Missing Ainsworth Twin

Rose's POV:

"Rose!" The door to my study flung open. "He's at it again! He won't stop biting people." James, my butler told me. "You have to discipline him!"

"What!? Nonescense... He is a sweet and innocent child... who also has Grimm blood in him." I shook my head. "Who did he bite this time?" I asked and closed the folder on my desk. I'm never going to get to see my paients today with him always biting people.

"Hey mom, can I dye my hair?" I heard Peyton ask from beside me as she appeared on my desk. "Please? I'd pick a really cool color like blue!" She smirked as she kicked her legs back and forth. I raised an eyebrow towards her then covered up the files on my desk.

"No, you may not color your hair." I told her and frowned. "I have something to tell you." I told her. James sighed and pulled out his phone, answering a call.

"What!? Well- Rose, Victor needs you to visit him. He's off his meds and won't take them." James told me. I frowned and held my head with one hand.

"Tell them I will be down." I told James and waved him off. Peyton frowned.

"Can I get my ears pierced?" She asked me.

"Sure." I told her and gave a smile. "Only your ears." I pointed a finger at her.

"Awww, what if I wanted to pierce my belly button?" She pouted and then giggled. "Ok mom." She hugged me happily and kissed my cheek.

"Would you like to come see me work?" I asked her sweetly. Her eyes widened.

"OF COURSE I WOULD! FIELD TRIP!" She got up and laughed. "This is awesome!" I watched her with amusement.

"Rose! What am I supposed to do with your son?" James asked me. I looked towards him.

"Bring him in." I shrugged. "I can't help it that he likes biting people.... He's a Grimm." I waved James off. James rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. I looked towards Peyton. "Oh.... uh.... your father Richard is back. We'll go see him soon." I told her. Her eyes widened.

"M-my...father?" She looked at me in awe. "The one you tell me about mom?"

"You have two." I told her. "Paris, my brother.... and his lover Richard. Richard is back. He'll want to see you." I told her. James walked in then with my son in tow. He was thrashing around and tried to get away. He wasn't but around six. I smiled at him and tsked.

"Nikolai... You've been a naughty boy." I pointed a finger at him. "I told you to quit biting people." He looked towards me and exposed his fangs.

"So?" Nikolai asked. "I'll bit whatever I want." He hissed. I frowned then. He needs a father.... He needs his father...

"Hey Niko! Do you know the legend of the demon?" Peyton asked him, smirking. "It is said that our family is plagued by one, and when a member of the family has been very naughty and has been biting lots of people.... the demon gets them in their sleep! He takes them over and makes them his minions, devoid of free will!" She walked over to him and giggled. "He's gonna get you tonight."

"I'll just bite him." He said and crossed his arms. "Besides, I already have." I widened my eyes when Nikolai told her that. He's seen the demon of our family? "He plays games with me. Like... cards." Cards!? I frowned. He's so going to have a word with me later about seeing my kid.

"Nikolai, I want you to come with me to work." I told him. I gave an evil smirk and then looked towards James. "Make sure he is ready to go in five." James nodded and dragged Nikolai out of the room. I looked towards Peyton.

"He reminds me of someone.... I can't tell who though." I told her.

"I dunno.... but it's not fair that he gets to meet the demon and I don't!" She hissed and crossed her arms in irritation. "It's because I'm a girl- isn't it?!"

"Well..." I trialed off. "This family is.... well...." I trailed off trying not to be harsh on her. "Sexist."

"If the family is sexist, I don't want to meet my fathers! I'd rather stay with you mom!" She walked back over to me and hugged me. I laughed and hugged her back.

"You should meet your cousins and brothers though..." I told her. It was high time to introduce all of them to each other. I stood up then and picked up my folders and files then started for the door. "Come along, we need to go see one of my paitents. He's being bad." I told her and then walked out of my study.

"Is it that Russian guy that had his profile on your desk?" She asked curiously, following behind me. I blushed and held it to my chest.

"Maybe...." I whispered to her. "I mean, after all... I can't just be giving out this information." I looked towards her.

"Mom!" Nikolai ran into me then. "I don't want to go, I want to stay here and watch my toons."

"Nope, you are coming with me as punishment." I told him.

"But mom! He's weird!" Peyton said and looked at Nikolai.

"I am not!" Nikolai said and looked towards Peyton, sticking out his tongue.

"Come on." I told them and then grabbed both their hands. I teleported us into the asylum I run and started to lead them towards Victor's cell. His was one the last hall, the last cell on the left. I lead them through the maze of halls and towards his cell door. I looked towards a guard once I reached it and then at a nearby doctor.

"Shoot him with a tranq gun if he tries anything." I told the guard then grabbed a pill bottle from the doctor and a glass of blood. "Open the door." I told the guard.

"WHAT!? You can't go in there, miss." The guard told me.

"I'm Rose Grimm, open the door." I told him once again. He frowned and looked to be thinking it over. "Now?" I frowned.

"Hey, what's this?" Peyton asked, messing around with the doctor as she pulled out one of his scapels. "This is really cool! Do you stab people with it?"

"I cut people with it." The doctor explained. "I open them right on up and look at their insides with it."

"Cool! I want to be a doctor when I grow up, mom." Nikolai told me.

"Fine, I'll open it." The guard said and then opened the door for me, pulling it to the side.

"Victor?" I asked as I started to step inside. I heard a growl from inside.

"I'm not taking it!" He shouted.

"Take your medication." I ordered and walked over to his table inside and sat the stuff in my hands down.

"Oh! Can I go in too?" Nikolai asked me, then began to walk in. I looked at him worriedly as I searched for Victor. He appeared beside me and grabbed the pills, throwing them at the wall and watched as the bottle busted open.

"Victor." I smirked as I looked him over. "You don't want me to force you? Right?" I asked him and then started to pull out a knife from my pocket.

"Mom! He threw that bottle and it busted.... that's so cool!" I heard Nikolai fanboying.

"Whoa! He threw a bottle! He defies mom?! He must be brave!" Peyton walked in then to look at Victor. Victor's eyes flickered to the knife and then to me, slowly smirking. I smirked and then teleported behind him. I kicked him over, making him faceplant the ground.

"Show some respect." I told him.

"No," he said simply and sat up, rubbing his head. He looked up at me. "I'm not taking those cursed pills. I can't think straight with them."

"Like you need to think straight at all... Take them." I ordered and held the knife out towards him. "Now you have to eat them off of the floor." He let out a growl and exposed his fangs. Nikolai exposed his fangs then.

"That's my mommy right there." Nikolai hissed. "Put those away."

