Accidentally Aged

Nikolai's POV:

Victor smiled down at me as we walked into a restaurant in Maine. "Nikolai, I have something to show you when this little field trip is over. It's really cool. I promise you'll love it. However, you have to behave in both the restaurant and your mother's family's home, got it? I will reward you well and get you a human you can drain and have all to yourself."

"Behave?" I asked him and frowned. "I don't get what you mean." I told him plainly. "Do you?" I asked The Demon that was standing right by me, Victor couldn't see him but I could. He shook his head. "Mommy? Define behave." I told her and grabbed her shirt, yanking on the bottom of it.

"It means you can't go acting out." She told me and pointed a finger my way. "Be sweet." I stuck out my tongue then.

"No." I muttered.

"You should throw food at your sister." The demon suggested to me. I giggled and nodded. I will throw food at Peyton.

"I'll behave~" I told Victor. In the best way I know how. Victor nodded at me and then held the door open for us, giving my mom a smile. Peyton walked in and sighed.

"Mom, do we have to meet my real dad? Can't I just forget them and be with you?"

"No, you aren't actually my child Peyton. I'm your aunt." Rose, my mommy told Peyton. I smirked. That's right Peyton...

"I'm her only child." I pointed out sharply.

"No one asked you, you little squid," she said and poked my forehead. "Besides, mom raised me and was taking care of me waaay before you were born. She's my mom too. I refuse to call her aunt."

"She's my mommy though." I hissed. I'm going to put snakes in her bed tonight.... That girl.... I hate girls. I narrowed my eyes towards her. "I can't wait to ship you back to your real parents." I growled. "Then I won't have to see you again."

"KNOCK IT OFF." Rose snapped towards me. She looked towards a waitress that walked over to us.

"Right this way, table for four?" The waitress asked and started off towards a table. My mommy replied with a simple yes to the pretty lady. I followed after my mom, holding her shirt and smirked towards Peyton. She exposed her fangs at me and looped arms with her then, showing off to me. I glared her down then let go of my mom. I don't need Rose anyways. I looked off towards the paintings hanging up on the walls and awed at them. I began to favorite one with a bridge painted in it. I liked bridges... because of the legends about trolls. We sat down then and Victor glanced at me before he looked out a window.

"Last time I was in Maine was ten years ago...." He murmured to himself and then ran his fingers over the tabletop. I grabbed one of the silverware wrapped up in a napkin then unfolded it and started to play with the silverware, entertaining myself as I tried to make a bridge.

"What can I get you to drink?" The waitress asked us.

"I'll have.... Hmmm..... Let me get a glass of water." My mom told the waitress and gave a smile. "With a lemon in it." I looked towards her and growled.

"I want blood." I explosed my fangs and giggled. "Lot's of it."

"Can I get some vodka?" Victor asked her. "Extra strong... In fact, just bring me the bottle."

"What's the age requirement for wine over here?" Peyton asked curiously.

"She'll have a coke." Rose laughed out and looked towards Peyton. "I told you, no wine." She pointed a finger towards her and I smirked.

"Peyton's in trouble." I hissed and felt the demon grab my shoulder and start to rub it. I let out a purr and shrunk in my chair. Peyton pouted and pulled out her phone, starting to text her friends on it. Victor glanced at me curiously. I looked towards Victor then grabbed my fork, starting to make airplane noices as I crash landed it on his shoulder. "Kaboom." I muttered and smirked. He laughed and took my fork from me and placed it on the table.

"Alright now, you are getting to where I won't take you."

"I'm not doing anything." I muttered and narrowed my eyes. I noticed the waitress had left the table then. I looked around for her then relaxed as the demon gripped my shoulder and pulled me back against the chair.

"You better stay still." The demon purred in my ear. "I'll get you if you make a scene in here."

"Mom, my friends are having a party tomorrow. Can I go?" Peyton asked excitedly and looked up at her.

"What kind of party?" Rose asked her softly.

" It's totally not a party with older vampires and humans to feed off of."

"No, you can't go." Rose sighed out. "You are only thirteen." She told her. "Wait five more years and then I will let you do whatever you want." She smirked. "I'll even join you."

"You'll join me?" She perked up and reached across the table, grabbing Rose's hand and squeezed it. "For real?!"

"Of course." Rose smiled. "Five years goes fast for purebloods too." She told her and rubbed her hands. "But you should enjoy the time you have being young." She told her then looked at me. "You too squirt." I frowned and crossed my arms.

"He's not a squirt. He's a squid. He is getting into everything constantly. It's like he has eight arms, so he's a squid." Peyton smirked at me. The demon let me go then and I glared her down. I began to sit up and grabbed one of the sugar packets along with my spoon and started to poor sugar into it.

"I'm gonna get her..." I muttered and then flicked the spoon, aiming the sugar towards her. It went flying across the table then and hit her right in the face, sugar slattered everywhere. She hissed at me then and exposed her fangs, going to lean over the table to get me. I yelped and backed up a bit, the demon grabbed my shirt and pulled me against the chair even more to save my skin. I was saved though by the waitress. She came over with out order and placed it around the table.

"Oh, I forgot to give you guys your menu." She handed us an electronic menu. "I'll be back in a bit." She promised and then looked towards Peyton then at me. "Need a napkin?" She asked us and gave us a hand full of them. She left us at that, going to another table. Peyton glared me down and then sat back in her seat, taking her drink and sipping on it.

"You got lucky," she muttered and then set her drink down, playing with her hair. Victor laughed a bit and looked at me.

"You've got good aim," he whispered to me out of Rose's earshot. "Be more careful about how you get her back, but don't let her push you around either." I heard my mother giving us a lecture but I didn't pay it any attention as I looked towards Victor.... I kind of like him now.... A little.... He's still a crazy cell guy.

"I don't need advice, old man." I told him and took my glass of blood and started to gulp it down.

"Mhmm, but you need to learn how to be a Russian prince from someone," he purred to me. "You're going to one day have my title if something happens to me."

