The Shrine of Fate

Hachi's POV:

I found myself walking down an empty hall towards a green light, quite like the color I gave Alex. I could hear screaming off in the distance towards the light and then I remembered what this hall meant to me... it was the hall in the asylum.... Those were the screams of the insane. I stopped walking, wanting to turn away from the light then but when I turned I found myself strapped down to a table and a purple light shinned down in my eyes. "What's this one in here for?" I heard someone ask, holding a clip board and was in a lab coat. The lady clicked a pen then.

"Created a pureblood and messed with fate. He's being punished now. He went insane slowly after creating the pureblood." I heard one say, and the light was adjusted over me. "We'll operate on him." I seen a face lean over me then and scarcly remembered him...

"Dr. Philips."

"Give my patient and I.... alone time." The doctor said over me. I heard a door shut then and the light turned off. "Kasai, you've been a naughty boy." I heard a tool being scrapped against the table as footsteps walked around me. "I have to punish you now for your.... sins." I felt something running up my leg then, like a hand. "You'll obey me though." I heard him whisper in my ear. My shirt was ripped off me then and something scrapped against my stitches, cutting them up. I could smell blood in the air then. "Oh don't you just love the smell of blood, Hachi?" I felt the knife cut over my stomach then. "Dissection time!" I felt the knife start to cut towards my manhood. "I wonder if you'll grow it back, Kasai!"

I screamed as I felt myself falling and hit my head against something hard, knocking the air out of me and I found myself on the floor in my bedroom. I whimpered and curled up tighter to myself as I felt my stitches stinging. I could still smell blood. It happened again.... The same dream... over and over... for the past week... Every since I helped Alex and Val... I'd sometimes get past Philips... being cruel to me... and other times.... just his name woke me up. I let out a soft whimper. "Hachi?" I heard Isaac call my name softly and the bed rustled. He poked his head over the side and frowned, looking down at me. "Hachi, was it the same dream again?" He gave me a cute look and reached for me. "Come here...." I reached out for him and caught sight that some of my stitches had been pulled out on my arm. I hissed at the sight but crawled back into bed with Isaac.

"It was.... the same dream." I mumbled to him. "Dr. Philips..." I mumbled. "Tried to...." I whimpered at the thought. At least he wasn't trying for my pants like the last dream. Isaac frowned and then nuzzled up against me, wrapping his arms and tail around me to comfort me.

"I'll find a way to stop the dreams... I promise. If I could murder him for you, I would do it in a heartbeat." He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my lips. "I'll stop the dreams somehow.... We'll look together to see if we can find something." I nodded.

"I think..." I whispered to him. "That fate is mad at me.... I ruined her plans.... For Val and Alex by enabling them to have kids." I whispered. It was a childish thought... but I seriously was considering it. "Fate knows.... Oz and Dr. Philips are two.... cruel beasts in my life.... but why Dr. Philips?" I whimpered. "It's not fair to bring up that part of my life."

"If fate is mad at you... then let's go visit the shrine the purebloods built a long time ago," he suggested to me. "I believe it's in Europe somewhere in the countryside.... We could pop over there and beg forgiveness."

"Transylvania." I mumbled. "Dracula had the shrine build if I remember correctly from Paris's journals." I hid my face into his chest. "Europe." I whispered. "I hate Europe."

"Come on," he purred and sat up, pulling me into his arms as he brought us out of the bed and towards the closet. "Let's get you dressed up nice to plead fate." He looked completely serious about it.

"I need to fix my stitches." I whined and looked towards them then started to pull out the thread so I could replace it. Isaac whimpered and dropped down to the floor into a ball, curling his tail around himself as he clutched his arm.

"Hachi, please," he whimpered out.

"It's not my fault." I whispered to him and yanked out the thread then tossed it to the ground. I pulled out my needle and thread then went to stitch myself up again. He quickly grabbed my feet before I could start the first one and yanked on me weakly.

"Don't do it," he begged. I started the new stitches near my elbow to work back down my arm.

"I have to." I told him. He shrieked and curled up tightly, his fangs exposing in response to the pain.

"Stop, please, Hachi. I can't take it... Stop!" He started to cry then when the pain kept going.

"It'll be over soon." I told him, watching as I dug the needle into the old course of where I had the thread last. Blood splattered off of me and onto the floor, running down my arm. I heard a scream and someone cursing on the other side of the manor then just as Isaac shrieked again and went to attack me. I heard another scream follow then and it reminded me of the dream, making me drop the needle and thread. The screams of the insane in the asylum. I dropped to my knees then as I began to shake. Isaac let out a whimper and held onto his arm, his body trembling. He glanced towards me and shakily sat up then started trying to crawl towards the bathroom to hide from me. I watched him leave me and sniffled before I continued the rest of the stitches, this wasn't the first time I done this in the past week. I felt bad for them... but these stitches represent me... them.... us. I heard Isaac collapse inside the bathroom then and heard the cabinet open then, him digging around in it. I started on the fingers then. I felt a sharp pain on my upper arm then. I let out a scream and left the needle in me as I curled up into myself. Isaac let out a sharp whimper and I heard him crying in the bathroom. I heard my door fling open then and I looked towards it to see Paris stumbling towards me.