"That's fine sweetie, I can handle myself." I told him. Victor frowned then, looking towards Nikolai. He studied him for a few minutes then widened his eyes and looked at me.

"That's your kid?!"

"I'm six!" Nikolai told him.

"He's all mine." I purred.

"He's Russian! I can tell that much by smelling him!" I blushed.

"His name is Nikolai." I whispered. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"So I'm not insane.... HE IS RUSSIAN!"

"Take your pills." I told him and rolled my eyes.

"I'm also French!" Nikolai told him. Victor appeared beside him then and sniffed him.

"Hmm... You are definitely your mother's legitimate child... which means she slept with a Russian at some point," he mumbled and picked Nikolai up into his arms. "I've decided I'm keeping you."

"Your in a cell." I told him and frowned. "You can't have my boy." I watched him, giving a smile.

"Sweetie, I could leave when I want," he told me and smirked. He walked over to the pills and started crushing them under his heels, grinding them into the floor.

"I don't want to be yours." Nikolai told him. "You live in a cave." I laughed then and watched them.

"Put Nikolai down. He's got the demon watching over him." I informed Victor. His eyes widened and he looked at Nikolai.

"You seriously made friends with a demon? I like you already." He crushed another pill under his feet. "And I don't live in a cave. I have my own castle in Russia. I'm the Russian prince after all."

"Uncle Louis rules everything now." Nikolai informed him. "You aren't nothing anymore." He giggled and I got a little worried for his safety.

"I could snap Louis in half if I wanted to," he told him and smirked. "I'm pretty strong." He finished crushing the last pill and looked down at the dust from it all. "There we go. I'M NOT TAKING PILLS!" I frowned.

"Those cost so much to make now..." I frowned and crossed my arms. "Victor, you need to get back on your medication. You don't need to be off it. We agreed to this the moment I put you in this cell that you would take the pills and be obiedent." I smirked and looked towards Nikolai.

"Can I get down now?" My beautiful son asked. Victor looked at him and frowned.

"Why? You don't want to spend time with your new parent?" He asked.

"He bites." I warned and right as I did so Nikolai bit into Victor's neck. "Told you." Victor gasped and then laughed.

"He's got good fangs.... He's going to be very strong and powerful when he grows up," he mumbled and then held him out at arm's length. "Alright little guy, go play with the nice doctor outside. I'm sure he'd love to see your fangs up close and personal." He set him down and nudged him towards the door encouragingly.

"Good idea!" Nikolai said and ran off for the doctor.

"Peyton, step out darling." I told her and looked towards Victor. Peyton nodded and left the room obediently. Victor frowned as the door shut and he looked over at me.

"Take your med. Now you have to lick it up." I walked towards him and then pulled out a set of hand cuffs. He laughed and disappeared.

"No, I don't want to," he told me from behind. He sounded like he had gone to his bed. I turned around to face him then and put the knife away in my pocket. I walked over to him slowly.

"What if we make a deal?" I asked him softly. He frowned and watched me, seeming to be thinking it over before he gave a small nod.

"If you start taking you medication, I will bring you back to my castle in France. You have to keep taking it though to stay there. You also have to stay there under strict super vision. I'll let you go outside for one hour every day." I told him and smirked, walking towards him slowly. "Don't you want to see the sun?" His eyes widened and he nodded again. I nodded.

"Doctor! Another bottle please!" I yelled and walked over to the table. I picked up the cup of blood and brought it back to Victor. The doctor came in with a spare pill bottle and handed it out to Victor. The poor doctor was shaking! I laughed slightly. Victor smirked towards him and exposed his fangs to mess with him, snatching the pill bottle and then grabbed the guy's hand. The doctor shrieked and tried to pull back. "Victor." I purred. "Don't kill my staff members. They are rare to come by these days. Humans don't want to go to college anymore." I purred and then put the cup of blood in his hand. "Drink that." He sighed and let go of him, taking out a pill and put it in his mouth.

"Do I have to?" He asked as he lifted up the blood to his lips.

"Of course." I purred. "Until I decide you can go free." I laughed then. He sighed and gulped the pill down then, finishing the glass. He passed the bottle and glass back over to me. I smirked and shook my head. I pulled out a pin from my pocket and clicked it two times. "Open up." I told him so I could make sure he swallowed the pill. He sighed and opened his mouth slightly. I couldn't see the pill with how little he was opening it. I frowned and stuck my pin in his mouth, forcing him to lift up his tongue so I could observe. "Bad boy." I hissed and pulled my pin back. "Swallow or never see the sunlight again." I told him and crossed my arms. He pouted at me as he closed his mouth again. I smirked and watched him, putting the pin away. "Swallow." He swallowed it then and showed me it wasn't in his mouth anymore. I nodded, approvingly.

"Let's go." I smirked, knowing those 'backup' pills were just sugar pills. I started for the door then. "Let's go home." I purred. He got up and followed after me quickly. I looked over my shoulder towards him. "GUARD! The door." I told him and looked towards the door. The guard pulled the door open. I frowned when I found Nikolai was on top of the doctor, draining him from every drop of blood he possessed. "Nikolai!" I hissed towards him. Victor smiled proudly and appeared beside him.

"Now, when you bite a victim, make sure to get right here," he told him, pointing to the best spot on the doctor's neck. "The blood flows more freely there on the neck," he purred in his ear. "Plus, you can inspire terror by tearing pieces of flesh out of them if you desire to do so...." Nikolai looked up at his 'new' 'teacher'. I frowned and walked over to Nikolai and pulled him off of the doctor.

"What did I tell you about biting people, Nikolai? What is this... Your fifteenth-"

"Twenty-seventh, mommy in the last twelve hours." Nikolai said proudly.

"This is why I never take you places." I told him as I held him up by his wrist. "I'm going to get you a good father one day to beat some respect into you." I hissed.

"He already has a father. I'm claiming him," Victor said and smirked, taking him from me. I frowned as I watched him. If only he knew that was his kid. I shook my head and tsked.

"No, you are mentally unstable to be my boy's fatherly figure." I told Victor.

"Rawr." Nikolai hissed and went to bite Victor's hand. He laughed and exposed his fangs playfully at him.

"Nonsense, I'm not that insane, and besides, it takes a Russian to raise another Russian. You don't want to handle him by yourself... and I'm the only other Russian around at the moment," he purred and then bit into his wrist and held it out to Nikolai. Nikolai sniffed Victor's wrist and then bit down into it hungrily.

"Nikolai! Don't drink from him." I hissed towards my boy. He didn't listen to me though. "Victor." I growled. He smirked at me and started walking off with him.

"I know how to get home," he told me.