"I don't want you filthy title. I'm a French man and I will take the French title as Prince. I don't want your Russian parade." I smirked towards him and then hear the demon laugh over my shoulder. "France is the only land I want."

"I thought you wanted to rule the world," he teased and then showed me a map on his phone. "That's France, and that's Russia," he purred in my ear. I noticed how much bigger Russia was than France. I widened my eyes and sat up a bit, interested. The demon growled.

"I chose you to rule my land, don't go getting any ideas." The demon hissed. "I want you focused on France. You can have Russia later. France first." I waved the demon off as I looked the map over.

"That's your birthright," Victor whispered as he pointed to Russia. "You'll become a Russian prince before you'll become a French prince. You'll have to go through Paris and then your mother in order to rule in France. With Russia, I just have to decide to pass it over." I looked him over, judging him....

"He's not just going to hand his title down to you." The demon purred. "You'll have to kill him." I handed the map back to Victor.

"I'll get your country later." I told him and went back to my glass of blood.

"Well, you already have a castle that belongs to you. Though... your mother has told me not to let you have it just yet," Victor mumbled and drank his vodka. I looked him over, thinking about how I spit in his face before. I laughed and took another sip of my blood. He's sooooo.... going to get it when I am older.... I'll steal it all from him.... I don't even have to get approved by him.

"Honey, I want you to focus on a meal." My mother told me and handed me an electronic menu. "Pick one out sweetie and then tell me what you want." I frowned and started to look through the menu, going towards the meal for kids and decided on the chicken nuggets.

"Mom, I want the chicken nuggets." I told her and handed it back to her. "Don't mess my order up."

"Show her a little respect kiddo," Victor told me and laughed. "That's your mom and you only get one."

"Bug out of it." I told him. "You aren't my parent."

"Actually," he started and smirked, leaning in towards my ear. "I'm your real father."

"Mom, has junior here taken his meds?" I asked and then snarled towards Victor, warning him away from me. "Why is he here?"

"He told you." Rose told me as she looked through her menu. She didn't even look at me. I frowned. My mother.... and.... a crazy guy? I looked Victor over then giggled.

"Nu-uh." I shook my head. "I don't believe it."

"Believe what you want. The tooth fairy isn't real either," he told me and shrugged. "Neither is Santa Cla-"

"SANTA CLAUS ISN'T REAL?!" Peyton looked at him in shock. Rose glared Victor down then.

"Santa Claus is real. So is the Tooth Fairy. They are all real if you believe." My mom told us.

"The tooth fairy isn't real mom, there is actually little men that come to get your teeth instead and leave you coins in exchange... and when you loose your last tooth, they eat you." I told her. "I'm never going to get old, because aging is for the dying." I took a sip of my blood then and looked around the table at their faces. Victor shrugged.

"Eh... He's got a few more years to be smart. He'll get there," he told himself and then finished his vodka. "Man... I need another." I heard the waitress stumbling back over towards the table and gave a smile.

"Okay, ready to order?" She asked. My mom nodded and ordered for herself and me. Victor ordered some kind of steak, and Peyton got a salad. "Got it." The waitress said and walked off, humming some pop tune under her breath. I frowned and then looked at my mom.

"Can I have my tablet?" I asked her, looking towards her purse for it.

"No, you've been grounded from it." My mom told me and smirked. "Learn to live without it." I shrunk in my seat then.

"Oooooh! You're grounded! HA!" Peyton stuck her tongue out at me and smirked.

"Peyton, don't tease your brother so much." My mom defended me. "That's probably why he acts the way he does." I looked towards Victor and then started for his pockets, deciding to go through them. He watched me with interest as I pulled out a knife, a vial of powder, and other dangerous looking things. I left everything in his pocket, except for the vial of powder... that interested me. I looked it over then tried to open it up.

"What's this?" I asked him and held it up to his face. I was too curious about it now. Who would have a vial of powder in their pocket.... Why is he even claiming to be my father? I don't have or need a father... I just need my mother... and even then... I don't need her.

"Hmm, you're too young, and you'd use it on your sister," he told me and took it back, putting it in his pocket. "Sorry, I'll tell you when you're older." I groaned and went for something else in his pocket. He watched me and then slipped his phone into my lap, a game pulled up. "If you're quiet, you can play this," he whispered to me and started to relax in his seat, humming an unfamiliar tune under his breath. I looked down at it then started to play the game he had let me play, finding it entertaining.

After a bit, the waitress came back with the food and started handing it to each of us. Victor smiled at her and then went to take a bite of his steak. I put the phone aside and looked towards my food and grabbed one of the fries that my mother had side ordered for me and took a bite, humming as I done so.

"Need any sauce?" She asked us.

"Yeah, ranch." I told her. She nodded towards me and went to walk off. I swallowed the fry after eating it and grabbed one of my chicken nuggets, beginning to eat it. The waitress came back almost as soon as she left and handed me a bowl of ranch and smirked.

"There sugar." She told me and was gone once more. Peyton started to eat her salad and moaned at the taste.

"I love it...." She murmured and then grabbed her coke, taking a sip.

"Hahaha, good." Rose told her, my mom looked pretty pleased with the meal. I looked towards my meal, sort of wishing I could have a human instead. This was nothing compared to a human. I finished up my nugget then grabbed my blood, taking a sip from it. Victor glanced over and smirked a bit before taking another bite of his food.

"You should try a steak next time," he mumbled to me.

"Nu-uh." I told him and then took a bite from my fries. "I like this, chicken is better then steak." I told him and smirked. I suddenly started to feel ill then and dropped my fry I had in my hand and curled up in my seat.

"Nikolai?" Victor frowned and turned to look at me. "What's the matter?" He asked and looked worried as he glanced from the food to me. Peyton widened her eyes.

"Oh my gosh... the squid is sick?! Are you ok?! I take back all the mean things I said! Don't die!" She leaned across the table and brushed my hair out of my face. My mother glanced up at me from her plate and looked confused.

"What's wrong Nikolai?" She asked me. I felt the Demon grab my shoulders and then tugged on my shirt.