"S-stop Hachi! Stop! I have babies in me. Stop!" She begged me and was by me within seconds then pulled the needle out of me and snapped the thread. She flung it across the room then scooped me up in her arms, rocking me in them as he sat against the bed. "Shhhh...." She whispered to me, giving her motherly attention to me. "It's going to be okay." She promised. "You don't need to renew them right away. You're causing others around you pain." She told me. I let out a cry then and shook.

"I just want to make them stop." I mumbled. I heard the water running in the bathroom then and the door locked.

"Isaac! You can't kill yourself, you're a demon and you are already dead." Paris told him. I whimpered then and Paris teleported us into the bathroom then sat me down on the counter. Isaac was in the water, submerging his head under it, and there was a bloody razor on the floor. Paris walked over to Isaac then and pulled him out of the water, exposing his fangs. "Look you little prick, Hachi, our master is hurt. Comfort him and stop trying to make things worse!" Paris hissed. Isaac let out a whimper then and buried his face into Paris's shoulder.

"It hurts," he whispered. "It hurts...."

"You're a wizard, you can make the pain stop- idiot. Some people though, like Louis and myself have to suffer through it." Paris snapped. I curled up against the mirror then and looked towards my refection then screamed when it reached out for me. I fell off of the counter then and onto the razor, cutting myself. Isaac widened his eyes and looked towards me, scrambling to get away from Paris to get to me.

"Hachi!" I twitches slightly then pulled it out of my neck, tossing it towards the door. I looked towards Isaac and felt slightly tired. Paris let Isaac go for him to get to me and went for the first aid kit. Isaac knelt beside me and pulled me close, inspecting my neck and then kissed my cheek. "Hachi, I'm so sorry," he mumbled to me and curled his tail around us. "I'm so selfish... and you're hurt because of it." He licked my neck then to ease the pain and make it stop bleeding. I let out a slight moan and sniffed his neck, going in to bite him. He didn't move away from me and ran his fingers through my hair. I bit down into his neck and started to tear out a chunk.

"Hachi! Don't bite Isaac, you know how you'll get." Paris snapped and pulled Isaac away from me. I still got a chunk of him though and started to eat it. Isaac touched his neck and looked towards me longingly, but he wrapped his arms around Paris for safety. Paris pulled out the ring in Isaac's pocket and gave it to him to wear then teleported himself away. Isaac put it on and walked back over to me, sitting down in front of me and looked me over.

"Are you alright?" He asked me softly. He shivered then and grabbed a towel, trying to dry himself off. He glanced towards the tub full of water with hatred and fear then looked towards me sweetly. I curled up into myself and swallowed the chunk I had gotten from him then licked my lips.

"No." I told him. "I'm not... My refection tried to get me." He narrowed his eyes then and stood up, turning towards the mirror as his tail twitched. He glared it down.

"Are you sure it was your reflection and not someone else trying to attack you?" He hissed, looking ready to fight.

"Ander hasn't messed with anyone since Paris went missing ten years ago... It wasn't her." I told him. "It was my refection." Isaac relaxed a little and looked down at me, kneeling down beside me and then looked towards my arm where I had been stitching myself back up. He sighed and looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry Hachi.... I shouldn't have done what I did."

"I want this to be over." I whispered. "I'm not crazy Isaac.... Am I?" I asked softly. "I don't belong in a mental institution...." He looked up at me sharply and shook his head.

"No, you don't belong in a mental institution." He slipped the ring off and pulled me to him, kissing me. "If someone tries to put you in one, I won't let them... and if they do it anyways, I'll go with you and get you out." I nodded and closed my eyes.

"I want it over..." I mumbled. "The nightmares.... I can't sleep. It's coming into my reality... where I live and am awake." He started to hum to me softly to comfort me and picked me up, taking me over to the bathtub where he got a washcloth and wet it. He cleaned my arm up and then dried it off, taking me towards the closet where he set me down.

"Hachi, we're going to the shrine today... in the next hour. I'm going to clean up the mess in the bathroom, ok?" He looked at me and kissed the top of my head. "You don't have to worry. I won't do anything like that again, and I will make sure that the nightmares stop for you."

"Okay." I whispered and looked around at my clothes, trying to think about what I should wear to go greet the shrine. "I'll put something on." He gave me a sweet smile and nodded.

"Ok," he told me and then walked back into the bathroom. I heard the water draining out of the tub, and he tossed the razor in the trash. "Hachi, when we get back and you're forgiven, want to take a really long cat nap with me?"

"I'd like to." I mumbled to him and got to my feet. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out some socks for my shoes and sat it on top of the dresser then grabbed a pair of pants that was hanging up and started to put them on after stipping off my pajama pants. I picked out a random band shirt and put it on to replace my tanktop then put on my socks. I slipped into my vans then walked over to the bathroom door. I rubbed my eyes then looked towards my shoes in aggravation.... Should I wear these? I should.... It'll impress fate and make it look like I mean business... Isaac glanced up from where he was cleaning up a wound on him from the razor and bit his bottom lip as he stuck a Band-Aid over it.

"You look nice. The shoes are a nice touch for the shrine.... You can strip out of them when we are done," he purred to me.

