Broken Cores

Dante's POV:

I widened my eyes as I suddenly felt Charlie's mark on me disappear. I rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror quickly. Oh... my... goodness... I ran back out in a panic and grabbed my phone off my bed, texting Dylan.


Dylan: As a maker you would feel his death.... He's fine. Your mark is gone? Well... I did ask for the HA to bring Charlie home. Maybe Charlie got a little carried away. My informant told me he had his memories taken from him by Paris when he got caught.

I threw my phone then and growled. I hate that little brat! I should've killed Paris at that ball! I went for my guns blindly, rage taking over. HE TOOK CHARLIE'S MEMORIES! I strapped my guns to me and growled as I grabbed my knives then teleported into the living room of the manor.

"You're late. Charlie left with this fellow named Josh. He's a vampire hunter. He just marked him too. I bet you felt that. Say~ They might be having sex right now. How's that feel Dante? You're mate has been swept away by another... He doesn't even realize he is your mate either. He doesn't remember anything but the love he has for Paris and Richard." I heard Laurence say from the ceiling. I looked up towards him and growled, reaching for my gun. I pulled it out and shot at him.

"IT'S YOUR FAULT TOO!" I hissed. I'll kill all the Grimms! Including Laurence! The bullet disappeared in a shadow and I felt my knee go numb suddenly and a fireous pain spread from it.

"I'm Laurence." He told me. "I know... everything." He laughed. "I planned this whole battle out." I narrowed my eyes at him and teleported out of the room quickly, landing myself in the music room to escape his shadows. I heard a violin playing right near me and it stopped suddenly.

"Who are you?" I heard a male ask. I noticed then a small boy playing right on top of the piano. "Why'd you interrupt my playing...." He mumbled. "You've got a gun...." He mumbled. He smelled just like Paris and had Richard's dark black hair. He widened his eyes then. I stopped and looked at him with a small frown. Did they have another child? I studied him.

"Quiet," I hissed towards him. "Scream, and that violin will be broken," I told him. He stood up quickly and held it close to him. I smirked. "Good boy. Now be quiet, and I might not come back in here," I told him softly and then walked towards the door as I held the gun towards it and smelled to see if anyone was on the other side of it. I heard humming then on the other side.

 "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts.... dum dum dum... there they are standing in the hall.... Big ones... Small... ones.... SOME AS BIG AS-" I heard something get kicked into the wall by the door. "AS BIG AS YOUR HEAD!" I heard a laugh then. "Duddududu." I heard the doors about to get flung open. "OH KEEGAN!" The little boy yelped and got under the piano then. I frowned and looked towards him. I shot at the door then, shooting it up. I heard a bunch of groans and someone falling down. I smirked and walked over to the door, kicking it open to see if I needed to shoot again. There was a butler fallen to the ground in front of Hachi. Hachi gave me a huge smile and showed his bloody teeth towards me. He was drenched from head to toe in blood. "So you're the reason why he stopped playing such beautiful music." He said and looked me over. I glared him down. Dammit. I missed. I went to shoot him, but Isaac appeared in front of him, growling at me sharply. He was in front of me in seconds, about to grab me by the throat, but I teleported behind him and kicked him into the music room.

"Great, I've got two wizards and a freakin shadow monster after me," I muttered. I was going to kill Paris first! I turned to look at Hachi then stopped. Wait... isn't he immortal? I frowned and went to sniff the air to see if I could still smell it on him. Isaac tackled me then, distracting me as I fell to the ground. He went for my gun, but I grabbed my knife instead and stabbed him in the leg, making him screech in pain. He got off me quickly, stumbling over to Hachi. I smirked and went to get up when I heard a gun click by my head.

"Move... and I'll scatter your brains on that wall behind you," I heard Raven purr towards me.

"So I heard screams and came to see what was- Raven-" I heard a male appear then and looked towards Raven with wide eyes. This male looked almost exactly like Paris it was breath taking at the resemblance. He glanced me over. "-Dante." He wrinkled up his nose then at the sight of me. "I call dibs on killing him." Raven looked up towards him and narrowed his eyes.

"No way Nikolai! I get to kill him!" She went to pull the trigger on me, but I snatched the gun from her and pinned her against the wall.

"You're not killing me," I whispered in her ear and smirked. "I could use you...." She widened her eyes and went to stomp down on my foot, teleporting behind me in an instant. She stabbed me in the back and growled.

"You're not leaving this manor alive! Not after what you did! You took their stones! You made me look weak! YOU CALLED ME WEAK!" She screamed at me and went to stab me again, but I whirled around and caught her hand, kicking her feet out from under her. I suddenly was flung up against a wall as Nikolai rushed to Raven and held up a hand to help her up.

"Raven." He whispered. "Don't let guys like him shove you down." He told her and glared me down. She looked towards his hand and bit her bottom lip before she accepted it and stood up. She glanced towards me and then smirked.

"I wonder... just how many times your fingers can grow back before they stop coming back all together," she said and laughed evilly. She started for me, picking up her knife as she hummed Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I growled at her and tried to get off the wall, but I couldn't move. She looked the knife over as a mad light slowly started to take over. "Twinkle... twinkle.... little star.... how I wonder what you are," she mumbled under her breath and then smirked before she flipped the knife over in her hands and watched as the light caught it. She looked towards me and laughed insanely as she started for me. I widened my eyes.

"Raven." Nikolai said quickly. "Stop." He ordered her as he walked up and put a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, we'll play with him after Paris gets his turn." Raven blinked a bit then glanced towards the knife then at me before looking up at Nikolai.

"But... It's my turn," she mumbled, the look in her eyes disappearing slightly.

"Not right now." He told her. "Besides... we also should remember not to drink his blood." He said and looked towards Hachi who looked half starved and ready to attack me. "That includes eating him- Hachi."

"Awe." Hachi mumbled, starting to relax a bit. The little boy took off running from the music room then. Raven's eyes flicked towards the boy then and she narrowed her eyes.

"Dante... did you touch... Keegan?" She hissed and looked towards me, looking pissed. She threw the knife then, landing it right by my ear as she nicked it. "If you lie to me, I swear I'll end you right now!" I heard the boy stop suddenly to watch.

"Relax. I got there before he could." Hachi said and smirked. "Laurence and I planned together. I just... got a little hungry on my way over to the music room." I looked towards the knife and laughed.

"That the best you can do?" I asked and looked towards her. "You're going to let them boss you around like that? I know you would love to have me all to yourself." I smirked as I looked her over. "Weak, that's all you've been since the moment that you stepped into this manor. You let Paris order you around, and now you're letting his entire family order you around." Her eyes widened and she snarled, appearing in front of me as she yanked the knife out of the wall and stabbed me in the chest with it.

"DON'T CALL ME WEAK! I'M NOT THE ONE PINNED AGAINST THE WALL!" She screamed at me and then dragged the knife downwards. I groaned and tensed up as she did so. A small smirk started to play on her lips then as the light crept back into her eyes again, a small giggle coming from her. "I'll make pretty art out of you~" She told me. Nikolai grabbed her arm and yanked her away from me then and shoved her to the ground pointing a finger at her.

"Stop Raven. We have him." Nikolai told her, growling. "Don't let him mess with your head." He turned to face me then. "This-" He punched me in the face, breaking my nose. "Is for touching my mate in the past, you sick monster." Nikolai growled. "Raven is mine." Raven's eyes widened as she looked up at him. I winced and looked towards my nose. Bastard.... I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You don't even fight like an honorable pureblood," I growled and spat towards him. "If you want a fight, let me off the wall."

"No... this is fighting like a pureblood." He told me. "I've already won. Now I'm just torturing you." He punched me in the jaw then and frowned. "DON'T SPIT AT ME. You're looking at the next king." I narrowed my eyes as I kept in a yelp.

"Next king? Ha," I growled at him then and exposed my fangs. He exposed his fangs then.

"Oh yeah." Nikolai told me. "My name is Nikolai Ivanov Grimm... I'm going to serve you up on a silver plater to Paris and let him-" He leaned in closer. "Let Richard- Rip you to shreds." He ran his finger down my chest then. "Got me?" I growled and went to bite his finger. He punched me in the face again. "See this is fair." He told me. "If you had actually any power you would have escaped from my powers and tried to kill me by now... But you are truly the weak one here Dante." He laughed and glared me down. "Don't call Raven weak when you are the one against the wall. You submissive little boy." I teleported behind him then and shot him in the back of his head as I got my second gun out. I felt my insides start to turn then, my heart started to get pulled out of my chest as he held out his hand for it. His head was already healing from the gunshot. I was slammed back up against the wall and the gun was parted from my hand. He caught my heart and gave it a squeeze. "Next up will be your stone!" He informed me as he turned around to face me. One of his eyes was still forming from where the bullet had popped it out. Hachi was grabbing it off the floor and eating it. The little boy down the hall took off running, screaming. Isaac looked at Hachi then with wide eyes and grabbed him, making them both disappear out of the hall before Hachi could do anything else. Raven slowly got to her feet and looked at Nikolai then at me as she bit her bottom lip. I glared her down. If I could... I would pay her back for what she did with that knife earlier. I looked towards Nikolai and then smirked. Nikolai smirked back at me."Whatcha looking at?" He asked me. "You're going to get sqashed like a bug on the wall... Oh wait... that's what you are." He started walking towards me then. I teleported behind Raven then and stabbed her with one of my knifes, making her scream before I teleported out of the manor and back to my own castle to regroup and plan out my next attack.

