Fate, The Trickster

Paris's POV:

Richard stirred beside me and sat up in the bed a bit, looking around. He frowned and looked towards me, brushing my hair back behind my ear. "This is so strange.... not being in our room when we wake up," he mumbled, not wanting to wake me. He kissed my cheek and started to move out of the bed. I grabbed his wrist though and teleported us to our bed, then smiled softly, but then yelped at the cold sheets. I sat up quickly and got out of them. He laughed and watched me. "You're up awful fast," he purred to me and crawled to the edge of the bed where I was standing. He looked up at me and pulled me close, kissing my neck. I groaned as my stomach started to feel uneasy and I pushed him back, going for the bathroom. I shut myself inside and walked over towards the sink and went to look under it but remembered he got rid of them. I frowned and looked at myself in the mirror. "Paris?" He called from the other side of the door then walked in, looking at me. "What's the matter?" He pouted and walked over. "Are you hurt?" I turned on the water quickly as I felt something rising up in my throat then puked up some blood into the sink. His eyes widened and he rubbed my back to comfort me. "Paris.... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you if I did," he whispered to me and kissed the top of my head as he grabbed my hair to hold it back. I looked up at him through the mirror.

"I don't feel so good." I mumbled and rubbed my stomach as it started to hurt. He winced and grabbed a small handtowel, rubbing the blood off my lips before he pulled me back from the sink.

"Let's...go get you something to help your stomach," he told me and looked me over. "I'll cook something up. It'll help." He went towards the closet then, getting us clothes. I walked over to my closet and looked inside it to get something for myself then froze when I seen my whole wardrobe had been changed out to suit a girl. I shrieked and paled at the sight. Richard looked it over and frowned. "Donnie," he mumbled. "I'm going to get him for that." I seen a small little envelope on the couch I had In my walk in closet so I picked it up, seeing that Donnie had signed off on it, telling me to enjoy.

"Enjoy.... Donnie." I read it towards Richard. Most of the items were sundresses, I noticed. I walked over to the dresser then pulled it open, seeing he had gotten me nothing but the finest landre to wear. I picked up a red piece and showed it to Richard. He laughed as he saw it.

"Hmm, it's sexy when your son buys your lingerie to wear in bed," he told me and walked over. "I like the color though." I looked into the dresser and pulled out a dark forest green piece and traded it, putting the red back. I put the matching two piece on and then walked over towards the dresses hanging up an picked out a matching green dress. It was knee length and was quite casual looking. Not too fancy. I put it on then looked towards the shoes and frowned.... Nothing but heels. Richard held in a laugh as he watched me. "I'll get you some combat boots to wear with those girly dresses of yours."

"I'm going shopping later." I muttered and put on the lowest heels in my closet, black five inch pumps. "I'm going to murder him." Richard leaned against the wall.

"The good news is... you can stake a vampire easily with those," he told me. I glared him down and walked back to the bathroom and looked in the mirror then brushed out my hair with my fingers. He followed me and came up behind me, dressed now. He didn't take long to throw something on. He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned in towards my neck. I leaned back against him and felt my stomach become uneasy again. He ran his hands down my side and then kissed my neck, scraping his fangs against me. "I love you," he purred to me. "We should go out today... Just us." I nodded and turned towards him.

"I think I will go steal some clothes from Lauren's old bedroom." I told him. "She should have some stuff there that will fit me." I smirked. She usually keeps clothes there, even after she left us for those couple of years to travel with her mate. I might even find some pills to help me... He nodded and then picked me up.

"But later. I want to spend time with you," he purred to me and then started to carry me out of the bathroom and towards our bedroom door. "I have a plan for today."

"Where are we going?" I asked him curiously.

"We're going to explore the changes in our beautiful Maine.... and then we are going to go see about maybe getting you a good human to feed off of for when you start having to support both yourself and our child. I don't want our baby getting malnourished because you're feeding off just me. Then, we'll go get you some actual shoes and some pants. We'll come home... and I'll play the piano for you." I nodded at the idea.

"Mhmmm.... Are we going to go explore after breakfast?" I asked softly.

"We're leaving as soon as you get some food in your tummy," he told me and smirked. "I want to give you this really good medicine to help ease your nausea."

"What medicine?" I asked curiously.

"It's just some stuff I got the last time I was going to give you a child. It helps with the nausea," he informed me. "I took it while you weren't paying attention. I didn't want you to think I was taking birth control or something." He walked us down to the kitchen then and set me down inside. I nodded towards him and then got to my feet, going over to the medicine cabinet. We kept one for the humans and werewolves- and Hachi sometimes. I pulled it open and looked through the different kinds then smirked when I found birthcontrol. He walked over and looked through it then grabbed the birth control and put it in his pockets. He grabbed a bottle at the back then opened it up, putting one into my hand. I looked it over then walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of blood. I took the medicine he gave me then got up on the counter. I looked towards his pocket then with the birth control... How do I get it... He smirked as he caught me looking. "Will we have war or peace?" He asked me, walking over. "You're not getting birth control." Then again... there is herbs I can get that will prevent it... That's what I found my mother taking when I was younger.

"Peace." I said innocently. He smiled and then grabbed my wrist, handcuffing me to him with a pair he had hidden in his pockets. He smirked then.


"Wh- Richard~" I looked him in the eyes and then yanked on the handcuffs. He laughed darkly and leaned in, kissing me.

"You're not killing it."

"It's not killing it." I told him innocently. "It's preventing it."

