A Visit To The Manor

Val's POV:

"Are you done yet?" I asked Lee as she leaned over her new Beta and licked the blood off her head. She had just finished turning her. "We need to go." I said firmly. I grabbed the girl's ID and walked out of the alley behind the bar we went to. I looked over the ID. "Bonnie, how deathly." I rolled my eyes and then ripped up the ID. I threw it onto the ground then climbed into my car. Lee placed her Beta in the trunk before getting into the passengers seat with me and we rode back to the dirt road we left Lauren and the others on. When we arrived I climbed out and walked over to Lauren, placing my hand on her shoulder as she stood a good distance away from the shifting werewolves. Lee pulled her Beta out of the trunk and brought her to the rest of the pack then shifted, laying down by Travis. Travis picked up his head to look at her and then stretched out, starting to curl around her body and rested his head on her belly. He started to fall asleep, taking a nap. I looked towards Lauren. "I don't have time for this." I complained. "I'm going to go see Brooklyn on my own. You can take them with you to visit Benjamin then come home to LA when they are ready." I started for my car then. "If you need anything, give me a call." I called over my shoulder and pulled out my phone. I dialed up Alex's number since I didn't want to go see Brooklyn alone. I put my phone against my ear as I climbed into my car.

"What?" He asked as it picked up almost immediately. "Vallie, my sweet Val~ Whatcha up to? I wake up beside this girl, and you're no where to be found. You haven't left me, have you? Not on my death day...." He laughed and I heard him getting out of the pool. He had probably been talking to me at the edge of it....

"I'm going to go to Brooklyn's base which is right on the boarder of New Hampshire and Vermont. Remember that I was going to talk to her? Want to come tag along?" I asked curiously, letting out a soft purr.

"Hmmm.... I would play hard to get, but I know you wouldn't play along.... Sure. I will be there before you even realize it." I heard him get silent for a second and then he laughed. "Ok, so I'm here where you said it is. I'm going to get a hotel room to wait in until you get here sweetie."

"Okay, I'll be there shortly." I told him as I cranked up my car and drove off like a bat out of hell towards Brooklyn's territory. She had taken every state surrounding New York and Maine. She was quite impressive... I only hoped her maker was just as impressed. I called her then to explain how late I was going to be.

"Sorry Brook but I am running late." I told her once she answered the phone.

"No biggie! I'm just in the middle of a feeding." Brook told me. "Call me when you get close." She hung up on me before I could respond. I grumbled at that. I arrive a couple of hours later and pulled up at a gas station, around the area I knew she had her base at. I texted Alex to inform him of my wareabouts then walked into the gas station to get some gas. I texted Brook as well that I was close by.

"Well hello my sweet," I heard Alex purr from behind me. He was leaned up against the frame of the door on the inside, watching me. He laughed and got off of it, walking towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I really do love my abilities.... Even if I had to die for it," he whispered in my ear, his breath lingering on my neck and sending a shiver down my spine. I giggled and wrapped him up into my arms.

"Ready to go meet little miss Brook who has managed to take over territories and isn't even a pureblood?" I asked him. He nodded and then kissed my neck.

"You know... I could easily do that. Would you be upset because I was human like her?" He let out a soft growl and nipped at my ear. I could still smell my drugs in his system.

"I think it shows just how serious you are about getting power." I told him, rubbing his chest. "I encourage it actually. I'm sick of only purebloods ruling around here." He smirked.

"If it was you, you'd be singing a different tune. I know you want power all to yourself, that's why you're against Paris. You don't want him to have it," he murmured, low enough for only me to hear. He sharpened his fangs a bit as he glanced towards my neck. "That's why I'm proud to call you my maker...and my lover. You are just as power hungry as I was when I was human and am even now."

"Well you better stay by my side until the end." I told him firmly and smirked, rubbing my hands all over his body.

"Uh, are you going to pay for something or do I need to kick you out?" I heard a man ask from behind the cash register. Alex looked up at him and sighed pulling out his wallet and walked over to him, handing him a twenty.

"Put this on the pumps outside," he told him and then looked towards me, coming back and smirked as he got close and wrapped his arms around me. He pressed his body against me and purred in my ear, kissing my neck. "Of course I'll be there. You'll be queen....and I'll either be your servant... or your king."

