Out For Drinks

Nikolai's POV:

I walked up to my father's bedroom door and tapped on it, wating for him to answer me... hopefully he was in there instead of in my mom's room... I'm avoiding her. I heard footsteps coming towards the door then and he opened it and looked out at me. "Hey Nikolai! I was just thinking about getting a group together and going out for a few drinks. What do you think?"

"A few drinks?" I asked and tilted my head. "As in alcohol? Sure!" I nodded towards him and stepped aside to let him out. "Who are we going to invite?" I asked curiously. He thought it over.

"I was thinking Donnie... Raven... Richard and Paris... maybe Louis if he's not with his mate," he told me and shrugged. "It's a work in progress."

"Well why would you invite only one girl, dad." I shook my head. "Might as well not even invite Raven. Hey! Donnie should come though. I need to talk to him about some stuff." I smirked.

"Well... I was thinking about Raven because she doesn't really act like a girl anyways. Plus, I think she needs a few drinks. She recently got kidnapped, and her mate didn't accept her or something- that's what I heard at least... that she killed him. She's been through a lot... but you're right. She's the only girl on the list." He gave me a smile.

"Well Raven and I are sort of fighting." I told him and blushed. "I accidentally marked her or something and she's mad at me.... well she was but then yesterday happened and she's supposably cool and all but she's still mad. I can tell." I shook my head. "My point is.... I'm not going if she is." He sighed.

"Fine... I'll just slip her some drinks when we get home then. I kinda wanted to see what she's like when she's drunk. I don't ever see her drinking.... Her mate used to be alcoholic though. I wonder if she drank some with him." He started walking down the hall. "Let's go get those guys together!" I nodded and followed after him.

"Let's not talk about old things." I told him quickly. "I don't want to always be looking back. Let's look towards the future." I suggested. He laughed.

"Of course Nikolai, of course... but if that's the case, you should forget your little argument with her then. If you're not looking back to the past, you shouldn't still be holding it against her. You're mad at her too. I can tell- whether or not it's because you marked her or because she got mad at about it I don't know.... Anyways," he trailed off and stopped talking as he glanced out a window we were passing.

"I'm not mad." I told him quickly. "I don't care if she is mad or not. I didn't mean to." I told him and shrugged. "Plus I'm not upset I marked her but I'm not exactly okay with it either." I licked my lips, remembering her taste. "I just got carried away." I walked past him then. "Oh well." I heard him laugh then.

"I don't know why you're avoiding her then, Nikolai. Besides, when you find your mate and you go to mark her, the mark on Raven will disappear," he told me and put his hands in his pockets. "That's how it works. That mark isn't permanent if you mark someone else."

"Well I don't want to see her glaring into my soul." I mumbled. "Or worse... seeing her fawn over me." I looked towards my dad. He smirked at me.

"Well, get her drunk so she doesn't glare at you, and hook her up with someone else so she fawns over him. It's that simple."

"Nu-uh." I shook my head, remembering how mad I got when I met her mate. "No thanks. I don't want to give her to a drunk."

"Take her somewhere else than the bar and hook her up with someone from that area," he suggested. "Just get her a boyfriend. That usually solves most problems. You probably won't even have to get her drunk to make her stop glaring at you if someone else has her attention."

"Dad~ I don't want to hook her up with someone." I told him. "I'm not some match maker." He looked me over thoughtfully.

"Then I can do it. I know some nice vampires...." He trailed off and frowned. "Decent.... Ok, I killed that one... but I know another."

"Nah." I told him and rubbed it off. "Let's just go out for drinks." I begged. He laughed and gave a nod.

"Ok, I will think about it later. You know, that mark will disappear if another vampire marks her...." He walked beside me and then pulled out his phone, texting Donnie.

"It's not my problem." I told him and stuck my hands into my pockets. Donnie appeared by us then and smirked.

"Hey." He pured towards us. "Let's go out for drinks."

"We're bringing your parents along with us," Victor told him and smirked. "I think they need some time off from being parents."

