In His Blood Is Hell

Raven's POV:

I sat down on the couch and wiped off my face from the amazing fight I just had. I just killed the god of Phoenix and became the new goddess. I giggled and looked at his blood on my hand. He had tasted so good too, and his newborns protecting him were nothing short of perfection. I licked my hand clean and then looked at my dress, tsking. "There's no saving this dress though," I mumbled.

"Hi! Look at who just killed the god of Phoenix!" Paris said as he came into the room with a glass of wine in his hands and an extra one. He handed it to me. "I'm so proud of you. RICHARD! COME IN HERE MY LOVE!" I took the wine and glanced it over before taking a sip. Richard came in and smiled at Paris sweetly.

"Yes Paris? Did you want me?" He purred, teasing him a little as he stayed just out of reach.

"Come in here, we are celebrating with Raven. She just grabbed more land for herself. It means less work for me." Paris laughed as he looked towards me. "Raven, did you hear that Lauren just became a maker?" Wait what? I set down the glass, sitting up a bit.

"Lauren became a maker?" I giggled and stood up. "That's great! I knew she'd eventually become one. She's going to be a great teacher!" I looked towards Richard and smiled sweetly as he walked over to Paris, wrapping an arm around his waist. I glanced at Paris and then bit my bottom lip. So he either plans to let me keep what I've earned... or he expects me to hand it over?

"I'm going to give you much more land though." Paris whispered to me. "I'm still thinking about your territories here..." He smirked and motioned me to come over. "You have blood under your eye. Let me wipe it off." I frowned, walking over.

"I could just do it myself though," I mumbled and stood in front of him, looking up at him. Richard laughed at that and kissed Paris's cheek. In seconds Paris had moved Richard behind me and closed me into him then cut his wrist and forced me to drink his blood. I widened my eyes and went to pull back quickly, trying to spit it out in alarm.

"Hold her." Paris whispered to Richard as he shoved his wrist deeper into my mouth. Richard grabbed me and held me down, laughing a bit.

"You are scaring her Paris," he told him and kissed the top of my head. Muffled by Paris's wrist, I screamed out and thrashed in Richard's arms, trying to get free. Suddenly Paris's blood took me over with bad happy feelings. It was unnatural and his blood was addicting. It tasted of tea, coffee, oranges, and chocolate but it also had a dark side. Something I didn't want to dance with but I was already caught up in a nasty tango with it. It swirled through my system telling me to obey Paris but also be as destructive as possible. I could feel myself changing... becoming.... demonic. I never touched hell until I bit into Paris and got a small feel of it. I stopped thrashing and started to drink Paris's blood after hesitation, giving in. I felt Richard slowly let go of me as I went towards Paris. He exposed his neck then, welcoming me.

"Not so scary anymore, am I?" Paris asked and smooshed me between Richard and him as he kissed Richard's lips.

"No, he's not," Richard purred to me as he kissed Paris on the lips then leaned in to my ear. "Drink up sweetie." I closed my eyes and leaned in towards Paris's neck, biting down gently to get a better taste. Paris grunted then brought us onto the couch, making me sit in his lap. Richard grabbed Paris's wrist and licked it clean, healing it as he purred to him. I glanced over at Richard and then at Paris before leaning back into his neck and continuing. He exposed his neck more and laughed.

"Now who says I was evil?" Paris asked and looked towards Richard. "I let people drink from me every now and then- besides you."

"You're going to make me jealous," Richard joked and ran his fingers through my hair, pulling it back from my face. "She's hooked, isn't she?" He laughed and looked at Paris, kissing his cheek. I ignored him as I kept drinking, enjoying the taste and hating it all at the same time as I got confused about it. Was it good, or was it bad? I couldn't tell anymore. Paris pushed me away then and beside him as he pulled Richard into his lap.

"Now go make me pleased Raven." He waved me off as he leaned in to kiss Richard. I frowned as I got up. What the heck just happened? I felt funny from all that.... Did he drug me or something?

"I made you demonic. You can do whatever you want now... no rules." Paris told me after pulling away from Richard. "You can blood binge all you want and do what you wish with Austin." I blushed.

"D-demonic?" I glanced them over and then looked away quickly. Isn't that really bad?

"It's heavenly." Paris assured me.

"I remember Richard telling me that it was terrible and that anyone who went demonic needed to be cleansed before they could do something bad," I mumbled, glancing towards Richard who smiled at me.

"Raven... I was wrong. It's alright. Trust me," he purred towards me, making me feel a little better. I nodded and looked towards Paris.

"S-so... I'm demonic now? Like... it's over, and I'm a demonic pureblood, or is something still happening to me?" I whispered.

"You should blood binge in a few minutes and then you'll be demonic for good until you get cleansed." Paris told me and shrugged. "But you are my demon so never forget that. If you try to challenge me... I will take you down." I widened my eyes at that, remembering the first day I met him where we got into a fight. It could've gotten so much worse if he was actually interested in fighting me instead of trying to drink from Lauren. Besides.... I love Paris and Richard like family. I wouldn't betray them. I gave a small nod and smiled at them.

"Of course," I murmured and then went for the door to leave before anything else could happen.

"Go have fun and taste all the blood you can get your hands on. Don't worry. The world is ours now." Paris told me. I shut the door softly behind me and teleported away quickly, going to my room. I walked over to my dresser to grab a dress, putting what happened far from my mind at the moment. I'd deal with it later... The first thing I need to do is get a good shower in. I glanced around and wondered where Austin was before starting for the bathroom. I took a hot shower and scrubbed all the blood off of me and then got dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Austin!" I called, hoping he was around. I needed to talk to him about Phoenix. Austin didn't answer me though. He must not be home at the moment.... I frowned, deciding to call him, but I stopped as I felt a small burning feeling in my throat. I whimpered and touched it as I was overcome with the desire to hunt and eat. You should just ditch Austin for now... He's not around. You can do whatever you want. Let's have some fun. He can wait. I nodded and slipped my phone back into my pocket, teleporting into town. I glanced around before walking around aimlessly, killing those I came across and feasting.

About two hours later, I stopped as a girl fell dead at my feet. I licked my lips and looked down at her, tilting my head. I heard a few car alarms going off nearby from where I had torn them open to get at the passengers inside. I bit my bottom lip as I snapped out of it and looked around. I made a mess.... It's a good mess though... You enjoyed it. You shouldn't stop here. I laughed and wiped my face clean, shaking my head as I pulled out my phone and stepped over the girl. I dialed up Austin's number, lifting the phone to my ear then stopped. I widened my eyes and reached up, touching them as they felt different. I quickly hung up and pulled out the camera on my phone, seeing I had cat ears now. I shrieked and dropped my phone, taking off running.

"AH! OH MY GOD! DEMON! DEMON!" I heard a lady screaming and running from me down the street. I was shot then in my shoulder by someone behind me.

"Raven, never thought I'd have to take you in." I heard a familiar voice. It was an Ainsworth. Riley to be specific. My shoulder began to burn from the inside out and started to decay, taking my whole arm with it. Lucky it will grow back. I groaned in pain and looked over my shoulder towards Riley. I teleported behind him and grabbed his gun with my one hand and kicked him away.

"WHAT THE HECK KIND OF BULLET DID YOU USE?!" I screamed at him and started trying to unload it to see what he shot me with. He let me and smirked as he looked me over.

"Kitty." Riley whispered. "I used a new and improved bullet. It's the next model that will be released onto the hunter market next week to bring some competition for Paris." He took a step back from me. "Go home Raven. Keep the gun." I looked up at him and narrowed my eyes.

"You shot me...." I hissed and stopped trying to unload it. "I can't believe you shot me."

"Well duh. I'm a hunter Raven." He pointed to his head and tapped it. "You are lucky I like you otherwise I would have got your wonderful little stone and kaboom....everywhere." I growled at the idea and pointed it at his foot, pulling the trigger to get back at him. He had moved his foot quick enough so it didn't get shot and laughed.

"You're glad I like you enough not to kill you for it either," I hissed and looked towards my healing shoulder. "Jerk..."

"Look at the disaster you caused. I'm going now." He started walking over to a car, pulling out his phone. "Situation has been controlled. I'm coming in for a new case." He said into his phone. I teleported back home then, going towards the living room.

"PARIS I GOT SHOT!" I shouted and laid down on the couch. "YOUR BELOVED LITTLE AINSWORTH TWIN DID IT!"

"Riley?" Paris asked, pulling away from Richard. "He tends to shoot people." He agreed and laughed.

"They made new bullets. He said something about wanting to give you competition or something and that they'd go on the hunter market soon," I told him, calming down a bit and showed him the gun. "It destroyed my arm. I'm lucky I was able to regenerate it." Richard glanced over and looked at the gun curiously.

"He let you keep his gun.... Interesting." I sighed and set the gun down on the coffee table.

"Yeah, he told me I could keep it," I whispered and rubbed my shoulder, trying to massage the pain out. "Those are nasty bullets.... He's lucky I like him and his family and that you seem to favor them. I would have ripped him to shreds otherwise." Paris pulled out his phone then.

"You said they wanted to give me competition?" Paris asked and raised an eyebrow as he dialed up a number and put it to his ear.

"That's what he said," I confirmed and winced as a sharp pain went through me. I grabbed the gun and started to unload it, examining the bullets and tossed one to Paris. He grabbed it and held it up to Richard for him to see.