"You better be my king." I whispered in his ear then pulled my body away from him and went towards my car to pump some fuel into her. I giggled since I had left him like that. He was already doing it for me though as soon as I stepped outside. He smirked, not looking up at me as he watched the numbers tick. I shook my head then got into the passengers side and pulled out my phone to check my texts. Brooklyn had sent me directions to her hidey hole. After about two minutes, Alex got into the car beside me and leaned over, kissing my neck. I giggled and pulled my neck away from him, shoving the phone into his hands. "Drive us there." I told him. He sighed, looking over the instructions then started up the car, driving us.

"Fine.... I guess I'll be your driver....." He got quiet as he looked down the road and sped up.

"Thank you Alex, I hope this doesn't remind you of the horse drawn carriage." I bit my bottom lip as I looked him over. He tensed up and narrowed his eyes. I saw his eyes dart to the side of the road, but he quickly looked ahead.

"Don't you dare wreck this car." I hissed. He bit his bottom lip and then looked towards me.

"I do admit it crossed my mind.... but I won't. Sorry, you know how I get on my death day." I crossed my arms, wondering why I even let him drive. I pulled out my stash of drugs and started to pull out the coke. He glared at me. "You better not do that. Look, I said I won't crash the car and I'm sorry that it crossed my mind. I already told you that, so you better not take that coke just because of that. You know how I feel about you using drugs."

"I'm not doing my coke because you are threatening to run us off the road and into a ditch. I lost my high." I rolled my eyes and started to pull out a piece of paper from the dash and a book. I laid a line of coke out on it and went to snort it. The car swerved then, making all of it fall into the floor.

"Ha!" He laughed and straightened out the car. "What'd I tell you? If you need a high, do something else that's productive. I hear endorphins are a great way to have a healthy high..." I pulled out my sack of weed then and pulled out a rolled up joint then light it up before sucking on it, breathing in the rich high. He sighed and readjusted his mirrors. "Val.... Come on," he groaned and lightly touched the brakes. I looked towards him with a warning stare.

"Don't push it." I warned and breathed in the sweetness of the weed, making myself cough a bit. He narrowed his eyes as he watched the road closely.

"You certainly are attached to your drugs.... that's for sure. I swear, they are going to be the death of you. What will happen in the new world when the humans that manufacture them are enslaved hmm?"

"I grow my own and I can make it too." I told him firmly. "I'm not dumb." I put the joint out on my lap then threw it into the sack and put it away. "We have coke all over the car.... You better clean that up."

"Get someone else to clean it up," he said stubbornly.

"Fine with me. I'll pay some human to do it." I waved it off and rolled the window down.

"Fine," he muttered and got silent again, driving way too fast. I kicked my feet up onto the dash and laid the seat back.

"Fine." I repeated. He glanced over and sighed. When we came to a stop, he kept the doors locked and turned off the car, crawling over to me. He nudged me over in my seat and laid down beside me, bringing me close.

"I'm an ass, aren't I?" He whispered and then kissed my neck as he wrapped his arms around me. I curled up to him and nodded a bit.

"You disapprove of so much that I do... It's not going to kill me... I'm already dead." I grumbled. "Let me do what I want with this stuff, it's so good and addicting.... I'll admit I have an addiction problem... I abuse drugs and I like my alcohol and blood. I'm just like the average vampire though." I protested. "So quit judging me." He thought it over then nodded.

"Alright.... I will stop. After all, you're right. You are a vampire. You have to live eternity, and I guess pick me ups are ok. Life like this can get boring when you've lived as long as you have. I won't stop you next time then.... as long as you don't make it a big problem. If you do something terrible while on drugs, I'll step back in and stop you again," he told me softly and then kissed my lips. "Will that make you happy?"

"I think you should hold your tongue Alex... I'm your maker." I leaned in and kissed his lips softly. "You need to deal with that."

"Hold my tongue? I just said I don't mind since how you're right about eternity," he murmured and looked me in the eyes. He gave me another kiss then. I looked away from the kiss and unlocked the car door, slipping away from him. "Val!" He got out to go after me and looked a bit upset, stumbling out of the car and then grabbing me. He buried his face into my neck and smelled me.

"What's the matter Alexander?" I asked, rubbing his head. "Are you hungry?" He nodded and pulled back to look me in the eyes, tilting his head.

"You used my actual name...."

"So?" I tilted my head. "Don't like your actual name? Alexander the Great." He smiled at that and let out a small purr as he kissed me passionately. I pulled out of the kiss and pushed him back. "Alex, I will make you wait in the car." I teased. He frowned at me.

