A Crushed Council

Paris's POV:

I glanced around at the corpses and crushed stones that scattered throughout the bar. Richard and I hadn't let any of them slip up... Except for Ander. She just naturally got away, for now. I had done it.... I had accomplished my plan... taking down the council to rebuild this society. Now I had to take on the gods and goddesses of America. Then I needed to get the human governments. "Louis, bring home the family tomorrow morning." I told him. "Make sure to bring them home to your manor."

"Well... I have better things to do." Val said and stood up, stretching. "Victor~ Come party with me. We can celebrate this.... new dawn." Val purred towards him. Victor looked up at her and smirked.

"No," he said simply then elaborated, "I don't want to get high today." Louis looked up at me and frowned.

"What if I like the family being where the family is? I get everyone all to myself."

"Well who said we was going to get high?" Val asked and pouted.

"Last time you wanted to do something fun or to celebrate, Victor ended up killing an unborn child, wasting precious cargo of blood." Laurence muttered and looked down at his shorts, smoothing them out. "Tasty blood too."

"Well keep them there for a little bit longer." I suggested. "I still have people to overthrow." I started for the bar and grabbed my bottle I had left there and took a swig from it. I need to raise my army tonight... Wake them all up and feed them. Richard pouted and shook his head.

"No, he should bring them all back. I want my kids!" He complained and walked over, tugging on my shirt. Victor disappeared before Val could try to convince him further. Val grumbled and teleported away and Laurence looked my way like he was going to tell me something but then disappeared. Rose smiled towards me and left.

"Well. I think Louis can decide on his own." I told Richard. Richard glared over at Louis.

"Louis you better-" Louis laughed and appeared beside me, kissing my cheek.

"Or what little Richard? Besides, you don't want to scare them, do you? Anyways, Paris, someone broke in and kidnapped Lauren. I found her blood on a lamp that was laying on the floor. She's been taken, and the intruder must have been a vampire using power. I mean, I would have heard or seen this if it hadn't been without some sort of help." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"Hm... but who would want Lauren?" I asked curiously.... remembering what Victor had told me and tensed up. Val always wants Lauren... and she is pretty untrustworthy. "Val." Louis nodded.

"The scent was Alexander's. I recognized it from the last time I saw him. He used his abilities to take her," he whispered to me. "I wanted to see if you'd figure it out or not yourself. Val has her again."

"I don't see the harm in that though." I whispered to him. "After all Val is probably just trying to be a loving maker."

"Ok...but she's got both Lauren and Alexander- both can stop and control time. I don't think it's a good thing. What if we need Lauren in the future? Plus we all love our little Lauren. Val's doped up half the time, and she probably wouldn't let Lauren come back to us if we asked. Plus, why didn't she just call to get Lauren back? She had Lauren attacked," Louis whispered back and frowned. "In my house.... in Wales. Alexander knows where the family is now."

"Move our family to another safe location." I whispered to Louis, "Hell bring them home to the manor." I encouraged. "I tell you what... I will send out a spy to Val's pent houses to see what the hell is going on." I told him. "Then will you settle down? I think Val's just being doped up Val." I rubbed his head. He nodded, calming down.

"I will be ok with that.... just something needs to happen. I will bring them home tomorrow... my place or yours?" He gave me a smile as he kissed my cheek.

"Bring them to the Grimm manor." I whispered. "I think they should stay there, it's going to be highly protected with two packs watching it." Louis nodded eagerly.

"Peyton has been asking to come home. She misses you," he told me as he pulled back and glanced towards Richard. "Something about how you promised her to take her out to ice cream?"

"That's... uh.... Not going to be possible for a while though." I mumbled. "We have things to do." Louis laughed and gave me a smile.

"Well, you had another kid. If she sees you and gets over the demonic look written all over you two, she's going to pester you both till you take her," he told me.

"We will have to make time..." I mumbled. "For both her and Dannie." I stretched then tossed the bottle aside. "Let's go Richard." Richard pouted as he looked from Louis to me.

"Can't we get our kids early though? I mean... if they are coming tomorrow, what's the harm in getting them tonight?" He asked me as he came over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I get them for one more night," he told Richard then disappeared before Richard could say something back. He sighed and looked up at me.

"Besides we have plans." I reminded Richard, pulling him out of Perry's bar. "We have to go see William." I reminded Richard. "Your little newborn you should be fathering and looking after well and making sure he eats everyday." Richard nodded.

"I should send him on a fieldtrip to France.... It's so beautiful there, and I think he'd like it," he told me and laughed as he got into the car, shutting the door.

"Hmm... after we take over." I promised Richard. "We can send him there." I laughed and got into the car then drove us off to The Black Lucy pub. He gave a smile as he ran his fingers through his hair then leaned over, taking one of my hands from the steering wheel. He bit down into my wrist quickly and let out a soft moan from the taste. I gasped and looked over at him then exposed my fangs. "What are you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Enjoying myself," he mumbled and bit down harder. I felt him start to remark me for the second time today. I accelerated the car up to 200mph.

"I'm enjoying myself too." I told him. "When we wreck and break our necks it will be epic." I heard him laugh as he reached his free hand down to the emergency brake.

"Dare me?" I gasped and laughed at the thought.

