Down With The Bloody Red Council

Charlie's POV:

Dante sighed as he came back with the last bags from our trip and set them down in our bedroom inside my family manor. "There we go.... Aren't you going to go say hi to your twin?" He laughed and came over, giving me a kiss. I pulled out of the kiss as the door was flung open and I heard Riley rushing to me and tackling me onto the bed.

"CHARLIE!" Riley said desperately. "I missed you! I won't ever let you leave my side again. You won't ever go near Dante too! He takes you off way too much for my liking." He kissed my cheeks and started for my neck then playfully bit me, making me yelp. I struggled under him.

"Dante help!" I begged. Dante quickly pulled Riley off of me and growled, exposing his fangs and biting down into Riley as punishment. Riley yelped and bit Dante back without much hesitation. I widened my eyes. "Stop it boys!" I hissed. I heard Riley growl. Dante growled back threateningly as he grabbed Riley by the front of his shirt and pressed him up against a wall.

"Don't you growl at me Riley... I could kill you so fast," he trailed off as he stared Riley down, licking his lips then let go and hugged Riley. "Now don't bite Charlie," he said and let go, coming over to me and crawling into bed beside me.

"He's my twin." Riley hissed and reached out for me. "Come on Charlie." He urged me to come to him and it was very tempting. I started for him then, wanting to be in his arms. Dante grabbed me and pulled me down onto the bed again.

"Riley, he's my mate. You have to live with the fact that you have to share Charlie with me. If you can't.... then I'll simply run off with him to Hawaii next time," Dante told him, looking him straight in the eyes challengingly.

"He's my twin though." Riley whimpered as he looked pained to see me separated from him. I bit my bottom lip hard, breaking the skin and it started to bleed. He was by me in a second, looking at my lip and running his thumb against the wound. Dante made a small noise as he sat up to look at it and frowned.

"Charlie, if you are should eat something... You can have a bite out of me," he offered, exposing his neck then looked at Riley, pulling him down onto the bed beside me as he understood that I had wanted Riley as well. "Now we'll both share Charlie and give him all the love he deserves." Riley curled up to me lovingly as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"My little twin... all grown up but yet still the same age." He mumbled to me, making me blush. I looked towards Dante's neck and shook my head.

"I don't want anything to drink." I told Dante as I licked my lip to heal it. He nodded and curled up on my other side, wrapping me up in his arms as he shared me with Riley, not pulling me away from him.

"Ok my love," he mumbled and kissed my cheek. I purred slightly as I felt their body heat warming me up with love.

"I love you two." I said sweetly.

"I love you to little twin." I heard Riley whisper into my ear. Dante purred into my other ear and his breath tickled my neck. I felt him kiss my neck and then he sharpened his fangs, running them across my skin. He bit down gently and started to remark me. I let out a moan and arched my back, making me blush.

"Not in front of my twin!" I yelped.

"But he's your twin... your other half. He'll be ok. Besides, I promised to share you with him today," Dante whispered as he licked the bite and then bit down again gently, drinking from me. I growled at him and heard Riley chuckle as he started to run his fingers through my hair.

"Oh little Charlie... are you ready to go train with me today?" He asked in my ear. Dante laughed and kissed my cheek as he finished drinking from me.

"I should help you two again.... It might be fun," he purred and reached over to Riley, ruffling his hair before moving his hand back to me.

"I think not!" I hissed. "I don't want you training me again." I told Dante stubbornly.

"But I want to be involved in you bettering yourself!" He complained and kissed me suddenly. "It's a good thing!"

"No it's not. You can sit on the side line and cheer me on." I suggested. He frowned as he looked me over.

"But I'm the Prince of Germany... I'm well known for my battle prowess and strength." He watched me closely.

"I want to train with my maker Dylan and Riley- my twin." I told him firmly.

"But I'm your maker too! I just released is all," he growled.

"Too bad... you should have kept me." I teased.

"But you asked me to!" He pulled me closer, making Riley slide over to keep a grip on me. Riley tried to tug me back with annoyance in his eyes.

"I know I did."

"You're so cruel to me," he mumbled as he buried his face into my neck and then pressed his body against my side. "Don't you want my help?"

"No.... I don't." I said stubbornly then heard the door bell going off for the front door. Riley shot up out of bed and pulled out a gun from his pants.

"We didn't plan for guest today." I heard Riley hiss and start going out the door. I went to follow after him, pulling out a knife from my pocket. Dante got up and pulled out a knife from his boot then went to the holster he kept at his side, his fingers twitching as he followed us.

"You didn't...huh?" Dante's eyes narrowed. "Well... they are about to get a rude awakening."

"Who would have so much disrespect for the Ainsworth's to just come up to the doorbell and ring it?" I asked softly.