"MAKE YOURSELF PUKE!" The demon hissed towards me. "The food is poisoned!" He shook me then in worry. I heard the waitress running up to me then and shrieked.


"YOU WHAT?!" Victor turned on her then. "WHAT KIND OF WAITRESS MIXES UP THE ORDERS?! I want to speak to your manager!" He growled at her and exposed his fangs.

"I can't help that the meal looked the same." The waitress pouted. "I'll go get Xandria though. Don't kill me~" The waitress disappeared for the kitchen then. I looked up towards the signs around the restaurant then and rushed for the men's room before they could see what I was doing. The demon was hot on my trail with worry as I felt like I was going to puke, my body was all sweaty.... iky.... Victor started follow then, keeping his distance. I rushed into the men's room and went to one of the stalls, locking myself inside. The demon appeared inside with me as I leaned over the toliot and felt like puking. He grabbed the back of my neck and started to massage it for me.

"It's okay, I'm here Nikolai." The demon purred. I felt my skin crawling then.

"Get away from me." I told him and pushed him away as I fell towards my knees. My bones began to ache and... stretch.

"Niko?" I heard Victor call from outside the stall. "Niko, is everything ok?" I panicked as everything began to stretch and my clothes started to rip.

"Nu-uh, don't come in here." I told him and then shoved the demon through the stall wall so he wasn't going to be witnessing anymore. "Stay out!" I hissed towards them both.

"O-ok.... Do you want me to go get your mom? I can tell her to stand outside the door," Victor offered me.

"I don't need my mom." I mumbled and started to feel light headed. I laid down on the floor then and looked up at the ceiling, feeling dizy as my whole body ached. I heard him go over to the sink and turn it on, washing his hands.

"Alright, but as soon as you want help, let me know," he told me and laughed. "You aren't puking, are you?" I curled up into my self, as I kept feeling these funny tingles all over my body.

"No...." I whispered. "I don't like chicken anymore."

"Told you steak was better," he muttered. "You should've gotten the steak." I let out a yelp when something snapped, like a bone.

"Victor!" I cried out in fear.

"Niko?" He walked back over to the stall door. "What was that noise?"

"I don't know." I panicked. "Everything is stretching." I mumbled.

"May I come in?" He asked softly.

"No." I muttered. "But you could."

"Very true...." He appeared beside me and looked down then widened his eyes. "Whoa... You aren't six anymore," he mumbled to himself. "Nikolai, you're aging...and growing."

"Make it stop!" I panicked. I grabbed at his arms and felt another snap. "I want to go home."

"This is why you don't eat in Las Vegas... but I didn't know Maine was on that list," he muttered and looked me over. "I can't stop it. You're going to have to wait it out." He bit into his wrist then and held it out to me. "It might ease the pain." I nodded towards him and grabbed his wrist, I bit down into it then began to drink his blood.

"This is why you only drink blood." I heard the demon say in the other stall. Victor watched me closely and shook his head.

"I was hoping to do more things with you while you were small.... Your mom is going to be pissed." I looked up towards him and narrowed my eyes. I'm the one that's pissed.

"I'm happy, we can take over the world now. Your at that age." The demon purred from the other stall. "I'll start making plans."

"Don't look at me like that. I know you're upset. You are aging faster than you should be," Victor growled at me. I growled back and bit down into him harder for a laugh, watching him yelp from it. He winced and almost pulled back, but he didn't. He looked away from me and bit his bottom lip. After a few minutes, I felt the tingling stop and my body stopped stretching. I pulled away from Victor to look it over, I definitely need new clothes. I frowned and pulled my long legs closer to me. "I'll get you something to wear, just stay here," Victor whispered and disappeared from my sight. He came back two seconds later with a shirt and a pair of pants. "These are mine, but you can wear them till Rose can take you shopping." He gave me a smile and handed them to me. I nodded and reached out for them. The demon stepped in then and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet. I could tell Victor could see him now due to the reflection in his eyes. The demon smirked.

"I got it from here, Victor." He said and snatched the clothes. He shoved Victor out of the stall and closed the door then looked towards me. "I think I like you this tall." He told me and smirked. "Put these on, or do you need some help?"

"I hate demons," Victor muttered from outside and walked back over to the sinks.

"Most demons hate you too Victor." The demon spat back and laughed. He looked towards me and looked me over.

"Stop looking at me." I grumbled and pulled off the last bit of clothes I had left. "Perv." I grumbled and snatched the pants from him and tried to put them on but almost fell over. "AAH!" I blushed as I stumbled into the wall.

"Niko?" Victor called, sounding worried again. "Everything alright in there or do I need to perform an exorcism on your friend?"

"I'm fine." I mumbled.

"I'll dress you." The demon purred and then snatched the pants back. "Hold onto me." He told me.

"You know.... Sometimes you can be fun... but you are embarrassing me now." I grumbled and grabbed his shoulders as he helped me into the pants.

"You are sometimes cute." The demon said back. "Then other times... I wish I had chosen Donnie instead of you." He teased and started to button up my pants. "But I know you will be a fine ruler one day."

"I texted your mom what happened," Victor informed me.

"WHAT!?" I looked towards the door. "TRAITOR! I didn't want her knowing just yet." I narrowed my eyes as the demon slipped the shirt over my head then opened the door for me. I walked over and started for Victor. He laughed as he saw me.

"Well... you definitely went through puberty if you still aren't going through it.... Come here. Your mom will freak if she sees you have a beard already." He gestured me over and pulled out his knife. "I won't cut you, I promise."

"I'll be here to kill him if he does." The demon promised me. I stumbled over towards Victor, still getting use to my new height and grabbed onto the sink. I lifted myself up onto the counter then waited on Victor, giving him a frown. He smiled and then went to start shaving the hair off. He tilted my head as he wet his blade and scraped it across my skin. He didn't cut me once during the whole process. When he finished, he smirked and moved back.