"Same thing to me. What if that one will become a ruler of something great? I'm actually surprised you haven't told your twin to give you the throne. You don't seem interested in ruling anymore." He laughed and then looked around the kitchen.

"Hmmm?" I asked him. "You think he's still rulling, your hilarious. It's my throne." I crossed my arms. He looked back at me and raised an eyebrow.

"He's still the king of the world right now," he told me. "He passed a law by the way. He calls it the Human Acts. There's a town being set aside now where only selected humans can live. They have to give up a healthy young adult every ten years. He thinks it will save their race and help our food supply in the future. It's really interesting. He's got something up his sleeve for when they become more populated in that city he's making them. He wants them to start going to college in there as well. He's going to put a few professors in there, so their children can learn and be educated." Richard gave me a smile. I frowned.

"They'll rebel and we'll have hunters again." I mumbled to him and then looked away. "He can rule for now, I'm not in a big hurry to come back to power. I want other things." I rubbed my stomach. Maybe this is why the demon now is with Nikolai. I narrowed my eyes. He seen this coming. Richard smiled at me and then looked towards the door.

"I'm sure he's not allowing guns and whatnot in the town. He'll kill them if they rebel. It's Louis we're talking about. He doesn't let someone walk over him and get away with it." Richard glanced back at me then and smirked. "So... My beautiful Paris has given up ruling for now? Interesting...." I shrugged and gave him a smile.

"I gave Rose the thrown and Louis can have this one. It's not that big of a deal to me." I told him. "As long as I still have my manor, riches, and you... I'll be fine." Richard nodded and leaned in, giving me a kiss.

"I'm glad you think that you can survive with just me and our house...." He moved back then and looked at the handcuffs then at the door. "Do you want to go out first... or do you want me to play the piano for you first?"

"I want food first." I told him and then looked at the handcuffs. "Get these off of me." He laughed at that.

"No, you'll take birth control. I'm not stupid," he told me and then looked around. "Hmm... what should I make you?" I thought it over.

"I'll cook my own breakfast, okay sweetie?" I asked him and got off the counter.

"I don't mind cooking if it's for you," he told me and walked with me. "I could do it...."

"No." I told him and hummed softly to myself. "I like cooking." He sighed and gave me a nod.

"Alright... I guess you can cook then." He pulled out his phone and pulled up a game as he followed me around, letting me go where I needed. I hummed softly to myself and cooked up some eggs with herbs in it that would help me. I smirked as I made bacon and toast to go with it. I grabbed a fork then after fixing a plate and sat down in the floor, getting ready to eat the eggs. He looked down at me and sighed, reaching into his pocket and pulled out a key. He unlocked the handcuffs.

"I swear Paris... If you take a pill while I'm not watching you... I'll go on vacation." He walked towards the door. "I'm going to go see if my favorite car is still there."

"Okay sweetie!" I smiled and watched him walking away then took a bite of my toast instead of my eggs. I sat the plate aside then and looked towards the eggs. I gave a soft smile then got to my feet and walked out of the kitchen and towards the gardens out back. Raven looked up at me from where she was looking at the flowers, a book in her hands. She smiled and waved at me.

"Hey Paris! Whatcha up to?" She asked me and shut the book. I noticed it was one of my plant books I had in my library.

"Thinking." I told her and walked up to her side. "I think...." I whispered to her. "I had an upset stomach this morning." I whispered.

"Well... you either did or you didn't. There's not much to think about that," she told me and smiled. "Maybe it's because you just came back. I don't know what that's like though... so I may be wrong." I shook my head.

"No. I'm thinking." I told her and rubbed my stomach. "That it could be possible. I remember my first one was quick." I whispered, keeping my voice low. She frowned and looked at me.

"First what?" She asked, oblivious. I shook my head.

"It's just a thought. If it is then I can't eat my eggs." I shook my head. "It would be wrong." I frowned then. "I think I need a second opinion."

"On your eggs? Did you burn them?" She asked and giggled as she looked me over. "You're talking in riddles Paris." I nodded.

"I don't want them to hear." I whispered, looking towards the manor. "I think, I think..... it's-" I leaned in closer to her. "Twins." Her eyes widened and she looked towards my stomach.

"Twins?" She whispered. She looked up into my eyes. "Are you...." She blushed. "You...and Richard...."

"Well... yes." I nodded. "I don't remember it coming this fast though...." I trailed off. "It's been... long enough though so I suppose it is possible.... even if I took those pills the other day..." I rubbed my stomach then. "Oh.... No...." I frowned. "Twins."

"Well, you don't know yet," she told me and smiled softly. "Unless you can hear them.... Hey, you've had kids before. Do they think when they develop further? I always wondered that."

"No until they start to kick." I told her and laughed softly. "Though you can hear their little hearts.... their stones also send you loving warmth. You'll feel them and they feel you." I wrapped an arm around myself then. "I think I'll go get a second opinion tomorrow." Raven smiled and gave me a nod.

"You should.... That's really cool. I didn't know that about babies," she told me and then stretched. "Hmm, no wonder why moms and their children are so close."

"It's a motherly instinct. Did you know..." I began and pulled her closer to me. "That you'll bond better with your baby if you see it right after it comes out of you? Otherwise.... what's the point in trying?" I smirked. She shook her head.

"No, I didn't know that.... You better fight Richard then on who gets to see your kids first."

"I'll lock myself up in a tower far away from here and have my child in secret if I have to." I grumbled and let her go.

