Lauren’s Past

Margret's POV:

"PAPER, PAPER! GET YOUR PAPER! Miss? Want a paper!?" A boy asked me as he shinned a paper into my face. "Read all about the Battle of Bunker Hill." He suggested. I worried then for my husband, John. Hadley, my oldest girl tugged on my dress.

"Momma?" Sailor asked me. "Momma my feet hurt."

"No, I don't want the paper." I told the boy. "Thank you anyways." I pulled Sailor who held her brother Ranger's hand. I was holding Mercy in my arms, she was my youngest at little under a year, and yes I had one cooking in my tummy. It was due two weeks from now.

"Can we get some Chocolate?" Ranger asked me. I shook my head.

"No, we need to get you back home to Nanna so I can go to work." I had taken them out to the park for the evening but now it was time for them to get back home to their Nanna so I could get over to the church to help the wounded from the battle of bunker hill. At the time John and I had moved to Massachusetts for more work. There was plenty to be done because of the recent battle. It was just a shame my children was growing up around this... and I was bringing another one into this world. It didn't take long to get the kids back to their Nanna and I left them there. "I love you Sailor, Ranger, and Mercy." I called to them. I rubbed my stomach as I waved and walked off towards the church. I would probably be working another long shift. I missed my children but people were dying and they needed all the help they can get.

I was right about the long hours at the church. I didn't leave until it was past morning the next day. The sun was high in the sky and was beating down on us all. Especially me. I stumbled drowsily towards my house. I dragged my feet. I hardly noticed the carriage that approached me until someone's voice spoke up.

"Need a ride sugar?" I heard a soft, delighted voice. "My gosh... you are pregnant too! Out in this weather at this time of the day... I hope that isn't your blood on that pretty blue dress. Come on, I will give you a ride. Move over Laurence." I held my hand over my face to look at the people in the horse drawn carriage and smiled at them. They looked friendly, it was a lady with honey blonde hair and a boy with snow white hair. They must be related somehow. The boy gave me a welcoming smile and held out a hand to help me into the carriage. I climbed in, thankful for their assistance. "Where are you heading? Oh my name is Val Robin and this is Laurence Wayte." I nodded to the both of them.

"Pleasure meeting you both, my name is Margret O'Haren." I told them boy.

"Have you picked out a name?" Val asked and rubbed my stomach without my permission, making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"No, it's bad luck to do that." I told her and moved her hand away.

"Margret is such a boring name." Val told me, shutting the curtains on the windows of the carriage. It was so hot... I didn't understand how she could just go about doing that. The carriage started up moving before I could tell them where we was going. "I think Lauren will do."

"You are going to name her after me?" Laurence asked and laughed. "How childish... I love it." I was confused from their talk and a bit weirded out.... in fact I was close to freaking out.

"I'm sorry, I think I forgot to tell you where to-"

"Shhhhh." Val hushed me and I felt entranced by her. She leaned in towards my neck then and kissed it softly. "I'm going to give you a gift." She told me softly.

"A gift?"

"Yes, a gift." Val purred in my ear like a cat. It was highly unusual and inhumane.

"Shouldn't we wait for Victor? He's going to be disappointed we started without him." Laurence chimed.

"He should have been here for the catch." Val growled towards Laurence. "Lauren, darling.... You won't scream... or run... or be scared of us." Val told me, I felt compelled to do as she told me. "After these events you won't even remember them." She ran her fingers through my hair.

"So we are keeping this one alive?"

"She's pregnant. We can't just kill the infant. When we turn her we can take out the little guy and play hot potato with it until we come across a church. We will throw it out there and then get rid of this little girl someplace else." Val suggested and I felt something sharp scrape across my neck. I could feel her breath against my skin as well. I felt like a fish in a bear's jaws.

"I think we should wait for Victor. It would be fun to see if we can turn people with three makers." Laurence suggested. I felt motion sickness then from the carriage and from their talk about things I couldn't comprehend.

"How old are you Lauren?"

