Issac’s Mother & Sister

Isaac's POV:

I pulled Hachi towards my mother's front door and smiled, not bothering to hide the tail. She'd probably find it adorable. "So make sure not to make any threats towards her, ok?" I glanced over my shoulder at him, giving him an encouraging smile.

"No way... She heard about me on the news so she is just going to have to deal with the real me." Hachi was determined to be himself. "Now... kill me?" He begged. "Turn me into a piece of paper for the rest of the day?" I shook my head and pulled him inside, shutting the door behind me.

"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted and listened for any signs of her. She appeared in front of me, her hair brushed neatly over her shoulder in her curls. I smiled at her and let go of Hachi, going over to her.

"Isaac, my dear!" She looked delighted to see me and hugged me quickly. "You've been away for far too long.... Have you given up wizardry yet?"

"Nope, still using it," I told her and kissed her cheek. She sighed then exposed her fangs, leaning in towards my neck like she usually does when she sees me after long periods of times. I smiled and tilted my head for her.

"Hey~ That's my little Isaac now. Don't go biting him without my permission or you will get stung by the stitches I just put in." Hachi informed her as he started to walk through the house, making himself at home. She growled as she noticed the stitches for the first time.

"You let him mark you?" She whispered lowly. I frowned and kissed the top of her head.

"It's not like I had a choice.... He chained me up...and I wanted to be marked," I told her. She sighed and moved away, not wanting to risk it. She glanced at my tail as I moved it, and then she widened her eyes.

"ISAAC!" She quickly spun me around and touched my tail. "What the hell happened?! You have a tail now?!" I laughed and moved my tail out of her hands and up under my shirt, turning to look at her.

"Yes, father decided to sacrifice me to hell. I'm part demon now," I informed her. She growled in irritation.

"Boy, you are going to start living with me. I don't like what you've been getting into." She pulled me close. "I'm going to murder that man.... I swear, if I ever see his face again..."

"He was very delicious." Hachi said as he walked up, eating an apple. "Just like this apple." He held it up in the air then glanced her over. "Wonder what you will taste like." Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she didn't saw anything against him, being polite. I sighed and wrapped my arms around her.

"Hachi, this is my mother. Play nice," I told him and kissed the top of her head. I loved being taller than her.... so many more advantages.

"Well... last time I played nice.... I was eating out that sweet girl's eyes." Hachi told me, rubbing it in bad he was a cannibal. "So, can we go now?" He asked. "You seen eachother and kissed and hugged and now it is time to go." My mother shook her head and pulled away from me, smiling at Hachi.

"No.... I have many things to tell Isaac, and I'd love if you stayed. You are very interesting Hachi.... I'm glad my son isn't settling for that other girl he had earlier. He shouldn't settle...." She smiled innocently then pulled me towards the living room, sitting me on the couch and bouncing over to a book shelf. She pulled down the album from my childhood and brought it over, setting it in my lap. "Open it Isaac. There's something inside towards the end that you should see." Frowning, I glanced up at her then opened it up, flipping to the back. I shook my head as I saw my old high school photos.

"Mom, I've seen these before." She smiled and shook her head, bending down.

"Wanna know what happened to those vampire genes of yours? Why you only exhibited wizard genes? It's because it took a bit, but you eventually stopped aging. Compare yourself now to your senior photo and your photo from your twenty first birthday. You slowed down dramatically....and you look the same as you did when you turned twenty." I widened my eyes and studied the pictures, noticing that when I was twenty, I looked nineteen or eighteen.

"Mom, I'm not immortal." I closed the book and handed it to her. "I can't be. Besides, I'm only a Halfling, so it's not like I would be anyways. I just hit a point in my life where I will stagnant."

"Yep. That's only a three year difference." Hachi said from behind me, he had been looking over my shoulder the whole time. "I doubt you were immortal.... but now you are." He rubbed my head. "Your vampire genes got activated during the transitioning back from hell, thus the fangs.... plus demons don't age either." He informed me. "I should have told you that.... but I forgot to." He finished off the apple then. "Mh! Miss Isaac's mother, I have a gift for you." He crawled over the couch then to her. "It's right in my pocket." He reached into his pocket for it. She raised an eyebrow at him then looked at me.

"Sweetie, even if you didn't die.... you wouldn't age anymore. I know for a fact. I met another Halfling like you....though I did kill him," she admitted then leaned in, kissing my cheek.

"Mother, I'm going out," I heard a girl say from the hall. I widened my eyes. Who's calling my mommy mother?! I sat up quickly, looking towards the hall to see a girl that had blond hair with pink tips standing there on her phone. "Derick is taking my friends out, and I'm going with them. Who's that?" She asked, looking from me to Hachi. Who the heck is this girl?! She laughed and walked in. "Mom, you have guests today?"

"Hi I'm Hachi the Cannibal." Hachi introduced himself as he pulled out a dozen roses and gave them to my mother. "Here, they were dying in my pocket." My mom smelled them then set them aside.

"Thank you Hachi," she said and have him a smile, not caring that they were dying. The girl walked over and put her hands on her hips, studying the two of us.

"I'm Lilith," she said and gave a smirk. "I like you already Hachi. Keep up the good work," she told him then looked at me. "Who are you? You smell like mom." I narrowed my eyes and stood up.

"Who the heck are you?" I growled. Mom came up quickly and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Isaac, sweetie, this is your older sister, Lilith," she told me. I widened my eyes and looked from her to Lilith. What the heck is going on here? Since when do I have a sibling?!

"Can I eat this one?" Hachi asked me curiously. I glanced at him then at Lilith.