"My feet feel caged." I complained. I stumbled towards the door, going into our bedroom and went for our bed. He followed me and tsked.

"No, we're going now. I'm going to put on a shirt then we'll go," he told me and grabbed a tanktop off the bed and slipped it over his head. He was dressed comfortably, not really looking like he minded wearing sweatpants to the shrine. He grabbed my hand and pulled me close. I rested my head against his shoulder then had my magic take us to the shrine, appearing right outside of it. He picked me up and carried me inside then and walked over to the altar, setting me down in front of it and then got down on his knees with me. He gave me an encouraging smile and rubbed my head. "I'll give you a treat when we get home too, ok?"

"What kind of treat?" I mumbled and rubbed my eyes as I looked towards him. He smiled sweetly at me and showed me his neck.

"I'm going to make a big glass of my blood for you," he purred to me.

"I want to go hunting." I mumbled and then closed my eyes, bowing my head out of respect to fate. "Please forgive me fate." I whispered. "I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to give them what they wanted..." I mumbled. "I'm sure if I had known that you'd be upset I would have jumped off the boat- ship." I whispered. Isaac rubbed my head then and mumbled something to fate about how I was a great guy. I leaned down towards the floor then and kept that position for a bit, preying for forgiveness quietly. Isaac glanced around the shrine for a few minutes then looked back at the altar.

"Fate, you're really mysterious," he mumbled and then looked towards me. "Hachi deserves forgiveness. He's had it rough... and he's definitely repentant."

"Let's go." I mumbled and sat up, looking towards Isaac. He frowned.

"Do you feel forgiven yet?"

"I don't feel anything." I whispered. "I just want to go home now." He shook his head.

"No, we're staying until there is a sign to tell us you're forgiven. We'll pester fate until it wants us gone." I pouted towards Isaac.

"My feet though." I whispered. "Let my feet be free." He laughed then.

"Sorry Hachi. Fate is probably testing how badly you want to be forgiven."

"Fate is a jerk. At least Val gets a mate." I hissed. "I don't get one." I crossed my arms. Isaac's expression fell a bit and he looked away, rubbing his neck. "We're not even going to be mates." I whispered to him. "We're just~ partners. It's not fair that they get cool things like that and we are just.... pickable." I grumbled. "Why am I here again? Fate doesn't even appreciate our kind enough to pay attention to how we feel, except suffer." He looked back at me then.

"Hachi, look at it this way, we won't ever know what it's like to wonder what in the world our mate will be like and then end up with someone who you don't like! We can pick who we want, and that's special. We choose to be together because we love each other and not because fate said, 'lets put this and this together and see what we get'. I'd rather decide for myself then let fate pick my mate for me. I mean, look at what happened to Raven! She thought she found her mate, but she got screwed over in the end! She's mateless! Look at what happened to Paris when Richard left him for a bit! We don't have to deal with that! We picked each other which makes it special! Besides, wizards are revered among other supernaturals. They come to us for help.... They can't help themselves sometimes.... Now, if you want the dreams to stop, at least ask fate nicely to quit because fate was nice enough not to let you eat me." He looked away from me again and crossed his arms.

"That was of my own free will." I whispered to him. "I didn't eat you because it was my choice." I mumbled then looked towards the front of me. "Blah, Blah, Blah, please forgive me." I muttered.

"You know, you do have a point though. We end up doing everything. They come to us for help and not to fate.... All fate does it give them mates and gives them a death at some point. We can save ourselves. We're wizards, and we created the other supernaturals," he told me and got to his feet. "Let's go get a potion or something to get rid of your dreams."

"I think there is one now that I think about it in my book of spells." I mumbled and pulled out my potion spell book and looked it over before opening it.

"Let's go home. We don't need fate to make our decisions for us. We'll do what we want. We help those that want our help," he told me and reached out for my hand. "We'll be our own fate. You're going to be my mate, my other half," he purred to me. I blushed as I looked towards him then pulled him closer to me and kissed his cheek. I had my magic take us to the kitchen in the manor. I pulled away from him and fell down, trying to get my shoes off.

"GET OFF ME!" I hissed. Isaac laughed and bent down, pulling my shoes off for me then picked me up and set me on the counter. He let out a purr and looked me in the eyes.

"Hachi," he hummed out my name and leaned in towards my neck. He gave me a kiss there and then sharpened his fangs. "Mine," he growled softly and bit down, remarking me. I let out a yelp and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Isaac~" I mumbled and dropped the spell book. "I want my socks off too." I told him, still uncomfortable with them being on. He reached down and pulled my socks off, dropping them in the floor and then reached for my shirt as he licked the blood off my neck. "Whoa!" I grabbed his hands. "Not in the kitchen." I told him, shaking my head. He looked up at me with a cute look.

"I was going to remark you on your shoulder next...."

"Nu..." I shook my head and held his hands firmly.

"But Hachi, my sweet mate," he purred to me and then tried to get his hands free. "How about I make my wizard mark stronger for you? Would you like that?" He gave me a sweet smile then. "You'd feel warmer..." I did feel a bit cold... Now it was really tempting...

"It is cold in here." I told him.

