Hachi’s Past

Hachi's POV {1895 Age:12}:

"I'm off to school Hachi, Haru, and Uta... be good okay and listen to dad when he comes in- if he does today." My sister Saki told my twin, younger brother, and me. I gave her a nod.

"Mhmm~ Bye sissy." Uta, my younger brother waved towards her as she headed off to go to the wizard school I wasn't welcomed at. Uta turned towards us. "House to ourselves.... Let's get into something!" He wondered off towards the kitchen and I heard him slipping the doors open.

"Hehehehe." I giggled and then looked towards my twin. "Let's play!" I poked him in the side and then pushed him off the couch we had been sitting on. "No older sister or daddy~!" We had freedom for the next couple of hours. I had no clue where Kori and Koto was, which was my older brothers. He giggled and got up, grabbing my hand and pulled me off the couch to drag me to the kitchen.

"We should totally eat all the cookies!" He laughed as he looked up at the cookie jar on top of the refrigerator. He climbed up onto the counter and got the jar down, passing it to me. I opened it up then looked at the home made cookies, Saki had made the family. She practically did all of mom's chores... I don't know where mom is though... she didn't come back home one night and that was... forever ago. I grabbed one then was tackled by Uta and he took five out and ran off with them, giggling. I grunted as I sat up then looked at the top of the counter.

"Heh." I placed the jar on it, barely able to reach it since it was a really high counter. "Saki will never notice." I told Haru. He nodded in agreement and shoved a cookie into his mouth as he sat down on the counter, kicking his legs back and forth.

"So what do you wanna do today Hachi?" He asked, giving me a sweet look. I ate the cookie and shrugged.

"Let's play sailors!" I reached out for him. "I'm captain! Come on, lets go make our ship in the livingroom." I begged. He thought it over then nodded, jumping down from the counter. He walked past me towards the living room, glancing over his shoulder at me with a smirk.

"You're going to love what I have planned," he whispered then ran into the living room. I ran after him. Uta was on the couch, bouncing up and down while eating his cookies- more like destroying them with his sharp cannibal teeth and crumbs was getting everywhere. He didn't have anything left after a second then looked towards us with a predator look.

"Your next." Uta told us and took off for us, giggling creepily. "COME AND LET ME EAT YOU!"

"AH!" I screamed and grabbed Haru by his shirt then took off dragging him towards our bedroom to hide in the closet for protection. Haru quickly closed it behind us, looking frightened as he locked it. He had managed to put a lock on it a few years back after we got smart. He looked at me and pulled me to the floor, wrapping his arms around me as he moved us behind our clothes that were hanging up. I could feel him trembling a bit, but he didn't dare speak a word, not sure if Uta was serious or not. I curled up into his arms and whimpered, afraid of my little brother when he was like that. He had no morals and was just like daddy. He didn't care what he ate, who he hurt, or what the cost was. He was absolutely horrible. "Haru, I don't want to go back out there and play sailors.. sorry." I told him.

"It's fine," he whispered in my ear, still shaking. "I had planned to overthrow you anyways in mutiny," he confessed. "We'll play later...when daddy comes home so that way Uta won't eat us."

"What if daddy comes home drunk?" I asked, afraid of the thought. When he was drunk he was worse then Uta... He wasn't even describable. Only Saki could save us from him or one of our older brothers. He whimpered as it occurred to him.

"Let's run away," he whispered, his voice shaking. I shook my head.

"Where would we go? We don't have anywhere to go." I admitted. "We don't know much about the outside world."

"We can't stay here.... We'll be eaten. We aren't that strong," he mumbled and glanced towards the door. "I feel like something bad will happen soon....all I want to do is play, but we can't even do that."

"If we run we will-"

"BOY'S PAPA IS HOME!" I heard our father's scratchy drunk voice calling for us.

"YAY!" I heard Uta say on the other side of the doors. "DID YOU GET ME SOMETHING?" Haru's eyes widened, and he buried his face into my shoulder, starting to cry.

"Hachi, I want to leave. He's drunk again....Please, just you and me. We can make it together," he said hurriedly, sounding frantic.

"Let's hide in here." I whispered. "Til he passes out." I buried my face against him. "Our protectors will be home soon." I refered to our older sibilings that stuck up for us sometimes. Haru nodded after a few minutes.

"Ok....but when they get back.... I want to leave with you," he told me, calming down. "At least Uta and our father can't get in here." I nodded in agreement.

"Yes Haru.... I'll go anywhere with you." I promised, not wanting to be left without my twin in the world.


"Haru..." I whispered, shivering slightly. He shook his head.

"Stay," he ordered, holding me down. "Stay with me,"

"I'LL COUNT UNTIL THREE AND THEN YOUR GETTING YOUR ASSES BEAT! You naugty little brats be more like Uta, an obedient little good boy." I heard him calling for us. I could hear Uta giggling.

"He's gonna beat us." I whispered to Haru. "I don't want to get beat."

"The door is locked," he reminded me. "I have the only key to it." He pulled out the key to show me. "He's not that smart when he's like this." I could see a bit of fear in his eyes, but he was holding it down for us, trying to get us out of seeing our father.

"H-haru." I whispered as I heard our father getting close to three. "He's gonna be mad-"

"THREE! YOU LITTLE BRATS WHERE ARE YOU!?" I could hear Uta giving up our position and he was storming down the hall to our room. He banged on the door when he found it locked. "HARU! KASAI! UNLOCK THIS DOOR!" Haru whimpered and looked around for anything he could find. He grabbed one of our belts off a rack and wrapped it around his hands like he was preparing to fight in case our father got in. He looked at me in fear and brought me close.

"I love you," he whispered to me and buried his face into my shoulder again, shaking each time our father banged on the door.

"YOU TWO ARE IN BIG TROUBLE!" I could hear our father telling us. "I'll make you respect me again!" He threw himself against the door, trying to get it open. "You'll learn! I KNOW IT'S YOU HARU! YOU ARE A BAD INFLUENCE. KASAI OPEN THE DOOR FOR PA AND YOU WON'T GET PUNISHED SWEETIE~" I could hear my dad trying to lure me to do as he asked. Haru shook his head quickly, pulling back in alarm.

"Don't do it," he pleaded. "He won't keep his promise. He's drunk. You don't want to be like Uta." I heard my dad walking away from the door then, his room right near ours came to life when he entered it. He was trying to find something inside it. After a second he was back at our door and I could hear him begin to chop away at the door with an axe.

"YOU BOYS ARE BAD!" I could hear him. "LITTLE DEVILS! CURSED BEASTS! I KNEW YOU TWO WERE NO GOOD WHEN YOUR MOTHER SPAT YOU OUT OF HER! TWINS ARE BAD LUCK! THAT'S WHY YOUR MOTHER NEVER CAME HOME! She began to drink and whore around. I caught her though and punished her! Mom won't be back. One of you will follow that same road!" I screamed out in fear and started out of the closet, running towards our window and tried to pull it open. "Kasai!" I heard my father calling. I looked towards the door and seen him sticking a hand in and jiggled on the door handle. "UNLOCK THIS DOOR, BOY!" He looked through the hole. I shook my head and tensed up. Haru came out of the closet and was crying as he looked towards our father trying to get through our bedroom door.

"Hachi, please," he whimpered and ran up to me at the window. He grabbed it and started to unlock it. "Please, let's go."

"Don't you go Kasai! You little piece of devil. Get over here and unlock this door. I'll kill you, you little sorry-" He cut himself off as he backed away from the door then started to hack away at it. I backed up into the window then, forcing it open with my back and fell straight out of it. I fell from a second floor window and hit the ground with a hard thud, making my head throb as it hit the ground too. Haru climbed up onto the windowsill, about to jump out when he was grabbed from inside and dragged back in. He shrieked, calling out for me. My father looked out the window then, holding up Haru by his collar. "GET IN HERE." My father ordered. "RIGHT NOW." He didn't even ask if I was okay. He left the window side then, expecting I was coming back inside. He was right. I was inside before I could think straight, obeying him. He had my twin... I crept into the kitchen, where I heard him throwing pots and pans around. "I go out, working and slaving away on a job and you two sorry sons can't even come see me when I get in." I heard him growling to Haru. Uta was eating something funny looking, I never seen it before but it was a type of raw meat with dark skin. I crept into the kitchen quietly so my father wouldn't notice me just yet. Haru whimpered and looked up at him.