"But that's not fair.... You called me to come with you.... and I'm lonely....and hungry.... and you keep reminding me of the days where I was free to do as I wished and was my own king and emperor of my conquered lands."

"You can come in with me then." I decided and started towards the old warehouse she had given me the directions too. He followed quickly, pulling out a knife to have at the ready in case.

"Good. I wouldn't have listened anyways." I walked towards a sliding door into the building but it was slid open and Brooklyn walked out, followed by two girls- one with pink hair and the other had purple. A few guys trailed behind them.

"VAL!" Brooklyn held out her arms towards me. I smiled and reached out for her, hugging her. We kissed each other's cheeks before pulling away. "Who's Mr. handsome? Can I keep him? Awe you brought me an offering for our partnership!" Brook giggled away then as she looked Alex over.

"Did you bring me an offering?" I asked and looked towards the girls with interest. Brook's eyes faded.

"They aren't for offer." Brook said firmly. "I like their company."

"As I like his." I agreed with her. Alex looked at Brook and then looked off.

"I should've stayed in the car," he muttered.

"Hmmm... Well come on in." Brook motioned for us to follow her as she turned towards where she came out from. "I have nice warm humans inside waiting on a nice tiger skinned rug." She giggled as she disappeared inside. The others waited, watching me. I looked towards Alex.

"Come." I told him firmly and started to follow her inside. He walked in behind me and then towards a corner of the room, sitting down in a chair in it. He watched me closely and glanced towards Brook then back at me. The place inside was completely refurnished into a creepy looking fun dungeon. I sat down on a leather couch, watching as a couple of humans were laid out on a tiger rug, in front of a fire place. They were looking at me like I was the food. I squirmed uncomfortable. The rest of the vampires walked in after that and sat around us, tense. Brook sat by me and grabbed my hands.

"So what do you think, Val? Did I do good or what!? I'm one of the most powerful goddesses of US now. Can you hear my roar? The fear on the streets? The screams coming from Maine because of my destruction?" Her eyes sparked with a fire I have never seen before. Alex looked up and then at the humans on the floor.

"Brook, can I have one?" He asked, not caring about what she had to say.

"Knock yourself out." The girl across the room said with the purple hair. She opened up a bottle of whiskey and took a sip from it. "Brook's modo is whoever gets the first bite can have it whole." She smiled as she looked towards the girl with pink hair and leaned in, kissing her cheek.

"That's my girls Jessica and Carrie." Brook told me. "Then there is Peter, James, Scott, and Eric." She pointed around us and then moved into my lap. "So what are you going to do for me Val?" I leaned back up against the couch as I raised an eyebrow.

"Well you can't have my blood. I'll give you a nice country across seas." I suggested. She tsked and shook her head.

"I want this continent." She purred to me. "Otherwise you can count me out." I saw Alex get up out of the corner of my eyes and he walked over to the rug, sitting down on it as he smirked at the humans.

"Who wants me first?" He teased them, crawling towards them slowly like a predator. One of the girls crawled towards him but was dragged across the rug by the other human. He laughed and looked them over. "Hmm... Fight it out if you must, but the first one over to me in the next ten seconds gets my undivided attention." It didn't take long for one of them to get his attention and made the other one jealous.

"Fine, you can have this continent." I told her even though after I take over I will just throw her into an asylum somewhere with her maker Dante. "I don't care."

"Atta girl." Brook giggled and moved out of my lap then and walked over to her boy Scott. She grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him over to me and sat him down by me. "I insist you drink his blood." Brook suggested. "He's my favorite." She exposed her fangs and touched them softly. I'll rip those out one day... I looked towards Scott then nodded as I went to bite him until- "I'll get to bite your little Alex then." She giggled in excitement and went for him. I thought about growling but then bit into Scott for the hell of it. Alex pulled back from the girl he was drinking from and looked up at her, licking his lips as he tilted his head.

"What are you doing?" He asked, completely oblivious from what we had been talking about. His eyes flickered towards me then up at her. I continued drinking from Scott as I watched Brook. Brook pranced over towards Alex and I could see the other vampires getting uncomfortable and jealousy was shown in their eyes. Alex pulled the girl he had been eating closer to him as he watched Brook, biting into the girl's neck as he scooted back on the rug to get away from her. Brook grabbed Alex by the ankle with fast reflexes and pulled him back, detaching him from his meal. Brook was over him within seconds and bit down into him. He let out a yelp and was suddenly across the room, his knife in his hand. "Who said you could bite me?!"