"You wouldn't dare." I smirked, my heart started to pound in my chest.

"I would dare," he told me with a dark laugh. "I would so do it in a heartbeat. How about we have a little session on the pavement?" He purred, not at all afraid this time.

"I dare you then." I teased. "Let's be dare devils and live our eternity to the fullest." Richard nodded as he pulled away from my wrist. He smirked for a second and pulled up on the brake, sending the car skidding to a halt. It turned to the side and then flipped completely over. Richard shrieked and then laughed as he grabbed my hand. The car flew off of the road and into a tree, knocking a few over and set us both flying out the windshield and out into the woods surrounding the road. He screamed as we fell into the leaves and tumbled for a few feet before we both hit the base of a tree trunk. He groaned in pain as his back hit it, and I was shielded from the impact by his body. He whimpered and then curled up, closing his eyes. I noticed a gash on his head and I could see scraps all over him, not to mention I was pretty scratched up myself. I could feel bruises starting to form and pain radiating through my body from being thrown out of the car like that. Richard pulled me close and then got on top of me, biting into my neck roughly without hesitation. I laughed softly and leaned into his shoulder, biting down. I wasn't too phased by the car crash at all. He bit down harder, taking a chunk and spitting it into the ground by my head before he licked at my wound, wrapping his arms around my waist. He rubbed my lower back soothingly and purred in my ear quietly as he bit down again. "Richard!" I growled. "I'm not another bloodbag for your enjoyment!" I growled, pissed that I lost some fresh. I leaned in towards his neck to get pay back, how dare he... He laughed and moved back from my neck, getting away from my bite before I could. He smirked down at me as he straddled my stomach.

"What's the matter Parie?" He purred and gave me a playful smirk. "You don't like it?"

"No, I swear if you do that again Richardo Dracula." I hissed. "I will sick your daddy on you." I smacked his legs on the sides and went to push him off so I could get up. He didn't budge though and laughed, leaning in and kissing me as he grabbed my hands. He held them to his chest to keep me from using them as he pressed down into me, kissing my neck. I let out a slight moan then bucked, to throw him off balance and send him crashing down over my head so I would be free. He screamed a bit as he was thrown into the leaves and then curled up.

"You're so cruel to me," he mumbled as he hugged his sides. He hadn't unsharpened his fangs yet, watching me. "You didn't have to do that...."

"Suck it up buttercup." I purred. "This is who I am due to your past self with my past self. I had to get tough." I sat up and rubbed my wound that was healing up. He pouted and sat up.

"But I'm so loveable," he whispered and leaned in, giving me a soft kiss before pulling back to look at me. "You turned me into a demon again... It's your fault."

"Oh come on.... I know you wanted it." I teased and turned to him, leaning in towards his lips. "After all you are my mate and I know we have the same wants... We both enjoy being.... our natural self in these forms." I ran my fingers down to his belt. He shivered and kissed my neck, reaching for the hem of my shirt.

"Our natural selves?" He purred in my ear and then tackled me down to the forest floor and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back deeply and pulled off his belt, tossing it into the woods.

"Mh.. Us right here... right now." I whispered into his ear and ran my fangs down his neck. He shivered again and then exposed his fangs to me. He smirked and ran his hands down my sides, grabbing the hem of my shirt.

"You better find my belt later," he told me as he pulled my shirt over my head and kissed me again. He moved to my chest and kissed me there before starting a love bite.

"You don't need it." I told him and shrugged. "Clothes are useless... let's run wild and free.... I know a waterfall that is nearby." I teased him and unzipped his pants, pulling them down to his ankles. He tensed up just a bit and bit his bottom lip as he looked up from me from my chest.

"Now that's no fair Paris...." He told me and grabbed the top of my pants. "You're supposed to let me do all that myself, so I can strip tease you like I normally do."

"Too bad." I purred and ripped his shirt off of him. "I'm doing it for you." I whispered into his ear. He laughed and laid down on top of me, giving me a love bite on my neck as he moved his hands away from my pants to my back. I bit my bottom lip, making it bleed as I tried to hold in a moan. I started to push my pants down, becoming eager to be with him. He growled as he caught the scent of my blood and moved to my lips, licking the bottom one before taking it and starting to suck on it to get the blood. His hands ran up and down my back, one of them slipping up under my pants and helping push them down to where I was just in my underwear. He squeezed my butt and tilted his head to get at my lips better. I laughed softly and tried to flip us to steal the top right out from under him while he thought he had it. I smirked as I succeeded in doing so then leaned in towards his neck and kissed it softly, trailing kisses down his skin and towards his manhood, stirring him up a bit. He let out a small moan and squirmed, pushing up into me before he grabbed a lock full of my hair. I looked up at him just as I reached his belly. "Yes my love?" I asked innocently.

"What are you doing?" He asked, laughing just a bit before he tugged me back to his lips. He kissed me passionately and went to grab for my hands. I avoided letting him grab my hands and placed them right by his head. I let a growl slip as I kissed him back.

"Getting... down and dirty with you." I whispered against his lips. He pressed up into me again and bit down into my lower lip. I teleported us then into our bed back home, not caring what kind of dirt we would trap into our bed. "Now... where was we?" I asked him as I grabbed at the bottom of his boxers and pulled on them. He growled and then went to push up against me, trying to flip us.