"You better remember how to get back to my castle." I whispered and started after them. "Nikolai you better let him go and stop drinking soo much blood! You are only six... How are you able to swallow so much!?" I asked him.

"He's a Russian vampire," Victor said like it explained everything. "Why's the sky blue?"

"He's my son and he is also French." I told Victor. "Now put my son down." I told him. "I don't want you rubbing off on him."

"Too bad! I'm keeping him! He's my son now!" Victor laughed and kissed Nikolai's head. Nikolai pulled away from Victor's wrist then and spat his blood into his face.

"I'm no ones." Nikolai said stubbornly. "I'm going to rule you all one day."

"I seriously hope you do," he purred to him. "You're so cute thinking that twenty seven is something to be proud of in a twelve hour span."

"You mean... I can have more?" Nikolai asked.

"NO!" I yelled towards him. "You aren't going to have more then two." I hissed. "Two cups that is."

"I once killed over five hundred men in less than an hour," Victor purred to him. "That was one of my worst battles too.... Normally it's much more than that. You'll see what I'm talking about when mommy isn't around to tell you no."

"Victor, you aren't going to see Nikolai again." I muttered.

"Five hundred?" Nikolai asked in amazement. "That's so much blood."

"See, I told you I was amazing." He laughed and stopped walking, looking at Nikolai. "And you thought I was just a crazy person in a cell."

"You are." Nikolai told him. "You are also lame. See you are going to be in a cell while I am ruling everything!" Nikolai licked his fangs. I frowned.

"You won't be ruling. Your uncle Louis is ruling." I told Nikolai.

"Hm," Victor narrowed his eyes a bit at him. "You wouldn't be able to put me in a cell. I'm thousands of years old, and I'm stronger than you will ever be."

"You were just in a cell." Nikolai told him. "Ha. I win." He grabbed Victor's hair and pulled on it with his fingers, he looked highly interested.

"Because I chose to be in that cell silly. It's called seeking sanctuary," he mumbled and watched as Nikolai messed with his hair. Nikolai purred then and leaned in towards Victor's neck then bit down, beginning to suck his blood.

"Nikolai." I groaned. "I told you to knock it off." Victor rubbed his head comfortingly and then slowly started to move him away from his neck, holding him out at arm's length.

"Alright now... Your mom is right for once. You are six.... You should be taking a nap." Nikolai exposed his blood fangs.

"Naps are for the dead." Nikolai hissed. "I'll nap when I am dead."

"Wanna stay short forever shortie?" He teased and smirked. "People like me took naps at your age. You will be like Napoleon, a hero but short and short lived. You'll die at your own Waterloo if you don't change now and start taking naps."

"Who the heck is Napoleon? I don't care about him, he died. He was a nobody." Nikolai told Victor. "I'm a somebody. I don't need sleep. Look at where it got you." He hissed and then went to bite Victor. Victor growled at him sharply and bit down into his finger hard. Nikolai growled, instead of acting out in pain and started to kick Victor's stomach to get away from him. He laughed as he let go of his finger and then held him up by his feet.

"You know... I think it was me that killed him," he mumbled, trying to think back on it then shrugged. "Doesn't matter. He probably didn't taste too good. He was French." He started walking towards a laundry chute and opened it up. "Now behave, or you'll find yourself going for a little ride." I frowned and watched Victor.

"Victor." I hissed and took out my knife. "Bring my kid back to me." He looked back at me and laughed then looked down at Nikolai.

"I bet you don't discipline, do you?" He asked me and shut the chute, bringing him up to level with his face as he held him by his feet. "This is why you take naps shortie.... You won't be able to play with the grownups if you don't take naps... and you'll always find yourself being treated like you're two." Nikolai smirked then and reached up towards the hand holding his feet and scratched at it with his sharp nails, making it bleed.

"He's a monster, what can I say?" I sighed out. Nikolai knocked his head against Victor then, trying to get away from him. He laughed and watched him.

"You know I can't feel that, right?" He asked him and watched in amusement. "You aren't hurting me." Nikolai looked into Victor's eyes then and smirked.

"Let. Me. Go." He hissed, his eyes turned a strange purple and suddenly Victor's hand was forced open and Nikolai landing on his feet. He ran off from Victor and laughed. He quickly came to and appeared in front of him, snatching him up.

"You're more interesting than I originally thought you'd ever be.... It's been awhile since someone has done that to me," he purred and then appeared beside me. "Are we going home or not?"

"Yeah..." I looked around for Peyton. "Where'd that girl go..." I mumbled.

"Hey! Don't touch me creep." Nikolai hissed. Victor narrowed his eyes at him.

"Ok, it was cute the first ten times... but you're going to get it if you don't quit." He glared him down, making Nikolai shrink down instinctively. Nikolai struggled then to get out of his arms. I shrugged and turned back to them. I guess that girl went home... Oh my little Peyton.... She better not be getting her hair dyed a random color. I grabbed their hands then teleported us back to my castle in France.

"Home sweet home." I told them.

"I want to watch my toons!" Nikolai said and tried to get down. Victor sighed and set him down, letting him go. Nikolai ran off then, screaming something to the maid that watches over him, the newest one. I couldn't keep up with their names anymore. She'll die anyways. I looked towards Victor and smirked. He glanced over at me and then around, walking off. I walked after him then and grabbed his wrist.

"Let me show you to your room." I told him and pulled him off in the opposite direction. I was going to put him on the hall FAR away from the kids and my room/hall. I dragged him towards the guest hall and towards the last door on it. "Here you go." I told him. "That's your room through that door there. I'll get you clothes later on, or a servant will." I teleported us to my basement then and sat him down in an old electroshock chair and then grabbed a GPS tracting device gun and walked up to him. He widened his eyes and disappeared quickly.

"VICTOR!" I yelled and frowned. "GET BACK HERE!"

"NO!" He shouted from upstairs.

"FIVE." I started to count down. He didn't say anything, but he didn't come back. "FOUR!" I yelled. "Three!" I turned around and started for the door. "I hate men.. I'm going to start dating cats." I mumbled. The gun was ripped from my hand then and pressed against my neck.

"It goes here, right?" He purred.

"No, in your butt." I said sarcastically. "Bend over."

"No," he said simply and injected me with it. I screamed out in pain and then turned around to face him. I hit the gun, knocking it across the room then pulled him closer to me. I kneed him where it counts then pulled on one of his ears.

"You are soooooo going to pay for that." I whispered. "It was a waste of a perfectly good GPS." He laughed and watched me.

"Awww, I'll cover the cost for it. Don't worry about it. Besides, I can always know where you are," he purred and then leaned in, kissing my cheek. I frowned then went to dig it out, screaming as it shocked me.

