Haru The Ghost

Hachi's POV:

I rolled over as light started to shine in my eyes and disturb my sleep, suddenly I felt myself fall and hit the floor hard. I had taken the blankets with me. I groaned as every muscle started to ache.. and I realized then I was naked. "Wh-why....." I mumbled softly and sat up, using the edge of the bed to help. I heard Isaac groan a little in his sleep, and I recognized that I was in his room back at his house. I looked over his flawless naked body and tensed up. "Oh no..." I whispered. I sunk back into the floor and covered up into the blankets. "Oh no...."

"Hmmm," Isaac rolled over in the bed and then sat up slowly. "Where's the bla-" He stopped and quickly got up, tripping as he fell out of bed as it hit him. I blushed and hid under the blankets. We totally done it... "Ow...." He whimpered and then stood up, walking over to the bathroom and shut it quickly behind him. I looked out from under the blankets and looked towards the door then got to my feet to search for my clothes. I found my boxers and put them on then looked for the rest of them, mostly finding his. After a few minutes, Isaac came out wearing pants and blushed as he saw me. He looked down at the ground and walked over to a dresser, pulling out a shirt and sweatpants then tossed them to me. "Y-you can wear those for now...." I pulled on the pants first then the shirt and laid down in bed to relax. My whole body was aching from the night before. "Are you ok?" He asked softly, walking over to the bed side. He reached down and touched my cheek, giving me a loving look. "I'm sorry if you are hurt...."

"Just aching." I whispered and pulled him down into the bed with me. "Lay with me?" I asked sweetly. He nodded and buried his face into my neck, purring a bit. He twitched his tail before he laid it down on my side and put a little over my hand. He kissed me softly and curled up into my side.

"I love you..."

"I love you too." I whispered to Isaac and trailed my hands down his sides. "I can't believe last night though... did we really?" I asked softly. He nodded.

"We did... you threatened to take me in the street earlier yesterday....and when I let you inside, we eventually did," he whispered. "I'm happy that you aren't mad at me."

"Why would I be mad?" I asked softly. "I like you... in a strange way." He purred at that and nuzzled his face into my neck.

"If I live forever.... I'm glad I'm with you," he told me, his voice sounding cute. I giggled and curled up to him.

"Can you go make me breakfast?" I asked sweetly.

"Mhmmm," he hummed and then got up, walking over to the door with a little sway in his hips. He seemed like he woke up in a good mood.... I blushed as I watched his hips swaying then pulled a pillow close to me. "I might even run down to the diner a few blocks away," he told me and paused at the door, twitching his tail a bit.

"Why?" I asked curiously and watched his tail. "Don't go too far."

"Will you miss me?" He sung out and leaned up against the door, watching me with a playful look in his eyes.

"Mhm." I nodded and played with the pillow case. "I might just miss you."

"I'll run down to the diner then," he teased and opened the door, going out into the hall.

"Isaac no!" I begged. "Don't go doing all of that... what if you don't come back?" He stopped and then poked his head back in, frowning.

"Why wouldn't I come back?"

"I don't know.. you might get stolen." I pouted. "Hurry back?" I begged. He nodded and gave me a smile.

"Sweetie, no one is going to kidnap me. I'm not easy to take," he purred, giving me a playful look. "I bet even you would have a hard time kidnapping me if I didn't want to go with you."

"F-fine..." I whispered and closed my eyes. "I'll be here waiting."

"Good... If you move an inch, I'll be upset," he teased and then left. I adjusted myself just to mess with him and then hissed softly from moving around. I got onto his side of the bed and smelled his pillow. It smelled fantastic and just like him, making me miss him quickly. I whimpered and hugged the pillow tightly to me as I begged to feel his touch once again. I heard the front door shut softly downstairs as he left the house. I sighed and began to count the seconds he would be away from me and whimpered. Why does he have to take so long to get back to me? After about thirty minutes, I heard him come back inside. "Hachi! I got you a chicken biscuit! I hope you like it!" I heard him call up to me. His footsteps sounded on the stairs as he walked up them slowly. I could smell the food he was bringing. I giggled and waited for him to come in and see that I had moved. When he got up here, he growled and walked over. "I thought I said no moving," he growled softly, setting the bag down on the nightstand. He touched my cheek and then sat me up, kissing my lips passionately. "You're asking for me to punish you for it, aren't you?" He joked and then grabbed the bag and set it in my lap. "Here." He gave me a sweet smile and kissed my cheek. "Eat up! I don't want the others thinking I starve you." He laughed and sat down on the bed.

"What others?" I looked around then smiled and pulled out the biscuit from the sack and unwrapped it to eat. "Thank you Isaac." I whispered and started to eat the biscuit.

"Paris and Louis...." He smiled at me. "You're welcome... I'm going to go downstairs to get myself something. I'll be back up soon, ok?" He gave me a sweet smile and stood up, stretching. I noticed then that he had gone out in just his pants.

"Uh huh...." I nodded and finished up the biscuit while he was gone. He came back with a little bit of blood on his lips and on his chin, giving me a smile.

"So what do you want to do today cutie?" He asked me as he licked his lips clean.

"What do normal boyfriends do together?" I asked and tilted my head. He thought it over and frowned.