"Father, you're drunk....You're scaring me," he whispered. "Please, Uta was trying to eat us."

"That boy couldn't hurt a fly." I heard my father hissing. He placed Haru on the highest part of the counter. "STAY." He pointed a finger at him. "I'm going to cook us up something good." He took the raw meat away from Uta and placed it in the pan over the fire then grabbed another chunk out of a bag and placed it in the pan. I walked in slowly.

"Daddy?" I asked innocently. He turned to me and picked up a spatula.

"GET OVER HERE!" He growled. I walked over slowly, trying to swallow my fear. "You are going to learn what it means to be a Hachirobei." He pointed the spatula at me then smacked my cheek with it hard, making it sting. "Bend over and drop your pants." He told me. I whimpered. Haru stood up on the counter, looking like he wanted to get off of it to get to me.

"Daddy! Don't touch him! He didn't do anything! I was forcing him to stay with me!" He lied, trying to get me out of it. "I shoved him out the window."

"You are going next boy so sit down!" My dad told him, turning to me. "DROP THOSE PANTS." I shrieked and done as I was told, turning around slowly. He yanked me to him and bent me over his knee within second and started to hit me with the spatula. "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU LITTLE BRAT! NEXT TIME YOU OBEY AND COME WHEN YOU ARE TOLD!" I screamed, tears was rolling off of my face and nodded.

"Ye-yes daddy!" I yelled, sniffling through my tears.

"You little no good- you didn't even get accepted! YOU ARE WORTHLESS! WORTHLESS!" He yelled in my ear then kicked me away. "Now go sit down in a corner and think about what you done." I heard Haru jump down from the table, his eyes dark.

"I told you not to touch him," he muttered under his breath. He had grabbed a knife off of the counter and glared at our father. "No one touches my twin." I went to a corner quickly and curled up into a ball, looking towards them in fear.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND DROP THOSE PANTS, I'LL HIT YOUR LITTLE MANHOOD IF YOU DON'T BEHAVE THIS TIME. DROP THAT KNIFE." My father snapped. "I'm going to give you extra lickings!" Haru tilted his chin up, glaring him down defiantly.

"No," he growled. He took a step towards him, pointing the knife at him. "I am going to hurt you real bad....just like you done Hachi....and just like you've done countless times before. I'm sick of it!" My father glared him down then laughed.

"You ain't nothing compared to me." My father growled. The kitchen began to shake and the knives around the kitchen rose up and pointed towards Haru. "Get him." My father didn't even glance away as all the knifes started for Haru and began to stab into him. I got to my feet then.

"HARU!" I panicked and felt my feet stuck to the ground. I tried to yank on them as my dad looked towards me then back to Haru. Haru yelped and fell to the floor in pain, dropping the knife. He ripped the knives out after a moment and sat up, crying. He looked up at our father and threw one of them at his leg.

"YOU'RE EVIL, AND I HATE YOU!" He screamed at him. My father picked up a knife and licked up the blood of Haru from it. He purred then looked towards me.

"Hachi~" He motioned me over and made me walk to him with magic. "Have a taste boy." He gave me one of the knifes and forced me to lick it with his magic. I gasped at the taste, flavors that were beyond exotic swirled around on my taste buds... but this was wrong. I loved Haru and he was my twin. He was the only thing I loved about this life.... I can't... I won't. "How about you eat him and save me a load of trouble." He wasn't asking. Haru's eyes widened, and he managed to get to his feet.

"Hachi...don't listen to him. Remember, our sister will be coming home soon," he promised me and slowly backed away. "Please....we've still got to play sailors. Daddy is drunk. He'll be ok when he finally sobers up."

"Eat him, so I won't have to listen to his mouth run. I'll have obedient children." My father told me, smacking the back of my head and forcing me to go towards Haru. I stumbled towards him and felt my teeth begin to ache, like they were getting sharper. "Kasai eat him and get this over with." Haru took off running into the living room before anything else could happen, taking a knife with him. I heard him trying to open the front door frantically, crying softly in fear. "EAT HIM." I felt my feet stumbling after Haru and my father was brushing past me with a pan.

"D-dad?" I heard Uta asking, panicking. "Don't kill Haru." I looked towards him.

"This is all your fault." I hissed towards him. He shrunk into himself then. "Monster." I headed for the livingroom and seen that my father had caught up with Haru and had hit him with the pan, making him unable to move but conscious. Haru looked up at him and looked ready to plead and beg, but he couldn't speak through his tears. It took him a moment to finally start being able to talk.

"Daddy, please. I don't wanna die.... I'm your son. I'll be good, I swear," he choked out, giving him a broken look. "That's what you want, isn't it? An obedient family?"

"I don't need you." My father told him firmly. "I'm raising good kids and I don't want nothing to do with you because you are the devil's child." My father hissed. He looked towards me and then motioned me over. I walked over slowly and he grabbed my wrist firmly. He looked me in the eyes and dug his nails into my skin. "Eat this scum of our family." He ordered. "Then I will give you something sweet... candy perhaps?"

"If I'm the devil's child.... then I'll go to Hell...and I'll haunt you forever you drunk demon," Haru hissed back up at him. "You'll never be rid of me. I hate your guts, I hate you. I would rather die then let you continue being this way to our family. You're a plague, a hate filled plague! I hope you suffer! I hope you curl up at night and you see mother and you see everyone you've ever hurt torturing you while you try to sleep! I hope you have nightmares for life! I hope you die alone! I hope you never know love and that you are shunned by everyone! I'LL MAKE SURE OF IT FROM HELL!"

"Shut up." My father told him, kicking him in the stomach. He looked back towards me. "Eat up because that's all you are getting for a very long time." He laughed cruelly then pulled out a spoon from his pocket and gave it to me. "Eat the eyes first. You eat him and will gain so much power that they will accept you back into the academy.... You know what? Hell." He tossed another spoon at Haru. "Whoever comes back to the kitchen alive." He smirked and walked towards the kitchen. "If you don't eat him then I will kill the both of you and I will make Uta eat you." Haru followed him with his eyes and then looked up at me, pleading.

"Please....we can kill him together. We can get out of this mess," he whispered. "Hachi, please don't hurt me....We're twins. We only have each other." He started crying again and tried to move. I knelt down by him then and tossed the spoon on him away.

"I'm sorry Haru." I mumbled, feeling these cravings start to kick in for more of his blood. I leaned in towards one of his wounds and licked up the blood, moaning at the taste.

"Hachi, quit it," he whimpered. "It's not funny!" He managed to move his arms and shoved me away. "I don't like it! You promised we'd play sailors later! We need to stick together!" I looked him in the eyes then leaned back in towards his wound and started to suck on the blood, making it come out faster. He grabbed the front of my shirt, clutching it. "Please....you're the only one I trust.... Don't do this to me," he whispered weakly. "I can't even really move.... I wouldn't hurt you if the role was reversed." I leaned in towards his neck then, biting down into it instinctively. He shrieked and shoved me away again. "HACHI! QUIT IT!" He looked frightened and in pain as he put a hand over his neck, crying again. He used his other hand to sit himself up against the wall and grabbed the knife that he had lying a few feet away. He pointed it at me, shaking his head. "Please don't make me fight you.... I don't want to hurt you, but I don't want to die!" He wiped at his tears and glanced up towards the front door handle then at me. I grabbed at his foot then and pulled him to me.

"We'll be together if I eat you." I whispered, leaned back towards his neck. "Together forever.... You are so good tasting." I told him and kissed his neck then leaned back from his neck and kissed one of his eyes. I felt a sharp pain in my leg as he stabbed me in fear.

"I'm so sorry," he whimpered and then shoved me away, going for the door as he pulled himself up to his feet shakily. He grabbed the door handle and managed to open it, falling out onto the front porch as he lost his balance. I crawled after him and pulled him back into the house. I got on top of him and pinned him down then leaned back towards his eyes and began to try to lick one out. He screamed and then bit down into my neck, showing me what it felt like as he whimpered in pain. I pulled away from him and held my neck, hissing. I watched him as his eyes changed colors. I could see my blood dripping down his chin from his mouth. He tilted his head and looked at me curiously. He smirked suddenly, looking evil. Leaning up to my neck, he bit down again and tore out a chunk. I screamed and felt my heart racing.