"MOTHER FU-" I cut myself off and then punched him in the face. "Son of a Russian space horse." I grumbled. He pulled back and held his face, pouting at me.

"Meanie... Besides, you tried to do it to me." He lowered his hands and watched me with a sad look.

"You need one though. I don't." I told him and pointed a finger towards him. "You are the paitent.... I am the doctor." I smirked towards him as I gestured between us.

"We didn't agree on a tracking system," he purred and gave me a smile. He leaned in and kissed my lips softly. I tensed up then pulled back a few inches.

"We agree now." I told him and started for the gun.

"No, we don't," he muttered and watched me. I got to the gun then picked it up, aiming him down.

"I get one, you get one." I told him.

"Hey, you have a whole team of doctors who could deactivate it for you and then get it out. I have me, myself, and I. What happens when we one day disagree on something. I don't plan on playing prisoner forever," he purred and disappeared from my sight. I frowned and walked over to the table, sitting the gun down.

"I'll just put it in you later." I decided. "While you are sleeping."

"Well, I'll remember that for later," I heard from behind me. "I'll make sure to sleep with one eye open, my beautiful doctor." I turned towards him then and smirked.

"So have you figured it out yet? Who his father is?" I asked softly. He thought it over as he watched me.

"I'm the only Russian around, aren't I?" He whispered after a moment. "The only pureblood one that is...."

"The only one." I told him and smirked. "He's such a little monster." I mumbled and then started for the door.

"If you had let me see him when he was smaller, he might not be so disrespectful," he told me. "Why didn't you tell me that you ended up pregnant with our child?"

"Well..." I shrugged. "I thought it would be better if you didn't see him until he was older then an infant." I explained. "Plus your crazy." I smirked as I looked towards him and paused. "You should have known when I went missing for nine months." I teased.

"Hey, I was busy eating my other doctor." He frowned and walked up to me. "And I'm not crazy. Everyone just thinks I am because I choose to be this way." He laughed and then pulled me close, kissing my neck. He let out a small growl and kissed my lips. "You're so cold," he mumbled against me.

"I'm a Grimm, we are colder then the ice bears." I whispered and laughed, twirling my white hair around my fingers. "Thus the hair color." I leaned in towards his cheek and kissed it. "I diagnose you as insane." I tapped his nose.

"It's not like you can get in my head like your brother," he muttered and moved his face away from mine, looking at me. "Have they found him yet? I keep forgetting to ask."

"No... but they found Richard." I told him. "Riley had him or something like that...." I explained. I had an informant telling me these things from inside the manor. "I'm going over there tomorrow to take a look myself."

"Hey mom~! Check out what I just bought!" I heard Peyton say as she started coming into the room. "I think it's a pretty color! You should let me do it!" She giggled and ran over, shoving a box of purple hair dye into my face.

"NO!" I said firmly. "Absolutely not." I told her and shook my head. "You are not ruining your pretty hair." I pointed a finger her way. She pouted and looked us over.

"But...no fair," she mumbled. I pulled away from Victor then and blushed.

"When you see your dad you can ask him." I told her, giving a smile. She brightened up and nodded happily, tackling me into a hug.

"Ok mommy~!" She kissed my cheek and started to squeeze the life out of me. "I might just go to see him then!"

"Tomorrow." I told her and laughed softly. "You can meet Quinton, his twin sister- I always forget her name... I think it was Aiyana or something like that.... and then there was Dannie? He is a wolfboy. Oh and then.... I feel like I am forgetting someone....Hm....No I guess that is everyone." I smiled towards her. She nodded.

"That's a lot of people.... I guess I could say hi," she mumbled and pulled back, looking at me. "I'm going to go take a bath. I'll see you at dinner~!" She ran off quickly, leaving us with a laugh.

"There is a lot of us..." I whispered, thinking over our growing family tree. I looked towards Victor then. He glanced at me and smiled, walking towards the door.

"I'm going outside for a bit," he told me. I followed after him.

"I better come with you." I mumbled then grabbed his hand. I teleported him outside, into the guardens. His eyes widened and he looked around, a look of delight in his eyes. He looked up towards the sky and then closed his eyes as he breathed in the fresh air.

"Hmmmmmm.... No more indoors," he purred to himself and then sat down in the grass, playing with a blade as he pulled it up. I sat down at a table and looked towards a fountain, there was a mermaid spitting out water into a pond. I smiled softly as I watched it, little fishes were at the bottom, swimming around. Catfish.... "Can I go explore?" He asked me as he sat up and looked around. "I promise to return here before nightfall." He looked at me, giving me an innocent look.

"No." I told him simply then pulled out my phone to text one of my doctors to set up a date to get the GPS removed from my neck. I looked towards him after every letter. "Stay here."

"Why?" He gave me a cute look then and started crawling towards me. "Pleeaaaaaase?"

"You won't find anything out there but abandonded buildings and supernatruls." I explained. "You better stay here."

"What if I want a pet?" He sat down at my feet and watched me. "What if I want to see the abandoned buildings?"

"No." I told him firmly. I pulled up some pictures of the building nearby, abandoned then showed them to him on my phone. "There you go."

"That's not fair...." He pouted and then curled up on the ground, turning his back to me. He yawned and played with his hair. I smirked and grabbed a handful of his hair.

"We'll stop in town tomorrow for gas... you can get out of the car to take a look around then." I suggested. "Oh and when we get in Maine.... I am making you stay in a hotel while I visit my family." He looked up at me and smiled.

"I'm perfectly fine with that," he purred, and I got the feeling he was planning something.

"What are you planning?" I asked, wishing I had Paris's abilities.

"Nothing for you to worry about," he teased and grabbed my hand, giving it a kiss. "You won't even notice." I frowned.

"After I was thinging about taking you out to eat and everything! With our son of course- I mean.... my son. I was going to take us to this cool restaurant that this witch runs in Maine." I frowned. "Guess we won't go there."

"Not if you keep that attitude," he told me and smirked. "He's our son. I have as much right to him as you do... and I don't plan on ruining a plan such as that. I honestly was thinking of a quick pop into Russia while you are visiting Richard and Louis."

"Take a doctor with you. Along with two guards." I pointed a finger towards him. "Then you can go.... Oh and your name isn't on his birth certificate.... he is mine." I smirked.

"Oh? He thinks he's nobody's." He laughed then and sat up, watching me. "I'll cut you a deal. You stop being such a pain about keeping him from me and start calling him our son... and you let me go visit Russia without the guards and doctors... and I'll let you stick me with that fancy thing I put in your neck."

"Not in a billion years, sugar." I smirked as I leaned in towards his face. "My son is more important than a GPS." I poked his chest and then got to my feet.

