Shocking News

Quinton's POV:

I could have sworn I heard my dad shouting at me to go hunt.... I frowned and looked at August. "Hey dad, what did other dad say? Am I still supposed to be calling him mom?"

"You know your mom gets offended when you call her dad." August rubbed my head and shrugged. "I didn't catch what Louis was yelling... something about a person coming for us?" He pulled me into a kitchen. "Let's get something to eat. I'm starved." He went towards the fridge and started going through it. I was suddenly tackled into a hug then by someone behind me.

"QUINTON!" A male cried and started to squeeze the life out of me. I widened my eyes.

"Dad- help," I barely managed to get out, reaching for him. August turned to face me then, holding a bunch of food to make a sandwhich in his hand but dropped it when he seen us.

"STEP AWAY FROM MY SON!" He growled. "He's straight you hear!?"

"No! You guys kept us apart for too long!" The guy purred and rubbed his head into me, I felt a fuzzy ear rubbing my cheek.

"D-dad, what's going on?! What do you mean, I'm straight?! Of course I am, but what's that got to do with now?!" I squirmed and turned around to look at who was holding me. "Who the heck are you and- Oh my gosh... are those ears?" I touched them and then looked at dad. "HELP!" My dad started for us then, wanting to pull me away from the guy but then suddenly we were teleported into the outside garden.

"Much better." The boy purred, he wasn't much older then I. "My name is Dannie Grimm." I looked around in wonder then at the boy.

"Dannie? Why do you act like you know me?" I asked and tried to get away.

"We use to play together! You must remember me! We was best friends! You use to call be your beta." Dannie told me and frowned. "Don't you remember me? I guess not.... you was three back then...." He stepped away from me and started to cry, his ears fell as well. I felt bad immediately, but I couldn't tell why. I just met this guy after all. I reached out and rubbed his cheek to get his tears off.

"Hey, it's ok... You don't need to cry...." Quinton.... That's your mate. I widened my eyes and brought my hand back quickly. What?! I'm not gay. There's a mis- You smell it on him, don't you? He's your mate, no changing it now. I sniffed him and then stood there puzzled. Is that why dad was trying to get me away from him? Probably. Your old man is gay too. He doesn't want you to be like him. I sighed and leaned in, sniffing his neck. The smell drove me crazy, and I found myself pinning him to the ground. I kissed him on the cheek and then went to kiss him on the lips. He shrieked and shoved me off of him without hesitation.

"Ewe! Gross!" Dannie covered his lips to make sure I didn't touch them. "DADDY! QUINTON TRIED TO KISS ME!" He cried and started to run away from me. You idiot! AFTER HIM! I got to my feet and chased him, pulling him close. I shushed him and looked him in the eyes curiously, trying to remember him.

"Sorry for trying to kiss you earlier," I mumbled, wanting to calm him down. I didn't understand why I tried anyways. I'm straight. No you're not. Shut up! Make me. I will! Ha! Only August has mastered the art of shutting up inner wolves around here! SHUT UP! I let out a soft growl and then looked at Dannie as a memory sparked. I widened my eyes. "OH MY GOSH, MY LOST LONG BETA!" I laughed and hugged him. "DAD, YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE! YOU TOOK MY BETA FROM ME!" Dannie giggled then and hugged me tightly.

"Quinton!" He purred out happily. "I missed you so much and now you remember me! You are so big too! Wow... Thirteen? I'm Seventeen!" He kissed my cheek and giggled. I smiled at him.

"Our parents are in so much trouble.... Oh, by the way, I think I know why dad had me stay away from you," I told him and let out a playful growl. "I bet he was upset because he thought I was gonna be like him. You smell funny too.... like how dad told me a mate smells to a wolf."

"Eweeeee.....Don't tell me that! I think I will go take a bath then." Dannie told me and went to move away from me. I frowned and let him go.

"Fine.... leave me then." I turned to walk off, deciding that I'd get food if Dannie was going to just up and leave me.

"Huh? Never! Come take one with me!" Dannie grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him then teleported us into a bathroom. "Bath time!" I widened my eyes and went to back up.

"D-Dannie....aren't we a little old for baths together?" I bit my bottom lip. Hey, he's your mate. Be nice. He looked towards his feet then.

"I- I guess we are." He said softly. "That sucks!" He looked up at me then. "I want our lost years back!" He cried out, starting to sniffle. "It's unfair!" I stood there uncomfortably and then moved towards him and hugged him.

"Hey.... if it makes you happy... I guess we can pretend to be little and take a bath together. I won't say anything if you don't." He pushed me away then.

"No, we can't do that. Are you hungry Quinton? I'm hungry!" He grabbed me again and pulled me close before teleporting us back into the empty kitchen. I looked at the food on the floor and picked some of it up.

"I think dad is angry.... He left all the food out.... and I smell wolf. He must have shifted."

"DANNIE DON'T YOU TOUCH MY SON!" Louis shouted, appearing beside us. He snatched me up and held me close.

"I already did!" Dannie giggled. "He's mine now!" I blushed and looked at him.

"But you don't like me as a mate," I mumbled. Louis tensed up.

"Mate?" He disappeared then, letting me go then reappeared with my dad in his wolf form. "Your son said the taboo word!"

"I like you as you are Quinton, isn't that enough?" Dannie asked me. "I'm your beta!" I laughed and looked at him.

"Not anymore you're not." He tilted his head to the side. Donnie appeared then.

"There you are~ Oh, you found.... Quinton." Donnie frowned and then crossed his arms. "We are leaving."

"NO!" Dannie shouted. "Not until someone explaines mate to me!"

"Never in a billion years!" Donnie hissed.

"I think I'm light headed." I heard my dad mumbling. I looked to him and let out a growl.

"Dad, he's my luna. My inner wolf flat out told me."

"Please take it back!" August begged. "TELL YOUR INNER WOLF YOU ARE STRAIGHT!" He growled. I shrugged.

"You're not straight," I pointed out to him then looked at Dannie. "Dannie, you can't be my beta anymore.... You have to be the luna." Dannie scrunched up his nose.

"But that's a girls job." Dannie complained.

"My dad is a luna," I told him and pointed to Louis. "He survived." Dannie rubbed his ears then and went towards me, leaning his head against my shoulder.

"I don't want a girls job." He mumbled. I looked at him thoughtfully then at dad- August that is.

"Dad, you said the first person I bite as alpha becomes my beta, right?"

"It doesn't work for your luna." August told me, growling.

"Well darn.... You're stuck with the girl's job. There's no way I can make you beta apparently," I told him and then sat up on a counter. "Dad.... what exactly does that mean anyways.... being mated? You skipped that lesson."

"Louis." August passed it on to him. Louis sighed.

"It means you two are going to be dating each other for the rest of your lives...." He told me, putting it in terms I'd understand. I widened my eyes, recognizing why I had kissed him now. I looked at him and shook my head.

"Nope, my bad. You can be my beta. I was wrong," I said quickly. DON'T EVEN PLAY THAT GAME! This is serious. That's your luna for life. You don't get another luna.

"Date?" Dannie asked. "I want to go out on a date with you! It would be cool! What's a date again?" I leaned down to his ear and whispered to him what it was then pulled back.

"So yeah, you are my beta, not my luna. I will find her later," I told him and smiled innocently. "My sense of smell must be off. I must have hit my head as a pup."

"I knew it! You liked to rip clothes up way too much." He told me and crossed his arms. "Wait, but you do smell nice to me." I shook my head quickly.

"Nope, you must have fallen out of a tree as a child," I told him and then looked at August for help.

"You was made in a lab, you can't have mates." Donnie straight up told him. "You wasn't born from a woman."

"Owe...." Dannie whimpered. "Thanks for rubbing it in you jerk!" Dannie teleported out of the kitchen then. I looked at August and whimpered.

"Dad.... tell me I hit my head as a kid.... please? Tell me my inner wolf is crazy," I whined and got down, going over to him. "I'm not gay, right?"

"Most likely you are."August whispered. "It's genetic." I shook my head quickly.

