Lauren’s Newborn

Lauren's POV:

"Now that Paris has taken down the royals, I expect he will strike at the gods and goddesses of the new world. Our next move is to have Brooklyn and William side with us. So by the time he takes down the human's governments and powerful leaders... we can have our game plan planned out and ready to set into action." Val said, sitting across from me in the living room. She snorted up a line of coke, letting out a moan of satisfaction. Her eyes wondered to me then and a smile fell upon her face as she sunk down in her chair. "Lauren you still look sick, I need you to go out and hunt today. Tomorrow we will go see Brooklyn." Val rose from her chair and walked over to me, patting my shoulder. "Take your servant with you." she ordered before leaving the room. I decided to call Benjamin then and let him know I was okay. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed up his number as I headed for Aiden's bedroom to wake him up and make him go out with me. When he picked up, I smiled. I stopped dead in the hall.

"Hey Benjamin, I just want to let you know I am okay. I'm hanging out with Val for a bit. She kidnapped me once again but... I kind of want to stay here and bond with her. She's like the only maker I can connect to so I want to try to make this work. Tell Ellie I love her and I will be home in a couple of days. I think this is a good thing." I managed to tell him before he could cut me off or something. He yawned on the other line and I heard him move in the bed.

"So that's where you went.... You had me worried sweetie.... Ellie had nightmares last night, so she's sleeping in our bed. I hope you don't mind. If you aren't worried about Val and she's not holding a gun to your head, then I guess I can be ok with this....for now... You best be home by the end of the month though.... Everyone has gone back to Paris's manor. He's letting us stay again," he told me and then laughed as he shifted the phone to the other ear. "Louis seems upset that one of Val's people got into his secret manor. He's highly pissed about it."

"Alex tends to do stuff like that. Louis shouldn't think nothing of it." I smiled softly and looked at my feet. "I have to go out hunting. I'll call you later though? I love you... sorry to wake you." I purred into the phone.

"Aww, that's alright. You can wake me anytime you want. A morning that starts with you is always best," he purred back to me. I heard him kiss Ellie's head.

"Hmmm~ Not even gonna say you love me back?" I smirked and looked around to make sure no one was listening. A maid down the hall was snooping around, trying to look busy but she was paying more attention to me. I started off down the hall. "I have to go."

"You know I'll always love you for eternity.... No matter what you do. I wish you didn't have to go...but I know that if you do, you have a good reason. I'm happy to know you are hunting, means you are eating. I'll talk to you later," he told me and then hung up. I frowned and put the phone in my pocket as I came across Aiden's door. I walked in without knocking and went for his bed, grabbing his foot. I pulled him out and smirked.

"Get up lazy bones. We are going out so get ready." I told him as I heard his head hit the floor. He shrieked and then snapped his eyes open, flashing red as he gasped in pain. I jumped back a bit and shrieked. "Y-your eyes." I mumbled, pointing to them. He quickly sat up and gave me an innocent look, tilting his head as he widened his eyes. He pointed to himself.

"Me? What about my eyes? Is something wrong with them milady?" He sounded a bit afraid and touched one of his eyes. I shook my head.

"Nothing, I must have just been seeing things. Anyways... get dressed okay?" I asked and started for his dresser, pulling him out some clothes. "Val wants you to assist me with my hunt. So I have to take you."

"O-oh....Yes ma'am," he whispered and got to his feet. He blushed a bit as he took the clothes from me and bit his bottom lip. "I'm afraid I might not be much help.... After all, I'm not a vampire," he told me and then started for a small bathroom off his room. He went into it and shut the door to change.

"I think you are just going to be around to make sure I eat." I told him through the door as I looked around his small room. "So don't think you have to actually hunt with me, just stand around by my side and be my proof that I ate something." He came out, dressed in what I had gotten him and smiled at me.

"That makes more sense.... I guess she would send me to go with you.... You seem to be the kind that starves herself," he told me and stretched. He walked over to his bed and pulled out a set of knives hidden up under his pillow then started hiding them on his person. I smirked and walked up to him, grabbing the tie off of his bed and wrapped it around his neck then started to tie it.

"I use to do this to my husband." I mumbled. "Right before he left the bedroom." I could remember doing it to John, how he gave me the sweetest smile. Aiden bit his bottom lip and watched as I did his tie then gave me a smile.

"He must have been very lucky...." He told me and then pulled away, glancing around his room. He grabbed a few things off of his dresser, putting them in his pockets then slipped a necklace on, moving it under his shirt. He turned to me and smiled. "So...shall we be on our way?" He asked and started for the door. I nodded and walked out his bedroom, heading towards the garage. Once inside I grabbed the keys to the red jaguar and tossed them to Aiden.

"How about you drive? Take me somewhere special that is a good place to hunt at." I suggested as I got in on the passengers side. He gave a nod and got in the driver's seat, starting up the car.

"You don't mind speeding, do you?" He asked, glancing my way as he started out of the garage. He smirked as soon as we got out of the gates and hit the gas.

"No..." I whispered and tensed up a bit. "I don't mind it. I just am use to it behind the wheel." I looked out the window. After a bit of driving, he stopped at a restaurant and got out, coming over to my side and opened the door. He smiled at me and helped me out.

"Here we are... You can find many humans inside if you wish to hunt here.... If you don't, there are many places within walking distance that are suitable hunting grounds. If you are looking for something young, I'd suggest the ice cream shop down the street. Teenagers love to go there. However, you'll find more adults in here." I nodded.