"Listen here you little jerk, don't you put those new bullets out on the market, are you mad?" Paris hissed into his phone. "You know what... I'm coming over to tell you to your face since you seem too busy to just not ANSWER me." He threw the phone across the room and grabbed my hand then teleported all three of us onto the porch of the Ainsworth manor. He knocked on the door calmly and smirked. It didn't take long before a girl answered the door, not that old... Around preteens. She smiled at us and gave Paris a hug.

"Paris! It's good to see you." She looked towards me then. "Who is she?"

"That's Raven... Raven this is Savannah Ainsworth.... She's adopted." Paris informed me and faked a smile. "Savannah, I need you to get us those little rods by the door so we can come in." Savannah went into the house then and grabbed the door hand.

"Sorry... but daddy- Dylan doesn't want you to come in anymore. He's disowning you as family now... I'm not sure why but I hope you two make up so you can come play barbies with me." Paris sighed out deeply.

"Savannah, he doesn't answer my calls... so how am I supposed to talk and make up with him if he's not answering?" Paris asked. She began to think it over then, swaying on the door. I gave her a smile, wondering what exactly was going on with the Ainsworths. Since when did Dylan and Paris fight? They seemed like best friends.

"Savannah sweetie, I can play with you if you want while Paris makes up with Dylan," I told her, bending down to her level. Richard smiled and joined me.

"We will both play with you! How does that sound? I'm sure this will all be resolved. Come on darling, what do you say?" He asked, giving her a loving look.

"Savannah, who's at the door?" I heard a ruff deep voice ask and then a cough.

"Blade! Let us in!" Paris yelled. "Tell Savannah it is okay! I need to talk to Dylan."

"Like hell you will!" The man shouted, his footsteps approached the door. "Come away from the door Savannah."

"Hey, what's going on down there?" I heard a familiar voice shout from inside. I widened my eyes as I stood up, looking at Paris. Dante is here? "Tommy, stay back." Dante appeared at the door, backing Savannah inside as he saw Paris. "Paris," he said simply then looked at Richard and stopped at me. His eyes widened, and he looked back towards Paris then at me. I took a step back as my heart raced for a second, remembering how he had tried to take me a few years back.

"Dylan's not here." I heard Charlie say from a few feet away. "Come on Savannah, go with Tommy to the kitchen." Charlie walked up to the door then and wrapped an arm around Dante and kissed his cheek.

"What the hell do you mean he's not here?" Paris asked. Dante kissed Charlie back and looked at Paris.

"He's not here is what that means. You should go before Riley gets home. He's been in a mood lately. He left because there was some sightings of a demon or something in the street killing a lot of humans and making a big mess." Dante waved it off and glanced towards me then at Charlie. Paris tossed the bullet to Charlie then.

"Tell your brother he's dead to me if he's going to act this way. Don't even think about putting those bullets on the market." Paris hissed out and exposed his fangs. Charlie exposed his fangs then and let the bullet his the floor.

"I'll tell him Paris." Charlie growled. "Get off my property before I shoot you myself. You know what you are going to do is wrong and my family wants no part in it now." He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Come closer and tell me that again." Paris threatened. "This is my territory vampire... That's what you are, you aren't a hunter anymore. I have rights to send you out... I was just letting you camp out." Richard shook his head and wrapped an arm around Paris's waist.

"Before you do something rash... think about it first," Richard whispered to him. "I'm as pissed as you are, but you've got to remember how many there are inside and the fact that you can't go in. They'd be able to kill us from inside, and we don't have our weapons on us to fight long distance."

"Don't worry boys, I'd keep your stones nice and safe in sunlight and hollywater." Charlie hissed. "Threaten me again." He dared Paris. Paris sighed and looked Charlie over.

"Where's Dylan? Or rather... when will you expect him home? I want to talk to him." Paris rested his hands on the door frame and smiled. "After I make up with him, I am going to take you into the gym and teach you-"

"Paris. Please." Savannah begged on the other side. "Stop threatening my older brother." Charlie started for Paris then, slipping out of Dante's arms to do so. I hissed and snatched him quickly as soon as he came out the door and threw him up against the wall. Dante grabbed me and pinned my hands behind my back.

"Raven, don't start," he hissed lowly into my ear. I shivered and then stomped on his foot, making him groan in pain and spun around, kicking him out into the yard.

"Don't you touch me!" I teleported in front of him and stomped down on his chest, exposing my fangs to him. He laughed and grabbed my foot, yanking it out from under me.

"Stop it!" Savannah yelled to us before Paris could get his hands on Charlie. Paris seemed to obey her and let Charlie go. Charlie dusted himself off and looked towards Savannah.

"Not in front of a lady then." Charlie agreed. Paris snarled. "Dylan had to go to an important meeting with one of the HQ's. He won't be back until tomorrow, late in the evening. We aren't your friend anymore Paris... You should take over... It's not right and it'll be the worst mistake you ever make." Paris got close to Charlie then.

"Laurence seems to disagree with you." Paris whispered.

"He's a fool then." Charlie got closet to Paris and started for his stone. Richard growled and bit into Charlie's shoulder before he could touch Paris. Dante sat up beside me quickly and went to stop Richard, but I grabbed him, tackling him back to the ground and started to claw at his wrists to grab them. He flipped us and pinned me under him, smirking.

"The ears suit you.... If this breaks out into a fight, you know that you aren't getting away, right?" He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head and looked me over. "You've become more tame over the years.... You need to sharpen back up. You didn't even bring a knife with you. I'm disappointed." I heard a gun go off then and Paris and Richard were sent flying off the porch by the impact of the gun. Blade stood in the doorway and smirked with a shotgun in his hands. Richard started to look like he was being electrocuted and soon after Paris followed.

"Get them inside." Blade hissed. I widened my eyes and looked up at Dante.

"How could you?" I hissed and kneed him where it counted. I shoved him off of me and ran for Paris and Richard, grabbing them before someone could come retrieve them. I teleported us back to the manor and dropped them in the living room. "Paris? Richard?" I bent down and started looking for where they got shot and started to dig the bullet out of Paris first. When I touched the bullet it shocked me, not being nice about it either. I hissed in pain and got up, racing to the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and a bowl then came back into the living room, kneeling down beside Paris. "Grunt once if you want something to bite down on," I whispered, looking him in the eyes as I held the knife close to his wound. He didn't grunt though as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. His ears started to bleed out. I widened my eyes and quickly started using the knife to cut it out of him, glancing towards Richard to see he was suffering a little faster than Paris was. I should've started with him. I bit my bottom lip and got the bullet out of Paris, dropping it into the bowl and then crawled over him to get to Richard, stabbing into his wound. Paris rolled over onto his side then and started to puke something up, hissing out curses. He got up and stumbled over to his phone, picking it up and dialing a number.

"OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?!" I heard Donnie ask as he rushed in. "Dad! Dad! What the heck were you thinking?" He rushed towards my side then and looked Richard over.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU." Paris hissed into the phone. "You told them I couldn't even come inside!? Are you mad!? I have rights to see them. They are my friends even if you are mad at me Dylan! You better hope you make it home safely tomorrow because I will be waiting for you at the airport." He hung up and crushed the phone then dropped it on the floor. I winced as I accidentally touched the bullet in Richard and looked towards Paris.

"Paris, you need to get him something to eat. He's getting worse by the second, and this is a stubborn bullet," I whispered and looked at Donnie. "Donnie, hold him down. I can't do much with him thrashing." Paris came over then and grabbed Donnie's wrist before biting into it. He held it out over Richard's lips then pushed me aside to focus on the bullet.

"I got you baby.." He looked the bullet over then growled.

"It's too deep." Paris hissed. "I'm going in another way. Get him a maid for when he wakes up." He shoved Donnie away then to do so and grabbed the knife from me. He rolled Richard over and stabbed him in the back. He made Richard get on his hands and knees as he stabbed the bullet out. Richard screamed and fell into the floor, making me wince as I saw it. I rubbed his head comfortingly and looked at Paris.

"I don't know how I ever let Blade live." Paris hissed. "If I had killed him the moment I met him.. We might have been better off. All of those hunters in that house.... and then Dante... IN MY TERRITORY." Paris got to his feet then and started going towards his basement doors. "I'm raising my army now." I picked Richard up and began to hum to him as Richard cried softly from the shock.

"Paris, would you like me to put Richard in your room?" I whispered, wanting to get him somewhere safe where he could heal. I was lucky I wasn't shot. If I was.... we'd be inside the manor probably being killed....

"No, he'd just torture you until Dylan came home." Donnie told me. He smiled softly. "Get my dad up to his room and I will get him a juicy maid to eat." Donnie stood up and walked off.

"What happened?" I heard Hachi ask as he appeared with Isaac in his arms. "I felt something bad." I looked at Hachi and gestured for him to follow me.

"Come on Hachi. How about you help me put Richard to bed? I will tell you. Paris is a bit busy raising his army from slumber." I started to walk off. He'd either follow me or not if he really wanted to know. Hachi followed me, holding Isaac's hand.

"So what happened? What's wrong with Richard?" I smiled at him and adjusted my hold on Richard.

"Well, I got shot by Riley with some new bullet, and Paris went to confront the Ainsworths, but we got into a fight with them. Richard and Paris were both shot, and I managed to get us home before they could take us into custody. Paris is raising his army right now...and I'm putting Richard to bed so he can get some rest. He's worse off and had to be stabbed in the back to get the bullet out," I informed him.

"Oh my gosh.... but the Ainsworths love us! Why would they want to fight us?" Hachi asked and then hid his face against Isaac's shoulder.

