Hachi’s Cold

Hachi's POV:

I dragged Isaac from the bed and down ten flights of stairs before he finally started to realize what was happening to him. Harry had followed us the whole way in wonder. Isaac screamed and kicked at me, getting free and then took off running up the stairs past Harry as he started to wrap his tail around his bare torso. He clung to the side railing and started shouting out protection spells left and right.

"Isaac~" I purred as I had the stairs become illusions that seemed to never end and stretch. I started walking towards him slowly. "You better get back here and take your medicine with a cold spoonful." I ordered. He screamed out and then started trying to counter my spell on the stairs.

"NEVEEER!" He shrieked. He managed to stop my spell and then took off running up it again. I had the stairs become quick sand that would take him straight to the basement and I followed after my magic with him. He screamed as he hit the floor of the basement and shot to his feet, taking off running for the door to the room we were in. He yanked on it desperately and managed to get it to open a bit, apparently it was a heavy door. I sent out a spell towards him, shocking his protection spells and sending him dizzy. I broke through with a final blow and had him paralyzed for my amusement. Shackles came out of the ceiling and grabbed his ankles then pulled him up to where he was three feet off the ceiling and dangling. I walked up to him and called for Harry. He appeared by me and I gave him thread to hold as I took out my needle. While he was sleeping I had managed to strip him of his clothes except for his shorts that were up under his pants. I smirked as I had his hands shackled firmly to the ground so he couldn't budge them. He looked up at me, begging with his eyes to be let go.

"Please don't," he whimpered and I felt him manipulating the warm feeling in my chest as he curled his tail tighter around him. "Don't hurt me.... You don't have to do this..."

"I want to do this so you know who's boss." I told him as I hooked the thread to my needle. I took off my shirt to get a good look at my stitches then started to get to work on his arms first. I put the first stitch into his shoulder. He shrieked in pain and thrashed in the chains, trying to get away.

"Stop it!" He screamed at me and the warm feeling spread throughout me quickly, trying to sooth me into stopping. I pressed on though and started to rush the stitching. He whimpered and I felt the warm feeling start to slowly burn me as he turned desperate to make me stop. "Please," he whimpered as he kept his tail close around his body. "Please stop. It hurts..." I tugged on his tail to make him stop with the fire.

"Knock it off." I hissed his way. He yelped and then squeezed his eyes shut as the burning turned to frying me inside out. I took in a deep breath and focused on the stitches, telling myself to hang in there and that it would be over when I finished the stitches. I watches as they began to glow, connecting to my own. I smirked and then found a flaw in one of them so I had to start removing the stitches I messed up on. I fixed it with ease and then focused back on finishing what I started. He hadn't stopped whimpering and screaming the whole time, thrashing part of it. When I finished both his arms, he looked exhausted as he panted, his voice raw from all the shrieking he had done.

"Ha-Hachi...please," he whispered and winced as speaking sent pain through him. I watched the blood dripping off his arms and then started on his neck, smirking. He screamed again and started thrashing, making his feet bleed from where the chains were holding him up. He managed to break one of the chains and then screamed as all his weight was on one foot. He started yanking on it, trying to get it free and then started whispering a spell to break the last chain holding him upside down, managing to get some of the words out between my stitches and his whimpers. I whispered a spell to fix the broke chain and he was back to two feet upside down to help balance his weight. I messed up on a stitch because of it and had to fix it. He whimpered as he shut his eyes. "W-why are you doing this?" He held in a groan as I did the next stitch.

"Because I want to." I told him, being careful with what I say.

"But why?!" He opened his eyes and looked at me in panic. He yelped as I did the next one.

"You need authority." I told him and finished up with his neck then started on his bottom lip, giving him two there and two right bellow his left eye. He shrieked when I had done so and started to cry, tugging on the chains holding his hands.

"Stop... I don't need authority," he whimpered and struggled some more. He yelped again and then groaned in pain. "I'm going to die...."

"Shut up cry baby, I done this to myself and was perfectly fine." I told him and finished up with his face then glanced him over. I went to his hands to finish the last stiches up to lock us together forever. He balled his hands up, trying to keep me from doing it as he struggled, tugging on them. As soon as I touched him, a shock went through me from him trying to protect himself. "Isaac!" I hissed out then broke his wrists so he wouldn't be able to work with his hands and finished up my stitches with that being done. I smirked when I got the last stitch in and had the chains disappear, dropping him. He fell to the floor with a thud and shrieked from the shock of being dropped. He quickly scrambled to his feet and took off running for the door. I smirked as I could feel my stitches in him and connecting back to me. I put up the needle and thread then started for the door, having Harry follow me. Isaac managed to get the door opened and ran out before I could get over there. I could feel his fear. "Come back Isaac~ Let's hug this out."

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" He shrieked from the stairs.

"Why not? I thought you loved  me." I teased him as I walked up the stairs slowly, taking my time. He blushed from where he was standing and looked down at his feet.

"I do love you.... You hurt me though!" He looked up at me and pouted. "I'm still bleeding on my lower lip. I can taste it!" He touched his lip and then found the stitches with his fingers and pulled on it lightly. I felt my stitches tingle.

"STOP TOUCHING THE STITCHES!" I heard Paris yell from upstairs. Isaac looked up the stairs quickly as he heard him and immediately lowered his hand from them, not wanting to anger Paris. He looked at me and then walked down, wrapping his arms around me and burying his face into my neck.

"I admit I do feel a bit....whole," he mumbled. "It still hurt like holy hell!" I nodded in full agreement.

"I know it hurts." I told him. "Everything hurts." I rubbed his head. "I just don't care to pay attention to the pain." I licked my lips. "Now, are we even?" He gave a small nod and kissed my neck.

"I guess doing it without magic to make it all at once was a suitable punishment," he whispered. He smiled as he pulled away from my neck and looked me in the eyes then stole a kiss from my lips. "I love you Hachi...."

"I thought it would be suitable." I mumbled and pulled him up the stairs to get back to the main floor. "What do you want for breakfast?" He glanced at me thoughtfully and then shook his head like he was dismissing a thought.

"How about you make waffles?" He suggested, giving me an innocent smile. "I'll try to eat it with you and Harry this time."

"Oh good! I was hoping you would eat something this time." I looked towards Harry and gave him a smile then walked towards the kitchen. "I can try to make them... Eggo sounds good right?" Isaac gave a nod as he stayed right beside me all the way into the kitchen. As soon as we were inside, he picked me up and placed me on the counter, stealing a kiss before he went towards the fridge.

"I'll treat you both this morning and make some for you," he told me as he reached in for the box. I nodded and watched as Harry struggled to get up on the counters making me glad that I wasn't the only one... Paris made these too tall for us short people... I bet he done it to tease Laurence. Isaac started putting the waffles in the toaster and then grabbed plates down and found some syrup in one of the cupboards. He smirked as he set them down and then grabbed the waffles as soon as they popped up. He flicked his tail as he dropped them on the three plates and then drenched them in syrup and went to find some forks and cool whip. He grabbed some strawberries and cut one up as he placed a slice on top of the cool whip then placed the forks on the plates. He brought two over to us and put them in our laps, giving a wink before he went towards the third plate. I stuck my fork into a strawberry then popped it into my mouth, disappointed that it wasn't anything like an eye. I ate it anyways, and started for a waffle. Isaac started to eat and widened his eyes as he swallowed the first bite, glancing towards the sink like he was going to be sick, but he quickly put another bite in his mouth and shifted his gaze away from it, staring at the waffles in determination. I took a bite out of my waffles then sat them aside as I went for the freezer and pulled out a bottle of Yeager and took the cap off, bring it back to my wonderful breakfast. I smirked as I grabbed the plate and took it to the bar and climbed up into one of the tall chairs and started to drink the alcohol. Isaac glanced at me and then squeezed his eyes shut as he put a hand over his mouth. He took off towards the door, stumbling a bit as he dropped his fork on the floor. I heard him run towards the nearest bathroom.

