Prized Blood Bag

Hachi's POV:

I took a nice hot bubble bath for what felt like forever since I heated up the water multiple times to keep it warm. After my skin wrinkled up to where I just couldn't take it anymore I got out, drying off. I drained the tub and sat down on the edge of it, deciding I was going to buy time going back into the bedroom with Isaac. I took a razor to my legs, shaving off the hair since I was curious as to how girls done it, cutting myself several times to get it flawless. I stretched out my legs, finding them.... yeah no.... I won't shave again. I rushed into the closet then to put on pants to cover up my legs, finding them hard to look at. I giggled, thinking I could just make a hair growth potion later before anyone found out about my experiment. I put on a tank top. I walked into the bedroom finally and looked towards Isaac, wondering if he was asleep. I walked over to him and nudged his side curiously. He made a small noise and curled up, his tail twitching and curling around him protectively. "Kitty...quit it," he mumbled in his sleep and laughed a bit, purring. I gave him a small kiss, hopefully to make up for what happened. I left him there then and took off towards the kitchen to cook up a potion for my hairless problem. I didn't happen to have one in my pocket so I would have to cook it... or rather experiment until I get one.... I didn't exactly feel up to doing it by the book, because then where is the fun in that? Why be immortal if you only play by the rules and never break them? I giggled as I got to the kitchen. I pulled out a pot and light the stove then added water to the pot before sitting it on top.

"What can I use..." I mumbled, walking around the kitchen and looking at the ingredients that were viable.

"Now... Shouldn't you be resting?" I heard Harry ask, sitting up on the counter in a cat form.


"Why not?"

"Don't tell anyone..." I showed him my hairless legs. "Horrible right? I was experiments and now... well."

"So grow it back." Harry suggested.

"No way... do you know how long that would take? And what if I want to wear shorts? Hmmm???? Isaac would laugh." I whispered to Harry. "Now help me out." I tossed Harry my spell book. "Look for something useful."

"Sure." Harry said and turned human, flipping through the book.

"Okay... onions... two of them. Uhmmmm..... and peaches- OH look exactly what I smell like... and two spoon fulls of dragon's drool... please tell me I don't have to turn into a dragon for you." I looked him over as I started for the onions and a can of peaches. "Ewwwww..... Okay.... and then you will want to cook it at 340 for two hours." I nodded as I tried to follow the ingredients it called for. I even made him get me the dragon's drool. I put the lid on once I had everything inside and put my spell book away. I took a seat in the floor and waited, watching the clock on the wall. After about an hour and thirty minutes, Isaac stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing at his eyes sleepily and looking like a child who had been woken up. He yawned and walked past, going towards the refrigerator and reached in for something. He frowned and shut it then walked off, muttering something about Richard.

"I-Isaac?" I whispered, watching him just walk off without paying me any attention.

"Meow." I heard Harry purr. Isaac stopped at the door and turned to look at me, looking a bit more awake.

"What are you doing in here? Harry?" He glanced over at Harry and frowned. I noticed that he looked a bit hungry. He had probably come in here looking for a midnight snack and didn't find one. It was centered more around his eyes than actually dominating his facial features, just under the surface.

"Want me to fix you something?" I asked sweetly, skipping his question.

"Cooking up a spell." Harry told on me. Isaac frowned then and walked back to us, glancing at the pot.

"A spell? Well.... Can't blame you," he said and dropped the subject. "I'm fine. I think I am going to go vampires do."

"Uh.... Hunting?" I asked and stood up, walking up to him. "What if I say no?" I asked, grabbing the edge of his shirt and pulled him close. "You have me for that." He smiled and leaned in, giving me a kiss.

"I know....but I want you to keep your strength up. You did have a battle with another wizard today for me," he purred in my ear. "It'll just be a quick pop into town, a bite of someone good tasting, and then I'll be back home. Easy peasy," he told me, kissing my cheek. "If you don't want me to, then I will stay. I don't want to make you upset like the time I had that girl here.... I think I will stay then," he mumbled, looking thoughtful. "I will just tell Paris we need more bottled blood, and I will get a mini fridge for my own private use. I can wait until we get more in the house."

"Yeah... for some reason there isn't any blood in the fridge." I told him, going to it and looking in it myself. "I have a feeling it has something to do with Richard." I turned towards Isaac. "Honestly though... you can have my blood whenever you want no matter how weak I am or who I just battled." He gave me a happy smile and came over, kissing my neck.

"I know.... If I asked, you would probably let me, but I don't want to take advantage of you. You aren't my prey," he whispered and playfully nipped at my ear before going over to Harry and rubbing his head.

"I know I'm not... I want to fulfill all your needs Isaac... I do.... So one step at a time... let's start with the blood problem." He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and shook his head.

"I don't want to ask you for it...." He whispered then looked at Harry. "Besides.... I ate Lilith earlier. I should be fine."

"I know... but you enjoy my blood... would you like it better if I offered it from my neck instead of from a glass?" I asked, then checked in on what I was cooking in the pot. Isaac quickly shook his head.

"I refuse to use my fangs like that on you," he told me, not hesitating about it for a second.

"I even offered." I mumbled... I never offer. I bit my bottom lip hard enough to cut it, accidentally getting my blood in the pot. "Damn it." I muttered. I turned off the stove. "I contaminated it." He stiffened as he caught the scent and put a hand over his mouth to hide his fangs as they instinctively sharpened. He whimpered and started for the door, wanting out of the room. "Don't you leave me here." I told him and had the exits disappear. I poured out the pot entirely and restarted it over from scratch. "I want us to settle something tonight and not go to bed mad at each other... or upset." He whimpered again and leaned against the wall, sinking to the floor.

"I'm not mad or upset," he told me through his hand. "I'm trying not to bite you because you keep asking me if I want to..."

"Well... what if I want you to?" I asked, turning to him. "Would that make a difference?" He looked up at me from the floor, seeming conflicted and winced. He lowered his hand from his mouth and looked down at the floor.