"Nineteen." I told her. She pulled away from my neck and looked towards Laurence.

"Let's wait for Victor and then he can watch as we drain her." Val giggled at the thought. "Oh Alexander darling! Stop the carriage and let's wait for Victor. Make sure to pull us into some shade. We are dying of a heat stroke! Maybe Victor will get us a cool place to sleep at for the night." Val was talking to the man that was behind the reigns up front with that slave I glimpsed at. I didn't really notice them too much when I got into the carriage.

"One day Val.... I'm going to kill you in your sleep for this humiliation," I heard the one she had called Alexander growl towards her.

"I'm sure you will Alexander." Val giggled. "When you get this sucker steady come back here and look at our treat." The carriage stopped after a few minutes, and the carriage opened. A young man stood there, looking in. He glared at Val and then glanced at me with a frown.

"Val, she's pregnant. You can't," he told her then reached in, touching my cheek. "She probably has children!" Val suddenly froze with Laurence, and he pulled me out of the carriage. A bird that had been flying to a tree was frozen. "Shhh, I got you miss," he whispered in my ear as he glared at Val. I looked into his eyes and then around us.

"I-impossible." I whispered as I looked at the bird that had stopped flying and was still. Alexander shook his head and went up to the front of the carriage with me, touching one of the horses. It came to life at his touch and nickered as it stomped the ground.

"This is Night," he told me as he unhooked her from the carriage and then led her away from it with me. He glanced back at the carriage then into my eyes. "You need to ride. Get out of here. For you and your baby's sake. If you want to live, you'll ride and run. Take any of your children and hide. They might continue to hunt you, and I don't want them to. If you can find a witch, ask for protection," he told me as he picked me up and set me on top of the black mare. He got me settled on her and glanced back at the carriage nervously. "Please, don't get into any more carriages with any strangers. Avoid doing so... If you see those two again, stay away from them."

"Val told me... not to leave her." I told him weakly. I couldn't betray her compulsions. "I can't go." Alexander shook his head and reached up, touching my cheek.

"Listen, for you and your baby's sake, leave....don't come from Val.... Stay away from her and Laurence. Don't go near any more of her kind, and don't get into carriages with strangers," he told me, his voice like silk. His eyes caught my attention as he stared into mine. I felt the need to obey him and a rising fear for my child. "Be a good mother now," he whispered and pulled back. I rubbed my stomach and nodded softly, still feeling uncomfortable with disobeying Val.

"What do you mean by her kind?" I asked softly. He laughed dryly and shook his head then looked up at me. He opened his mouth a bit to reveal what looked like fangs.

"Her evil. If you want to avoid death, you'll run. Alexander the Great was not felled by a simple fever! He was killed by Val and turned into this monster you see before you! Now, if you want to live, if you want to save your baby and avoid my fate, you'll ride away and forget any of this ever happened," he hissed towards me then looked back at the carriage angrily. "She wants to kill your baby, and she wants to turn you into what I am- a slave." I shrieked at the thought. Supernatural... It was all making since. It was what your parents warned you about as a child to scare you to sleep. It was all myths... make believe but very true at the same time. Supernatural... I grabbed the reins on the horse and nodded towards him, beginning to ride back to town to get my children. I would have to wait for John to come home first though.... I couldn't just leave without him. I loved him, he was my world... I knew him since I was younger... He had the friendliest smile I ever met and had these hugs you could just melt into for days. When I got into town I noticed everything around me began to move again. I looked behind me to check and make sure I wasn't being followed. I was scared out of my mind. I held my stomach as I felt the baby kick. I had to stop though on my way home when soldiers started to walk down the street, coming home from their long fought battle- finally being released. I hoped John was amongst them. I was praying he was... Oh how I missed him... I needed him. I looked at their dirty faces, they all looked the same in their outfits. I could hardly tell them apart.

"John!?" I asked. "Anyone seen John O'Haren?" I asked they marched/walked/limped by me.