"Val did." Brook told him, licking her lips. I let out a soft moan to confirm it as I bit down deeper into Scott, barely eating. I was just causing him pain. Alex looked at me and narrowed his eyes then looked at Brook, staying tensed up as he stared her down.

"Hmm.... Well if Val said that you can have me...." He left it at that and watched her.

"No, I don't want you anymore. Scott!" She looked towards the male in my arms. "Go clean up." He pulled away from me and ran off towards what looked like a bathroom. She started for me then. "Give me a call Val and we can talk about futuristic dates." She winked and started for the swirly stairs going up in the middle of the floorplan. "LET'S GO. Girls, see them out." The boys followed Brook upstairs while Jessica and Carrie watched us.

"Hahaha, your so screwed." Jessica whispered towards me.

"Backwards my dears," Alex whispered towards them as he came to myside. "I've had my pride injured on a very important day. You'll do best to not anger me at this point," he hissed towards them. "Don't threaten Val."

"We weren't threatening. I was telling the future." Jessica spat towards Alex. "Let's see them out Carrie." Jessica started our way. "Let's go." She grabbed my arm while Carrie linked arms with Alex. He let out a soft growl and exposed his fangs.

"Unless you want to end up my prey, I suggest you let go," he told her. Carrie exposed her fangs and shoved Alex towards the door.

"Let's go."

"Alex, don't pick a fight." I snapped his way and let Jessica escort me out. He shrugged and walked out, stretching a bit.

"I just don't like other girls touching me without my permission," he said simply. When we stepped outside Jessica let me go.

"Have a good evening Miss Val." Jessica told me and pulled Carrie back inside. I could hear them locking up the door. Alex watched it and then looked towards me, narrowing his eyes before he headed towards the car.

"I can't believe you let her bite me," he hissed under his breath. I followed after him, smiling.

"I think I like her." I purred and whipped off my mouth. I got into the car before him and laid down in the back for a nice nap.

"I'm killing her when this is over," he told me as he got in. "You know how I feel about being bitten." He started up the car and backed us out of the drive. "You're the only one I will ever allow to bite me, and you offering me to someone else is an insult."

"Take us home to New York for the night." I mumbled and curled up, pulling a blanket over me. I usually kept one in the car. "I thought it was sweet, letting her bite you." I teased.

"Just for that, you aren't allowed to bite me for the next week."

"Sounds like someone is angry." I kept up my teasing.

"On my death day!" He hissed, sounding outraged.

"Whatcha gonna do?" I smirked. "I think I will offer you to Paris next." I sat up a bit.

"I'm not your little blood whore to offer to whoever you want! You better not even go there!" He stopped the car and pulled it off to the side of the road, spinning around in his seat to glare at me. I giggled.

"Oh but I will Alex. I'll make you drive me around for centuries too. You are my little newborn and I will never release you of that curse." I laid my head back down. He narrowed his eyes at me and exposed his fangs to me.

"I mean it Val. I can become just like I was in the beginning and piss you off every single day," he threatened.

"I'll throw you in a dungeon and have lower ranked- your vampire brothers whip you." I smirked at the thought. "I will record it and then show it around. I'll let Lauren participate too." He got into the backseat and looked down at me, anger in his eyes.

"I am Alexander the Great, and I don't take shit like this from anyone. You better not offer me to anymore people, got it?"

"No, I don't get it. I'm your maker." I told him firmly. "You don't get a say in it." He got silent and then looked out the window, glaring. He clenched his jaw to keep from retaliating.

"Val," he hissed my name and then looked down at me. I giggled softly.

"You take things too seriously. Loosen up and have some fun." I patted him on the cheek.

"I don't like being bitten!" He crossed his arms and pouted a bit as he calmed down. I leaned up towards his neck and bit down then, letting a moan slip from the taste of his blood. He bit down on his lip to keep from making a noise, accidentally drawing blood. "V-Val, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you," he whispered, gripping my sides. I pulled back from his neck as I tasted all the drugs that were still running in his system from earlier. I licked my lips and sipped up the blood oozing out of his wound.

"Mhhhhhh!" I groaned out and flipped us. He looked up at me with wide eyes and then squeezed them shut, looking away quickly. I looked him over and shook my head.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting us to New York?" I asked and flipped us back over... I can eat him up later at home. He looked at me and laughed.

"No, I'm supposed to be mad at you... but for some reason, you seem really forgivable at this point."

