Val for Valiant

Val's POV:

I threw the Vampire Press newspaper across the table to Alex and hissed. The headlines was in bold, 'Newborn becomes goddess'."What the heck is this world coming to?" I asked. "Newborns becoming gods?! Owning territory in America! For hell's sake! Someone needs to do something about this! The royal court can't but hell if I won't." I said as I stood up in outrage. We was sitting in my dinning room- right in the heart of L.A. in one of my shiny new manor's I brought right off of a coast. "Then we also have Paris rising up in even more power. I heard he's become a demon again. We all knows what happens when he is a demon... another revolution! I wonder what it will be this time. He took out HAHQ International a couple of days ago- that means he is up to something... If I know him I bet he's planning something bad. My spies over there told me that Louis up and left out of the blue with several others." I rubbed my chin. "That damn Brooklyn is making it hard to find food there... My spies are going to starve and Perry will be ate out of business. He already lost his wife and kid. What am I going to do? So what will I do..." I tapped my fingers on the desk then pulled out a bag of coke and laid it out on the table and started to snort it to get ideas. I dare Alex try to stop me from doing this right now. I finished off the line and sat back down in the chair. "I need to talk to Lauren." I decided. "She goes first, I need you to bring her to me Alex." I heard the door crack open and a servant walked in skittishly.

"Are we still hosting the party miss?" She asked me weakly.

"Party?! What damn party?"

"You were hosting one for Linda's coming home party." She trembled as she walked closer to me.

"I don't care, host the party, if I said I was hosting it then I will. NOW GET OUT OF HERE AND PREPARE FOR IT! Don't you see I am busy?" I asked and threw my cup of vodka at her. She ran out after yelping. "I don't care what it takes to get Lauren, just do it." I said to Alex. He frowned at me and then looked towards the vodka on the floor.

"That was a waste of perfect alcohol! You're overreacting sweetie. Trust me, Paris is just going to be doing a few things. If it was really that bad, the council would be out for him, and Laurence, the one who sees everything, would have spoken out against him. It'll be fine... I think. However, I have no objection to you spending time with long as you don't trap her again," he told me and stood up. "I might be gone for a bit.... I will take a few of your newborns with me to retrieve her."

"Well as long as you get that done for me and be completely loyal..." I trailed off then called my body guard into the room. "We are going out." I told him. "To see Paris for a few minutes." I walked over to him and grabbed the tie around his neck and fixed it then kissed the top of his head. "Now don't disappoint me as a body guard." I smirked towards him. If Paris was a demon- and if by chance he was mad at me then this little sucker in front of me might die.

"You are talking about Prince Paris?" The guard asked to make sure.

"Yes." I looked towards Alex. "Be good."

"I swear... if you start another war...and you make me run it because I don't lose battles...." He shook his head and started for the door, adjusting his shirt.

"You are my newborn, you have to do whatever I want you to do. If you have to fight for me then you will... If you have to command an army, you will." I hissed his way then looked towards my wonderful little shield.

"Go get that potion." I whispered to him. He nodded and walked off towards the door. The potion I was talking about was from a witch, and it helps teleport us wherever we want to go for a certain amount of time.

"I love you," Alex called from the door then stopped as he looked at me. I suddenly felt like he was about to do something, and instantly, he was beside me, biting into my neck. I could see my body guard frozen in place, mid-walk. He stopped time again! I growled into his ear and tried to get away from him.

"Alex! Don't bite me like that!!! It's bad enough Lauren has this power but you too~ I can't get a rest in." I mumbled. He smirked at me.

"Awww, are you upset? The great Val upset that she lost to Alexander the great?" He laughed darkly then bit down again. I formed a fire ball in my hand and hit him with it, having his clothes go up in flames.

"Get off." I told him firmly. He screamed and backed away, stripping out of his shirt quickly to avoid getting burned.

"You're being mean!" He hissed at me and narrowed his eyes as he licked his lips clean.

"Well you bit me and we both know I like being in control." I told him and had the flames go out. He pouted as he walked back over.

"No fair, you changed me into a vampire and made it look like I died of a fever! Now I can't even bite you?!" He crossed his arms at me and glanced at my bodyguard, time still frozen in place. I hissed towards him and started for him.

"Unfreeze time or I will go find Lauren to do it." I told him and pointed a finger his way. He smiled innocently at me.

"But I'm still not satisfied. I'm hungry," he complained, looking me in the eyes. "If time is unfrozen, then you'll just have your bodyguard pin me down. Besides, Lauren was one of the ones that disappeared with Louis." He waved it off and smiled at me.

"Well you have all the time in the world to look for her, get to looking if you want a bite of me." I teased and rubbed my neck, exposing it a bit. He pouted as he looked at it, and I could tell he was leaning forward a bit.

"Don't be so mean to me.... I marked you, remember?" He sighed, and time restarted again.

"That doesn't mean anything to me." I smirked his way. "A mark is just a mark." I waved it off. "Now get going, I need to do my own things."

"You know what.... I will be back in three years with her. Let's see how you feel about it after that," he hissed and stormed off towards the door.

"ALEX DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT TO ME! I WILL TRACK YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU WITH MY FIRE!" I snapped his way. He shrugged and looked at me with a smirk as he leaned against the door.

"Maybe I should make it five years," he teased.

