Not Near Hachi

Isaac's POV:

I flicked my tail absentmindedly as I turned the page in the book I was reading in one of the widow seats of the library. Werewolves involuntarily shift forms on a full moon due to their inner wolf having more strength and the urge overcoming the beast. When encountering a werewolf- especially on a full moon- make sure not to attract attention or make them angry. Most who anger a wolf will be killed in mere seconds or hospitalized.... I yawned and turned the page again. I already know this! I shut the book then and dropped it into the floor, reaching for a book on the mystical Fae that had supposedly gone extinct in our world due to overhunting. Hachi walked into the library with someone behind him and smirked.

"ISAAC! GUESS WHAT!" He called as he started my way, I noticed he was dragging the figure with him. Narrowing my eyes, I sat up and looked from the boy to Hachi then crossed my arms.

"No," I said simply. "You aren't getting a new play toy," I growled as I glared at the boy and then at Hachi. "I'm the only one you can have.... so you better not be planning on telling me you got a new pet!" I started feeling a bit angry at the idea of being replaced and twitched my tail irritably. He better not!

"I got a new pet~" Hachi purred and brought the male out from behind him and wrapped his arms around him. "Guess what he is~ You are going to love it."

"A no good dirty master stealer?" I hissed under my breath, hopefully he wouldn't catch it. "What?" I looked at him and made sure not to look at the new male, pissed already. I can't believe he's replacing me! Just a bit ago he was holding me like that and showing me off to Paris! I felt a growl rising up in my throat, so I quickly clenched my hands and dug my nails into my palms to keep from showing him.

"He's a lost soul." He told me with bright eyes. "They are really good to have around as pets." He rubbed the guy's head. "Raven gave me him." Raven huh? I raised an eyebrow then stood up, walking towards the door. If he's going to replace me... then I'll get my own pet and spend time with it! I'll make him jealous!

"Sounds like you two are going to have fun!" I gave him a bright cheery smile to throw him off and left the room, shutting the door softly behind me then walking off quickly before I could poke my head in there and say something stupid. They appeared in front of me and Hachi looked upset.

"You didn't let me finish! I was going to offer to let you have him since you are into getting magical stronger and this little guy would be a huge help to you." He suggested. "You would be a very cool wizard if you got him." He smirked softly. I looked the "lost soul" over and then looked at Hachi, trying a smile.

"How about we share him Hachi? After all... it wouldn't be nice of me to take your new pet away from you completely for power reasons," I whispered and gave him a smirk then patted him on the head before walking past. Where will I even find a suitable pet to make Hachi jealous with? I don't like anyone else but Hachi... Hachi's the best ever, and now that he's brought that thing in here.... I growled and dug my nails into palms again, walking a bit faster.

"Oh okay then~ His name is Harry!" Hachi told me and started to mess with Harry's cheeks. "Let's get you a warm bath and new clothes, okay cutie?" Hachi asked his new pet. I narrowed my eyes and kept walking.

After walking around Maine aimlessly, I eventually came across one I thought was good enough to take back to make Hachi jealous. It was a blond girl with pretty green eyes- a college student. I smirked from the shadows as she waved goodbye to her friends then brought her red scarf closer to her neck, shivering like she was cold. Now...all I needed to do was snatch her up and play with her memories. She'd suit the purpose nicely. I growled in anticipation as she started walking away from the college campus and towards a small library a few blocks away, and I made sure to follow her from a distance. With all the disappearances and vampires coming out, you'd think they'd cancel school.... I waited for the right moment and snatched her up when I'd gotten close. "Hello," I purred in her ear, making her shriek. I quickly erased her memories and gave her new ones where she was rescued by me from a scary vampire and where I had generously took her in and made her into a pet then made sure to give her a crush on me. I smirked as I looked her in the eyes. "Did you have a good day at school Sara?" I asked as I picked up on her name quickly. She nodded and blushed.

"You didn't have to meet me out here Isaac... It's dangerous, and should someone see you," she whispered and bit her bottom lip, her eyes trailing to my tail.

"That's why I had to come and check on you," I told her and leaned my head against hers, giving her a smile. Her stammer was cute as she tried to come up with a reply, but I shushed her and kissed her cheek. "After all.. I rescued you once and took you under my protection as my pet. I shouldn't let something happen to you, now should I?" She shook her head and hesitantly kissed my cheek back. "Good girl," I whispered as I moved my hands to her back to pull her closer.

"Isaac... I-Is it alright that I like you? I mean... you have been looking out for me, and you made me into your pet...but is it ok?" I laughed and looked her over before leaning in and stealing a kiss, a real one.