"I'm your maker, you can't be mad at me forever Alex." I teased. He sighed.

"Even my centuries' worth of hate seems to have faded too... I guess you're right, though I don't think that's why." He kissed my cheek and worked his way down to my neck.

"Ah yes... you believe we are mates." I giggled. "You may have gotten to mark me but I won't complete our mating by marking you back. I'm still free as a bird." He bit down and started to drink from me, not saying a word. I ran my fingers through his hair as I let a moan slip. "Don't enjoy this too much."

"Why can't you let me be happy?" He whispered against my neck.

"I don't know." I admitted. "I don't think I want to know." I looked towards the window.

"But you always try to bring my mood down unless you want something from me." He pulled back from my neck and looked me in the eyes.

"Soooo?" I asked. "What do you want me to do?" I tilted my head. He sat up and shook his head.

"Never mind.... Forget I said anything," he mumbled and then got into the front seat.

"I don't know how to be a better mate if that's what your asking." I hid under the cover then. "Your Alexander, you shouldn't care for this stuff anyways you war hero." He laughed.

"Yeah, you're right... but I do. I should be sleeping with all the women I want, but I tied myself down to you, didn't I?" He started driving us back onto the road and sped up. "Don't worry about it Val."

"I won't." I promised and curled up, letting out a yawn. I started to doze off. "I guess I love you though, for sticking by me all this time. You are better then my own dead family."

"I love you too Val.... Get some rest. I don't want you to get sick," he told me, a caring tone to his voice. I smiled softly and stretched out. It didn't take long for me to pass out.

Lauren's POV:

"Here we are." I told them, pulling up to the garage. We just arrived at Paris's manor. I parked the car then shook Oliver awake. "Come on cutie, wake up." Lee slipped out of the car and giggled.

"I want a manor like this." Lee said confidently. "I could live like this." I shook my head then got out of the car myself. "Who lives here again? I smell vampires and werewolves everywhere." Oliver got out of the car and yawned, looking around and then widened his eyes at the sight. Raven appeared in front of me, her shirt all bloody and torn up.

"LAURIE!" She giggled and hugged me quickly. "You've got to stay this time, please? I really miss you.... and I've been left by Austin. I need you to stay."

"Austin left you?" I asked and narrowed my eyes. "That little monster... I can't stay though Raven... sorry." I blushed. "Where's Benjamin?" I looked towards Oliver.

"He's inside with Ellie. He's making sure she gets a good bath in," she told me and then frowned. "Did you know that the Ainsworths developed a new bullet that decomposes the bullet site and the surrounding area? It's terrible!" She looked towards Oliver then and tilted her head, giving him a sweet smile. "Hey cutie, I bet you're the newborn I've been hearing about! You are in for a treat! Being a vampire is amazing!" He blushed and looked towards the ground.

"He's shy." I whispered to Raven then leaned in. "Paris let them develop those things?" I asked, looking her over and frowned. "You didn't get hit by one.... right? What then hell.... they have some nerve don't they? They need to choose a side and stop being out casts"

"HEY! Where are those alpha's I am supposed to meet?" Lee asked, breaking up our conversation. "I'm not going to just stand out here without someone to talk to." Raven looked to her and smiled sweetly, holding out a hand.

"Of course not... You must be the famous alpha I heard about from August. I'll take you to them, don't worry. And yes, I got shot by one. I was one of the first to be shot with them. They go on the market soon, and Paris is pissed because of it. He found out from me about it. The Ainsworths have renounced ties with him and have chosen to go against him," she told me and glanced my way.

"Well.... I seen that coming." I hissed. "Hunters are going to be hunters." I started for the doors. "Oliver, come on sweetie." I reached out for his hand. Lee shook Raven's hand shortly before following after me.

"Travis." Lee hissed for him and the other wolves. Raven giggled and got beside Lee, walking with her.

"So are you related to Alpha Damien or something? I heard he has this bar where he traps humans and that he killed his mate," she whispered to her, linking arms with Lee. Oliver got close to me and rested his head on my shoulder as we walked.

"I knew him." Lee said, I was surprised when she left it at that. I wondered then if she wanted to keep her ties to him a secret. I wouldn't blame her.

"I bet you are a fun alpha...." Raven mumbled, glancing towards the rest of the pack. "I'm sure August and Cage will love you."

"Where are those two?" I asked curiously. "Let me guess... they went hunting." I smirked towards Raven. She looked at me thoughtfully.