"You know... he's the only son you'll probably ever have too. I'm going to warn whoever you start dating once you ditch me."

"Warn him?" I frowned and looked towards Victor. "About what?"

"I'm going to tell him not to have children with you because you don't know how to trust others, and you won't ever let him see his kids. He'll stay out of your bed then." He smirked. "Or at least... he won't get you pregnant." He laughed then. "That is if you ever find someone besides me."

"I'll find my charming prince one day." I told Victor. "He'll kick your ass for getting me pregnant and then we will see who gets the last laughs." I poked his forehead. "You. Will. Be. Cooked."

"Don't have much a life to live anyways," he said and shrugged. "Pretty much still here for the jokes. You don't even respect me much." I sat down on my knees in front of him.

"I respect you." I told him. "You're older than me." I told him and looked into his eyes. "You have more knowledge than I do... but you throw it all away...." I tsked. "Then you wonder why I don't let you see our child... I mean... My child." I smirked. "How about you try to straighten up a bit. I don't want to feed you for the rest of eternity." I poked his head then stood up. "I think you have a bunch to live for." I smirked. "My son needs a respectable father figure." He watched me and laughed.

"I am respectable. I don't drink as much as my cousin did before I killed him."

"Hmmm... You had a cousin? I still have both of mine." I smirked. "They were living in Maine near my twins.... but now I don't know where they are." I sighed. "Go do whatever you want. I don't care. You are free to go. I'll go get a new toy to play with." He watched me and frowned.

"You really don't like me that much, do you?" He sighed and stood up. I frowned and watched him.

"Of course I like you! I slept with you! I had a kid with you." I told him and crossed my arms. "How could I not like you?" He looked down at the ground then.

"My mother hated my father...but she still gave him kids," he whispered. I leaned in towards his lips and kissed them softly then spun on my heels.

"I don't ask for much." I mumbled. "Do what you wish Victor." I looked over my shoulder towards him. "I was giving you sugar pills anyways." His eyes widened.

"T-they...weren't real? Then why was it hard to concentrate?!" He looked at me in shock then. "Oh my gosh... something must seriously be wrong with me....." I laughed then and looked back at him.

"Well.... yes." I told him. "You are a nut case." I stopped walking. "Nikolai does need a father though....I'll admit." I told him. "It's a good thing I am releasing you.... You might take this chance to be what he needs." I smirked. He walked up to me then.

"I was going to be a good father anyways. I decided to stay," he purred to me. I purred back and gave a smile.

"Excellent. Don't kill him. I warned you already he is a monster... Oh and don't wake him up.... ever." I warned. He nodded.

"Don't worry. Our son will be a tamed little tiger when I'm through with him."

"It's hard to imagine Nikolai tame. Every since he learned how to bite people he's grown worse... I think it's because the demon is the only fatherly figure he knows and the demon..... well who knows what he encourages our boy to do." I shook my head. "After all... Paris murdered our parents and he was raised up aside the demon." I frowned... What if the demon is encouraging Nikolai to do the same thing?

"Don't worry. I will teach him otherwise. The worst thing that will happen is that he turns out like me," he purred and kissed my cheek. "I have a surprise for him as well. It's his birthright and a tradition in my family for the firstborn son of the head of each generation." He smirked. "He'll like it. A wannabe king will need one."

"You can't give it to him until he is older, okay?" I asked him.

"Sure, but I can let him see it. After all, he's not allowed to have it until I think he's a proper prince of Russia...." He laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist, leading me back to the doors of the castle. "If I get it in his head that he can have his very own castle, he'll probably start to straighten up for it."

"I doubt it." I mumbled. "He's starting to remind me of Paris in a weird way... not the really bratty side.... just the stubbornness and wanting to rule." I laughed softly. Plus he has that demon.... Stalking him...

"Hmm... Well, all I can do is tell you that I will try to be a good father figure. I'm sure I can find some way to get his respect...." He frowned and looked ahead as we got inside. "I'll have to watch him and see what he likes."

"Well...." I trailed off. "He likes games, card games." I told him and smirked. "That's your first hint and step at bonding with him." I suggested. He nodded and looked at me thoughtfully.

"I could try that.... Let me go see if he wants to play," he whispered and walked off.

Richard's POV:

I walked around the manor, inspecting everything and frowning when I saw something that was changed- something Paris might not be happy about. I shook my head and started for his study, going in and finding it all untouched. Dust was gathered on the desk and surfaces of the room, and the air smelled like the windows hadn't been opened in forever. I bit the inside of my lip as I shut the door softly behind me, remembering the last time I had been in here with him. We had played around so much while he was trying to take over the world with me.... We might have come out on top if we had stayed focus, if we didn't take the betrayal so hard.... I looked towards the desk, smiling softly as I thought about how he sat behind it all the time. When Louis had gone to Hell, he had gotten messed up and came in here.... This was his hiding place, one of his favorite rooms in the house besides our room and the music room. I walked over towards the desk and ran a finger over it, watching a trail of cleanliness followed in the sheet of dust. This room needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Paris would be upset if he saw it in this state. I shook my head and started straightening the papers on the desk. I grabbed the books and took them over to the bookshelves, putting them where they went and started to clean the whole room. By the time everything was back in it's correct place, it was already mid-day. I glanced over it and then went out into the hall.

"MAIDS! COME DUST THE ROOM!" I yelled, knowing one would hear me. A girl came scrabbling down, looking at me before she ducked into the room and started the task of dusting his study. I watched her and shut the door, going over to the windows and pulling back the curtains. I opened the windows and let the fresh air in before I walked over to the fireplace and started messing around with the dry logs inside. I grabbed a matchstick and lit the fire, poking it as I watched it start to grow quickly. Ten year old wood sitting in a fireplace goes up real fast, doesn't it? I smirked, knowing it would burn out any cobwebs in the chimney then went over to the desk, sitting in his chair. The girl was soon joined by another who started to sweep the floors and got underneath the rugs. "Make sure to get those rugs washed. I want them good and clean. They better not have a speck of dirt in them. Everything has to be perfect for when he comes back," I told them and watched as they nodded. When they finished their tasks, they rolled up the rugs and took them out. I glanced towards the computer and sighed. It'll be needing replacing to the newest model. I can't have him using an old laptop. I logged into his computer and started moving all his files to his thumb drive, getting everything off it and then tossed it into the trashcan. I got up and walked out of the room, going to the garage as I made sure I had my wallet.

~Time Skip~

"Sir, it was this one, right?" The electronics guy asked me, watching as I looked over the laptops.

"That's the best model being made right now, yes?" He nodded and started to show me all it's features. I smirked and gave him a nod.

