Josh's POV:

I pulled Charlie towards my apartment as I hummed to myself. "So Charlie! How's it feel to be free of those Grimms huh? I bet pretty great! I will be going back later to take them out... but I am supposed to meet up with these other guys first. We just needed to get you out before we attack! After all, we can't kill you, now can we? Not when your brother Dylan is pretty much our saving grace right now!" I laughed and led him into the building then up the stairs. Charlie followed me with guilt written all over him.

"M-maybe I need to go back." He mumbled to himself. "This doesn't feel right... everything in me is telling me to go home.... to Paris and Richard." He started to shake a bit. "I feel like a teenager getting caught climbing back into the window at six in the morning." I looked towards him and smiled.

"Don't worry. You're fine. It's just that they compelled you is all. I would bet my life on it. After all, you wouldn't normally be with them- not with what happened with Riley being killed by them and everything else that you went through with your family to protect everyone from the Grimm family. They're just playing with your head," I explained. "You'll be fine."

"I don't feel fine." He mumbled, scratching his arms. "I feel like death is knocking at my door." I smirked and pulled him close.

"Oh? Death knocking at your door? How sweet. Death is always at our doors Charlie. It's just a matter of whether or not you let him in," I purred to him as I looked him in the eyes. He looked me in the eyes and then looked away, blushing.

"Yeah.... I suppose so..." He whispered.

"Aww, that's cute," I told him and curled my fingers around his hair. "Your blush, that is." I let him go and started walking up the stairs again. "C'mon Charlie, you need a bath." He followed after me quickly.

"In the morning can I go outside?" He asked me and got to my side, grabbing my arm. I glanced at him and tilted my head.

"You have to ask me that? Charlie, I don't care if you go outside or not. That's your business whether or not you go outside and enjoy the outdoors or if you stay inside and rest." He exposed his fangs then and looked towards my neck.

"Can I have some of your blood?" He asked me, pulling me closer. I widened my eyes then.

"My what?" I asked sharply, looking towards his fangs.

"Blood." He asked me, pushing me towards the wall as he went for my neck. "So hungry..." I narrowed my eyes and pulled my gun on him, pointing it at his head.

"No. You may drink the blood that I have in the refrigerator for you," I told him. He moved away from me then and nodded, looking at the gun.

"Okay... Who are you again?" Charlie asked softly.

"Josh, a vampire hunter," I told him and smirked. "One of the lasts.... I was sent to retrieve you before we blow those bastards back to hell where they came from." I put my gun up and walked up the stairs, getting off at my level and went towards my apartment door on the hall. I unlocked it and opened it, glancing back for Charlie. Charlie was looking down the stairs longingly.

"I need to go back to Paris..." He mumbled.

"Nope," I told him and smiled. "If you're hungry, come on. I'll even heat it up for you." He looked towards me with a guilty face as he climbed up to my level and went into my apartment then over to the fridge. I walked in and locked the door behind me before I went over to him and opened it up. I reached in and pulled out the five bottles I had gotten for him then set them down on the counter and put one in the microwave and began to heat it up. I smiled towards him. "I normally wouldn't do this for a vampire, but.... your brother is a good guy. I think it's alright to feed you."

"I don't have any family though..." He whispered. "Besides Paris." He looked towards the blood eagerly. I laughed then.

"Of course you have family Charlie! Your brother is Dylan Ainsworth. He was attacked by vampires at a young age and was forced into becoming a vampire. He ended up raising you and your twin to be vampire hunters just like him, and he's the one that made you into a vampire as well. I believe he is a joint maker with some old prince of Germany. I don't know much about him, but he used to hang around your family a lot, especially towards the end when you all had to split up. Your family took Paris and Richard's stones and hid them from those who would bring them back, and when Richard got his hands on you, he brought you back to the manor and made you a prisoner along with your brother Riley. When Paris was brought back, they killed Riley and brainwashed you- which brings us to now! I've rescued you!" I gave him a big smile and took the bottle of blood out of the microwave, holding it out to him. "Tell me, would true family stick you with those nasty newborns and force you to sleep downstairs and not care for you properly. Would they keep you from going outside? No, no they wouldn't." Charlie nodded in agreement and took the blood, swallowing it down. Once he finished it he looked me over.

"Is it possible to get my memories- proper ones back?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, of course. I will have someone brought in soon to give you back your memories. We have a specialist after all," I told him and smirked. "You'll be back to hating them again, don't you worry." He looked towards the other bottles of blood and reached out for one. I smacked his hand away from it. "No, wait for a bit first. Make the supply last. You can have another within two hours." I grabbed them and put them up. "There's only four, and we need to make sure you have something to eat until I go back out again."

