Locked Outside In A Wizard’s World

Hachi's POV:

I had been circling Isaac's house for three days... THREE DAYS! He didn't let me in. On the first he had thrown a party... That little jerk! He didn't even let me in... and then a girl... Has been in there and didn't come back out! I was growing uneasy now... I know I was in the wrong... I didn't mean to get hungry after biting him but it just happened. I take full responsibility... even though I think it is his fault for being just too tasty. Maybe I should go back to the asylum in China... where I had that British doctor.. Philips taking care of me. I shivered. He was better then Oz though. "Come on Isaac~" I purred by the door. "I'm really sorry~" I begged. "I told you I have issues. I wouldn't do that on purpose... honest." I whimpered. I didn't hear anything on the other side. "Isaac?" I sniffled. "Don't do this to me! I'm hungry, wet-" Due to it previous raining. "Sleepy! I'm also sick..." I faked a cough. "Come on.... can I come in and we make up?" I let out a soft whimper. I heard him mumble something from the living room and the sound of a bottle spinning quietly on the hardwood floor. "Isaac!" I cried out. I got to my feet and threw myself against the door, jiggling the door handle. "I'm so sorry! I'll let you get past my pants!" I heard a trashcan knock over from his next door neighbor. She had been nosy throughout this whole three days, watching me curiously. She had been taking out her trash when she overheard me calling to Isaac.

"Young man, you need some serious help!" She shouted at me from where she had fallen in the pavement. She sat up and put her trash into the trashcan, setting it upright. She sighed and shook her head as she saw me. "Last time Isaac got like that... he didn't come out for a month, and it was because of that Evelyn girl freaked out about him being a half-breed."

"BUG OFF!" I yelled towards her. "This isn't any of your business." I rubbed my head against the door. "Isaac~ Come on now... Please let me in.... I want to feel your touch against my skin!" I reached up towards the top of the door. "Isaac! My love~ Come on.... I'll let you do whatever you want to me.... we can do some of that weird role play thing that I heard Paris doing to Richard sometimes.... Don't ask about that!" I heard him whimper and start crawling out of the living room as he went towards the kitchen, further away from the front door.

"I'm moving.... This is the last time I deal with that boy. He always brings weird stuff into the neighborhood. Stupid half-breed..." I heard the woman mutter as she walked back into her house. I hissed towards her and then fell to my knees.

"Isaac! PLEASE!!!!!!" I begged. "I need you! I'm not going to eat you ever! I swear! You can have my cross!" I banged against the door with my fist. "ISAAC! COME ON!" The door was opened, but I could tell the barrier was still up. Isaac sat down right behind it and looked at me, looking lonely and depressed. I threw myself at the barrier then. "Isaac!" I whimpered. "Just one touch!?" I begged. He shook his head and looked down at the floor.

"Hachi.... you're going to get hurt staying outside.... You should go back to the manor," he whispered, barely getting it out.

"I'm very sorry Isaac." I told him and pouted. "I truly am." I began to cry. "I wasn't thinking!" He didn't look up at me, trembling slightly.

"Hachi... please," he whimpered and curled up into a ball. "You're making it so hard...."

"You aren't breaking up with me are you?" I asked with panic. "I just let us get that pretty little title and everything." I tried to get past his shield. "Isaac?" He looked up at me and shook his head.

"No.... I'm not breaking up with you," he whispered and started trailing his fingers over the floor. His fire inside of him started to act up, leaving black trails wherever his fingers touched.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I tilted my head. "I'm not going to bite you again." He glanced up at me and started to cry.

"How am I supposed to know that?! I might wake up one morning and find you eating my fingers off!" He wiped at his face quickly and buried his face into his ball to keep the tears hidden. I stood up then and crossed my arms.

"You don't trust me?!" I started off away from the door. "Then don't come looking for me." I growled in anger, hunger was just consuming my emotions now. I heard him whimper and I was suddenly tackled to the ground. He buried his face into my chest and gripped my shirt as he kept crying.

"I didn't mean it that way! I'm so sorry Hachi! I'm sorry!" He cried and didn't look up at me as he held onto me tightly like I was a lifeline. I curled up into him then and relaxed.

