Rebel Punishments

Val's POV:

I hummed softly and put down a red seven, looking up at my crew members and smirked. "Uno." I told them. My last card was a wild. A member next to me smirked and passed me a joint.

"Where are we headed to captain?" He asked me. I took it then placed it between my lips.

"To the fountain of youth." I told them and laughed. I wasn't actually serious...

"Why?" One of them asked me.

"I'm just messing around. We are headed to an old friend of mine. She lives in Spain." I explained. "Her name is Brooklyn. We are going to trade some drugs and take them to China, back home." I explained.

"Oh." One of them nodded. "Where's Alex?"

"I left him asleep in bed." I felt my ship rocking us back and forth. A glass ball was rolling around on our table and making the cards spread out. A girl of my crew giggled and looked at me.

"He's asleep still?" She asked me and set down a blue seven.

"Mhm." I nodded her way. "He hates the sea." I muttered. "So I gave him something to help him." I winked towards her. She giggled and looked at me.

"Drugs?" She asked and watched as the person beside her put down a reverse. She frowned and set down a blue six. I sat down my wild card, winning the game.

"Red." I told them. It represented fire in my eyes. "Just a few pills." I told her. "It'll help relax him."  She nodded and looked at me.

"Well, he's cute, but he's cuter when he sleeps," she joked and watched as the next person put down a red and said uno. I smirked and passed the joint then pulled out a bag of pills and threw them on the table.

"Go crazy." I told them. "I'm going to rob the princess of China. We'll be able to buy more drugs." They all started for them, fighting each other for the drugs. The girl leaned back, not wanting to be involved in the fighting. She narrowed her eyes and shook her head.

"They should've figured out by now to not fight about this," she hissed. She smirked then and eyed the one who was getting the most. I stood up then and ran my fingers through my curly pink hair.

"I'm going to go check on him." I told them and left for my private quarters. I walked up to the deck with my room and entered it then searched for him. "Alex." He glanced up from where he was lazily laying down on the bed, looking dazed with the drugs in his system. His hair was messed up from being rocked by the ship. I walked over towards our bed and laid down on it then pulled out my phone and went through the news. I hummed softly to myself and then frowned when I seen something in the headlines. "He's back." I told Alex.

"Who's back?"


"Who's Richard?" He asked me, but he quickly widened his eyes. "Oh." I nodded towards him and then sighed.

"We'll have to be careful about going onto land now." I told Alex. He nodded and looked at me.

"That means Paris Grimm will be back within the next century," he whispered. "We'll have to hide better. Everyone who was in on it is screwed when he gets Paris. He'll put his energy to that first."

"We might have to go under water to live." I told him.

"No!" He went to crawl away, his eyes wide, but he fell over, unable to balance.

"Okay, you're right. I need to stay above water." I nodded in agreement. "Come here Alex." He looked at me and crawled over to me, curling up into my body. He nuzzled his head against my chest and sighed. I started to run my fingers through his hair.

"We should have never brought those hunters into our plans. Paris should be dead.... Along with Richard." I muttered. "Next time.... We'll kill them." He nodded and closed his eyes.

"Sure," he hummed out. "I miss land.... I miss my horse I had when I was a human.... I miss being a king of my own empire...."

"Well... Sweetie... We will get you an empire." I promised him.

"But how when we are hiding on the evil seas?" He asked me and looked up at me. "We should take Richard down now...before he gets Paris."

"You think so?" I asked him. "We do now know where he is.... Africa." I muttered. "We.... could meet him there and kill him..." I nodded at the thought.

"Let's turn the ship around and go to Africa," he purred to me, nudging my sides. "Please? Land... I miss it. I want to get to land, so I can kill Richard for you. I'll bring the crushed remains of his stone to you, I promise."

"You'll kill Richard for me?" I asked him. "You are on drugs though...." I frowned. "Get better and then we will talk about this."

"But it's me! Alexander the Great! I can't lose a battle! Loose me on the shore, and I'll come back with a jar full of Richard and Paris's crushed stones!" He pouted at me. "Please! It'll all be over. We'll go get Louis and then we'll have the world! We'll take down those that oppose us!"

"O-okay." I nodded towards him and got to my feet, going towards the doors. "Let's turn the ship around." I told him and walked outside the room. "NEW HEADING! Africa!" I told them, anyone that could hear me. They scrambled to do as told, and Alex stumbled out of the room, going towards the railings. He looked out in the direction of Africa and pouted, reaching out a hand towards the direction of it. I laughed and rubbed his shoulder.

"Stir us to it sweetie. I'm going to go occupy myself in our room." I told him. He looked back at me and turned around to face me and then bit down into my neck hungrily. He wrapped his arms around me and slowly backed us towards our room. I laughed softly and backed up with him, having the doors close when we was inside. He let out a purr as he heard the door shut and he pushed me up against the bed, licking my neck and then sucked gently on the wound. I gasped and exposed my neck even more. "Are you hungry?" I asked softly. He growled at me and bit down again. I gasped and tensed up. He pushed me down onto the bed and crawled on top of me. I tried to overpower him then to get on top and exposed my fangs. He let out a surprised gasp as I managed to flip us and looked up at me and then tried to lean up to bite down again. I leaned up though, just out of his reach.

"Nu-uh." I teased and smirked. He whimpered and looked at my neck.

"Val, no fair," he muttered and then tried again.

"Ha!" I sat up all the way on him so he couldn't get me. "Do you want me Alex?" I asked curiously. He looked up at me then and nodded.

"I always want you," he purred to me. I purred back.

"You won't be able to get me. If you can't even get me then how are you going to kill Paris and Richard?" I asked him. "You can't even bite my neck right now. You can't overpower me." He smirked up at me and the next thing I knew, I was back on bottom with his fangs embedded in my neck. The clock on the wall had stopped mid-second. I widened my eyes and looked up at him. "I forgot about that." I whispered and exposed my neck for him. He let out a purr and bit down harder into me, making my blood flow more freely. I groaned and arched my back a bit. "I can't believe you would use your power like that...." I smirked, thinking about using mine.

"It's me we're talking about," he purred to me. "I don't play fairly when it comes to love and war." He ran his hands down my sides and then licked my neck. He slipped his hands under my shirt and ran them across my skin. I growled playfully and grabbed his hands, pulling them out of my shirt.

"Nu-uh kitty." I told him. He growled at me sharply, not liking that. He pulled his hands back from me and then gripped my wrists in one hand, pinning them above my head as he slipped his hand back under my shirt. "Alex!" I glared him down. "You little..." I tried to pull my hands free. "I'm going to put you with the slaves under us." He frowned and moved away from my neck, slipping his hand out from my shirt.

"You're no fun," he mumbled and then let my wrists go. He moved off me and faceplanted his pillow. I frowned and looked him over.

"Hey...." I nudged him. "What happened to you? You was all fun and games. Now you are the lame one." I laughed then and pulled out my phone to play a game on it.

"Since you threatened to throw me in with the dirty slaves," he muttered. "I don't want to be with the dirty slaves. I'd rather walk the plank."

"Oh come on, I was messing with you." I teased. "We both know you'd eat them all and then I would have to get more." He glanced at me and then sat up, tilting his head. A small smirk formed on his face and he crawled back on me and licked my neck teasingly. I gasped and then pushed him off and laughed. I threw my phone towards the floor and moved to get on him. He let me and smirked as he ran his hands down my sides to my hips. I leaned down towards his neck and bit down into it, beginning to drink his blood. He gasped and exposed his neck for me, letting out a playful growl.

"Bad mate," he mumbled to me and went to flip us. I let him flip us and laughed.

"Me?" I asked him. He nodded and kissed me passionately. I pulled away from his kiss. "I want a kid." I told him.

"A kid?" He looked at me and frowned.

"Yes, a kid." I nodded.

"Like...born from you kid....or a child kidnapped off land?" He asked me and frowned. "I don't know if I can give you a kid.... We could try."

"I want a child. My own little baby. Before I die." I told him. "Let's try~" I told him and ripped off his shirt. He laughed and went to kiss my neck.

"I thought it was impossible for a newborn to have a child of his or her own.... If it doesn't work, we can go find a witch and talk with it to get it to help us," he whispered to me.

"Mhmm... Hachi. He'd be able to help us." I curled my fingers in his hair. "Go get me him."

"Now? Or a few weeks after we try?"

"NOW! You know as good as I that we both have to be purebloods." I told him. "Go get Hachi." He sat up on me and then sighed, reaching for his phone and got out of bed. He started to dial up a number then and went over to the window.

"What's the coordinates," he muttered to himself as he waited for it to pick up. I raised an eyebrow as I watched him. I listened in to the phone call then and leaned forward, wanting to know what he was up to.

"Who's calling me?" I heard a tired voice on the other end, Hachi! Alex smirked and leaned up against the wall.

"Hello Hachi," he purred into the phone. "Do you mind doing a huge favor for me? It's Alex."

"Alex?" Hachi asked and yawned. "Which Alex?"

"Alexander the Great," he told him.

"What favor am I doing?" Hachi asked and I could hear him shifting around.

"I want you to help me with Val.... Please? I will owe you a favor back. I would like it if you made me her true mate.... and if you made it to where I can have children. She wants a child."