"Shouldn't you not drink that?" I heard Harry ask me as he wrinkled up the nose. He looked like he really didn't like what I was drinking either.. I liked it though, even if it tasted like a liquorish as well as the medicine they use to give out to kids from one time period years ago. Isaac came stumbling back, looking like he was feeling a bit better, but as soon as he took one look at the waffles, he wrinkled his nose up in disgust.

"I hate human food....I really do.... It just comes right back up into the toilet every time," he muttered and walked over to his plate, scrapping what was left in the trash.

"I'm way older then I look." I answered Harry and took another swig of my wonderful choice to drink. Isaac glanced at me then walked over, taking it and then sipped it before walking off towards the door with it. I widened my eyes. "GIVE ME THAT BACK!" I took off after him for it. He laughed as he stopped to turn to me.

"Give what back? This?" He laughed again and held it up over his head so that I couldn't reach it.

"No fair." I mumbled and reached out for it. "I want to drink it." He smiled at me sweetly then handed it to me.

"Alright... you can drink it if you like Hachi.... Just don't come crying to me tomorrow when you have a hangover and you're sore," he whispered in my ear then kissed me on the cheek.

"Sore from what?" I asked and tilted my head. He shrugged.

"Maybe you'll get sore from drinking," he said and smirked at me.

"I never heard of getting sore from drinking." I mumbled then took a sip of the alcohol then walked off with it. He followed after me and laughed.

"Paris sometimes gets sore after drinking too much," he told me.

"I don't believe it." I mumbled as I sat down in the livingroom and cut on the tv. He sat down beside me and kissed my neck.

"Well...you should go ask him then if you don't believe me. He'll tell you that he sometimes gets sore after drinking. Richard too."

"Why?" I asked and tilted my head.

"Because when two people love each other veeeeery much...." he kissed my cheek and smiled at me sweetly. "They do something that only two people can do together. Sometimes, when people get drunk, they decide that they want to do it, so they go and find someone to do it with. When a boy and a girl like each other very much and they do this act of love, sometimes a baby is born," he purred in my ear then nipped at it playfully.

"They... go and adopt a child?" I asked. "That's not painful." I shook my head. He laughed and kissed my neck again.

"No... they don't go and adopt a child. See, the girl ends up with a baby in her stomach from the act of love because the boy helped put it there. When it's two guys or two girls, it is impossible for them to have a baby this way..... It involves your downstairs department," he told me and tapped right above my pants. I reached for my area and held onto it.

"I don't want it to be sore." I mumbled. He smiled at me sweetly and kissed my lips.

"If we ever do that act of love together... I will be nice about it," he purred. "I will try my best not to make you sore. Now Richard probably purposely makes Paris sore. I've seen Paris limping already."

"Lim-limping?" I scooted away from Isaac in panic. He frowned at me.

"It depends on how you do it. I think Richard wants to keep Paris to himself and in bed, so that is why he causes Paris pain the next morning. It's not that painful if the two try to be nice to each other," he informed me. I gulped as it sounded similar to what Oz done to me.

"You know what..." I placed the alcohol aside. "I want to stay sober." He laughed and shook his head.

"Hachi, I wasn't talking about trying it now. You don't have to worry about it. I'd prefer you to be sober if we ever go there...because I'd know you wanted to." He gave me a sweet smile. "You can drink if you like." I watched him carefully, knowing that in the past he had tried to get into my pants. I took my alcohol back and put distance between us as I took another sip. He frowned and crawled over to me, laying down on the couch and placing his head in my lap as he looked towards the TV. "Did I frighten you with telling you about it? It's not bad Hachi.... I've done it with Evelyn twice."

"It is bad." I mumbled softly.

"Not if you do it with someone you love and trust," he promised, looking up at me. "You should ask Paris about it. If he doesn't shy away from the topic, he'll tell you that it's safe and ok to do."

"Not it's not, don't you ever do it." I heard Paris say from the doorway. I looked towards him and blushed. "You two better keep your distance from eachother too." He ordered us as he left the doorway and disappeared down the hall. I looked towards Isaac with worry... He's a trickster. His eyes widened and he looked up at me from where his head was in my lap.

"Hachi, don't listen to him. He just wants to scare you and keep you to himself! I won't hurt you because I won't do it if you tell me no if I try to go there! Don't listen to him," he said worriedly and then kissed my tummy. "You're safe." I moved his head out of my lap.

"Keep your distance from me." I told him. "Paris's orders." He frowned then got up and started for the door.

"Fine," he growled, upset sounding.

"Wh-where are you going?" I asked him as I took another sip of the alcohol. "I didn't want you to go."

"You said keep your distance. You obviously don't want me around," he hissed, turning towards me. "If you can't even trust me enough to let me cuddle with you, then I will just go elsewhere."

"You sure are moody." I told him and got to my feet, then fell back down onto the couch from getting dizzy. He rushed over quickly and sat down beside me, bringing me close and taking the bottle from me.

"No more for you," he whispered as he turned loving in an instant. He kissed the top of my head as he set it aside. I watched as the world stretched when he placed the bottle on the table and started to go for it.

"Just a bit more."

"No more... You're going to have a headache tomorrow," he told me and then grabbed my hands, pinning them to my side to keep me from going for it. I shook my head and whined.

"I just want another sip, Isaac!" I struggled in his arms. He shook his head stubbornly and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"PARIS! HACHI'S DRUNK!" He shouted.

"No more for him!" I heard a voice yell back... it sounded like Laurence but I wasn't sure. Isaac laughed and pulled me on top of him as he laid down on the couch and kissed my cheek.

"How about you watch the TV?" He purred in my ear.

"I want to dance instead." I told him, cutting the TV off. I saw him blush a bit, but he shook his head.

"Hachi.... I don't think you should dance just yet. You can't even stand."

"I will just have to use you as support." I told him, slurring my words now. He sighed and sat up with me, moving us to our feet as he held me close to keep me from falling.

"Alright... we'll dance," he whispered in my ear and then moved me away from the table and kissed my cheek. I started to follow his movements and smiled, it had been a while since I got a chance to dance.

"Dancy dance." I mumbled.

"Do you like dancing?" He asked softly. I saw his tail swishing behind him a bit like he was happy. He started to lead me in a dance and kissed the top of my head. I nodded and leaned my head against his shoulder.

"We should put on some music... Da dum da da." I whispered in his ear. He nodded eagerly and grabbed the remote from the table as he stopped us. He turned on the TV to a music channel and smiled softly as soft piano music came on. He kissed my lips and wrapped his arms around my lower waist and started to lead me to the music. I giggled as I started to feel good and pulled my head away from his shoulder, feeling a rush coming on and started to lead him a bit. He blushed and started to let me.

"I guess I will let you," he whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my neck. I slowed down after a few long songs and headed for the couch with him, collapsing on it. He laughed and pulled me on top of him, kissing my lips passionately. "I think we should dance more often," he told me and then started a trail to my neck. I giggled and squirmed on top of him, then started to fall off into the floor with a thud. He grabbed me up and put me back on top of him, wrapping his arms around me to keep me from falling off him. "Don't fall again sweetie," he told me and laughed softly before giving the top of my head a kiss.

"No falling? Mhmmm..." I mumbled and giggled. He smiled at me and kissed my lips again.

"I can't believe you got drunk already," he whispered in my ear then pulled me close to him. "I guess I will have to keep you safe till you're sober...."

"I don't have a high tolerance due to being so little." I informed him, but I was wondering if it came out all right due to my slurring. He laughed at me and kissed my cheek.

"Come on, we're going to go see Paris and see what he thinks of you drinking like this," he told me and then picked me up, carrying me to Paris's study then set me down inside as he stood by me to steady me. "Paris, I think we should put the alcohol in a better hidden place," he said as he started to walk me over towards Paris's desk.

"Nooooo... Not the alcohol." I slurred out my objection. Paris sat his newspaper down right as I stumbled and fell into the desk, hitting my head against it.