"Isaac~" I mumbled happily and smiled. "It's about time you came out here." I rubbed my head against him and then leaned in towards his neck, wanting a bite. I kissed him instead as I resisted my urges. "I'm hungry." I mumbled. He looked up at me and kissed my cheek.

"You can eat Rachel. I know she's been irritating you. I've heard her every time she butted in the past three days," he told me and glanced over at his neighbor's house. "I won't mind. She calls me mean names anyways."

"I thought about eating her but then I thought... she wouldn't taste good." I laughed and pulled up his shirt. "I'll just eat regular old human food after.... well... I take you right here right now." I teased him and pulled off his shirt. His eyes widened and he sat up, reaching for his shirt as he blushed a deep red.

"Hachi, we are in the middle of the street," he hissed, sounding embarrassed. He glanced back towards his house and then at me.

"Then we will give them a good show." I purred. "Hachi the cannibal takes poor little Isaac for a wonderful spin in his front yard." I winked and shoved his arm away so he couldn't get to his shirt. "Come on Isaac... Don't you love me?" He bit his bottom lip and nodded.

"I do love you.... It killed me to stay inside for those days.... That girl is currently lying dead in my closet. I killed her to sate my hunger for you," he whispered and then stood up. He mumbled something as he turned to the house and then reached down, grabbing my hand. I felt his warm fire run up my arm a bit, and I felt like I could enter the house whenever I felt like. He gave me a smile. "You are always welcome inside," he told me sweetly, giving me a cute look. I stood up quickly and ran into the house, giggling.

"YES!" I yelled happily and ran up to his bathroom, turning on the warm water and plugged up the tub. "I get a nice warm bath." I mumbled and looked towards the bathroom door and had it close with magic. I heard Isaac laugh as he walked inside the house, shutting the front door.

"Hachi! I'm going to make you something hot to eat! Spaghetti sound good? I don't know if I can manage much else right now!" I heard him calling up to me.

"Thanks Isaac!" I yelled back down to him and started stripping out of my clothes. How could you just let him distract you like that? He let you in so you wouldn't take him then and there. What's that talk about you wanting to go back to that asylum? ARE YOU NUTS!? I'm not going back... Oh no... I'll make you drown forever at the bottom of the ocean before I let you go back to Doctor Philips. That man gave me shivers... and I don't get shivers. I brushed the voice off as I stepped into the scolding hot water and sat down in it, switching on the cold water a tiny bit. The bathroom was getting steamy by the second. "Ahhhh.." I could smell homemade spaghetti sauce downstairs as Isaac cut on a radio to help him pass the time while he made me food. I felt my stomach grumble. I don't want human food.... I want Isaac. Let's feast upon him. "Oh do shut up." I hissed to myself. "Isaac isn't food." I closed my eyes tightly and went under the water. After a bit, I heard Isaac throwing a few bottles into the trash, laughing as he got scores. He went outside, shutting the front door. I sat up in the tub as I cut off the water. "ISAAC!?" I called uneasily. Please tell me he didn't just leave me. Oh he did. He ran from you. You are just a monster... a predator. "Screw you." I heard him come back in and shut the door behind him as he headed towards the kitchen. A plastic trash bag rustled downstairs, and the trashcan was being messed with. He had probably taken out his three day's worth of trash. Hmm.... He didn't run out on you this time... but he will. "I'll drown you." Sorry, but I know how to swim. "AUGH!" I sunk back down under the water. I can try! You are so stupid... You are immortal now.

"Now where's that shirt I had washed two nights ago?" I heard him murmuring as he walked around downstairs. The sound of a belt reached my ears as he was probably slipping one onto his pants. I pouted... Guess he didn't like my offer from earlier. See he is taking extra precautions to make sure you don't get any of him. How pathetic. He isn't your lover... In fact he is just a meal... Now go eat him and find something else to play with. I sat up then in the tub then grabbed a wash cloth off of a nearby rack and then a bottle of body soap. I began to wash myself with his soap, his smells consumed my body. I let out a soft moan and fell back under the water. You are whipped.... "HACHI! Your food is getting cold!" He called up to me. I sat up quickly and rushed the rest of my bath. Whipped I tell you.