"Well... Brooklyn has been up to no good lately. The whole town is afraid of her... they found out she's a vampire and she's been picking everyone off." Riley hissed towards me. "Then Paris took out HAHQI which Dylan has been pissed over slightly." I nodded in agreement. We stopped walking at the top of the stairs, Dylan was already about to answer the door with Blade(our wonderful hunter friend) by his side. I aimed the door down with my knife and smirked as I got right up beside Riley.

"Little to the left." I whispered to him, making him growl at me. Dante pulled out his gun and aimed it at the door, narrowing his eyes as he waited patiently. He sniffed the air, trying to catch a whiff in case he could smell whoever was ringing the bell. I watched as Riley shifted the gun to the left a bit and tensed up. I took in a deep breath as Dylan cracked the door a bit and then I could hear him snicker.

"Hi boys." I heard a familiar voice as the door was swung open, making Dylan take a step back for it. Val smiled at us as she stepped through the door with ease. Dante shot her in the arm without hesitation.

"Hey Val!" He shouted and smirked as he went to shoot her in the other arm. Val hissed out in pain and pulled the bullet out.

"What are you doing in my manor?" Dylan asked her.

"Asking for a favor." Val said as she pulled Dylan in front of her to make sure she wouldn't get shot again. "I need you~" Dante laughed and was suddenly behind her, stabbing her in the back and throwing her up against the wall.

"So Val... I haven't seen you since Louis was trying for a war!" He smirked as he held the gun to her head. I frowned as I seen a vampire rush into the manor- looked like her new body guard so I slung the knife his way and got him right in the eye before he could make it into the manor all the way.

"Whoa... Who said you need training?" Riley asked me and patted me on the back. I smirked and pulled out another knife. "You were always a natural at knives though."

"Well... I'm stuck in a hard place." Val said without flinching. "Glad to see you here though Dante." She reached out to rub his cheek. "I need to talk to you too."

"What do you have to say to my family?" I asked as I threw a knife at her and had it sling into her hand and pin it against a wall behind her. I noticed Dante had accepted her gesture with her other hand and rubbed his face into her hand as he kept the gun against her forehead.

"What do you want?" He asked softly, relaxing a bit. "After all... if it was to kill us... you wouldn't be letting me hold this gun against your head like this. You would've fought back by now."

"I want to talk to you about making Paris and Richard disappear for a bit." I heard Val whispering to Dante.

"No way in hell." Dylan hissed.

"But they killed so many hunters." I heard Riley object Dylan. Dante looked at Val and frowned.

"Now why would you want to go and do that?" He asked and lowered the gun to her chest right above her stone. "Think carefully...because that is my new family you are threatening Val.... If I hear something I don't like... poof goes your stone."

"Hmmm... I want to just take out their stones and heal them all up." Val told us, smiling innocently. "They are starting a new revolution, you know?" She asked. "Everyone that he doesn't care for on the council is going to go poof." She made her hand make an explosion sign.

"Wooow....sounds like you're going to get it," Dante teased and laughed at her. "I mean...unless you've pleaded to him. The" He trailed off and frowned as he looked her in the eyes. "The council does have some issues. I mean.... it was supposed to be a balance of power...but I can carry so much power in that council room.... The major powers today are in control in there. The little countries don't do much. Paris will probably just pick them off honestly.... Though if it was my neck on the line... I get what you are saying. If no one can cleanse Paris....we'll have war. I like war at the best of times...but I kind of don't want to pick sides if it's between you and Paris. That's asking me to pick between Charlie my mate, and you my best friend." Dante frowned and looked up at me before looking at her. "You'll have to talk more than that."

"Dante... Paris doesn't like you... When he starts picking off the council members he will gladly take you with them. Even if you are Charlie's mate." Her eyes met mine. "He'd be thinking good riddance. You don't want to die, do you?" She asked Dante but kept her eyes on me. "That would suck." Dante laughed and shook his head no.

"No... I would hate to die honestly. You do have a point. Paris doesn't like me...and I usually don't like him. I only have stopped fighting with him due to Charlie..... so if you say all you want to do is cleanse his stone to make him back to his normal happy fun loving self, then I guess I will help you," Dante told her and lowered his gun, putting it in his holster. He took her hand and flipped it over to her wrist, leaning in and biting her.