"My... my... Hachi is worse then Laurence." I heard Paris mumble. It was probably true due to the fact that I wasn't a vampire and Laurence was. He had more footage in that area. "I think we need to get.... RICHARD!" He called. I laughed and held Hachi close to me as Richard walked in, wearing only a pair of pants.

"What?" He asked, coming over as he stretched. His hair was messed up like he'd been sleeping. "Do you want me?" He smirked and walked behind the desk, sitting in Paris's lap.

"Take a good look at Hachi and think about what you have done." I heard Paris purr. Richard glanced over and laughed.

"Aww, it looks like he got into my stash in the refrigerator.... I did a good job!" He smirked and then nuzzled his face into Paris's neck. "If he can't drink too much, he shouldn't have taken a bottle out...so not my fault."

"We have kids around so we need to start putting up our stashes." Paris mumbled. "We can't just let this happen to our boy Hachi."

"Bring back my kids...and I'll think about it," Richard hummed out then glanced at me. "Stay out of the alcohol. You can have root beer instead," he told me. Isaac pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head.

"I don't like root beer though." I complained and started to cry. "I want more alcohol." Richard sighed and looked at Paris.

"Paris, if you really don't want him drinking, hide the stash yourself. I'm going back to sleep," he told him and then stood up, starting to walk away with a little sway in his hips. I looked up at Isaac as I heard Paris take off after Richard with a predatory growl. I shivered as I was reminded about what they do in bed together. I heard Richard squeal and take off running. "YOU BETTER GO BACK TO YOUR STUDY! I MEANT I'M SLEEPING!" He shouted. Paris didn't come back though. I turned towards Isaac and kissed his cheek. He gave me a kiss back and smiled at me softly, running his fingers through my hair.

"I think I will keep you out of the alcohol from now on.... Are you feeling sleepy at all?" He asked as he stole a kiss. "I can put you down for a nap," he teased me and smirked. His tail twitched behind him, and he gave me a sweet look.

"I don't need a nap!" I complained and frowned. "I'm not tired at all." He laughed, seeming amused as he kissed my cheek and picked me up.

"Well, let's go get some fluids in you then. You probably need them," he told me and carried me back down to the kitchen and set me on top of the counter. He got down a glass and filled it up with water then handed it to me. "You'll be wanting it later if not now...so go ahead and drink up before I eat you up," he said playfully, giving me another look as he got close and kissed my cheek. He swished his tail behind him in happiness and climbed up onto the counter beside me, watching me. I switched out the beverage with a clear liquor and took a sip from it. Isaac didn't seem to notice and smiled at me, ruffling my hair. "Good...maybe you'll sober up some. I kinda want to take you out on a date today if you can sober up. If not... then I will just put you to bed and make sure you stay there."

"A date?" I asked softly... I never went on one before... I giggled. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Yes, a date. I want to take you to a roller coaster park. I think you'd like it," he purred in my ear. "Well... if you don't sober up, I guess I can just use magic to take all the alcohol out of your system." I frowned at the idea of that and shook my head.

"I don't want to go through that." I told him and took a swig of my drink. He sighed.

"Well too bad. You aren't going on a date drunk with me. You'll get me arrested because the cops will think you're underage drinking...and I'd be the only adult with you, so I'd be held responsible. There's no way we are going on a date when you are drunk Hachi."

"Then let's date here." I suggested. "We can watch some movies... play some games... Do you like cards? I like card games... I like to gamble. I think we should play with the cards and hang out by the pool.... did you know there is a pool here? Not many know but I do. It's halfway inside and halfway outside." I giggled. "We can go swimming together. I like swimming. That sounds like the perfect date.... fishing." He considered it for a moment then smirked, giving me a kiss.

"Alright.... we'll go to the pool and play a game of cards. We'll play strip poker but stop at our underpants...and the loser gets dumped in the pool," he purred, his breath tickling my ear.

"Why not strip UNO?" I asked and giggled. I was totally going to dump him in the pool. I was good at card games. He thought it over then nodded.

"Sounds good to me. I like Uno." He climbed down off of the counter and picked me up, carrying me off. "So where is it again? I can get the cards... but I want to make sure you get to the pool just fine."

"It's right out behind the garage in the back yard towards the east. It is connected to it's own personal building." I told him sweetly. "The building is connected to the second floor on the east wing." I patted his head. "You can't miss it." He nodded and carried me there, setting me down in a chair beside the pool when he reached it.

"I'll be right back with the cards." He smiled at me and ran off. I looked at the pool and went to the edge then sat down and put my feet in, kicking around in the water as I waited on Isaac. He came back after a moment, fully dressed and shuffling a pack of Uno cards. He smirked as he saw me and sat down beside me, starting to deal. "This will be fun," he murmured as he turned over the card to start. He looked up at me and kissed me. "Don't be mad if I win Mr. Drunk."

"Don't be mad when I win." I told him firmly and took my feet out of the water then picked up my cards. I began to bet my luck against him. I was great at cards and had a really good game strategy.

After a few games, Isaac and I were both shirtless, but he just lost the last one that would determine the winner. He blushed as he looked at me then down at his pants and the water. "Darn it Hachi," he mumbled and unbuttoned his pants, slipping them off and setting them aside and brought his tail close to him as he sat in his underwear. I put my shirt back on in comfort then got up behind him and pushed him into the water with all my strength but ended up going in with him. He screamed and gripped the side of the pool as he clung to it after resurfacing. He looked over at me and then sighed as he let go of it and swam over to me, wrapping me up in his arms. "Ha, you got wet too!" He smirked and kissed me passionately. "I may have lost....but you're in the pool too!" I kissed him back, finding comfort in being with him in his arms and leaned in towards his ear, whispering something in it that I know he wouldn't be able to understand. He frowned and looked at me. "What was that sweetie?" He titled his head and then nuzzled his face into my neck. I shook my head.

"Nothing." I told him and smiled softly as I leaned in towards his lips and kissed them softly. He laughed and kissed me back, gently biting my lower lip as he moved us to the edge of the pool. He lifted me out of the water and onto the edge of the pool, kissing me from the water as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and started to explore it. I pulled back from him and got up, going towards the towel rack and grabbed one to start drying off with. He laughed and lowered himself into the water till only his eyes were showing and watched me closely. I watched him, finding him to remind me of a predator of the water.... like a alligator. "You going to bite me?" I asked. "Mr. Alligator.... are you going to eat me up... if I get too close to the edge." I said as I walked towards the edge of the pool. He smirked as he watched me and waited till I got close before grabbing my foot and coming out of the water. He pulled me down onto my back and got on top of me, kissing my neck and gently biting down on it but not enough to make me bleed.

"Got you little prey," he purred in my ear then stole a kiss from my lips. I gasped and raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't expect that..." I mumbled.

"And now that you are mine... I'm not going to let go," he murmured back to me and then stole another kiss as he sucked on my lower lip teasingly. I bit his upper lip and purred slightly. I tried to flip us then to get the upper hand. I smiled once I was able to flip us then crawled off of him and fell straight into the pool, forgetting we was that close. He laughed and then pulled me out of the water and got on top of me again. "Escaping so soon?" He smirked down at me and ran his fingers down my side and up under my soaked shirt, taking it off. I giggled as his fingers tickled my skin.

"Trying to." I admitted. He laughed and then moved down to my neck, giving me a love bite.

"I love you," he whispered against my skin as he started another one. I gasped and started to blush, biting down hard on my bottom lip so I couldn't moan. He glanced up at me as he moved down my body towards my chest, starting another love bite there. I let out a moan of surprise as he was going down.

"Isaac!" I yelped. "Don't you dare."

"Dare what?" He asked, giving me an innocent look from my chest.

"Keep that up." I answered.