"I'm going to take a huge pill to get rid of you.. I swear." I hissed to the voice as I finished up shampooing my hair and dipped my head under. You can't just silence me. Watch me. I will go get shock therapy to get rid of you! I'll steal those pills from an asylum... I'll do something. You wouldn't... You would risk your memory. I shook my head and started conditioning my hair.

"I'm going to be sick," I heard Isaac groan as a bowl shattered on the floor in the kitchen. He rushed towards the front door quickly. I sunk my head under the water and rinsed my hair off then unplugged the tub. I got out and grabbed a towel then rushed down to Isaac to see if he was okay.

"Isaac!?" I asked for him as I slowed down towards the front door. He was leaned over the porch railing, throwing up. He groaned as he slid down to the floor and held his mouth as he curled up into a ball, his tail hugging right up next to him. "Did you try some of your spaghetti?" I asked him and shook my head. "You know you can't just eat that stuff." I hovered by the door. He looked back at me and nodded, wiping at his mouth as he sat up shakily.

"I wanted to try it," he mumbled. "I didn't think I was going to get sick that fast."

"So you are good? That's good." I nodded towards him as I remembered about my issue with my legs. "Bye now.... I'm stealing some of your clothes too." I told him and rushed back upstairs. I heard him coming back inside as he shut the door, locking it. He was soon cleaning up his mess in the kitchen. I rushed into his closet and grabbed a pair of his sweat pants and a baggy shirt. I dried my body off then put them on. I danced back down to him happily and slid into the kitchen- literally slid on the floor. He laughed as he saw me and then picked up a bowl, handing it to me. He leaned in and kissed me before pulling away. I sat the bowl aside and leaned in for another kiss. Oh.... You are... so... not my favorite child. "Grrrr." I growled softly to the voice. Isaac pulled back before I could kiss him and placed a finger on my lips, smirking.

"Eat your food I made you," he purred and looked towards it. I nodded and grabbed the bowl then scooped up a fork full and ate it right in front of him. YUCK! This is not ISAAC! I know. I giggled and spun around, going towards the counter. I pounced up on it like a cat and continued eating the spaghetti he made me. He watched me and smiled as he walked over to the refrigerator, pulling out a bottled blood. He popped the top off and took a sip, a hungry look crossing his face as it hit his tongue. I used my magic to switch out the blood for mine and smirked evilly. I took another bite and hummed.

"This is really good Isaac... can I have some tea to go with it?" I asked sweetly. He smiled, setting down my blood before he could take a sip.

"Sure sweetie," he purred and then reached into the refrigerator. He pulled out a jug of tea and got me a glass, filling it. With a smile, he placed it beside me and put the tea back up. I took a sip of the tea then watched his every move. He picked up his blood and raised it up to his lips before taking another sip. He moaned in pleasure at the taste and ended up chugging some of it. I laughed into my bowl and finished off the rest of the spaghetti selfishly. I placed it aside then took the glass of tea and chugged it. He finished his bottle, managing to take it slow enough to make it last then threw it into the trash. He looked at me, flicking his tail as he glanced towards my neck hungrily. I leaned up against the wall behind me and exposed my neck slightly as I posed in a sexy way like I was taught.

"Thank you so much for the lovely meal." I purred towards Isaac. He tore his eyes away from my neck and looked into my eyes.

"Y-yeah....You're welcome," he whispered and looked down at the ground as he started to head for the living room, resisting me. I slipped off the counter and placed the dirty dishes into the sink and had my magic wash them as I went into the livingroom.

"Isaac?" I asked as swayed my hips to him. He was sitting down on the couch, watching a candle on his coffee table. He lit it without much thought and then blew it out, doing it again.

"Yes?" He glanced over at me and then blushed, looking back at the candle. I walked over to him and sat down in his lap for attention.

"You should know what." I mumbled. "Three days Isaac." You are so pathetic. Screw off. He looked at me and then nuzzled his face into my neck, burying himself into me.

"Am I in trouble?" He asked softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I shook my head quickly.

"You aren't the one that is in trouble." I assured him.

"Ok... I thought maybe you might be upset about me keeping you outside for three days," he told me and I felt him smile.

"Not anymore." I mumbled. "I'm with you now.. so I can't complain."

"Next time I won't do it again," he promised and kissed my neck. I saw the candle light again and the fireplace soon followed. I looked towards the fireplace and giggled.

