Somewhere In Wales

Raven's POV:

I walked down the street quickly, checking my phone before shoving it into my pocket. I wasn't sure about what I was going to do about Richard's last orders to me. I don't want to anger Paris... but I know they both need help. I had decided (after hiding out in my apartment that I kept here with Austin) that I was going to go to Perry and check on him and get some more blood that he owed me from three years ago. I looked around and bit my bottom lip, nervous about being on the street. I didn't want anyone to see me out here. Most humans were hiding in their homes from Brooklyn since she revealed herself as the one behind the disappearances. The local law enforcement had been taken out as well.. Any humans out would be suspicious of others and more likely to attack strangers. Any vampires out might be taking advantage of the situation, and as a pure blood, if I was caught, I'd be a great treat. You can't trust anyone now thanks to Brooklyn. Just what I hate. I have to try not to get seen because I don't want a fight right now.

"Oh Hi Raven!" I heard her familiar silver tongue. "Lovely to see you out," She purred from behind me. Brooklyn appeared in front of me and looked just as pretty as every... and flawless. She gave me a smirk. "Thinking about me?" She asked curiously. "I've been thinking about you." I widened my eyes and took a step back, remembering how I had thrown her off a building before. I can't trust her. She might be angry about that again.

"H-hey Brook...didn't expect to see you...on this street. I thought you'd be on the next one over," I said and waved awkwardly. I can always get away if it goes sour... She shrugged and started towards me.

"You should see my cool new powers... I'm taking over, you know?" She smirked as if she was doing something that would impress me. "I have so many newborns... They are all high school graduates... I am so proud of them too." I gave a nod and tried a smile, taking another step back to keep distance between us.

"I bet you are proud.... You even revealed yourself and all the good scores are hiding in their homes," I murmured.

"I don't quite care." Brooklyn told me as she shrugged. "I'll sniff them out." I laughed a bit at that and shook my head. This place is going to be swarming with FBI agents and the government is going to start trying to combat all vampires.

"You shouldn't have done it though...not like you did," I whispered to her. "You've endangered everyone."

"I think I am helping everyone rise up to their true potential." She shrugged. "It doesn't matter anyways. Not after what Paris will do." She waved her hands goodbye to me and disappeared with her speed. I frowned. She hasn't been talking to him...or else she'd be less cocky. Paris won't be happy that she's been taking his territory from under him. I shook my head and quickly hurried along, glancing around and then going up to Perry's door when I found the place. I knocked on it lightly and waited. Perry opened the door and smirked.

"Raven... What brings you my way?" He asked as he opened the door to let me in.

"Are you still in business?" I asked as I came in and watched him closely.

"Always am." He told me. "They can keep trying to put me out of business but I keep coming back." He laughed. "Like a bug." I nodded and smiled at him.

"You still owe me," I reminded. I will need to stock up if I am going to possibly go into hiding.. or sneak off to my territory to guard it. I also need to go talk to Laurence....

"Very true. Go down and take what you wish." He suggested. "I don't have much since Paris came in here and had his fun a few nights back. He's a demon again." He shook his head. "Anyways... Have what you can get." I gave a nod and smiled at him.

"Yeah... I met demon Paris already. Sorry that I came for some while you are recovering, but I am planning on not being able to hunt for myself for a bit, and I know you are a good source to go to," I told him and started for the elevator to go down. He followed me.

"It's fine...I heard Paris is going to start something... Hahaha..... This is going to be good for my business." He smirked. I laughed and looked back at him.

"Ever the prospective spider, are you? Yeah, Paris is planning on taking over the world, and while that happens...a lot of powerful people will probably go into hiding or straight out challenge him. That's why I need the blood...for whatever decision I make. Richard had ordered me to take Paris's stone and cleanse it...but I don't know if I should or not, so I will be going to Laurence for advice," I informed, deciding to tell him my plans.

"Paris knows what he is doing." Perry told me. "That's what I do believe at least." He nodded. "I think you should stick to his side."

"Well... I'm trying to, but Richard did order me to take the stone," I mumbled and then got out of the elevator when it came to a stop. "He has kicked most everyone out of his I don't know what he is doing anymore." Perry followed me off.

"Protecting them. Paris's manor is going to be the first place targeted once this all blows up in the media that vampires exist and are trying to take over. Hell... Look at what Brooklyn is doing.... Damn girl." He spit towards the floor. "I sent my family away too... Well more like they left me." I widened my eyes. I didn't think about Brooklyn's actions separating vampire families.

"I actually ran into her on my way over. She doesn't think she's doing anything wrong," I muttered and started for the back. "You can't even run into a decent meal outside anymore thanks to her scaring them all indoors. They've armed themselves as well, and anyone outside is suspicious. I'm surprised I wasn't jumped on my way over!" I laughed and shook my head.

"Who's crazy enough to take on a vampire? Besides hunters and the supernatural... Oh I bet the supernatural are having a field day right now. Especially the witches. Their greatest creation is being blown up in their face." He laughed as he followed me.

"Yes...and I've recently been publicized as the new goddess of three major cities," I mumbled. "I'd be a great target if they got the guts to gang up on me...especially since I've been in hiding for the past few days as I thought about my options. I haven't been able to eat to keep most of my strength.... I'd be prey if they were smart to gang up, which considering that this place is falling to ruin...they would be teaming up. Strength in numbers if you can trust your friends," I told him and then stepped into the freezer room and looked at Perry expectantly.

"How about you go ask Laurence what he thinks. He is their eldest friend." Perry suggested. "Plus he see's everything and I am sure he has something to say about it."

"That's the plan, Perry my man," I joked and smiled at him. He shook his head and light a cigarette the started to smoke it.

"I'm going to go polish my weapons." He muttered and waved towards me. I nodded and started looking over the bottles of blood then grabbed a few. I glanced around and grabbed a bit more, getting about seven. It'd last me a bit....

"PERRY I TOOK SEVEN SO MARK IT DOWN!" I shouted then went for the front of his bar. I hid the bottles in the purse I was carrying then got in the elevator and left quickly, going outside. I glanced around then teleported to Laurence's throne room in his castle. "Laurence," I whispered his name and looked around to see if he was here or not. I sniffed the air and then sighed, seeing he wasn't nearby this room. I took out my phone and dialed up his number, sitting down on the floor. He appeared right by me and hung the phone up as soon as he answered.

"Hi Raven~" Laurence said and yawned. "What's wrong?" He asked. I looked up at him and put my phone up and sighed.

"Can you give me some advice? I'm having a dilemma," I told him and ran my fingers through my hair. "Richard had asked me to help him take Paris's stone in order to cleanse it and told me to do it no matter what...but he's demonic now, and I don't want to anger them by carrying out an order," I whispered and watched him.

"Richard won't be mad at you. In fact this is all for the best.... You will see." Laurence told me. "Paris is going to need you for the revolution... I hope you will stand by his side through it... You will end up with a lot of land afterwards." I shook my head.

"I could care less about that... I don't want to be against them, so that's why I'm confused about what to do next.... I consider them like family to me, and I'd hate to see something bad happen to them," I mumbled and then looked at the ground. "If you say they will be alright the way they are...and that it's not betraying Richard by not following out his last command to me that he gave before Paris turned him into a demon... then I won't do anything about trying to cleanse them both."

"Well... The future I see is one without Hachi and Isaac in it... I can't see wizards.... so hopefully the actual future isn't that different." He smirked. "It can always be changed too." He walked up too me. "Don't worry though... Everything will be fine."

"Promise?" I asked and stood up, looking him in the eyes.

