Alpha Quinton

Quinton's POV:

I shifted in the bed and glanced towards Dannie as I slowly started to crawl out of the bed. He had been asleep for awhile again. I'm sure he'll be asleep by the time I get back. I walked over to a desk in the corner and grabbed a piece of paper, scrawling a note on it to tell him I'd be back and walked back, setting it on my pillow. I snuck out of the room and sniffed the air, trying to figure out if dinner for the pack was soon or not. I couldn't smell anything cooking for us, so I guess not. Quinton, get a beta tonight. I stopped and frowned. Tonight. You're going to run out of time. Take the chance. I sighed and then walked to my fathers' room, knocking on it. "Dads! I'm going out!" I called.

"SON!? IS THAT YOU!?" I heard my father August in the room. "BABY BOY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" He asked. "We just got attacked... Your father hasn't been back in awhile... He's probably busy doing king stuff... but I still miss him. Son! So where are you going?" He asked me. I sighed and walked in, going over to the bed where he was. I got on the bed.

"You know, dad actually is letting Nikolai do most of the king stuff for the rest of the week. He's trying to find a successor to the vampire throne after him. He said he wants to hand it off to spend time with you," I whispered. My dad nodded and grabbed my hand, petting it.

"So, have fun wherever you are going... be safe." He kissed my cheek, totally ignoring what I said. I laughed.

"I will... My inner wolf is telling me to get a beta tonight," I told him and kissed his forehead.

"Rick is always going to be there to help." My father told me and smiled. "I will be there too." He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into a hug. "I'm still thinking about how to tell the pack~ You're alpha. I've got to announce it to them soon." He mumbled. I brightened up then.

"Guess what! I marked my Luna already!" I laughed and hugged him back. He nodded and kissed my cheek.

"I heard Dannie is sick again." He told me and grabbed my hand. "I hope he'll get better. Have you two... completed the mating ritual?" He asked me curiously. I frowned.

"Completed? I thought I just had to mark Dannie.... What do you mean?"

"You two have to do some extra mate things." He told me and winked. "Like bed things."

"Like sleeping? We do that sometimes together," I said innocently. He kissed the top of my head.

"Okay, go have fun." He told me, smiling. "I think I might go take a walk outside of the room later." I frowned then and thought it over. If I took Cage with me, I might be able to take dad as well.

"Well.... You're my dad. You should come with me. We'll get Cage to help you. I'm selecting my beta today after all."

"Oh so that is what you are doing! Nice... I don't know though... I haven't been outside this room at all and I'm still getting use to being blind. Isabelle gave me this cane-" He pointed to a cane by the bed. "To help me get to the bathroom when I need it and Louis is away." He told me and the sighed. "I don't want to be bothering you. You should go by yourself. That'll be best for you. You'll find your beta easier that way.... Or take one of your cousins with you." He suggested. "Make it fun." I pouted.

"Daaad, I want you to come with me," I whined and then nipped at his ear. "Please? Cage can help you walk around, and we can put you in a wheelchair if we have to."

"I don't want to go." He grumbled. "I want to stay here in the safety of the manor."

"What does your inner wolf say? I bet he's telling you to come with me," I mumbled.

"He hasn't talked to me since that rogue took my sight from me." He muttered, looking away from me. I frowned then.

"I'm sorry dad.... I'll get that rogue back. I'll tear his throat out for you."

"You better get that rogue." He growled. "I want you to advenge me. Rick and Cage will make sure you get properly trained to take on that son of a bitch and win." He snarled and then tried to calm down. I kissed his cheek.

"Well... if you're sure that you don't want to go to support me... then I'll go get Cage and take him with me."

"Take one of your cousins." My dad suggested once again. I sighed and thought it over.

"But.... fine. I'll take either Donnie or Nikolai then," I mumbled and got up. "Love you dad. I'll bring my beta in to see you when I'm through." I walked towards the door then.

"I love you too." He told me and laughed. "Have a good time."

"I will!" I walked out then and pulled out my phone to text both Donnie and Nikolai.

Me: Hey boys, going out. Want to see a once in a lifetime opportunity? I'm chosing a beta today. You can both come. Donnie teleported to me then with Nikolai attached to him.

"Hey~ We was going to work on some things together... but we'll come hang out with you if you want." They told me and gave a smile then laughed.

"Jinx." Nikolai said quickly. I shook my head and laughed, texting Cage to meet me in the garage. I started walking then.

"If you're coming, keep up," I called back to them. Cage was waiting in the garage for us when we walked in and smiled.

"What's up?" Cage asked me. "I've got to run some boarders later Quinton."

"I'm being pressured into getting a beta today," I told him. "I want you to come with me." I walked up and hugged him. "Pleaaaase? My dad refuses to get out of bed."

"Do you seriously need this many people to come with you?" Cage asked me and rubbed my head. I nodded.

"Mhmmm... I want you guys to come. I don't want to go into this blind and alone."

"Go mark Rick." He suggested.

"Rick's older than me," I complained.

"He's a good beta though. I marked my father's beta- In my dream once." He told me and laughed. "Nah.... I picked my best friend for the job."

"Well.... I want to pick my own beta. Rick is cool... but he's my father's beta."

"Okay... Have you met your cousins?" He asked me then smirked.

"Can we just go look around town first?" I asked and tugged on his shirt.

"Mhmmm... Let's go." He told me then got into the drivers seat. I smiled and waved the other two over, going to the passenger's seat. I sat down in it and buckled up as I bounced up and down excitedly. The other two got into the back seat then buckled up. Cage smiled at me. "What happened to calling me Uncle?" He asked and pinched my cheek. I laughed and grabbed his hand before nuzzling against it.

"Sorry Uncle Cage... I've been worried about dad and my Luna got sick." Cage nodded and laughed, then drove off.

"It's understandable." He told me and smirked. I smirked and punched in the radio, cutting on some music.

"So... where should we look first?" I asked. "Any ideas?"

"There is this teen club." Cage told me. "It's a hot new thing in town. I thought we would stop there first." I nodded.

"Teen sounds cool.... I don't want someone who will be older than me and try pushing me over because I'm younger."

"Right. We can shop around for some teen happenings and then go chill out at them and find a hot young sixteen year old for you to mark as your beta and boss around." Cage suggested. He started to laugh then. I stretched out in my seat then.

"Mhmm... Nikolai! Wanna help point me out to good ones?" I looked back at Donnie and Nikolai with a grin. "After all, I won't see all of them."

"Of course." Donnie told me. "We'll help. I'll read all of their minds and Nikolai can stand around being creepy."

"HEY!" Nikolai's jaw dropped.

"Well... he's right Nikolai.... You do act kind of creepy. You blow most people off- especially if they're not related to you," I told him and watched them.

"I am not that creepy." Nikolai grumbled. "I just have different emotions from you two."

"Ok, but you treat others like dirt sometimes," I said and then looked towards the front. "You wouldn't be here if you weren't related to me, and if I wasn't the son of the king."

"You're mean." Nikolai pouted. "I don't treat people like dirt... they just... aren't as high of a being as I am." He laughed out. I laughed then.

"Nikolai, that is the very definition of treating others like dirt."

"Oh well." Nikolai shrugged. "I'm a Grimm, what can I say?" He asked and laughed. "Plus an Ivanov." I nodded and looked out the window.

"Yeaaaaah.... At least you don't treat your family too bad," I told him and smiled as I watched the trees pass by. "I want to go for a run...."

"Later, with your beta." Cage promised me. "I should have been with you guys that day... along with Rick. We would have taken that rogue for a spin around a tree." He growled. I looked towards him and frowned.

"I'm going to get him back for what he did," I told him. "I promised my father." I sighed and curled up in my seat. "I feel terrible about it. They told me to hide... and I did. It might not have played out the way it did," I whispered and sniffled as I remembered feeling like I almost lost my father. Cage lost his... and I didn't move to help. I shrunk down in shame. "I shouldn't be alpha...."

"Don't blame yourself. You was obeying your father and the pack will never blame you for what happened that day. You also wouldn't stand a chance against him due to your lack of fighting skills. So you was doing the pack a majoy favor by obeying orders and hiding. If we lost you then August's pack would be in ruin and I'd have to run them off." Cage told me. "Although... Rick would have to take over so maybe the pack wouldn't be that doomed now that I think about it..." He muttered the last part. I nodded and looked out the window, rubbing my arm.

"Sure," I mumbled.

"It's not your fault." Cage told me again. "Nothing would have changed if you had disobeyed ordered except for a few more broken hearts and major regret. August is going to be fine. Your dad is fine. He'll make due with being blind. I bet the moon goddess has something special planned for him." I smiled then.

