Road Trip

Val's POV:

I slipped out of bed with a cover rapped around my body, being extra careful. I didn't want to wake up Alex just yet... especially after last night. I snuck over to the bathroom and took a wonderful hot shower then dried off. I put on a steampunk themed dress and heels as well as accessories to go with it. I brushed out my pastel pink hair and took a curler to it to make it more alive then added on some light makeup. Once I finished I pulled out my secret stash of coke and laid it out in a line on the counter then snorted it up. I cleaned off the counter then under my nose before heading out to the bedroom area. I glanced Alex over, seeing he was still sleeping and started for the door with a light step- I will succeed in getting out of here... I'll have a butler wake him up... "Val, where are you going?" I heard him mumble as the bed shifted. "Come back.... It's too early to be up." He grabbed his phone and looked at it then dropped it, narrowing his eyes. He got up and started to get dressed without a word.

"Good morning~ I'm going out with Lauren to go see Brooklyn... remember? Want to come?" I asked as I looked him over... he must be mad about his death day. "Happy Death Day sweetie." I said as sweet as I could be with a soft voice. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes then slipped his shirt on, heading for the bathroom.

"Sure... I'll go," he muttered, leaving the bathroom door open as he grabbed his toothbrush. I looked towards the window then and walked over to it, looking out at the yard to see if there was anything suspicious going on then closed the blinds and curtains. I walked towards the door and left him in the bedroom.

"I NEED ALL THE SERVANTS IN THE LIVINGROOM!" I yelled loudly and started for the living room. "RIGHT NOW." I walked in and waited for all of them to arrive. They quickly scrambled in, getting in line as they whispered amongst themselves. A few looked at me suspiciously like they thought I was going to eat them.

"I'm going out today, for a few hours. I want this manor spotless when I come back. I also need someone to go wake up the two werewolves in their rooms and tell them they are coming with me so they need to get ready. Someone tell Lauren it's about time to go and tell her servant Aiden to be ready to go as well. Someone needs to assist Alex right now and offer blood to him... and I want two to stay behind to feed me. Dismissed." I waited for them to go do as they were told. They all rushed for the doors quickly, fearing for their life. A young maid and one of my older butlers were left in the room last, making them the two to feed me. I walked up to the young maid first and pulled her hair, making her expose her neck for me then bit down in it. I earned a yelp from her. She gripped my shirt and started to cry.

"Please don't kill me. I don't want to die. I haven't even seen the rest of the world yet!" I covered her mouth so I wouldn't have to listen to her begging and continued to drain her. I let her go though before I could kill her and went towards the male.

"I asked for two so I wouldn't kill one, idiots. Go get some rest maid." I waved her off and took the butler to the couch. She shakily started for the door, looking grateful. The butler looked at me and obediently exposed his neck for me, not looking too afraid of me. He gave me a smile and calmly looked away. I pushed him down onto the couch then climbed on top of him and straddled his lap. I leaned into his neck, biting down without hesitation and began to suck the life force out of him, moaning at the taste of his blood. He laid his head back, gently wrapping his arms around me to allow me better access to him so that his arms weren't in the way.

"I'm glad you are enjoying yourself, milady," he whispered softly, not wanting to disturb me too much. He stayed still as he looked around the room. I pulled back after a minute and slapped his cheek softly.

"Good boy. Now run along." I slipped off his lap and sunk down on the couch, waiting for the others to come into the livingroom. He nodded and got up without a word, bowing to me before he left the room. Aiden brought Lauren in after a few more minutes, his outfit wrinkled and slightly undone. He hadn't even bothered with his tie today, and he looked a bit sleepy as he walked over to a couch and laid down, taking a nap. Lauren bounced over to me and sat down by me.

"So, after we visit Brook I want to go see Benjamin." Lauren told me sweetly.

"Don't stay too long, I am throwing a surprise for Alex later." I whispered to her. "It's his death day." She nodded and giggled. "Where are the dogs?" I wondered and looked towards the exit to the hall.

"Hopefully dead," I heard Alex growl as he walked in, running his hand through his hair and glanced towards Aiden. "Great.... Another lazy bum." He went and sat in the corner, pulling out his phone as he curled up. He was mumbling something about everyone saying he died of a fever again.

"Oh don't be such a grouch." I teased and seen Lee coming into the living room with fresh clothes on.

"Hey! Good morning everyone. Where can I find some food in this place?" She looked towards Aiden and giggled. "Someone didn't get enough sleep last night."

