The Lotus Pack

Lauren's POV:

"ID?" The bouncer asked as he stepped between us and the door. I nodded and pulled out my ID on me and showed it to him.

"You don't look a day over seventeen~" The bouncer purred as he read my ID. I know idiot... I need to get a new one. "Pleasure meeting you Lauren and what about your friend?" He turned to Oliver. "ID?" I put my ID away in my pocket. Then suddenly I caught a whiff of werewolf... whoa... who smells like dog? I glanced around curiously. Oliver pulled out his wallet from his pants pocket and pulled out his ID, showing the bouncer with a smile. The bouncer took his ID and glanced it over then gave it back to Oliver. "There you go slick. You two have fun in there." He winked towards me and waved for the other two bouncers to open the doors for us. When they opened he moved aside to let us go.

"Try not to have too much fun out here." I purred back and pulled Oliver inside. When we stepped through the doors the smell of dog grew. Oh man... did I just lead him into a werewolf bar? Oliver wrinkled up his nose at the smell and looked around.

"Do clubs always smell like this?" He asked quietly, leaning down to my ear. I sniffed the air once more. It wasn't fully werewolf stench... There was humans and other supernatural inside.

"No." I whispered back to Oliver. I pulled him down a long dark hallway that seemed like an old Dracula castle style to it. I could feel the ground slowly sloping downwards beneath us. I'd hate the walk back out of here.... I giggled and cuddled him to me as we walked. "This is different. Looks like The Cave goes underground- whoa!" I suddenly felt dizzy as lights came on and the floor started to tilted us like we was in a rocker. I grabbed onto a nearby bar that had been with us all along. The walls began to spin with lights making us feel dizzy and loose our since of balance. There was a sign in front of us that lit up saying EXIT. I started for it one foot at a time with my heart pounding. This was so cool! best Club ever! Oliver followed after me and got to it first, looking a bit sick. I followed after him shortly and when we pushed through the exit there was nothing but pitch black darkness. I grabbed his hand and pulled him through with me but when I took a step there was no ending to the floor. We began to fall. "NOT MY FAVORITE CLUB!" I screamed in panic. He shrieked and squeezed his eyes shut.


"Oh yes you will!" I giggled and then we found ourselves landing on a net and lights came on.

"Right this way." I heard a bouncer say to us. "The club is just through those doors. Hurry or someone might land on you." I crawled out of the net quickly and waited for Oliver once my feet touched a solid ground. It smelled like earth... The walls was nothing but ground down here and the floor was concrete. Oliver got to his feet, but as soon as he managed to stand up, he fell to his knees. He winced and looked up at me as he started to get up again. I helped him stand up, admitting to myself that my balance was a bit off as well. "Did you enjoy the way down?" The bouncer asked.

"Very creative." I complimented. I could smell dog again... Oliver shook his head no and buried his face into my neck for comfort. I followed the bouncer over to a door and he opened it for me.

"Have a good time." He suggested. I could see on the other side a very dim lighted club area with loud music and way more people then I expected. In fact the whole room was bigger then expected. I hardly could see the back wall. I smiled towards the bouncer and pulled Oliver inside with delight.

"Drink?" A waiter asked as he walked up. "I have to see your ID too."

"Tequila." I told him, pulling out my ID and letting him glance at it.

"For you?" He asked and looked towards Oliver. He blushed and shook his head.

"No... I think I'm good." He told him and glanced around the club in amazement.

"Very well. I will have your tequila waiting for you at the bar in a minute. Mind stopping by?" I nodded in agreement since he looked busy, already having a few glasses in his hands.

"Excellent. Enjoy." He ran off then.

"This club is outstanding." I purred and pulled Oliver towards the dance floor. "Come on, let's dance." He blushed and seemed a bit nervous as he looked at me.

"Lauren... I've never done any of this," he whispered, making it to where I was barely able to hear him.

"Well I am glad to be your teacher." I told him and grabbed his hands once we got a good ways onto the dance floor. I pulled him close to me and placed his arms on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around his waist. "By the way.... I put you in the girls position." I whispered to him. He blushed and widened his eyes.

"Lauren, what if someone sees.... I'll be embarrassed," he mumbled. I laughed and leaned into his neck.

"Oh okay." I switched our hand positions and then made him followed me to the rhythm of the music. "One dance and then we head over to the bar for my drink." He nodded and glanced around at the others, his eyes lingering on a few before he looked back at me.

"So people just come out to these places and get drunk?" He asked, holding in a laugh. "I mean... they all seem to be drinking."

"They drink, do stupid things, dance, pick up dates, and other things." I informed Oliver. "This is a place where you sometimes leave with a whole different party then what you entered with." I teased him. "Better stay close to me." I winked towards him then let him depart from me a few inches as the song changed. "Let's-"

"Excuse me." I heard a smooth honey like voice say from behind me. A girl came to my side then and looked between Oliver and me. "Could I steal your dance partner away for a few minutes?" She asked, batting her eyes as sweetly as she could. She even smelled like honey and a soft texture of dog.

"If he wants..." I trailed off and looked towards Oliver suspiciously. He glanced at her and then at me, biting his lower lip. He didn't look too sure about it, but he nodded.

"Go get your drink. I will meet you over there later," he whispered to me, deciding to let her.

"Have fun you two." I smiled softly as I watched her jump on him and pull him further into the dance floor, yelling out her thanks to me. I shook my head and laughed softly before heading over to the bar. I sat down at it and looked towards the bar tender.

"I ordered a tequila." I told him. "Not but a few minutes ago." The bartender raised an eyebrow then nodded, passing over a tequila glass.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asked, smirking a bit as he leaned forward over the bar to look at me better.