"Not a sign of hair left on your face." He pulled me down from the sink then and set me on the ground. "Come on, let's get you back to your mother. I'm sure you don't want to be left alone with just me and the demon over there." He gave me a friendly smile and started to walk towards the door, holding my arm to keep me balanced. I leaned against him, hearing my demon complaining about him holding me up. I looked over my shoulder at him and hissed. "If you are really that upset that he is holding on to me, you should've been a better demon and not have let him eat it," Victor shot at him. "Shouldn't you know these things- when things are poisoned or altered?"

"No." The demon said quickly. "I can't interfere in that way unless he tells me to." He shrugged. I looked him over.

"Whatever." I muttered.

"You really are useless," Victor mumbled. "I don't see how Paris used to put up with you."

"I did more for him back when he had no sibilings... I was his pride and joy. He's my favorite." He smirked. "I can't help him though.... I'm helping Nikolai now."

"You're not loyal at all.... One day you'll leave Nikolai too," he mumbled beside me. "Don't trust demons," he told me and looked me in the eyes. "They seem great and all...but they'll sooner leave you in a pit than stay with you once they get what they want."

"I'm his great great grandfather. It's my duty to watch over my family. The food didn't harm him." The demon spat towards Victor. "Plus, I was going to make my moves to tell him not to eat it but.... He was just too fast for me."

"I think I can decide for myself on who I want to be friends with." I muttered. My mother flung herself at me then when she seen me.

"Oh baby boy~ We will get this reversed, I promise Nikolai." My mom told me and kissed my cheek then started to rub it. "Freshly shaved." She muttered and smelled my cheek. "Victor~"

"What?" He asked her and looked her way as he let me go.

"You shaved his face." My mother mumbled and kissed my cheek once more. "I had a long talk with the chief." She whispered to me. "We can get this reversed."

"Of course I shaved his face...." Victor started to walk towards the table. "Steak~" He purred out and started to eat it again as he sat down. I sat down by him then, managing to get away from her and curled up in my seat.

"Sit down mom." I motioned towards her seat. "I'll stay like this... I don't want to shrink."

"Are you sure?" Victor asked me, frowning. "You won't be a kid again. You'll have to start being more responsible."

"I don't want to shrink.... stretching hurt like.... hell." I muttered and watched them. "You can't force me back!"

"Well... I do admit that you and I can do more with you like this.... We could conquer a city or something right from under your uncle's nose," he purred to me.

"I don't want to do anything with you. There is no us. Only me." I told him and shook my head. I grabbed my glass of blood then took a sip from it.

"Hmm...Alright, if that's what you want," he said and shrugged. "I could care less at the moment. It gives me more time to spend with your mother."

"Don't you dare spend time with my mother. You are crazy." I pointed a finger at him.

"Honey, how do you think you was born?" My mom asked me. "Victor is your father and you'll have to face that."

"Besides, I can spend all the time I want with her. She's my doctor and we're your parents." He smirked at me. I frowned towards him.

"You aren't my father." I told him. "My last name is Grimm."

"But it's also Ivanov as well." He took a bite of his steak. "Rose, I'm going to go get Nikolai some of his own clothes while you are visiting your family. Meet you back at France? Or are we staying here for the night?"

"Hmm? I'm going back home. I don't want to be around just yet. It's kind of sad without my brother Paris. We'll go home." My mother told Victor.

"It's only Grimm." I muttered. "And I don't want you buying my clothes."

"Well too bad. You'll suck it up," he hissed at me and stood up, handing my mother some money. "That should cover the bill sweetie." He disappeared then. My mother snapped her head my way.

"Grow up. You are sixteen now." She told me and pointed a finger. "You've got to act it now." She got to her feet. I glared my mother down then looked towards the demon over my shoulder.

"Take me to my uncle's manor." I told him, knowing he could do it. He smirked and grabbed my shoulder then teleported us there.

"Here you go." He told me and let me go. "This is Grimm manor." He started off down the hall. This way to the livingroom." I frowned as I watched him walk down the hall.... He seemed so familiar with the place. I started after him then but stopped when I caught so many strange scents.

"Whoa~ What's that?" I wondered as I smelled something really sweet. "I want it." I whispered and started to follow the scent.

"Where are you- NO!" The demon appeared in front of me then and grabbed my shoulders. "No. That means death." He told me and spun me around. This path is the path to victory." He whispered in my ear and shoved me towards the way he wanted to go.

"Isaac~" I heard a cry from a few feet away from us. "There is a demon and boy in our mists~ He's not someone I know.... But he looks like Paris!" I heard the excitement rising up in the boys voice. "Isaac come look! It's the Grimm demon thing." A young man appeared in front of us then, but he looked more like a teenager honestly. He looked me over and then at the demon and let out a hiss, a tail twitching behind him.

"Hachi, don't get close to that one. I don't like the look of his tag along." He walked off towards the boy's voice.

"But he looks like Paris~ I wonder if that is his kid." Hachi suggested. "He's got another kid!"

"No." I told them. "I'm the son of Rose." I watched as Hachi's jaw dropped. "My name is Nikolai Grimm." I told him and started for him.

"Rose has a kid!" Hachi, the younger looking male seemed excited to hear. He appeared thirteen... The other male.... was around nineteen or so.... I eyed them over then sniffed their scents.

"Hachi is a cannibal." The demon told me. "He is also a wizard. His friend here is a little more complicated." He grabbed my shoulder and tried to pull me away. "I want you in the livingroom." He hissed.

"Whoa~ I'm making friends though." I complained. Isaac looked at the demon and narrowed his eyes.

"I think I'll tell Louis you're here," he muttered lowly and twitched his tail again.

"Go ahead." The demon purred. "He knows I can't get Paris unless he commands me too and I'm under a new master now." He laughed evilly. "Nikolai."

"I don't like you," he flat out told him.

"I like him." I told Isaac and exposed my fangs. "So, we don't want or need your opinion."

"Hachi, I don't like him either. Let's go." He grabbed Hachi's arm and kissed his cheek, trying to lead him off. "You don't want that one."