I heard her shriek from him biting her, but I was too focused on the fact that she was wanting to take Paris's stone. It just wasn't adding up in my head. Why would Val be so interested in doing this for Paris? There had to be something in it for her besides saving her own skin. I glanced over at Riley to see how he was going about this. He gave me a smirk then lowered his gun. Dante laughed as he pulled back from her wrist and looked her in the eyes. "I will see what I can do about taking their stones to have them cleansed...." He licked his lips and looked at her neck hungrily, leaning forward a bit as a smirk formed on his face. He truly looked cruel in that moment as he pressed her up against the wall and bit down into her neck before she could fight back. I could smell her blood from here, his bite probably deep enough to make her bleed out rapidly...a nasty bite. I smelled smoke then as Val light up her blood, causing Dante sever pain. He screamed and moved his face back from her neck, glaring at her. "WHAT THE HECK?!" He yelled and grabbed her by the throat, pinning her up against the wall. She widened her eyes and grabbed his hands.

"Dante, stop!" I hissed, rushing towards the stairs.

"Not on my floor." I heard Dylan tell Dante. He looked back at Dylan and sighed, dropping her and taking a step back as he wiped his face clean.

"You're lucky little princess," Dante told her and smirked.

"Your fault for biting me." Val growled. She gave a smirk then and I stopped rushing to them. He laughed at her and held out a hand to help her up from where he had dropped her on the floor. He pulled her close and licked her neck, healing it.

"There....all better," he whispered then pulled away from her, walking over to Dylan. "So, are you in on helping her? Or am I doing this myself?"

"Paris did take out the HQ international." I heard Riley speaking to us.

"We agree then to help Val?" Dylan asked as he looked towards me. I froze up and looked towards her then nodded slightly. "Then you have us on your side Val." Val giggled and started for the door.

"Sounds good to me." Dante grabbed her suddenly by her arm and looked her in the eyes sternly.

"Val....should you be doing this for anything other than cleansing'll be in trouble with me specifically if not anyone else. No one tricks me, understand?" Dante told her, studying her eyes as if he was staring into her soul.

"Whatever you say Dante, I will always remember your face though when I asked Paris to dance with me instead of you." She teased. He smirked and let go.

"Well... I do remember those days very well.... I was very possessive over the princesses... specifically you," he said softly then touched her neck gently. "So you and Alex huh? I could taste it.... I'm glad you found a mate. If only he can tame you down enough," he joked.

"He's not my mate, just a love sick pup." Val said and waved off the subject about Alex. I raised an eyebrow as I watched Val closely near Dante. Should I go get him and kiss him right in front of her and make sure she knows and he knows that I am possessive too? I felt Riley slipping his arms around my waist. Dante laughed and rubbed her cheek.

"Well good. We can't have the Princess of Italy- the flirt and druggie queen of the world- tied down to a mere newborn," he teased.

"Never." Val spat. "I don't settle." She started for the door then. "Bye boys." She blew Dylan a kiss. Dante pouted.

"Now where's mine? I've known you way longer...and we used to be the best of friends- starting trouble wherever we went," Dante complained. Val looked towards Dante as she stopped by the door and leaned up against it then sent him a peace sign. He shrugged, satisfied. "Good enough. See ya Val," he said cheerfully and waved towards her. "Oh, and if I get high... I'm coming to murder you for contaminating my precious blood."

"I took a good whiff of this powdery substance... Have fun Dante." She giggled wickedly and shut the door. I shrieked at the thought of Dante high off of drugs. I am going to shut myself up in a supply closet... I tried to get away from Riley but he wouldn't let me go. Dante tensed up as he started thinking about it then teleported away to the bathroom down the hall from me. I heard the water running and him trying to puke. I raised an eyebrow then pulled Riley with me to the livingroom but he wanted to tote me towards the gym.

"URGH." I groaned in defeat as I followed him.

Paris's POV:

Richard ran up to me and smirked as he hugged me. "Let's do something fun today! After all... you haven't let me out lately...and I can't have the kids around to play with! Plus, I've been getting really sore, so you need to quit!" He pulled back and put his hands on his hips. I sighed.

"Well... if you are too sore then I guess we could have a royal meeting and take down the royals today then afterwards go out for milkshakes with the boys... then we could end our day with going to see William." I suggested. Richard's eyes lit up happily, and he leaned in, kissing me passionately.

"That sounds great," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned in towards his neck and kissed it lovingly then pulled back to look him in the eyes.

"Go get dressed and ready- I will tell the boys we are going out and call a royal meeting for today." I told him as I took out my phone then dialed up Dante to call him first, I knew he would spread it around to everyone we was having a meeting today. He picked up and laughed a bit.

"Ello~! Wassup little demon!" He sounded off, not his usual serious self. Richard took off towards our bedroom quickly with a big grin on his face.

"I am arranging for a royal meeting for today." I told him. "Spread the news?" I asked as I was already busy texting Val, Louis, Victor, and Laurence to do the same thing.

"A meeting?" He laughed again, and I heard the phone shuffle around a bit before he responded back, "Suuuure.... I will think about it."

"Dante..." I trailed off. "I wouldn't like it if some members didn't show up." I heard him giggle on the other side.