"Keep what up?" He smirked and then made another love bite right below it. I arched my back and tried to crawl away from him, going under his body and heading for the water. He stopped me and curled up on top of me. "I'll stop," he whispered. "Don't leave me...." I stopped trying to get away then and relaxed under him. "So what do you want to do next?" He smiled at me innocently and kissed my cheek.

"Whatever you want to do." I told him and poked his nose. "Choose something." He glanced towards the pool and then looked at me, dragging me towards it as he crawled into it.

"Let's swim together!" He purred as he pulled me in and then sunk under the water. He resurfaced a few feet away and smiled at me as he started floating on his back. "Do you ever wonder why we are here?" He asked me, looking up at the ceiling. "My father used to say that we were put here as a joke, our whole life the punchline." He glanced over at me and smiled. "Of course my mother told me we were here to find our mates and experience new things, to live life how we felt like it. She's really nice- my mother." I shook my head.

"Your parents have it all wrong. We are put here to eat each other and gain powers to become the biggest fish in the sea.... That's what my father told me and then I ate my whole family before he could eat me."  I shrugged. "We don't have soul mates." Isaac frowned and swam back to me.

"If that's true...how come you haven't eaten me yet?" He asked as he pouted.

"Because I am keeping you around as my pet?" I asked and smiled sweetly. "Plus I enjoy your company." You should eat him. He gave me a smile and stole a kiss.

"Well Hachi... I guess as long as you like me... I think I can deal with you believing that we are just put here to eat and become the biggest fish." He purred then as he got close to me and backed me up against the edge of the pool, kissing me again. I kissed him back this time and leaned in towards his ear.

"My dad never told me why he kept my mom around for so long though to have all six of us." I told him. "He must have loved her at some point." He blushed and looked at me.

"Well...maybe it was something like our relationship? I mean... you haven't eaten me yet.... and you have said you love me at least once. I think that my mom was partially right about finding the one to spend our life with. It'd be lonely without doing that." He smiled at me sweetly. \

"I haven't..." I mumbled as I tried to remember if I have officially said I loved him or not besides adding onto his love you to me. "Have I?"

"I filled it in for you all the times when you could have eaten me," he said and laughed, rubbing the back of his head. I shook my head.

"I like you." I told him and patted the top of his head. He shrugged.

"Doesn't really matter though," he mumbled and then gave me a kiss before swimming off to the deep end. I swam around on the shallow end for a few minutes then went under water and walked down the stead to the deep end, staying under and looked around at the water. Isaac was floating on the surface on his back a few feet away, his tail curled around his torso to not unbalance him. He seemed to be thinking about something as he stared up at the ceiling. I pushed off the ground and shot my body up under his to disturb him playfully as I flipped him over and surfaced. I giggled as I waited for his reaction. He screamed and started to panic till he got a grip of himself. He looked over at me wide eyed then smirked, splashing me playfully. I swam off to the divingboard near by and grabbed it, using it to lift myself out of the water and I sat down on top of it, looking down at him. He watched me curiously for a few minutes before coming over. He gave me a smile and touched my foot, sending a warm feeling through me again that interacted with the warm feeling that constantly stayed in my chest. I gave a soft moan and pulled my foot back, watching him.

"You are so weird." I told him and splashed him with my other foot. He laughed and shielded himself.

"I know...but at least I'm a good weird! I could be like...the big scary Oz," he purred as he sunk under the water to his eyes and wiggled his brows at me playfully. I pulled my knees to my chest to protect myself.

"I'd leave you." I told him quickly. He came back up and grinned at me.

"I know... I don't think I'd be able to be like him anyways. He sounded terrible," he told me and then started floating on his back again, watching me. "He must have been a terrible person to be around. I don't know how you did it....I would have died after the first year from what you've told me.... whether he killed me or I committed suicide to get away." I crossed my arms over my legs and whimpered softly, thinking about Oz.

"I ate him to get away..." I mumbled. He bit his bottom lip, seeing he was upsetting me with the topic.

"Sorry Hachi.... I was wondering if you'd like to show me how to use lost souls. I don't know too much about the subject," he said, changing the topic quickly. I perked up a bit.

"I never had one myself but I know about them through my older siblings. They had a few." I told him and got up on the diving board and started for the tile rack. "Let's go find Harry." I suggested. He climbed out of the water then and came after me, grabbing a towel and drying off before he blushed, looking down at himself.

"Lemme go get some dry clothes first," he whispered and took off running, leaving me. I dried off then used my magic to beat him to the closet in our room and looked around for something to put on. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a band shirt then put it on and waited for Isaac to come in. After a few more minutes, he walked in then stopped when he saw me. He gave me a pout then walked over to the closet and reached in, grabbing a random shirt then went to the bathroom. I walked over to the bed and fell down on it to continue waiting on him, curling up to a soft pillow. He came out after a few minutes, dressed. He smiled at me and walked over. "So Hachi... if you don't love me... then what was up with that reaction earlier with Sara," he asked in a teasing tone as he ruffled my hair.

"I was protecting my territory." I told him as I sat up.

"Awww... that was about territory? Am I your territory then? You sounded ready to kill me out of jealousy," he teased again, smirking as he leaned in and kissed me. I pulled out of the kiss and blushed.

"I wasn't jealous." I lied and blushed a brighter pink. "I wasn't." I climbed out of the bed and threw the pillow at him. He caught it with ease then set it down.

"So what would you do if I ended up with someone else in a few years- not that I would. I love you too much to leave," he purred at me and kissed the top of my head. "I don't think I'd be able to function correctly if I wasn't with you...but if it did happen."

"You wouldn't leave me unless you wanted to die." I said straight up. "Paris would slaughter you like a pig at a slaughter house."

"Awww, you do care!" He laughed and stole a kiss from me. "In your own way." I frowned and crossed my arms.

"You are just a pet." I put him in his place then and walked towards the door.

"Well... then I'd be a cat and come only when I want," he purred after me as he followed.

"More like an obedient dog." I walked out the door and started for the living room, having a good idea that Harry would be there.

"Do I need to prove that I'm here because I choose to be here?" He asked and laughed from behind me.

"Nope." I shook my head. "I don't feel like catching you." I stumbled then as the dizziness from being drunk caught back up to me. He caught me quickly and then kissed my forehead.

"Well... If I'm just a pet, maybe I should start acting like just a pet," he mumbled as he pulled me back to my feet and steadied me. He looked a bit upset at it, but he didn't show it besides his eyes as he smiled at me. I shook my head.

"You aren't just a pet." I whispered softly, almost not making it out of my mouth. He frowned at me, looking confused.

"But you just said...." he trailed off and bit his bottom lip as he looked me in the eyes. I avoided eye contact with him and started to walk towards the living room, using the walls to hold me up. He sighed and picked me up, carrying me the rest of the way. He set me down on the couch when we got in there and sat beside me. "I think I will explore town tomorrow," he suggested, glancing around for Harry. Harry was sleeping in one of the lazyboy chairs off to the side.

"I could come with you if you'd like." I suggested. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"I'd like that.... Oh, my friends called a while back. They're were looking for Evelyn," he said and laughed softly in my ear before stealing a kiss from my lips.

"What did you tell them this time?" I asked curiously. I kissed him back lovingly.

"I told them that she left me and disappeared afterwards, and I left town with a broken heart, but I'm keeping my house in case I wish to go back." He smiled at me and then gave me another kiss. "If you want... I can call them back and tell them that I recently got wind that the great and amazing Hachi the Cannibal got his hands on her," he purred in my ears then wrapped his arms around me.

"If you want." I told him and shrugged. "HARRY WAKE UP!" I called to him, making him roll over onto his stomach. Isaac's gaze shifted over to him, and he got up, going over to Harry and picking up. He cradled him to his chest as he brought him back and sat down beside me, nuzzling his face into Harry's neck as he smelled him again.

"Why do you smell him? He just smells like peaches." I told Isaac. Harry giggled softly at the feel of Isaac against his neck. Isaac glanced over at me then pressed one of his hands on Harry's chest.