"The longer you will have to wait for my blood." I teased back and walked over to my stash of brandy and got a bottle then opened it. He was suddenly across the room, holding up my last bag of drugs.

"I love being able to stop time.... I get all the good things out of it," he murmured as he slipped it into his jacket. "Oh, and your drug dealer is dead as well. I had the time to kill him just a few minutes ago, but here's the remains!" He laughed darkly and threw me a bottle full of blood and ash.

"Like I can't make my own drugs." I purred. "I can just do it while you are gone. Coke is easy to make." I took a swig of the brandy. "Oh and we are going on a cruise soon." His eyes brightened up and he came over.

"A cruise huh? Like just you and me?" He smiled sweetly at me and kissed my cheek as he wrapped his arms around me. "Please? I already know where Lauren is. I was able to get some information."

"I plan to take you and a few others with me." I told him, not wanting to give up the surprise. "Now how about you go get my little girl."

"Mhmm... I will think about it... Oh, and I'll get rid of Brooklyn while I'm out. Want her head on a silver platter? Or do you want her to just simply disappear?" He tilted his head as he gave me an innocent smile.

"Don't worry about Brooklyn just yet." I told him firmly. "Just bring back Lauren." I waved him off in dismissal. He shrugged.

"It won't take me too long. After all, I plan to stop time to do all of this, so it's not like you'll miss me at all. She'll just be in the dungeon if you ask me to make her disappear.... Then she'll be all yours to play with," he purred and kissed my neck.

"Alex, just do as you are told." I patted his cheek.

"But what if I want my fun as well? I haven't had a prisoner in so long...." He looked me in the eyes, looking a bit sad.

"ALEX. Don't you dare, if I want Brooklyn here I will tell you to get her. For now we can let her do her own thing. I just want Lauren here, I need to talk to her." I started for the window then and looked out it and around, becoming slightly paranoid.

"Alright, I'll bring her and her mate and child," he whispered and started for the door.

"No... I want you to just bring Lauren. We don't need the other two to get in the way." I turned towards him. "After all, we don't need them, just her."

"It'll make her more comfortable to have someone she spends most of her time with here as well as her though. You don't want her to run away like last time... We both know that when it comes down to it... She might do it again. After all...most of your newborns run away." He laughed like he knew something I didn't then opened the door.

"Alex, I don't want them around." I said firmly. "You just bring her and let me worry about keeping her company so she doesn't run off."

"That's not fair to her though! Be a fair master," he told me as he spun around to look at me. "Remember how much I was mad at you for the first century? Don't make her that way with you!"

"She won't be mad." I said as I picked up a knife off of a table next to me and looked at the shinny blade. "Be a good newborn and do as you are told, get Lauren and Lauren only."

"Sometimes you make me want to punish you," he mumbled and then opened the door. He was suddenly back in the room, holding an unconscious Lauren in his arms. He smiled at me wickedly. "I knocked her out. She was reading Twilight in Wales, took forever for me to find the safe house. I had to scour the whole countryside for it. Well hidden! Louis seems to be hiding the family and friends of Paris and himself in that manor."

"Wonder why they are hiding..." I whispered. "Something major is going to happen." I said and closed the curtains. I snapped my fingers towards my butlers that were standing in each corner of the room. "Someone put Lauren in a nice bed and watch over her, close up all the windows and curtains. I am going away for a few hours. Alex, want to come with me?" I asked since he was done with his chore.

"Where are we going?" He asked as he placed Lauren in a butler's arms. The butlers began to do as ordered.

"We are going to see Paris and figure out what really is going on." I told him as I sat the brandy on the table. I placed the knife in my back pocket.

"Ready ma'am?" My body guard asked me and walked up to my side.

"It's miss and yes." I told him.

"How about... I go over there for you...and you take care of our sweet little Lauren? You can take a nap with her and be there when she wakes up. She looked so panicked right before I hit her in the head with a lamp sitting near by her." I glared him down.

"You hit her with a lamp!? What a gentleman you are..." I shook my head. "I want to go see Paris." I told him firmly. "Would you rather stay with Lauren?" I asked curiously.

"If I stayed with Lauren... she'd probably be back with Louis by the end of the day. You know I'm not a good babysitter. That's how most of your newborns escape, because I let them." He smirked at me.

"I don't know why I keep you around... You sass me too much." I glared him down. "Now are you staying or going?" He pouted and came over, kissing my cheek.

"I don't sass you too much. I just don't want to see so many young vampires on drugs because it's a sad day when a master forces another into doing something so life altering like that....Besides... I love you, and you like me back because I'm fun. You haven't gotten rid of me because of that. I don't always obey you which makes it interesting.... Plus, we both know that I was blessed to never lose a battle when I'm leading it," he whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my neck. "I'll go with you... I just don't want to see you start another war just yet."

"Go sit in a corner if it upsets you." I shoved him away from me and popped open the bottled potion and took a sip of it then handed it to my body guard. "Just a sip." I warned. He took a sip of it then handed it to Alex. He glanced at it then looked at me with a sigh and took a sip, passing it back to me.

"You're so cruel," he mumbled under his breath. I nodded in agreement and grabbed their hands, taking us to Paris's study. Paris was at his desk and I gasped as I noticed the rumors were true. He really was a demon. I looked him over and awed at his horns. Paris gave us a smirk and stood up.