"Well I'm not coming~! The fairy told me not to," he said and I heard him flop down onto a bed.

"I don't need you there anyways." I stiffened a laugh.

"Good little Pary Wary," he sung out. "So I heard from a little bird that you wanted to kill a ton of people."

"Get some sleep Dante, if I need you I will call you." I told him firmly.

"But I'm wide awake...and the fairies keep poking their little faces where they shouldn't all in the closet and dressers.... I can't possibly sleep with all that racket...." I pulled my face back from the phone, wondering why he was acting so strange.

"Are you on drugs?" I heard him pause for a moment then giggle.

"Maaaaaybe.... I got a little visit from Val~! Of course I drank from her! One of the best meals I've had in a while since how Charlie- my little snuggle teddy poo- won't let me drink from strangers much!" He laughed again and I heard him mumbling something under his breath. I shook my head and then hung up on him. He wouldn't mind after all.. he probably won't even notice. I started for Hachi and Isaac- who was in the livingroom and walked up to them with a huge smirk.

"Get ready, we are going out to eat after I do some business." I told them. I texted Laurence the same thing I just told them, since he counted as one of the boys I was taking out to eat with. Isaac looked up at me and frowned.

"But I'm supposed to go see my mom later," he complained, twitching his tail as he laid out on the couch on his stomach. He propped his head up on his hands as he looked at me, slowly kicking his feet over his head back and forth.

"No we don't." Hachi said quickly. "We will gladly go hang out with you Paris papa." Hachi looked and sounded like he was begging to get out of going to meet Isaac's mother. Hachi curled up into a ball.

"But Hachi- my mom said that she wanted to meet you....and I already told you that she'll hunt us down if we don't go today," Isaac told him then looked up at me, pouting. "Paris... I think Richard hid all the bottled blood."

"Hmmm... I will talk to him about the bottled blood... Hachi you need to go with Isaac to see his mother. I don't want her coming up in here looking you the two of you." I said firmly then started for the door. "RICHARD IT'S JUST GOING TO BE US AND LAURENCE!" I informed him.

"OK LOVE!" He shouted down to me then laughed. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and Richard jumped over the railing to get over to me. He smirked as he lifted up the t-shirt he was wearing to reveal his battle clothes. "I'm ready! I even grabbed your favorite knife!" He pulled it out of his belt and held it out to me. I grabbed it then put it in my pocket.

"I'm ready to go too." I told him and started for the door. "Bye boys, have a good day seeing that lady." I told them on the couch. Isaac laughed darkly as we left, reaching for Hachi. Just as we got outside, Richard tackled me into a hug and kissed my neck, biting down hard. I could feel him smirking against my skin as he leaned in to me, running a hand down my side and up under my shirt. I laughed softly and pulled him to my car. "Come on sweetie, we have to take down the council." I whispered into his ear.

"But I'm a binge eater...and I haven't been getting enough," he complained in my ear then licked my neck, sending a shiver through me. I shook my head quickly as I opened the car door for him.

"We can't drink any blood from each other until after the meeting, that way we don't risk something.... like weakness." I told him as I went around to the drivers side and got in. He sighed and climbed in, shutting the car door behind him.

"But I'm hungry....and you've been keeping me under lock and key in the manor...." He pouted at me as he brought his feet up into the seat.

"When we get done slaughtering the council then we can go hunting together with Laurence and William." I suggested to make him feel better. He glanced at me then nodded eagerly.

"That sounds amazing.... I will turn everyone in town," he purred as he leaned back in his seat and watched me.

"We need to leave some humans to drink from, after all it is unhealthy to only feed off of vampire. We need humans to keep us balanced." I told him firmly, remembering what Laurence told us so many years ago. Richard pouted at me and then looked out the window.

"It's not my fault I enjoy hunting...and I like feeding when I can," he mumbled then sighed a little. "Guess I won't be so hungry after the meeting though.... I can eat the others."

"You'll be hungry, my little blood binger." I purred towards him.

"Remember that time you caught me outside with that girl in the garden the night we met? You seemed so scared of me.... I wonder what happened to that fear. You certainly don't act afraid.... I used to be more dominate because of it," he told me and laughed as he looked at me.

"I was young back then! I grew up Richard." I ran my fingers through his hair and then pulled him closer to me. I tried to pay attention to the road as I accelerated the car- driving over 150mph after getting out of the manor gates. "I realized that I wanted to be a little dominate too and I found out I liked having power. We both are dominate and that's not a bad thing... That just means we like to do it more often then normal couples.... which isn't bad. We have been together for so long it doesn't phase us to jump into bed with each other but young couples...." I laughed as I imagined what Hachi and Isaac go through when Isaac wants some.... or when Ashton wants some from Laurence... The two situations had to be similar in some ways. "Damn I love us." I mumbled, I couldn't imagine us in any other situation. We were perfect like this. He smiled and nuzzled against my shoulder as he moved into the crook of my arm.

