Vile Beast

Nikolai's POV:

"LOUIS! I'M HOME!" I heard a man's voice shout from downstairs. Raven burst out of the room with excitement.

"Richard's here!" She giggled and ran down the hall towards the stairs. I pulled away from the female and licked my lips then started after Raven, wanting to meet this.... Richard. She ran all the way down to a front room where a dark haired guy stood with a broken form in chains. A white haired boy was beside him who looked exactly like Dannie except without the ears. Raven ran up to him and then stopped as she saw the chained up form. "Charlie," she hissed out and snatched him. She exposed her fangs. "We're killing him, right?" The dark haired guy looked at her with amusement and shook his head.

"No, but I will let you help me kill Rylie if you want to kill one of them," he told her. She smiled at that and nodded.

"Ok Richard," she purred and dropped Charlie on the ground with a thud. She stepped on his chest hard, making the air leave his lungs.

"Don't kill him." Charlie huffed out with his air. I walked up to them slowly. The white haired boy's eyes flickered towards me then gave me an amusing smile.

"I like you." The white haired Dannie look a like told me. "You look like Paris, my dad." Richard glanced up at me and frowned.

"Did we have a kid I didn't know about?" He asked, looking at the look alike. "Donnie?"

"No. I'm not your kid. I'm a child of Rose. My name is Nikolai." I explained.

"Bastards." Charlie hissed towards us. "You are all heartless monsters."

"YOU FREAKING CAUSED A WHOLE LOT OF TROUBLE! DON'T EVEN START CHARLIE!" Raven shouted at him and exposed her fangs at him. "Your brother... shot me... in the shoulder!"

"I was trying to prevent a war." Charlie hissed out. "I'm not the one that started all this mess. I'm just finishing it. You'll never get Paris's stone back." I smirked and walked up towards him.

"So you are the little devil that has my uncle's stone?" I asked and smirked. "Ainsworth? I like it. It's a good name. I think I'll enjoy watching your death." Raven looked at me and smirked.

"If you eat him now, I'll promote you from little bunny rabbit to kitty cat," she purred at me.

"Honey, I'm a tiger." I told her and exposed my fangs.

"Please get off of me. I still have some healing bones." Charlie complained.

"You're a tiger? That's not fair! I was gonna be a tiger!" Raven pouted. "Besides, if anyone is a tiger around here, it's Hachi."

"No, Hachi is your worst nightmare... especially when he finds another girl in his spot." I heard from behind me. I turned to see Hachi leaned up against the wall. "Hey Richard~ I like what you brought to the kill table. Let's light him up in the electric chair a few times and give him some Einstien hair."

"Hey Hachi!" Raven smiled innocently at him. "I'll give you the eyes if I get the blood," she told him.

"No one is eating him," Richard stated and picked Charlie up. "You can eat Riley."

"Richard~" Charlie whispered towards him. He started to lean in towards his neck for a bite to eat. "I want some~" He muttered. "How about I let you join your mate?" He laughed then. Richard narrowed his eyes and dropped him in the floor.

"I changed my mind. Eat the scum," he said, glaring down at Charlie. "He's trash."

"You are the one that is mated to trash." Charlie spat back. "He's the worst thing for this planet and you know it... but you want him back?! He wants nothing but for everything to die. He's going to kill all the humans.... the hunters... the other supernatruals.... the vampires.... the purebloods... and then you. He'll kill you off too." Raven giggled at that.

"You got that wrong silly," she told him. "He couldn't kill Richard. He's his mate~! It'd literally almost kill Paris if he did it! Now, I don't disagree with the fact that he's going to kill off the vampire hunters, but good riddance! They're nothing but trouble! You were fun before you turned out like the other hunters." She leaned down and got on her knees, biting into his neck. "I'm going to eat you!"

"You are all mad!" Charlie hissed out. "Go ahead and kill me though. You'll be one step back from finding Paris." Raven pulled back quickly and spat his blood out.

"Ewww! I just remembered who your mate is! Gross! I can't believe your blood touched my tongue! Agghhhh," she groaned out and started to spit all of it out. "What if you drank from him recently?! I'm screwed if I swallow!"

"Hm?" I asked with interest.

"Dante is Charlie's mate and he can.... well.... He can control others for as long as his blood is in their system... and he's also an ex of Raven's." The white haired male told me. "It's Donnie." I nodded towards him.

"Cool.... A bit of spicy drama." I whispered. Charlie shoved Raven off of him then. She spat some of his blood into his face.

"Take it back! Take it all back you little hellion! You sleep with Dante!" She kicked at him and went to crawl away. "Where's my toothbrush?!"

"In your bathroom." Charlie spat back and licked up the blood that was on his lips. "Mhm, a bit of Raven saliva to go with it."

"Screw you! I'm going to get you!" Raven spun around and went after him, grabbing his wrists as she dug around her pockets and pulled out a knife.

"Make sure to stab my heart." Charlie winked at her. "Then I'll be dead." She let out a growl and stabbed him in the stomach.

"You're gonna die painfully and slowly," she hissed at him. "That's what you get for contaminating yourself with that devil."

"What devil?" Charlie asked. "I don't know a devil. The devil doesn't exist. Dante isn't a devil. He's goddly." Charlie exposed his fangs.

"Let me kill him, please! I beg you Richard!" She looked up at him, but he shook his head.

"No, but put him on the brink of death. I don't want to hear his screams when I'm trying to sleep, and he'd do it to annoy us." Raven smirked and looked down at him, slitting his wrists. Charlie looked down at his wrists but didn't seem to care.

"Are you mad?" He asked Raven. "That I took the twins from you? My family snatched them away. You'll never see Paris again." He gave a playful pout. "Especially once you kill me." I walked over to them then and grabbed Raven's shoulder and tugged her away. I looked down at Charlie and smirked.

"I can make you tell and then we will kill you off. I want the first bite." I looked towards Richard. "Want to watch someone scream?"

"I told you I would like him." Donnie whispered.

"We would all love the first bite, but we can't because if Dante found out we drank from him, he'd make us walk off a tall cliff and he'd be waiting at the bottom to cut us up into pieces and throw us into a fire," Raven told us, looking up at me innocently. "Besides, I had the first bite."

"Technically Richard did." Donnie told us.