"What about your blood?" He asked and looked me over hungrily. I looked towards him.

"I'll break your fingers so fast that you won't even feel the pain until you look at them."

"I'll drain you so fast you'd be dead before your eyes shut." He told me and smirked, then it faded. "Wait... that's not right.... I'll drain you so fast your heart will still be beating without blood in it." I sighed and pulled my gun out again.

"See this? This is Ruth. It's short for Ruthless. I'll shoot your foot," I warned. He exposed his fangs.

"See these? There is two of them. One is for sucking and one is for paralyzing. I'll make you moan for me to bite in more." He teased. I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm a vampire hunter- I don't moan." I pointed the gun towards his foot. "I've got at least ten bullets in this baby. Want to see how many can fit in your foot?" He laughed then.

"You don't moan?" He asked me. "What's the point in living if you don't moan." He started walking towards me and put his fangs up. I sighed and lowered my gun.

"Good boy, I'd hate to have to punish you and then explain to Dylan why your foot fell off," I muttered and started to put my gun up. "I don't moan for vampires." He walked up to me and grabbed the gun, tossing it aside then pushed me up against the counter.

"I'll make you moan." He challenged. I frowned and looked at him.

"Let me go," I told him quickly. He grabbed my belt and started to take it off.

"No way..." He smirked. "You put me up to a challenge."

"I'm not gay if that's what you're thinking," I hissed and went to push him away. "Don't touch my belt."

"You don't have to be gay to be pleasured." He whispered and then started to slip a hand into my pants. I yelped and stomped down on his foot quickly. I punched him in the guts and went to knee him. He grabbed my butt then and lifted me up onto the counter then got between my legs. He leaned in towards my neck and started to kiss it. Once he kissed it he started to suck on it, giving me a hicky as he started to push his hands into my boxers. I panicked and went for his hand quickly, grabbing his wrist and tried to pull him away from me, managing to keep him out of my boxers.

"S-stop," I said quickly. He bit down into my neck then, making me yelp as his hand squeezed my butt. I went to pull away from him then, trying to get my legs up on the counter to get him out from between them. As I squirmed it enabled his hand to go further down and he gave my manhood a squeeze, making me moan slightly. I bit my bottom lip and tried to shove him away. "I said stop!" He let me go and pulled away, loosing interest. He grabbed a bottle and walked away with it.

"Hunters make me sick anyhow." He said over his shoulder. "I hope you had fun though." He teased.

"You are a hunter, you idgit!" I shouted after him as I blushed and fixed my pants then went for my gun. I picked it up as I got off the counter and pointed it at him, shooting him in the foot for revenge. He dodged the bullet and then appeared by me and grabbed the gun, shooting me in the foot with it.

"Don't. Shoot. An. Ainsworth." He hissed into my ear. "Because I will bite your head off boy." I kept in a scream and glared him down, tackling him. I threw him to the floor, landing on top of him as I went for my gun and grabbed it. I sat up on top of him and ran a hand through my hair as I pointed it at his chest.

"I could kill you," I hissed back. "You violated me... and tried to bite me...."

"What can I say.... I'm a vampire." He told me and then bucked me off and got on top of me. He leaned in towards my lips and went for the kill, kissing me. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them down. I widened my eyes as I felt the grip on my gun loosening and struggled a little. He pulled his lips back slightly. "Are you sure your not gay?" He asked me. "Because I really enjoy your touch... maybe we can take this further... If I promise I won't bite?" I gasped and tried to get away, blushing a bit.

"N-no... I'm not gay, I swear I'm not!"

"Are you at least bi?" He asked, grinding his hips up against me. "I need a friend." I gasped again and stopped, arching my back a little as he did so.

"C-Charlie," I started, going to tell him that I wasn't even bi. He let my wrists go and wrapped an arm around my back then started to run his fingers through my hair as he leaned down and started to kiss me passionately. I moaned and started to kiss him back, dazed. He teleported us onto my soft, fluffy bed and started to take off his shirt, sliding off quickly when we took in a breath for air. He let out a small laugh. My phone went off then in my pants. I stopped and looked up at him with wide eyes. What... did I just do.... I blushed and looked away from him as I started to reach for my phone. He pulled it out for me and put it up to my ear, answering it.

"Josh, have you got what we asked you to get?" A male asked.

"H-hi.... Um... Yes, I got the target," I told them and tried to keep my voice from shaking. Should I ask for back up? Would they even send it?

"Change of plans. We are going to need you to bring him in ASAP. We're sending you the address now." I felt my phone vibrate against my ear.

"A-ASAP? What's going on?" I asked and looked up towards Charlie. Charlie was listening in to our conversation.