"Mother.... why didn't you tell me about her?" I growled, looking at mom. She smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"Because you didn't need to know yet," she told me simply.

"When were you going to tell me?"

"Never really...." She said and shrugged. "Lilith is a full vampire.... a product of one of my late nights with my boyfriend from that time period. She's about.... half a century old." Lilith grinned and took my hand, shaking it.

"I have a brother huh?" I shook my head and yanked my hand back.

"Don't touch me," I hissed and backed away to Hachi. "How could you not tell me that I had a sister?!" Hachi wrapped me up in his arms.

"I could eat her and then you'd be the only child again." Hachi whispered into my ear. "You could eat her with me." I frowned as I looked at him then at Lilith. She did look kind of tasty....and I certainly don't want to share mommy with a stranger. I turned around in Hachi's arms to face him and buried my face into Hachi's neck.

"I can't believe this Hachi...." I whispered to him and then growled softly as I started to get really upset with my mom for not telling me. She called me all the way out here to tell me I had stopped aging....and then I find out that I have a sister?! I've lived with mom for years! I never heard of Lilith once! I hugged Hachi tightly. "I want to go home," I said simply, making sure to keep the anger out of my voice.

"Oh really? Ruin all the fun of coming out here... She's not even offering us supper. Okay, lets go home. With no explanations at all... Maybe we can come back to eat them later." Hachi suggested and pulled me towards the door. Lilith snatched me from him quickly.

"Not so fast. I've got some bonding time to do with him! He's mine now," she told Hachi with a smirk. We suddenly disappeared onto a street in LA. I widened my eyes and went to get away from her, but she didn't let go.

"What the heck is wrong with you?! Let me go! I don't know you! I don't want to know you! Stay away from me!" I yanked on my arm to get away, but she kept an iron grip and smirked. I widened my eyes and exposed my fangs towards her. "Let me go." She shook her head and pulled me into a hug.

"Shhh, it's ok. Mom didn't tell me about you either. Honestly, I'm upset with her for it. How could she not tell me that I had a little brother all this time? I wondered where she went during those years, and now it makes sense....she was with you." Lilith shook her head. "I'm so mad that I could spit. I won't take it out on you though... I just want to be friends," she purred and kissed my cheek. "After all, we share some of the same genes. We both just got each other dumped onto one another.... and we both have history even if we've never seen each other until this moment. I want to get to know you." I relaxed a bit as her voice soothed me, calming my rage a bit. "It'll be alright...." I nodded and hugged her.

"Ok Lilith," I whispered to her. "I will try." She nodded and pulled back, giving me a smile.

"Good boy Isaac. Let's go have some fun and talk about that little manipulator that was hanging on to you earlier," she whispered. I frowned at that.

"He's not a mani-" She put a finger over my lips and smiled.

"Isaac," her eyes locked on to mine, and I felt like I should listen to her, that she would tell me the ultimate truth. "He's using you.... You should leave him- ditch him for me. After all, we're siblings and we should enjoy each others company. You're mine," she purred and kissed my cheek. I bit my bottom lip as I could feel any rage at her words and found myself nodding to her.

"I'm not using him!" Hachi snapped as he appeared behind her. "And you can't just go leaving me like that... You are lucky we are connected." Hachi purred to me. "Come on Isaac, let's go home. I want to curl up to you in our comfy bed." He purred sweetly towards me. I glanced at him and frowned a bit.

"Don't listen to him Isaac. I just got you.... Don't leave me," she purred to me, tilting my head so I wasn't looking at him. "He's evil.... He is only keeping you around because he can. You should leave him while you can and come to me." She kissed my cheek. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. What the heck is going on? I went to glance at Hachi, but she stopped me and caught my eyes again. "No," she told me, and I felt the need to obey her.

"Isaac." I felt the stitches on me start to heat up at Hachi's voice and started to squeeze and move around me like a snake. "Let's go."

"What did I tell you Isaac? He controls you," Lilith whispered in my ear as she noticed my mind turning towards him again. I whimpered and closed my eyes, torn between the two. "He doesn't love you." Her words rang in my ears like a bell, sending a jolt through me. I frowned and opened my eyes.

"He doesn't?" I asked, feeling like she was the one person I could trust. She nodded, giving me a sad look.

"He doesn't sweetie."

"What? Don't you spit him those lies! I never once wanted to hurt him." Hachi told her. "In a way that would kill him." He crossed his arms. "After I met him. You better step away from Isaac before I eat you to shut you up." He threatened. "I don't like my territory to be messed with... or my.... boyfriends." He reached out for me. "Come on Isaac before you get bit by that blood sucker." I nodded and let him touch me, but as soon as he did, Lilith yanked me away from him.

"Isaac, don't listen to him. I'd never bite you! Besides, he eats everyone he comes across! What makes you think that you are any different? He's using cute little names to get you to stay so he can eat you when he wants. You're the perfect catch," she whispered in my ear. I frowned as I remembered how he had attacked me on the stage, trying to eat me that day. "Come with me... I will show you what it's like to be free- to be a vampire. You don't have to be trapped." She tugged on my arm to pull me down the street. I stumbled after her and tried to get a grip on the situation, trying to understand what was going on, but every time I tried to think about it, I got scatterbrained. All I knew was that I needed to go with her.

"Don't.... EVER. Take something that is mine from me." Hachi growled, and I felt the stitching around me jump off of me and attack her, starting to squeeze around her and make her bleed. Suddenly sand started to drain out of her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Hachi was starting to get serious now as he walked up and pulled me away from her, the stitches coming back to me and settling in as he wrapped me up in his arms. "Next time I will fill you up with blood and make you pop." He warned her as the sand was still coming out. "Come near Isaac again, I dare you." She disappeared from in front of us, and suddenly, Hachi was thrown against the wall of the nearest building. Lilith smirked as his distraction was lost on his spell and then threw him down the alley right beside the building.