"I don't want a teenager this time." I admitted. "I'm board of them." I started for the restaurant doors and motioned for him to follow me. "Act gay so I can hunt easily." I ordered him. His jaw dropped.

"What?! I don't want to act gay!" He complained. "I don't even look gay!" He gestured to himself. "Does this look gay? No, no it doesn't." He started for the doors. "Just come in five minutes after me."

"You could try to at least, college guys do it all the time." I waved it off as I watched him go in and waited five minutes. I walked in then and looked around before heading for a booth off to the side near a window. I made sure to sit on the side where I could see all my ideally victims and pick from there. I spotted Aiden sitting in a corner by himself, already drinking wine. He was staring blankly at it as he swirled it a bit, leaning forward onto the table with his arm propping his head up. When he glanced towards a waitress, I noticed his eyes flashed red again before he took a sip of the drink and looked out the window. I stirred a bit... something isn't right with him. Eyes don't flash that color unless they are something other that human... Does he know what he is and is hiding it from everyone? I tuned into the phones around the bar then, to entertain myself for a bit before spotting the waitress walking my way with a menu. I cut out the phone and smiled big. "Hey! I'd like to start off with a glass of lemonade." I told her as I grabbed the menu from her. Oh no... I don't eat... fantastic. I frowned slightly but kept my smile. I looked at the menu then around the restaurant once again. I spotted a familiar face walk in the doors, but I couldn't place where I had seen him from. He glanced around nervously and brought his collar on his coat closer to his neck like he was hiding something on him. He walked over to a seat and sat down, glancing around and then glanced my way, locking eyes with me. His eyes widened and he quickly looked away towards the table like he was studying it. I stood up quickly and started his way, sitting down by him and leaned close to him.

"Who are you?" I asked softly. He looked at me and smiled nervously.

"H-hey.... It's nice to tell someone your name first before you request someone else's," he said, teasing me a bit as he scooted away a few inches.

"Lauren." I held out a hand his way. "Now tell me yours?" I asked softly as I scooted closer to him. "I seen you looking at me.... You seem familiar too." He bit his bottom lip and took my hand, looking a bit shy.

"I-I guess I would be familiar, wouldn't I?" He blushed a bit and shook my hand. "You met me once before...." He admitted then took his hand back. He looked me in the eyes and smiled, tilting his head as he gave me a playful look. "Bet you can't get it right in three guesses."

"Hmmm?" I tilted my head and then blushed. "I've tasted you before?" I asked. I sniffed his scent then.

"Miss, here is your lemonade. Can I get you something Mr?" The waitress asked and sat the lemonade in front of me. I pushed it back. He looked up at her and then shrugged.

"I guess I will take some fries or something like that," he told her. He glanced at me and gave me a smile. "And yes to what you asked," he whispered. I nodded and then looked at her.

"Put his bill on mine, I'll pay for it. Get him something sweet too for dessert." I winked at her and she giggled.

"Okay sugar." She wrote down the order and bounced off. He blushed and looked at me.

"You didn't have to do that," he whispered and then looked out the window. "I'm lucky I can see the sunlight and outside world like this.... I almost wasn't able to again." I looked him over curiously then it hit me. I pulled his collar back to look at the bite marks on him.

"Oliver?" I asked curiously. He flinched as soon as I had touched his collar and looked at me.

"Hi," he mumbled, blushing a bit and then went to move his collar closer to his neck to hide them again. I gave him room then and smiled.

"Drink this for me?" I asked as I pushed the lemonade to him. "I can't drink it.... I forgot when I ordered it." I looked away, towards Aiden. He was watching us curiously, but he looked away when I looked at him. Oliver took the lemonade and sipped on it.

"Too bad... This is really good," he told me and accepted it. "I got out a few years after your visit.... I moved all the way out here and started a new life." He gave me a sweet smile and then a playful look as he sipped the drink again. "So what have you been up to?"

"Well, I found my soul mate." I admitted. "He's really good to me. I have a good family too. You'd like them. I am so happy to know you are alive Oliver, I thought someone had killed you." I shook my head. "Perry never informed me that you ran away." I looked down at my fingers. "I'm out hunting currently." I looked around the restaurant. He nodded in understanding.

"Well... I doubt he would have told you about it...." He took another sip. "If you are out hunting, then you will probably want that one," he told me, gesturing with his eyes towards a girl a few feet away, sitting by herself on her phone. "She doesn't seem to be waiting on anyone, and she is alone. She won't be missed by anyone in here...and her neck is easily exposed by her ponytail. She'd be easy," he informed and then downed the last bit of the lemonade.

"That's true." I told him. "I'll wait for her to leave though so I can spend more time with you... if you don't mind? I am really happy to get to see you after all these years." I grabbed his hands and smiled. "Your blood is very rare Oliver and I want you to do your best to not get mixed up in my kind again." I nodded towards him. He quickly nodded.

"I've done my best to avoid your kind.... Heck, I haven't even had a girlfriend since before I got caught. I shy away anytime someone goes near my neck nowadays." He smiled and then looked me in the eyes. "You are the only one of your kind that I'd let near me because of how nice you were to me in that hell. You were the only one who didn't treat me like an object or just food." He tightened his grip on my hands.