"That one?" I heard Hachi ask in confusion. "I wasn't wanting him anyways."

"I know you like the white hair of the Grimm family though," Isaac purred in his ear. "Let's go spend time with Louis. I heard he's making this new law. We should bother him and keep playing with him until he decides to do something fun."

"Come on." The demon tugged me away from the two interesting beings and into the livingroom where I found two boys curled up on the couch together in their embrace. One of them had wolf ears and a tail... like Isaac, but Isaac has cat features... The other male was younger. They both resembled me.

"Who are they?" I asked the demon, but he had disappeared on me. I looked around for him nervously. The one with the ears snapped his attention to me then nudged his friend.

"Grrr," he growled in irritation and then frowned, noticing that the wolf eared one was looking elsewhere. He looked towards me and widened his eyes. "Whoa... Are you related or something?"

"I'm Nikolai Grimm." I told them, eyeing them down.

"I'm Dannie Grimm... Paris's son." The wolf featured boy told me. "Come over here, it's okay." I frowned and walked over to them... They're related to me...

"I'm Quinton Grimm, the next alpha of the pack! I'm Louis's child," the other told me and smirked. "If you are going to pay respects... you should pay them to me first. Though, you don't have to. You are obviously related to me."

"I don't give respect." I told him and sat down in an arm chair. "I'm Rose's son." I told them.

"Rose!?" Dannie asked with interest.

"She's here?" Quinton looked around and sniffed the air. "Really?" He looked excited and got into the floor, transforming into a wolf and sniffed the air again, moving towards the door curiously.

"She's still eating out." I told him. "I ditched her." I shrugged. "Peyton is coming over too." I told them, thinking that they would probably know her. Quinton walked over to me and started to sniff my leg and then lightly put his teeth over it, laying down his ears. He let out a playful growl as he looked up at me in amusement. I snatched him up by his scruff then and held him up in the air as I got to my feet, giving him a growl. "Don't." I warned.

"Peyton's my sister." Dannie told me, not worried at all about his friend. Quinton growled at me and started to struggle, letting out a howl. "We're cousins!" Dannie told me quickly. "That's pretty cool, Nikolai. Who's your father?" I frowned and let the wolf go. I took my seat then.

"No one." I told him. "My mom is like the virgin Mary." The wolf jumped into my lap then and put his paws on my chest, growling in my face as he showed me his teeth. He went to nip my nose and stopped just short of biting it. I looked him over, not affected at all by him. The demon snatched him from me though and threw him across the room. "Awe, poor cat." I smirked. Quinton got up quickly, shaking his fur then let out a sharp growl, not playing this time. I could tell by the look in his eyes. He glared the demon down and got low to the ground, snarling as he stalked towards him. His ear twitched and he laid them back, his fur bristling. The demon disappeared then, not interested in playing today. I laughed and looked towards the wolf. "The family demon chose me to look after." I told them. Quinton looked towards me and then jumped up on the couch beside Dannie, curling up beside him and placing his head in his lap. He nuzzled Dannie's hand and wagged his tail.

"Oh cool~ He was watching over my dad, before you." Dannie told me. "It's all in his journals." I frowned as I watched them. Dannie began to rub Quinton's head. "Quinton is my mate."

"What?" I asked and tilted my head. "A mate? What does that mean?" Quinton untransformed and curled up beside Dannie, not caring that he was undressed.

"A mate... is kind of like a soul mate set out for you by fate- or at least that's how it was explained to me. It's like a mom and a dad," Quinton told me and smiled happily. "It's dating for the short and simple way of putting it."

"Oh~ Wait.... you two are both guys though." I pointed them over, finding it interesting.

"Well... your mate can be anything. A guy, a girl, a witch, a vampire, a werewolf, whatever," Quinton whispered. "You know as soon as you see them when your old enough."

"Witches and wizards don't have mates though." Dannie said and looked down at Quinton. "It's just something they don't have. Like most humans."

"I'm still only thirteen! I can't get it all right!" Quinton pouted at Dannie. "I tried, ok?"

"You did try." Dannie agreed. "It's cute." He looked towards me then. "I wasn't sure I would have a mate, due to be actually made in a lab.... but it turns out I can have a mate.... so if I can.... You can and so can a whole lot of others. Good luck Nikolai~ you probably will never find him or her.. I bet you end up gay. It's generic in this family."

"Hmm, yes, most of us are gay, aren't we?" Quinton whispered.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but are there any humans around? I have been shut up in my room," a girl said as she appeared by Quinton. He glanced up at her.

"Oh, you must be Raven. Dad- I mean Louis- told me to tell you that he had a human set up for you for when you got out of your room. He's... supposedly in the servant hall. His name is Devin. It shouldn't be hard to find him," he told her. She smirked and nodded.

"Thanks Quinton," she purred and then let out a giggle, bouncing off towards the door. I watched her with slight interest, getting this odd feeling about her.

"Raven?" I muttered. I wonder if she is related to me..... I turned towards Dannie and Quinton. "Who's Raven to us?" I asked.

"Family friend. She's been practically like family anyways from what I've heard. My father told me about how she used to stick to Paris's side since he came back from being buried underground. She was one of his top picks for war and stuff. Don't get on her bad side though. I heard that she tore up about ten guards in less than three minutes, and they were trained to contain her too." Quinton shrugged and looked towards the door. "She's strange."

"Strange indeed." Dannie mumbled.

"Oh! What about Hachi and Isaac, who are they?" I asked Quinton.

"Hachi is a cannibal wizard who happened to catch both my dad Louis and Uncle Paris before we were born. He marked them as his pets, and he's another family friend. Isaac is his last pet he got, and they are together- like romantic and all." Quinton laughed at that.

"They aren't mates though. I think it's cute... they seem like they could be mates." Dannie whispered towards me. "Hachi is really fun but watch out... he will either mark or eat you. He likes the white hair, you see?" He pointed towards my hair. "So he might not eat you."

"Though... He hasn't tried to eat Raven. He must think she's too insane to consider," Quinton joked. "She did just get out of that-"

"AHHHHHHH!" A scream cut him off and sent a shiver up his spine.