"KASAI YOU BETTER BE LIVING YOU LITTLE PIECE OF DIRT! I'D BE ASHAMED TO CALL YOU RELATED TO ME IF I HAVE TO COME HELP YOU!" I heard my father yell. I shoved Haru back and shook my head, running then off the porch. I heard him laughing as he got up, chasing after me. He tackled me to the ground and then kissed my cheek, looking ok again.

"Hachi, you ok?" He touched my neck and then looked into my eyes. He glanced back at the door to the house then at the yard. "Let's go....while we can escape," he whispered and then pulled me to my feet. I heard my father at the door, growling.

"Kasai! You better finish what you started boy! Running!? You coward! EAT." Haru's eyes widened and he looked back at him then at me.

"Please?" He whispered, giving me a loving look. "He can't do anything to us if we escape....We'll be safe."

"He'll find us." I mumbled and looked him over. "We don't have anywhere to go."

"EAT HIM!" I could hear him start to come for us.

"I'm sorry-"

"I'LL EAT YOU TWO!" My father yelled. Haru suddenly threw himself on me and flipped us so he was on bottom. He took his hand and touched his neck then smeared it on my face.

"I love you Hachi....always remember that I did this for you....I don't want you to get eaten.... Promise me you'll not let me die in vain. Promise me you'll keep us safe," he whispered. "Please...don't be cruel.... I don't wanna die...but I can't bare the idea of you dying too." I felt the urges to eat every last drop of him kick in and I was biting down into his shoulder before I had then chance to think. I began to feast on him, my father's footsteps stopped a few feet away as he watched me. Haru kept in a few screams, gripping my shirt. "P-please....make it quick," he whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut. He exposed his neck to me, hoping I'd kill him. I leaned in towards his neck as he wished and bit down into his jugular. I couldn't even process what I was doing. These urges were rushing in my body and I felt like I had never eaten anything before in my life. I ripped out a piece and ate it, moaning at the taste.

"Damn this is good.... I wish I could relive this forever." I heard my father purring with pleasure. Haru's hand dropped from my shirt and hit the porch. His facial expression went peaceful as he stopped crying, staring up at the ceiling. He stopped breathing and I could swear I saw a small smile on his lips as the light left his eyes. I devoured the rest of him and saved the eyes for last, placing them in my pocket and stood up. I started to cry as I was covered in my twin's blood. His bones was the only thing left. I felt my father wrap his arms around me and I could feel him laughing.

"That's my boy." He whispered into my ear. He motioned me towards the house as I stood shivering. He leaned into my ear. "Now I want you to go eat Uta. You won't stop eating wizards... ever... For all your life you will eat them and be feared. They will fear our family name.... I am glad to raise you now." He pulled me towards the kitchen where Uta had been knocked out cold. His nose was bleeding slightly. He threw me to him. "Eat up. Eyes and all." I heard my father go to focus on the food cooking. He took a swig of alcohol from a nearby bottle. I looked at my little brother. It's his fault my twin is gone... his fault. I scooped up the blood that was draining from his nose and licked it. It wasn't anything like Haru's but it would do. I leaned into his neck and bit down into his jugular. I began to rip him apart and ate him sloppily. Within minutes it felt like I had consumed what I wanted of him and left the rest to rot on the floor. "I'm proud of you Kasai." I glanced towards him then stood up, cleaning off my face. I stumbled towards him and felt him tensing up.

"I'm going to kill you." I informed him. I saw a ghostly form of Haru standing beside him, looking at me. He smiled and looked towards our father.

"I'll try to help you the best I can," he told me and then grabbed him. I noticed my father physically stiffened, unable to move. I walked towards my father then, letting out a growl. I exposed my teeth and grabbed his wrist then bit down into his hands. He let out a scream and tried to pull away from me. Haru hissed at him. "I told you that I'd haunt you from Hell for this," he told our father. My father shirked, looking around as if he had heard it. I pulled out a chunk of his hand and began to eat him hungrily. I started up his arm then, taking bites until I got to his neck then took a chunk out of his throat and started to swallow it. He tried so hard to get free, looking like he was going to break every bone if he had to. Haru didn't let him go, keeping him to the spot. He looked at me and smiled sweetly. "I love you Hachi...my twin. I'm glad I was able to save you...even if I had to die," he told me, his eyes shining. "If we are ever reborn again.... I'd love to be your twin all over." I whimpered, trying to keep calm as I devoured our father. I didn't show him any mercy and took his eyes, eating them with hatred. I threw his bones into the fire and watched them burn up.

"I love you... Haru." I whispered softly, watching the fire burning. I knew there was no way in hell he was actually here... I was crazy now and imagining things. I needed to be locked up. Haru wrapped an arm around me, and I swore I could actually feel it. I could smell his scent, and a peaceful feeling came over me.

"I love you too....and you aren't crazy," he whispered. "I live right here now," he told me and pointed at me. "My strength is yours.... and I will be there forever...." He kissed my cheek then slowly started to disappear. I started to cry then and curled up to myself.

"I'm so sorry Haru." I whispered and then pulled out his eyes. "I'm very sorry.... So sorry..." I looked towards a knife near me and grabbed it. He reappeared again, alarm on his face.

"You put that knife down," he hissed. "I didn't die so that way you could throw a pity party. I love you too much to see you waste your life away. Live your life and have fun. Don't worry about me. I'm at peace. I'm not afraid anymore...." He touched my cheek and then leaned in, kissing my cheek. "Don't be like father...." I pulled my head away from him, slicing into my wrist.

"I want to be with you." I mumbled. He widened his eyes and shook his head quickly.

"Hachi don't! I don't want you to die! I died for you! You promised to honor my death! Don't destroy it by killing yourself! I am with you!" He touched my chest. I felt peace again, and he smiled at me. "I already told you that it's like you said, I'm with you. We are one....and I will never leave you." I curled up into a ball on the floor, watching my wrist poor out.

"It's too late... Haru.... So sorry I was a disappointment." I mumbled. "No one can save me. Our older siblings are god knows where."

"Go get father's spell book," he told me. "It's yours now.... Find a spell and heal it...please," he whimpered and got down in front of me. "It's in his room. We both know this." I shook my head and turned over to look away from him.

"Let me die in peace!" I yelled, crying.

"HACHI! SO HELP ME!" He grabbed me again and hugged me. "You're letting me be dead for no reason!"

"I love you." I whispered, closing my eyes. "I freed us."

"Yes...you did," he whispered back, calmer now. He gave me a smile. "You can't die.... I won't let you. I want you to live for us both....live the life I can't have.... Get old, have a kid or something....Stay away from alcohol.... Party, fall in love," he told me and then father's spell book appeared in front of me. He looked from me to it then at me. "Just open it....for me." I heard a faint sound of a horse running up towards the porch.

"Hmmm?" I lifted my head. "People are coming? Have I died yet?" I asked softly, expecting it was over. He shook his head, looking overjoyed.

"Hachi, you're going to live!" He laughed in relief. "I love you so much. You don't even know! I'm going to go for now....but I'll try to come back and talk with you again to keep you company. I love you very much." He hugged me again.

"Don't leave me..... Don't let them come in to get me!" I looked towards the door and it slammed shut. Haru shook his head and tilted my head to look at him. His eyes were watering up with tears.

"Please....don't die. I couldn't bear to see you die. I need you to live for me...to give me purpose," he whispered.

"We can be together in the next life." I promised, knowing I was going to hell for killing them. "I promise." I mumbled as I closed my eyes.

"Don't make me be cruel," he whispered to me, starting to cry. I felt them actually hit me, and my face got wet from it. "I don't want to have to tell you something I'll regret. I love you...and I don't want you to die for this. I want you to live for me." I looked towards him and rubbed my cheek.

"They are too late." I whispered. "Whoever it is." The book flipped open and Haru got on my stomach, sitting on me. I felt his weight lightly, but it wasn't like before. He glanced at a page and looked at me, starting to read off the page. I felt my wounds closing up as the bleeding stopped. I looked towards my wrist and frowned. "No... my work.... My hard work." I looked up at him and pouted. "How could you Haru? Make me go through this alone." He smiled at me sweetly.

"You aren't alone though.... I'm here as long as you want me to be....and then I'll still be here. I just won't be seen as much. We are twins...and I'd gladly sacrifice my life for you. We will be reborn again in the next life, but I want you to enjoy this one and to live through it. I want you to learn in this one....so maybe in the next one, the same mistakes won't be made," he told me and touched my cheek.