"Of course it is Sara... I like you as well. I wouldn't have rescued you if I didn't think that we wouldn't get along," I purred to her then used my magic to take us back to the manor and on the couch in the living room. I nuzzled my face into her neck, making her giggle as my breath tickled her. A small pit grew in the bottom of my stomach, telling me it was wrong to use her to make Hachi jealous...that I should talk to him instead of play a game. I shook it off and pulled back from her neck, keeping an arm around her as I reached for the remote and turned on the TV to a random movie. She smiled as she leaned up against me and started to watch it, falling silent. I mean... Harry is only a tool, right? Hachi wouldn't replace me. He liked me too much and thinks I'm rare and valuable. He even marked me once- though I don't have it any more. I bit my bottom lip as I felt that empty feeling rise up inside me again, the one I felt everytime I thought about Hachi's mark being gone. He refused to mark make me whole again.... I closed my eyes and felt a bit sick about the whole thing. He really was going to replace me.... He had told me I was unworthy of being remarked again and that he didn't want to deal with the pain should something happen to me. Does he not love me too? I felt a lump form in my throat as I found myself fishing into my jacket pocket for the ball of galaxy that Hachi had made me when I didn't remember my past and when he was attempting to keep me to him and him only... when I was the only pet he treated like that. I looked it over and was glad that Sara hadn't taken notice, giggling at a boy setting traps around a house for two buglers trying to get to him. I hadn't given her memories of Hachi or the rest, just that I had once told her that other people lived here as well and that I was staying here on account of the owner's generosity. It would be hard to explain Hachi to her, and I didn't want her opinion affected by it in case I really decided to use her against him. I remembered what he had done to Evelyn and frowned, wondering if he'd try to eat Sara or if he wouldn't care about her. He might be too interested in that Harry guy to care. After a few minutes Hachi dragged Harry into the livingroom.

"This is called a livingroom... It's where most of the people that live here- or rather did... hang out." Hachi informed him then fell silent as he caught sight of me and then the walls started to darken dramatically as he glared me down. I started to hear screaming as shadow people started to crawl out of cracks and started to come for me. "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Hachi screamed my way and started to step towards me, his galaxy bright eyes had faded to black like the light had been smothered out in them and he was consumed of pure evil. "You dirty little scum ball cheater- AFTER I BROUGHT YOU BACK FROM HELL TOO!" He pointed a finger my way. "I'LL CHOKE THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF YOU!" He rushed towards me then. I widened my eyes and screamed, quickly getting out of there and to my room with magic then looked at Sara wide eyed. I didn't expect that... I gulped and then looked towards the door. I hope he's too consumed with rage to figure out where I went. Maybe if I play this off by eating Sara and say I got hungry? I backed up slowly, trying not to make a noise as I grabbed Sara's hand. What have I done? I'm so stupid. I had just gotten him to agree to date me! Of course one little guy like Harry wouldn't change Hachi about loving me! I felt sick again and then went over to the bed, crawling into it and curling up on it as I brought the pillow close to me. I'm a wretched little demon! I heard the room start to make creepy noises like it was haunted as the windows started to open and shut- I could hear the whole house doing it. My door started to do it as well. Dramatically I heard the paint on the walls start to sweat.

"HACHI! ISAAC! WHAT THE DAMN IS HAPPENING!"I heard Paris yell. The room got worse then as the floors started to creek and break up, having the bed rumble. My bed started to vibrate and the whole house began to feel like it was at sea as it rocked back and forth. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! RICHARD MAKE IT STOP!" I heard a screeching sound start up from downstairs and it sounded like hell had unleashed the worst monsters it could put out on us and was coming straight for me. It made my heart tremble and almost go into cardiac arrest.

"ISAAC." I could hear Hachi calling for me. I bit my bottom lip and looked to Sara who was crying, trying not to shriek. I really did belong in hell...didn't I? I quickly scrambled to my feet and grabbed her, using my magic to take her back into town then let go of her quickly. I returned her memories to her and wiped her memories of me and the house and Hachi quickly. She looked at me and frowned.

"Do I know you?" She asked and seemed to be reaching towards her pocket. I shook my head no and started walking off before she could do something. I stuck my tail up my shirt and wrapped it around my stomach, starting to panic. What do I do? I can't go back yet. He'll kill me. I put up a barrier around me to keep from being seen or sensed and also one to ward off magic before I pulled out my phone and pulled up his number.

Me: Hachi, I was just going to eat her! Don't be mad!


Me: Not until I know you aren't going to kill me... I love you too much, and I'd be easy prey because of it.


