin was sensitive most. I let out a slight moan.

"Richard~" I laughed and started to drag him to the bed. He didn't notice as he got caught up in what he was doing and kissed me there before moving to the other side of my neck and giving me another one. I smirked and pushed him back. "Come on.... You just made it clear you wasn't wanting me right now." I whispered. He growled and then came back before I could move away and bit down into my neck. I let him and exposed my neck more for his satisfaction. He pushed me down onto the bed and took off the shirt I had put on and started for my pants, hooking his fingers under the hem of them and purred against me as he wrapped his other arm around me. I bit my bottom lip hard as I waited for him to take it off. "Want me now?" I asked seductively.

"I never said I didn't," he whispered in my ear and then ripped my pants off and looked into my eyes before kissing me passionately. "Unless you are trying to play hard to get," he teased as he ran his fingers up and down my spine. He got in between my legs and reached for a pillow, moving it up under my head and smirked at me.

"I don't play hard to get.... I want you just as much as you want me." I purred. He laughed in my ear, nipping it and then made a love bite right under my jaw line. He pressed his face into my neck and tightened his arms around me as he pressed his body against mine. I let out a soft growl as I tried to flip us for the more dominate role. He widened his eyes and pulled back from my neck as soon as I managed to, catching him by surprise.

"Paris," he whispered my name as he looked up at me and bit his bottom lip.

"What's the mater? I can't be dominate?" I tilted my head. He looked up at me and pouted.

"You were dominate in the bathroom while I was transforming," he mumbled and then sighed. "I guess... just because I've been more dominate than you've been with me." He kissed my lip and then moved back to my neck, starting another love bite as he rubbed his leg against mine. I flipped us so he was back on top, to be fair.

"You win." I whispered, lovingly.

"Aww, you do ca- This doesn't mean that you are going to remind me of this next time and tell me it's your turn...are you?" He asked, looking at me suspiciously.

"No." I shook my head. "I will just add it up." I smirked. He frowned and bit his bottom lip as he considered me again.

"Then I guess I will have to enjoy today...and be on my guard for next time Mister Demon," he whispered in my ear and then kissed me again. He got in between my legs and laughed at me, glancing me over. "You sure about it? Doesn't it hurt your demon pride to be submissive?"

"Demon's can be submissive to their lover." I hissed and stuck out my tongue. "Besides... I was always part demon." He laughed and kissed me again, stealing my tongue and sucking on it gently as he pressed himself against me, starting to grind against me teasingly. I let a moan slip through my mouth and groaned. "Quit teasing me~" I exposed my fangs. He laughed and then kissed my neck as he slowed down a bit and then started another love bite.

"Are you getting upset?" He murmured seductively in my ear. I nodded and looked into his eyes.

"Come on Richard... You aren't being very nice." He laughed and then trailed his hands down to my boxers and smirked at me.

"You want me?" He asked, giving me a sweet look as he paused in what he was doing for my response.

"Yes I want you." I groaned, feeling myself getting aroused by the second. He glanced down at my privates and then up at me with a smirk.

"Oh, how I'd love to tease you further...but you might eat me if I do," he whispered to me.

"You better not tease me." I whispered. He gave me a look and then kissed my chest and started a trail of love bites down my stomach.

"And...what would you do...if I kept teasing?" He asked in between each one.

"Become dominate." I purred. "You better start changing your motives." He looked up at me from my stomach and then smirked, giving me another love bite.

"I can't get you riled up beforehand?" He murmured playfully to me and then trailed his fangs on my skin.

"I'm already riled up." I whimpered and watched him working at my skin with his fangs. He smirked and bit down gently on my stomach, licking at the blood and then made a love bite right next to it before he grabbed the boxers that I was wearing and slid them down a centimeter to test my reaction. I let him and took in a deep breath. "Keep going." I begged.

"Love you," he whispered as he nodded, the look in his eyes telling me he was done playing with my emotions and slid them down, starting to give me exactly what I wanted....