"They said what Paris was doing was wrong and that everyone who believed what he was doing was ok was a fool. They've declared war in their own way....and Paris is pissed. Not to mention my ex is with them," I growled at that, feeling disgusted that he had managed to hold me down. What in the world was happening to me? Am I off my game or something? Get him back for it. I nodded and smirked. "Yes....I will do that. He will be begging for mercy," I mumbled to myself. I walked up to Paris's door and looked at Hachi. "Can you get it open?" Hachi opened the door with magic and motioned for me to go inside.

"Wow... Pairs must be taking it... horribly. Why would Dylan go and change his side like that? He's a vampire.... It would benefit him." Hachi shook his head in confusion.

"Someone else must have convinced him otherwise to make him betray Paris like this," I whispered, walking in and setting Richard on the bed. Richard groaned and looked up at me. I brushed his hair out of his face and frowned, feeling bad that I had even mentioned it to Paris about me getting shot. They would be safe on the couch together still had I not said a word. I should've held my tongue.... but then they wouldn't know about the new bullets. I looked over at Hachi and Isaac and smiled at them. "So what have you been up to-"

"Are those cat ears?" Isaac asked, looking at me closely. I blushed a bit and felt one twitch.

"We haven't been up to anything. In fact... He left me outside for three days. Of course.... I accidentally bit him and got... hungry... So I sort of see why he locked me out for so long.... BUT HE TEASED ME! He threw a party and everything!" Hachi told me and sniffled. I giggled and walked over.

"You haven't been up to anything huh? That sounds like a whole lot," I told them and then looked at Isaac. "You two be nice to each other now." I ruffled Isaac's hair and looked at Hachi.

"He went out and got me breakfast though!" Hachi said happily, his mood changed. "He's been very sweet to me since." I laughed and nodded.

"You two make a cute couple.... I'm glad you found someone." I glanced back at Richard and saw he was knocked out. "Have you seen Austin? He wasn't here earlier." I bit my bottom lip as I started to get worried. He would've come when he heard all the shouting. Heck, he would have come when he heard me shouting about getting shot.

"I heard a party going on in the back. You know... where the grill is." Hachi tried to help me. I crossed my arms then. That punk. If he's out there throwing a party while I'm in here dealing with battle wounds.... I nodded and started for the door.

"Thank you Hachi.... I will be back later. Please watch over Richard for Paris, will you?" I teleported outside to where the grill was and looked around for him. Hachi was right, the kids were playing with each other around in the yard. Benjamin, Austin, August, Louis, Cage, and quite a few more were sitting around a fire. There was music playing from inside a truck nearby and the adults were drinking alcohol. Austin looked towards me then.

"Oh hi Raven!" Austin said and smiled my way. "Come on over and sit down." I narrowed my eyes and walked over slowly, picking my way across the yard. I can't believe he's drinking.... without me. Bite him and remind him who's boss! He's yours. I nodded. He's in so much trouble. He's not supposed to be drinking.... I can't believe he didn't come to me when I called for him! I teleported behind him then, pissed. I exposed my fangs and bit down into his shoulder hard. He screamed and teleported out of my reach then, disappearing entirely. I growled and looked at the others.

"Louis, your brother got injured. He's pissed. You should go check on him," I hissed towards him and then looked at the others before pulling out my phone and calling Austin. He answered then.

"You bit me!" He yelled into the phone.

"Why do you have ears?" Dannie asked as he ran up to me and tried to touch them. I giggled and got down on my knees so he could.

"You're so cute," I told him and then growled at Austin. "YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE DRINKING!"

"Well I am!" Austin yelled back into the phone and hung up on me. Dannie grabbed my ears and started to rub them, giggling.

"Cool! Quinton! Come see Raven's ears!" Dannie begged. I laughed and watched as all of the kids ran over. Quinton giggled and touched them as the three girls looked at them. I wrapped them all up into a hug and smiled happily.

"So whatcha kiddies playing huh?" I asked, calming down.

"Wolves!" Dannie told me. "Wolves and bunnies. The girls are the bunnies and we are the wolves... We are chasing them to eat them... but they are sometimes too fast." Dannie giggled and poked my cheek. I nodded and smirked.

"Well... In that case... I'm the big bad hunter come to get you all!" I giggled and started to tickle Dannie as the girls shrieked and ran away. Dannie giggled and squirmed.

"Quinton save me!" Dannie begged. Quinton growled playfully and went to tackle me. I let him and let out a small groan.

"Oh no! I've been got by the wolf!" I shouted loudly as Quinton giggled and sat up on me, tickling my sides. I laughed and went to grab his hands. Dannie ran off then towards the treehouse and yelled for the girls and Quinton to follow. They did, Quinton getting off of me. I sat up and looked over at Louis and August with a smirk as something occurred to me. "The full moon is soon. Got a plan Louis?" I asked, winking as I stood up. Louis blushed and looked at August then at me mouthing Australia.

"Your so unfair." August hissed towards Louis. "You wonder why my inner wolf doesn't like you... I bet your inner wolf doesn't even approve. Go check on your twin you jerk." August said as he sunk into his chair.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you August, we are going to meet an Alpha soon from California. Her name is Lee. Paris is granting her passage onto our land so be nice." Cage told August. August nodded eagerly.

"Wow! I get to meet another Alpha? A girl?" August looked surprised. Louis laughed and stood up, walking over to August and sitting in his lap.

"Maybe you two will get along. It'd be nice for you to have more friends. I won't go to Australia, ok? You're right.... She doesn't approve... and I guess it is cruel," Louis whispered in August's ear.

"What's the worst that could happen sweetie?" August asked and leaned in towards Louis's neck. He kissed it softly and wrapped him up into a hug.

"Being eaten....or raped... or both," Louis mumbled and kissed his cheek as he let August have access to his neck.

"Oh... you'd enjoy it. I wouldn't eat you! We'd end up going on a romantic hunt and wake up together naked next to our prey. Hunter told me that much." August told him.

"TMI!" Cage yelled. "I don't want to know what goes on with my parents or you two." He took a sip of beer. Louis nodded and looked a bit more relaxed.

"Just a hunt? I thought there would be some weird thing that your inner wolf would do because it would be my first full moon with an inner wolf myself. If it's just a hunt for deer or something... then I guess I'm not too worried. You'll probably leave me behind anyways since how I can't even walk." He laughed a bit, and I took a seat, grabbing Austin's drink and started to sip on it.

"Well you see the thing is, we already have kids. That's off the list. We have offspring... We have the next heir to the 'throne' so honestly our wolfs will be more interested in hunting together." August whispered.

"GUYS!" Cage begged.

"As long as it's just a hunt," Louis murmured and then kissed his cheek. "You'll have to show me how to walk so I don't slow you down."

"You need to shift early tonight then." August smirked. "It'll hurt but we will get more things accomplished." Louis blushed and then nodded.

"I'd try right now... but I think you want to finish your drink and enjoy the grill out more." Louis curled up on him and closed his eyes.

"You can always go run around with Quinton in the yard." August teased.

"Cage will laugh at me when I fail my first steps again...."

"I didn't laugh with August." Cage reminded. "I was very caring."

"You'll laugh at me though... You were friends with him in high school and plus you knew it would be bad for an alpha to not know how to walk. I'm just a luna," Louis pointed out, looking towards him. "I'm a really small Luna. I'd be considered a runt."

"You'll growl." Cage promised. "You won't be as big as August though because you are a Luna." He smirked.

"But I'm a guy... I still won't get as big as August?" Louis pouted and then looked at August. "That's not fair...."

"Your wolf is a girl." August reminded. "So you won't be able to get bigger then me. It's just how the law of mother nature works... even with the superna-"

"HEY GUYS!" Hachi ran over to the group and smiled. "Hate to interrupt but I was wondering something."

"Hey Hachi," Louis said and smiled at him. "What are you wondering?" He sat up on August and took a sip of his drink. Hachi walked over to Louis and pulled him away from August.

"It's going to be between us." Hachi told him. "It's about our connection."

"What about it?" Louis smiled innocently and tilted his head. "If it's about last night...." Hachi blushed but nodded.

"Don't tell me you felt that..." Hachi whispered in embarrassment.

"So it was because of you that I woke up sore.... I thought August was doing things to me in my sleep." He gave August a look and then looked at Hachi. "It's fine."

"Now you owe me an apology, both of you." August snapped. "Cage has been laughing about that all day." He looked towards him.

"I really did think you got caught doing something to Luna Louis... It really did seem like it with the way he had a limp coming out of the bedroom-"

"Uhhhhhh." Hachi started walking away. "Thanks anyways Louis!"

"Next time please don't send it my way!" Louis called after him then looked at August. "You better not actually do things to me in my sleep. I swear... if you do and I somehow don't know about it yet...."

"He totally does... All men do." Cage said and looked over at a few girls.

"August," Louis called his name and stood up, crossing his arms. "What do you have to say in response? Because if you do... you're sleeping on the couch for a whole week."

"I don't, honest. I'm too tired to do things like that! I'm an Alpha! You really think I will be active enough for that without you awake and helping? When I get in bed at the end of the day I just want to pass out." August told me. "Plus we all know you are the dominate one here. You would do that to me way before I would do it to you." Cage busted out laughing then. Louis thought it over and smiled.

"You're right about that... You do pass out just about every night.... Sometimes I wonder how we even had our twins.... I think the roles should be reversed and you should be Luna." Louis walked over to him and sat down in his lap.

"I can't help that it was my birth right." August complained.

"Yeah.... but I am more dominate. You aren't near as dominate as I've heard alphas can be." Louis smirked and kissed him.