Nikolai's POV:

I watched as he teleported away then rushed to Raven. I pulled the knife out for her and pulled her into my arms. "Bite me." I told her, exposing my neck. "To help heal." I explained. I blushed slightly.

"It's okay Raven, he's gone for now." Laurence said as he appeared. Raven looked towards him with relief and then relaxed, looking up towards me. She gave me a small smile and then leaned up to my neck, sharpening her fangs before she bit down gently. I groaned and tensed up, trying not to freak out about her fangs in me. I felt the urge to scream swelling up in my throat. I bit down on my bottom lip hard, making it bleed. She leaned in to me and wrapped her arms around me. I suddenly felt her mark me, sending a feeling of pleasure through me before she pulled back and looked up at me, her eyes traveling to my lips. I held in a moan then, trying hard not to make a sound as I blushed... She ma...marked me.... But why? I thought she was mad at me... because I marked her. I looked her lips over then backed up a bit to put some distance from her. She's done feeding after all. She looked a little sad, but she gave a smile then looked towards Laurence.

"Hey Laurence!" She walked over to him and giggled. He smirked towards us.

"Mates." Laurence huffed out. "I never thought this day would come... now grow up and kiss each other." He teased. "I'm going to go talk to Paris. Be careful." He warned us and disappeared. Raven's jaw dropped a bit as she stared at the spot where he had been. She quickly fixed herself and then glanced towards me. She started to walk off quickly, picking her way across the dead servants that had been torn apart by Hachi. I took off in the direction Keegan went so I could go check in on him... It was rough with what he witnessed today and he's so young... Not like a care or anything.... I mean... I might... He's family. I found him curled up behind a curtain on the next hall and walked up to him slowly.

"Keegan." I whispered. I heard him whimper then. "Come here cutie." I told him and scooped him up into my arms. "Let's take you to your daddy, okay?" I asked. He nodded as he sniffled. I started to carry him towards Paris's bedroom. I stopped outside his room and knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard Richard call. "If you're looking for me.... Paris is elsewhere," he told us. I brought Keegan in then.

"I know." I told him and gave a small smile as Keegan's eyes lit up with joy at the sight of his father.

"DADDY!" Keegan held out his arms. Richard sat up in the bed quickly, looking towards Keegan with pure love in his eyes.

"Hey cutie!" He got up and walked over, taking him from me. "Did you miss me? You want to take a nap with me?" He kissed the top of his head. "I missed you~!"

"I love you daddy." Keegan told Richard, resting his head against his chest.

"Keegan witnessed... a bad scene. I thought he should see you." I whispered to Richard. He frowned then and looked down at Keegan worriedly.

"Keegan baby," he mumbled and held him close. "You poor thing.... Did your siblings bully you again? Did they bite you without permission?" He kissed the top of his head again and walked over to the bed, sitting Keegan on it. He looked him over and then started to shower his face with kisses. "I love you," he purred to him. Keegan giggled and touched his father's face.

"Love you daddy!" Keegan told him, grabbing the blankets and pulled it over him. He sniffed them then and giggled.

"Dante showed up and well... Hachi was also on a feeding rampage and Keegan was dead center." I explained. I tried to make it for Richard's ears only to prevent Keegan from crying and remembering the events. He growled at that and looked towards me.

"Tell me he's locked up downstairs," he hissed.

"Dante got away." I whispered. "Laurence is talking to Paris about that right now. Isaac took Hachi somewhere else... not sure where though." He nodded.

"Dante will be back. He wants Charlie, and he will attempt to get revenge on us for taking Charlie's memories. I have no doubt that he will be back. He works off his emotions half the time and the other is strategy genius.... We'll be ready. I estimate it will be within the next three days that we will be seeing him again. It would be better if we had Charlie still... so if he gets his hands on Charlie, it might be a bit longer.... Then again, he has been after Raven for a long time, so he might still come back. Even if he doesn't want her as his lover anymore, he knows that she's a good card to have. Paris knows that too." He smirked and then looked towards Keegan. "Dante will be back. Tell Hachi he has my permission to go ahead and eat Dante on sight."

"That'd be a bad idea." I whispered. "Dante could end up taking control of Hachi." I mumbled. I then remembered not seeing a mark on Dante... "Richard... Dante wasn't marked." I whispered, clenching my jaw. He froze and slowly looked at me.

"What do you mean he wasn't marked. He's been marked by Charlie for years," he hissed.

"I didn't see Charlie's mark on him. I hasn't occurred to me until now." I told him, tensing up. He might take Raven- or try to take her from me. Richard took in a deep breath.

"That explains why he suddenly moved to attack us. He must blame us.... Though it is our fault he no longer has a mark. With no memories, Charlie must've marked that hunter that stole him. I have no doubt that Charlie is sleeping with another now. He was lonely the last time I saw him.... Dante won't be in the right state of mind.... Paris had ended up with another after I had ditched him. I had to fix everything, so unless Charlie goes back to Dante, Dante will more than likely keep coming after us." My eyes wondered to Keegan then and I watched him already drifting to sleep from being in the comfort of his parent's bed. I looked up at Richard then.

"Dante came in contact with Keegan in the music room for a tiny period of time." I told him. "I think we need to protect Keegan, and the others. We might need to take them somewhere else until we get Dante. I can take them to my castle in Russia. They'll be safe there." I whispered. "I'll make sure Paris knows where it is so you both can see them periodically." Richard clenched his hands up then and looked towards Keegan, looking frustrated.

"I never get to raise a single kid without something bad happening that separates them from me," he growled. "I want Dante's head on a plate."

"Within a week." I told him. "Just for a week." I looked towards Keegan. "I know... you must be feeling bad about it but I don't want to risk him coming in and taking Keegan or one of the others. They can't defend their selves that well. At my castle, Dante won't even know." I told him. Richard gave a small nod after a few minutes then looked towards me.

"I wouldn't put it past him to take my children from me as revenge.... I know he probably wouldn't kill a small child like Keegan unless the child provoked him, but... he'd take them. One more night is all I ask," he whispered and then looked back at Keegan, tearing up a little as he crawled into the bed with him.

"I doubt he will come back tonight." I agreed. "Goodnight." I whispered, wanting to give them their time together. I looked Keegan over, seeing a little of myself in him. I went to leave then and paused slightly. "Maybe you should keep all of them in your room tonight." I mumbled.

"I was just about to ask you to notify a maid to bring them all to me," he whispered. "I don't want a single one of them out of my sight for while they're here. After that, you may go do whatever you wish to do."

"Of course." I nodded and left the room. I found a maid down the hall, holding towels and went towards her. "Bring Rory, Sage, and Shiloh to Richard and Paris's room." I told her. "Now." I took the towels from her and placed it on a table. "Don't let them too far from you or out of your sight during the process."

"Yes sir." She nodded my way and ran off. I started for Louis's study then and knocked on the door once I reached it.

"Come in," he called to me and sighed. I walked in then, glad that he was in the study and not in his bedroom.

"I've got an idea." I began.

"Idea? Let's hear it!" He smiled like he knew something I didn't and leaned forward on the desk as he watched me. I noticed something on his desk that he hadn't shown me yet. I walked over to his desk then, curious about it.

"What do you know..." I whispered, curious.

"Nothing much. I watched the fight between you and Dante with your father Victor. We saw some of it. I have to say, I'm impressed," he purred and then picked the papers off the desk and slipped them into his drawers. "Very impressed...."

"He got away, how can you be impressed?" I asked and sat down in front of his desk. He smiled at me.

"Nikolai, for your age against someone that has been around for years and is considered a war god among many... you did exceptionally well. In fact, I loved the fact that you protected your mate as well. That's a good quality.... It's ok that he got away from you considering the circumstances and the practice you still have yet to receive.... and you could have decided to leave everyone else to fight him. You could've abandoned Raven and let her get out of control along with Hachi.... If those two were allowed to have their way with Dante.... we might have lost them or worse, we would have to track them down and calm them back to sanity. You dealt with Raven nicely, much like Paris is able to do. She doesn't even listen to me like that.... and then there is the fact that not even Donnie had been there to fight of Dante when he's been in this family longer than you. That's why... I'm making you king," he told me and smirked.