"Well... with Evelyn.... I went on dates with her. She seemed to like them." He tilted his head at me and smirked. "We could dance downstairs if you'd like....or are you too sore for it?" He reached out for my hands and walked over, grabbing them as he gave me an adorable look, melting my heart. He kissed one and turned my wrist over scrapping his fangs against my skin. I melted towards him and pulled him over me.

"Whatever you want." I whispered softly. He got in my lap, straddling it as he bit down into my wrist, losing himself in the taste. He let out a small moan and bit down harder. I blushed and pulled my wrist up to my neck and exposed it, hoping he would go for it now. My whole being was beginning to want him again. He purred as he followed my wrist, licking it clean as he pressed me up against the headboard. I giggled and ran my fingers down to the bottom of his shirt and pulled on it. He arched his back, pressing into me as he switched from my wrist to my neck, licking it before he bit down. I let out a gasp and arched my back, pressing up against him. He laid down on the bed and pulled me on top of him as he sucked the wound for more, wrapping his arms around my waist. I straddled his stomach and let out a soft moan. He kissed my neck before he bit down again and moved his hands up under my shirt. I heard him growl under his breath and his tail twitched on the bed beside him. I pulled away from his bite and grabbed his tail, rubbing it with my hands. He moaned and pressed his head back into the pillow, tilting his head as he rubbed up against it. He had a look of pure pleasure on his face as he let me have his tail. I smiled and let his tail go then got off of him and laid down beside him. He let out a purr and nuzzled up against me, curling into my side. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, bringing me close. He kissed my neck gently and licked it again. I buried my face into his chest and smelled him. He was so... delightful. He growled softly and scraped his fangs against my neck teasingly, kissing me there. I could feel him smirking against my skin and he sat up, looking down into my eyes. "Hachi," he murmured my name, keeping my attention. I nodded softly.

"Isaac?" I asked curiously. He tilted his head and blinked slowly then shook his head, looking away quickly. He blushed and bit his bottom lip.

"S-sorry.... My demon instincts are stronger this morning," he mumbled.

"I couldn't tell." I admitted and blushed. He nodded.

"I'm trying to resist them," he told me and glanced at me.

"So we should quit?" I wondered and sat up a bit, propping my head onto my hand. He looked at me thoughtfully.

"If you are frightened of the idea of me being demonic on you," he whispered. "If not...then I won't focus too much on keeping it down and will continue doing what I want."

"Do what you want.. I'm not scared." I shook my head and leaned in to kiss him. He growled and leaned in to me, biting my lower lip hard. He got into my lap and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I conquered his tongue then and started to suck on it hard, pulling it further into my mouth. He moaned happily and he slid his hands down my sides towards the bottom of my shirt, tugging on it. I pulled off my shirt for him and giggled. He growled playfully and bit down into my shoulder as he pulled away from the kiss. He started trailing bites down my chest, licking them clean as blood started to drain out. I gasped and looked towards the bites. "Isaac, calm down." He looked up at me from them and made another one, licking it again. I bit my bottom lip as I watched him. "How far are you going with those?" He licked all the way back up my chest to collect the blood that had started to drip and growled possessively. He pressed himself into me and started for my pants. I froze up under him and the grabbed his hands. "Whoa... Not so fast." I teased and stuck out my tongue. He looked up at me, narrowing his eyes that had gotten catlike. He had lost himself to the demon again... With a small snarl, he took my tongue quickly with his mouth and started to suck on it, tilting his head as he closed his eyes. I let a moan slip up and tried to take over, fighting his tongue for dominance. I giggled when I managed to get it then started to suck on it, pulling him closer so I could tease him more. He melted into me, groaning a bit and pressed down into me as he laid me onto my back. He purred and ran his hands up and down my sides, enticing me to give in.

I melted under him instantly and gave in to his needs, exposing my neck a bit. He pulled back from the kiss and bit down, remarking me and used his powers to manipulate his wizard mark, warming me up to my very toes. I let out a soft moan and pulled on his pants a bit then started to undo his pants button. He let me and reached down for mine. I knocked his hands aside as I got to unbutton his pants then unzipped them, pushing them down. He bit down harder, tearing into my neck as he drank my blood greedily. He kicked his pants off the rest of the way and went for my pants again. I let him this time as I was too busy gripping his skin and hissing out from the pain of his bite. He's being too greedy! How unfair. He shoved them down and then licked my neck clean, healing it. He looked my body over and then looked into my eyes before he went for my hands. I let his body go and avoided letting him have my hands, instead I distracted him by a kiss. He forgot them just like I thought he would and leaned in to the kiss. He melted on top of me and then flipped us so I was on top. I leaned in to kiss him and grabbed his hands, pinning them down. I pulled back from the kiss and smirked happily.

"Okay... We should settle down... I'm still hurting from last night." I whispered to him. He looked up at me and started to struggle to get his hands back, growling up at me. I noticed his eyes had worsened from the last time I looked at them. I held them tightly and shook my head. "Nope." I told him and started to grind up against him. "I'll tease you though as punishment for that growl." I winked at him. He arched his back and pressed his head down into the pillow with a slight moan. He tried to get his hands back and let me in between his legs. I leaned in to his lips and started to kiss him passionately, messing with him all the more I possibly could. He hummed to me and kept trying to get his hands back as he kissed me back. He adjusted himself under me better to allow me all the access I wanted to every bit of him. I let his hands go, trusting he'd let me stay on top then started to tickle his sides a bit as I stopped grinding into him. He laughed and tried to grab my hands, curling up under me to protect himself.