"I'm just peachy." I told him and took a sip of the tequila then sucked it down, not even worried about the fact that I couldn't drink anything until... I drunk it. "Oh hell..." I whispered. "Where's the ladies room?" I asked him. He laughed.

"You really can't hold down your liquor, can you? You're already looking sick and the party has yet to begin. The ladies room is right down there," he told me, pointing to a hall off of the club area. It had a few girls and guys over there, waiting in a line. "Be careful. Some of the guys get handsy over there.... Anyone tries to touch you, tell them Travis said no." He laughed and went over to the drinks, getting one down and opening it. He took a swig of it then got back to work.

"Well thanks!" I slid out of my seat and rushed over to the ladies room, pushing past the line. "Sorry- emergency!" I yelled towards the girls that started to complain. I rushed into the bathroom and over to the sink then puked into it, holding my stomach. "No more slip ups." I promised myself and whipped my mouth clean then rinsed out the sink.

"Eweeee." I heard a girl say nearby. "Can't hold your liquor or what?" I looked towards her and narrowed my eyes then cleaned up a bit before walking out. When I stepped outside a guy wrapped me up in his arms.

"Hey good lookin' Wanna dance?" He asked and leaned in towards my neck letting out a purr. I sniffed him and got a serious sniff of wolf.

"No... I don't date out of species." I whispered to him, earing a growl.

"That's too bad." He ran his hands down my body then to my butt.

"I have a mate, fuck off." I hissed towards him and kneed him where it counts. He fell to his knees and howled out a whimper. "Pathetic." I hissed his way then skipped off towards the dance floor to get my little Oliver back. "Oh Oliver!" I called happily, feeling a bit giggly. That was rare... I pushed past a group of girls grinding up against each other and past the guys that had been watching. "Where is my Oliver..." I trailed off and looked around. He was dancing with that girl from earlier, looking a bit nervous as he finally caught on to her scent. He must have not said anything yet. I smiled softly, deciding to let them have their fun and went off towards a pool table to watch a group playing.

"Want some?" I heard a waitress ask me from my side and held out a plate of sushi. "Just been made." She told me. I shook my head and waved her off.

"I'm not hungry."

"Okay sweetie!" She ran off then. Interestingly enough everyone that worked here smelled like dog. I even noticed the walls in here was sound proof. This club was well done... I bet a pack runs it. I spotted Oliver wandering around aimlessly, he must have gotten away from her. However, the girl was still following him from afar, watching him. She really did like him.. I smiled at the thought. Maybe they are mates?

"There you are, I've been looking all over for you." I heard from behind me, the guy from before... Ugh. I turned to him and crossed my arms.

"I told you to quit." I growled. "Travis said no." I told him and glanced towards Travis behind the bar, assuming that was his name.

"Oh-" He busted out laughing. "You are so screwed." He whispered and wondered away. I raised an eyebrow, wondering what he meant by that. I seen a few eyes watching me too. Travis, the bartender, seemed to be making drinks without a care in the world, occasionally flirting with a girl who walked up to the bar. Oliver saw me and came over quickly, getting beside me.

"Why does that girl smell weird?" He asked, referring to the one who had asked to dance with him. "She smells like dog.... and she's strange. She acts funny...."

"She's a werewolf." I whispered low enough for his ears only.

"Want some?" A waiter asked as he carried a plate of chips and dip around, he lowered it so Oliver and I could have a better look. "The dip is homemade." Oliver glanced at it and wrinkled up his nose.

"I'm good," he told the waiter quickly. "Sorry, but I don't like stuff like that." The waiter looked towards me.

"I just finished puking so I don't want anything to act up my stomach again." I told him. He nodded and walked away. I looked towards Oliver. "Are you having fun? The girls seem to be drooling over you." I looked around us and seen a bunch of girls giving me jealous looks. Oliver glanced over at them.

"I'd rather stay here," he whispered and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Everyone seems funny." I nodded and pulled out my phone to check the time... it was close to midnight.

"Come on, let's go home. It's really late." I wondered then how it had gotten so late... it only felt like a few minutes in here to me. He nodded and glanced around for the exit.

"Yeah.... I'd love to crawl into bed and not come out for awhile," he mumbled then gave me a sweet smile.

"Let me ask how we get out of here." I told him, noticing there wasn't an exit sign. I pulled him towards the bar and waited for Travis to notice me. It didn't take long. It's like he sensed me coming.

"Hello," he purred, coming over to me. "Back so soon?" He picked up a glass and looked between us and smirked. "Want a drink boy?" Oliver shook his head quickly.

"Travis, right?" I asked him. "I was wondering how we get out of here. There seems to be no exit signs." He laughed then, setting the glass down.

"You aren't leaving so soon, are you? The party starts in about thirty minutes. We are waiting for the owner of the club to make the announcement. We have even hired a special band for tonight. It's a great night out- full moon and all," he told me, reaching across the bar and grabbing my hand. "You won't be able to leave until you are allowed." He smirked and glanced towards Oliver. "So how about that drink yet?"

"Travis?" I asked, pulling his hand closer to me. It's a full moon coming and there are too many wolves in here with humans. "What's going on? When the full moon rises at it's highest peak all wolves are forced to shift if they haven't already. There are humans in here." I hissed lowly to him. "That's against the supernatural laws to expose yourself like that... unless..." I trailed off. They are going to end up wolves or dinner. He smirked evilly.

"Haven't you heard of the Lotus pack my dear? We are well known for being excellent trappers of both supernatural and humans," he told me and let go of my hand. "You're stuck here. Good luck," he winked and walked over to the rest of his customers. I widened my eyes and looked towards Oliver.

"Don't go clubbing with me again." I told him and then pulled out my phone to call Alex for help. "Oh my god pick up..."