"Wait.... what..." I raised an eyebrow. "That's not exactly fair to Donnie... maybe he was held up... I mean.... Paris wasn't there!" I panicked. I had a whole list of plans to do to become king and I'm just.... going to get it from this?! I widened my eyes. He sighed.

"Paris... was using his cards. Do you think that he would be too concerned if he knew that Laurence would take care of it an in turn, Hachi? He probably heard their thoughts and knew that they were planning to fight Dante off, and then he knew that Raven was there. He trusts those three with a lot of stuff.... If he knew that they could handle it, I doubt he'd actually show himself unless he had a good reason. Then with Donnie... he was probably sleeping or something. Of course, he'll still get his week and a chance to wow me... but at this point, I think you will end up with being King. I know that you have wanted it longer than Donnie. He only mentioned it when I was offering the crown up. So... yes, I believe that you should be king. You still have to do the week, however, and you still have to continue to impress me... because Donnie still gets his chance because I am a man of my word. Though... today's events will weigh heavily in the end," he explained and smirked. "So, you could put it as Donnie has to do something really impressive to recatch my attention for the kingdom."

"Uh-huh." I nodded quickly. "W-well like I was trying to say before when I came in here... I was thinking about passing some laws. I'm going to write them up first before I introduce them to you. I'm going to make a nice presentation and present it to you tomorrow." I informed. I stood up then, giving a smile. There was no way I was going to just giving him my ideas right now... I've got other things to do now. He gave a nod and waved me off.

"Ok, thank you for telling me. I will make sure to keep a space of time open for you to come see me for a few hours tomorrow to tell me all about your plan." He smiled and leaned back in his seat. "Your father is proud of you. He is currently out celebrating your victory against Dante."

"Oh gosh... I hope that's not celebrating with my mom..." I mumbled and shook my head. He smirked.

"Oh, he took her out for drinks."

"G-great...." I shook my head. "She's totally going to be pregnant." Louis perked up at that.

"That'd be great! We need more purebloods!"

"Well Logan and Damian have kids." I told him. "They're around Dannie's age." I smirked. He smiled happily.

"Hmmm... I knew the pureblood numbers would start to rise eventually," he mumbled to himself and curled up in his seat as he looked towards his computer. "This is good."

"Yeah." I agreed. "I think I might go check on Dannie... He's sick." I whispered, remembering that. I started for the door then.

"Ok! Tell Dannie that I hope he feels better for me will you? Bye Nikolai!" He called after me as he started to play a game on his computer. I walked out of the room then and went for my cousin's room. When I reached it I knocked on the door and waited for one of them to answer. I heard a small growl from the other side as the bed shifted, and Quinton opened up the door, looking up at me.

"Nikolai... what were the screams and shots about? Were we attacked again today?" He sighed and shook his head. "Why're you here?"

"To check in on my sick little cousin." I told him. "Dante visited." I whispered to him, not wanting Dannie to hear. I could see Dannie shifting in bed to get a better view of us. Quinton tilted his head and then nodded, stepping aside to let me in.

"You can come in, but you can't stay too long. Dannie needs to sleep," he said softly and looked towards his mate with love and worry. Dannie gave me a huge smile when he seen me and reached out towards me.

"Paris~" Dannie giggled out. I stiffened and looked towards Quinton. He frowned and looked Dannie over.

"Dannie, sweetie, that's not Paris... that's Nikolai," he told him and walked over to the bed, feeling his forehead to see if he had a fever or not. "Are you feeling any better, or are you getting worse?" I walked over to them and sat down at the foot of their bed. Dannie looked towards me puzzled.

"You're not my mom?" He asked me.

"No.... I'm Rose's child." I told him, giving a nod.

"Rose doesn't have kids..." He rubbed his head then and started to rub his ears. Quinton frowned and crawled into the bed beside Dannie, bringing him close.

"Honey, Rose has a child named Nikolai... and his father is Victor, the prince of Russia, remember? Nikolai stays near your twin Donnie." Dannie looked towards Quinton and blushed.

"How'd I forget that?" He asked, lowering his ears and started to sniffle. "My head hurts." Quinton sat up then.

"I'll go get Hachi," he said quickly and got out of bed, running for the door.

"Don't leave me." Dannie mumbled, curling up to a pillow. I frowned and looked towards Quinton.

"I'll get Hachi, stay with Dannie." I told him. "By the way." I looked back towards Dannie. "Your uncle Louis said he hopes you get better soon and that he loves you." I told him and kissed his forehead while I stood up. "I hope you do to." Quinton walked back over to the bed and crawled back in it, pulling Dannie to him as he kissed his head.

"Thank you Nikolai," he told me and smiled my way before he started to rub Dannie's head. I nodded and watched Dannie curl up to his beloved mate. I frowned softly.

"How bad does it hurt?" I asked Dannie.

"Bad..." Dannie mumbled, tearing up. I leaned down towards him then and placed my hand on his head. I started to poor my energy into him then, helping his head stop throbbing to give him some time before it'd start again.

"Here." I whispered and watched as he started to relax into Quinton and fall asleep. I kept a straight face although I was excited about finding out I was putting him to sleep. I pulled back when his eyes closed and looked towards Quinton. "I'll be quick." I promised.

"Ok," he said and smiled at me. "Thanks for everything." He closed his eyes and curled up to Dannie, rubbing behind his ears as Quinton rested with him. I walked out of the room then and went for Hachi's bedroom. I was hesitant after I got halfway, remembering about earlier and I stopped all together. I pulled out my phone to text Isaac.

Me: Where are you, you ok?

Isaac: Yeah, I'm fine. We're in our room. I've got him trapped in the bed till he calms down. I put a force field up and stripped him of his powers to keep him from attacking people. Wanna come in? It's safe.

Me: Coming.

I put my phone up then rushed down the halls to their room and once I reached it I knocked on the door. I tried to calm down my breathing before I entered the room. Isaac looked over at me from a few feet away from the bed with a smile. "Hey Nikolai! Come on in. It's ok. He can't get us." I seen Hachi rocking back and forth on the bed, sitting Indian style. I closed the door behind me after I walked in and started towards the bed.

"Hachi, Dannie needs you." I told him. "Pull yourself together for him." Isaac frowned.

"What's wrong with Dannie now? I thought he was taking medicine and getting better.... I could look at him if Hachi can't."

"He forgot who I was... He thought I was Paris." I told Isaac, looking his way.

"Dannie..." Hachi mumbled. Isaac glanced towards Hachi and smiled.

"Hey, are you starting to feel better?" Isaac walked closer to the bed, stopping just two inches away from it. "This is as close as you can get Nikolai, or you'll be stuck in the barrier with him." I walked up to Isaac and stood a inch back from him.

"Hachi. You need to go check on him." I told him, not wanting to have to go find my mother. "Please."

"I'm still hungry." Hachi mumbled, looking us over and then went towards the edge of the bed and reached out for Isaac. Isaac looked at him longingly but shook his head.

"Nuh-uh, I'm not going to be food today.... If I need to, I can get you a maid to eat."

"He's already ate like thirty of them." I whispered to Isaac. Hachi's eyes landed on me then and gave me a predatory smirk. Isaac backed me up then.

"Yeah... but he might calm down if we offer him something to eat.... HEY HACHI! Want some spaghetti?" Isaac asked sweetly, looking him over. "I can make you some."

"I want spaghetti." He said and looked us over. Harry appeared by us then and smiled.

"I could always go instead of Hachi." Harry suggested to me. "I know just about everything he does." Isaac looked towards Harry and smiled.

"Harry! There you are!" He picked him up and spun him around. "You never come say hi to me much!" He laughed and set him down, ruffling his hair as he flicked his tail. "Punk, you're supposed to say hi to me too!"

"I was on Hachi's shoulder yesterday." Harry told him. "Should've said hi." He smirked. "So~ I'll go." He looked towards Hachi. "You stay."

"WHAT!? But I want food." Hachi told him. Isaac looked at Hachi then.

"You're not leaving that bed until I'm 100% positive that you're not going to eat anyone important." He smirked and walked back over to the bed, stopping right in front of him. "So... Spaghetti, anything else?"

"Wine?" Hachi asked, tilting his head. I shook my head then grabbed Harry's hand to pull him out of the room. He stopped me though and suddenly we was in Dannie and Quinton's room.