"You should hear about Alpha Damien..." Cage started from where he was sitting. "You'd fear other Alphas and your skin will crawl." He sat up straight then. "He's from Val's territory too... Over in California. He owns a club named The Cave. He traps people in it and eats them every full moon instead of taking his pack out for a run and hunt." Louis shivered a bit.

"See... now that's why I love you August... I know I won't wake up and find my arm missing. Still.... if the roles were reversed... I wonder how I would have turned out," Louis mumbled and then tilted his head. "But I'm busy Akira.... I don't want to right now.... Yes, I know that I will need to before tonight.... Fine," Louis sighed and looked at August. "She wants me to go practice walking with Quinton. I'll be back later." He started to get up and began to walk off. August watched his Luna before turning to Cage.

"Do you think Alpha Lee has anything to do with Alpha Damien?" August asked curiously.

"Don't know... I do know that he murdered his Luna." Cage spat and leaned forward. "She back talked him too much." I shivered at that. Someone had the nerve to kill their mate?

"He sounds like trash. If he's still around, I hope he gets killed soon." I took another sip. "No offence guys... but that's just disgusting to kill your mate- even if they back talk you."

"It's against our moon goddess." August told me. "It would be insulting her! I wonder how he's still living... She must have something huge planned for him then." He stood up and Cage followed his motion.

"We should ask Lee if she knows anything." Cage suggested. "It'll be a nice conversation to start our Alpha bonding. We'll have extra help form the other side of the country when needed." I frowned then and got up. Well... if they are going to do alpha things... I think I will make up with Austin. I pulled out my phone and walked away, calling him. Please pick up.... He picked up once again.

"Stop calling me." Austin growled. "I can't believe you just stormed in on me and bit me!" I pouted and stopped walking.

"Austin... I'm sorry. I was upset... I got shot earlier, and I've been grouchy about it. Forgive me?"

"I suppose I could forgive you..." I heard him trailing off. "Did an Ainsworth shoot you?"

"Mhmm... It took my arm with it too... I had to regenerate it," I told him and started walking towards the house again. "I tried to see you earlier before I got shot, and I didn't see you all morning.... It just made me upset when I saw you drinking after I had been shot and almost was taken by the Ainsworths for a second time today. Dante was there even... and he pinned me to the ground and basically told me I've grown weak and soft."

"Well Dante will tell you just about anything to make you degrade yourself... You shouldn't listen to him. I don't even know how Charlie puts up with him... I bet Charlie sleeps in a separate bed from that devil. The Ainsworths have balls trying to take Paris, Richard, and you into custody." Austin snarled. "Let me get my hands on them..." I shook my head quickly.

"No not yet... All I want is for you to come home right now. We will get our honor back another day...when we've healed. After all, my shoulder still hurts, and Paris is raising his army up to prepare for a fight. Just come back to me... I promise I won't bite you like that again," I purred to him and walked into the house. I found a zombie like corpsed vampire draining a maid as soon as I walked in. I stopped in my tracks. "Hold that thought for a minute sweetie." I put my hand over the phone and narrowed my eyes. "PARIS, YOU DO KNOW THAT THERE IS A VAMPIRE EATING YOUR MAID IN THE HALLWAY, YES?" I shouted, wanting to make sure that this wasn't just random.

"Hors nouveau-né!" I heard Paris call up to us. The newborn pouted and moved away from the maid.

"Mais je veux plus de maîtrise!"

"Ce soir!" The newborn sighed and started to walk down a hall I had never seen used before. I frowned and watched as he walked away, feeling like following him to find out what the hall was for. "Did he leave the maid?" I heard Paris call up to me.

"Yes! What are you doing Paris?" I asked, tearing my attention away from the newborn.

"Waking my army! Want to help?" I laughed and raised the phone up to my ear.

"Hey Austin, want to come watch Paris raise up his army with me? It should be fun. He's down in the basement." I started for the basement doors and saw him appear by them, looking around for me. I hung up quickly and ran over to him, wrapping him up in my arms and kissing his cheek quickly. I smiled happily, glad he was with me again and here. "Come on sweetie." I started to pull him down it and leaned up against him as we walked down the many flights of stairs to reach where Paris was. The floor was covered with coffins among coffins stacked on empty bunks. A group of dirty newborns stood around, talking amongst themselves. They all looked starved and were wearing outdated, thin clothing. I frowned and looked towards Paris, seeing him feeding a newborn in a coffin his blood. He had a few bottled bloods beside him, and he seemed to be a little disgusted. A girl walked over to me then and frowned.

"En quelle année sommes-nous?" She widened her eyes as she saw my ears and went to touch one.

"Ne touchez pas ses oreilles que si vous vous êtes nourri et avez pris un bain!" Paris snapped. The girl quickly took her hand away and walked off. I raised an eyebrow, wondering what that was about then walked over to Paris with Austin. "You've got to be firm with them." I glanced up at Austin and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The newborn got out of the coffin then, and Paris got up, starting for a new coffin.

"How many more do you have to go?" I asked curiously, noticing there was a ton more.

"A lot," he told me and then looked towards the newborns standing around. "Allez chasser et revenez et relancez le reste!" They all ran out quickly, going to do whatever he told them. I frowned and looked towards him. "I'll get a break when they come back." I nodded and looked towards Austin.

"I think I will help Paris. That's a lot for him to do. How about you go get a nice warm bath and have your favorite drink to help you relax?" He frowned and looked towards the newborns.

"Be careful," he whispered and then disappeared. I looked towards Paris and walked over to a coffin, opening it up and looking in.

"So we are just feeding them a few drops then moving on?" I asked softly, looking towards Paris.

"Stop feeding them when they start moving. Make sure to pull away before they bite you. They will drain you faster than you can imagine, and they are trained to kill. They normally don't outside of my commands, but they do sometimes to get a laugh out of it," he told me. I nodded and looked down at the one I had picked. It was a young male who had maggots eating away at his chest. I could see his bones, making me disgusted. "Don't worry if they have maggots on them. They will eat them for the blood." I wrinkled up my nose and looked towards Paris.

"Are they all French?" I asked him curiously. I didn't know much French myself.... but I still wondered if they all came from his home country.

"Actually... There are a few immigrants and Americans in here." Paris said as he looked around him. "Towards the back perhaps. They group themselves." He started for another coffin then. Within seconds the vampire he had awoken crawled out of the coffin and fell down into the floor with a heavy thud. "Monte a l'étage."

"Mâcher un chou." The vampire spat towards Paris. Paris stopped walking towards the next coffin and turned to him.

"Qu'est-ce que c'était le porc?" Paris exposed his fangs.

"Je ne vous sert plus." The vampire tried to stand up then. Paris started for him, making him stumble backwards. Paris's eyes shown of anger.

"Vous ne me serviez plus? Demandez-vous la mort alors? Voulez-vous que je vous nourrisse à vos frères? Que dire que je t'envoie à Richard et que tu fais comme il te souhaite. Voulez-vous le voir? Il serait heureux de prendre soin de vous ... Il a juste été abattu par un chasseur." Paris took a small breath as he got down towards the vampire's level.

"Pas de Paris, je ne veux pas voir Richard ... Je vous serve encore pour l'instant, mais si je dois ..." The vampire was cut off then my Paris.

"Allez dans le haut de la vermine et prenez un bain." Paris pointed upstairs and the vampire took off in the direction. "I hate the feisty ones." Paris grumbled. I giggled and shook my head.

"Sounds like you two almost had a fight.... I bet he was upset about being stuck in these nasty coffins," I told him then bit down into my wrist to start my first one. I held it a few feet above the newborn's lips and watched. Paris opened up a nearby coffin.

"They think that when they wake up they can just feely leave me. Their trapped as my army for all eternity." Paris told me. "I trained them for destruction and death. I can't just let them go around on the streets freely. We would have had the vampire revolution a long time ago and had enslaved the human race before Lauren was born." He laughed. "That's why I keep them down here." I nodded, glad I was never human so this would never happen to me.

"That makes sense.... You sound like you aren't nice to them though. I don't know exactly what you are saying, but I can tell you are probably calling them bad names," I whispered.

"I have to downgrade them to make them know their place." Paris told me. "They are all savages." I frowned and pulled back as the one I was raising up started to move.

"That may be... but they all led lives before you took them." I hid my wrist behind my back, not wanting the newborn to think I was food and went to walk away. I heard the newborn creeping out of the coffin.

"It's time to wake up already?" I heard him ask and yawn. "I want a few more centuries though..." He started for Paris. "What's my orders sir? Where's Richard?"

"Richard is upstairs. You can go hunt and come home to take a nice rewarding bath for your obedience. You must be Richard's newborn." Paris looked towards him. He nodded and started for the stairs.

"Have a nice evening." He was starting to pick up a British accent then. I laughed and walked over to a new one.

"See, they aren't all savages. He was pretty nice. I bet he was favored before he was sent to sleep down here," I told Paris. "Do you know his name... or is he just one of the many that got stuck in here? I wonder if Richard knows his name or forgot about him?" I opened up the coffin and started to feed a new one.

"I think that one was Bently." Paris mumbled. "Their names are in their coffin along with their personal things. Letters and whatnot to their beloved or small pictures, photos, portraits." Paris told me. "They know who's coffin is who's as well as their bedrooms upstairs." He pointed up. "They have a hall in the manor that they like to go to, where they can paint and do human things... I don't keep up with their schedules though." He fed a vampire in a coffin and moved on. I laughed. So he actually is nice to his army.... he just calls them names when they annoy him? He can't be that bad then. I've seen people do worse to their armies. He actually lets them have a bit of fun every now and then. I smiled at him and pulled away from the newborn and moved on. The vampire he raised up crawled out of the coffin and started for a coffin nearby, opening it up. He leaned in towards the vampire inside and grabbed something from in it and laughed towards him.