"I'm sure he'll let you. After all, he played mother last time. He knows the struggle," she told me and giggled. She looked towards the flowers again and hummed softly. "I'm happy for you Paris." I gave a small smile.

"Have you read my journals, Raven?" I asked her curiously. She looked over and frowned.

"No... I haven't. I chose to stay away from them because that was your life.... I've been reading your fairy tale books in there though."

"I don't mind if you do." I told her and then started to walk away from her, heading towards the garage.

"Mkay!" She called after me and giggled then. "Hey Paris! I have a quick question!" She appeared in front of me then and crossed her arms. "Do I smell good or something?" She tilted her head curiously, her thoughts wandering to how Nikolai said she smelled intoxicating. I leaned in and smelled her hair.

"You do smell nice." I whispered against her hair. "I doubt it's the way you smell to him though." She frowned and looked at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Well..." I trailed off. "He says you smell intoxicating... I don't think you do but you do smell sweet and nice." I told her and pulled away from her hair. She frowned.

"But why?"

"Oh I don't know... You already have a mate." I shrugged. "He's still alive. So you can't possibly have another one. So he just finds you... intoxicating." She widened her eyes at me then.

"I have a mate? Since when?!" I raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe you should go ask Louis." I whispered.

"But I don't remember finding a mate," she mumbled and looked down at her feet. "I'm sure I'd remember something like that...."

"He broke your heart." I muttered. "Ten years ago. He couldn't handle... us." I told her. "Louis will help you remember Austin- or you can summon him. He is your newborn and you can get closure from him." She frowned.

"I didn't eat him? He was obviously a human.... I would've probably," she told me and then sighed. "Wow.... I didn't know that I had even met a guy named Austin.... Geez.... I really have issues," she told herself and started for the house. "I'm going to go ask Louis about this...."

"Alright!" I gave her a smile.

"You said we would hang out today." I heard from behind me. I froze up before turning around to look at Nikolai. "Right? Well, what will we do?" He asked curiously. I tensed up a bit, remembering I had made plans with him.... and then Richard. Whoops...

"Just a minute." I told him and teleported into the garage. "Richard?" I asked. He looked up at me from a car.

"Hey Paris! Are you done eating alrea- Oh...No.... I don't like that look.... You have to go do something... don't you?" He shrunk back and looked me over.

"I'm going to spend time with Nikolai." I explained and frowned. "Richard... How long did it take for me to get pregnant?" He thought it over.

"Well... you were throwing up the next morning. You have quick pregnancies. I was surprised that our twins weren't born before nine months," he told me and walked over. "Why?" I took in a deep breath.

"I think...." I felt my stomach getting uneasy again. "I think..... Uh.... Twins." His eyes widened and he was by me in seconds.

"Twins? Again?" He looked me over. "Are you sure you should be hanging out with an overgrown six year old today? You should be on bedrest.... I'm going to look into getting you a doctor, ok? Maybe I can find Laurence too. I heard he hasn't been seen in a bit...."

"Laurence?" I asked, growing worried for him. "I want him." I said instantly. "Home, he needs to come home." I told Richard and then wrapped my arms around myself. "He's missing..." I mumbled. "He was stolen.... otherwise.... why would he let bad things happen?" Richard frowned as it occurred to him then.

"Oh.... I'll get him back. You go hang out with Nikolai. I'm going to go find out where he was seen last," he told me and started running for the doors to go back inside. "Don't worry about it honey! I'll find him! Eventually!" I frowned as I watched him leave me then teleported back to Nikolai.

"I was growing worried." Nikolai told me. "That you wasn't going to come back." I walked up to him and shook my head.

"Come on, Nikolai." I told him and reached out for his hand. He grabbed my hand and gave a small smile. I teleported us to my study and locked the doors once we was inside. "Now, I want to tell you about our family." I told him and sat him down on the couch, sitting down by him.

"What about our family?" He asked.

"The demon is your great great great grandfather. His name was Grimm. He is a demon from hell. He was never from Earth, nor will he ever be." I told him and leaned back against the couch. "We took his name for our last name when my grandfather, Benedict, was born. You see Grimm fell in love with his master, a pureblood vampire named Saraphine. She's dead now. So is Benedict and his wife Colette. Grimm and Saraphine's love is the whole reason why he has to serve us. When she died, he was forced to pick from the next generation of her kin and well... He serves from his pick of the freshest of his decedents... That will be you. Whoever he serves is said to come into power- great power. He doesn't just pick randomly. He picks wisely. Grimm, The demon.... is a demon of war. He likes great things too. He likes his master to have power. He serves his own kin..." I trailed off, deciding not to tell him that whoever he picks is also doomed to fall into the trail of becoming a demon and serving the family. I thought it'd be too much for him... plus the curse hasn't even been proven in that part. I'm still perfectly fine... Except for the fact I had to make that deal with the devil... I rubbed over my chest then.

"Is this all you wanted to tell me?" Nikolai sighed out. I frowned towards him.

"Do you have any idea how important this is for you to know?" I asked him.

"It's not that important plus it's sort of lame. I don't need a legendary grandpa over my shoulder to know that I will be ruling this little hell hole." He got to his feet and walked over towards the windows. I followed him over to them.

"You're cursed." I told him. "We're both cursed and if you don't wise up and prevent the future from happening then one day-"

"I have two families. I think I can handle a little baby curse. I'm also an Ivanov." Nikolai snapped at me. I exposed my fangs towards him.