"I'm here!" Harry announced. Quinton looked towards us and frowned but didn't complain when he saw it wasn't Hachi. He shifted in the bed to show us Dannie easier and kissed his lips softly before he moved away a few inches. Harry let me go and then walked over to Dannie. He transformed into a butterfly then and landed on Dannie's nose. He flapped his wings before disappearing all together and Dannie started to glow a light color. I walked over then, curious about it. Quinton bit his bottom lip as he watched, holding onto his pillow nervously as he studied Dannie for signs of pain. Dannie woke up then and looked around at us then held his head, groaning. Quinton scooted back over to him quickly and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his cheek quickly. Harry formed again into a butterfly on top of Dannie's head then flew off of him and landed on the floor. He turned back into a human and looked at Quinton.

"He can't remember anything because there's a lack of blood running towards his head." Harry touched his own head. "Curious." Dannie started to cough then, beginning one of his coughing fits. Quinton began to freak out and held him close.

"Dannie, shhhh," he tried to sooth him and rubbed on his back. "Nikolai, can you go get him some water please?"

"Got it." Harry held out a glass of water to Dannie. "Drink this." He told him. Dannie pushed it away though as he tried to climb out of bed. Quinton kept him down, panicking.

"PARIS!" He screamed, worry in his voice as he looked Dannie over. Paris appeared then in the room, holding Richard's hand.

"What's wrong?" Paris asked, sounding worried. I watched Dannie keep coughing, evey breath he took seemed harsh and he looked in pain. I looked towards Harry.

"Help him." I begged.

"W-well." Harry whispered.

"Paris," Quinton whined, holding out a hand towards him. "Fix him, please. He's not getting better. He's getting worse. He can't remember things well, and he is still coughing, and he won't drink his water, and he doesn't want to be in bed." Paris looked towards Richard then with a worried expression. I looked towards Dannie as he stopped coughing then and closed his eyes.

"I can't help him." Paris mumbled. "I don't have the power Quinton." Paris took out his phone then and started to call someone.

"But you're his dad," Quinton murmured and kissed Dannie's cheek. "You can't let him get worse. He'll die."

"I know." Paris muttered. "I'm calling Rose." He walked out the room then. Dannie groaned and looked up at Quinton.

"I'm not going to die." Dannie whispered. Quinton whimpered and nuzzled up to Dannie, resting his head against his neck.

"Please don't.... I need you. You need to get better. You're my Luna." Harry walked up to them and got into bed with them then rubbed Dannie's head.

"It's okay Dannie." Harry whispered.

"It's not okay though!" Quinton told Harry. "He's sick! He can't remember things, and he keeps coughing up blood! He's not okay!" Dannie whimpered then.

"Q-Quinton." Dannie mumbled. Quinton got quiet and looked towards Dannie and kissed his cheek quickly. "I love you." He whispered, starting to fall asleep.

"I love you too," Quinton whispered back and rubbed his cheek. "Get some rest.... I'll be right here when you wake up."

"Before you go to sleep," I began and looked towards the medicine on the table. "Take something." I told him. Dannie looked up at me and smiled.

"Okay daddy." Dannie mumbled.

"I'm Nikolai." I reminded him. Quinton grabbed the medicine off the table and started to give some to Dannie, sitting him up and then grabbed the water off the table and handed it to Dannie. Dannie took a drink of the water first before taking his medicine and then took another sip of the water. "Drink all your water." I told him. He looked towards me and then swallowed every drop of water. "Good boy." I gave him a smile. Quinton laid him back down and put the glass back before curling up to him with a small smile and closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Dannie.

"Night Dannie," he mumbled in his ear and then rested his head on Dannie's chest. Dannie's breathing started to slow down as he fell asleep. I looked towards Harry.

"Let's leave them alone." I whispered. "Rose will be in soon." I told Quinton and started for the door.

"Bye Nikolai," Quinton mumbled after me as he yawned and started to fall asleep. Richard looked at me and walked out after giving Dannie a kiss. He walked towards Paris.

"We need to do something Paris," he said quickly. "Dannie looks worse than he was without the medicine. He's not getting better."

"I don't want to tell Quinton yet... but your right." Paris agreed. "I'm going to do something." He promised. Harry wrapped his arms around my arm. I looked towards him but let him, seeing the worry in his eyes. "I haven't decided what yet... After all... He was made in a lab and he's mixed with werewolf, pureblood, and Cross." Richard shivered.

"Do you think... he's finally reached his limit? I mean... lab experiments don't live very long, and Dannie lived a very long time for being a lab experiment.... He's our child, but he wasn't made to live. He was made to see if it could be replicated for a short war."

"I fear it." Paris mumbled. "That's why I'm going to go snoop around a few witches I know and see what can be done." Richard nodded.

"I don't want to loose Dannie again. If you have to... make a deal with a witch or something," Richard said and hugged Paris. "I don't want to loose another kid."

"We're not going to loose him." Paris muttered. "I'll do something about it."

"Hachi's having a mental break down right now." I told them. "Maybe if he was better, he might know what to do." Richard glanced towards me.

"Yes... but we can't get him to help if he's trying to eat us.... though," he looked towards Paris then. "He wouldn't eat you. He likes your hair, and your his favorite out of the Grimm twins. He'd stop for you." Paris nodded. I remembered something then.

"Hachi had a funny expression on his face the day we gave Dannie those medications." I muttered.

"Paris, we're going to Hachi. Now," Richard said quickly and started to tug him down the hall. I followed after them quietly, bringing Harry with me. Richard didn't even knock, he just went right in. He walked towards the bed but stopped when Isaac hissed his way.

"Take another step, and you'll be in Hachi's range," he warned them from the couch, playing with a candle. Hachi had a bowl of spaghetti on the bed and a small glass of wine with it. Hachi was eating his spaghetti when we had came in but stopped. He was already at the edge, reaching out for his next meal. I closed the door once I walked in with Harry. Isaac looked towards Hachi then. "Hachi, you're not eating anything else till dinnertime."

"When's dinner time!?" Hachi asked and looked Paris and Richard over with interest.

"In about five hours," Isaac told him and stood up, walking over towards the bed. He smiled sweetly at Hachi then. "I can give you a treat to tide you over till then if you want."

"PLEASE!" Hachi gave a huge smile.

"Hachi." Paris snapped. He sounded serious then. Isaac glanced towards Paris, but he walked over to a glass of water on the nightstand then dumped it out on the floor, looking it over with disgust. He bit into his wrist and started to let it drain into the glass. Paris grabbed the glass when it was halfway full and gave it to Richard. "Here sweetie." Paris purred. "Interrogate." Richard's eyes lit up when he saw the blood, but Isaac panicked and went for the glass quickly. Richard gave it a smell as he held Isaac back.

"You smell amazing Isaac," he purred to him. He glanced up at Hachi and smirked. "I might just have to drink from him." Hachi let out a growl and looked towards the glass.

"That's mine." Hachi told him. "Give me."

"Nope," Richard said and swished Isaac's blood around inside the glass. "Buuuuut~ I'll make a trade for it. If you tell me why you were acting funny the day that my son got his medicine, I'll give it to you."

"I wasn't acting funny." Hachi told him, reaching for the glass.

"Yes you were. You know something is seriously wrong with him, but you haven't told us what. I want to know what is wrong with my son. Why is he getting worse?" Richard growled the last part and dodged Isaac as he went for the glass again.

"B-because he's dying." Hachi mumbled. Richard froze up and looked towards Paris then at Hachi.

"Can you fix it?" He whispered and looked him over hopefully. "Hachi?" Hachi looked at the glass.

"Give me the glass." Richard narrowed his eyes.

"Can. You. Fix. It?" Hachi went towards his wine glass then and took a sip out of it. Richard growled and looked towards the blood. "Well, you don't get this then." He went to take a sip of it.

"Maybe." Hachi told him quickly. Richard stopped and looked towards Hachi then.

"Are you going to try?" He asked carefully.

"Already have been." Hachi told us, sipping on his wine then started to eat his spaghetti. Richard looked towards Paris then.

"Is that good enough for now?" He asked softly.

"Mhmmm." Paris nodded and frowned. "Let him free." He said and looked towards Isaac. Isaac's eyes widened.

"He'll eat me! He always tries after I give him a treat- well except for that one time... and the time before that when he ran off with the glass to hide with it...." He frowned and then nodded, mumbling something under his breath and raised his hand. "There," he said and looked towards Richard and the glass. "Gimme," he said. Richard shook his head and smirked.

"Nope, my payment for interrogation." The glass busted then as Hachi stared it down and blood splattered everywhere.

"Not anymore." Hachi told him and laughed. Richard widened his eyes then let out a sharp growl, looking towards him then at the blood on his skin from it splattering everywhere. He licked some off his arm and purred happily, looking towards Isaac hungrily. Hachi tilted his head to the side then looked towards the door. It opened forcefully and we was shoved out the door except for Harry and Isaac. "Leave us." Hachi told us and the door slammed shut in our face. Richard pouted and looked towards Paris.