"Je vais prendre cela maintenant depuis que je me suis réveillé devant vous." He pulled out what looked like money then kissed it and took it to his coffin and put it inside then looked towards Paris. "Quels problèmes m'attendent que vous avez décidé de provoquer sur cette planète?"

"War." Paris told him.

"War? Oh no... I don't want to do that again..." He crawled back into the coffin and shut it. I giggled and got up, going over to it and knocking softly on the lid.

"Hey, do you know German?" I asked, wondering just how educated his army was.

"Du bist nicht einer von Dante? Er ist so frech." I giggled and opened the coffin.

"Nein, bin ich nicht. Ich war seine Freundin für ein bisschen. Wie wär's mit dir gehts dir etwas zu essen?" I gave him a friendly smile and held out my hand that wasn't bleeding to him. He looked towards my hand then glanced over at Paris.

"Go on." Paris told him. "We don't need you down here."

"Suppose I will." He got out of the coffin then and looked me over before heading towards the stairs.

"Schön dich zu treffen!" I giggled and shut his coffin then went to the one he stole from, starting to feed that one. He woke up quite quickly, as if he was ready for it and started to shuffle around in his coffin.

"Je vais repousser votre chasse!" He hissed and went to crawl out of the coffin, probably to look for the other guy. I shook my head and watched him go before going to a new coffin.

"I think you just have bad luck. I think they see your face and think that they are going to get into trouble or something and that's why they wake up grouchy with you. They've all been nice to me," I told him and started feeding a new one.

"That past one was nice, he was just thinking about how I always wake them up for war." He laughed. "He's tired of it." He moved to another coffin then and the one he fed came out of the coffin, it was a young girl. She combed her hair then walked up to Paris, touching his shoulder softly and started for the stairs.

"Ich lasse dich dazu." She whispered towards him and was gone up the stairs. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Paris.

"Did you steal from Dante?" I asked, a teasing tone to my voice. "You know.... I do remember a small handful of his army disappearing one year when he sent them to guard the French border." I laughed and started to feed a new one. The one I was feeding sat up straight, pushing my wrist away after having a few drops.

"Где Виктор!" He yelled.

"Uh.... Oh boy. Виктор уезжает. Так или иначе, ты теперь мой." Paris told him. He growled and moved out of the coffin, storming upstairs. "I stole from Victor apparently." Paris told me and laughed.

"Who else did you steal from?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Kind of glad I wasn't a princess. You would have stolen from me too." I giggled and moved on to a new one.

"Laurence and I use to trade, I stole from Dante, Victor, and Val." Paris shrugged. "Then I have immigrants and French." A few vampire came downstairs and started to feed vampires then. Paris stood up and grabbed a bottle of blood, opening it up. He started to drink it. I sighed and looked down at the one I was feeding curiously. I felt my ear twitch just a bit as I heard a few vampires getting up and out of coffins.

"Come on Raven, they don't need us at this point." Paris told me. He started for the stairs. "Want to see something though?" He asked curiously. I widened my eyes as I felt panic about being left. I hurried after him, not wanting to be down here by myself.

"Sure," I told him as I got beside him. He started to go deeper into the basement and after two floors we reached a vault door. He spun it open then stepped aside for me to look in. Inside was treasures beyond belief... like something a pirate ship would have at the bottom of the ocean along with tons of gold coins, money in different currencies and statues from ancient temples.

"This is why I don't care if you use my money of not." Paris told me. "I don't care who uses it, I have enough to last us for a very long time. I have three more of these too." He closed the vault. I nodded and gave him a smile.

"I guess you wouldn't then," I murmured then stretched. I licked my wrist clean and looked up at him. "So because your army is awake... should we be more cautious upstairs in case they try to kill someone or something?" I asked, remembering how he told me they sometimes rebelled for kicks and giggles.

"No, they won't harm family. My.. army is family to us and we are family to them. They know better then to attack any of us. Especially since we are higher then them. They will attack humans outside of the manor though." Paris told me as he started to walk back upstairs. I followed him quickly.

"Ok...." I trailed off and watched my steps. "If it comes down to it... are you going to kill the Ainsworths?" I whispered, knowing how he cared for them and how they were betraying him.

"I'd try to run them off first." Paris admitted. "I don't want to kill them but they are threatening me." He stopped as we reached the floor we had been on and looked towards his army. Over half of them was already awake. I glanced them over and then looked at Paris.

"If you want, you can also use my army I made in my cities. They aren't really trained yet... but they are working on it to defend my territories," I suggested, giving him a friendly smile.

"I have multiple underground places like this throughout Maine and France. Not many know that Raven, but I stalked up for a good war. After all... I had a very long time to plan this out and ready for it." Paris told me and started up the stairs. "So I won't be needing your army." He motioned for me to follow him up the stairs. "Come on, you don't need to be down here." I nodded and followed him quickly.

"Yes sir.... Do you know where Lauren went? I haven't seen her since Louis's manor in Wales." I bit my bottom lip gently as I watched him.

"I haven't seen her in a couple of days but she did call and told me she was coming by today." Paris told me. "With two or so wolves and her newborn." He turned towards me. "She might have been with Val." I nodded, remembering that the alpha werewolf was from LA.

"That would make sense. The wolves are from LA from what I've heard," I whispered and shook my head. She's with Val again? Last time she was with her, she got kidnapped and came back unable to let go of Benjamin.

"I don't know why she's with Val, maybe to spend some bonding time with her." Paris told me and shrugged. "Louis told me she had gotten kidnapped by Alex... Though if she didn't want to stay there then she wouldn't be coming back so freely. We'll know everything when we see her." I gave a small nod. If there is something going on, Paris will find out immediately He'll hear it in her thoughts. I smiled sweetly and grabbed his hand, walking up the stairs with him.

"I'm glad we are going to see her. I've missed her while she's been gone." I giggled and looked up the stairs.

"I don't think she is staying." Paris told me. "She said specifically it was a visit." I pouted then.

"Well maybe we can change her mind.... It's not as fun without her here," I whispered.

"You have Rose.... she's around here somewhere. Probably feeding on a maid or butler."

"I know.... I don't ever see her much though. I know more about you than I do her." Smiling, I bounced up the rest of the stairs, holding onto his hand and led him out onto the ground floor. "Besides, Lauren was one of the first vampires I met when I came back to society. Perry handed me over to her to bring here and that's when I met you." I giggled and looked up at him.

"Yes... I remember. It was perfect timing." Paris purred and rested a hand on the back of my neck. "You'll never disobey me.... I trust you.... You are one of the first girls I trust. I don't even trust Rose half the time." I gave him a sweet smile then.

"I trust you too.... I won't disobey you or Richard, don't worry. You two are like family to me, and you were kind when I came back to society. Honestly, I wasn't sure about it at first."

"I assure you... You are in good hands as long as you stay in my company. You can spend my money on whatever you like... Even buy your own manor for the south." He seemed to be suggesting for me to do so as he smiled. "You'll find the credit card to my wealth in your bedroom." I frowned a bit, but I nodded.

"Ok Paris.... Just so you know, I don't care about stuff like that," I whispered and looked around the room. "But if you want me to, then I guess I will."

"I don't care about whether or not you care. You'll take it as a gift from Richard and I." He smiled at me as we walked towards his music room. "How about I play for you?" I nodded eagerly, remembering hearing him playing before. It was beautiful, nothing short of perfection. I gave him a smile and started running for the music room happily. He followed after me and when we reached the music room he sat down on the bench. He ran his fingers across the piano before playing me something light and cheerful. It was something that made me want to dance. A few vampires rushed into the room and sat down, listening to him with joy in their eyes. I smiled as I watched them and sat down in a chair by the window, curling up in it as I watched Paris. After a bit, Richard walked in with a soft smile and leaned up against the wall near the door, watching as well. As soon as Richard stepped in Paris changed the music to something dark and mysterious. His eyes never even caught sight of Richard. I could see him smirking though. It seemed like he was playing the song just for Richard. He laughed and got off of the wall, walking over towards where Paris was playing and looked at all the other vampires before he wrapped his arms around Paris's neck from behind, leaning down to watch him touch the keys. I seen a few of their little newborns leaning into each other and whispering softly as their eyes looked the two love birds over. Paris looked towards Richard then and leaned in, kissing his lips. His fingers never left the notes or slipped up. Richard laughed and kissed him back.

"You've certainly gotten better from the first time we were in the music room together," he purred to Paris and then looked at the other vampires. "Enjoying the show?" They nodded towards Richard.

"C'est beau." One of the girls told Richard and smiled.

"Je t'aime mon merveilleux compagnon aux stars et à l'arrière." Paris purred to Richard. "Avez-vous apprécié notre chanson?" Richard laughed and kissed his neck.

"Bien sur que oui. Vous devriez me laisser jouer pour vous." Richard looked him in the eyes and went to scoot him out of the way to take over. Paris slid over then and looked at Richard lovingly. The other vampires stirred a bit and got more comfortable.

"You have it." Paris whispered to his lover. "Now... I hope you enjoy the spotlight." He glanced around the room. Richard laughed again and looked at him.

"Remember your first time at my my brother's ball?" He whispered and then played a few notes before he started a song.

"How could I not?" Paris leaned his head onto Richard's shoulder and wrapped his arms around his arm. "You are forever going to be in my memories and I will never forget us." Richard smiled softly and looked towards him.