"Val! So I am guessing you are here because you heard about my new form?" He asked as if he was already reading my mind. I nodded quickly, trying not to give up my plans with my thoughts.

"I had to make sure it was true, the newspaper." I told him firmly.

"The newspaper isn't usually wrong," Alex whispered in my ear and looked at Paris curiously, walking over to him and touching his horns as he inspected him. "Man...that's so cool!" Paris growled and had Alex's hand in his within seconds and bit his wrist, protecting his horns. Alex shrieked and tried to pull away. "Quit it! I'll bite you back!" Paris let him go and licked his lips, obviously he also got a sweet drink from Alex before letting go.

"Get out of my manor." Paris ordered us. Alex frowned as he cradled his wrist to his chest.

"How about no? Val wants to talk to you-"

"Paris! I was wondering if maybe we could discuss further about getting the kids- Oh, you have company," I heard Richard purr from the door. He walked in and shut the door behind him with a smirk as he walked over to Paris's side. "If you can have company, then I get to have company!" I glanced Richard over and tensed up. He's a demon too.... This is bad.... Both of them as demons...

"We are just heading out." I said firmly. Richard frowned at us and came over to me, getting right in my face.

"Now why don't you stay a bit hmm Val? We have so much to talk about," he purred in my ear with a smirk. He grabbed me and then pulled me over to Paris. "Don't we Paris? I will get rid of her little followers...and you can talk with Val." He shoved me over to Paris then grabbed my bodyguard and Alex, starting to pull them towards the door. I raised an eyebrow as I watched him drag them away then looked towards Paris nervously.

"Val I have plans to take over, you are going to join me, right?" Paris asked straight up as soon as the others were out of the room.

"Take over? As in take down the royal court- the hunters, the human's government? You are planning to rebuild it up into a supernatural society ideal? As in no hiding? You aren't thinking clearly Paris as a demon." I told him as I took a seat on his desk and looked him over.

"I AM THINKING CLEARLY!" He growled. "I am perfectly fine with the idea of taking it all over and becoming the ruler... anyone in my family or side will get some land to rule over. Are you in or not?" He grabbed my wrists and pulled me into his lap. "Because if you aren't with me Val then I will rip out your throat now... it saves me the trouble of doing it later since I am killing everyone in the royal court that isn't on my side." I felt my breath catch.

"Of course I am with you." I told him and nodded. "Just tell me th-"

"I will give you a call." He tossed me out of his lap then and propped his feet up on his desk. "RICHARD BRING THEM BACK IN."

"BUT IT'S BEEN FOREVER!" Richard shouted from down the hall. He came back in and threw the two at me, looking at Paris as he leaned up against the door to shut it. "When was the last time I got prisoners to play with?" He gave a pouting look as he played with a strand of his hair, looking straight at Paris.

"We don't need them as our prisoners. They-"

"Val?" I heard Laurence ask as he stepped into the room. "It's been forever.... Whoa..." He started for me then and I relaxed, glad he wasn't a demon too... I would have been screwed. He pulled me into a hug as he placed his head into my stomach and took in a deep breath.

"Well what's up sport?" I asked him.

"You've been doing drugs again." He growled as he pushed me away. "The smell is all over you." I nodded and whipped off some sweat on my forehead. Richard glanced over at me but didn't seem to care too much as he started walking towards Paris slowly, crawling on top of the desk and leaning towards him with a smirk. He shoved his feet off of the desk and grabbed Paris's desk chair, pulling him close and then kissed him, starting a trail to his neck.

"It was nice seeing you." I told them, wanting to get out before Laurence seen something about my plans for the future I was trying to hide. His eyebrows narrowed slightly.

"Oh alright Val." Laurence said with a squeaky voice. "Go back to L.A." He waved me off. "You don't want to stick around and meet Hachi." Alex grabbed my hand and looked down at Laurence.

"No, I think Val should come home now," he hissed threateningly. He pulled me back to my bodyguard to get me away from Laurence, probably not liking the looks of him. I suddenly smelled blood- Paris's blood. Richard had bit down on his neck. Paris let out a hiss.

"Richard! STOP DRINKING MY BLOOD WHEN WE HAVE GUESTS!" I heard Paris snap which made me teleport the three of us back to my cozy little manor that was white with blue windows. I loved it so much.

"That was a rush." I whispered.

"Well...two demons in one house," Alex laughed with a shrug then started for the door. "I'm going to go lay down beside Lauren, make sure she has a nice awakening so that way she doesn't freak. She's never seen here before." He opened the door and disappeared out into the hall before I could say anything. I looked towards my body guard.

"I need you to get the Prince of Russia on the phone." I told him and tossed him the cell phone I had. "Tell him he is invited to come visit me." I ordered. "For the next couple of days." I stepped in real close to him. "Make sure to inform him..." I said as I grabbed the collar of his shirt and began to fix it, my face leaning in close to him. "That I am looking forward..."I purred. "To his visit, make sure to tell him I am extra delighted." I poked his nose and walked away from him, to my brandy stash.

"Y-yes ma- miss." I heard him say as he got the Russian Prince's assistant on the phone then told her exactly what I said, making sure to send through a purr. I giggled as I sat down at my little table and grabbed the stupid newspaper, holding the bottle of brandy to my lips and took a swig.

"LIGHTS." I hissed, hearing a butler rush to do so for me.