"I guess.... it does," he whispered. I could see his fangs completely sharpened from the smell of me. I walked towards him then, starting to sway my hips a bit seductively.

"Do you want me now?" I asked softly.

"I'm out." Harry said and left the kitchen. Isaac looked up at me and winced a bit.

"T-that's no fair... Your blood smells stronger because you bit yourself," he complained, looking up into my eyes.

"I'll cut myself too." I warned. "I want you to be comfortable with feeding from me... you are mine after all." I decided. "I don't let people bite me... so you should feel... lucky." He almost shook his head no, but he ended up nodding as the hunger in his eyes got stronger.

"Please don't cut yourself... It's already hard to sit here," he told me, pouting a bit. His tail twitched on the tile.

"Please... Don't act that way..." I mumbled and stopped moving towards him. "I just want to give you something sweet." I licked my lip. He looked tempted as he saw the blood on my lip then shifted his gaze to my neck. After a few seconds, he stood up hesitantly and walked over.

"Are you sure?" He asked softly.

"Yes!" I nodded and smiled with excitement. "Would you like to go to the bedroom?" I asked, turning off what I was about to start doing in the kitchen, putting away things with my magic. He blushed and glanced down at his feet, looking a bit embarrassed.

"I think that would be a good idea... I would rather not get caught by someone.... I don't normally drink from people," he whispered. I nodded in agreement and took my spell off of the door. I used my magic to take us back to our bedroom and I laid down in bed before he could, getting comfy. He bit his bottom lip gently and then crawled into the bed beside me. He leaned in and kissed my lips then kissed my neck. "Are you absolutely sure?" He asked, making sure. "You usually aren't ok with it."

"I thought I should treat you good tonight." I said sweetly. "Go ahead and have a bite." I bit my bottom lip. "I promise it is what I want." He gave a nod then moved on top of me. He kissed my neck and started a love bite, making me moan before I could hold it in. He licked my skin, and I felt his sharp fangs just barely touching my neck. I exposed my neck better for him, feeling slightly excited that I was doing this willingly for him... he better enjoy it too. I offered and everything. He hesitated before he bit down on my neck hard, pulling my body close. He drank from me happily after he got the first taste. He laughed and pressed into my neck, licking it. He let out a delighted moan from the taste and wrapped his arms around me, biting into me again. I gasped and let out a moan, not holding it in so he would continue taking what he needed- and wanted. I ran my fingers across his back and then gripped at his shirt. He made a small noise as he licked my wound and then kissed my neck, not moving an inch away from it as he became hooked. I giggled softly, running my other hand up his back and to his hair, curling it around my fingers. He paused as he felt me do so and then kissed right up underneath my jaw and bit down again. He reached down to my shirt and gripped it tightly, but he didn't move to pull it off. I moaned softly from his new bite and took in a deep breath, letting his shirt go. He licked from the bottom of my neck upwards and I felt his tail twitch in excitement, seeing it kind of wagging a bit. He slid my shirt up my stomach just a bit. I froze up slightly but then relaxed, telling myself that it would be okay. I stretched out my neck more for Isaac. He murmured something, but I couldn't make out what it was. He sounded delighted though. He licked my neck again and slid my shirt up more, testing his limits to see what they were. I let him go that far as well and grabbed at the bottom of his shirt, tugging on it. He paused in what he was doing and then finished taking off my shirt. He bit down again and grabbed my hands, helping me slide his shirt up to encourage me. I slid his shirt off of him and ran my fingers down his bare skin, biting my bottom lip hard. He laughed a bit, being ticklish. He bit down again, being more gentle with this one. I blushed and let a moan slip out, causing me to gasp. He moved from my neck to my lips, licking his and then kissed me, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I took his tongue and began to suck on it, tasting my blood on it- I let a moan slip once more. He groaned and gripped me tighter as he pressed into me. He pulled back after a few moments and then went to my neck, giving me a love bite on my unwounded side. He laughed and his tail twitched again as he got in between my legs. I arched my back slightly in excitement and gripped his sides firmly.

"Get enough yet?" I asked softly in wonder. He nodded and pulled back from my neck. I noticed that he looked a lot better now that he had eaten something. He smiled and kissed my lips.

"I hope you know how terrific your blood tastes," he whispered. "It's better than it smells... always is."

"I know... I try to keep that a secret too. I'm a prized blood bag." I mumbled. "So don't go telling everyone that I taste good." He shook his head quickly.

"No, never.... I wouldn't tell... I'm surprised Paris didn't come in here and rip me off of you," he told me and then smiled happily. He kissed me again and licked my lower lip.

"I can turn some pains off to where you can't feel it." I admitted. "So if... We was to have rough... intercourse... They would never know." I mumbled. He paused and blushed, pulling back to look at me.

"I said I wouldn't do anything remotely like that without your permission...and I wouldn't be mean if you did ask me to," he whispered. "I don't want to remind you of Oz in the least bit."

"You don't remember me of Oz... I just can't help but to think about him." I admitted. "He was... a big part of my life for a long time.... You can't imagine it." I waved off the subject quickly. He took a minute to absorb it then nodded. He kissed me again and then moved to my neck wounds, licking them clean. They stopped hurting as he began to heal them and then moved back to my lips, giving me another kiss. I kissed him back lovingly and pulled back, looking towards his fingers to see if he had on the ring. "See.... told you I could trust you." I said sweetly. He blushed and glanced at his hand then nodded.

"I guess so.... I will use the ring on bad days though... I don't want to do something I regret," he whispered and then smiled at me. He leaned in and gave me another kiss, gently sucking on my lower lip. I pulled back from him.

"I'm curious... about your demonic urges...." I whispered softly. He tilted his head, frowning a bit.

"What about them? I suppress them most of the time." He bit his bottom lip as he glanced me over.

"Any voices?" I tilted my head as I ran my fingers across his sides. "What are they like?" He blushed.