"I love us too.... I'm glad you aren't afraid of me like you used to be. That was terrible to see that much fear on your mate's face." He kissed my neck and let out a small purr of delight as he smelled me. "I can't imagine being away from you more than three days.... at the most."

"I was young and sheltered back then, can you blame me for being afraid of you?" I whispered into his ear. "When we are kings of the world.... I'm going to spend three days on top of you in bed." I purred seductively into his ear. He shivered just a bit and then gave me a kiss on the lips, drawing my attention from the road.

"Three days huh?" He laughed and moved to my neck, starting a love bite as he let me look back towards the road before we could crash.

"Oh yeah.... Just like how we spent three days before having Myra, our daughter we never see." I teased him. He pouted as he moved back from my neck.

"I can't believe Myra doesn't come to see us... I hope that it doesn't happen again with any of our kids. I'd hate to see them stay away like that. At least Donnie comes to see us every once in awhile. Our little ones are too young to leave us just yet," he mumbled and then looked at my neck thoughtfully. His thoughts went to wishing he could bite me.

"Well Myra doesn't even know we are her parents." I reminded Richard. "We gave her to her human mother for her best chance and well... I heard she became a hunter. Damn nosy hunters... Just had to get her too." I growled. "I think we should leave her alone though. We don't need to bring her into this mess just yet. She's still young... Probably in her early twenties now." I estimated. He gave a nod and leaned in, kissing my neck then sharpened his fangs. He brushed them against my skin and smirked as he wrapped his arms around me. "Eventually she will come looking for us." I mumbled. "It's instincts." I kissed his cheek then turned the radio on lightly so it was background music. The song that came on had a piano playing a dark- deep rhythm. I started to press my fingers down lightly on the wheel like I was playing the piano notes myself and smirked. I could easily play the song for Richard... I recognized every key stroke. He got distracted by the song and moved back just an inch as he looked towards the radio then smiled.

"Piano is the best," he mumbled happily and then looked towards me. "I should play us our song when we get home..." He leaned back in and bit down gently.

"We should play together." I whispered back. He nodded and bit down harder. I suddenly felt his venom start to enter my system as he pulled me closer. I let out a soft moan, causing me to swerve the car a bit and almost run us into a ditch but I had fast reflexes and I wasn't going to allow us to run off into a ditch just yet. I tried to keep focused on the road so we wouldn't wreck and ruin our plans... Though I could easily teleport us to the meeting place. He smirked and licked my neck clean of blood.

"Awww, is the little demon getting a little too happy and almost crashing the car?" He laughed and his breath tickled my neck.

"You better stop or we both are going to be sent flying through the windshield." I teased. I pressed on the brake a bit to scare him. He tensed up at it and looked at me wide eyed.

"That's no fair Paris! You know that I don't like going through the windshield.... It's not fun.... Besides, we'd both live...and I'd eat you for it right on the street," he teased back and then leaned in, kissing my bite wound. I laughed and sped back up.

"Yeah... sure you would eat me." I mumbled. "Now come on and behave. Piano music sure does get you wild." I teased him. I had the meeting place sat up at Perry's bar this time. The perfect setting plus I thought that my cousins might get a little upset if I got blood all over his manor. I laughed at the thought. I pulled up behind Perry's building and parked. I slipped out of my seat before Richard could get any more animalistic and shut the door on him. I took off for Perry's double doored entrance into his perfect little sunshine setting dinner and entered the dinner. Perry was behind the cashier training a new waitress how to use it. I could smell her from where I was and could tell she was human. I paused as I forgot there for a second I was a demon- this would freak out the perfect little normal dinner guests. I sharpened my fangs and used my abilities to teleport myself down to the vampire bar before any of them could have seen me. I imagined at least one of them looking up towards the door that had just opened mysteriously and wouldn't think much of it. A wave of the smell of blood hit my nostrils the moment I took a step into the bar. It was highly aggravating and candles lingered around... not doing it's job too well. I shook my head in aggravation. Perry just needs to do a deep cleansing on his bar one day. I noticed Alexis- the little mute bar keeper (she was promoted) give me a wave and walked over to me. She pulled me into a tight hug, she absolutely adored seeing me here. She wasn't even phased by my form. She pulled back and asked me in sign language how I was doing. "Just fine. I need you to clear out the bar, I am having a royal meeting here." I told her. She raised an eyebrow. Now what are you doing having one of those here? Have you even brought it up to Perry? I haven't heard about it... "I just recently asked for a meeting." I told her and patted her head. Where's Richard? She looked around her then and put distance between us. "Around." I confirmed her suspicions. I walked over to a booth and took a seat in it. She followed me over. Well, can I get you anything? "Yeah, get me someone expensive. I know how Perry is.. If the price is high then the person is really good" We don't have much... thanks to people coming in and cleaning us out recently. I will see what I can do for you. She rubbed my cheek before walking off towards the bar and pulled out a few slips of paper and looked them over then sat them aside and went off to the back. I tapped my fingers on the table impatiently.