"I don't want to have to wait for so long without you...." I whispered, reaching up to his face and rubbed it. "I love you. You are the only one I ever... We were supposed to play sailors." He looked thoughtful and then smiled at me again.

"I'm going to tell you something...but you must promise to forget it," he whispered to me. "It'll give you something to look forward to....and of course we will still play! I can try to stay like this long enough for a game soon.... It just takes a lot of energy."

"You aren't going to go away forever will you? Take away from my energy... I deserve it." I sat up then and leaned in towards his neck, placing my head against it. He shook his head.

"I won't go away forever. I have the ability to come back like this for some reason...but it just makes me feel sleepy after about ten minutes of it. I think I will be able to go longer with practice," he told me. "Anyways, want to look forward to something or not?" He laughed and kissed my cheek. I nodded eagerly and kissed his neck.

"You are all I have.... Kori and Koto aren't coming home... Neither is Saki." I mumbled. He smiled and pulled back to look into my eyes.

"I won't leave you forever, I promise.... But you have a bright future," he touched my nose and kissed my forehead. "You're going to meet new friends, a few vampires and a half-breed. They will become like family to you."

"Vampires?" I whispered and shook my head. "Let me be with you." I ran my fingers through his hair. "Let me die." He shook his head.

"No, I don't want you to die.... I want you to die of natural causes. I want to watch you grow old and live things I will never experience. I will wait," he told me and kissed my cheek. "Oh, and you have to somewhat forget what I told you- about the possible family you might be getting down the road. It'll happen with time, but you can't go looking for them. You won't be able to find them if you do that."

"I don't want them.... I want you." I whimpered and shook my head. "This isn't fair." I looked away and curled up, waiting for death now. How long will it take to die of starvation? I could wait.... I'll wait all eternity if I have to. He sighed and touched my cheek again.

"Hachi.... I don't want to...but I will leave you alone if you try to die again. You are making my death useless by doing this," he told me. "I will never come back to see you."

"You love me too much for that." I protested then grabbed the knife near me. "I'll slit my throat this time, don't stop me." The knife crumbled up into dust in my hand almost immediately.

"Hachi, my sweet loving twin, I don't want you to do that.... Why can't you see that? I don't want you to do this? Why can't you be happy that I am able to do this for us- that I died for us?"

"There isn't an us if you aren't with me." I whispered softly. "I have no one now." I whimpered and got up, searching the kitchen then for something to use on myself. He appeared in front of me.

"You have me.... Think about it this way. I'm still here.... but I'm not suffering anymore. I'm not scared, and you have me all to yourself since how no one else will be able to see me. I'm completely yours.... My power is yours, can't you feel it?" I felt something stir inside me, reminding me of his parlor tricks he used to pull. It felt like his magic he had harnessed for it. He gave me a smile and reached out, hugging me to him. "Shhh... It's alright. I'll always be your twin, forever and always. Even if you become a monster... I'll still be your twin and love you. Please don't kill yourself because of what happened. It wasn't your fault at all. Father was going to force you- he might have eaten me himself.... I would rather you eat me than have him touch me again. You helped save us, even if I didn't make it. I would do it over and over again for you, to keep you safe," he whispered in my ear. I whimpered and pushed him away.

"Please don't touch me. I'm a monster." I told him and looked down at my feet, I could feel my stomach grumbling for more food. He shook his head and looked at me.

"Hachi, you aren't a monster," he told me. "Besides, if you are a monster, then I'm one too!" He started to cry and reached out for me, whimpering. "Please don't call yourself a monster! I don't want you to think like that!" Our father's ghostly figure appeared behind him then and snatched him up.

"Don't you dare start to influence him, he's mine now." I heard my father growl to him. "I'm going to stick around and make sure he goes down the right paths to power." He leaned in and bit down into Haru. Haru shrieked and tried to get away.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! Hachi, help!" He started to cry as he scratched at our father, clawing to get free. He whimpered in pain and looked terrified. I ran towards them then, reaching out towards them but then stopped myself. I can't help Haru because this isn't a fight I can interfere with physically. I looked towards our family spell book and ran up towards it, picking it up. I can my hand across it.... it was mine now. I focused on the book, wanting to make it hand me a spell to help Haru. It flipped open to ancient spells and one highlighted. I couldn't read it too well but I could pronounce the ancient words well enough to cast what it was giving me. I mumbled the words under my breath and then looked up to them, seeing my father fainting away into nothingness.

"Wh-what did I do?" I asked softly. You little monster, now I am going to be stuck in your mind forever... I hope you are happy. You will never get rid of me now. Haru whimpered and put a hand over his wounds, looking around in fear for him.

"I-I thought I was safe...away from him," he whispered then looked at me. "Thank you for saving me," he said as it clicked that I had managed to help him. He ran up to me and hugged me, burying his face into my chest the best he could. I closed the spell book and sat it down on the table then leaned in, smelling his scent.

"Oh Haru... I love you. He's stuck somewhere else now and he will never hurt you again." When you die I can get both of you real good.... Hahahaha, you have managed to save him this time... but you don't live forever boy.... I'll get him again and then you- well.... you will suffer from me being in your head- "SHUT UP!" I screamed and held my head. Haru's eyes widened and he grabbed my hands.

"Hachi, what's wrong?!" He started to panic and looked into my eyes, searching them for anything he could find and then brought me close into a hug. "What did you do?"

"He's s-s-" Don't go telling him all our little secrets. Make something else up you idiot. I will find away to make this situation worse for you... How about you go look in your sister's bedroom for something useful- scissors? Haru tightened his grip on me and kissed my forehead.

"He's what?!" He looked me over frantically then blinked slowly, suddenly looking exhausted. "Hachi.... I'm feeling weak," he mumbled and leaned in to me.

"Don't leave me." I whispered, shaking my head. "Please don't go... Hold in a little longer.... Please? Sailors right? You can be the captain." I squeezed him tightly in my arms. He glanced up at me and gave me a small smile.

"Really?" He asked softly, his eyes happy. He leaned up and kissed my cheek. "I'd love to be captain for once.... I always have to play mutiny."

"I won't even play mutiny." I leaned in towards his cheek and kissed it softly. "You are my whole world captain Haru.... You can feed off of my energy to stay here." His eyes widened and he shook his head quickly.

"No... I don't want to do that to you," he told me, his voice trembling a bit from idea. He went to pull back from me.

"No~ No stay." I whimpered. "Haru!" I begged. "I don't want to be alone." He smiled at me and then walked over to the couch, messing around with a blanket.

"I won't leave for as long as I can..... Look! This can be our sail for the ship!" He giggled and turned to look at me. I walked up to him then and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. "The couch can be our boat." I whispered and then pulled him onto the couch with me. He smiled and wrapped us up in the blanket.

"So.... Hachi, my first order is to capture the magical treasure across the sea on the island of entertainment," he said, trying not to laugh as he pointed to a chess board. I looked towards him and smirked then nodded.

"How will we manage that?" I asked and looked towards my twin. "We need a map." He giggled and reached over, going through my pockets until he found a piece of paper. He pulled it out and then started to draw on it with a pencil nearby.

"There we go!" He put it in my hands and then smiled. "Let's go get it!" I nodded and then grabbed a baseball bat(behind the couch) then tied the blanket around it and shoved it into the whole of the couch on the end to make the sail. I handed him a book for the wheel. I grabbed a pillow to drop it as our anchor for when we arrived. He giggled and started to steer, glancing over at me. "Hold on," he joked and then leaned up against me with a smile. I leaned back a bit and smiled back at him, laughing.

"Yes Captain." After a bit of playing around, he started to look really tired and was starting to blink slowly, trying to keep his eyes open.

"Hachi....I'm really sorry. I'm too sleepy," he whispered after about thirty minutes of it. He dropped the book and leaned in to me. I noticed he was somewhat faded from before. I frowned and laid us back, kissing his cheek.

"You'll be back as soon as possible... right?" I asked him and ran my fingers through his hair, feeling concerned. "I love you."

"I love you too," he whispered back and laid his head on my chest. "I'm sorry Hachi.... I've got to go. I can't hold on much longer. I will try to be back as soon as I can," he promised and looked up at me. He gave me a small smile and reached out to touch my cheek. "Promise me you won't blame yourself....that you won't try to harm yourself and that you'll live for both of us?"