"W-well, sometimes it's voices....other times it is a strong emotion or want to do something.... it varies from time to time. For me... I hear a voice with you every once in awhile that tells me that you are mine.... that time you had to yank on my tail was a strong emotion. The voice is easier to fight.... unless I agree with it. I get hungry more often than normal.... I have to constantly hold back to make sure that I don't go demonic on someone. It's a lot of work sometimes.... If you are really that curious, you can try getting into my head, and I will let myself go," he suggested, biting his lip nervously as he studied me.

"Your voice called me yours? That's... something." I mumbled and ran my fingers through my hair. "Something... weird." I thought it over. He laughed a bit.

"Well... it tells me that you are mine and I should do what I wish," he elaborated and then kissed my cheek. "But I wouldn't mind letting you see what happens if you promise to keep yourself safe." I nodded in agreement.

"I can keep myself safe, Isaac." I promised. He considered me for a moment and then crawled off of me, sitting down on the bed a few inches away. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, his tail twitching a bit. He snapped them open after about a full minute, his eyes flashing a bright red before fading back to their normal color. His eyes looked around and then rested on me with a smirk.

"Hello," he purred. I sat up quickly and put my shirt on.

"Well Hi." I smiled innocently. He growled as he saw me do so and crawled over, snatching me up in his arms and kissed my neck. His fangs touched my neck lightly, making me shiver. I felt his tail slide close to us as he moved me into his lap. "You called me yours?" I whispered softly. He laughed and then bit down, marking me. I gasped and curled up in his lap, melting in his arms. "Come on now.... I want answers." I mumbled. He pulled back from my neck and licked it teasingly.

"Of course you're mine...." He purred lowly in my ear, sending a chill through me. "You'll be mine for the rest of your life."

"Good thing I am immortal." I mumbled. "I'm also a wizard with power." I tried to sound like I had some authority. He smirked and turned me around, pressing my back against the bed. He flicked his tail in excitement and kissed me roughly before moving back to the new mark on my neck. He growled playfully and grabbed my hands.

"So?" He asked and looked up at me from my neck. "I'm a demon half-breed."

"You don't scare me." I said firmly. He smirked wider and then exposed his fangs to me.

"I don't?" He purred and then reached for the hem of my shirt. "Well we could change that...."

"You want me scared?" I asked and grabbed his hands. "How unholy of you." He laughed and brought my hands up to his lips, kissing them.

"I don't care one way or the other if you are afraid because you are mine, and you will not deny me," he growled and bit into my wrist. I gasped and watched him, narrowing my eyes.

"I never offered." I hissed towards him, yanking my hand away and spilling blood all over us. He sat up on top of my stomach, glaring at me.

"I never asked."

"You should have." I hissed. "Be more polite to me and I might let you have me tonight." He tilted his head, his tail twitching a bit.

"Let me?" He laughed and then leaned in, kissing my cheek and then starting a trail to my neck. "I'm a demon."

"I'm a cannibal." I muttered into his ear and then leaned in towards his neck. "I can bite too." He yanked back before I could get near his neck and hissed.

"Don't you dare bite me," he growled and then grabbed my hands, pinning them above my head. I noticed that there wasn't a spark of my familiar Isaac in his eyes. He looked completely gone, lost to the demon.

"I will, because I am yours." I mumbled. "You are mine." I yanked on my hands, trying to free them. He tightened his grip on them and smirked evilly, glancing me over.

"You are mine....but who says I'm yours?" He challenged, slowly looking me in the eyes.

"The markings I made on you." I challenged. Immediately, he frowned and then looked at his stitches, being reminded. He growled and then laid down on top of me, biting my neck harshly as he kept my hands pinned above my head. He started a trail of kisses down my body, giving me a few love bites here and there. I gasped and arched my back, getting slightly excited downstairs. "No going over second base." I restricted him. He looked up at me from where he stopped on my stomach, narrowing his eyes.

"I'll do what I want."

"Then you better want to only go to second base because that is all you will get." I snapped with authority. His eyes flashed a light red as he got pissed, sitting up on top of me. "What's wrong? Did I put you in your place pup?" He growled, and I felt his tail twitch in irritation.

"How about I put you in your place?" He dug his nails into my wrists, narrowing his eyes at me. I hissed out in pain then smirked, any pain he inflicted on me would go straight back to him. I watched as his wrists started to bleed, I cut off the pain going to me and rushed it to him. He groaned and winced, quickly letting go of my hands and brought his wrists close to him. "Dammit," he muttered as he licked his wrists clean. He inspected them and then glared at me.

"You did that to yourself." I crossed my arms, feeling the blood still coming out of my wounds. "Now remember that next time you want to get into my pants because... Sex hurts." I smirked. He muttered something and looked like he wanted to attack me, but he suddenly stopped and perked his head up, tilting it towards the window. He frowned and glanced over at it, losing interest in me for a moment.

"There's an owl out hunting in the garden," he murmured softly, calming down a bit.

"A what?" I tiled my head and then reached up towards his cheek, rubbing it. "Isaac?" He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes and then kissed my hand.

"Hmm?" He purred, coming back to me. He leaned down and kissed my lips passionately then moved to my neck, licking at my wounds. "Wanna play cat and mouse?" He teased, his tail flicking.

"No... thank you." I mumbled, not sure how that would go.

"And why not?" He growled, getting upset again. I felt his fangs against my skin as he started to trail them down my skin to my chest. He kissed me there and smirked a bit as he touched the top of my pants. I grabbed his hands then, holding them tightly.

"Because... I don't sleep with big egotistical jack asses." I purred back. He pulled back from my chest and then glanced at our hands then up at me. He narrowed his eyes and ripped them away from my hold, unbuttoning my pants and started to unzip them. I slipped a knee between us then and kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. It even hurt me watching him slip off of me in pain. I got out of bed then. "Bad demon." I told him, looking over my shoulder at him. He whimpered on the bed and curled up into a ball.