"Val wants a child?" Hachi asked and yawned. "It's been ten years Alex... where did you go?"

"Here and there.... She's been dragging me around on this boat. I have the coordinates." He looked out the window then.

"Alex." I groaned. "Don't tell him what we have been doing."

"You two want a child? Okay.... I'll be over in a bit.... What's the coordinates? I've got to get some things ready to do this with." I heard Hachi shifting even more. "Be there soon~" Alex nodded and told him the coordinates.

"Thank you Hachi.... She should be happy," he told him and then hung up, coming over to me. He sat down on the bed and curled up next to me, playing with my hair. I curled up to him and smiled happily, looking into his eyes. He looked at me and smiled back. "I hope this works.... I want a child with you too.... I want to be your true mate." He kissed my cheek.

"You are." I purred to him and smiled. "You are very charming." I mumbled. He closed his eyes and brought me close, resting his head against mine and kissed the top of my head.

"You better start preparing yourself because as soon as he uses his magic so I can give you a child, you won't be leaving this room for a week straight."

"A week straight?!" I widened my eyes. He nodded.

"A week straight."

"No...." I shook my head.

"Why not? It'll be fun, and then you'll find it hard to walk, and I'll bring you back Richard and Paris's stone as a gift."

"A week?" I asked him. He nodded again and opened his eyes, looking at me.

"I think we can," he purred and then brushed my hair over my ear.

"A WEEK!?" I asked again. "That's a long time!" I told him. "A week? Are you on- oh.... you are on drugs.... I forgot." He laughed.

"Ok... if you don't want a week of fun... then I'll shorten it to three days."

"Three days?" I asked him. "How about eight hours." I told him.

"We'll see," he mumbled and closed his eyes again. I closed mine and was starting to fall asleep on him like he was. He sat up beside me after a bit and rubbed his eyes. "Hachi's here," he whispered and nudged me. "Val, wake up." I opened my eyes and glanced around, seeing Hachi standing in the doorway with one of the ship members holding onto his arm.

"Tell him to let me go." Hachi said plainly. "I'm here on their wishes." He told the shiplad and then looked our way. "We need privacy." Alex nodded and gestured to the one holding him to go away.

"It's fine. He won't do anything terrible," he told him and then watched as the person left and shut the door. He looked at Hachi and gave him a smile. Hachi gave a huge smile and walked over to us.

"So you two want a kid!" He gave a bigger smile. "I want to see your kid everyday after all of this, got it.... well maybe not everyday." He laughed.

"I'll teach him or her to call you uncle Hachi," Alex told him and then pulled me close. I laughed softly. Hachi got on the bed with us then pulled out a spell book, stone, and a bottle of red liquid.

"This is all we need. Oh, plus me of course." Hachi laughed and pointed to himself. He opened up the book and started to go through it, holding it up close to his face as he done so. Alex tensed up a bit beside me and looked a little nervous as he glanced towards the stone and liquid. He looked at me and then buried his face into my neck.

"Is it going to hurt?" He asked Hachi.

"I don't know... It's my first time creating a pureblood." Hachi told us and then stopped at a page. "Okay.... it says here... I need your heart." He held out a hand. "It's got to come to me. You won't need that body anymore." Alex's eyes widened and he pulled back from my neck as he looked at Hachi. I could see the fear on his face.

"I'm going to die," he mumbled.

"You won't die." Hachi promised. He looked at me and then at Hachi.

"Give me your heart." Hachi told him. "You have to do this willingly." He glanced at me again.

"A-are you sure....that you want a child?" He asked me and then looked at Hachi again.

"You want it to be your kid right?" I asked Alex. He gave a small nod. "Give him your heart." He sighed and crawled over to Hachi.

"So... I just give you my heart then?" He looked at Hachi then down at his chest, still shaking a bit. "Like... I just tear it out?"

"Your heart is your life source... Your core. I need it to transfer it to the stone. Where you will become a pureblood and Val will revive you with her blood." Hachi explained to us.

"So... I rip it out?" He whispered it and touched his chest softly, looking hesitant.

"Yes." Hachi said. "Or cut it out."

"I rip it out?" He made sure, looking up at Hachi again. "I have to do it?"

"Yes, only you can do it." Hachi told him. He gave a nod and took a deep breath in. He closed his eyes as he started to do as told. Hachi watched him with interest. He probably never seen anyone willingly hand over their core to him. Alex groaned and gripped the bed with his free hand.

"I swear..." he muttered and then managed to get his hand inside his chest. He looked like he wanted to scream and stop. I watched him and smirked. My devoted little newborn....

"You'll be free from Val's control after this." Hachi told him.  I widened my eyes. Alex looked at him and then gripped his heart, making him stiffen up. He gritted his teeth and then glanced towards me before he started to get his heart.

"Thank you." I whispered to Alex.

"You are doing this for a good reason." Hachi told him. He nodded and then squeezed his eyes shut as he tore his heart out and dropped to the bed. He let out a small whimper as he began to bleed out. Hachi grabbed his heart then and gave it a soft squeeze, making me tense up.

"H-hachi." I warned. He glanced my way and then smirked.

"What?" He asked me. "I'm not going to kill him." He leaned in and sniffed Alex's heart and I seen a hungry look in his eyes before he looked towards me and then licked the heart. I shrieked and went to get it from him.

"HACHI!" I hissed. He laughed and then I was thrown up against the wall.

"Chill out." He told me. He looked down at his spell book and leaned in towards it then started to mutter something as he grabbed the stone. He closed his eyes and started to chant something in an old language. His body  began to glow a light white and the ship started to rock rapidly back and forth. After a few minutes of this he fell back against the bed  and his hand squeezed the heart, turning it to dust. When the heart was turned to dust Alex's body lit up in flames and was ashes within seconds. I screamed out in fear that he was dead.

"Hachi!" I panicked. Hachi opened his eyes and looked towards me then picked up the bottle and took a sip from it then leaned down towards the stone and licked it. The stone lit up then a bright color and turned green, magic seemed to flow into it like pureblood stones and it started to pulse. I felt the force keeping me against the wall drop me and Hachi tossed me the stone.

"You know what to do next." Hachi told me. I caught the stone then held it in my hands. "That's officially Alexander the Great reborn as a pureblood. Take care of that stone Val." Hachi told me and shoved his book into his pocket. I bit my bottom lip, making it bleed then leaned in, kissing Alex's stone and sat it down by me on the bed. I bit down into my wrist then and held it out over his stone to give him more blood to grow with. He started to form quickly and gasped when he was done. He sat up quickly and took off, running for the door.

"Alex!" I called for him. "It's okay!" I told him. "You're back. You're a pureblood." I told him. He stopped and looked around then looked towards me and then at where he had died then at Hachi.

"Why do I feel violated?" He whispered, rubbing his arms as a shiver went through him. "I feel like I've been licked...."

"By me." Hachi told him and then tossed him the bottle of red. "Drink the rest of that." He told him.

"What is it?" He asked as he walked back over to the bed slowly. He glanced the stuff over.

"Medication mixed with a potion." Hachi told him. "You need it, all of it to keep that form." Hachi told him. "You'll have to drink that once every month for a year. Then you won't need it." Hachi laid down on his back and closed his eyes, looking like he was about to fall back to sleep. "Mind if I crash here?" He yawned out. Alex started to drink it then, looking towards me as he laid down on the bed. He finished it and set it aside then looked towards Hachi.

" can sleep here if you want." He smiled and then laid down on the bed. Hachi curled up to our covers and was gone without another word. I looked towards Alex.

"Let's put him downstairs, so we can get busy." I whispered. I got to my feet and picked up Hachi, taking it slow. "He'll be fine down there."

"No he won't," Alex mumbled. "Do what you want. If you want to make the child now, then move him downstairs...."  I smirked.

"He should know better then to sleep here." I told Alex then took Hachi downstairs. I laid him down in one of the hamics, seeing some of the males staring him down hungrily. I smirked and walked back up to my cabin, hearing them going for him. I laughed and didn't say a word as I went back to Alex. I closed the doors behind me and walked over to the bed, doing a strip tease as I went for him. He watched me as he curled up, hiding in the sheets.

"That's not fair," he mumbled as he watched me. "You have clothes to do that with." I laughed as I looked over his naked body. I stopped by the bed and finished up stipping then crawled in with him.

"Awe, Alex.... Don't shy from me." I told him. "I want this to be the best week ever." He nodded and kissed my cheek as he crawled on top of me....

Richard's POV:

It'd been a week now.... The desert was starting to drive me nuts. I hate it so much.... It reminds me of the time when I left Paris. I looked towards my newborns who were digging around, looking for where it might be hidden. The vampire hunters are crafty.... I sighed and looked at my informant I had kidnapped. "It's not in the sand... is it? I bet you put it in a hidden area.... Tell me exactly where, or I will spill your blood over the sand and watch as the spiders eat you." I heard Donnie coming out of a tent, zipping his pants up and walked towards me.

"I know where." Donnie told me as he walked up. He was still shirtless. He has sweat dripping off his body. "Paris is in a te-" At the mention of Paris I felt my stone pulse as Paris called for me. I widened my eyes and fell over, holding my chest.