"No fair." I whispered. "I'll get him to talk though." I looked towards Charlie. Charlie looked like he was close to passing out on us again. He wasn't healing either... it was odd. Charlie was made a vampire, Louis had explained that to me with his visions. So if he was made a vampire then he should be healing from the wounds given to him.... but he's not. Maybe he's low on blood. "He needs more blood." I muttered. "He's not healing." I looked towards Richard to see what he would want to do. He studied Charlie for a minute and sighed, kneeling down beside him.

"Charlie, you're going to get a small amount of blood, but you'll have to make it last because you'll only get a cup a week until it's time," he told him and then bit down into his wrist. He held it above Charlie's lips, letting it drip into his mouth. Raven pouted a bit and curled up.

"That's not fair Richard.... He almost could have killed you, Paris, and me," she whispered.

"We can't get Paris back if he's dead," Richard reminded her. "It's best to tolerate him until then. After that, we will discuss ripping him to shreds."

"Heh." I crossed my arms as I watched Richard. "If he bites you, I'll kill him." Charlie's eyes narrowed my way then he looked up at Richard and pushed his wrist away.

"Don't give me your blood." Charlie hissed. Richard smirked and he grabbed Charlie by the throat then forced him to drink his blood.

"You'll drink what I give you, you ungrateful brat. Does it disgust you? Betraying the hand that feeds you? Paris should've driven you and your family out a long time before any of this happened. He'd be here with me if he hadn't have been kind hearted. You're the true monster," he spat out into his ear. Charlie squirmed under Richard and let out a whimper. I raised an eyebrow as I watched them. Charlie grabbed onto Richard's hand around his throat and tried to get him off. He tightened his hand around his throat then tossed him away towards Raven. "Raven, I want you and Nikolai to take him down to the dungeon. There, you two will interrogate him. I have more pressing matters to attend to," he told us and stood up, licking his wrist clean. "Donnie, let's go select a team to start searching for Paris's stone for when we get more information from Charlie here."

"Sure." Donnie told Richard. "I'm surprised you aren't going to interrogate him yourself. You got him to whimper."

"Fuck you," Charlie spat out Richard's blood all over Raven's feet but his language was aimed towards Richard. I walked over to him then and grabbed a lock full of his hair and pulled his head over to a wall then slammed it up against it.

"Don't speak that way towards my Uncle." I hissed in his ear. "Now lets go play in the dungeon." I purred and started to pull him in the direction, using Louis's memories to help me.

"Who the fuck do you think you are~" Charlie struggled in my arms but I took him by the ear and pulled on it.

"Your new friend." I told him and laughed evilly.

"And he's my toy as well," Raven told Charlie. She giggled and caught up, bouncing ahead of us. "So what shall we use? How about...pliers? Those were Dante's favorites with his prisoners? Would you like a taste of it Charlie? I know exactly how he tortured his victims!" She glanced back at us with an evil smirk.

"I don't even know where Paris is." Charlie hissed.

"You are the one that had him last." I told him. "Now, we'll want to know everything from point A to point Z. Start telling us."

"No." Charlie groaned and tried to get his ear free. "I can't let anyone get that stone."

"Well, I think we will use all the fun torture devices downstairs! I like to play, I hope you do too Charlie. I'm only six after all." I purred.

"THERES NO WAY IN HELL YOU ARE SIX!" Charlie said in disbelief. "GROW UP." Raven looked at me thoughtfully.

"That makes so much sense though.... Your blood tastes too young for a sixteen year old," she whispered to herself and then appeared in front of Charlie, snatching him up. "Wanna know a secret?"

"Not really." Charlie said, sounding tired. "Kill me."

"I've been waiting to kill you for awhile now, but the only reason you aren't dead yet is because we want Paris back. You can die when he's safely here in Richard's hand," she whispered to him. "I'll make your death quick if you tell us where...."

"You wont get that information out of me." Charlie was stubborn. I frowned and looked towards him. When we got down to the dungeon, I had Raven strap Charlie down on a table. We had the guards tie him down to it. His arms was strapped to his side and his legs were strapped down as well. I looked around at the play toys laid out on tables and picked up a tracking device gun, then walked over to him and shot him with it. Now, if he somehow gets away from us we can track him down.... I placed the gun aside and gave Raven the plyers while I got a bucket to place near the table. I skimmed over the equipment in the room and smirked when I seen an old electric-shock machine.... It felt like I was in an asylum. I grabbed a scalpel from off the table then walked back to Charlie, going towards his face to start the adventure there. Raven glanced up at me and smiled a bit before she looked down at Charlie, opening his mouth up.

"How about we get rid of those nasty fangs of yours, hmm?" She purred to him and then ripped one out, holding it up. She giggled and looked down at him, dropping it on his chest as she went for the next one. Charlie cried out in pain and tried to get away from her, struggling to break one of the straps. I smirked as I seen his struggles then helped open his mouth up wide for her, watching as blood gushed out onto my hands.

"Next one." I hissed in his ear. "Tell us where Paris is, and we'll let you keep it." Charlie made no sign though that he was going to tell us. "Too bad." I told him and looked towards Raven. She giggled and put the plyers on his teeth with a smirk.

"You know, I've never had my fangs ripped out Charlie. Mind telling me how it feels?" She teased and then ripped it out, dropping the second one next to the first one. "I think the fingers are a good idea!"

"How'd that feel Charlie?" I asked him. "Do you feel degraded? Do you feel like scum now? That's what you are scum.... You better give up Paris or we'll take everything from you.... even your dignity. We're going to have fun with you." I smirked and ripped off his shirt, tossing it to the side.

"I'm not telling you anything." Charlie spat through the blood.

"Awe, that's too bad." I told him and then picked up my wonderful little scalpel and went towards his eye with it. "I'll cut these out and give them to Hachi, so he can eat them." I suggested. Raven looked at me in amusement then grabbed his hand and played with a finger, stretching it back further than it should go.

"I wonder how long it will take before I can break it off like a twig?" She hummed out to herself and then snapped it off. "Whoops~!" Charlie let out a hiss towards her then eyed down the scalpel as it neared his eye, I could see slight fear in them. I paused.

"Want to tell us?" I asked him.

"Never." Charlie hissed towards me. I smirked and then stuck the scalpel into his eye, popping one out. I placed it by his head. He tensed up then and tried to hold in a scream. His breathing started to quicken and I could hear his heart pounding in his chest.

