Richard Returns

Year: 2040

It's been 10 years since Paris and Richard's stones disappeared. Raven managed to escape the Ainsworths and arrived home safely. Not long after she fell ill with insanity and was placed in an insane asylum. Louis took over his twin's plans and became king of the world. The dominate race was no longer humans... instead it was vampires. Rose took Peyton in as her own and raised her while Donnie went north with Dannie. Everyone who was found guilty plotting against Paris went into hiding from Louis. Especially the Ainsworth twins that have the missing stones. Laurence had mysteriously disappeared as well, without a trace. Not even Ashton knows where he is. Perry shut down his bar and started a new business, selling slaves to vampires. It was now legal after all thanks to Louis. As for William he closed down his bar, since it brought him memories of Lucy(who passed away). He's now traveling the world. The Hunters Association is currently coming back together slowly, having suffered from the Grimm brother's revengence. They are plotting to save humanity and are developing new technology. All though.... something was stirring in the grass... like a snake. Humans was disappearing and getting harder to find.

Louis's POV:

I looked over the servants as they stood in a line and shook my head, waving them off. "I'm not hungry. Make yourselves scarce."

"You've got to eat Louis," I heard Isabelle whisper from beside me. I looked at her and then looked off.

"No I don't. I want my twin," I hissed.

"Well, you don't have your twin. Do I need to go get August in here?" She played with my hair, leaning over the chair I was sitting in.

"No.... He's out hunting. I don't want him to know I've been turning down meals either. Have you found Charlie or Riley yet?" I asked softly. She shook her head.

"No... they haven't been found yet." I tsked and turned to her. Raven had appeared to me the day Dante shot them and told me everything after I had gotten her to stop crying. She had shortly gone insane after telling me. I had her watching the Grimm manor for me, but she just couldn't come back from it. She had gotten to the point to where she couldn't eat without shrieking out in fear and backing away from her meal. There had been cuts all over her body from her sleep walking to the bathroom where she would then torture herself in her sleep. She had been broken any other time when I had tried to talk to her, but she hadn't been able to recover and it only got worse. She stopped caring for herself...and she blamed herself constantly for my twin and Richard being taken. She hadn't been able to get over Austin leaving her either. She had done ok for a bit on that, but she had eventually broken down and spent a week crying. Hell, she had been crying in her sleep, calling out for Austin and she had been talking about how she would see Richard and Paris being killed over and over again in her dreams. I had no choice but to stick her in an insane asylum to try to get her some help..... However, it left fixing everything to me. I had half my army searching for the twins and for Dante and Dylan, and I had at least ten of my men at the asylum at all times to assist the doctors with Raven. The last report I had gotten wasn't good. Everything was going to hell in a handbasket.

"Get more men on it," I told her and then stood up, walking off. "Have you found Lauren?"

"No, she's still elusive.... Benjamin hasn't said a word to us since we caught him." I sighed and shoved my hands into my pockets.

"What about Val? Have you found her?"

"No... We haven't found anyone. Please stop asking." Isabelle walked beside me and looked at me worriedly. "Please eat? That's exactly what Raven stopped doing. I don't want you to get hurt....or weak. You can eat from me." She pulled her hair back and smiled. Tempted, I glanced at her and then looked off.

"No, but I do want you to go and get a report on Raven. I need to see if I can get any clues from her...." She nodded and disappeared. I pulled out my phone and took a shaky breath before calling August.

"Hey sweetie." I heard August answer my call. "Have you found anything?"

"No.... No one has found anything useful since Benjamin.... I don't want to talk about that right now. Let's go out. I can't stay here," I mumbled and leaned up against the wall.

"Oh but I promised Quinton we would do some alpha stuff today, I can't believe it... he's so old... Hahhaa..."

"Sir." I was interrupted from the phone call then. I looked up quickly.

"Give me a moment August," I whispered and pulled the phone away from my ear. "What?" A guy stood with a gun in his hands, his outfit was all bloody and his cheek was healing up from a bite.

"We have taken Riley Ainsworth into custody." He informed me. I dropped the phone then and stared at him.