"Then let go of my hands," he said and looked into my eyes, leaning in towards my lips and kissed me passionately. "I won't do anything but mark you in here...." I let his hands go and let him do as he wished with me, as I kissed him back, deepening the kiss. He purred and slipped a hand up under my shirt, going for my chest where I felt his mark starting to heat up in expectancy. As soon as he touched right over my heart, it started racing throughout me as a comforting, loving warm glow. I let out a soft moan and melted against Isaac.

"I love you." I purred to him happily.

"I love you more," he whispered against my lips and then moved as close as the counter would let him. He tilted his head and bit my bottom lip playfully. I gasped and pulled my head away from his, hitting a cabinet behind me.

"Owe." I mumbled. He quickly pulled me to him and touched the side of my head with his other hand, and I felt his magic warming up that area in particular to sooth the pain. He looked from my head wound to my eyes and then back at it worriedly. I gave him a soft smile and leaned my head against his shoulder, letting out a purr. He slipped his hand out of my shirt after a moment and then wrapped his arms around me, picking me up off the counter and moved my legs around his waist.

"How about you go rest in the living room... and leave the potion to me and Harry?" He gave me a loving smile and rested his forehead against mine as he carried me towards the living room. I held out my hand and summoned the book into it then pressed it up against Isaac's chest.

"Be careful with this.. It's my family one." I told him and looked up into his eyes. "It's important to me." I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"I won't hurt your spell book.... I might just end up reading it while you aren't paying attention," he teased and then sat me down on the couch in the living room. He kissed my forehead and looked the book over, starting for the kitchen. I seen Harry appear behind his back then and followed him into the kitchen. I smiled softly then curled up on the couch, looking towards the TV before resting my eyes.


"Hey, hey, mister wizard guy," I heard Raven calling me, poking my cheek. She giggled then. "You're funny when you've got your eyes closed." I opened my eyes and looked up towards her then went to close my eyes once more. "Haaaachi~" She giggled again and then tugged on my hair lightly. "I'm bored!" I looked towards her then.

"Yeah?" I gave a small smile. "Take a cat nap." I told her. She thought it over and then she looked down at me.

"What if I'm not sleepy?" She curled up on the couch beside me then and watched me. I pulled my knees closer to my chest then.

"What do you want out of me?" I asked.

"Nothing really," she mumbled and calmed down. "I thought you looked bored since how you weren't asleep. I could tell, you know... that you weren't sleeping. Your breathing gave you away."

"I've been having nightmares lately." I explained. "I can't let myself go to sleep right now." I rubbed my heavy eyes then looked towards her and yawned. "But I am tired." She nodded.

"You look tired.... I got an idea. How about you get up and move around? That helps me when I'm sleepy but I don't want to sleep. I could put some music on to keep you up."

"Isaac wants me to rest." I told her, bringing a couch blanket close to me and then tried to cover myself up with it. "I want Isaac."

"But he's busy.... He kicked me out of the kitchen about ten minutes ago.... something about some sort of potion was dangerous?" She shrugged then and grabbed the remote, putting on some music and turned the volume down so it wouldn't bother me. I nodded.

"Isaac is making me a potion." I told her. "To help with the nightmares. I've been having them for the past week." She looked at the table blankly then.

"That's a sweet gesture of him," she mumbled and then started to play with her hair. "Are the nightmares bad?"

"I..." I looked towards her then started to cry. "They are..." I mumbled. Her eyes widened and she looked at me.

"H-Hachi... if you've been having nightmares for the past week, why didn't you do anything about them?" She pulled me close and rested her head on top of mine, wiping my tears away. "Shhh, he'll be done with the potion soon, and the nightmares will stop. He's cooking up a storm just for you."

"I was hoping it was going to be an one night thing." I told her. "It's repeating though..." I told her. "I mean... it's not exactly the same situation but it is the same dream..." I told her. "It scares me awake." She shook her head.

"Those are the worst dreams.... I had one like that for a bit, but I bet it's not near as bad as yours is...." She rubbed my cheek then and started humming to me softly, singing a lullaby. I sniffled and nodded against her.

"It's based off of an event from my past." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry Hachi," she whispered and looked me in the eyes. "It'll be over soon though.... I think he's close to being done." I nodded and looked towards the kitchen's direction.

"I miss his arms." I mumbled.

"You got it bad," she whispered and giggled a little. I looked up towards her face.

"Got what bad?" I asked innocently. She touched my nose and giggled.

"You got love bad," she purred to me. "I know that feeling, and you have it bad."

"Is love bad?" I mumbled, not sure what she was meaning.

"No, love isn't bad.... I'm saying that you really love Isaac," she told me and brushed my hair out of my face. "It's cute."

"I... love Isaac." I nodded slowly. "He's been sweet to me."

"That's good because he really loves you too," she said softly. "I think he'd die without you honestly." I blushed and hid my face into the blanket. "Awww, don't do that. It's a beautiful thing to be in love, Hachi.... You should cherish it. I would. You never know what's going to happen."

"Mhmmm.... I'm sorry about what happened to you." I mumbled through the blanket and then looked up at her. She gave me a smile.

"Don't worry about me, Hachi. I killed him myself, so it's not like I'm hurting that bad. It's been ten years... and he wasn't my true mate." She rubbed my head then. I looked her over.