"He will be here momentarily." I heard my wonderful body guard call then left without my dismissal. The Russian Prince appeared in front of me, dropping a scarf to the floor.

"Wow! It's so much warmer in here than at my place!" He laughed and looked around, walking over to my alcohol and picked up vodka. "Oh, you don't mind, da?"

"Have as much as you'd like, Victor." I smiled his way as I got to my feet and walked over towards him. "I need you." I told him. He popped the top off and started sipping on it.

"What was that? I didn't hear you," he said as he glanced my way. I could tell he wasn't really paying me attention just yet. I wrapped my arms around his neck then, to grab his attention.

"I said I needed you." I leaned in towards his ear. "You understand, don't you?" He frowned and looked at me.

"Sorry Val, strictly friends only. I like you, but I don't like you at the same time," he told me and then unwrapped my arms from around his neck. "I'm like cat. I don't come when called. I come when I feel like it."

"Look tom cat, I need you as in I really need you." I told him and took a swig of my brandy. "Like... I am planning something."

"Planning what? Paris already has requested my help as well. I can only do so much... and that damned council won't stop watching me! I'm so close to going into hiding, but keep that to yourself darling." He winked at me. "I don't need you telling on me. They'll lock me up so fast that I won't have time to even take another sip."

"Paris is too big of a fish in this sea.. Along with Laurence and Richard." I told him, hoping he would catch on. "With their forms..." I shook my head. "They get these ideas that are too big for their own good." He raised an eyebrow and smirked, leaning against the table he was standing by.

"Oh? You want them gone...out of the way... so you can become a big fish yourself? Not enough for you to be a medium fish?" He laughed and took another sip.

"I think they need some restriction, yes." I pulled him to the table, pushing him into a chair. He gave a small nod and shrugged, sipping on it.

"I couldn't care less. You see, I want to know what is in it for me to help you." He looked up at me and smirked again, taking another sip. I laughed.

"You see once they get all cozy with being kings of the world after the revolution... We take them down and I will split the world with you... You get the west and I can have the east." I ran my fingers through his hair and leaned in towards his ear, nipping at it. He looked at me and tilted his head, moving a bit away from me.

"So... No more council? That's exactly what Paris is what's the problem? Are you jealous that you didn't think of it first? You don't want to help Paris and share the world with him." He took a swig of his drink and finished it, not even looking the least bit fazed of how much he drank.

"Once Paris has the council and hunters out of the way... who do you think he is going to strike next?" I asked. "Purebloods."

"Purebloods are half of my problems. They all run the council...and the council watches me like bird. Oh, he wants to make humans our slaves too... It sounds nice. If you are on his reap the benefits by just doing a few errands," he told me and shrugged again. "Still, you haven't convinced me your side is better."

"My side is better because we both with be the rules... Not Paris and Richard." I told him. "Aren't you worried he will kill you next? I mean think about it..." I laughed. "He's going to want to take us down when it is all over... Just for fun and for sport."

"Now what makes you say that Val? He offered himself to let me rule my own territory and a few others when it is all said and done. I doubt he won't keep his word. He usually upholds it and strives to do what he thinks needs done. He doesn't take killing other vampires lightly. Look at all the vampires he had taken in his own manor. He didn't have to do that. He's a good guy- much nicer than that German fellow. He's promised me no more watchdogs on my trail," he informed and then reached for another Vodka bottle.

"You really think he is just going to let us rule our own territories when this is all over with?" I asked him. "Think again.. He is a demon... He isn't what he use to be.... He wants power... He slaughtered his own parents for power and to make a change... Then he is slaughtering the council just because he wants something new... another revolution.... who's to say in a few centuries he might try to take us down? I say we strike before he strikes us!" He laughed at me and said something in Russian before setting down his new bottle.

"Val, sweet little Val... Think it through. What did the council do? They forgot that Paris was the one who helped start the revolution. He brought us out of the darkness and shadow of our parents, the conformity and rules, and brought us to a new existence- one where we could be ourselves. The council is corrupt now... It didn't work, and he wants to fix it. They are the ones truly after power. Since when did the council not have mercy on a fellow prince? Look what they did to Louis! Besides, you killed your own family too, so you can't say that he's just after power, my darling. He won't betray us if we don't betray him. You know nothing of demons.... I could show you... but you would be too closed off, too unaccepting. You're turning into the kings and queens of old- fearful of life, of change. Change is usually a good thing!" He smiled happily at me and then took a sip. "I hate the council anyways. I'd kill them nosy! I wish they'd all go to their own little hole and die. Do you know how many times I have caught spies in my own house?!" He growled softly then, and I caught a look of rage in his eyes. He quickly went to mask it by picking up his Vodka and sipping on it, looking down at it to avoid looking at me.

"They are demons, VICTOR!" I shouted at him and exposed my fangs. "Odds are they will come for us too... Why don't you see that?" I tilted my head. "Eventually he is going to want to get rid of us. We are going to do something he doesn't like... then where will we be?" I asked him. "Dead. He doesn't like us as it is... he only wants us on his team because we have the most power besides him on the council and he knows it would be hard to go after us." I sat down on the table in front of him. "I simply want to turn him back into the pureblood he truly is... That way his demonic side won't be ruling and our lives won't be at risk. He doesn't think straight in his demonic form." I smirked. He glanced me over and then took another sip.

