The Pack Meeting

Louis's POV:

I yawned as I heard my phone buzz on the floor. "August.... no alarm clocks... I thought we agreed on this," I mumbled, mistaking it.

"I know... but we have important things to do today...." August mumbled back, rolling away from me to get out of bed.

"Clothes," I reminded him as I looked up and saw him undressed. He grabbed his cane and used it to guide himself to the closet, disappearing into it.

"Can you pick something out for me that matches?" He asked, I could hear him going towards the bathroom then. I got up and walked over to my pants, picking them up and putting them on. I frowned when I noticed that it wasn't an alarm set on my phone. I picked it up off the floor.

"Yeah, I will," I called to him. I looked through the texts and saw it was Isabelle.

Isabelle: Charlie was spotted with Dylan.

I frowned. Paris will want to know about that. I walked towards the closet and grabbed August some clothes and took it into the bathroom. "Here you go sweetie," I said and handed it to him. He grabbed them and put them on the counter, going to the bath tub and sat the cane aside. He turned the water on and waited for the water to warm up. "I need to go see Paris," I whispered to him. "I'll be back before your bath is done, ok?" I asked and kissed his cheek.

"Sure~" He nodded towards me. "Hurry back." He told me. I smiled.

"Ok sweetie," I whispered and then teleported into Paris and Richard's room. I walked over to their bed and got in it, crawling up in between them. "Paris," I called his name and smirked, leaning in and kissing his cheek. He grumbled and opened his eyes, looking towards me.

"Yeah?" He asked softly. He sounded a bit tired. I smiled and hugged him, leaning in towards his neck and licked it before I bit down a little. He widened his eyes and sat up quickly. I laughed and watched him as I licked my lips clean.

"Morning," I purred to him. He started to purr then.

"Good morning, twin." He started to move on top of me then. "Come to love me?" He asked softly. I smiled and kissed his cheek, starting a trail to the bite mark I made.

"Maybe," I mumbled and licked the blood off his neck. He let me and moaned softly.

"Your going to get caught." He teased.

"Richard is knocked out," I teased back and then pulled back, laying my head down on the bed as I looked up at him and frowned. "As much as I love greeting you with bites and kisses, I actually need to tell you something." He sniffed me then.

"You had fun last night." He whispered, laying down by me and looked me in the eyes. "What news do you bring me?" He asked, running his fingers through my hair. I smiled and curled up to him and rested my head against his chest.

"Charlie was spotted with Dylan," I told him. "Isabelle has information on it."

"Where?" He asked curiously. I pulled out my phone then and frowned.

"She didn't tell me yet. Give me a moment," I told him and started to text her back.

Me: Where at? Are they stirring up trouble?

Isabelle: Yes, in the human village you recently created. They're starting a revolution.

I widened my eyes and looked towards Paris. "Umm... you don't want to know," I said quickly and put my phone up.

"I read your thoughts." Paris whispered. He let out a sigh then. I bit my bottom lip.

"Sometimes I wish you couldn't," I mumbled. "I'll send a small portion of the army over there to put it back in control, and I'll bring Dylan and Charlie in as well. They won't get away this time," I promised him and kissed his cheek as I started to crawl over him to get out of bed.

"Do it tomorrow." Paris muttered. "I have stuff happening today. The manor is a wreck too." He curled up then. I frowned and looked at him.

"Paris, I have to deal with it today. That is a human only village! They'll easily choose Dylan and become hunters. You don't want that, now do you?" I started for the door. "I'll have my girls go to retrieve them, but the army will take care of the other humans that are rebelling."

"Okay... do it today then." He agreed. "As soon as possible." I smiled.

"I'll be back when I'm victorious," I purred and left the room, teleporting into my study. I summoned Isabelle and the rest to me and looked the four of them over.

"Isabelle, Tawnya, Penny, and Rachel," I said sweetly. "I have a task for you. I want Dylan and Charlie Ainsworth's heads on a plate with their fangs ripped out and put into little containers. Do you understand?" I smirked as I sat down in my desk. "Feel free to do as you wish with them. I just want them dead. I don't care how." Isabelle smirked and gave a nod.

"Of course Louis," she purred to me. "We'll kill them for you with pleasure."

"Have the army squash the rebellion. I want all arms and ammunition stripped from the humans there, and the ones that are not with the rebellion are to live as their reward." They all nodded. "Bring me back a battle report," I said quickly before they disappeared on me. When I was alone, I sighed and teleported back to the bathroom to check on August. August was just about to climb out of the shower when I teleported back in, he was taking it slow and guessing where the floor was. I reached out and helped him get back onto the floor. I grabbed a towel and started to dry his hair with it. "Hey sweetie," I said and kissed his cheek as I wrapped the towel around his shoulders so that way he could dry himself. He smiled and leaned in towards my chest, resting his head against it.

"Louis~ I was wondering if you was coming back to help me." He mumbled. I smiled.