"Yes, I want that one. Get me a good drive as well for it and a mouse." He scrambled to get me the things I asked for as I started to browse through all the new changes, going towards the phones. The screens on them were now just pure electronic glass that displayed what you wanted. I shook my head. "I leave for ten years, and all the cool things happen." Laughing, I picked two up, one for me and one for Paris. "Hey, hold these items for me! I'm going to go to the clothing department. I will be back!" I told the guy and tossed him the two phones. He caught them and almost dropped the laptop.

After buying five of everything in the latest fashion that I liked (in both my size and Paris's), I paid for the electronics and the clothes. I carried it out to the car and then placed it all in the trunk of the red convertible. Hmm, what now? I could easily go out to explore... to eat something maybe.... I could go buy more things for us. I mean... it wouldn't hurt to be prepared for anything. I could go get a haircut to get it nice for him. After all, I will find him quickly. It shouldn't take me too long to rescue my mate in distress. I laughed at the thought and got in the driver's seat, going to the nearest place to get my hair cut and got it trimmed up the way I knew he liked it. I drove home then and had a maid take the clothes to be washed and put away in my room then went to the study with the new equipment for Paris. I set everything up for him and placed his new phone on the desk, activating it and set it up. I did the same for mine and put it in my pocket before I walked out. I'll need to start the task of finding him.... My newborns should be able to help. I'll make them sniff out any info I can get my hands on. I smirked and stepped outside, ordering them all to me.

When they all were here, or most of them, I looked them over, seeing some of them looked excited to see me. Good... "Alright boys and girls, it's been ten years again...but I know a lot has changed. For instance, our enemies are in hiding. I want half of you to locate Charlie Ainsworth, Dylan Ainsworth, and Dante- the German Prince. That's all I want from you for now. The other half," I turned to the ones on my right and smirked. "You all are going to wait here while I start trying to find out if my mate's stone is with his captors or is hidden else where in the world. Should it be elsewhere, you will help me retrieve it. I don't want to hear any ifs, ands, or buts. My mate and those three are top priority. I will assign a small group to find Laurence later since how I've heard he is missing. I doubt he is still out there walking around. He would've made himself known to me the moment I came back." I frowned as I thought about him. Who got him? That's a difficult task.... Laurence should have seen it coming.

"Hey, what's going on out here?" I heard a cute voice from behind me. I frowned and looked over my shoulder to see Raven smiling up at me innocently.

"Oh hey Raven. I'm starting to find Paris. I've prepared things inside for his return. All we need now is his stone. Do you know anything about it?" She shook her head.

"Nope, I've been in an insane asylum all this time." I widened my eyes and turned to her.

"An insane asylum? Who stuck you in there?" She shrugged and giggled.

"I believe it was orders of Louis. I had started to go crazy, worse than I've ever been. It was pretty bad. I don't even remember some of it." I frowned. That's not good... but at least she's back.

"Have you talked to Austin at all?" She tilted her head and gave me a confused look.

"Who's Austin?" She frowned a bit and seemed to be thinking hard. "I don't know an Austin."

"Austin- your mate," I told her, trying to remind her. How could she forget him? She loves him to death.

"I don't have a mate. Besides, if I had a mate, it'd be gross!" She giggled. "I don't ever want a mate! I want to be free to do as I please! Mates don't matter anyways! No offence Richard. I know your mate is the love of your life."

"DADDY!" I was tackled then by Donnie and he rubbed his cheek against my face. "I want to take you out to somewhere special. Do you mind if I steal him away?" Donnie asked and looked towards Raven. She glanced at him and frowned.

"S-sure," she mumbled and disappeared. I heard my newborns leaving then to go do what I asked.

"OH AND BOYS! When you find Charlie make sure to kick him in the nuts for me!" Donnie told them and waved. "Best of luck!" He turned towards me then. "Dad." He said firmly. I laughed and looked at him.

"Yes sweetie?" I rubbed his head. He gave me a small smile.

"You'll find Paris, right?" He tilted his head. I nodded quickly.

"Of course I will.... I'm working on it as we speak. He'll be back before you know it. I won't let his stone slip away from me. In fact... when I get him back, I will tell you first."

"Okay." He nodded and gave me a small smile. "Let's go then." He grabbed my hand. "I want to take you to the park." He smirked. "We'll play football together and then baseball." I shook my head and laughed at him. My goodness... This boy.... He's not five but he's asking to do these things. That's why he'll always be my little Donnie. I kissed the top of his head.

"Sure... we can go play games together. Where's Dannie? He should come too...and Peyton? Where is she?"

"Peyton is coming home tomorrow. She's been living with Rose every since... ten years ago. Dannie lives with me. He's doing something with Quinton, most likely. I sort of want it to just be us." He gave an innocent smile.

"Hmm, you're not wanting to share me, are you?" I smirked and then grabbed his hand. "C'mon then. We'll drive to the park. Go get the stuff," I told him and led him inside.

"Sure!" Donnie teleported away then. I went to the garage and got back into the red convertible, waiting on him. He appeared with a duffle bag and placed it in the trunk then got into the passengers seat. "Thanks dad for this." Donnie smiled softly. "My mate doesn't want to do anything anymore with me, he's getting old. I've been thinking about just leaving him to rest in peace.... If you get what I mean. I mean.... Then I can get a new mate to love and it might even be a vampire this time. I hope, a pureblood. I want kids." He told me and leaned up against me, resting his head on my shoulder. I sighed. He really doesn't care about his mate now, does he? If he's willing to kill him.... I mean, if he really loved him, he would have had Hachi change his little werewolf into a human so he could turn him.

"Grandkids would be nice," I murmured, keeping those other thoughts to myself.

"I hear your thoughts." I heard him husk out. "He's just.... order than me dad.... Plus.... I don't think I am really that much into dogs." He ran his fingers through his hair. "He's going to die, I don't want him to live forever wayyyy older than me. That's gross." I sighed. He's too much like his father for his own good.

"Do what you want sweetie," I told him and started up the car.

"Will you help me kill him?"

"Better off asking Raven... but ok, I will supply you with a painless poison. It'll be over as soon as he drinks it."

"Perfect." Donnie purred. "I mean.... I am sad he'll die but I am looking forward to my new mate.... Fate better give me a pureblood.... a female."

"Purebloods can be whatever they want to be. If you really wanted to be straight, you could ask me to make you a girl," I purred to him and then drove out of the gates.

"I don't want to be a girl." He hissed my way. "Girls suck... no offense."