"That sucks... I was hoping to get a better taste of him," Richard mumbled. "He tasted so good...."

"I can smell it." Paris told him then looked towards me. "So~" He smiled and grabbed my shoulder. "I'm going to report to my dear twin and tell him how you just acted." He kissed my cheek then teleported away. Richard pouted and started to walk off.

"I need my kids," he mumbled and started for his room again. I widened my eyes, realizing he had left them alone. I bit my bottom lip hard then went for my bedroom. I need some rest...

Raven's POV:

I hummed to myself as I started to heat up a bottle in the kitchen, almost half starved feeling. Nikolai had made me hungry earlier.... I had to restrain myself with him. What was up with him calling me 'mine'? I heard the microwave beep, so I took it out and opened it. I started to drink it happily when I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Hello, Raven," I heard Dante purr in my ear. I widened my eyes and looked behind me at him.

"Dante? What're you doing back so soon?" I busted the bottle on the counter and went to get him with it, making him let go. He laughed and looked at me.

"I'm here for revenge and to make you come back where you belong. You don't have a place here. You belong to me still," he told me and went to take the bottle from me. I snarled and dropped it, going for my knife.

"I don't belong to anyone!" He grabbed me and pinned my hands down at my sides, but I kneed him, making him fall over as he groaned. I growled and grabbed the knife, going to stab him with it, but he disappeared, and I was kicked. I screamed as I hit the floor and turned to look up at him. He smirked at me.

"You're still weak," he told me, provoking me further. I growled and teleported in front of him, stabbing him in the chest then stomped down on his foot and punched him in the gut. He winced and kicked my feet out from under me then put his foot on my chest. "Weak."

"I'm not weak!" I spat at him and then grabbed his foot, twisting it till I heard it pop. He yelped and then stomped down on my chest with his other foot. He glared down at me and yanked me up by my hair and exposed his fangs. I exposed mine and grabbed the knife in his chest, twisting it before I ripped it out then stabbed the hand that was holding me. He dropped me and grabbed a gun from his side, pointing it at me.

"You're coming back, or you'll die here," he hissed. "I'm not letting you do their dirty work. I'm sick and tired of seeing you with them." I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm not going back, and you're not killing me." I teleported behind him and grabbed a knife from the counter and then stabbed him in the middle of his back, getting between his ribs. He whirled around and went to shoot me, but I reached into his chest and grabbed his stone, making him freeze up. I smirked. "Who's got who now? I thought you were a war god." I started to pull it out, making him groan. He dropped the gun and went for my wrist to make me stop.

"Raven, please," he said quickly. "You know that what they did to Charlie wasn't right."

"What you did to them wasn't right," I hissed back and watched as he exposed his fangs and went to bite down into my arm. I yelped as he bit down and then yanked his stone out quickly. I glanced it over and then looked towards my bite wound from him. "Well... at least he's not coming back." I smirked and then teleported to Paris's study. "Paris~!" I walked over to his desk, ignoring the fact that I had some blood on me- some of it his and mine. I set it down on the desk. "Here you go." Paris looked up from his journal and then at the stone.

"Dante." Paris whispered. I nodded.

"He tried to attack me in the kitchen. I thought you'd like his stone." He picked it up quickly and looked it over then looked at me. He smirked.

"Thank you Raven." He whispered. I smiled at him sweetly.

"Mhmm, so do what you want with him. I don't care," I said and glanced towards the stone then up at him. He nodded then and looked it over before jotting something down in his journal. He stood up and placed his journal on his desk then teleported away with the stone. I giggled and bounced out of the room then glanced down at myself. "Whoops. I need to go get cleaned up."

Paris's POV:

I entered my treasure room and placed Dante's stone down on the pile of coins in a box then shut the box up and locked it with a key. I tossed the key across the room then started for the doors. "May you rest in peace." I said over my shoulder. "For a very... very long time." I growled. "Consider this as a punishment. You'll never see Charlie again." I told him and left the room, locking it down when I was outside. I teleported into my bedroom then and looked towards Richard with the kids. "We've got Dante. The kids are safe." I told him. Richard sat up and yawned sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"Mhmmm... what day is it?" He smiled towards me then looked down at the kids and kissed their heads.

"Still the same day." I told him and seen Keegan snuggled up to Richard. Richard frowned and laid back down, pulling Keegan close.

"Ok, come here," he told me, watching me. Keegan let out a sigh and gripped his father's shirt. I smirked and walked over to them then got in by Richard and kissed his cheek. Richard looked up at me and smiled happily, leaning in for a kiss. He held onto Keegan as he kissed me passionately. I kissed him deeply then pulled back and rubbed Keegan's head then looked at the other three and rubbed their heads. Shiloh stirred and looked at my hand as I rubbed her head then exposed her fangs, leaning in to bite me. I moved back quickly so she couldn't. Rory pulled her closer to him then and purred. She purred back and looked at him, getting on top of him as she leaned in towards his neck and bit down into him. He groaned and let her, falling numb under him. Keegan stirred at the smell of blood then looked towards them. He yelped and crawled over Richard, getting between him and me. Richard laughed and kissed Keegan's head. "You're fine," he told Keegan. Shiloh glanced our way but went back to feeding off Rory then started to mark him. Rory let out a moan and pushed her away.

"Stop sis~" Rory ordered. "No more." He went for Sage then and bit down into him hard. Sage yelped as he was woken up and panicked as he saw Rory. Shiloh giggled and went over to Sage, biting in on the other side of his neck and purred.

"Hey! You're biting me while I'm sleeping!" Sage complained. Keegan pulled the blanket over his head then to hide. Rory looked up then for Keegan.

"Keegan?" He asked. Shiloh pulled back and licked her lips, frowning.

"I thought I saw him earlier.... Keegan~!" She giggled and looked towards Richard. "Daddy, are you hiding our bubba?" I got closer to Richard then, smirking.

"No." I told her. "Keegan might be in the music room." Shiloh got up quickly then.

"I CALL DIBS ON KEEGAN FIRST!" She ran towards the doors then, giggling. Rory got up and chased after her. When they left the room, Keegan stirred a bit. Sage looked up at Richard and let out a purr.

"Bubba, it's safe. They're gone," he called to Keegan. Keegan crawled out of the covers and went towards Sage, resting against him then. Sage smirked and ran his fingers through Keegan's black hair as he looked towards his neck then kissed it.  Keegan yelped and hid his neck.

"Don't bite me!" Keegan rushed out. Sage giggled.

"Let's go play a game," he purred to Keegan. "We could prank the other two."

"Nu-uh. I want to stay here." Keegan whispered. Sage nodded then and started to rub Keegan's head and then leaned in towards his neck, biting down before he could react. Keegan yelped and tried to get  away from him. "Sage! I thought it was safe!" Keegan cried out. Sage pulled back after a few seconds and licked his lips.

"I didn't get breakfast. Sorry," he said cutely and then exposed his neck. "You can bite me back~!"

"Nu-uh." Keegan shoved him away. "Loser." He hissed and took off towards the door, pulling it open. Sage pouted and ran after him.

"KEEGAN! I'M NOT A LOSER! I'M YOUR BUBBA!" He chased him out into the hall, slamming the door behind him. Richard sighed and curled up to where Keegan had been laying.

"I swear... they're all going to be blood bingers like me."

"Keegan doesn't like feeding as much as the other three do." I told him.

"I know.... He's a sweet child. I love him," Richard purred and looked towards me. "He always comes to me."

"He sure does favor you." I laughed and smiled. "He's always telling you he loves you." Richard smirked and gave a nod.

"Mhmm, he's my little boy." I laughed and curled up to Richard.

"Those three and going to corrupt his mind though." I mumbled. Richard frowned then and looked at me.

"I don't want his mind corrupted." He snuggled up to me then and pressed against me. "He's mine." He leaned in and kissed me. "Just like you're mine."

"Nu-uh. You're mine." I told him and laughed as I sounded like a kid. He smirked and started a trail of kisses to my neck.

"Mine," he purred and bit down, marking me. I let out a moan and arched my back.

"No fair~" I groaned out. He pushed me down onto my back and then got on top of me. He kissed me passionately and ran a hand through my hair, tugging on it. I grabbed his sides then and pushed up on him. "Come on sweetie, let's go watch a movie." I suggested. He looked down at me and then pouted a little before he slipped off me and walked towards the doors. I teleported to his side and grabbed his arm and kissed his cheek. "I love you." I whispered. He looked at me and smirked.

"I know," he purred and gave my forehead a kiss. I pushed him up against the door then and leaned in for a kiss.

"I hope so~" I mumbled. I went in for a bite then, biting his bottom lip hard. He yelped and kissed me back, pushing against me slightly as his blood got on my lips. I pulled back then as I heard an alarm going off downstairs. Richard let out a growl.