"I can see why it's illegal now... Vampire bars." I whispered softly. "My lord... when Paris takes over... there won't be nothing but...." I trailed off. "I need to stop both of them... Paris and Val...." I mumbled. "For your sake and humans." I pulled back from him. "I'm so sorry for interfering with your life Oliver." I pulled out my purse and gave him a handful of money. "Keep this." I whispered and got up, walking towards the doors. He got up and ran after me, putting the money back in my hands.

"Lauren, I can't take this. I don't want it. Please, it was nice enough to just see you. I actually missed you, and you kept me sane throughout that whole hellhole because I knew there was at least one nice vampire out there and that the world wasn't screwed." He hugged me and buried his face into my neck. "I don't know what you've got yourself into....but I hope that you will be alright. I would hate for something to happen to you. You're my only friend," he whispered, letting the playfulness he usually had go for the minute as he got serious. "I'm glad to see you alive and well."

"Your only friend?" I asked him. "Oliver you need to move on sweetie and get a girlfriend and have sweet little babies." I told him, raising his head up so our eyes locked together. "Unless you want to come back to the vampire society then you must." He shook his head and looked about ready to cry.

"Lauren... I don't know about that. No girl is going to want a boyfriend with bite marks all over his body and shivers in fear each time she gets too close to his neck. I can't go back to that horrid place either. I'd rather die then give up my freedom," he told me and then buried his face back in my shoulder.

"You'll find someone, I promise." I whispered to him. "Hey... look I have a friend who is a cannibal but managed to find someone to like him. You can find someone too." I hugged him tightly and felt my stomach grumble. "I'm hungry.... You probably should step away." I told him, pausing time enough to slip the money into his pocket and then unpaused time. He stepped away then and bit his bottom lip nervously.

"Yeah.. I guess that's a good idea," he mumbled then reached into his pocket. He pulled out a notepad and wrote down something on it then tore it out, slipping it into my hands. "Here's my number. I don't know if you will ever want it.... but it would make me feel better." He gave me a sweet smile and then waved at me, giving me a playful look again. "See ya!" He started to walk off. I watched him then felt the urge to follow him to make sure he'd get home safely. I waited a few minutes then started after him. He paid for everything and took the fries before leaving the restaurant. As I followed him out, I saw him walking down the street calmly, eating his fries out of the small bag they came in. He kept his collar close to his neck again and seemed to be watching people he passed. I made sure to keep my distance and sighed in pure happiness to finally get to know what happened to him. I could watch over him now... Be his guardian angel. I smiled and almost giggled at the thought. After walking for a bit, he finished his fries and threw them away in a trashcan. He stopped outside an apartment building and glanced around before going up to it. He went in and shut the door softly behind him. I walked up to the apartment building then crept inside, smelling the air for his sweet scent. I easily caught it and found that he lived on the third floor of this building after following it. I looked towards the door he went into, his apartment and then walked up to it, pressing my ear to the door to hear what was going on inside. He was humming to himself as he walked throughout his apartment, sounding like he was picking it up a bit.

"Jeez.... I really need to go through the refrigerator to clean it out. There's practically no room in here for new groceries," he mumbled to himself. I heard him toss something into the trashcan and he giggled. "That's a new score right there...." I laughed softly and walked away from his apartment door.

"I'll be back." I promised the door and skipped off out of the building. I glanced around at the humans around the building to try hunting now. There were a few walking around, but one in particular, a girl, caught my attention. She was dressed in all black with combat boots on, her blond hair curled around her face neatly. She had a small smirk on her face as she flipped car keys in her hands. I laughed and started for her little blonde self and combat boots. I started up by her side and linked arms with her. "Hiya!" I purred to her and kissed her neck. "My name is Lauren." I teased and then shoved her into an alley right by us. I started after her with a sassy walk. Her eyes widened and she glanced behind me out towards the street. She ran down the alley quickly, probably hoping to get out of it since how I was blocking the way to where she had been. I chased after her with a small giggle, having it echo through the alley. She screamed out and tripped over a box. She started scrambling away, reaching inside her jacket quickly.

"Lilith, what do you think you are doing?" I heard a male voice from behind me. "You don't run from these. You kill them. That was day one of your training, remember? You aren't going to make a successful hunter if I have to follow you around to make sure you aren't eaten." I turned to looked over my shoulder then. Hunters? There are some still around in California? I should tell Val... Unless she already knows. I exposed my fangs and pulled out a knife on me.

"Think I didn't come prepared for a little hunter?" I asked. "I live for an interesting hunt. Lilith dear, I hope you taste good." I purred. She shrieked out in fear and shot at my leg with the gun she managed to get out of her jacket.

"Are you really that bad of a shot?" I heard her trainer ask her as he shoved me down into the ground. I heard a growl erupt from the front of the alley and before I knew what happened, I felt a ton of blood hit me. The trainer groaned in pain and fell with a thud beside me, the life out of his eyes. Lilith was suddenly picked up and thrown up against the wall, her head hitting it hard. She whimpered and fell to the ground unconscious. I widened my eyes and looked towards whoever hurt my meals.

"What the hell- I was- Aiden?" I asked as I looked him over. "You growled." I told him and raised an eyebrow. He glanced down at me and widened his eyes, quickly looking away. I had caught a glimpse of his eyes being red again. He dropped the trainer's heart to the ground and started walking away fast.