"I swear it." He made a cross over his heart. "Now... Let's go see Paris... Well when he gets out of his bedroom with Richard." I frowned at him. Didn't Paris tell me to stay away from the manor? I looked at Laurence and kissed his forehead.

"He's asked me to stay away from the manor already," I informed him. "Pretty sure that means he doesn't want to see me around for a bit."

"Oh right... He only wants certain people around... Hmmm... Well... I'm sure he will call on you when he needs you then." Laurence told me and grabbed my hand. "How about you go check on Austin." He suggested.

"Don't know where he is," I said and frowned. "I wasn't there when he originally kicked everyone out because I was with Richard. We got separated...." Laurence nodded and had the shadows carry us into a manor. "Richard and Paris can't know about this place but... everyone is here. Have fun finding Austin." He smirked. I smiled at him and pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks Laurence," I whispered in his ear. I let go and smelled the air, finding out that everyone was actually here... including Lauren! I smiled happily and ran off to go find them. I went into the living room and looked around for her with a smile. Lauren was reading Twilight as she was cooped up in a chair, looking tired. I smirked and teleported right next to her, leaning in to her ear. "Hello Lauren," I whispered and giggled. She dropped the book quickly and looked towards me then smiled.

"Raven!" She reached out for my arm and pulled me down into a hug. "Hiya! The boys are in the kitchen." She told me. I giggled then as I got an idea.

"We should spook them," I suggested quickly. Lauren shook her head.

"I'm not feeling up to it." She told me and started to go back to her book. Laurence walked over and started to poke her cheek.

"My little new born is sick?" Laurence asked and laughed. "How's Val?"

"I wouldn't know." Lauren grumbled. I frowned and pulled out a bottle of blood from my purse and stuck it in her lap.

"Fresh from Perry's... You don't look like you've been eating too well," I whispered and then looked at Laurence. Laurence nodded.

"Lauren always had an eating problem... Drink up before I bring Val to see you." He told her and opened the bottle for her.

"I have been drinking, from Benjamin." She admitted and blushed.

"Well too bad. You're going to drink this too," I told her and took the bottle from Laurence and raised it to her lips. Lauren put the book inbetween her and the bottle.

"You drink it Raven." She whispered.

"Nope, I have six more and a mate in the next room over," I told her and giggled. "Now am I going to have to force it down your throat?"

"I could go get Benjamin's opinion." Laurence suggested, already heading for the kitchen.

"Guys~" Lauren grumbled then took the bottle. "I'll drink it later... promise."

"But the bottle is already opened," I murmured in her ear and then smirked. "You have to drink it before it goes stale."

"Stale?" She wrinkled up her nose. "Since when?"

"Since it left the human body and will die without being in the refrigerator. This stuff doesn't last long outside of a cold containment area, and since it's been opened, you need to drink it before it's bad." I smiled at her encouragingly then teleported into the kitchen and threw a pen that I had dug out of my purse at the back of Austin's head, hitting him. August yelped at held the back of his head then looked at me.

"What the heck Raven!" He hissed and glared me down slightly then took in a calming breath and let it out. "What's your problem?" I pouted and walked over, wrapping my arms around him and kissed his cheek.

"I missed you... and I wanted your attention... Laurence brought me to you since how I told him I lost you in the whole Paris incident," I whispered and buried my face into his chest. "You left me by myself...."

"I'm sorry, I was moved in my sleep." He said as he pointed to Benjamin. "Blame it on him." Benjamin raised his hands in defense and smiled at me.

"Well... I guess I can forgive you for leaving me back in Maine then," I mumbled to Austin. "I love you." I kissed him then and bent down, picking up my pen and putting it back into my purse then took out the bottles of blood and stuck them in the refrigerator.

"Staying here?" Laurence asked me. "If so I have to get back to Ashton. Oh... Benjamin, make sure Lauren gets something good to eat... She looks sick." Benjamin looked worried as soon as he said that and rushed off into the living room for her. I raised an eyebrow and looked up at Austin.

"Would you run off like that for me?" I teased and playfully hit his chest then looked at Laurence. "Yeah, I'm going to stay here with Austin unless he chooses to leave. Most everyone is here though... so I doubt we'll be leaving anytime soon," I told him and kissed the top of his head. Laurence nodded and left us then. Austin looked at me curiously.

"What's wrong with Lauren?" He asked, trying to change the subject.

"Not eating enough," I told him and smiled, kissing his cheek. "So where are we?"

"Somewhere in Wales." He told me. "Louis's manor." I gave a nod and smirked.

"We should go sight seeing and use this opportunity," I suggested and then kissed him again. "So... What have you been up to?" I smirked and sat down on a nearby counter and then brought him close in front of me.

"I'll tell you what we will see." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and brought me to a window. "Land." He laughed and kissed my cheek. "Besides looking at the view... I was sleeping."

"It's pretty," I mumbled as I looked out the window and then up at him and giggled. "So how's my precious newborn doing? Are you hungry?" I moved my hair aside so that way he could see my neck better.

"Not really." He admitted. "I've just been tired." He let a yawn slip. I frowned and felt his forehead curiously. Is he getting sick too? He said all he had been doing was sleeping lately.

"But you said you had been sleeping the past couple of days....are you ok?" I looked him over and tilted my head. Since when does he turn down an opportunity to feed from me?

"Yeah, I'm fine." He told me and pulled away from my hand. "I think it's just a vampire thing." He admitted.

"You aren't turning out like Richard... are you? That'd be terrible... I don't know what I'd do if you went to sleep for a long time and didn't wake up." I pouted and then looked towards his neck, hungry already. His scent had been making me hungrier by the minute....and I hadn't eaten in a few days. He seen my hunger and exposed his neck.

"Go ahead and have a bite." He offered. I nodded and wrapped my arms around him, leaning in and biting down, but as soon as I did, I bit down harder at the taste. It was amazing! Better than I had remembered! I pressed him up against the wall and smiled sweetly as I licked at the blood and lost myself to his blood and bit down again. He wrapped his arms around me and picked me up, carrying me over to the counter and sat me on top of it then got between my legs and let me continue feeding off of him. I hesitated for a second as I came back to my senses from being moved, but as soon as I looked at the blood, I found myself biting down again. I let out a small happy moan from the rich taste and pulled him closer, drinking greedily then moved to the other side of his neck and bit down again. He pulled back and took a few steps from me. "I think that's enough Raven." He told me and smirked. "No more."

"Austin," I whined and gave him a look as I licked his blood off of my lips. I reached out for him and pouted. "I'm still hungry... I haven't eaten in days thanks to Brooklyn and her stunt she pulled."

"Drink some of the bottle blood then." He suggested. I frowned at him and then reached for him again.

"What's the matter Austin? You don't normally turn me down from your blood...and you told me no about drinking mine.... You're not mad at me for something...are you?" I asked and then stopped reaching for him as I watched him.

"No.. I'm not mad." He mumbled. "I just think that if there is an apocalypse coming then you should drink form the bottled blood so I can still have some strength incase I have to fight....Did I say apocalypse? I meant revolution." He blushed. I laughed and shook my head.

"Baby, if you are worried that, you can drink from me, and we'll both be fine," I told him and tilted my head to expose my neck to him. "It will be fine."

"I'll be fine." He told me. "Drink your bottled blood." He suggested. I gave a nod and looked at him sadly.

"Alright...." I reached over to the fridge and opened it, pulling out a bottle then shut it and opened the thing. I started to drink it and wrinkled up my nose as it mixed with the taste of Austin in my mouth. It totally ruined it! I set the bottle aside as it made me lose my appetite then gestured for Austin to come closer. He shook his head as he watched the look on my face carefully.