"Yo, you've reached Alexander the Great's inbox! If it was half as awesome as my past, I'd put more time into this, but I really don't care. Leave a message, and I will think about looking at them if I'm in the mood. After all, over half of the world believes I died of a cursed fever!"

"Alex, call me back... I'm in trouble and I don't want to call Val for help." I hissed into the phone. "She'd never let me out of the house after this... and since when did the lotus pack ent-"

"Hello? I'm trying to sleep. It's like....midnight. Who is this? It better not be a drug dealer.... I swear...." I heard him groan as he rolled over in bed.

"Alex! It's Lauren. I'm stuck in this club called The Cave. It turned out to be the Lotus pack's headquarters or whatever... anyways... if you don't come save me I'll be dead in less then thirty minutes... Do wolves even eat vampires?"

"Yeah sometimes....depends on the pack you are dealing with. I lost a servant to one of their clubs before. Totally sucked.... Give me a few minutes. I have to get dressed," he told me and time stopped everywhere. "So why are you in one of their clubs.... You should be smarter than that. You don't go places that smell like wolf."

"Well I learned my lesson now... do me a favor and don't tell Val? Look I don't see an exit around here... It's freaking creepy as hell. Not to mention I have my newborn in here.. I am such a terrible maker... our first night out together and this happens." I shook my head.

"You made a newborn? He won't be missed, will he? I'll have to tell Val that she's a grandmaker now... She'll be excited.... I won't tell her about the whole trapped by werewolves things.... Did you know I fought an army of werewolves when I was human? They attacked my troops when I was moving them," he told me and laughed darkly. "Got my gun...knives.... Now where is that squeaky ball toy?" He mumbled and then I heard him shuffle the phone around. "Hey, hang tight. I'll be over soon. Don't touch any of the werewolves and wake them up from the time stop, got it? They'll turn and eat you."

"I'll try..." I whispered and touched Oliver so he'd be able to move around. "I'm going to look for an exit meanwhile." I dragged him towards the door, trying not to touch anyone. I heard Alex laugh.

"Ok, you do that. I'm going to wake Val up. She never gets to be awake during these time stops....except for when I bite her.... She'll probably want to come. You don't mind, do you? After all, she needs to know about the Lotus pack. I won't tell her you are in there... but she needs to know about it. Heck, she could be the perfect back up."

"I guess... If she starts to panic though..." I shook my head. "I hope she's not too high right now and can be the perfect back up for you. Alex... what if we can't hold up the time freeze in time to get Oliver and me out of here?"

"Then you hide. You made a vampire.... now be a good maker and protect your legacy," he purred and hung up.

Alex's POV:

I put my phone back into my pocket and ran down the hall towards Val's room. I bust into it and frowned. Damn... she's not in here. I sighed and searched the house for her, finally finding her in the pool room. She was holding a glass of wine with her feet in the water. Five of her favorite little blood bags were beside her with their shirts off, bite marks all over them. She was holding her little get togethers again.... great. I sighed and walked over, touching her cheek. "Val, this is really important," I started, ignoring her pets as I woke her up from the time stop. She looked up at me and smiled innocently.

"Oh hi Alex, joining me? I thought you were asleep." She giggled and sipped on her wine. "Meet Alfred, Luke, Marie, Caid, and Luke number two." She pointed to each of them. "They like drugs too." She giggled and fell back into one of their laps. I sighed. Why am I bothering....

"Val, I've stopped time. You aren't going to find any reaction from them if that's what you are wanting. You don't have the power to wake them," I told her and leaned over, trying to grab the glass from her. "We need to talk."

"Uh oh." Val giggled and threw the glass of wine into the pool. "What about?" I smiled then. At least she's trying when she's probably high...

"One of our people is trapped in a bar. The Lotus pack has moved back into the territory," I informed her and picked her up bridal style. "I figured you'd want to know and come kick butt with me." I smirked and kissed her cheek. She giggled.

"It's the full moon." She informed me and leaned in towards my neck, biting me. "Let's go to bed." She whispered against my skin. "Have a little party of our own." I exposed my neck to her better, getting distracted at the moment. I stopped and then shook my head to clear it. I looked at her and kissed her lips.

"Sorry Val.... not yet. If you want a victory party befitting my time.... we can have one after we rescue the victim," I told her, tilting her face up to look at me. I wiped at her chin, cleaning it off. "If you knew who it was, you'd be yelling at me for standing around." She sighed out and nodded.

"Let's go save them and then run that pack back out of my territory. I'm going to burn all their clubs... I swear I will. Round up my army to do so. I have to go get out of this." She motioned herself over, I noticed she was only in a bikini. I smirked.

"You could fight like that.... We both know you'd be rocking it," I purred and kissed her as I set her down on her feet. "We don't have much time... It's hard for me to keep this up so wide scale. Lauren is going to be upset if I can't keep the werewolves from shifting and eating everyone," I told her, not noticing my slip up. She tilted her head.

"Lauren knows? Hmmm..." Val disappeared then and came back in shorts and one of my baggy shirts. She also had on heels to give her some more height. She started for me then. "Let's go, I can kick butt with just my fists." I sighed and slipped a knife into her hands.

"Here... I don't want to have to save you in the middle of a fight. Let's go get her out of there. Oh- you're a grandmaker now," I told her, deciding to just let her know. Lauren would have to deal with it. "She and her newborn are trapped down there, and it's her newborn's first night alive."

"Oh they are in trouble." Val hissed. "Then I am going to put Lauren in a cell for a few days for getting herself into the mess." She crossed her arms. "I was having fun, you know celebrating your death date that is tomorrow." My eyes widened.

"That's tomorrow?!" I growled to myself and shoved my hands into my pant's pockets. "Great... another day where half the nerds hold trivia questions about me and say I died of a stupid fever! I'm so sick of it!" I stormed off towards the door.

