Intruder Alert

Paris's POV:

I woke up on the piano in my music room, feeling a massive hangover coming on. I sat up then and hit a few keys in the process... Oh lordie... What happened.... Why am I on the piano? I slipped off of it then and face planted the floor. "RICHARD!" I called, wondering where he was. "LOUIS!" I yelled for him... My twin appeared in front of me then, giving me a smile.

"How're you feeling?" He asked and walked over. "Richard is in a time out."

"Time out? Why is he in a time out? I have a massive hang over and my head really hurts... and I'm so thirsty...." I groaned and held my throat. Louis touched my cheek and I suddenly saw yesterday flashing through my head. Richard had gone on a blood binge again, and I was drunk and offered myself to him. I blushed a bright red and then pulled away from Louis then pulled him close. I bit down into his neck then, starting to feed from him. He yelped and then melted into me, running his fingers through my hair as he tilted his head. I felt my thirst for blood die down within the second as I kept drinking from him. I let out a small moan and continued to feed. It felt like I had been drained... Which I probably almost was last night. Louis got down on the floor with me then and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my cheek as he leaned me back. I groaned and tried not to let him go as he leaned me. He laid my back on the floor and got on my stomach, still letting me drink his blood as he ran his fingers through my hair again.

"Get as much as you need," he whispered to me. I flipped us then and pushed his back up against the floor as I bit down into his neck deeper and let the blood gush into my mouth. He yelped and tensed up. "But don't kill me," he added on. I pulled my fangs out of his skin and started to suck on his wound instead of biting him for the blood. He relaxed and moaned, holding onto one of my arms as I did so. He moved his head back to expose his neck further to me. I smiled and started to lick his neck, making him shiver at the feeling. He arched his back a little and shifted under me. "Paris... you are getting enough, right?" He asked me quickly. I looked down at his eyes and smirked, biting back into his neck. "Eek," he yelped a bit. I pulled back from him then, not wanting to take too much from my other half. I smirked down at him and kissed his cheek before I got up and teleported to my bedroom. I walked into the closet then and put on some clothes for the day then teleported into the living room to see who was there. I heard a thud from behind me like the sound of a body falling and then a soft growl followed it. The scent of a demon hit me as soon as I appeared. I turned around quickly to see who it was, tensing up a bit. Richard stood by a small pile of dead servants, licking his lips clean as he glanced himself over. He was wearing only his pants, and he was covered in blood from eating messily. I screamed and took off for the door then. I felt my arm being grabbed then, and I was thrown up against the wall as he twisted my arm behind my back.

"Where're you going so fast?" He purred in my ear and licked my neck. I gasped and tried to get away from him.

"To get my twin!" I told him. "LOUIS!" I yelled loudly. "PLEASE!" Richard growled in my ear and then spun me around, pressing up against me and then kissed my neck, trailing up to my lips. I teleported across the room then and tensed up, hoping he wouldn't notice. He clenched his fists and then started for the kitchen, looking upset. I snuck towards the door quietly. Louis appeared in front of me, looking panicked.

"What is it?" He asked me quickly. "Are you ok?" I pointed towards Richard then.

"He's a demon." I told Louis. He narrowed his eyes.

"How did he get out of that room? I put him up last night!" Richard spun around then, hearing us. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at us. I glared him down.

"He's not supposed to be a demon without me." I told Louis. "Now I'll never be dominate with him like this." Louis shook his head.

"He's not supposed to be a demon period. I locked him up to prevent this! Paris..." He looked towards me, thinking about taking Richard's stone before he got used to being a demon again.

"Uh-huh..." I nodded and went towards Richard. "Baaaaaby! I need your stone." I told him and smiled innocently. Richard's eyes widened and he screamed, running for the kitchen.

"No! Don't touch me!" I ran after him then and laughed.

"BABBBBBBBBY!" I yelled, reaching for him. "Don't run from me!" Louis was right behind me.

"Stay away!" Richard screeched and grabbed a kitchen knife. I widened my eyes then frowned.

"You wouldn't stab your own mate." I hissed towards Richard. He winced and then dropped the knife.

"You're right.... I wouldn't." He ran for the door then to get to the hall. I teleported in front of him then and held out my arms for him.

"Come here sweetie." I pouted. He skidded to a stop a few feet away from me and screamed, going to run the other way, but Louis got behind him and smirked.

"Which one, Richard? You pick!" He laughed evilly as he watched Richard closely. I started to close in on Richard then.