"Hm...You just want to put them back into their normal form....You want them to be exorcised? How do you know...that you won't succumb to your fear and your deepest desires to rule. They won't allow it even if they are back to normal. You'd get rid of them...and I happen to like Paris. He gets things done, and I like that in others. You, on the other hand, whine." I growled then.

"I happen to conquer. Victor I need you on my side, I can't do this without you." I told him and rubbed his cheek. He leaned his head into my hand, closing his eyes as a look of loneliness crossed his face.

"Alright.... I'll help," he murmured and kissed the palm of my hand. "It's so lonely in Russia... the vast lands of cold and deserted. Only in cities do you find a lot of people there.... I'll help," he told me as he opened his eyes and gave me a sweet look as he took my hand in his. I nodded sweetly towards him.

"Thank you... I will give you anything you want in return." I told him, heating up his whole body to give him warmth. He gasped and then pulled me into his lap, nuzzling his face into my neck.

"Anything?" He whispered as he didn't budge away from me. He reached for the bottle then and sipped on it.

"Anything, you name it." I told him kindly. He gave a nod to me and then let go of me.

"Let me think on it.... I will get back to you shortly when I've thought long and hard about it, my darling Val." He got up then and disappeared with the bottle of vodka. I took in a deep breath as I fell into the floor from being in his lap. He better not high tail it to Paris and tell him what I want of him.. I will kill that Russian son of a bitch if he does. I got to my feet and started for the bedroom Lauren and Alex were in. I had a butler open the door for me as I walked in and looked around.

"How's she holding up?" I asked and walked towards them on the bed. I sat down by Lauren and frowned, noticing her cheeks were pale, paler then a vampire should be. "Oh she is so in trouble when she wakes up." Alex looked up at me and smiled.

"She's doing alright. I notice now that she had gotten a big bump on her head, but other than that... she's fine." He rubbed her head as he pulled her closer. I leaned in and rubbed her cheek then sighed.

"She can't sleep, she will have nightmares." I mumbled, wondering how she was holding up so far in her nightmares.

"Well...she has only maybe fifty times?" He glanced at the butler who shrugged. I glanced towards the room butler. Suddenly Lauren shot up out of bed, screaming like she had just seen the end of the world or something and started for the door, not even paying attention to her surroundings. "LAUREN! GET BACK HERE!" Alex shouted as he sat up and chased after her. "WHERE'S MY GREETING?" I couldn't hear Lauren except for footsteps echoing throughout the hall. My butler listened in towards his Bluetooth device.

"She's running through the hall- A butler grabbed her and is trying to sooth her." The room butler informed me. I nodded and got up, going after Lauren and Alex. Alex had taken her back from the butler and was holding her to his chest.

"It's alright... I got you! Nothing can harm you when I'm here! I'm Alexander the Great!" He laughed as he started walking her back towards me, humming softly in her ear to comfort her. "No more nightmares.... It's alright. You're safe..." She whimpered and held onto him tightly.

"Alex... Where are we?" She asked softly, glancing around the room.

"Val got a new manor," he told her and smiled up at me, stopping right in front of me. "She has requested your presence.... If she does anything bad to you, you just tell me Lauren. Sorry about the lamp." He kissed the top of her head then passed her into my arms. I hugged her tightly and kissed her pale cheek.

"Well hello Lauren... Did you get a good nights rest?" I asked cruelly. "Here is the deal, I need you to stay with me for a bit. Just for a little while darling... We need to stick together... see I am going to take Paris and Richard's stones and stick them someplace safe so they can heal... You are going to end up protecting them with your life." Lauren raised an eyebrow and hissed my way.

"She didn't like that," Alex laughed. "Besides, she's like one of Paris's closest friends. She won't betray them. She'd just give them to a pureblood to have them brought back." He came over and kissed my cheek. With a smirk, he pulled away and then started walking down the hall away from us. "See you later! I'm going to go out to a bar and come back horrendously drunk!" He waved at us and laughed. I frowned then looked down at Lauren.

"You aren't going to leave me like he does right? We can't trust him... he has way too many ideas." I whispered in her ear. "Now... let's go watch a movie together?"

"Why am I here?"

"I told you darling! You are here to be with me." I told her and kissed her cheek. I leaned in towards her neck then and smelled it, wondering about biting her. She tried to get out of my arms then.

"I was going on a date today! A wonderful double date... You ruined it Val, like you ruin everything! What are you even talking about, going against Paris! Are you nuts?" She asked me and smelled me. "No you are worse then nuts, you are on drugs."

"I feel perfectly fine." I told her. She rubbed her hand across my sweaty forehead.

"You look worse then I do." She pointed out.

"Nooooo, no one can look worse then you... you are sick and as good as dead almost... I mean honestly... Have you been drinking blood?"

"Last night I did." She hissed.

"I should get you something." I suggested. "Pick a butler." I whispered into her ear. "I can always get a new one." She shook her head.

"I am against it." She mumbled.

"Well you have to eat."

"Not really." She shook her head.

"Yes you do." I told her firmly. "Vampires don't look like that unless they are hungry."

"I don't feel it." She grabbed at her stomach. "I am full."

"HA! Liar... I'm going to go get a second opinion.... GET ME THE DOCTOR!" I called through to all of my butlers. I heard them echoing it.