"We figure it would be best if he comes in as quick as possible." He told me. "Make sure no one is tailing you."

"No, I killed the ones that were sent to tail me," I replied with confidence. "Their bodies are in the street if you'd like them. Oh, and I don't see why it's best. He's out of sorts. I'm making sure he's drinking enough bottled blood. You don't want this kid starved. He'll eat you."

"We need him in to get his memories back as soon as possible. Once he gets them back, he'll be of value to us. We'll be able to take on the Grimm manor quicker then we expect. So, bring him in. Plus... He's probably going to try to kill you at some point... or worse. So it's for the best, you see?" I tilted my head and looked Charlie over.

"Uh huh...." I trailed off. "Bye."

"ASAP Josh." The guy reminded me. Charlie looked at me longingly.

"As soon as I am able," I told the guy. "Bu-bye now!" I took my head away from the phone and looked at it then pressed the end button. I took my phone from him and glanced up at him. "ASAP...." Charlie nodded and leaned in to kiss me.

"ASAP." Charlie agreed and slipped my shirt off. I looked towards it with wide eyes.

"Charlie, he said ASAP. That's not ASAP."

"As soon as possible? We're going to be a while." He shrugged. "You should have told him." He laughed. "We're unavailable. You can't answer to them all the time. Be your own boss." I blushed and looked up at him.

"W-well... what about you? Don't you want to go back to your family? Besides, I'm not gay anyways," I whispered under my breath.

"Family can wait." He told me. "I have eternity." He started to shift downwards then as he took my pants with him. I bit my bottom lip and went to slip away from him as I started to get nervous. He watched me and frowned. "You're no fun." He groaned out and then pouted. "I need a companion." I took a deep breath and then stayed, looking at him.

"O-ok... I-I guess," I whispered, longing for another kiss. He leaned in towards my lips then and started to kiss me. I closed my eyes and leaned up to him, kissing him back as I wrapped my arms around him. I hesitantly tilted my head and deepened it, licking his bottom lip. He slipped my pants off then and went for my boxers while keeping my lips occupied. I paused a few seconds then kissed him passionately, leaning up into him as I slipped my tongue into his mouth and moaned a bit. He moaned back and slipped my boxers off. He started to trail kisses down my body then, going down to my manhood. I arched my back and gripped his hair in my hands. "C-Charlie," I murmured his name and slipped him between my legs, wrapping one around his leg. I could feel him smirking against my skin as he kept going... lower. I kept in a moan and trembled a little, scared. I wasn't sure. Was I gay? Was I straight? What if I'm that weird one and I'm bi?! Oh my gosh, I'm going to be the laughing stock of the hunter society! They're going to tease me about this if they find out! I'LL BE DEMOTED! He started to kiss down my happy trail then, not stopping. He was determined to keep it up. I gripped his hair tighter as a moan slipped from me. "A-are you sure?" I asked quickly before it became a thought.

"Positively sure! Lucky your not a girl~ I might just pregnant you." He teased. I blushed then. I really would be the laughing stock then.... I bit my bottom lip hard and then yelped when I broke the skin and made myself bleed. He looked up at me then at my lip and looked at it longingly then started to move towards my lips with a seductive look. I widened my eyes and touched my lips before pulling my hand away to see my fingers covered in my blood.

"O-ow," I mumbled and winced as pain pulsed from my lips. I shifted under him as I started to go to wipe my hand off on the bedsheets. He grabbed my hand then brought my fingers to his lips and he licked the blood off of it slowly, looking into my eyes as he done so. I blushed and watched him, not pulling my hand back from him. I looked towards his lips longingly as I waited, knowing he was going to kiss me again. He pulled away from my hand once every drop of blood was gone and then went towards my lips. He laid his lips upon mine passionately and started to lick up the blood that formed on them. He moaned slightly from the taste. I pressed into him and kissed him back as I moaned before I pulled back and tilted my head, exposing my neck to him and watched him. He looked my neck over then towards my lips before he leaned down towards my neck and I could hear his fangs sharpen. I ran my fingers through his hair as I adjusted myself under him again and made sure he could get at my neck good enough. He adjusted himself slightly on me before he slowly started to drag his fangs across my skin, teasing me. I shivered and arched my back slightly. He then bit down slightly into my skin, being hesitant about it before he went all the way. I groaned and fought the instinct to push him away as I let him. "I-I don't mind," I whispered to him softly. He moaned slightly and bit down deeper into me, I could feel him shoot his venom into my body and a sudden ecstasy overcame me. I moaned and kissed his cheek quickly. "I'm yours," I told him, not even thinking the words over. He let out a purr then.