"You better not. I'd have my stone crushed by Francis over there if you did," he told Paris and looked towards one of the male vampires sitting among the crowd. Paris looked towards him then at Richard.

"You wouldn't... I'd be heartbroken... You will have to make me remember... promise." Paris urged Richard. "Promise that if I forget and can never remember then you will force me to love you. You won't have your stone crushed." Paris leaned in towards Richard's neck. Richard gave a small laugh and kissed Paris's head.

"You can't force someone to love you darling.... However, if the day comes when you forget about me, I will try to remind you, or I will start all over again and do better the second time," he whispered to him and kept playing. Paris laughed and bit Richard's neck then beginning to drink from him. I watched as most of the vampires in the room stirred and started to get closer to the two but tried to keep their distance. Richard hesitated before he played the next note, striking a chord that sent a shiver down most of the newborns' spines. He exposed his neck to him. They all backed off then and a few left the room. Paris pulled away from Richard after a second and looked around the room. His lips were bloody and blood dripped off his chin.

"You all might want to leave us alone now." Paris told us. Richard laughed and took one hand away from the piano, placing it on Paris's lips.

"Not so fast lover boy, I'm holding a small concert for our newborns and Raven," he told him and then went back to playing. I giggled and went to get up. Paris moved into Richard's lap and then tipped the bench over. When the fell Paris pinned Richard down to the floor and started to slide his shirt up. I glanced towards the rest of the newborns and started for the door.

"If you speak English, you should leave. If you don't, gib ihnen etwas Privatsphäre." I opened the door and looked towards the newborns that were left, gesturing for them to leave. They glanced the two over then towards me. Over half of them left then. The remaining ones looked Paris and Richard over with interest. I let out a sharp warning growl and reached into my pants pocket for my knife, showing it to them. "Out." A young girl looked around at the ones by her then gestured for them to follow and they were gone within seconds. I smirked and put my knife away, looking towards Paris and Richard. "Have fun you two! I'm going to go check on Austin. Don't break anything in here." I shut the door and skipped down the hall towards my room, wondering if he went there or if he went back outside. Austin was just coming out of our bedroom when I reached it and froze when his eyes landed on me. I stopped and looked at him, tilting my head. "What?" I asked softly, thinking something was wrong.

"Last time we met with suddenness... You bit me." He looked towards my ears then. "I'm not sure I approve of those." I looked down towards the ground and shuffled my feet around.

"I apologized for the bite and explained myself...." I mumbled, keeping quiet about the ears. Austin walked towards me then and stopped at my side.

"Come on, let's go back to the party outside." He suggested. I nodded and started walking, laying my ears back the best I could to hide them.

"Do you want me to fix you another drink?" I asked softly, looking towards him.

"No, I don't want one." Austin told me and started going towards the party. "I'm about sober anyways."

"Are you mad at me?" I stayed beside him and nervously started wringing my hands out. "You are, aren't you?"

"Noooo, just disappointed that you are a demon too." Austin hissed. "There are too many around here."

"Look, it's not like I had much choice in the matter," I told him and grabbed his hand, stopping us in the hall. "They caught me by surprise and did it."

"Well you should have been on guard." Austin leaned in towards me and sniffed me. "You smell like how I would imagine hell would smell like." I frowned at him and crossed my arms.

"You expect me to be on guard around Paris and Richard, our two best friends? Look, if you don't love me like this, then you can just go. I'm still me, and if you can't accept that, then I guess I was wrong," I told him, holding back my anger and tears as I stared him down. Austin looked me over and frowned before walking away from me, the way we was headed. He didn't say another word to me. "Fine!" I shouted and started walking off in the other direction.

"Hey pretty lady." I heard a male say and push me up against the wall. "Want to come to my bedroom downstairs?" I widened my eyes and looked at him. I told Paris that they might do something, but nooo, they wouldn't touch family! I growled and went to shove him away. He stumbled backwards. "Fine with me, what a waste of my time." He grumbled and started off down the hall. I narrowed my eyes then. What a complete jerk! Kill him! No one touches without permission! I smirked and pulled out my knife. Take it all out on him. I went after him then, slipping the knife behind my back.

"Hmm, what's your name?" I asked, purring a bit as I got up beside him.

"Va chercher une vache et laisse-moi tranquille." He said and looked over his shoulder at me then exposed his fangs. "That means bug off." He grabbed a vampire girl that was coming our way and wrapped her up in his arms. "Remember me? Let's go for another round."

"Not in a hundred years Frank." She snapped towards him and looked at me. "Has he been bugging you? He's scum. Pay him no attention." She said and kneed him in his manhood. He collapsed in her arms then and face planted her chest. "GET OFF OF ME!" She shoved him away in disgust. "Just because you are an animal at war doesn't mean you need to be one around ladies." I giggled and shot him a grin.

"I'm glad no one will miss you Frank. You... are going to get it," I hissed and then pulled him off of her and against the wall. I brought the knife out and stabbed it into his chest, reaching into his mouth and ripping out his fangs with my hands. I giggled madly and threw him down the hall, walking after him and kicking him in the stomach. The girl came between us then.

"Leave Frank alone." She ordered me. "If you kill him then you will be insulting Paris. He doesn't like to get insulted. I warn you now miss to walk the other way." I looked at her and tilted my head then looked down at the vampire Frank and sighed, calming down.

"Of course.... Frank, don't touch women without their consent, understand?" I told him and then leaned down, taking the knife out of his chest. I looked him over and stood up, putting my knife away then looked at the girl with a smile. I started to walk off then. "If he touches you again without your permission miss, you are welcome to come to me about it...."

"I can take care of myself." She told me.

"She ripped out my fangs! Russet! Don't let her just walk away." I heard him.

"Shut up or I will report you to Paris." I heard her kick him in the stomach. I giggled and glanced over my shoulder. That's what he gets! I glanced towards where Austin had been and stopped, feeling my stone throb a bit. I turned on my heels and started for the library, deciding to go in there and find a book on fairy tales. I haven't been able to read them in a bit... and it would be the perfect distraction. I can't believe my own mate decided he would leave me! I bit my bottom lip hard and shook my head. I should release him.... I don't need a mate. Mates aren't everything... not if they leave you for something like this. I sat down in an armchair in the library and pulled out my phone, deciding to ask Paris if I could be moved to a different hall without Austin.

Me: Hey, can I move my things to a new hall? I don't want to be near Austin right now.

Paris: Avoid the bottom halls and the ones underground. Also avoid my family wing.

"Do you mind?" I heard a male ask. "I was using that chair." I looked up quickly and widened my eyes, getting up.

"I'm so sorry. Here you go," I told him and went to a nearby chair. "There's no one else, right?" His eyes wondered to two girls feeding off of eachother in a corner.

"Unless you want to count them." He mumbled and sat down with a book in his hand. Actually it was one of Paris's diaries. I frowned.

"Are you allowed to read those?" I asked, sitting down. I'm pretty sure Paris wouldn't be too happy.

"Paris won't mind." He told me as he opened it up to the first page. Ok then... I looked back towards my phone and pulled up Austin's number then.

Me: Austin, I'm moving out of the room. I am also going to release you the next time I see you, and after that, I hope to not see you again.

I closed my eyes as I held back from crying and set my phone aside, curling up in the seat in rejection.

"Why are you crying?" The male asked as he closed the diary and sighed. My phone buzzed then.

"My mate doesn't accept me anymore," I whispered, looking towards him then the phone. I reached for it, deciding that whatever he had to say couldn't hurt worse than the moment he looked at me and walked off. My phone disappeared then and the male had it. He went through it then, working the phone quite quickly. It was unreal... He just woke up from a very long sleep.. He shouldn't just be working that phone like that but he was.

"Your mate Austin said you are ridiculous. Want to watch me tell him to go jump off a cliff?" He held out my phone so I could see him type it and press send. "You don't need him in my opinion. Kill him and a new one will come along in a few years... A mate that will respect you and love you for who you are." He looked me over and smirked. "Want me to tell him to kill himself so you can move on?" He went to type it. I widened my eyes and jumped up, going for my phone.

"No! Don't tell him that! Look, it's not that bad! He just.... well," I stopped and then shook my head, going for my phone again. "I can handle my own problems!" I grabbed it and put it in my pocket quickly. I looked at him and crossed my arms. "Thanks for your concern, but I think this is something I have to do myself."

"Oh~ Feisty. How are you holding up then? I bet he does this stuff to you every so often. I know what... You should throw him into a coffin for a few years. Teach him a lesson." He crossed his legs as he propped them up over the arm of the chair. "Now skaddel. That means leave me alone." He opened up the diary. I teleported away quickly, not wanting to be in there if there was going to be nosy vampires. I went outside to where I knew he was and walked over to him, keeping my ears flat against my head. I put my hands on my hips and stood beside him.

"Austin, stand up. You're getting released."

"No I'm not." Austin hissed. "This is just a fight, we will get over it later." He sipped on a glass of beer and looked away from me. People around the fire got quiet as they watched. I narrowed my eyes.

"Oh no it's not. You can't even accept me as me, so I'm not going to keep you tied down to me if you are going to be like that! There's no reason why I shouldn't!" I hissed.

"Fine!" Austin glared me down. "Release me so I can go sip on all the tasty girls in Switzerland... FAR AWAY FROM YOU!" He stood up and pushed me backwards. "I don't want to be with you if you are going to be like this Raven. I want someone that's going to... not be-" He waved me over. "Angry at me all the time when I finally get emotions for my wants and needs." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I let you do what you want all the time- usually! It's just when it comes to drinks because you get angry at everything! You hate me, I swear you do! You took one look at me like this and basically denied me by walking away when I told you that if you couldn't accept me then you would have to walk off! I would gladly be with you and be yours and only yours, but you just can't love me no matter what, now can you?!" I started to cry and wiped at my tears angrily.