"None taken, I wasn't born a girl.... Anyways, girls are very important. Most of us purebloods are males... and with the massacre Paris and I did... girls are very rare. Plus, I used to know this princess who hated being a girl. She had her gender switched and refused to go back. They bare our kids too and go through so much, so don't downgrade them so fast." I laughed and glanced over at him.

"Glad I was born a male." Donnie mumbled. "Still.... I think I need a pureblood for a mate... to secure our pureblood legacy."

"You'll eventually end up with a pureblood if you keep killing your mates like a reverse preying mantis."

"I wonder... How hard will my stone take it if I kill my mate? Instead of rejecting him? Or is that the same thing? If my stone explodes will you make Louis come get me out of hell?"

"Yes, I'd force him at gunpoint for you darling.... Your stone won't explode if you are the one that kills him. It'll accept it as a new start. When I left your father, my stone didn't kill me and even allowed me to mark another- don't ever copy my actions from that time period. I wasn't in the right mind," I warned him, glancing over sharply. "However, if you reject him instead of killing him, he'll go through the torment, but you'll get away more than likely."

"He'll take on rejection far worse that I will..." Donnie mumbled. "It would be killing him in the most painful, selfish, and horrid way. I don't want to reject him.... It's not me rejecting him... by killing him.... I can help him die faster then he is now." He perked up, talking himself into doing it by the second.

"Well, it'd be a mercy killing if he's getting really old," I mumbled, thinking about how fragile mortal life was. He'd go through a lot just by aging.... Donnie would be saving him the trouble. "Just go ahead and use the poison. I have some in my closet."

"Why do you have some in your closet?" Donnie asked me.

"Maybe I wanted some for a rainy day? I keep it for people I don't like," I told him and smirked. "Though.... the last time I used it was on this guy that your father was with when I was in Africa. Paris doesn't know I did it, so shush."

"You killed your almost-could-have-been replacement!?" Donnie looked me over. "Well played.... You know dad thinks about him sometimes, wondering how he was doing. He wants closure but doesn't want to go looking for it. Oh and~ They were very close." He smirked.

"Exactly why he was killed then chopped into little pieces and turned to ash. I used it as a fertilizer on Paris's favorite roses in the garden," I told him and smirked.

"How come you didn't kill dad? When you thought he betrayed you.... those many years ago?" Donnie asked me curiously. My smirk faded and I looked at the road.

"Somewhere deep inside of me, I was still in love with him. I couldn't think of killing him. Honestly, I didn't. I decided to let him live and let his punishment be suffering.... I almost didn't put him on that island. He doesn't know it though.... I never told him that I was upset about what was going on. I wanted to go back with him the moment he showed up and killed his look alike. I missed him so much.... However, I was very mad that he had brought another person into the whole demon thing and had me pretty much in a jar for years and tortured before my stone was taken. There was no way in hell that I was not going to just roll over and let him do things like that to me.... I forgive him for it now because I see why he did it, but I didn't then," I explained. "It's all very complicated, and I don't normally talk to Paris about it. I don't think he knows that I was reluctant to leave him."

"Aren't you glad you didn't kill him?" Donnie asked and smiled softly. "Dad, what was your father like?" I shivered at the thought of that and had a nasty flashback of when my father had found me feeding off one of my so called 'friends' in the music room.

"H-he... wasn't very understanding of me," I whispered. "He... favored my younger brother over me, and he didn't really want much to do with me. To him, I was the devil's child. He would have killed me eventually. He definitely didn't approve of anything I did."

"I can see why you killed him now." He joked. "I bet it was fun living during the revelution." He mumbled.

"It was very hard... but exciting," I told him and looked over. "You would have enjoyed it had you been alive then."

"I think I would have too." Donnie told me and layed back his seat. "What was Paris like as a kid?" I laughed then.

"Oh, he was nothing like he is now. He was very shy, and he was afraid of me. He took a bit to warm up to me, but... the tables shifted obviously. He was very cute and innocent," I mumbled.

"It's hard to imagine him as cute and innocent.... What do you think changed him?" Donnie asked in wonder. "Obviously your roles have switched." I frowned, not liking to hear that from him. I can say it. He can't.

"Hey, I'm pretty dominant and awesome!" I hissed and looked over.

"Yeah... sure.... says the one who has been playing mommy lately." He tsked.

"I just happen to love the idea of having kids around.... Besides, it was Paris who originally wanted children. He just... can't have them anymore. He almost lost you two in his first pregnancy. He doesn't want to be in that position again or be reminded of it.... so it's left to me to be the mother of all our children now. I do it for him, so he doesn't have to."

"He should realize that the possibility of it happening again is very slim. Nothing will happen to him.... maybe he just needs a shove." Donnie told me. "It's better to face your fears then to fear them... or whatever that saying is." I nodded.

"I'd have to force him to be a girl...but it's hard when he can hear my thoughts and know I'm coming for his stone to do so...." I laughed then. "Anyways, the point is that he didn't used to be the way he is now. He used to be sweet and innocent. It must have been my influence."

"No.... You know.... You'll be getting his stone soon." Donnie told me. "But I didn't give you that information." I smirked then as I caught his drift.

"Yes, I could easily do that to him.... He'd be mad though. I don't know if I'm ready for an angry Paris as soon as he gets back. He'd try to kill me and then he'd go hide." Donnie raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously? The worse Paris would do is start sleeping in another bed." He smirked. "Good thing your a vampire." I sighed. I don't know... I could bring him back as a girl and force him to get over it.

"I'll think on it. After all... you have all grown up on me. I haven't been able to really raise a child, and it's been frustrating me. This time will be different. I do want another child. I want to try again.... One of us will have to be a girl... but I think I will be fair to Paris and stake it on a game of chess. The loser should be the mother this time," I mumbled, not really wanting to bring him back as a girl immediately. I mean... ten years apart, and then another nine months and then we'd be busy raising the child.

"Eh. You did say that you two do better off with kids around." He pointed out.

"True, we have less arguments," I admitted. "I'll bring him back as a girl or something."

"You should bring him back as a girl just to prank him." He suggested. "Please!?" I laughed and then nodded.

"We'll get him back for the time when I was made to give him Peyton," I purred as I thought about it. He's going to be so upset, but the look on his face will be priceless! I pulled up to the park and stopped, turning off the car.

"Where do you suppose he is at?" Donnie wondered as he got out of the car. "Charlie is pretty smart." He started for the trunk. "I bet he threw Paris into the ocean." I growled at that.

"Oh, Charlie doesn't have him, that's for sure. He got rid of him. He knows that as soon as one of us was back, we'd come for him for revenge. He'd throw Paris away somewhere and forget where."

"I bet he paid a witch to take his memories away right after." Donnie teased. "That'd be real fun to play with." I nodded and got out, watching him.