"Seriously?" He asked and frowned.... "Okay, but I don't know if they will be in the mood. Dannie's sick again." My father paused then.

"I guess we'll just have to be extra convincing then," he mumbled and then started us for Paris's room. He knocked on it as soon as we reached it. "Paris, Richard, let's go. We're going out." I heard Paris let out a muffled moan. I widened my eyes and laughed. Victor sighed then. "You two can do that stuff later! Drinks! C'mon!"

"F-fine!" Paris yelled, I heard him stumbling around in the room then. "Where'd my shoe go Richard? Come on... let's go- guy time." He mumbled.

"Mate time," Richard complained. "I'm hungry...."

"But we can go have drinks..." Paris muttered. I heard it get silent on the other side.

"Ok... but you have to get really drunk, ok?"

"How drunk?" Paris asked. "Because it takes a lot to get me drunk."

"Falling over drunk," Richard told him. "I want to make sure I can get all the blood I want."

"You're going to be dominate tonight... aren't you?" Paris asked.

"First one drunk loses," I heard Richard tease with a laugh. "The one who gets drunk last gets to be dominate. Buuuut~ You have to keep drinking."

"I don't get the game...." Paris mumbled. "So we both have to keep drinking until the other is shit faced drunk then the other gets to play with the other one?" Paris asked, checking to make sure he understood the game. I heard Donnie trying to hold in a laugh.

"We'll do it in shots," Richard told him. "To make sure we drink the same amount, deal?"

"Depends on the shot glass.... but deal." Paris purred on the other side. The door opened then and Richard walked out with a smirk.

"I'm so going to win," he murmured.

"You are not." Paris groaned. "I drink all the time- well until you hid your stash." Paris complained and followed Richard out of the room.

"See? You'll get drunk first, and I will get all the blood I want," Richard purred and started to sway his hips as he walked. "I'm going to tease you too!"

"That's no fair...." Paris mumbled stopped to looked at me. "Meet you in the garage." He told Victor and me then teleported away. Richard pouted and looked towards where Paris had disappeared.

"Buzz kill," he mumbled and then started walking in the direction of the garage. Victor hurried after him then.

"We should take two cars," he whispered. "I don't want to be in the same car as them...."

"Same..." I mumbled as I followed my dad and got excited about the idea of getting drunk with them. When we got down to the garage, Richard went directly towards Paris and wrapped him up into a hug.

"You. Left. Me."

"I was fixing my baby up for a nice drive." Paris told Richard and patted the hood of his new street race car.

"You still left me," Richard murmured and exposed his fangs, leaning in towards Paris's neck. Paris teleported away from Richard and behind the wheel of the car, putting his seat belt on then took it right back off. I got into my father's car and curled up in the passengers seat. Richard got into the backseat of Paris's car while Victor got in the driver's side of the car I was in. He glanced at Donnie.

"Pick a car," he told him. Donnie looked the cars over then got into our car and grabbed me, pulling me into the backseat with him.

"So I want to know what you are planning for your week." Donnie told me, poking my side. "Come on, you never texted me back yesterday." He complained. I nodded and looked towards Paris's car as it zoomed out of the garage and rumbled. Victor started to follow it then, not going quite as fast for us in the backseat. He put on the radio and watched Paris's car closely, not wanting to get too close to it incase something happened to them.

"Well I was thinking about doing some work in Colorodo." I admitted to him. "But that's going to be a secret gift for the family." I told him and placed a finger above my lips. He looked me over then smirked.

"You're shielding me from your mind... now I am really curious about it." He grabbed my wrists and shook me. "Come on, let me know." He begged. "I'm doing some work up in Alaska, I bet that interests you." I nodded... It did interest me.... what's he doing in Alaska? Victor glanced back at us and sighed.

"Alright you two, this is supposed to be an outing, not a work session."

"Aweee." Donnie grumbled. "I might want to work with him though." Donnie leaned in towards my neck and kissed it, making me squirm as he ran his fangs across my skin. "Come on... tell me." He urged.