"That'd be nice. He sounded lonely when I went to see him last. He didn't even really listen to me when I told him what dad was doing for him." I looked towards Cage and smiled.

"Mhmmm... He's sort of not in the right mind. Alphas go through phases after realizing they can't be alpha anymore because of some- specific reason... like breaking a spine.... or hip.... or loosing their eyes... hearing... anything. Plus his wolf is probably not talking to him which makes it worse." He told me and shrugged. "He'll be back on his feet though." He promised me. I nodded and cheered up as we reached town. I looked outside the window with excitement. I'm picking a beta! Wait a minute... I glanced over at Cage.

"Hey, Uncle Cage, can my beta be my Luna too?" I asked, wondering if I could make Dannie my beta and be done with it.

"No, sorry." Cage told me. "That's not how it works." He shrugged. "If you was to mark your beta to be your luna you would have to look for a new beta. Plus there's no marking luna's into betas. It just doesn't work. You need a separate beta and luna." He explained. "It's just how the moon goddess willed it to be." I pouted and looked out the window.

"Dad said something about mating ritual? I thought it was done after I marked Dannie... but he didn't elaborate," I watched a few buildings pass by. "What's that about?"

"Sex." He told me and smirked. "That's how you complete it. Donnie knows all about it too." He looked towards Donnie. Donnie blushed and shook his head.

"Let's not bring that up." Donnie spoke softly. I frowned. I have to do that?!

"Do I have to?" I asked and curled up to myself, watching Cage.

"I didn't." Cage told me. "I keep my luna at home all the time too. I make her cook, clean, and sleep in a separate bed. She's not my actual mate... just a temporary luna." He shrugged. "I didn't want to go insane." I bit my bottom lip.

"Yeah, but she's your temporary Luna.... Dannie is permanent."

"I would. It makes the bond... more passionate." Cage told me. "That's what my mom tells me and my younger brother- he's mated. He told me it makes their bonding experience better. Their wolves seem to connect better and what not... I don't know... mate stuff." He shrugged. "I don't want to have kids or a mate though, so I'm staying away from that business." He told me. I nodded and glanced back towards Donnie. I wonder if he'd kill me if I did it on accident.... Like on a full moon or something. "Oh yeah.... if you want to avoid it on full moons- which on full moons your wolf will want to complete the mating ritual... I would leave town or something." He suggested. "Far away."

"How fast can I run on a night like that?" I wondered and then started to trace my fingers over the seat. Very fast.... It's not that bad anyways Quinton. You'll be happier for it. I shook my head. Nu-uh, Dannie is my friend. Dannie is your Luna too. I sighed and looked down at the floor of the car in defeat. I promise it's not that bad. My phone went off then as someone was calling me. I perked up and reached for my back pocket quickly, almost falling over in the process. I grabbed it finally and pulled it out, looking towards the screen to see it was Dannie calling me. I widened my eyes and shrunk down into the seat. Caught. The phone kept going off still. "He's going to kill me," I whispered and then answered it finally, holding it up to my ear. "Hey sweetie," I said nervously, looking out the window. "How are you feeling?"

"Sleepy... Where are you?" He asked in a tired voice.

"I'm... going to be out for a few hours. It's pack things. I will be home as soon as I can, I promise," I told him and tapped my finger on the door of the car. "I'm sorry.... I didn't want you to wake up without me, but you did."

"Quinton..." He mumbled. "Hurry back, I miss you." He purred. I smiled.

"I'll be back soon... If you want, I can keep talking to you till you fall asleep again," I whispered. "I'm just in the car going to town, so it's not like I'm doing anything that would keep me from talking to you. It'd make the distance feel not so bad... I miss you too."

"What are you doing?" He asked me, I could hear him shifting around in bed.

"I'm selecting a beta," I purred and then laughed. "Someone is about to get bit today."

"You went without me?" He asked, I could hear him pouting now. "I wanted to go."

"But... you need rest," I mumbled. "Do you want to come that badly? I could send Donnie to get you. He's with me."

"Dannie needs to rest though." Donnie told me. "Tell him to go back to sleep."

"Take a pain killer DANNIE!" Nikolai yelled towards the phone.

"Nikolai's there?" Dannie asked me.

"Donnie, Nikolai, and Uncle Cage are with me. They're going to help me...." I smiled towards them. Cage gave a smile.

"Get some sleep Dannie, we'll take care of Quinton for you." Uncle Cage yelled towards the phone. "We'll be back before you know it."

"I'll text someone to keep him company until we get back." Donnie suggested and pulled out his phone.

"How come they get to go on this adventure and I have to stay in bed? That's not fair...." Dannie mumbled. I frowned then, my heart sinking at those words. It really isn't fair....

"Dannie's my Luna. He should watch me mark a beta for our pack," I told Donnie, glancing back at him.

"You know what Rose said though." Donnie told me. "Dannie is on bed rest." He put his phone up then. "I texted Hachi to look after Dannie for us until we get back." I pouted and then looked back out the window.

"Sorry Dannie... he refuses to get you for me.... You're hanging out with Hachi," I informed him. I heard the phone shifting around then.

"Hey~ Good bye Quinton. I'll take care of Dannie." I heard Hachi say. "Nighty night. Tell Quinton goodnight." I heard the phone shift then. "Tell him."


"Tell him."

"G-good night." Dannie whimpered. I let out a sharp growl.

"Don't touch my mate without me there to make sure that Dannie doesn't get hurt," I warned.

"I wouldn't." Hachi told me. "I'm not that kind of person." He hung up then on me. Donnie frowned and shifted closer to Nikolai, resting his head on his shoulder. I pouted and put my phone back into my pocket, already eager to go home. I whimpered and looked out the window.

"Let's make this quick," I whispered. "I don't want to be away from Dannie." I heard Nikolai growl towards Donnie then.

"Get off you over grown baby." Nikolai snapped and shoved Donnie away.

"We're here!" Cage shouted, parking at a teen club. "Let's go in." I got out quickly and ran over to the door, waiting for them as a second thought. I glanced back at them.

"Hurry up!" I shouted towards them. "You're so slow!" Donnie appeared by me then and smirked.

"Okay." Donnie told me.

"I'll wait out here." Cage said, stepping out of the car and pulling out a pack of cigarettes. "Go find out about a teenage party." Nikolai got out of the car and walked over to us, staying calm. He walked up to the bouncer at the door then flashed an ID card. It was blue and was basically a pass for this stuff. He could get into anything- we all could due to Louis being related to us. Donnie walked up and flashed his card and looked towards me. "Got your card right?" Cage asked me. I paled for a minute, thinking it over and then nodded when I remembered that I had stuck it in the car. I ran back to it and reached in, grabbing it out of the glove box and then ran up to the bouncer, showing it to him.

"Have a nice time." The bouncer told us. "Tell King Louis I send him thanks for the donations a year ago." He smirked. "It helped us out."

"Okay~" Donnie laughed out and looked towards us. "Don't ask about what I do in my free time." He whispered, low enough for our ears only. I frowned and crossed my arms.

"Are you robbing my dad's accounts and using it for your own purposes under his name?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. If my dad is king, technically I am Prince Quinton... which means that Donnie is in trouble with me too.

"Nope. I got money from my dad's stash and put it in your father's name." Donnie explained. "Don't ask anymore questions." He went into the building then and Nikolai started to follow him. I frowned and went in after them, smelling the air as I did so. I laughed as I glanced over at Nikolai as something occurred to me.

"Hey Nikolai! You're trying to become the next King, right? My twin sister might steal it from you because she's my father's daughter. I don't think he's thought about it though," I teased. "What would you do if she ended up taking your place and became Queen?"

"Do you really think Paris would allow a girl to rule?" Nikolai asked and Donnie chuckled.

"Right, my father would definitely take over then." Donnie told me. I smirked at them.

"You're right about that. My poor sister... Guess you better be thanking fate that I'm a werewolf," I told them and walked past them. "Though, my pack is the royal pack of the world.... Due to my father and me."

"I don't think that's how it works. Wolves are lower than vampires." Donnie told me. "No offense. That's just how it's set up in the vampire society. Werewolves are slaves to us." He turned around and pinched my cheek then. "You better be happy your father is king." I brushed his hand away.

"That's not what I was saying.... Even if I was a vampire, I wouldn't want the throne.... I'm just saying that out of all the packs out there... mine is favored by the royal family because of my dad." I gave him a smile. "Besides, you know that my dad would never allow my pack to become slaves."

"No never." Donnie told me and kissed my cheek. "But Cage's pack...." He trailed off. "Works for Paris." He smirked and spun on his heels, going towards the dance floor. I looked towards Nikolai and gave him a smile before I walked off to go socialize. I spotted a group of teens towards the back and started for them, a small bounce in my walk. Smiling, I got beside one and looked at them.