"You're going to pay for that," he hissed and then appeared in front of me. He shoved me down onto the bed and then narrowed his eyes at me, exposing his fangs again. He touched my chest, making me heat up to the point where it started to be just a little too hot, and then he grabbed a lock full of my hair, keeping my head down as the heat kept the same temperature without him having to touch my chest. I whimpered and grabbed at my chest. I looked towards his chest and whispered a small chant, stirring up my magic in him and sending him a shock wave of heat- setting his blood on fire to make him stop hurting me. After a second of wincing, he pulled back and put a hand over his chest. I felt him stop using his fire against me as I quickly cooled back down to my normal temperature, his mark settling down in my chest. He fell to the ground and started to sweat, trying to breath. I got off the bed then and buttoned my pants then walked up to him, putting a foot on his chest.

"You listen up, demon.... You are mine.... Don't you ever forget your place." I told him. "The day you are stronger then me... then I will be yours." I took my foot off and leaned down towards him. "Do you comprehend me?" He whimpered and he went to hold his head. He squeezed his eyes shut and curled up into a ball. I relieved him from pain then and walked back to the bed, crawling into it. He stayed down there in that position for a bit, starting to mumble things to himself that I couldn't quite catch. I closed my eyes, deciding that he had finally learned his place and tried to get some shut eye.

Sometime in the night, I heard Isaac get up off the floor and walk over to the window, his mumbling ceasing. He opened it and climbed up onto the windowsill from the sounds of what he was doing. I got up quickly. "I-Isaac? Don't go!" I rushed for him then. He whipped around to look at me, eyes wide. He was balancing on the edge of it, his tail having to steady him from his fast movement.

"Hachi? What are you doing up?" He asked. I noticed he was back to normal. He must have been getting back control on that floor. He was his sweet and innocent self again.

"Where are you going?" I asked quickly. He frowned and looked out the window.

"I was looking out into the garden...." He whispered softly. "I wanted fresh air too. It felt stuffy in here." I sighed and relaxed back into the bed.

"Oh... if that is all you plan on doing." I mumbled. He climbed down from the windowsill and looked at me.

"And I was thinking about hunting again...for fun," he whispered then shut the window, coming over to the bed. He crawled into it beside me, curling up against my side as he wrapped his arms around me. He tensed up after a second, looking towards my neck. "D-did I do that?" He asked, eyes wide as he saw the bite marks from earlier that he had given me. He reached out and touched them gently. "Hachi, I thought you said that you would protect yourself! What if I did something worse?!"

"I did protect myself, you tried to get into my pants." I hid my wrists from him then so he wouldn't see what his nails done. He shook his head and quickly kissed my head.

"I think that will be the first and last time I let you see my demon instincts like that again.... I don't think I should let him out if he's that cruel," he whispered. "I don't want you to get hurt like this."

"What!? I'm not hurt..." Of course I couldn't feel anything at the moment. "I swear, it doesn't hurt." He considered me for a moment then shook his head.

"I don't think we will try that again," he whispered. "It was so hard to come back.... I think I would have gotten worse had I not been able to."

"No... I made your blood boil with fire. I am capable with being around your demon and I put him in his place. He's obedient now.." I smiled innocently. He frowned.

"I don't know about that," he mumbled and then kissed my cheek. "The only reason why I don't let myself do things like that is because I want you to be happy...and I don't want to hurt anyone." He wrapped his arms around me. "I feel very untame when the demon instincts start to kick in.... It's stronger right now because I used them recently."

"Well I..." I trailed off and then sighed. "I thought I did good this time." I purred sweetly. He thought about it then nodded.

"I will admit... everything seems a little calmer than usual after an episode." He kissed my lips softly, purring against me.

"Good! I made something of myself this time to him. Maybe he will respect me soon." I purred happily. "What do you think?" He tilted his head and looked me in the eyes.

"I hope so," he mumbled. "I'd hate to have to fight it all the time.... I love you. You know that, right?" He gave me a smile and kissed my cheek then licked my wounds, healing them for me.

"Well I told him straight up he wasn't allowed in my pants... I bet you next time he won't touch my pants at all." I giggled from what I done to him earlier. He laughed and kissed my lips then pulled back.

"I didn't actually try taking your pants off, did I?" He asked, glancing down at the top of my pants curiously.

"Tried to unzip them and managed to get them unbuttoned. I tried to warn ya." I shrugged. He frowned.

"That's not fair! I don't even remember it.... I wanted to remember my first time doing that." He pouted and looked up at me.

"You pulled off my pants before." I frowned. He sat up as he thought back, trying to remember then blushed.

"Oh....I did. Well, I wanted to remember every single one of them! Besides, the one I really want to remember for the rest of my life isn't going to happen for a bit...." He bit his bottom lip then laid back down beside me, kissing my cheek. "You should take me hunting...."

"Take you hunting? As in cannibal hunting?" I tilted my head. He shook his head.

"You could attempt to teach me how to vampire hunt! It's probably similar to cannibal hunting though," he said excitedly. His eyes were bright with the idea. "You could teach me...."

"I think I could do that." I nodded in agreement. "It's pretty similar stuff."

"In the morning? Please?" He pulled me closer and kissed my neck. "It'll be fun."

"Okay, in the morning." I promised. "I'll try my best." He laughed and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back and ran my fingers down his sides. Shivering, he moved closer to me then pulled me on top of him. He kissed me passionately as he ran his hands behind my back. I pulled back and moved off of him. "Get some sleep." I suggested. "You are going to need it."

"Is hunting hard?" He asked quietly. "I mean... is it harder than when I ate all the wizards at the academy? That was pretty easy."

"Hunting comes easy." I told him. "You just bat your eyes and then when you have them somewhere.... private.... you take them for the ride of their life." I explained. He took it in then nodded.

"Is that why you didn't want me going hunting earlier?" He asked innocently.

"Uh.... no." I blushed. "I'd just be jealous." I looked away from him. He laughed then and kissed my cheek.

"Lemme guess... The easiest way is to flirt," he said in a teasing tone.

"Uh huh." I nodded. "That's ideally the key to hunting." I motioned him over. "Remember how we met?" He nodded and got close to me.

"Yeah, you dumped a bucket on my head... I didn't like it. I don't like water usually," he told me.