"Then go set them right, after all.... Vampires are now the superior race... I am sure Paris wouldn't mind." Val told me as she followed after me. "I'd approve totally." I thought it over then nodded.

"I'm going to," I told her and then looked at her. "It's your fault though," I hissed and started for the front door.

"Let them know that too." Val purred and wrapped her arms around me. "Lauren is a big girl Alex... let's go to bed. She can handle getting out on her own." I paused, liking the fact that she was clinging to me and wrapped my arms around her.

"Afterwards sweetie.... You've got to be a good maker and save your newborn.... Plus, she told me there aren't any exits out of that place. You don't want your newborn and your grand-newborn to be killed on their first night together, do you?" I purred and nipped at her ear as I calmed down about my death day being tomorrow.

"Then how do those werewolves get out? Last time I checked they can't fly or teleport." Val growled. "They disgust me... I don't see how Paris puts up with them or how Louis can stand being mated to one. I'd kill myself if I was in Louis's shoes." I laughed and kissed her on the lips quickly.

"Well... you have me instead. Who needs true mates?" I brought her close then stopped, remembering Lauren. "Val... we need to go get her before she calls again. She's frightened." Val nodded and then summoned fire in her hands. She placed a hand on the floor then drew a door on the floor with her fire. She slammed her foot down on it and it opened, causing her to fall in and land on the other side in a room.

"Come through Alex." Val ordered. I sighed and shook my head. That's new.... I'm going to have to watch my back when she's high next time and wants me in bed. I sat down on the edge and leaned forward, falling down into the room. When I went through the door it felt more like sliding in instead of falling. Val stood up and dusted herself off then shut the door.

"VAL! ALEX!" Val was tackled by Lauren and squeezed hard. "How'd you get here so fast?"

Lauren's POV:

Alex looked around, shocked by his surroundings before he started to wander off throughout the club. Oliver was looking at everything curiously and went to touch one of the girls to see if he could move her or not.

"Oh this must be my famous little grandnewborn! Hi! I am one of Lauren's makers... my name is Val!" Val purred to Oliver. "Want to try some stuff with me later-"

"No!" I yelled towards her. "Don't you talk him into drugs." I hissed.

"Oh, no fair. So where's that little ass that's pack master of this stupid place? I'm going to send his butt to hell this time." Val hissed and wondered off towards Alex. "Alex darling!" I noticed the werewolf from earlier that told me I was screwed not too far away so I walked up to him.

"I think it's more like you are screwed." I told him. I heard Alex shriek as he took off from Val quickly. He must have not liked the way she was calling out to him, or something happened between the two of them before they came. Time unfroze as he got distracted and everything came alive again. I heard a growl erupt through the crowd as a man stood up from a dark corner.

"Friends....fellow beasts.....guests.... I have to tell you that tonight is going to be very interesting," the man started, walking up towards the DJ booth as he stole the microphone. He smirked and looked out among the crowd as they stopped to look at him. "I have a lot planned for tonight....a special treat for those here. Members of the staff, please go to the back while I entertain the guests. The band I ordered should be getting down here soon." I raised an eyebrow and felt the guy I had been talking to brush up against me.

"Better run kitty." He whispered in my ear then broke my phone from in my pocket, somehow getting it while I wasn't paying any attention. "I'm going to eat you before Travis can get first bite." He started for the back of the room. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.

"Stay close Oliver." I whispered to him. Oliver nodded, looking towards the girl from earlier who was heading to the back like the rest of the werewolves. He shivered and got close to me.

"Guests, every month we have a special party-"

"Well.. well, well... Look at what the wolf has dragged in." I heard a wolf speak up over the powerful alpha figure. "Alpha Damien... Miss Robin is here." The male that spoke up had his eyes on Val. "She brought friends too." He looked towards Alex. "Valerian Robin... and Alexander the Great." The male didn't look threatening though.. he had on glasses and sort of reminded me of like a manager figure with his little pen and note pad. If he was a manager I bet he was a beta too, with the bravery he had to interrupt the 'Alpha'.

"Well.... If they are here...." The alpha grinned and looked the two of them over. "Bouncers, take them to my private area, would you? They are to be honored," he growled, a hint of threat under his voice.

"Don't you dare touch me." Val hissed towards the bouncers. "Damien! You know you aren't allowed in my territory!" She pointed a finger towards him. "I don't allow little apes like you to go eating up my people on every full moon."

"You know you aren't allowed in my clubs, you or your people," he shot back, growling again.

"THIS IS MY TERRITORY." Val hissed back. "I tried warning you last time. Looks like I didn't make myself clear enough. I may be a drug abusing vampire princess and goddess but I don't take kindly to wolves that try to take over my land." She outstretched an arm and it light up on fire. He tilted his head up defiantly.

"You dare challenge me, the alpha?" He transformed into a wolf and let out a howl, forcing his pack to change with him. He charged for her quickly, making all the humans shriek and try to get out of the way as mass panic took over. Oliver screamed and took off running quickly, forgetting what I had told him. I looked at him protectively then chased after him.

"Oliver~" I yelled for him. Val formed a circle around her then, making a ring of fire and forced it to grow outwards and towards the wolves to burn them. The alpha backed up from the fire and growled at Val, laying his ears back as his fur bristled in hostility. I found the honey smelling werewolf from earlier running towards Oliver too but she wasn't growling. She tackled him down and looked around him protectively. I stopped and crossed my arms. Definitely not cool.