"O'Haren?" I heard one of the males ask and stop by me. "I seen him! He's about~ Way back there in the back. Keep looking ma'am. He's coming." The man promised me and tilted his hat my way before walking off with the rest of the soldiers. I had no clue where they were going, if they had anywhere in particular to go.

"John!?" I called. I whipped off my bloody face from being in the church. I hoped he would recognize me... I was on a horse after all... I hadn't been on a horse since I was young. "John!" I begged. I could hear other women and men crying for their lovers or loved ones. It sounded like when the men marched off for battle. It was heart touching. I saw a guy come stumbling out of a nearby bar. He had a bit of blood on his chin, and there was a few screams inside. He laughed darkly and took a swig of a bottle of Vodka in his hands, wiping his chin off. The others didn't notice him as he stumbled past. He seemed to be laughing at the women calling for their loved ones, muttering something in Russian. He got close to me and stopped, tilting his head.

"You're quite pretty miss," he told me and walked up, dropping the bottle of Vodka. I could tell he had been drinking from the smell, but he didn't look like he was too drunk though the odor suggested otherwise. He grabbed the horse's reins and looked the horse over. "You met Val.... Interesting that you are alive. I bet you got away. Oh, and you've got a little child in stomach," he mumbled as he looked up into my eyes. He grabbed my lower leg and yanked me off the house and suddenly we were standing on a shaded road a long ways from town. I could tell that this road was less traveled than most. "So what's your name?" He asked as he sniffed me. "You've got blood all over you.... I like it," he purred. "You must be one hell of a nurse in order to tolerate all the screaming... or you're insane just like me...."

"Margret...I'm not insane..." I told him, my heart raced as I could tell I was back in danger. I should've kept going and forgot about meeting John while he was in town. He'd come home eventually. "I've got to get home to John." I whispered softly. I was assuming this man had to be Victor due to the fact he was drunk and was talking about Val. He knew Val and Val had been missing a friend in the carriage. "Take me back, please." I whispered softly. Maybe I could sweet talk him out of not killing me. "I have three kids at home... and I am pregnant." I rubbed my stomach. "I manage at nursing." He laughed and nodded, touching my hand over my stomach.

"Yes, you are very pregnant.... but that doesn't matter to me," he purred in my ear then pressed my back up against a tree. He moved my hand away from my stomach and smirked. "You should've known better if you had managed to get away from Val. She would've been nicer to you."

"It just so happened that Alex let her get away." I heard Laurence comment from behind Victor. "Sneaky bastard needs to get punished... we'll do that later though. Right Val?"

"I claimed her first Victor." Val's delicate voice rung in my ears. Victor sighed and looked back over his shoulder at Val.

"Val," he mumbled and stepped away from me. He gave her a small smile, but he looked a bit irritated at her. "I was just about to have fun."

"Well we can have fun together. We all three should turn her." Val suggested. "It was my cleaver idea-"

"THAT WAS MY IDEA!" Laurence hissed.

"Glad you met my little girl Lauren and got to her before her handsome husband could." Val kept on talking. I started to back away from them slowly as they were all busy talking to eachother. I can escape... Totally. Victor appeared in front of me and shoved me up against a tree roughly. He laughed darkly and then ripped the fabric of my dress right above my stomach where my baby was. He growled and leaned down, exposing what looked like fangs as his hands pressed against my stomach. He dug his nails in, making me scream out in pain as he bit down, tearing a chunk out. He tore into my stomach, and just as my vision started to blur from the pain and blood loss, I saw him tear out my unborn child. I reached out for his hands to stop him from harming the baby and shrieked out in pain. I felt arms wrap around me and scoop me up off my feet. My eyes felt heavy as the blood drained quickly, the pain was unbearable. It was all unreal.

"Oh Victor, why'd you have to go straight for all the fun." I heard Val snap in jealousy. He laughed evilly and I heard my baby crying. It suddenly stopped, and I heard a thud on the ground.