"I do dare. He's my brother," she hissed at him and then disappeared again. I felt arms wrap around me, and she teleported us outside a small little house. She knocked on it quickly, keeping an arm wrapped around me. "I know you're there!" She shouted. A lady opened the door and looked irritated.

"What do you want Lilith? I told you I didn't want anything to do with you anymore."

"Fix him," she said simply, shoving me to the lady. "I want that mark off of him." I widened my eyes and looked between the two.

"Hey, what's the big ide-"

"Isaac, sweet brother.... be nice. This is for your own good," she told me, giving a sweet smile. I calmed down immediately. I couldn't tell why, but I did. The lady glanced me over then nodded.

"I will see what I can do.... but you have to owe me a favor." The lady pulled me inside, leaving the door open for Lilith. She pulled me into a living room and sat me down on the couch, going over to a shelf full of potions. She selected one and tossed it to me. "Drink up. It'll numb the pain of the removal process." I shook my head, feeling it was wrong. Lilith tilted me head to look at her.

"Drink it Isaac," she purred, making me want to obey her. I gave a nod after a few seconds and opened it. I felt the mark on me then come alive as I heard a small chant, only viable for my ears speak up. It sounded like Hachi. The stitches came off of me and formed around me like a snake then began to transform into one, a white albino anaconda that slithered around me, forming bigger by the second. It stopped growing and turned into a dragon then, roaring at the threat in my hand and swallowed it whole then rubbed it's head against me before looking towards my sister and it's eyes formed galaxy colors before turning pitch black and started to breath fire towards her to warn her off. She shrieked and backed up to avoid being burned to a crisp. The lady raised an eyebrow at it and then raised a hand, chanting a spell to put me and the dragon into a barrier. A light formed around me, not bright enough to blind me, but enough to know it was there. It made me a bit frightened, but the lady quickly walked over to the potions on her shelves, searching it. She pulled down two and started drinking one, tossing the other to my sister.

"Here, this should help us," she told Lilith and smiled. "Wherever did you find such a person marked like this? It's very powerful. I might not be able to undo it. I would be very interested in knowing who did this to him.... I think we'd be best friends for at least five seconds." She looked at me and then raised her hands, a charm in one that started to glow as she started another chant. I felt a burning sensation on my skin where the stitches had been, making me whimper as I curled up into a ball. The dragon looked towards me and then circled around me before licked one of my eyes and the pain started to subside.

"My mark doesn't have a cure." I heard Hachi's voice through the dragon. The dragon circled me protectively then turned into a billion little butterflies, that fluttered around me and tickled my body to make me laugh. I giggled a bit and relaxed, uncurling myself and let my tail out of my shirt as I felt safe. My sister growled suddenly, not knowing what was going on. She couldn't hear Hachi like I could.

"Try harder," she told the lady. The girl sighed and went over to the shelf, pulling down some blue looking liquid and then spilled it over her charm, making it glow. She turned to me and started chanting again. I widened my eyes as the burning came back stronger, and I shrieked out in pain, falling onto the sofa.

"Make it stop, make it stop," I mumbled, scratching at the spots that burned the most. I could feel myself start to bleed from it, but I couldn't stop myself. All the little butterflies started to burn up as I scratched at the burning spots and soon none of the butterflies were around me. The burning sensation that harmed me was starting to fade away, like the mark had been taken care of. Lilith jumped up and down excitedly, clapping her hands.

"I think it's working!" She hugged the lady and kissed her cheek, but the lady quickly shoved her away.

"You'll ruin my concentration! I have to make sure it's gone!" I whimpered as I looked around, not liking the fact that the butterflies were gone.... I was alone in this barrier by myself? They'll hurt me.... Lilith looked to me and smiled.

"Isaac, it's ok. You're safe.... I will keep you from harm," she told me, and I felt like she was telling the truth. I calmed down and smiled, curling up on the couch as I brought my tail close to me. I watched her as she watched me. I felt something moving around under my shirt though, a cute little fuzzy animal like feeling that traveled down from my chest area and out of my shirt, suddenly a giant tigers started to climb out of my shirt, it's fur was stripped galaxy colors as it let out a fierce roar that broke the shield up around us and the tiger disappeared, I could feel the stitches forming back on my body in their natural place. The lady tsked and looked at Lilith.

"Why are you so interested in this boy?"

"He's my brother," she said simply and crossed her arms. "Try again." The lady sighed and put up another barrier around me, keeping me to the couch.

"Fine, I'll go get my spell book." She walked off, looking irritated.

"Think she will give up yet? I am the only one that can remove it and I don't even remember how to remove it from you but it only works for me. You should tell her she needs me if she wants to." I heard Hachi laughing, his voice sounded so close but yet far away. "You are mine Isaac, forever." I nodded, happy that Hachi hadn't left me. I touched one of the stitches and smiled as I closed my eyes.

"Isaac! I swear, how many times do I need to glamour you?" Lilith muttered. She walked over but stopped at the barrier's edge. I glanced at her and frowned. Glamour? As soon as I looked at her, I was caught again. "Isaac," she purred, kneeling down to my level just a few inches away just outside the barrier, "you don't want those stitches.... They are a collar...that's tightly choking your freedom. You want to be with me forever," she told me. I blinked slowly and then frowned. Forever? "Isaac, you love me. I'm your beloved sister." I smiled then as it made sense and nodded.

"Ok," I said cutely. "You're my beloved sister."