"You were in an insane asylum." Her smile fell then and her eyes darkened as she shivered then curled up tighter, letting me go.

"I'd rather not talk about it," she whispered. "I don't want to remember it. I want to forget it." She rubbed her arms comfortingly and hid her face from me. Isaac walked in then with a vial and smiled at me.

"It's done!" He walked over to me and handed it to me after swirling it. "This should take away all nightmares!" I took the potion from him and moved away from Raven then sniffed it. I sipped it once then began to drink it, looking towards Isaac as I done so. I finished drinking it then tossed the vial back to him and gave him a grateful smile. He smirked and looked at me as he caught it.

"Guess what I memorized while I was stirring the potion?" He asked me and then handed the spell book to me.

"What'd you memorize?" I asked him innocently.

"That spell that turns you into a girl," he purred to me. I curled up into the blanket then and put my spell book back into my pocket.

"Oh...." I blushed slightly, wondering if he actually wanted to use it. He picked me up then and we were in our room within the next second. He set me down on the bed and got in beside me.

"Calm down... I won't use it unless you want me to," he purred and brought me close. "I want you to be happy." He closed his eyes and gave me a kiss before curling up to my side. I smiled softly and started to fall asleep by him.

"I don't care." I mumbled to him.

"Okay," he whispered back and yawned, passing out.

Richard's POV:

I paced back and forth as I texted people, trying to find the last place Laurence had been seen then sighed. "Donnie! Can you take me to Laurence's castle?!" I called out and put my phone into my back pocket. I should be able to find clues there.... Some papers or something.... Donnie teleported to me and gave a smile.

"Sure~" He grabbed my arm and teleported us into Laurence's throne room. It was covered in ten years of dust- or rather it looked like it was that much dust. Donnie stepped away from me. "His study is right through that door." Donnie said, pointing towards a painting. "It's hidden." I nodded and smirked.

"Laurence did love his secrets," I mumbled and started for the painting. I went behind it and then walked into Laurence's study, going towards the desk and started looking over it's contents. There was an old binder on it labeled 'Rose'. I raised an eyebrow. "Apparently he was a stalker too... I think I will give this to Paris...." I kept it and then got curious, glancing through it. "Laurence, my favorite little brit, you had a bad crush...." I sighed and then looked over everything else. It seems that Rose is the main thing that is important here.... Maybe it was something to do with her? I stopped then and opened it back up as something occurred to me. There was more than just Rose in here. I saw a list of names that had been scratched off the list in the back. It was titled potential mates. I narrowed my eyes as I skimmed to the bottom and saw Victor's name left there. He didn't.... I closed the binder then, and shook my head. He went after Victor, didn't he? It would explain why he's suddenly missing and Victor now has a child with Rose. I let out a soft growl and walked back out to Donnie. "Take me home please. I need to show this to Paris." Donnie gave a nod and linked arms with me then teleported us into my bedroom, Paris was taking a cat nap on our bed. "Thank you Donnie..." I kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair. "Go help yourself to some blood, ok sweetie?" I smiled at him then walked over to Paris, dropping the binder on the bed. "Paris~ I know who was with Laurence last!" Paris's eyes snapped open and she looked up at me.

"Hmmm?" She asked softly. "What did you find out." Her eyes landed on the binder then. "Rose? Rose wouldn't harm Laurence." I shook my head and opened it, showing her the contents.

"Laurence must have had some sort of creepy, stalkerish crush on your sister," I whispered to her and then flipped to the back to show her the list. "Look at the bottom, and it'll make sense." Paris's eyes skimmed the page over then sat up and pulled the binder closer.

"Laurence did like taking care of Rose." Paris mumbled. "Those two were close when Rose was younger. It makes since he'd keep something like this. He liked her back then." Paris mumbled. "Victor? You think Victor is the one that done this to Laurence, stole him away.... Well lets go ask." Paris got to her feet then. I nodded.

"Think about it though. He's crazy enough to make split decisions which would mean that he could fight Laurence without Laurence seeing it. If Laurence went to talk to him to make him stay away from Rose and prevent Nikolai, Victor could have taken it a step further on a whim," I whispered. "He probably did it and hid it after he realized what he did."

"Why would Laurence want to prevent Rose from having a mate.... especially a son like Nikolai." Paris looked through the binder once and then shook her head. "Guess Laurence will tell us when we see him."

"I bet he still likes your sister more than he aught to," I whispered to him and laughed, giving him a wink. "He might have wanted to be your in-law."

"No, he loves Ashton. He wouldn't go this far after being with Ashton for so long. I think it's that he wanted to make sure Nikolai wouldn't be born." Paris growled. "He seen something." I frowned then. I forgot about Ashton.... Guess the creepy stalker love story is out the window.

"Well, you know how Nikolai talks about wanting to rule the world. He might have wanted to prevent Nikolai's birth out of fear that the power would shift to Victor's family. I mean... Nikolai is a bit strange." I shrugged then. "Let's go see Victor. I still think he did it."

"Let's go have a talk with him." Paris agreed and walked over to me then grabbed my hand. She teleported us to Rose's castle in France.