"Shhhh, calm down," I mumbled, closing my eyes quickly. "I'm here," I whispered. It pulsed once more and Donnie knelt down in front of me.

"He's in a temple. Well guarded." Donnie informed me. "Don't ask how I got that information." He told me and rubbed my cheek. "He's calling for you again, isn't he?" I nodded and nuzzled against his hand as I held my hand over my chest where my stone was.

"He is.... Please, you've got to take me," I mumbled to him. "Just drop me off.... I'll be ok, I swear. I will get him." I felt my stone pulse once more, this time it shook my whole body. Donnie looked at me worriedly.

"We need to wait until he calms down, otherwise it will mess us up and you won't be able to save dad." Donnie told me. "Tell him to calm down, send him loving waves." I let out a small whimper.

"I want Paris," I told him and then curled up, trying to calm him down with my stone. After a couple of hours Paris must have went back to sleep because his stone stopped sending my stone pulses. Donnie had stayed by my side the whole time, holding me. I opened my eyes and looked up at him as I took a deep breath.

"H-he stopped," I whispered to him and held onto his hand. "Please... while he's asleep again. I don't want him to wake up as a stone again. He's panicking without me. Please," I begged. Donnie nodded in agreement, worry was in his eyes for Paris.

"Yeah, we'll go together." Donnie told me and pulled me to my feet as he got up with me. He teleported us to a grassy- hidden temple in a jungle. "We're still in Africa." He whispered. He pulled me towards the temple, going slow. "The informant told me it is well guarded and traps are set up everywhere." Donnie told me. "I'm not sure about going directly into the room with him.... but if you want me to, I will." I shook my head.

"Stay outside Donnie," I told him and went invisible, going towards the temple. I don't care who or what I have to go through. I'm not coming out until his stone is in my hand. I'll die in there if I have to.

~Time Skip brought to you by The Big Bang Theory~

After I had snuck past all the guards and had been very careful about my steps, watching the guards as they walked to see where it was safe, I made it to the main chamber deep down inside. I walked around, knowing he was in here somewhere. It was hard to tell where he was... There was nothing but treasure laying around... There was a few boxes here and there... Nothing that could tell me where he was.... It was like finding a needle in a hay stack. I frowned after looking around for a bit. Paris... if you can feel me in here.... I glanced around. I would really love a sign. Some sort of pulsing glow maybe? I kept searching, not sure if he could tell I was nearby or not. There was a couple of knickknack sitting around. A few crowns, lamps, rugs, canes for kings, weapons, gold coins, a few hour glasses, and throne chairs. I glanced everything over until I eventually came to an hourglass in the very corner of the room, hidden under coins. I picked it up and looked it over, about to drop it until I saw something that caught my attention. I narrowed my eyes as I saw a small stone inside. I about screamed out when I recognized it and went to smash it against the wall, but it didn't break. DONNIE! IT'S NOT BREAKING! I started to panic as I kept hitting it against the wall then got a sword and went to smash it. Donnie appeared in front of me then and stopped me.

"Calm down, it's probably enchanted. Let's take it home to Hachi." Donnie suggested. "He'll get it open." He pulled me into a warming hug. I nodded and relaxed. It's enchanted...and Hachi's the best when it comes to these things. It'll be open soon. I looked at him.

"Let's get back to camp," I whispered to him and clutched the hourglass tightly. Donnie grabbed my arms firmly then teleported us back to camp, in our main tent.

"Here we go." Donnie whispered. "I'll call Hachi." He pulled out his phone then. I nodded and sat down with the hourglass, curling up to it as I tapped the glass softly, looking in at his stone. This isn't fair at all... He's stuck in an enchanted hourglass.... How come he gets the worst punishment? I was stuck in a Ziploc bag in a tummy...which is easy to retrieve.... but he gets stuck in an enchanted hourglass? Fate hates me....."Hey, Hachi. We're coming home soon. I need you to get ready. We found Paris but he is stuck in an enchanted hourglass. The thing won't bust open for nothing. So we'll need you to do us a favor and open it." Donnie spoke into the phone. "No, we'll come home. You don't need to come way out here. Let's get him home where it is safe first. Yes I am aware you are Hachi. Yeah..... No, don't come. Hachi! Stop being stubborn... UGH! You hung up on me." He clicked the phone and then looked at me. "You'll be getting dad back sooner." He told me and put his phone up. Hachi appeared in the tent then and looked around.

"RICHARD! PARIS!" He got excited and ran over, sitting down by me. He reached out for the hour glass. I widened my eyes and held it closer to me, being protective. "Richard, I need to get him out of there." Hachi told me. "I'll give the stone to you as soon as it is out." I glanced the hourglass over and nodded slightly, holding it out to him.

"Don't accidentally break Paris," I whispered and curled up to myself, watching Hachi. Hachi stared the hourglass over then tilted it over to where he drained the sand down and away from Paris. He grabbed the top of the hourglass and closed his eyes. He seemed to be focusing on something and then peeled the lid straight off and reached in, grabbing the stone. He handed it over to me then.

"There we go." Hachi said with love in his voice. I laughed as I got him and then sat up and hugged Hachi.

"Thank you Hachi. I'll bring him back," I told him and then moved away, about to bite into my wrist to give him the blood he needed then stopped. I glanced up at Donnie and frowned. "He won't let me turn him into a girl if I bring him back as a guy first.... Do you really think I should?" I asked him. Donnie nodded, eager for it.

"I'll go get a girl~" Donnie teleported away then. Hachi looked towards me then at Paris's stone.

"Wake his st-" Hachi cut himself off as Paris's stone light up and pulsed in my hand. I laughed and held him close.

"I'm here my love," I purred to him and kissed his stone. "Donnie will be back, and then you'll have a form again," I told him. I felt warmth and love flow through my body then as Paris's stone sent waves into me. His stone pulsed like a heart for me. I let out a happy purr and curled up with him. "I love you," I whispered. "I hope you won't be mad at me...." Donnie appeared then with a sleeping girl, she looked sort of british and around nineteen.

"Here we go." Donnie purred. I sat up quickly and crawled over to him eagerly.

"Sit her down," I told him and looked from the girl to Paris, feeling a little guilty for this, but I shrugged it off. He'd get over it. Paris's stone seemed to be catching on that something wasn't right and stopped sending me waves of emotions and was growing cold in my hand. I pouted at him. "Paris, you're such a big baby," I mumbled and then kissed his stone again. "I'm bringing you back, just not as fast as you'd like." It warmed up slightly.

"You better put him in before he burns you." Hachi told me. I nodded, knowing how I got when I was a stone. I didn't like being this way.... I looked the girl over and then started to put his stone in her chest, sitting back when I finished. The stone rooted then, and I watched as her features changed to look like Paris more, except as a girl. She flittered her eyes open after finishing her change and looked around, going to sit up.

"Richard...." Paris mumbled sleepily. I smiled happily and pulled her close to me, kissing her passionately.

"You're back," I purred and held onto her tightly. "I'm never...ever... going to let this happen to us again." She started to run her fingers through my hair and then leaned in towards my neck and was about to bite in then froze up.

"What... do.... you... mean...." Paris looked towards Donnie then and her eyes widened as she looked down at herself. "R-rich.... Richard...." She sounded like she was about to be frantic. "I- have a- a-- Boobs.... Where's my manhood?" Paris asked and then looked towards me. "This isn't my body." I bit my bottom lip and looked her in the eyes.

"Paris... don't be mad. I want another kid... and I know you just got back... but I know that you won't let me have another if I hadn't done this while I could've," I whispered, letting my thoughts radiate love and warmth to comfort her. I knew she was listening in.

"Richard....Sweetie... Don't you have to be the girl~" She said nervously. "For us to have kids, remember?" She asked and pulled me close. "I don't have kids." I sighed and ran my fingers though her hair.

"Paris, baby, that was so long ago.... We won't let it happen to us again. They won't come in and shoot you. They won't kill our child this time. I'll have the whole place on lockdown during the process.... Louis will be there. The pack will be there.... You'll be safe."

"Plus there aren't hunters anymore." Donnie told her. "We've ran them into extinction almost." He gave a laugh. "Don't worry mom, you'll do fine this time. I promise."

"Wh...." Paris looked towards me. "I don't want to have kids." She grabbed my shirt then and tightened her grip on it. "Richard!" I widened my eyes and pouted at her after a second.

"Paris...that's not fair. I haven't really been able to raise a single one of our kids. It's been ten years again. Our children are grown up. Dannie has a mate! Peyton... I haven't even seen her! She was raised by Rose!"

"Wh- Ten years?" Paris asked me and raised her eyes. "No!" She started to panic. "I didn't loose ten years." She shook her head.

"You did." Hachi told her.

"It's been ten years again sweetie," I told her and kissed her cheek. "It's time we woke up. We won't let anyone do this to us again. I'll make sure of it."

"Richard! I LOST TEN YEARS!?" Paris hissed. "I didn't get to see Peyton or Dannie grow up!? Who's Dannie's mate!?"

"Quinton," I whispered, waiting for her reaction. After all... they're cousins. Her jaw dropped slightly.