"No... I'm going to stay over here."

"I'm not going to bite you," I told him and giggled as I crossed my legs. I smiled at him sweetly and gestured for him to come over again. He shook his head and walked off towards the living room. "Wow... I bet he is mad at me for something." I hopped off of the counter then drank the rest of the blood to not waste it. I dropped the bottle into the trash and then went into the living room. Austin had took a seat on the couch, I noticed then that Dannie and the kids had came in because Dannie was curled up in his lap. I walked over and sat beside Austin and turned on the TV, turning it to a movie and smiled over at him. "So what do you want to do tomorrow?" Lauren turned her page in her book then looked over at me.

"Want to double date?" She suggested. I smiled at that and nodded.

"Yes! That's a good idea! Austin, you're going on a date with me!" I told him and kissed his cheek with a sweet smile. He nodded as he rubbed Dannie's ears to sooth him.

"I wanna go!" Dannie begged. "Can I go?" I giggled and took Dannie from him and kissed his head.

"Aww... Sure you can come with if Lauren says it is alright," I told him and looked over at her. "He could be the adorable third wheel!"

"Technically it would be fifth." Lauren told me and nodded in approval. She sat the book aside and looked towards Benjamin, I noted she still looked a bit tired.

"We should go hunting." I heard Austin suggest. "Right now."

"All of us?" I asked and looked at him. He's not planning on leaving me to go hunting, is he? He's my sweet little newborn mate...

"All four of us. Benjamin, Lauren, you and me." Austin told me as he stood up. "Let's go together." I smiled and got to my feet and set Dannie down on the couch and grabbed his hand. I looked over towards Lauren and Benjamin and smirked, holding out my other hand to them. Benjamin smiled and grabbed Lauren, pulling her to us and took my other hand, so I could teleport us all to the middle of London. Releasing them, I smiled and looked around.

"So...ready to eat some Brits?" I asked and giggled.

"Sounds like we are going to be tasting nothing but tea..." Lauren said then giggled. She started for the nearest pub to us, not even giving us time to follow after her.

"Someone's hungry." I heard Austin joke.

"Be careful Lauren," I told her. "We don't want to cause a major scene or kill anyone that looks important. After all, with vampires coming out, we don't want to tip off where we are near." I took Austin and tugged him after her and giggled as I saw Benjamin at her heels, wrapping his arm around her waist. Lauren nodded in agreement.

"I know how to hunt you guys.... I'm not three." She hissed and kissed Benjamin's cheek.

"Well miss sickly and starving," I joked and then snuggled up next to Austin as we walked in. I widened my eyes and quickly looked up at him as I remembered the last time he drank. "No alcohol for you while we are here," I said softly, worried slightly.

"I'm hunting... not partying." He promised me and we all took a booth. Lauren had me sit by her so we looked more... available to others. It was the easiest way to hunt. I smirked and glanced over at Austin. I should totally flirt in front of him to tease him and make him jealous. I glanced around and picked a boy who was drinking on a small pint of beer. I smiled and then got up, going over towards the boy. I walked up beside him and put some money on the bartender's counter to disguise why I came over.

"One strawberry daiquiri," I told him and smiled as the bartender got to work. I glanced at the boy and smiled as I looked him over. "Hello," I said sweetly and sat down beside him. "You don't mind, right?" He shrugged as he sucked on his alcoholic beverage and then smiled my way.

"Names Harry... What's yours?" He asked and smirked. He was quite adorable.

"Raven," I said simply and looked away, deciding to play with him a bit during the process of luring him in. The bartender set the glass in front of me and smiled before going to another boy who was ordering. I picked up the drink then sipped on it. "Normally come here?" I asked, glancing over at him.

"No." He admitted. "It's a long story as to why I came here." He told me and laughed. "Have you ever been in love?" I nodded and faked a sad look, deciding to play heartbroken over a previous boy.

"Yes...once," I whispered and shook my head. "He got hit by a car," I told him. "Right in front of me... was trying to propose to me in the street at midnight." He raised an eyebrow.

"Tough love?" He let out a soft laugh and took a sip. "Who's your friends then?" He asked and that's when I noticed he had already caught that I was with Lauren, and the boys. I glanced back at them and looked at him, giving a shaky smile to act like I was recovering from the memory.

"They brought me out here to have fun. They're my little gang that set me up with that boy I was telling you about. It was Lauren's cousin," I said and pointed a finger towards her then took a sip of my drink and watched him. "Would you like to meet them? They are very nice to people."

"No, I'm about to leave." He told me as he downed his drink and paid for it. "How about you go back to them before you end up in a grave." He winked my way then got to his feet. I widened my eyes and stood up as I looked him over.

"Y-you're not threatening me...are you?" I asked, playing an innocent girl. I faked shock. "What'd I do?"

"It's not a threat."" He whispered in my ear then started for the door. I frowned and set the drink down and followed him towards the door.

"Then what did you mean by it?" I asked quickly, interested in him too much to let him go without a fight. He walked out the door without talking to me. I glanced back at Lauren and the rest and frowned. I've never had prey do that to me before.... Lauren was giggling as she had watched the whole thing. She got up and glided towards a guy at the bar to try to pick one up. I narrowed my eyes and glanced at Austin before leaving the bar and smelling around for Harry. No way am I letting him get away! I followed his scent and tried to look casual as I kept it slow, not wanting to look suspicious. I pulled out my phone to pretend I was checking it then glanced up for Harry to see if he had gotten far or not. Harry was walking down the street, just a couple of feet away... He seemed to be aimlessly walking. I narrowed my eyes and glanced around, not sure if London had any established hunters here or not. There might be some left...scattered around. I glanced back at Harry and followed him as I waited for an opening to get him alone. He seemed to be smart about avoiding alleys and places that would lead him to somewhere dark or where he would be alone. He took a turn into a nearby hotel and entered it. Staying in a hotel huh? Traveler then? I smirked and teleported inside to a secluded spot and watched to see what room he was staying in. I'd get him in his room... He took a seat on the couch in the lobby and pulled out his phone, beginning to surf it. I growled then and sunk back into where I was hiding. Great...who knows how long I'll be waiting. I can't let him go.... He irritated me! He smirked as he looked down at his phone. I frowned and sat down on the floor where I was and decided to wait it out. I was going to eat him if it was the last thing I would do. I don't let my prey get away from me! If there are only a few people around... and there aren't any cameras...he's screwed! He stood up then and started for the elevator, going in it and had the doors close. I smirked and teleported to the surveillance room, knocking out the guard and then found the screen of where he was at. I laughed darkly.

"Oh... I'm going to get you Harry," I whispered and watched. He looked towards the camera then and smirked. He exited the elevator on floor nine. I waited to see what room he'd go in as I shifted my gaze to follow him on the screens, leaning forward with a smirk. I laughed and touched the screen lightly, tapping it. He disappeared on the camera then and appeared on a different camera, standing by a window and looked towards the camera. I widened my eyes and looked at him. How'd he get from there? I frowned and narrowed my eyes. Is he not a human? He certainly isn't normal... I watched him, debating on whether or not to go for him now or wait for a better opportunity. He's acting like he knows he's being followed. He stepped up onto the windowsill and opened the window then took a step out of it. I widened my eyes and quickly teleported to where the window was, looking out the window to see if he hit the pavement and went splat. He wasn't there though and seemed to be completely gone. I narrowed my eyes and took a step back from the window. "Great," I muttered and looked around to make sure there weren't any witnesses that saw me randomly appear. He appeared in front of me and looked behind me at the window.

"Nasty fall isn't it?" He asked and smirked.