"You aren't taking it serious and one day you'll end up serving me with the demon and I will be laughing." I told him. "I'm trying to save your stone." I shoved my hand into his chest then and squeezed his stone tightly in my grip. "I've got you." I told him. "I could crush your light out right now and make you serve me." Raven appeared behind me then and ran over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"Paris! Why'd you tell me to go talk to Louis?!" She started to cry then. "That can't be my mate! I can't be doomed to be alone!" Nikolai looked pained as his eyes glazed over a bit. I looked down at Raven.

"I'm kind of busy." I whispered to her.

"Get your filthy hands off my stone." Nikolai growled. Raven looked up then and widened her eyes as she saw what I was doing.

"P-Paris... What are you doing to him?" She whispered and then looked up at me. "You're not killing him...are you?"

"I'm teaching him." I explained. "Nikolai needs to leave how serious it is that he needs to start preparing for his destiny. One day someone will come along and- crush. He'll be under my boot, kissing it like his great great great grandfather." I told Raven.

"Ever think that it could be reversed." Nikolai snapped towards me. Raven studied us and then crossed her arms as she backed away.

"You two need to knock it off," she said bluntly. "That's your nephew's stone your holding like that. You could seriously hurt him.... Nikolai, wisen up. You are a bit childish." I gave Nilolai's stone a squeeze, making him yelp.

"Hurt him, you mean like that?" I asked Raven. Nikolai growled then and I was suddenly shoved up against a wall and I felt something gripping my stone.

"A stone for a stone?" Nikolai hissed in my ear.

"QUIT IT!" Raven screamed and was by us instantly. She forced me to let go of Nikolai's stone by digging her nails into my wrist. She did the same to him and then exposed her fangs at us. "If you touch each other again.... I will get Richard... and we'll both put you in jars for a time out." Nikolai glared her down but I started laughing.

"Relax Rave." I told her. "We're just playing." I told her and then kicked him away from me, sending him crashing into a coffee table. Raven's eyes widened and she looked panicked as she looked towards him. She almost ran over to help him, but she stayed put. I got off the wall then and started to walk towards Nikolai, reaching out a hand to help him up as I kept laughing. "Here, let me help you." I told him. He looked me over then got off the coffee table and suddenly I was thrown back up against the wall, slid across it, and flung out a window. Raven shrieked and looked out the window for me and then got a knife out from her pocket and whirled to Nikolai.

"WHAT THE HECK NIKOLAI!?" She screamed at him. "You. Are. Not. Six. Anymore." Nikolai brushed past her and jumped out the window, landing right by my head, then started to laugh at me, reaching out to help me up.

"No, I'm not six." He muttered. "I know how to take care of myself."

"That you do." I groaned out and reached out for his hand. He helped me up then kissed my cheek.

"I'll be extra careful, thanks for the lesson Paris." Nikolai told me. I kissed his cheek and smirked. Raven appeared beside us and then walked over, looking up at me.

"Paris... what should I do?" She asked me and put her knife up. "About my mate? I mean... he left me.... It's been ten years," she mumbled and bit her bottom lip. I looked towards her and purred.

"You have a mate?" Nikolai asked her.

"Summon him home." I suggested to her. She frowned and then sighed.

"Ok... so I just... ordered him to me?" She looked up at us.

"He'll come right away." I told her. She nodded and shifted nervously.

"Ok.... Um... Austin, I order you to me," she said, sounding unsure about what she was doing. Nikolai's whole body tensed up then and I looked towards him to check on him but his eyes showed of jealousy. He quickly turned away from me and crossed his arms. I tilted my head slightly with wonder then heard someone running up to us and stopped right by Raven. "Oh my gosh... It worked," she whispered. I looked over and seen Austin, standing in half a daze. He looked around him then and dropped a bottle of tequila. I noticed he was only in boxers and black socks. He looked around him then picked up his bottle and took a swig from it.

"Mh?" He asked Raven, glancing her way. She frowned and looked at him.

"You're drunk.... Aren't you?" I noticed Austin was also growing a beard and had scruffed up hair like he hadn't brushed it in a long time. It was also cut poorly... as it he stood in front of a mirror and cut it with scissors. I held back a laugh at the sight of the pathetic thing. Nikolai glanced over then and I seen his hands shaking a bit. "Austin, what happened to you?" She frowned and took a step towards him. "You look terrible.... If anyone should be looking terrible, it should be me. You left me, not the other way around." He stepped away from her then and avoided her touch. I noticed there was something wrong about him... There was dark circles under his eyes, his skin was paler that an average vampire, and purple veins popped out all over his body, especially around his heart. He pointed a finger towards her and dropped his bottle but caught it.

"Don't come near me." He rushed out. She stopped and looked him over.

"Why?" She asked softly and then looked back up at him. "Have you been eating?" She sounded a little worried.

"Don't ask me those questions." He growled. Nikolai growled towards him then and exposed his fangs.

"She's your maker, she'll do what she wishes." Nikolai snapped. Raven looked over at him and bit her bottom lip before she glanced back at Austin.

"Can you at least tell me why?" She whispered, taking another step towards him. "Why you left me like that?" Austin shrieked and stumbled away from her, falling over in the process and the tequila spilt all over him. Raven wrinkled up her nose and took a step back. "Austin, you reek," she told him. "You need to take better care of yourself." Austin glanced her over and seemed to relax when she stepped away. He licked up some tequila that landed on his shoulder, making himself appear like a cat. She walked over to me then and hugged me. "Paris... I think fate hates me," she whispered and buried her face into me. Nikolai walked over towards Austin then and knelt down by him and glared him down.