"WHY IS IT ALL IN THE SAME DAY?! WHERE'S MY SLEEP BREAK!" He opened the door, making us stumble out of our room. "I swear... I'm going to sleep for ten years after our kids grow up, and you're not waking me up," he told me.

"WHAT!?" I yelled towards him, panicking. "NO!" I grabbed his waist. "NEVER!" I begged. "I want you to  be wide awake." I rubbed my head against his chest. Richard smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"Ok... maybe just a full day then," he purred to me. "I love you too much to sleep for ten years with you being awake anyways."

"I'd be so lonely." I mumbled, looking him over. "It'd be like you died... We all know what I'd end up doing."

"Sleeping with me?" He frowned and tilted his head. I pouted.

"I don't want to sleep." I told him and then felt the floor under my feet shake and then collapse, causing us to fall with it. I yelped and held onto him tightly. He broke my fall and groaned a bit as he sat us up to look around the room we fell into. There was werewolves attacking our men in the room and I heard a howl rip through the manor. I gasped and sniffed the air... It's not my pack. "CAGE!" I yelled. Where is he!? Richard pulled me close, growling.

"I can't believe those wolves let them in," he growled under his breath. "What happened to being territorial?"

"WHERE'S CAGE!?" I asked then.

"ON THE WAY SIR." One of my men yelled. "He was out hunting." I got to my feet then, pulling Richard with me then teleported us away from the scene. "Get our kids to safety. Werewolf bites kill!" I hissed to Richard. "I'm going to get the others. This is my pack's fight." I told him. "Go to town and take refuge in Perry's old bar. I'll send everyone there." I nodded towards him. "I don't want anyone hurt." Richard's eyes widened.

"KIDS!" He ran off quickly, going towards the music room where we had sent Shiloh and Rory for Keegan. I teleported into Donnie's room then, finding him putting on his shoes.

"GET THE VAMPIRES OUT." I ordered him.

"I overheard." Donnie told me and nodded. "Go tell Raven before she does something stupid." I nodded and teleported to her room.

"RAVEN!" I yelled. She glanced up from on the floor where she was sprawled out among a few books and manga.

"What?" She asked and frowned.

"Tell the others what I am about to tell you, get out of the manor and go to Perry's old bar." I ordered. "You too. We are being attacked by werewolves and their bite kill our kind. This is my pack's duty to take care of. For our safety, get out with whoever you can." I ordered. She widened her eyes and disappeared quickly to do as I told her. I teleported to Hachi's room then. "Hachi, Isaac, and Harry, leave the manor." I ordered. Isaac looked up from where he was playing a game with the other two.

"Why?" He asked and frowned. "Is something the matter?"

"We're under attack by wolves and I think it would be best if you leave with us so my pack can take care of it." I told him. "I've got to go. Do ask I ask. Go to Perry's old bar. Tell who you can." I teleported out of the room and to Dannie and Quinton's room. "Alright sons." I began. "Time to go." Quinton let out a sharp growl then.

"Why do I smell wolf that doesn't belong to the pack?" He sat up and glared at the door behind me.

"We're under attack." I told him. "Come on. I'm taking you two someplace safe." I told them and walked over. I grabbed both of them and teleported them to Perry's and sat them down on an old booth. "Stay here." I ordered. "For Dannie?" I looked Quinton in the eyes. He stopped and looked at me then at Dannie.

"Ok... I want my beta here.... He's too little to be there, and I don't want him getting hurt," he told me and curled up to Dannie.

"I'll get him." I promised. "More are coming here. Stay tight." I begged and teleported back to the manor. "LOUIS! CLEAR THE MANOR!" I ordered and went for his study. "GET AUGUST OUT!" I yelled. "Go to Perrys!" I yelled as I rushed into his study. He looked up from a fish game on his computer and frowned.

"Yes, of course," he said quickly, getting up. He didn't even have to ask why. He knew it was a good reason if it was me. He disappeared then to evacuate the manor. I rushed towards my sister's room then and rushed in, not knocking. Victor was curled up with her in her bed, sleeping with a bottle of rum on the nightstand. He glanced up at me sleepily and then started to go back to sleep, resting his head against my sister.

"VICTOR! ROSE! I need you both to get out of the manor. Go to Perry's right now. We are being invaded." I told them. "By werewolves. Remember, their bites kill- go." I rushed.

"NIKOLAI!" Victor scrambled out of bed quickly and took off for the door.

"I've got him, get my sister out." I told Victor, seeing her waking up a little.

"What's going on..." She mumbled. Victor glanced at me then nodded, going back to Rose.

"Rose, we are leaving. Paris will get Nikolai and Peyton," he told her and picked her up. "We're being attacked again."

"Get going." I rushed them and teleported out of the room and towards Peyton and Aiyana's rooms. "GIRLS!" I yelled and opened Peyton's door. "Go to Perry's right now." I ordered. "Take Aiyana." I told her. "Don't ask." Donnie appeared by me.

"Got them, go." Donnie told me. I nodded and appeared near Nikolai's room.

"NIKOLAI!" I yelled, finding him just about to come out of his room. "Go to Perry's." I ordered. "Now." He nodded.

"I will." He told me

"Go get Quinton's beta and take him there as well." I ordered.

"Yeah." Nikolai took off down the hall then. I teleported then towards the back yard and looked around for my pack. Cage was leading his pack head on towards the manor along with August's pack. I smirked and went back into the manor.

"VAMPIRES EVACUATE!" I yelled, making sure my voice rumbled through the halls. I heard Richard's thoughts again as he came back to the manor, specifically the music room. I thought over the people at my manor, trying to think about if I missed anyone important. If I did maybe the others got to them for me and told them to leave... Laurence would have already left, he's smart. I glanced around then teleported to the music room. Richard was looking underneath the tables and pulling back the curtains with a frantic look, panic in his eyes.

"What's wrong!?" I asked. He looked towards me.

"I can't find Shiloh! I got the others to Perry's and left them with Quinton, but Shiloh isn't with them!" He ran up to me. I closed my eyes then and opened my mind to the manor, trying to look for Shiloh's thoughts so I can get to her. I heard a scream from the kids' room after a few seconds. Richard shot past me then towards the doors to go get her. I teleported into the kid's room and looked for her. She was backed up against the wall with a werewolf in front of her, snarling at her. She screamed again as it lunged for her and then ran past it quickly before it could get her. I teleported in front of her and picked her up into my arms.

"GOT HER!" I yelled loud for Richard to hear me then teleported to Perry's manor and sat her down. "Stay here baby girl." I told her and teleported back to the manor, into their room again. I snarled towards the werewolf. It turned towards me and bristled it's fur up as it saw me, laying it's ears back. I took off out the door then in a hurry. It chased after me, letting out a howl. I laughed as I ran from it, rushing down the halls to where all the fun was. It was almost at my heels when we finally reached the battleground and it snapped at my feet. I turned on it quickly and kicked it in the face, sending it flying back. "No one enters my manor unwelcomed and lives to tell about it." I told the werewolf, watching it hit a wall. It yelped and then got to it's feet quickly before it started after me again, snarling. I ran into the battle then. "ARMY DISMISSED!" I called to my men fighting, I couldn't afford to loose all of them. "FALL BACK, GET OUT!" I ordered. "WOLVES ATTACK!" I yelled to my pack that was busting into the manor. I heard snarls erupt from August's pack as they started to attack the nearest wolves to them. Rick attacked the one that was after me and bit down into it's neck harshly. I nodded my thanks to him and watched as Cage's pack took down the other wolves like it was nothing to them. I relaxed a bit then went in search for their Alpha, wanting to see if he was in battle with them. Richard was shooting at a bigger wolf and laughed.

"Aww, little alpha thought you could come in and kill the vampires?" He asked and smirked before he dodged it lunging at him.

"RICHARD!" I yelled. "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE!" I hissed, coming for him then. He looked towards me then with a guilty look and then yelped when the wolf almost got him. He shot it in the head then. "Get out of here." I snapped towards him when I made it to his side.

"You're still here," he told me and shook his head.

"One, it's my manor. Two, it's my pack. Three, I'm looking for anyone still in harms way." I told him. He narrowed his eyes.

"I'm not leaving my mate behind. My children are safe, so I'm not leaving till you're safe." I nodded.

"Stick by me then." I told him. "I'm not leaving until I see through that the pack wins." He nodded and leaned in, giving me a kiss.

"Besides, you know I can handle a few werewolves... and I'm a demon again," he purred and looked towards the werewolves. I looked him over and stuck out my tongue.

"Remind me to fix you when this is over." I told him. His eyes widened.

"Fix me?"