"Of course I was coming back," I told him and kissed the top of his head then grabbed the towel to finish drying him off, rubbing his back. "I just had to do some king stuff real quick." He nodded.

"Where's my clothes?" He asked, looking around for the counter. I kissed him and then grabbed the clothes, slipping the shirt over his head then had him put his hands on my shoulders as I went to help him with his boxers and pants. He held onto me as he let me help him get dressed. I smiled when I straightened up and zipped his pants up and buttoned it for him.

"There we go," I purred to him. "Let's get you to your pack first before I kidnap you to my study." He nodded and blushed.

"Should I take my cane?" He asked softly. "Or will it be too obvious?"

"You can hold on to me and I will lead you if you don't want to look too weak in front of your pack," I whispered, knowing that most of them didn't know about him yet. He nodded and grabbed my arms.

"Don't make me look obvious in front of them." He begged. I kissed his cheek.

"I won't make it obvious. Just hold my hand and they'll think it's a sweet gesture between an alpha and his Luna," I told him. "Wrap an arm around my waist if you want. I don't mind." He nodded and took one of my hands then motioned for me to lead him. I started to pull him towards the door, keeping it slow to get him used to this new method of finding his way. I led him out and down to the living room where most of August's pack was picking through the rubble. Rick looked towards us and smiled.

"There he is!" He said and laughed. "Hey August, we're all here. Quinton isn't here yet. I told him that he should come, but I don't know if you want him here."

"I want Quinton here.... we'll have to wait." August told him, giving my hand a slight squeeze as he smiled, looking in the direction Rick was speaking. I squeezed his hand back and walked him over to a couch and sat him down on it before I sat down beside him. Rick nodded at August then.

"I'll have someone fetch him immediately then," he told me. "Would you like the new werewolf to be here as well? He's been locked up in his room since Quinton and Cage brought him home."

"Yes, bring him in." August told him and smirked.

"Get Sam as well," he told one of the werewolves who was walking away to go get Quinton. The male nodded and ran off quickly. The pack looked at us and smiled before they went back to cleaning up some of the rubble in the living room. A little boy ran up to us then and got in August's lap, kissing his cheek. I frowned and looked at him. Rick's eyes widened then.

"Everett," he said quickly. "Go back to your mom." August grabbed the little boy in his lap and touched his face before leaning in and kissing his cheek.

"Well well well... It's Everett." August purred. "You better go back to your mom." He chuckled towards him.

"Daddy says that you got into a fight," Everett said innocently and looked at August. "He's been secretly worried." Rick walked over then and picked him up.

"Hey kiddo, guess what?" Rick smirked and touched his nose, pretending to grab it. "I got your nose!" Everett's eyes widened and he reached for Rick's hands.

"Not my nosey! Give it back!" He started to growl playfully as Rick laughed. August laughed softly, listening to them. I frowned, noticing the resemblance between Rick and Everett.

"Rick... is Everett yours?" I asked curiously. Rick looked towards me and nodded.

"Yeah, he's only two though. I would've told you Luna, but you're always so busy," he said and smiled nervously. Everett growled and finally got Rick's hand.

"Gotcha!" He giggled excitedly.

"They're cute." August whispered. "Everett is the sweetest." He told me. Rick set him down and nudged him over to two other children who looked a little older than Everett.

"Go play with your pack mates," he suggested. Everett ran over to them then and started to play chase with them. Rick looked towards August. "Sorry about that Alpha August," he said and smiled. "He just gets excited."

"No... it's fine Rick, I adore him." August told him and smiled. Rick laughed then.

"Alright," he said and walked back to the pack. After a few minutes, the werewolf came back practically dragging Quinton behind him.

"DON'T TAKE ME OUT OF BED! DANNIEEEE!" He screamed, trying to get away from the werewolf.

"We should have ordered Dannie in here too." August whispered to me. I nodded.

"Probably, he looks about ready to fight to go back to him," I whispered to August. Rick glanced over at Quinton and laughed.

"Quinton, you can hang out with the pack for a few minutes and then go back to Dannie, ok? It's not like we're asking you to go out on a hunt right now. It's a pack meeting. I told you about it last night," Rick said and walked up towards Quinton and picked him up, taking him over to us and set him down. "Go get Sam now please," he ordered the werewolf.

"Might as well get Dannie." August told Rick. "He can be here for this meeting." Rick looked towards him then nodded.

"Get Dannie as well," he said and nodded to another werewolf who went to help. Quinton pouted and looked us over.

"Can I go back to bed?" He asked and then looked up at Rick and then at August. "Please dad? It's too early."

"No. You can after the meeting though, promise." August told him. Quinton groaned and sunk down in the chair.

"Why dad? Why so early," he mumbled and closed his eyes. Rick laughed.

"He'll have to get used to early eventually."

"Eventually." August agreed and laughed.