"She found Devin," he mumbled to himself as he calmed down and relaxed into Dannie.

"She's been in the crazy house." I whispered to myself. Just like Victor.... Nope, I'm staying clear of her now. I got to my feet, deciding I should go find Louis.

"Bye." I told them and went out of the livingroom, searching for the study, his study. I figured he'd have his own study and be in it... I started to go through all the doors, asking a few servants for help along the way. When I found the door, I pushed it open and walked in.

"Hm- Paris? Oh... You're not him... What a disappointment. I thought Richard may have found him," a guy sitting behind a desk said. He stood up and looked me over. "No, you are related though. I can smell it on you. Rose's child?" He smirked. I noticed how similar he looked to my mother. "I'm Louis."

"I'm Nikolai, Rose's child." I gave him a nod, feeling excited to meet him. After all... She loved to talk about Louis and Paris. He appeared right in front of me and smiled, holding out his hand.

"You are then.... How nice. I have a nephew from her," he whispered and seemed happy.

"How'd you guess I was her child?" I asked and smirked. I shook his hand then.

"You smell like her," he told me and then held onto my hand tightly. I caught a flash of him and a look alike with my mother. It switched over quickly to him and his twin on an island somewhere. He smiled at me and let go. I looked him over curiously.

"So Paris and you...." I trailed. "Identical." I whispered. "I hope Paris gets found." I told him, feeling bad. I knew he must be suffering from Paris's absence.

"It's alright. He'll eventually be found," he told me and brushed some of the hair out of my face. "Hmmm... you smell like the family demon too. He's been around you." He smirked and touched the side of my face and I got an image of him ripping out Louis's stone in a sort of dungeon room with Paris watching. I shivered and for the first time.... felt scared of the demon.

"He's been with me since I was born." I whispered softly. He nodded in understanding.

"I just want you to be careful of him. We all three could use him if we wanted, but that doesn't mean we should." He hesitated on moving his hand back like he wanted to show me something else but didn't.

"You can still use him." I whispered, curious about that.

"I refuse to most of the time. I... can't understand why someone would want to be near him honestly. He'd tear you apart if his favorite ordered it. He plays favorites. Trust me, I didn't want him to take my stone, and he did because he favorited Paris." He laughed at that. "It seems you are his new favorite though. He hasn't come to ask me to save Paris like he did last time." He touched my cheek again and I caught a glimpse of the demon ordering Louis to command him to save his twin. I got the feeling that Louis was fighting his twin at the time, feeling Louis's own emotions when it happened. He eventually ordered the demon to do it after he learned that vampire hunters were pumping his brother full of tar. Louis smiled at me then and moved his hand back. "He would've asked me to do so by now if he really wanted him back. He's not worried...."

"Because Paris is still safe." I told Louis. "Or else he'd be acting. He's not going to let something bad happen to Paris. Paris is fine... He's sleeping and the demon sees that. He's letting him sleep. He seen me coming." I smirked. "He had to make some room for love." I teased and grabbed Louis's wrist. "How do you do that memory thing?" He laughed then.

"It's sort of the opposite of my twin's power. When you age, you get powers as well. You should be getting some of your own soon. Paris could read minds, and I can project my memories. He absorbs and I send out," he explained. "Opposites."

"Oh~ I have a power." I told him then. "I can compel people to do things they don't want but I do. I have power over objects too, I can-" I looked towards the chairs in front of his desk and made them separate. "Move them." I looked towards my Uncle Louis. "I also can do a few other things. I'm still working on teleportation. I can manipulate images in mirrors. The demon said that his wife could do that, mirror manipulation." I bragged. He smiled then and watched me closely.

"You're going to be pretty powerful one day. Paris will enjoy meeting you. I'm sure he is going to murder our sister for having a child without him there, but... he'll love you," he mumbled and then pulled me towards the desk. "I'm surprised she didn't tell me herself. Did you come here alone?" He asked and gave me a smile. "The werewolves could have attacked you."

"The demon took me here. My mom will be coming by within the hour." I told him and shrugged. "I got Quinton in my lap." I told him. "He growled into my face if that counts for anything." I went towards his desk and sat down in one of the chairs. "Oh, and I know I will be powerful. The demon told me." Louis laughed and sat down beside me, studying me.

"Hmm... That boy of mine is turning out like his father. You should've seen him when he was little. You wouldn't be able to take him seriously now if you had." He smirked and touched my hand, showing me a memory of Quinton when he was three and chasing Dannie as a little pup, tackling him and nipping at his ears and tearing off his shirt.

"Do you think they knew they were mates then?" I asked Louis, pulling away from his hand.

"No, I'm sure they didn't. They didn't know the meaning of the word mate, and their bodies definitely weren't looking for their mate at the time. Quinton wanted Dannie as his beta but got him as his luna," he told me and laughed again. "But what about you? What have you been doing all this time?"

"I just recently gained ten years." I told him. "I'm actually six." I leaned in towards him. "Don't eat at Xandria's." He shook his head.

"That witch has good ratings... but she shouldn't have done that to you. Hachi himself went there a couple of days ago and loved it. I'm sorry to hear you lost your childhood though," he whispered and looked me over. "You were probably small enough for Quinton to easily squash though, so maybe it's not all bad."

"Well.... My childhood can be wasted away. I'll enjoy my teen years while I can." I slid down in the chair. "Nothing will interrupt these years."

"Louis, sir." I heard a servant say, entering. "Charlie has been found. Richard is bring him back with the help of Donnie. I thought you should know." Louis snarled then.

"Charlie better have that stone!" He got to his feet and then looked down at me. He touched my head and caught me up. Charlie had been the one to carry around his twin's stone and Riley- Charlie's twin- was the one that carried Richard who was Paris's mate. I saw all of his memories involving trying to capture them and get the stones back. He pulled away from me and looked at the servant. "How close are they to home?"