"Where's Paris?" I asked him and started to edge the scalpel to his other eye. "Is he inside you?" I asked curiously. "In a bag perhaps? Should I cut you open?" I smirked at the thought.

"Ooooh~! I'll do it!" Raven leaned over Charlie, reaching for the scalpel. "Please~!" She begged me. She gave me a cute look as she glanced from my eyes to the scalpel.

"Go get one off the table." I told her and then slipped the scalpel under Charlie's eye and popped his last one out. I heard him let out a shriek. "I'm done." I tossed her the scalpel and went to pick out a new toy. I heard her giggle as she caught it.

"I should keep one of these!" She pressed down on his stomach with it and looked up at him. "Wanna tell me? Or should I play surgeon?" She smirked and then dragged it across his bare tummy teasingly, not cutting him but letting him get the idea. I heard Charlie struggle then in the straps. I walked over towards the equipment and ran my hands under so torture devices.

"Play surgeon." I told her as I hummed softly, humming what Victor had hummed to me earlier. She glanced up at me and frowned a bit.

"I recognize that from somewhere," she mumbled and then glanced Charlie over. "Let's see how much I remember anatomy~!" She giggled and pressed the scalpel into his side, digging it in. He shrieked out in pain, unable to keep it in as she twisted the scalpel in his wound.

"Better tell her Charlie." I told him as I kept humming the tune then walked over towards the ferniest and pulled out a hot iron rod and started walking towards him. The rod had a symbol at the bottom that represented the Grimm family, which was going to be very funny on Charlie. Raven glanced up then smirked.

"Hey Charlie, you're getting a new tattoo~! It's the symbol of the Grimm family~! You should put it on his back. Backs are sensitive," she told me and gestured him over. "Right over the spinal cord!"

"I was going to put it on his chest so when he looks in the mirror, he'll be reminded he is our bitch." I told Raven.

"He doesn't have eyes anymore," she reminded me and pouted. "I don't know if those grow back.... Hey Charlie, do eyes grow back in vampires?" She asked him and looked towards him. "You should know. You've tortured countless of our kind before. Well... we could always look it up if you don't want to tell us."

"They grow back." Charlie said weakly. "Sometimes...." I smirked and then slammed the hot iron against his chest on the left side. He let out a scream since I didn't ready him for it. Raven giggled and hummed to herself.

"I love the smell of sizzling Charlie in the afternoon," she joked and then pressed the scalpel into him again, starting to cut him open. Charlie laid there, seeming like he was defeated. Maybe he was just listening to his flesh sizzle. I didn't pull away until the smoke stopped coming off his skin and I put the rod back in the ferniest. I started to hum that tune again, it was just stuck in my head. I looked over the torture devices for another toy. Raven frowned as she looked him over and dropped the scalpel. "It's no fun if you don't scream Charlie... I'll have to find something else..." She glanced him over and then around the room. "I kinda want to break your you can't run. You'll have to crawl like the little insect you are."

"Fuck you." Charlie hissed. "That stone will never be found." He said through his bloody mouth. I picked up a whip and then looked around the room. I seen cuffs hanging down from a wall, shackles. I smirked and then looked at Charlie.

"What to play another game Charlie?" I asked him and then looked at Raven, showing her my new toy.. Her eyes widened and she started to look excited.

"Ooh~! I like that game~ Let's play that game! Charlie, you want to be hung by your feet or your wrists?" She looked at him as she clapped her hands together. "Your pick!"

"Let's hang him by his feet." I told her. "That way all his blood will rush to his head." She thought it over then nodded.

"Mkay, no more pick for you Charlie. You took too long!" She started to unstrap him slowly, watching for a reaction. She seemed to be expecting him to get up and take off, even hoping for it. Probably to give her something to chase. He stayed on his back though and didn't move. I placed the whip down and walked over to him, grabbing his feet.

"Ready the shackles." I told her." I felt Charlie try to pull his feet from me then and I pulled him off the table kickly, having his head slam against the concrete floor with a hard thud. I started to drag him towards the shackles and seen his head was beginning to bleed from the impact of the floor. "Whoops." Raven appeared beside the shackles and tested them by pulling on them, satisfied when they didn't break. She looked towards me and then at Charlie with a blank look.

"Are you going to scream at all? You're starting to bore me, and I will just end up becoming cruel to you if you don't. I don't have much patience for things that don't interest me." I held Charlie against the wall then and started to shackle his ankles.

"What's the point?" Charlie asked softly. "It's not like I'll be rescued."

"You never know. Besides, I could become a sweet little angel and sneak you some more clean blood if you were to tell us," Raven whispered in his ear. "Don't you want more blood? I could be really nice to you if you'd like."

"I'm not telling you anything." Charlie told her. "I can't have Paris back. It's my duty as a hunter to make sure he'll never be back to harm humans. He's staying in the hole I put him in and threw away. You can torture me for years but I am loyal to the hunters. He ruined this world. I'm not bringing him back to watch him enflame the rest of it." Raven let out a growl.

"Oh how I wish I had a bullet from the time when Riley shot me... I don't know where that gun went." She looked him over. "I'd shoot you in the foot and watch it rot away. I hate your guts." She smacked him and then pulled him up by his hair, biting down into his neck and tearing out a chunk before she spat it across the room and got his blood out of her mouth. I walked over to the table and picked up the whip.

"I hate you too Raven." Charlie laughed out. I looked towards him and watched the blood drop off of his body and into the floor. I stopped a few feet from him and got the rope ready, running it across my fingers.

"You must be the worst vampire hunter I have ever seen." I told him. "You got caught by vampires, you are a vampire, and you can't even work up enough energy to fight us." I told him. "If you ask me, you aren't a vampire hunter. Now are you? You are just saying you are but you aren't you show restraint. You don't want to harm us. You should just give us Paris. Hand him over to us and your punishment won't be a sever as it will be when we have to get him without your help."

"He'll kill me anyways." Charlie whispered. "I don't care. Let him rot away." Raven sat up then and looked at me.

"He has a twin," she whispered. I looked towards her.

"Do we have his twin?" I asked, trying to remember from Louis's memories. She smirked and gave me a nod.