"I can't be mated to Dannie.... Take it back.... Make my inner wolf shut up. He must be stupid and doesn't know what he's talking about." Donnie walked over to me and grabbed my shoulders, spinning me around.

"Look... You are gay. Can't you tell? Everyone is gay in this family. because that's how fate likes it. We all are gay. I'm gay, your gay, he's gay, dad's gay, the cats are gay. Go cheer up my brother that was made in a damn lab." He let me go and stormed off. "WHY ARE WE ALL GAY!!?"

"BECAUSE I LIKE IT THAT WAY!" Richard shouted. August couldn't help but laugh then.

"He's right unfortunately." My father told me. "You are gay." I shook my head, looking at him.

"I'll date a maid. I'm not gay," I whispered.

"Uh huh... and what does your inner wolf have to say?" August asked me.

"Says I'm as straight as a pole," I said quickly, lying.

"A bent pole." August told me. "Now go find Dannie and cheer him up before you regret it for the rest of your life. You can't be alpha without him." I pouted.

"But daaaad..... He's my beta, not my luna."

"He's your luna son." August sighed out. "You won't even give me grandkids."

"Ew, who needs grandkids?" I heard my twin ask as she walked in, grabbing a bottle of blood out of the refrigerator. "I already learned about how all that works, and hell no, you aren't getting any kids." She exposed her fangs then drank from the bottle, starting to walk off.

"Well I didn't expect any from you..." August admitted. "You are supposed to stay a little girl forever!"

"Don't worry dad! Never, ever, ever, ever!" She shouted over her shoulder, leaving the room. I frowned and looked towards Louis.

"That's no fair. How come she gets to know how it all works?" I asked.

"Because more happens to her than to you," he said simply then kissed August's cheek.

"Honey... maybe we should tell him now that he has found his mate... maybe it will keep him far away from Dannie. I mean... I think he is old enough now. He's thirteen. Boys are supposed to be knowing and getting into everything at his age." August looked towards my dad Louis.

"Hmm.... We can tell him tomorrow morning. Let him have tonight to be innocent," Louis whispered. I got off the counter and started walking towards the door.

"I'm going to go see Dannie," I told them, sniffing the air for him.

"Oh... have fun then." August purred towards me. I glanced back and let out a growl, giving him a playful smile before I ran out and down the hall.

"DANNIE!" I found him and pulled him into a hug. "Let's go have some fun together, hmm? It's been forever since we've been near each other. Don't listen to Donnie. He's just upset that he can't keep you all to himself anymore because you are my beta now."

"Hmph..." Dannie rested his head against my shoulder. "He was mean towards me.... I guess we could go do something fun together though... I know how to drive. Want to go to a waterfall or something?" He suggested. I thought it over and then smirked.

"I've got a better idea. Want to see the forest from a wolf's point of view?" I pulled him outside and started to shift, not really asking. I got down on all fours as I turned into a giant brown wolf. I got down, almost up to his waist. I laid my ears back and wagged my tail as I waited for him to get on. He rubbed my head and looked amazed.

"You grew!" He tugged on my fur a bit as he rubbed my head. "Whoa...." He ran his hand down to my back and then started for my belly, giggling as he tried to tickle me. "Quinton! Silly boy." I jumped a bit from his touch and let out a whine as I fell onto my back. He laughed and got to his knees, rubbing my belly some more. "Does it feel good?" He asked curiously. I licked his hands and exposed my tummy for him, deciding that he could keep doing that. I wagged my tail some more and watched him. His ears twitched as he looked towards my face. "Oh yeah you wanted to go somewhere... didn't you?" He asked me and blushed. He stopped rubbing me and got to his feet. I got up and tilted my head, giving him a cute look before I got down lower, wanting him to get on so I could show him the woods. He climbed onto my back then and gripped a lock-full of my fur. I stood up all the way and shook the dirt out of my fur before I took off running, going towards the woods where dad had shown me the best way in. I ducked down to avoid him getting hit by a branch then took off full speed ahead. He leaned against me as I carried him across the floorboard of the forest.

"Oh my gosh, slow down!" He begged. "Too fast!" I skidded to a halt and looked up at him, whining. Why do I have to slow down- He's your mate. Be nice. Don't scare him. I sighed and started running at half pace, itching to take off faster as I ran us towards the nearby stream. He hid his face against my fur then and rubbed it against me. "Your so big as a wolf.. it's amazing!" He mumbled against me. I let out a howl as I laughed inside, looking ahead. When we got there (It didn't take me long), I stopped by the bank of the river and laid down for him to get off. He rolled off of me and laid on his back, looking towards my head. His ears twitched from the sound of the water nearby. I leaned over and breathed into his face like August taught me and rubbed my muzzle against him.

"Did you have fun?" I asked, pulling my head back as I looked towards the water. I saw the fish jump up out of the water and then fall back in.

"Mhmmm.." He nodded and looked towards the water then, rolling over onto his stomach to do so. "Not so fast next time!" He looked towards me and laughed. "I was getting dizzy."

"Dizzy? I guess... I could slow down a bit more," I mumbled and then licked his face. "About you thinking I'm big... you should see my father transform. I'm supposed to get bigger than this. I'm not full grown yet." I stretched my paws out, showing him my muscles and how big I was. He reached out for me then and rubbed my side.

"I can't believe it.... You used to be so little...." He mumbld softly. "I could pick you up." I laughed and leaned my head against his head.

"It'd be disastrous if I tried laying on you now like I used to.... or tear off your shirt like before. You'd get seriously hurt." I curled up beside him, wrapping my body around him and pressed into his side as I laid my head down above his. He rested his head against me and then rubbed behind my ears.

"Quinton...." He trailed off. "What if we are mates?" He whispered softly, I could hardly catch it. I let out a soft growl, nipping at one of his ears.

"You're my beta," I told him.

"Okay." He whispered softly, accepting it. Good.... Stop feeding him lies. You will both have to face it when your father hands over the Alpha-hood to you. You will go insane unless you accept him as your mate and find a real beta. I stiffened up at that and curled up to him closer. Insane? Insane.

"Okay," I whispered back, deciding not to say anything about what my inner wolf was telling me. Dannie didn't seem to happy when I told him he was my mate before. I don't want to make him unhappy. He's my best friend..... Dannie rubbed his head against my fur, humming with happiness. Tell him! He has to accept it like you do! He's not my mate. He can't be. Now shush! I let out a growl at my inner wolf, forgetting about Dannie being there. Dannie jumped slightly and looked towards my mouth.

"Sorry!" He began to back away. I widened my eyes and nipped at his shirt, grabbing it with my teeth to make him stay.

"Don't leave. It wasn't you," I got out through his shirt and tugged on him. I let go and tilted my head, laying my ears back. "My inner wolf won't be quiet." He went back to the way he was laying against me.

"What's your inner wolf telling you?" He asked curiously.

"To stop lying to you about you being my beta," I whispered, laying my head down as I refused to look at him. I didn't want to directly lie to him.... Maybe my inner wolf was right? I'M ALWAYS RIGHT!

"You aren't lying to me about that though... you just admitted to it." He mumbled and ran his fingers through my fur.

"But I don't want to upset you by telling you that he keeps telling me that your my mate....and dad said you couldn't be my beta if it was true." I looked over at him and rubbed my head against his arm.

"Isn't innerwolves always right?" He asked me curiously. I let out a whimper, knowing he had a point.

"Yes...." I lowered my head into his lap and looked into the forest out of embarrassment. He kept silent as he played with my fur, he was too quiet. I looked up at him and wagged my tail slightly, trying to cheer him up. I licked his hand as I got braver. He smiled softly and kissed the top of my head.

"Okay Quinton." He whispered against the top of my head before pulling away from the kiss. I stopped wagging my tail and tilted my head, watching him.

"What's the matter? If you have something to say.... I won't mind no matter what it is. We are friends before mates," I told him quickly.

"Mhmmm." He laid his ears back slightly. "If you say so." I sat up, looking him in the eyes as I prodded him with my front paw.