"Rose! Victor!" Paris called, testing for either of them. Victor appeared in front of us then, a bottle of rum in his hands.


"Did you take and hide Laurence's stone, out of fear that we would be mad at you?" Paris asked, being straight forward about it. He was probably reading his mind now. Victor looked at him and took a sip of his rum.

"What?" He said after he swallowed it.

"Do you or do you not know where Laurence's stone is and was you the one that swipped it?" Paris asked calmly. Victor studied him then looked at me then back at Paris.

"You're both here...." He sighed and then took another sip of his rum. "No."

"Are you telling the truth?" Paris asked.

"Depends," Victor said simply.

"Victor you are apart of this family. I won't be mad if you did. I just want his stone back." Paris told him firmly. Victor looked at him then and took a swig of his drink.

"Hmmmm...." He studied Paris some more, seeming to be thinking.

"Answer me." Paris said calmly. "We'll understand. Richard, tell him about our evidence to accuse him." I looked at him and held out the book. As soon as Victor saw it, he narrowed his eyes. He didn't take it and finished his rum.

"Laurence had you on a list of possible mates for Rose," I started.

"I know," Victor said simply.

"How do you know?" Paris asked. "Did he try to come kill you?" He shook his head.

"No, he threatened me and told me to stay away from Rose."

"Because he knew you'd end up with Rose and have a kid with her." Paris told Victor. "He knew Nikolai was coming." Victor frowned then.

"That... he didn't mention. He just told me to stay away from Rose, and I-" He cut himself off. "I need another bottle...." He started to walk off then.

"Where's his stone?" Paris asked and teleported in front of Victor then. Victor looked at her.

"Why do you want to know?" He asked and then looked back at me then at Paris. "You're going to bring him back."

"He's my friend. My oldest friend, Victor. I went to hell to get him back." Paris told Victor. "I'll go through anything for him." Victor sighed and shook his head.

"Fine, I may have taken his stone and went to the insane asylum to get safety. I'll go get the stone," he told Paris and disappeared.

"Hmmm~" Paris looked towards me. "That was too easy." Victor reappeared and handed Paris a Chinese puzzle box.

"I stuck him in this and buried it. If he tries to come after me, I won't hesitate to do it again. If you come after me, you'll find yourself at the bottom of the ocean." Victor exposed his fangs to Paris and then smirked. "You're getting him out of there. I don't care how." Paris looked the puzzle box over then sat down and started to try to open it. He'd figure out how due to his photographic memory. I walked over and took it, smashing it on the ground.

"There. Puzzle solved," I said simply. Paris's jaw dropped slightly.

"I was going to solve that." Paris told me and then walked over to the stone and picked it up. It light up at his touch and Paris smiled. "Hello old friend." Victor watched and then looked towards me.

"I better not be finding Laurence digging around my chest for my stone while I'm trying to sleep," he told me and walked off.

"He won't. He has no reason to kill you anymore. Nikolai was born." Paris told Victor then walked over to me. He slipped the stone inside his pocket. I smirked and reached out for him, giving him a kiss.

"Who's the best mate in the world?" I asked him.

"David Bowie." Paris told me and laughed. I narrowed my eyes and reached into her pocket, stealing Laurence's stone and then held it close to my chest.

"Just for that, he's mine." Laurence's stone burned my hand then and made me drop him. Paris caught him and smirked.

"Got you buddy." Paris purred. "Aa promised.... We won't hurt Victor." I heard Paris whisper to the stone. Paris reached out for me and we were back home the second he touched me. Paris let me go then started for Laurence's bedroom that he kept at the manor and entered it, probably going to turn him back in there. Now that I thought about it... There is no sight of Baleen. I frowned and followed after him, going into Laurence's room and leaned up against the wall.

"Wanna bet he throws a tantrum?" I asked softly, joking with him.

"Oh... Someone should probably call Ashton." Paris told me as he sat the stone down on the bed then bit into his wrist. She hovered her wound out over Laurence, letting her blood drip down onto the stone. It didn't take long for Laurence to start forming. I frowned. How in the world would we be able to call Ashton? He lives in another dimension.... I don't have a child to offer him with to summon him up.... Paris looked towards me with a smile.

"Guess he'll wait until Laurence goes to him." Paris purred. Laurence finished forming and opened his eyes, looking up at Paris.

"My darling savior.... I knew you'd come." Laurence purred. Paris looked down at him and smiled softly.

"Oh did you?" Paris asked.

"You're pregnant." Laurence looked towards her stomach and reached out, touching it. "There's your second opinion." I widened my eyes and watched them. So... Paris isn't just throwing up then.... She's carrying my child.

"You needed a second opinion?" I asked Paris and tried not to laugh. "Shouldn't you know, mother dear?" Paris looked towards me and started to glare me down.

"It's good to see you are taking the chance again." Laurence told her, grabbing her shirt and pulled her down to him then hugged her. "I'm going to be an uncle!" I walked over then and smiled towards Paris, kissing her cheek.

"Don't be upset," I whispered to her then looked down at Laurence. "You should see Peyton. She's grown up already!"

"I already seen her, she's thirteen and she's been begging Rose to let her dye her hair." Laurence chuckled. "Dannie and Quinton are mates." I shook my head. It's not as fun when he can already see everything that is going to happen.