"Yes, I'll probably have to hunt down where all Charlie has been and then pick the most likely place. There should be records somewhere if he went to hide him other than in America or in the ocean."

"Boss?" I heard someone say nearby, walking my way. He looked beyond tired, seeming like he had over slept. "I missed getting to see you for the announcement or whatever you was making... actually I have been sleeping for quite-" He yawned. "Anyways.... Take a look." He tossed me his phone. "I've got the twits cell number. I know a guy that knows a guy- We can locate him in other words. Plus there have been sightings of him after I made a few phone calls. I know where Charlie Ainsworth is." Donnie dropped his bag then when he heard the servant. I widened my eyes and looked at him.

"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ANYONE?! Go get a group- You are going to capture him and bring him to me in chains!" I hissed and started to transfer the number to my phone.

"Eh, I already sent a group his way. The thing is though... we are talking about Charlie. If my memeory serves me right as well as his files.... He'll take down that group and flee. I think you need to go to him." He told me firmly. "It's a do it yourself kind of job... no offense." I sighed and then shook my head.

"Greaaaaat.... You're being assigned to the group locating Paris's stone, got it?" I looked at Donnie. "Sorry sweetie, duty calls. I've got to go tear out Charlie's heart and roast it over a fire. Where's he at?"

"Dad~" Donnie hissed.

"Japan, sir. I'll get right on it with getting you a plane there. Private jet. I'll have a few men go with you as well as myself and~ I'll be proud to go on the man hunt for Paris's stone." He started walk away, pulling out another phone. He called up someone to do those things for me. Who the heck is this guy anyways? I frowned and then looked at Donnie.

"Let's ditch him, just you and me? We got his number and he's in Japan," I purred. Donnie walked over to me and then grabbed my hand, he teleported us to the heart of Tokyo, Japan and let me go. He held his nose then as it started to bleed slightly.

"Owe~ Too far.... We're here though... right?" Donnie asked me. I quickly started to inspect him, worried for him.

"You could've teleported us to California, and I could have made a newborn take us the rest of the way!" I hugged him then and kissed his head. "You're lucky.... You're so much younger than Paris that you could've gotten seriously hurt doing that." He pushed me away then and fell towards his knees, beginning to puke up blood.

"I'm okay~" He mumbled and held up a hand. "I need some blood." I glanced around and frowned as I didn't see any humans around. Great. I glanced at my wrist and sighed, bending down to his level.

"If I had a human around or if there was one nearby, I'd make you drink from it... but I'll just have to do," I told him and held out my wrist. He leaned in towards my wrist then bit down into it and started to drink my blood greedily. I winced and watched him curiously. I miss Paris.... He'll probably eat me when he gets back though. Ten years is a long time, and I practically bit him so many times when he woke me up after ten years. Donnie pulled back and looked up at me.

"I miss him too." Donnie told me and licked his lips. "That'll do for now." He mumbled. "Let's go find Charlie." I nodded and pulled my wrist back as I stood up, putting on a smile.

"Come on sweetie. Let's use this number," I told him and pulled up the number. "We can trace the phone or something."

"I know how to trace phones." He told me and grabbed the phone. He started to play around on the device for a bit before handing it back to me, a map lead us straight to a phone icon. "Follow that. Oh and it's night time here... which means he might be asleep... which means he is an easy target." He told me and laughed. I smirked then and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards where the map was pointing me.

When we arrive at the location it was in a fancy manor, modernize to it's perfection. There was a huge fountain outfront. He wasn't being too quiet at all... but there wasn't any indications that this was his home... just a random manor. Of course it was his though.... That's where his phone was. The whole front of the house was almost glass walled. So I could see straight into it almost... sort of like the Culluns house from Twilight. The lights were off from what I could see. It was a three floor building with a garage sitting under it. I smirked and looked at Donnie. "I wonder what kind of security he has up. Knowing him, he definitely does." I looked back towards the house. "Anyone awake inside to spill thoughts?"

"An old maid is knitting and watching television in her room." Donnie told me. "She's around eighty." I nodded and stepped into the yard, getting through the gate.

"Any way we can get her to let us know if it's safe inside?"

"It's safe." Donnie told me. "He just moved here. He hasn't put up his secutity system yet. He's still debating about staying here for a long enough period of time to want security." Donnie explained. "It's too easy." I nodded and looked at him.

"Want to wait outside, or do you want to help?"

"I'll stay and wait it out." Donnie decided. "If you need help, I'll come." I nodded and started walking, using my power to be invisible. I snuck in the front door and sniffed around for him, going up some stairs and eventually to the outside of a bedroom. I smirked and slowly started to open the door, stepping inside quietly. I snuck over to his desk where he had fallen asleep. I watched him for a few minutes before I grabbed his bedsheets and quickly got it some of it into his mouth, holding onto both ends and yanked him back out of his chair and into the floor. I stomped down on his ankle and heard it crack as the pressure made it fracture. I laughed darkly and started to tie his hands together with the sheets. He had woken up by then and tried to get away from me, letting out a scream of fear. He panicked then when he couldn't see his attacker. He slipped out of the sheets quite easily, using his speed to do so and then got to his feet but fell over, leaning against his desk for support.

"Damn." He husked then pulled out a gun from in a drawr and spun around, looking for signs of where he should shoot at. I stayed still and watched him before slowly walking over, not making a sound. When I got close, I snatched the gun away and shot him in his other leg. I threw the gun through the window then and leaned in, biting into his neck to drain him to the point where he would go unconscious. He let out a scream and grabbed a pancil off the desk and stabbed my shoulder with it then grabbed another, sticking it in my neck. "So you can disappear." He whispered, trying to keep his cool. He kneed me in my stomach before I had the chance to react and shoved me back. "It's a good thing I trained for something like this." He muttered. "Come after me again." He looked around the room for me, eyeing the pencils. "Richard." He muttered. "Your the only one..." He whispered then started for the door. He fell over and started to crawl towards it. I yanked the pencils out, growling towards him. He's so screwed once I have Paris back in my arms. I grabbed his foot and bit down into him harshly. I flipped him over to where he was on his back then started to break his fingers, smirking as I heard them crack. He screamed and tried to get away from me. "Go ahead and kill me Richard, you'll never get Paris back." He hissed towards me. "I hid him well... It's for the better good." I dropped the invisibility and glared at him.

"The better good?! You're really going to get it," I hissed in his ear and then ripped it off. "And I will find Paris." I stood up and grabbed his lamp, hitting him in the head with it and watched as he fell unconscious. I smirked and picked him up, taking him back outside to Donnie and looked at him. "We've got him. Let's secure a way home."