"I can't promise you that." I shook my head and sniffled. "I don't even feel right living knowing that your blood is on my hands." He frowned.

"Hachi....my blood is own my own hands. I murdered myself by throwing myself on you instead of running. It wasn't you, it was me. I was being selfish to keep you alive," he whispered, tears coming to his eyes. "I smeared my own blood on you to make you eat me so that way father wouldn't kill us both.... You didn't kill me. I did it myself.... If you don't want to believe that, then blame it on father."

"I still ate you and nothing will change that." I shook my head. "It was wrong... Horrible.." It was delicious. He started to cry and then kissed my cheek.

"Hachi, I don't care about that. I don't want you to blame yourself..... Please! Don't hurt yourself over this. At least we still have each other...." He whispered to me and wiped at his tears. "I don't want to go.... I'm scared that if I leave you, I'll find you dead on the bathroom floor, but I'm so tired....I'm so sleepy, and I can't keep it up much longer...."

"We will have eachother in the afterlife." I promised him. "Oh my sweet Haru... You tried to protect me..." I mumbled. "But you can't protect me from myself." He shook his head.

"I won't go," he stated and then gripped me. "I won't leave you when you are like this. You are going to live because I sacrificed myself for you." You will live, because if you don't then I will get you in the afterlife and him. If you live though.... you will protect him for just a few years longer and won't be tortured when you die... Now don't you go killing yourself. You will live and eat all the wizards you can and grow old and die. You will gain so much power! You won't let our name just be flushed down the drain... you will make people know and fear our name. Haru buried his face into my chest and whimpered before he went limp on top of me. He glanced up at me. "Don't...you...dare," he mumbled and closed his eyes as he disappeared on me.

"H-haru?" I asked and whimpered. "My sweet twin.. " I got up then and stumbled towards the kitchen to get one of the knives. What are you doing you little brat? You disgust me. Don't you dare kill yourself! I didn't just get eaten for nothing, you better make my powers and death worth something you nut! I heard the front door open as my older siblings all came in, talking amongst each other. I looked towards them and then ran off towards the kitchen. Hah! They'll stop you. Saki chased after me, shouting for me to stop.

"HACHI! Get back here! Where's your siblings?!" She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug, examining my face and then glanced back at Kori and Koto. "Go find pa! Koto, go get a glass of milk for Hachi!" Koto narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously and walked past us into the kitchen. Kori shivered at the idea of our dad and went towards the bedrooms.

"You won't find them." I told her softly, rubbing my lips as if there was blood on them. "They are gone." I pulled away from her and looked towards one of the knives. "You'll go to if you try to stop me." I promised, taking a step towards the knives. I hope they stop you and put you in an insane asylum where you belong. She snatched me up and shook her head.

"Don't you touch those knives. I don't like the look in your eyes," she hissed, hugging me again. "Did father do something to you while I was away?"

"The little rotten egg finally lost it and fell off the wall," Koto muttered from the refrigerator. "There's Uta's body right over there. He's been eaten!" He pointed towards my brother's half eaten corpse then turned from the fridge. "And it's too quiet for father to be home. He's been killed! Don't you realize it?! Saki, he's a monster! He probably killed Haru as well! We should get rid of him before he does the same to us!" I looked towards Koto.

"I did eat them." I admitted. "Father tasted as good as he beat me. So did that runt Uta." I looked towards his corpse, smelling his organs just rotting away with flies around it. "You better kill me before I eat you too." I looked towards Saki and showed my teeth. She shook her head, looking sad as she held me close. She brushed my hair out of my face and then kissed the top of my head.

"Hachi....whatever he did to you.... It's over. Yes, you have to live with what you did...but you can live the rest of your life not like our father. You're not doomed from this moment..... Koto, don't talk about killing him. He's our brother. We will do what it takes to keep him safe and alive, understand? We will help him, unlike what we did with mother," she told him, making him growl. He came over and snatched me from her.

"He needs to die before he kills us. Do you understand what he did to everyone?! He'll kill us all! Saki, you're too sweet for your own good. It's going to get you killed. Now turn away if you can't watch, but Hachi needs to be put down," he told her, hissing in my ear as he picked me up and set me on the counter. He glared at me, and I saw Kori come into the kitchen, his hands in his pockets.

"I didn't see father, but there are some suspicious blood stains and the twins' door is chopped to pieces. What are you doing Koto?" He tilted his head curiously, not looking too concerned.

"Killing me." I told Kori and looked at Koto. I grabbed his hand when I felt an urge to eat. I let out a snarl and sniffed his wrist before biting down. I ripped out a chunk and began to eat it, letting his wrist go. "So good~" I moaned out. "You taste just like daddy did." Koto screamed and pointed at me.

"I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU ALL! DON'T BE FOOLED! HE'S GONE OFF HIS ROCKER!" He shrieked, sounding hysterical as he backed up into Kori. "We've got to kill him before he kills us.... He killed pa.... There's no telling what he'll do to us!" Saki walked up and smacked him across the face.

"No one is killing our little brother," she enunciated each word to get it across then turned to me. "Hachi... calm down. I want to help you. I can take you somewhere where you will feel safe," she whispered soothingly and took a step towards me. My two older brothers grabbed her and yanked her back to them.

"Don't walk up to him!" Kori hissed in her ear.

"You'll take me somewhere?" I asked. "Away from home?" I tilted my head curious as to where she would take me. To an insane asylum I wouldn't doubt. She smiled and gave me a nod.

"Yes, there are places that can help you.... I have a friend at the school who will protect you and keep you safe from harm. She'll gladly take you in. She has a soft spot just like me," she told me, pulling away from our brothers and walked up to me. She picked me up and pulled me into a hug, carrying me off towards the living room as she wiped at my chin. I leaned in towards her neck and sniffled it.

"You'll just toss me aside? Like a rag doll." I growled and then bit down into her shoulder, letting it sink in for her what I was doing. She whimpered, but she didn't shriek.

"H-Hachi....sweetie, that's not what I meant," she whispered to me and gripped me tighter. "Please don't do that... I'm trying to help you. Our brothers want to kill you! With her, we can both stay and keep away from them. I will stay with you, I promise!" I pulled away from her shoulder.

"You aren't my twin though.... I don't want you around." I struggled to get out of her arms. "I'll protect us by killing them." She shook her head.

"No more killing Hachi," she told me sternly. "Look, Haru is gone. You are going to have to come to terms with it, and the first step is walking away. Just come with me.... I can keep you safe."

"No." I shook my head. "I don't want to go." I looked her in the eyes. "Let me go!" I grabbed her shoulders and dug my nails into them. Groaning in pain, she set me down and rubbed at her shoulders.

"Hachi.... you need to stop," she mumbled as she looked me in the eyes, not scared. She stood up then started walking towards my room. "I will pack our things." I looked towards the kitchen then, reminded it was occupied. I ran off towards my father's room and snuck in, shutting the door. I locked it then searched his room for mother's box. She kept it under then bed so it was easy to find. Haru and I use to play with the items in it. I pulled it out from under the bed then sat down on the floor with it in my lap. I pulled out a needle and thread then looked towards the door.

"How long will it take to bleed out?" I asked myself. You are the biggest disappoint in the world. I stuck the needle into my wrist, then moved it out, making a funny stitch with the thread.

"Just what do you think you are doing?" I heard Koto hiss from behind me. I was yanked to my feet, and I felt him bite down into my shoulder. I heard Kori nearby, going through a drawer.

"Don't be dramatic about it Koto. He can't go anywhere. Besides, Saki won't think we are killing him in here. She's too sweet to think that of her siblings. He's as good as dead," Kori told him as he pulled out father's savings. If you let these dumb little- is that my savings!? Oh now I know where my money went to. That's it... kill them Kasai! They aren't my kids anymore. Here I thought they were making me proud. I hope they burn in hell with me. I let out a scream from Koto biting me and tried to get out from under him.

"S-stop!" I begged him, kicking him in the gut. He tore out a chunk and laughed at me.

"The little feisty one is begging for his life? Oh how precious," he purred and bit down into me again.

"Koto, I swear.... I will leave you here and take the money for myself if you don't knock it off and end the child." I heard Saki rushing down the hall, stopping at the door and banging on it.