"Good Isaac. Now.... let's try to get those off and free you," she purred just as the lady came back in with a spell book. I looked towards it in interest, not really afraid of them yet.

"What's that?"

"My spell book," she said simply.

"COOL!" I laughed and watched as she opened it up.

"You won't be saying that in a few seconds," she muttered and found the page she was looking for. She started rummaging through the drawers in the room, collecting charms, incense, and all kinds of other witchy looking things.

"She might as well get out scissors too." I heard Hachi laughing. "Those little things are what three year olds use for their dead dogs. Ask for something more powerful, I want to see what I can put my little mark up against." Hachi said challengingly. I frowned then. Should I listen to Hachi? Lilith doesn't seem to like him. "I should send Harry through the mark.... That might be fun." I growled at that idea. Why would he bring Harry into th- Wait... I like Harry. I frowned as I remembered the moment in the kitchen when he let me smell him. I glanced at Lilith to find her smiling at me.

"Try something stronger," I said, deciding to listen to Hachi. After all, it will look like I'm listening to Lilith..... Why am I listening to her? I frowned as I tried to remember then caught her eyes that entranced me again. I soon forgot about Harry and listening to Hachi.

"You really need to avoid her eyes, Isaac. Those things are like a window to hell." Hachi told me sweetly. Oh yeah.... Hachi. I smiled and looked away from Lilith, making her frown.

"Isaac, are you listening to me?" She asked sweetly. I giggled and wrapped my arms around myself as I flicked my tail.

"Nope," I told her. She growled.

"Isaac, please, I'm trying to help you." She sounded really upset, making me laugh again. I felt a strong burning sensation all over my body then as my magic started fighting against the stitches. I frowned then. What in the world? I glanced over and saw the lady chanting again. SHE'S USING MY MAGIC AGAINST ME! I narrowed my eyes as the couch started to smoke a bit. A sudden icy feeling came over my skin, containing my fire to the inside. I groaned in pain at the feel of both and curled up as a kind of greenish bluish light a lot like the northern lights formed around me. I could tell it wasn't Hachi's doing. The stitches started to hurt as the lights seemed to be pushing them out, fighting against them. My own powers were trying to get rid of them. The stitches went in deeper then, fighting my uncontrolled fight and dug into my magic this time, forming into it and becoming one with it. I could feel a soft landing of something on my face and finally a butterfly formed on my cheek and flapped it's wings. As it's wings flapped it's wings flapped away the northern light colors and replaced them with the pretty galaxy. The galaxy spread out then like how it did around us on the stage. I felt a dancing feeling of the mark's magic in me dancing with my own magic and playing with it. They danced in harmony for a few minutes then settled.

"Isaac, how about you try out some new- fun spells I just gave you." I heard Hachi suggest. I frowned and glanced towards the butterfly.

"Is that Harry?" I asked softly and touched it gently, moving it into my hand as I sat up. I saw a look of concern cross the lady's face.

"Harry indeed." I heard Harry confirm it was him in my hand. "I hooked you up to some of Hachi's magic. Did you know that I can do that? I can also travel through marks.... pretty cool. Hachi told me before sending me to you. Want to get out of here or have some fun?" I smiled and gave a nod.

"Yes.... I'd love to leave," I whispered and brought Harry close to my chest. I laughed and looked at the barrier. I could totally break it. I'm my father's son, and I'm marked by Hachi. That means something, doesn't it? I smirked and looked at the lady. "Run for it if you want to get out without a scratch," I warned. Her eyes widened as she saw my look. I used my magic to break her barrier and stood up, glaring at Lilith. "Lilith, don't ever touch me again. I'm not yours. I'm Hachi's." I made sure not to look at her eyes, remembering that Hachi had instructed me not to. I remembered what it felt like every time we locked eyes, and I didn't want to lose myself again.

"I am going to put up a protection spell against her compulsions." Harry told me and the galaxy changed to pastels before going back to normal and circled around us like we was the gravity pulling it in. I smirked and looked her straight in the eyes, seeing her become overcome with fear. She backed up when she saw that she couldn't compel me anymore.

"I-Isaac? You know I was doing this for your good," she whispered. I narrowed my eyes and then grabbed her before she could run. I threw her down on the couch and leaned in, moving Harry to my shoulder as I pinned her down.

"Like hell you were," I hissed and bit down into her neck, tearing out a chunk and eating it. I moaned at her taste and got into her lap, biting down again. I heard the lady scream and take off running as Lilith groaned, trying to push me off.

"Ooooo." Harry whispered. "Hachi is going to be jealous he didn't get a bite, save some for him, eyes are his favorite." I growled.

"Well.... I will think about it," I told Harry, wondering how he knew so much about us already. He must have picked up on us a lot when he traveled through the mark. I bit down into her neck, making her shriek as I tore out another piece and chewed on it. She started to cry and touched my face gently.

"Isaac please, I'm your sister," she pleaded. I smirked at her. No you're not. You never were. I grabbed her hand and rubbed my head up against her hand before biting down on her fingers and tearing them off. She screamed out and tried to shove me away.

"Hard as carrots?" Harry asked me curiously and fluttered his wings. "Before you leave here, I need to tell you something. Ok?" I stopped eating and looked at him curiously.

"What is it Harry? Oh, wanna be something else?" I smiled and picked him up, turning him into a cat and held him to my chest. He squirmed in my arms.

"It can wait, turn me back into the butterfly so I am easier to carry." I frowned and turned him back into a butterfly, placing him back on my shoulder.