"Lets see.... Hmm... I haven't seen them since Austin honestly. I was training with Rose to get everything out of my system.... I believe they are either hunting or they are in the backyard still. They might be preparing for the full moon tonight," Raven told me.

"Oh lord.... It's a full moon here too!?" Lee asked and looked towards Travis uneasily. Raven giggled at that.

"Yeah and August's luna recently got an inner wolf. I wonder how that's gonna play out tonight," she told Lee and bounced past me. "Ready girls?" She turned to us all and smirked. "The grill is this way. If they aren't there... you can sniff them out," she told them and started to lead Lee and them to the back. I followed Raven to see how this would play out.

"Lauren!" I was tackled then by Hachi from the side as he sniffed my hair. "Welcome back! Paris is getting Benjamin." He promised me. I nodded and looked around for Isaac to maybe get some help. Hachi looked towards Oliver then and pulled away from me in fear then took off towards Isaac.

"Oh, Alpha Lee is here." I could hear Cage saying to August from near the fire. Raven giggled and grabbed Lee's arm, leading her over to the boys.

"Hey boys! Lee, this is Cage and August. Boys, this is Lee! She forgot about it being the full moon here, so she might want some help tonight or something. It's a long drive back to LA. Have fun you three!" She waved to them and then ran back over to me, giving me a hug. "And you! You're staying here! Please?"

"I guess I could spend the night if you would like." I suggested. I know Benjamin would love it. She smiled at me and pulled back.

"That's great... Though you'll have to be careful. This place is swarming with Paris's army. They all just woke up, and they are hungry and well..." She smiled nervously and played with her hair a bit. "Just watch out. I'm going to take you and your newborn to Benjamin. I hope you don't mind. It's safer." She grabbed mine and Oliver's hands and teleported us into my old room. Benjamin was reading to Ellie on the bed, laughing as she squirmed. He paused and looked up at me, smiling happily.

"Look who's here Ellie," he whispered in her ear. Raven smiled and disappeared then. Ellie crawled out of bed then and rushed to me, slamming into me as she gave me a hug.

"MOM!" Ellie giggled. "I missed you, who's this?" She asked and looked towards Oliver.

"This is your brother Oliver." I told her and hugged her, kneeing down to be at her height. "You know I love you." I told her sweetly.

"You aren't staying are you? Can I come with you then?" Ellie asked sweetly. She glanced from Oliver to me. Oliver looked at her curiously and then gave her a smile before walking towards a bookshelf and started looking over the books. Benjamin sat up and sighed.

"Ellie... where she's been at... It's not safe. Her maker is a druggie."

"A druggie?" Ellie asked as she looked towards Benjamin. "What's that?"

"That just means you can't be near her." I told her softly.

"Oliver gets to." Ellie pointed out. "It's no fair!"

"I'm sorry sweetie." I picked her up then and brought her over to her bed, laying her down in it. "When you are older though you can come with me wherever I go... but for now you need to be with Benjamin where it is safe." I kissed the top of her head and looked towards Benjamin. "Right sweetie?" He nodded and ruffled her hair.

"Yes, besides, I'm more fun than your mommy is," he told her and laughed, making a bag of skittles appear. He handed it to her and smiled. "I'm thinking about taking her on a vacation," he whispered to me, leaning over. "I don't like the army being out. They're brutes, and I don't want her around them. I think it's safer if I move us to another town...maybe Alaska or something." He kept it low enough to where she wouldn't hear and gave me a serious look. "I know she's finally getting friends her age, but this isn't where a young girl like her should be raised. She doesn't get to be normal here... and she's being exposed to terrible men and women that will teach her bad things." I nodded in agreement.

"Take her somewhere safe, Donnie has a manor up north." I suggested. "Ask to use it." I winked his way and looked at Ellie. "I love you pretty girl!" I started to tickle her sides to cheer her up even more. He smiled and watched before he shut the book he had been reading to her and made a cup of tea materialize in his hands. He sipped it and leaned back.

"Ellie, how would you like to go on a trip with me? We're going to have a lot of fun together. We can leave tomorrow morning." He watched for her reaction and glanced towards Oliver then at me, raising an eyebrow.

"My newborn." I whispered to Benjamin.

"A trip? Are we going back home to Hawaii?" Ellie asked and held her breath. Benjamin's breath caught in his throat as he saw her look she was giving him.

"Uhhhh.....M-ma.... Lauren?" He looked towards me for help.