"A guy has the same name as Louis's child? Wow...." Paris smiled softly.

"No, that's your nephew who will be alpha in a few years starting to get cozy with your son," I told her.

"Quinton and Dannie? I sort of seen that coming..." Paris admitted. "I mean let's face it.... It makes since." She frowned. "This is so unfair.... I'm going to kill them.... Every last one of those Ainsworths." She hissed. Well... that shouldn't be too hard. Two of them are in the dungeon. I laughed at that and kissed her. She curled up in my lap and rested her head against my chest. "I want to go home..." She mumbled. I nodded.

"We will go home.... Oh, Rose has a son now." I told her and stood up, carrying her bridal style.

"A son?" She asked softly. "What's he like? What's his name? Who's his father? Rose has a mate now?" She started to ask questions then, sounding interested. I laughed and watched her.

"Well... his name is Nikolai.... He's actually six, but he aged ten years, so he's sixteen. His father is not Rose's true mate, but his name is Victor," I put emphasis on Victor's name, knowing it would ring a bell for her. "He wants to rule the world, and the family demon has taken a liking to him. He's the new chosen one for the demon."

"Nikolai? Victor's child? Really?" Paris smirked. "The family demon is taken up with him? I must meet him..." Paris told me. "I want to see him when we get back."

"He helped us get you back," I whispered. "Both him and Raven. They tortured Charlie and got the information out that you were in Africa. Donnie got the exact information from one of our prisoners," I purred towards her. "We have a lot of rewarding to do."

"We do.... How is Raven?" Paris asked me. "She was there... when we fell." I bit my bottom lip.

"She lost it after we were taken. Louis told me that he had to put her in an insane asylum- that's how bad she got. She was killing guards and doctors left and right in there, and she refused to eat.... They brought her back when they got my stone. Hachi had to make a potion to bring her back to sanity.... She doesn't remember Austin at all."

"Nothing of Austin?" Paris hummed then. "I'll want to see her too. I want Louis most of all. Take me straight to Louis. My beautiful twin." I frowned.

"You don't want to spend time with me first?" I pouted and then kissed her head. "Alright... I'll just have you all to myself later."

"Oh... I'm sleeping in another room for now on." Paris told me. I narrowed my eyes and thought about dropping her. "I need to protect myself from your wants." She explained. "You'll get me pregnant in a heartbeat.... especially if we were alone right now." I glared her down then.

"Paris.... Our kids our grown up. Peyton hasn't even come to see me since I got back. I'm tired of not being able to raise a child. I want another one."

"I don't want to give birth again." Paris whispered.

"Why not?" I blinked slowly, trying to calm down.

"Horrible memories." She mumbled and hid her face against me.

"Paris, I said it won't happen again...and it won't," I promised and softened my gaze a little.

"You didn't..... Experience it like I did." She mumbled. "My poor baby..." She started to cry then. I widened my eyes and stopped walking, holding her close to me. I kissed the top of her head then.

"Shhhh.... It's ok. I won't make you," I told her softly, giving in. I can't do this to Paris....

"Dad." Donnie whispered and gave me a stern look. Paris's chest shook a bit. I looked up at Donnie.

"What?" I whispered, holding Paris close to me.

"Mom, you'll be fine. Having another kid will be good for you." Donnie told her. Paris sniffled. I sighed and looked down at Paris. Donnie is right.... Paris needs to pass this point in life.

"Sorry Paris," I mumbled. "You're stuck as a girl for a bit. You can be a guy again when the child is done nursing," I promised.

"What child?" Paris said innocently.

"The child that you and I will have together," I purred in her ear, kissing her cheek.

"We're adopting?" Paris asked me. I sighed.

"You'll see tonight," I mumbled and walked in the direction of the plane. "Hachi, let's go." I glanced behind me for Hachi, knowing Donnie would follow. Donnie was following with Hachi beside him.

"I'll give you handcuffs." Donnie whispered to me. I nodded.

"Thanks Donnie... I'll be needing them. In fact... I think I will use that bedroom on the plane," I mumbled, keeping my voice low so Paris wouldn't be alarmed. "The sooner the better... She'll plead to her twin for help." Paris was falling asleep in my arms, humming the song I play on the piano for her. I smiled. I should play that for her when we get back. I got onto the plan and headed to the back bedroom, setting her down on the bed as I shut the door behind me. She curled up in the bed and pulled a pillow close to her, smiling softly. I got into bed beside her and kissed her lips then started a trail to her neck, giving her a small love bite. She giggled softly and tried to push me away.

"I'm tired Richard..." She mumbled. I purred in her ear.

"But've been sleeping for a decade. Aren't you hungry?" I asked and exposed my neck to her, trying to lure her in. She'd wake up more if she got some blood in her system. She looked towards my neck and then leaned in, biting down into my neck. She started to drink my blood and moved in closer to me. I smirked and kissed her cheek as I moved on top of her and kissed her neck as I waited for her to get her fill. She pulled back after a minute and licked her lips.

"I'll have more later..." She told me. "I love you..." She whispered and went to curl up under me. I laughed and kissed her cheek.

"I love you too," I whispered in her ear and then nipped at it playfully. I bit down into her neck then, remarking her. She let out a soft moan and turned over, trying to pull me closer to her.

"Richard~" She purred. I smiled and kissed her neck, starting a trail to her shirt as I slipped my hands down to the hem, getting it over her head. I looked her over and slipped myself in between her legs before I went for a kiss from her lips. She moved her head away from me though and looked for her shirt. "Why'd you take it off..." I sighed, deciding not to give her an answer. She'd figure it out... She's in denial. I kissed her neck and worked my hands down her sides to her pants, grabbing them as I slid them down. "Richard!" She grabbed my hands. "I'm not ready..." She told me. "Not tonight." I looked at her and pouted.

"Why not?"

"I know what will happen. You better go get a box of condoms, Or you won't get any." She told me firmly. I thought it over and sighed, sitting up as I got a plan.

"Alright, I'll go get some." I got off her and then went over to the bathroom and dug around for some. When I found them, I glanced towards the door and grabbed a needle, putting a small hole in each of them. There's no way in hell that I'm giving up on having a child this easy. I smirked and put them back inside the box, bringing it out to her. "There, I got them." She looked towards me and then frowned.

"You know.... I don't know.... Condoms break easy... and I don't want to take the chance. I'll get on birth control." She decided. I let out a growl and dropped the box.

"DONNIE! PUT ME TO SLEEP FOR TWENTY YEARS! I'M NOT DOING THIS!" I shouted and started for the door.

"D-doing what? Twenty years!? No!" Paris started to panic.. "If you want to.... then I guess we can take the chance.... be easy with me though okay so we don't break one." She blushed then as she reached out for me. I sighed and started to grind my head into the door. How was I ever dominate? "R-Richard?" Paris asked. "I'm sorry if I upset you sweetie.... I do want you." She went to get out bed to come to me. I watched her and put my back against the door as I slowly slid down it. I really don't know. I couldn't come up with an answer. I remember being dominate.... I remember having Paris eating out of my hands.... I remember killing girls in the garden for Paris.... Why am I finding it hard now? Paris stopped on the edge of the bed and watched me curiously. I watched her then and rested my head against the door before I got up and walked over. I kissed the top of her head and then tilted her face up to mine. She kissed my lips softly and tried to pull me into bed with her. I let her and kissed her back passionately. I'd figure out dominance again.... I laughed and wrapped my arms around her as I leaned her back and kissed her neck happily. I missed her. Paris leaned into my neck and sniffed my scent then kissed my neck. I purred and then got in between her legs as I started to take my shirt off, kissing her passionately. She kissed me back and let out a soft moan, pulling my body closer to her. I smirked against her lips and reached down to my pants, undoing them.....

Louis's POV:

I frowned as I got a notification from the pilot that they were heading back from Africa. Does that mean they have my brother? I sat up and then called Rose's number, hoping to get her. Rose answered almost immediately.

"Yeah?" Rose asked, I could hear a TV in the background.

"Bring everyone over. I think Paris is back," I purred to her. "Richard is on his way home, and he wouldn't be leaving Africa if he didn't have my twin."

"Yeah. I'll bring the kids over.... PEYTON, GET READY TO GO. Nikolai.... baby.... It's time to go. Go get ready. Victor, you're staying here." Rose told them, hanging up on me. I stood up and went towards the door, going out into the hall.

"I WANT THE HOUSE CLEAN FROM TOP TO BOTTOM!" I called out, knowing the servants would hear me. "ISAAC, RAVEN, ISABELLE, AUGUST, DANNIE, QUINTON! AIYANA!" I shouted, calling them to me. "I NEED TO TALK TO YOU ALL." I crossed my arms and watched as Raven appeared in front of me. Isaac was here within seconds. Isabelle appeared beside me and frowned.

"What's wrong?" She asked me. I smiled at her and watched as Quinton came running. His sister wasn't far behind. Dannie skipped up, eating an apple as he done so and sat down against a wall. August came in with Rick and Cage right by him, they were busy talking about some business going on amongst the pack.

"Everyone, I want you all to prepare for Paris's arrival," I told them, being blunt about him coming back. Isabelle's eyes widened.

"He's back?" I nodded.