"Who the heck are you?!" I backed up quickly and looked him over. He's got to be magical...somehow. I didn't smell it either!

"Uh... I don't know." He told me and pointed me over with an index finger. "Who are you?" He asked.

"What'd you mean you don't know?" I frowned and took a step forward, trying to smell him better. He didn't smell like anything though... I couldn't catch his scent.

"Don't know." He told me and took a step away from me. I frowned again and looked him over.

"Are you a witch...wizard...maybe even a scentless vampire?"

"What?" He asked and wrinkled up his nose. "Of course not."

"Then what are you?" I looked at him in wonder and leaned in, smelling him again. Absolutely nothing.

"Don't know, stop smelling me." He hissed and took another step back. I stopped and looked at him curiously. I should keep him alive and give him to Hachi... Hachi would know. I slowly smirked and teleported behind him, grabbing him around his waist then bit down into his neck. My fangs sunk right into thin air as he disappeared and appeared, jumping out the window. I growled in irritation then jumped up onto the windowsill.

"Don't make a scene Harry! I will get you!" I yelled. I was shoved out of the room then and sent falling to the ground. I heard the window close. I screamed and teleported back into the room where I had been shoved out and growled at Harry. "Now that's not very nice! You pushed me out of a window!" I pouted and gave him a cute look. "All I was trying to do was say hi..."

"You survived." He told me and sat down on a couch in the room. "I was just trying to say hi too." I frowned and walked over, sitting down on the couch beside him.

"You're interesting..." I murmured and looked at him as I kept down the urge to bite him again. "I like you."

"I don't like you." He said as he looked me over.. "You bring off a bad vibe." I giggled and shook my head.

"That's just your instincts Harry. You see... since I'm a vampire, your instincts are telling you to run because I am a predator...but you are safe from death... at least from me. I have a friend I want you to meet. His name is Hachi and he can help you find out what you are," I told him and crossed my legs. "I was originally going to eat you...but I decided not to." He looked me over then frowned.

"What if I don't want to meet this Hachi?" He asked me.

"Well... want some answers?" I asked and raised an eyebrow at him. I shrugged and got up. "I mean... it's not everyday a vampire goddess offers help to a complete stranger who shoved her out a window." He shrugged.

"I don't know." He crossed his arms and then looked towards the window. I glanced at it and smirked, walking over to it and opening it.

"So Harry...wanna play a game?" I asked as I sat down on the windowsill.

"What kind of game?" He asked curiously. I smiled and edged further out the window.

"Wanna see how long it takes to go splat?" I grinned wickedly as I leaned back, on the edge of falling over. He ran towards me then.

"Don't." He reached out for my hand to help me back in. I giggled and took his hand to let him pull me back in. So he cares about my life at least a little...good, he's not heartless. He let me go almost as quickly as he touched me and stepped back. "Now, go away."

"Nope," I said and giggled as I came back in and stretched. "You've peaked my interest Harry." I pulled out my phone and pulled up Hachi's number.

Me: Hachi! I found something really cool! Come see! I'm in London at a hotel!

Hachi: Which hotel?

I frowned and looked outside to find out then texted him the name. I looked over at Harry and smiled innocently as I put my phone into my pocket. Harry raised an eyebrow then screamed as Hachi appeared in the room and looked towards him.

"Why's he screaming?" Hachi asked. I shrugged.

"Dunno... But he's the cool thing I wanted to show you! He says he doesn't know what he is, but he has proven he can teleport, and he doesn't smell like anything! Plus, he seemed to know I was hunting him the whole time even though I didn't show myself after the bar!" I giggled and tugged Hachi over to Harry. Hachi looked Harry over and sniffed him then let out a soft moan.

"Did you say you can't smell anything?" Hachi asked me with delight. I frowned.

"No... I can't smell him... If he wasn't in front of me, I'd swear I didn't know he was here," I told Hachi. Can he smell him?! No fair!

"He smells to me... Like peaches." Hachi told me. "Want to know what he is?" He asked me and circled Harry like a hawk. I nodded eagerly.

"Oh, and bind him so he can't run. He'll do it," I said to him, smiling at Harry.

"I did the moment I smelled him." Hachi told me, which I could now see Harry trying to get unstuck to the floor.

"Don't you dare touch me." Harry hissed. I smirked and walked over, wrapping my arms around his neck and nuzzled my face into his neck teasingly.

"I'll touch you all I want. You're my prey," I whispered then pulled back and looked at Hachi. "What is he?"

"This is what Wizards call a lost soul." Hachi told me. "Uhmmm.... We can bond with them and they can become our pets or whatever. Very fun to have around... That's why I can only smell him." I frowned then.

"Explain more... I don't get it," I said and sat down on the couch. He rubbed Harry's hair and kissed his cheek.

"This little guy helps wizards with their spells. We can place powers into him to store and well... we can mark them too. He's just a huge pet. See he's somewhere between life and death. He must have died from-" He looked from the door to Harry and then to the window. "Jumping out a window. Suicide... This is why you don't sin. You end up in the weirdest hells. This is his hell. He's going to stay here repeating something until I- or another wizard comes along and snatches him up for a good spell or more. Want to come home with me?" He asked Harry. I giggled as I understood.

"Bet it sucks to be human and do something stupid... You end up a pet in the afterlife... Hachi, you know he had asked me if I fell in love once...maybe he committed suicide after losing a girl and did it in this room," I suggested and looked at Harry and frowned. "You poor thing. I think I will give you to Hachi then. Hachi is a nice wizard."

"Oh really? You had a girlfriend?" Hachi teased making Harry try to move away. "I'm going to help you... I bet Isaac will love you." I giggled at that and stood up.

"I bet Isaac will be jealous," I whispered to Hachi then started for the door. "Have fun with your new addition to your pets!" I waved to them and pulled out my phone to text Austin and tell him I was alright and would be back soon.

"Bye Raven~" I heard Hachi call after me. "Thanks for this little guy. Find anymore, let me know! I bet London is full of them."

"Just don't make Isaac jealous!" I told him and winked then stopped, eyes wide. "Hachi, I wasn't here in London, understand?" I bit my bottom lip as I got worried. I wasn't supposed to let anyone know where I was because it might tip off to where the rest of our family is.

"No problem, I found him on the streets in Maine." Hachi called. "They won't ever know... except for the accent." He laughed then. "No worries." I gave a nod and smiled at him sweetly.

"Thanks Hachi. Enjoy your new pet," I said cheerily and teleported back to the bar, walking in. I stretched and glanced around for another guy to target. Lauren and Benjamin had already left but Austin had been waiting on me like a gentleman. I smiled at him and then walked over, losing interest in hunting. "Hey sweetie, did you eat?" I asked and sat down in the booth beside him. I rested my head against his shoulder and smiled at him. "That boy I was hunting turned out to be a lost soul that had killed himself. I turned him over to Hachi."

"A what?" He asked curiously. "What's that?" He wondered. "And no... I was waiting on you." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Apparently, a lost soul is someone stuck on our plain of existence that is dead. Only wizards can smell them and they use them for storing spells and what not. Hachi wanted him," I told him then glanced around to make sure no one was watching. When I made sure, I teleported us out of the bar and into an alley, moving my hair aside and tilting my head. "Go ahead, you shouldn't go hungry...and goodness knows I took a lot. Besides, you're so sweet for waiting on me," I told him and smiled encouragingly as I leaned against the wall of a building.