"Perfect." I whispered. Sicko. He pulled back from my neck and looked at it, blushing.

"Whoops.... I didn't mean to do that," he mumbled and bit his bottom lip.

"Let yourself go." I whispered. "I'm tired of being so tense." I relaxed against him. You know what, I think you need to go back to that asylum. Kasai, go back to the asylum. NOW. I let out a small hiss. Nope, I refuse to. Isaac shook his head and buried his face into me again.

"You asked me to wait...so we could be slow about it and make it special for you," he whispered to me.

"I don't want special anymore." I mumbled. "I'm ready." I gripped his shirt and tried to take it off. You are the most dramatic son I have ever seen. I hope Isaac knocks you out with a frying pan. He grabbed my hands and pulled back, looking at me.

"Are you sure? I mean... it's not just being emotional about being outside and without someone for three whole days?" He bit his bottom lip as he locked eyes with me. Yes, it's him being an emotional cry baby.... Knock him out before I make him scream... I'll make you scream Kasai. Who the hell is Kasai?

"Uh...." I looked at him innocently, forgetting what he had asked me. He sighed and let go of my hands, leaning forward and blowing out the candle. He sat back and relaxed as he watched it, closing his eyes as he relit it to practice and focus his magic. I leaned in towards his neck and kissed it softly, trailing down his neck.

"H-Hachi? Are you being serious about this?" He asked, adjusting himself as he instinctively exposed his neck better. I let out a small moan as I started on his belt, loosening it. Watch out Isaac, my sick son has your belt. He made a small noise of surprise and gripped my sides as he laid his head back on the couch. "Hachi.... Let's talk about this first!" I nodded and pulled away from him, standing up and starting on my shirt.

"Sure, let's talk. You, me, and the couch or the bed upstairs.... You pick." He blushed a deep red and brought his knees close to his chest, curling his tail around his feet.

"That's not what I meant," he mumbled. I left my shirt alone then.

"Isaac, don't you want me?" I tilted my head. He nodded and watched me.

"I-I do... I love you, you know that.... I-it's just that I am having a hard time controlling my magic and...." I saw him blush as he bit his bottom lip. "I might go demonic on you...." Oh good, just what you need.

"You won't go demonic on me little kitty." I reached out for his tail and giggled. What's wrong with you? Is it because I am talking too much or is it because you just really are lonely? You'd be lonely too. He let me touch his tail, not shying away from my hand like he normally does when I go for his tail. I pet it and then let it go. I took a seat by him on the couch and placed my head against him. "I suppose I could.... try settling down." He sighed and wrapped an arm around me as he uncurled himself. He glanced at me thoughtfully then shook his head, leaning in and kissing me.

"If it's what you really want.... I will let you," he whispered in my ear. I perked up a bit and looked into his eyes. I leaned up to him for another kiss. He met me halfway and leaned into me, kissing me passionately as he laid himself onto his back, pulling me on top. I pulled back from the kiss and laid my head against his chest, taking in a deep breath. Hormonal brat. This is why I told you not to mess with those spells until you were older... Isaac wrapped an arm around me and watched me, probably wondering what I was going to do- if I was going to take the chance or not. I sighed out happily. I guess I can be happy with just this. Good... eat him later. Isaac kissed my cheek and sat us up. "Ok sweetie," he purred, figuring it out for himself. He stretched and sat me down beside him. "I love you..." I groaned.

"I wanted to at least lay on you." I complained. He smirked.