"He was caught not that long ago. He's in a cell down here. Would you like me to fetch him? We could make Charlie hear his screams! If he doesn't have respect for his own life, he'll at least want to protect his twin." She stood up and nudged Charlie with her foot. "Want to hear a chorus of Rylie's screams? I'd love to get him back for that bullet in the shoulder ten years ago~!"

"Don't bring Riley into this." Charlie sounded panicked then for his twin.

"Get his twin." I told Raven. She nodded with a giggle and disappeared. I decided to occupy the time by whipping Charlie, I slashed his stomach with the whip and heard him let out a yelp. "So, do you love your twin Charlie? Is he everything to you?" I asked, he looked pissed then.

"Shut up, you don't know what you are talking about." Charlie struggled then to get free.

"Ah, touchy subject?" I asked him. "Did you two sleep together?"

"FUCK-" I hit him with the whip, making him scream.

"Awe, you did!" I smirked towards him.

"No!" Charlie struggled to get down from the shackles. "I wouldn't do that." Raven stumbled into the room then, giggling as she bit down into a look alike Charlie.

"Hmmmm~! You taste so good!" She hummed into his neck and shut the door with her foot, pushing him down onto the ground as she bit down into his neck again. She grabbed his hands and held them above his head. The look-a-like let out a scream of pain and it made Charlie freeze up.

"Riley?" Charlie asked and I could hear panic in his voice.

"Hehehe." I started to walk towards Riley but stopped when Riley managed to overpower Raven and escaped from her, running past me for Charlie.

"Charlie!" Riley said with worry. I watched as he knelt down by his twin and grabbed his head. "Are you okay? Your eyes!" Riley grew worried by the second and I felt my heart swelling up from the sight of them. Raven let out a sharp growl behind me and was by Riley in a second, biting down into his neck harshly. She dug her nails into his wrists as she grabbed them.

"Where do you think you're going?" She hissed in his ear and then nipped it before she bit back down into his neck. Riley let out a scream and I could hear Charlie panicking.

"Don't touch him!" Charlie told Raven. "Please!" I walked over to them.

"So, he is what you cherish most right? Raven.... let's torture Riley for a bit and let Charlie hear his screams. Maybe he'll tell us where Paris is to save his twin." I suggested. Raven looked at me and pouted as she forced Riley to the ground, kneeling beside him.

"But I'm hungry," she told me and licked Riley's neck. "I can't do one a week."

"I kill twenty seven a day and you only get one a week?" I asked her and laughed. "I'd be starving."

"Monsters!" Charlie hissed. "Leave my brother alone, you vile beasts." I laughed then and looked towards the old electric shock machine.

"I want to play with that." I told Raven. She looked towards it then at Riley.

"Riley, do you know how many people I used to eat in one week? I hunted at least one time every day.... In fact, I was the one at the library that the vampire hunters had been getting notices about before I went to Paris. When we're through, I think I will drain you," she whispered to him and then licked his neck teasingly. "I'm half starved from not eating for the ten years you took from me. It's your fault that I couldn't sleep, that I couldn't eat... and you'll pay for it," she told him softly and closed her eyes as she bit down into him again. She stood up and dragged him towards the chair when she had gotten a decent amount. I smirked and walked over towards the machine then picked up some things I'll use to hook him up to the machine. I brought the machine closer to him and then waited for Raven to strap him down.

"Riley?" Charlie asked and I could hear him stuggle. "Don't harm him! It's me you should be harming."

"This is harming you Charlie. I wonder if you'll feel it too." I laughed out and felt excited to get to use the machine. Raven put Riley in the chair and then tilted his face up to look at hers with a smirk.

"It'll hurt like hell," she told him. "Want a rag to bite?"

"RIley!" Charlie panicked.

"I'll be fine Charlie." Riley told his twin. "Calm down. I'll take a rag."

"NO!" Charlie hissed. "Don't you touch him!"

"Oh Charlie! You can't see, can you? I'll just have to tell you what we're doing, won't I? We're strapping him to the electric chair~!" Raven called over to him and then took Charlie's shirt and stuck it in Riley's mouth.

"No!" Charlie started to freak out then. "Don't touch him!"

"Why not?" I asked. "We might even shock all his memories right out of him! That'll be fun." I laughed at the thought.


"You better tell us where Paris is! I think I will hook this up directly to his heart." I thought it over.

"Pl-please don't." Charlie cried out. Raven glanced his way and tilted her head as her eyes softened a bit.

"Hmm... Charlie," she purred his name out. "I can make a deal with you. We won't do anymore to Riley- IF and only IF- you tell us where Paris's stone is. Then, we'll move you both to a cell where you can stay together in each other's company," she told him and crossed her arms.

"Promise you won't hurt him?" Charlie asked softly. Raven smiled sweetly.

"Promise. I won't even come in at midnight like I had planned to eat him."

"We'll.... be together?" Charlie asked softly, it was like he was close to telling us now.

"You two can even share the same bed if you so desire. I'll even bring two cups of blood into your cell if you tell us. You won't have to suffer anymore- both of you. You'll be able to heal and be with each other in the same cell, shackled together."

"But if you don't tell us...." I told him and started up the machine. "Bye bye Riley." I laughed evilly as I increased the amps.

"I-I'll tell." Charlie told us. "Don't hurt him." Raven unplugged the stuff then, smirking at me.

"No electric chair to play with for you," she purred my way. She glanced over at Charlie. "Tell me," she said sweetly, her voice dripping like honey. She walked over to him and knelt in front of him. I felt another presence then and seen Donnie teleport into the room with Richard attached to his arm. Donnie made Richard keep quiet though incase their being here was going to mess up Charlie and make him not tell us.

"I.... I gave the stone to African Hunters." Charlie whispered. "There is an association in Africa, that hunts vampires. They have him the last time I checked.... two years ago... I don't know where he is other then that." Charlie told us. I looked from Charlie to Richard. Donnie let Richard go then.

"Hm, see to it that they get their reward for being good little dogs," Richard hissed. "Donnie! We're going to Africa!" He walked towards the door then, a purpose in his walk. "I WANT THE NEXT FLIGHT! IF THE TICKET ISN'T IN MY HAND IN THE NEXT TEN MINUTES, SOMEONE IS GOING TO GET IT!"

"We have a our own personal jet dad." Donnie told him. "Three of them. Let's go." Donnie told his father and walked up to him then teleported away. I looked towards Charlie.