"I like the scent," he said simply then looked towards Harry. "Harry, how'd you like to be marked as my pet?" He smirked. Harry began to wake up then.

"Hmm?" Harry asked.

"How'd you like to be marked as my pet?" Isaac smiled innocently at Harry as he made sure to move his other hand behind Harry to keep him from running. Harry  began to wake up more and started to squirm in Isaac's arms.

"No... I wouldn't like it at all." Harry mumbled. "HACHI!" He panicked. Isaac smirked and leaned in towards Harry's ear, shushing him softly.

"You'll be fine. I think you'll like it. Hachi liked it," he purred to Harry. Harry looked around then reached out for me.

"HACHI! Don't let him!" He begged. I shook my head and scooted away even more. Isaac laughed and pulled Harry closer as he started marking him with his magic. I could see Harry relax involuntarily as he probably felt what I felt when Isaac played with my mark he gave me.

"Shhh, that's it. You'll be fine little Harry. Trust me," he purred as he pressed his hand more firmly on Harry's chest. Harry whimpered and curled up into Isaac, placing his head on his chest. I bit my bottom lip as I watched, trying to hold back my jealousy. Isaac hummed softly in Harry's ear as he moved his hand away from his chest, revealing a bright red burn mark right where his hand had been. "Now you're my pet.... Of course, this mark is slightly different than Hachi's.... Hachi's is more of a romantic mark," he purred and glanced over at me. I smiled softly and watched as Harry tried to get away from Isaac to come to me. Isaac let him go and smirked, looking at me. I felt the warm feeling in my chest warm up as it started to spread throughout me as Isaac played with his magic from the other side of the couch, drawing me to him. I crawled over to him and got into his lap, turning Harry into a cat on my way over. He smiled at me and kissed me on the lips passionately, letting out a playful growl as he wrapped his tail around my leg. He wrapped his arms around me as he made me straddle his lap and bit my bottom lip gently, making the warm feeling a loving glow in my body. I blushed and leaned in towards the kiss, holding the bottom of his shirt. He glanced down at my hands then at my eyes and kissed me again quickly, not moving to stop me from touching his clothes. He sucked on my bottom lip, making me moan. I pulled out of the kiss and tried to get off of him.

"So- I want to show you what we can do with a lost soul." I began, wanting to distract him. He glanced down at Harry then up at me with a pout as he kept me in his lap.

"But I want another kiss," he mumbled. I felt him trying to influence the warm feeling again, making it stronger. I leaned in towards his lip and kissed them then started to grab his tail and untangle it from my leg. He kissed me back and let me touch his tail, curling it around my hand as he unattached it from my leg. I tried to get it off my hand then, finding it to be just like gum. I kissed him once more before focusing on my hand. He whined as he watched me then slid it up and around my wrist, wrapping it around my hand and my arm. I gasped and looked towards Isaac.

"I gave you a kiss." I told him. He pouted at me.

"But I don't wanna let you go. You're my beautiful Hachi," he mumbled, giving me a cute look. "I love you."

"You should let me go." I purred. "I need my hands and full body."

"But can't it wait... for one more moment," he purred back then leaned in, giving my neck a love bite. I let out a soft moan and nodded slightly.

"One more moment." I whispered. He smiled against my skin and kissed me there, licking my neck as I felt his fangs sharpen. He scrapped them against my skin teasingly before pausing when I shivered. He laughed and started another love bite right on the most sensitive spot on my neck. I gasped and let out a loud moan and tried to get away from him. "Isaac!" I hissed. He moved his face back from my neck quickly at the tone of my voice and looked up at me.

"Please? I want you to know you can trust me like this," he purred to me and then brought me closer.

"B.... but..." I mumbled as I rest my head against his shoulder.

"But what?" Isaac laughed and rubbed my head to comfort me. "I promise you can trust me like this... You can trust me with everything. I won't hurt you if I can help it." I took in a deep breath.

"I can trust you?" I asked softly, not sure. He gave a nod and placed his hand over my chest.

"You can trust me with your life," he promised to me. "I wouldn't have stayed if I didn't like you....and I love you too much to hurt you. You can trust me, and I want you to trust me. I don't ever want you to feel the way you did with Oz, trapped and fearful." I nodded slowly.

"I don't feel that way around you." I promised. He smiled at me happily and kissed me.

"Good... I want you to be happy with me... I want to make you the happiest wizard in the world- but we'll discuss that later tonight! Show me?" He gave me a cute look as he picked up Harry and placed him between us in my lap. I raised an eyebrow then rubbed Harry behind the ear.

"W-well... We can store some of our magic in him.... like this..." I pushed some of my wizardry into him and his eyes started to turn into galaxy eyes to match mine.

"Yeah...but how does that help us as wizards?" He frowned as he rubbed Harry's head and smiled as he saw the eyes.

"Well when we are battling... It gives us an advantage because now you can strike from two places." I explained. "It's extra help." He nodded.

"So it's like giving someone a bit of power so that way they can help you fight with it?" He smiled then and looked at Harry, kissing the top of his head and laughed. "I wonder how you would do with fire...."

"Plus they can help you cook up potions and spells." I added on. "They are very useful." I poked Harry on the nose. Isaac smiled and I sensed him giving Harry a bit of his fire for Harry's use.

"Like that right?" He smiled as he rubbed Harry's ears.

"Mhm. You can always take it from them too." I informed and took my magic from Harry. "That way if they get too big for their collar..." I trailed off. He nodded and then picked up Harry, bringing him close to his chest.

"I think that you are going to be very helpful in our future Harry...." He passed Harry to me and smiled at me as he leaned in and kissed me. I placed Harry down on the floor and then curled up in Isaac's lap.

"Let's go out on a date now." I suggested. He bit his bottom lip as he looked at me then gave a nod.

"Of course...anything for you Hachi," he purred and started to pull me towards the door. I suddenly heard Richard run down the stairs, laughing as he jumped over the railing. He looked like he had escaped in a rush from Paris chasing him down earlier. He glanced up the stairs and started counting under his breath like he was trying to keep his thoughts strictly away from where he was as he started for the kitchen. I tilted my head but walked by Isaac, going towards the door.

"Isaac?" I asked softly. "Where are we going?" I wondered. "For our date?"

"Well... tonight I think we will get dinner and a movie...and tomorrow we'll go to that park I mentioned earlier and explore town." He kissed the top of my head and then lead me outside. I nodded as I followed him.

"What kind of movie?" I pressed on.

"We'll see when we get there. I'm winging it," he laughed and teleported us to town outside a restaurant across from the movie theatre. "Let's get something good in that tummy of yours." I nodded as I looked the restaurant over to see what kind it was so I could plan out my meal early. It was an Italian styled restaurant that looked pretty nice for being a smaller restaurant. He tugged me inside and over to a booth where he put me in then slid in beside me. A waitress came over and sat down two menus, making Isaac wrinkle up his nose. He didn't say anything to her though and pretended to look through it. I pulled my feet up and my knees close to my chest and grabbed my menu to look through it.

"What do you think I should get?" I asked Isaac and leaned in towards his ear. I wondered then why he was sitting with me on the same side of the booth... it was going to draw attention. He glanced at me and then pointed to a type of pasta on my menu.

"I think you should try that. It would be what I ordered if I could eat it without throwing it back up." He gave me a smile as he turned to the beverages and started looking at the wine selections. "I think I will drink a bit of this though. It looks good." I frowned.

"I want some too." I whispered and looked at the wine longingly.

"Give yourself an aging potion to make you twenty one looking and then I will buy you some," he told me with a smirk. "You look like a child, so no, you can't have any." He set his menu down and stretched. I shook my head.

"I can't wait until Paris takes over." I mumbled then looked for the nonalcoholic beverages. I decided on tea and that pasta he suggested. I sat the menu down then curled up to him.