"I thought we would go preying together tonight." He whispered in my ear. I smirked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, if it's the chase and hunt you are looking for.... I can let you practice the chase on me," I suggested with giggle and glanced down the alley. "I can play helpless prey, and you can play the big strong merciless hunter." I moved him away a bit and then took my nails, digging into my neck a bit to make me bleed so the smell would drive him insane. "Oh no.. I've managed to get hurt by getting caught on something sharp. Whatever shall I do?" I giggled and moved back further into the alley, giving him a seductive look. He smirked and started to come after me.

"You are such a little tease." He whispered as he exposed his fangs. "Come back here helpless little prey." He purred. I giggled and turned to look down the alley then glanced at him over my shoulder before I started running, not going too fast but fast enough to mess with him. He chased after me and laughed as he eyed me down with hunger. "Going to run from me huh?" He asked and caught up to me almost instantly, wrapping me up in his arms. I couldn't stop myself from giggling and looked up at him.

"Oops...I think I didn't run fast enough. Oh noooo... I've been caught!" I playfully hit his chest lightly. He growled playfully.

"The little girl got caught by the big bad wolf." He whispered and then leaned in towards my neck and bit down softly. I gasped a bit and then leaned my head back to allow him better access.

"Are you gonna eat me up?" I asked then bit my bottom lip to keep from giggling as I teased him. He purred and bit down harder as he tightened his arms around me. He started to drag me to a wall and placed me firmly up against it. I giggled and looked at him. "I should be fighting back if I'm meek prey," I whispered. "Wanna see how it could play out?" He growled as if to test me. I smirked and then started putting up a light struggle, pushing on his chest and squirming. "Oh help!" I called weakly and then put on a face of fear. "He's gonna eat me!" I kicked lightly at his leg, not enough to hurt him though. He growled and bit into me once more, letting more blood flow into his mouth. I giggled. "You know... a good hunt is one where the prey manages to challenge the hunter," I whispered in his ear then went to slip out of his arms by sliding down the wall. He slid downwards with me and smirked against my skin. Well darn, that isn't going to work. Guess I'm going to have to actually use some of my strength. I giggled and pushed on him lightly but enough to get him back a few inches then started to crawl off, getting to my feet and running down the alley before he could snatch my feet out from under me. I put a bit of power in my step to actually make this interesting and somewhat harder for him. After all, I can't keep him lazy. He chased after me and I could hear him laugh.

"Get back here~" He purred, echoing through the whole alley. I giggled and glanced at him over my shoulder.

"Eek! The hunter is going to get me," I sung out in a light tone then turned down another alley, a darker one. I was giggling as I went a bit faster then screamed as I found myself falling forward when my foot hit a small box I hadn't seen. I widened my eyes as I felt my hands get scraped up then quickly looked behind me as I scrambled to my feet to run. I didn't expect to make my scent stronger! Darn it... I blushed a bit and then looked around as I took a few running steps, looking for a better idea to play meek prey with. After all....meek prey don't have powers to use, so I shouldn't cheat. He appeared near me and smirked.

"Gonna keep that up?" He asked and then pulled me into his arms and teleported us back to Louis's manor. "I think I'm a whole lot more smarter then I look." He whispered. I widened my eyes at him and bit my bottom lip.

"Yes you are... You learned quickly," I mumbled then kissed his cheek. "So big hunter...whatcha going to do with me?" I asked and giggled as I didn't move away.

"Make you stay with my family and I as a pet." He purred. "Try not to enjoy it too much." I giggled and looked him in the eyes.

"But big hunter...I may be at your mercy, but I have my own family," I whispered then went to escape.

"You don't need them." He shrugged it off as he let me go. "Besides... You can't leave here without my help now... Prey." I blushed and glanced around the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Well.... It seems meek prey has been caught by a skilled hunter. Can I get a bandage?" I asked innocently and touched my neck wounds then looked down at my scraped knees. "Or multiple bandages great hunter?"

"Great hunter will heal the bunny." He whispered as he sat by me then started to lick my neck, healing my wound. I blushed and then wrapped my arms around him and kissed the top of his head, burying my face into his hair.

"Did you get enough to eat big great hunter. As a pet... I should let you have more if you wish," I whispered to him and giggled a bit. "I don't mind darling hunter."

"I had enough to eat." He told me and wrapped me up in his arms. "I'm concerned about you though...." He whispered into my ear. "You didn't get anything while you hunted." I pulled back from his hair then laid my head done on the couch and smiled at him sweetly.

"I'll be fine... I'm tough, and I have the blood in the refrigerator in case if I can't handle it till we go hunting again. That's why I got help me," I told him and then shifted under him to allow him to lay on me comfortably.

"I hope Laurence doesn't mind us hunting in his territory." Austin whispered.

"I doubt he'll notice," I mumbled and kissed his cheek. "Besides, vampires live practically everywhere. There's at least ten in each country today."

"Oh I am sure there is more then ten in every country... Just look at Maine... it is swarming with them.. I wonder if it is because they like staying near Paris... since he is such a great role model." He laughed. I laughed with him and shook my head.

"Not every vampire was in Maine because of Paris. I went to America to hide...and I found myself in Maine and started a new life there. The people were great tasting, and some of the vampire hunters were more laid back- they aren't as much now though... Paris didn't even exist to me because I was staying out of vampire society. Honestly, I never met or heard of him until three years ago." I smiled as I thought about how dirty he looked the first time I'd seen him outside the manor.

"Hmmm... I can't imagine it... You? Not knowing the famous Paris?" He kissed my cheek then. I nodded at him.

"I really didn't. Dante never had me meet him because he didn't like him. I only met a few royals, but I had run off after a long time with him. I lived a sheltered life with my parents, and when they died, I lived wary of vampires then was picked up by Dante who kept me from getting near certain ones and kept things from me. I didn't hear about Paris until Maine," I whispered in his ear. "Of course... I know a lot about him now because I learned quickly, and I have caught myself up on vampire history to avoid having a moment like I did when I first met him."

"Hmmm~" He purred into my ear then got off the couch. "Let's go to our bedroom." He suggested. I frowned and stood up.

"Ok," I said, slightly unsure. I took his hand and started leading him out of the living room, following a faint scent trail of him till it lead me to a bedroom and then opened it. "Are you sleepy?" I teased as I let go of his hand and walked in. "The big hunter got a bit full after being fed and feels tired and sluggish?" I smirked and then stretched as I looked around the room. He nodded as he walked over to the bed and face planted it. I giggled and then walked over, sitting down on the bed beside him then ran my fingers through his hair. "My blood makes you tired sweetie?"

"Mhmmm." He mumbled and started to fall asleep on me. I frowned and then laid down on the bed beside him.

"Are you ok?" I whispered as I curled up next to him. I looked at his worriedly and kissed his cheek. "Did you have a big day today before I came over?"

"No... not really... Just watched a bunch of movies." He admitted. "Benjamin and Lauren were keeping me busy with that."

"Now why would they do that?" I asked softly as I fidgeted, not really tired enough to sleep but ok with laying with him till he was asleep.

"I don't know... nothing else to do?" He asked.

"Mhmm? So... get some rest sweetie... I don't want you to get too exhausted in case something happens. You never know," I mumbled and started rubbing his head gently. He fell asleep within a few minutes and left me wide awake. I bit my bottom lip and then started crawling for the edge of the bed, having to crawl over him to get off it. I left the room quietly then snuck down the hall to go inform Louis, not wanting him to freak out when he found out I was here. I found him in a study, looking at his phone behind the desk. He glanced up at me and smiled as he stood up.

"Raven.... You came.... Good, I didn't want Austin to be alone for the rest of how long this will take. After all... mates shouldn't be separated for too long," he said and came over, glancing me over. "You look better than I thought you would.. being in Maine and all where everyone is being a shut in because of Brooklyn and soon Paris," he mumbled. I smiled at him sweetly and hugged him.