"Stop!" He giggled a bit and curled his tail around his torso to stop me. His eyes started to go back to normal as I did so. I widened my eyes and stopped in curiosity.

"No way~ I know how to calm your demon!" I clapped as I moved off of him. He frowned as he sat up to look at me.

"What'd you mean?" He asked, tilting his head.

"I started to tickle you and you came back from your sexy little demonic stage that by the way was declothing us." I motioned to our situation. He glanced us over and blushed, curling up onto the bed.

"I-I did?" He bit his bottom lip as he looked me over.

"I said sexy." I added. His blush deepened and he laid back down on the bed on his stomach, burying his face into the pillow to hide.

"I need to be better about this," he mumbled through the pillow.

"Why?" I tilted my head. "I don't really mind anymore."

"But you're sore....and I could easily take you if I wanted.... You'd be extra sore," he told me and peeked up at me.

"You couldn't take me if I didn't want you to." I challenged. "I'm powerful."

"I'd bet with you... but on the chance I would win," he trailed off and flipped over onto his back to look at me.

"I'd gladly be sore to have you again. Even if it is extra sore." I winked towards him.

"Then it wouldn't be a fair bet... you'd give in," he whispered and reached up, touching my cheek. "You really must get lonely when I'm gone....don't you?" He tilted his head and smiled up at me cutely. "You were so set on waiting longer before the three days...."

"Hey.... that's unfair!" I blushed. "I never really been alone for a very long period of time okay. Especially three days." He pulled me close and kissed my cheek.

"I won't do it again... You won't have to be alone without me unless you ask me to leave.... and even then... I'd wait right in the next room," he told me, giving me a sweet, loving look. I nodded and kissed his cheek.

"You better not run off. That made me miserable... probably more worse then when you died....No offense."

"Well... I would imagine it did." He laughed, his breath tickling my cheek as he looked into my eyes. "To have something so close but just out of reach is worse than knowing you can't have something at all."

"Mhmm." I shook my head, not really sure which one to choose. "I'm just glad we are together." I smiled sweetly. He nodded and buried his face into my neck.

"I need to treat you soon.... I think you will have fun." He kissed me and gave me a smile. "I love you." He kissed me again then froze, looking at me. "Hachi, the others didn't feel last night, right?"

"What others?" I asked and tilted my head. He tugged on a stitch, making the one on me act up as he messed with his.

"The ones who feel everything that happens to us because of these," he whispered. I blushed then and shrugged.

"I don't remember if I stopped them from being able to feel that or not." I admitted. I busted out laughing and face planted a pillow. He became speechless as he was madly blushing.

"Oh no... I hope they didn't.... We'd never hear the end of it...." He whispered after a minute.

"I hope so too! That's just super embarrassing." I shook my head and look at him. He bit his bottom lip.

"I-if they did... wouldn't they have shown by now to yell at us?" He looked me in the eyes as he brought his knees close to his chest.

"Unless they rather not talk about it." I suggested.

"W-well... how in the world are we supposed to face them if we don't know if they did or not?" He asked and started playing with the fabric on the bed.

"Act like we done nothing?" I tilted my head. He nodded quickly.

"We'll do that. If they did... they'll just be wondering and second guess themselves," he told me and then leaned in, kissing me. He laughed and then touched one of his stitches. "Can you really feel me messing with these every time I touch them?" He asked and tugged on it again. I tensed up as I felt the tug.

"No." I lied to him and smiled softly. "Sorry slick." He frowned and let go of it.

"Really? I guess I can't mess with you when you are ignoring me then." He sighed and looked at his stitches curiously. I grabbed one of the stitches and started to mess with it to get him back as I let out a giggle. He attacked me and kissed me to make me stop. I let go and kissed him back passionately.

"I lied." I mumbled against his lips. He laughed and kissed me again quickly.

"I will remember that for later," he teased and kissed my neck.

"You do realize it won't affect me like it will affect you. I enjoy stitching myself... you don't enjoy it." I ran my index finger across his chest. He shivered and went for my hand.

"Mhhhmmm, no... I don't like being stitched up. It hurts," he admitted. I nodded.

"I get a rise out of it." I told him and smirked. "It's my favorite thing to do."

"Please don't add more... I don't know if I'll be able to take it," he whimpered out.

"Oh you can take it." I assured him. "I took shock therapy for a few years... it's nothing compared to stitches." I placed my fingers against my lips then. I shouldn't had told him that. He widened his eyes and hugged me quickly, holding my head against his chest.

"Hachi.... I never knew you went through that.... You must think I'm a baby for whining about stitches," he whispered, kissing the top of my head. "I won't ever let something like that happen to you again. I don't care how it started."

"I put myself in an insane asylum after killing my father, twin, and younger brother." I admitted to him. "There I suffered shock therapy and several other things..." I sniffled a bit as I remembered Doctor Philips. He held me closer and buried his face into my hair.

"I'm so sorry.... I didn't know.... I will keep you safe, I promise. I love you. You know that, right? I don't want to lose you. I know wizards don't really have mates.... but you feel like one to me, and it might be because I'm half vampire or something...or just because I really like you.... but I'm glad you're here with me. Please don't ever leave me. I don't want you to get hurt again. I'd go to hell a thousand times before I'd let you get hurt if I could help it," he told me quickly.