"Benjamin and I think it would be fun for the both of you to go further north... You know... closer to the polar bears! You both can go searching for them and get me really good pictures." I suggested and held her hands. She looked bummed out until I told her about the picture ideas. She nodded eagerly.

"I'll take a bunch of pictures for Oliver and you!" She giggled.

"Yeah, and you can play in snow!" He told her and hugged her. Oliver laughed as he looked over, watching us then went back to looking at the books.

"Anything else you want me to get you? Oliver?" Ellie asked sweetly. He glanced over and smiled.

"Maybe you could go see the Northern Lights and tell me about it?" He asked, blushing a bit as he walked over. "I've heard that they're beautiful."

"I'd love to do that for you! What are the Northern lights daddy?" Ellie asked curiously as she looked towards Benjamin. He smiled and pulled her close.

"The Northern Lights are a beautiful light show that nature puts on for us up North. It's really pretty and spans the night sky sometimes," he told her and kissed her cheek. "You'll love them."

"Get some good pictures of them for Oliver." I suggested to her. She looked eager then.

"When are we leaving?" She giggled.

"Tomorrow morning when your mommy leaves to go back to her home. We will leave as soon as she does....and we will take a road trip all the way up North. I'm going to have a servant go get our passports." He smiled and looked towards me. "Sound good to you?"

"Sounds good." I agreed.

"YES! Can I go tell Quinton and the others? They will be so jealous." Ellie giggled and went to crawl out of the bed. Benjamin grabbed her quickly and shook his head.

"No, it's dangerous outside this room. I don't want you going out there unless you are accompanied by-"

"I can take her," Oliver spoke up and looked at him. "Is that alright?" Ben looked him over and then let go of Ellie.

"Alright, you may go, but you have to stick close to Oliver." Ellie ran over to Oliver and grabbed his hand.

"Let's go! Come on..." Ellie pulled him out of the room before I had a say about this.

"I hope your newborn is tough," he mumbled and then looked over at me. He laid his head down in my lap and reached up, twirling my hair around his fingers. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too." I leaned down towards him then and kissed his lips. "I hope you have fun with her up north." He nodded and gave me another kiss.

"I will have fun. The snow sounds like a good idea for her to play in," he whispered and then leaned up, kissing my cheek and then my lips again.

"You better keep her dressed up good for when she goes out to play in the snow. It's cold up there and she's human. She can get sick unlike us. You need to remember to keep that in mind." I told him firmly, my motherly instincts kicked in. He nodded and pulled back as he sat up.

"Yeah... I won't forget. I will make sure she looks like a caterpillar all bundled up," he teased. "I'll take her winter shopping soon."

"You better do that before you get on the plane." I crossed my arms. "I love her too much." He smirked.

"I'm not taking a plane. We are going to have quality time going on a road trip and taking in the sights. I can get us a plan by tonight and then get a house set up for wherever I pick up there.... I'll take her shopping and get her warmer clothes." He pulled me into his arms and kissed the top of my head. "You will visit, right?"

"As often as I can." I promised. "Make the road trip fun for her. Get her a good camera too." I suggested.

"I will make her the prettiest, happiest little princess in the world," he promised.

"Don't spoil her too much." I pointed a finger at him. "So I am spending the night." I told him. "Just because I don't want to put up with turning wolves in my car." He nodded.

"That's understandable... Ellie is going under lockdown. Quinton will be turning too. I don't want her getting hurt by being near him when it happens. The sun should be going down in a few hours and the moon will be out."

"Mhmmmm... We need to put her to bed before that. I'm curious about what Dannie will do tonight too... He is part wolf." I wondered about it curiously.

"I don't think he does anything....maybe he gets a bit anxious or something. He probably just acts a little different." He kissed my cheek and then laid down, looking at the time. "Should we put her to bed at seven then? It's like....one now."

"Yeah." I decided. "Bedtime will be early. I'm going to go get a bottle of blood from the kitchen, want to come?" I suggested and started for the door. He got up and followed quickly.

"You shouldn't walk through this manor alone anymore. I don't trust them at all. Only the incredibly brave or stupid are walking by themselves today," he told me and then grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the room.

"I don't think one can handle me." I giggled. "I know how to take care of myself." I held his hand tightly as we went for the kitchen.

"Well I heard that Raven almost killed one for trying to get her into his bed earlier," he whispered.

"So?" I asked. "I know how to tell one to get a life." I winked and laughed. "His army doesn't scare me."

