It’s Over?

Dante's POV:

I pulled Charlie close to me and kissed his neck. "Come on sweetie.... I promise I won't cheat on you if you let me capture Raven. We go way back.... You should let me be the one to take her down and keep her as a prisoner. You know my love is only for you." Charlie frowned and pushed me away.

"Nu uh! I don't want you anywhere near her!" Charlie said sternly then shoved a bite of noodles into his mouth.

"But what if she hurts you or Riley? She's a pureblood, and she's been trained by me. I know her weaknesses....and I know how to handle her." I watched him and sighed, poking his cheek. "Come on.... What if we both took her down together.... Someone needs to clean her stone up. I smelled demon all over her, and she had cat ears. I could clean it up and bring her back."

"Look, I think we need to wait on who we are taking down until we have had a talk with Val." Charlie told me as he took a sip of his tea. "Dylan said we can't be planning this stuff out anyways because Laurence will see it and warn Paris. We have to wait on decisions. Val will tell us what to do in due time. So will Dylan." He slurped up a noodle and then coughed a bit. I growled and looked away.

"I don't see why we can't just say it's going to be me that gets her. It's not like I'm planning how yet.... I could easily just take out Laurence if you want," I mumbled and then looked at him again.

"I told you to wait." He hissed my way. "We don't want to upset Dylan or Val." He stuffed a bite of noodles into my mouth then. I ate it then nodded, leaning into him.

"Fiine.... though you know I'm not a lap dog. I do what I want. Val can go take her-" I stopped myself then and took in a deep breath, not liking the wait. I could just do this myself.... Charlie frowned my way and got off the couch, going to the DVD box and put us on another movie.

"I know you like your freedom but we both agreed that we would serve under Val the minute she asked for us to. We can't just go against her orders. That would make it complicated for whatever her plans are." Charlie told me as he came back. Riley stepped into the room then and smiled as he came over to the couch, having us smoosh Charlie into a sandwich.

"Charlie." Riley purred in his ear then kissed his neck. "Can I have a bite of your noodles?" He asked and grabbed Charlie's chopsticks and got a bite for himself. I laughed and got close to Charlie to squish him further.

"So Riley.... If I asked you if you wanted to pick off a demon, what'd you say?" I asked, knowing Charlie would protest. I smirked and looked at Riley.

"Well I'd say I am more into picking off vampires but I have picked off a demon before." Riley said as he handed his twin the chopsticks.

"N-No!" Charlie growled, blushing like crazy from being between us.

"You, me, a few guns, and we'll have an awesome prisoner," I purred and squished Charlie more. Riley purred as he looked towards Charlie then moved in closer, leaning across him to get into my face.

"What kind of demon prisoner are we talking about here?" Riley asked.

"I said no!" Charlie protested, trying to push us apart. I smirked and leaned in closer.

"A tamed demon kitty cat," I told him. "She'd give us lots of good information if we managed to capture her and get her to tell us all that."

"Not until Val gives us orders!" Charlie hissed.

"Name the time and place." Riley growled happily. "I want to rip up that little monster." I smirked. I can play with Charlie's twin and get a partner to take her then.

"But... we aren't killing her, agreed?" I purred and brushed his hair behind his ear.

"Fine with me but I get to torture her... got it?" Riley asked.

"I said no!" Charlie growled.

"Charlie you don't tell us what to do you are the sub in this." Riley told him and kissed the top of his head. "Be a good boy and shut your mouth and eat these noodles before they get cold." Riley shoved the bowl into his hands. I smirked and stood up.

"We've got to lure her out of the manor though... That's the only problem. She won't come out if she knows she's being targeted in her state. I put it in her mind that she's softened. We'll need to make a good trap," I told Riley. "Want to come with me to plan one? I bet we can find something good that will get her out."

"NO!" Charlie reached for my hand and grabbed Riley's. "YOU GUYS! NO!"

"I'm home!" I heard Dylan say as the front door shut. "What's going on in there?" He asked as he appeared in the livingroom then. I looked to him and smirked.

"Riley and I are about to go capture a lost little kitty cat," I told him, keeping my tone light. "Charlie wants us to wait... but I think the kitty cat needs some punishment and a collar." I reached out for Riley then. "Oh, and Paris wants you to call him I believe. He showed up while you were gone, and we almost had him during the fight that broke out. Raven managed to slip from me and got to him before we could. We're going to go get her before the main fights start happening. She's gone demonic," I informed him.

"Well I think we should confirm it with Val before we go kidnapping people." Dylan told me as he walked over to an arm chair and sat down, beginning to take off his boots.

"How'd it go?" Riley asked curiously.

"They wanted me to go to another state but I told them our home is here." Dylan groaned out. He looked a bit worn out. "I had to do some training with them for a bit after we discussed business. They are setting up a new HQ here. Just a few towns over." He rubbed his back then. "I've been promoted to oversee it." He rolled his eyes as he sat back in the chair. "I'm going to retire next year and just make weapons." He seemed set on that.