"Now if you had just asked me kindly to move into my land, I wouldn't be hurting you right now." Val said as she started for Damien with a knife pointed his way. The pen wolf from earlier had transformed and jumped through the ring of fire to attack Val, protecting his Alpha and he was almost as big as his alpha... definitely a beta. Damien took the opportunity to tear Val's feet from under her, sending her to the ground as he went for her throat. Val shrieked out in fear and burnt him on the nose to protect herself, sending his fur up in flames. As for the other wolf his tail caught on fire from the ring entrance. Damien howled in pain and did a stop drop and roll quickly, trying to put out the fire on him. Alex shot him in the head, not looking bothered as the alpha let out a sharp whimper and transformed back into a human, dying. The wolf with his tail on fire let out a mournful howl and ran over to his alpha, curling up to him. "You dogs make me sick." Val sneered and stood up. "Get the hell off my land, you have three days." Oliver whimpered in fear as the wolf girl laid on top of him and gripped her fur. The rest of the wolves were looking towards the now alpha for instruction as they laid their ears back for their deceased alpha. The wolf by the dead alpha stood up and looked towards Val with a sharp growl before looking towards his pack mates and lowered his ears, he seemed to be telling them something. Val rolled her eyes and walked over to Alex.

"Babe, watch the dogs... or at least make someone watch them and make sure they leave. I'm going home with my kids." Val ordered and looked towards me. "Get your little newborn and lets go home." She started my way. The new alpha though pounced on her without hesitation and leaned in, biting into her neck and ripped out a piece. I felt myself get tackled then and my shoulder was ripped out by a wolf. I let out a shriek of pain and panicked, werewolf bites kill! Alex was soon throwing the wolves off of Val and I and started shooting up the place as he went into battle mode, not sparing us looks. A few humans nearby were attacked, and I spotted a wolf that jumped up onto the bar, probably Travis. He looked towards me and growled, starting for me quickly. I screamed and backed away from him, trying to get my act together. Oh my fudge! I've been bitten by a wolf... what am I GONNA DO? The wolf on Oliver licked his face to calm him and made sure to protect him from anyone. What a traitor to her pack... I like her. Travis got right up in my face and showed his teeth to me as he snarled, placing a paw on my chest. He leaned in towards my shoulder and placed his jaws around it threateningly. I froze up and whimpered as the venom from the previous bite had been working it's way to paralyzing me.

"Travis... don't." I begged. I felt my maker in need then as her life force was slipping. "ALEX! VAL'S DYING!" I screamed out in fear for her rather then myself. Travis licked my wounds, cleaning them and then bit down into the fabric of my shirt, carrying me away from the chaos and towards the breakroom. He scratched the door open and placed me inside, looking at me consideringly and then let out a growl before taking off. I heard Alex screaming something towards Val, probably trying to get to her again. I worried for her safety, knowing she had been bit in the throat and can't regenerate from the bite... if it got to her stone and took it over her stone would crumble to pieces. She'd be dead and I'd feel the loss. Alex... would be lost without her too... Alex you must hurry. Travis was soon back in the room, placing Val beside me. He shot me a look and licked Val's neck clean, laying down beside us. I tried to get up then and managed to roll over onto my side, looking her over. "Val?" I asked and shook her arm, a pain rushed through my system and up my spine. "Ugh! Travis... I'm going to die." I whispered softly. "Your bites are poison to us." Travis sat up and growled, laying me back down with his paw. He snarled and licked my wounds again. I started to feel better after a few minutes of it, and he pulled back, looking towards Val like he was thinking on whether or not to save her from her own wounds. I looked towards her and reached out towards her, knowing if he wasn't going to lick her clean then I could save her by taking out her stone. He stopped me and started licking her throat again, pinning her down with a paw. I didn't see why he pinned her though due to the fact she was completely knocked out from the wound. "ALEX!" I yelled for him. All I could hear outside was growls, howls, whimpers, and shots being fired among the human screams. Travis pulled back and started to lick her face to wake her, keeping her down. Val exposed her fangs as her eyes snapped open and she looked up at Travis over her.

"Get off." Val hissed. He looked towards me and then down at her, sitting down beside us and seemed bored as he yawned. "Why is a wolf saving us Lauren?" Val asked me as she reached up towards her throat, rubbing it. "He should be wanting to eat us due to Alex shooting his Alpha and now his whole pack."

"I don't know... Oliver has a wolf girl out there protecting him too." I admitted. Travis transformed back and smirked at us.

"I just felt like it.... Simple as that. No one kills this girl except for me... I claimed her as my prey the moment she walked up to the bar area. You just happened to be someone she liked. Besides, the previous alpha was in the wrong. He shouldn't have been so naïve to think he could come back after being chased out. He lost sight of what being a werewolf really is- not taking us out for night runs and hunts for animals.... I'd rather be a rogue then obey another alpha who is just looking for more money and a fancy club along with the amusement of eating humans every full moon," he told Val and stretched. "I'm getting out while I can."

"Huh... I tell you what.. as gratitude for saving our skins I will introduce you to two alphas in Maine. Their names are Alpha Cage and Alpha August. They are good alphas that are exactly what I think you might be looking for." Val told him and looked at me. "Don't you think so Lauren?"

"They share land." I told Travis, looking his naked form over. "You should put some clothes on." He shrugged, not seeming too worried about it.

"So?" He laughed.

"I feel uncomfortable." I whispered.

"I don't hot stuff." Val flirted and giggled. Travis raised an eyebrow at her.

"I bet you are a fun drunk," he teased and then stood up. "Alright, lemme go protect the bar," he shifted again and ran out of the room, leaving me and Val.

"Well... there he goes." Val sighed out. "You flirt with them and they run." I raised an eyebrow at her.

Oliver's POV:

I squeezed my eyes shut and whimpered as I heard people screaming nearby, the sounds of werewolves growling and tearing them open. I went to crawl away from the werewolf that had pinned me down awhile ago, wanting to get away as the desire to preserve myself and stay alive kicked in. The wolf growled and kept me still under her as she took a hold of my hand in her mouth. She then perked up as a wolf came running out of a door. She looked towards me then drug me towards the door by my shirt. I screamed and tried to push her off, fear striking at my heart. She tugged me to the door anyways and pushed it open then drug me in.