"I'd be a bit more careful.... but yes, you are right. You do know how to tell someone to go away." He looked around and then led me down to the kitchen, getting me a bottle of blood out. He passed it to me and smiled.

"Well well well... Look at what the cat dragged in." I heard Paris purring as he walked in almost exactly after we did. "How's it going Lauren? Over at Val's?" I turned to him then and my heart skipped a beat as I tried not to give up every single plan.

"Just fine, you should see my newborn Oliver." I suggested. Paris purred and started walking towards me.

"Oh yea? A little newborn named Oliver?" He asked me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so glad you are here! Tell Val she can't have you because I want you here." I giggled softly.

"I'll pass the message on but she'll be angry." I told him, pulling away. He looked me firmly in the eyes.

"You aren't hiding anything from me... are you? Your thoughts are absent." He took a step towards me. Raven appeared then with a knife and placed it in Paris's hand.

"Paris, can we get new knives in the gym? These suck. I hate them. They're dull...and they don't throw as nice as I'd like. They are making my practice with Rose worse," she told him, crossing her arms. Paris stopped coming towards me and looked at the knife.

"Sure Raven, after I get a new weapon supplier." Paris promised her. I grabbed a bottle of blood then and leaned up against Benjamin, kissing his cheek. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, giving me a kiss back.

"I could hook you up with this guy I used to know from when I was with Dante.... I still know how to get ahold of him, and he makes great weapons. He supplied us for a bit. In fact, we used to fight some of your newborns with the weapons he made. He isn't used by Dante anymore, so he wouldn't mind supplying us," she told him and tilted her head with a sweet smile.

"Sure, give him a call." Paris suggested, handing her the knife back. "I'll leave that up to you. It will give you something to do." Her face lit up and she nodded quickly, bouncing off.

"Thanks Paris!" She disappeared out the door then, leaving him with us. Paris looked towards us then.

"Where was we?" Paris asked as he tried to think about what he was doing before Raven showed up.

"Talking about bottled blood." I told him, showing him what I was drinking. Benjamin looked towards me and frowned, but he decided to go along with it.

"Oh right! I need to get more." He started for the door then and was gone. I raised an eyebrow and relaxed a bit.

"So....are you up to something?" Benjamin whispered softly in my ear, keeping it quiet. I almost slipped up in my thoughts but shook my head.

"No." I whispered to Benjamin. "Nothing to concern yourself with."

"Want to go get drinks in town?" He suggested, moving his hands down to my hips. I nodded then and leaned in to kiss his lips. I pulled back and pulled him towards the garage.

"Let's go. I think we can leave Oliver here with Ellie."

"Yeah, he seems like he can handle himself." He pulled out a set of keys from his pockets and gave me a smile as he led me towards a car then opened it up. He got in and started it up and watched as I got in. "I think some drinks is something we need." He got us out of the manor's yard and sped up quickly. I adjusted the seat to my liking and turned the radio on so it was background music.

"Just you and me... Nice alone time." I giggled softly.

"Mhm.... I noticed you were nervous about Paris. You can let your thoughts free out in town, ok? Plus I've been wanting a date." He got to the speed limit and stayed at it, driving us towards town.

"Well... I don't want to bring you in on what's going on Benjamin." I whispered. "It's nothing you need to know."

"That's fine... I know how to tell when something is up with you. I don't want you to get hurt. You will stay safe, right?" He glanced my way.

"No promises." I whispered to him.

"For Ellie if not for me," he mumbled and looked at the road. "She'd be heartbroken if something happened to you. I want you to be safe... but I know you are going to do what you think you need to do."

"It's for the best." I promised. "Don't let Paris know something is up with me."

"I won't." He smiled and cranked the radio up. "I will make you visit me up North though."

"Every chance I get." I promised once more. I shrunk down in the seat then as I looked out the window. He drove us to a bar and parked, getting out and then helped me out. He twirled me and caught me in his arms with a smirk before he lead me towards the doors.

"Let's party like we don't have responsibilities or cares in the world," he whispered and winked at me. I giggled and followed after him.

"You get drunk and I will get drunk off your blood." I suggested, swaying my hips as I walked. He nodded quickly and exposed his neck.

"I'm all yours for the next six hours!" He opened the door and led me in, going straight to the bar. He got us drinks and brought them over to me, wrapping an arm around my waist as he swayed with me to the music playing and drank his drink. He kissed me and started to lead me towards a table in the corner of the bar as he danced with me. I giggled and danced with him, leaning in to kiss his cheek.