"Tell you what Hachi... When no one is looking... I'll let you have a sip of my wine," he whispered in my ear then wrapped an arm around me to bring me closer. He put our menus aside and yawned, only to have his phone go off in his pocket. With a frown, he pulled it out and widened his eyes. "My mother is asking for me.... She wants to know what happened to me."

"Hmmm? What are you going to tell her?" I asked sweetly. I looked at his phone curiously. He sighed and looked at it.

"I think I'll tell her the truth... that I ran off with a cannibal," he mumbled. "I don't normally lie...and she won't have a problem with it because she herself is a vampire and drinks from people." He started to text her then glanced at me. "Would you be upset? She'll wantto meet you....especially if she thinks that there is something between us. Her name is Camilla."

"I don't mind meeting her... If she isn't afraid I might eat her too." I waved my fingers around towards his face. He laughed.

"Hachi, she isn't afraid of anything. She's centuries old, and she has seen others like you before. Hell, she wasn't afraid of my father for a second and tried to eat him. I was born instead because he managed to tame her enough," he told me and sent the text about what really happened. His phone beeped quickly. He laughed and shook his head. "She's excited already.... She is wondering if you're my love or something since how Evelyn was obviously killed by you if you are now involved with me. She didn't much care for Evelyn, you know. She thought she was too laid back, too goody two shoed."

"I liked Evelyn... until I ate her." I told Isaac. "Well... when are we going to see her?" I asked him. He texted her again then sighed.

"Hachi... the date tomorrow will have to wait. She's requested to see you tomorrow for the whole day. She wants us to spend the night with her tomorrow. I'll have to teach you her ways tonight then...so that way you don't get there and get bit. She'll tear your throat out if you are disrespectful...but she bites the ones she likes. It's kind of hard to tell. As long as there isn't a look of murderous intent in her eyes, you're fine." He looked at me and bit his bottom lip. I shook my head quickly and faked a cough.

"I'm getting sick..  I can't go." I informed him. "So sorry Isaac." He laughed.

"I'll be there with you. She can't harm you if I'm there... Just don't get alone with her Hachi. I doubt she'll bite you out of respect of me. After all, she loves me to death," he told me and rubbed my head before giving me a kiss. 

"No I mean.... I am really sick." I shook my heas ;d. "I can't go." I told him firmly. He looked at me in concern then.

"What are you getting sick with?" He asked, putting his arm against my forehead to feel for a temp.

"Cold.... I am getting a cold." I nodded and smiled weakly. Isaac raised an eyebrow at me.

"The great and mighty Hachi who managed to hold me down in order to mark me....is getting a cold? Hachi, you don't have to be afraid of her. She's actually quite nice," he told me and gave me a kiss. "She's the woman who raised me...and you know how I turned out. She can't be bad if I was raised this nice. My father was the one you needed to watch out for." He smirked and then gave me another kiss. "She's just a bit spoiled because she was born after the revolution of vampires. She was raised to where she could have anything she wanted. However, with me, she doesn't touch my things unless I tell her she can because she loves me. Don't be afraid of her. She might be like a second mother to you if you play your cards right," he whispered and brought me close.    

"I don't know much about mothers though." I whispered softly. "I don't know how to act around them... Well I seen Louis and Richard but they are quite different." I mumbled. He thought it over for a minute then smiled at me.

"Hachi....treat her like a friend. Just show her a bit of respect and be nice to her....that's how you treat mothers," he told me and rubbed my head, soothing me.

"Do I really have to meet her?" I asked again.

"Yes, I marked you. She'll come here if you refuse to go to her. I know her very well. She doesn't take no for an answer," he whispered then laughed. "If you wanted to stay away from her, you should've told me to lie about my whereabouts." I groaned.

"I don't want to spend the night... that's the only way I will go." I told him. He nodded and texted her then laughed again.

"We don't have to spend the night. She said she 'understood completely' and that she wishes us the 'best of love's luck'." Isaac shook his head and put his phone in his pocket as the waitress came back. She picked up the menus and looked at Isaac expectantly, her pen hovering over her pad. Isaac ordered our food and gave her a smile before she left then looked at me. I sighed.

"What about my age appearance?" I asked quietly.

"She's heard stories about you. She knows perfectly well that you are older than you appear. She told me that she was watching the news for you ever since you ate your family in worry for my safety as a wizard." He took a deep breath and kissed my lips. "Don't let her scare you. She's like a child sometimes too."

"So she knows about me? I guess that is to be expected." I sighed out. "It's not fair... I get to meet and eat all of your friends and family but you won't ever get to meet my family..." He frowned at me.

"You haven't eaten my family besides my father...and you haven't even met my friends in LA. Besides... the way your family sounded... they might have devoured me for dinner," he joked and playfully touched my nose. "I was lucky you didn't eat me after showing me that galaxy. You seemed to enjoy my taste."

"W-well..." I trailed off. "My father was the only cannibal." I said softly. "My older siblings knew my mother and they knew better then to go out and eat other wizards... but my father raised my twin and I up on the belief that we should eat other wizards." I shook the topic off... knowing it was a bad choice for a date. "Nevermind Isaac, you don't need to hear this." He bit his bottom lip nervously then nodded, burying his face into my neck and smelling me.

"Ok.... I love you," he whispered. "I'm glad you came out on this date with me."

"Mhmmm... I'm glad I did too." I mumbled to him then closed my eyes. He nodded and pulled back, a look of hunger on his face as he restrained himself from biting me.

"So we'll go to see her tomorrow...and come back before dusk. She is probably scrambling to prepare for you tomorrow. She seems excited. Oh, and I think that maybe you should dress up a bit? If you don't mind? Like a tie?" He gave me a sheepish smile. "She's a bit proper when it comes to formally being introduced to someone that she doesn't plan to eat. Just a tie..."

"I don't dress up." I told him and shook my head. "I like to be comfortable." I tugged on my pants and then motioned to the fact that I had no shoes on. He laughed at that and then kissed me passionately before pulling away before we were seen.

"Well... I'll tell her she'll just have to excuse you then. She won't fuss too much if I tell her I forgot about it." He gave me an angelic smile and then watched as the waitress came back with our food and drinks, setting them down. She smiled at Isaac and then walked away. I grabbed my plate of food and brought it closer then sat indian style and grabbed my fork. I stuck it straight into the middle and started to spin it around to catch some noodles and brought it into my mouth. I slurped up the last bit of noodles and brought my glass closer to me. Isaac took a sip of his wine and let out a small moan of delight, curling up to me. "Hachi...this is the best wine I've ever tasted. You should try it," he told me and held it up to my lips and let me have a sip. It was a great balance between sweet and fruity flavored. He smiled at me and then took another gulp of it. I took a sip of my drink to wash it down the went back to eating my wonderful pasta. I really did eat pasta too much. He smiled at me and then took another sip. "I think I will see about getting more of this for later.... I really like this. Hachi, do you love me? Honestly? Like really and truly love me? Or are you just playing with me because you're bored? I don't think it will upset me if you tell me no.... It won't change too much because I'll still love you...and I don't think you are going to stop going on dates with me anytime soon. You seem to enjoy it, and I will spoil you," he purred to me as he looked at me out of the corner of his eyes, giving me a longing look. I bit my bottom lip hard.

"Sure, Isaac." I rubbed his head. "You are very important to me." I told him. I kissed the top of his head then kept eating. He gave a small nod and stared at his wine as he went for another sip, not saying anything. I rubbed his head to mess up his hair. "I don't know what else you want from me, I am trying to give you everything. I brought you back from death." He gave a nod and closed his eyes as he leaned his head against my hand.

"I know...." he trailed off and opened his eyes as he looked at me. He gave me a smile and then went back to his drink as he pulled away from my hand.

"I really am trying." I mumbled. I didn't understand why he was so complicated and wanted so much more then what I was giving him. He blushed and glanced over at me.

"That's ok. I know you are....and I'm happy that you brought me back from Hell...." He took another sip of his drink. "It's your choice, and I respect it. I can't force you to love me." I blushed and looked at my food, picking at it now with my fork.