"Daaaaad! Dannie needs me.... and I was ripped from the bed before I could tell the pillow goodbye!" Quinton moved over to August and poked his cheek.

"Well, I summon Dannie to come here too. Sit by me." August pulled Quinton into his lap. Quinton sighed and then got quiet and curled up to August.

"Fine," he mumbled and nuzzled his head against August's chest, closing his eyes. I laughed.

"You can't go back to sleep Mr. Future Alpha," I told him and looked towards the door as the two werewolves came back carrying Dannie and what I'm guessing is Sam. The guessable Sam was screaming, wanting to go back to the bedroom. Dannie looked around sleepily and smiled as he spotted Quinton.

"They're here?" August asked me softly.

"Yes," I whispered to him. Quinton perked up as he saw Dannie, immediately awake.

"Dannie~" He held out his arms for him and the werewolf brought him over, setting Dannie in Quinton's lap. Quinton quickly gave his cheek a kiss and laughed. "I missed you!" Rick walked over to Sam and let out a growl.

"Be quiet little pup," he growled warningly and took Sam from the werewolf. "This is a pack meeting. You have to be here." Sam started to quiet down then, looking at Rick with huge eyes. He sort of shrunk in his arms. Dannie kissed Quinton's cheek then. August put them down by him then, groaning from the weight he had to hold. Quinton whined and looked towards August.

"Dad," he said and gave him a pout. I laughed.

"Two is a bit much," I told Quinton. Rick looked Sam over and then smirked.

"You going to behave?" He asked Sam. Sam nodded as he looked Rick over. August went to stand then, motioning for me to come with him. I stood up quickly and gripped his hand tightly as I gave his cheek a kiss.

"You got this," I purred in his ear. Rick looked towards August then set Sam down, still holding him by the collar of his shirt to make sure he wouldn't run off. Sam squirmed around a bit, trying to get free but gave up. August cleared his throat then to grab the room's attention. Rick looked towards August then with interest and respect as the room fell silent and turned to look at their alpha. August took in a deep breath then.

"I want to congratulate you guys for your hard work yesterday." August began. "Especially with following Rick into battle." He glanced towards Rick. "He wasn't your alpha but he was the beta and you followed him without question. It made me very proud to hear about your victory with running them off." He looked towards the wolves. "It's not the only reason why I called you here this morning though." He told them. "Quinton- Dannie... please rise." Quinton looked at him with surprise but didn't question him, standing up as he set Dannie on his feet.

"They're up," I whispered to August low enough so that others wouldn't hear. He turned to them slowly, pulling me with him.

"I know there are rumors going around the pack and I am sure you all are wondering how I am... what happened... and why Rick has been in charge. I'm putting those rumors to rest now. I'm handing down my alpha duties to my son Quinton. He'll receive them when Dannie's healthy. Until then Rick will be carefully ruling and reporting to him. Everyone kneel to your new Alpha Quinton." August ordered, starting to kneel himself, pulling me with him. "And your Luna Dannie." Rick quickly pulled him and Sam down to the ground. The rest of the pack followed suit as Quinton looked at them in shock. "Please rise, New Beta Sam." August ordered. Rick let go of him and made him stand up. Sam blushed and started to tremble a bit from the spot light. "May the moon goddess run with all three of you tonight, to carry you to her homeland and speak with you. You won't be able to tell what happens tonight in your dream but the next morning you will wake up a changed man." He told them. "In the morning, you'll run with the pack. Traditionally. Everyone rise, and may we all clap for our new leaders." August went to stand then, pulling me with him. The pack got to their feet and clapped happily, glad to have another alpha in charge. Quinton bit his bottom lip and nodded towards them before pulling Dannie over to us.

"Dad, why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly when he reached us.

"You needed a good surprise." August whispered, he smiled towards Quinton and Dannie. "You'll have to take them on a run as promised in the morning." Quinton widened his eyes.

"I what?" He asked.

"Yes." August nodded. "Dannie is allowed to go with you on the run, even if he is sick but I think I have a good feeling that the moon goddess will help you two." August grabbed their shoulders. Quinton smiled then and leaned in, kissing his cheek.

"Ok dad, I'll try my best at this.... Hey, got any tips for a rude beta?" He asked and laughed a bit. "He's got a mouth and kind of refuses to be my beta."

"Show him a good run." August suggested. "Take Rick with you. I'll stay with Dannie if you want."

"I don't mind." Dannie mumbled to Quinton. "You can go if you want." Quinton frowned.

"Wait... are we talking about now or later?"

"Now. He's here already." Dannie told him, looking over at the beta. Quinton bit his bottom lip and looked towards the beta.

"A-are you guys sure? I mean... maybe he needs some time." Sam was trying to slip away already from Rick.

"The more time you give him the more arguments he'll come up with." Dannie muttered. Rick grabbed him by his collar then and smirked.

"Where are you going? Spend time with the pack. Get to know the ones you'll be leading," he told him and went to lead him to the pack. Quinton hesitated but walked over to them.