"Probably. Richard is on his way home." She disappeared quickly. Raven giggled happily and ran up to me, throwing her arms around me.

"THAT'S SO GREAT! You must be so happy Louis!" She giggled and pulled away, running down the hall in excitement. August gave me a huge smile.

"I'll tell the pack." August and Cage said in usion and laughed. Cage ran off while August walked up to me then kissed my cheek. Dannie looked up at me then bit down into his apple. I smiled at August and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his neck.

"Dannie, you know what that means, right?" I asked him.

"I'll have both my parents home." Dannie nodded and shrugged it off. "Then they'll disappear for ten more years. It happens." He mumbled. Quinton nodded and pulled him close.

"I'll never leave you," he purred into his ear. "You can't leave me either." Dannie rubbed his head up under Quinton's chin and smiled softly. I dropped my jaw slightly and looked at August.

"August... their outlook on life," I whispered, worried for them. They are so not being optimistic!

"They'll see that Paris and Richard are here to stay." August promised. I nodded and relaxed.

"You two go get cleaned up. I want you both to be presentable. Aiyana, what you want," I gestured them off and pulled August into my study. August followed after me and laughed.

"Where are we going?" August asked.

"To have a victory celebration," I told him and walked over to my desk, sitting down on it and watched him.

"What are we celebrating exactly?" August asked.

"My brother's return," I told him and frowned. "Do you know how big this is? He's coming home... after ten long years." August nodded and then walked up to me.

"That is something to be happy about." He agreed and got into my lap, kissing my cheek. I smiled happily and kissed him on the lips, wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you," I whispered to him and then leaned in to his neck, giving him a love bite. He let out a moan and leaned up against me.

"I love you too." He leaned in towards my lips and kissed me. I tilted my head and lightly bit down on his bottom lip, not drawing blood even though it was tempting. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and got his, sucking on it as I brought him close to me. He let out a slight moan and then grabbed my shirt, trying to pull it over my head. "Let's do this while we have time." He whispered. I nodded and pulled my shirt off for him, leaning him back on my desk as I pushed the papers off. I got on top of him and smirked as I started to kiss his neck, grabbing his shirt. He pulled off his shirt quickly and laughed. "We never get to do this..."

"Not with your alpha duties and my king of the world duties," I purred and watched him with amusement. I leaned in and kissed his bare chess, letting out a happy moan and gave him a love bite. He let out a soft moan then looked towards the floor longingly.

"Can we move to the floor?" He asked.

"You don't like my desk?" I teased and glanced down at the floor as I sat up on him.

"No, it's uncomfortable." He admitted. "The floor would be better." He whispered. I laughed and then teleported us to our bed, leaning back in and kissing his neck. I let out a teasing moan, messing with him.

"Is this better?" I purred.

"So much better." He agreed and grabbed my belt, pulling it off of me and started to take off my pants. I kissed his lips, laughing a bit.

"You're eager," I mumbled and let him.

"Well, I need it." He told me and laughed. "Alpha duties get stressful." He whispered and then shoved my pants down to my ankles. He started on his then. I let out a purr in his ear and nipped at it, gently sucking his earlobe to get his attention. He laughed softly and stopped messing with his pants, giving me a loving kiss. I kissed him back and pressed into him, licking his bottom lip teasingly and then tilted my head, giving him a better kiss. He kissed back and gave a laugh then gripped my butt, giving it a squeeze. I jumped a bit and laughed as I relaxed. I pulled back from the kiss and looked at him.

"Alright alpha," I whispered and reached down for his pants. He smirked and watched me, tensing up a bit.

"Finally." He smirked towards me. "You were making me a bit impatient." He told me. I looked up at him and smirked.

"Oh? The big bad wolf was getting impatient?" I asked and then leaned in, kissing his neck. He let out a soft growl and tried to flip us. I widened my eyes as he did and looked up at him. "A-August?" I bit my bottom lip. Oh no...

"What?" He asked innocently. "I just want you." He leaned in and kissed my lips. I calmed down and kissed him back, smiling as I wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you," I whispered to him and then went to flip us. He laughed and kept me under him.

"I love you too." He smirked. I widened my eyes and looked up at him. He laughed and started to trail kisses down my body. I arched my back and gripped a lock of his hair in my hand.

"Who said... you could be on top?" I asked, keeping in a moan.

"No one." He told me. "I choose to be, though." I looked at him and then sighed.

"If you don't tell anyone that the king of the world let you," I purred and pulled him up to my lips, kissing him. He kissed back and then flipped us.

"There you go king." He smirked. I laughed as I remembered his middle name.

"You won't regret it, my little River King," I purred to him and then started for his pants. He blushed slightly.

"Really, you bring up my middle name?" He asked me.

"But your my little alpha," I teased as I slowly unbuttoned his pants. He bit his bottom lip.

"I'm not little..." He whispered.

"You used to be as small as a puppy," I told him and then started to unzip his pants.

"Louis~" He blushed. "You're embarrassing me."

"But why should you be embarrassed of the start of us?" I asked him and then kissed his neck, sliding his pants down for him. "I'll stop if you're so upset."

"You better if you want some." He smirked towards me. I laughed then.

"I'm not the one that desperately wants relief from alpha duties. I'm just an innocent Luna," I told him.

"You're supposed to be dominate though.... even if I am alpha." He whispered.

"True.... I am the king," I whispered back and looked at him. "Guess you're stuck with my every whim and desire," I teased and kissed him then started a trail down his body. He arched his back then and grabbed one of my shoulders. I smirked and looked up at him. "Is the little wolf getting excited?" I asked him and paused in my kisses. "Is he going to beg?"

"N-no... I won't beg.... I'm not little either." He growled softly.

"Hmm... I should teach you tricks," I teased and then kissed him passionately as I slipped myself between his legs and ran my hands down his sides.

"Tricks?" August asked and raised an eyebrow. "I'm not a dog." I laughed and nodded.

"Ok, no tricks," I purred and slipped my hands down to his boxers as I started to give him a love bite. He gasped and tensed up then looked me over.

"Louis, come on... we never get to." He tried to rush me. I nodded.

"Ok," I whispered and then started to give him what he wanted.....

Paris's POV:

Richard carried me inside the manor and set me down inside. "Welcome home," he whispered to me and kissed my cheek as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Raven appeared in front of us in seconds and smiled excitedly.

"You're back!" She ran up and tacked us both into a hug. I yelped and then laughed, hugging her back.

"Hi Raven~" I kissed her cheek and let out a purr. "I've missed you." I told her. "Thank you, for all the help you gave Richard to find me." She nodded and pulled back, giving me a sweet smile.

"You know I'd do anything to help you and Richard," she told me and then watched as Peyton appeared beside her. She glanced us over.

"P-peyton?" I looked her over and then reached out for her. "You're thirteen, right?" I asked and laughed. "Hi baby girl." She frowned and looked towards me.

"Yeah...I'm thirteen. Where have you been?" She hissed.

"UH~" I looked towards Richard for help. He widened his eyes and looked at her.

"Peyton, we couldn't be here.... We would have loved to have been here," he told her. She crossed her arms and was about to say something else, but Richard stopped her. "We're still your parents, whether you like it or not. It's not our fault that we were trapped for ten years. We would've been there if we could've been," he told her. Her gaze softened and she nodded, walking over slowly.

"I-I...guess it's not your faults." Donnie walked in with Hachi then and Donnie smiled as he seen Peyton.

"Peyton!" He grabbed her before she got to us and hugged her. "Hiya little sis!" She looked towards him and frowned.

"Who're you?" She asked.

"Your older brother." I told her.

"That' older brother?" Her eyes widened and she looked at him. He smirked towards her and laughed.

"Yeah, Dannie's twin. Dannie is your other brother and then we have a sister named Myra, but she hates coming around." Donnie told her.

" much I don't know," she mumbled to herself and then hugged him hesitantly. Raven giggled.

"Poor Peyton," she trailed off and then looked towards me and smiled. "Want to meet my partner in crime?"

"Yeah." I nodded towards Raven. "I'd love to." She reached out for us and grabbed our hands, teleporting us to the living room where a boy was watching TV. She gestured to him.

"That's Rose's son," she told me and then stretched. I looked him over and then paled at how similar he was to me.

"Are you sure he's not mine?" I whispered to Richard.

"He's not ours," he whispered to me. Raven giggled.

"He really does look like you, doesn't he?" She glanced at the TV then at Nikolai. "He likes cartoons, but he's a six year old trapped in a sixteen year old body." Nikolai's eyes were hooked on the TV and he seemed to be unaware of our existence. I started for him then, wanting to meet this boy, that the demon is so found over. His eyes fickered to me then and he gave a small smile then looked towards the TV. I sat down by him and leaned in towards his neck, sniffing him.

"Don't." Nikolai told me firmly. I laughed as I caught him trying to compulse me. Raven giggled.

"Oh, and don't look him in the eyes. He'll have you jumping off a cliff," she told me and then went over to the remote, tossing it towards me. I grabbed the remote and turned it off. He looked towards me and he looked towards the remote.

"Do you have a death wish?" He asked me and growled slightly. I smirked and put the remote behind me.