"They are coming from Japan. Give it... within the hour. Should I ready a cell? Or.... should we mess up your study." Louis thought it over and then looked at the servant.

"Ready a cell. He's not worth destroying my study over to torture... and I'm spending time with my nephew at the moment. Make the cell the one across from Riley's. I want them to be able to see each other but not be able to be with one another." He smirked at the thought and then sat back down.

"Right, good idea." The servant left us then to go do as he was told. I looked towards Louis.

"Do you think Paris is in Charlie?" I asked, sitting up then.

"No, I highly doubt he is. Charlie isn't an idiot unlike his twin." He sighed and shook his head. "It'll be a little bit longer until I have my twin." He looked at me and frowned. "It's worse for Richard though. His mate is missing. I at least have comfort from mine."

"Yeah... that must be tough." I told him and frowned. "Paris will be found soon though." I told him. "Charlie will cough up his coordinates eventually." He nodded and then smirked.

"Enough about Charlie. I want to know how much you know about being a vampire- a pureblood vampire. You say you recently became a sixteen year old? You need to be caught up on what you were supposed to learn. Here," he held out his hand to me. "I can teach you everything you should have learned up to this point at a single touch. It's up to you if you want to know everything you should have learned though. It's a short cut."

"I'll take the short cut and save myself hours of learning with -" I cut myself off before I could say Victor. I gave a smile and then grabbed his hand. I saw a flash of vampire history then- the revolution, everything. It was quick, but I got everything and it stuck. I was then moved on to what purebloods could do and couldn't do and all the other species out there. I was taught my numbers and math along with grammar and everything else that I was supposed to learn from a tutor. He looked at me and then shared with me what a mate was. I got a full understanding of it immediately, and he shared how he felt about his own mate with me to help me get what it should feel like to love another and to discover a mate. He taught me how to mark a mate as my own, to let others know that that person was mine, and he showed me how to create newborns. I pulled away from him then and shook my head. "Thanks, Louis." I told him and felt different... I wasn't a child anymore.

"I'm here!" I heard my mother say as she busted through the door. "Have you seen a boy about- NIKOLAI! You left me in the restaurant!" My mother snapped towards me.

"Hello Rose," Louis purred to her and stood up. "I was just explaining our history to him."

"ROSE! IT'S BEEN FOREVER!" The girl from earlier, Raven, appeared beside her and tackled her into a hug. "I missed you!"

"Oh! Hi Raven, I missed you too. I'm sorry we lost- uh contact." Rose told her. "I've been busy. Running the Asylum in France along with my castle." Rose told her.

"Hey, mom." I waved towards her, giving a small smile. "I didn't mean to leave you.... I just lost interest." Raven let go of Rose and bounced over to Louis, grabbing his hand.

"Can I have another?" She purred to him, giving him an innocent smile.

"No, you had your human for the week," he told her.

"THE WEEK?!" She pouted then and let go of his hand. "No fair."

"Raven, have you been taking your medication?" Rose asked and walked over towards Raven with interest. I could tell she was in her doctor mode now... she just needs a lab coat. Raven looked at her and shrugged.

"No, I feel fine. I don't need meds. I've never taken them before in my life, and look at me, I'm perfectly fine. Well...the hospital did make me take some, but they aren't going to make me take anymore," she said and smirked a bit.

"You should start taking something. How about- Did you know there is a pill that you can take to help with the hunger? I need to slip some into Nikolai's blood." I raised an eyebrow as I heard my mother's plans.

"No." I told her. "I'll go live with father." I hissed. Raven looked towards me.

"Who's that?" She asked curiously, just now noticing me.

"But really dear!" My mother tried for Raven's attention. "They'd really help you." She glanced back at her and frowned.

"No, I'm not taking meds. No offence, it's not you. I just don't like them.... Paris would never make me take them either," she muttered the last part.

"But then again Raven, you listened to him and obeyed him," Louis reminded her and patted her on the head. "You will deal with one human a week, ok? I'm trying to come up with ways to protect our food source from being killed off, and I don't need the manor being one of the things I have to tackle to protect them." She sighed and looked at him.

"Fine... I'll try."

"Oh yeah, your trying to pass a new law." I muttered towards Louis. Rose widened her eyes.

"I think that is adorable Louis! Paris would be horrified." Rose giggled. "He hates humans."

"Scum of the earth." I heard the demon hiss from behind me, but no one heard him besides myself.

"It's not that I am favoring their race," Louis told Rose. "I just don't want to be starving a century down the road."

"Right. If they die off then we will all end up unhealthy and become nothing but corpses." Rose agreed. "Try telling that to Paris." She teased him and started for me. "Why don't you go play with your older cousins?" She asked me.

"I'm older then most of them now.... besides Donnie. He's got me beat." I told her. I think Dannie is close to- he beat me by a year. "They aren't fun." Raven appeared beside me and looked me over.

"Your mom told you to go play, ha! You look like a young adult, and you still play?" She giggled and then looked at Rose. I growled then and grabbed her wrists. I tackled her to the floor in a heartbeat and snapped my jaws towards her throat.

"Yeah, want to play with me?" I husked out and then smelled her sweet scent, letting out a soft moan of delight. She looked at me and narrowed her eyes.

"If you want to keep your fingers, I would get off. I'm highly dangerous, but I don't wear a warning label very often," she joked and went to push up on my chest. I didn't budge off of her though.

"I wonder if you taste as sweet as your scent...." I whispered to her then bit down into her neck before she could react. She let out a small shriek and hit my chest hard, knocking the breath out of me.

"GET OFF!" She growled in my ear and exposed her fangs to me. I let out a laugh as I got a taste of her blood then bit down deeper into her.

"So delicious," I mumbled against her neck.

"Excuse my son.... He has a biting problem." Rose told Raven. "You can harm him to get away dear." Raven looked up at her then at me and bit down into my shoulder hard. I let go of her neck and let out a yelp.

"OWE!" I hissed and ripped my shoulder away from her. "Don't bite me while I am biting you!" I hissed towards her. "That's not natural." She looked up at me and licked her lips, a confused look her in her eyes. She glanced towards my shoulder then up at me and frowned.