"Val should have just ate him and got it over with," Alex hissed and then shot Aiden a look before looking down at his phone. "Ask one of the servants to make you something to eat. It's their job."

"Oh they don't have to, I will." I heard Lauren suggest as she stood up and walked over to Lee, pulling her off to the kitchen.

"Aiden can you do me a favor and go see about Travis?" I asked him. "The werewolf from last night." He sat up at his name being called and looked at me in a daze before getting up and walking towards the door.

"Of course," he told me and left the room. I looked over at Alex, realizing we was alone.

"Hey Mr. Grumpy Pants..." I trailed off. He glanced up at me and sighed.

"Hey..." He sat his phone down and looked away, pouting a little as he looked out a window. I smiled softly and walked over to him, standing behind him then started to massage his shoulders.

"I have something planned for tonight." I told him sweetly. "I hope you will enjoy it."

"Oh? You do?" He whispered and looked up at me as he leaned against my hands. He was so tense. It was like he hadn't relaxed for months.

"Of course I do..." I leaned down to his cheek and kissed it for him. I began to really get into his tense muscles and rub them, hoping to relax him. "A big party. We'll go hunt." He nodded.

"Ok... That sounds nice," he mumbled and looked back out the window. I kissed the top of his head and went around to his front then crawled into his lap, kissing his cheek.

"I'm sorry Alex, but you were meant for this now what you was." I smiled softly.

"You took me from my men...from my battles... from my kingdom and empire," he murmured. "You let them believe I had died of a fever, of a disease that took me like it took the children. You enslaved me for years." He looked at the window blankly, trying to keep down a few tears as he remembered it. I frowned.

"I had to... if they found out what you were then they would have tried to kill you." I ran my fingers through his hair. "It was for the best." He buried his face into my shoulder then.

"Why'd you turn me?" I could barely hear him as he gripped my sides tightly.

'You are my mate... I couldn't just leave you there as good as you smelled to me. That would have been an insult to fate." I told him firmly. He didn't say anything and moved to my neck, curling up with me. I smiled softly then and smirked. "I love you Alex, you are a wonderful creation."

"I love you too.... Though you probably originally created me as a tool for battle and a play toy," he whispered then pulled back. A maid ran in quickly and blushed when she saw us.

"I-I... M-Milady Val.... The news...." She trembled slightly and walked over, pulling out a phone and showed me a news footage coverage that was live. A reporter was running around wildly among a decimated building.

"And whatever it was just....attacked this group! We have reasons to believe it was an extremist or terrorist!" The reporter looked back at the camera with wide eyes. "Anyone in the area, I suggest you lock your doors until the person is caught. Cops are searching for the perp right away!" I recognized the building as near the heart of LA. Alex looked away quickly as it started to show paramedics taking away dead bodies. They were covered in blood from the massacre.

"I-it was a group....meeting to discuss the history behind today," the maid whispered softly, looking towards Alex then away quickly. I smirked and looked towards Alex.

"You didn't... did you?" I asked him and placed my hands on my hip. "I'm going to have a field day in a few hours." He blushed and bit his bottom lip as he glanced towards the screen and then at me with a guilty look. "Alex..." I hissed and narrowed my eyes before smiling. "What am I going to do with you? You are so lucky that Paris is taking down all authority that would want to kill you for the crime you just committed."

"It's not like there are any witnesses anyways. I killed everyone there....and all the cameras will pick up is sudden death and destruction. I stopped time and did it," he told me and looked towards the maid who yelped quickly and took off running in fear. He smirked and looked towards me. "That's what they get for believing I died like everyone says I did."

"You are such a drama king." I grumbled and walked away from him, heading into the kitchen. He followed me and wrapped his arms around me as we walked.

"Mhmm... I am a drama king. Now," he hummed and kissed my cheek, "how about you and I stay close together today." I shrugged as I entered the kitchen and found Lauren cooking breakfast for Lee. Alex looked up at her and tilted his head. "Lauren, you don't have to do that. We have maids here for a reason, and you have a butler yourself."

"I like cooking Alex." Lauren said over her shoulder. "I don't mind doing it for Lee. She has shown so much kindness to my newborn Oliver. So I will cook for her." Lauren turned to look at us. "It's been a while since I last cooked too." Alex sighed and nuzzled his face into my neck, biting down. I hissed and tried to get away from him.

"Alex!" I hissed. "I'll put you in a cell downstairs!" He licked my neck and pulled away to look me in the eyes.