"Oliver!" I heard Lauren call to me from a few feet away. "Your okay, that's good." The wolf that drug me in took off back out the door. I widened my eyes and quickly crawled over to her.

"Lauren! I want out of here!" I started to cry, remembering how Perry's bar had been underground as well. Anything underground is terrible! All the death outside and fighting... the screams. I whimpered and buried my face into her shoulder.

"We'll leave as soon as Alex is done." Val said from nearby us. "Don't you worry, Alex is a gifted vampire and never looses a battle... except with me."

"I HEARD THAT!" I heard that guy from earlier- Alex- shout from outside. I shook my head and looked at Val.

"Who are you?" I asked, knowing that Lauren knew her.

"My maker." Lauren whispered. "One of them anyways."

"LOVE YOU TOO!" Val laughed towards the door. I tilted my head and looked at Val closely.

"Does that make her sort of responsible for us too?" I mean... If I'm Lauren's newborn.... and she's Val's....I reached out and poked Val's cheek curiously. "Is she mean?"

"She's a druggie." Lauren told me. "Not really mean though to people that's in her circle and you just got in." I nodded, not really understanding what she meant by druggie, but I let it go. I curled up to Lauren and hugged her.

"I wanna go home.... What if that wolf comes back?" I whispered, looking towards the door fearfully. Was that wolf saving me for later? Was she going to eat me?

"We'll go home." Lauren promised.

"You'll never leave the nest too if I have anything to say about it and I do." Val snapped. "I don't appreciate almost dying to save you and try running off wolves. What the hell was he thinking he could just waltz back into my territory like that?" Val seemed furious then. I widened my eyes and got on the other side of Lauren to be far away from Val. I bit my bottom lip and hugged Lauren, deciding not to say anything. She seems like she could kill us easily.... with that ring of fire she was wielding earlier. I whimpered and buried my face into Lauren again, hearing another sharp scream as a human was taken down. "HURRY IT UP ALEX!" Val yelled.

"I'LL BE DONE IN THE NEXT MINUTE!" He called back and then I heard rapid gunfire. All the sounds stopped outside and I heard him laugh. "You two are last... but you aren't charging me? Do you yield?" I heard him ask.

"Alex let them go!" Val ordered. Lauren looked towards her then.

"Are you sure?" Lauren asked softly.

"I just want out of here." Val whispered. "Those two can go free for all I care."

"Alright sweetie!" Alex called to us and then I heard him laugh. "If you two want to live, you will unshift and follow me," he ordered.

"Mkai sugar." I heard that girl from earlier say that I danced with. "Let me get some clothes though." I could hear her shuffling around. "Transform back Travis." Alex came in after a few seconds and wiped his face clean of the blood on him. He smirked at Val and held out a hand to her.

"Victory," he purred. She grabbed it and got to her feet then stumbled into him.

"I'm a bit light headed Alex, carry me." She wrapped her arms around his neck. He laughed and picked her up bridal style, leaning in towards her neck.

"Does the brave warrior get a reward for his battle prowess?" He asked seductively, making me shiver. Is this what vampires do? I don't like it....not at all.

"Oh you bet." Val purred back. "Let's get our kids home first." She whispered, looking towards Lauren and me. "Can you stand Lauren?" Lauren shrugged.

"I need a few minutes." Lauren mumbled by me. I sighed and stood up, grabbing Lauren's hand.

"Here, I'll help you...." I told her and let her lean on me as I walked us towards the door. "We aren't clubbing again though...." I laughed and looked at her, giving her a playful look as I began to calm down.

"I'm sorry this ruined clubbing for you." Lauren whispered into my ear.

"Sugar!" The girl from earlier ran up to me. "What's up? You okay? I hope I didn't hurt you while saving you back there. Oh, I should properly introduce myself-"

"Your Damien's little sister." Val pointed towards her as and giggled. "I knew I recognized you."

"Mhmmm... That I am. My name is Delilah, or Lee." She shrugged. "I guess this makes me Alpha now." She giggled and looked towards Travis. "Put some clothes on you nude." He smirked at her.

"What, don't like what you see?" He teased as he started to walk off to do as told. I bit my bottom lip as I looked at Delilah nervously and kind of hid a bit behind Lauren. She was that wolf that had pinned me down during all that... She smiled at me and gave a soft wave then turned to Val.

"Can I come stay with you-"

"I wasn't going to give you a choice anyways. Travis and you have to come live with me where I can keep an eye on you." Val hissed. I widened my eyes and looked at Val then at Lauren.

"Lauren.... I want to go home- my home," I told her softly, not wanting to be around wolf girl incase she was going to eat me later when their backs were turned.

"No way, I don't want you cooped up in that small apartment." Lauren mumbled. "Don't worry about Lee. Dogs are lower then vampires in our society. She can't bite you unless she wants death."

"Which I don't." Lee promised me and smiled. "Just want to be your friend." She nodded towards me and blushed. "I'm not into guys." She winked. I felt a bit better and nodded, relaxing into Lauren.

"Mkay...." I mumbled and closed my eyes.

"How do we get out of here, wolf?" Alex asked, not trying to be nice.

"Oh! There is a secret elevator." Lee told us. "That's how we get in and out." She motioned for us to follow her as she went to the doors we entered this place through. "It's right out here. Come on Travis, vampires." Travis followed, growling as he passed me and smirked as he sided up next to Delilah. Alex didn't waste any time as he went for the elevator, whispering something in Val's ear as he gave her a look. I helped Lauren over to it and bit my bottom lip. Lee lead us out to where the net was and then behind it to an elevator that was hardly noticeable until the doors opened. She stepped aside to let us in first before she stepped in and pressed an up button. "Glad to have Damien off my back." I heard her sneering. "He wasn't very good for a brother or an alpha."