"Hey, Rick, Sam, let's go take a celebratory run," he said and smiled sweetly at them. Sam glared Quinton down.

"No." Sam growled. Quinton gave him a cute pout then.

"Why not?"

"I don't want to!" Sam told him, trying to get away from Rick. Rick let out a sharp growl in Sam's ear. Sam flinched and stopped squirming.

"It'll be fun," Quinton said and gave an encouraging smile. "Come on Rick, let's go." He started to walk towards the doors then with Rick following. He dragged Sam behind him. Sam yelped and tried to grab onto the door when they reached it, refusing to go. The pack laughed at him and shook their heads.

"The moon goddess is going to have fun with that one," one of the members said. The pack laughed at it and agreed.

"Can't wait to see what he's like in the morning."

"Everyone is dismissed." August announced and looked towards me. "Let's go." I nodded and started to pull him and Dannie towards my office.

Quinton's POV:

I hummed as I got outside and breathed in the fresh air for the first time as alpha. I laughed and turned to Rick and Sam. "Alright, how about we run down to the river?" I asked. Rick nodded and smiled.

"That'd be a good run." He pulled Sam down into the yard and looked at him. "Alright pup, start stripping."

"WHAT!? I'm not stripping!" Sam yelped and shook his head. "You can't make me do that."

"Do you want us to strip you?" Rick asked and smirked. "Quinton here is a natural at making others strip."

"I'm not stripping." Sam glared Rick down. "Don't you dare trying to take these clothes off either... I just got them." Rick smirked.

"Quinton, are you going to let your beta talk to you like that?" I widened my eyes then.

"N-no," I said and looked at Sam.

"Then let's get him to strip." I nodded and started to take my shirt off. Sam took off running from us then, yelping. I widened my eyes and quickly took my pants off then shifted, chasing after him. I tackled him to the ground and wagged my tail.

"Hey there Sam!" I laid down on top of him as Rick began to strip then shifted, walking over to us. He groaned and looked me over.

"Get off me." He begged, trying to get out from under me. I licked his cheek then.

"Come on... Let's go for a run. Want to see something pretty? We're going to go see the river, and you got really gorgeous fur too. Aren't you curious?" I licked his face again and wagged my tail as I stayed on him. "You should do this with me. You're my beta, and we're going to be great friends!"

"I don't want to be your friend." He said stubbornly. "I don't want to shift... last time I done that it hurt." Rick growled at him.

"Sam, stop whining. A lot of wolves out there would've begged Quinton to select them if they had know he was searching for a beta yesterday. I know plenty of wolves who would've practically forced him to bite them. You are an insanely lucky human. Not many of your kind gets to run with wolves- especially as a beta. Besides, the more you shift, the faster and less painful it gets," Rick growled towards him and nudged his face. "Now you're going to shift, or I will go get some herbs that I have stored away for the younger pups that encourage them to shift."

"T-there's herbs that force wolves to shift?" Sam asked in a panic and squirmed under me. "Let me up!" Rick looked towards me.

"I'll get the herbs from my mate. She has them for Everett. It's always a pain when the younger ones don't want to shift to get better at it." He laughed and started for the house, shifting back as he got to the door and went in.

"SOME WOLFSBANE TOO!" I called after him then looked down at Sam, wagging my tail. "This time will be better. I promise. You don't have wounds this time... and the wolfsbane will make it almost painless for you."

"Quinton you said last night that I only had to do it once!" He yelled towards me. "It's not fair!" He started to cry then. "It was several hours last time." I nodded.

"Yeaaaah... but it gets faster with each shift. With the herbs, I estimate about an hour this time or less than that depending on how much Rick gives you. You won't feel the pain as bad as you did last time, and the first shift is always the roughest. The second is much better.... and I said you had to run with me. You didn't run with me yesterday because you passed out after I cleaned you."

"I'm not running with you! I don't want to shift. I'm a werewolf now. Are you happy!? You took me from my human life and now I'll never be accepted again around Lisa and Olive." He sniffled. "I just want to sleep now." I sighed.

"Sam.... I'm planning on bringing Olive into this pack so that way you have a friend with you. I don't want you to be lonely... and I am trying to make you happy by letting you realize how great it is to be a werewolf. You're not the only one with a sad story. Rick never saw his family again. He's from Canada and he hasn't gone back since my father attacked and almost killed them to turn them without a word. I at least warned you and made it easier for you. His family probably thinks he died. Then there is the fact that I'm having to try to please you while my Luna is sick and probably about to-" I stopped as I got chocked up and whimpered, resting my head on his chest. "He's really sick.... He might die," I whispered and laid my ears back as I whined, panic flooding through me as I remembered how sick he was and the fact that not much was being done for him now. I started to tremble. Pull yourself together. Your mate's family is not going to let him die. He will live. I whimpered again. He's sick though.... Have hope. Today is supposed to be happy. You just became alpha! Celebrate it with your beta!  Sam whimpered.