"Nope, I made it while I was there. I did run into Brook before I managed to come," I informed. He frowned a bit and looked a bit worried.

"How is she? She's not insane looking... is she?"

"No, she thinks that what she is doing is alright and doesn't really notice or care about what she has done to Maine," I hissed and crossed my arms. "She totally doesn't care that most vampires are going to starve due to the humans hiding and the fact that the government might interfere in Maine soon- which puts everyone at risk." Shaking my head, I sat down on the couch and watched as he sat beside me.

"Well... They'll be fine in the end. Paris plans to make it all better, and when he does, the humans will not be able to refuse us our right to feed," he told me and rubbed my head. "He's got great plans for everything..." I laughed and then grabbed his hand to get him to stop messing with my hair.

"That sounds great...." I whispered then stood up. "Well... I wanted to let you know that I was here... So I'm going to go see Lauren and hang out with her." I pointed towards the door and smiled, walking off.

Dante's POV:

I woke up feeling something poking my cheek, a finger. I could hear Charlie purring as he seemed to sound lovingly. He leaned in then and gave me a soft kiss before moving to get out of bed and leave me alone. I opened my eyes quickly and snatched him up, pulling him on top of me and kissed him back. "Morning Charlie," I whispered and smirked up at him. "Where ya going?"

"I was going out for a morning stroll... Would you like to come with me?" He asked innocently. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Sure... I'd love to." I let him go and then got up, going towards the door. "We could get breakfast while we are walking," I suggested and looked back at him as I bent down and picked up my shirt. I put it on and walked out of the bedroom, leaving Charlie in there. Charlie followed after me with a slight jog to his step.

"Good!" He purred. I smiled at him and then walked towards the door, deciding not to put on shoes for this morning.

"What are you in the mood for Charlie?" I asked and smirked as I looked around when I got outside.

"You choose." He offered as he looked around us and got really close to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. I glanced down at him and smirked, kissing the top of his head.

"How about we go to a order something...and I'll eat the waitress?" I teased then started walking with him down the path towards town since how the house was a ways back from it. Charlie followed after me.

"What if I want to eat you." He growled playfully. I raised an eyebrow at him and stopped in my tracks, pulling him to me.

" me?" I laughed and nuzzled my face into his neck. "I think you have that backwards just a bit." He blushed slightly and tried to get away from me.

"I'm just messing around with you." He said innocently. Smirking, I let go of him and started walking again.

"Ok Charlie," I told him and shoved my hands into my pockets. I think I will be more relaxed with him today.... He seems to have woken up in a good mood. He walked besides me and put his hand into one of my pockets, grabbing my hand. I glanced at him and smirked softly, giving his hand a squeeze and then moved my hand out of my pocket so he could have it. He let out a small growl and laughed before letting my hand go and took off running from me, going straight for where we was heading. "Charlie!" I gasped and then shoved my hand into my pocket again. I can't believe he did that to me.... I frowned and then teleported to the end of the path and waited. Fine, if he wanted to play that way, he could walk the rest of the path by himself. He came up to me after a few minutes and frowned.

"Cheater." He hissed my way as he stopped in front of me.

"Tease," I purred back and then started walking. "So lets go get you some breakfast, hmm?"

"Breakfast sounds good." He said sweetly. "Too bad I'm not human or I might enjoy it better." He hissed the last part out and brushed past me. I stopped then and crossed my arms.

"Stop being ungrateful," I hissed at him, getting upset. "Charlie, you've been targeting me left and right, and I was hoping that coming here would help you relax and help you be more like you were this morning in the bedroom."

"It's my job to make you suffer for turning me." Charlie said as he winked my way. I growled at him and shook my head.

"Oh, and I'm in trouble for wanting to spend forever with you?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Forever is an awfully long time." Charlie whispered.

"We...are...mates," I growled at him and then walked over to him. "Does that not mean something to you mister former vampire hunter?"

"Hmmmm.... It does.... but~" He backed away from me. "I liked being human." I nodded then and started walking as I put my hands back into my pockets.

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked, dropping it.

"Does it matter?" He asked. "It all taste the same."

"Then I'll pick," I muttered and shrugged. He nodded as he looked towards me.

"Pick then." He motioned for me to hurry. "I want to go exploring."

"Alright," I reached back and grabbed his hand, teleporting us to a nearby diner and walked him in. I sat him down at a table then sat down on the other side of it, glancing up at a waitress as she was walking over quickly. She set down menus in front of us and smiled.

"There you go dolls," she said and winked at us, giving me a grin before walking off. Charlie eyed her down with a slight smirk before licking his lips. He looked towards the menu then. I raised an eyebrow as I watched her go and laughed softly before looking down at the menu and slid it across the table away from me. That girl looked tasty. I think I will actually go through with my little joke and eat the waitress. He looked at me then and dropped the menu.

"What are you going to get?" He asked me curiously, sounding onto me.

"Hmm... Coffee," I said simply, not wanting to tell him that I was thinking about eating her. He might get jealous. He leaned across the table and grabbed my shirt, pulling me to him and kissed me softly on the lips. I widened my eyes then melted into the kiss, pulling him closer to me as I leaned forward and then kissed him back. He let out a slight moan to catch attention from others then pulled back and looked at me greedily. Wait a moment... I widened my eyes at him. "Are you playing me?" I asked softly then glanced towards the waitress and saw her glancing over and giggling as she was talking to another waitress. They'd noticed.

"Oh you caught me red handed... are you going to punish me?" He asked as he ran his foot up my leg then. I shivered at his touch and blushed, sinking back into the seat.

" got me. I was going to eat her later," I murmured then looked up at him and pouted. I leaned over the table then and kissed him again. "But I'd much rather have you," I purred and then licked his bottom lip playfully. I gave him another kiss, this one slower and more passionate. He pulled away from me and blushed.

"Come on Dante... be a good boy." He exposed his fangs playfully, making sure only I noticed them. I smirked and kissed him again, making sure to sharpen my own fangs and rub then against his lip teasingly.

"Be a good boy?" I whispered for his ears only. "We both know I can't be that," I kissed him then and leaned further over the table.

"I'm a bit hungry." He mumbled and started for my neck. "Get that waiter over here or else~" I pulled back and tsked, giving him a playful look.

"You know that you can't have any when we are in the presence of humans... you will tip them off, so you are stuck with human food unless you want to kill the whole diner," I whispered then looked over at the waitress.

"Sounds like a plan. Who should we go for first?" He licked his lips. I raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"Mister Ex-vampire hunter wants to kill a whole diner full of people?" I rubbed my foot against his leg teasingly and then watched as the waitress walked up.

"Hello boys, what would you like?" She asked and smiled at us. I smirked and pulled my foot back from him then picked up our menus, handing them to her and snatched up her wrist as soon as my hand was close. I yanked her down onto the table, making her shriek in fear as I exposed my fangs and bit down into her neck. She screamed loudly and soon her friends were screaming as well. I heard Charlie whine.

"That's no fair~ I wanted to bite her first. Guess I will settle with the chief." He walked off towards the kitchen to get the chief. I laughed as I pulled back to watch him then looked down at the girl, taking a moment to glace at her name tag then smirked.

"You know what I'd like? I'd like for you to hold still," I told her then leaned down, crawling up onto the table to get her better then bit down on her neck, making her shriek again. I heard her friends take off out of the diner then and shrugged as I started to feast on her, pulling her into my lap as I leaned up against the wall and used the table to support us. I heard a scream come from the kitchen and pots along with pans start to clang together. I laughed. "Wanna be my pet?" I asked, loud enough for Charlie to hear in the kitchen. "We could have a lot of fun.." She was trying her best to stay awake as she was rapidly losing blood. I licked her neck, making her shiver.