"You could try to act surprised," I mumbled and then ruffled his hair. "Though... I was upset that they grew up without us."

"Not these." Laurence told us and rubbed Paris's stomach. "One will bring you peace." I frowned and looked towards Paris's stomach. Peace? And what does he mean by one? Are there more than one again? Is it twins?

"You're hiding your thoughts from me." Paris purred to Laurence.

"Well I can't let you know, silly otherwise you won't get the right future." Laurence told her. "You'll have to wait. That's how this works." I laughed then and looked towards Paris.

"You don't need to know everything sweetie," I told her and then leaned in, kissing her on the lips. "Though I know you'd love to know everything. I wonder what would happen if you went a day with no powers...."

"I'd be lame." Paris mumbled. "-And what do you mean by peace, is something going to happen?"

"Hmm~ Well... I tried to prevent it but it seems I missed the detail where if I tried to prevent it, then it would happen."

"Are you talking about Nikolai?" I looked down at him then and frowned. "We know you were taken by Victor because you went to tell him to stay away from Rose.... Why did you try to prevent Nikolai's birth? Was it because you knew he'd be favored by the demon or something?"

"I did see Nikolai coming." Laurence told us. "He's very gifted."

"Yeah... that's for sure. He and Raven got Charlie to spit out where Paris was," I muttered. That takes talent.

"There's going to be a whole lot of trouble. Too much. Nikolai is actually going to be very useful for us. Although... He's destined for the throne." Laurence frowned. "I had to try to prevent it so he would be born, he's going to be very useful. It sucks I had to take chances on Victor... He could have just killed me instead of throwing me in that box."

"So wait... you wanted Nikolai to be born so you went to pester Victor to set him on the course?" I frowned then. Maybe his creepy stalkerish book was just tabs on her future children instead of on the mates....

"Yeah." Laurence nodded. "That kid has talent and plus... I know who his mate is." He explained. "I couldn't just not let him be born..." I frowned.

"His mate? What about him or her?" I started to get interested then.

"She's someone valuable to us." Laurence told us.

"Raven." Paris smirked then. I widened my eyes then.

"Oh.... That means she'll be apart of the family soon...." I laughed then and looked towards Paris. "She hasn't reacted to him being around yet though."

"Makes since... Nikolai is only six. He doesn't quite understand what a mate means... even if Louis has showed him his life." Paris told me, looking my way.

"Let the kids find out on their own." Laurence told us.

"Well, I wasn't going to say anything. I like to see these things play out," I purred. It's always a great day when a vampire finds a mate. "He's in for a world of trouble with her though..."

"Oh~ He's going to be fine." Laurence told us. "Though..... I don't know.... I also see him ruling one day." He purred.

"Hm," I smirked towards Paris. "Looks like you have competition sweetie.... Though, you're not allowed to touch power until those children are five."

"I can do whatever I want." Paris mumbled. "Besides, I'm not interested in ruling just yet." Paris told me. "I'm fine with what I have. I'll kick my brother off the throne later." Louis walked in then and looked excited then stopped, narrowing his eyes towards Paris.

"You're not kicking me off my throne," he hissed towards her. He walked over to Laurence and kissed the top of his head. "You're back."

"Awe~ Hi." Laurence purred towards Louis. "It's wonderful to see you Louis-that-could-not-find-me. I'm glad I know I can always count on Paris." He purred, looking towards Paris. Louis pulled back and narrowed his eyes.

"How was I supposed to know you didn't just go live with Ashton?" He growled. "Besides, have you seen the report on what happened in Africa? You should be proud of me. My newborn just ended the rebellion there! I've been busy making the world safe and securing our future!"

"Hehehehe." Laurence exposed his fangs. "Can't trust a Wales prince." Laurence teased. "That's why my country surrounded yours, to watch you carefully." He narrowed his eyes further and then glared him down.

"You didn't even know me before I became prince! Besides, I rule the world now.... Technically, you're under me though I just don't care to express that to you all because you're my family."

"We love you too." Paris purred. "I'm not going to kick you off your throne, yet."

"I happen to like my throne. You're not taking it from me unless I let you," Louis purred back.

"Awe, you're so cute." Paris purred. "Thinking you have power over me."

"I do to!" Louis appeared beside Paris then and wrapped his arms around her then kissed her neck. He bit down into her then, making me stiffen up. Paris let out a yelp but melted into Louis's arms and let out a soft purr. Louis purred back and leaned into her neck more, biting in harder as he got a taste.

"Loui-" I started, but he glared up at me and tightened his grip on Paris as he kept feeding. Paris wrapped her arms around Louis's neck as she brought him closer. I sighed and watched as Louis pressed her up against a nearby wall and pressed into her for more, moving to the other side of her neck and biting down again. Paris let out a soft squeal of delight and Laurence faded away into the shadows, leaving us. I widened my eyes. "Laurence!" I hissed, looking for him. He left me! With them! Louis moaned a bit and gripped her sides as he licked her neck clean.

"Hmmm, I miss it when it was just us," he purred to her.

"Y-you do?" Paris asked innocently. She sounded dazed.