"We do this because we love you." I purred. He shook his head quickly and went to duck under my arms to get around me, using his powers to go invisible. I grabbed him by the waist though and pulled him close to me. "Come on love... be a good boy." He reappeared and started to struggle, trying to get away from me. Louis walked up and rubbed his head.

"I told you to stay in that room, did I not?" Louis told him and smirked. I sniffed his scent and moaned at the smell of him. He smelled so tempting now... I exposed my fangs then. Louis took him from me then and shook his head. "Paris, no... You don't need to drink his demonic blood," he warned and then yelped when Richard bit him. He immediately let go of Richard, and Richard took off for the living room to avoid going my way. I took off after Richard then.

"YOU CAN'T BITE MY TWIN AND GET AWAY WITH IT!" I growled towards Richard. "I'm going to spank you!"

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" Richard screamed as he started for the doors to the halls in the living room. He grabbed a book off a table and threw it towards me to slow me down. I teleported in front of him then and exposed my fangs.

"No." I told him. "You're my mate." He stopped and widened his eyes, watching me as his eyes traveled to my fangs. He leaned forward instinctively, but he held himself back from going to me. I grabbed his wrists then and frowned. "You've been naughty." I told him. He wasn't paying me attention as he closed the space between us and went for my neck as he sharpened his fangs.

"Paris~" He purred my name and tried to get his hands back from me as he scraped his fangs against my skin. I gasped and let his hands go then took off down the hall, running. I heard him growl as he started after me. "GET BACK HERE!" He shouted and tackled me to the floor. He flipped me over onto my back and then got on top of me with a smirk. Louis appeared beside us then and grabbed Richard, throwing him off me and then put his foot on his back as he grabbed one of his arms and pinned it behind him.

"Stay down," Louis hissed to him. I got to my feet quickly.

"Louis.... I could handle myself..." I mumbled. Louis glanced over at me and gave a smile.

"I know. I was just getting him back for earlier," he purred towards me as he stomped down on Richard's back to make him stop struggling. I gasped and then tackled Louis.

"Don't hurt my mate like that... demon or not!" I told him. He looked up at me and widened his eyes then nodded, curling up.

"Ok," he said softly. I heard Richard trying to get to his feet as he stumbled forward. I grabbed his foot then and tsked. I started to drag him towards our bedroom then.

"I've got this." I told Louis. Richard screamed and started trying to get away, grabbing at things in the hall.

"No! Let me go! I didn't do anything!" He screamed, panicking.

"But I want to punish you before I take your stone." I told him and chuckled. Richard looked at me and then stopped struggling, letting out a sigh. I heard his thoughts running through plans out of this as he glanced around the halls I was dragging him through. I laughed and looked down at him as I started to drag him up the stairs.

"Ow!" He yelped as his head hit the stairs. He tried to sit up, reaching for my hands. "Paris!" I shook my head, trying to ignore his pain.

"Next time you will obey Louis when he tells you not to drink anymore blood." I told him. He growled then.

"I don't like being shoved into rooms and being locked up in them! I had to use Charlie to escape the dungeon when Laurence threw me in a cell!"

"You used Charlie to get free?" I growled towards him. "And Laurence put you in there? You should have stayed in there and obeyed him." He puffed out his cheeks and looked away from me.

"I shouldn't be imprisoned in my own home...."

"INTRUDER. INTRUDER ALERT." I heard my alarm going off for the house and dropped Richard immediately. I exposed my fangs then. Everytime one of us goes demon something bad always happens... I started back down the stairs then.

"GUARDS!" I yelled. Richard got to his feet and was by me in seconds, pulling out a knife. He walked ahead of me then, going towards the front doors to check them. I heard my army rushing towards the front door then and running through the manor.

"Intruder alert!" I heard my alarm yelling. There was a sound of screaming then and gunshots going off. It sounded like we were being invaded by a small army. Richard snarled and ran towards the fighting sounds quickly. Nikolai appeared by me then.

"What's going on?" Nikolai asked in panic. "Those alarms haven't gone off in years..." He told me and looked worried. Raven appeared then, guns in her hands and knives shoved down into her boots.

"Who's dying?" She asked with a smirk. "Intruders again? I'll have this wrapped up in five minutes."

"Who said we needed your help?" Nikolai asked her. "Go sit with the girls downstairs." He teased. Raven aimed him down then, glaring at him.

"Don't tell me to go sit with the other girls. I'm not like them, and I'm not afraid to shoot you onto your butt." She exposed her fangs at him then. "I was here first."

"Okay, it's cute and all you two but take your act somewhere else." I told them and brushed past them. I heard Nikolai growling towards Raven.