"HACHI!" She screamed, throwing her weight against it. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Family... they are worthless Kasai. That's it. I heard him begin to mumble something in the wizard's ancient language. I felt the needle and thread begin to sew up my arm and then felt it stinging like fire. You will thank me for this later. I let out a scream as he mumbled something and my teeth began to hurt as they grew a bit. Bite your teeth into him and end him, I don't have all day. Kori came over and grabbed my hand, biting into my wrist then moaned in pleasure.

"Oh... I see why you are having your fun with this," he mumbled to Koto, earning a laugh from him.

"Easy prey," he whispered and then bit down into me again.

"GET THE HECK AWAY FROM HIM!" Saki shouted as she managed to knock the door off it's hinges with magic. She rushed in and started muttering a spell under her breath, glaring down the two on me. I heard my father muttering something too and Koto was flung off of me first and hit the ceiling. Kori on the other hand was rushed towards the door and slung into Saki. The door was placed back on the hingens with magic and locked. I looked up at Koto as he fell down into the floor with a hard thump. Now take him while you have the chance. Saki dug her nails into Kori and slung him into the dresser. "I should disown the both of you! Do you want to be thrown out onto the streets?! I will not have you eating Hachi! I will use my magic on both of you if I have to! Do you understand me now?! I will not repeat myself this time! Hachi, come here. We are going to get those cleaned up and healed, immediately," she told me, holding out a hand. I looked down at Koto and then got to my feet, walking over to him and straddled his stomach.

"I'll eat you." I told him. "You and Kori both." I looked towards Kori. Saki shook her head and walked over, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Hachi.... don't stoop to their level. You are better than them," she told me, tilting my head to look at her. Her eyes were filled with love and on the edge of heartbreak. "Please....just come away with me."

"I don't want to go anywhere with you. I'm leaving on my own." I told her, getting to my feet. I started for the door then, looking towards the lock and unlocked it with magic. I opened the door and walked out, shutting the door behind me. What are you doing?

"YOU AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE WITHOUT ME!" I heard Saki yell as she chased after me. My two older brothers appeared in front of me and pinned me down.

"Like hell if you think we are going to let you live!" Kori hissed at me and bit down into my arm as Koto bit down into my shoulder. I let out a hiss and leaned into Koto, biting his neck to get him back and ripped out a chunk.

"You will die then." I told them. They didn't say anything back as Koto groaned in pain. Kori didn't seem to care about his brother as he tore into me, trying to finish me off and enjoy me at the same time. I heard my father mutter something and it seemed to have made Kori's blood boil by the way it moved under his skin. He shrieked and got off me, curling up onto the floor beside me as he started whimpering in pain. Koto glanced towards him then at me before biting in to my neck to stop me from doing anything else. I screamed and squirmed away from him, letting out a hiss. I had magic fling him across the room like a ball. He hit the wall, going unconscious as his head hit it too hard. I heard Saki coming our way slowly, like she was hesitating. I looked towards Kori and leaned into him then bit down into his neck, starting to eat him. He didn't move away, being weak from what father did to him. He gripped my shirt and squeezed his eyes shut as he whimpered in pain. I had magic open his eyes then I dug one out with my fingers and slurped it down, making sure he heard the noise. I heard Saki shriek from the hall as she saw it then take off running. Kori quickly covered up his missing eye and looked up at me in fear and disgust as he tried not to cry out in pain. I leaned in towards his ear as I made sure he heard me chewing his eye and swallowing it. "You could have lived." I told him teasingly. I sat up and reached through his chest, looking around for an organ then pulled out his heart, eating it. I watched as the light from his eye faded and he died. I threw his heart aside and grabbed his other eye, eating it. I leaned in towards his neck and began eating him.

After a thirty minutes I had consumed most of his body, besides his bones and left him there. I walked up to Koto and kicked him in the stomach. "I hope you dread on this day for the rest of your miserable life. I am going to let you live to do just that. Don't come looking for me either." I grabbed the money from father's savings that he had on him and took the rest from Kori then started out the door. When I got outside I mad sure Saki wasn't around then walked off down the dirt road, making sure I wasn't followed by them. You get your wish Haru, I will live for you.... Not for you Pa. I feel flattered.

~2 years later~

I curled up in the corner of the room I was currently being held at. There was writing all over the walls from the previous person that stayed here. I heard he died. I could hear screaming from a person down the hall, like he was in shock therapy. A knock came at my door and a nurse stepped in. "Mr. Hachirobei it's time to take your medication." She whispered to me, creeping over. She was afraid I would hurt her this time. I wrapped my arms around me and started to shake.

"No, I don't want to take them.." I told her, refusing.

"You need to take them. The doctor will be in soon." She pulled out a needle from behind her back. "Come here, don't make this hard. You have a visitor coming by later."

"Visitor? I don't get visitors..." I mumbled. She walked over and grabbed my arm, extending it.

"Come on sweetie, lets lay down on the bed." She said sweetly as she stuck the needle in me and inserted some funny looking liquid. She picked me up and carried me over to the bed, sitting me down. "This will help you." She promised me, sticking me with another needle. "Now, I will be back with the doctor and some water." She walked out of the room then. I watched her leave and curled up to myself. Whatever the medication they gave me seemed to kick in because my whole body went numb and I ended up becoming extremely tired. After a few minutes, the nurse walked in with a glass of water and a man with a uniform lab coat. He was very tall and young to be a doctor... Plus he seemed new because I never seen him before. He looked British.

"Hello Mr. Hachirobei I am your new doctor, Doctor Philips. He flipped threw some papers in his hands and then nodded towards the nurse. My nurse sat the water down on the table by me and walked out, shutting the door behind her. "It says here that you are diagnosed as "schizophrenic", suicidal, and you've even turned to "cannibalism". I don't even want to continue what is on this list. You placed yourself in here a year ago, claiming you wasn't growing? You had turned yourself immortal? Wow you are a nut case. Your previous doctor used shock therapy on you to try to help your mental state. You have even been placed in ice water over periods of time." He placed the papers to his sides. "Then there are your drug medications you have to take on daily bases to limit your so called powers so you will be forced to stay here. They unfortunately have made you loose your "past memories" and you seem to not remember anything at all. It says here though that you ate your whole family and you prefer to call yourself Hachi. Something about family name reputation. Well Kasai, I don't care too much for nicknames and if you misbehave during shock therapy today then you won't get to see your visitor."

He had walked slowly up to my side and then ran his fingers down to my pants and started to sneak his hand down into them, grabbing my manhood. "We are going to be good friends." He whispered to me as he leaned in and kissed my lips. "Now... Roll over and let me take care of you." He rolled me over before I had a chance to object and I could hear him unzipping his pants.... I blacked out after that.

Pain shocked through me through my temples and I was wide away from it. Another shock of pain hit me and I tried to arch my back and break away from the straps that kept me to the bed. There was a third before I heard the machine turning off. Doctor Philips stood over me writing something down on the clip board then looked towards a nurse. "Alright, put him in his room. I will visit him later to see if this has helped him." He walked away from me and the nurses stuck another needle in me before rolling me out of the room and down the hall to my room. They unstrapped me and placed me down in the bed then left me there. I shivered as I felt every muscle in my body ache. I felt slimy too... disgusting. The doors opened and my nurse walked in.

"Your visitor is here Mr. Hachirobei." She informed me. She turned to my visitor who was waiting on the other side. "You may come in." A taller male walked in, dressed simply. He smirked as he saw me then turned to the nurse.

"Thank you my dear," he purred and took her hand, giving it a kiss. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to this hell hole. Now leave." He gently set her outside the room and shut the door before turning back to me. "Hachi....I found you at long last. I can get my revenge!" He locked the door and walked over, pulling out a knife. "Do you know what you did to us?! I could kill you right now! I think, however, I will torture you a bit first! You look so small....you should've gotten bigger. I wonder what happened to you. Maybe your sorry excuse for a brain didn't let you grow up anymore? Ha, that'd be hilarious." He smirked again and got right up in my face, looking me over.

"Do I know you?" I asked softly, my first words in a long time, my voice even cracked a bit. I looked at the knife. "You want to kill me?" I tensed up but then relaxed, it will get me away from my new doctor if he kills me. Maybe he's just an illusion and it's myself trying to kill me. I heard the door handle jiggle and then a bunch of commotion happening on the other side. I closed my eyes softly before looking up at him. "Do it quickly before they stop you." I mumbled. He raised an eyebrow at me and grabbed my arm.