"What's the matter?" I repeated.

"Nothing." He moved away from me then and laid back against the ground as he looked towards the sky.

"No.... there's something the matter... You laid your ears back.... You're upset." I let out a soft growl, tensing up.

"Well.... It's just about our... relationship... mates are different from friends.... we have always been friends. I thought you was my friend all this time."

"Can't mates be friends?" I leaned down and licked his face. "Come on... I'm still me... your best bud in the whole wide world." He wrapped his arms around my neck then and whimpered.

"But we can't just be friends anymore..." He whispered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I laid back down to keep him from having to lean up and laid my head on his chest.

"You are an alpha's son. We have responsibilities." He mumbled softly.

"Like what? I just have to be alpha. That's all," I told him. "I'll just have to hunt with the pack."

"Mhmmmm..." He trailed off. "Your parents haven't taught you much have they? I mean... Quinton how did you get born in the first place? You know.. How you got here? It wasn't by a stork!" He gripped some of my fur then. I frowned.

"I didn't?" I looked at him and then laughed. "Of course I didn't get here by a stork. I'm not sure how, but I know a bird wouldn't be able to carry me. I'd have eaten his feathers!"

"Well it wasn't by the moon goddess that's for sure!" Dannie growled back. Wait.... it wasn't? I titled my head in confusion. Dad told me that's where I came from.... You... are absolutely helpless... aren't you? Of course the moon goddess didn't drop you off on your dad's doorstep! The moon goddess doesn't give kids! She just encourages them to be born! I whimpered and lowered my ears as I felt stupid. Then where do I come from? When a mommy and a daddy loves each other very much.... they have a special night together and the mommy ends up with children in her belly. After nine months, a child is born unless something bad happens. I shrunk into myself then. In her belly?! How'd the kids get in there?! Oh my... MOON GODDESS, I WANT A DIFFERENT WEREWOLF! I looked at Dannie then, laying my ears flat against my head as I heard him howling to the moon goddess.

"What's the matter?" Dannie asked and blushed.

"My inner wolf wants to leave me...." I whispered and then curled up beside him. "He just told me that a mommy and a daddy have a special night and the mommy ends up with a kid."

"Well your inner wolf needs to get a grip! Your only thirteen! You aren't that old and you are still learning." Dannie rubbed my head to help relax me. I closed my eyes and leaned against his hand.

"So what's all that got to do with you being my mate and responsibilities?" I looked at him in confusion, not understanding completely.

"Well... doesn't it involve me at all?" Dannie asked curiously. "I mean... I would think it does..." Oh great guru of the wild, anything to add? Don't be sassy with me! Of course it does. It's the alpha's job to set the example for his pack by having a good relationship with his luna! You two will have to mate at least a few times in your lives! Mate? The special night between a mommy and a daddy I told you about. However... you two won't be waking up with kids in the mommy's belly because there isn't a mommy. Dannie got up then and pulled off his shirt, exposing his muscular body as he headed for the water, to get in. "Come on! I bet it will feel good." I watched him then got up, going after him.

"My inner wolf says we have to be a good example for the pack when I get it," I told him, looking at him curiously. Since when did he get muscular? He used to be skinny- just skinny.... I shifted back as I got to the water and then got in, shivering at the feeling before relaxing into it. He got in after taking off his pants and shoes then swam over to the deep end, going under. I laughed as I stayed near the bank, staying in up to my shoulders but not going any further. He came back up to the surface soon after and smirked towards me.

"Come on, are you afraid?" Dannie asked me and splashed water towards me. I laughed and went to shield myself.

"No, I'm not afraid of a little water," I told him, looking at him from behing my raised arms. "I'm more nervous about you than I am the water."

"Why me?" Dannie asked as he rubbed one of his ears and then shook his head, slinging water off of them.

"I don't know.... I haven't been in water with anyone like this since before we were separated," I admitted and then came further out.

"So?" He asked me and laughed. "I'm not looking at you if that's what you are worried about." He promised. I smiled and gave a nod, swimming out a bit and then dunked under the water to go touch the rock I knew was down there. I had come out here before with the pack and found it. It became my swim rock, a goal I set for myself as soon as I had found it. If I could touch it everytime I came out here, then I was on my way to being a great alpha! I resurfaced and shook the water out of my hair.

Unknown's POV:

Isabelle walked up to me, putting her phone in her pocket. Oh no... It's her. I winced and went to keep walking, but she grabbed my arm. "I need patient 213 from floor three," she ordered, sounding like she didn't want to be messed with. I went to pull away, knowing exactly who that was. It was the reason why there were more guards here, from both King Louis and from the asylum itself.

"She's under lockdown. We can't release-"

"You will do as told. Now get the sedatives ready. She's to be put in a straight jacket for vampires, and I want her to be sedated as much as possible. She is going to be moved back to her home. You and the team of doctors assigned to her will be accompanying us along with the ten guards stationed by her door." Her eyes shined dangerously, daring me to object as she tightened her grip on me.

"O-Of course... I will put it in the books right away ma'am. She will be ready to go in thirty minutes to an hour," I said, my voice breathless sounding as fear started to kick in. I had to deal with Isabelle more often than I wished. She was sent here constantly to receive a report on Raven Sylvia who just kept getting worse and worse by the second.

"Thank you very much doctor." She let me go and started walking off, leaving me to go do everything. I sighed and walked over to the desks.

"Put in the records that patient 213 is being withdrawn at this time," I told the nurse manning it. She nodded and started to put it in the computers. I walked over to the elevators and got in one, going up to her floor as I started to page the other two doctors assigned to her. I was the only girl on the team, but it kept the boys from being too rough with her. I had caught Doctor Edwards trying to drown her out of fear and a fit of rage that she had giggled at him. Doctor Little had been the one to suggest things that this hospital no longer did. He wanted to give her shock therapy, but our asylum was beyond that kind of treatment now. I stepped out of the elevator once I reached the third floor and walked down to her door, giving a soft knock. "Raven, may I come in?" I called, being polite. She never got anyone to be nice to her anymore. Everyone feared her, including me. The hospital had issued her a standard power locking anklet that had been developed for her kind, so it wasn't as bad... but we still lost nurses every once in awhile to her. I walked in, seeing her pack of crayons broken on the floor.

We had noticed about eight years ago that giving her crayons helped her to concentrate. It gave her something for her mind to focus on, and she was definitely a lot more calmer than she would be if we kept her locked up in her room without them. Of course... it hadn't taken her long to find that the walls were her favorite place to draw. She usually broke the colors she didn't like and wrote all over the walls in red. The others she used in her drawing pad. I looked up, expecting to see the usual... and there it was. 'Hide', 'Run', 'Death', 'Help Me', 'Paris', 'Richard', 'Laurence', 'Kasai', and 'Phillips' were written all over the wall ranging from cursive to print to small to large to somewhere in between insanity. I shook my head. At least it keeps her from doing other things. She looked over from where she was writing a new phrase- 'I know'- and she giggled madly. "Do you know why a raven is like a writing desk?"

"No, I do-"

"Hahahaha! Did you know-"

"Raven, I have something for you," I told her, interrupting her before she could start asking me questions. I fished around in my pocket and pulled out a new box of crayons and a coloring pad. "Would you like-" She snatched them and went over to the bed, starting to draw immediately. "Has Doctor Edwards been in to see you today?" She looked up and growled before going back to her work. "What...are you drawing?" I asked, feeling my heart speed up as I took a step towards her. I started to pull some sedatives from my pockets, putting them into a needle. Today must be a good day for her. Normally she doesn't talk at all and just acts like an animal. I crept over and peeked over her shoulder to see what she was drawing and widened my eyes as I saw it was my broken body lying on a ground. She giggled and looked up at me innocently, filling me to the brim with fear as I saw the look in her eyes. I quickly stabbed her in the neck, injecting her with the stuff and watched as she slowly dropped the pad and crayons as the medication started to work. I knew it wouldn't last long. She had built up a large tolerance for these. "GET A STRAIGHT JACKET FOR VAMPIRES!" I shouted, knowing the guards would do as told. They came in quickly, putting it on her as she sat there dazed, staring off at the words she had been writing when I came in. I glanced over at them and frowned, wondering what it meant. I shook it off, dismissing it as the ramblings of a lunatic.