"PARIS!" I heard Perry cheerfully say from by me. "Hiya~ Welcome back." He kissed my cheek and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, forcing me to slide over as he sat down by me. "What brings you here?" I could smell he had been drinking.

"I am having a royal meeting here actually. Clear out your bar for the evening." I whispered to him lowly for his ears only.

"Oh jeeze... Always putting me behind business. You still owe me a couple hundred from the last time." He told me and poked my nose with his finger. "I won't complain though because you always pay me good. I'll shut this place down for your stupid meet." He got up then and waved me off as he pulled out a whistle from his pocket and blew into it. The bar got silent as they all faced Perry. "GET YOUR SLIMY FANGS OUT OF MY BAR AND DON'T COME BACK UNTIL TOMORROW." He yelled to them. "And if you are working for me then get into your bunks and get some rest." He blew the whistle twice and then looked towards me as vampires started to leave and the bunnies working for him went to the back of the bar. "I've got to go back up to the dinner. Help yourself to anything and I am sure Alexis has probably already started serving you." He walked off then to the stairs. I shook my head disapprovingly. He sure doesn't care if he looses customers. Richard appeared in the corner of the bar as soon as Perry was upstairs and smiled as he laid down on one of the couches over there. He was humming to himself quietly as he took out his phone and started playing a game on it.

"Perry really doesn't care what he says to his customers...does he? Well, I guess it helps when his bar is so famous, and with Brook taking over the streets, more vampires are forced to come to him," he said as I started to hear one of his strategy games start up.

"Well... He is the only vampire bar in town." I agreed. "He's getting all the business." I watched as Alexis brought a girl over to me. This is our most expensive~ I hope she tastes as good as she costs. Alexis turned to Richard and gave a small wave towards him then started back towards the bar. I heard her thoughts working about making Richard a glass of vodka. I smirked and pulled the human down beside me. She exposed her neck for me without hesitation, being trained for this and waited on me to bite her. I leaned in towards her neck and took a bite- her blood wasn't the best but it was worth the bite. I started to feast on her blood as Alexis finished making a glass of vodka for Richard and brought it to him. He looked up at her gratefully and sat his phone down on the table in front of him as he sat up. He pulled her down into his lap and kissed her cheek, taking the glass and sipping on it then held it up to her lips.

"Want some sweetie?" He purred. Alexis shook her head and looked away from the glass. She didn't drink much and couldn't stand the taste of alcohol. I chuckled lightly as I heard her thoughts running in her head. I pushed the girl away from me, getting board of her.

"Put it on my tab." I told the girl and shoved her out of my way as I walked over to Richard and Alexis. I took a seat by them. The girl I fed off of walked over towards the bar and wrote down something before heading off to the back- more like stumbled. Richard glanced over at me as he took a sip of his drink and pressed Alexis's head against his chest, rubbing her head.

"You're so sweet make me wonder how you got here.... You're too good for this place," he whispered to her.

"Alexis is like a daughter to me." I heard Perry say as he walked over to us and took a seat on the coffee table. "I found her close to death one night in the arms of a monster." He informed us. I heard Alexis whimper slightly. I glanced towards her, figuring it had something to do with a monster since she had a horrible scar across her jugular. Richard frowned and kissed the top of her head.

"Well if Mr. Perry over here wasn't so attached to you.... I'd take you back with me and protect you from aaaall the scawry mownsters out there. You are so cute, and you know me so well," he mumbled into her ear and then kissed her cheek before taking another sip of his drink. Alexis shook her head and looked towards Perry longingly. She loved him too much to leave him. I understood that look so well. Perry smiled her way. With a small laugh, Richard let her go and sat her down on Perry's lap then took a swig of his drink. He laid down and placed his head in my lap, grabbing his phone and setting it on his chest.

"Come on Alexis, we can't be around when the meeting starts." Perry told her and then picked her up into his arms as he stood and took her upstairs. As soon as the door closed behind them Val stepped in off the elevator and walked over- more like danced over gracefully.

"Hi boys." Val gave us a wave. "Heard we were having a party today." She smirked and took a seat right where Perry had been then crossed her legs. Laurence teleported into the bar, sitting by the cash register and picked up a slip of paper, looking it over.