"Ok," I told him and then looked at Lilith who was passing out from the blood loss. I leaned in and licked her neck, biting down again. She didn't move, too weak to fight back. After about an hour of eating, I pulled back and licked my lips, looking down at her remains. There was still some meat on her bones....but I was full. I got up and went to find a container. I found some in the kitchen then came back and took the eyes, placing them inside. I smiled at Harry as I used my fire to burn her remains, walking past it to go outside. "So what did you need to tell me?"

"Oh that Hachi is knocked out from using a bit too much energy to send me to you along with protecting you from those spells that was trying to separate you and his mark on you. He wanted me to let you know that. He's at home safe though." Harry promised me. "So I was sent along to help you out." I gave a nod, happy Hachi was safe.

"He...must have had a hard time," I mumbled and then took Harry into my hands and set him down onto the ground. I reverted him back to his human looking form and smiled at him, hugging him as I flicked my tail. "Thank you Harry.... I will get us back to the manor in a few minutes. Let me just catch my breath. After all, it all happened so quickly. I think I will stay away from looking into vampire eyes from now on though." I laughed a bit and pulled away, holding up the box as I looked at her eyes. "He'll love these."

"That wasn't all I have to tell you." Harry admitted quickly. I frowned, wondering what else was the matter.

"Yes Harry?" I tilted my head, studying him. "Is it bad?"

"No not at all. It's something I thought you should know... to make you feel better." Harry grabbed my hands then. "Hachi truly does love you." Harry said with confidence. I blushed at the suddency of that and bit my bottom lip, speechless. He does? Really and truly? I broke out into a smile and hugged him.

"Even though he probably didn't tell you to tell me that.... I'm happy you did," I whispered to him and kissed his cheek. "Was that all?"

"What's in you." Harry started, pointed into my chest, where the two powers were resting and bonded together. "That's how I know he loves you. He gave you a portion of his power, his wizard power to keep you marked from the distance you both were away from each other. It's actually a new mark he made at the last second. You two are going to feel more connected then you know when you come around him. Plus that's how I know so much about you two now because he sent me with that mark and I got a portion of knowledge about the both of you. I like this new.... life I have." He smiled. "It's nice." I blushed as I pulled back to look at him.

"How much do you know?" I whispered, a bit curious. I mean.... I guess it's ok that he knows about me...and I don't think Hachi will be too upset that his life is known a bit by our pet. So Hachi made a new mark? I smiled at that and gently touched one of the stitches. "You know what.... It doesn't matter. I'm happy you know a bit more about us. I want you to be close to us. I think you are good," I told him and grabbed his hand, using my magic to take us to the living room of the manor. "You deserve some rest. I think I will buy you a nice treat tomorrow as well." I smiled at him and let go of his hand.

"You don't have to do that." Harry told me and then laid down on the couch, getting comfortable. "Go find Hachi, I think you two should see eachother." Harry waved me off. "I will be here." I frowned. Since when is Harry interested in my relationship? I gave him a weird look and then nodded, going out of the room. I walked up to our bedroom where Hachi had said he wanted to cuddle with me and walked in, trying to find him.

"Hachi?" I called, wanting to see him. Hachi was laying on the bed peacefully on his back with his arms laid out by his head like he had stretched out recently. He had a bit of dried blood under his nose like it had recently been bleeding. I widened my eyes and rushed in, shutting the door behind me as I ran over to his side. I quickly hugged him, feeling bad for getting us into this mess. He hurt himself to keep me marked.... I bit my bottom lip as I felt tears well up, so I quickly hid it by burying my face into his chest. I felt the container drop from my hands onto the bed as I crawled in beside him and hugged him. "I'm sorry Hachi," I mumbled and curled up to him. I could feel his chest rising and falling softly against me, telling me he was still breathing... which was a good sign. I took a deep breath and then kissed his cheek. "I love you," I whispered into his ear and used my magic to warm him up, giving him strength that he had lost from the fight to keep me. I closed my eyes and purred against him, bringing my tail close to him as I touched his chest gently, trying to be more direct with manipulating my mark to help increase what I was doing with my magic.

"Isaac?" I heard Hachi mumble as he could feel the magic stirring in him. I opened my eyes and smiled sweetly towards him, kissing his cheek.

"I'm here," I whispered to him and managed to strengthen what I was doing. He turned over slightly to hide his face against me.

"Isaac...." He mumbled once again and I could feel him smiling.

"I brought you something," I purred, happy that he was awake and ok. I kissed the top of his head and reached for the container. I shook it gently to let him hear the noise. "I think it will make you really happy." He sniffled and laughed.

"I smell blood." Hachi mumbled and started to itch his nose. I stopped him and smiled at him.

"Well, give me a moment," I told him and licked right above his lips to clean it off. I smiled as I got the blood off of him and then kissed his cheek. "You hungry?"

"Starved." Hachi admitted. "How'd you know? Or is my magic telling you that? That's not cool you traitor." He talked towards my chest then. "I will take you back~" He teased making the magic stir in me. I widened my eyes and shook my head quickly, not liking the idea of him taking it back.

"No, not at all. I just guessed," I told him and then opened the container behind him. I grabbed one of the eyes out and moved it to his lips. "Here... I brought you your favorite." He blushed and opened his mouth, eating it almost immediately and moaned with pleasure from the taste.

"You got me a delicious eye!" Hachi purred happily. I laughed and kissed him.

"Yes, I did. It's Lilith's," I told him. "I thought you might want a piece of her as a sort of revenge." I pulled out the other and held it up to his lips, waiting for him to take it. He waited a few seconds as he let it sink in real deep about who's eyes he was eating then he ate the second one and moaned after swallowing it.

"Eyes are so good~" He told me and hid his face into my chest. "Did you get Harry?" I nodded quickly and dropped the container again, wrapping my arms around him.