"Well... Of course you didn't know." I purred happily. "I'm fine." I bit my bottom lip. "I think... I think this is finally my expansion, I've been through my trough in life and soon I will be at my peak. Life is a wave." He nodded and held me close to him.

"I love you," he told me and kissed my cheek. "Come on, let's get you moving. You need to take a bath to help you feel better." He picked me up and started to carry me to the bathroom. He cut on the water and set me down on the edge of the bathtub as he started fixing me a warm bath with a smile.

"Take one with me?" I asked, reaching out and barely turned the cold water on. He glanced at me and tilted his head.

"You don't want one to yourself?" He asked, sitting down on the edge beside me.

"No." I shook my head. "I want to stay by you." I whispered softly. "I'm in love with you." I giggled softly. He blushed and then reached out, touching the side of my face as he leaned in. He kissed me and then rested his head on my shoulder.

"If that's the case.... I will," he whispered to me. I leaned in towards his neck and smelled it, slowly licking him to have a taste. I could practically taste everything I loved about him and his blood from that one lick. He made a small noise of surprise and exposed his neck instinctively. I grabbed one of his hands and squeezed it then scrapped my teeth against his skin. The breath caught in his throat and he tilted his head for me as his tail twitched behind him. I went to bite into him but slipped and fell into the water. He giggled and looked down at me. "Looks like humpty dumpty fell.... You really want a bite of me that bad?" He asked, running a hand up his leg then his side as he teased me, showing me his body. I looked him over then shook my head as I slipped my boxers off and got fully in the water. I poured some soap into the water to form bubbles.

"Get in with me." I made room for him then. He sighed and got off the side of the tub. He glanced at me hesitantly and then took his boxers off. He got into the water and looked at me as he curled up in the space I allowed him. I moved closer to him then and leaned in to kiss him. He smiled and kissed me back, touching my neck gently before pulling back and dipping under the water to get his head wet. I watched him then sunk into the water as well and closed my eyes. He came back up and reached for the shampoo, starting to soap up his hair. I stayed under water, watching him through the bubbles. He started playing with his hair as he made his hair really soapy and then rinsed it out, relaxing into the water for a few minutes as he stared at the conditioner. I rose up then and splashed him with the water playfully. He screamed and went to get out of the water, afraid of it like he was when I dumped the bucket of water on him the first night. I grabbed him and kept him in the water with me happily. "Ha... no." He quickly shook his head, completely tensed up.

"Hachi, the water," he whimpered and buried his face into my shoulder.

"Cry baby kitty." I teased. I played in the bubbles then, blowing some towards him like a little kid in a way. When he was distracted by the bubbles I snuck the shampoo into my hands and began to shampoo my hair then ducked under water to rinse it out. He whimpered as he looked to the rest of the bathroom and looked at me then at the water. He curled up on his side and stared at it as he trembled slightly.

"H-Hachi.... I'm scared," he whispered to me, looking like a broken little kid.

"Fine, you can get out and leave me." I told him sweetly. "After you wash your body." I grabbed the bottle of conditioner and put some in my hand before rubbing it into my hair and then sunk in the water to rinse it out. He shook his head and closed his eyes as he sunk down to his chin.

"I'll face it...." He told me and opened his eyes as he looked at it then at me. I grabbed a washcloth and began to soap it up with his soap and tossed it to him then took another one for me and done the same. He started washing himself, looking kind of blank as he did so. I started on my body as well then smirked softly, teasing him by the way I ran it across one of my legs first. He glanced at it and then dunked under the water. I watched him curiously and stopped moving. He didn't come back up, staying under. I kept washing my body then, not too worried. After about a full two minutes, he came back up and gasped for air. "I'm gonna be sick," he hissed and got out, grabbing a towel and wrapped himself up in it. I could feel his mark on me weaken a bit in response to his state. He leaned against the counter, unable to support himself and fell to the floor. I stopped washing myself then and got out of the tub, running to his side to help him. I knelt down by him and wrapped him up in my arms.

"Isaac?" I asked curiously. He felt cold, unnatural for himself. His eyes looked fearful as he held onto my arm weakly. I began to dry him then and used my magic to blow dry his hair. "No more water then... Not for a while." I whispered to him. He nodded and buried his face into my stomach. He relaxed a little and I felt him let go of my arm. I picked him up then and carried him into the bedroom and laid him down on the bed, trying to ignore my pain, sending it all to Paris. I walked over to the closet and grabbed something for him and myself. I placed one of his big shirts over me to where it reached my knees almost then brought him a set of clothes and laid it down on his chest. I walked back into the bathroom and had my magic drain the tub then mop up the floor from any water lingering around. I heard Isaac getting up in the bedroom and stumbling out into the hall and down the stairs. He tripped, falling down the rest and hitting the bottom floor with a thud. I frowned then rushed to his aid. When I reached him I crossed my arms. "What are you doing?" He looked up at me, trying an innocent look.

"Getting to the living room," he told me and sat up, pulling his shirt close as a shiver went through him. He got to his feet shakily and started for the living room, almost falling again. I helped him up with my magic and had a walking stick appear in one hand and then had the railing of the stair case come closer to his other one but stay stable.