"Hiya," I said and gave them a smirk. "What's your names?" I ran a hand through my hair and studied them, trying to see if one was beta material by first glance.

"Hey wolfie." One of them flirted and grabbed my shirt, pulling me close. "I know you from somewhere." She told me and started to play with the bottom of my shirt. She smelled totally drunk... but also I could smell witch on her. "Oh I know where I've seen you... You're Quinton Grimm. Everyone who is anyone should know you." She told me and then went for my lips. "Kiss me."

"Lisa!" She was yanked from me then and I heard a hiss. "Stay off of guys you hardly know." A girl told her and kissed the top of her head. "Go sober up in the corner." She told her and then pushed her into a booth. "Stay."

"Aweeeeeeee but he's cute." Lisa, the witch complained.

"I'm Sam." One of the males told me. "That's Lisa and Cortney." He pointed the two girls over. "That's Jess." He pointed to another girl. "That's Ray." He pointed to the guy by him. "That's Olive." He pointed to a girl sitting across from Lisa who was reading something on her phone. "So you're Quinton?" He asked me and smirked. "Lisa is usually right." The others smelled like humans. I gave him a friendly smile.

"Well... I guess," I said and shrugged. "I'm Quinton.... So what do you guys do for fun? I don't normally get out much," I told them and glanced them over with interests. Humans... that's so rare to see them free like this now a days. This helps me.... They'll know other humans if I don't pick one from this group. Olive glanced up at me then.

"We're about to leave." Olive said firmly. "Right Lisa?" She asked and kicked her under the table. Lisa hissed and tried to get out of the booth. Olive grabbed her arm and dug her nails into her skin. "Lisa~" She muttered. "Let's go."

"Okay~" Lisa giggled and tugged on her arm. "Let me go though so we can." I frowned then.

"I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable," I told her and then looked around the room. "I wasn't aiming to scare you off...."

"No, you don't scare us." Jess said quickly and giggled. "Olive just has been wanting to leave all evening."

"She wants to see her girlfriend." Sam teased Olive. Olive looked towards him and narrowed her eyes.

"She's not my girlfriend." She grumbled. I laughed a bit then.

"I know that feeling.... Well, it didn't last long, but I know it," I whispered and then pulled out my phone to text Nikolai.

Me: I found humans! I thought they were rare now....

Nikolai: Save me some?

Donnie: I like the girl, Olive.

Nikolai: I call dibs on that drunk girl!

Donnie: Come on, hurry up.

I put my phone up and shook my head. Nikolai is not biting them... My dad would be unhappy. He recently has gone to protecting them.... I looked them over and then glanced Olive over. I wonder if I should pick one... I'll have to convince them I'm not dangerous. "So what's her name?" I asked curiously.

"Uh..." Olive blushed then. "Natalie."

"We're going to her party if you want to come." Sam suggested. "Natalie is all fun and games." I widened my eyes and looked to him.

"A-are you sure? With... me being a werewolf and a Grimm and all?"

"Nah, we know your cool." Sam told me.

"Well besides Paris... Most of the Grimm family have been trying to protect humans lately." Ray told me and shrugged. "Plus Lisa will protect us." Lisa looked up then and gave a huge smile. I looked at her and smiled nervously. Oh no.... a witch protector.... I'm going to have to get around her somehow to choose one of these people. I don't want to become chow mien. I stood beside Sam then and looked up at him.

"Well... if that's the case, I'd love to go.... Though, I have three other friends with me... I don't know if that's alright or not...." I gave him a frown and tilted my head.

"Who else is with you?" Lisa asked curiously. "We might just have to make you tell them to bug off." I gave her a shy look then, pretending to be innocent.

"My cousins Donnie and Nikolai... and my Uncle Cage- he's an alpha of the pack that works with my father's."

"Wasn't Donnie mated to a werewolf once?" Cortney asked Lisa.

"I think so." Lisa said and shrugged. "I'm not that obsessed to keep track."

"Okay." Sam said to me. "They can come." I smiled then and looked out over the crowd, catching Nikolai and Donnie's eyes before I waved them over.

"We have to blind fold you guys though." Lisa said quickly. "You'll have to understand that it is for the safety of humans. There is going to be tons of humans there and I don't want Natalie's house being raided by vampires later on." She giggled. "So, are you up for it?" I frowned towards her. I wouldn't let her get raided anyways....

"Um.... I guess. Just don't beat me up in an alley!" I smiled and laughed as I held up my hands. "That'd be a disaster!"

"Ah never. We don't even have weapons on us, unless you count a drunk witch as one." Sam told me. Nikolai and Donnie walked up to us then.

"So who's the cute drunk girl?" Nikolai asked. I looked towards him and growled.

"You don't want to mess with her Nikolai. She's a witch, and she'll turn you into a little bunny rabbit so that way she can make soup out of you."

"I was thinking more along the lines of a frog." Lisa told me. "Then it would have to be like princess and the frog stuff." She giggled. "He'd never come back from that. No one kisses frogs." She stuck out her tongue then.

"So a witch?" Nikolai asked her and laughed. "I met this one witch before when I was younger and she fed me this chicken plate that made me age ten years. I don't want to mess around with witches anymore. So, I'll be a good boy." He winked towards her.

"Which one are you related to?" Lisa asked curiously.

"Rose." Nikolai told her. "Donnie here is Paris's oldest son. Quinton is Louis's boy." Lisa nodded with interest.

"Lisa... I don't know about his." Olive mumbled, pulling out her phone. "Natalie might not like this..."

"Natalie will love it~" Sam assured her. "You know how she is... as long as she gets to see you." He teased. I looked towards Olive then and gave her a cute look as I pouted.

"Awww, but Olive, I'm just a little pup, I swear.... The only thing you'll have to worry about is that I might chase a bird," I joked and walked over to her.

"Olive it's a chance of a life time to get to hang out with the Grimm family." Lisa grumbled. "Don't spoil it for the people that actually want to hang out with someone famously wealthily royaly awesome as hell." Olive watched me and then got behind Lisa when she noticed I was nearing her.

"I'll go ahead and let her know." Olive mumbled, starting to call someone. I frowned and then sat down beside Lisa, leaning towards her.

"Is Olive normally shy of strangers?" I asked her and watched Lisa's face. "I don't mean to make her upset if I am...."

"Olive is a bit nervous actually." Lisa told me and watched Olive walking off to call that girl. "She's just use to humans and myself. Stranger danger is probably going off in her head at the moment. More like... supernatural danger." I nodded and smiled.

"If it makes her feel better, I could do some really cute tricks or something. I'm not dangerous.... If anyone is dangerous, it's that one," I said and pointed towards Nikolai. "He's sketchy."

"I am not sketchy." Nikolai grumbled. "I can't help it I played with a demon when I was younger." He crossed his arms.

"A demon?" Sam asked.

"A demon." Nikolai nodded.

"Nah, Nikolai and I are competing to be the next king." Donnie told them. "We're doing field research right now to see what we should be fixing in the future." I looked at them and brightened up, going over to them. I smiled and hugged Donnie.

"Free the other werewolves!" I purred and nuzzled my face against his chest.

"No way." Donnie grumbled. "That would anger my dad. Cage is very useful to him."

"What about humans?" Sam asked.

"We're coming up with something for you guys. Trust me." Donnie told them. I frowned and glanced towards Sam.

"Didn't you hear though? My father recently made this law for you guys. He set aside a town for humans only that sign up for it and are selected. He's got schools being put in now.... You guys could fill out forms," I told them and then looked up at Donnie. "You should free the werewolves~!" I smiled and kissed his cheek. "C'mon, we're not that bad! Some of us are adorable!"

"You smell." Donnie told me and shoved me away. "I'll think about it." Olive snuck back over then and smiled.

"Natalie said she doesn't mind them coming over but they have to be blind folded the whole way." I sniffed myself then.

"I don't smell," I mumbled and looked towards Donnie with a pout. "You just don't like werewolves being close to you!" I ran over to Nikolai then and hugged him. "Nikolai's my favorite now!"

"HA!" Nikolai laughed then pushed me away. "Don't hug me." He told me and then shook his head.

"Let's go!" Lisa said quickly and grabbed Olive's arm. "Natalie's probably dieing to see you."

"I've got some bandanas in my truck." Sam told us. I looked towards him then and held up my hands.

"As long as you don't hurt us," I told him and smiled innocently. I stopped then and looked back at Nikolai and Donnie. We need to separate the witch from whoever I choose.... I glanced Donnie over then. Someone has to distract her or take her on... whether it's Nikolai or Donnie... or maybe even Hachi. I smiled then towards Donnie. Donnie smiled towards me as if he was reading my mind and then pulled out his phone.