"I-I'll be waiting at the car back at the restaurant for you," he muttered, not looking back at me. I widened my eyes. He's definitely not human... Nor is he anything I have met before... Atleast I doubt he is. The growl... speed... red eyes.... I looked towards Lilith. She's probably not worth drinking... she's a hunter which means she probably has that poison in here. So it would be unsafe to drink from her. I walked up to her and stomped her head in.

"To hell if I will let you live." I muttered and started out of the alley. There went my meal for the evening... I can hear Val now... I am so screwed... she's going to feed me to that doctor! I gulped and went for the car and got in beside Aiden. I buckled up and curled up in the seat. He glanced at me and started up the car, not saying a word as he started to drive us back home. He cut on the radio and watched the road carefully, going over the speed limit just a bit. I turned off the radio then and turned to him. "WHAT. ARE. YOU?" I asked firmly, gaining enough confidence to ask it. "You aren't human." He glanced at me and bit his bottom lip then looked out the window.

"I don't know what you are talking about...." He whispered and looked a bit tense.

"You ripped out a hunter's heart." I told him, starting to list why I know he isn't just human. "You growled... humans don't growl... That's just crazy. Okay!? You was supper fast... and I would love for you to explain how you even got to the alley.... Oh and your eyes, they flash red." I pointed towards him firmly. "I know there isn't something right about you." He glanced my way then smiled innocently.

"I was just being the best servant I could be for you. It would be within my duty to follow you, so that establishes why I was at the alley when that happened. On top of that, a servant's duty is to protect their master, and I did just that. All I am is your servant since how Val gave me to you," he insisted and then looked back out at the road. "As for my eyes, sometimes the lighting messes with what others see in them."

"Bull shit." I growled. "Pull this car over." I placed the car in park, making sure he was buckled. His eyes widened and he quickly got us out of the street before the car could come to a complete stop in the middle of oncoming traffic.

"Are you trying to get us killed?!" He looked at me in alarm.

"Please.... I would be just fine." I told him. "You on the other hand... I am curious about." I unbuckled and pulled the keys out of the ignition and threw them in the back. I crawled into his lap and undone his tie. "Even if I have to bite you... I will find out." His eyes widened and he quickly went to move me out of his lap.

"I already told you!" He insisted, looking panicked. I leaned in towards his neck then, letting out a simple growl.

"I haven't ate today." I threatened.

"Please don't bite me," he begged and tried to shove me back into my seat. I laid the seat back and let out a soft growl.

"I'll bite you." I purred and then grabbed a lockfull of his hair. "After all you are my servant." I told him and yanked on his hair, making him expose his neck. I leaned in towards it, kissing it softly before biting down. He shrieked and then gripped my shoulders.

"L-Lauren, stop!" He pushed up on me and then growled as he got upset. I began to feast upon his blood, flavoring his blood to see if I could define it any. It was sweet with a twist of darkness in it, tasting a bit forbidden. It tasted like chocolate did along with a small flavor of strawberry, but it all had that interesting dark taste under it all. He shoved me off and glared at me as he put a hand over his neck. I licked my lips and glanced him over.

"You have something dark in you... Something very.... tasty." I purred and let out a soft giggle. I leaned back towards him, wanting another bite. He growled threateningly, showing me that red flash I had been noticing again as he went to stop me. I backed away from him and into my seat then. "Okay... none for now." I whimpered, feeling my stomach grumbling for more. "Can't I have a bit more? I am hungry." I told him, pouting. He sighed and moved his seat back up into a sitting position.

"I'll think about it," he told me and got the car out of park, starting to merge us back onto the road.

"You are incredible... I need a second opinion about you." I mumbled under my breath. "I'm going to go ask Paris, he might know." His eyes widened, looking like he recognized the name.

"Don't you dare," he hissed towards me.

"Well, what else can we do? If you don't know... I don't know.. don't you want to know? I mean get real! If you knew you would be free if you are more then just human. You could totally like... become epic." I bit my bottom lip. "It's to help you." He shook his head and bit his bottom lip, looking nervous.

"Look, I already know what I am. I just don't want you to know," he told me, glancing my way. "So yeah, sure, I am not exactly human, but I am at the same time."

"Why can't I know? Look if you tell me I will keep it a secret." I smiled sweetly. "Or I will introduce you to a friend that knows everything and get my second opinion from him. So what are you?" He shook his head and picked up the speed as we managed to get back onto the road.

"Does it matter?" He glanced at the mirrors then went a little over the speed limit.

"Yes! I want to know..." I crossed my arms and looked out the window. "I'm your master, this isn't fair." He laughed.

"It's completely fair. Even Val doesn't know there is something even remotely different about me. All she knows is I like to sleep in." He smirked and kicked it up to 120 mph.

"Well... If I was to make us wreck... would you live?" I raised an eyebrow. "How about if I was to drain you dry or throw garlic into your next meal? How about a cross?" I poked his shoulder. "What if I turned you?" He shook his head.

"I might survive a car wreck. I haven't gotten into one yet.... If you drained me dry, I'd be dead. Garlic does not affect me. In fact, I actually like it in my spaghetti and lasagna. I'd be upset about the cross, but I wouldn't get it burned into my cheek if you tried to place it on me like the old vampire movies. You might be able to turn me...." He answered me somewhat and then glanced over at me. "That's all I'm saying on the subject."

"Well I would stop asking if you would just tell me... What is it going to take for you to tell me? How come you won't tell me? Don't you trust me?" I tilted my head. "What if I anger you?" He sighed and went to cut on the radio. "Ass." I muttered. "How about-" I cut the radio off. "You just please.... tell me? What's so bad about me knowing? I'll figure it out.. I swear I will." He glanced over at me and smirked.