"Hmmm~ This one is super expensive." I heard him mutter. Richard picked his head up and smirked, disappearing from sight. I felt him get up, and his thoughts were directed towards getting Laurence. Laurence perked up and turned to face me then looked around him. "Think you can get me? Two can play at that game." Laurence said as he disappeared into the shadows. I laughed as I watched them.

"Do they ever mature?" Val asked and giggled. "I swear..." She shook her head. "Boys will be boys." I heard Richard laugh from behind her, and she was yanked off of the table and into the floor as he decided to play with her before hunting Laurence down. She shrieked and had fire form around her body as a protection shield, catching Richard's hands on fire. He screamed and reappeared, getting away from her as he put his hands out.

"That's not a nice thing to do!" He growled and then shoved his hands into his pockets before he disappeared again, deciding to go after Laurence. Val got back up onto the coffee table, putting out the fire around her.

"Don't touch me." She warned. Rose teleported in and sat down by me, leaning into my neck and sniffed me.

"Mhhhhhh~ What's that smell?" She asked softly in my ear. "Did you get a new pet or is it someone from Perry's bar?" I heard Richard near one of the shadows as he accidentally bumped into a piece of furniture. He cursed under his breath. I heard Laurence giggle.

"Just a girl from the bar." I told Rose. Rose gave a small uncaring nod as she wasn't interested anymore and left my side to sit by Val. She playfully started to snap her jaws towards Val earning a giggle.

"So why are we here?" Rose asked me curiously.

"To party." Val told her before I could speak up. "Isn't that what these meeting are mostly for now days? After all no one is getting in trouble. Well... let's hope they show up Paris.. I mean honestly... they probably won't since they might know that you are a demon... You and Richard both." Val got to her feet and walked over to the bar, making herself an iced coke. She brought it back with her to us and sat back down by Rose. Just as soon as Val sat back down, Rose was pulled off of the table and squished.

"Hello Rose," Richard purred as he reappeared and kissed her cheek.

"H-hi Richard." Rose giggled and tried to get out of his arms. "Let me go! Val help me!" She reached out for Val but Val just moved backwards.

"Uh no." Val mumbled. Richard laughed and released her, disappearing again. I could hear his thoughts as he started back for the shadows of the room to find Laurence.

"I'm going to get you Laurence," he sung out from the edge of one.

"No you won't." Laurence told him, his voice sounded like it came from every shadow in the room. I heard something move from the other side of the room as Richard stumbled. I followed Richard with my eyes to make sure he was okay. I heard all the other princesses and princess start to come into the room through their own individual ways. It got silent on Richard's end as he decided to keep hidden, moving into the shadows himself to hide in one of the corners of the room. I could tell he was watching them all, studying them like a predator studies prey. The Prince of Russia appeared and sat down beside me, a bottle of Rum in his hands. He took a swig and smiled at me. Val smiled towards Victor and exposed her fangs.

"Victor." Val said cheerfully. He glanced her way and gave her a small smile before looking at me. Beware of Val. He laughed and looked at some of the princes and princesses who were looking at him uneasily. He took another swig and smirked. I smirked as I looked towards Val. Beware of her, huh? I looked towards Richard then- or rather where he had been last. I got to my feet deciding that it was time to start the meeting. I was disappointed slightly that Louis and Dante wasn't here to see this. Louis appeared then, looking kind of like he just woke up. His hair wasn't even brushed out, and he was just now throwing on a shirt.

"I'm here!" He said quickly and then looked around before walking over to me. He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Paris, it's too early for this," he whispered for my ears only. I nodded.

"I know, so terribly sorry." I whispered back. "I have a needy mate though." I purred, trying to get a giggle out of him. I could hear Laurence giggle. Louis laughed a bit and rubbed his face against my chest.

"Guess what? I recently underwent this whole ritual thing for August... I have an inner wolf now," he whispered lowly and kissed me again on the cheek. "He seems excited."

"You have a what?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "Louis.... You aren't supposed to be so different from me.... I am going to have to get one of those now to match you." I teased him. I kissed his cheek and motioned for him to go sit with Rose, Val, and Victor. He frowned.

"It doesn't affect me much... I just have this little wolf pet that talks to me, that's all. I'm still the way I was," he purred and then went over to Rose, sitting down right beside her. "Rose, I missed you!" He laughed and pulled her into a hug as he curled her hair around his fingers. Richard appeared beside me and took Louis's place, his arms around my waist. I kissed Richard on the lips.

"There's my little needy mate." I purred. "Did you have fun?" I asked as Laurence appeared on the bar next to one of the smaller country princess. He leaned in towards her neck and kissed it, freaking her out. Richard glanced at him and pouted before looking up at me.

"I'm not needy.... I'm special," he complained. "Laurence, don't play with the princesses. You don't even really talk to her that much. Plus, you have Ashton," he reminded. Laurence looked towards us.