"Thank you." I told him. "You'll be rewarded." Charlie looked gilty from confessing where he took Paris and seemed to be dreading it. "You did the right thing Charlie." I told him and then walked up to him, unlocking the shackles. He fell to the floor and curled up to himself. Raven looked at him and then went over to Riley, picking him up out of the chair and purred in his ear.

"I so wish I could eat you...but I promised," she whispered to him. "You'd have enjoyed it." I grabbed Charlie's arm and forced him to his feet then started to drag him out of the torture room.

"Let's get you into your new bed for the next couple of weeks." I laughed into Charlie's ear. "I can't want to watch Paris tear you apart."

"Ooooh~! I'll help him!" She giggled and followed after me, teleporting in front of me to a cell and nudged it open with her foot. "Welcome to your new hell home!" She told Riley and tossed him inside. I shoved Charlie inside then started off down the hall.

"We'll have a guard bring them some blood." I told Raven over my shoulder. She appeared beside me after locking the door and twirled the keys around her finger.

"Mkay," she said cutely and looked up at me. "Did you have fun?"

"No. I didn't get to use that machine." I pouted. "I'll use it later." I shrugged. "On a servant." She smirked.

"Hmm, I'll come when I hear the screams. You aren't doing that by yourself. I want to see it work," she purred and then looked ahead. "Want to go watch a cartoon or something?" I looked towards her then.

"I was actually going to go look for my dad...." I admitted. "He's got something for me. A castle." She looked up at me then and tilted her head.

"You want a castle?" She asked me and then smirked. "You want to be a king."

"It's my birth right." I told her. "You know the family demon of Grimm? Well he is my play toy. He told me I'll be king one day. I have royal blood on both sides of my family." She nodded and then looked towards my neck curiously.

"The demon favors you, huh?" She trailed off and tore her gaze away from me. "Well, you better get going~! You don't want your father to forget."

"Mhm." I nodded then stopped walking and grabbed her hand. "Hey, do I smell good to you?" I asked her. Her eyes widened and she looked up at me in shock.

"W-what?" She blushed and glanced towards my neck again. I saw her nod just a bit, barely. "M-maybe...." I gave her a smile then.

"You smell good too." I patted the top of her head. "See you later bird girl." I teased and then started off down the hall.

"I'm not a bird girl! My name is Raven! Get it right! I'm named after a symbol of death!" She called after me. I heard her giggle a little. I laughed softly and walked up to Louis's study to see if my mom was inside with Louis, I walked in without knocking and looked around. Louis glanced up at me and smiled then frowned when he saw the blood on me.

"Who's blood is that? It better not be Raven's blood.... I swear, if you killed one of our ace cards...."

"No. I was busy torturing the Ainsworth twins." I explained. "Have you seen my mom?" I asked. "Oh and tell Hachi I left him a set of eyes down in the dungeon to eat." Louis frowned.

"Twins.... We have Charlie now? Is that what Richard was shouting about? Oh goodness... he disappeared again to go find Paris before I could ask him about that thing I needed to talk to him about." Louis sunk down into his chair and seemed a little upset. "Your mom will be in here in a moment if you'd like to sit and wait." I sat down then, wanting to get my phone from her and Ipad.

"Yeah, Charlie told us Paris's stone was given to hunters from Africa." I told Louis. He narrowed his eyes.

"He didn't dare.... Great, I was going to have to wipe out the rebellions on that continent anyways. The humans think I'm a generous king and will roll right on over for them to run themselves over there." He pulled out his phone and started to text someone. "I'll get Tawnya over there with a small army to wipe them out by the end of the week."

"I wonder what they done with Paris's stone." I began. "They wouldn't just smash it. They know better then to do that... or trade it off." Louis nodded.

"They aren't stupid, that's for sure. Honestly, it's their curse." He sat his phone down. "I was wanting to ask Richard his opinion on these statistics. I had gotten a poll out to see just how many purebloods were left in the world from the revolution we did to take over the world.... It turned out that we don't have as much as I'd like. We have too many newborns and too few purebloods, and over half of the purebloods are males. There's only a handful of natural born females out there, and there are some girls who have switched to being male which doesn't help matters."

"In other words... We are going extinct?" I asked him. He looked at me and nodded.

"In blunt terms, yes. We are a rare race now, and the females are even rarer. Have you seen how hard it is to get a male to go female? They'll fight to stay males. Plus, with the few amount of purebloods we have, the females have less chances of their mate being a pureblood. We're going to die off if something isn't done about it. It might be centuries before another child is born to be a pureblood. I wanted to ask Richard if he was planning on bringing my brother back as a female or not.... I know that's a bit cruel, but the numbers worry me, and they're the only pair that I know of that are willing to have children at this point."

"Oh... Well my mother had me with a pureblood.... maybe you should ask her." I suggested. He shuddered then.

"She'll kill me if I ask her to have more pureblood children. I know better than to do that. It's best to ask Richard," he muttered and then looked at his computer screen, shaking his head. "They're going to end up mated to werewolves and humans...."

"Ban it." I told him. "Before the revolution purebloods were forced into marrying eachother, right? Ban marrying or mating with other species until we can repopulate." I shrugged and leaned against the back of the chair. Louis shook his head quickly.

"That's going too far. A mate that isn't a vampire will die quickly. It'd be cruel to do that to a pureblood- keep them from their true mate. Besides, it'd cause riots. I want to keep their favor... and I am mated to a werewolf myself. He'd kill me in my sleep for it. I'll just have to see how it plays out in the next few years and ask around to see if I can get pureblood couples to have children."

"Well.... Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to keep things alive." I muttered. "Have you ever thought about why your parents had the rules that they had in their society?"

"Of course I have.... I knew why, and I don't care for their rules. I'll just make a mandate that all existing pureblood couples have to have a child within the next two years. It'll help even things out and put more purebloods out there. It's not asking much when they have eternity to live." He started typing on his computer then. "It'll help...and maybe more females will be born."

"I suppose that will work." I muttered. My mother walked into the room then and sat down in the chair right by me.

"Hey Nikolai!" Rose gave me a kiss on the cheek. "You're so cute with blood- OMG why are you bloody."

"You just said OMG." I pointed out. Louis looked up at her with an innocent smile.

"Hey Rose... can I have a niece?" He asked her, leaning across the desk. "Pleaaaase? I got a nephew, and I want a niece from you."