"He refuses to give us any information." He straightened up then. "We took him to a cell."

"Handle my phone call for me, will you? Tell him something came up and he should get here soon. I've got new plans." I disappeared down to the dungeon and let out a snarl. "RILEY WHERE THE HELL IS THE STONE?!" I shouted, walking down the aisle till I found where they stuck him. He was tied up to a chair, he gave me a blank look and laughed.

"Which stone?" Riley asked me. "I know about.... two stones." I narrowed my eyes.

"Riley, I'm not playing games. You'll tell me where both are..." I opened the door and walked in, shutting it behind me. "You should have known I was going to catch one of you soon.... You wouldn't be stupid and have it on you. Where'd you hide it?"

"Well I know one of them is with Charlie." He smirked. "You'll never find him. The other one is... well somewhere safe." He exposed his fangs towards me. "I'll never tell you anything." I smirked.

"What a shame.... here I thought I might forgive you. RIP HIS FANGS OUT!" I stormed out of the cell and slammed it shut behind me as I saw my servants running towards it to do as I ordered. I stopped to listen, wanting to make sure it was done. I heard struggles then.

"NO! NO DON'T COME ANY CLOSER! ALRIGHT, I'LL TELL YOU SOMETHING LOUIS! NOT MY FANGS!" Riley shrieked. I walked back in and snapped my fingers, making them back off immediately.

"Oh? Does the little prisoner want to talk?" I walked over and stood in front of him, staring him down. "If you tell me something useful... I will let you keep your fangs." For now...

"I swallowed Richard's stone." Riley told me then. "It's safe inside me. I imagined Charlie done the same." I narrowed my eyes.

"You....swallowed.... the....stone. I changed my mind. Rip them out. Prep the docs for an immediate dissection," I said and then went for the door.

"LOUIS! You can't just leave me! Come on I did it to protect him. He's safe in me." Riley tipped the chair backwards then to get away from the servants coming towards him. "Don't take my fangs!" I glanced back and then walked over, grabbing a lock of his hair and yanked his head up to look at me.

"Oh? To protect him? From what, monster?" I hissed, exposing my fangs to him.

"From Val of course. She tried to eat his stone. I ran away with his stone to protect it and there's no way I was just going to freely give him up to you guys. His stone needs to be cured. I'm sure by now though it's healed." He smiled softly. "Don't kill me." I took in a deep breath.

"I'll cut you a deal you slippery little bastard.... You are going to get an implant that will tell me where you are at all times.... and I will let you out of this cell. You will bring me your brother, and you will help me find Val, got it? I want Lauren at my feet as well."

"I won't do anything." Riley spat. "That gives up my twin... but I will help you catch the others."

"I want my twin back," I hissed and then looked at them. "Get the doc, now. Tell him to bring the latest GPS stuff. We're going to make him our dog." One of the girls nodded and ran out quickly. "TELL HIM I DON'T CARE IF IT'S SANITARY!" Riley growled towards me then.

"I won't give up my twin. You should understand me that much." He looked me over and laughed. "I hope he threw that stone into the deepest and darkest sea." I smirked.

"Oh, you do, do you?" I reached into his mouth and yanked out a fang, dropping it on the ground. "I could have you killed...." I grabbed the next and tore it out, making sure to make it as painful as possible for him. He screamed as blood poured out of his mouth. He tried to get out of the chair to defend himself and narrowed his eyes.

"I won't help you now." Riley decided. I smirked.

"Oh, I could care less. They'll eventually find your twin. I will make sure of it. However, you are getting that gorgeous tech in your body. You aren't escaping me even if you try." I walked out then. "Make sure to not offer him any blood until I say so..... Oh, and no anesthetics for the surgery."

"Would you like us to bring you the stone, sir?" The male from before asked. I looked at him and then at Riley.

"We'll deal with that later. Just the GPS in him for now. I will get his twin and bring whoever he has in him back with whoever Charlie has. They'll serve to be the offerings. Oh, make sure that someone is watching him at all times. I don't want him getting out... but if he does, then I want to be informed. Don't let his fangs grow back in either..... And you are being promoted for your usefulness," I told him and gave a smile before walking out. As soon as I walked out August rushed to me.