"You'll make the perfect alpha.... You just need to find a mate and a beta," Travis told her and glanced over at us vampires. "After all... I don't think they should stop you from doing at least that."

"Girls can't be alpha's." Val said and laughed. "Who ever heard of such a thing?"

"I don't know... We never heard of a vampire being saved by a werewolf's lick now have we?" Lauren asked.

"I'm special," Travis said and laughed then wrapped an arm around Lee. He smirked and pinched her cheek before pulling away. "I will help you find your mate and beta to the best of my ability. I don't want to see you go insane or rogue. You're nicer than your brother was."

Lauren's POV:

"Rules say you have until the next full moon." I told her, remembering what Louis and August went through. Travis nodded.

"Yes she does....a full month to do so. She'll need it soon or else." He glanced at her and sighed. "After that I think I will move on."

"I know some packs." Val teased. "Don't be a lone wolf forever."

"You can't just leave me Travis." Lee hissed. He frowned as he tilted his head at her.

"Why not? I'm not just leaving. I said I'd help you find your mate and beta before I go."

"Well I think you should be my beta." She said stubbornly. "What do you think?" He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'd make a terrible beta. You know I like making drinks too much. Half the pack would be drunk." He smiled at her.

"Hey now... I still have to give you kiddos permission." Val snapped. "I'm going to think long and hard about that too." She smirked. Lee looked at her as the doors to the elevator opened and she stepped out into a nice sitting area in a hotel.

"Here we go. Exit is right over here." She told us and lead us to the front doors. Travis growled Val's way, narrowing his eyes as he followed Lee.

"You have no say," he told her. "She'd go insane now that she's alpha. She has to have those two things or else she'll become rogue."

"Not to mention at least a few wolves. Would you rather have a small pack around or an insane wolf?" I asked Val. She groaned.

"Fine, she can have five. That's it though and if she doesn't have them and goes insane then you have to kill her Travis." Val ordered. Travis growled at her.

"I'm not your lap dog. You don't get to order me around," he told her then wrapped an arm around Lee's waist, leading her out of the building. Alex smirked at Val.

"How generous of you," he whispered to her and kissed her neck. "Let's get home.... I'm getting upset that I haven't had my victory party yet."

"Mhmm... Lauren dear, watch the pups while I am busy." Val told me and leaned in towards Alex's neck. "Come on and let's go have that party." I wrinkled up a nose then looked at Lee and Travis.

"Come on you two, looks like you can stay at Val's manor until this all blows over. I'll even help you. I need to rest and drink some blood first... oh and Travis... I want to ask you something." He paused and looked back at me.

"Ask me what?" He smiled at me and stopped with Lee to watch me. Alex abandoned us quickly, taking Val away and leaving me with them. I made sure they were long gone from ear shot before continuing.

"You said no one can eat/ kill me unless it is you... right? So that still applies yes?" I asked him.

"Why?" He frowned. "Is someone trying to eat you?"

"Does it still apply?" I asked, not liking him answering a question with a question. Lee turned to face me and raised an eyebrow.

"Depends honestly...but for the most part, yes. You are still my prey," he told me and tilted his chin up.

"I'll still be your prey if that's what it takes for you to be my body guard. I'm going to need you in the future to protect me. I want to make sure you will be there." I looked towards Oliver. "For him too."

"I have that covered." Lee giggled. Oliver shrunk back shyly, shaking his head.

"Oh, you just want protection? I can give you that." Travis smirked. "Sure thing."

"I'll pay you." I smirked. "See.. I might have a few angry purebloods at me in the future... so I need you to stick around for it. Stay fit."

"Uh oh, trouble again." Lee shook her head.

"Greaaaat...." Travis sighed and started leading Lee away. "I'll see about it." Oliver looked at me and frowned.

"You're in trouble?"

"Not yet." I whispered and followed after Travis and Lee. I pulled Oliver with me as well. "But I will be."

"But why?" He asked softly and then rubbed his head up against me. "What's a pureblood?"

"A vampire that was born a vampire." I told him. "Not turned. They are rare now because not many mate and produce."

"Oh....Why not? Don't they like each other?" Oliver asked, being innocent.

"No not really... Plus they are immortal and so they understand that they have forever to make a child and then they never really do." I shrugged. "Plus it's hard to find mates and what not."

"Do mates matter?" He asked softly. "You mentioned what they were earlier.... and Travis seems to be making them really important."

"Well.. children born out of mate lock usually end up being evil." I explained. "Mates are very important to werewolves and vampires. Witches made us have them so we could have a side of humanity- love. Mates help us feel love. It's powerful." I told him. "More powerful then you'll ever know." I rubbed his head. "Witches and wizards don't have mates, they get to choose... thus they really don't know much about love in my opinion." He nodded and let me rub his head before getting us outside. He kissed my cheek and smiled.

"So should I try to find my mate then...or should I let it be?" He smiled sweetly and titled his head.

"You can choose that path for yourself. Fate will let you find her or him when fate thinks you are ready for a mate. So even if you avoid it... you will get one someday." I smiled towards him. He nodded.

"I'll let it be then... I don't know about being romantic with someone.... They'll probably bite me a lot," he whispered and looked me over. "Can you walk?"

"Not really." I admitted. "You had drained me earlier and then I just lost some blood back there so I really need to go feed on my butler back at Val's manor." I smirked, here I come Aiden. He nodded.

"I'll get us a ride back then." He set me down on a nearby bench and started trying to hail a taxi cab as the two wolves stood around.

When we got back, Oliver set me down on the floor from him carrying me and smiled. "Here we go.... I'm going to head home now that you are safe." He kissed the top of my head and turned, looking at the two werewolves then bit his bottom lip, going for the front door.