"You wouldn't do that to me.... I've been with you for centuries now...." He smiled sweetly and cleaned off his lips.

"You shouldn't drink from me unless you want to be high." I warned him. "I took a bit of coke this morning while you was asleep." I sniffed then, messing with him. He stared at me then.

"Well.... What if I want to get high for my death day?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Get high then." I tossed him a bag of drugs from in one of the drawers. It was another hidden stash of mine. With now living in a manor I had better hiding spots and more places to hide. He caught them and looked at them.

"So that's where you hide them in the kitchen...." He looked at me and opened the bag. "I wonder how many it will take before I find myself knocked to the floor for a few hours."

"Add alcohol to it." I suggested. He smirked and walked over to the refrigerator, pulling out one of the more expensive bottles. He grabbed a bottle of blood then a glass, beginning to mix the two as he pulled out a handful of pills.

"Go knock yourself out in our bedroom so I know none of the sexy maids will touch you while you are passed out. They are afraid of my bedroom after all." I looked towards Lauren. "When your little friend Travis gets in here we can leave... Oh and do you want Oliver to come hang out with us on our little adventure?" I asked. She shrugged as she finished up sausage.

"If he wants." Lauren whispered. Alex walked off with his glass and started taking them, finishing before he got to the door.

"You better come home tonight," he hissed under his breath as he set the empty glass on a counter and walked out. I heard him fall down after a few seconds of him walking down the hall towards our bedroom.

"I hope a maid rapes him." I hissed and crossed my arms. "TINA!" I yelled for the maid Tina, the only one I ever remembered what her name was because I got her from a prostitute named Salley. "TAKE CARE OF MY DUMB NEWBORN ALEX!" I giggled, knowing she'd probably be brave enough to rape him while I was gone. Oliver walked in, rubbing his eyes cutely as he made his way over to Lauren.

"Laurie.... I'm hungry," he whispered to her and gave her a sweet look. He glanced towards Lee and bit his bottom lip before getting closer to Lauren for protection.

"Here." I went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of blood for him, handing it over. "Drink that Oliver, it's blood."

"You can drink that." Lauren agreed, rubbing his head to comfort him. He looked it over and opened it, cautiously sniffing it.

"Did it....come from a place like Perry's?" He asked softly, looking wary as he glanced up at us. Lauren looked towards me then. I giggled and leaned up against the fridge.

"How does he know about Perry?" I asked curiously.

"Well does it?" Lauren asked, ignoring my question.

"Hmmm.. No. I get that stuff from something else." I told her, looking Oliver over. He blushed and took a hesitant sip.

"T-thanks...." He told me and then looked down at the ground. He scratched his neck a little.

"Wait, so who's your supplier?" Lee asked curiously and took a step towards Oliver protectively.

"Some egg head." I waved it off. "That's classified."

"They don't hurt the they?" Oliver asked, looking up at me with wide eyes.

"Nope, they want to give blood to vampires. Their a small society that not many vampires know about. They supply me and I supply them with.. other things." I winked. Oliver shuddered and took another sip.

"As long as it's willingly," he mumbled. He glanced towards Lauren and leaned up against her.

"I could let you meet them the next time I go to meet them." I suggested. He looked towards me then nodded.

"Ok... I think I'd like that," he told me and took another sip. He gulped down the remainders and set it down on the counter. "Lauren, is it alright if I tell her why I know about Perry's... or should I keep that between us?" He looked up at her, giving her a sweet smile.

"You can tell her if you want Oliver. I trust Val and they can't do anything about it now... You are equal." Lauren told him. He nodded and looked over to me, walking over. He hesitated for a moment before leaning in.

"I was one of Perry's blood whores.... I escaped," he whispered to me to where only I could hear. "That's how I know about him." I giggled and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm guessing that is how you know Lauren then? I'm not sure why Paris allows Perry to do that stuff in his territory. We agreed a long time ago in a royal meeting that it was outlawed but.... He let's Perry do whatever he wants... and he knows about all of it. Just another reason to get rid of him- I mean... To take his stone and soak it in holly water so he can be cured. He's a demon and he's not right."

"Paris was born a demon though." Lauren said softly. "I read about it in his journals he keeps in his library."

"Who's Paris?" Oliver asked curiously. He looked towards Lauren and walked back over to her.

"He's going to be our king. We belong in his manor but we are helping out Val right now. Once Paris takes over everything he is going to crown himself king and then the rest of the remaining court will be given new territories... it's hard to explain... When we go see Benjamin today I will let you go to the library and look up on our history... the vampire history. You have a bunch to learn." Oliver frowned.