"What's going on?" August asked with interest. He had brought Quinton along with him. I smiled.

"Just caught ourselves a Riley is all... He's getting that tech I had developed in him real soon.... I'm thinking about possibly giving him a room rather than the cell, so I need to make sure that he can't go anywhere without my knowing about it." I hugged him and then started to pull him along. "He ate the stone he had. We are going to have to take it out of him."

"Why didn't you just yank it out yourself?" August asked me.

"It's not safe to bring whoever he has back yet.... Besides, it'd be like Hell. They wouldn't have each other.... It could drive them insane like Raven. Speaking of her, I want you to inform someone to find me Austin. He needs to see what he's done," I told him and then looked at Quinton. "Hey sweetie, were you having fun with your father?" He nodded and smiled, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, he was showing me this really cool trick!"

"Baby.... did it ever occur to you that maybe if Richard was back he'd be able to find Paris due to his mate senses? I mean honestly... Paris even said it in his diaries their stones call to each other." August kissed my cheek and then stretched. "I'll have Rick call Rose and Donnie and tell them the news. I bet Quinton can't wait to see Dannie... Oh and I will get him to go find Austin." I frowned as I heard what he said about the stone calling. It could be possible that they are..... I mean, if it's true, they may have been calling to Raven for help since she was the last one to see their stones out of us all.... She may not be as insane as I thought she had gotten. I looked up at August then spun around on my heels. "SOMEONE GET ME A KNIFE!" I screamed and opened the door as I looked at Riley. "You're going to be in a lot of pain.... Fitting for you, isn't it?"

"Don't you dare touch me!" Riley yelled. "Val is still out there! Are you insane!?" He tried to break free from his bonds.

"Who's Dannie?" Quinton whispered to August. I glanced back then at Riley and smirked.

"Oh no... I've got a better...more poetic idea. How'd you like to meet Raven?" I walked in and crossed my arms. "She'd have fun."

"NO!" Riley begged. "Not her! Last time I seen her I-I heard you put her in an insane asylum." He shook his head.

"Knife, Sir." I was given a knife then. I looked towards the servant and smirked.

"Go call Isabelle and tell her that we are bringing Raven back- I want her in a straight jacket and sedated. There's no way she's coming here in her condition if she isn't being restrained. Oh, and bring about two of her doctors as well. We'll want them." I waved him off and looked at the rest of the servants. "Get his shirt off." They began to rip his shirt off of him, making him hiss from the cloth tearing against his skin.

"Well... If Raven is coming then I want to make tea..." August decided. I looked towards him and nodded.

"Make her a special tea, would you? A calming one?" I walked over to Riley and then looked at Quinton. "Sweetie, you can't be down here for this." He widened his eyes and took off running. I ran the blade across Riley's skin and smirked. "You shouldn't have eaten it."

"Oh but it's safe in me." Riley insisted. "In a ziplock bag." He laughed at the idea. "Can't even root itself into me." I stabbed the knife into his gut and started to move the knife to open him up so I could get it, not caring how loud he screamed. He let out a small scream and started to try to get out of his chair. He looked like he was in serious pain, his teeth was clenched tightly.

"I'll be... outside?" August asked and went after Quinton. I glanced over my shoulder then reached inside, grabbing what he had described he put Richard's stone in and then pulled it out. I opened up the bag and then took out the stone, dropping the knife to the ground.

"He may have one bottle of blood to heal," I said softly and dropped the bag on the ground as I looked over Richard's stone. It was still swirling with darkness due to the lack of sunlight from being in Riley.

"Hmmm... darn." Riley giggled. "He's not healed." I felt the stone pulse then in my hand, lighting up red. "That's him calling to Paris." I looked at it in interest then walked off, not saying a word to Riley.

"Get me a bath of holy water in a small bowl," I whispered to a servant and walked upstairs, taking the stone to the music room of the manor. I sat the stone on top of the piano and watched it as I took a seat, waiting for the holy water. "Ok Richard.... I'm taking a big chance here that you can find Paris for me. I was going to wait to bring you back, so you better not disappoint me." It didn't take long for a servant to bring in a bath of holly water as asked. They all communicated with wireless ear pieces. She sat it down on the piano and bowed towards me.