"I'll meet you outside." He told us and took off for the doors.

"Lisa~" Nikolai said and slipped an arm around her shoulders. "Tell me about you, what kind of witch are you?" He asked curiously.

"Spiders." She told him. "Want to see my pet tarantula?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Boy do I?" He asked her.

"Yes." She pulled one out of her pocket then to show him. "Pet him." She suggested. He shook his head but pet the spider anyways.

"Lisa... Eweeee.... Put it up." Jess told her and shivered at the sight of it.

"Can I hold him?" Olive asked, reaching out for him.

"Sure!" Lisa handed the spider to her then. I laughed and looked towards Sam. I think I like him.... He's got that serious attitude and a little bit of fun with him. I smiled and walked over to him.

"So Sam, I was wondering... How'd you meet Lisa?"

"Through Olive." Sam told me and pointed towards Olive. "Olive and I have been best friends since childhood." He told me. "Her parents died and my mom took her in." Olive kissed the spider on it's head then and giggled.

"I can't look..." Jess said and got weak in the knees, leaning against Ray. I smirked then as I watched Olive. I'll make both Olive and Sam werewolves by tonight.... But who is going to be beta? I glanced Sam over and then Olive. I should ask Donnie's opinion... when he gets back- Is he calling Hachi? I looked towards the door with worry. That might be a scary fight... and I don't want Lisa dead. She's really fun... and her human friends need her protection. I just want to steal Olive and Sam from her. I linked arms with Sam then.

"Hey, want to go get a drink before we leave?" I asked and gave him a smile. Sam laughed and dragged me towards the bar.

"Sure, I could use another drink." Sam told me. "Why are you here anyways?" He asked curiously. "It's not everyday a few vampires and werewolves show up at a bar and just want to party." I looked up at him and bit my bottom lip.

"Maybe we just got bored," I said and looked away.

"You wouldn't lie, right?" Sam asked. "I hate liars." I shook my head quickly and looked up at him.

"No, I wouldn't lie. I was raised better than that."

"I sure hope so." Sam laughed as we reached the bar. "I'll take a bottle of Ice House." He told the bar tender. "Make it to go. We're about to leave." He winked at the guy and the bar tender laughed, nodding. Sam laid down some money on the bar then. I glanced at the guy and gave a smile.

"Do you guys serve soda over here too?" I asked and leaned against the counter.

"Name it." The bar tender told me. I pulled out some money then and set it down.

"A Pib, please?" I looked towards Sam and smiled. "So... do you think I'm here for trouble or for fun?"

"For fun." He told me and took the bottle from the waiter once it was ready. "You're here with your two cousins and an uncle." I grinned then.

"Good! I'm glad you think so! I'd hate for you to think I was here looking for trouble! I'm glad you believe you can trust me with not planning something bad for you and your friends."

"If you was... We have a witch." He told me and laughed. "I'm not worried." I smiled.

"That's good...." I grabbed my soda as he set it down and looked Sam over, wondering if I should tell him. From what I heard, my father sprung it on Rick. If I want Sam as my beta, I wonder if I should spring it on him or see what he thinks about it... Not while the witch is around of course. I don't want to be a toad. I linked arms with him again. "So Sam... what do you do in your free time?"

"Actually Mr. werewolf. I hunt." He told me and laughed. "It's something I do. I'm not a vampire hunter- good heavens no. I hunt deer and all the forest creatures." He smirked. I widened my eyes and looked up at him, excited as soon as he said that.

"Really? That's so cool! You should see what it's like from a wolf's point of view! It's really fun! I went once with my dad- well... not a hunt, but a run!" I laughed and watched him.

"Ha." He laughed at that and shook his head. "Bet it's pretty cool." He told me and then dragged me to his friends. I looked up at him. He's my beta. I'm picking him.

"Hey, you know... if you'd like, I could take you hunting with the pack sometime. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. One of us could carry you if we have to."

"No~ I'm sure we won't be seeing each other much after tonight." He told me. "It's dangerous to hang out with supernatural all the time." He shrugged. "This might just be a one night stand." He told me. "But a fun one."

"Oh.... Okay," I mumbled and looked him over. I shouldn't bring it up to him yet. He doesn't know me... and he just turned down hunting with my pack. He won't want to make a commitment to me just yet. "That's cool...." I glanced off and puffed out my cheeks. I hope he doesn't go rogue when I turn him. I'd be so upset. He's going to make a great beta for me if he doesn't try to rebel or hate me. Donnie walked up to us then and smiled.

"Okay~ Who's ready?"

"I'm driving!" Ray shouted.

"But your drunk. I'm driving." Olive said towards him. "I'm the designated driver remember." She pulled out the keys then. I looked up at Donnie and smiled before looking up at Sam.

"Am I putting the blindfold on myself?" I asked curiously.


"Well I'm driving too." Ray told me.

"Can I have my spider back?" Lisa asked, reaching for her pet from Olive. Olive handed over her pet and gave a smile.

"There you go." Olive told the spider then giggled. Lisa put the spider back in her pocket then we all started for the doors. I bounced towards the doors and when I got outside, I ran towards Cage.

"Uncle Cage!" I laughed and hugged him. I leaned up towards his ear. "I picked Sam. He's that guy," I whispered to him and pointed out Sam to him. "He likes to hunt, and he seems perfect for this~"

"Oh- A guy~ Typical." Cage laughed and rubbed my head. "Okay. Where are we doing it at?" He asked me.

"Hey~ Who's riding with who?" Ray asked.

"I call Ray." Jess yelled, pulling Cortney with her.

"We'll ride with ya too." Donnie told them and pulled Nikolai with him. Nikolai pouted as he was parted from Lisa.

"We'll talk later~" Nikolai promised her.

"So looks like we are with you, Olive." Lisa told Olive. She gestured to the remaining people. I glanced over the group and smiled. Everyone I wanted is in the same car as me! I looked up at Cage.

"There's a slight problem," I whispered to him and frowned. "He's protected by that witch." Ray brought us two bandanas and smirked.

"Almost forgot." Ray told us. "There ya go." He walked back to his truck then and got in.

"Come on." Olive told us and went to her sports car. "We'll be there before Ray." I looked the bandana over and glanced at Cage.

"And we have to wear these.... They don't trust us just yet," I told him.

"Okay." Cage laughed and then grabbed one. "Kinky." He spoke out to everyone. Lisa laughed and nodded.

"I call the front seat with Olive! Leaves you boys in the back seat." I smiled then.

"I call the middle seat then!" I said, wanting to be close to my future beta and Cage. I bounced over to the car and got in, buckling up in the middle before I put the bandana on. I smiled and curled up in the seat. I felt the other two get in beside me and then the girls getting in. The car started up then. I frowned as I couldn't see anything. This must be what it's like for dad.... I whimpered and reached to the side of me, hoping it was Cage. I leaned over and sniffed who I was holding. Sam laughed as I smelled him.

"Don't be scared." Sam told me. I bit my bottom lip then leaned my head against him.

"I-I'm not.... Just... my dad is blind," I whispered and curled up to him.

"Oh.. I'm sorry." Sam whispered, rubbing my head. "Sorry to hear." I nodded and closed my eyes to help me feel better.

"It's... sort of my fault. I wanted to go on a run.... If we hadn't been out there at that time, my dad would still be alpha and would still have his sight." I dug my fingernails into my palms then.

"Whoa... Hey now..." Sam rubbed my head.

"Quinton." Cage snapped. "It's not your fault." I whimpered and shrunk down into the seat. I glanced towards the sound of Cage's voice.

"S-sorry," I told him and then leaned my head back on Sam's shoulder.

"Don't blame yourself." Sam told me.

"Yeah." Lisa said from the front seat. "Let's listen to some music." She cut on the radio then. I smiled and closed my eyes again in the darkness before sniffing Sam again to make sure I would be able to find him later if I had to track him. He smelled sort of like strawberries and vanilla... It was an interesting combination. I smiled and snuggled up to him, liking the scent. He'll make a great beta.

"You smell interesting," I whispered. "Like someone took strawberries and vanilla and put them together.... It's amazing."

"I eat a lot of vanilla cakes with strawberries..." He mumbled. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his arm.

"Mhmmm.... It shows in your scent. It's amazing...." I leaned in and smelled him some more, getting towards his neck. He laughed and rubbed my head.

"I'm glad you like my scent?" He tried to push me back then. "Slow down though, I don't feel comfortable with people touching my neck." I stopped and then rested my head on his shoulder.

"Mkay.... How old are you by the way?"

"We're all around sixteen- seventeen." Lisa told me. I nodded and smiled, letting go of Sam as I went for Cage and curled up to him.