"I also got you to take me to your house." I tapped him on the nose. He frowned a bit and then laughed.

"I guess you did.... Maybe you could show me how to do it again?" He gave me a smile and kissed my cheek. "I mean, you'll have to help me tomorrow morning..."

"Of course." I nodded eagerly, ready to eat up another being. "I will gladly give you an example tomorrow." He nodded and closed his eyes, yawning a bit.

"Just as long as you don't flirt too bad if you flirt at all...or else I'll get back at you when it's my turn," he warned then kissed my shoulder.

"I'll play innocent little boy this time just for your amusement." I giggled. "I make them tear up." He laughed and then kissed me again.

"Awww..... I can't do that though. I'm not exactly little or adorable." He smiled up at me and then hugged me. "If you act too innocent, I might have to snatch you up."

"But I am innocent." I mumbled sweetly. "Very innocent."

"Uh huh... says the boy who tried to eat me," he teased.

"I was just so hungry." I claimed, like the toad from Alice in wonderland.

"But you still tried to eat me in my own home," he told me and looked up at me. "You were going to until I told you what I was."

"I think I should have tried just to see what you would have done." I laughed playfully.

"Well.... I'm sure I would have freaked out," he mumbled and looked away from me. "I probably would have made a fun toy to eat if you had decided to go through with it."

"You know what? I am so glad I didn't eat you... because now I can do this~" I kissed him softly upon his lips. "Forever." I felt his face heat up into a blush as he kissed me back, gently sucking on my lower lip after a few seconds. I pulled back and closed my eyes, resting my head on the pillow. He nuzzled his head up under mine, purring slightly.

"Mhmm.... I'm yours forever," he whispered happily. I nodded, beginning to fall asleep on him as quickly as he hummed.

Early in the morning when the sun had come up a bit, Isaac pounced into my side. "Wake up! I wanna hunt! I'm restless!" He complained, shaking me. He accidentally knocked us both into the floor from his energy. He landed on top of me and laughed before kissing my neck. "Pleaaaase! You promised!" I stretched out under him and hummed.

"Okay... let me go put something fresh on." I waved him off of me and giggled. He got off quickly, being obedient this morning. He watched me as he drummed his fingers on the floor. I got to my feet and walked over to the closet, going inside. I shut the door then picked out some skinny jeaned pants that Rose had gotten me, saying it was the latest guy fashion.... I put them on then picked out a band t shirt and then looked around, slipping onto my new vans she got me- I hated shoes but... I wanted to look good today to lure in something tasty. I put on two belts and some random wolf tail- giggling. I walked off to the bathroom and fixed my hair, taming it then brushed my teeth. I debated for a few minutes before picking up the funny make up bag and unzipped it. Remember what Rose taught you... I giggled and started on eyeliner, giving myself an emo look. Man Isaac won't recognize me at all... I held back my laughs so I wouldn't mess up. When I finished I put up the bag then walked into the bedroom and sighed.

"Like this?" I asked and spun around, moving my butt to move the tail. Isaac was at the window again, looking out it in anticipation then glanced over his shoulder towards me when I came out.

"Whoa..." He gasped and then turned around fully to look at me. "You look... different." He walked over and circled me to see everything I did. "Wow... You're wearing shoes."

"Yeah~ Can we go... the quicker we get back the quicker I get out of them." I wiggled my toes around then stood up on my toes and then went back down on my heels. "Ready?" He nodded and kissed my cheek before running towards the door.

"Yeah! I'm ready! Let's go!" He laughed excitedly and looked towards me. I followed after him.

"I swear... if you laugh at me." I mumbled. "When we come home.... You are going to be stripped from your powers for a full evening." He stiffened and looked at me.

"My powers? Don't do that.... I like them too much. I wouldn't be able to function, and I'd get cold," he complained, giving me a look like a cute little puppy. I walked past him and down the hall. Paris was walking towards our door with a smirk.

"I thought I heard you- Hachi? Oh my.... RICHARD COME TAKE A LOOK AT HACHI! SHOULD WE LET HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE LOOKING THAT ATTRACTIVE!?" Paris yelled. Isaac quickly got up beside me and wrapped an arm around my waist as he looked at Paris.

"You should. He'll be protected," Isaac told him and kissed my neck in front of him. Richard came running down the hall then.

"OH MY FANGS! Hachi, what's with all the make up? You know what- I think it looks good. You are going to have fun wherever you are going," Richard told me. I blushed.

"He's wearing shoes." Paris whispered to Richard happily.

"I know!" Richard grabbed Paris. "Now come away from the two love birds. They don't need your input." He started tugging Paris down the hall. Paris willingly left us, smirking. I had a slight idea about where they were going but then it slipped my mind. I pulled Isaac off to the vehicles outside.

"I want you to drive us to where ever you want to hunt at." I told him and then looked at all the cars. "Choose a car." He glanced at a few and then walked over to one- a red convertible. He grabbed the keys nearby and got in the driver's seat, starting it up and looked over at me with a smirk.

"So....I think I have a good idea of where we should go," he told me.

"Where too?" I asked as I got in then buckled up- then changed my mind and unbuckled. He didn't respond as he drove us out, getting the hang of handling the car before we got to the gates. After we were out, he sped up to the speed limit and decided to obey it. He turned on the radio and then drove us to the heart of town to a restaurant/bar/club and parked in the parking lot beside it. He got out and put the keys in his pocket before glancing around and coming to my side. Opening my door, he reached in and pulled me out then gave me a kiss on the cheek before backing off.

"So.... What do we do?" He asked, glancing around. I looked around.

"Follow me from a distance while I provide for you an example of how to lure your victims to your car to take them to a safe place to eat them at." I whispered to him. He nodded and then slipped the keys into my pocket, walking off as he pulled out his phone. I walked off towards the bar with a seductive walk, already earning a few girl's eyes who were walking into the bar- I could hear them giggling. I blushed and started towards the door, about to head in when I was stopped by a guy.