"Because you weren't watching her... You were letting her get away," he told Val simply. "Now that the baby is out of the way, let's get on with the rest." I felt Victor's bloody hands touch my cheeks.

"She wasn't going to get away, no matter how fast she ran." Laurence mumbled and I could hear him walking over.

"So sour." Val purred. "Just how I like it." She leaned over me and I heard her kissing him on the cheek. Victor groaned.

"You two.... I swear, I'm going to go to the nearest whore house and eat all the women if you two don't quit it," he told them and then pulled me out of Val's arms. He bit down into my neck harshly, not worried about causing me pain. I let out a small scream and felt Val biting into the other side of my neck. Laurence grabbed my wrist and bit into it making me feel like a T-bone to a pack of starving wolves. Victor pulled back after a moment and bit into his wrist, dangling it over my mouth. I felt his blood hit my lips and he forced my mouth open, letting his sweet blood drip. It was delicious, and it tasted so good....

"No fair~" Val hissed as she pulled back. "You never let us finish all the way." Val bit into her wrist and dangled it over my mouth, Laurence copied the other two and laughed softly, not complaining at all. "I better get joint makership or we are going to fight." She purred towards Victor. I tried to move- to run.... this was wrong and I knew it but I couldn't move... I felt like I was dead but still awake. After I got a mouthful, Victor forced me to swallow it and licked my neck clean.

"There.... It should work," he mumbled and passed me over to Val as he cleaned his face off. He glanced down at my dead child and laughed a bit, picking it up. "I think I will feed this to my wolves back home. It's worthless besides as dog chow."

"How disgusting." Laurence sighed out. "Wasteful too. You should have kept it alive and gave it to an orphanage. Now we have one less to feed us in the future." He licked his lips.

"Lauren, listen to me." I heard Val grabbing my attention then as she dropped me on the ground. "You won't remember anything after you turn into a vampire. You are going to leave this state and never return.... ever." She ordered and I heard her footsteps fading away from me. "You will remember your name is Lauren." Was the last thing I caught from her. I curled up into myself as I felt my body changing.... healing. I whimpered softly as her spell broke in.... I forgot everything.


I wondered aimlessly down the streets of Maine, having no certain place to go to besides my little condo I had bought. I had finally decided to settle down somewhere and quit wondering like a stray cat. Maine was going to be my home.... it was official. I wasn't going to be like the vampires in Anne Rice that stuck to New Orleans... no... I was a vampire of Maine. Maine pulled me in and it would never spit me back out. I crushed into a hard body then and stumbled backwards hearing a guy chuckle.

"I'm so sorry! I walked straight into you!" He claimed, dusting me off. It felt more like I walked into him though. I caught a strange scent from him... Vampire. "Pleasure meeting you~" I looked up at him, noticing just how tall he was and it made me feel so small... I felt my breath catch. "My name is Alister Hugue." He told me and held out a hand to me, grabbing mine without asking and kissed the top of it. "I take in vampires off the streets and give them homes if you want a place- if you ever need a place.... Here is my card." He handed a small white card over to me by slipping it into my back pocket and started off down the street. "Tata." I raised an eyebrow, questioning him entirely... but it had been a long time since I had seen a vampire. I followed after him, breaking out into a run.

"Wait up~" I begged. He stopped walking to wait on me and smiled. I smiled back nervously. "How are you so tall?" I asked, not wanting to straight forward tell him I was interested in him because I never seen many vampires before... it was hard to find them. This country sucks. He chuckled and patted the top of my head.

"Is that really what you want to know?" He asked me.

"Yes." I was determined to not show I was some weird vampire that had no idea about how she became a vampire or even what she was before she became one.

"Hmmm.... I ate a lot of eggs." He joked and started to laugh, making me laugh.

"So say I do take you up on the offer~ Can I have pets?" I asked him.

"Yes you can come live with me. It's why I gave you the card." He motioned to my pocket. "Now.... I am heading to a vampire bar.... so you-"

"A vampire bar?" I asked curiously.