"Uncle Cage, thanks for coming," I mumbled to him and nipped at his ear as I found it. "I don't know what I'd do without you and my dad," I told him and smiled happily before I started to sniff him curiously. Cage smelled like earth, wolf, and deer. He kissed the top of my head then.

"I love hanging out with you little Quinton. I wouldn't miss it." He told me and laughed. "I remember you used to sit in my lap around the bon fire all the time... or you'd chase Dannie." He rubbed my head. I let out a playful growl and grabbed his hand.


"We're here!" Lisa told us and giggled. I heard Olive park the car then and took the keys out of the ignition. "You can take off those silly bandanas now." I heard the girls getting out and Sam left my side. I growled slightly and took it off, quickly getting out so I wouldn't lose Sam somewhere. He might run off before I can get him alone.... I glanced up at him and smiled innocently. Sam gave me a smile as he waited on me to get out.

"Let's go." He told me and pulled me towards the doors to this creepy old manor. "This is where Natalie likes to throw her parties." He told me. Olive brushed past us and was walking quickly towards the doors, holding her phone to her ear. Lisa trailed after Olive then. I noticed Nikolai, Donnie, Ray, Jess, and Cortney coming towards us from Ray's truck. My uncle Cage was by me in a heart beat. I glanced up at him then gave him a hug, leaning in towards his ear.

"When should I do it?" I whispered quietly so that the others couldn't hear. "I don't want to accidentally lose Sam."

"Your choice." Cage told me then left my side and went towards the doors. The doors flung open though and a girl ran out towards Olive and tackled her into a hug.

"OLIVE~" The girl purred towards her and kissed her cheek. "You made it!" She started to shower Olive's face in kisses. "I missed you so much~"

"Girlfriend." Sam muttered. "That's Natalie." He told me. Olive giggled from being given attention and hugged Natalie back, pulling her closer. Natalie's eyes shinned down towards me then and let out a playful growl.

"Who's your new friends, babe?" Natalie asked and wrapped an arm around Olive and brought her towards me. "This one is kinda cute." She pointed towards me and then nipped at Olive's ear. I widened my eyes and got close to Sam for protection.

"H-hi," I said and grabbed his arm. "I'm Quinton."

"Quinton? Wouldn't be Quinton Grimm, now would you?" Natalie asked me and laughed. "Quinton, Donnie, Cage, and Nikolai." She looked us over. "Come on into my party and make yourselves at home." She waved us towards the doors. "There's plenty to eat- drink." Nikolai laughed then.

"I would imagine so." Nikolai told her and then started for the doors with Donnie, Ray, Cortney, and Jess.

"Come on." Sam whispered to me and shook me. "Natalie is cool."

"Damn right I am." Natalie said and smirked. "This is my town now." She told us and threw her head back and laughed. "I rule around here. Welcome to my queendom." She started for the doors then, pulling Olive with her. I laughed a little and shook my head then looked up at Sam.

"Can you show me around?" I asked, deciding to use that as an excuse to stay by him- maybe get him alone.

"Sure." Sam pulled me towards the doors then and Lisa got on my other side.

"Hey~ So how do you like Natalie?" Lisa asked curiously.

"Hey sweetie, I got a cold drink on ice waiting for you." Natalie told Olive. "Would you like it now or later?" I smiled at Lisa.

"I like her just fine. She's nice," I told her and then glanced up at Sam, starting to lead him towards the doors. Maybe Lisa won't follow us around. Lisa left us then for Olive, taking her hand.

"Olive~ I'm going to catch you later. I'm going to go be with Ray and them for a bit." Lisa told her and skipped off. Olive tried to pull away from Natalie then.

"Whoa!" Natalie gasped out, pulling her back. "Where you going? You just got here. Where's the fire kid?" She looked around then kissed Olive. "Mine."

"I was going to go check something in my car~" Olive said innocently.

"I'll get it checked out before tomorrow." Natalie told her. "Come on." Natalie pulled her off then from us.

"HEY!" Sam shouted. "DON'T DITCH ME YOU JERKS." I flinched at how loud he was and rubbed my ears.

"Ow..." I sighed and let him go. "Sam, I'm going to be outside. I like it better out there," I told him and gave him a smile.

"What? But..." Sam looked me over. "Want me to come?" He asked. "I mean.... I didn't think you would want to be outside when all the hot chicks are inside." He pointed around. "The back porch does have a good view though." He informed me. I smiled.

"Yeah, come with me. I'd like to see the view. Things like that are awesome.... Besides, I have a mate. I'm not looking for a girl. I have the cutest little mate back home in bed," I told him and smiled, grabbing his hand as I pulled him towards the back door. "His name is Dannie."

"Hey, that's close to Donnie." He told me, following me. "Are they related?" He tilted his head. I nodded.

"Dannie is Donnie's twin. Well... sort of... maybe... I don't know. Does being made in a lab count if you're made from the DNA of the original twin that was killed at birth?" I glanced back at him and frowned. "They consider each other twins though...."

"I don't think being made in a lab counts." He told me. "Especially from it's DNA." He shook his head. "Though... I don't know. Scientifically... He is part of the twin. Therefore he is sort of Donnie's twin." He scratched the back of his head. "That's just confusing." I smiled.

"I choose not to think about it. Dannie is still Dannie." I pulled him back outside and glanced around, smiling as I saw the yard. I could totally get him out here in those woods back there. "Hey! I know! Want to see something cool?" I looked up at him innocently. "I know I offered earlier, and you turned me down... but I wouldn't mind showing you what it's like from being a wolf. I could let you ride me and show you the yard."

"Uh... riding a wolf? You're not going to eat me are you? I've seen werewolf films before." He told me and shook his head. "Once a wolf goes wolf... they end up killing and eating someone or something." I wrinkled up my nose. Werewolves are shown that way? That's terrible! They totally missed the point! I looked him over.

"I'm not going to eat you... and those videos are showing you lies. We have control except on full moons... and then we usually don't bother people. We hunt animals."

"So you do a lot of hunting animals?" Sam asked softly. "Movies are jerks then." I gave him a smile.

"Well, it's the ones in the packs that you don't have to worry about. Rogues will hurt whoever is in their way- they don't have a pack. They were banished by their alpha.... Anyways, I'm a pack wolf," I told him and smiled up at him. "You don't have to be afraid of me...."

"Well.... I sort of would like to see you change into a wolf.... Just out of curiosity to see if you really can." He told me. I nodded and glanced around.

"Ok, but you got to turn around. I have to strip, and I don't want you seeing that." I smirked.

"We're both men here." He said stubbornly. I sighed. But I'm shy about stripping in front of strangers! I walked out into the yard.

"Ok, but keep in mind that I have a mate- if you like what you see," I told him and looked back at him with a smile.

"Keep in mind I like girls." He teased me back. "So if you like what you see, I'm not interested."

"Good!" I smiled sweetly at him. We need some straight people in the manor. I started to take off my shirt as I got off the porch and quickly stripped, shifting as fast as I could to avoid being exposed for long. As soon as I was on all fours, I turned to look at him and wagged my tail, walking back over to him as I perked my ears up. My future beta! I got up to him and quickly jumped up, putting my paws on his chest as I leaned in towards his face to give him the gift of wolf speech. I breathed into his face then jumped down, landing on my front paws. I wagged my tail some more as I looked up at him. "See! It's not so bad. Come here," I told him and nudged him towards me, lowering myself to the ground a little to allow him to get on my back. "I wanna show you the woods! I promise you'll be safe!" I laughed a little as I made sure he was by my side before I nudged him onto my back before he could object. I started for the woods, keeping it slow so he wouldn't freak out. He yelped when he had fell over onto my back then held onto my fur.

"Whoa!? You're huge! Is this as big as you get- Oh my god... you talked to me. I can understand you!" He sat up then on me, adjusting himself to get comfortable. "Okay... this is cool." He admitted. I laughed.

"No, this isn't as big as I get. I'm only a teenager still.... I'm not full grown- and I'm the alpha's son, so of course I'm going to be huge! I gave you wolf speech," I informed him and wagged my tail as we got to the woods. "Wanna see how fast I can go?" I looked back up at him excitedly.

"N-no, I'm fine with this speed, Quinton... you know for a werewolf prince... Your cool." He rubbed my head then and laughed. I growled playfully and laid my ears back to allow him then started walking into the woods.

"I know.... You should see the pack. You'd like them," I started, already planning on how to get him. He grabbed my ear then and started to rub it then went behind it. He started to edge under my head then and laughed.

"Sure." He told me. I wagged my tail as he petted me and leaned my head into his hand.

"You're really cool for a human," I joked. "Anyways, I could bring you around the pack sometime under my protection. No one would harm you...."