"Right...here," he told me as he grabbed at my hands. I was caught off guard by him and found myself under him faster then I could get his boxers down.

"Ugh." I grumbled in defeat. He laughed and kissed my lips before running his hands across my chest and up under my back.

"Mine," he whispered in my ear and then licked my neck, his fangs sharp against my skin.

"I guess I have been getting away with being on top for too long huh?" I asked, I did enjoy bottom.... it meant less work. He didn't answer me as he slowly bit down, starting to drink my blood again as he ran his hands down my back, taking his time with it. I shivered at his touch and ran my fingers up to my shoulders, giving it a scratch. He tensed up and pulled away from my neck, looking into my eyes. With a smirk, he turned his head and took my finger with his mouth, biting down into it. I shrieked out in pain as I watched him, fearing he would bite it off. "R-Richard... It takes forever to grow those things back." I told him softly. Then it would take all of eternity to get my nails back to the perfect length. He didn't bite down enough to detach it from me, and he let go after a few seconds.

"I should....but I won't," he told me, giving me a playful smirk before he bit his lip to make it bleed. He pressed his lips against mine and kissed me, getting his blood on me. I leaned in towards his mouth slightly and pushed my tongue past his lips to explore his mouth. I let out a slight moan, running my fingers across his back. He quickly kissed me back and took my tongue, sucking on it as he ran his hand down to my butt and gripped it. I gasped slightly and started to run my fingers down his body and towards his boxers, ripping them slowly to get them off. He laughed and pressed into me, starting to slowly grind against me instead of trying to stop me from ripping his boxers up. I smiled softly and laid my head back against the pillow, arching my back so I pressed my chest up against him to make it difficult for him, being a tease. He growled a bit and shoved me back down on the bed. "Behave," he purred to me and grabbed a lock full of my hair, making sure to tug on it so my head had to stay down. I laughed softly and nodded.

"Yes oh powerful mate." I purred seductively into his ear. He laughed and kissed my lips as he ran his fingers down my thigh, grabbing it and moving my legs to where he was in between them. He wrapped them around his body and smirked, kissing my neck as he pressed me down with his body weight.

"You are going to be sore for the next week when I'm through with you," he told me, his breath tickling my skin.

"I can't wait." I purred, ready for him. "I've waited for this for a while." I bit my bottom lip hard. He laughed and kissed my neck. He licked my neck as he started to hurt me a bit with how hard he was grinding against me. He squeezed my thigh hard. I gasped and leaned in towards his neck, biting down into it to take out my pain on him. He closed his eyes and then buried his face into my shoulder, loosening up a bit to make me more comfortable.

"Waited for a while huh? You had me last night....and the night before that," he mumbled against me as he tilted his head, allowing me better access to his neck as he started to reach for my boxers. I pulled back from the bite.

"But I was the one of top." I purred, teasing him. "Face it... You lost your dominate touch." He growled suddenly, getting upset.

"I have not," he told me and dug his nails into my skin. "If you want me to be as dominate as I want to be.... you will never see top again," he threatened and then bit down into my neck viciously. He went back to grinding hard as he pressed me down into the bed, grabbing the top of my boxers. I widened my eyes and laughed.

"Now there's my scary little demonic mate." I purred, glad I was winding his wild side up. "Show me your best fierce face baby." He growled and gripped my hair with his free hand and tugged on it to expose my neck, biting down into it harder than he had ever done to me before- like I had seen him do with prey. He tore out a piece and ate it before licking at my wound and tore the hem of my boxers. He picked me up just a bit, pressing my body against his as he moved my head onto the pillow then grabbed a bit of the blanket. He put a good bit of it into my mouth and smirked.

"You might want to bite down on something," he purred with a seductive look in his eyes as he moved down my body towards my happy trail. He started a love bite right below my belly button. I widened my eyes and started to panic a bit... if he was in a happy biting mood.... Oh he better stay far away from my area with those pretty whites of his. I gripped the sheets, tensing up. "How about a nice scar right....about here?" He asked, shoving my boxers up a bit to reveal my inner thigh. He smirked up at me and bit down there, marking me. I bit down into the sheets and let out a loud moan. I was glad the boys wasn't home to hear this... I arched my back a bit and placed one of my legs over his shoulder. That kinky bastard. He purred as he moved back from it and then crawled up between my legs, glancing at my area protected by my boxers. He started thinking about all he could do to me to drag tonight out and make it hard for me to move tomorrow. With a smirk, he looked up into my eyes and then moved up to my lips, kissing me and then showering my face with kisses as he ran his fingers behind my back. I relaxed a bit, taking out the sheets from my mouth, maybe he ditched his ideas... He wasn't too creative like I was. I had watched a lot of movies without him to learn- improve.... get better and conquer him. He smirked and bit down in the lobe of my ear, piercing it before he moved to my neck and bit down hard. He grabbed at my hands and reached up under my pillow, grabbing a pair of handcuffs he had stashed there without my knowledge. Quickly, he cuffed my hands to the bed and laughed as he sat up on my stomach and looked me over. "What shall I do with you first?" He purred, wiggling a bit on my stomach to tease me. I widened my eyes in surprise, yanking on the cuffs. He was getting sneaky.... I like it.