"You can try... But I am not going to tell you. If I did, you'd be sworn to secrecy and I would have to watch you more often than I wish. Besides, you might not like me so much if I told you. It's best that I don't."

"You know what?" I asked and then turned the radio on. "You sit there in silence with your selfish supernatural bull." I growled and turned it up. He sighed and relaxed, seeming ok with it. When we got home, he turned off the car and then went over to my side of the car, opening the door. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out with an innocent smile. I pulled my hand away from him, giving him the cold shoulder and walked into the house. I started for the kitchen so I could get a bottle of blood out of the fridge.

"Did you hunt?" Val asked, running up to me.

"Nope. Supper got away." I mumbled.

"WHAT!?" Val groaned.

"She was attacked by vampire hunters," Aiden told her as he came into the kitchen. He didn't look at me as he went over to the refrigerator and pulled out a small carton of milk. He got himself a glass and poured himself some before putting the carton back and drank his glass. Val frowned.

"Hunters? In my territory?? ALEX I NEED YOU IN HERE!" Val yelled. I glared Aiden down as I got up on a counter. I pulled out my phone and texted Richard.

Me: Hey, I need to ask you something.

Richard: What? Bit busy.

Alex came into the room and smiled at Val. "Yes my love?"

"We have hunters in our territory again." Val growled. "Sniff them out and do something about it."

Me: I need an opinion... if you have a friend that has eyes that change red, what would you think he was? Especially if he growls, has unnatural speeds, and rips a mans heart out to save you. '

Richard: Lemme go get Paris. I think he'll be interested.

Me: Okay. Hurry up, I don't want him getting out of my sight for when I find out what he is. I'm so going to kick his butt for hiding it from me!

Richard: Lol, I bet it'll be fun to watch. I'll talk Paris into coming over to examine your friend. He's really smart when it comes to identifying supernaturals. Keep him close so we don't have to search.

Me: Sure! I'm at Val's manor in L.A.

I put my phone up and got off the counter. "Hey, Aiden, come sit and watch TV with me." I suggested, grabbing his shirt and pulling him with me out the room. He widened his eyes, but he let me.

"I thought you were upset with me," he whispered as we got into a living room. He sat down on the couch and looked up at me. I sat down by him and smirked.

"I won't be too upset it a little bit. Vampires don't stay mad forever." I ran my fingers through his hair. He blushed and nodded, believing me. He picked up the remote and turned on the TV, picking a show for us and settled down, watching it. I smirked and leaned up against him, placing my feet on the coffee table. Val stormed in and pulled out a silver box then pulled out a joint and light it with one of her fingers. She sat down in a chair and looked towards the TV. Aiden glanced at her and shivered before looking back at the TV.

"That one has mood swings all the time," he whispered to me and then put an arm around me.

"I know." I mumbled. "She's my maker, I know everything." I shivered and closed my eyes. He held me close and shook his head.

"I feel bad for you....Having her as your maker. I would be embarrassed to have a maker that does drugs 24/7," he told me. He yawned and laid his head back, closing his eyes.

"I have more then one maker though. So I can always look up to my other ones." I whispered and then shook my head. "Which is only Laurence. He's a kid." He nodded and relaxed beside me, starting to fall asleep. Paris appeared in front of us then and smirked.

"Well.... well... well..." He walked towards us then.

"Paris!? What are you doing in my house?" Val asked, putting out the joint. Paris looked towards her.

"We will talk later." He promised her then looked at Aiden and me. "Huh... interesting." He walked up and grabbed Aiden's hand. "You are... something...." He smirked and exposed his fangs. Aiden's eyes snapped open, and he looked at Paris wide eyed, tensing up. He yanked his hand back and held it close to him as he glanced towards the door, looking like he wanted to run. He looked back at Paris and then narrowed his eyes.

"What do you want?" He growled.

"Just to inform Lauren about what you are." Paris whispered so Val couldn't hear him. "Though... now I want to keep you as my little secret." He laughed. "No one can't know about what you are.. People that do... tend to manipulate your kind." Aiden frowned and tilted his head.

"Who are you?" He asked, his expression softening. He glanced Paris over and looked a bit confused. "How do you know what I am? Or are you just pretending to know?"

"I'm not pretending." Paris leaned in then to Aiden's ear, whispering something low to him that I didn't catch. He pulled back and glanced towards me. Aiden's eyes widened and he looked at him in awe.

"Whoa..." He gave a smile then and looked towards me. "You have very interesting friends Lauren," he told me and then looked at Paris, a trusting look in his eyes.

"So, good night you two." Paris gave a small smile.

"WHAT!?" I hissed, feeling cheated out of this visit. "Why won't you tell me?" I asked them. Aiden laughed and shook his head.

"Sorry Lauren.... You won't find out until I decide I want to tell you," he told me then looked at Paris. "You better not tell her, or I'll be upset. No one else knows."

"Your secret is safe with me." Paris bowed and then disappeared.

"Ugh." I got to my feet then and walked towards the hall to my bedroom. "Son of a cunt." I hissed. "No one tells me anything! NOT EVEN MY OWN MAKERS!" Aiden ran after me and shut the door to the living room.

"Look, I'd tell you... but I don't want you telling other people. My kind can get in a lot of trouble, and we are very special," he told me, walking towards me. I looked towards him and crossed my arms.