"Isaac...." I whispered softly. "I have very deep feelings for you, I honestly do." He blushed and glanced over at me as he took another sip of his wine.

"Y-you...do?" He looked at me and bit his bottom lip before leaning in hesitantly. "W-well...why do you say that you don't all the time?" He kissed me softly for a second and then pulled back to look at me in wonder.

"Because it's complicated. I don't know much about love." I shrugged and sighed. "My parents weren't never encouraging." He nodded in understanding and pulled me close.

"Well... I will do my best to help you with it then. If you have questions, you can ask me. Don't ask Paris." He smiled as he kissed my neck. I pulled away from his kiss and took a sip of my drink.

"I don't have any questions." I told him softly.

"Ok," he said happily and then took a sip of his wine. "So I'm officially going to start calling you my boyfriend." I shook my head quickly.

"I didn't agree to that!" I said quickly and raised up my hands. "Don't you go around saying that."

"Only to friends and family sweetie," he whispered and then smiled sweetly.

"NO!" I yelped. "Not to anyone!" I covered his mouth. He laughed through my hand then pulled out his phone, looking up Paris's number on it. He quickly texted him the news before I could snatch it from him. I whimpered. "Isaac, I'm not ready for a boyfriend!" I told him firmly.

"We'll take it slow then as boyfriends!" He laughed, looking like a child on Christmas morning.

"No! We can be friends and boys but not boyfriends." I shook my head. "I don't want this to be ruined."

"It's just a label," he said and smiled at me. "Look, all boyfriends do is what we've been doing, going on dates, kissing, hugging....talking to each other.....and sometimes what Paris and Richard do- but I'm not asking that of you."

"I don't want us labeled just yet." I muttered. "We have it going nice without being boyfriends." He sighed and texted Paris that it was a false alarm then went back to his drink. I relaxed and finished eating. When the waitress came back, Isaac paid for the meal and tipped her before leading me outside and across the street to the movie theatre.

"Well, let's go watch the movie," he whispered as he smiled softly, trying to keep a happy look on his face as he took me across the street. He glanced at the sign and smiled. "We'll watch Doctor Strange!"

"Hmmm... okay!! I like Doctors." I pulled him into the movie theater and up to a counter where we paid for our tickets to see the movie then took him to the movie room where our movie would be playing at. I walked in and looked at the seats, seeing we were going to have it all to ourselves. I went all the way to the back and took a seat dead center. The best part about small town theaters was the fact that there sometimes weren't anyone in the theater. He sat down beside me and put the popcorn in my lap.

"Here we go...." He propped his feet up on the chair in front of him then let his tail out of his shirt. "That's so much better feeling...." He snuggled up into his seat as he got comfortable and looked up at me. "I'm so glad we came here....instead of somewhere else." I nodded in agreement.

"Isaac... if you really want... to be together then I suppose we can try it out for a week." I whispered to him, trying to keep quiet and praying he wouldn't hear me. He glanced up at me like he heard me, but he didn't say anything as he looked back at the movie screen as it started. I shrunk in my seat and decided to nap through the movie. I closed my eyes and started to drift asleep.

"Hachi....HACHI!" Isaac started shaking me and dumped the popcorn in my face. "Wake up! The movie is over!" Uh Oh... Busted. I looked towards him innocently.

"How'd you like the movie? I thought it was cool." I got to my feet then and stretched. He growled at me as he slipped his tail back up his shirt and started walking away from me for the exits. I followed after him and grabbed his hand, holding it as I followed. "Isaac?" I asked sweetly. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and sighed, squeezing my hand but not saying anything back. "Isaac..." I trailed off, wanting to make it up to him. "Sorry?" He smiled softly then and kissed the top of my head.

"Alright sweetie.... I guess it's alright. It's just a movie. It's not like you were sleeping because of me." He pulled me close and lead me out of the movie theater then teleported us home to our bedroom. He yawned, looking a bit tired as he walked over to his bed and crawled into it, curling up. I walked over to him and laid down by him then curled up, fearful about tomorrow so I tried to stay awake.

"Isaac?" I asked softly. "How upset would your mother be if I didn't come tomorrow?" He opened his eyes and looked at me, bringing me close with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Hmm....well... I'd be in trouble....and she'd just find where I am in less than a week," he whispered. "You aren't getting out of meeting her, so it's either tomorrow on pleasant terms...or it's later when she's had to hunt us down." I groaned.

"But you are a demon... She's going to freak." I curled up to a pillow. "I don't want to have to eat her in front of you.." His eyes widened then.

"YOU AREN'T EATING MY MOM!" He shouted at me and sat up, glaring at me. I smiled at him innocently.

"Better keep her from me. I eat vampires too." I informed him and showed my teeth.

"You eat my mom...and I'll punish you," he hissed.

"How will you punish me?" I asked curiously. He thought it over for a few minutes, looking my body over.

"I'll punish you....by...." he frowned then smirked at me, looking me in the eyes. "I'll punish you like Paris and Richard." I gulped and sat up quickly, crawling out of bed.

"No you wouldn't." I mumbled. He laughed and flicked his tail on the bed as he got to his knees on it.

"You know Hachi... I have to fight these demonic urges.... and it's really hard when I'm upset," he purred as he tugged on the bottom of his shirt playfully. I took a step back... he was going to eat me... I took off for the bathroom door.

"AHHHHH!" I cried out. I was suddenly frozen to the floor, and I heard him get up, coming over to me.

"Isaac is gonna get you...." he sung out and laughed darkly. The room started to darken and I saw his eyes start to glow just a bit. "The big bad demon is going to take you all for himself." He got close and then wrapped his arms around my waist as the room went completely dark to where I could barely see him anymore. He kissed me suddenly and I was lifted off the ground and pressed up against a wall. I felt his tail slid up under my shirt as he tugged it off over my head then felt him kissing my chest and giving me love bites. He forced me legs around him and held me up by my butt and his weight pressing me into the wall. I felt my heart skip a beat as I started to fear the dark.

"Isaac~ Please turn the lights back on." I whimpered, my heart was pounding in my chest. The lights came back on a bit to where I could see again, and I saw him looking at me lovingly as he started another love bite. He smirked and then kissed my chest as he squeezed my butt. His tail flicked behind him excitedly and he moved us off of the wall, making me have to grip him for support. I clung to him, not wanting to be dropped. I reached for his tail, seeing it was my only hope at the moment seeming how Isaac was nuts. He purred against my chest as he buried his face into it, giving me another kiss. His tail swished again, lucky for him because it kept me from being able to grab it right away. He didn't seem to notice I was trying for it. I tried to slide my legs down his body so I could stand on my own. He growled and used one of his hands to grab my thigh, keeping me on him as he moved us towards the bed then laid me down on it, crawling on top of me as he stayed in between my legs. I couldn't even see a look of Isaac's former light in his eyes. He looked pure demonic in them, like he lost the battle with his instincts. I held my breath and started to reach for his tail to grab it, succeeding in getting it. I pulled on it slightly so he was aware I now had power. His eyes widened and he looked back at it, growling as he tried to get his tail out of my hand. He still hadn't quite snapped out of it. I let his tail slip and froze up as I lost it from being distracted by his growls. He quickly wrapped his tail around his torso to help keep me from grabbing at it again then kissed me passionately, biting my lower lip hard and then slipping his tongue into my mouth. I felt him cut off my magic with his own and then he took my tongue and started sucking on it. He closed his eyes as he leaned into me. I moaned as he stole my tongue so quickly and panicked. He took my magic from me! I grabbed his sides and squeezed them tightly. He let out another soft growl as he ran his fingers down my side to my hands and gripped them. He pulled back from the kiss and then went to the sensitive spot in my neck and started another love bite, pressing his face into my neck. I let out a moan and left my face heat up into a blush. I tried to pull my hands free and squirmed under him.