"Since when did you get a doctor?" Lauren asked. "I didn't know vampires would even become doctors- that just seems silly that you have a doctor."

"I have a doctor." I told her. "I stole him right out of the best medical center of L.A. and turned him into a vampire... about three years ago." I tapped my foot impatiently. "WHERE IS HE!?" I asked.

"Coming ma'am."

"FOR HEAVENS SAKE I AM A MISS NOT A MA'AM." I growled. I heard the doctor laugh as he approached.

"Miss Val! How great to see you again!" He smirked as he ran his fingers through his hair and then down to his labcoat where he pulled out a scalpel. "Now who's the lucky patient today hmm?" He had gone just a slight bit crazy after I had turned him. Something about being a vampire upset his morals...and he lost all of them because of it.

"Lauren needs to be dissected, she's sick and we need to find out why." I told him and pushed her towards him, making her yelp. He smirked and looked her over, snatching her up.

"You aren't eating enough.... I tested at least three patients to see what signs of hunger were in vampires... They all died after your stage. You need to eat at least....twice a day- a full body- in order to recover quickly. Now, on to the dissection!" He laughed and started to pull her down the hall. "I hope your starvation won't affect my findings!"


"Oh Doc! She's a special one! She can stop time and what not along with telekin- whatever it is called. So make sure to check out her brain!" I suggested, coming with them to watch. He looked at her with wonder.

"You're like Alex? I won't use anesthetics then! It might ruin everything!" He giggled madly and then shoved her into his lab room that he had requested for himself. She shrieked and suddenly time seemed to stop because one second she was there and the next she wasn't.

"Awe look... she got away..." I mumbled, hearing her screaming down the hall for Alex. The doctor frowned and then went into his lab, not interested anymore. After all, I knew he was stealing some of my servants and performing experiments on them in there.... Alex carried her back to me and frowned.

"Time stopped...which meant that the guy couldn't pour my drink. I came back to check on her. Why's she screaming?" He set her down in front of me.

"She met Doc." I told him and smiled innocently. "So Lauren, Doc confirmed my opinion. You need to start eating more."

"NO I DON'T." She said stubbornly.

"This is why I prefer purebloods, they always eat." I mumbled. Alex sighed and rubbed her head.

"It's ok kiddo. The next time Doc messes with you... You just come straight to me. He learned his lesson to not play with me the last time I caught him watching me in my sleep- something about how I'd make an interesting subject because of my abilities and my blessing of never losing a battle..." He smiled at Lauren warmly and then looked at me with a disappointed glare. "Now how could you subject her to that monster? That wasn't nice...and you didn't try to stop him, did you?"

"Lauren can take care of herself." I told him firmly. "If she couldn't get away then she would learn her lesson for being weak." I raised my chin high. "I don't raise weaklings." I motioned for them to follow me as I headed for the livingroom. "BUTLERS GET IN MY LIVINGROOM RIGHT NOW!"

"See, this is why even though I'm mated to her... I won't ever try to give her a child," I heard Alex whisper to Lauren. "We can have fun....but I'm not going to give her one, not even if she begs."

"Good thing I don't want one. I can't stand the idea." I told them. "Nope, I rather love Lauren's little girl Ellie. I always send her a present on the holidays, how is she?"

"Fine." Lauren told me. "Just fine."

"You should let her visit me." I suggested. "I am her grandmother technically." I turned to them as we got into the livingroom. "Pick a butler. Try not to pick off all the hot ones." I suddenly saw one of my butlers scrambling in from another door, his hair disheveled like he'd been sleeping and his clothes in a disarray. His tie was loose around his neck, and his shirt was unbuttoned along with the jacket to the uniform they all wear. He widened his eyes as he saw me and quickly walked over to his place beside his coworkers, trying to not draw attention from me. I walked towards him then with a smirk, hearing some of the butlers start to whisper. "SILENCE!" I ordered, hearing them obey. I exposed my fangs to the late butler. "Did you have a nice nap?" I asked sweetly. He looked at me in fear and shook his head no.

"N-no miss," he whispered, staying away from calling me ma'am. I recognized him as one of the newer butlers.

"Why not?" I tilted my head as I had the butlers by him step away as I began to circle him like a hawk to it's prey.

"I-I'd rather not bore you with the life of a simple servent...miss," he whispered, trying hard not to flinch or tremble.

"I want to know why." I told him. "You haven't had any drugs, have you? Scotch perhaps?" I smelled him for clues. He smelled clean from any of the usual things that might have knocked him out. He shivered at how close I was and edged away just a bit from me.

"N-no miss.... I haven't been in the stash," he told me and bit his bottom lip.

"Have you been having an affair?" I asked and looked at the other butlers with a raised eyebrow. One of them was staring straight at him, shaking his head softly- probably the one who had trained him.

"N-no.... I haven't been near the maids enough to even know their names," he whispered. "I was cleaning the library, miss...."

"Are you gay?" I asked him, looking towards his trainer then at him. "Do you like men? Do you dream of running your hands across their sides as you make love to them?" I smirked. "I bet you are gay, since you haven't talked to a maid yet." He shook his head quickly at me.

"No! I'm not gay! I was actually interested in the pink haired maid!" He blushed quickly and covered his mouth.