"Hmmm... You better think fast. Nothing can hold me forever." I teased... unless Hachi was involved in these handcuffs.

"I had them enchanted by Isaac yesterday," he purred. "A demonic half-breed might help hold you," he teased me, running his hands over my body playfully.

"I didn't know you was into this." I teased and tried to buck him off of me. "Do you have a whip hidden up under the mattress?" I teased. He frowned thoughtfully and glanced towards the door.

"No....but I could go get one from our torture chamber we have for prisoners," he mumbled then grinned evilly. "Stay...right...here," he touched my nose and crawled off of me.

"Hmmm.... I will be waiting." I promised Richard and smiled sweetly towards him. He's getting a bit too fun... Just the more reasons to love him. He smirked and walked over towards the door, not bothering to cover himself up.

"I think I will get the most dangerous one I can find...and a bit of holy water to dump all over your fresh wounds," he told me, grabbing the door knob.

"Kinky." I purred. "Bring me back a nice bottle of blood while you are at it. I deserve a teat for my good behavior." He laughed and shook his head.

"No, I won't. The night is still young," he said and then walked out. I laid there for a second, waiting then tried to teleport out of the cuffs so I could at least scratch my shoulders. I frowned when I seemed to glitch back into the cuffs.

"What... the.... hell is this?" I asked and yanked on them, I tried to brake the headboard then, even though I knew I had it recently replaced (to this really good medal that was supposedly unbreakable) because of how often we broke the headboard and started to freak out as it wouldn't budge. "I am so freaking in trouble." I admitted to myself and looked towards my shoulder that was itching. "UGH!" Richard waltzed right in with a whip over his shoulder, a bottle of holy water in one hand, and one of my maids in the other. He smirked as he shut the door with his foot and dragged her over, dropping the whip and holy water to the floor as he exposed his fangs. He pressed her down on the bed and crawled on top of her, just out of my feet's reach and bit down on her, making her shriek. "So unfair." I purred, exposing my fangs. "I want a bite." I begged. He glanced over at me from where he was and laughed darkly, biting into her harder and spilled her blood onto the bedsheets.

"You'll just have to sit there....and watch," he told me and pulled at her dress's collar, her dress reaching up to her neck. He ripped it to expose right above her bra and laughed as she went to cover herself in fear.

"Richard~" I pulled on the handcuffs. "Come on.... This isn't fair. I wanted blood. I got into a wreck too you know?" I tried to nudge him with my foot, cursing myself for being shorter then the bed. "GHA!" He laughed and sat up, pulling her into his lap as he licked her neck, watching me the whole time.

"Are you upset?" He teased as he got his chin bloody. He bit down into her and tore out a chunk, making her shriek as she started to tremble, burying her face into his neck. He spat it onto my chest and smirked as he licked her again.

"It's going to take forever to replace her." I sighed out. "Darn it." I looked away from them. I felt my stomach grumble with hunger. He was such a tease. He sighed and looked her in the eyes.

"Angelica...feed Paris will you?" He purred to her. She bit her bottom lip and crawled out of his lap obediently and crawled over to me slowly. She gripped the torn part of her dress, trying to cover up what Richard had exposed and then sat down on my stomach.

"Get off my stomach." I snapped towards her. "Unless you plan on fulfilling my sexual desires." I teased and licked my fangs, freaking her out. She screamed and crawled off of me to the other side of the bed, falling into the floor. Richard laughed as he watched.

"Aww, you scared her. Good, I was getting jealous that she was on you," he purred as he crawled up to me. I saw Angelica run for the door quickly, covering up her neck.

"I never told her I wasn't hungry." I snapped. "Where are you going!? Get back here and feed me." I called for her. She froze at the door and looked at me slowly, shaking her head no. Richard laughed and wrapped me up in his arms. "She's so dead when I get up tomorrow." I muttered.

"You were going to kill me anyways! You always kill all the maids that you touch! Don't think I don't know that!" She shouted at me. Richard smirked and sat up.

"See, this is why maids are too much trouble. They all have a mind of their own," he whispered.

"I should brainwash them all when they come into servicing me." I suggested to myself, liking the idea already. "Go on and run, I will get you later." I told the maid. She frowned and glanced at the door.

"Why?" She asked suddenly and then looked at me, putting her hands on her hips. I moved to go after her then, but was held back due to two reasons.

"You little sassy bitch." I hissed. "Get out of here right now and pray you make it to heaven in the after life when I get you tomorrow." She smirked and shook her head.

"If you are just planning on killing me anyways....then why should I bother?" She told me then opened the door, going out. She shut the door softly behind her, and I heard her take off running down the hall towards the servants quarters- her thoughts gearing towards getting her things together and running away. Richard frowned and then looked at me.

"That one was a bad egg.... We should be more careful in the future in selecting servants."

"I swear if I have to handpick then myself." I grumbled and shook my head. "Where was we?" I asked him, seeing her had set my mood off from being aroused by Richard. He noticed then and pouted.

"Want me to go sacrifice her to you? I could easily catch her if it would make you happy," he purred, moving close to me and kissing my neck.