"Are all wolves the same fur color?" He asked me and then stopped rubbing me.

"No, we all have different color fur.... It's according to our inner wolf. Sometimes people are born into werewolf as a runt too, so not all of us are always strong. Don't stereotype us because odds are, it's wrong. You have a bad sense of what we are actually like," I told him and started to run a little as we got further from the house. I couldn't even see it anymore.

"Can we go back now?" He asked me, pulling on my fur. "The woods isn't really safe." I let out a soft growl and came to a stop.

"Sam... I want to ask you something." I looked back up at him and shook my fur a little so he'd let go of it. He let go of my fur then.

"What?" He asked me.

"Remember when I said my father is blind because of an attack? Well... that means I'm alpha now. As an alpha... I need to select a beta," I started and laid down on the ground. "I can either choose from within my pack, or I can pick a human to become a werewolf with us. I think you would make a great beta... and you would be able to hunt all you want."

"Uh..." He trailed then and stood up, looking me over. I wagged my tail as I watched him.

"I couldn't ask you around Lisa because she probably would want you to stay human. It's not bad, being a werewolf. I promise," I told him and studied him. First sign of him running... I will chase him down.

"Q-Quinton...." He mumbled. "I don't think I'd be cut out for it." He told me, trying to be smooth. I stopped wagging my tail then.

"Why? I know it's a big responsibility... but I really do need to find a beta. It won't take all day for you to become a werewolf."

"I'm not going to be your beta!" He said strictly. "I want to stay human. Becoming a werewolf seems like a lot of responsibility especially as your beta, Considering you are the son of king Louis. I want freedoms and not being forced to shift on a full moon." He started to back away from me then. "Don't take it the wrong way... but you should pick someone else for the job... within your pack." I stood up then and watched him, narrowing my eyes. He doesn't get it. He will. If you are sure about him, make him into a werewolf. If he doesn't want to stay with you, it's his fault and he should become a rogue. I don't want to doom him to it. Then he better stay. I growled softly and then took a step towards him, laying my ears back as I showed him my sharp teeth. Good, he needs to know that you are alpha in the future. He won't betray you easily if you show him that you aren't to be played with. I shut him out as I took the next step, tensing up my muscles in my body to prepare to chase him. He'd run. I just know it. He took off running as I suspected and pulled out his phone, speed dialing a number as he ran from me. I let out a sharp growl and chased him down, tackling him to the ground and forced him onto his back as I stepped on his fallen phone, my weight breaking it. I looked him over and then started to nudge his shirt up his stomach, wagging my tail a little. He's going to become a good little beta, and we'll have lots of fun hunts! He'll be ok with it when it's over. He screamed and tried to force his shirt back down. "Quinton please!" He begged. "I don't want to be a supernatural!" I nipped at his ear and ripped his shirt off with my teeth. I dropped it by his head and perked my ears up.

"You'll be ok," I told him and wagged my tail some more.

"No!" He begged and tried to crawl away from me. "Stop this!" I let out a sharp growl, giving him a predatory look as I lowered myself to the ground a little, stalking after him.

"Get back here," I growled to him. He kicked me in the head then and once I fallen dizzy he took off running towards the house. I stumbled after him and jumped up onto him when I had finally caught up, knocking him to the ground. I decided to hurry this along and started to scratch at his chest, making him bleed as my sharp nails cut into him. He let out a scream and tried to get away from me.

"QUINTON STOP! I swear I'll never be your beta!" He threatened. I growled at him and bit down into his shoulder, tearing out a chunk as I swallowed it.

"You'll be my beta, or you'll be rogue," I told him and looked his chest over. Does he need more scratches? He should be nearly unconscious and weak. Oh... more scratches then. He tried to hit me again then, kicking my stomach.

"GET OFF!" He yelled towards me. "Monster!" I yelped but looked at him in determination as I went back to scratching him up. "Quinton!" He snapped and grabbed one of my paws. "STOP!" I paused and looked at my caught paw then at him.

"Why? It'll heal up soon. When you get your inner wolf, he'll heal you," I told him and licked his cheek. "Calm down."

"I don't want an inner wolf or to be a wolf!" He shrieked out. "I realllllly don't want this! I DON'T!" He pushed my head away from him. I let out a soft growl.

"Sam... you can't back out now. I've already marked you. You're going to become a wolf if I continue or not. If I continue, you'll pass out for the worst part."

"I HATE YOU!" He yelled towards me, spitting towards me. "I rather die then be your beta, jerk." I narrowed my eyes and got off him, walking away.

"Fine, transform by yourself," I muttered and laid down a few feet away. He took off running from me then, heading for the house. I widened my eyes and got up, chasing after him then yanked him back down to the ground by his ankle. I started to drag him across the forest floor back to where I had been laying then dropped him, laying on top of him to keep him down. "No, you can't go back just yet. You'll get my friends hurt."

"I don't want to turn into a wolf! I need Lisa!" He cried out, squirming under me. "GET OFF! Why are you so big!?" He groaned under me. "I hate dogs."

"Well... you're about to be one. Now be quiet and take a nap, or I'll go back to scratching your chest up till you pass out."

"NO!" He yelled towards me and grabbed onto my side, digging his nails in. "GET OFF!" I showed him my teeth and went to bite his hands but stopped myself. I shouldn't bite him. I'll be better than that. I curled up and nestled my face into my paws as I started to close my eyes. He won't be able to push me off. I'm too heavy. He struggled to slide out from under me, grabbing at a few roots nearby. He grabbed a stick then and started to use it to poke my sides. "OFF!" I growled towards him and nipped at his nose, stopping an inch away.

"You need to stop. I wasn't kidding. I've seen things that you can't even imagine. Don't think that because I'm nice that I won't do it." He glared me down.

"I hate you." He hissed. "I really hate you." I sighed.

"I'm starting to think I should've chose Olive," I mumbled and looked away from him.

"LEAVE OLIVE ALONE!" He kicked me then, or rather tried to. "OLIE IS MY SISSY! I WON'T HAVE YOU HARMING HER YOU MONSTER!" I looked back at him.

"Then be glad I chose you. If it wasn't you, it would've been Olive. She would be the one on the ground right now instead of you. In a way, you saved her from this."

"I'm going to kill you!" He growled. "Just you wait!" I narrowed my eyes and stood up, scratching at his chest harder.

"Then I really don't care about doing this to you." He yelped and tried to get away from me, getting to his feet and tried to run from me. I let out a growl and bit down into his ankle, making him fall to the ground again. "Fine, we won't even stay here," I muttered through the mouthful of his leg I had. I started to drag him away, sniffing out the way to the manor. "We'll just go home."

"LISA!" He screamed for her then, kicking at my face. "LISA HELP ME!" He begged, struggling to get away from me. I bit down harder and almost gagged when his blood got in my mouth.

"Ugh! I don't know how Aiyanna drinks that stuff!" I spat him out and let out a howl to notify Cage and the others. They'd know what I was doing. I laid down and nudged him onto my back again then got up, running towards the manor. He fell off of me though and tried to get away from me almost as soon as I put him on.

"I'M NOT GOING." I stopped and laughed.

"You're coming little pup," I told him and then grabbed his leg again with my mouth. I started to drag him then. He kicked my jaw then and broke it with his force then started for his feet. I yelped and dropped him quickly, shaking as the pain racked through me. I looked at him and then ran off quickly, going back towards the house for Cage as I let out a pained howl. I heard him running away then, not following after me. GO AFTER HIM YOU IDIOT! I was at the edge of the woods then- it didn't take long- and stood looking out towards the house. I transformed back and stumbled towards the house, almost crying as I touched my broken jaw. "U-Uncle Cage!" I screamed as I ran up and grabbed my pants, putting them on. Nikolai appeared by me then and smiled.

"Hey~" He smiled towards me. "What's wrong with your jaw." I whimpered and walked towards him, hiding my face in his chest.

"H-he kicked me," I whimpered out and started to cry. "It hurts...." He rubbed my head and then grabbed my jaw. It started to feel better after a few seconds and then healed up all together.

"Ha~ Kicked you, huh?" He asked me. I widened my eyes and looked up at him.

"How'd you...." I trailed off and touched my jaw. "You healed it...."

"Uh-huh." He nodded. "I can do lots of things. Don't go telling everyone though." I nodded and then gave him a hug, smiling.

"Thank you," I said sweetly and then kissed his cheek. "Best cousin ever."

"Well~" He blushed and then stepped away. "I am not." He shrugged. "I'm too creepy."

"Nuh-uh! You just choose to be on your phone all the time. I just like teasing you," I told him and laughed a little as I smiled. "You're fine."

"Oh sure..." He laughed and then turned to walk away. I walked after him then.