"No." My mom told him and grabbed the collar of his shirt then pulled him across the desk. "I'll never have another kid again!"

"But Rose! We need more purebloods, and I'd do it myself, but I have a werewolf for a mate. They wouldn't be purebloods, and he'd murder me for trying to get more children....and I don't want to be a girl. Girls are too complicated," he told her and looked at her.

"Make Paris do it." My mom told him and let him go. "I only had Nikolai by mistake. No offense sweetie.... I didn't plan for you." She told me and looked towards me. I nodded. "You was a huge mistake."

"Ouch, that's harsh," Louis whispered and sat down in his seat. "Your mom doesn't know how to love.... All she knows how to love is Paris." He started to play around on his phone then. "Oh, and Rose, Paris's stone has been pinpointed to Africa. He's in the hands of the rebellion over there."

"I'll send some of my people to help then." My mom suggested. "The more help on the project, the sooner it will be over. I can't want to see Paris." She turned towards me. "Oh and baby, don't make my harsh words hit you too bad. It's just who your father is. That's the biggest mistake. If I was going to have a child it wouldn't be with him and it would have been carefully planned out."

"Mom.... I know you planned it out with him." I told her. "You had him drunk on medication. I looked through the files on your desk last year and found that out." I smirked towards her, messing with her.

"Yes, but the public story will always be that your father and her accidentally did it," Louis told me and laughed. "That's my sister for you. Where is he anyways? He's supposed to be here.... He's stuck being part of the family now because of Nikolai," Louis muttered. "He's got a duty to the family because of it." Rose looked towards him in suspicion, trying to figure out if he knows who the father is or not. Louis gave her an innocent smile then, but I could tell he knew from the look he gave me when he glanced me over. Smarter than he looks.... He didn't even have to be told to figure out who my father was. A girl appeared beside him then and crossed her arms.

"Louis, why is Tawnya going and not me?" She growled. He glanced her way and smiled.

"Because you're my favorite," he told her and pulled her down into his lap. "I don't want you getting hurt, and you're supposed to help me with the laws and the documents- all my decisions. You're my advisor and my second in command." He smiled at her and then brushed her hair over her shoulder. "Isabelle, you're going to stay here, and you'll let Tawnya get a chance for glory over in Africa." He leaned in towards her neck and bit down. She gasped but relaxed quickly.

"You're eating again...." She smiled and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Mom, you should give me a sister." I told her.

"You have Peyton." My mom told me sharply. "That's all you need." I frowned.

"She's technically my cousin." I told her. Isabelle glanced over at me and stiffened.

"Louis, who's that?" She asked him quickly.

"Nikolai. He's Rose's only son," he told her and licked at her blood hungrily. "Treat him with respect." I gave her a smile and exposed my fangs.

"Can I have a bite?" I asked her.

"NO!" My mom told me quickly. Isabelle shied away into Louis.

"Only my master can bite me," she told me. Louis smirked at that.

"Good girl," he purred in her ear and glanced at me. "You can bite anyone else who isn't related to us in this manor... Just don't kill them."

"Wait... so I can't bite anyone related to me? What's the fun in that?" I asked him. "I was planning on biting Dannie to mess with Quinton." I teased. Louis smirked.

"That's exactly why I'm saying no. I don't need my twins crying to me later that you ate their friends. Plus, Paris will kill you when he gets home and finds bite marks on his children."

"So I can't bite Peyton?" I asked. "Okay.... what about the others.... Like Isaac or Raven? Are we counting them as family, no bite?" I asked. He thought it over.

"If you don't eat them, then I don't care if you bite them. They're considered like family, but they aren't blood related... and it all depends on if you want to die. I wouldn't suggest biting any of Hachi's pets- or Hachi." He licked Isabelle's neck and tilted his head. "You've been biting your sisters... I can taste them," he mumbled. She giggled.

"Just a bit..." I frowned and sunk in my chair then looked at my mom.

"I want to go, can I have my phone to stay in contact with you?" I asked. "I'd like my Ipad too." My mom glanced me over.

"Where are you going?" She asked curiously.

"I have things to do." I told her and motioned for my electronics. Raven appeared then beside Louis.

"Louis, can I get my own human if I promise not to kill it? I can't do the one a week!" She poked his cheek, but he only growled at her. "Louuuuuuis.... Paris would tell me yes."

"Fine, you may pick one human to have to drink from, but if you kill it, you won't be fed for a month," he told her. She giggled in excitement and ran for the doors.

"THANKS LOUIS!" She smiled happily and left the room quickly. I watched her leave curiously then looked towards my mom.

"So? Hand them over!" I begged.

"Uh..... I don't know Nikolai... this is very suspicious." Louis glanced at her.

"If he says he wants his phone to keep in contact with you, it means he's not running away for good. I'd give him his electronics. He won't be doing anything too terrible," Louis whispered towards her and then looked at Isabelle with a smile. "Isabelle, make sure Raven only picks one human," he told her. She nodded and got up, disappearing.

"Well.... He's only six... Sweetie I think you need to stay by me to keep in contact with me." She told me.

"Mom!" I hissed. "I want my electronics." I told her and grabbed her arm, turning her to face me. I stared her in the eyes and started to use my cupulsion to get them. "Hand them over." She reached into her purse and handed them over to me. "Thanks mom!" I smirked and let her go.

"And that's why you let a Grimm child have his electronics," Louis mumbled. "Rose, he's not six anymore. Stop babying him so much. I caught him up on what he needed to know at his age. He's not a small child anymore."

"He's up to something though!" My mom told him and then glared me down.

"Bye!" I waved and started to leave the room.

"It doesn't matter! Do you want him to be a grown up one day, or do you want him to be a century old and still curling up with you in your bed like a small child?!" Louis told her, being dramatic with how he presented the decision to her.

"He's only six Louis. He's never slept with me in bed." She cried out. I laughed and left them alone together. When I got outside of the study I summoned the demon and watched as he walked up to me from across the hall.

"What do you need?" He asked sleepily.

"I want to go to Victor, take me to him." I told him as I stuffed my phone in my pants and handed him the Ipad. He had the Ipad disappear then grabbed my hand.

"I don't approve of you visiting him." He told me softly.

"Take me." I ordered. He nodded and we appeared in an old ballroom.

"He's around here somewhere." The demon told me and faded away.