"Just keep her from me." I mumbled and leaned in towards his lips. "Let's get back to us." He nodded eagerly and then kissed my lips, grabbing at a nearby pillow. He reached into the pillow case and pulled out a small key and smirked as he pulled away.

"This... is the key to your freedom," he told me then sat it far away from me on the nightstand on his side. "Tell it goodbye." He crawled on top of me and straddled my stomach, giving me a love bite on my neck. I looked towards the key longingly.

"Goodbye freedom." I whispered, pleasuring my little dominate mate. He growled playfully and bit down.

"You're mine...." he purred then ran his fingers down my side teasingly. "Now how best to get you in the mood again?" He asked himself, glancing towards the whip on the floor.

"Better turn me over." I winked at him. "I've been a naughty boy, so the news tells me." He growled and crawled over me. He grabbed the key off of the nightstand and uncuffed my hands to adjust me. I bucked him off of me while he was focused on my hands and started for the bathroom, chuckling.

"GET BACK HERE!" He shouted, sounding mad. He chased after me quickly, tackling me to the floor. I laughed as he managed to get me, landing on me as we was on the floor. I purred under him then let out a rawr. I tried to crawl out from under him.

"Not going back." I told him stubbornly, making this interesting for us.

"Good, you'll make me have to think," he purred to me. "I like a challenge." He grabbed my hands and then stood up, starting to drag me towards the bathroom as he kept his thoughts off of his plans. He cuffed one of my hands with a smirk as he looked down at me. I shrieked, not understanding what we could do in the bathroom besides drowning and started to get to my feet. I tried to pull away from him, trying to go towards the bedroom double doors. He laughed darkly as he finished yanking me into the bathroom then tripped me into the bathtub. He handcuffed my hands to the bar in the tub, making me stand up. "Wait right here sweetie," he purred and then went out into the bedroom. I widened my eyes and tried to watch the door out of the corner of my eyes as I pulled on the handcuffs. What's he planning!? He came back in with the whip and holy water and laughed as he saw me, shutting the door and locking it. "So I was thinking.... it'd be terrible to get blood all over the floor and bed.... Inside the tub, it'll all be concealed and drain safely out to the septic tank." He unraveled the whip and laughed. I yanked on the cuffs then, cleaver little mate.... He must've been planning something like this all along. Hand cuffs.... I really need to start checking our bed out every night. He smirked and moved the curtain aside more and then out of the tub completely. He ran the handle of the whip up my spine playfully. "Want to find out why we don't play with Richard?"

"I think I got a good taste." I whispered softly and bit my bottom lip hard. I need to stop giving him ideas... He smirked and leaned in, kissing my neck.

"Well... you asked for me to be more dominate," he whispered in my ear and then moved back, hitting my back with the whip lightly to scare me. I gripped the handle I was cuffed to.

"I thought you would have backed down by now." I admitted and blushed a slight red. He laughed and leaned in, kissing my back right over where he hit me.

"Are you getting upset?" He asked softly and then hit me with the whip harder, causing a welt and blood to start running down my back. I hissed slightly.

"Not at all." I told him and yanked on the handle to try to break it for my freedom.

"Bet you wished the roles were reversed," he purred as he striked me with it again. "The big scary demon caught the prince," he teased as he hit me with it again. I gasped and bit my bottom lip, causing it to bleed.

"Are you trying to weaken me Richardo?" I asked him curiously. "So I can't struggle when we are back in bed with you on top of me... taking all of me?" I ran my fingers across the tile in the tub. He thought it over and smirked, giving a nod.

"That sounds nice," he mumbled and then hit me again, causing a worse welt. It started to bleed down my back more rapidly than the others, and the next stinging strike dug in deep into my skin. I let out a small yelp.

"Shoot... I gave you another idea." I muttered. Curses.

"I think I like those cuffs.... I'll see about keeping them," he teased and dragged the whip against my skin playfully.

"Mhhhh~ I'll see about getting them destroyed in the meantime." I promised.

"Aww, you don't like it?" Richard pouted and then moved the whip away. Dropping it to the ground, he uncapped the bottle of holy water and then smirked, dripping a few drops on my wounds to see if it would do anything. I shrieked out in pain as the holly water started to sizzle into my wound and drain into my blood stream.

"AH! What the hell!" I growled. "I'm going to get you for that." I swore and tugged on the cuffs. He laughed and put the cap back on the bottle and set it on the counter. He smiled at me innocently and leaned in to the tub a bit, kissing my neck from behind.

"I bet you are raging inside....pissed," he mumbled and then scraped his fangs across my skin. I used my feet then to hit the handles to the showerhead, cutting on freezing cold water. He shrieked and backed away, glaring at me. "Oh...now I'm mad," he told me and picked up the whip again. "Do you want another?" I laughed softly, the cold water relieving me slightly from my wounds.

"Bring it." I encouraged.