"Where's Uncle Cage?" I asked quickly. "I need him."

"For what?" Nikolai asked curiously. I frowned.

"My chosen beta already claims he hates me. I abandoned him in the woods after he kicked me.... We need to go retrieve him before he gets hurt."

"Ah~ Don't you know all humans act the same way." He laughed out. "Don't kill me, don't do that, I'll kill you, you're this, I hate you, and stop touching me." He shook his head and then smirked. I smiled then.

"I guess... I don't know. I've never really been around humans like this before," I mumbled and then walked into the house. "Uncle Cage!" I glanced around and spotted him, then ran up to him. He was sitting on the couch, talking to a girl. He looked towards me and smiled.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"There's a big problem... I lost him," I told him and gave a shy smile. "In the woods."

"So? He'll come back." Cage told me and brought the girl closer to him and looked her in the eyes. "What's your name again?" I let out a soft growl. He has a luna....

"We need to go get him and make sure he's safe. He's by himself, but when I left him, he had the strength to break my jaw." I walked over and sat down in his lap to get him to leave the girl alone and pay me attention. He looked me over and shrugged.

"Go back for him then and knock him unconscious... do I really need to do everything for you kid? No." He sat me down by him.

"HEY~ Quinton!" I heard Olive. "Where's Sam?" I widened my eyes and looked towards her.

"Sam? He's around," I said simply and stood up. I started for the doors then. Great... I'm stuck dealing with him by myself. It would've been better if I had made my dad come. Cage doesn't care about anything other than getting laid by that girl in there. He probably only came along at the prospect of teenage girls. Then there is Nikolai and Donnie who are wrapped up in their own little world of becoming king while I'm having a major life crisis! I'm only a freaking teenager, and I'm already alpha without a good example or teacher! I was just starting to learn these things! I growled under my breath. Donnie appeared by me then.

"Oh quit pouting." He told me. I glanced at him and looked away.

"But it's true," I mumbled. "I'm pretty much stuck dealing with a beta who might turn rogue- then I'll have to kill someone for everyone else."

"Oh quit being a big baby." He told me and rubbed my shoulder. "We're giving you space on this that way you two can do some real good bonding. Now you are sort of spoiling it." I sighed and looked up at him then smiled a bit.

"Ok... I'll try again," I whispered and gave him a hug. "But if I get eaten when he turns, you're explaining to my dads what exactly happened." I laughed a little and then looked him over. "Don't get turned into a toad." I smirked and walked out the door, going towards the woods again.

"Good luck." I heard Nikolai call out to me. I shook my head. I'll need it which is the sad part. I started to run then, hurrying along as I caught onto my previous scent then went back to where I had started to turn him. I picked his smell up and followed it, running after him quickly to catch up. I found him in a tree once I finally reached him. He was curled up on a top branch. I sighed and started to climb up it slowly, taking my time to make sure I didn't fall. Once I reached his branch, I got on it and brought him close to me, rubbing his head.

"I'm sorry," I whispered to him. He whimpered and curled up to me.

"I hate you." He mumbled. I smiled.

"That's ok," I told him and ran my fingers through his hair. "You can hate me." He sniffled.

"I don't want to be a werewolf." He grumbled. I nodded.

"I know," I mumbled. "You are going to be one though."

"I don't want to." He shook his head. "I want to be a human."

"On most days, you can live like a human if you choose," I whispered. "You don't have to give up human things. In fact, we do mostly human things beside the hunting and the shifting and finding mates," I told him. "It's just a better existence with more fun and wonder added to it. I promise. You'll get to do human things. You'll be able to still party with your friends, or you can party with the pack if you choose. You can party with both...."

"I don't want packs, wolves, dogs, or a mate." He hissed. "I didn't ask for it."

"A mate is simply a girlfriend or a boyfriend that was selected to be with you by fate. They're your other half," I mumbled. "It's not bad. You don't have to sleep with them if you don't want too... but most mates do. I haven't run into a single mate couple that has turned down sleeping with each other- if they're true mates that is.... Well besides me, but I have reasons like we're both young... and it's weird sounding... and I don't want to do that."

"I don't want to shift into a wolf." He grumbled. "You don't get it."

"And you don't get where I'm coming from," I whispered back. "This has been my entire life since I was born. I've never known anything else, so to me, you not wanting to be a wolf with me and run with my pack is a little insulting, but I know it's because you're afraid. Come on, we need to get out of the tree."

"I'm staying in the tree!" He told me. "It's safe up here."

"Nothing is going to hurt you, ok? Besides, if something tries to get us, I'll get rid of it," I promised and grabbed the tree as I kept a tight grip on him and started to climb down, pulling him along. "You don't want to shift in the tree.... You'll fall."

"I don't want to shift at all! I hate dogs!" He yelled towards me. I sighed and got us down to the ground and sat us down.

"Well... I don't know what to tell you," I told him softly and then forced him to lay down. "Get some rest. You'll want it." I laid down beside him and pulled him close, resting my head on his chest as I smiled. "You'll be fine." He struggled to get away from me and growled.

"Please~ I want to find Lisa." He begged. I shook my head and kept him down.

"Don't bring her into this.... She'll probably murder me...." I looked up at him and pouted. "I don't want to die."

"I don't want to be a dog!" He grumbled. "They smell! I don't like hunting enough to do it as a dog!" I stayed silent and smelled him before I closed my eyes.

"I don't smell...."

"I HATE YOU." He bit me then, biting into my neck. I screamed and shoved him away quickly as I held my neck.

"What the heck! I'm your alpha! Don't bite me!" I glared him down and rubbed my wound. "Jerk." He curled up to himself and faced away from me.

"I hate dogs." He grumbled. "I'm gonna find Lisa and get human." I sighed.

"Fine, but after your first shift," I growled. "Do what you want after your first shift. If you can't stand me, then you can leave afterwards. Just abandon me. I can always find another beta if I have to."


"WELL YOU GOT TO, UNGRATEFUL LITTLE HUMAN!" I shouted at him. "You have to go through the first shift because it'll happen no matter what! Now do you want someone who knows how to help you get through the pain here, or do you want someone who is just going to scream their heads off at you and call you a monster then shoot your brains out?!"

"Lisa would help me you jerk." He huffed out. "I'm allergic to dogs." I narrowed my eyes.

"You weren't saying that when I brought you into the woods. Besides, what about Olive? Did you think that through? Think about how she'd react to you being different from her? No, I bet you didn't. She'd be freaked out. You're staying here till you shift." I leaned back against the tree and looked up towards the sky. "Now, get some rest," I ordered.

"NO." He started to get to his feet. "Olive won't hate me."

"I'd love to bet," I muttered. "Think about how you treat me right now. That's exactly how she'll treat you."

"IT'S YOUR FAULT. I'M NEVER GOING TO BOW TO YOU." He started to stumble away from me. "I don't bow to jerks."

"I'm not asking you to bow down to me, you idiot! I'm just asking you to help me! Be glad I haven't abandoned you!" I screamed at him and stood up, going after him. "I could've left you! I didn't! I could've tried to kill you instead of turn you! I could've done many things to you! A jerk would've!" I grabbed his arm and yanked him to me. I glared him down then let him go. "Fine.... shift by yourself. You obviously are a big boy and can handle being a lonesome little wolf. You'll figure out how to walk and to defend yourself. You'll figure out how to avoid being hunted down or being enslaved by greedy vampires. You'll figure it all out. You don't need me. You don't want me. I'm just your alpha is all." I crossed my arms and tilted my chin up. "All I've done from the moment I marked you is try to help you, but nooooo, you don't want my help. You can go rough it out by yourself then. Be a rogue. I'll just have to hunt you down like the monster that almost killed my father- because that's what rogues do. They kill, they maim, and they don't pick and choose who. They'll do it to children and to mothers. They'll kill anyone in their path, and they'll get high on drugs. They're the ones that the movies are based off that you saw. You'll become exactly like them if you don't stay with me."

"I shouldn't even be turning into a wolf! You selfish brat! You should have chose someone that was already a wolf!" He strumbled away from me and went to a tree, trying to climb up it. "I could be kissing some hot girl right now. I should have never trusted you. I thought you were different from the monsters." I flinched at that and got quiet.

"Well... guess not," I muttered and sat down on the ground. "Guess you should've never trusted me." I laid down and looked up at the sky as I listened to the woods around us. "After all, all wolves are the same- aren't we? All vampires are the same... All witches and wizards are the same... All animals are the same... Just like how all humans are the same," I muttered and looked towards him then curled up as I turned away from him and snuggled up to myself. I miss Dannie.... He stopped trying to climb the tree ands started to walk away from me, starting for the house. I got up and started to follow him, sighing as I ran my fingers through my hair and played with it. He looked towards me then started to run away. I rolled my eyes and ran after him, keeping up.