Hachi's POV:

I sat down on Louis's throne chair and dangled my legs over the arm of it, humming to myself. Louis said she would be coming here soon~ I was excited to see Raven... but then again... not so much.... Last time I seen her she scared the living daylights out of me when she tried to kill one of the maids right in front of me... She didn't even want to drink for her first! What a waste of blood.... I started to hum Nevermore as I thought of the raven in it and then Raven herself. I would give anything to know what that raven meant in the poem. I slipped out my phone then and started to play a farm game on it to pass the time.

After about ten minutes, I heard shouting from the study, panicked screaming echoing throughout the house. It got deathly silent after five seconds. "She's here," I heard Louis from beside me as he appeared. "Her three doctors are coming here to discuss with us her condition before we go in. I sent Isabelle to check on the screams."

"Why is she screaming?" I asked curiously, assuming it was her as I sat up properly in his throne. I didn't really need an answer for that though... I know what it's like to be in an insane asylum and the thought sent shivers down my spine. The screams.... of insanity that goes on in an asylum for the lunatics.... The special equipment they hook up to your temples and send you to heaven and back in an instant. I felt my face dropping temperatures by the second. The doors opened and three humans in lab coats stepped in. The two males looked around curiously, but the female looked dead ahead at me.

"Sirs.... I hope you know how hard it is to move someone like her," she said, sounding cross about the whole thing.

"Lighten up, jeez," one of the males whispered to her. She spun on him and narrowed her eyes.

"I don't want to hear anything from you. You tried to drown her the first two years, you snake!" The other male sighed.

"If you let me use shock therapy, this might all be over now."

"We don't use that in our hospital!" I got to my feet then and stepped over towards Louis then got behind him slightly, grabbing his arm. I looked the lab coated humans over and rested my head against Louis.

"You three are her doctors?" Louis asked, looking them over disapprovingly. "No wonder Isabelle comes back with unfavorable reports.... I don't even have to listen to you to know she hasn't gotten any better and that she's only gotten worse. You obviously don't know what you are doing. Leave my sight. Go back to Isabelle," he hissed, pointing towards the door. I could hear the anger in his voice. "Talking about drowning her..... Don't they have any respect for the ruling race?" They quickly left, not wanting to take any chances. I looked up at his face.

"I don't know..." I whispered, feeling uneasy now altogether about going to see Raven and help her. "If I want to go see Raven now." He looked down at me and frowned.

"But Hachi.... We can't just give her back to them. She's still our friend," he whispered and then hugged me. "I'll go with you... and you can have a lifetime's supply of Starbucks. Plus, I'll make you this famous chocolate I learned that no one else can remember how to make! And you can pick five others to go in with you on top of the ten guards with her."

"I don't want to go see her though... she has been in an asylum." I shivered slightly and looked away. "I'll take a quick peak." I decided. "For the chocolate." He nodded.

"Stay here.... I will go see what happened. If it's bad, I will bring her in here," he whispered and then disappeared. I waited, getting behind the throne chair for protection, just in case. He reappeared then, Isabelle holding Raven down as she snarled towards them. She had blood all over her, and it didn't smell like hers. "Behave!" Louis told her, going to take her, but she snapped at his hands, growling. "I NEED FIFTEEN NEWBORN GUARDS!" His newborns came rushing in quickly, going towards her hesitantly. "Make sure she's secure. Don't let her get loose or she'll kill the lot of you." I lowered myself behind the chair, not sure what she would do but I didn't want to see anything bad. I heard struggling and then a sharp yelp followed by a thud. "I didn't say you could knock her out! Who did it?!"

"Thomas!" One of the guys shouted quickly. "He hit her. I saw it!"

"Both of you outside. You shouldn't tattle on your friends!" I looked over the throne chair to look at them. I looked towards Raven then comfortably stepped out, walking over to Louis. He smiled at me and sighed, looking tired. "Well... I guess we are safe for now until she wakes up. I'm going to have to make the maids clean the study. She slaughtered the ten guards and managed to tear herself out of a vampire straight jacket."

"W-what?" I asked and frowned. "I don't want to know stuff like that Louis!" I started for Raven then, scooping her head up into my lap as I sat down by her. "Let's see what I can do..." I mumbled and placed my hands on her head, giving a bit of space and closed my eyes to concentrate.... Don't wake up and eat me...

"Would you like me to get Isaac for you?" Louis whispered from beside me. Raven was completely limp in my arms, definitely out.

"Don't leave me!" I looked towards him then in panic. He nodded and looked up towards one of the guards.

"Get Isaac." The guard quickly left to do as told. I looked towards Raven and went back to concentrating on bringing her back from her insanity and to the real world so she would be aware and be able to help Richard. It was harder for me to do with her asleep though.... Dream states are harder to get through and to the mind. Raven stirred a bit in my arms, whimpering and went to pull away. I held her head firmly and felt my hands tingling as I used my magic, mumbling a spell under my breath. She gripped my hands then, opening her eyes in alarm and started trying to get away as I felt her consciousness and sanity retreating to the furthest reaches of her mind to hide. I screamed as I caught an image of the situation in Paris's study. She had killed... those guards.... and wrote on the walls! The main image I caught was Kasai and Philips on the wall. I shrieked and let her leave me. I took off for the door then.

"I can't!" I yelled towards Louis. Louis appeared in front of me and spun me around to face her.

"She can't hurt you with me and those guys in here," he reassured in my ear. "Whatever just scared you off... you have to choke it down if you want that chocolate and lifetime supply of Starbucks." I saw the guards tackle her as she ran for a window, giggling as she reached out for it through their arms.

"WINDOW!" She shouted and looked at them then at it as she got frustrated because they were grabbing her hands. I shrinked back and looked at Louis.

"I don't want to." I told him quickly. "I can't." I went for the door again. He held me down and hugged me.

"The great Hachi can't do it? Or is he scared like a little child- not the powerful cannibal he is?"

"She wrote my name.... and the doctor.... how does she know about the doctor!?" I looked towards her in fear. "I don't want to Louis." She giggled as she caught me looking at her.

"I know everything Kasai!" She tugged on her hands to get them back as she started to struggle again, trying to get away. "LEMME GO!" She shrieked and then snarled, exposing her fangs to them. I screamed and ran for the door again, using my magic to get me out of the same room as her. Isaac was walking down the hall with Isabelle, but they both stopped when they saw me.

"Hey Hachi, I was just coming to check on you. Isabelle said you wanted me or something?" He gave me a sweet smile as he twitched his tail, walking over. I backed up away from him.

"I'm not going back in there.... Not with her in there." I pointed towards the door then started to take off running.

"HACHI!" I heard him calling for me, but Isabelle quieted him.

"Isaac.... if he's not going back in there.... then you will have to do what Hachi couldn't," I heard her whisper to him as she opened the door. I stopped then and looked at Isaac.

"NO! Don't go in there!" I begged. "Don't go Isaac!" He glanced inside then at me.

"Why not? She's calmly sitting by the window with the guards watching her every move. She's got a sketch pad and is drawing. She doesn't seem that dangerous. I'll go in there, you big baby. Surely it'll be fine." He started to walk in then with Isabelle. I used my magic then to close the door before he could go inside and had him flung back, up against the wall.

"I said no." I told him firmly. "Don't go in the same room as her." He frowned and looked over at me.

"But Hachi.... Isabelle already told me what is going on. She needs help.... and she's pretty much family." He got off of the wall and started for the door again.

"NO!" I ran back to him and got between him and the door. "She knows." I told him quietly. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"How Paris and Richard got their stones taken? Of course she does. She was there Hachi. It'll only be a minute to an hour or two." He reached behind me for the doorknob. I had the doorknob burn him when he touched it.

"No I mean.... she knows about Doctor Philips." I whispered quietly to him. "Only us know about that..." I looked towards my feet. "Don't go." He sighed and pulled me into a hug.