"Well... next time no sleeping on the job." I hit him on the butt. "Straighten yourself up you slouch." I ordered. He had jumped from the touch and quickly moved away from me, starting to run his fingers through his hair as he went towards his trainer. His trainer glared at him and leaned in, whispering something to him then straightened his tie to the point where it would choke him. "If I catch you dressed like that again then I will let the Doc have a look at you.... Or I might just let Alex have a bit of fun with you." I told him. "You and your trainer." His trainer looked pissed at that and glared at the servant, looking ready to slap him, but he held back in my presence.

"Y-yes miss...of course miss," he mumbled quietly, not looking me in the eyes as he fell into line beside his trainer, his outfit fixed.

"Take care of him." I told his trainer. I turned to Lauren then. "Pick two." I told her and walked towards her. Lauren looked them over and then looked towards Alex.

"Any advice?" Lauren asked softly. He smirked towards the one who was late.

"You could do us a favor and eat the troublemaker good-for-nothing over there....and maybe even his trainer since how he failed to get the point across of what happens to servants that don't do their jobs," Alex told me. "They smell like they'd be a great start back to eating blood again." Lauren walked over to the butlers then and sniffed them all then looked towards me.

"I'm really not that hungry, Val." She told me.

"Doc says you are starving." I heard Alex sigh from beside me and then walked over to Lauren. I caught the sight of him scratching hard at his neck, making himself bleed, and suddenly his scent filled the room.

"Then you'll just have to drink from me then drink from the butlers, now won't you? Let's awaken that hunger inside you," he purred, exposing his neck to her invitingly. I sat down on the couch across the room to watch.

"Two of you stay and the rest are dismissed." I told the butlers. The butlers looked at each other, fearing for their lives then ran for the doors, slamming them shut on the last two that would have left. They both backed away from the doors quickly and trembled in terror as they glanced at Lauren. Lauren frowned as she watched them then looked towards Alex, seeming to be fighting her inner hunger. He smirked at her.

"You want a taste of the best man who ever lived? The conqueror? I'm offering it to you," he purred to her and got down on his knees as he gave her a good look at his neck. "All yours for the taking!" I licked my lips as I was getting hungry myself, smelling his blood seeping out of his neck and being wasted. Lauren leaned down towards his neck and bit down into him, finally giving in to her stubborn self. I watched her, surprised she was eating around so many people, I knew she never liked to do it. He winced but kept it to himself to not make her uncomfortable with it. "That's it... A little bit deeper on that spot... and you'll be in heaven," he whispered in her ear, giving her pointers for how best to bite him. She seemed to obey, as I could hear his flesh ripping from her bite. I looked towards my butlers. They shivered as they were backing up, hitting their back against the far wall. One of them was crying as he covered his ears and shut his eyes to avoid seeing what would happen to him, a younger member of my servants. Alex groaned and then buried his face into her shoulder. "Lauren, go eat the two servants.... This is starting to hurt really bad." I frowned as I looked towards my two butlers. I don't want to watch them go like that... but Lauren needs it. I'll make her pay for their deaths too, I will make her turn them. I got to my feet right as Lauren pulled away from Alex.

"Come here." I ordered the butlers. "Go get comfortable on the couches." They looked at me then went over to separate couches, trying not to tremble as the younger one whimpered in fear. He curled up on the couch and buried his face into one of the pillows, but the older one was staring blankly ahead, trying not to look at Lauren as his hands shook just a bit. Alex got up quickly and walked over to me, stumbling a bit as he put his hand over his bite mark. I wrapped him up into my arms and kissed his bloody neck. Lauren started for the older butler and got on top of him, leaning into his neck with amusement on her face. I giggled, happy to see her like this. Uh oh... I hope she doesn't get any drugs in her system from these idiots. Alex buried his face into my neck.

"Can we go to our room? I need to lay down. The world is spinning," he whispered to me as he clung to me for support. I sighed.

"You aren't any fun Alex. Go lay down yourself." I shrugged him off. He fell to the ground then curled up.

"Hate you too," he murmured as he closed his eyes, looking a bit pale from Lauren drinking him.

"You hate me?!" I asked and leaned down towards him. "THEN LEAVE ME." I growled and reached down for his shirt. "I don't need a mate around, I have other things to occupy my short attention. Like drugs." I let his shirt go. "You'll be begging to come back through after a day." He looked up at me sadly.

"Well you act like you hate me! I could love you to the point where I would die from not being around you, but you would hate my guts! I don't even understand why you turned me since how you treat me like you do!" He glared up at me. "I love you, but you don't love me back!"

"I find you fun to be around but not when you are like this Alex. Get a grip. Go get some sleep, or I will give you to Doc." I threatened. He narrowed his eyes and got up.

"Fine," he growled and then stumbled over to the door. "Have fun Lauren!" He sent her a smile and then slammed the door behind him. I could hear him shuffling down the hall towards his own room instead of the one he usually shared with me. He's mad at me. Goodness... He's so dramatic at times. I looked back at Lauren to see she had already drained the older butler and was heading for the younger one. I walked up to the drained butler and ran my fingers through his hair lovingly. I heard the younger one whimper in fear as he heard her coming, and he curled up into a ball on the couch, trying to fold himself out of existence. I watched as Lauren sat down by him and started to tickle his sides so he'd unfold himself for her. He giggled and kicked, trying to get her to stop. He glanced up at her as he seemed to be less afraid of her then froze back up as he remembered that she was going to eat him. She pulled him to her and leaned in for his neck, whispering something in his ear that made him giggle and relax him slightly. He didn't fight her as he got into her lap, being obedient enough for being afraid of death. He was still shaking though and was holding her shirt in his hands to keep from running off.

