A Different Full Moon

Louis's POV:

I grabbed my shirt off of my bed that I had laid out for after my bath and slipped it over my head, then dried my hair some more with the towel. I had taken August and Lee back home with me to my manor. I didn't want Lee to be by herself, and her pack needed somewhere to stay. I smiled and stretched, glancing towards the clock. The moon will be up soon.... August should be getting his pack ready. Guess I'll go get the frying pan- NO YOU WON'T! You are going to make this full moon different. Just because I can't forcefully take you over because you weren't born a werewolf or made into one through the process doesn't mean you get to keep your ways! The moon goddess told you no more frying pans! I want you to apologize to him too! I will walk you through it....don't worry. If you want, you could let me take over tonight.... You wouldn't have to be afraid. I blushed and shook my head. No, I don't want to not know what happens.... I think we should test how tonight goes...and we will go from there. I know you want to run free and take over, but I don't want to not know what happens normally on a full moon. You'll be fine. I walked out of the room then and went to the living room where I had left the two alphas and looked for August. August was playing a card game with Cage and Lee. They seemed to be amused as they looked at their cards carefully. I laughed and leaned over the couch to look at his cards then kissed his cheek. "You guys want anything before you all shift? I think I can get Isabelle to make you guys something quickly."

"Some sandwiches would be nice." Cage said, smiling. "Thanks for the offer Louis."

"I'll take one." Lee said quickly as she laid a card down, giggling as she skipped Cage. "HA!" I noticed then that they were playing UNO. "In your face Alpha Cage." She winked towards him and he growled with amusement.

"I don't mind having one myself." August told me as he placed down a switch card.

"Alright.... ISABELLE! CAN WE GET THREE SANDWICHES FOR THE ALPHAS?!" I called out, going towards the hall.

"Of course!" I heard her shout back, in the kitchen already. I smirked and then walked back over to August.

"You sure you don't mind me staying here for the full moon?" Lee asked them to make sure.

"Relax. We have to put up with eachother in the same territory on full moons, one more alpha won't hard anything." Cage assured her.

"Besides, they know I'd kick their butts if they told you to get out and turned you out without help," I told her and ran my fingers through my hair. "Isn't that right August?"

"Right, you know how Luna's are." August laughed, causing Lee to laugh.

"Thanks you guys." Lee smiled softly. "So Cage, have you found a mate yet?" She asked curiously.

"I have until the next full-"

"SAME!" Lee gasped and looked towards him. I raised an eyebrow and then sat down beside August.

"I hope you two find your mate.... Rogues are nasty businesses... I've killed a few myself when August was a runt." I laughed and kissed his cheek. August blushed then and looked towards me.

"Don't tell her I was a runt." He growled and looked towards her, seeing she was trying to hold back a laugh.

"Mh! I think I will find her tonight." Lee said with confidence.

"Her?" Cage asked and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh no...." I laughed as it clicked. I leaned into August. "She's like you."

"Since when were you going to tell me this?" Cage asked her and poked her sides. "I've been thinking you was in to me the way you was looking! No fair, a pretty girl like you... should at least be straight!" Cage laid down a card making her pick up four. "Green." He looked towards August. August sighed and had to pick up a card then laid it down when it happened to be green. I smirked and stretched out on the couch, laying my head in August's lap to take a small nap. I'd know when the moon rises. I'd get that feeling of dread.

"I wasn't aware I was flirting Alpha." I heard Lee telling Cage, that was the last thing I heard for a bit.

I felt myself being shook on the arm as August adjusted himself under me. "It's time to go Louis, come on." He urged. "The moon is up." I sat up and looked at him, tilting my head.

"The moon is up?" I asked sleepily and rubbed my eyes. Akira let out a howl from within me, making me shiver.

"Come on." August grabbed my hand and pulled me outside where all three of the alpha's packs were waiting along with Lee and Cage. "They were waiting on us." August admitted. "Time to shift." Dannie ran up to me then and hugged me.

"Daddy let me come over and hang out with Quinton!" He explained. I widened my eyes and then ruffled his hair.

"Ok, well you better go inside. Quinton is locked up in his room like we usually do.... or at least I'm sure he is. You can go play with him in there, but you be safe, ok?" I smiled and nudged him towards the house then looked at August. "Hey, Akira told me to apologize for the frying pans."

"It's about time." August mumbled. Paris appeared by me and grabbed Dannie up.

"I told you we was going inside squirt." Paris purred and looked towards me. "I'm hiding from Richard." He winked. "Plus I had to see you before you turned." He kissed my cheek then started to carry Dannie inside. "Have fun playing other species!" I widened my eyes and went to go after him.

"Who said I want to play other species?!"August grabbed my arm and growled.

"Stay here." August begged. I heard Paris laugh.

"Your mate!" Paris yelled and I heard the door shut behind him.

"Alpha's always shift before the pack along with their lunas. So lets do this." August told me. I sighed and gave up, curling up to him.

"Fine.... So we are supposed to shift together? Or do you go first then me then the pack?"