"Yes, I got him. He was excellent. He knows more about us now that he traveled through our mark," I purred to him and then kissed his forehead. "I love you Hachi....I really do. I'm sorry I put you through all that. I didn't know what I was doing. I will be more careful," I promised him and curled up to him. I smiled at him sweetly, happy to just be here with him after that close call.

"Can't trust your own family sometimes." Hachi whispered softly. "They are better in your stomach."

"I ate her all gone... she won't be coming back," I told him, laughing a bit. "I burned what was left."

"Did you eat or squish the heart?" Hachi asked me curiously. I nodded.

"I ate it... I think I like the heart the most out of the internal organs," I mumbled. I hadn't really tried eyes yet.... but I liked the heart better than what I have eaten.

"It runs in my family to eat the eyes." Hachi told me. "I like the eyes... They are the window to the soul. It makes me feel better too eating them." He smiled softly. "Harry knows stuff about us now? That's interesting." I nodded and purred against him, moving him over a bit so I could have more of the bed. I kissed his cheek and smiled.

"He knew you liked eyes and advised me to bring you something as a gift. He's gotten very smart. I like him," I whispered to Hachi. "I don't think I can be too jealous of him anymore." I kissed his eyelids and then moved to his neck, giving him a kiss there.

"Well, he's useful to us... I told you he would be." Hachi mumbled and seemed to be falling back asleep. "I think I could have practiced doing that first before going long distance sending lost souls to my little pets." He laughed. I nodded and kissed him again.

"Thank you for helping me Hachi...." I whispered and moved my head back from his neck, not wanting to upset him by keeping him up if sleeping is what he wanted.

"I lost you once...." Hachi whispered. "Never again." He looked up into my eyes then and leaned up, kissing me on the lips softly. I blushed, not expecting him to do that. I kissed him back after a second, smiling against his lips happily. I brought him closer and tilted my head to deepen the kiss.

"Never," I repeated and felt my tail flick just a bit out of happiness. I kissed him harder and laughed. He pulled back from the kiss and rested his face against my neck. He started to fall asleep again. Harry appeared at the bedside and smiled.

"Is he up?" Harry asked hopefully.

"Sort of," I told him and scooted us over a bit, patting the space beside me as I decided to let him lay down too. After all, he helped Hachi....and I want to try to be better friends with him. I gave him a smile and moved my tail aside to give him more room. He laid down by me then curled up to the pillow.

"He's still tired then." Harry mumbled. "Makes since." Hachi raised his head a bit from the movement and looked at Harry, giving a faint smile.

"Harry." He reached out and poked his nose before curling back up into a ball.

"Seems Hachi is happy to see you," I whispered to Harry and then moved to the other side of Hachi, crawling over him to allow Harry to lay beside him too. I wrapped my arms around Hachi's waist and purred in his ear as I looked at Harry, kissing Hachi's cheek and then his neck. Harry transformed into a cat and laid down against Hachi, purring. Hachi smiled softly and giggled, running his fingers through Harry's fur then turned to look at me.

"Happy to have you both home." Hachi told me. I smiled at him happily.

"Happy to be yours," I whispered and kissed his cheek again. "Get some rest. I will go cook you and Harry something to eat," I told him. "Well, I will start after you sleep. I don't want you to be upset...unless you want me to start now."

"Go ahead." Hachi encouraged. "I'm close to knocking out again." He looked like he was fighting sleep bad to talk to me. I nodded.

"Ok, I will make you some soup," I whispered and smiled, "with noodles." I got up slowly so I didn't disturb the two. "I love you Hachi.... I always will." I got up and went out to go to the kitchen. When I got down there, I went through the cabinets and got the ingredients together. I started to make what I promised, taking extra care not to burn it with my magic. After all, I always use my magic when cooking. It adds an extra flare. I smiled as I finished, turning off the stove and smelled it to make sure it was alright. I wasn't going to taste it due to my inability to stomach this kind of stuff. It sure did smell good though. I laughed and went over to the cabinet, getting two bowls down and filled them up then got two glasses. I filled one up with a bit of wine for Hachi, knowing he usually got frustrated because I didn't like him drinking and he was too small to get it elsewhere. I made sure not to give him too much and then filled the other up with milk for Harry. I set it all down on a tray and grabbed some spoons, taking it up to them. When I got back up there, I opened the door and went in, setting the food down on the bed. "Hachi, Harry... I made you both something to eat. Hachi, sweetie, I got you some taboo stuff to cheer you up more. Don't get too loopy." Hachi had passed out by the time I entered the bedroom but Harry was wide awake and poked his head up to look at me.

"Yummy." Harry purred. I smiled at him and grabbed one of the bowls and handed it to him.

"My cooking doesn't happen this well too often. I'd enjoy it while you can. I might burn everything on accident next time. Oh, and I got you a glass of milk." I pointed to it then went over to Hachi's side. I kissed his cheek and tickled his sides to wake him. "Haaaachi," I purred to him. Harry transformed into a human to eat his food. Hachi giggled as I started to tickle him and squirmed away from me. He looked towards me and smiled happily, glad to see me.

"Already?" He asked softly. I nodded.

"Yes, I bring offerings," I told him, giving him a smile. I sat him up against the headboard then grabbed the bowl of soup and handed it to him. "Enjoy my love," I purred in his ear then glanced towards the glass of wine. I picked it up and took a sip, smiling at the flavor. "Oh, and this is yours," I told him, showing him the glass. He smiled as he looked at the bowl of soup then at the wine.

"Thanks, I appreciate this." He blushed and his eyes lingered on me for a moment before he started to eat his soup. I smiled and kissed his forehead, setting the wine down on the nightstand nearby him.