"STOP FOLLOWING ME." He yelled over his shoulder and tried to run away from me, falling over a tree branch. He groaned and curled up to himself once he fell. I stopped by him and leaned down, worried.

"Are you hurt?" I asked quickly, looking him over. "Did you scrape your knee?" He curled up tighter to himself. I knelt down beside him and rubbed his head as I bit my bottom lip. "See... I told you not to run," I mumbled and pulled him to me, letting him rest his head in my lap. "I told you that you'd get hurt, didn't I?" I softened my gaze and started to play with his hair.

"I want to go home." He mumbled. "I don't like the woods anymore."

"We'll go home after you shift," I whispered. "One shift, that's all I'm asking of you Sammy.... Just one."

"Don't call me Sammy." He shifted his head off of my lap then. "Screw your one shift." I sighed and pulled him back to me.

"Stop, ok? I'm getting tired of it." I hugged him. "If you don't quit, I'll knock you out."

"I'll still act this way when I wake up." He promised. "You're not getting rid of my mouth."

"Then be quiet for now so that way I can get a moment's peace," I told him and smirked. He's so going to be obedient when he shifts. I would bet it with Nikolai if he was here. He tried to pull away from me then and started to crawl away.

"Go bark up a tree then." He told me. Ok... I got to my feet and walked after him, grabbing him by a pressure point and pressed down on it, knocking him out like I had seen in a movie once. I smirked and rolled his unconscious self over onto his back and sat down beside him.

"There, that's much better," I whispered to myself and laid down, curling up to him. I nuzzled my head against his chest and closed my eyes, deciding to take a nap as I waited on him. I woke up hearing him let out a scream as his shifting begun and woke him. He cried out in pain and tried to get away from me. I sat up quickly and widened my eyes. "Sam! Don't run off! Not this far into it!" I grabbed his arm and pulled him to me, rubbing his head to comfort him. "You'll be ok. It'll only hurt for a few hours. I'll be right here with you."

"FOR A FEW HOURS!? I HATE YOU!" He yelled out in pain and whimpered. "Please don't touch me, it makes it feel worse." He cried out. I let go quickly.

"Sorry!" I bit my bottom lip then. "I wish I had some wolfsbane for you," I mumbled. "It'd make you feel so much better. I should've remembered to get some from Hachi before I went searching for a beta..." He shot me a glare.

"You should have picked a wolf from your pack!" He snapped. "I don't want responsibilities. I want to be foot loose and fancy free. I'm not going to help you at all for anything because of this. I'm going to sleep in my room and you'll never see me. I'll make you wish you never done this to me." I watched him sadly and then gave a nod, looking away from him.

"Ok... whatever you want," I whispered.

After a couple of hours, he finished shifting and curled up in his wolf form. His fur was a nice light brown with black marking across his body. He fell asleep almost as soon as the shifting was done. His size was small, but he'd grow according to my father. I smiled and shifted as well, stripping from my pants. I nudged his side and then started to lick his head, attempting to clean the gunk off him from his first shift. I let out a soft growl and wagged my tail as I licked down his body and nuzzled him over a little so I could get at his belly and clean it.

"Oh good, we can go home." Cage said as he walked up to us in his wolf form. I looked over at him and laughed as I wagged my tail at the sight of him.

"Uncle Cage! What're you doing here?" I asked and then went back to licking my beta clean as I watched Cage.

"It's been a while... I figured I would come check in." He told me. He sat down a few feet away.

"Finally left the girl?" I teased and gave him a playful look then looked down at my beta. "He's so tired," I mumbled. "That sucks. I was hoping to run with him. I wanted him to see what it was like, but he'll be asleep throughout it and then he'll wake up back in his human form. He'll ditch us...." I licked behind his ears then, sniffing him. He was already starting to smell like a wolf, the earth tones catching on.

"We'll take him home and force him to stay. Rick will teach him what it's all about to be a beta." He told me and laid down. "Nikolai and Donnie are still at the party." I nodded.

"They'll eventually come home. I doubt we'll be able to tear them away from it." I finished cleaning him up and then laid down beside him as I rested my head on his back.

"I bet you are ready to see your mate." He teased me. I perked my ears up at that.

"Dannie~! Let's go home," I said quickly and stood back up. I nudged Sam then. "C'mooooon.... I wanna go home. I don't want to drag you. At least attempt walking...." Cage walked up to us and then picked Sam up by the scruff of his neck and started to walk towards the direction of the manor. "Well! That works! Thanks Uncle Cage!" I wagged my tail and walked by them. "Hey, if he tries to run off, are we going to have to lock him up?" I tilted my head as I looked at Sam. "He's got really pretty fur.... It's like he was born to be a werewolf with the color of his fur like that...."

"Well! We will just have to lock him up if he gets any ideas about running away." Cage told me, wagging his tail. "Rick will take care of that idea about running off anyways." I nodded.

"Rick is a good guy. He'll make sure that everything goes ok from here. When Sam is ready, he'll come find me in the manor I guess- since how I am needed by Dannie the most right now." I wagged my tail. I can't wait to crawl back in bed with him!

"I'll check in when I can but I have alpha duties too since how I technically am the only one. August still has to give you the title." Cage told me and laughed. "I need to check the boarders." I stopped wagging my tail then.

"I have to wait on dad to give me the title?" I sighed then and looked down at the ground. He didn't seem like he'd be getting to that anytime soon either.... Darn.

"Until then you don't have much official power." He explained. "The pack won't follow you yet." He took off running then, but made sure I could keep up.

"So... He's still my beta though, right?" I asked as I ran beside him. "Because he's the first one that I bit that wasn't my mate?"

"Yes." Cage told me. I nodded and looked ahead as we ran, getting quiet. When we reached the manor, I ran up to the doors as quickly as I could and shifted back, running inside and up the stairs.

"DANNIE! I'M HOME!" I called and laughed as I started for our room. When I reached our bedroom I found Hachi reading a book in my spot and Dannie was asleep, curled up to him. I shifted then and jumped up in the bed, curling up at Dannie's feet as I looked towards Hachi. He's. In. My. Spot. Hachi looked up towards me and gave a smile then disappeared with his magic. Dannie fell over slightly and curled up to the blanket around him. I let out a small whine and crawled towards my spot in the bed, nudging his hands as I got between his arms then curled up to his chest. I nipped at his ear and then licked his cheek. He smiled slightly and opened his eyes. He looked me over then pulled back.

"Don't get in our bed dirty." He told me and wrinkled up his nose. "You're muddy.... is that a leaf!?" He pulled out a leaf from my fur and then a twig. His jaw dropped. I shifted back into my human form and pouted at him.

"I'm not dirty! That's just mother nature loving up on me."

"You're gross! TAKE A BATH!" He pointed towards the doors then grabbed his chest from yelling and started to cough. I widened my eyes and hugged him.

"I'm sorry! Don't yell! You'll get hurt," I told him and rubbed his head. "I'll go take a bath, ok?" He started to calm himself down and groaned.

"Can you get a maid to come in and change the sheets? You gross boy." He kissed my cheek and giggled. I nodded and gave him a kiss on the lips before I got out of bed and started for the doors.

"Ok! I'll get a maid to come in with clean sheets!" I smiled towards him. He crawled out of bed and then walked over to our couch, laying down on it.

"How'd it go?" He asked me softly. I stopped and looked at him.

"It went terribly. I have a beta now... but he says that he hates me and that he wants nothing to do with me, and he says he will kill me. He also said he'd never be my beta and that I was a monster and a jerk," I told him and frowned a little as I walked back towards him. "His name is Sam.... I was hoping to present him to you... but he isn't presentable."

"I think you should have chosen Rick until he was too old. He's still got a couple of good years." Dannie mumbled. "Now you have to put up with a sassy beta." He giggled. "Good luck." I sighed.

"He's also your beta. You're my Luna, remember? You have to put up with him too...."

"Not as much as you have to." Dannie told me and shook his head. He rubbed his ears then and closed his eyes. I smiled and leaned down to him, kissing his forehead.

"True.... I'm scared he's going to go rogue. I don't want to have to kill him," I whispered. "He seems like he could be a great beta, but... that mouth and attitude of his right now is starting to worry me. I'm hoping Rick can teach him better. We know that Rick doesn't put up with that from young wolves. He makes them loyal and treats them well...." I sighed and pulled back, going towards the closet to get a pair of shorts and a change of clothes for after my bath.

"Don't forget the maid." He told me quickly.

"I wouldn't dream of forgetting to make you happy," I called back as I came out of the closet and then slipped into the shorts. "She'll be in soon." I gave him a sweet smile and went to go take my bath.