"I'm not talking to you like this." He turned away from me then and took a sip of beer. "Not now."

"Then when, Austin, when?! I bet if Vincent could see you now, he'd be ashamed of you!" Austin looked at me then.

"Don't talk about Vincent! Don't bring him into this Raven." He shoved me backwards then.

"Austin, there's no need in shoving Raven like that." August growled. "Go cool off in the pool." I tilted my head up high then.

"Don't touch me," I told him and watched him carefully. "I am still your maker if not your mate." He dropped the glass then and raised his hands out.

"I'm leaving you. Don't come looking for me Raven but when you get done with your little thing here with Paris, Richard, and Louis... then give me a call. You know I love you but I don't love you when you only think of me as some pet to order around and tell me I have to like you when you are letting them use you. Look at what they done to you. No offense Louis. I know you didn't do that." He disappeared then. I clenched my jaw and stared at where he had been standing then took out my phone and walked over to the fire. I crushed it and dropped it in. Louis got up and walked over to me, wrapping me up into a hug.

"Shhh, it's ok Raven. All mates get into a spat. He's just shocked, that's all. He'll probably come back. It'll be painful for him to be away from you, and if he truly loves you, he'll come back." I shook my head and started to cry, burying my face into his chest.

"He doesn't.... He took one look at me and left me because of this!" I gestured to my ears. "It's not like it's my fault, but he can't love me! I'm so angry right now I could kill him for it-"

"You won't do that sweetie.... You'll regret it as soon as you do it."

"He's the one thing that made me sane," I whispered and felt him start to lead me over to August. He sat down in August's lap and brought me into his, holding me close. August grunted from our weight.

"Uh... you two... jeeze." He adjusted us and sighed. "Rick! Can you go out front and tell me when Alpha Lee arrives?" He looked towards Rick. "Or get someone else to do it." Rick nodded and ran off to do as asked. I watched him run off and then looked at Louis.

"Louis.... If he doesn't come back...." He smiled at me and brushed my hair out of my face.

"If he doesn't come back, he isn't worth you. I'm sorry that you're going through this.... I'm sure that as soon as Paris finds out, he'll maybe do something about it. He may or he may not....." I shook my head.

"No, I don't want him to do anything about it. Dante was right about mates being worthless.... They aren't for everyone," I told him. He widened his eyes and looked towards August then at me.

"That's not it at all! Fate gave him to you for a reason. You two are meant for each other. I'm sure he'll come back to you. Look at Dante now! He's the lapdog of Charlie!"

"Hey!" August sounded offended. "More like a cat."

"Ha, Raven don't worry about it. You can live the single life now." Cage purred.

"Cage, you have to still find your mate so shut up." August purred his way. "I would hate to have to run you out of your own territory but you know how I feel about rogues."

"Whatever." Cage growled. I frowned and looked at August.

"August... should I go after him? I could easily track him down," I whispered. After all, August is an alpha. He'd know all about mate stuff due to having to be with his luna and the moon goddess guiding them both. Maybe werewolf knowledge about dealing with mates could help?

"I think you should make him come crawling back for you." August told me. "He ran off and he will come right back." I gave a small nod.

"But vampires live a long time.... What if it takes centuries? I don't want to be alone...." I shivered at the thought. Make him beg. Make him realize that he needs you, not the other way around. You don't need him. He's been holding you back for years now! You need to train! Use this to become the girl who was feared again! I looked at Louis and then at August. "You know... You're right. He should come back to me. He left me, and I'm not someone who begs. I was perfectly ok before I met him! I don't need him!" I felt a lump form up in my throat at the idea of being alone, but I shook off the feeling. If he's my mate, then fate will bring him back to me when it's meant to happen. Until then.... I will go on with my life. I nodded to myself and stood up. "I'm going to go train. It's been awhile since I've been able to. I think some time to myself will be just what I need. Maybe I'll work with some of the newborns!" I giggled at the idea. I could see just how well Paris has them trained. Maybe they'll be a challenge for me! I bounced off then and went back inside and towards the gym. I made sure to keep my pace up, not wanting to be caught by any of the newborns. I didn't want to meet another Frank. I went in quickly, shutting the door behind me, and then I walked over to one of the mats and started a few stretches to loosen up my tense muscles. I smiled happily at the feel of it and ran my fingers through my hair, giggling. I spotted a few knives sitting out on a table and a dart board hanging on a wall a little ways away and walked over to it. I picked up the knives and examined them, remembering some of the battles I had gotten into before where knives had come in handy. I threw one at the target without even sparing a glance, hitting the bullseye. I picked up another and threw it again.

After I threw about fourty rounds of collecting the knives off of the targets and throwing them all again, I went to throw the last one to make fourty one. I wonder how long it will take for him to come back.... I felt a few tears prick at my eyes as I saw my vision get blurry, remembering the time he had taken me over to Vincent's, trusting me to meet his friends. They had accepted me and told me that they were glad I was with him. He had even planned that special evening when he asked me to be his girlfriend, accepting I was a vampire. I bit my bottom lip and went to throw the knife, wincing as I felt it accidentally cut my hand. I looked at it and started to cry, holding it close to me. He had never been sure about it all anyways. He wasn't sure he could accept me as a vampire, but he managed to. Why is this different? It's not like I changed, is it? I'm still Raven, the girl who decided to spare him because she thought he was interesting. I'm still the girl who managed to befriend a witch who looked like she wanted to kill me! I'm still her.... I'm still the girl he fell in love with, so why is this different?! Why'd he have to leave me when I need him the most?! He just.... ditched me. He was fine with it earlier! Is he really that blind to only have noticed it right then in that hall?! He left me here by myself when he knows that I shouldn't be alone! He can't accept me anymore?! What did I do that pushed him away?! Was it because I didn't want him drinking too often?! Am I a suffocating mate?! Did I hurt him too much, or did I give him too little loving attention?! Did I put more energy into making myself into a goddess for us both than I put into our relationship?! I started crying then and fell to my knees, curling up into a ball. I tried to remember the last time I took him on a date and came up blank. I felt my hand start to sting as my tears hit the wound, the salt in them causing it to burn. I sniffled and curled up closer. It's all my fault. I'm a rotten mate. I didn't give him enough love and attention. I didn't make him feel special. I boss him around, and I took his drinks away.

"Raven get up and stop pouting." I heard Paris say from nearby me. "You can't go doing this to yourself." He stepped closer to me and picked me up. He had a robe wrapped around him and Richard's fresh scent lingered on him. "Stop pushing yourself around. Obviously he wasn't your mate if he left you." He started to carry me out of the gym then. I looked up at him and then buried my face into his chest.

"He is though," I whispered, trying to stop crying. "He just...left me."

"Well stop dreading on it." Paris said firmly and before I knew it we were in a bedroom. He laid me down on it and covered me. "Get some rest. I will wake you up when Lauren gets here." I frowned and went to sit up.

"I don't need rest. I want to train." I went to get out of the bed, ignoring the blood I was getting on the covers from my hand wound.

"Ugh Raven, don't work yourself over this." Paris hissed towards me. "Be happy he didn't reject you with the official words. That means he will be back." I looked towards him and frowned, sitting as I stopped trying to get up.

"Official words?" There are official words to mate rejection?

"Yes, official words." Paris nodded. "After they are said you'll suffer... and about a few centuries later you might move on. That is if your stone doesn't crumble to pieces right there on the spot." I widened my eyes.

"I could die?" I touched my chest then right above my stone.

"If you don't have someone care for you, yes. Louis cared for me." Paris sat down by me and grabbed my hands. I looked at him then, remembering the little bits and pieces of what I had heard about the time Richard left him.

"D-do mates usually say the official words... or do they do what he did?" I whispered, getting afraid he might not actually come back.

"When they decide to mean it then they will hit you with the words and be gone, leaving you to rot away." Paris informed me. "Richard wasn't easy with me." I winced at that.

"I guess your right....Compared to others, I guess I have it easier," I mumbled and then rested my head on his shoulder. "Paris... if he doesn't come back, will I be alone forever?"

"No. Richard moved on from me... and I was about to but then he came back." Paris grumbled. "Not sure what happened to that guy I liked either...." He trailed off.

"So I'll be fine?" I asked, looking up at him. "Do you think he'll be back?"

"I don't care enough to predict if he will come back or not. I don't approve of him anymore, showing off like he has." Paris growled. "He doesn't understand or respect our ways. I wouldn't put up with him if I was you... That's how most 'once humans' vampires are. They don't understand like we do. Lauren won't ever understand fully too in my opinion." I looked down at the bed sadly.

"I guess.... I mean... he hasn't lived as long as me and seen what I've seen. He hasn't seen his friends die in a battle beside him, shot down by the enemy.... He hasn't had centuries to be alone. He has only known his human life where their rules are different....where mates are replaceable," I reasoned with myself. "You're right. I am beating myself up about this too much. I have eternity after all, and if he doesn't come back, I will most likely forget about it after a few centuries." I looked up at him and hugged him. "Thanks Paris...."

"You have to remember, he is from an age where it is okay to get divorced after marriage." Paris reminded me. "Humans are becoming like trash. We need to make them all into our cattle.. that's all they are." I frowned a little and looked up at him, but I decided not to say anything. I don't exactly agree with that, but they are becoming sinful.