"YOU BETTER NOT KEEP THAT THING!" I heard Charlie growl in the kitchen. "I don't like girls~ They get too emotional." I laughed, looking towards the kitchen window where the orders would come up.

"All you have to bite down right here on my wrist...and you'll be my little pet and get to live," I sung out, holding my wrist to her lips. Charlie came in then, and pulled me from her. He bit down into my wrist and pulled back, shoving me into the booth.

"No pets." He told me firmly. I held back a laugh and gave him an innocent look.

"Why not?" I pouted and then licked the wound he made and looked up towards the girl on the table, seeing her pressing her bloody hand against the wall to try to get up. I growled her way then looked at Charlie innocently.

"I only want it to be us." He whispered softly. I smiled then and sat up, holding out my wrist.

"Then... if that is what you want Charlie... I will do that for you. My blood is your blood...and I won't offer it to another to make a pet unless I have a good reason," I told him and smiled encouragingly.

"Promise me?" He asked sweetly and got into my lap. I thought it over long and hard then gave a nod.

"I promise to not offer my blood to make a pet without a reason.... I won't waste it on silly things so that way you can have as much as you want," I whispered in his ear and then leaned back against the wall, moving us back and kissed him as I moved him into a better position in my lap. He licked his bloody lips and let out a small growl then got out of my lap.

"Come on then... I want to sunbathe today." He reached out for my hand. I nodded and took his hand, teleporting us to the beach outside the house. I smirked and laid him down on the beach, getting down on the warm sand beside him.

"You'd make a great princess with all the demands you make," I teased. He blushed and shook his head.

"I am so glad I can't be a girl." He whispered. "I'd be humiliated for all of eternity." I laughed darkly and looked him over.

"Oh... You would be. You'd be hidden up in the tower of my castle with a baby in your stomach," I told him and touched his tummy. He shrieked and slapped my hand.

"I don't want one!" He hissed and curled up in the sand. "Never." I laughed and then moved my hands under my head to prop it up and looked up at the sky.

"You can't be a girl ever... so you don't have to worry about things like that," I whispered to him and smiled. "You have no reason to be afraid of me..." He nodded as he looked at me.

"Hachi can't do something like that... can he? If he did... You wouldn't ask him to do that to me... would you?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"No... I don't think I would honestly. I have to live eternity with you...and you'd make me regret it every second. Besides, who needs kids?" I looked over at him and kissed his cheek.

"You are so mean... regretting it huh? Fine... I will just leave you." Charlie told me but didn't move to get up. I frowned at him.

"Would you like having a kid or two then? I mean... if you are wanting children, you should have said something so we could talk about it," I whispered and propped myself up, looking at him.

"I DON'T WANT KIDS!" Charlie said in panic. "I don't want that~" I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Then why are you upset? Besides, I'd be the one giving you kids in our relationship if you did." I looked him in the eyes and gave him a smirk.

"I don't want kids." He growled and blushed. "Please don't ever think I would." I gave a nod and shrugged.

"Well... I don't really care, so it would have been up to you in the end," I told him then brought him closer and closed my eyes. "Besides... the Prince of Germany having kids?" I scoffed and laughed at the idea. Charlie nodded and rested his head on my chest.


"Exactly. I have an image to uphold, and I don't need people like Paris laughing at me," I whispered in his ear and then started to rest as I waited for him to be done with the whole sunbathing idea. He smiled softly as he looked towards the sea and purred.

"I'm glad you agree." He whispered. I shook my head.

"I can't have kids... I like to fight a lot, and kids would get in the way," I mumbled and then looked at the sea and smirked over at Charlie.

"Kids are a curse anyways." He mumbled and looked towards me. I nodded in agreement then wrapped my arms around him and picked him up, walking towards the sea as I carried him bridal style.

"So Charlie, when was the last time we took a dip in the sea?" I asked and took a few steps into the water, letting it rush past my feet and went a bit deeper.

"Uh... I don't think we have Dante... So why are we stepping in now?" He asked innocently and clung to me. "You gonna go back to the marvelous sand so I can sunbathe?" I laughed darkly and went in deeper.

" and I...are going to have a little fun," I whispered in his ear and let go of him to drop him in the ocean. He shrieked and landed on it like it was a solid object then laughed softly. I widened my eyes and growled at him. "That is not fair!" I crossed my arms. Since when does he get to do that?! He stood up on it, taking his time to accomplish doing so then started to slowly walk away from me. He looked sort of drunk doing it then he fell straight into the water. I laughed and went over, grabbing him and then started to drag us out further. "You fell...and now you're mine," I purred in his ear. He whimpered as he tried to get away.

"I want to go back to shore now.... What if mermaids get us?" He asked me.

"If mermaids get us... then that will be a great treat for me. Can you imagine the taste of such a rare being?" I smirked and looked out at the water. "I wish we'd get caught by a mermaid. I'd eat her in a heartbeat!"

"Don't jinx us!" He mumbled. "They can hear us!" I laughed and teleported us to the shore, setting him down on the sand.

"There you go you big cry baby," I joked and then laid down on the sand and stretched out, closing my eyes. He threw a sand-ball at me and laughed.

"That's what you get." He purred. I opened my eyes and looked up at him before dusting myself off and curling up.

"How about you sunbath? I'm going to take a little nap, so wake me up when you get done." I smirked and then closed my eyes again.

"How'd I get mated to you?" He asked softly. I opened my eyes wide and looked up at him, shocked. I sat up and pouted.

"What's that supposed to mean? If you don't want me Charlie... I will leave," I told him and crossed my arms as I started to get mad at him again. He looked at me with wide eyes and then shook his head.

"I don't mean it like that.... I just... Wonder how we ended up being mates." He motioned me over. I narrowed my eyes then laid back down.

"Because fate thought it would be funny to give you the complete opposite of what you wanted, what you hated," I told him then started playing in the sand.

"You hate me?" Charlie asked.

"No...but you did," I reminded him and looked up towards him. "I wanted to keep you.... and you tried to pick fights with me constantly and even spilled a frosty on me!"

"You deserved it." Charlie said and crossed his arms.

"See, that's why I think you hate me," I told him and curled up tighter on the sand, refusing to look at him now. "You treat me like you just have to put up with me then you tease me like you did at the diner to keep me to yourself because you don't want me feeding off of others."

"I don't have to put up with you!..... Okay I do because you are my maker and that's bugging me badly." He growled.. "It's not fair at all." I glanced up at him and frowned.

"How's it not fair? You ran off with Oz!" I sat up and looked him over. "I have to make sure you don't leave me...not again."

"It wasn't my fault." Charlie whispered softly. He started to cry then. Widening my eyes, I quickly pulled him down into my lap and whipped at his tears, kissing his forehead.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that... I'm such an idiot... I know it wasn't your fault. You didn't have a choice in the matter," I whispered and cradled him to me, rubbing his head soothingly as I tried to quiet him. "It's alright... I don't blame you. I can't use that in an argument like that.. I'm sorry. Please stop crying? I can give you a present if you'd like. You'd like it," I promised, starting to get worried about him and kissed his lips. He whimpered and curled up into my arms. After a few seconds of tears he sniffled.

"What kind of present?" He asked softly. I smiled at him and kissed him.