"What about Paris?" Charlie asked. "Didn't you hear about what he done-"

"I'll give him a call." Dylan told him.

"C'mon Dylan.... She could spill a lot of good info," I pressed, crossing my arms. "Look, I know her. She's going to be training her little heart out because I was able to pin her in the last fight we had."

"Val doesn't want to make her moves until she's ready. Taking Raven would raise suspicions and cause Paris to delay his war to look for her. Then Val would have to delay her plans and get mad because it will ruin everything she is working hard on to build up." Dylan told us. Charlie gave me a smile, saying 'I told you so'. I thought it over then sighed. He's right.... The way things are going... Paris would stop to look for her, especially if he went and turned her into a demon.

"I guess.... Fine. I'll put the idea down for now. You should go call Paris and formally declare you're not on his side since how he's pissed at you anyways." I sat back down beside Charlie and wrapped an arm around him. There was a knock at the front door then. Dylan looked towards it and pulled out a handgun from in his pants and started for the door slowly. I frowned and got up, going with him as I pulled out the gun I kept on me. I got beside him and looked at him then at the door. "Careful," I whispered.

"It's Paris." Riley growled as he started to follow us to the door. Dylan looked towards me and Riley before looking through a side window to see fro himself. He growled and opened the door.

"You heard clear, we aren't on your side." Dylan growled out the door towards Paris who stood next to Richard. Paris narrowed his eyes and looked the gun over as it was pointed up towards his face. "Get off my property."

"Who's side are you on then?" Paris asked. "The loosing side? Aren't you cleaver. You can't have those guns out on the market Dylan."

"Like hell I can't." Dylan hissed back. I glanced from Dylan to Paris and then around him to make sure it was just Richard and him. I smirked when I saw it was, and I couldn't help but laugh. Great, there won't be a Raven this time to save them. It's two against the Ainsworths.

"Scared little demon?" I asked and leaned up against the door as I watched Paris. "I bet you are."

"I'm not scared, I just want to know why all of a sudden my dearest Ainsworths are turning against me. We have had a long line of friendship-"

"We were enemies before. My family was killed by vampires, I don't care if our friendship is gone now... You are turning out to be just like my family's killer and I want no part in it. My family aren't going to be a part of yours either. We hunt vampires like you. You are becoming scum Paris." Dylan spat. "In fact we have been instructed by HQ to hunt you down so you better run before I give Dante orders to shoot and take both of you into the basement. This is your last warning, get off my property." Paris hissed towards Dylan then.

"You are making a huge mistake Dylan." Paris told him.

"Hmmm.... You really should. I've been wanting to take him down for a long time now...." I purred, feeling my fingers start to get twitchy on my gun at the idea of shooting them.

"Oh right, you two have a past." Dylan laughed then.

"Go ahead and shoot him." Riley purred. "I want to barbeque him. Think of how the HQ will reward us." Charlie rushed for us then. Richard watched Charlie with interest then flickered his eyes to me. I smirked and pulled the trigger on Paris before it even became a thought. I reached through the doorway quickly and ripped his stone out, watching as his eyes opened wide and heard Richard shrieking as he tried to stop me. I brought my hand back and dropped Paris's stone on the floor and put my boot over it, looking at Richard as he went to catch Paris's decaying body.

"PARIS!" He screamed and started to cry, growling as he looked at me.

"Give yourself up Richard.... or Paris is gone forever," I hissed then looked at Riley, jerking my head to indicate for him to take Richard's stone. "This ends today." Riley giggled as Dylan grabbed Richard and pulled him into the manor, throwing him to Riley's feet.

"Oh hell Dante you just had to go and do this." Dylan hissed towards me. Riley took Richard's stone before he could struggle and licked it. A horrified scream sounded from the yard then.

"How could you?!" I heard a familiar voice shout in anger. Raven was standing there wide eyed then snarled as she saw their stones. "DROP THEM! I WON'T FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS DANTE! THIS IS WHY I LEFT YOU, YOU PIG! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" She pulled out a gun and went to shoot me, hitting me in the shoulder. "GET OUT HERE! I'M SERIOUS DANTE! YOU AND ME, RIGHT NOW!" I groaned in pain and looked at her, narrowing my eyes. Charlie walked up to me then and picked up Paris's stone then looked towards her.

"Run home and tell them all that we have them in custody." Charlie ordered her and put the stone in his pocket. Riley put the other stone in his pocket and laughed. Raven growled and threw a knife at Charlie, but I caught it before it could hit him and dropped it, watching as it fell.

"Raven, go home. You will be next if you don't leave this instant." She started to cry and threw another one at me.

"You bastard! Get out here and face me!" I shook my head and caught it again.

"You have three seconds," I whispered. She took a step forward, snarling. "Three," I hissed.

"THIS ISN'T OVER!" She disappeared then, leaving us.

"One," I murmured and then looked at everyone and walked back into the house, keeping my face blank. I had never heard her yell at me like that.... Nor had I seen her cry over someone else. I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair, pulling out my phone and dialing up Val's number. "Val, we have their stones. It's over."