"I'll get a fire ready for you and waiting." I told him as I rushed past him and up to the fireplace, starting a fire in it. He came in and sat down on the couch, grabbing the candle he kept on the coffee table and set it on his chest.

"Thanks Hachi.... I'll be better soon. I'm sorry.... I don't normally get sick that fast. Water does affect fire wizards. It's not a myth.... I've been able to build up a good resistance for it, but it still sometimes hurts me. It used to be hell for my mom to give me a bath when I was little," he whispered to me as he looked at the candle in concentration, probably trying to light it.

"I hope you take baths regularly because we had fun last night and I would hate to realize that you hadn't had a bath in a while." I mumbled and wrinkled up my nose. His eyes widened and he looked over to me.

"Hachi, I take a bath everyday. That's the reason I'm surprised I was affected by it.... It must have been because I got scared.... Maybe I got water in my lungs just a bit or something," he told me and shrugged. "I'll be fine after a few minutes to half an hour. It's not like I was swimming in the ocean. It usually takes me about three hours before I start getting sick. I've built up a tolerance, and even though water scares me, I'm able to handle it for everyday hygiene and sometimes swimming if it's not for too long."

"Hmmm... I don't understand how it affected you then... I tell you what... I will look around in my spell book for ways to counter your weakness for water and then hopefully put up a shield or something nice... I don't know... I'll think of something." I said as I poked the fire with a metal rod. He smiled at me and curled up.

"Like I said.... I might have gotten some in my lungs.... Plus if I'm throwing a tantrum or having a nervous break down about it, it makes it work faster on me...." He looked towards the candle and narrowed his eyes. I watched as it smoked a bit then stopped all together. Isaac growled and threw it a few feet away. I rose to my feet then and walked over to him, getting on top of him and laying down. He calmed down as he looked at me and smiled, wrapping his arms around me and kissed my cheek. He still felt cold, but it wasn't as bad. I ran my fingers across his body to try to heat him up. He purred and relaxed, stretching out under me. "I love you," he whispered to me and closed his eyes. He glanced over towards the candle curiously and then up at me, kissing my cheek again. I nodded and leaned into his lips to kiss them slowly, trying to be seductive about it. He weakly pressed up into me and licked my bottom lip to tease me. I pulled out of the kiss then laid my head down on his chest, listening to his heart. It was steady enough, but it wasn't as strong as usual. I had my magic awaken inside of him then and dance around his body to help him feel better. He smiled and curled up with me. He buried his face into my neck and then kissed it. I giggled softly and closed my eyes so I could rest with him now. He fell asleep after a few minutes, exhausted.

After about an hour, he stirred again and held up his head as he looked around the room. He glanced towards the fireplace and sat up with me in his lap. "Hachi.... Are you alright?" He asked softly. He kissed my cheek as he curled me up to him, cuddling me. I saw out of the corner of my eyes a candle light on a nearby table. I nodded as I stirred a bit then faced the couch wall.

"I'm fine." I assured him and yawned. "Just tired Isaac." He nodded and moved me onto the couch beside him.

"Ok... Get some rest.... I'm going to go fix myself some blood. Would you like me to make you something?" He asked softly, getting to his feet. He touched my cheek, making the mark heat me up and sooth me, making me feel relaxed. I nodded softly and giggled.

"Something to eat sounds wonderful." I whispered and exposed my neck a bit to him. I saw him tense up as he saw it, but he looked away after a moment, hesitating to do so.

"I'll make you something Chinese maybe," he told me and started for the kitchen. I giggled at the thought.

"Bring back some chopsticks, sushi, Chinese food, fried rise, and I will let you do whatever you want to me for a week... I'll be so obedient too." I told him cutely. He glanced over when he heard that and smirked.

"So.... You'd be more my pet than the other way around.... That sounds interesting," he purred and leaned up against the door. "Considering how things first started when I was marked." I leaned my head over the side of the couch and looked at him upside down.

"I'll even walk on all fours." I winked. He laughed and shook his head.

"Well... you better get used to being bitten...." He walked into the kitchen, shutting the door softly behind him.

"DON'T FORGET THE TRADITIONAL HOT TEA IN A CUTE CUP!" I called and curled up into a ball, shutting my eyes. I began to fall asleep quickly.

~Time Skip brought to you by Ghosts~

"Hachi, wake up," I heard Isaac hum to me as he set down a tray on the coffee table. The smell of noodles reached me as he touched my cheek. "I had to start over with the tea. I accidentally burned it to where it didn't taste sweet at all. It smelled bitter," he told me and placed the cup of tea in my hand. "This should be better though." He sat me up and kissed my cheek. "I'm thinking about going out later today. My blood supplies are getting low... There is a bar in the next part of town on the human side." I looked down at the cup of tea then sipped on it.

"You can't go get other blood, I refuse to let you.. Oh and I thought we would go back to the manor today..." I trailed off and yawned.

"Well.... I like to keep a supply here in case I come here," he told me and sat down on the edge of the couch. "Does me drinking someone's random blood bother you?" He laughed and picked up a bottle of blood he had brought in, taking a sip of it. I let out a growl as I watched him carefully, replacing the blood with mine.

"Yes." I looked him over. "So don't even think about it." He moaned at the taste and curled up on the couch with it, sipping it.

"Think about what?" He asked innocently, looking over at me.