"Hello Nikolai." I gave him a friendly smile. "I heard..... That you, are a very interesting boy." I told him. Raven sat down on the arm of the couch and started playing with his hair, humming to herself. He shrugged.

"Whatever you heard..." He looked towards the TV. "Is most likely true." He told me.

"Well~ So you know our family demon?" I asked him curiously.

"I play cards with him." He told me. "Are you jealous? He's mine now." I laughed and shook my head.

"No, I'm not jealous he chose you." I told him and then turned his face to look at me. "I'm happy for you." I kissed the top of his head then. "You'll be very powerful one day-"

"I already know that." He snapped towards me. Raven giggled then.

"The little kitty is sassy today," she murmured under her breath. "Hey, want to play a game later?" She asked him, tugging gently on his hair. "We could play predator and prey. You'll be prey."

"No. Later I will be taking a nap. My mom woke me up early." He explained. "I hate getting up early." I smirked towards him.

"How about tomorrow, we go do some fun things together and I can tell you a few secrets about our family." I whispered to him. "You'll need to know them if you are going to tango with the demon." He looked at me, showing interest.

"Okay." He whispered.

"Okay." I nodded towards him and stood up. "Have fun," I gave him the remote. He turned on the TV then and went back to his zone. Raven looked towards the TV then at him, giggling a bit as she poked his cheek. She smirked and looked towards his neck, thinking about biting him.

"Don't." I told her and then started for the dungeon. "Come on." I motioned for Richard and Raven to come with me. She pouted a bit and got up, giving Nikolai a hungry look before she followed me with Richard. I walked all the way down to the dungeon and entered it, looking for the cell that the twins were in. Once I reached it I looked inside to where they were sleeping in each other's arms. "I used to imagine them as myself and Louis... now they are just monsters in my eyes." I muttered. Richard wrapped his arms around my waist.

"They've certainly turned into little weeds in our garden," he mumbled. "The only way Raven and Nikolai got Charlie to tell them anything was when they went to hurt Riley. Louis had to rip me out of Riley's stomach," he told me and looked inside beside me. I frowned as I had a flashback to the last day...

"Charlie tried to prevent it." I muttered. "He'll live." He nodded and looked at me.

"We'll have to work with him to get him back to our side. He's pretty far gone," he whispered to me. "Riley... I don't care what we do with him." Raven perked up.

"Can I eat him?" She asked us.

"We'll have him brainwashed... The rest of them can die for all I care. Kill Riley in front of Charlie, I at least want him to suffer. He didn't give me to Louis, he had hidden me. He deserves some pain." I muttered and glared them down.

"I'll eat him!" Raven offered. "I'll make it bloody!" Richard looked at her and laughed.

"You really can't handle the diet that Louis put you on, can you?" She shook her head.

"I'll eat Riley if you let me."

"No, you can have Dylan though." I told her. "Richard, Riley is all yours~" I purred his way. He smirked.

"I'll gladly kill him," he muttered. "Putting me in a baggie and eating me...." Raven pouted as she watched us.

"He shot me in the arm ten years ago," she mumbled and sighed. Richard looked at her.

"Next time sweetie... you can eat the prisoner."

"Yeah, you can have Dylan." I told her and then looked towards the twins and then opened the door, going inside. Richard and Raven followed me, and I caught Richard smirking at Riley as he shut the door behind us. I walked over to them and then sat down on the bed, right by them. I leaned in towards their faces and sniffed them.

"Waky waky~" I whispered to them. "Time to get up for school." I purred. They curled up tighter to eachother. Richard walked over and sat down on the other side and watched Raven as she watched him. She pouted and walked over to me, sitting beside me. "Come on.... it's time to get up. "I purred once more.

"Five more minutes...." Riley whispered. Richard reached over and touched the side of his face, moving his hand down towards his neck then grabbed it. He yanked him away from Charlie and into his lap. I heard Riley yelp and stuggle against Richard's grip. Charlie opened his eyes then and panicked, seeing Riley get stolen from him. I pinned him down then  and forced his face to watch Riley and Richard. Richard let out a growl towards Riley and exposed his fangs.

"Alright you little monster," he hissed and leaned in, biting down into Riley's shoulder and tore out a chunk. He spat it towards Charlie and then leaned in, biting down hard. Charlie struggled under me and tried to go to his twin.

"Riley!" Charlie's voice sounded panicked.

"Owe!" Riley hissed towards Richard and tried to get away from him. "Stop~" He begged.

"I'm back." I growled into Charlie's ear. "I'm going to have your whole family murdered, then I am going to make you my foot rest for all of eternity." I laughed evilly. Raven giggled at that and I caught her thoughts wandering to when she tortured him. Nikolai had marked him with the family symbol. Richard let go of Riley's neck and gripped his sides as he tore into his neck viciously with his fangs. Riley cried out in pain then and struggled against Richard.

"No! Don't kill him! He doesn't deserve it!" Charlie cried out and tried to overpower me. "Please, he's my twin." Richard looked towards him and licked his lips clean slowly.

"Hmm... I could come in here every day...and do this over and over again," he mumbled to himself.

"Richard~ Scar him to death." I muttered and then gripped Charlie's hair, pulling his head up a bit, straining his neck. "Don't mess with me, right? I tried to warn you." Richard eyed Charlie's neck and then looked back at Riley, biting into him again as he started to tear his neck open again. Riley yelped out in pain and tried to get away from Richard, succeeding in doing so and went for the door. I looked Charlie over and then smirked. "I wonder.... If you'd like a show first before we murder your twin in front of you." I whispered to him. Richard grabbed Riley and pulled him back onto his lap then looked at me.

"What kind of show are we talking about giving?" He asked, giving me a sweet look.

"Hmmm~" I looked Riley over then looked at Charlie. "What should I do to him  Charlie?" I asked. "Should I kill him immediantly.... or torture him for a while... a very long while." I scrapped my fangs across his skin.

"Don't touch him." Charlie hissed. Riley glared Richard down then went to bite his neck. Richard laughed and ripped his fangs out, tossing them towards Charlie and then bit down into Riley's lip. Riley yelped out in pain and tried to get away.

"I looked at you two like my own family." I whispered to Charlie. "You two should have never defied me.... Now I will make sure you never see each other again." I laughed evilly and looked towards Riley. "He'll go to hell while you stay here." I looked Riley over and laughed. "Not much of a hunter anymore, are you?" Richard laughed at that and then put Riley down on the bed and got on top of him, tearing his shirt off and bit down into his shoulder. Raven let out a small whimper as she watched, wanting a bite too, but she restrained herself. Riley  kneed Richard between his legs then and shoved him off then went to get away. Richard growled out in pain and grabbed him, pinning his arm behind his back and then tore out his throat, watching as he started to bleed out.

"Little brat," Richard hissed in his ear, letting go of Riley as he started to die. Riley grabbed at his neck and tried to prevent the bleeding. I licked Charlie's neck and breathed into his ear.

"Say goodbye Charlie~" I told him. Charlie looked worried for his twin and tried to go for him but I kept him just out of reach. Richard looked at Charlie and licked his lips clean then leaned up against the wall as he looked at Riley with a smirk.

"Bye bye Riley," he whispered to him. "Sweet dreams."

"Stop it!" Charlie begged. "Don't kill him, show him mercy. He didn't kill you Riley. It was only to protect you from Val!" He tried to go to his twin.

"Val?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. Richard's eyes widened a bit and he glanced from Charlie to Riley.

"Val...asked you to do this?" Richard asked. "It was because of her? You didn't want to be apart of it, did you?"

"Val.... Val was going to kill the both of you... We took you to protect you both... and make sure no one would harm you. We also didn't want you two coming back... Especially as demons." Charlie told us. "We're vampire hunter, we hunt what harms humans. We didn't kill you though because you are family.... Don't kill Riley-"

"We are not family." I told Charlie. Richard looked towards Riley.

"Just when I was thinking about saving you Riley.... Too bad your brother ruined that when he said he didn't want to bring us back. That whole vampire hunter spill just got you murdered."

"No!" Charlie cried out, he started to cry then. "Val's going to kill you... Don't kill Riley... Please don't kill him... He's my twin.... Don't kill him. He made a mistake, yes.... but he doesn't deserve death." Richard glanced at me then and looked at Charlie.

"Renounce your vampire hunter lineage," he purred to him.

"You're a vampire." I purred to him. "Not hunter." I licked his neck.

"I renounce it." Charlie told us. "Please...." Richard smirked and looked towards Riley.

"Riley, do you renounce it?" He asked. "If you renounce it and you are good little vampires... I'll let you live."

"I was born a hunter." Riley snapped. "You might play games with Charlie but I know who I am. Vampires killed my parents. I'll never renounce my title as a hunter."

"RILEY!" Charlie hissed towards him and started to panic. Richard glared him down coldly.

" a pureblood vampire... I'll let you die for the good of my race. You're not a vampire, and you'll die the death of a murderer of my kind." He grabbed him and pinned him down as he went to tear his heart out. Charlie screamed out in fear for him and almost overpowered me, but I managed to keep him down and watch. Riley let his hand fall from his neck.

"I'll die knowing I done what was right." Riley hissed.