"What kind of pathetic excuse will you give your mate?" Nikolai asked Austin, grabbed him by the throat. "Well?" Austin squirmed around, trying to get away from Nikolai.

"Please, stop touching me. Don't touch me..." Austin muttered, shaking at the other's touch. Raven's eyes widened and she looked towards them. She appeared by Nikolai in seconds and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Nikolai, stop," she whispered to him. "He's scared."

"He should be." Nikolai growled. "For what I can do to him." He gave the other's neck a squeeze. "How about I play with you for a little while until you start to love your mate again?" Her eyes widened and she tightened her grip on Nikolai's shoulder.

"Nikolai... don't hurt him. If you hurt him, you'll hurt me," she whispered and looked at Nikolai worriedly. She knelt down beside him then and looked towards Austin, wrinkling her nose up and then looked at Nikolai. Nikolai let Austin go then and nodded towards Raven.

"I don't want to hurt you." Nikolai muttered towards Raven. "Not that it matter." He got to his feet. She whimpered and then looked down at Austin.

"Go home, you drunk," she told him and went to get up.

"Like you care." Austin muttered and started for his feet. Raven let out a sharp growl then and had him pinned in a second, stabbing him in the side.

"Like I what?" She hissed in his ear. "After what you did to me?! Of course I don't care!" She twisted the knife in him then and looked at him with pure hatred. Austin glared her down and spat up at her but the spit landed back down on his cheek.

"Scum." Nikolai muttered. "Bottom feeder." He kept it up as he held himself back from killing Austin. I could hear his thoughts wondering towards doing it for Raven. Austin's thoughts were clouded though. Raven paused then and looked at him closely.

"Oh my...." She laughed then and looked relieved. "You weren't my mate, were you? Now that I think about it.... A mate wouldn't have left me like you did," she whispered. "I just thought you were...." Austin glared up at her.

"I'll never claim you as my mate." Austin spat again towards her. It once again landed on his face. She laughed again.

"I'd die if you claimed me," she told him simply. "You were never intended for me.... I mistaken you for my true mate," she giggled then. "But~ That doesn't get you off the hook for what you did." She ripped the knife out of him and then stabbed him in the heart. "You still were a disloyal newborn." Nikolai stepped back from them, I could hear his thoughts shocked from knowing and seeing this play out. Austin's body decayed under Raven as the knife slid into his cold heart. I took in a deep breath, relieved that Austin wasn't her mate. She stepped back and dropped the knife, wrapping her arms around herself. "I messed up badly," she whispered. "I can't believe I thought he was my mate.... There wasn't even a sign.... I just thought he was because he tasted good," she mumbled and then looked towards us and bit her bottom lip. "Well... I got closure."

"You killed him." I told her and shook my head. "I could have gave him to Charlie." I told her and waved my hand around. Nikolai started walking away then, keeping quiet as he done so. Raven watched him then looked down at Austin's remains.

"Sorry...." She nudged it and then wrinkled up her nose. "Ewwww.... He's disgusting."

"I wonder what drove him to the state he was in..." I trailed off. She shook her head.

"I doubt it's of importance to us," she whispered and then looked towards where Nikolai was walking. "Is he alright?" She looked worried and glanced towards me. I watched Nikolai, seeing he was headed for the woods.

"I don't know..." I trailed off.

Raven's POV:

I started running towards Nikolai then, not even realizing I was doing it as I thought about how he was going to kill Austin for me. Why's he going to the woods? Why do you care? Because I care.... You should burn what's left of that lowlife. I'll do it later. I caught up to him and looked up at him as I got beside him. "Nikolai, what's the matter?" I asked him softly, watching him closely.

"Huh?" Nikolai asked me, seeming to be lost in thoughts.

"You're going towards the woods," I pointed out to him and then frowned as I realized that I had chased him. I shrugged it off and looked up at him, tilting my head. "What's the matter? Something is...." I sniffed him then and smiled happily, glad I wasn't mated to Austin. I'd rather be single forever than be with him.... Besides, I have Nikolai as my new prey.... Nikolai stepped away from me then and exposed his fangs.

"Nothing." He told me and eyed me over. "Stop sniffing me, I get that I am tempting, but still." He told me and put some distance between us. I frowned and watched him then rubbed my arm. Maybe something is wrong with me.... Austin and Nikolai both don't want me near them....

"Mkay," I whispered and looked away from him.

"It's just...." He trailed. "Don't looked upset over that. I know you're going to get hungry and you'll bite me.... I don't like being bitten so let's keep some distance. Plus I am trying.... to... cut back on blood." He huffed out. I gave a small nod. So that's what's wrong with me.... I bite people.... He started to hum the lullaby from before then as he kept aimlessly walking into the woods.

"So... why are you going into the woods?" I asked, still not looking at him.

"Quinton and Dannie are out here." He told me. "I'm going to spy on them."

"Why?" I rubbed my arm again and pinched it slightly.

"Well, I want to test my mad skills." He told me and laughed softly.

"You don't have mad skills.... They'd know you are there," I mumbled.

"Don't ruin my fun." Nikolai told me and waved me away. "I don't need a joy kill."

"A joy kill is knowing that the old hunting days for humans are out the window," I muttered, getting upset about that. I can't even hunt anymore thanks to Louis ruling. Humans are all slaves now.