"Isaac~" I tried to talk him back to his sanity. He moved down an inch on my neck and started another one, pinning my hands above my head. I felt him start to use his mark to his advantage as he started to send that warm feeling throughout my body to my toes. I curled up my toes and then arched my back slightly. "ISAAC!" I mumbled and pressed my chest against his. He shoved me down onto the bed and growled as he pulled back and looked me in the eyes. I widened my eyes slightly. "Let's get some shut eye?" I asked softly. "Big day tomorrow." He narrowed his eyes and then moved back to my neck. He gave me a kiss and then started a trail, moving his free hand to the top of my pants. I squirmed under him and then managed to get a leg between his and pushed upwards to stop him. He stopped as soon as he felt me do that and looked up at me, his breath catching in his throat. He sat up quickly and crawled off of me as the light came back to his eyes.

"I'm so sorry..." He put a hand over his mouth as he saw the new marks on me and shook his head. "I'm so sorry," he repeated and looked worried about me. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

"DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!" I hissed and crawled up under the blankets and pulled it over my shoulders to hide my chest. He started to cry then and curled up on the bed.

"I can't believe I did that," he whimpered to himself as he was a few feet away from me and curled up to the pillow. I pulled the blanket over my head then and curled up to myself.

"I think we need to get you to drink a whole bunch of church water." I told him. He whimpered and I felt him trembling.

"I don't wanna drink church water.... what if it'll hurt me?" I heard him sniffle. "Are you alright?" He whispered as he started to get ahold of himself.

"Uh-huh." I whispered and touched my sore neck. "I'm fine." I told him. "You better be glad I didn't kick you." I felt the bed shift as he crawled over to me then moved the blanket off of my head. He gently touched my neck as he inspected it and sighed, shaking his head.

"I need to be more careful... I can't play with the demon ideas like I thought I could," he mumbled to himself. I hit his hand as he touched my neck.

"Don't touch me." I told him firmly. "Not on my booboo's." I bit my bottom lip. He frowned, looking hurt and pulled his hand away.

"Sorry.... I didn't mean to," he whispered and then laid down beside me, curling up against my side as he rested his head on my chest. I closed my eyes and then looked up for my shirt.

"Can you get me my shirt?" I asked sweetly. He sat up then picked my shirt up off of the floor and handed it to me. He blushed and looked away to give me privacy.

"I need to get you something to use against me if I ever do that again... who knows how long I will be stuck as a demon, fighting dark thoughts...." He played with his hair. I tried to heal myself up, testing to see if my magic was back yet. I frowned when my magic wasn't working to my advantage.

"Isaac, you took my magic." I complained. He glanced over and frowned.

"I did? Oh... I really did, didn't I?" He gave me a nervous smile and then I felt my magic come back. "Sorry Hachi... I think I'll make you a charm to work against me." I healed my neck up then clasped my hands together so I could form something in it from my magic. I started to chant something, ignoring what he would ask. I brought my hands out as light started to shine in the center and started to form a special necklace for me with a small little silver cross to dangle on it. Once it was formed I placed it around my neck.

"Maybe this will do." He frowned as he looked at it.

"What does it do?" He asked, coming closer to look at it curiously.

"It's just a cross... like a cross to something demonic. Try to touch it." I suggested.

"Does this mean I can't kiss you anymore?" He whined as he reached out a hand obediently. I was surprised when there seemed to be a shield between him and I that he couldn't pass. I giggled and slid away from him, placing pillows between us to give me space.

"Now that should do it."

"That's not fair," he mumbled as he curled up on the other side of the bed. "It's not my fault what happened. I can't help the fact that the demon took over."

"I know you can't help it so you should understand that this is for the best." I told him and curled up into a ball. "Now I am safe."

"Now you can't really hug Paris either," he muttered and stole most of the blanket, turning over onto his side away from me so he wouldn't have to look at me.

"I'll take the cross off if I have to so I can hug him." I told Isaac. He shrugged.

"Whatever," he muttered and curled up tighter. I frowned then took off the necklace and placed it on the nightstand. I crawled over the pillows to him and curled up right by him. He glanced at me and seemed conflicted about whether or not to give me the cold shoulder, but he eventually turned over to face me and wrapped me up in his arms, closing his eyes. "I love you Hachi...."

"I hope you are happy." I grumbled. "I might end up with a baby." I shrieked at the thought. "Your demon is a demon." He frowned at me.

"What are you talking about? We can't even have kids because we are both boys," he pointed out. "I'd have to say that word I programmed on you in order to change you into a girl...but you'd murder me the next morning. If we ever wanted kids, I imagine that you'd make me be the girl."

"Well your demon could turn me into a girl." I whimpered at the thought. "Then it could end up going farther then it got this time and I won't have anything to protect myself with because you are too stubborn to care." I cried out in worry. He sighed and sat up.

"I can always remove the spell I put on you....and I can give you something that will only react when I go demonic so that way you can wear it and I can still kiss you unless I have fallen out of being sane," he told me and placed a hand on my chest. I suddenly felt lighter and he pulled his hand back and winced. "Well...that's over with. I'd have to repeat the entire spell in order to do it to you again...." He closed his eyes and summoned his fire into one hand and then closed his other hand over it. After a few minutes of squeezing his hand tightly, he opened his hand and produced a silver bracelet with a charm on it. He opened his mouth and exposed his fangs, pricking his finger on one and then dropped some of his blood on it. The metal sizzled and glowed in an enchantment before he handed it to me. "That will protect you from me specifically being taken over." I grabbed it then put it in my pants pocket and then closed my eyes.

"I hope you are happy." I mumbled. He laughed.

"If I wasn't happy that you are accepting my proposal on what to do about all this....then I'd ask you to kill me or order Paris to take the demon out of me," he whispered as he laid down beside me. I turned over to face the pillows and curled up to them.

"Yeah..." I mumbled softly. "I wish you wasn't a demon vampire wizard... You make this complicated." He whined and then kissed my neck.

"But Hachi... I thought you liked me with a tail," he purred in my ear.

"The tail sure is a huge advantage for me." I agreed. "I tried to pull on your tail but it slipped this time." I informed him. He frowned.

"Did I fight you about it then?" He glanced at his tail as he flicked it. "Well... if I'm about to rape you Hachi because the demon took over, then I don't care how hard you grip my tail and pull on it. Don't hold it gently if you want me to stop. After all... I don't want you to get hurt," he told me and brought his tail close to him. I nodded and blushed slightly.

"Don't talk like that Isaac." I whispered and rolled over to curl up into him. He frowned at me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Talk like what?" He asked, not understanding. "It's for your safety."

"Talk about something like that happening." I told him and hid my face against his chest. He kissed the top of my head then.

"But I want you to know it's alright. I'm much bigger than you...and you'd get hurt if I wasn't in control. I don't want you to get hurt at all.... My morals are gone when the demon takes over," he whispered. "I don't want this to happen again....so you need to know it's alright to hurt me when I'm like that."

"I don't want to hurt you though... I'll just snap you back." I told him stubbornly. He smiled and kissed the top of my head again.

"Alright.... if you want to try that first, then I guess you can, but if it comes down to it, injure me," he whispered and snuggled up to me, burying his face into my neck.

"I'll eat you up." I suggested. "That will make you stop." He nodded.

"That's good enough," he mumbled and then curled up to me. "I love you sweetie." He kissed my cheek and yawned.

"Why do you call me sweetie?" I asked curiously. I felt his face heat up.

"Ummm....It slipped?" I felt him tense up against me.

"It slips a lot." I told him. "So... is it like a nickname for me?"

"Would you like it to be?" He whispered and pulled away from my neck to look me in the eyes.

"I don't mind if it is." I mumbled and leaned up into his face then kissed him softly. He kissed me back and then tightened his arms around me as he brought me closer. He smiled against my lips happily then pulled back and curled up to me.

"Goodnight Hachi," he mumbled and yawned, falling asleep. I gasped as he fell asleep on me then closed my eyes, falling asleep not long after him.