"Do you think you could ask Richard to help me train tomorrow? I think it would be helpful, and I don't want to get pinned down by Dante again. I've gotten soft," I told him, sitting up straight as I cleaned my face of my tears.

"If you want, I mean... we are going to be busy real soon Raven... Train with August and Cage." Paris suggested. "Or Rose." I sighed and nodded.

"Ok...fine, I will ask one of them....probably Cage or Rose....maybe both. I don't think I've trained with a werewolf before." I giggled at the idea.

"There you go, that should be fun! Although Cage needs his time to look for a mate." Paris shrugged. "You could- well... maybe not. Rose would be your best chance."

"Would she want to train?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Go ask her." He smirked. "She's in her room." I got up then and nodded.

"Ok, I will." I ran off towards the door with a bounce in my step. "Sorry for interrupting you and Richard by the way. I know you probably didn't want to come make me stop being depressing." I glanced over my shoulder at him and opened the door, giving him a sweet smile.

"You should apologize to Richard, he's waiting on our bed in handcuffs." Paris laughed and disappeared. I widened my eyes and quickly left the room. Eww! They do that stuff?! I shook my head and took off for Rose's room, knocking on it softly when I got to it.

"Rose, I was wondering if you'd like to train with me?" I called, rubbing my arm as I waited for an answer. Rose opened the door and gave me a soft smile.

"Hi Raven... Sure, we can train." She stepped aside and let a maid walk out of her room, I spotted her neck had a bite mark on it. I watched the maid go then looked at Rose.

"So what do you normally fight with?" I smiled at her.

"I have a nice handgun I use. It's my baby. I also can fight with samurai swords or daggers." Rose informed me and walked out of her bedroom, locking it up. I giggled and nodded. That does seem like something she'd use.

"So do you want to go practice with them or do you want to spar?" I asked, walking with her down the hall.

"You choose." Rose smirked my way and crossed her arms. She froze then after sniffing the air. "Oh he didn't... PARIS YOU WOKE UP YOUR ARMY!" She yelled with fury. "I hate those bruits." I widened my eyes and then giggled.

"Yeah... he did. I about killed one earlier," I whispered. Rose glanced me over.

"You have cat ears." Rose pointed them out. "Nice. I like them, so Paris made you go demonic? Glad I'm not demonic... I swear if he goes after Louis..."

"I don't know about that.... He kind of caught me by surprise and force fed me his blood with Richard," I told her. "I don't know if he plans on getting Louis too."

"I bet he's planning it." She grumbled. "There's no telling what he is cooking up in that head of his." Rose told me and giggled. He probably is....

"I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to make everyone demonic around him," I whispered and pulled her towards the gym. When we got in, I let go and smiled, looking around. "So I think we should spar just a bit. It'll give us the practice that just working on dummies won't." She nodded and took out her earings and dropped them to the ground.

"You'll have a proper challenge... Come to me." She held out her hands, waiting on me. I studied her for a moment, hesitating. She is, after all, Paris's sister. I smirked and teleported behind her, kicking her in the back and sending her forward. She stumbled a bit but then spun around and grabbed my foot, pulling me closer to her. She exposed her fangs and bit down into my neck, but didn't drink form me. She pulled back and hit me in the chest, sending me across the room and against a wall. She brushed herself off and motioned for me to come back. I groaned and got to my feet, taking in a shaky breath as my chest hurt. Maybe I have actually gotten soft? I looked up at her and then went for her, teleporting to the side of her and then stomped down on her foot hard and grabbed her hands as I kneed her in the stomach. I elbowed her in the back and sent her to the ground, quickly teleporting back before she could touch me. Rose teleported then to the weapons on a wall and took off a Naginata. She pointed the bladed end towards me and smirked.

"Hope you don't mind that I brought this little guy in." She smiled softly and started for me. I widened my eyes and ducked down as she got close to me. I teleported onto the table that held the set of knives I had been playing with earlier and picked one up as I held my balance. I threw it at her feet, keeping it friendly. Rose managed to swing the blade towards it and sent the knife flying back towards my face. She giggled and swung the Naginata around lazily. I teleported beside the table to avoid getting hit and caught the knife then threw it at her again, aiming for her stomach. She used the weapon once again as a shield and had the knife thrown towards my feet. "You have gone soft." She teased. I narrowed my eyes at her, not liking it from her mouth when fighting. I growled and grabbed a knife, teleporting behind her and stabbed her in the shoulder. She shoved her head back then, crashing her head against my skull and swung around, getting me with the blade of the Naginata. She giggled and teleported across the room. I could feel my stomach stinging and smell blood pouring out as it leaked down my body. I began to felt weak and when I looked down... I had a few chunks falling out of me. "Come and get me Raven~" Rose giggled and spun the Naginata around in her hand. I winced as I took a step forward and then gripped my wound. Dammit... I took in a deep breath to try to help steady myself and expel the pain. I closed my eyes as I focused on hearing her and then teleported in front of her, snatching her weapon as I opened my eyes and went to throw it. Why don't you use her own weapon against her? I giggled at the idea and twirled it as I teleported away from her to keep her from taking it back. Rose laughed as she looked me over.

The doors to the gym opened then, interrupting us. "Sorry girls but Paris wants you two to get cleaned up. He wants to see you in his study." One of Paris's army vampires told us and leaned up against the door. "Something about a special... assignment. It might peak your interest." I stopped and looked at him, relaxing my stance and tilted my head. Paris wants to see us both?

"Did he ask for anyone else.... or just us?" I asked, teleporting over to the weapon rack and then put her weapon back on it after cleaning it off on my shirt. Rose teleported over to the vampire and crossed her arms.

"Just the both of you." He informed us. "Why are you so bloody?" She wrinkled up her nose.

"Go bite a girl between her legs and leave us alone." Rose hissed. I frowned and looked at her, wondering if she was going to go to Paris or if she was going to stay in here with the way she was talking to him. She probably just doesn't like the idea of him being in here....

"We can pick this back up after we see Paris," I told her and then teleported in front of the guy and smirked.

"Hm." Rose bumped into him as she started to follow me and I could hear his frustration. "Paris better have something good in store for us."

"I'm going to guess you don't like to be interrupted?" I giggled and walked beside her then winced as the pain came back. "You got me pretty good," I whispered, knowing it was healing, but it still hurt. "I have gone soft. This shouldn't bother me...."

"Hey, I could train you." Rose suggested. "It's all about timing, who gets the first hit." She smirked and hit my shoulder playfully. "I don't care for his army actually, it's not that we was interrupted." I nodded and smiled at her.

"That makes sense... I was trained by Dante, and Richard showed me some new things a few years ago.... I think it's just that I haven't been challenged in a bit. Most of the goddesses and gods I've been fighting have been rubbish. Plus I have Austin to worry about. I think that I've just been too busy and not putting enough training into myself.... and I haven't had much threats to keep my guard up," I whispered, looking ahead as I thought it over. I could easily get it back if I practiced daily. I'm still me, and I can still fight.... I just need more challenges.

"Well, I am going to be your trainer." Rose decided. "I have to stay in shape to impress Paris. You know how he is about girls. If I falter he might start treating me differently. Like the rest of the girls. He's an ass but I love him. He was always good to me." I giggled at that and nodded.

"Ok... I think I will try to get in better fights than the ones I've been getting into. Easy killing isn't helping me harden back up." I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the study as I glanced down at my stomach, seeing it had healed. I stopped and looked at her then. "Should we change out of these before?"

"Nah, he'll take us how we come." Rose insisted. "I don't care how much he complains." I smirked at that and then kept walking with her.

"You're right. He knew we were training because he suggested you to me."

"Hmph." Rose smirked. "I wonder what he wants." She said as she pulled me into Paris's study. Paris was laid out on his desk, looking towards the door upside down as he hanged his upper body off the desk.

"ROSE! RAVEN! There's my girls." Paris purred. I giggled and walked over with her.

"What are you doing?" I asked, tilting my head to look at him better.

"Waiting on both of you to arrive of course!" He smiled and ran his fingers through his hair. "I want both of you to go shopping for me. Clothes shopping, get me double of everything." Wait.... I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms.

"You want us to go clothes shopping?" I hissed and then looked off in irritation at having been interrupted for this.

"Yes, it would be very kind of the both of you to do this for me. Plus I would like extra things." He held up a paper with a list on it. "You'll find the address on the paper that will take you to where you need to go to get me these... extra things." I glanced towards Rose and then at Paris and sighed. This better be good. I looked at the list, reading it over. Rose took it from me before I could read it and hissed.

"Come on Raven." She grabbed my arm and teleported us out to the garage. She picked one of the new ford focus models with a nice hatchback. "Paris wants us to go servant shopping." She got into the drivers seat then. I frowned.

"Servant shopping?" I got into the car on the passenger side.

"It's illegal but it is a thing. Don't worry we will be back in time to see Lauren. We have to go to an action house right outside of Maine. It's quite, but a very successful business." Rose informed me and drove out of the gates of Grimm manor.

"So he's basically sending us out to bring back more slaves?" I raised an eyebrow. I guess that would be necessary if his army is around. They might eat them all....Plus I know Paris and Richard eat them for fun. "Why us though?"

"Well he trusts us with this knowledge of where to find the slave house. He can't just give this order out to just anybody." Rose shrugged. Oh....ok. I gave a small nod.

"So it's not clothes shopping? I really don't want to do that," I murmured and then relaxed in my seat. I studied my shirt as I looked over how she cut me. I smirked and stretched out in my seat. Guess I'm throwing it out.

"Oh we have to do that as well." Rose told me and cranked the radio on.