"Hey~ That's not so bad." He told me. "When I am king, I am going to make them- Maybe I shouldn't tell you my plans." He whispered. I frowned and looked up at him finally.

"Make them what?" I asked curiously, my mind being taken off of the whole biting people thing for the moment.

"Worship me." He said and held out his amrs. "I'll compel everyone to love me."

"Why though? It'd be false love," I told him and crossed my arms. "I just killed a newborn because of that."

"Yes~ But it is love.." He told me and stuck his hands into his pockets. "I'll make them all~ Love me." He whispered to himself. "They'll offer everything to me. They'll build a statue representing me!" I softened my gaze and laughed a bit.

"You really want love of any kind, don't you? You must feel lonely," I whispered and gave him a small smile. I brushed my hair back behind my ear then and gave him a sweet look. "You'll find a mate one day. You won't make my mistake."

"I am not lonely and frankly.... I don't care about anyone." Nikolai told me then. "It would be nice though if they'd all kiss the ground I walked on." He purred. I raised an eyebrow then laughed. He's fine then. Back to normal. I turned on my heels and started for the house then. He'll learn not to spy on others eventually. "No I think that would be cool." I heard him say behind me. "I want a chocolate one though... Who cares about caler- whatever." His footsteps faded from behind me. I frowned. Was he talking to himself? I glanced behind me then shrugged, walking back to Paris.

"He's fine," I told her. Paris gave me a smile from a bench, She rubbed her tummy and let out a purr. Laughing, I sat down beside her then. "Are they ok?" I asked. She did get tossed out a window....

"Mhm. My stomach's just really uneasy." Paris mumbled.

"Did you get some blood in you?" I asked, tilting my head. Maybe they want blood....

"They haven't even formed yet." Donnie said as he walked up to us. "Right, mom?" He asked Paris and smirked.

"Hey, they can still want," I told him and pouted as I curled up on the bench. "It's called cravings. I know that much at least."

"I'm having a servant bring you over some blood, mommy. Oh and Dad said something about getting you a doctor." Donnie told Paris and sat down on the ground a few feet from us. I looked at Donnie and smiled.

"Are you excited?" I asked him. He's getting siblings.... I would be excited.

"Of course." Donnie told me. "I like little ones running around. As long as they aren't mine. It was hard raising Dannie." I giggled at him and then started playing with my hair.

"Hmmm, being a parent must be tough then...." Good thing that won't be me....

"Dannie~" Donnie purred in pure happiness. "Was so cute tucking in to bed every night." I giggled.

"He's bigger now though," I pointed out.

"He's still cute." Donnie mumbled. "I wish he'd stay little."

"Hmmmm." Paris laughed softly. "They never do, unless they are like Laurence." I frowned then and sat up more. Where is he at?

"Did something happen to Laurence?" I asked Donnie, looking down at him. "He should be here...."

"No one knows." Donnie muttered. "He vanished."

"It's not like him to vanish." Paris muttered. "He was stolen." I narrowed my eyes.

"But how? He sees everything," I whispered. It must have been a split second decision, something he didn't see in time.... Which means... someone like me. Someone unstable.

"Someone unstable." Paris whispered and looked towards me.

"Someone unstable?" Donnie smirked. "That's a handful of people. Especially people we know." I nodded and went back to my ball.

"They'd have to be really strong too.... Even if they were unstable and made a split second decision to take Laurence... Laurence could wipe the floor with them," I mumbled. "That narrows it further."

"Dante." Paris snapped and got to his feet. "It was him, I just know it. That prick stole Laurence from me!" He hissed. "Just think about it, he has split second decision making skills and he knows that in order for Richard and I to not come back Laurence has to go. He took Laurence and- and he was there. He was there with Riley and Charlie that day!" Paris started for the manor. "LOUIS!" I frowned then. No... it couldn't have been Dante. Dante would have been wanting to do that, so Laurence would have known. Laurence would have stayed away from him, knowing that Dante took Richard and Paris and that Dante would want Laurence out of the picture. It wasn't Dante because he's not stupid enough to do something like attack Laurence if he was thinking about all that. It couldn't have been him.... It was someone else. I watched Paris then and tilted my head. She should know that too.... She just wants to get Dante. I don't blame her. Dante needs to pay for what he did to us... but someone else has to pay for Laurence.

"Which is precicely why we are taking in Dante. He probably knows who took Laurence." Paris said over his shoulder. "Dropped it into someones thoughts to do it or something, but at random." He disappeared into the manor.

"Hm.... I want to torture Dante." Donnie laughed then and teleported away. I frowned and thought it over some more. Yeah... but if Dante had someone else do it... Laurence would have seen Dante's decision to do it... The person did it themselves and did it on a split second decision... like how I threw Brooklyn off a building. I didn't plan to do that... but I did in anger. I giggled then. I bet the person that did it is like me.... I really do think that. Hmm, I wonder if they're fun. They're probably hiding now to avoid Paris's wrath now that she's back.... I stretched out on the bench then and looked up at the sky and smiled. I think I will dig up some info myself later to see how many people could have done it.... Probably someone I know. I wonder what Nikolai is doing.... He was talking to himself earlier. Was he? Yeah, he was talking to himself. The family demon could have been there. True... I smirked and grabbed a blade of grass, playing with it. I got up after a few minutes and started for the house, deciding to go read Paris's journals like she had suggested.