"Do you know what that is?" He asked me. I shook my head. "Who's your maker?" I shrugged.


"Oh boy..." He shook his head and stopped walking to face me. "How long have you been a vampire?"

"Since the American Revolution.... why?"

"Well.... The worst part is your maker is a bastard for leaving you and I think it is time someone takes his or her place and teaches you what you need to know."

"All I need to know is how to hunt." I mumbled.

"No! You need to know more then that.... Let's see... Let's go see Perry." He placed a hand on my back and escorted me down the sidewalk. "First off in the vampire society- yes there is one. You use to have Kings and Queens but then they were slaughtered in the Vampire Revolution which was lead by Paris Grimm. He's okay.... not too bad of a fellow. Now there is the vampire court which is made up by the Princes and Princesses which are the original bunch from the other side of the world. Over here we have the Gods and Goddesses.. They are only called that because the Royal court well.... wouldn't go for add ons. The gods and goddesses don't have any courting. They try to avoid each other as much as possible." He tried to explain to me but all I was thinking about was the roman versions of gods and goddesses and the English versions of knights and castles and kings and rulers. I laughed at the thought. Silly titles.... "It's not funny, it is vampire history you need to know and respect." He told me firmly. I rolled my eyes. I should have kept walking but.... I was just too interested. He pulled me into a building that had stairs going straight downwards. It was quite weird and felt like a cave as cold as it was. When we stepped off the last step there was double doors being held open by two half naked humans with bite marks all over their bodies. "This is Perry's underground secret vampire bar. Heaven in other words for vampires."

"Except you still have to pay." I reminded him.

"True." He muttered. "But if you have money it doesn't really matter."

"I take it you have money." I mumbled.

"I do." He agreed. When we walked through the doors we entered a pretty classy looking bar with humans prancing around half naked it cute little sexy outfits. They had bite marks all over them and seemed calm. There was jazz playing in the background to set the mood. A hall went off behind the bar and a girl stood behind it cleaning a glass. Vampires were seated everywhere, feeding. A faint smell of blood lingered in the air, not too badly noticeable. "Order someone and put it on my tab." He whispered to me. "Even get a back room if you wish." A girl walked up to me and smiled.

"Hi! What would you like sweetie?" She asked, trying to care.

"A back room and a good tasting human." I told her, trying not to be too picky. She looked towards Hugue.

"Put it on my tab and make it as expensive as you'd like. I want something hot and naughty. I will be waiting over there." Hugue told her and walked off. I raised an eyebrow.

"Follow me sugar." The girl told me and lead me towards the hall, we walked down it to a door, she tapped on it first before entering. "Your private room. I will send someone in within the minute." She told me and left me alone. After a few moments, a teenage looking boy came in and laughed as he poked his head out into the hall.

"I'm going to get you back for what you said later," he teased to the girl and then shut the door and turned to me. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a white button up shirt. The first two were undone, and he had a loosened tie around his neck, showing off his bare neck to anyone he had to feed. He glanced at me and then leaned up against the door, giving me a playful look.

"What's your name?" He asked, being cute. His black hair framed his face nicely, bringing out his grey eyes.

"Lauren." I told him. "Come over here." I told him, I had been waiting on the couch that was in the room. "Take off the tie and unbutton two more buttons on your shirt." I was testing to see how well he would behave. He smirked and walked over, sitting down on the table in front of me.

"What was that? Loosen this up?" He asked, touching his tie and gave me another playful look. I smirked and nodded.

"Loosen it up and take it off." I exposed my fangs to tell him I meant business. He pouted at me, but he did as he was told, slipping it off of him and setting it down on the table beside him.

"You're no fun," he mumbled and tilted his head to show his neck better as he undid the next three on his shirt. I leaned forward to get closer to him.

"Don't know what fun is." I mumbled and pushed his chest downwards, making him lay down on his back and I crawled onto his body. I laughed, knowing this had to be aggravating his human body. He whimpered and pushed up on my chest just a bit, not happy about this new position.