"You mean like school.... That's the last normal thing I've ever done, and you're going to make me do something like it again," he complained, pouting at her.

"No... I'm going to give you books to read." Lauren told him sweetly. "To learn and know what people are talking about when they talk about our past around you." He sighed and nodded weakly.

"How long should it take me?"

"Not long, vampires read faster then humans. It's pretty cool." Lauren admitted and giggled.

"Oh... I guess I won't mind reading it all then," he told her and then sat down on the counter. He gave her a playful look. "So what's this Benjamin guy like?"

"Fatherly. We have a little girl, she's your sister. You'll like her. We are going to turn her when she is older." Lauren told him.

"I want to see her." I said sweetly. "I never get to see her."

"Sure." Lauren gave me a smile.

"I have a sister?" Oliver looked excited and quickly hugged Lauren to him. "That's so cool! I'll try to be the best big brother ever!"

"You better be! She needs someone to look up to." Lauren giggled as she finished cooking and fixed Lee a plate then gave it to her. I snuck out then and sniffed out Travis's scent then opened the door to his bedroom.

"Travis?" I asked. He groaned and buried his face into a pillow.

"Five more minutes.... I'll be up, I swear," he murmured to me. "Is Alpha Lee up?"

"She's been up, eating breakfast. Get up and let's go." I told him as I walked over to his bedside and nudged him with an index finger. He growled softly and sat up, looking at me.

"Fine...." He got up out of bed and walked towards the door.

"You need a bath dog." I told him as I followed. "Maybe there will be some breakfast left over for you to eat. I know you must be hungry... and wolves that are hungry and not nice." I crossed my arms as I thought about how this would go... meeting Brook with two dogs, and a few extra vampires.

"You're not my Alpha, so you don't tell me what to do," he growled, looking over his shoulder at me and then walked towards the kitchen.

"No... but this is my territory and manor." I smirked towards him. "So don't be so angry."

"Uh huh.... Sure.... Tell you what, you let me mess around with drinks around here.... and I'll be happier with you. Bartending is my passion." He walked into the kitchen and over to Lee, putting on a smile. "Alpha Lee, how's your morning?" He asked, wrapping an arm around her waist and brushing some of her hair over her ear. Lee smiled softly and leaned in towards him.

"I'm just peachy Travis, good to see you awake." Lee giggled and fed him a bite of eggs.

"You can have my bar room anytime you want, just ask a servant to show you to it." I told Travis. He smiled at that and nodded to me before looked at Lee and eating what she gave him.

"We should find you a beta today," he whispered in her ear. "Tomorrow we will start hunting for your mate. He or she should be around somewhere."

"Lee, we are going to see some people today after we go do something with Val... you should come and meet Alpha Cage and Alpha August... it's good to have connections- yes?" Lauren asked her and I raised an eyebrow then nodded.

"You should." I agreed to Lee. Lee blushed and nodded.

"I'll have to let Paris know to tell them that we are bringing two wolfs." Lauren mumbled. I crossed my arms and looked Lauren down.

"Just don't let him know about.... us." I told Lauren firmly. "Remember, secret."

"I know." Lauren nodded as she started to clean up.

"Wait.... is this all a secret?" Oliver asked, gesturing to our surroundings. Travis glanced my way and then leaned into Lee's neck.

"So...want to pick your beta from around here... or do you want to hunt a beta over in Maine? If you want one from here, we should hurry and do it before we go."

"I don't know... let me think about it Travis... choosing a beta is a big step." She purred to him and fed him another bite of eggs.

"Oh no dear... we just can't tell anyone that Val is plotting against Paris." Lauren told Oliver sweetly. Oliver nodded, not looking too concerned. Travis smiled at Lee and nodded as he ate the eggs.

"That's true... but I want you to have one by tonight," he told her, looking towards Lauren. "Did you make these? You did a great job."

"Well let me think it over." Lee whispered.

"Thank you!" Lauren giggled towards Travis. "You should have gotten in here, I would have made you some too."

"I'll have to remember to get up earlier," Travis told her then glanced at Lee. "Don't think too long on it. A rogue alpha is about the most terrible thing that can happen. I'd hate to see you go that way since how the duty has fallen to you to lead the pack here."

"Hey... I still have a month."

"I'm still deciding too." I told them and smirked.

"And I'll eat you if you say no," Travis growled towards me.