"Fine.... but I will have to make a potion or something so it can be given to her. I'm not going in there only because you seem genuinely scared of it, ok? Even if she does know, she still needs help. I'd do the same for you," he purred the last part in my ear and pulled away, glancing towards Isabelle. "I'll have something ready by tonight." I grabbed his shirt and brought him closer, resting my head against his chest.

"Thank you." I mumbled softly. "I have a surprise for you... Let's go out tonight to somewhere special."

"After I am done with the potion, ok? It might take me a bit," he whispered in my ear then kissed my forehead. "I will have to get started right away if you want to go somewhere."

"Make Harry do it." I suggested. "Let's get out of here though."

"You can wait in our room.... Remember, I bound it to just us." He gave me a smile and pulled back. "I don't think Harry should do it alone. He will need help. I'll have to access Raven from either her records or from herself. I need to know what I'm dealing with so I make it potent enough to help." He glanced towards Isabelle then.

"I can get the doctors for you."

"Isaac~" I mumbled then pulled out my potions and spells book. I started for the kitchen then. "Come on... I know a counter potion instead of using a spell I tried to do." I grumbled.

"Awww, look! You're being nice to someone other than me or your pets," he teased, following me. "I will have to reward you later for it." I grumbled and flipped through the pages, finding the potion.

"I need a pot." I told him. "Boil the water." I summoned Harry to us so he could help. "We are making a potion and you are helping." I told Harry as he appeared in front of me. Isaac walked past me and got a pot out in the kitchen, starting to do as I told him. I saw him twitching his tail as he watched me, swinging it side to side to catch my attention as he swayed his hips while he walked.

"How hot do you want it?" He asked, giving me a smirk. "Boiling hot? Hotter than boiling? The sun in a pot? How about me?"

"Watch it or I will make you into a pot." I warned. I grabbed a bottle of blood from the fridge and sat it down next to the stove. I handed Harry the spell book as I went around the room, collecting things I needed. I pulled out a raven's feather and dropped it in to the pot as I started to place the rest in.

"Ewwwww.... crow feet." Harry grumbled.

"At least it's not the tooth of a tiger," Isaac murmured and then got up on the counter, kicking his feet back and forth gently in boredom. I finished placing the items inside then looked towards Isaac.

"Extra hot." I told him. "Make it boil over." He smirked and looked at it, making it steam suddenly and start to boil quickly. He leaned over and hummed to himself as he kept using his magic to heat it up. I grabbed my book from Harry then and started to mumble the ancient words written in it for the spell then closed the book sharply over the pot. I put the book up then grabbed a spoon out of my pocket and went to taste the potion. Isaac frowned.

"It's not going to do anything to you.... is it?" He wrinkled up his nose at the idea. "You're going out by yourself if you go crazy... or if you grow a pig tail or something." I smelled the potion instead then nodded towards Isaac.

"It's done. Harry, bottle it up and take the bottle to Louis, tell him to give it to Raven to drink." I ordered. Harry nodded and pulled out a bottle from my pocket and started to fill it up. Once he was done he disappeared. I looked towards Isaac, having my magic get rid of the leftover potion. He smiled innocently at me.

"You know you love me.... even if you only admit it in extreme situations," he purred and laid down on his stomach, kicking his feet back and forth in the air as he propped his head up on his hands.

"Can we go now?" I asked softly. He sighed and gave a nod, rolling over onto his back as he leaned his head off of the counter and looked up at me from upside down.

"Alright Hachi...." I started for the kitchen door then that lead out to the garage door.

"Come on..." I begged. He followed after me, stretching.

"Are you just not wanting to be in the same house as her? Or are you in love with me and want to spend a romantic evening with me?" He asked, getting beside me as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close. I felt his tail touch my side playfully.

"Well I have something for you." I admitted. "Something to show you and I want to go out to somewhere nice first before I show it to you." I blushed and kissed his cheek.

"What is it?" He asked eagerly and wrapped his other arm around me. He leaned down to my neck and let out a seductive purr. "You know you wanna tell me."

"I'm not even going to hint at it." I purred back and laughed. "You better get in the car."

"But Hachi!" He whined and then walked over to his side obediently. "Please?" I got into the drivers seat and adjusted the seat so I could see over the wheel. I giggled, eager to drive. I had recently gotten my rights to drive from Louis. He got in and sighed, buckling up. "I don't think you should be driving...." He looked over wearily and curled up in his seat. I frowned and then got out of the car, going to the passengers seat.

"Jerk." I mumbled. He crawled over into the driver's seat and buckled up, waiting on me as he started it up.

"I didn't say you couldn't.... Just that you probably shouldn't. You're so small, and it'd be bad if we got into a car wreck. I'd prefer to modify a car for your use before you start driving us places." I curled up into the passengers seat and frowned, glaring him down. I punched in our destination on the GPS and smirked.

"Just follow the GPS lady." I told him.

"Lady?" He frowned and looked over at me as he started to drive us out. "You know I'm not a lady. I'm a gorgeous, healthy male." He laughed and sped up as soon as we got out, following the instructions given.

"The GPS sounds like a lady." I explained. "When she tells us where to go, which directions to take, and which turns not to take." I schooled him. He laughed then.

"I could change it to a guy if you want," he purred.

"Noooo." I crossed my arms. "You are still in the dog house for telling me I shouldn't drive." He sighed.

"Fine," he muttered and pulled over, unbuckling. He reached over and unbuckled me then grabbed me, pulling me into his lap. "You steer."

"YOU ASS!" I blushed. "Ugh. I want some gas then." I waited patiently. He started driving us at the speed limit, watching to make sure I could steer us without problems. "This is not romantic.... it's embarrassing." I mumbled.

"I will let you drive us when we get a little more ways down the street. I just want to make sure you can handle it sweetie," he told me, kissing me on the cheek. "We will switch out at that stop sign ahead."

"I know how to drive! I'm way older then you!" I hissed towards him.

"Ok, ok! But I've been driving longer than you because Louis only recently took over. I've been driving for about twenty years now." He laughed as we pulled up to the stop sign and then slipped out from under me, going into the passenger seat. I glared him down.

"I can handle this." I told him firmly and then started to drive us to the restaurant I picked out for us, hoping he'd try something there. Maybe... even like it. He looked out the window, curling his legs up to his chest as he watched the side of the road pass by. He leaned his head against his knees and then sighed, looking a little sad. I had heard that a witch runs the place and was able to cook anything for any supernatural. No matter how big or small their appetite was. She could get them to eat her food. I giggled softly. "Your going to enjoy this!" I told him.

"Where are we going?" He asked, looking over with a frown. "Can't you at least tell me that? What is it you want to show me? You're starting to make me worried that something is up.... Are you breaking up with me? Are you planning to finally eat me in an alley?"

"I love you too much to do that." I told him sweetly, giving a smile. "It's going to be wonderful and it will take our minds off of what has been going on lately."

"What's been going on lately? I thought everything was fine and dandy!" He looked alarmed as he sat up straighter, his eyes wide. "Oh my gosh.... Did I do something?"

"Oh well.... They found Riley and he had Richard's stone on him." I smiled softly. "So they are bringing Raven well.... to help Richard find Paris." He nodded then, relaxing.

"Oh... ok. I'm glad you aren't upset at me for something." He leaned his head against his seat and stretched his legs out.

"No of course not." I parked at the restaurant then and smirked towards him. "You and I are going to go inside, sit down, and eat something off the menu." His eyes widened, and he paled visibly at the sight of the restaurant.

"H-Hachi," he whimpered, curling back up.

"Come on, I want you to at least try for me... if you don't like what the chief cooks up for us then I will order you a bottle of blood." I got out of the car then. He got out of the car quickly then.

"A bottle of blood? You haven't let me have one since the morning after the first time we did it together," he said in astonishment. His eyes were lit up in excitement as he bounced up and down a bit. "I won't starve today! You haven't forgotten to feed me!"