"Aren't you a little too young for a place like this?" He asked me, eyeing me over- I could smell the beer upon his breath.

"Not at all." I pulled out my fake ID. "See?" I giggled as I slipped it back into my pocket.

"You look so young! How?"

"Well..... It's possible." I pushed past him and looked around the place, looking for my victim. I noticed Isaac was already inside, buying himself a drink at the bar. He smiled as the bartender handed it to him and then walked off towards a booth, sitting down in it as he pretended to look at his phone. I walked up to a guy reading a book in the corner of the bar and took a seat across from him.

"Hi~" I said cheerfully to him, grabbing his attention. He glanced up at me and then back down at his book.

"Hi," he mumbled, turning the page. He reached for his drink and sipped on it before setting it back down.

"What's your name?" I asked, adjusting my tail so I was more comfortable. "My name is Howl." He shrugged.

"Zach," he said simply. "What do you want?"

"I was wondering...." I began nervously. I looked towards his book. "If you liked my book." I teased, motioning towards it, changing the authors first name to Howl. He frowned and glanced at the author's name then up at me.

"Readable," he told me with a shrug and went back to reading.

"Readable?" I asked and leaned in towards him. "I want to read into you." He shut the book and looked up at me, studying me.

"Now why would you go and do that? I'm just the book enthusiast in the corner," he whispered as he slid the book to the side and then took a sip of his drink. I laughed and looked down.

"Alright you caught me... look... I really.... really... just wanted to talk to someone." I blushed. "I never done this before- so.... I thought you'd take it easy on me." I looked up at him. "After all... I hardly get to see people. I am always busy... writing." I pointed to the book. "So, can I read into you?" His gaze softened, and he nodded.

"Ok.... I guess I don't mind," he told me and glanced towards the bar. "Would you like me to get you something Howl?"

"Yeah! Can I have some chocolate milk?" I smiled and perked up, grabbing his wrist and rubbing it. "Did you know that if you rubbed-" I started for his hand. "Someone's hand or wrist... they will start to fall for you?" I asked as I stared him in the eyes, then giggled playfully. "I'm just kidding. Got a girlfriend?" He shook his head.

"Not since high school. I had a boyfriend a few months ago.... It didn't work out," he told me and then stood up. "Stay here. I'll be back," he told me as he pushed up his glasses and went towards the bar. I caught Isaac watching him curiously from his seat, but he went back to looking at his phone. I leaned back against the seat, looking towards the book and then picked it up, flipping through it.

"Least it's not twilight... Huh... I'd die if I claimed to have wrote it." I grumbled. He was instead reading some cook book thing where this guy falls for this girl after she cooked a good meal for him. "Sucker." He came back after a few moments and set down the glass of chocolate milk from me, sitting back down in his spot.

"So Howl.... what do you do for fun besides writing?" He asked me and then picked up his drink, sipping on it. "I'm surprised you're in Maine."

"I like to come here and.... visit some family of mine. They weren't there yet so I stopped by here." I shrugged. "I like to skate." He nodded and drank his drink down.

"Well... that sounds fun. Listen, I was planning to go to my friend's party in a few minutes and had stopped here to get a drink. If you want, you can come since how you seem lonely," he told me, not looking like he cared one way or the other.

"I think that would awesome!" I said excitedly. "Your car?" I asked and leaned across the table. He gave a nod and finished his drink then got up.

"Finish up. I'm going to be in the bathroom," he told me and picked up his book, putting it in a book bag- he must be a college student. He went towards the men's room and left my sight. I watched him walk off and disappear into the men's room then dumped the glass in a nearby plant and stood up, walking towards the men's room. I heard Isaac growl quietly from where he was sitting, but he didn't look up at me, letting me go for the time being. I walked into the men's room and locked the door behind me. Zach was washing his hands by now, probably having to go pee. He glanced up at me and smiled. "Are you ready to go yet?" He asked me and dried his hands off with a paper towel.

"Hmmm? No... I need to- ask you something." I walked over to him slowly, becoming predator-like. He looked over at me and then frowned, looking a bit nervous about the way I was acting.

"A-ask me something? Um... Howl, you do know that most men prefer to not be given those kinds of looks in the men's room," He said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know you too well... so please don't act so weird. After all, stranger danger."

"Have you ever been... bitten? Answer me truthfully." I teased and gave him an innocent smile. His eyes widened, and he quickly threw up his hands in self defense.

"Don't you come near me!" He started to freak out and went to run past me for the door, not liking where this was going. I smirked and pulled out an amnesia potion then went after him as I swirled a needle around in it. I quickly stuck him in the neck, making him tense up then relax. Groaning, he held his head and stumbled into an open stall before fainting and falling on the floor. Great....

"I hate it when they faint," I muttered then put the rest back into my pockets. I walked out of the bathroom and over to the bar, sitting down. After the bartender finished serving someone, he walked over to me, raising his eyebrow as he saw how young I looked. I fished out my fake I.D. and set it down in front of me. "I want vodka," I told him simply. He nodded but stopped as he glanced behind me.

"He'll have water," I heard Isaac purr from behind me. He sat down beside me and pulled out his phone, texting someone.

"No, I won't. I will have rum then." Isaac smirked and looked up.

"No, he'll have a small glass of wine instead." He leaned in to my ear with a small growl.

"What a challenge." I purred in his ear and then looked at the bar tender. "I think I rather have a screw driver." Isaac shook his head at the bartender.

"Don't. He gets drunk easy. Get him wine." The bartender sighed and went over to the wine selection, picking one up then grabbing a glass. He poured me some and sat it in front of me and then got Isaac what he asked for. Isaac handed him the money and smiled at me innocently. "Payback," he mouthed.

"Ass." I grumbled and took a sip of the wine then sat it aside. "I'll have a coke." I grumbled. Isaac laughed and took a sip of his drink.

"Don't be upset with me.... I'm just getting you back for following that nerd into the bathroom," he whispered and leaned in, kissing my cheek. "Mine."

"I know." I whispered to him. I heard a glass get sat firmly beside mine and a male slipped in between Isaac and I.