"I'd enjoy every second of it." I purred to him like a cat. "Then I will enjoy watching Alex rip you to pieces for touching me."

"Then you better say yes, or there is going to be some blood on that expensive rug in the front room," he teased and then looked at Lee. "So let's find a beta for you today. Mate search starts tomorrow."

"Oh lordie... I suppose..." I mumbled. "You guys can stay... but we have to make a deal Lee." She smiled sweetly towards me. "No clubs that eat people on full moons? Got it?" I asked her. She nodded quickly. "You have to be a good alpha too." She nodded. "Go get a mate, beta, and a pack before the next full moon girl." I brought her into a friendly hug. "I want some kids too, running around here from you." I tapped her on the nose. Travis laughed.

"IF she ends up with a guy for a mate," he laughed and ruffled Lee's hair. "Good luck with this one. I think the beta will have to supply the next line for this pack."

"I still want some kids." I said stubbornly. Lee blushed and nodded.

"You'll get some kids, I'll adopt." Lee promised me. Travis smirked.

"I'll have to visit to see this," he mumbled.

"You better stay to help." Lee hissed. "I want you by my side. You can't just go rogue on me." Travis sighed, looking at the floor.

"Fine...I'll stay just because you asked so nicely and because I like you enough to let you be my Alpha permanently." He got down on his knees and looked up at her. Lee smirked and patted the top of his head.

"Thanks Travis." She blushed and looked away. "If only Damien had been a good Alpha."

"You'll be better than him. I know you will be because I'll always be here from now on to make sure you don't follow his path," he told her and grabbed her hand, giving it a kiss.

"If she doesn't become better then him then I will have to kill her." I hissed. Lee nodded towards me as she finished eating. Travis got up and stretched then.

"I think you should pick from Maine... most of those around here are into drugs or gambling," he suggested, ignoring what I said.

"I guess... I will pick from Maine." Lee agreed.

"If Paris lets you." Lauren told her, already texting someone.

"If not from Maine.... we can always go a little ways away from his territory and pick from another place.... Just not LA," he mumbled and got up on the counter, sitting on it.

"How about New York?" I asked. "It's in my territory. Unless... You two want something from the south."

"What do you think Alpha Lee?" He gave her a smile as he reached over and rubbed her head. "I think it'll be good for you to make your beta really soon without too much hassle."

"I don't know... the south sounds interesting... I like their accent." Lee admitted. I giggled.

"Let's go to the south then before we go see Brook!" I giggled out and started for the car. "I can drive us there in a short period of time. I have a pretty little red sports car- or we can race eachother."

"Sounds like a plan." Lauren agreed. "We should make this fun for Lee."

"Let's go get another addition then," Travis said with a smirk, jumping down from the counter. "Can't wait... If you want Lee, I can train whoever you pick so that way you can focus on your mate problem."

"That would be nice of you Travis, that's why I want you around." Lee told him.

"Come on then." I motioned for them to follow and Lauren escorted Oliver with her after me. Lee followed obediently. Travis followed and smirked. We all pilled up into two cars. Lauren was in one and I was in the other. Oliver had went with Lauren while I took the wolves. We drove like a bat out of hell to South Carolina and planned to go from there to Maine after Lee got herself a beta and a few extra pack members. Two was my max for the night. We arrived in a small little town right outside of a county named Greensville. There really wasn't much... a small little bar... a few grocery stores... not much honestly. There was a small theater too. I parked at a gas station to fuel up and Lauren parked on the other side of the gas pump.

"Well... I want some coffee." Lee said and got out of the car to go into the store. I followed after her since the pump said I had to buy the gas inside the store. Lauren wasn't far behind me.

"So, where should we go hunt at?" Lauren whispered to me. "For her a beta, there isn't much down here... it's quite stupid. How about we drive down to a beach?" I shrugged.

"It's up to her Lauren."

"And you." Lauren snapped back. A car pulled up then, a few girls getting out with a guy driving them. He leaned over the car as he got out towards the three girls.

"Be a doll and run in and pay for the gas, would you?" He asked one of them as he pulled out a twenty. He pulled out another one. "Get yourselves some drinks too. It's a long drive we have ahead of us," he told them. The girl took the twenties and smiled at him.

"Thank you Nate," she said sweetly, backing away. She glanced towards her friends and gestured for them to come. "Faith, Angel," she called. They giggled and followed after her, grabbing her hands as they raced with her towards the store. I looked them over then handed Lauren some cash.