"I won't go telling others, I promise." I stopped so he could catch up to me. "I don't really go telling other's business anyways." He sighed as he walked beside me then.

"I'm like candy to a child when it comes to anyone powerful enough to control me," he whispered. "I haven't told anyone what I am. It would be very dangerous if it got out, and I live my life as a human instead of what I could be doing. Yes, I'm not completely human, but I am part human. My grandfather....he was...well," he swallowed nervously and looked away, whispering something under his breath. He undid his tie a bit and closed his eyes before looking back at me. "My grandfather was a demon of Hell," he mumbled softly, biting his lower lip. I tilted my head.

"Hmmm?" I asked softly. "A demon of Hell? As in you are basically... part demonic? No wonder your blood taste so... good to me." I shook my head. "That's so cool." I whispered. "To be a descendant of something straight out of hell." He blushed and looked down at his feet.

"You can't tell anyone, got it? I could be forced to do things I don't want to if my secret was to fall into the wrong hands.... My grandfather warned me about it when I was six years old." He rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

"I understand." I nodded sharply. "I won't abuse you either." I walked off towards my bedroom then, acting like nothing just happened. He seemed a bit happier and walked me to my door.

"Is there anything I can get you before you retire?" He asked, giving me a cute smile. I shook my head no.

"You done all you can do. Go get some rest." I suggested and smiled softly. I went into my room and then groaned. What am I going to do in here besides read a book?! I giggled as I thought about sneaking out to go check in on Oliver. I turned around and shut the door, locking it. I walked over to the window and jumped out of it, hitting the ground with a thump. I took off towards the street then, trying not to think too hard on what I just figured out. I went to Oliver's apartment building then rushed up the stairs to his floor and leaned up against his door, listening in. He was watching a movie quietly, popcorn popping in a microwave. I sat down in the floor then by the door and leaned up against it happily. After a few seconds of sitting a woman started walking down the hall and looked towards me with a friendly smile before continuing on her way, thinking nothing about this. After a few minutes, I heard the phone start to ring in his apartment. I heard him get up and answer.

"Ello?" He paused and then walked towards the door. "Who is this? I don't know what you think you are doing calling this number, but you should hang up." I heard him set the phone down as he clicked it off. "Jeez.... I hate those kinds of people...calling to sell things like that." He sighed and sounded like he was grabbing his coat nearby the door. "Hmmm," he made a small noise and I heard him messing with the thermostat before he walked back over to the couch and sat down. I laughed softly, glad he didn't open the door because that would have been hard to explain. I settled down a bit and listened in for his heartbeat. It was quietly beating in his chest, just a little faster than the average human, but other than that, it sounded healthy and happy. He sighed and turned the movie over to Alice and The Looking Glass. I smiled softly, finding this extraordinary to find a guy watching this on his own. I decided then... He might just be my ideally newborn. I rose to my feet and tapped on the door softly. I heard him fall of the couch, probably jumping from the noise. "H-hello? If it's about the cat outside, I don't know where it came from!" He shouted and started walking towards the door. I tilted my head in amusement.

"It's an old friend, actually." I purred through the door.

"Lauren?" He opened the door, a chain lock keeping it from opening all the way as he peeked out at me. "What are you doing here?" He smiled sweetly and looked me in the eyes.

"Stalking you." I admitted and laughed. "What good are vampires for? Especially if they don't sleep." I leaned up against the door frame. "So? Alice and the looking glass? Quite sweet." I saw him blush and he glanced back at the TV.

"Give me a moment," he whispered and shut the door. I heard him undoing the lock, and he opened it up for me. "Would you like to come in?" He asked, biting his lower lip. "I mean... if you are stalking me out in the hall, I imagine it isn't as fun as being inside would be." I nodded and walked through the door, taking my sweet time as I looked around his little apartment.

"This is nice and cozy." I told him and turned back to look at him. He smiled as he shut the door and nodded.

"Yeah, I didn't need a big apartment since how it's just me," he told me and then glanced over at the kitchen area with a frown. "If you ate human food, I'd offer you something, but I don't have anything for vampires. I'm sorry," he told me, giving me a sweet look. "I'd run to go get you a bottle of blood from somewhere, but I don't want to go into a vampire place either."

"No, it's fine." I told him and then sat down on his couch, crossing my legs. "Let's watch a movie together." I patted the couch by me. He looked thoughtful then sat down beside me, curling up on his side of the couch as he brought his legs close to his chest. He looked towards the TV and smiled softly. I smiled at him and looked towards the TV. "Oliver, do you have a job?" I asked softly.

"To keep the apartment and to feed myself, yes. It's a small job, not much," he told me, being quiet as he kept his eyes on the TV. I nodded and smirked.

"Oliver? Do you want to die like this?" I asked him softly. He frowned and looked over at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Like.... die with little to nothing at all? No offence... I could give you more, Oliver. You'd be my first." I promised and looked him over. "I know the process though." He tilted his head.

"What are you talking about? Your first?" He looked a bit uneasy and curled up tighter.

"My first newborn." I whispered to him. "It won't hurt." I looked him over. "At first it will... I'll make it as less painful as possible." Oliver's eyes widened, and he backed up into the arm of the couch as far as he could.

"N-newborn?!" He shook his head quickly.