"Right." I nodded and took the noodles, starting to eat them. He blushed and looked at the bottle.

"Does this apply to the bottles of blood Paris keeps at the manor? I'm not allowed to touch those either?" He asked softly.

"Not at all." I said stubbornly. "It's disgusting and unhealthy and if you drink from a human I will rip out your fangs and glue them to your tail." He spat out my blood that was in his mouth to keep from choking then looked over at me.

"Wait, what? You'll rip my fangs out?! That'd hurt!" He touched his fangs and looked at me in shock.

"I guess you better keep your fangs to me and me only then, huh?" I tilted my head and then motioned for him to come closer. "Let me tell you more about my past." He looked a little hesitant as he looked me over then slid over to me obediently, taking another sip.

"I'm from China, that's where my family originates from and Hachi isn't actually my name... it's just part of it and a nickname." I told him kindly. He frowned and tilted his head.

"Then what is your name? I kind of don't like the idea of you knowing my name and I don't know yours." He pouted at me and took another sip.

"Oh it's Kasai... want to guess what it means?" I asked sweetly.

"What?" He leaned closer, looking interested as he kissed my cheek then took another sip.

"I'm not going to tell you." I admitted and took a sip of the tea. "Google it." He narrowed his eyes and pulled back, taking another sip.

"Meanie," he whispered.

"My last name is Hachirobei." I continued, ignoring his hate and smirked.

"So that's where the nickname came from," he told himself and didn't look at me as he took another sip.

"Mhm... it means luck or something like that... Hachi does. I don't know... My father said I should keep it so Hachirobei's name will live on when I become a famous cannibal." I shrugged. He nodded.

"So you came from China... You're immortal.... Your real name is Kasai, but Hachi is your nickname.... You eat wizards," he started making a mental list, watching a candle as it flickered.

"Mhmmm.... I had a twin, two older brothers, an older sister, and a younger brother. I don't remember my mother but I do remember my father." I shivered slightly.

"If you didn't remember father, I'd be a bit upset," I heard a small voice tell me from right by the arm of the couch I was closest to. I screamed then and looked towards it, sliding away. It was a smaller version of me from when I was younger, looking back at me with a smile. He giggled and brushed his hair back with his fingers. "Hi Hachi!" He gave me a wave, and I noticed that he was slightly transparent. "You grew up big, but you didn't get as big as I thought you would," he murmured, tilting his head as he looked me over. Isaac held me close, setting the bottle down.

"Hachi, what's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost!" He worriedly touched the side of my face and kissed my cheek comfortingly.

"THAT'S THE HALFBREED I TOLD YOU ABOUT!" He pointed at Isaac frantically and giggled, bouncing up and down. "I TOLD YOU HACHI! I TOLD YOU!" I curled up to Isaac and buried my face into him.

"Make it go away... I'm seeing a smaller version of me and it's talking!" I shrieked. The small version of me frowned and walked over.

"Hachi... It's me, Haru.... Don't you remember me? I'm your twin," he whispered. Isaac ran his fingers through my hair to sooth me, obviously not aware of the younger version of me.

"I wouldn't if I could... those memories are vague and I only know a handful of stuff from my past- don't touch me! Stop coming near me right now." I pushed Isaac in between my so called 'twin' and me. He stopped, eyes wide.

"Y-you don't.... remember me?" I saw a tear run down his cheek and he looked down at the ground. "Nothing... not at all? I'm alone?"

"Hachi, are you ok? What are you doing?" Isaac asked, looking at me in alarm.

"Protecting myself from my visions... I thought the medication would make this go away for a while..." I whispered softly. Clearly I needed another dosage.

"Medication?!" Isaac grabbed my arm quickly.

"I'M NOT A VISION! I'm your dead twin! Father made you eat me! He tried to eat me after you ate us both, and you made him disappear to protect me in the afterlife! How can you not remember this?!" Haru screamed and looked up at me.

"Shock therapy?" I asked softly towards Haru. "Sorry, but whatever we had you have to move on and leave me alone. I can't have you hanging around and making my sanity shrink away to where I can't tell if the sky is clear or pink or.... is it blue supposedly?" Haru sniffled and shook his head.

"I don't even know why I came back.... I had fought my way here to get back since the moment I left and you begged me to return....." He took a step back and looked at Isaac then at me. "If you don't want me... and you truly don't remember me.... I won't come back. I'd rather rot then come back to where I am treated terribly and unwanted."

"Don't take it like I don't want you. I just think you need to move on." I looked him over. "I mean honestly... It's been forever. You run back to wherever you came from and don't worry about me." I wrapped my arms around Isaac. "I have him." Haru whimpered and looked away.

"You really do belong in Hell," he mumbled. I buried my face into Isaac and started to cry softly. "I can't believe you forgot about me.... when we still were supposed to play sailors....." Isaac wrapped his arms around me quickly, wiping at my tears. He was trying to sooth me with his mark, manipulating it again. I relaxed into him and stopped crying.

"Go away." I hissed and held a hand out towards the ghostly figure and flicked my hand his way, making him get pulled out of my sight. Isaac touched my cheek and then leaned in, kissing me.