Val's POV:

"Alex! Guess what!" I yelled as I sat down the pregnancy test. I rushed out the bathroom then and towards the bed. I leap down on it and gave him a smile. I kissed his sleeping head, since I had snuck away to take the pregnancy test. "Sweetie~"

"Mhmmm?" He looked up at me and rubbed at his eyes. "You look happy.... Why're you happy? Are we on land?"

"No but we can go back to land." I told him. "I'm pregnant." I told him and rubbed my cheek against his chest, purring. He laughed then and wrapped his arms around me.

"That's good," he purred to me and kissed the top of my head. "I didn't go through that pain for nothing then....."

"This means you really must be a pureblood too." I whispered to him.

"Which really means that we need to keep Hachi's favor for those potions.... I'll die without them. We can't kill Paris or Richard for the next year," he whispered back. "Unless you want me to die."

"-and if they find out we was behind what happened to them.... They won't be able to kill us because Paris will see that I am pregnant and show mercy." I told him and sat up. "So.... We'll port tomorrow."

"I'm never going back to sea!" He laughed and sat up, kissing my lips happily. "You'll have to drag me if you want me back on this boat!"

"I'll figure out something~" I exposed my fangs then and leaned in towards his neck. I bit down into him then and began to drink his pure blood. I moaned softly at the taste then bit down harder and marked him as mine, officially mine. He groaned and grabbed me, bringing me closer as he tilted his head to let me have as much as I wanted. I purred and grabbed his sides, pulling him closer to me and bit down harder. I flipped us after a few minutes and pulled back from his neck. "Alex..." I mumbled, realizing something. He looked at me and frowned.

"What's the matter? Do I taste funny?" He touched his neck and then looked me over.

"I've got to be drug free now." I mumbled.... I haven't been drug free in centuries.... "I don't know if I can do it."

"I'll help you," he purred to me and showed me his neck. "If you want drugs, you can substitute me for it. I'll give you my blood... and I'll give you a little bit of sugar for you to play with to trick your body into thinking you have drugs."

"Sugar?" I tilted my head. "Sugar?" I frowned, thinking that wouldn't work. "I should have thought this over~" I mumbled and ran my fingers through my hair. He sighed and grabbed me, searching my pockets as he pulled out my drugs then got up walking around the room and got every single one I had hidden. He walked over to the window and opened it, dropping them out into the sea.

"I'll go clean your crew out as well," he told me and walked towards the door. "After this, you will not buy more, ok? You'll find something else to like that is healthy." I heard a knock on my door then and tilted my head slightly.

"Captain!" I heard one of the crewmembers calling for me. "Land." Alex's eyes lit up and he rushed to the door, throwing it open as he ran out onto the deck.

"Land?!" He laughed and disappeared from my sight quickly, his footsteps running towards the railings of the ship. I smiled when I seen it was Pearl.

"Oh, hi Pearl." I purred her way. "What's addicting but won't hurt a baby-" I rubbed my stomach. "But will substitute for all the dru-"

"Coffee." Pearl told me. "Blood.... Or tea." She hummed towards me. "Something along those lines." She walked into my quarters. "Do you want to buy either of those? I'm sure we can when we dock. We'll be docking in England. I choose it, because well.... I thought it would be nice to see. We'll be in Italy in no time." She told me and fixed her hair, pulling it all to one side. "I'll give you some of my blood now though, if you're craving something." I shook my head and walked out, heading towards Alex.

"No... We'll go trade out our slaves and get some fresh ones." I told Pearl. "We'll also pick up some coffee beans." I gave a smile. "I'll try coffee first."

"I'll let the others know." Pearl told me and took off to the lower deck.

"Alex~" I hummed as I found him quickly. He looked at me from where he was leaning against the railings and smiled.

"Val! What's the estimate until we are on land?" He asked me and ran over, kissing my cheek as he looked towards the land in the distance with excitement. I held a hand out over my eyes so I could see the land better then covered the sun up completely with one hand and used another hand to count an estimate of how far off the sun was from the horizon then put my hands down and grabbed my spy glass on my hip and pulled it out to full length and looked out towards the land.

"We'll be porting within the next..... six hours. Sundown in four. It'll be dark when we get there." I told Alex and handed him the spyglass. "Take a look." He frowned and used it to look towards land. He shortened it and then sighed, handing it to me.

"That's so long though," he mumbled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It's England. With the shores we are heading towards... We'll need to row our way to shore." I told Alex, watching the water hitting against sharp rocks. "Now we could sail up England, that'll take us longer to dock." I told him. "Or, we could always go straight to Italy and forget about porting here." I purred towards Alex. "I'd like some coffee beans though.... and fresh slaves." He let out a whimper and sunk to his knees.

"I hate the sea," he mumbled. I nodded in agreement.

"Maybe when I was younger I could handle this." I mumbled, feeling the ship rocking in the water... It wasn't helping me at the moment. "WE'RE SAILING FURTHER DOWN!" I announced and started for my quarters.

"Eye!" I heard Pearl call to me. "ARIGHTLY YOU SCURRY LADS, YOU HEARD VAL!" Alex quickly followed me, not wanting to be left with them alone.

"Val~ Wait up," he called and caught up to me. He picked me up and carried me inside our quarters, shutting the door with his foot. He smirked and leaned in, kissing my lips as he walked us to our bed and sat me down on it. He curled up beside me and brought me close, nuzzling into my neck. I smiled softly and curled up to him, closing my eyes.