"I'll get fresh clothes." She suggested. I looked up at her then nodded.

"Yes, do that.... Also get me a human- a good human. I want Richard to have something to eat when I wake him." I picked up the stone and dropped it into the water, watching it curiously. It began to sizzle as the water cleansed it.

"I HEARD THE NEWS!" I heard Hachi say as he came in, skipping over. "Whose stone is it?" He frowned as he looked at the stone in the water. "That's not Paris." He pouted then. "OH this is tragic." He sat down in my lap then. "I can't even feel him." He cried out and rested his head against my chest.

"Hachi.... I need you to do me a favor," I whispered as I got a bright idea. "Remember Raven when we sent her off to the asylum? I need you to help me with her. I'm having her brought back today, and she's going to be sedated, but I would like it if you would make sure she can't go crazy and hurt someone."

"You mean I have to babysit her?" Hachi asked and frowned. "I have enough on my hands with Isaac." He shook his head. "I guess... I might babysit her but I really can't do it all the time." I smiled and shook my head.

"That's not what I'm asking. I want you to try to use your magic or something to help bring her mind back. The last report I got said she went savage and became more animal like. She's become mostly unreasonable. She still won't eat. I just want you to try to break through it... get down to where she is in her head and drag her back."

"I can do that." Hachi nodded and giggled. "Only I can deal with insanity at it's finest." He got off my lap then. "I'll bring her back with a sugar coat on it." He winked towards me. "I'll have to go look for a good spell though, and may- no... I have a better idea...." He smirked. "Your getting a sister." I widened my eyes.


"I'll stitch her up and send Harry into the deepest part of her mind and scare her awake." Hachi decided. "It's easy." Oh.... he's not talking about making Paris a girl when we get him back.... Good. I nodded.

"Alright... You're her doctor for now, so go get ready. I'm going to bring Richard back soon." Hachi nodded and skipped off out the room. I noticed once he left the holly water had finished it's job. Richard wanted to come back to the light. I smiled and reached in, picking him up gently. "Good boy," I whispered and then put him in my pant's pocket. "You'll stay there until we make sure that everything is in place. Tell Paris that you're safe or something." I could feel the stone burning my hand from being put back into darkness. I widened my eyes and pulled him back out. "Whoa... calm down. It's just a pocket. I swear.... I wish you were Paris so that way I could bring you back right now and not have to worry.... After all, you aren't near as dominate and vicious as Paris can be. He'd come back and be fine in this world.... I'm not too sure about-" The stone pulsed then, burning my hand quickly. I let out a groan. "YOU'RE THE BEST! I SWEAR!" I said quickly, not wanting to drop him. It stopped as quick as it started. "Big baby."

"Hey." Donnie appeared right next to me then. "That's my dad you are talking to." He said as he looked towards the stone. "Bring him back." He ordered. He wasn't even going to tell me how he found out... I glanced at Donnie.

"No, not yet. I want to make sure that he has someone to help him besides us. I'm having Raven brought back. She's been in contact with their stones I think.... She was talking about it right before I sent her off.... I didn't realize it must be true until August told me that Paris's diaries said that Richard and him could call out to each other." I told him and then closed my hand around Richard's stone to keep him from grabbing it.

"Uncle Louis, this is my father. He deserves to be back. He doesn't need help. He's the bravest and toughest man I have ever known and if anyone can find Paris it will be him." He grabbed me by the shirt then. "Bring my father back you jealous bastard!" I widened my eyes.

"I'm not jealous! I was going to bring him back as soon as Raven got here! Fine, I'll do it now since you insist," I muttered and moved him back gently, setting Richard's stone on the ground. It glowed a bright white as it sensed what was going on, begging to be brought back. I bit into my wrist and held it above the stone, watching as my blood dripped onto it. It pulsed immediately, already working to come back. "Well... I guess Richard was ready." I laughed and watched as Richard started to form around it. As soon as he was back, he stood up and bit into my neck hungrily. I widened my eyes. "RICHARD! Quit it! I have a human coming to feed you!" I gripped Richard's arms. "I'm not Paris!" He moaned at the taste and licked my neck.