~Thirty Minutes Later~

He dropped the bloody whip on the ground and growled at me, his eyes dark as he stared me down. "You....are going to be exhausted," he muttered and grabbed the key off of the counter. He reached in, uncuffing one hand then cuffed it to his own wrist. He yanked me out of the bloody tub and turned off the water, leading me back to the bedroom as he stepped over the whip. I stumbled after him, feeling my body drained of blood and weak like he had predicted. Once we reached the bed I pushed him down onto it and got on top of him, exposing my fangs to bite into him. He laughed and quickly uncuffed me from him, moving the cuff around the headboard and then onto my hand. He smirked up at me as he kissed my lips. "Are you upset little demon?" He purred into my ear. I leaned in for his neck, ignoring his laughs. I was still the one on top last time I checked. He smirked and started to crawl out from underneath me. I widened my eyes and tried to stop him with my legs but wasn't quick enough. Darn! It must be from the lack of blood.

"Where are you going?" I asked. He smirked as he sat a few inches away.

"Far enough to tease you for the next five seconds," he purred and then brought his hand up to his neck, tilting his head to the side to showcase it. He scratched his neck to make himself bleed. I groaned and laid down on the bed, burring my face into the pillow and smelling my own scent. Just think about chocolate.... I felt him move over to me, and he picked me up, slipping back under me with a sigh. He adjusted himself before tilting my head close to his neck. "Here you go Paris," he mumbled and closed his eyes. "Take your fill." I slipped my legs in between his and smirked.

"Going soft are we?" I asked my weak little dominate lover. I started to grind my hips into him, trying to earn a moan out of him. He was so mine even if I didn't have any hands to work with. He groaned and arched his back.

"Paris! I said you could have a bite. I didn't say you could have dominance!" He laughed a bit and pressed up on my chest.

"Hey~ Who's on top of who?" I asked and leaned in towards his neck taking a bite. I began to feast on his blood greedily. He moaned and moved one of his feet into my inner thighs, rubbing against me.

"Don't take too much. I want to keep most of my strength," he told me and kissed my cheek. I laughed, he better try to get away from me then if he wants strength to finish what he started. I let out a soft growl. He laughed a bit and started reaching towards the nightstand. I noticed that he had the key in his hand. I stopped moving, and moved my mouth away from his neck, going for his hand to get they key. He widened his eyes and started trying to reach to the nightstand faster, getting scared that I would get it. Lucky me, I managed to get his hand. I bit his wrist to try to cause him to drop the key, excitement taking me over. He groaned as the key dropped onto the bed and he tried to pull his hand back from my lips. "Paris, that hurts," he complained. I let his wrist go and moved off of him to get the key but from the sheets moving under us it slipped off the bed and I could hear it hit the floor.

"NOOOOO!" I yelled. Richard laughed and moved out from under me, going for the key.

"Ha! That's what you get!" He smirked at me as he grabbed it. I frowned and sat up on my knees then shifted my body around to place my feet up against the headboard and started to yank harder on the cuffs.

"Come on baby~" I mumbled, knowing I wasn't going to get anywhere with this but it was worth the try. Richard laughed and dangled the key in front of my face teasingly.

"Is this what you want? The key to your freedom? To getting me back?" He purred, giving a little smirk that made me want to snatch him up. I resituated myself back onto my knees and tried to get the key with my mouth. I managed to get it- being too quick for my own good and laughed- making sure to keep it between my teeth.

"You suck at being dominate." I told him through the key. He growled and crossed his arms.

"Am not," he told me and went to grab at the key to get it back. I placed the key into my mouth, sealing my lips tight. He growled and exposed his fangs, coming close and then kissing me as he slipped his tongue past my lips to get at the key. I gasped and tried to fight his tongue, but it was hard with the position I was in. I hid the key under my tongue as a last stance to save myself. After a few seconds, he pulled away with a look of disappointment. He hadn't managed to get it back. "Grrr." He got in between me and the cuffs. "Like Hell I'm going to let you use that key." I got into his lap then, straddling him. I placed the key in between my teeth and tried to lean past him for my cuffed hands. He gasped and tried to push me away, but he was weakened from when I bit him earlier. "Paris, you're getting cocky," he hissed, but he hadn't managed to shove me back far enough from the handcuffs. I smirked as I got the key into one of the holes and tried to turn the key to unlock it. He gasped as he heard the gears working and tried shoving harder, putting all his strength into it. I was forced backwards from the key then, leaving it up to my hands to turn it before he could notice my process. I smirked towards him, moving my hands carefully to each other so the key wouldn't fall out. He studied my lips for a moment then opened his eyes wide. "No!" He looked afraid and turned to go for the key, realizing where it was. I shrieked and was lucky enough to get the key to unlock it then pulled the key out, pulled the cuff off my first hand. He tried grabbing at the cuff that wasn't around my hand anymore, aiming to put it back on and take the key back. I dropped the key in the process, hearing it fall behind the bed- chilling my heart. I pulled my hand to my chest before he could react and tried to take the other hand from him. He growled and went to grab it, but he accidentally lost his balance, falling over to the side. I pulled away from him and took off towards the door to our bedroom.

"HA! You slipped up~ This is why I am more dominate." I told him over my shoulder. Richard frowned as he sat up on the bed.

"Are you leaving me?" He pouted and then sighed, laying down. He got underneath the bedsheets and curled up, deciding not to chase me. I leaned up against the door looking towards him.

"Think of it as... I am training you. One day you won't let things slip up and I will be under your power again. Until then.... I am going to make myself eggs." I opened the door and left him there. Richard didn't follow me, and I sensed him lose interest in me after a few minutes of being alone in there, thinking about sleeping. I pouted. He Isn't near as fun as he use to be. I wondered into the kitchen finding one of the butlers inside, cleaning. He turned towards me and raised an eyebrow.