"Nope," he teased. "You teased me in the kitchen. It's my turn." I sighed out and started for my feet then. You was rejected, ha. You are nothing but a reject... out cast. He doesn't love you and I bet he is cheering inside because he didn't have to do anything for you to take care of your little bulge. You disgust me once again. I can't wait until he eats you in your sleep! I felt Isaac grab my wrist then and he pulled me back to him, growling softly. He kissed my neck and bit down into it as he pushed me onto my back, pinning my one hand above my head that he had. His tail twitched excitedly as he purred into me. Kasai... Hachi... don't let him eat you. That's what he is going to do, devour you. I whimpered as fear consumed me. I don't want to be eaten! He licked my neck then kissed it as he healed it up. He let out another purr as he used his free hand to travel down to the hem of my shirt, sliding it up under it and to my back. He started a trail of love bites down my neck. I let out a slight moan. He's tricking you! You better run dearie... He's going to get you. I giggled. I'm immortal though. I arched my back slightly to let him get to it better. He smirked against me and freed my hand above my head, using it to tear my shirt off. I leaned in towards his lips and started to suck on his bottom one. This isn't love Kasai. Guys can't love guys! It isn't right. You both can't have kids so you can't mate either. You better run boy. He moaned and leaned in to me, biting down on my lip gently. He took off his belt and dropped it on the floor. He took off his shirt and smirked as he looked down at me. I noticed that Isaac's usual light wasn't there in his eyes. It was replaced with the inner demon he had from being in Hell. Hachi, those eyes boy. You see those before... that means no good. You better run, remember Doctor Philips? I tensed up at the memory of him. That's right... you better get away now while you can. He might even be like Oz to you. I ate Oz though.... Eat Isaac now. Isaac frowned and blinked slowly then tensed up as he saw the look I was giving him. He got off quickly and picked up his shirt as the light came back to his eyes. "I'm so sorry," he whispered and then took off out of the room.

"I-Isaac?" I asked as I watched him run. You ruined this for me! Good thing I did! Ha! "Just shut up!" I growled to the inner voice. "Isaac come back!" I begged and started for where he went. I found him upstairs, curled up at the base of his floor against the wall at the top of the stairs. He looked up at me and brought his shirt closer to him.

"I'm sorry," he whispered as he blushed. "I didn't mean to do that.... I wouldn't have done it like that without your permission."

"Isaac... I.. I was enjoying it..." I mumbled softly and sat down a few stairs down from him. "I was just... hearing things." SHUT UP! DON'T GO TELLING HIM ABOUT ME! HE'LL THROW YOU AWAY! "I was being silly." He nodded and then reached out for me, pulling me up to him. He kissed my lips and then my neck.

"Ok," he mumbled, listening to my heartbeat for a moment before he kissed right between my collarbones. He slipped a hand behind my back and pressed me into him as he moved me into his lap. I smiled softly and kissed the top of his head.

"You believe me?" I asked softly. He nodded.

"You wouldn't have come up here if that was the case," he told me and then kissed my lips again. He reached above us and opened the door to his room, picking me up as he carried me inside. He shut the door with his foot and laid me down on the bed as he crawled up in between my legs. I blushed and opened my legs wide enough for him.

"Well then~" I purred. "Shall we continue?" No you may not continue! Not with me around in your head. I told you to shut up.. or I will shut you up. "Uh-" I lifted up on his chest. "Before you begin can you give me a minute in the bathroom?" He looked at me thoughtfully then nodded.

"Alright." He sat up, letting me get up. I got up quickly and took my time to the bathroom so it wouldn't look funny to him. I closed the door and locked it then took a step back from it. I can't concentrate with you talking to me all the time! I rolled my eyes in annoyance and pulled out my family spell book. There won't be anything in there to shut me up princess. I flipped through it and found my little sticky note with the medication recipe on it. I got it a little bit before I left China for good. I smirked and used my magic to take me to Paris's kitchen.

"Oh HARRY!" I screamed. He appeared in front of me. "Make this for me." I shoved it towards him. He let out a tired yawn and nodded before doing as told. That medication isn't going to do you any good. Oh yes it will. I took out the part that makes me drowsy. So you are going to shut up. I pulled out a needle and placed it on the counter. "Be right back." I told Harry. "Try to increase the process."

"Why don't you just try alcohol?" Harry asked me.

"Not a bad idea... Isaac will smell it on me though and be upset. This though.. will be fine." I shrugged. Unless he feeds from me.... I giggled... Then he would know and I would be like a deer caught in the headlights of a truck. I used my magic to take me back to the bathroom and I turned on the water in the sink to make it seem like I was brushing my teeth or something. He was patiently waiting in the bedroom still, I could tell. He was playing a game on his phone. I looked towards my legs then, wondering about what to do with them. That's a problem I could try solving in the meantime... I paced the bathroom and groaned softly. Okay, I have a proposition to make. If you promise not to take that disgusting medicine.... I will let you have this night. What about tomorrow though? The next day after that? You won't be silent forever. I won't on that medication. I sat down in the floor then and pulled out a needle and thread. I held out my arm after hooping the needle with the thread. I hesitated about stitching myself then, knowing he'd feel it. "Freak."