"Yes, you can't be a demon." I teased him. He bit his bottom lip then and put a hand over his chest. His thoughts started to stray to when I first found out he was a demon again and I was dragging him up the stairs to punish him. I blushed and shook my head. "I wouldn't act like that again." I whispered. He nodded and relaxed a bit.

"Ok, we'll talk about this after." I looked around us then went towards the stairs, climbing up them. He followed after me, looking around closely.

"I have to remodel this place now." I told him, groaning. "Good thing we are kings, well, related to the king. It won't cost anything." He nodded.

"I was thinking it was time to remodel anyways. Want me to do it this time?" He smirked.

"Nu-uh!" I growled. "I want to!" I laughed then. "It's my manor."

"And I'm your sweet, lovable mate," he purred to me. "Pianos in every room.... dark curtains tinted red...."

"Hahaha... as good as that may sound.. no." I told him. He pouted then.

"Why not?" He asked and then rubbed up against me.

"I think that a piano in every room is a bit too much." I told him. "Plus the red curtains will make me feel like we are back at your father's castle."

"I just like the color.... But we can limit the pianos to the main rooms like the music room and living room," he suggested.

"We'll talk about this later." I told him and laughed as I teleported us to my study. He pouted and went over to my desk, sitting down on it.

"You're only saying that because you know that I'll be too busy to argue later because the kids will be back."

"We'll fine. Let's talk about it now. I want dark forest green curtains." I  told him, walking over to my seat and sat down on it. He looked at me and smirked.



"Purple, red, or black."


"I'll change them behind your back."

"This is my manor." I snapped.

"And I'm your mate." He smirked at me and exposed his fangs playfully as he gave me a predatory look. I exposed my fangs then.


"Red," he purred, starting to crawl over the desk towards me slowly.

"No. That's a very typical color Richard Dracula. I think we should do a nice dark forest green." He didn't say anything as he got over to my side of the desk and looked at me then tilted his head, looking towards my neck.

"Purple," he mumbled.

"No." I told him, kicking my chair away from the desk.

"Fine, dark blue," he said and watched me, laughing a little. "Afraid?"

"I'm not afraid. Dark green!" I told him. He sighed.

"Fine, but a piano goes in the living room," he told me and laid down on my desk as he looked towards the ceiling. He started to touch his fangs as he hummed his favorite tune on the piano.

"Fine... We can have one in the livingroom if we extend it." I told him.

"The werewolves are extending it for us anyways," he pointed out and laughed then hung his head off the desk to look at me upside down. "Why are you so far away? That's not fair. You're making me miss you." I scooted the chair back to the desk then and kissed him. He leaned up and kissed me back passionately, moving to sit up. I pushed him down, making sure he stayed there. I was happy to get to dominate a demon. He made a small noise of surprise and looked at me. "Paris~" He kissed my neck then.

"Demon's getting dominated." I purred to him, teasing him. He let out a playful growl and went to sit up again. I pushed him  back down. "Oooooo, not so big and bad anymore." He exposed his fangs at me then.

"Let me up," he said quickly and looked at me with slight panic.

"Why?" I asked and started to get on top of him. He widened his eyes and struggled a little, trying to sit up again. I kept him down and started to push up his shirt.

"Paris~" He blushed and stopped to watch me messing with his shirt. I took it off of him and laughed.

"Yes, Mr. Submissive." I teased.

"I am not!" He went for my hands then. I yelped and kept my hands from him. He leaned up and stole a kiss from me while I was distracted and pushed his tongue into my mouth. I moaned and let him kiss me, melting on top of him. He purred and got a hold of my tongue, sucking on it hard as he went to flip us. I let him flip us and went to deepen the kiss. He smirked against my lips and pressed down into me, slipping between my legs as he went for my shirt. I grabbed his arms though, stopping him. He growled and tried to pull them away from me. I felt his fangs scrape against my lip as they sharpened instinctively. I yelped and shook my head, laughing. He gave me a playful growl and bit down into my bottom lip to mess with me. "Got you~" He purred and then licked my lip clean. "You're mine...." I laughed and kissed him sweetly then tried to flip us. He gasped as I managed to and looked up at me from the desk. "Paris?" I laughed and kissed his forehead then went towards his neck. My door was slung open though as the war started to flee into the study. I yelped and teleported us to Perry's old place. Richard looked around in confusion and blushed as he saw the others. He quickly started to pull away from me then. I backed away from him and was tackled by Rose.

"You idiot! You had me worried!" Rose yelled into my ear. Richard looked at her and laughed then glanced himself over.

"Darn... I'll have to find a new shirt soon," he mumbled and walked towards the kids. Keegan tackled Richard and hugged him tightly.

"Daddy~" Keegan mumbled.

"Hey cutie!" Richard purred to him and then sat down with the kids, keeping Keegan in his lap. He looked each of them over as he gave them kisses then kissed Keegan's head last, nuzzling against his cheek. "How are my sweet babies?" He asked them. Keegan giggled.

"Why're we here?" Keegan asked innocently.

"I'm remodeling." I explained as I pulled away from Rose. Shiloh shook her head.

"Nuh-uh daddy! There was this big beast with sharp teeth and claws that tried to eat me!"

"Don't tell your brother that." I mumbled, seeing Keegan's fear in his eyes grow. Richard quickly kissed his head.

"They'll be gone soon," he told Keegan. "Then we can go home and be safe." Shiloh glanced at him then at Rory and Sage. Sage was looking at her with wide eyes.

"You almost got eaten?!" He scooted over to her and hugged her. "No one gets to eat you except me." He bit down into her neck to prove it. Rory crossed his arms as he watched Sage.

"Nu-uh. Sissy is mine, bubba." Rory told him, getting close to them. I walked over to Quinton and Dannie to check on them, giving a friendly smile.

"Hey you two." I whispered. Quinton looked towards me and gave a smile before leaning against Dannie again. I suddenly smelled Shiloh getting marked by Sage. I looked towards them and shook my head before looking towards Dannie, seeing him resting against Quinton. "How do you feel?" I asked softly, rubbing Dannie's head. Quinton glanced towards my hand and then at Dannie, kissing his cheek sweetly.

"Sage, don't mark others to show off to your siblings," Richard scolded. I heard Sage growl towards him.

"She's mine anyways," he told him. "Besides daddy, I can't have what is mine walking around with Rory's mark."

"She's mine." Rory snapped and tackled Sage, biting into him and marking him. "You're mine."

"No, both of you are mine!" Sage kept in a moan and bit down into Rory, marking him. I heard Shiloh growl.

"No, you've got it all wrong bubbas! I'm the boss around here. You're all mine!" Rory growled towards Shiloh. Shiloh giggled and looked at him, starting for him. "Awww, don't look at me like that Rory," she said cutely and pulled him off Sage. She kissed his cheek and went for his neck. He bit down into her neck first and marked her. She moaned and melted into his arms. "I love you bubba," she whispered to him. I heard Sage growling then, upset.

"Rory~ She's mine!"

"To late!" Rory growled towards Sage. Sage tackled them both down into the booth then and bit down into Shiloh, making her yelp as he started to remark her. Rory groaned and pulled back, looking at Sage. "No fair!" Sage smirked at Rory and pulled Shiloh away from him.

"See, she's mine... you're mine... and Keegan is mine," Sage purred and bit back into Shiloh as he wrapped his arms around her. Shiloh giggled and looked at Sage, going to compel him as she caught his eyes.

"You're mine bubba, and you'll never abandon me," she purred to him. His eyes glazed over and he gave a small nod before rubbing his head against her.

"I'll never abandon you," he told her sweetly. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket then. I pulled it out and answered.

"Hey Boss~ Ran the rest of them off. You can come back home now... it's safe." Cage told me. "For now." I sighed.

"Okay." I told him and looked towards my family. "We can go home." I told them. Raven glanced up at me and nodded before she stretched and looked outside.

"I think I'll be home a little late," she told us and stood up, going towards the doors. She gave a sweet smile as she did so. Richard stood up then and looked the kids over.

"Go to your mommy now. Mommy will get you home," he told them. 

"Where are you going?" Nikolai asked her, following her towards the doors. I reached out for the kids. Shiloh dragged her brothers over to me with a smile then and hugged my leg as Richard walked over with Keegan in his arms. Raven looked towards Nikolai and blushed as she saw him.

"U-um.... to catch a movie," she said innocently. Rory ran up to me and hugged my leg, growling. I shook my head towards him. Nikolai kept following Raven then.

"I'm coming."

"Ummmm.... Ok," she said and glanced at him as she opened the door. "I guess you can come." He walked out then, humming to himself. I sighed and teleported my kids back home along with Richard. Richard gave me a smile and looked at the kids.