"Mhmm," he hummed to her and then bit down again. I started for them slowly, trying to be quiet about it. I didn't need Louis getting upset and teleporting away with her.... Paris let out a soft gasp and leaned her head back against the wall. He took advantage of it and scraped his fangs across her neck slowly to tease her. I snuck up behind him and studied him for a moment, deciding on how best to get him. Paris let out a slight moan, gripping Louis's shoulders. I narrowed my eyes then. Paris... you shouldn't be enjoying Louis's attention that much. I grabbed Louis then and pulled him away from her.

"Louis, go find August or go find Isabelle if you are wanting a bite of something," I hissed towards him. He licked his lips and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Paris was mine before he was yours," he hissed.

"He's my mate, and he knew about me long before he knew about you," I growled to him. Paris rubbed her neck, giving us a small pout. I glanced her way and then looked at Louis who was staring me down.

"You left him...."

"I came back because I cared," I hissed. He studied me then looked towards Paris then smirked.

"Alright you two, calm down." He gave Paris a wink. "Maybe later when Richard is calmer."

"Uh~" Paris looked us over, totally confused. Isabelle appeared then and looked at Louis.

"Louis, I think you should come take a look at this. The human village just had a set back. A group claiming to be vampire hunters burned the progress we had out there," she told him. He let out a sharp growl.

"You've got to be kidding me!" He disappeared then and Isabelle followed. I walked over to Paris then and licked her neck clean, getting Louis's germs off her. Paris let out a purr and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Paris, why'd you let him touch you like that," I whispered against her skin and then moved my face back to look at her, giving a pout.

"Awe~ He's my twin." Paris told me and rubbed my cheek then. "I'm always going to let him have my blood."

"But you acted like a kitten in heat," I mumbled, leaning into her hand.

"I did not." Paris mumbled, letting my cheek go. I looked towards her hand longingly then and glanced at her eyes.

"Ok.... I guess it's alright," I whispered. "You meant well by it and you know who your mate is."

"You're my mate." Paris purred and placed my hand on her stomach. "These are your kids." I nodded and looked towards her stomach happily.

"Mhmm," I hummed to her, forgetting about Louis. I leaned in and kissed her passionately. She leaned in towards me then and kissed me back, deepening the kiss. Purring, I wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her close, bringing her off the wall as I tilted my head. She pulled away from the kiss and then teleported us to the kitchen. She slipped out of my arms then and walked over towards the fridge, getting a bottle of blood from it. I watched her and then smiled. At least she's taking care of them instead of being like me and refusing to drink the bottled blood. I should get her a human for her pregnancy.... The variety of blood will be good for our children she's carrying.

"Mhmmm~ Make sure it's a male." Paris told me and started to drink the blood in the bottle.

"Why a male?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"I like males better." Paris told me. "I find them attractive."

"You're getting a female," I hissed.

"I like females too." Paris smirked. "They'll play more." I growled towards her then.

"You're working towards no human."

"I can't help it that I like blood, Richard." She smiled innocently and finished up the blood.

"You'll play with your food if I get you a human though," I muttered and then walked over to the refrigerator, pulling out a small bottle of alcohol for myself.

"I can't be too rough though, I have babies to worry and care for." Paris purred, rubbing her stomach. "This is the last I will ever have."

"Aww, you don't like playing mommy?" I teased and opened up the bottle, taking a swig.

"I just don't want anymore~" Paris told me. "I'm too old for kids now." I frowned then. Does that mean that she doesn't want kids at all from this point on... as in, this is our last batch of children together till we die somehow? I took another sip of the drink and looked towards the floor. "Until the rest of them grow up." Paris told me. "I can't keep up with them."

"So... just until they're all full fledged adults then?" I looked towards him. "You're done being the girl, aren't you?"

"I don't want to be the girl." Paris told me. "It's not right." She threw the empty bottle into the trashcan.

"What do you mean, it's not right?" I laughed and walked over, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"I'm meant to be a male." She giggled out. "I don't feel right in this form." I laughed then.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. You really don't like being a girl. At least it's not me this time. I'd be overprotective of them already," I purred to her. "You wouldn't be seeing me because I'd be holed up somewhere with them."

"Just let me hold at least one of them when they are born." Paris told me and laughed. I nodded.

"I'll try to let you. I'll fight Rose if I have to," I promised. We'd be needing her help with the birth....

"Oh gosh.... Rose is going to be there again.... won't she?" Paris asked and laughed. "Well I would think so... Louis too."

"I'll see if Laurence wants to be there," I purred in her ear and then nipped at it playfully. "I'm sure he'll come even if we don't invite him."

"I think he will too." Paris agreed, laughing softly. I nodded and then picked her up.

"I've got something for you," I whispered and started walking us out of the kitchen. "I think you'll like it."

"What is it? Are you going to play the piano for me?" Paris asked curiously. I gave a nod and laughed.

"I'm going to play the piano for you again. It's been a decade." I took us into the music room and set her down on the bench then sat down beside her, moving my fingers over the keys as I found the ones I was looking for. I started playing the song that had brought her to me the very first day, knowing it was her favorite. Paris smiled and leaned against me, humming along to it. I kissed her cheek and smiled softly.