"What was all that about? Hachi, are you alright?" He whispered and pulled me closer. I shook my head as my body trembled slightly. He picked me up, taking me into the kitchen. "Shhh... If you promise to not hurt me, I will treat you to something that I know you like. I hate seeing you like this." I nodded softly, not sure what he was talking about treating me to. He sat me down on the counter and pulled out a glass then got a knife out of the drawer. "Promise not to hurt me?" He asked, looking over at me from a few feet away. "I mean it... I won't ever do anything like this again for you if you do." I shook my head quickly as I realized what he was offering.

"There's no promise.... I can't handle myself sometimes when I get hungry. " I whispered to him. "I don't want to eat you up." He sighed and looked down at the knife then up at me. He reached into a pocket and pulled out that ring he had enchanted earlier. He murmured to himself, making it glow then slipped it onto his finger.

"There... You can't touch me," he told me and reached out a hand to show me. "You can have some of my blood as a treat.... but you can't have anymore than I offer." I looked him over questionably.

"I don't know Isaac... this might not go well..." I whispered to him. He gave me a smile.

"I trust you enough to know that this ring will work should you attack me. If you get hungry... you'll calm down after a few hours, or you'll eat my neighbor." He told me and then held his wrist above the glass. "It's just a treat. I won't do this often."

"I don't think I deserve a treat." I mumbled as I looked down. "I belong in hell..."

"You do not belong in Hell... Trust me, I've been there. You are sweet to me, and you are nice to those you love.... You may have had a rough past, but it's not your fault. I know you eat wizards, but if that's what makes you think you belong in Hell... then we both do. All vampires and most other supernaturals belong in Hell... We prey on each other and on humans. I love you Hachi, and I want you to remember that. Whatever that little ghost had to say to you was probably just it being hurt that you've moved on from the past. It probably feels forgotten and alone and lashed out at you to make you feel it's pain." He looked over and slipped the ring off, kissing my cheek then put the ring back on and slit his wrist over the glass. I saw his rich half-breed blood pouring into the glass as he licked the knife clean. I felt my stomach grumble as it didn't take long for it's sweet scent to reach me. I reached out for the glass, wanting it. He smirked at me. "Not yet Hachi.... Give it a few more seconds. It's only half full." I licked my lips as I watched every precious drop filling the glass up... if only there was some meat in there... When it was full, he pulled his wrist close to him and licked his wrist clean, looking over at me. "I love you Hachi.... It's all yours. Enjoy," he told me and then slid it over. I grabbed the glass greedily and started to drink it, moaning at the taste. He sat down on the counter beside me and watched me as he brought his legs close to his chest as he curled up. I finished the glass within seconds and started to scoop out the remaining blood with my finger and licked my finger. He laughed and went to take the glass from me. I moved it away from his reach and growled possessively. "Hachi, I need the glass," he told me and laughed, trying to grab it again. "Come on sweetie. You finished your treat." I shook my head and held it close to me.

"It's mine." I growled. "Not yours." He sighed and looked at it then at my eyes.

"Hachi....darling.... Do you want me to let you have a little more?" He whispered softly, deciding to be nice. I handed him the glass then and nodded.

"I want more." I whispered to him. He smirked and leaned in real close to my face.

"My glass now." He got off of the counter and walked over to where the knife was sitting. I waited patiently, hoping for more blood. He glanced over at me and went to set it in the sink right beside the knife, testing what I'd do as he did it slowly. I got off the counter then and went for it.

"Traitor!" I hissed. "Trickster.." I reached out for the glass once I got to him. He laughed and held it above my reach.

"Be nice... I'll let you have one more glass full and that's it for now," he told me and grabbed the knife with his free hand. I reached out for his chest so I could reach up better for the glass. I froze up when an invisible force wouldn't let me touch him. I widened my eyes and looked into his. He titled his head and looked at me with a frown. "What's the matter Hachi? You look a bit shocked or upset or something," he whispered. He set the glass down and put his wrist over it, slitting it open again from where it had healed. He groaned in pain and winced a bit then looked at me again. All my attention went towards the glass as I waited for it to fill up. "You knew you couldn't touch me anyways," he mumbled to me and then pulled his wrist back as it filled up to the rim. He started to wash his blood off his wrist in the sink, licking the wound to help heal it faster. I grabbed the glass and started to sip on it as I went to a corner and sat down in it. He watched me and then went over to the refrigerator, pulling out a few bottles of blood. He popped one open and sniffed it, looking like he wanted it, but he walked over to the sink and started to pour it out. I watched the blood going down the sink and couldn't help but think of how much a waist it was to see that. I kept drinking my blood from him though in silence. He sighed and tossed the empty bottle into the trash then went for the next one. He opened it up and took a quick sip before glancing towards the sink. He took another and bit his bottom lip before he started to pour it out. I let out a sharp growl towards him for the sip then began to gulp down his blood, thinking of how it should be his skin instead of a glass. He tossed the bottle then went for the last one. "Sorry Hachi... I couldn't help it. It smelled nice," he whispered, glancing my way apologetically then started pouring out his last bottle. I grumbled as I finished the glass and sat it down by me. He looked at me then at the blood pouring out into the sink. "One last sip?" He asked, stopping as he got close to the bottom. "Please? It'd be as a sort of goodbye to bottle blood. It's been such a big part of my life. I've been drinking them since I was five."

"I suppose you can have one more." I mumbled and stood up slowly, taking the glass to him. I sat it down by the sink and started for the livingroom. He took the last few gulps in it and placed it in the trash, following me.