"I don't forget to feed you." I crossed my arms and then uncrossed them as I wrapped an arm around his waist. "Let's go in." I suggested and started for the doors. He laughed and pulled me in quickly, wrapping his arm around my own waist.

"COME ON! COME ON! COME ON!" He walked in and looked around, keeping me close as he looked around to take in the sights. "Cool! So all I have to eat is one bite?" I looked around at the crowd inside. There was a good many to be honest. I had made reservations though little over a week ago. A waitress walked over to us.

"Mr. Hachirobei! Your famous! You are also on our reservation list as Mr. Hachi and Mr. Isaac." She pointed us over. "The lady witch wants to meet with you personally. Come right this way to your table." She walked us over to a private table in its own section without any neighboring loud mouths or someone that would overhear Isaac and me. "Is this perfect or what? Okay so here are the menus.... and I would like to know what you want to drink. Oh and Isaac, Lady witch and Hachi talked over the phone. She knows your-"

"Don't spoil it!" I hissed. "Just let him pick off the menu and see for himself." I sat down at the table. "Give me sweet tea please." Isaac sat down and looked at me.

"Can I have it with the food?" He begged, nudging my foot under the table. "Pleaaaaaaaase?"

"He wants a glass of water." I told her, winking. She winked back and handed us our menu's then skipped off towards the kitchen doors. He pouted at me then.

"Hachi, I'm hungry.... and I hate water."

"Too bad." I felt bad then, forgetting how he is with water.... oh well.... He sighed and looked around then down at the table, tracing lines on it. He reached into his pocket and got out the ball of galaxy I had given him a long time ago and started to play with it. He rolled it around on the table and darted his eyes after it like a cat, a small spot of joy appearing in his eyes. I giggled, watching him with interest. Oh he is so going to love what I have planned for this evening... "I love you Isaac." I whispered. He smiled up at me sweetly then.

"I love you too!" He laughed and then turned his attention back to the ball. I watched the kitchen doors with interest as they opened and a lady walked out with a chief's hat on her head. She started our way with a glass of water and another with tea. She sat them down for us as we had asked for them... Or rather how I had then smiled at Isaac. She held out a hand towards him.

"Hi! I'm lady witch Xandria and this is my wonderful little restaurant." She told him. "I can't wait for you to try my food." She turned to me then and smiled. "Hachi! So delighted to meet you in person, wow... You are so cute... exactly the way I imagined. Try your drinks and tell me what you think. I hope they are to your liking." Isaac looked up at her and then at me, slipping the ball back into his jacket. He looked nervous as he glanced at the water.

"Go ahead." I whispered, kicking him under the table softly. He picked it up and trembled a bit before he took a sip, not wanting to upset us. He set it down quickly and took a minute to swallow it. I waited for his reaction, knowing Xandria had done something to the water that would make it easier for him to drink it. Magic and all I was guessing. The right ingredients is definitely one thing. He widened his eyes and looked up at her in shock.

"I'm not dead...." He looked at the water in disbelief.

"No, your not. It's special water, just for you. Now, what will be your orders... or do you still need time?" She asked. I looked at the menu then, seeing it was changing electronically by taste preferences by different species. I giggled as I seen a menu pop us for cannibals.

"Do you get cannibals in here often?" I wondered.

"A few ghouls here and there." She said it like it was no big deal.

"Whoa! Ghouls?" I leaned in to hear more but she looked towards Isaac. He tilted his head as he looked at the menu and then frowned.

"Do you have anything that a half-breed with a sensitive stomach can eat?" He whispered, looking up at her as a faint blush formed on his cheeks from embarrassment for having to ask.

"Of course, view my sensitive stomach slide." She slid through the electronic menu for him and then waited. He smiled and then looked up at her.

"I'll try the spaghetti! I always wondered why Hachi likes that stuff.... I think I'll try that from this menu." He showed her the specific one he wanted and then smiled over at me with enjoyment. "I might just be able to eat something different for once." She nodded and looked towards me.

"I want sushi." I told her and handed her the menu, she took mine and then Isaac's menu.

"I will be back in a jiff!" She told us and giggled. She was gone then with smoke being left behind. Isaac looked at me and tilted his head.

"So what did you want to show me? Was it this place.... or was it something else?" He smiled innocently as he prodded me for answers. He pulled out the ball again and began to roll it around.

"Oh well you see the thing is.... this is just the beginning. We'll be headed to someplace more private afterwards for your surprise." I told him sweetly. He looked up at me curiously and then laid his head down on the table next to the ball.

"Can't you tell me?" He begged.

"No way... but I will give you a hint... The surprise was made by my wonderful two hands." I showed him my hands. He looked at them in interest then whined.


"Nope." I giggled and sipped on my tea. He frowned and sat up, beginning to play with the ball before taking another sip of his water.


"It will give everything away and it won't be as surprising...." I whispered to him.

"But why does it have to surprise me?" He smiled then and leaned forward, his tail twitching a bit.

"I want it to.... it's special tonight." I purred to him and leaned across the table, kissing him. He sighed and gave me a kiss back before sitting back in his seat, picking up the ball and looked inside happily.

"Mkay," he told me, dropping it for now.

"You really like that, don't you?" I asked and laughed. "I'm glad you do." He laughed and looked back up at me.

"Of course I love it! It's you- your personality and your magic and wonder all in a little ball to make a pretty little galaxy just for me." He grinned and then laid his head down on the table, curling up to the ball.

"Well I can't wait to give you my next gift then." I purred happily. I bit my bottom lip, trying not to give it up to him. He glanced up, but he still seemed clueless. Grabbing his glass, he sipped on it and looked the ball over. I looked towards the kitchen doors curiously then back at him. "Isaac?" I asked softly. He looked up into my eyes immediately.


"How's that glass of water?" I looked towards his eyes sweetly. He broke out into a smile.

"It's great! It doesn't even make me feel sick! Plus it tastes great! I wonder how she did it...." He trailed off then, studying the water.

"Well I would assume with magic.... I would love to know what is in her books." I purred. "She won't trade any spells with me though.... I already asked." He sighed.

"That sucks.... We'll have to come here more often so I can drink this stuff. It's so different and weird, but it tastes so good!" He laughed and sipped it again.

"I'm glad you can drink it." I purred happily. I seen out of the corner of my eye the door to the kitchen had opened. Xandria started our way with two plates and handed our orders over.

"There you go, eat up." Xandria said sweetly to us. Isaac smiled at her and picked up his fork, going to take a bite.

"Thanks Ms. Xandria," he told her and looked towards me before he ate a bite.

"No problem kiddo." Xandria waited to see the look on his face. I waited as well, wanting to know if he could swallow it. He didn't seem like it was making him sick as he took another bite, smiling happily. Xandria giggled and looked towards me. I took a bite of one of the shushi rolls and moaned out in pleasure from the taste. It was like biting into another wizard!

"OH MY GOD! I need you in my life." I purred and pulled the plate closer. Isaac looked up at her and tilted his head.

"Do you really use spells to do all this?" He asked curiously. "This is the first time I've ever been able to eat like a normal person.... and Hachi is acting like he does when he gets an eyeball for a treat." I ate another sushi roll and melted towards the plate at the taste.

"You know how some wizards are cut out for specific tasks? Well it's not that different for witches. You see I'm a chief witch." She giggled. "I help anyone in need of a good meal." He looked towards me and smiled.

"Hachi, if you ever decide to get another pet besides me.... you should get a chief witch," he told me and then took another bite.

"I wish." I moaned out and ate another shushi roll.

"Let me know if you guys want more." Xandia purred and slipped off to another table to ask about the meal. He became absorbed into his food as he ate it, stuffing his face as. he made sure to drink some of the water every few bites. I giggled and finished up my shushi rolls then drunk the rest of my tea.

"My compliments to the chief." I whispered as I pulled out my wallet. Isaac finished his food off then and looked up at me.

"I could give up cannibalism for this stuff," he told me and smiled, reaching across the table for me. He laughed and grabbed my hand, giving it a kiss before he pulled back. I giggled and watched him curiously.