I sighed. How do I know he won't kill me? I used my magic to go back to the living room, making sure to keep the spells up that way he wouldn't see me or know I was here. I can use this to see if he's calmed down a bit... The house was a wreck, most of the furniture was tipped over and anything valuable had been broken. The house seemed back to normal besides the walls was breathing dramatically. He was still in the living room with a frightened Harry. He turned towards me slowly and threw a ball of fire my way. I screamed, dropping the magic in my moment of fear and took off running for the door like a frightened animal.

"YOU BETTER RUN." Hachi growled as I heard him coming after me, the magic on the house settled. He was hunting me down now without magic. "I SWEAR IF YOU EVER BRING HOME TRASH OFF THE STREETS AGAIN I WILL TURN YOU INTO A LOST SOUL!" I shrieked as I crashed to the floor from tripping over a knocked over piece of furniture. I widened my eyes and quickly turned to look at him, scrambling back as I tried to regain my footing.

"Hachi! I swear I won't do it again! Don't kill me!" I pleaded and then found my back up against a wall. He walked up towards me and had his face an inch away from mine in a heartbeat.

"You swear it?" Hachi asked me and studied my eyes. I nodded quickly and looked at my hands in shame.

"I'm sorry... I got jealous because I thought you were replacing me with Harry," I admitted and then looked up at him. "I love you too much to do something like that again...and I felt terrible even just being near her. Hachi, please don't be mad. I wasn't in my right mind," I whispered and looked into his eyes. "Please? I love you." His eyes started to brighten up again and formed their galaxy in them as he pulled away from me and smiled.

"Glad you learned your lesson." Hachi told me. "If I was going to replace you then I would have never got you back out of hell." He informed me. "Harry is going to be a very useful storage space for magic now get used to it. He's our pet." He crossed his arms. "I made a bad impression on him already because of you.. Twenty minutes into knowing me and he saw that!" He growled. "You better start kissing some feet Isaac." I blushed and got up onto my knees as I slipped my tail out from my shirt.

"Hachi," I purred his name as I decided to play his sweet innocent pet. I smiled at him sweetly and crawled over then leaned up to him on my knees and rubbed my head against his stomach, purring to him softly. "I'll make it up to you... I will be behaved," I promised as I looked up at him, giving him a cute, adoring look. "I love you more than I love that galaxy you had shown me... and I won't be jealous of Harry to the best of my ability." I stood up and kissed his cheek then kissed him on the lips as I closed my eyes and let out another purr then buried my face into his neck and wrapped my arms around him. "Mine..." He squirmed in my arms and tried to get away.

"Isaac you are too close too my neck, back up!" Hachi complained and let out a soft giggle, his mood had completely changed. I laughed softly and then kissed his neck before obediently removing my face from his neck. I smiled at him and backed him up against the overturned couch, sending us crashing to the floor.

"I love you," I whispered to him again and curled up on his chest, bringing my tail close to us. I kissed his cheek as I wrapped my arms around him and purred again happily from his scent. He smelled so nice... exactly how I liked him to smell. It made me feel a bit calmer and less upset while I forgot about Harry then nuzzled my face against his chest. "Promise me you'll never leave me?" I purred to him and looked up into his gorgeous eyes that held a whole other world. "Never ever? You still love me, right?" I bit my bottom lip as I started to get anxious. What if he hates me now?! I don't know what I would do if he said he didn't love me anymore... I think I'd die honestly. I came back from Hell with Paris for Hachi.... The rest of my life is ruined already! I don't want to live without Hachi! I'd rather be sent to Hell, the deepest part of it! I felt a lump form in my throat, tears pricking my eyes as I looked at him worriedly. What if he doesn't want me anymore? I shook my head quickly, trying to scatter my thoughts from that. He wouldn't abandon me. He got me out of hell just so he could be with me. He missed me and had me brought back, even eating Oz... I blushed and stole a kiss quickly before he could say anything. "Mine," I whispered again and buried my face into his chest.

"I won't leave you." Hachi promised and rubbed my head sweetly and started to purr in my ear to help calm me down. He gave a soft smile before pulling away and heading for the kitchen. "Gee... I'm hungry... Being an angry Hachi sure is hungrysome. Come on Harry- Isaac." He motioned for us to come as he walked into the kitchen. Harry followed him quickly, not wanting to be alone with me. "I think I want some pasta." He was determined then to make it as he got out the ingredients. He sure does eat pasta a bunch... Then again August likes pasta just as much. I frowned as I followed them into the kitchen, hovering by the door as I leaned up against the wall. At least Hachi said he won't leave me....even if he did call Harry's name first. I pouted and looked towards Harry in irritation. He doesn't even talk much, and Hachi already likes him! Does that mean he doesn't like me talking as much and being clingy?