"Come on sweeties, time for bed. I'll read to you tonight," he purred to them and started to pick his way through the ruined hall. I left them at that and pulled out my phone, calling a nearby renovator company. When they picked up, I ordered them to come in tomorrow morning then hung up on them, heading towards my bedroom. The house was a mess due to the werewolf battle that took place here... I groaned at the sight of it. I just want peace for once within my family...  

Louis's POV:

I looked towards August beside me and pulled him close. "Come on, let's get you home," I whispered to him. "The fight is over." He grabbed my arms and looked around himself, totally freaked out.

"What happened?" He asked me. "Give me every detail." I sighed.

"We were attacked by a group of rogues," I mumbled to him. "Cage and the pack ran them off. We can go home. We're at Perry's currently."

"No, tell me how bad the manor is." He told me, shaking my shoulders. I grabbed his hands.

"I'll tell you when we get back," I purred and then teleported us home. I widened my eyes as I looked around me at the broken walls and tables everywhere. The floor was tore up with claw marks from the running, and half the stairs was busted in from a rough landing. I winced. "Um... bad." He looked around us then and grabbed my hands.

"How many casualties?" He mumbled. I glanced around.

"Not that many of ours. Most of the dead ones are the others," I told him. I really only saw like... five dead wolves in the room anyways. That's not bad at all compared to massacres I've seen. "Like... one of ours and four of theirs in this room." He relaxed against me and ran his fingers through my hair. I smiled and leaned in, giving him a kiss. "Just don't try to walk without someone to guide you," I purred in his ear. He nodded and wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Do you want to go to bed, or would you like to speak to your beta?" I asked him and smiled. "I could send for him."

"Get me Rick." He told me quickly. I nodded.

"ISABELLE!" I summoned her to me and watched as she appeared in front of me. She gave me a sweet smile.

"Yes Louis?"

"Can you go find Rick for August here?" She nodded and disappeared then came back with him. Rick glanced around and brightened up when his eyes landed on August.

"Alpha August!" He ran over and hugged him. "Where ya been buddy?" August ran his fingers across Rick's shoulders.

"I need to talk with you." He whispered.

"Talk with me? Sure," Rick said softly and moved back to look at him. "Is something wrong? Oh... um... I need to tell you something. It's... not good." He looked sad then. I frowned. Did someone in the pack die? Someone close to Rick or August?

"What happened?" August asked quickly.

"Alice got really hurt. She had a bad run in with one of the bigger rogues. She's currently being watched over by my mate," Rick told him.

"She's fine though?" August asked.

"She'll live... but it'll be about a month before she can run with us again."

"Good... She's fine." August mumbled. "I need you to gather all of our pack in the morning."

"Of course," Rick told him quickly. "Whatever you need Alpha August. I'll have them assembled in the morning."

"Just tell them it's a pack meeting. Good night Rick." He whispered. Rick smiled then.

"Good night Alpha August." He ruffled August's hair then and walked off to go inform the others about the meeting. I frowned and looked towards August.

"Why are you doing a pack meeting?" I asked curiously.

"To talk about the attack and congratulate them on their victory." August told me. "Take me to bed?" I gave a nod.

"Of course," I said and looked towards Isabelle with a smile. "Can you make sure that the other girls are ok sweetie?" I asked her. She nodded and ran off. I grabbed August and teleported us to our bed, laying him down in it then got in beside him. He curled up to me then and sighed softly. "Dannie is sick," I whispered to him. "I don't know if someone told you or not.... Quinton has been worried."

"Yeah.. Quinton came in and told me." He whispered back.

"Oh... I need to tell you something," I said as it occurred to me that I didn't tell him about my plans for the throne yet. "I think you'll like it."

"Quinton told me that there is something going on between Donnie and Nikolai." He told me, sitting up. "You're wanting to give the throne up to be with me." I pouted.

"Did he tell you everything that I want to tell you?" I sighed. "I wanted that to be a surprise for you.... I thought you would be excited to know that I was going to devote all my time to you after I select either Donnie or Nikolai to be the next king...." He leaned in towards my face then, grabbing it and touched my lips before bringing his lips closer to mine. I blushed and leaned up, kissing him.

"In the morning...." He whispered to me. "I'm handing over my Alpha duties to Quinton."

"Does Quinton know you're officially giving it to him?" I asked as I looked towards his eyes and frowned, knowing he couldn't see me. I looked towards his lips and wrapped my arms around him.

"No." August told me. "Quinton doesn't know... He probably thinks I won't do it for a while... but... I'm handing them over. I'm sure Rick will help him until Dannie gets better- taking over for a bit." I nodded.

"Rick is a good beta. He'll take over and help you two out till Quinton is able to take the pack over completely... then Dannie will be lonely because Quinton will be running all over the woods without him like you did with me," I purred and laughed a little.

"Well..." August laughed. "Dannie can have him to sleep with though." I nodded.

"True, but I bet he'll be lonely while he's getting used to not seeing Quinton as much as he sees him now. I haven't really seen Quinton leave his side at all... except for today when he went and hunted out a beta from what I've heard." I leaned up and stole a kiss from August then. "I'll have to teach Dannie the tricks of keeping alphas interested in their Lunas so that way Quinton doesn't get too caught up with hunting and running to where he doesn't spend time with him."

"You should definitely spend some time with him. Cage's Luna too." August agreed with me. I nodded.

"I'll visit them from time to time... but you're coming with me. I don't want to lose a single second of time with you after I give up the throne."

"F-fine." August mumbled.

"Awww, don't you want to spend time with me. I thought you were lonely and needed me.... Maybe I won't give up the throne then," I teased as I smirked at him.

"I WANT YOU!" August shook his head. "Please don't go leaving me." He gripped my shirt. "I can't stand being without you." I laughed and held him close.

"Ok, I'll be giving up the throne in two weeks," I whispered in his ears. "Then I'll be completely yours. All my duties will be over."

"G-good... It's lonely without my innerwolf and you around." He mumbled. I nodded and looked at him.

"You know... if you really miss me that badly, you can always come sit with me in my study while I do the king stuff till it's over. You don't have to stay in bed all the time."

"O-okay." He nodded. "I'd like that." I smiled.

"Starting tomorrow after your pack meeting," I promised and then kissed his lips. "We'll be inseperable."

"Good." He kissed me back and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and pushed him onto his back then and got on top of him.

"I love you," I purred to him and kissed his neck. He let out a slight moan.

"I love you too." He mumbled. I bit my bottom lip as I pulled back to look at him.

"You don't mind, right?" I asked, making sure he was ok with this since he was blind. He nodded, exposing his neck. I smiled and leaned back in, giving him a love bite as I started to trail them down to his shirt and reached for the hem of it. I pulled it off him and went back to his lips, kissing him passionately. He kissed me back and bit my bottom lip before slipping his tongue into my mouth. I moaned and slipped between his legs as I let my tongue dance with his before I sucked on it. I trailed my hands to his pants, grabbing the button and started to undo it. He smiled slightly against my lips then let out a moan from my touch. I purred to him and slowly unzipped his pants then started to shove them down for him. I sat up on him and pulled my shirt off then started on my pants. He looked up at me in a daze as he waited, listening to my every movement. I smirked as I dropped my pants on the floor, letting it make a loud enough noise for him to hear. "You want me?" I purred to him as I slowly started to lay back down on him and hovered my lips above his. I could feel him aroused. He nodded and leaned up, kissing me. I laughed and kissed him back, dragging it out as I licked his bottom lip teasingly. He kissed me back and then started to kiss down to my neck. I gasped and let him as I slipped myself between his legs again and kissed his cheek. "You sure do still act like an alpha," I mumbled.

"I still am one." He told me. "It's my birth right." I nodded.

"Mhmm, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, even though you're not a vampire," I joked and kissed his lips again before he could give my neck another kiss. He let out a soft growl and went to kiss my lips. I smirked and let him as I tilted my head to deepen his kiss then ran my hands down his sides. He started to run his hands down my back, towards my butt. When they reached, it they gave my butt a squeeze. I yelped and then melted on top of him, purring to him. "I swear," I mumbled and then kissed his neck as I gripped his sides then traveled a hand down to his leg and wrapped it around me. He started to grind his hips up against me then.

"Swear what?" He asked. I accidentally let a moan slip as he started and kissed his neck again before giving him a love bite. I purred to him and then gripped his leg tightly as I pressed down into him to take over. He stopped grinding up against me then and blushed. I smirked and kissed his lips.

"I swear that blush is so cute on you," I teased and then grinded against him. I ran my free hand down to his underwear and paused, pulling back a bit so I could watch him. "You want me now?" I asked and laughed. He nodded as he looked up at me, letting out a soft moan.

"Yeah, that would be nice." He admitted. I smirked and started to take his boxers off, giving him the night of his life....