"Me, you, the other alphas, the packs." August told me firmly. "So let's do this." I nodded and started taking off my shirt, not wanting to destroy it.

"Is this going to hurt like the other times?"

"Of course. You haven't shifted enough." August told me as he started to take off his clothes. I shook my head and looked down at the ground as I set my shirt down.

"Do I have to?" Yes, you are the luna. You have to run with the pack if you are able to...and you are able to. You could let me take over to make this more enjoyable for you~! I bit my bottom lip and started taking off my pants. August started on his belt and took it off, dropping it with his shirt. He unbuttoned his pants then unzipped them before transforming as he slid them down quickly. He sat down by me and waited patiently. I looked at him and blushed. "Can I go inside for privacy?" I asked, hesitating on taking my pants off all the way as I glanced at the rest of the pack. August growled towards the pack and they all turned around. Lee turned around quickly and forced Cage to do it as well. August looked towards me then. I bit my bottom lip and finished stripping, starting to transform like Akira taught me. When I finished, I sat up and whimpered as I saw that I hadn't grown very much. August licked the top of my head then turned to look at the other two alphas. Cage transformed first since he had less clothing and Lee followed shortly after. All three of the alpha's let out a howl and the packs started to shift. You're going to have so much fun! I got close to August as I saw that I was one of the smallest ones here and got underneath his front legs, nuzzling my face against his chest. "I don't like being small...."

"You'll grow." I heard August's wolf assure me. "Let's go for a run, we will take it slow." He suggested. Lee and Cage took off running, leading the packs after them. I watched and then got out from under him to allow him to move, looking up at him as I laid my ears back. I still had a hard time getting the footing right to walk... but it wasn't as bad. August started to walk then and showed me slowly so I could get a hang of it. I watched him and then started after him, catching up beside him.

"I bet you wish I'd let Akira take me over," I whispered and watched him move to use it for myself. I yelped as I felt my paw land on a twig wrong, sending me falling.

"You should let her out. It's not fair for her." He said sternly. I whimpered and looked up at him.

"I don't want to not know what happens tonight," I whispered and got to my feet.

"Not much honestly." He wagged his tail. "Your killing my vibe as an alpha though."

"I'm sorry I'm a pitiful mate who can't walk in a straight line," I growled and laid my ears back.

"Don't get mad." He growled back. "It's not your fault about the bad timing."

"Bad timing?" I tilted my head. Let me run with my mate Louis... You get to play with August all day long every day of the week. I only get full moons, and with you, I don't even get that!

"Yes, what are you going to do when August grows old? Akira will be left alone with you forever once we die." He growled. "Now let her out while we have available time to see each other." He sat down then. "You are unfair to us and you wonder why I don't like you." I sat down in front of him and looked down at the ground.

"When you two die.... I'll see about having Hachi try to unbind the two of us so she can go back to the moon goddess.... I don't really want to think about that right now though. I'd rather cross that bridge when it comes to it instead of worrying about it now." I looked up at him and laid my ears back, wagging my tail a bit. "You're right.... You don't really have much time with her, do you? A human's lifespan is so much shorter than a vampire's. I guess it's only fair to let her have freedom with you every full moon then... till you are gone. Just don't hate me because that's not fair to August. He has to hear you hate me in his head, and I've done a lot to try to make your existence comfortable for the two of you."

"Hmmmph." He waited for me to let her out, I could tell it. I growled at him and put my paw on his face.

"I want a promise first. You got to promise to try to like me....and I'll try to be a better luna for you and August and try to be more wolf like for both of your happiness. I bet that's why you don't like me.... because August isn't getting a normal alpha life with a wolf mate." I showed him my teeth and then lowered my paw.

"I'd like you better if you let out my mate." He agreed. "Especially if you worked harder to be the luna he needs." I let out a soft growl.

"I think I've improved though.... He gets all the food he needs.... and I've gotten you two territory at home... plus I've even taken in your mate to help me understand you guys. Do you know how strange this is? I've gone from pretty much hating wolves to doing just about anything I can think of to make a pack happy." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Well you are trying." He wagged his tail. "I don't hate you that much." I felt my tail wag at that and I got up, walking over to him.

"Good! I guess I don't think you are the big bad wolf I thought you were." I nuzzled into his fur. "I'll let her out. Just give me a second."

"Finally. You won't remember this so see you in bed in the morning, I'll get us back safely." He promised.

"You aren't going to.... It's just hunting deer or something, right?" I asked quickly, getting slightly nervous.

"Not with you that small. We will only hunt." He shrugged. I backed up from him and got down low to the ground, laying my ears back.

"Good...." I closed my eyes. Akira, want to go hunt? YES! Of course I do. Did you even have to ask me?! I laughed and curled up. Ok Akira, I'm going to let you out. Don't get us hurt please.... I don't want to wake up and find new marks all over me. I won't. You're too small to start being dangerous with. When you are bigger, I'll start being more dangerous. I sighed and laid my head down as I started to lose consciousness.