"VICTOR!" I yelled, hearing my voice echo. He appeared in front of me and smiled.

"Nikolai, you're here.... I didn't expect you just yet. I was going to go back to France to find you eventually... tomorrow-ish...." He smiled at me and glanced around. "How'd you get here?"

"Teleported." I told him and shrugged. "It was too easy to find you."

"Hm... Well, welcome to one of my castles. This one is my favorite," he told me and held out a hand. "Come here. With your mother not around, I can take you to the castle intended for you," he purred out with a small smirk. I frowned slightly and walked up to him, grabbing his hand.

"You should give me a sister." I told him. He frowned at me.


"Because Louis told me that purebloods are starting to become... rare. Especially girls." I explained. "You should give me a sister." He sighed.

"It is true that the girls are extremely hard to find... but that doesn't mean you need a sister. Besides, we'd have no way of knowing if your sibling would be a girl or a boy. All it would do is put another pureblood out there.... If you really want another sibling, I can think about it." He teleported us to a grand hall in another castle. A chandelier hung above us, lit up already. Everything had been cleaned already, so there wasn't any cobwebs or dust on anything. He smiled at me. "I'll let you keep the servants already here. Let me show you around. I received this from my parents when I was your age. It's time for you to be the ruler of this castle."

"You should think about that." I told him. "Mom says she doesn't want another kid." I explained. "So it's up to you." I let his hand go and looked around the castle, awed by it. It was definitely a sight to see... Plus it was mine.

"I'll think about it," Victor mumbled then glanced around. "I remodeled it from what it originally looked like, but I didn't change much. Feel free to do as you please with it. I don't care if you change all or none of it." He started walking towards the grand staircase. "The head servant will be able to greet you soon. If I remember correctly, her name was Yvette," he informed me. "She's very loyal. If you ever need anything done, you should call her. She's trained to fight and will gladly kill someone if you ask. I've had her assassinate some of my enemies from Syria before."

"Oh, she sounds... talented." I told him and then shrugged, not very interested in some servant. He laughed.

"Don't worry about her though." He walked me towards the west wing and led me through the halls. "The main bedroom is back this way."

"Is it mine now?" I asked him and crossed my hands behind my back. I softly started to hum his lullaby he had hummed. He smiled at me.

"After I finish showing you around, the whole castle will be yours. You'll be free to do what you want with it. The castle grounds will also be yours. The maids will strip the beds and change them all to whatever sheets you choose. They'll also take down the curtains I had picked and put up whatever you want. Everything in here will belong to you, and you'll receive a small fortune to run the place." He gestured me over as he stopped at a door. He opened it and smirked at me. "This will be your room. The other rooms on this hall are guest bedrooms or family bedrooms, whatever you want them to be. The library is between the two wings, so it's easy to get to, and your study will be downstairs. The other wing is for guests that you don't really care for. The rooms are less luxurious over there. The servants have their own corridor downstairs."

"Heh, somewhat like my mother's castle." I mumbled. He smirked.

"Most castles built have a similar structure." He glanced around inside and nodded, shutting the door. "They already stripped the bed inside for you. I'm guessing they are getting a collection of sheets together to get your opinions." He walked down the hall the way we came then. "The gardens are outside. Each of the firstborns in our family have their influence in them. We each have a type of tree representing us outside somewhere on the castle grounds. Your favorite tree will be planted as soon as you tell Yvette what it is."

"Oh, how wonderful.... a tree." I mumbled. I followed after him. "What's your tree?" I asked. He glanced at me and shrugged.

"I defied that tradition honestly. I didn't want a tree to represent me," he told me and then walked back to the stairs. "The East wing is that way of course. I'm not going to bore you with it. Nothing important is that way. The ballroom is that way," he told me and pointed to a hall off the grand hall we were in. He glanced around. "The dining room is also that way... The kitchen is down that other hall, however." He pointed to another hall. "Your family dining room is down that way as well. The one on the ballroom hall is usually used during a party. Ummm.... Your study... is that way," he told me and pointed in a general direction. "You'll eventually find everything.... There is a music room now that I think about it. It's on the same hall as the ballroom...."

"Oh yeah.... My family tend to be very musical." I muttered. "Of course you would point out the music room."

"I didn't use it much. The piano is out of tune in there," he told me and frowned. "Do you know how to play?"

"I'm six." I told him.

"Still... I think Richard learned around his third year of being alive," he mumbled and glanced around. "I think that's everything that I care to point out to you.... You'll find the rest with exploration." I smirked as I planned to transform the music room into a game room instead.

"Okay." I shrugged it off. "Thanks for the castle." He nodded and reached into his coat, pulling out an envelope and put it in my hands.

"That's the official deeds to it and everything. The fortune you are receiving to run the place is already downstairs in the treasury. Oh! There's a downstairs by the way. That's where the dungeons are and where you can store your army and torture people. The treasury is down there as well. Things you want to keep out of the public eye are down there," he told me and smirked. "I knew I was forgetting something. The cellar is down there too with my collection of rum and whiskey."

"Rum and whiskey?" I asked with interest.

"I believe there is wine down there for the people who don't like that kind of stuff. You're welcome to anything you find down there. I have collections in each of the castles," he told me and smiled. I gave him a small smile.

"So there is a torture room down there, want to try it out?" I asked him and smirked. "I'll play doctor." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm not playing with you down there... You can torture Mr. Smith who is in the dungeon down there. He's down there for trying to escape about twenty years ago. I had him as a prisoner. He's one of Val's newborns I believe," he told me and then shrugged. "I forgot about him.... There are others down there as well."

"Oh.... really?" I asked and smirked. "I might just go down there and check it out then..." I thought it over... No one is going to see me for weeks if I do that... I laughed.

"There's a lot of torture devices in there. Medieval all the way up to current day technology. I like to collect them all. There's vampire hunter torture tools for our kind down there as well.... I believe there is an electric chair.... I can't remember. My mind is terrible when it comes to remembering things like this," he told me and smirked. "I'll leave you to explore if you want." I frowned towards him.

"What? You aren't getting away that fast." He raised an eyebrow then.

"You want me to stay?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I came here to see you." I told him and blushed slightly. His eyes widened.

"I... honestly thought you were here for the castle. Well, if you want me to stick around with you, I guess we could go pay Mr. Smith a visit."