I glanced at Hachi before sinking against the wall into the floor, curling up at the base as I decided to watch in silence. I'd be like that cat on Christmas that sits and watches everyone where the family can't even tell what he's thinking! I wonder if he's still upset at me for what I did with Sara.... but in a way... I was doing it for him, wasn't I? He belongs to me and that means that he can't be near others like he is with me. I'm not sharing him! I growled a bit but silenced myself before Hachi could look my way. Harry is lucky that Hachi is protecting him.... I'd take him back to wherever he came from in a heartbeat if I decided not to take all this out on him. Plus Hachi just got up and left me on the floor! Right after all that.... I frowned and looked down sadly at my knees that were right up against my chest then brought my tail close to my feet, containing myself to a tile of the floor. Hachi turned to me with a spoon and frowned.

"You big baby." I heard him mutter then walked over to Harry who was trying to get a glass down out of one of the tall cabinets. Hachi crawled up onto the counter and got it down for him then patted his head and went back to the stove, stirring his home made sauce. "Harry I think Isaac needs a hug." He suggested. Harry looked towards me in fear. "You should go hug him and show him you are sweet and adorable." He pointed a spoon at both of us. I looked at Hachi with wide eyes then at Harry.

"I-I'm good... I don't need a hug!" I shouted quickly then got up, putting my hands into my pockets and curling my tail under my shirt around my torso. "I'm going to go study," I informed Hachi then started for the door. The door disappeared, and Hachi hissed my way.

"You need to stop being jealous. Harry is yours as good as mine. So get along with him, or I will turn you into a turtle." He told me. Harry gave a weak smile my way and reached out to shake my hand, trying to be generous.

"M-my name is Harry." He could barely manage out. I glanced at his hand then at Hachi before sighing. I swear if I find Harry in bed with my place.... he's screwed. They're both screwed. I took a deep breath then took his hand in mine, shaking it.

"Nice to meet you," I whispered then looked him over and leaned in to smell him. I laughed when I caught his smell: peaches. I like it... I looked him in the eyes and gave him a sweet smile. "You smell great by the way Harry." I pulled him towards me and over to a counter, sitting on one and making him sit beside me as I started to play with his hair, getting interested in him just a bit. After all... if he smells nice, he's my pet, and he's here to stay or else Hachi will kill me.... then I might as well try being friendly. I glanced at Hachi and gave him a smile before letting my tail out of my shirt so that way it wouldn't get cramped from being stuck in one position for too long. Harry looked at my tail in awe and widened his eyes. Hachi smirked our way then continued to cook his pasta. Suddenly I felt Harry tug on my tail softly to make sure it was real. I yelped and went to move my tail back from him then stopped myself, showing restraint. I gave him a nervous smile as I let him hold my tail, trying to be nice. He let my tail go then grabbed one of my ears and tugged on it then leaned in towards me and sniffed my shoulder. Hachi looked over at us and raised an eyebrow then started to fix himself a glass of wine. Blushing, I tensed up as I watched Harry. "Yes Harry? I know I smell funny...but even Hachi doesn't smell me like that. I'm a Halfling, part wizard and part vampire," I whispered to him and then leaned in towards Harry's neck to smell him better than what I had earlier. After a few seconds of pressing past the peaches smell I broke into a strange death scent- and no scent at all.

"I didn't smell anything." Harry told me innocently.

"They can't smell and to other's that don't practice the magical arts like wizards and witches wouldn't be able to smell him either." Hachi told me. I gave a nod and looked at Harry curiously.

"That sucks that you can't smell," I told him then glanced over at Hachi and pouted as I felt a bit hungry. I don't think I should ask him to feed me today after the stunt I pulled. I got off the counter and walked towards the refrigerator, pulling out a bottle of blood then began to heat it up in my hand. I popped the top off and lifted it to my lips, taking a sip as I shut the door to the refrigerator.

"Want some of this?" Hachi asked me as he pointed to his pasta. "I'll fix you a bowl." He suggested. I shook my head at him and walked over, kissing his cheek.

"I'd love to... It's just that I have a hard time stomaching human food sometimes Hachi... and I'd rather not see your gorgeous cooking in a toilet bowl." I smiled at him sweetly then nuzzled my face against his before taking another sip. "Love you." He growled softly.

"Yeah, okay." He mumbled. "More for Harry and I." I frowned at him then before pulling him into a hug.