"I don't want Olive to share this fate with me." He told me. "She's beautiful just as a human." He told me. "Plus she'd have to leave Natalie." I glanced towards him then and rubbed my head against him as I softened my gaze at him.

"Ok," I mumbled. "I'll leave her as a human...." He looked away from me with a sad look. I tilted my head. "What's the matter Sam?" I asked him and licked his face. "Cheer up. You can make many friends here, and if you want, you can still visit with your other friends."

"I still don't want this though." Sam told me. "I'm sorry Quinton." He hid his face then from me. I stopped and looked at him then.

"Sorry? Sorry for what?" I asked sweetly and nuzzled him. "It's fine that you're still adjusting. I expect you to still be adjusting for the next month."

"MONTH?" He asked and looked towards me. "No..." I frowned then.


"Nu-uh. Not a month! You talk like I'm going to be here forever." He told me. I laid my ears back and whined.

"You can't leave me," I told him.

"I'm not beta material. I like to party and hunt.... Not chase tails and beg." He told me. I laughed then and looked at him.

"Sam, we do exactly what you said you like to do. We don't chase tails and beg. Only the little kids do that. The older ones usually party every night and hunt daily. We're actually hunting tomorrow on that run."

"I'm not responsible." He told me. I laughed again.

"Do you think I'm nearly responsible enough to be called alpha yet? No... I'm still a teenager." I licked his face. "You'll be fine, and you'll learn quickly with me. I'm going through this too you know."

"I don't want to shift again... don't make me." He mumbled. "Please." I wagged my tail.

"It'll be over quick. I can promise you one thing though. If you stay by me and you continue to be my beta, I'll never bite you like I did yesterday, and I'll never scratch you up again."

"I don't want to turn back into a wolf." He grumbled. "Don't make me. I'll stay, as long as you don't make me turn into a wolf." I thought it over and then licked his face.

"Tell you what. You shift today and tomorrow, and I'll never ask you to shift again."

"No." He told me strictly. "This is my life." He growled. "I'll shift when I want."

"I'll just keep having the herbs fed to you then," I said and wagged my tail. "All I'm asking is that you shift today and tomorrow. Your inner wolf will make you shift on full moons anyways."

"WHAT!? I'M LEAVING YOU AND FINDING LISA!" He yelled and panicked as he tried to get away from me. I growled at him sharply.

"You're not leaving me! Stay still!" Rick came out then with the herbs and walked over.

"Hey, I got them like you asked- Sam, so help me, you better stop right this instant," he growled towards him, glaring him down. Sam yelped and shrunk in his sight.

"Quinton please..." He started to cry. "It hurt last night." Rick rolled his eyes.

"Big baby," he muttered and kneeled down beside us. He started to grind up the package of herbs he had and poured it into a water bottle. He grabbed Sam's jaw and forced it open, making him drink every last drop. Sam struggled under me then and whimpered.

"Why..." He mumbled, trying to puke it back up. Rick growled at him.

"Keep. It. Down," he told him and stood up, shifting again. He let out a howl and nudged me off Sam, putting a paw on his chest to keep him down as the herbs started to work on him. Sam groaned as his body started to transform. He arched his back and started to cry out in pain as his spine make a cracking noise. I whimpered and licked his face quickly.

"Don't." He shoved my face away from him and grabbed at Rick's paw. "Stop it please!" Rick didn't let up and let out a growl. I looked towards Rick then at Sam, whining.

"He'll be fine Quinton," Rick told me. "It's because he's a new wolf." I looked towards him then sunk down on the ground beside Sam, curling up to him to comfort him. Sam whimpered as he was forced to turn. After about one and a half hours later he was in his wolf form, curled up. He didn't grow that much since his last shift. He shivered as he was still awake and looked around him. I perked up and sat up, licking his head.

"Sam! You're awake still!" I laughed and started to wag my tail happily. He whimpered as I licked him.

"Stop that." He shook his head and let out a growl. I laughed excitedly.

"Your first growl!" I got to my feet and wagged my tail. "I'm so proud!" Rick looked at me and tilted his head.

"You're too excited over this." Sam lowered his ears as he watched me and then hid his face with his paws. I licked behind his ears again and started to nudge him to his feet. He yelped as he stumbled onto his paws and fell over.

"Please stop!" Sam begged. I frowned at him and laid my ears back.

"Why? I want to help you walk," I told him and then nudged him back onto his feet. He stumbled away from me then fell over.

"Don't nudge me, that feels funny." He snapped his jaws my way. "I think I'm going to be sick..." He laid his head down. I walked up and then picked him up by the scruff of his neck, struggling a little until I got him well enough to hold him up. He stiffened up as I grabbed him and whimpered. "That's not cool." He growled. I wagged my tail and started for the woods, running with Rick behind me. "PUT ME DOWN!" He growled. "Quinton!" I didn't listen as I started at full speed as soon as my paws touched the ground under the trees. I laughed and ran through the woods happily, carrying my beta like he was a little pup. He squirmed around then, trying to get down and out of my jaw. "I'm going to bite you!" He threatened.