"If you don't want to hang out with me, I'll go." I told him and smirked.

"No! I never said that! Let's go play with those devices!" He grabbed my arm and teleported us downstairs to a large torture room. I looked around it curiously and widened my eyes slightly.

"Awesome!" I looked towards my father and then smirked. "Are you sure you don't want to be the victim?" I asked.

"Heavens no... I don't want to be tortured. We'll get a prisoner or two to play with," he purred and disappeared. He came back in with two newborns and threw them at my feet. "There we are! They're the healthier two of the bunch."

"Awesome~" I gave them a smirk. "Bonding time with my father while playing torture the newborns...." I laughed. "Who wants to go first?" The girl shrieked and backed away, leaving the boy to look up at me with wide eyes. Victor picked up the girl and took her over to shackles hanging from the ceiling and put her in them, making it to where her feet barely touched the floor.

"No running away now," he purred to her then looked at the male who was freaking out inside. He looked afraid, but he didn't look like he could run with how much he was trembling. I walked up to him and smiled.

"I think you will go first." I told him and then picked him up by his shirt. I glanced around and then looked towards a spin wheel. "I think I will strap you down to that and throw knives at you." I smirked. "I'll work on my aim." I started to drag him to it. He shrieked and tried to get away, exposing his fangs as he went to bite into my hand to make me drop him. I exposed my fangs then and let his shirt go, yanking out one of his fangs. "Don't bite me." I warned. "Don't even think about it." He screamed and ran away quickly, going towards the door as he held his mouth. I started for him then and laughed. "Where are you going?" I asked. Victor watched me in amusement and sat down on a steel table, crossing his legs. The vampire looked at me in fear and tried to pull the door open, but it was locked.

"HELP!" He began to bang on it. I walked up to him and then grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

"Don't run." I ordered, compelling him into doing what I told him to do. I let him go and then started for the table with knives. I picked one up and then a few more. I looked towards him and smirked. I flicked my eyes towards the wheel and soon enough his body was flicked towards it and slammed up against it. I had the straps grab him and strap him down for me. "That's why you don't run." He started to struggle, letting out a whimper as he tried to get away.

"Help!" He shrieked. Victor glanced over at him.

"No one is going to help you," he told him simply. "They won't dare come in here even if they felt moved by pity for you." I walked up to the wheel and tilted my head.

"I hope you don't puke." I told him and then looked the wheel over, trying to force it to spin. After a minute it began to spin, picking up speed.

"Hmm... Your powers should be getting stronger too... Your physical age is the time when you should be rising to power soon.... It'll be many more years until your powers fully come in, but you should be getting new ones," he told me and laid down on his stomach, watching. "Don't cut yourself on those knives."

"What if I cut myself on them?" I asked curiously.

"They're coated with a poison," he purred to me. "I have it renewed every few years. It's a poison that will run through your body and cause agonizing pain and will make it hard to eat for the next week. You'll also experience paralysis," he informed me. "So don't cut yourself." I smirked and threw one his way. He caught it and looked it over before he flicked it towards the girl, nicking her arm with it. She shrieked out and started to cry, curling her toes up as her body tensed up and started to spasm. Foam started forming in her mouth and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "It works fast," he told me. I nodded and then placed the knives into my right hand then grabbed one with my left and looked towards the guy on the wheel. I watched his body spinning.

"Do you feel sick?" I asked him. He whimpered and struggled again.

"Please," he whispered. "The room is spinning. It's hard to breath. I feel dizzy.... I'm going to faint," he told me. I smirked and had the wheel speed up.

"Good." I told him and then threw the knife towards the wheel, hitting him right next to his head, cutting a few slices of hair to do so. He shrieked and started trying to rip the bonds holding him on it.

"VICTOR PLEASE!" He cried out. Victor sat up and narrowed his eyes.

"Who gave you the right to use my name?" He hissed. The vampire looked at him pleadingly.

"Please, please, please don't let him kill me! I'll do anything! Just don't let him hurt me!" I laughed and grabbed another knife, throwing it towards him and hit right between his legs, scaring him even more as it cut his pants. He widened his eyes. "LET ME DOWN!" Victor frowned and watched him.

"You look familiar.... Do I know you personally?" The vampire looked at him and nodded quickly.

"I'm the little brother of the late princess of Brazil!" Victor laughed then.

"I didn't know there was a prince still alive and in my dungeon.... Nikolai," he purred my name and looked at me. "You may kill this one. He was supposed to die with the others."

"Oh really?" I asked. "Another prince? Not anymore." I threw the knife and it landed in his chest, I heard something crack then. "Heh." I watched him curiously. He screamed and tried to rip the knife out with his teeth, but it was too late. He whimpered and arched his back a bit as he hit his head against the wheel.

"Interesting... You hit his stone just barely.... He'll die," Victor whispered, watching as the prince started to decay away. "Hmm... I wonder how he ended up in my dungeon."

"Who cares." I had the wheel stop spinning and looked towards the girl. "Your turn!" Victor looked towards the girl and smirked as he saw that she was done violently twitching. He laid back down on his stomach as he watched her blankly stare off towards the door, all her muscles relaxed as she dangled there. I could tell she couldn't move. "Awe that's no fun." I muttered and lost interest in her. "What should we do now?" I asked him. He glanced her over and then looked towards the electric chair.

"Well... if you aren't interested in torturing someone who can't run away.... you could go pick out another or you can start telling the servants the sheets you want on your bed." He stretched out and looked bored. I walked over to him then and sat the knives down by him then looked him in the eyes.

"I want to do some father son stuff." I told him. He looked up at me and smirked.

"Want to go conquer one of your mother's towns to mess with her?" He asked me.

"Why not one of Louis's?" I asked. "Technically my mother's towns is mine. So let's go after Louis." He thought it over.

"You don't want to do that this early in the game.... He's got the whole world. Wait a bit if you want to steal his throne from him. You don't want to upset your uncle.... If you are going to take something from him though... make it small."

"Small?" I asked. "Eh.... Let's go watch something then. Like cartoons." I told him and grabbed his arm. He sighed and teleported us to a room with a TV in it.

"This is the living room." He sat down on the couch and pointed to a remote on the table. "Pick what you like." I sat down by him and gave him a huge smile then laid my head against his shoulder and grabbed the remote. I put Tokyo Ghoul on and hummed softly.