"You'll die knowing that your twin will never follow the same path. He'll follow the path of a vampire," Richard hissed at him and tore his heart out at that and dropped it. "Someone inform Hachi he can come eat this." Charlie let out a scream and tried to get away from me, scratching at my arms to try to get me to let go of him. He started to cry and curled up into a ball.

"Shhhhh~" I smirked towards him. "It's not okay." Richard stood up and licked his hands clean.

"Charlie, that is what happens to vampire hunters. You must stay away from them because they'll do the same to you in a heartbeat. They view us as monsters when we feed to stay alive. We fight back because they prey on us while we are trying to survive. They die horrible deaths and call us monsters when we are protecting ourselves," Richard told him and then looked at Riley in disgust. "They're the true monsters. They tried to kill Paris while she was in labor. They killed our baby and brought him back as a clone, wanting to raise him as a weapon and make clones from him to raise an army just like him to use against us. If you ever doubt for a moment that vampire hunters are in the right, remember what I just told you. You're a vampire now, and you cannot be a vampire hunter." I rubbed his head and then looked towards the corpse. I looked towards Charlie and then grabbed him by the neck and pulled him out of bed.

"You'll go be with the rest of my army like a good army brat." I told him and looked him in the eyes. "I hate having to do this to you... but you leave me no choice Charlie... I can't trust you.  You'll never leave me. You'll think of me every night and think of nothing else. When you get lonely you'll find comfort amongst your coffin I'll be giving you. You'll obey every order given to you... You'll stay as my newborn forever.... You'll kill anyone for me." I told him and ran my fingers through his hair. I was using my compulsions to command him. He nodded and had his eyes glazed over a bit. "Good boy. You understand, now right?"

"Y-yes." Charlie whispered.

"At night, when you shut your eyes to sleep.... You'll have nightmares... about your twin..... being murdered by your parents." I told him and smirked.

"I will?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes." I nodded towards him. "Now, let's go get you a coffin." I told him and grabbed him by the shoulder, dragging him out of the room. Raven followed us, but Richard gave Riley another glance before he walked after us.

"I'll go ask Hachi if he wants Riley's remains," he murmured and started for the stairs.

"Okay." I smirked and kept pulled Charlie with me. He was still dazed.

"Nightmares...." Charlie whispered amongst himself. Raven smirked.

"You know... I bet you're going to be screaming every night," she whispered and then let out a sigh. "I think the other newborns will suffocate you in your sleep."

"They'll try to comfort you.... but you won't let them. You'll scream if they touch you." I told Charlie. Charlie nodded, giving a shiver.

"No touchy." Charlie mumbled. I got to the floor where my army's coffins were and walked up to one of the empty ones then showed Charlie it.

"This is yours. You won't have your own room. You only get a coffin. If I see you upstairs, I'll have the wolves eat you for breakfast. Stay down here." I told him.

"Stay here..." Charlie mumbled.

"Good boy." I shoved him down towards the coffin. "Now, I'll leave you to it." Raven smirked and then looked at me, grabbing my hand as she looked me over.

"I just noticed you're a girl," she mumbled and frowned a bit. "Poor Paris," she whispered, picking up on what Richard wanted. I shook my head quickly.

"I'm not..." I told her and then teleported us upstairs, to my study. "I don't want to have kids."

"But he brought you back as a girl," she whispered to me. "He wouldn't have done that unless he was planning on getting something out of it." She walked over to the window and looked out it, happy to be in here. "Louis had the room closed up when he found out that you were gone," she told me. I nodded then widened my eyes. I need to prevent.... it from happening. I teleported to the store and went towards the section to prevent these things and grabbed a bottle to take, birth control. I also grabbed another set for morning after situations and then grabbed a few extra bottles to keep hidden incase one gets found. I bought them at the cash register and then brought them back to the manor, placing them in our bathroom, under the sink. I opened up a morning after bottle and took one of the pills then placed it under and closed the cubby. I stood up then walked towards my closet and looked through it. I grabbed a few clothes I knew that would fit me then took them with me to the bathroom. I placed them on the counter then took a shower to wash him off me. He is soooooo not going- Donnie. He's a mind reader! No!

"No!" I yelped and hurried up with my shower then got out, wrapping a towel around me. I grabbed one of the bottles then placed it behind the toilet for safe keeping. I dried off then got dressed. Once I finished I walked over of the bathroom and towards the bed. Oh man.... Donnie don't tell your father.... Richard walked in then and glanced at me and sighed, walking towards the bathroom.

"You're such a big baby," he muttered and went in, going towards the closet. I tensed up, not sure what he meant by it. He grabbed a shirt and a pair of pants, changing into them and went towards the sink. He pulled out the bottles then went over to the toilet, dropping all the pills in them and then reached behind the toilet and grabbed my hidden bottle and started pouring them into it. He flushed the toilet and tossed all the bottles to the trash then walked out of the bathroom. He glanced my way and then shoved his hands into his pockets, going towards the door. I looked towards my phone on the table and grabbed it then texted Louis.

Me: Have any birth control pills?

Louis: No, I'm not currently a female.

Richard walked out of the room, muttering something about how he was going out.

Me: Can you get me some, and keep it hidden? Don't let Donnie know!

I hummed a tune to myself to cloud my thoughts.

Louis: I'll think about it. After all, you should see how few purebloods are out in the world now. Pureblood couples need to start having children again.

I frowned. He's against me too... I got out of bed and teleported to Louis's new study and looked around at it. "Louis you have to help me." I began. "I don't want...." I looked towards him. "To experience it."

"Hmmm... Come here. I want you to see the number of natural born female purebloods there are out in the world. I'll give you a hint. It's a double digit number. " I frowned and shook my head.

"Louis..." I trialed off. "I don't want you against me too." I whispered softly. He sighed and looked at me. He gestured me over.

"Give me your stone," he told me.

"No way." I shook my head and held my chest. "I just got it back."

"I'll bring you back as a male," he told me and smiled. "You can trust me. I trusted you countless times with mine. If you don't want to bare Richard's children again, then you will walk over here and let me take your stone for you. It's either that or I'm getting new nephews and nieces from you."

"I'll go get something..." I smirked then and teleported downstairs, looking through our medical stuff and grabbed a birthcontrol shot that'll work for three years. I laughed evilly and then started to get it ready to put in me, laughing softly. "I should have thought of this sooner..." I mumbled. Louis appeared beside me and took the needle away.

"You know that won't work," he told me. "It'll piss him off."

"He'll never know." I whispered.

"Donnie will tell him," he whispered back to me. "Trust me.... Donnie wants a sibling."

"Well I can't trust that I'll be safe as a male again either.... Richard will get mad and wisk me away to Alaska." I grumbled. He looked at me.

"Is it really that bad...that you are putting both you and your mate through this?" He asked me and then set the needle down. "That you are willing to make him angry with you over something like this? You could just try one more time...and if it doesn't work this time... you can tell him never again. I'll help you if he tries the next time after this one last pregnancy."

"Louis...." I mumbled and sat down in the floor, bringing my knees to my chest. "I don't mind being a girl.... but being pregnant..." I shivered at the horrible memory of loosing my child. He sat down beside me and traced his fingers on the floor.

"Paris, if I was afraid of my terrible memories, I wouldn't have made Isabelle. Do you know how many of my favored newborns I lost? I lost every single one of my pets to some terrible death. I didn't stop though... I made Isabelle, and so far, she's the first one that survived. I worked hard with her. I made sure that she would live. I trained her to the point where she cried and wanted to give up and die. I didn't let her. Look at her now. She's the best pet I've ever had. She's strong. She's perfect. Don't let something like that get to you Paris. It only happened to you once. It happened to me multiple times." He looked up at me and stared me down. "Losing my pets was like losing a child. If I have to show you how painful it was, I will." I looked away from him and whimpered.

"Louis...." I whispered. "I really don't want to..." I mumbled. "It give me nightmares just thinking about it." I scratched my shoulder then, digging my nails into my skin. He grabbed my hands to stop me and I got a flash of when he met his first pet, and I felt the joy he felt with him. He showed me his pet bloody on the floor from when Richard had gotten to him and let me feel his despair. He showed me his next pet, the werewolf and how he had been happy with that one. He thought it wouldn't happen again, and the werewolf died protecting me. He let me see how much he denied that second one dying and how he didn't want to believe Rose when she was telling him that he was gone. He showed me how he felt after that. He didn't want to make another newborn as a pet. He didn't want to get attached, but he met Isabelle who had needed him. He rescued her and was going to drop her off somewhere, but she didn't want to leave him, so he reluctantly turned her. He showed me the struggle where he had to train her and how she had gotten bloody and hurt and had a hard time just picking up the bar in a weight set. He showed me his pride at how strong she had gotten and his relief that she didn't die. He let me see something he never told me about. He had almost lost her too. She had gotten injured in a fight during the ten years I was in a box. She would have died if he hadn't gotten to her in time. He pulled away from me and stared me down.

"You lost one child only once. I've lost at least two and almost lost a third." I looked away from him and rested my head on my knees.

"Louis..." I whispered once more. "I want to be alone." I told him and teleported to my bedroom. I walked over towards the window seat and laid down on it, looking out the window before closing my eyes to rest for a bit.