"That hurts," he complained and squirmed a bit. "Off," he mumbled and looked up at me in distress. I estimated he must have just turned eighteen. He didn't have many bites on him- just two or three, and there weren't any scars on him. He must be new to the bar.

"Your kind of cute." I whispered. I let him up, being nice and got onto the couch, sitting up straight and proper. "I still want a bite though." He sat up and rubbed his arm and then sighed before coming over to the couch. He straddled my lap and kissed my neck playfully.

"My name is Oliver," he told me with a small laugh. He pulled back from my neck and gave me a grin before nuzzling his face against my cheek and moving his head to the side to show me his neck just a few inches away from my mouth. He finished unbuttoning his shirt and slipped it off before wrapping his arms around me then giggled. I laughed.

"Oliver... what a perfect name for you." I told him and then leaned in towards his neck, feeling my stomach grumble with hunger. I scrapped my fangs against his neck then pulled back. I sort of didn't want to bite him anymore. I felt him tense up and he pulled back to look at me.

"What's the matter?" He asked softly. "I thought you were hungry. You look hungry.... I don't mind much."

"I don't know... You just seem so sweet and innocent... I don't want to bite you." I whispered softly. I blushed and looked away. He laughed and gave me a playful look.

"Well Miss Lauren, if I need to, I can play the helpless prey you'd find on the streets to make you feel better. You shouldn't starve because I'm adorable," he told me and then kissed my cheek lightly to play with me a bit more. He giggled and moved out of my lap onto the couch beside me. I looked him over then let out a predatorily growl.

"Don't go running now." I teased back. "It's hard enough as it is catching them on the street... but to catch one that would actually know how to get away... well... You better sit still." He gave me another playful look as he laid down on the couch and ran one of his hands through his hair, exposing his neck more and then rested the other on his tummy.

"Ok, I won't run too fast," he told me as he tilted his head more to show me his neck. I crawled over ontop of him and then straddled his stomach. I ran my fingers across his neck and cut it with my sharp index finger's nail then leaned down to taste his blood. He let out a small whimper from the pain of it, but he relaxed after a moment. His blood was delicious, not metallic tasting at all. He was definitely a rarity, and he tasted as sweet as ice cream with a hint of rose tea to it. He wrapped his arms around me to encourage me, not wanting me to starve as he adjusted his head better to show me his neck more. I could taste an undertone of chocolate in it as well. I let out a slight moan and exposed my fangs, biting into his neck without hesitation. I bit down harder so I could get more out of him. It was amazing how good people tasted to a vampire. He whimpered again and then tightened his grip on me. "Ow," he mumbled and closed his eyes as he winced. "That hurts...." I eased up on my bit so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. I pulled back after a minute and licked my lips then his neck to heal his wound for him. I slipped off of him quickly and sat down in the floor, cleaning off my chin. He touched his neck lightly and looked a bit sad. "Eventually I'm going to look like Tink down the hall from me.... she's been here for years, and she's got scars all over her," he whispered and then turned over on the couch to look at the back of it. He traced his fingers over it and curled up. "You know....they joke about my name. They say I got it because my mom abandoned me. I was orphaned like Oliver Twist, that's what they joke about. Not many do it here... but my friends in school did." I looked towards him.

"Well... It's a shame you are wasting your life away here." I whispered to him. "But at least you have one kiddo." I got to my feet then. "I didn't have one for too long." I rubbed my stomach, something I have always done for some reason... I predicted I had a child before I was turned and forgot everything. He turned over and looked at me, glancing past me towards the door then into my eyes.

"I would love to be outside.... I'm stuck here though, being taught to serve myself up on a platter to vampires." He shook his head then closed his eyes. He opened them and smiled at me, reaching out and touching my hair. "It's so pretty.... Your hair." I blushed.

"It's just brown." I told him and looked at it's length. I felt ashamed of how long I let it grow, to my knees. "I need to cut it." He shook his head quickly.