"Next time you'll learn to try to walk when Quinton wants to run. At least he's not treating you like he treated Dannie when he was younger. He used to rip his shirts off Dannie in wolf form every five seconds." Sam growled towards Rick.

"No one asked for your opinion." He snapped off. Rick growled sharply then and snapped his jaws towards Sam's tail for the mouth off. Sam squirmed around then and kicked at my legs. I yelped as he almost knocked us over, but I caught myself then kept running.

"If you injure the alpha, the pack will be angry," Rick warned Sam. Sam growled then.

"I'm angry." Sam told him. "I don't care about the pack's feelings."

"You will when they all gang up on you," Rick muttered. "We're older and stronger than you."

"I don't care." Sam grumbled. "You're all kidnapping weird overgrown- I don't even know." He huffed out. I smirked and loosened my grip on his neck to mess with him then, stopping when I almost dropped him. He went to kick at my legs then. "Put me down!" He groaned. I laughed and ignored him as I ran us towards the river and only stopped when we reached it. I set him down a few feet away from the bank and stretched, going over to the water and took a sip before I went back to Sam and laid down. Rick looked at us and wagged his tail slightly before he laid down beside me. Sam growled towards me and moved away from me. "Don't." He told me. He lowered his ears and curled up to himself. I crawled towards him and put my head on his back, wagging my tail as I curled up to him. He rolled over onto his back and started to paw at my face. I laughed and playfully growled at him as I nipped at his nose playfully. He bit down into my nose then and started to paw at my throat. I yelped sharply and then let out a growl, angry he bit my nose. I yanked my head back and then went to bite his throat, placing my teeth over it threateningly as I kept myself from hurting him. He growled towards me. "No!" He struggled to get away from me. I placed a paw on his chest and kept him down as I rolled him onto his back and let go of his neck. I wagged my tail and panted a little before I licked his face.

"You're fine," I told him. He rubbed his face against the ground then, trying to get my saliva off of him.

"EWWW!" He yelled loudly. "Gross!" I laughed and then let go of him and walked around, going towards some nearby bushes. I let out a playful growl and started to play with a leaf on the twigs. I stopped when I heard something break inside the bush.

"Quinton," Rick called me over to him quickly, but I stayed where I was, curious. I sniffed the bushes and then wagged my tail as I poked my head in and saw a bunny rabbit staring up at me as it's nose twitched in fear. I let out an excited bark and went to chase it as it took off out of the bush. I howled and got in front of it then chased it back through the bushes towards Rick and Sam. I growled and pounced on it, making it squeak in fear. I bit down into it's neck quickly, killing it then started to shake it a little in my jaws before I stood up with it and looked towards Rick with excitement. He laughed. "Good job," he told me and wagged his tail a little. "That's a good catch for your first time as alpha and by yourself." I wagged my tail proudly and then went over to Sam and dropped it on him as a present. He squirmed away from it then and laid his ears back then looked away from it and myself. I sat down by him then.

"What's the matter?" I asked and pawed at the dead bunny then pushed it towards him. "You don't want it?" He got up and moved away from it, tripping over his paws in the process.

"No." He told me and growled. I laid my ears back and pouted then picked up the bunny in my jaws.

"Fine," I said through the mouthful and took it over to Rick and dropped it by him. Rick looked up at me and wagged his tail.

"Thank you Quinton," he said and then picked the bunny up and set it between his paws. "That's very nice of you." I laughed.

"You're welcome," I said sweetly and licked his head. He nipped at my nose and then looked towards the bunny before he nuzzled it and started to eat it. I wagged my tail happily as he accepted it and then ran over to the river, getting in it. Sam started to try to walk then by himself while I was busy in the water. I watched him curiously as I swam. I can't believe he doesn't want my help.... I whined a little and sunk down to my face in the water, barely keeping my muzzle above the surface. He fell over several times, tripping over his paws as he tried to walk. I got out of the water then and walked over slowly. "Can I show you without you getting upset at me?" I asked, laying my ears back as I watched him. He looked towards me then stumbled away, falling over his own feet as he done so.

"Nu-uh." He told me. "I don't need your help." I laid down on the ground then and pouted, watching him.

"Fine then...." He laid down and stopped trying. He looked away from me and curled up to himself. I got up then and stretched. "Hey Rick! I'm going to go run around for a bit. I'll be back in an hour, kay?" I looked towards him and wagged my tail. Rick looked up at me.

"Of course alpha. Do you want me to watch over little Sam here?" I gave a nod.

"That'd be great."

"What!? Don't leave me with him." Sam growled. "He's got devil horns." Rick laughed evilly from the other side of the clearing. I looked at Sam and tilted my head.