"Pay for my gas too, will you?" I asked her and started for Nate. "Hi there!" I smiled his way. "I'm a little lost." I began. I heard Lee giggling towards Lauren as they were whispering to each other. I shot him a huge smile to attract him to me. He looked over and smiled.

"Lost? Well that's terrible. What's your name? Mine's Nate, short for Nathan," he told me, watching me curiously before glancing towards the girls that got inside. He smiled and then looked at me again.

"Are those your friends? My name is Kate." I looked towards the girls he had looked towards. I stopped a few feet from him.

"That's a nice name." He came away from his car, walking towards me. "They are my friends. We are traveling on vacation together. Where are you headed? Maybe I can help point you in the right direction."

"Up North. I want to go to Maine, I heard there is some trouble going on up there and I'm a journalist. I'm from California." I reached out to shake his hand. He took my hand and smiled.

"Boy, you really are lost aren't you?" He laughed a bit and gripped my hand firmly, shaking it.

"Uh oh... that can't be good." I giggled and looked down towards my steam punked dress. "Go ahead and tell me, how far off have I gotten?"

"Way off. You should have gone Northeast, not just East. Now you have to cut up the coast to get to where you are wanting to go," he told me, pointing towards a road. "It'll lead you to where you need to be eventually." He let go of my hand and then glanced towards the store. "Hmm.... They seem to be taking a bit."

"Hmmm.... they are..." I pulled him closer. "I like you..." I purred and giggled. He looked at me in alarm.

"We just met Kate.... You don't know a thing about me," he whispered and went to pull away.

"Oh but I do." I started to push him up against the car, exposing my fangs. "Actual name is Val and I am royal goddess from California... I think I will eat you up." He shrieked and went to get away.

"ANNABELLE! HELP! ANNY!" He screamed out, trying to shove me off. I let him go and laughed, walking over to my car.

"I'm not going to eat you." I hissed over my shoulder. "I don't like pussy males."

"Hey, I'm not a pussy! I just happen to respect my life!" He screamed at me. "We just need to get out of here and move on...." He dug around in his car and pulled out a gun, holding it as he waited on his friends anxiously. I rolled my eyes as I spotted Lee flirting with the girls that he was friends with.

"Hmmmm.... looks like they won't want to go." I purred in amusement.

"Shut up vampire," he hissed my way. "My grandfather hunted your kind."

"What was his last name?" I tiled my head quickly. He didn't respond to me, just glared over at me and then looked back to the store to watch his friends. "Oh, silence. I don't like it. I hope it's not Cross." I giggled. "You'd be screwed."

"I said shut up." He leaned up against his car, narrowing his eyes at Lee suspiciously.

"Travis." I called, tapping on the windshield. I started to pump gas into my car once it dinged, telling me I could. Lauren walked out with something to snack on for Oliver, the thought was what counted. I giggled. He probably wouldn't want it after all. Lee came out soon after with the girls and two coffee cups and a sack of snack. She was still giggling with the girls she had met. Faith and Angel looked over at Nathan and smiled, waving to him as they bounced over to him. Annabelle stayed with Lee, watching them as she giggled.

"It was nice meeting you Lee. You're quite funny. I'll see ya," she told her and went to follow her friends. Lee watched Annabelle particularly walk away and then bounced over to the side Travis was sitting on and gave him a cup of coffee and a the sack of snacks.

"Bye girls!" Lee yelled to them and waved. "I hope you have an amazing road trip."

"He's a vampire hunter." I whispered to Lee. She smirked.

"ESPECIALLY YOU HANDSOME!" Lee yelled to him and waved before blowing him a kiss. He smiled at her as he started filling up his tank. Travis looked up at Lee and tilted his head.

"You don't want to keep one from that group? Or are you just holding out for something better?" He asked as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I thought about that girl Ann- but then I realized she isn't really meant for a beta role... none of them are and the first one I bite will be rightfully beta unless you want those rights." Lee whispered to Travis and got in on her side. I finished pumping the gas into the car and walked over to talk with Lauren.

"So what do you think? Beach or should we try that bar in town?" Lauren shrugged, still thinking it over.

"I'm fine with just being in the pack," Travis told her. "You wouldn't want me as a beta. I'd be terrible at it. You need a fresh start with new blood in the pack as beta."

"Oh alright." Lee grumbled. "I'll try looking harder for a beta then."

"Thank you.... I'd hate to have to step in on the night right before the full moon if you haven't found one by then," he told her and then ruffled her hair. "No offence. It's just a lot of responsibility..... and I like to make drinks too much to do something so serious."