"Don't cut it," he told me and then sat up, getting onto the floor in front of me. He started to braid it down over my shoulder and smiled when he finished. "You can do so much with it...." He giggled and that playful look crept back into his eyes as he leaned in and kissed my neck. I sat down by him and sighed, leaning my head onto his shoulder.

"I won't cut it then, Oliver." I whispered. "I'll come back to see you everyday if you let me." I looked him in the eyes, being serious. I looked him over.... If he lives that long... He's so tasty. I got worried for his safety then. "You know what... I am going to talk to Hugue about trying to get you out of here. Hugue seems to be reasonable. He talks about this Perry guy like he knows him too." I got to my feet. "Then you can be free." He looked up at me with hope in his eyes, but he shook his head.

"They probably won't let me go though," he whispered. "I'm one of the better tasting ones. I'm close to being the most expensive."

"Well I want you to be free. You need freedom, sunshine, and happiness. If you don't get those things then you will rot away and die." I started for the door, pulling it open. As soon as I did I was face to face with a little thirteenish looking boy with snow white hair.

"LAUREN! Hiya kid... I thought that was you." He gave me a huge smile. "Go sit down on the couch, daddy needs to talk to you." He pointed towards the couch behind me. I raised an eyebrow.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, smelling him. Pureblood.... Something else was there too that I couldn't place my finger on.

"Your maker of course. I don't have much time before I get caught.. Now-" He shoved me into the room and came in, shutting the door. "I need to give you some memories, to help your future." He told me. I raised an eyebrow.

"What?" He was my maker?? A little boy was my maker!?

"Trust me, you won't remember a thing about this happening." He promised. "Come on, Hugue is coming. Listen closely, and tell your boytoy over there that if he says a word about this to you or anyone in the future he is chop liver. Now you will remember your husband John... and all of your wonderful human memories when- and only when... you step foot onto Paris Grimm's manor land. So once you past those gates. Anyways. Once you get those memories back they will be faded because who wants to have those constant reminders right? So what you will remember about your maker is that your maker saved you from these crazy guys- who were after your money one night. They killed John and your baby you had in your stomach.... and you was close to death but then... Your maker turned you." He placed his hand on my cheek. "You won't remember much of anything from it.... only that your maker left you." He kissed my forehead. "Now that's all I can give you. Best of luck." He disappeared, taking my memory of him with him. I held my head and rubbed it as it hurt.

"Lauren~ Time to go." I heard Hugue say as he walked in and smiled towards me. "Let's get going? You okay? You look pale....." Oliver got up and looked a bit weirded out as he picked up his shirt and slipped it on, putting his tie over his shoulders. He glanced at me and gave me an unsure looking smile before going to walk past Hugue to get out into the hall.

"Oh! Oliver where are you going?" I asked and grabbed his arm. I pulled him close to me. "Hugue, I want to free Oliver." I told him firmly.

"You what!? Well....I will have to talk to Perry..." He trailed off. "Are you sure?" I nodded. Oliver looked at me in alarm and then shook his head, burying his face into my shoulder.

"It's alright Lauren. He won't really want to release me, and I will be ok with it," he told me. I frowned.

"I'll make a deal with this... Perry." I whispered to Oliver. Hugue looked us over.

"You should totally keep him as yours. You two look cute together." Hugue teased us. Oliver pulled back from my shoulder and blushed a bit. He started to button up his shirt to the top two and then did his tie the way he had it before. He glanced at Hugue and then at me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"It was nice meeting you Lauren," he mumbled then gave me a smile. He shot me a playful look before he slipped past Hugue out into the hall. I watched him leave and pouted.

"Was it something I said?" Hugue asked and raised an eyebrow. He shrugged it off quickly and pulled me out the room, going towards the exit.

"Oh I remember something about my maker." I said quickly. "My maker was sweet enough to save me from death." I tried.

"Your maker is still a dick." Hugue told me and laughed. "Savior or not." I nodded in agreement.