"I'm going to go take a shower while you eat," I whispered to him and started for my closet, wanting to get out of the bloody clothes I was wearing. I didn't wait to hear anything from him and grabbed what I needed before going to the bathroom and cutting on the water. I shut the door behind me and stretched before I started to strip, dropping the clothes into the dirty laundry basket for the maids to come pick up. I glanced at myself in the mirror and bit my bottom lip as I noticed that there was a spark in my eyes I hadn't noticed before. I tilted my head as I studied it, it reminding me of my fire inside. I guess that encounter made me stronger? I laughed and climbed into the shower, happy at the feel of the hot water running over me and taking the blood away down the drain. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and started to soap up my hair. I ran my fingers through my hair, getting the matted knots out and ruffled it up, watching as the water tinged pink as it went down the drain. Every once in awhile a small chunk would fall out of my hair as I cleansed it and went down the drain. After shampooing twice and conditioning my hair. I started on my body, scrubbing at all the blood till I was clean. I scrubbed myself raw in some places and then got out, shutting off the water and dried off on a clean towel hanging up. I got dressed and started to brush out my hair and brushed my teeth then went out to them. I smiled as I walked into the bedroom and stretched, going over towards the bed. Hachi was back to sleeping with his bowl close to empty in his hands. Harry had cleaned his whole bowl though and the glass out, in fact he had taken it and left- so I was assuming he was done eating. Hachi had barely touched the wine. I frowned and walked over, taking the bowl and looking at what was left. Maybe I could stomach this much? I ate it and set it aside then picked up the wine. I started to sip on it as I looked down at Hachi with a smile. I'm so happy he at least ate something...and he saved me. He stayed with me throughout that even though he wasn't right beside me. He got me out of there....and he didn't have to.

I kissed his forehead then started to take the dishes to the kitchen. I washed them and then went back up to him, crawling into bed beside him. I pulled him close and kissed his lips then moved to his neck, giving him more kisses as I started wanting to do so. I purred and felt my tail twitch as I kissed him all over his neck and face. I crawled on top of him, keeping most of my weight off him as I kept kissing him then started a love bite. He's yours.... completely yours just like you are his..... Take him. I widened my eyes and quickly got off of him, shivering just a bit as I felt the demon rising up inside of me, desiring Hachi. I shook my head quickly and squeezed my eyes shut as I fought down the instinct to wake him and seduce him. He didn't want that.... I didn't want to hurt him. I bit my bottom lip and pulled a ring off my finger, starting to enchant it in worry that I might do something. I made sure that it would restrict the demonic instincts in me when I wear it and then slipped it onto my finger again. It suddenly got silent in my head and I felt more normal than I had in a long time. I glanced behind me to see if my tail was still there, and sure enough, there it was. I was still a demonic cannibal half-breed.... just a little helping hand to control it. I smiled happily and looked at Hachi. Hopefully this will stop me from having bad moments and scaring Hachi. Hachi took in a deep breath then woke up slightly, looking towards me and let out a small pleased sound.

"Isaac." He mumbled and reached out, running his fingers through my hair. "I missed you." He mumbled. I smiled and leaned in, giving him a soft, tamer kiss than the ones I had given him in his sleep. I pulled him close and rested my head against his chest.

"I missed you too," I whispered, deciding to keep what I did for him to myself for now. I'd tell him if it ever comes up. He leaned up towards my lips and kissed me softly then deepened the kiss. I blushed and kissed him back for a few seconds then pulled back. Maybe I should tell him.... He might think something is wrong with me if I don't try hard to seduce him like I've been doing. I kissed his cheek and smiled at him. "Hachi, I need to tell you something," I started, looking him in the eyes.

"What's that?" Hachi asked me innocently looked me in the eyes and bit his bottom lip softly.

"I...did something to help control my demon instincts," I whispered and held up my hand to show him the ring. "It's enchanted to stop it from being able to take over.... I don't want to see you get hurt, and I wanted to tell you so you didn't think something was off if I wasn't trying really hard to seduce you. Not that I don't want to, just that I don't want to hurt you. The demon instincts don't care about that." I told him and kissed his cheek as I wrapped him up in my arms.

"You didn't have to do that... I can take care of myself." Hachi mumbled to me and smiled softly. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "I am a cannibal after all, want to feel my sharp teeth?" He asked and showed me them. I laughed and reached towards them slowly, touching them.

"They are really sharp," I admitted and then kissed his cheek. "If you don't like it.... and you'd prefer me more demonic, then you can always take the ring off me." He grabbed my hand and took the ring off of me.

"Ring or no ring.... I trust you." He whispered to me and slipped the ring into my hand. "Okay?" He asked and nodded towards me. "Don't worry about it, I doubt I am that attractive to where you are going to come get me every five minutes." I laughed at that and shook my head, touching the side of his face.

"Hachi, you are very adorable. Don't underestimate your looks....besides, I made the ring because I had another moment where I had to pull back from you. I was showering you with kisses while you were sleeping," I admitted to him and then kissed his cheek. "I love you Hachi."

"Well.... that's natural Isaac... You just got back from a very strange event and of course you would be kissing me... in my sleep. Don't be so dramatic." He kissed the top of my head. "It's normal." I gave a nod and then kissed his neck, deciding it was ok to do. I wrapped my arms around him and brought him close before giving him a love bite. He let out a soft moan and grabbed my sides, yanking on my shirt a bit. I smirked and pressed into his side, starting another one.

"How much did you miss me?" I purred and pulled him on top of me. I kissed his neck again and gave him another love bite on the other side of his neck, making him moan. I made him straddle my stomach as I moved my tail into a more comfortable position then grabbed the hem of his shirt.