"Why? It's not like you like me either," I said softly.

"Take me home." He growled. "I don't understand why I'm out here."

"To enjoy the woods," I said simply. "Plus, it was a suggestion from my family to make you go on a run to try to attempt to bond with you, but it failed." I looked him over then. "You're right though. Let's get you home. I shouldn't even try at this point. I should be with my Luna who is sick instead of with a disrespectful, lousy, hateful beta."

"Told you, you wasn't going to like me." He wagged his tail then. "Can I go home now?" I smirked a little.

"Yeah, walk yourself," I teased and looked at Rick. "C'mon Rick." I started walking off then. Rick got up quickly and started to follow me, wagging his tail.

"WHAT!? You're the one that brought me out here!" He growled. I glanced at him over my shoulder.

"Should've taken the learning opportunity when I offered it to you. Too bad. You'll have to figure out how to walk and then make the journey back by yourself," I told him.

"I'm not going back." He told me. "Not to you guys." I wagged my tail then.

"Guess some big bad rogue is going to make lunch out of you. They've been seen around here a lot lately and they'll kill you in seconds. They don't pick and choose their victims. Any wolf that isn't with them will be killed," I told him and looked at Rick. "Let's go. It'll get dark eventually. We don't want to be out here."

"Of course alpha," he told me and wagged his tail.

"That's not going to scare me." I heard Sam yell towards me. "Bye bye."

"Nice knowing you!" I shouted back to him and walked out of his line of sight. I looked towards Rick and got low to the ground, slowly walking back over towards the bushes with him. We laid down out of the way of the wind and stayed silent as we peeked his way, under the cover of the leaves. He wouldn't know we're here. He stretched out and then curled right back up, looking like he was going to take a nap. I glanced towards Rick and saw him shaking his head. "He's going to be a big baby for a bit, isn't he?" I whispered. Rick glanced at me and nodded.

"Why'd you pick him? He's not even proud that he's your beta. He treats you like dirt, and he doesn't listen to you," he growled softly. I shrunk back and looked up at him.

"He'll make a good beta. Give him time Rick.... He's just upset.... You should've seen him with his friends, and he was nice and trusting. I'm sure he'll eventually fall into place," I mumbled. Rick sighed.

"You could've picked from within the pack," he muttered. "We wouldn't be having this problem."

"I wanted to bring something new to the pack.... I thought a new wolf would be nice." I lowered my ears and looked from Rick to Sam. He sighed.

"I hope that he doesn't go rogue on you. You'll have to be strict with him," he whispered and then rested his head on me. "If he keeps acting like this... you'll have to throw him out of the pack and kill him." I shivered.

"I don't want to do that," I whispered.

"As alpha, if he continues to disrespect you, you'll have to put your paw down and throw him out of the pack." I whimpered and then rested my head on my paws. I heard Sam get up then and start to try to walk once more. I perked up as I saw him and watched closely. He stumbled around as he tried to learn how to walk as a wolf. I wagged my tail a bit, but Rick put his paw over it. "You'll make too much noise," he growled softly in my ear. He face planted the ground as he got caught up in trying to do it. I whined sharply at it and Rick growled at me. "You're going to give us away," he growled again. He started to get up again to keep it up learning as he took it paw by paw, watching his paws. I went to wag my tail, but Rick nipped at my ear, making me yelp.

"Don't do that!" I said quickly and went to nip at his ear. He growled and put a paw on my side, keeping me in place. Sam's ears twitched and he laid back down, looking in our direction. I froze up and looked towards Rick. Rick narrowed his eyes at Sam and then glanced at me.

"Stay.... still," he whispered to me. Sam laid down on his side and then rolled over onto his back and then onto his other side. I shifted and watched him happily. I wonder if he secretly likes being a wolf.... I perked my ears up as I listened to him rolling around.

"Hey, wanna mess with him?" I asked, looking up at Rick. He glanced Sam over then nodded.

"Let's teach him a lesson." He looked my fur over and then started rubbing dirt into it to make it darker. I watched him and then wagged my tail a bit as he covered me in it. "Go get him." I held in a laugh and then got up, staying low to the ground. I laid my ears back and bristled my fur up as I let out a sharp growl to where Sam could hear me. Sam stiffened up then and looked in the direction I was in and then sat up a bit, tilting his head. I growled louder and started to stalk through the bushes a bit, making it rustle. Rick let out a chilling howl behind me to try to scare him. He got to his feet then and hung his head down low, watching where I was coming from. I slowly stalked out of the bushes and snarled as I saw him clearly, letting my spit drip down as I looked him over with a predatory look. I showed him my sharp teeth, curling my lip up and growled loudly. He watched me and stayed completely still, like a deer caught in the headlights. I stalked forward a bit and narrowed my eyes as I looked him over then started to circle him, snarling and snapping my jaws his way. He bristled up his fur then and let out a growl my way. I snarled louder then, coming towards him as I let my fur stand on its full length. I charged at him then. He dodged me quickly and then leapt up on me, going for my neck. I yelped quickly and rolled over onto my back, squishing him under me then got up and snarled at him, going for the throat. He started to kick my face then with his back legs and scratched my face. I yelped and backed off, rubbing at my face with my front paw. I looked towards him and sat down then. He growled at me and then went to tackle me. I dodged him easily and looked at him, wagging my tail. He groaned as he hit the ground and rolled a few feet away from the impact. I went after him and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck as I caught up. I picked him up and walked over to the river, dumping us in it. He yelped as we fell in and tried to get out of the water, away from me. I held onto the scruff of his neck.