"I definitely enjoyed the shushi." I admitted. It was as good as an eye! He nodded and curled up in his seat with the ball, taking it off the table as he seemed to be full. He laughed softly, not doubting me about it. A broom walked over and handed me my bill then. I looked it over then handed the broom my credit card.It walked off then with it and I giggled. "Brooms."

"I haven't even thought about using that kind of stuff," Isaac whispered, wide eyed as he watched it walk off. "I know what I'm experimenting with later...."

"NO...." I looked towards him and laughed.

"Why not? She got to," he complained, pouting at me. "I'll let you have a nice glass of my blood.... and maybe I will throw in a little skin to it or something. You'd like that, right?" He leaned acros the table to me and kissed my lips. "You haven't had anything like that from me since about five years ago."

"You can do whatever you want with a broom if you give me one of your fingers." I winked towards him. He glanced towards one and sighed, looking at me thoughtfully.

"I'll think about it.... I don't know if it'll grow back for me. If it won't, you aren't getting one," he told me and smiled. He kissed me again and leaned back into his seat. "I'll test it with a small spot on my arm." I nodded and watched as the broom brought my card back and waved us goodbye. I put the card up then stood up.

"Let's go." I told him and smiled. He got up and hugged me before leading me towards the door.

"Can this be our new spot to go to on dates? I really like this place," he mumbled to me as we walked out and towards the car.

"I was thinking the same thing." I told him, smiling. I walked up to our car and got in on the drivers side. He didn't say a word this time and got in, buckling up in his side as he waited for me. He placed the ball in his lap and watched it happily, a small smile on his face. I shook my head as I drove us to our next destination, knowing it by heart. I drove us up to the park in town and parked in the parking lot. "We are here... not many people use this place now so it will be very private for us." I told him and got out of the car. He followed me and smiled as he put the ball up.

"A park huh? Are you wanting to go on a walk or something sweetie?" He asked, grabbing my hand as he twitched his tail a bit.

"Of course." I went towards the trunk of the car and lifted it, pulling out a basket then shut the trunk. "Okay, let's go." I smirked towards him. He frowned as he watched me.

"That's not food... is it?"

"Of course not, it's something else." I promised and pulled him off towards the sidewalk. He kept up with me, glancing towards the basket curiously.

"So what's in there?" He poked my cheek to get my attention.

"A blanket." I giggled. "And some other things."

"What other things?" I kept quiet as I looked around for the best spot to do this at. I found a nice shady spot and took off for it with a skip to my step. Once I was there I pulled out the blanket then placed it down for us and sat down, waiting for him. He gave me a cautious look before he sat down beside me and then laid down, curling up on the blanket.

"You know... I love you, yes?" I asked and started to move towards him, kissing his cheek. He nodded and looked up at me sweetly.

"Mhmmm, and I loved you way before you were able to admit you loved me back." He laughed a little and smiled. His eyes shined as he looked up into mine, grabbing my hand and rubbing it against his cheek. I pulled my hand back and nodded.

"I want to give you another gift." I told him. "Like the little glass ball galaxy... except... something different..... something.... new." He laughed and nodded.

"Yes, you've been telling me that much....." He pulled me down beside him and laid his head on my chest. I rubbed his head and smiled.

"Well I need to be sitting up to do this for you." I told him and laughed. He made a whining noise and then moved off me.

"Ok, I will let you up," he mumbled, watching me. "So what is it? Do I need to close my eyes for it?"

"You should watch." I suggested and smirked. I used my magic to make him sit up so he could see the magic show I had in store for him. I had a galaxy light up around us like fireworks, developing slowly. I smiled softly, knowing he loved to see my galaxy illusions. "Okay, here we go." I said and waved my hands out towards him to creep him out. I looked around us then looking for the galaxy I had been working on then looking for the binary solar system. Once I found it I picked out the planet needed and upscaled it. The world around us shifted as it was like we had teleported onto the planet. This was probably the best illusion I had ever done.... I had created life on a planet from my space magic. Isaac was going to love my next surprise for him. "The gift I have for you is here." I told him. "Lisa, Jake, Sara!" I called for them. Off in the shrubs it started to shake a bit as they stirred, coming towards us. Jake led the girls out, swimming in air towards us. "These are creatures I made from my magic and I want you to have one." I told Isaac. "They are vicious... but protective." I looked over my creation. I named them Tyroons. They were a mixture of snake, shark, and different patterns from other animals as well as textures. They had the body of a snake but with shark fins. They swim thorugh air like it is water and are very fabulous hunters.... Skilled at almost anything. An illusion of magic.... The next best thing to a Unicorn. I laughed softly. Oh man, I hope Isaac enjoys this. They began to swim around us like sharks, showing off their shark instincts.

"Whoa.... They're amazing," he whispered and looked at them with awe. He looked towards me then and laughed. "I didn't know you could make creatures! That's so cool Hachi!" He leaned over and kissed me happily. I kissed him back and then pulled away.

"Yeah, wizards and witches have the ability to do so if you know the right formulas to do so." I explained. He blushed and curled up to me, his tail twitching.

"Are you sure it's alright that I have one?"

"I would adore it if you took just one. They are very good company and can become travel size." I explained. He studied them and then looked at me and laughed.

"But they look so close to each other.... Wouldn't it be cruel to separate them?" He asked me.

"They'll be fine. When you dismiss them they can travel back here to be together. They are magical." I explained. He nodded then and smiled.

"The green lizard looking one is pretty cool," he mumbled, referencing to Jake. He looked up into my eyes and then up at them again.

"You can have Jake." I told him and shrugged. "I have another male around here somewhere..." I trailed off. "Where is Carson?"

"Ran off." Jake told me. "These are my girls and my territory."

"They can talk." I mumbled.

"That's so cool!" He brightened up and twitched his tail as he watched them with excitement.

"Hiya~" Jake hissed towards Isaac. "So you want me too?"

"Jake has an alpha issue." I mumbled. He laughed and tilted his head.

"Maybe I should go with one of the girls then," he teased Jake.

"What!? You should pick me." Jake hissed.

"I could teach you how to make one." I suggested. "You do have my magic in you." He looked at me and moved closer to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Whichever," he purred and kissed my cheek. I laughed softly and pulled him on top of me, giving a small kiss. He kissed my neck and then started a small love bite. I giggled and exposed my neck more.

"You should take Jake." I moaned out. He let out a small purr as he licked my neck, his fangs scraping it gently.

"Mhmmm." I tsked then.

"You can't bite me." I warned.

"Why not?" He pulled back and looked me in the eyes, pouting.

"Because I will bite you back." I smirked towards him. "We both know what happens when I bite back." He whimpered and rested his head on my chest.

"That's no fair...."

"I'll give you a cup though." I decided and pulled one out of my pocket. He sat up eagerly and watched me closely. I had my blood magically fill up in the cup then gave it to him. "There you go." He smiled and took a gulp of it, his tail twitching happily. He moaned at the taste and got off me, curling up with the glass. I watched him and bit my bottom lip. "So you get a glass of blood from me?" I tilted my head. "What do I get?"

"Later," he mumbled and smiled over at me. "I'll think about it."

"Awe." I pouted. "So unfair." He tilted his head and finished his glass, watching me then sat up. He pulled out the ring from his pocket that he had enchanted to keep me from touching him if he was wearing it and smiled.