"Please don't be cruel," he whispered to her. "I really don't want to die violently...." I heard her grumble in his ear then bit down into his skin softly, trying to be as sweet as possible. He squeezed his eyes shut and whimpered as he buried his face into her shoulder. After a couple of minutes I heard his last breath before his heart faltered and he was lost. The door opened and the butler from earlier that hadn't been on time walked in. He was carrying a vase of flowers as his trainer followed him, yelling something at him.


"YOU DON'T SLEEP IN THIS HOUSE! WHEN YOU SLEEP, IT'LL BE WHEN YOU DIE, GOT IT?!" The trainer shouted at him, smacking the back of his head hard and sent the lazy one stumbling forward. They both froze as they saw me and widened their eyes. The trainer smiled sheepishly at me then snatched the lazy one by the collar and started to drag him towards the door again.

"Where are you two going?" I asked and motioned for them to come back. Lauren dropped the butler and started to whip off her face. I stood up and looked at the corpses. "Come over here." I told the butlers. The lazy one looked alarmed and glanced back at his trainer, shaking his head no, but the trainer sighed in defeat, dragging him over to me and stood in front of me. He gave a bow then forced the other to do it as well.

"Bow you idiot," he hissed lowly as he tugged on the other's tie to make him do it. I looked them over and then walked up to his trainer.

"I think we need to have a word." I told him sweetly. "Of matters concerning your... training methods." He clenched his jaws as he glared at the one he was training. The lazy one held up his hands in defense as he backed away. "Obviously you have been doing something wrong. So I am dismissing you from training him... What's his name?"

"His name is Aiden," he told me, glancing back at me as he placed his hands behind his back.

"I thought you said it was bad to be noticed," Aiden hissed towards his trainer. "Don't tell her my name!"

"Aiden, I want you to meet Lauren." I motioned towards her. "Lauren, this is my gift to you." I told her sweetly. "Do what you wish with him." Aiden's eyes widened, and he took off for the door quickly, making his trainer tsk. Lauren blocked off the door fast and giggled.

"Running away so quickly Aiden?" Lauren asked. "I never had a servant of my own before." He blushed and slowly backed away from her and the door.

"Don't eat me, please don't eat me," he begged, shaking his head.

"I don't want to eat you." Lauren told him. "Not if I can help it." He bit his bottom lip and then looked her over then glanced at me.

" this a punishment?" He looked a bit frightened of her.

"I gave you to her." I told him. "You are a gift." He glanced at her and then loosened his tie as he walked towards her, putting his hands into his pockets. Lauren giggled and grabbed his tie, pulling it off and put it on.

"Nice tie." She told him and then started to unbutton the first three buttons on his shirt and ran her fingers across his chest. He blushed but didn't shy away as he started to warm up to the idea of serving her. He took off the required coat and dumped it in the floor, a taboo for my servants.

"Clean that up." I told the butler he had been serving under for the time being to learn. He nodded and walked over, picking up the jacket and then folded it over his arm.

"Would you like me to launder it and then put it back so that way another servant may use it? Or would you prefer me to place it in Aiden's quarters?" He asked me, turning to look at me. He didn't seem too upset at being ordered to clean it up.

"He won't be needing it anymore." I told the butler. "You are dismissed." He bowed towards me and then walked past Lauren and shut the door behind him softly so that the noise wouldn't disturb us. Aiden glanced after him and immediately relaxed when he was out of the room.

"Stressful, wasn't he?" Lauren asked Aiden. "You won't have to worry about him."

"Clean up these corpses! I have no use of them." I told the room maids. "Aiden, I still expect you to act like a butler to my dear little Lauren so don't disappoint me." He grinned at me and wrapped an arm around Lauren's shoulders.

"Of course I won't! I'll be the best little butler she could ask for! I'll feed her, make sure she takes baths, give her fresh clothes, and I will follow her everywhere! Heck, if she asked me to kill someone, I think I would!" He smirked and looked at Lauren.

"Please don't touch me." Lauren said as she removed his arm from her. "Your first order is to find me Twilight." He gave a nod and started to walk out of the room. I laughed and shook my head then started for Alex's bedroom, glad Lauren had decided to stay.

"I'll see you in the morning, I have to deal with Alex." I told her.

"Okay, what about that movie?" I heard Lauren ask.

"Never mind it, we will do something fun tomorrow though." I have to get more drugs... I walked into Alex's bedroom once I reached it and found him bleeding out on it. "Alex..." I grumbled. "Heal your wounds." He was staring up at the ceiling blankly, a dead look in his eyes from losing so much. The sheets surrounding his neck was stained red from it.

"I....tried," he managed to get out, unable to turn his head to look at me.

"Ugh." I walked over to him then reached into his pockets, searching them for my drugs and pulled them out then leaned in towards his neck and licked it so it would heal up. "There." He closed his eyes and started to fall asleep, his body trying to replenish already and knocking him out for it. I took my goodie bag with me to my bedroom and stashed it away under my pillow then laid down in bed to get some shut eye.