"Here." Harry appeared in front of me with something to drink. It was a funny liquid in a clear glass. "Come on, I want to get out of here and back to my sweet bed." He made me down it then took away the needle and thread. "Now get out there and let loose. You won't be bothered no more." He disappeared and the door opened to the bedroom. I saw Isaac sprawled out on the bed, playing around on his phone. He glanced over then smiled before going back to it, knowing I'd come out when I wanted. I walked over to the sink and cut off the water then took a glance up at myself in the mirror. Absolutely nothing? I walked over to the bed with Isaac in it and got in by him.

"Ready." I confirmed. He set his phone on the nightstand, cutting it off and then looked up at me with a smile. He pulled me close and kissed my neck.

"Good... I was about to change my mind about today," he purred, twitching his tail happily.

"Awe, don't go teasing me!" I leaned in towards his neck and kissed it softly. He laughed and sat up.

"So what's a no no?" He asked, looking me over. "I want to make this good."

"What do you mean by that?" I tilted my head innocently.

"Is there anything you don't want me to do should I want to?" He smiled at me and ran his fingers down my jawline and up under my chin.

"Nope." I shook my head. "Use me in anyway you feel." I bit my bottom lip hard, letting it bleed. Isaac's eyes widened, and he leaned in, kissing me quickly as he licked my bottom lip clean. He moaned at the taste and started to suck on it. I let out a soft moan and arched my back slightly. He gripped my sides and then pulled back suddenly.

"Hachi.... Would you feel better about this if you were dominant the first time with me?" He asked softly, looking me in the eyes as he ignored the hunger for my blood on my lips.

"N-no.. I don't know much about being dominate unless it is to eat my prey." I admitted. He frowned and tilted his head.

"That's not fair to you.... I will have to teach you later...unless you want me to try to help you learn tonight," he mumbled.

"No!" I shook my head. "That'd be embarrassing." I looked away from him. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Hachi... all you have to do is pretty much do whatever you want on the other person and please them," he whispered in my ear. "It's pretty easy. You just do what you want."

"Well it wouldn't feel right to me. I'm use to being submissive." I blushed a light shade of pink.

"You sure you don't want to try? You've been alive a long time and never let loose and let your desires- not eating desires- take over." He kissed my lips and looked into my eyes curiously as he pulled back.

"No... I don't think I should... I might eat you. I don't know anything close to being dominate without eating someone in the process. You might want to not let me on top." I shook my head. He frowned a little and then shook his head.

"Hachi... I am not afraid of that. If you did try to eat me, I'd stop you before you got too far with it. I just don't want to deprive you of an experience that you haven't had before," he whispered.

"I don't want to experience it. No matter how old I am.. a couple of centuries... decades... I lost track of time... But I don't want to experience the other side." I shook my head stubbornly. He nodded and then got on top of me.

"I'll try to be nice," he murmured, his breath tickling my skin as he straddled my stomach. He leaned in and kissed me. I leaned up to him and kissed him back lovingly.

"I'll eat you if you don't be nice." I told him firmly. He laughed and shook his head.

"Hachi... You could try, but you wouldn't get too far," he whispered teasingly and then kissed me again, sucking on my lower lip for the blood that had been there.

"I'd try to anyways." I agreed and leaned in towards his lips, kissing him. He slid his hands down my sides and gripped my thighs as he got in between my legs, pressing down into me as he kissed me passionately to keep me from getting nervous. I kissed him back, trying to ignore my nervous feelings for once. I leaned into the kiss and pressed my tongue into his mouth. He took the opportunity to catch it and started to suck on it, sending a good shiver down my spine. I let out a slight moan making me smile against his lips. He reached one of his hands back to my butt and touched it lightly as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. I tensed up a bit and looked towards his hands. My breath caught in my lungs then. He pulled back from the kiss to breath and then kissed my neck, starting a trail of love bites down my skin. I giggled slightly and pulled away from his kisses, outstretching my body to tease him. He growled playfully and went to grab my hands, letting go of my body to get them. I let him have my hands and placed them above my head, surrendering. He smirked and pinned one down before taking the other and bringing it to his lips. I watched as he exposed his fangs a bit and rubbed his head against my hand. I blushed as I watched him curiously. "Hungry?" He nodded and scrapped his fangs against my inner wrist teasingly.