"Evening pretty ladies." I heard a unnatural purr from him. "Mind if I slip inbetween you?" He asked and looked over at Isaac. I had no freaking clue who this guy was... but he wasn't charming me with his smoothness. Isaac glanced at him and shrugged.

"Don't see why not," he told him, sending me a longing glance before he looked around the room. "My turn," he murmured to himself. His eyes landed on a blond giggling with her friends.

"Good, I'll replace you." The male said and bumped Isaac towards the girl. I let out a gasp and reached out for Isaac.

"Don't you dare~" I hissed. He frowned and came over to me, getting real close.

"Why not?" He pouted and then looked me in the eyes. "You said I was going to learn today." I groaned and waved him off, hovering my lips by my wine.

"I'll need something stronger." I whispered to myself, earning a laugh from the male by me. "Shut up." Isaac's eyes lit up, and he bounced off like a child on Christmas morning towards the blond girl. I glared him down and then looked at the stranger. "Don't you have something better to do?" I asked him and stuck out my tongue.

"Nope, I'm just passing by." He said and grabbed his glass, walking off towards a girl across the bar. He left me.... both of them left me and my meal is passed out in the restroom... Well I suck. I heard the blond laugh as Isaac started talking to her, getting himself in their group. He took a sip of his drink as he looked her in the eyes, making her blush a bit. One of her friends glanced him over then smirked, nudging her to him.

"Have fun," I heard the friend tell her as the girl fell into Isaac. He quickly caught her and steadied her, giving her a smile that made her blush a bit.

"I think I will use handcuffs tonight on him and as for her...." I laughed. "She's going in a tiny little bottle lost at sea on a ship." I decided. "Until I want to eat her." After a few minutes of them talking, the girl took Isaac's drink, downing it and handed the glass to her friends.

"Come dance with me," I heard her whisper in his ear. He widened his eyes as she grabbed his hands without permission, dragging him over to where a few people were already dancing.

"I might just eat her tonight." I decided. Isaac wrapped an arm around her waist, going with it for the moment as she danced with him, leaning in towards his shoulder and resting her head on him. He seemed to be a bit tense, but he quickly relaxed, leaning in towards her ear and whispering things to her that I couldn't catch. I began to stir my magic in him, warning him. He pulled back from her, earning a somewhat irritated look from the girl, but he took her hand and smirked.

"Let's go to my place," he purred, starting to tug her towards the door. She hesitated then nodded, getting real close to him with a smile. I got up and started after them, keeping my distance. When I got outside, I found him glancing around before he brought her closer, taking her towards the car. She giggled and leaned up, kissing his cheek.

"I like you Isaac. You're better than most guys I've met- certainly more interesting," she told him.

"You should totally eat him and her for it." I heard that man from before say as he walked up to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Then come hang out with me, Hachi the cannibal wizard." I raised an eyebrow as I looked towards the male.... He knows me? Isaac suddenly pushed her up against the car and slipped his tail out of his shirt when he made sure there weren't any humans around besides her. She shrieked and went to shove him away, but he held her down and bit into her neck, reaching for the door handle to the car behind her. I walked towards them then, loosing interest in the guy by me. "Aw, fine with me. I'll just wait for when you want to hang out with me." What a loser, eat him... He is practically offering himself to you. I giggled and looked towards the guy then, interested.

"What? You want me to eat you?" I asked him, waving my hands towards him. He took a step back and dropped a beer bottle in his hand.

"N-no." He admitted to me. I heard Isaac succeed in getting the door open and shutting them both inside. I took off towards the car then, getting upset. If he does anything to her that I disapprove of... He is dead. When I got over there, he had already torn out her throat, licking her blood up as it spilled out onto the backseat. He had her hands pinned above her head to keep her from fighting him, but she was already too weak to do anything. I opened up the car door then climbed into the front seat and shut the door.

"Enjoying your hunt?" I asked him. I heard him start to purr at the sound of my voice. He left her neck and looked at me, giving me a sweet smile.

"Mhmmm," he hummed and then leaned in, kissing my cheek. "I am." I rubbed off his kiss, frowning.

"I would hope so." I said weakly. He frowned as he noticed it and then got off of her, getting into the driver's seat to look at me.

"Hachi...what's the matter?" He asked. He reached out for me, looking like a wounded puppy.

"I'm jealous." I whispered softly. With a sweet look, he pulled me to him and then kissed the top of my head after cleaning off his face.

"I didn't think you would get jealous of a girl I was killing Hachi," he mumbled into my ear then glanced back at the dying blond. "We need to get rid of her.... Want to eat her up?" I looked towards her.

"Not right now." I told him and then waved my hand over her, shrinking her form to the size of a nail then pulled out a bottle with a ship inside. I grabbed her and placed her inside it then tossed it to him. He caught it and frowned before slipping it into his jacket.

"You didn't have to shrink her...but I guess it's alright. Let's go home," he purred in my ear then pulled out the keys. He started up the car and drove us off before I could say anything. I curled up in the seat and looked out the window, kicking off my vans and giggled. "You really don't like shoes, do you?" He glanced at me and smirked.

"Nope, I don't like to be chained down." I told him as I took off the socks too on my feet. When we got home, he parked the car in the garage then got out, coming to my side. He opened the door and reached in, picking me up then used his magic to take us to the living room. I looked around then got out of his arms and walked off towards the couch. I sat down on it and looked towards the TV. He watched me then sat down beside me, curling up and playing with his tail a bit. I leaned over to him and grabbed his tail, yanking on it playfully. He shrieked and curled up to me, gripping my shirt as he started to tremble. He didn't dare remove his tail from my hand though as he whimpered, moving closer to me.

"Please don't yank on my tail," he begged, looking up into my eyes. "It really hurts." I nodded and let his tail go.

"So sorry!" I bit my bottom lip hard. He curled it up to him quickly and leaned into me, kissing my chest.

"I-it's fine....if you want to play like that, just not so hard," he murmured as he started to calm down.