"Well... I guess since how you were nice to me.... I'll be nice to you," he told me and slipped the collar of his shirt down his shoulder to expose it to me. "I'll give you a treat this once. If you get too crazy, I'll slip the ring on." He looked away, closing his eyes as he tilted his head so I could get at his shoulder better. I nodded and crawled over to him, licking my lips. I wish this was an eye. I shivered as I heard the voice and then leaned in towards Isaac's shoulder and went to bite him. He tensed up and let out a yelp as I bit down into him, clenching the ring tightly. "I...I love you Hachi," he whispered through the pain. I moaned as the taste was unbelievable.... I hadn't eaten anyone in quite a while. I ripped out a chunk of his shoulder then and started to eat it. He whimpered and brought his knees close to his chest, his tail curling around his feet. I grabbed his arm then and went to bite it, smirking as I held his other arm down. He squeezed his eyes shut and his knuckles turned white from holding the ring tightly like he was afraid he would drop it. "Please don't be vicious with this," he whimpered. I leaned in towards his wrist and bit down into it then pulled out another chunch, letting a moan slip. I heard my creatures slither away to give us privacy. After another minute, I heard a clink as his ring hit the ground, rolling a few inches away as he yelped in pain. Now is the time.... to finish what you started those many years ago.... eat him now! I leaned in towards his neck, making him fall back into the sand, and went to bit it, once I done so I pinned his wrists down above his head. He screamed and struggled to get free, kicking at me. "Hachi! Quit it!" He burned my hands with his fire to get his hands free then reached for the ring, scrambling to get it. I pulled back from him then and licked my hands, blowing them as well to get them to cool down.

"Owe!" I mumbled to myself. Idiot. You should have known to prepare for that. He grabbed the ring then and got a few feet away from me, holding the ring tightly as he watched me in fear. I looked towards him and waved my hands around. "That hurt!" I told him then stood up, starting to go after him. He got up and widened his eyes, running away quickly. I chased after him then, managing to get him and tackled him to the ground. He screamed and started trying to crawl away. I grabbed his sides so he couldn't and bit back down into his shoulder. He screeched and gripped my arm with his free hand.

"Stop, please," he begged. I tore out another chunk and started to eat it, purring with delight at the flavor. He whimpered and pressed up on my chest. "Hachi, please!" He started to cry and used his mark to try to calm me down. I licked his neck and let his sides go, smirking against him.

"But you taste so good." I mumbled against him. He pushed up on my chest again.

"Please...." He trailed off as he looked at me. I growled as he managed to push me off of him.

"Graa." I looked towards him and narrowed my eyes. "I just want another bite...." I told him and grabbed his arm. "One more." I told him and bit down into his arm again. He yelped and curled up to me as he let out a sharp whimper. I went to get back on him again, not finished. Eat all of him! He's your for the taking. Over a decade has been too long Hachi.... Eat him up!

"Hachi!" He widened his eyes and went to grab my arms to pin them down. "Stop it!" I growled in his ear then and kissed his cheek.

"I want more!" I hissed against him. He shook his head quickly and kept me from getting another bite by pressing up on my chest with his hands. I growled and showed him my sharp teeth. "One more bite~" I giggled out.

"No! You said that two seconds ago!" He pressed himself down into the ground to get as far away from me as possible. I growled and had my stitches in him act up, causing him pain.

"Give yourself to me," I hissed. He whimpered and curled up, his hands falling from my chest. He slipped the ring onto his finger before I could bite him again and the force field tossed me off a few inches away from him. He sat up quickly and held his wounds, watching me as he winced. I groaned and looked towards him, feeling my stomach grumble in outrage. My mouth began to water as I only thought about flesh, meat, and blood. I started to get to my feet then, going for him. He flinched in instinct but stopped himself, playing with the ring on his finger to calm himself.

"You can't touch me," he whispered to me, slowly looking up at me. I smirked wickedly at him then stepped towards him once more. Forget him, let's go hunt somewhere else. The illusion around us faded and we was back in the park. I turned away from him then and started for the gates of the park. He got up and picked up the basket and blanket, starting to follow me. I looked towards him and then stopped walking, trying to calm my hunger. What are you doing? You don't calm your hunger, you feed it! I took in a deep breath as I catch a fresh smell of flowers. He smiled at me and got beside me as he inspected my eyes. He slipped the ring off and put it in his pocket then kissed the top of my head. I looked away from him as I was still trying to calm my hunger, the smell of his blood really wasn't helping me. He started walking off then towards the car, giving me space. I am so disappointed in you. When you go off and start a killing spree then get put in a cell deep down in the earth in some phycho ward.... I will not talk to you. You will go insane once again from lonliness. You need to eat. I'm not just talking about human food either. Eat another wizard! I took in a deep breath then started for the car.

"I'll be fine." I told the voice. "Stop being dramatic." He was waiting for me patiently in the car, sitting in the passenger seat. He gave me a sweet smile as he saw me coming. I climbed in on the driver side then looked at him. "Sorry Isaac." I whispered to him. "I haven't ate in a while and well.... I think I done good this time." I told him innocently. He nodded and smiled.

"I know... You didn't kill me. I'm happy," he told me and leaned over, kissing my cheek. "Thank you Hachi." I blushed and nodded then started up the car. I drove us back to the manor, humming to myself. I was starting to feel happy... that I didn't kill him. He smiled and looked out the window, his tail twitching as he watched the people we passed. I drove up to the well guarded manor and the gates opened automatically for me. I drove up to the garage and climbed out, pulling out the keys in the ignition at the same time. He pouted as he saw where we were. "What if I wanted to hunt?" He asked, giving me a cute look.

"Nope." I told him firmly. "You can go drink from a maid." I suggested. "Besides... it's hard to hunt these days." I started for the door to go inside. He followed me.

"I wish we could go back in time. I miss hunting. All that is out is supernatural, and they'd be able to kill us if we tried." He sighed and wrapped an arm around me, kissing my cheek. "Oh well, at least we have each other."

"We could go back in time...." I told him. "It's dangerous though. Especially if our past self meets our future self.... or if we destroy something that might be needed for our future now." I shrugged. "So...." I smirked. "It's not something I would prefer." He thought it over and shivered.

"Yeah, let's not go back in time. You'd do something like eat someone in front of my past self on accident... and I'd develop a huge fear of you. We'd get stuck in a loop of me loving and hating you," he whispered and kissed my cheek as he brought me close. I blushed and kissed his lips softly. He smiled against me and kissed me back, tilting his head as he backed us up towards a wall. He pressed me against it and wrapped his arms around my waist. I gasped as he done so and pulled away from the kiss.

"Isaac?" I asked softly. He looked at me then and purred, leaning in towards my neck and giving me a love bite. I arched my back against the wall and let out a slight moan. "Isaac~ Let's not do this until we are in bed." I mumbled. He let out a possessive growl and moved his hands to my sides, running them down to the hem of my shirt. I saw his tail flicking back and forth in excitement as he licked me. I giggled and shook my head, grabbing his arms. "Not here." I whispered to him.

"Why not?" He whined and pulled back to look at me then looked back at my neck. He smirked and leaned back in, nibbling on my ear playfully. I gasped and pushed him away from me.

"We don't want the kids catching us." I told him. I started down the hall then, blushing. He followed after me quickly, not wanting to be left alone.

"But Hachi~!"

"Nu-uh." I told him quickly. "I don't want to be embarrassed if we go to far and get caught." I told him. He whimpered and caught up.


"No way! In our room only!" I told him.

"Then let's go to our room!" He got in front of me and pouted. I widened my eyes.

"R-right now?" I asked and whimpered. He frowned and studied me for a few minutes then sighed.

"Fine," he mumbled and slipped his tail up his shirt. I pulled him to me then and kissed his cheek. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "I love you," he purred happily. "I can wait."

"Good." I whispered and kissed his cheek. "Because I like making you wait." He laughed.

"That's so messed up...." I smirked and gave him a shrug.

"Too bad." I told him and started for Louis's study. He disappeared then, leaving me. I gasped and looked around for him. "Isaac?" I asked and started to panic. "Don't leave me." He appeared on one of the tables in the hall, laying down on his stomach as his tail twitched. He smirked at me.

"Yes Hachi?" He purred to me, sending a thrill through me as he looked me over. I walked up to him then and smiled, rubbing his head.

"You scared me." I told him. "I thought you left me." He laughed and leaned his head into my hand.

"I wouldn't leave you, leave you. I'd just go do something and come back eventually."

"I may have abandonment issues." I whispered. "Maybe not...." I gave a shrug. He watched me then let out a small purr as he rubbed up against my hand and closed his eyes happily. I had my magic take us to our bedroom, giving in to his wishes from before.