"No, I'm not going to kill you right away Hachi. We are siblings after all, and you left me to rot. You killed our family, and you are going to pay for it!" He dragged me out of the bed and then walked over towards the window.

"The window has bars... You can't open them." I told him, knowing this because I tried to escape before. "Your my brother? What did I do that upset you..." I closed my eyes tightly. "I'm so sorry." I felt him tense up at my words and then I felt a sharp sting on my cheek.

"Don't you dare utter those words! You don't have any right to speak them, you monster!" I heard the window shatter and then heard him muttering some foreign language under his breath. The door busted open and my doctor rushed in, followed by a few other people.

"What do you think you are doing to my patient?" Doctor Philips asked and started for us, I could see the hunger and worry in his eyes for me.

"Oh, don't worry about him doctor. I will be coming for you soon enough since how you think you can defile my family's line," he hissed and shoved me out the window, now bar-less. I screamed as I fell out it.

"Mr. Hachirobei!" I heard my nurse screaming my name, she seemed to care for me.... Or for her paycheck.

"GUARDS!" I heard my doctor yelling. I sat up slowly, after hitting the ground and held my chest as it hurt like hell... I think I broke something. My brother was by me in seconds, picking me up and started to carry me away like he didn't care if they caught him or not.

"I swear.... you better taste really good for all this trouble I'm going through to get my revenge on you. Even Saki tried to stop me," he hissed in my ear. "Bet you don't even remember your twin, do you? You're a disgrace and a monster. Saki should have let me kill you the minute we saw what you did to Uta, Haru, and father." I remembered what doctor Philips told me. I had ate my family... That's why he was angry.

"Your going to eat me? Then you aren't any better then I am." I hissed towards him. "If I had left you to rot away then you should have never came to find me." I grabbed his shoulders and dug my nails into them. "Let me go!" I reached back for the building. "SOMEONE HELP!" I begged. We were suddenly in a dark room, and he sat me down in a chair, strapping me to it.

"Don't even try to run off. These bonds suck your life energy from you and stop your magic. Plus, I bolted the chair to the floor for extra measure," he informed me and took a step back to look me over. "I think I will start with your tongue.... I don't need you screaming the whole time, but I want you to watch every second of it." I shook my head and tried to get out of the straps.

"No~ Please don't eat me." I struggled but ran out of enough energy to fight. My medication kicked in again and made me extremely tired. "I want my bed." I mumbled. "Sleep." I arched my back and looked towards my brother. "Send me back... Send me back." I dropped my head and looked at my lap. "I want my bed." I mumbled.

"Hell no... You are going to stay here until I think you are awake enough to have more fun with you. After all.... a little protest is better than none," he told me and started to walk off.

"It's so uncomfortable." I complained and tried to get out of the chair. "Doctor Philips." I whispered softly. "It's uncomfortable." I whispered as I started to pass out.

I awoke with a sort neck and body. My whole body yearned for something comfortable. I looked about me and widened my eyes. This isn't my room in the asylum. Of course not... Your brother Koto has you. It's a good thing you accidentally made yourself immortal. He can try to eat you all he wants but he won't be able to consume you. You will just regenerate. "The voices! Make it stop." I begged. "Nurse!~ Nurse... Medication.... Where's my medication." Listen to me, you are out of that hell hole... Good thing too. I heard a door creak open, and Koto stepped in, followed by a girl.

"Koto! I swear if you hurt him! I will personally kill you for it!" She shouted at him, grabbing his arm to stop him. He shrugged her off easily and looked at her.

"Saki, you are not the one who makes the decisions around here. You are a girl, and that's all you'll ever be, so quit acting like your more superior than me."

"I could easily wipe the floor with you!" She screamed, tackling him. He only laughed and threw her aside before he started for me. I tensed up and struggled to get free. Stop moving. You are going to make this situation worse. Now here is our game plan, let him eat you up, he'll get sick of eating you eventually. After all you'll just regenerate.... I'll try to see what I can do to help you in my realm... I might send you a devil to help get you free. You better eat them up too when you get out of these bonds. Why am I even helping you? You are so worthless. I felt a laugh erupt from my chest.

"You are going to die." I mumbled, looking up at him as I felt extremely hungry. He glared me down and leaned in towards my neck. I heard a battle cry and then he went limp, falling into me as Saki stood over him.

"I told you not to even think about touching him," she hissed, dropping the baseball bat. Where'd she even get it? She dragged him off of me and then dropped him in the floor before kneeling down beside me. "I'm so sorry Hachi. He's still torn up over what happened. He doesn't understand at all.... Here, I'll get you free," she told me, giving me a sweet smile before she started undoing the bonds. "Go be free. Hide away from him. I will do my best to keep him away." Don't run you coward, he will find you again. Eat him. Eat her, devour the rest of your kin and be the last one standing. Have power and stop hiding from yourself. You are a cannibal and you always will be. You are very powerful, now start using your power wisely instead of keeping yourself high on meds and shock therapy to keep me away. I want you to be successful so I won't be ashamed to call you my son. Once one of my hands was free I grabbed Saki by the neck and pulled her close to me. I leaned in towards her shoulder and slid the cloth aside before biting down and ripping out a piece. I began to eat it, moaning at the flavor. She screamed and tried to get away. "Hachi! Please stop! I'm trying to help you! I want to help you!" She began to cry and looked at me, her eyes full of fear. "Hachi, I love you... You're my little brother, and I hate to see you become like this. Please stop," she whimpered and buried her face into me to hide when she couldn't get away. "Have mercy....like I know you do deep down inside." I shoved her away from me and went for Koto then.

"Run." I told her firmly. "Or be eaten." Her eyes widened as she looked towards Koto and shook her head.

"Hachi, you can't eat him. He's your brother. I'm not leaving until this is all settled. We will be a family again," she told me and grabbed my hand to stop me. "This isn't you.... You are a sweet, innocent little boy who was excited whenever I came home with treats for you and Haru." She rubbed her head against my hand and smiled softly. "I love you Hachi.... You're the only piece of the family I can obtain since how the rest are gone....Koto refuses now to let you live with us...but he will see how good this will be for us soon. He's a bit upset, that's all."

"I don't want to live with you." I hissed. "Koto is just as horrible as father sounds and I want no part in being a part of your family. Grow up, our family is gone. There is nothing there now but hatred and cannibalism. I don't want to be with either of you. I want to go back to my little room in the asylum and forget any of this happened... but he's going to die first." I pointed to Koto. "I won't have him coming back into my life and trying to eat me." Saki shook her head and started to cry.

"Hachi....That's father's influence. Don't be like him. The first step is family," she told me and undid the rest of the bonds, pulling me into her lap and hugging me. "You're my little brother, and nothing you say will change that. Hachi.... I don't care what you've done.... I don't care about it. I forgive you, and you are just hurt- that's why you are saying those things." She kissed the top of my head and then started carrying me off. We were soon in a bedroom before I could do anything to get away, and she set me down on the bed. "Get some rest. I'll talk to Koto when he wakes." She gave me a sweet smile with a motherly look in her eyes before she started to walk away. I closed my eyes then and curled up to myself. You need to leave here at least Kasai! Run away... Leave. Koto isn't going to just welcome you back. You are stupid to think he will. He'll eat you, torture you, and devour all of you every time you regenerate. I passed out though from the lack of energy that chair seemed to take out of me.

I felt a slight poke in my sides and a breath against my cheek. "Wakey wakey. Are you up? Come on... I was sent here by your father to save you." I heard a male chuckle. "Wake up~ I need to make sure you can so I can get you out of here." I was rolled over then and felt arms wrap around me and pick me up bridal style. "Your heartrate increasing is enough for me." He mumbled. I felt his breath against my neck then. "I'm going to enjoy you.." He mumbled and I felt something scraping against my neck. It felt like teeth. I opened my eyes quickly and panicked. "Don't panic, I traveled a long ways just to get you." A male whispered to me, running his fingers through my hair. "I'll take care of you. My name is Oz." He told me and started to carry me out the room I had been placed in. Saki appeared in front of us then, narrowing her eyes.

"Hands off," she hissed and Oz was frozen to the spot, unable to move. She flicked her wrist, and I was being held up by magic out of Oz's arms. Koto came up and took me out of the air, holding me close. He gave me a smirk and sent a loving look to Saki.