"I'm born into this family though." Nikolai snapped and was by me within seconds. "I'm going to go turn that alarm off." He told me and ran off. Raven got up beside me then, glaring the way he went.

"He's so freaking arrogant," she muttered and then looked up at me.

"He's your mate though." I purred and then chuckled. "When do you think he will notice?" I asked her and smirked. She looked away quickly, a blush forming on her face.

"D-does it matter? He doesn't like me anyways.... He brushes me away every time I'm here. The only time he was ok with me was when we were torturing Charlie.... He's not going to want to be mated to me anyways when he notices," she whispered.

"He's still young." I told her and rubbed her head. "I won't worry over it. Take your time." I walked up to Richard then when I got into the same room as him and looked around at my men. "What's goin on?" I asked Richard, frowning. "What's invading us this time?" He glanced over at me.

"A lone hunter," he whispered to me. "He's tearing through our army like they're nothing."

"A hunter?" I asked and growled. "I thought those were instinct." I grumbled. "Why didn't Laurence tell us?" I asked then started for where all the commotion was coming from. "GET ME A WEAPON." I yelled. Richard tossed me a gun from one of the dead. Raven walked with me.

"A hunter? This will be good," she giggled and looked towards where the shots were being fired. I started in the direction as well.

"What's his name, I want his name." I snapped towards one of the army boys running by me. "I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!" I heard a laugh then as a guy started walking towards me.

"Here, vampy vamp," he teased and held the gun in his hands towards me, aiming me down. "Want a bite out of my little gun here?" I held up my gun, aiming his head down.

"Not before I hit you first." I told him. "Bow down and toss the gun." I ordered. He tilted his head and looked towards an armband over his black sleeve then started to flip through something on the electronic.

"Hmm... Paris Grimm... I'm not here for you today." He started to walk off then. I shot his leg then, smirking.

"Don't turn from me." I told him. He glanced back at me and tilted his head, not even flinching.

"You shot me...." He turned to me and then shot me back in the leg. Excrutiating pain flared up my leg and towards my spine, making me convulse. I was forced to the floor as it started to release something in me, making my leg sizzle around the bullet wound. "There... It won't kill you, but you won't be moving for a bit," he told me and then walked off, shooting my army men in the heads as they rushed towards him. I growled and tried to get up.

"RICHARD!" I yelled towards him. "GET THAT HUNTER!" I heard him walking towards me quickly. He looked down at my gunshot worriedly as Raven took off after the hunter.

"Paris! Your leg!" He reached down and went to touch the wound to take the bullet out, but it stung him. He yelped and pulled his hand back quickly.

"CHOP MY LEG OFF IF YOU HAVE TOO!" I yelled towards him in anger. "I'm not letting one vampire hunter get to us like this." He pulled out a knife and leaned in, starting to cut it out.

"Hold on, I'll have it out," he whispered to me. I heard a few screams then as more of my army died. Raven suddenly let out a sharp growl and a mad giggle as I heard a thud across the room.

"Got you~!" She giggled again and I heard struggles. I smirked, happy to hear it and looked towards them.

"GOOD GIRL!" I told Raven. She exposed her fangs as she held him down, but he flipped them and stole one of her knives from her, holding it by her throat.

"Back down," he told her. She snatched the knife away from him before he could react and stabbed him in the shoulder then laughed madly.

"Never," she told him and went for his neck. He got up quickly and shot her in the side.

"You're a very powerful vampire... You're not one of the newborns here.... I'll be back for you one day," he told her and smirked. She screamed out in pain and tried to pull it out, only making it worse. He walked away from her then stopped as he looked towards one of the army members in particular- Charlie. He smiled cheerfully and walked towards him. "Charlie! Let's go!" He grabbed his arm and started for the doors, shooting those who blocked his way. Charlie yelped in confusion and tried to pull away.

"Who the hell are you!? Let me go!" Charlie yelled, trying not to go towards the door. "I can't leave!"

"Yes, you can. I'm here for you after all," the hunter told him. "It's a rescue mission~! Of course, killing newborns is fun... but I'm here for you, not the others. Let's get you out of here, Charlie Ainsworth."

"LET HIM GO!" I yelled, letting out a growl. "He's a vampire!"

"Rescue mission? I'm fine here though..." Charlie mumbled and tried to get away from the guy. "Let me go."

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself to you! I'm Josh," he told him and smiled. "How'd you like to see the sun again, Charlie?"

"Very much." Charlie told him and nodded.

"Well, come with me, and you can sit outside for as long as you want," Josh purred to him. He dragged him outside, leaving the surviving members of my army trembling as they looked at their fallen comrades. Raven let out a hiss of pain as she tried to sit up then arched her back.