"I know.... but I'm starving. Thanks Louis, Donnie." He pulled back and looked at us as he cleaned his lips. "Do you have Paris? Is he here?" He looked at me hopefully, but his expression fell as soon as he saw my face. "He's not....My mate is still missing."

"I'm sorry Richard.... We are working hard to get him back. We have Riley, but that's all we've managed to get since then. Charlie supposedly has Paris, but we haven't been able to locate him. We're bringing Raven over from the asylum, so she can assist you in finding Paris." His eyes lit up at that.

"Raven? Good, Paris will be calling for her as he is with me as well.... She'll be helpful. You have Riley?" I nodded and watched as his eyes darkened. "He's so screwed when I get my hands on him."

"Not yet Richard. We are going to try to use him," I whispered to him, grabbing his hand to comfort him. "You can have him after we get what we can from him. You will decide his fate." Richard smirked and looked towards Donnie.

"Donnie," he purred, holding out his hands towards him. "Thanks for telling this one to bring me back. He might have put me back into his pant's pocket.... I wouldn't have been happy at all. Now I can do what I need to do." He hugged his son and then pulled back. "So why is Raven in an asylum? You know she is welcome here."

"She's too much to handle. I had to get her help... though it didn't work." Donnie rubbed his head against his father's chest and smiled softly.

"You should see Dannie! He's Seventeen now and quite a good looker." Donnie told Richard and smelled him, letting out a soft sigh. "He gave me hell when I had to separate him from Quinton." Richard froze up.

"He's....seventeen?" He looked heartbroken and looked down at Donnie. "I missed my babies growing up....again?"

"Ten years." Donnie sighed out. "Myra's visited too, looking for you and Paris. I had to tell her everything on my own about how she was born all the way up to your stones being stolen." Richard touched his chest then right above his stone.

"I'm so tired of missing my children grow up.... It's depressing Donnie."

"Oh and Rose took your daughter... Peyton to raise." Donnie whispered. "I'm sorry I am the only kid you ever got to raise dad..." Richard sighed and kissed Donnie's head.

"It's fine... maybe the next time?" He looked down at himself then at me. "You did remember to ask for clothes.... right?"

"Sorry I'm late~" The maid said as she ran into the room with the clothes she offered to get. "The girls were arguing about who tasted best and so I grabbed one to go." She pointed to a girl walking behind her. "I can't smell humans but I think she'll do." She handed the clothes over to Richard.

"DONNIE!" I heard Dannie yelling down the hall from the room. "WHERE ARE YOU!? I KNOW YOU CAME HERE!" Richard looked towards the door and got dressed quickly.

"Dannie is here too?" He looked a little excited, but his eyes landed on the maid and he walked over to her, exposing his fangs. "Hold that thought everyone." He bit into the maid instead of the human. The maid shrieked and tried to get away from him.

"I DON'T WANNA DIE! I JUST GOT PROMOTED YESTERDAY!" She cried out in fear. Dannie rushed through the doors then.

"DONNIE!?- Oh my..... Dad?" Dannie asked in excitement. "DADDY!" He ran for Richard then and shoved him away from the maid to hug him. Richard started to get upset, but he calmed down and hugged him.

"You've gotten big....and what happened to mommy? That was adorable...." He sighed and looked over at Donnie. "Go play with Donnie until I'm full.... I will spend all day with you two after I'm done eating." He went for the human then and pinned her against the wall, feasting on her blood quickly. Dannie walked over to Donnie then.

"YOU jerk, you left me while playing chess and didn't even tell me that dad was back!?" Dannie asked him. Donnie laughed softly.

"I didn't want to bring you here because Quinton is here-"

"QUINTON!?" Dannie rushed for the door then. "QUINTON!? I'M COMING!" He was gone before anyone could stop him.

"Uh- oh...." Donnie hissed. I widened my eyes.