"Ashton won't mind." Laurence said giving an innocent look and moved away from the girl as he walked over to stand by us. "Because it won't matter by the time I see him." Richard pulled him close as he let go of me and then kissed the top of his head.

"Now you know he might mind just a bit," Richard whispered and then leaned down to Laurence's neck playfully. Laurence snapped his jaws towards Richard.

"You might be a demon but you don't scare me." Laurence told him firmly.

"So Paris, I heard you have a new pet." I heard I heard one of the princesses- I didn't care to name come up to make small chitchat with me. "Hachi, isn't it? That wizard cannibal." She smiled at me. Ander walked up and placed her arm around the girl's waist.

"That's right." Ander said and smirked. Richard looked at her and narrowed his eyes before kissing Laurence's neck.

"That's the one who's been in our manor for the past week...." He growled just a bit as he sat down on the couch with Laurence in his lap. "I forgot to bring you a present this time... Forgive me?"

"Uhmmm yeah." Laurence nodded. "I forgive you."

"Ander...." I growled unpleased to see her still alive.

"Paris." She purred. "You know I just love a good party." She teased. She's going to ruin everything... "Now don't get to cocky." She told me as she walked towards the bar area to get herself a drink. I looked towards Richard, wanting to see if he was ready to .... start that party we was going to host. He glanced at me and then at Laurence, moving him off of his lap and sitting him in Louis's.

"Now you five behave and stay here," he whispered to Victor, Val, Rose, Louis, and Laurence. He got to his feet and walked over to me, starting to sharpen his fangs a bit. Let the hunger games begin. I smirked and turned towards Richard then looked towards the first victim.

"Lovely party, catch you guys on the flip side." I heard Ander say as she left the room through a mirror behind the bar. Richard growled a bit as he saw her leave then grabbed his phone, hooking it up to the speakers in the room. The song "I Love Rock n Roll" came on and he put it in his pocket and smirked towards the others before disappearing. The one closest to the elevator suddenly screamed as Richard appeared beside her and bit down into her neck, tearing out a chunk.

"Popcorn?" I heard Val ask as she was popping a bag in her hand and looked towards Victor, expecting a yes from him.

"MH! Coke?" Rose asked as she pulled out a few from a bag on the couch. I shook my head then headed for the prince nearby and grabbed his jugular, ripping it out. He fell to his knees, holding his throat and trying to stop the bleeding so I grabbed a lock full of his hair and kicked him in his chest- sending him back. I snagged his head off and tossed it across the room then started for my next victim. My next victim quickly backed up, pulling a knife out of his pocket and growled at me.

"Paris, so help me, if you take one more step, I will be forced to take your stone," he said. I noticed then that he was the Prince of Egypt.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you. Richard cheated on me with a male from around your region." I growled towards the prince. "Now.... sit... roll over... and be dead." I ordered as I got close enough to knock the knife out of his hand, sending it crashing into someone else's shoulder. His eyes widened, and he started to run for it, going towards the bar where he would be able to find weapons. I teleported in front of him to cut him off and pulled him close to me. I leaned in towards his neck and bit down hard, ripping out a chunk then grabbed at his sides and dug my sharp nails in. He screamed out in pain and kicked at me, sending me back. He held his neck as his brown eyes looked at me in fear.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He growled and then jumped over the bar, grabbing a knife from the collection of Perry's. He threw it at me, hitting me in the shoulder as he started to use his powers to heal himself. He grabbed another knife and pointed it at me. "You are going to be in so much trouble if you and your mate don't stop this instant. Trust me, what happened with your twin will be much worse for you." I shrugged and pulled out the knife.

"There won't be a council when we are done." I told him and then threw the knife at him, hitting him right above his stone to get my point across. "We are taking over." I motioned with my eyes to the five on the couch watching. "They agree that there needs to be some change around here." I started for him then and grabbed a hand full of his shirt, pulling him across the bar to me and pulled the knife out of him, stabbing him in the left eye. He screamed and scratched at my hands, trying to get me to stop as he kicked to get free. I heard him start to curse in his native language and start to pray. I pulled out the knife then slit his throat. I used my other hand to reach into his chest and yank out his stone, crushing it as soon as it was out of his chest. I turned then, looking around for the nearest victim to my revolution. Richard had one of the princesses pressed up against the wall, a pile of crushed stones at their feet as he bit down into her neck. She was crying softly, having already given up. She was one of the babies of the princesses and princes, so she wasn't very strong on her own anyways. The previous revolution had orphaned her, and she was left to be raised by another prince of a neighboring country. I shook my head, poor thing. Too bad she wasn't raised by me. Now she will be with her parents in hell. I grabbed a bottle of tequila from behind the bar and popped it open, taking a sip from it then went back to slaughtering the rest of the council.