"Are you calm?" He asked softly, getting beside me. I shrugged and looked towards him.

"Well... No voices are in my head and I don't see a ghost of my past... So I think I am good." I nodded towards him. He smiled sweetly and slipped the ring back into his pocket. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips then my neck. I leaned in towards his shoulder and let out a soft growl. I smelled him first before licking his skin for a taste. He tensed up, and his tail twitched nervously.

"H-Hachi.... You aren't gonna...." He trailed off, but he didn't move an inch. I went to bite him then and smirked, flavoring him as I bit in. He whimpered and gripped my sides. "Hachi, you said you were calm," he mumbled, sounding slightly afraid. I ripped out a chunk then and started to eat it, laughing slightly. He shrieked and went to pull back, pushing me back. He took off running for the stairs. I watched him take off running then swallowed the chunk in my mouth. I skipped off after him and giggled.

"Oh Isaac!" I purred out for him as I began to climb the stairs. I heard the bathroom door on his bedroom slam shut and lock in response. I stopped on the stairs and sat down patiently. "I'll be waiting!"

"I'm not coming out until I know you aren't going to eat me!" He shouted down to me. "I love you, don't get me wrong!"

"I can't help I have cravings." I mumbled and sat up against the wall. "Oh hell.... I do belong there." I heard the door open and he walked down to me, sitting down right in front of me.

"You don't belong in hell," he told me and touched my cheek. "Look.... I love you.... and I can tell you straight up that you don't belong there. I went, and it was messed up. It's worse than anything you've ever done. Trust me." I shook my head quickly.

"I don't know.... Louis, Paris, and you have managed to go and come back somewhat normal." I told him.

"Hachi.... I'm not normal. I was more innocent before I went," he told me softly and looked down at his feet as he curled into a ball. "I didn't have urges to kill people like I do now. I didn't really have urges to mate like this... I fight them Hachi.... I fight them all. I want to be normal for you. I try hard. Paris would kill anyone that just looked at him funny and then take Richard to bed immediately after.... and Louis... I don't know much about him."

"Paris has been around a while and just doesn't care... He has his mate that he has known probably all of his existence so I am positive that is why they do it with such confidence and passion all the time. It's their age." I mumbled to Isaac. "I'm sure Louis isn't that much different from Paris." Isaac laughed and leaned in, kissing me.

"Well... you're probably right there.... but they don't just physically torture you there.... They mentally do. They find your weak points and make it agonizing. One of the weaker things they did to me was tell me that you didn't love me and that you'd move on without a second thought." He grabbed my hand and rubbed his head against it. I frowned then and pulled him closer to me.

"I can't move on from you..." I whispered softly. "Loosing you was hard Isaac... I had to look forwards to seeing you again just to be able to order Paris to go get you." Isaac nodded and leaned in, burying his face into my chest as he got close. He was trembling slightly.

"I know.... but it hurt then. They wouldn't be quiet about it.... They knew it would drive me insane if they kept it up long enough. I was whipped....tortured.... dragged.... even stuffed into a tank to drown which only ended with me waking up in the dark of Hell again only to repeat the process. They teased me and made me feel worthless."

"I don't quite like cold baths, I mean... sometimes I take them but I don't care fort them Isaac... It's because when I was in the asylum one of the... methods to cure me was to place me in a tub full of freezing cold water for long periods of time.... Without air." I ran my fingers through his hair. "Then I would wake up by them shocking me.. right.... here." I touched his temples. "Not quite fun but.... It's really thrilling and you should try it." I joked. He shivered and nuzzled his head against me.

"I'm so sorry.... I don't ever want you to go through that again...." He looked up at me and I could see tears in his eyes.

"I think I can take it again..." I trailed off and shrugged. "I hardly felt a thing after the third shock treatment and with all the medication they were giving me for around.... two years maybe..." He nodded and closed his eyes, resting his head against my chest.

"I hated every second," he mumbled. "It felt like years." He opened his eyes and glanced towards my neck then up at me, giving me a kiss.

"Well maybe one day you will build up a pain tolerance and just not care what happens to you physically." I suggested. "You are demon, vampire, wizard, and now a cannibal." He frowned and then tilted his head.

"I am a cannibal now....aren't I?" He whispered to himself.

"I bet you will be gaining a lot more cool powers too." I suggested. "As a matter of fact I accidentally made myself immortal... I'm not exactly sure how anymore... fuzzy memory and all." I giggled. "I imagine it is the same way I 'accidentally' turned Raven into a Raven."

"You turned Raven into a raven?" He laughed and then kissed me. "That's kinda funny.... Wait... If I'm only supposed to drink from you, does this mean that I can't go hunting with you when you are hungry? Or am I supposed to tag along and watch?"

"You can eat them but not drink their blood." I told him firmly. "If you do drink their blood, kill them and eat them but only if I am around to watch. Which is when we go hunting together." I kissed him back softly.

"So no hunting.... unless it's with you, and I have to hunt as a cannibal?" He asked, making sure as he tilted his head then leaned in and stole a kiss.

"You heard me clearly." I told him and shrugged. He nodded and leaned up against me.

"Ok.... I will try my best to restrict myself...." His tail twitched happily as he smelled me and wrapped his arms around me.