"I have him Saki," he told her and walked us over. "You are so dead the minute she turns her back," he whispered lowly in my ear so that way she couldn't hear his threats. He seems to be playing the loving brother to keep Saki from doing more to him. She smiled and took me from him, holding me close to her.

"Did that scary man hurt you Hachi?" She asked, looking me over then at the guy. "Koto, dispose of him."

"He's mine." Oz hissed, becoming protective over me. "I was told I could have him." He looked towards Koto. "I heard that threat." Sand started to drop out of Koto's ears and then his mouth, nose, and eyes. "I deserve him, hand him over." He hissed towards Saki. Saki shook her head and looked at Koto.

"Did you really threaten him again? I should leave you to rot," she told him and started to walk off with me. "You can have Koto! He's as good as dead to me since how he doesn't seem to get the point that Hachi is our brother no matter what!"

"Hachi? Well.... I want Hachi. Zehara! Little help here." I was torn out of Saki's arms and she was thrown backwards against a wall by water that smelled like salt. I screamed out in fear, panicking.

"Shhhhh~ You are so cute." I heard a woman whisper caringly and ran her fingers against my sides. I felt my stomach grumble with hunger. "Are you hungry? Want me to rip these two up so you can eat them better?" She asked and smiled. She sat me down in the floor and walked towards Saki. "Unspell my brother or you will be torn to shreds!" She hissed and then looked towards Koto. "Scum." She growled. I widened my eyes and stumbled backwards, shrieking.

"I need my medication." I mumbled, pulling on my hair. Saki groaned and looked at her, spitting into her face.

"Like hell I will bitch," she hissed towards Zehara. "You got my hair wet! I just had it curled!" Saki grabbed Zehara and bit down into her shoulder, letting her cannibalism loose for the moment. I heard Koto screaming about the sand down the hall, falling against the wall. I widened my eyes, seeing Saki. She'll turn on you too and eat you. Don't be mistake Kasai. She's as good as Koto. You need to eat her up.

"Don't you dare~" Zehara hissed and bit down into my sister. I stumbled backwards, falling over.

"STOP IT!" I screamed. Zehara looked at me and smirked then grabbed a hold of Saki's throat. She began to squeeze it.

"Come have a bite, kid." She urged and threw Saki towards my feet. "Eat her up so Oz will be released." Saki whimpered and touched her throat as she managed to sit up.

"That evil little...." She glanced towards Zehara then up at me. "Do you see what she did to me? Don't go with her Hachi! You're my little brother, and I'd do anything to protect you!" She stood up and hugged me, burying her face into my neck. "Please don't make this hard. I promise you are safe with me... We can get rid of these two together....We'll be family again."

"I don't want family." I mumbled softly. "Not if they are like you and Koto. I don't want to be near either of you."

"Kill her!" Zehara urged and smirked. "Feast upon her and then come join my brother and I." She reached out for me. "Come on darling, we will show you the world." I shook my head and looked towards Saki. You won't be free of her until you do. You won't be free of your brother Koto either. Just think... you stick around them and you'll end up as good as dead... but if you go with Zehara and Oz... You won't ever forget it. Go with them, eat the rest of your family. I leaned in towards my sister and reached out towards one of her eyes and pulled it out before she could react, I began to eat it. I moaned at the flavor as it went down my throat. "What a show..." I heard Zehara mumble. Saki shrieked and pulled away from me.

"Hachi! What are you doing?! I thought you loved us!" She screamed at me and then started to cry as she put a hand over her missing eye. She took off running then, looking heartbroken. Koto had fallen to the floor at this point, but Oz was still frozen to the ground. Zehara disappeared after starting with a jog after my sister and came back with her struggling in her arms.

"You aren't getting away that fast." Zehara whispered and then pushed her back to me. I bit down into Saki's throat and pulled out a chunk, letting her bleed out all over me. I pushed her aside and started for Koto. Once I got to him I straddled his stomach and leaned in towards his ear.

"Koto... You should have left me in the asylum." I whispered to him. He screamed and tried to shove me off, fearing for his life. I felt my body start to feel drowsy as he muttered a few words under his breath. Saki took off running again, freezing Zehara to the floor this time. I closed my eyes sleepily and fell down by Koto.

"Get up Hachi!" I heard Oz in the other room. "Come on, get up and eat that twit by you." I giggled softly and curled up to myself. I felt a sharp pain in my neck as Koto tore into me, gripping my sides as he started to feast on me. "Hachi! Get up!" I let out a small scream and struggled to get away from Koto.

"Stop!" I begged.

"HACHI! GET UP!" Oz urged. "Defend yourself!" Koto tore into my shoulder then and pressed one of his hands against the soft tissue of my stomach. He dug his nails in like he was going to tear me open. I leaned up towards Koto and bit down hard into his nose, tearing it off. "Good, keep it up. Don't let him take you." I looked towards Oz and then at Koto. Koto screeched and let go of me, holding his nose. He narrowed his eyes and then tore into my neck harder, taking a large chunk out. I yelped and leaned in towards his neck, biting into him. He can keep biting you and you will regenerate but he'll die if you keep biting him long enough. He groaned in pain and bit down harder, tearing out a large chunk of me and ate it.

"I'll kill you," he hissed and then dug his nails into me. I felt him tear into my stomach with them, getting past my shirt. I screamed out in pain, his blood fell into mouth making me want more of him. His blood was so good... but his meat was better. I leaned up to his face and bit down into his cheek, tearing out a piece. I began to chew on it. I leaned in to his throat and ripped out his jugular next, his blood getting into my eyes during the process. He let out a dying scream and his hands went limp, dropping from my stomach. He started to bleed out quickly, shuddering in pain as the life began to leave him. It was over in minutes for him. I pushed him off of me and sat up.

"Saki! My sweet sister! Where are you?" I asked as I stood up and started for the door, sniffing her out. Her scent was a bit faded, but I could easily tell where she went. I found that it stopped at a door that led into a bedroom. The whole room smelled like her, especially the bed. It made me hungrier as I caught her pure scent in this amount. She smelled so good.... However, I couldn't see her anywhere in here. I glanced around and frowned. "Saki?" I asked and started to look under the bed for her first. She wasn't there, all that was there was a few boxes full of magic stuff for potions and spells. It didn't look like she had been getting things out for a bit due to the dust on them. I heard something shift ever so slightly from the closet. Saki must be in there then, hiding from me. I started for the closet then and pulled it open, glancing into it. She was hidden in the corner, balled up in fear as she held her eye and her neck, crying softly. She whimpered as she saw me and tried to back up further, the wall stopping her from her being right up against it. I walked in after her and sat down in front of her, pulling her to me. "Poor Saki, the only girl of the family. You only wanted a family... Too bad you got this one." I whispered to her and then leaned down towards her throat. "Your death won't be wasted." I promised. She gripped the front of my shirt and shook her head.

"Hachi, please. I don't want to die! Don't kill me! Please!" She screamed out and tried to push me away. "Everything I've done, I've done for you!" I shrugged.

"You didn't do enough." I told her then bit down into her throat and tore out a chunk, swallowing it. She screamed out in pain and kicked me away, running for the door to get out of the closet. I grabbed her foot right out from under her making her faceplant the floor then pulled her back to me and bit down into her leg. She yelped and then looked at me.

"Hachi! Please!" She tried to get her foot back and whimpered in pain. "Don't do this! You don't have to!" I leaned up towards her face and kissed her cheek then bit into it. I pulled out her other eye and ate it. Shrieking, she tried to shove me away again. After a few seconds, she stopped and laid down still, trembling. "The rest of the family is dead....we are the only two left.... Even if I did live.... I wouldn't have a family anymore since how you reject me so.... I'm doomed to be alone if I can't even protect my family. There's no reason to keep going on," she whispered to herself, the fight leaving her.

"Glad you are willing to die." I whispered to her and smirked. I leaned into her neck and began to eat the rest of the remaining meat on her. After thirty minutes, she was dead and there was nothing else there but a corpse. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and pull me away from her.

"You are mine now." Oz purred to me. He picked me up into his arms and started to carry me out the door. "I'll make sure no one ever hurts you... You are my favorite pet." He rubbed my head and started out the door with Zehara following us.

"Take me back to the asylum." I whispered softly.

"No, that place isn't good for you." He hissed in my ear. "You don't need to be there, it was holding you back from your true powers and purpose. You will serve me now. Oh my favorite little pet. This is just your beginning to something fabulous."