"I don't plan on doing it so hard next time.... If there is a next time." I mumbled and ran my fingers through my hair then took off the tail on my pants and threw it across the room. He nodded and kissed my chest again, smiling softly.

"I love you Hachi.... Thanks for taking me hunting," he whispered to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so glad too." I muttered and closed my eyes, resting them.

"We should do it again soon," he told me excitedly. "I liked it."

"NOPE." I looked towards him and narrowed my eyes. He frowned then looked up at me from my chest.

"Why?" He whimpered and tightened his grip on me. I laid down then on the couch and let him lay on me.

"Because I didn't like watching that girl look at you the way she did." I admitted to him. He blushed and looked at me.

"But why? I like hunting," he mumbled, biting his lower lip.

"I didn't." I whimpered.

"Pleaaase? I love you," he purred and leaned in, kissing my neck. "What if I get really hungry?"

"You will drink from me and me only." I told him. He blushed as he looked into my eyes.

"You'll get weak.... As much as I love the idea, I would feel terrible about it," he told me and then kissed my lips. "But if it bothers you that much, I will try to limit myself to you unless it's bottled blood.... No more hunting."

"You can drink from me... I won't be weak." I shook my head. "I will set a spell to replenish my blood every time I sleep." He looked happy about that and smiled, kissing my lips passionately. He leaned in towards my neck and licked me. I laughed and arched my back. "Mhhh." I mumbled, grabbing his sides. He laughed and kissed me there before starting a love bite, making me moan. I blushed, worried someone heard me and covered up my mouth. He didn't seem to notice as he pressed into me, stealing more kisses as he growled playfully. We were suddenly back in our bedroom on the bed as he grabbed the hem of my shirt. I blushed and grabbed his chin, making him look at me so I could see if he was himself or not. His eyes were still his own, not clouded with demonic influence. He gave me a sweet smile and leaned in, kissing my lips. I kissed him back slowly and grabbed his wrists firmly.

"What's the matter?" He pouted as he pulled back and glanced at my hands holding his wrists.

"Nothing." I said innocently, letting him go. "What, can I not hold your hands or something?" He smiled, shaking his head.

"You can hold my hands if you want," he told me then leaned in, kissing me again. He slipped his hands under my shirt and started to slid it up as he licked my lower lip. I leaned in towards his lips and bit down on his bottom one. I began to suck on it, teasing him. He blushed as he couldn't keep a moan down and stopped with my shirt, leaning in towards my lips more. He wrapped his arms around me, running his hands up my spine. I giggled and tried to pull out of the kiss, shivering as his hands tickled my spine. He pulled away from it and then went to my neck, nuzzling up to it. He rubbed my back and started a trail of love bites down to the collar of my shirt before growling. He slipped my shirt over my head before I could stop him and dropped it on the floor. I watched it hit the floor then looked towards him. I smiled and leaned in towards his lips, wanting another kiss. He smirked and pushed me back down, playfully growling before leaning in towards my bare chest and giving me another kiss there. I gasped and glared him down.

"No fair!" I pouted then. He smirked up at me and started another love bite.

"You sound upset," he teased and went to grab for my hands. I raised them above my head so he couldn't get them.

"I'm not upset." I said innocently. "Not at all." He frowned and looked up at them, trying to grab them again, but he failed. He sighed and then smirked as he saw how open I was like this. He started to tickle my sides as he sat up on my stomach. I laughed and squirmed under him, being extremely ticklish. "OH MY GOSH! STOP!" I panicked and tried to push him off. He laughed and leaned in towards my neck, biting down hard. I whimpered, arching my back. "Owe~" He smirked against my skin and shoved me back down as he licked at the wound for my blood. I hissed towards him and leaned in towards his neck, taking a bite for myself. He groaned and wrapped his arms around me as he tried not to move me away.

"Please don't go crazy like last time," he whispered and then licked my skin again. I gasped, tasting his blood as it oozed out into my mouth. I felt my urges to eat him up rising high as my stomach spun. Eat him Hachi, you eat him now and then go after his mother... then his little blonde hunt he had. You can't forget Sara. I licked my lips then bit him harder, pulling out a chunk and started to eat it. "Mmmmmh," he groaned and sat up on me quickly to get away. He put a hand over his neck and looked down at me. "Hachi, that really hurt," he whispered, wincing a bit in pain. I licked my lips after swallowing the bite. I went to sit up and bite him again.

"Stay still." I complained. His eyes widened, and he got off of me in the next second, taking off for the door.

"PAAAARIS!" He shrieked, not liking the way I was acting. I got off the bed then, running after him.

"Where you going?" I asked him.

"Huh?" I heard Paris ask from in the hall. Isaac threw the door open and ran into him quickly, burying his face into Paris's chest as he whimpered.

"He bit me," he told Paris in panic. I hovered by the door, watching them as Paris looked at me.

"Get out of here Isaac and don't come back until I come to get you." I heard Paris whispering into Isaac's ear. I tensed up.

"No!" I ran for Isaac then. "Stay here with me!" Isaac screamed and took off running for the nearest window. He threw it open and jumped up onto the ledge, climbing out before I could try to stop him. I screamed and ran past Paris, going to the window. "ISAAC!" I yelled, looking for him to make sure he survived the fall. He was already safely on the ground, but he was looking a bit stunned. He shook his head and then looked around then up at me. He bit his bottom lip as he slowly backed away. "Good." I purred. "Come back sweets." I reached out for him then felt Paris creeping up behind me.

"Run Isaac and don't come back!~!" Paris told him as he grabbed me from behind. I squirmed in his arms.

"Let me go, dinner is on the run!" I protested. I saw Isaac disappear from sight after giving Paris a weak, grateful smile. I felt Paris carrying me away from the door before I could go after Isaac. "You told him to run!"

"Hachi, you aren't yourself." Paris told me. Damn right I'm not. I squirmed in his arms.

"Let me go! I'll bite you!" I threatened then felt something hard on the back of my head and it was lights out. I could feel myself slipping into an unconscious state.