"Why not?" I asked softly. I moved towards him then. "Oliver, you won't be able to move on from your past as a human. You said it yourself you didn't have anyone or even a girlfriend. You'll die alone.... I don't think I can handle that. If I turned you though...." I trailed off as I hovered above him. "You'd be with me, through all eternity." He blushed and tried to back up further.

"P-please," he whispered, his voice shaking.

"Oliver, I'm not trying to scare you... I just want to help you." I promised. "You'd enjoy it." He bit his bottom lip and buried his face into his knees.

"Don't hurt me, please don't hurt me," he whimpered.

"It would be more like saving." I whispered, running my fingers through his hair. "I'd never hurt you." He shivered and leaned into me, clinging to my shirt.

"Lauren, I've spent so long running from vampires.... I don't want to be one. Most of them are monsters," he whispered, sounding afraid.

"My family and I are not monsters." I assured him. "Neither would you be a monster. It would probably make you happier to come home with me as a vampire. You might even find your mate soon to help you not be as lonely." He whimpered and buried his face into me, not saying anything. "Will you let me turn you? This is... a lot coming from me. I don't do this after all." I whispered to him. "If it had to be anyone though... it would be you." He took a moment before he nodded slightly, barely doing it. He was trembling badly though. I nodded and picked him up off the couch and took us to his bedroom, where I laid him down on the bed and got on top of him. "Expose your neck for me then." He looked up at me and bit his bottom lip as he seemed really nervous.

"You promise it won't hurt?" He asked as he rubbed at his neck where there were quite a few scars from Perry's bar.

"I promise." I kissed the top of his head. "It won't hurt as much as turning into a werewolf." I joked and laughed about it. He widened his eyes.

"There are werewolves?!"

"Unicorns, witches, wizards, shifters, you name it then it will exist." I informed him. He took a deep breath and nodded.

"So it's not just vampires then...." He sighed and looked up at me before tilting his head slightly to me.

"Of course not... that would be just too much fun. At first it was Witches and Wizards but then there were a group that came together and formed the rest of the supernatural." I patted his face softly. "So that's how we came to be." He nodded and curled up on the bed.

"Ok..." He whispered softly and then looked up at me.

"Okay." I nodded and exposed my fangs. "I'm going to create life." I whispered. "Well... death... or well... a newborn." I laughed in excitement. He flinched at the sight of my fangs and squeezed his eyes shut. I leaned in towards his neck and bit down into it slowly, beginning to feast upon his blood. I'd have to drain him dry first. He whimpered and gripped me tightly.

"W-what all happens?" He asked softly, sounding afraid. I could tell he was keeping down his instincts to shove me away. I pulled out my fangs and licked his wound.

"I can't tell you." I told him sweetly and then bit down into him again, taking his blood in large swallows now. He whimpered and then shook his head.

"I changed my mind!" He started to cry in fear and tried to push me off of him. I pinned him down, knowing he'd want this in the end and kept draining him, eating half of what was coming out and letting the rest drain onto his bed. He gripped my arms and pushed up on me with his chest. "Please Lauren!" He managed to throw me off and ran for the door, stumbling out of bed. I could see his face stained with tears as he held in whimpers of pain.

"Come back here little Oliver." I purred. "I'm not done yet." I stopped time and walked over to him, pulling him back to the bed and had time unfreeze. I pinned him down once again and leaned down to his neck, biting back down.

"HELP!" He shrieked as he tried pushing up on me again. I placed a hand over his mouth as I drunk his blood. He screamed through my hand and started to cry again, his tears getting my hand wet. He squirmed under me as he began to get weak. I wrapped my other arm around him to comfort him and let my fangs out of his neck easy. I sucked on his neck, sucking out the blood from his wound. He blinked slowly as he started to get drowsy and went limp under me as his life force faded within minutes. I pulled back and sat up by him. I looked him over then leaned in, licking up his wound to heal it.

"Oh my little Oliver." I whispered then bit into my wrist. "My first newborn... I'll raise you up right too unlike my makers." I promised and then hovered my wrist over his mouth. I forced his mouth open with my other hand and let my blood run freely into his mouth. After a few seconds, his eyes snapped open and he grabbed my arm, biting into it. He moaned in pleasure at the taste and closed his eyes as he bit down harder. I groaned and moved him into my lap then started to pet his head. "I hope you don't hate me." I whispered in his ear. He ignored me as he licked my wrist then bit down again, acting half starved. I looked his features over curiously, seeing he had obvious grown his fangs in without my notice. His bite marks from his previous life had faded and his skin was like cool ice. His hair had darkened up a bit while his eyes were brighter in color and more alive. He was marvelous and there was no way a girl wouldn't just look more then once at him. He was definitely a catch. Too bad I didn't get him when he was younger looking. He could have went to high school and everything! I laughed softly. He paused as he felt my eyes on him and looked up, giving me a cute look as he licked my wrist again. "Do I taste good? Like tea?" I asked him curiously. He nodded and closed his eyes, biting down again. I smirked and pulled my wrist back from him. "That's enough." He frowned as he looked towards it, disappointed. He reached for it and looked up at me with a cute look that made my heart melt. I gave him my wrist and giggled. "A little bit more then." He smiled and bit down into my wrist again, sucking on it gently. I rubbed his head and purred. "Oh Oliver..." I mumbled. He glanced up at me and leaned his head into my hand as he licked my wrist clean and took a bit more from me. I watched him curiously. "Want to go hunting?" I asked curiously. He shook his head and let go of my wrist on his own, looking up at me.