"You know if you are in my pack then you can go turn some wolves too." Lee told him, catching my attention because she was trying to keep her voice low enough for his ears only.

"Are you asking me to turn those girls for you?" He whispered back lowly, keeping it almost to where I couldn't hear him.

"Maybe." She purred towards him. He sighed, looking over at the girls through the window.

"Which ones...all or select?" He asked softly.

"Looks like we are staying a bit longer." I whispered to Lauren. "We might need to get a hotel room if there is one in this small town."

"All three of the girls." Lee whispered. "And the male... If you choose." I saw Travis nod as he looked them over.

"The male...he will probably get in the way... and if he's a vampire hunter, then he would more than likely end up rogue if he's unable to accept the pack laws. He's been trained to avoid supernatural stuff and kill it. He'll be hateful," Travis told her as he opened the car door. "Is there any specific manner in which you want me to go about this? Or do you want me to take care of this right here in the parking lot?"

"Go ahead and do it in the parking lot... no one will notice. You can kill the man to protect his next victims." I heard Lee suggest.

"Of course, Alpha Lee," he whispered and shut the door. He glanced over at them, seeing they were distracted and started to strip. He quickly transformed and growled as he lowered his ears. He was a black wolf, I noticed. He walked out from behind the car and started for them, putting his tail between his legs to pretend to be a large dog. He let out a sharp whimper, catching the girls' attention who quickly looked at him.

"Aw, what an adorable doggie!" Faith giggled and walked over to him, reaching down to let him sniff her hand. The other two shortly followed, starting to pet him as they all giggled. Nate looked slightly annoyed and was watching Travis closely. I got on top of the car then once Lauren finished up pumping gas and leaned up against it by me. Lee sat down on the hood of my car to watch as well. Lauren tapped the glass for Oliver to watch. Oliver woke up with a start from his nap and then looked out the window curiously, seeing Travis as a wolf. His eyes widened as he watched the girls. Travis wagged his tail happily and walked over towards Nate, nudging his leg to try to get Nate to warm up to him and drop his defense. He barked and knocked Nate to the ground, licking his face as he got Nathan laughing.

"See Nate, it's a sweet little dog!" Annabelle told him as they watched the two. Travis wagged his tail and glanced up towards Lee before he looked down at Nate. He licked his face some more, working his way down to Nate's neck then let out a sharp growl, biting down. Nathan shrieked out, trying to shove Travis off. The girls screamed and rushed to help him, but Travis finished him off quickly and jumped onto the nearest girl, Angel. He tore at her dress, scratching at her chest and biting into her shoulder viciously.

"Get her stomach good!" Lauren yelled and laughed. Lee jumped off of the car and walked over towards Nate and stomped his head in then ripped his head off of his body to make sure he wouldn't come back. Travis glanced at her and lowered his head respectfully and then went back to tearing at Angel. She shrieked and gripped his fur, screaming for her friends to help her, but they were too shocked. Faith started crying and went to run away, but Travis got up and bit into her leg, yanking her to the ground. He got on top of her and growled in her face before tearing at her shirt with his paws and started scratching her chest and biting into her arm, eating a chunk. Annabelle screamed out in fear and went for the car, getting in and locking it as she curled up in the passenger side. Lee giggled and tapped on the glass a few times then broke it, standing aside for Travis after unlocking and opening the door for him.

"This is why you never want to be a werewolf." I whispered to Lauren. Travis got up and walked over to Lee's side, looking in towards Annabelle as he licked his black muzzle. He licked Lee's hand and then nipped at Annabelle's toes playfully. He licked her leg and then bit down on her shorts to pull her out of the car at Lee's feet. He growled and bit down into her shoulder, making her scream and then started the process to turn her. Lee looked Annabelle over with lust and smirked. It sort of made me shiver to watch her like that.

"Worse then when she seen Oliver." I heard Lauren mumbling. Oliver had been crying as he watched, curled up in the seat of the car. He backed away from the window, not wanting to see it anymore and rocked back and forth. Travis finished and let out a howl before nudging Lee's leg with his head. He looked up at her and sat down beside Annabelle like he was inviting Lee to enjoy her. Lee picked up Annabelle and put her in the backseat of the car right by her and crawled in with her, shutting the door behind her. Travis walked over to the other two girls and laid down beside them, licking their faces as they cried softly, curled up on the ground. He looked over towards me like he wanted me to come over. I hopped off the car and walked over to him, sitting down by them.