"I would bite you.... but I'd be setting a bad example," he purred.

"A bad example?" I tilted my head. "Who's watching besides me?"

"I don't want you biting me back," he mumbled, glancing at my eyes before he kissed my wrist.

"Then you better put a muzzle on me." I teased. He laughed and pierced my skin gently with his fangs. He licked me as soon as my blood dripped down the side of my skin. I watched him curiously. "What's it like to have fangs?" He looked at me then and smiled.

"To some it's like power.... to me it's kind of fun. I didn't like the idea of being able to drink from others outside of bottled blood at first, but after I got used to it, I found I enjoyed it a lot better. I don't have to heat it up...and it offers entertainment. It's kind of like eating someone...but without devouring all of them- just their blood. You can choose to let them live or kill them. You could use your fangs to tear into someone easier.... I think Richard has been trying to encourage the use of my fangs since how he keeps getting rid of the bottled blood back at the manor. He said something about how vampires have to learn how to take what they want with their fangs?" He laughed a bit and licked my wrist again. I tensed up as I realized he'd have drunk from me... What if he detects the medicine in my blood.. which now that I think about it was supposed to be given to me by a needle... not drank.... What did Harry give me? I started to panic then. He didn't seem to notice something was off as he licked it clean and then leaned in, kissing me passionately. He wrapped his arms around me and smirked against my lips. I smiled against him, relaxing then. He didn't notice anything wrong with me... good. I kissed him back, rubbing my feet against his. He purred at it and seemed to like it as he pressed his body into mine. He twitched his tail excitedly at the prospect and ran his hands down my back gently. I started to unbutton his pants then while he was distracted. He didn't notice as he kissed me and then started a trail to my neck. I unzipped his pants then and pushed his pants down, hoping he wouldn't notice yet. He didn't. He was too caught up in what he was doing and enjoying himself as his tail twitched slightly again. I ran my fingers up to his butt and gave it a squeeze. He jumped a bit, but he quickly purred and brought me closer as he adjusted himself on top of me better. He started grinding into me as he gave me a love bite on the neck. I let out a rushed moan from the surprise of him. I tensed up against him and gripped his arms tightly.

"Isaac~" I blushed. He growled playfully as he teasingly kept it slow, reaching a hand down to my butt to hold me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and tightened them around him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek then ran my fingers down his back, rubbing it. He let out another purr, and I felt his tail brush against my hand. I reached out for it and grabbed it softly, rubbing it. He wrapped it around my hand, letting me have it trustingly and seemed to like the feel of me rubbing it. He nuzzled his face into my neck with a loving look in his eyes as he reached down to my pants. I tensed up at the feeling of his fingers going down to my pants but let him keep going. I leaned up to his lips and kissed them softly. He gave me a kiss back then got my pants off. He wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed my lips again as he started rubbing his head up under my chin like a cat. He grinded against me harder, getting aroused more. I tightened my grip on his tail then dug my nails into his shoulder with my other hand, letting out soft moans from every grind. He groaned and glanced at my nails and then rubbed his head up under my chin again, making me tilt my head to get at my neck better. He wrapped his arms around my waist, thrusting gently to test the waters. I let off of his shoulder and tail, trying not to hurt him and exposed my neck better for him. I relaxed a bit so I wouldn't seem so stiff. It seemed to please him as he licked my neck, sending a shiver through me.

"I love you," he purred to me and then thrusted a little harder as he reached down to my underwear.

"I love you-" I looked down at his hands totally confused. When did I loose my pants? He gripped the top of them and thrusted into me again, pressing me down into the bed. He looked me in the eyes to make sure it was ok. I ran my fingers down to his boxers, wanting to get them off before mine... how unfair. I let out a sharp moan though from his thrusts against me. He smirked and gave me a kiss.

"I will try my best not to injure you," he purred seductively and tightened his grip on my boxers, being firm about it as he decided to go through with it. I blushed a bright pink and nodded.

"Injure me..." I whispered, trying to figure out just exactly what he meant by that.... it could go many ways. He nodded and started to pull them down without hesitation...