"We'll be able to take some time off from seas in England. We'll camp out for a bit on land before we go home to Italy." I told him. "I can't wait to get back into my old family castle." I purred at the thought. I hadn't been there in a while.

"Mhmmmm.... No more sea after Italy," he told me and closed his eyes. "I hate the sea...."

"If you give me another kid after this one~" I purred to him. "We'll stay in Italy to raise both of them."

"You're blackmailing me for kids," he mumbled and opened his eyes again. "That's not fair.... It should be for love."

"I do love you." I told him and laughed. "But you know how I feel about love. I loved my family.. but I loved the throne as well. Which one did I pick?" I asked him. "Four brothers and a mom and dad~" I pointed to my neck with my index finger then made the dead sign against it. He shivered.

"I know you love power... but can't you just ask me for more children instead of using threats against me?" He asked softly. "I would gladly do anything you wanted if you just asked me."

"Hmmmm..... No." I told him and laughed. "That would make me look soft." He sighed.

"You're going to trap me if I don't give you another kid willingly, won't you?"

"I'll play with your mind for days~" I giggled into his ear. "You'll give me one eventually."

"Well... how many are you wanting? Or is it just we'll see as we go?" He looked up at me then and bit his bottom lip gently.

"We'll see as we go." I purred happily. "I might find them too adorable, and want to keep having them." He sighed again and then nuzzled against my neck.

"What kind of mind games?" I placed my hands over his eyes and had him visually see a T-rex start chasing after him. He screamed and backed away from me.

"Don't do that!" He shrieked.

"Do what?" I asked innocently. "Come here~" I went for his eyes again. He shook his head quickly and backed away further.

"No! You're not doing that to me!" I smirked and had the walls, ceiling, and floor start to appear as if it was breathing. The wood began to creek. He looked around wide eyed and then buried his face into his pillow. "Val... I don't like these games.... I would give you another kid anyways. You know I would." I had the room appear normal again and started to laugh.

"I know." I told him.

"Don't use this stuff on me," he whispered. "It's scary coming from you."

"If you tell anyone I can do it, I will murder you." I purred happily.

"Who would I tell? I have no friends."

"You're darn right you have no friends. You only have me." I told him.

"I bet if I tried to have friends, you'd kill them," he mumbled.

"You can be friends with Pearl. She's sort of like a sister to you, or was... She's one of my newborns." I told him. Pearl didn't like keeping friends.... she kills everyone that looks at her funny.

"I'm not going to be friends with Pearl. I saw her throw this guy overboard last week for laughing at a joke about her," he muttered. "She'll try to gut me like a fish and serve me up to the men downstairs."

"Hahah, exactly. You don't have friends." I told him and closed my eyes, pulling a pillow to my chest.

"Would you be upset if I got a friend?" He asked and peeked up at me with a curious look in his eyes. "Are you the only one who can have my attention?"

"You can't have friends." I smirked towards him. "I'd kill them."

"What if it was someone like Hachi?" He asked and laughed.

"No!" I widened my eyes. "Hachi eats people. I disapprove." I told quickly.

"Friends would betray me anyways. Look at what happened to Caesar. I'm not going to be him." He crawled over to me and then kissed my cheek with a small laugh. "I only need you."

"You only need me and Shakespeare." I purred to him. "Remember going to see Shakespeare?" I asked and laughed. He nodded and wrapped his arms around me.

"So many life lessons in so many tragedies," he whispered and then looked down towards my tummy curiously. He glanced up at me and then back down at it. "You know... I've never had children before.... At least that I know of..."

"Well~ I haven't either." I told him and rubbed my stomach. "The bloody thing better not kill me."

"One of my friends from when I was a human had a baby.... His wife was in excruciating pain during the childbirth," he said and looked towards me. "Good thing there are things to make it better for you."

"I'm glad I have seen these things before..." I mumbled. "I'll be just fine."

"When it happens, do you want me in the room?" He rested his head on my chest then and rested a hand over my belly. "I know some women don't like it when the men are there."

"Of course I want you there." I purred to him. "You're my mate. Also the father of this child." I told him. "You better be there." He nodded.

"I will be if you want me to be," he purred back. "I'll even hold your hand."

"I'll break your hand off." I joked.

"Well, I guess I will just have to deal then, won't I?" He laughed and then looked down towards my stomach. "I want a girl."

"I want a girl too." I mumbled. "Girls are sweet and I grew up with brothers." I mumbled. "I hope I have a girl."

"I'll keep giving you children until we get a girl if this one isn't a girl," he told me sweetly and looked up at me. I smiled towards him and laughed.

"Yeah~ We'll eventually get one even if we have to go through all of your~" I cut myself off. He blushed and looked down towards my stomach.

"I don't think... it'll take that long," he mumbled. "To eventually give you a girl...."

"Right." I agreed. "We better get a girl though." I told him. "I'm going to give her this ship on her eighteenth birthday." I purred, thinking about my plans for her. He nodded and smiled softly.

"Raise her to love the sea then.... I'll do my best to make the sea look positive so she appreciates the ship," he told me and then rubbed my stomach. "You'll be better than me and love the sea, ok?" I laughed softly and shook my head.

"She'll love the sea and be the best pirate I know." I purred.

"Mhmmmm," he yawned then and curled up to me, moving his head closer to my stomach and rested his head on me. "I love you both," he purred to me and the baby to be. I laughed softly and closed my eyes.

"We love you too." I purred.

"Good," he mumbled and then closed his eyes, falling asleep on me.