"Hi girls." I purred to them then looked at him. "Got something for me boy?" He showed me his teeth then licked my hand. He looked at the two girls then at the car, laying his ears back as he gave me a cute look, tilting his head. I rubbed his head and then looked towards the girls. I heard the girl Annabelle let out a sharp moan and I looked towards the vehicle seeing her legs in the air. "Well then. That's what I get for letting a lesbian live with me." Travis got to his feet then moved close to me, looking me in the eyes then breathed in my face. He sat back on his hind legs and wagged his tail.

"She'll be a little bit...." I heard Travis say as he let out a small bark. "It would probably be best to convince her to move the girl to a better place."

"That's true.... I'll go tell her." I got to my feet and walked over to them, closing my eyes as I knocked on the window. "Hey Lee, you two need to hurry it up so we can get her to a safe place for the shift."

"Give me a minute." Lee said as she giggled and made the girl yelp from something. I blushed and walked away before opening my eyes.

"She needs a minute." I told him. Travis yawned and looked at the two girls.

"Val, can you move them into the car? I would prefer not to be left on the pavement of this parking lot waiting for these two to come to. It'll be awhile.... Alpha Lee! You are supposed to be mate hunting tomorrow! I don't think mating with that girl in the backseat of a car is the best thing to be doing when you are going to be giving yourself to another in a few days!" He got to his feet and walked over to the car, scratching on it to get her attention.

"UGH! Travis stop ruining my fun, she won't remember this anyhow." Lee yelled towards him. "One more minute, she's close." I heard the girl yell from something and I raised an eyebrow.

"Moving on.." I whispered and picked up one of the girls. Lauren was by my side helping by grabbing the other girl and we moved them into my trunk. "Lee! Hurry it up." I snapped.

"Fine!" Lee came out of the car quickly and stretched. "Come on sugar." She pulled the other girl out and helped her walk over to the my car and put her in the backseat with her.

"Hey, don't you two do anything in my seat back there." I pointed my finger towards them. Lauren got into her car, waiting on me. Travis got in beside Lee in his wolf form and licked Annabelle's face.

"My cub," he growled playfully towards Lee, looking up at her as he laid his head down on Annabelle's stomach. I grabbed his clothes and put them in the car then got in, leading Lauren out of this god forsaken place and towards a nearby dirt road. We pulled over once we got down it and got out. Lauren helped me drag out the two turning girls in the trunk and left Annabelle to the wolves.

"I'm going to need a new dress." I hissed, noticing I got blood all over mine. Travis got out of the car quickly, laying down beside the girls in the dirt and licked their faces as he curled up to them both. He let out a small howl and looked towards the car.

"Alpha, I will take care of her. Bring her over," he called out to her. Lee brought Annabelle to him and laid her down then transformed into her wolf and laid by them. I searched in my car then for my hidden stash and pulled it out. I laid out a line of coke on the hood of the car then sniffed it up.

"You should stop doing that." Lauren told me, sitting by me on the car. Travis glanced over, but he lost interest and looked over at Alpha Lee, pressing his muzzle into her fur.

"You should go hunt a beta.... I can take care of these girls. I've turned at least one before," he told her, growling softly. She growled something snappy back to him and stayed put. I imagined she wanted to see the girls shift. "It's not like I turned your mate for life, now did I? If one of these girls was your mate, I would have knocked her out and put her in the back so you could turn her after you make a beta." She curled up to Travis and yawned.

"Oh come on Lee... We do need to go hunt you down a beta." I told her. "Come on darling dear... Let's go get that done and then we can come-" She growled at me and adjusted herself against Travis. Travis let out a sharp growl at her, nipping her ear.

"Get a beta. You should trust me enough to handle this. The sooner you have a beta, the sooner we can all sleep as a pack," he told her.

"The sooner we can get up north away from these hillbillies." I whispered and started for her. "Let's go Lee." I said firmly. She backed away from me, going over Travis. Travis growled again and nipped at her foot, making her fall to the ground. He got on top of her and growled in her face, wagging his tail.

"I want a beta," he told her. "Let's not do this twice today and do it all at once." She whimpered before getting up from under him and going towards me. She shifted back and grabbed her clothes.

"Fine, but they better still be there when I get back." Lee growled and got into my car. I looked towards Lauren.

"Stay here." I told her and got into my car. I drove Lee towards town then where that bar was. She'd just have to put up with what she has to choose from.