"The very thing that you've probably been fighting me for this whole time... picking all those arguments. How'd you like me to release you from being my newborn? The only one you'd have to work at would be Dylan," I whispered in his ear. He wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his face into my chest, getting quiet. "Is that a yes?" I smirked slowly and watched him as I kept my arms around him. "Would you like to be able to have a say always?" He nodded and looked up at me.

"It would be nice... yes." I gave a nod and prepared myself as I looked him in his eyes then leaned in, getting a kiss.

"Charlie... as one of your makers, I release you to be able to make your own decisions.... to be free," I whispered against his lips and kissed him again. He pulled back and looked a bit hurt then curled up to me tightly. I frowned. "What's up with the look on your face?" I asked softly. "Shouldn't you be rejoicing? You and I are on equal grounds. We don't have a one up on each other now."

"It hurts to loose a maker." He whispered softly. I gave a nod and looked at him sadly, pulling him closer.

"I'm sorry it brought you pain... How about we go inside?" I whispered to him and kissed his cheek. "After all, as your mate, I think you need some quality time with me to cheer you up."

"What do you mean by quality time?" He asked curiously. "Can't we have it out here?" I thought it over and nodded.

"Yes... we can. I was going to take you inside and watch a movie with you... but you do seem to like it out here better." I gave him a sweet loving smile and kissed him again, laying us down on the sand.

"I like it out here... I like the warm sun and the sound of the waves and your body against mine on this rough sand." He smirked. I smirked back and kissed his neck.

"Oh? You like my body against yours on the sand?" I whispered seductively to him. I pulled him closer and pressed up against his side. "Because if you like it...then we won't move from this spot until we have to," I murmured in his ear and then kissed his neck lightly to grab his attention more. He nodded eagerly.

"Let's just stay here... Where we don't have to worry about anything but if we are going to get a sunburn or now." He smirked. I gave a nod and moved my face into the crook of his neck.

"Well...with the black shirt I'm wearing.. I might actually get sun burnt. Plus I have really fair skin that burns easily," I mumbled. "I will be burnt...and you'll be just fine. Want me to go get us some sunblock or something so that way we don't burn on this sand?" I laughed and closed my eyes as I smelled him.

"I hope you fry up so I can try fried vampire." He whispered in my ear seductively and held me to the ground. I laughed and then moved my face out from the crook of his neck and pulled him on top of me. I smirked and exposed my neck to him.

"Well... If you are wanting a bite.... go right ahead," I offered. He shook his head and sat up on me.

"I don't want to drink your blood right now... Infact I am full.. Let's go hiking?" He suggested and got up. I frowned at him. He doesn't want my blood? I got up and shrugged, hiding the disappointment of being turned down. I don't normally offer unless I have a plan or reason for for him to turn down such a generous offer... I grabbed his arm and teleported him to the trail nearby that led into the forest and up a mountain then eventually to a waterfall.

"Hiking it is my sweet," I whispered in his ear then started on the trail, picking my way carefully since I was barefoot. He took off down the trail with a soft job and smirked as he was leaving me behind and he was barefoot. "Well at least he is getting his strength back," I whispered to myself. I might have to watch my back soon. I don't want him to decide to conquer me and keep me from going places or feeding. He might even do it playfully....

"I would love it if you kept up." He yelled to me and smirked my way. I laughed and jogged after him, catching up easily.

"Are you trying to train me mister ex-hunter?" I joked and exposed my fangs to him, smirking.

"Define what you mean by training." He whispered teasingly as he slowed down a bit to look at me. I slowed down right beside him and looked him over.

"By making me exercise so I don't grow lazy without things to trying to keep me from feeding off of teasing me," I purred then kissed his cheek.

"I might be training you... You might be my little toy." He told me and exposed his fangs. I laughed darkly in his ear before I stopped us and wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning in towards his neck.

"So the master has become the slave?" I whispered as I ran my fangs down his neck, sending a shiver through him. "Is that so?"

"It's so." Charlie whispered back then bit into my neck before I could get to his first. I yelped as a shiver went through me from the shock and suddency then pressed him up against a nearby tree with a smirk, kissing his cheek while he drank from me. He didn't drink much, before pulling away and licked his lips.

"Thanks~" He whispered. I laughed and kissed his cheek again then went for his neck, biting in quickly before he could shove me back. He let out a soft surprised gasp and exposed his neck more for me, being obedient. Good...It'll be better this way. I smirked and pressed up against him, sending his back against the tree more and licked his neck. His blood peeked my hunger again, taking away most of the mercy I had. I bit down harder, making him yelp involuntarily. He whimpered and tried to get out of my arms then. "Please stop~ That hurts Dante." He whispered. I pulled my fangs back an inch as his voice brought me back then shook my head, leaning in and licking up the excess blood to be nicer. I knew that it would make him feel better and that my saliva would help sooth any pain. He let out a sigh of relief as he melted into my arms and started to purr.

"Does that feel better?" I whispered in his ear as I went and licked at his wound again then slowly bit down on it to keep it open. I kept in a delighted moan from the taste of it and wrapped my arms around him tighter.

"It feels much better." He admitted and looked me in the eyes. "So why did you really bring us all the way out here?" He asked curiously. "I know it wasn't because you wanted me all to yourself." He teased. Smirking, I pulled back from his neck and looked at him.

"Oh? Why did I bring you out here? One... you wanted to hike...two, I wanted you in the woods where no one would hear you scream," I teased as I pressed up against him and leaned in towards his neck again with a laugh. I ran one of my hands down his back and up his shirt as I moved him an inch off the tree.

"Now, now... Dante as much as I would love to say it... I was not just talking about in the woods... I am talking about here in general." He leaned in towards my neck, trying to get my face out of his.

"I wanted to take you somewhere where it was just you and me so that way maybe you'd stop being so mad at me. I thought it was the stress of training and coming back to your family, so I thought to remove you from it and give us a vacation which you accepted easily," I purred in his ear and didn't budge, licking his neck.

"I'm not mad! I think it is just a vampire thing... Oh my gosh... I have anger issues... See... I told you I didn't want to be a vampire!" He pouted. I frowned as I remembered him before being a vampire.

"Charlie, it's not just a vampire thing... You used to be mean to me as a human too... You just happen to get quick to anger with me," I mumbled then kissed him. "That's alright though. I can handle it. I'm glad you are my mate even if you yell at me." He nodded and took in a deep breath.

"I have a bad habit of anger." He whispered. I smirked as I moved back from him and started walking the trail.

"Well.. I will sign you up for anger management classes then when we return home. They'll teach you to tame that rage of yours. Honestly, I'm surprised that I hadn't been stuck in the equivalent of those classes a few centuries ago." I shook my head as I put my hands in my pockets. "Did you really want to hike Charlie? Or was this all a ruse to get me in the woods so you could bite me under the darkness of the canopy?"

"I did want to explore. I like to get out, believe it or not." He told me. "It's not a skate part or anything but it is fun." He smiled at me. "I miss Riley though."

"We can go back anytime you wish," I reminded and gave him a smile. "I am letting you decide since how I don't have anything to worry about back home. I think we should come out to a different place once a week each month. I like how this has turned out, and it seems to have helped your temper a bit." I glanced him over and nodded to myself. Yes... he has calmed down since we've come away from Maine and all the responsibilities. I believe that we should continue this experiment each month and see if it helps him stay calmer and more relaxed. Of course, not too relaxed. He is training after all, and it would get a bit boring if he didn't yell at me when I bit him every once in awhile. He might do that to keep me interested and challenged... He nodded and then smirked.

"Let's go waterfall hunting! That would be so fun and romantic." He suggested. I gave a nod and kissed his cheek, taking his hand and started to lead him off.