"Don't what?" She asked, obviously having a hard time concentrating.

"Bite me." I told her and exposed my fangs. "Unless you want to die." I smirked. "I don't let people just go freely after biting me." She giggled then and stretched.

"Hmm.... That reminds me of that time I beat the snot out of that Brooklyn kid," she purred and then looked up at me. "I threw her off a building." I raised an eyebrow. Oh right... she's the kid from the crazy house.... I was supposed to be keeping my distance.... but her smell is intoxicating.

"Whatever." I told her and got to my feet. "Don't bite me again." I told her. "I think I will start keepin a jaw full of fangs from people that bite me." I decided. She giggled and sat up, watching me.

"I'll bite you if I want to bite you. You're my new favorite prey," she purred and stood up, dusting herself off.

"You mean predator?" I asked her and looked towards her. "The only one hunting will be me."

"Nuh uh," she said and giggled. Louis looked from her to me and frowned, nudging my mom. Rose looked towards Louis then towards me and then at Raven.

"Hey you two~ Let's not go hunting anyone." My mom began. "Let's be at peace."

"We are at peace." I told her and sat back down in my seat. The demon sat down in my lap then and leaned in towards my neck, licking it to make sure it heals. "Otherwise we would still be biting eachother." Raven giggled again and looked at me.

"So says the little bunny rabbit who will be snatched if he goes to the wrong side of the woods," she teased and bounced over to Louis and Rose, hugging Louis. I smirked from hearing the demon laugh.

"I'll kill her, smother her in her sleep." The demon suggested.

"No." I told him. "She's not worth it." I shrugged. "Get off my lap." I whispered towards him. He slipped off then and disappeared from my view.

"Hey Rose, when did you become so soft?" Raven asked her, putting her hands on her hips with a small smirk. "I remember when you would've laughed." Rose smirked and was behind Raven in an instant, grabbing her throat.

"Who says I went soft?" Rose, my mother teased. "I'm just chill." Raven grabbed her hands and flipped her over onto the floor, making her land on her back.

"Soft," she teased back and nudged her with her foot. Rose grabbed Raven's foot then and pulled her down, I could hear Raven's head hitting the floor with a heavy thud.

"Is the ground soft?" Rose asked and started to laugh as she got to her feet. "I had a kid, that doesn't mean I went soft." Raven sat up and rubbed her head, looking a little upset as she watched my mom.

"That hurt," she told her and then got to her feet. She paused and then giggled as she gave my mom an evil look. She disappeared and then reappeared on the desk with a glass of ice cold water and dumped it on Rose's head. She giggled and set the now empty glass down on the desk and hugged my mom as she hopped down. She quickly appeared by me before my mom could retaliate and leaned against the back of my chair, resting her arms on it. "So bunny rabbit, what do you do for fun?" She smiled sweetly at me and watched my mom closely. Louis glanced at Rose and laughed.

"Rose, I'll take you to get another change of clothes. You can use the showers if you'd like," he told her and grabbed her hand, making them both disappear as he moved them elsewhere. Raven let out a small sigh of relief and relaxed a little.

"Good, she can't get me back for that just yet," she whispered. I could smell her scent strongly from how close she was to me, and it made my mouth water just a bit.

"Would you back up?" I asked her, trying to sound annoyed. She looked down at me and narrowed her eyes.

"Why?" She took a step back though and watched me then shrugged and walked over to the windows, looking out of them.

"Because your smell is intoxicating." I told her and then adjusted myself in the chair, swinging a leg over one of the arms. "I watch cartoons." I told her. "For fun." I smirked. "Though..... I'm thinking about taking over." She giggled at that and looked back at me.

"Cartoons? Well, I guess I can't judge that. I watch anime, but those are better than cartoons in my opinion. I used to be a goddess before the vampires took over the world completely, so I know a bit about that kind of stuff with taking over the world. It's really fun. I had three cities of my own... and my smell is not intoxicating. I would've been eaten as a child if it was that precious smelling." She gave me a sweet smile and sat down on the windowsill.

"It's intoxicating to me." I muttered then realized something..... "Oh no... Louis...." I muttered. Louis found his mate irresistible... I looked towards her. "No." She frowned and watched me.

"What? Is something the matter? Did you forget something at home that you need?" She giggled at the thought and then looked out the window.

"I'm only six." I whispered, looking towards the ceiling. "What have I done to deserve this!?" I asked the fates. "I'm just six." I grumbled and then got to my feet. "I need to find those journals." I grumbled to myself, thinking I can comfort myself by reading Paris's journals and getting a better idea about mates. Richard and Paris have been together since childhood....

"You're a big six year old," Raven mumbled and watched me. "Hmm... If you're only six, I think I will let you grow up a bit more little bunny rabbit." She slid off the windowsill and into the floor, tracing her fingers against it with interest.

"I aged recently. Ten years." I told her and started for the door, not wanting to explain how that happened.

"That actually makes a whole lot of sense. You wouldn't have attacked me like you did if you had the maturity of the age you look unless you are like me," she whispered to me and watched me. "Bye~!" She gave me a smile and then laid out on the floor, tracing her fingers across it like she was drawing. I looked over my shoulder towards her before I started off down the hall.

"Unless if I find.... Richard and then I could ask him about it... but I still want Paris's ideal image." I muttered to myself.

"Paris?" I heard a maid ask me. "I haven't heard that name around here in years." The maid seemed old.... around sixty. "I knew him." I stopped then, getting interested in her. "He was a handsome young man.... but his mate Richard, we all feared him. We all knew better then to let Paris touch us or we touch him.... because if we survived... he'd kill us anyways. Richard that is." I shivered at the thought. "You didn't hear that from me though, young boy." I nodded towards her.... then I got the idea.... she survived. I pressed her up against the wall and leaned in towards her neck.

"Don't worry." I told her and bit down into her neck. What is this.... twenty.... nine? I laughed at the thought and licked up the blood that spilled from her neck.