"Why- sir! You are naked." He told me. "Want me to get you any clothes? Is that blood?" He asked with concern.

"Nope, but you can fix me a bowl of ice cream." I told him, giving a small smile. "My mate isn't dominate anymore." I complained. I played with the dangling cuff as I sat down on one of the counters. I suddenly felt my hand grabbed, and the cuff was closed around the cupboard's handle. Richard appeared in front of me and smirked.

"You should never...ever leave me alone," he whispered to me and leaned in, biting my neck. "Especially when you think I've backed off....cause I never do. You should know better by now that I use my thoughts against you." I smirked and looked towards the butler.

"You might want to get out of here, things are about to get rated R." I told him, causing him to take off out the room. I looked towards Richard then. "You got me."

"Oh? This?" He gestured to the cuff and smirked. "Not half of what I have planned for you," he purred then went over to the fridge, pulling out my favorite ice cream. He grabbed two spoons and popped the top off, setting the container in my lap and put a spoon in my free hand.

"So what are we doing?" I asked and went to scoop myself out a bite.

"Well first.... you are going to be treated to the ice cream and be pleased....next, I'm going to drag you back upstairs and finish what I started with you cuffed to be on bottom....after that, I will melt the key into liquid and dump it out the window as you watch, so you know you will never be free from me."

"WHAT!?" I panicked. "I can't be on bed rest for all eternity! Especially with you playing dominate top." I tried to break the door handle on the cabinet... Oh yeah... I werewolf proofed this sucker. You have no idea how much door handles they break due to their short tempers. FUCK. Richard laughed and shook his head.

"Just kidding sweetie. I would get bored with you chained up for life," he told me and produced the key. He laughed and brought it close to him. "Bet you wish you had this right now.... so glad you don't," he purred then used his spoon to get a bite of ice cream. I stole the bite from him though and smiled.

"I rather have the ice cream." I told him, trying to be innocent. He smiled at me and shook his head, going for another bite of ice cream.

"Well stop taking my bites. I help stock this kitchen with my funds," he told me and then slipped the key underneath the waistband of his boxers, making it stay there. He smirked and ate his bite of ice cream. I took a bite of ice cream and moaned.

"This needs something warm." I mumbled. "Like pie." He smirked and bit down into his wrist then held it over the ice cream.

"Well, my blood is sweet...and warm," he told me as it dripped onto my ice cream.

"Hmmm~ You sweet and warm? Ha." I teased and leaned in towards his wrist and bit into it. He blushed a bit, but he didn't deny me a bite.

"You've complimented me plenty of times on how great my blood tastes," he mumbled and then kissed the top of my head, acting innocent. He pulled his wrist back and then licked it clean, watching it heal. I pouted then continued eating my ice cream.

"What the hell is going on here? You know what.... I don't want to know about what kind of kinky things you two are into." I heard Donnie say as he walked past us and towards the fridge. "Just put some damn clothes on and make sure to use Lysol before you leave here." Richard's eyes widened in fear at being seen, but he quickly over came it and wrapped his arms around Donnie's neck.

"Awww, don't you know how you came to be?" He asked, teasing Donnie. He kissed Donnie's cheek and then disappeared to not be seen like he was. I felt him sit on the counter beside me, using his power to be invisible from sight.

"Gosh... how gross." I heard Donnie whispering and looked me over as he took out a bottle of blood and started for the door. "I'm serious, Lysol. People eat on the counters you know." He told me and walked out the kitchen. I blushed, feeling sorry for him having to see us like we was. Poor kid. Richard reappeared and smiled at me, kissing my neck and then bit down.

"You...me...bed?" He whispered as he reached for another bite of ice cream.

"Not cuffed." I objected. He tsked and looked at the cuff.

"Are you going to run away if I uncuff you?" He asked, touching the key lightly.

"Only to make it difficult for you to get me." I told him sweetly. "Don't you like a good chase?" He thought it over and smirked, getting down from the counter as he walked off without another word. After a few minutes, I heard the piano in the music room start playing.

"RICHARD! I'M STILL NAKED HERE!" I informed him. I pushed the icecream bucket away and dropped my spoon into it then slipped off the counter and looked through the drawers for something to help. I pulled out a knife then and smirked. He came running back in and snatched the knife away from me and pointed it at my chest.

"Knock it off," he told me, glaring me down. "You aren't escaping me."

"Uh?" I raised an eyebrow. "You left me stranded butt naked in a kitchen." I informed him. "I'm escaping." He growled and dropped the knife to the floor then bit down into my neck. He reached for the key and then uncuffed me from the handle then cuffed me to him. He started to lead me from the kitchen as he trailed my neck with kisses. I followed him obediently, liking the kisses he was giving me.

"Where we going?" I asked him softly.

"To...the music room," he purred. "I want to play in there with you....and then we shall move to the bedroom." He pulled me down the hall as he started a love bite on my neck.

"Do we have to stay cuffed together?" I asked softly. I groaned and teleported us into the music room to make it better, having the cuffs come with us. I might not be able to teleport out of them but I could move them with me. He growled playfully and led me over to the piano, sitting down on the bench and hit a few keys with his free hand.