"I'm full," he told me and tilted his head with a cute smile. He reached up and touched the side of my face then sat up. He looked at his bed and widened his eyes. "It's ruined.... I'm going to have to throw it out," he whispered to himself. He sighed and touched his neck where I had drained him then stopped. He peeked down his shirt and then up at me with wide eyes. "M-my scars....Their gone?"

"Yes, they are gone... you should go look in your bathroom mirror too hot stuff." I pointed towards his bathroom and smirked. He glanced towards it then at me before he got to his feet.

"I-I'm not too sure about all this..." He trailed off, rubbing his arm nervously as he started for the bathroom. I followed after him with a skip to my walk. When he got onto the bathroom, he widened his eyes at the sight of him. He touched his hair and turned to me. "Lauren....what happened to me?" He asked, looking frightened. I titled my head, noticing he looked at bit younger and more fit.

"You died and turned into a vampire." I told him, wondering what kind of powers he'd get in the future. I never seen this kind of major transformation before in a turning. It was sort of like he was meant for it. His breath caught in his throat as he heard me.

"D-died? You...killed me?!" He gripped my shoulders and looked me in the eyes, panicking.

"Relax... You are undead, I promise. You are a vampire, higher then a human." I pulled him closer to me and kissed his cheek. "You are going to make women fake a fall just to get a minute of your time." He blushed and started to stammer a bit. He let me go and leaned in to me as he buried his face into my shoulder, quieting down as he seemed to be taking it in. "If you don't like this then in a years time- if you still feel the same then I will turn you back into a human." I promised him. He sighed and shook his head.

"I did agree to let you.... I will live through it. I guess I can try to have fun like this....and get over my past," he whispered to me and then pulled back, giving me a smile. "I mean, I have all eternity to forget, don't I?"

"It's easy, trust me." I promised. "Now... I think you should come live with me." I suggested. "You should be around more vampires so you can catch their vibes and learn from them as well as me." He quickly shook his head.

"I don't want to be like other vampires!" He backed away into the counter.

"You haven't even met them yet." I crossed my arms. "You'll love them." He shook his head again.

"Nuh uh! Nope! Vampires tried to eat me in that bar! I'm not going to learn their ways. You're the only one that I'd trust," he told me, crossing his arms.

"Who do you think I trust then?" I asked. "I have vampires I trust and I want to show them to you. You might even be one of their mates." I smirked, thinking how Rose was mateless. He bit his bottom lip and then sighed, walking towards me.

"I guess.... if you trust them, I'll try.... What's a mate?" He asked curiously, tilting his head as his eyes looked me over.

"Soul mate... it's like the one person you are supposed to be with. Like how humans get married and grow old together with that one person... True love..." I shrugged. "Vampires get them too. You will know when you find her or him." He nodded and looked down at his feet.

"Ok.... but I'm not too interested in that," he mumbled and started for his bedroom again.

"Why not?" I asked as I followed him into his bedroom. "You want to stay single? I don't blame you." He started stripping his bed and then looked at me, giving me a playful look.

"Who says that matters to me? I've been single all my life, and it doesn't matter to me." He laughed and dumped his bedsheets on the floor. He stepped over them to get to me and hugged me. "I will try to be the best first newborn ever for you." I giggled and hugged him back.

"Come on newborn, at least let me take you out for some fun. Don't worry about your bed. I can replace it." I motioned for him to come with me. He looked at me curiously then nodded.

"Ok.... I guess we can go have fun," he whispered, looking a little nervous. He grabbed my hand and gave me a cute smile. He was definitely going to be a hit with the ladies with that cute and innocent look.

"Let's go clubbing." I pulled him out of his apartment then and down to the first floor. I pulled him straight out the doors and looked around. "Oh wait, you need fresh clothes." I looked back at him. "How about you go do that on your own and I will wait here." I motioned him to go, showing him he was still a free man. He nodded and walked back inside. He came back out after a few minutes dressed in black pants and a simple white t-shirt. He had a black hoodie on to match it. He smiled at me as he ran his fingers through his hair to fix it. In the mean time I had also changed my clothes and managed to get back in the same spot. "Let's go." I started off down the street in my new dress and high heels, perfect for clubbing. He followed after me and glanced around before putting a pair of headphones on, cutting on some music. I linked an arm with him and smirked as I walked with him, catching a few glares from other girls across the street. He's definitely a catch! I laughed, happy he ended up being my first newborn. He glanced at me and then looked ahead with a small smile.

"So what's clubbing?" He asked, being completely serious. I busted out laughing.

"You go out to clubs, like bars but... with extra. Like huge dance floors and DJ booths." I informed him. "You'll like it." He gave a nod and looked around curiously.

"So it's like one major party?" He asked and then wrapped an arm around my waist. He looked down at me and smiled. "It sounds like fun...."

"With people you don't know, it is fun." I giggled.

"This isn't hunting, right? You mentioned it earlier," he mumbled, glancing towards my neck.

"Not if you want it to be." I shrugged. "You have to eat some humans though eventually to stay healthy." He shook his head and looked away, swallowing nervously.

"Mh mh," he hummed. "I won't eat then." I nodded.

"So where is a club around here?" I wondered as I took out my phone and googled some nearby clubs. I was lucky enough to find one not too far away named The Cave. It was questionable but... worth taking a visit. "Let's go to The Cave." I suggested. He nodded and let me lead him.