"Dammit," she mumbled. "I thought those guys were dead!" Richard finally got the bullet out of me and dropped it on the floor quickly. He looked the wound over.

"We'll have to get it cleaned before it can start to heal," he told me.

"Grrrrrrr." I growled and looked around at my army. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? GO AFTER HIM AND GET CHARLIE BACK! YOUR BROTHER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED!" I yelled. A few looked towards the doors and started to go, but one just looked at me.

"He doesn't talk with us anyways," he told me. "Besides, our friends are dead."

"GO. AFTER. HIM." I snapped. "If he turns into our enemy again it won't be pretty." I hissed. A small group ran off then to go retrieve him while the others started to clean up the mess. One walked towards Raven and stopped when she glared him down. He turned away quickly and went for another dead vampire. She started to crawl off then, going towards a door slowly as she tried to keep her balance. Nikolai entered the room then and rushed to her, helping her stand.

"Hey, what happened?" He asked her and looked like he was in slight pain. He made her lean up against the wall then as he examined the wound. "Let me pull that out..." He told her and then got a knife out. Her eyes widened as she saw it.

"I-I'm fine... Just... I need to get some rest," she told him quickly and held onto the wall as she tried to walk off. He stopped her quickly.

"Quit being a baby." He told her then cut into her wound and popped the bullet out. "There we go. Let's get that cleaned up... ROSE-MOM!" He called. "DOCTOR! HACHI! I need MEDICAL ASSISANCE ASAP!" He called. Raven looked at him and sighed.

"Nikolai, I'm fine," she told him. "I've been shot many times before. I lost an arm to a hunter once."

"I know you're okay because you are still talking." He told me. "But it still needs to be cleaned up." He pulled out a bottle of alcohol then from his coat and opened it then tossed some onto her wound. "That should help you until a doctor takes a look." He told her and put the alcohol back in his coat. She glanced down at her wound.

"What'd you dump on it?" She asked and looked towards him.

"Tequila." He told her. "I think... You know... I really don't remember if it is Tequila or Vodka. It's something like that though." He shrugged and let her have the bottle then. "Have some, it'll make you feel better." He purred and kissed the top of her head. She nodded and opened the bottle again, taking a sip as she watched him.

"This isn't too bad," she mumbled and then gave him a smile. He smiled at her then helped her sit down against the wall. Rose rushed in then with a kit to help us and rushed to Raven first. Hachi appeared by me and gave a smile. He pulled out a bottle of alcohol and dumped it over my open wound then started to clean my wound up. He began to stitch it up shortly after and smiled softly.

"I've got you." Hachi told me. I seen Rose helping Raven's wound then and sighed... My boys better get me Charlie back and kill that hunter, Josh. I'll feed them to Richard if they come back empty handed. Richard rubbed my head and gave my cheek a kiss.

"I'm sorry he shot you," he whispered to me. Hachi finished then moved away from me and smiled.

"I'm going to go find Louis and tell him." Hachi told me and disappeared, using his magic. I sat up and held where I got shot at then tried to stand up. Richard helped me to my feet, holding me up.

"You need to take it easy," he told me and picked me up. He leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and nodded.

"Could you eat them if they come back empty handed?" I asked Richard. He nodded.

"I'll eat them happily," he told me and smirked. "You know I'd love to eat them." I heard Raven starting to get to her feet after Rose finished.

"Thanks, Rose," she told her sweetly.

"No problem." Rose giggled out and teleported away with her things. I leaned my head against Richard then. Nikolai started for the doors to the room, mumbling about going to find Donnie.

"Thanks for the drink Nikolai!" Raven called over to him and laughed. "See ya~!"

"Bye!" Nikolai called to her as he left the room. I kissed Richard's cheek then and purred.

"How about we have some alone time in my study?" I whispered to him. "Just for a bit." He gave a nod and smiled.

"Of course," he purred back and started to carry me off, taking us to my study. When we got there, he set me down in my desk chair and sat down on my desk, facing me. "How are you feeling?" He asked me worriedly.

"Just fine." I told him and gave a smile. "I'm fine Richard." I assured and then leaned up against my chair. He nodded.

"Ok," he purred and then looked around the room before glancing back at me. "Did you have a reason for wanting to be in here? Or do you just want to be here?"

"I missed being in here." I explained. "It's been a while." I admitted. I started to purr then and sunk in my chair. He nodded and got off my desk, going towards the couch.

"Mkay," he hummed and laid down on it. I propped my feet up on the desk then and closed my eyes, starting to fall asleep.