After a few hours, I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door. "Paris? I'm home," I heard Richard call softly. "May I come in?"

"Yeah." I mumbled, knowing he could hear me. I stretched out on the bed I had made and rolled over, falling into the floor. "Ek!" He walked in and laughed when he saw me. He shut the door and walked over, picking me up.

"Hey gorgeous," he purred and set me on the bed. "Are you falling for me?" He joked.

"Mhm." I nodded and curled up on the bed. "I was sleeping." I told him. He laughed and got in beside me.

"Well, may I join you then?" He asked softly and curled up on his side of the bed. I crawled over to him and curled up against him, taking in a deep breath. He smiled and smelled my neck, finding comfort in it. He brought me close and closed his eyes. "I love you Paris... and I know you took the pill. I've gotten over it though."

"S-sorry." I whispered and hid my face against him. "I just... don't know about having a child yet." I told him. I felt him nod after a minute.

"Then we won't have one," he whispered back. I looked up into his eyes.

"You want one..." I mumbled.

"But you don't want one," he told me and ran his fingers through my hair. "I'm not going to make you. If you don't want a child, we won't have a child. It's as simple as that."

"You should have one." I told him. "You can have one." He looked at me.

"No...." He gave me a tired smile.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I know how you feel about your stone being taken once you have a form. Besides... if you're in charge, we might end up as stones again," he teased and kissed my cheek. "I might get shot next."

"W-What?" I asked and sat up, glaring him down. He looked up at me and curled up into his pillow.

"I wasn't being serious," he mumbled. He closed his eyes then. I frowned towards him and shoved him off my bed. He yelped and then sat up, looking at me through narrowed eyes. "Fine. Wallow in self pity." He glared at me and started for the door. "I'll go sleep elsewhere." I growled towards him and exposed my fangs.

"Sleep in the floor." He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow.

"No. I'm not sleeping in the floor. You can sleep in here. I'll go sleep in a guest bedroom." I looked away from him and started to scratch my shoulder. He looked at it, and I could feel him getting irritated about it. He walked towards the door then.

"Enjoy the guest bedroom." I told him. "You'll be in there for a week." I hissed.

"Like I care. My mate is being cold to me. I'd rather sleep by myself," he told me and walked out. I threw the pillow towards the door then.

"I'M NOT THE ONE BEING MEAN~ IT'S YOU!" I yelled towards him and laid back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. My hormones are so out of wack as a girl... I sighed and got out of bed after a few minutes, unable to sleep now and went towards the kitchen. When I reached it I grabbed a bottle of blood out of the fridge then started for the livingroom. I found Nikolai still watching his cartoons, making me smile. I walked over to him then sat down by him and laid back against the couch, taking a sip from my bottle of blood. Raven appeared then and looked at Nikolai then at the TV. She sat down beside him and curled up, frowning as she watched the cartoon curiously. "So why are you up Paris? You can't sleep too?"

"My mate." I muttered. "We are having complications so I came in here." I told her, wrapping an arm around Nikolai's shoulders to see if he would react to it. He didn't even notice though. Raven glanced at him curiously and inched closer to him, sniffing him curiously and let out a small purr at his scent. She curled up beside him and glanced towards his neck. "He's like an owl." I mumbled.

"No." Nikolai said softly. Raven tensed up and moved away quickly, watching him.

"He's not as far gone as I thought," she mumbled.

"Shhhh." He told her. She giggled and moved back, watching him with interest.


"Please." Nikolai whispered. "It's getting good." She sighed and gave a nod then rested her head on his shoulder, glancing towards the TV. He shrugged her off quickly and then shoved me away. "GET OFF OF ME!" He hissed. "Don't touch me, darn it!" Raven let out a growl then.

"Bad prey," she hissed and was by him in seconds, biting into his wrist. He yanked his wrist away then had her flung up against the wall, knocking her through it.

"Don't bite me!" He growled. I raised an eyebrow, impressed by his powers. She appeared beside him and crossed her arms.

"I'll do what I want. If you don't want to be bit, go make yourself smell less tempting," she told him stubbornly. He turned off the TV then and got to his feet then grabbed her wrists.

"I'm not the only one that smells tempting in this room." He eyed her down. "So do you." He pulled her closer and smelled the crook of her neck, moaning slightly. I watched them curiously... He can't be her mate... Austin is.... Plus he should still be alive.... No one has two mates at once... He just finds her intoxicating.... Which makes since because her scent is delicious. Watching them made me miss Richard... and long for his arms... I can't stay mad at him... I love him. I teleported away from the living room and towards the guest bedrooms. I smelled the air and followed Richard's scent to one room then opened the door, letting it swing open. I walked in, then closed the door, and walked over towards Richard... He only meant well... If he really wants a kid... I'll try for him, but I won't let it be easy for him and I won't let anyone know I am going to let him have a child from me. It will be my little secret... I slipped off my clothes and slid into bed with him, kissing his cheek softly as I played around with his belt and pulled it off. I started to unzip his pants then. I leaned in towards his face and kissed his lips passionately.

"Wake up." I whispered against the kiss. He groaned and shifted in the bed sleepily. I smirked and pushed his pants down. "I'll take you in your sleep." I purred in his ear.

"Wha...." He opened his eyes a little and looked at me in confusion. He was still half asleep. His thoughts were all muddled up. I kissed him once again and pulled him over me. I tugged off his shirt then. He blinked and curled up on top of me, wrapping his arms around me. I leaned in towards his neck and bit him. "Owe!" He let out a whimper and started to sit up, waking up more.

"Wake up!" I purred. "I want you." He looked down at me and widened his eyes.

"Paris?" He looked down at us and blushed as he saw he was already mostly undressed.

"Mhm." I nodded towards him and kissed his throat. "I love you~"

" you too. What's going on?" He asked and kissed my cheek. "You're in here...but you're mad."

"I'm not so upset anymore..." I told him and kissed his cheek. "I want to make it up to you, for how I was acting." He nodded and then let out a small yawn. He buried his face into the crook of my neck and smiled happily.

"Ok," he said softly and bit down gently. I let out a soft moan and exposed my neck even more for him. He drank my blood hungrily and pressed into me for more, kissing my neck before he gave me another harder bite. I let out a gasp.

"Richard.... If you outsmart me..." I mumbled lowly, to where he'd just barely catch it if he was paying attention. "We'll have a kid." He let out a soft growl, hearing me. He went for my hands as he bit down again, making me yelp. I arched my back, pressing my chest against his. He got my hands and pinned them above my head before he started to remark me on the other side of my neck. I gasped and exposed my fangs, "I love you~" He pulled back from my neck and looked me in the eyes with a smirk.

"I love you too," he told me and stole a kiss. "But... you aren't moving out of the bed in the morning...and you aren't leaving my sight for a week."

"I can teleport." I told him and smirked. "So this won't be easy."

"I'll handcuff you to me so you can't leave," he told me and laughed. "I want to be there with you every step of the way this time... I won't let it happen again. You won't be hurt again." He kissed my neck and started a trail. I blushed and watched him.

"You'll have to outsmart me if you want one." I mumbled. "I'm pretty cleaver."

"This is me we're talking about. I'm the champion at cleverness," he told me and smirked up at me. "I think Louis replaced that bracelet of Isabelle's.... I could borrow it." He kissed my lips again and looked down at me. "I will be more careful with you this time.... Trust me, I don't want to mess up again. I'm tired of not being able to raise our children. I want to say that we at least raised a few of them before I'm eventually killed somehow."

"You'll never  be killed." I told him and leaned in towards his neck, biting into it. I remarked him then, sending my venom into his viens. He moaned and kissed my cheek quickly.

"If I die though... it'll be to save you," he told me and then wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll come get you out of hell." I whispered to him, leaning in to kiss him. "You are all I want." I mumbled against his lips.

"I'll do my best to not die, but I can't promise," he purred to me. "Though... I can promise not to let us go to sleep angry at each other again. Would you like that?" I nodded towards him.

"You're my mate... I love you and I don't want us fighting... but I do love a good challenge." I whispered  and let out a soft laugh. He laughed and then kissed me.

"I'll make it hard for you to be mad at me.... I know your weak spots. Hmmm, it's been awhile since the piano has been graced by my presence," he whispered in a light, teasing tone as he looked me over. "I should play for you tomorrow."

"Please?" I asked him and tried to free my hands. He laughed then.

"You're not getting your hands back," he told me and smirked, running his free hand down my sides. "I know you'll push me off or something like that."

"No." I shook my head. "I won't shove you off... I want this tonight." I told him and rubbed my feet against the side of his legs. He let out a purr and loosened his grip on my hands, testing to see what I'd do as he watched me. I smiled softly and tried to get them out of his grip. He let me and used that hand to hold himself up as he leaned in for another kiss. I kissed him back and ran my fingers down towards his boxers. I had my stone pulse for his, sending him all the love I could give with warmth. He kissed me harder then and touched his chest in slight shock, but he quickly melted on top of me and wrapped an arm around me, bringing my body closer. I pushed his boxers down then and kicked them off with my feet. He looked down at us and leaned in quickly, giving me a passionate kiss.....