"Yes, you'll leave me," he said simply. I sat down by him and ran my fingers across the keys.

"You are sooooooooooooooooooo not getting top." I whispered to him. He glanced at me and smirked.

"Why not?"

"Because you can't handle me." I informed him. "I'm just too dominate for you."

"You are not," he told me and then tugged on the hand cuff, bringing me closer. He stole a kiss and then smirked. "If you weren't trying so hard to get free, I think you would enjoy it much better."

"Oh I am only trying to make this interesting and tough for you." I promised. "I don't just lay down on the bottom for just any old lover boy named Richardo Dracula." I started to play the song I wrote for him. He smiled as he recognized it and then rested his head against my shoulder. He kissed my neck and scraped his fangs against me.

"But I'm the one and only Richardo Dracula.... there will never be another Dracula. I killed the rest. Our children and I are the last of the line....and they take your name, not mine," he purred.

"Well the next kid we have can have your last name if it is a boy." I said and patted his cheek. "And if it comes out of me." I smirked, knowing that would NEVER happen. He pouted as it clicked for him what I meant by that.

"Parie~! That's no fair! You said I would have to play mommy to any more kids we have.... and you'd shun me if I made you a girl," he told me and brought me closer. He kissed my neck. "We should have another kid in a few years...."

"I don't know... we have like.... one too many." I told him. "We should take a break."

"I said a few years... you know that means about twenty to me," he murmured in my ear. He kissed my neck again and then growled playfully as he reached out and grabbed my hands off of the piano. He brought them to his lips and kissed them.

"A few centuries." I decided. "When we have the best empire ever to raise a baby in." I ran my fingers up his sides, dragging them from his lips. "I might even be willing to try again... being a girl. If.... If we have a no hunter free world by then." I smirked, my demands were so high. He wasn't really paying attention as he leaned in to me, kissing my neck lovingly.

"Ok," he murmured and brought me closer. I leaned into his neck and smirked.

"Ok, no kids." I agreed. He stopped then and pulled away, glaring at me.

"No, we will have kids. We agreed that in Canada because it brings us closer as mates," he growled and then kissed me. "You'll just have to deal with it in a few years."

"Fine, we will put this talk off for when that time comes." I promised and kissed his cheek. I began to slid out of his arms then, teasingly. I had forgotten about the handcuffs at the time. He growled just as soon as the hand cuff restricted me from getting away.

"Not so fast lover boy," he purred and then knocked us into the floor with him on top. "You can't leave me," he teased me and then bit down into my neck as he got in between my legs. I let a moan slip and closed my eyes tightly.

"Why can't I? What if I need to pee?" I asked curiously.

"If you gotta pee, lemme know," he whispered and then ran his hands back behind me. His hands moved downwards slowly as he got comfortable on top of me, kissing my neck. I arched my back and tried to disturb him a bit to throw him off my neck, teasingly.

"Hm.... I think I need something to drink." I decided. "Orange juice and some vodka." He laughed and shook his head.

"Nope," he told me and shoved me back down onto the floor roughly. He kissed my lips and smirked against them.

"Why not?" I asked and rubbed his sides. "I need something." I insisted.

"Why?" He laughed again and then started a trail down to my neck.

"Because you might try to get me before we make it to the bed." I whispered truthfully. "I can't allow that."

"But if you drink Vodka.... you won't play nice with me anymore," he complained, sitting up on top of me.

"Oh? You can't have that now... can you? You want the top role." I smirked. "Ops." He frowned and tugged on the chain and sighed.

"Well...you'll be loosened up a bit if you get drunk.... and I might be able to transfer the cuffs to the bed easier. I guess you can have a few glasses." He pulled us to our feet and started to lead us out of the room to his private bar room he had set up. He took me in and then grabbed one of his favorites down, sliding it over to me. I smirked and popped it open then took a sip out of it.

"You should have some too." I suggested, planning on getting him drunk enough to pass out on me and I would be the ultimate dominate one of our relationship... It was a clever idea. He thought it over then nodded, reaching for one. He opened it up and took a swig. I could see the key just under the waistband of his boxers, shining in the light and catching my attention. He wasn't guarding it at all. I got close to him then and wrapped my arms around his waist, beginning to kiss him and started for the key. He smile and kissed me back, wrapping his arms around me to the best of his ability.

"I love you," he whispered and then took another sip of his drink.

"I love you to." I said as I got the key from him and grabbed the bottle, taking a swig from it. I then motioned for him to have another sip, taking the key and began to work on getting free. He smiled and took another sip, not noticing what I was doing. He laughed and downed about another two mouthfuls. I was able to get the cuff off and cuffed him to the bar then slipped the key into his boxers and took off for our bedroom, making this fun. I heard the bottle drop and Richard getting mad about being left.

"Damn it Paris," he muttered just as I got out of the room. He started to adjust himself to get the key out of his boxers. I laughed and teleported to our bedroom and laid down on the bed, positive he would never guess to find me here and closed my eyes. I was planning on taking a small nap.

By morning, I heard Richard stumbling into the room, cursing under his breath. He came over and shoved me over, laying down in the bed and curling up to the bedsheets, not facing me.