"I sent Harry through our mark connection to get you without being completely positive it would work... I think I missed you well enough. I told you... I lost you once and I don't plan on loosing you once again." He promised me and smiled softly. "You are stuck with me." I smiled at that and kissed his lips passionately, moving his shirt up a bit.

"Please?" I whispered quietly, not sure if he would hear me or not. I took his bottom lip and gently sucked on it to pleasure him. He let a moan slip and balled his hands up in my shirt. He kissed me deeper, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I held back a gasp and quickly took his tongue, dancing with it before I started to suck on it. I pressed up into him and slipped his shirt up and over his head before kissing him again. Mine. I purred against him and kissed him passionately, stealing his tongue again to pick up where I left off. He leaned in and kissed me back deeply, then pulled back, looking for his shirt.

"Hmm... You know how I feel...." Hachi mumbled and blushed, pulling the blanket up to cover him. I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from going after him, but I kept his shirt in my hand, watching him.

"Does it bother you? Being exposed like that to me?" I asked softly, taking a few breaths to calm down.

"Don't take it wrong..." Hachi whispered to me and looked away, his eyes began to water. "I like you." I widened my eyes and pulled him close.

"It's ok.... If you don't want to, I won't make you," I whispered and slipped his shirt into his hands. I tried to sooth him, kissing his face to help him. "I don't want you upset... or hurt. I know from the little bits I've heard that you had a rough past.... and I don't want to do that to you- bring that back up in your life." I kissed his cheeks and nuzzled my face against him. "It's ok...."

"I want us to take this slow and have a really pretty relationship.... before I can be ready to do something so fast with you." Hachi whispered to me. "Oz was greedy.... Not caring. I just want us to have somethin special... I know you think I probably don't like you because I reject you every time... but I just can't right now... I can't. I like you, I do. Just I want us to be something I never really had before... something special." Hachi whipped his tears off his face and sniffled. I widened my eyes and pulled him closer.

"Of course Hachi.... I will be better about it. I don't think that you hate me. I know you like me because you wouldn't have saved me so many times. I don't want to be away from you, and I don't want to be like Oz," I told him quickly, kissing his lips. "I will wait until you ask, I promise. I will do my best to not do something with you until you want me to."

"I... I'm glad you understand then." Hachi whispered and leaned in to kiss me softly, I could taste a tear against his lips. I frowned as I pulled away and wiped his tears away, pained at seeing him cry. I didn't want him to be upset...ever. I want to make him happy. I kissed his eyes softly and then pulled back to look at him.

"Would you like me to show you something cool? I think we can do something that has never been done before together." I smiled at him and rubbed at his cheek.

"Well of course I want to see about it." Hachi said sweetly, waiting on me. I nodded and sat up, closing my eyes as I tried imagining Hachi's galaxy he liked to show me. I used what he had given me in order to do it and then put my own spin on it with a few swirls of my fire here and there. After concentrating really hard, I opened my eyes and smiled, seeing I had managed it. I looked down at Hachi and kissed his cheek. Hachi looked at the galaxy I created and gasped, a small smile rising upon his lips. "Whoa.... It's been a while since I seen someone else do one that wasn't me." He admitted. I laughed and pulled him close.

"Look, I even put my own spin on it. See?" I pointed out a swirl of fire a little ways away. "It's me and you." He nodded in agreement and reached out towards the one I had pointed to. He pulled the part of the galaxy closer and touched it, swirling the magic.

"I love it." Hachi whispered softly. I smiled at him and then rested my head over his heart, listening to it beat.

"I'm glad you like it. I thought you would...." I glanced at the galaxy and closed my eyes as I lit the candles on a table a few feet away and then kissed his cheek. "You always have a little piece of me wherever you go," I told him, touching his chest where my mark was and then reached into his pockets, pulling out the ball of fire I gave him. I placed it on his chest as I watched him. "Always."

"Isaac... I've been really selfish." He mumbled and leaned in, kissing me softly. "We can... go a little far tonight but not all the way." He whispered softly, blushing. I widened my eyes and looked at him.

"Selfish? There's nothing wrong with wanting something different in your life," I told him, not wanting him to feel pressured into anything. I kissed his cheek and pulled him close. "Not unless you really want to. I know you don't feel ok with your shirt off.... or any kind of nakedness around me." He shook his head and looked away from me, blushing. I nodded and curled up to him. "I love you," I whispered as I closed my eyes.

"I believe I love you to." Hachi whispered to me. I gave a nod and brought him close.

"Don't worry about it too much, ok? I want you to be happy," I told him and opened my eyes to look up at him. He nodded and then got off the bed, walking towards the bathroom with a deep sigh.

"Okay Isaac." He mumbled and left me alone in the room. I frowned and looked up at the galaxy, studying it for a few minutes before making it disappear. I glanced towards the bathroom, wondering if he was alright or not. He probably is shaken up because I took his shirt without his permission earlier. I sighed, not happy that I reminded him of Oz just a bit. I don't want to do that.... at all. I shook my head and then buried it in the pillow. Show him that you aren't like Oz by staying with him afterwards. Treat him nice, butter him up. He's yours. I growled. Shut up for once about the whole mine thing. He's his own person. I grabbed the ring from where I dropped it and debated about putting it back on then decided against it, slipping it into my pocket. I could handle it without the help of the ring. I sat up and glanced towards the bathroom, trying to listen in to see if he was ok. I could hear the bath water running and him dropping a piece of clothing onto the ground. So he's taking a shower? I frowned and laid back down. I might be here for a bit. I think he may be upset. Sighing, I decided to get a nap in as I waited on him.