"Hachi, I'm sorry. I would love to be able to eat like a normal person....but it's hard. I take a risk with every bite of anything that normal humans eat. I don't want to throw your food up and turn it into a waste... If it bothers you that badly, I will eat a small bowl," I told him and kissed his cheek as I set my bottle down, taking out a fork from a nearby drawer then wrapped some of his spaghetti around it. I started to chew on it, smiling at the taste then swallowed it. He crossed his arms before having magic fix two bowls along with forks to go with them and had one be given to Harry while the other landed in his hands when he held them out.

"Whatever Isaac, have your blood. I don't mind, I encourage you to do as you like." He waved his hands off as he started for the livingroom and Harry followed. I growled at him and then cleaned the fork off. Jeez, he doesn't have to throw a temper tantrum. I shook my head as I put the fork in the dishwasher to dry then went for the door, planning on going to the library. If he's going to be like that, then I might as well not even bother right now. I will come back when he's in a better mood because goodness knows that I am always wrong even when I'm trying my best to please both sides! Storming towards the library, I accidentally warmed up my hands too much to the point where it didn't hurt yet, but it would if I kept going. Great, my magic is also going crazy I growled again and went in, going over to a window seat and sat down in it, curling up as I looked out the window to calm myself.

Hachi's POV:

I snuck in on Isaac in the library after finishing my meal with Harry- I told him to stay in the livingroom to finish watching Finding Nemo. I crept over to him, trying to give a friendly smile. "Hey Isaac." I mumbled, I had figured he would be in the library. I took a seat by him. "I know you are trying to be nice, even with Harry around to stress you out. I didn't replace you though, you must realize that." I told him firmly, meaning every word of it. He glanced at me, looking away from whatever he was looking at outside and gave me a nod and a small smile.

"Alright.... I will etch that into my memory," he whispered then curled up, bringing his tail close to him as he watched me. "So you aren't upset with me about the whole I couldn't really eat your food too much?" He blushed a bit as he rested his head on his knees. I shook my head.

"That's just a silly thing to get mad over." I told him, which it was true. The only thing to be mad over was mad things themselves. I giggled at the thought. His smile broadened at that, and I could see a light shining in his eyes.

"Glad you aren't too upset," he told me then leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "So how is he? Harry, I mean," he asked, looking a bit curious. "He's not freaked out still?"

"What kind of freaked out do you mean?" I asked with interest. He was finally curious about Harry! I got a bit excited then but didn't show it.

"Well... I mean what with all the arguing and the yelling earlier... plus the fact that I had been glaring him down since he got here... I'd be freaked out if I were him... so is he alright?" He asked, tilting his head as he looked me in the eyes.

"No, you scare him but he is trying to be friendly." I admitted, Harry was freaking out in the livingroom for a bit when we were alone. "He's scared all the time though, he doesn't understand the gift of life he was given, the new lost soul life." He gave a nod and then edged over towards me, kissing my cheek and giving a sweet smile.

"Well... maybe we can make him feel better later and help him understand." He seemed to have cheered up a lot compared to how he was earlier, more accepting. He glanced back outside and yawned a bit before laying down in the seat and putting his head in my lap with a soft smile. He looked up at me and playfully showed me his fangs. I leaned down to his ear and kissed it.

"I have a gift to give you that I think you would like." I told him sweetly. He blushed, hesitating a bit before he unsharpened his fangs and looked at me.

"What is it?" He tilted his head and bit his bottom lip just a hair. He curled up closer to me and gave me a smile. I shrugged it off and kissed the top of his head.

"Well you will get it in the morning." He gave a nod, holding in his curiosity as he watched me then we were in our room suddenly. He smiled at me from where he was laying beside me on the bed.

"Sleep with me?" He asked sweetly, giving me a hard to resist cute look as he twitched his tail. "Pleaaase?" I nodded.

"I have to get Harry first." I told him then used my magic to bring Harry to us. "Bedtime." I told him. I had him transform into a cat and placed him down at the foot of the bed. Harry playfully made his way up and between us then curled up into a ball. "Now we can get some shut eye." Isaac hissed in Harry's ear before dragging him closer to his chest, away from me then made him stay.

"If you are sleeping in here... you aren't sleeping near Hachi," he growled and then looked up at me with a smile before closing his eyes. I shook my head then waited for the two cuties to fall asleep. Harry seemed to have no problem with it in cat form so I just had Isaac to wait on. He eventually relaxed when he felt Harry go to sleep, and I saw him smiling softly as he curled up to Harry, gently petting his head as he started to get sleepy and gave a yawn. It took him another thirty minutes to finally sleep. I smirked and snuck out of bed slowly and started for the kitchen- to get items for my plan... He was going to have a rude awakening in the morning.