"Where are you going?" I asked and frowned. "You are home." I told him. "Stay here Oliver." He sighed and came back over, looking down at the ground.

"Alright.... I guess I won't leave," he mumbled and scratched at his neck lightly, probably a habit of his.

"AIDEN!" I called. "I NEED YOU!" After a few minutes, he walked up from down the hall and looked like he'd just woken up. His tie was undone and his jacket was unbuttoned, his shirt ruffled and the top two undone. He yawned and ran a hand through his hair.

"Yes?" He asked and glanced all of us over before looking back at me tiredly.

"The two wolves and Travis and Lee, I want you to escort them to their own separate bedrooms. Once you finish doing that come back here with a bottle of blood for my... newborn and then sit by me." I ordered firmly. He nodded and looked at the two wolves, gesturing for them to follow him. He came back after a few minutes with a bottle of blood and glanced towards Oliver, handing it to him then looked at me.

"I've done as you asked.... Can I go back to bed please?" He rubbed at his eyes.

"No, come sit by me and expose your neck." I ordered, patting the couch by me. "Oliver sweetie, bottled blood doesn't taste good but it does help. Drink up." Oliver looked at it and bit his bottom lip, probably remembering his days with Perry then walked out of the room with it. Aiden's eyes widened as he looked at me.

"You can't be serious," he whispered, touching his neck.

"Come on, I need some blood. I was attacked by a wolf and not to mention I made a human into a vampire. Come cutie. I won't drink you dry." I promised. He sighed and went to walk off.

"I'm not your blood bag." I groaned.

"At least send a butler in." I sunk on the couch then. "Jerk." He growled at me and walked out before coming back with a maid.

"Here," he told me and sat her down beside me, looking me in the eyes. "Now don't call me a jerk."

"You brought be back a maid instead of a butler. You are a jerk... a selfish jerk in fact." I leaned in towards her neck and bit down into her, drinking her blood. He watched for a few seconds and then crossed his arms.

"You shouldn't have snuck out then," he muttered. I pulled away from her to look at him.

"You know... I don't sleep... I could easily wait for you to pass out then do some seriously sick things to you to make you wish you had obeyed me." I teased. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"You wouldn't.... You're too nice," he hissed and then looked at the maid. "Make sure she gets full." The maid whimpered and nodded, too afraid to fight back.

"You wish." I whispered and leaned back into her neck and bit down into her, not being nice about it either. He laughed and went to pull her away.

"Ok, you made your point Lauren. Calm down. I'll get you a butler," he promised. I let her go and smirked towards him.

"Thanks cutie. I can't wait for him." I leaned back against the couch and cleaned off my lips. He sighed and left the room with her, coming back with a butler. He put the butler down by me and sat down on the floor, laying down and closing his eyes. I leaned in towards the butler and bit down into his neck, beginning to feast upon his blood. I let a moan slip, hoping to make Aiden jealous. He didn't seem fazed as he stretched out on the floor, taking a cat nap. I pulled back after a few minutes and pushed the butler away. "Thanks for the blood, now go clean something." I told him and stood up, going towards the hall. "I left out the window because I was being silly." I told Aiden. "I learned my lesson from it too." He got up and walked after me.

"That's good.... I'm happy to hear that," he told me, sounding happier. "I'd hate to find you dead somewhere.... I am not saying that you shouldn't go places.... just that you should let people know before you go."

"I'm not a little kid." I told him firmly. "I think I can do whatever I want. I may be living in one of my makers homes but that doesn't mean anything. I can go home if I really want to." He nodded and then glanced behind us then smiled.

"I guess I can get over it. Sorry for disobeying you about the whole bring the butler thing at first." He gave me a cute smile. I smiled back and shook my head.

"You are a curious boy... But I need to call my mate up so go back to bed? Okay?" I asked him. He thought it over then nodded.

"Yes milady," he said and gave me a small bow before he began to walk off. I slipped into my bedroom then grabbed a spare phone from my purse. I dialed up Benjamin's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked and sounded happy. "How are you sweetie?"

"Guess what?" I laid down on my stomach on my bed. "Go ahead... guess."

"You're coming home?" He sounded excited.

"Not right now... that wasn't it. Guess again."

"Ummm.... You....ate today?"

"Not only that but I turned a human into a vampire." I giggled in excitement.

"That's great! PARIS! LAUREN IS A MAKER NOW!" He shouted and laughed on his side. "LAURENCE! THAT MAKES YOU A GRAND-MAKER NOW!" I could hear them hollering their joys on the other end, being that loud. I groaned.

"Benjamin, no fair! I wanted to tell them."

"Too bad! Oh, Ellie played with Quinton and the rest today. It was quite adorable." He laughed and rolled over in a bed.

"How was that?" I asked curiously. "Did they get along with her? She's like the only human." I smiled at the thought.

"They did.... She liked Dannie's ears a lot... and she played chase with Quinton. The girls braided her hair too."

"Aweee, I'll come home soon to visit but I can't stay... I have too much to do here. I have to do some things with Brooklyn in the morning."

"Ok... I will make sure to tell Ellie to look her best tomorrow." He laughed a bit.

"You aren't even worried I am going to see Brook tomorrow?" I asked curiously. "Okay.. well.. Tomorrow I will come see you two afterwards."

"Well....I doubt a big bad vampire like you can be troubled by a newborn like Brook," he joked.

"You better keep this on the low down... Something is coming Benjamin. You better keep silent." I told him and then rolled over onto my back. "See you tomorrow~" I purred.

"S-see you...." He sounded a little worried, but he hung up after telling me that he loved me. I smiled softly then went to my bathroom to take a shower. Afterwards I curled up onto the couch in my room and started to read Twilight.