"Where are you going Sam?" I asked and laughed. I swam out after the dirt got off me then sat him down on the ground and shook my fur out. He growled towards me and sneezed as water gone in his nose.

"WHY'D YOU DO THAT!" He growled towards me and then bit my ear. I yelped and then hit him in the head with my paw.

"Don't bite me like that!" I growled. He meant that bite! He whined and moved away from me. I growled and walked over, picking him up by the scruff of his neck then walked him over to the center of the clearing and sat him down. "Now, you're going to watch my paws, and you're not going to complain one bit," I told him and slowly started walking in front of him so he could watch. He laid his head down on the ground and laid his ears back as he watched me. I wagged my tail. Guess Rick was right about some of the tough love kind of stuff. I walked around for a few minutes then sat down. "Now you try." He looked me over and curled his tail around himself. I narrowed my eyes and walked over, nipping his ear. "Up." He growled towards me and moved his head away from me. I bonked him on the head again. "You're going to get this right."

"Go away~ You tricked me." He mumbled and shifted his whole body away from me. "Now you're acting weird." I wagged my tail.

"I'm teaching you to listen to me so that way you can learn how to do things on your own and not get killed by a wolf," I told him and then nudged him to his feet. "Now try walking. You don't want to be carried in tomorrow's run in front of the pack."

"I'm not running tomorrow with the pack." He told me. "I don't want anything to do with the pack." He laid his head back. I bonked him on the head again.

"Don't break tradition or the moon goddess will be angry," I told him and growled softly.

"I don't care... I'm not religious." He told me and showed his teeth towards me. I narrowed my eyes.

"The moon goddess is going to speak with us all tonight. You better be respectful to her," I growled and then gripped him by the scruff of his neck and set him down on the ground on his feet. I nudged him gently then, making him walk a little. He stumbled over though and curled up to himself. I picked him up again and set him on his feet, giving him another nudge. "Come on. You don't want to get as big as me and not be able to walk Sam."

"I'm not going to shift ever again after this." He told me. "I'm going to find Lisa." I laid my ears back.

"Sam, we'll use the herbs on you again," I told him and gave him another nudge. "Now walk... or I'll chase you down and hit your head again." He stumbled a few feet then sat down.

"I'm not going to take herbs." He told me. I hit him on the head again.

"We will make you drink it... or would you prefer to sit with my father for a whole day straight?"

"W-what?! No." He growled. "I don't want either of those." He moved away from me then. I wagged my tail then. My father has recently learned to talk for long periods of time too.... I picked him up by the scruff of his neck then.

"You're sitting with my father for two hours straight. He'll teach you better," I told him and wagged my tail. Rick came out of the bushes and followed me.

"LET ME GO!" He growled, struggling in my mouth. "I hate you!" He scratched at my neck. "I don't want to go back there." Rick laughed and shook his head.

"The moon goddess will get that mouth of his clean," Rick told me. "He'll never say anything like that again after tonight." Sam growled towards Rick.

"I'm running away before tonight if I ever get back into my actual birth right form!" He struggled in my mouth.

"You know... if you go to sleep, your body will automatically start to shift back usually," Rick told him. I looked towards him and narrowed my eyes. "What? Think it through Quinton. He'll run away, and he'll go back to where he came from. He'll realize just how lonely he is because he's a wolf and he needs to be with a pack, and when he goes to sleep at night, the moon goddess will visit with him. He'll come running back to us and beg to be in the pack again," he told me. Ooooh.... not a bad idea. I wagged my tail and started to run us back to the manor. I sat him down on the porch and licked his head. He growled towards me and tried to move away from the lick.

"Gross!" He rubbed his head off onto the porch. I shifted back with Rick and then looked towards Sam. I leaned down and picked him up, carrying him into the house and up to his room. I opened the door and walked over to the bed, setting him down on the bed.

"Nighty night little beta," I said sweetly and rubbed behind his ears. He moved away from my hand then went up under the covers. I smiled and tucked him in then went over towards the door. "Let anyone know if you need something. I need to go see my mate!" I walked out and shut the door, taking a deep breath. Ok, I need to learn this tough love thing.... I frowned and started for my bedroom, smelling myself and wrinkled my nose up. First I need to make myself presentable for Dannie again. He'll be upset.