"Nu-uh." I shook my head and tried to slide away from him. Victor slammed on the brakes, making us fall forward before he started to drive normally again. "Ha!" I laughed towards Donnie.

"That's not funny, you fell too." Donnie grumbled as we resituated. "Fine... We will talk about this tonight though." He told me firmly.

"Good, I don't want to hear a word of work while we're out," Victor told us and cut the radio up as he rolled the windows down. I smirked towards Donnie and stuck out my tongue.

"Hey, what's wrong with Dannie this time?" I asked, remembering there was something wrong. I got serious then.

"Oh, he's just a little sick." Donnie told me and frowned.

"Poor little guy," Victor mumbled. "We'll have to get him a treat while we're out."

"We should." I nodded in agreement. "We should give him cake." Victor nodded at that.

"We'll get him a great cake." He sped up then, starting to try to go around Paris's car. Paris blocked him though and speed up more. I could see Paris changing his mirrors so he could look at Victor better. Victor smirked then. "It's on," he purred and stomped down on the gas to try to go around him again as he started to race with Paris. Paris's car speed up again and stayed in front of Victor's car. I could see Paris laughing through the mirror. I smirked.

"Beaten." I told my dad.

"Not yet we're not," he told me and then glanced Paris's car over before he got beside Paris and drove close to the side of his car. Paris looked over at us and then smirked as he stomped down on the gas and speed up more. Victor let out a soft growl before he started to keep up with Paris and then pushed the car as far as it could go and managed to get in front of him. I smirked and looked behind us at Paris, seeing him distracted with the radio. Victor laughed. "I win," he purred to us. I shook my head and sunk in the seat. "What? You didn't like that?" He asked me. "I did. It's healthy to compete."

"I never said I didn't." I told my dad.

"Well, you just looked like you were sulking." He shrugged and drove us to town, pulling up to a bar. He parked it and got out. I got out and stretched, finding Donnie on my side instantly and pulled me towards the entrance without hesitation. Victor decided to wait on the other two as we went inside.

Richard's POV:

I slipped towards the front of the car when I saw Victor pass us finally. I smirked a little. Paris got beat. Paris pulled up at the bar and got out, not upset that he was passed. He smirked towards Victor. "Hey~ You were fast." Paris told him. "Nice car." I got out and started for the bar then, crossing my arms. Paris followed after me then and purred. "What's wrong?" He asked and laughed.

"Nothing~" I purred and glanced back at him. "I'm just ready to win, sweetie." I laughed and swayed my hips a little as I stepped towards the door. He walked up behind me and grabbed my hips then kissed my cheek.

"I'm winning." He whispered in my ear. I smirked and looked back at him.

"We'll see about that when I peel you off the floor and drive us home then drink your blood in our bed."

"Is my blood all you want from me?" He asked and pulled away. I laughed.

"No," I told him. "But, I can't just go telling all my plans to you."

"Uh-no... I better win tonight then... huh?" He asked me and then blushed as he went over to Nikolai and Donnie. I laughed. He's so gonna lose. I walked over to a table in the bar then and sat down at it as Victor walked over and sat across from me.

"Paris! Go get some shots! Your choice!" I called to him. Paris walked over to the bar and ordered a round of shots then brought it to us. Nikolai and Donnie sat down with us, having their own drinks. Paris sat down by me and divided the shots equally for us then grabbed one to down. I picked one up and drank it quickly, setting it down and glanced at him. "Nervous?" I teased. "Think you're going to lose?" He downed the shot then sat it down.

"Not at all. I'm going to win." He told me and smirked.

"Uh-huh? And if you win?" I asked, watching him as I picked up another.

"I'm going to make you sleep with me without a dosage of blood tonight." He told me and smirked, taking a shot and downed it. I copied him and set mine down.

"Sleep? As in go to sleep?" I asked and went for another.

"Yes." He nodded and took another shot. I pouted then.

"But I want more," I mumbled. He's going to make me pass out without any blood? That's so mean. I better win then. I downed the next shot with him and started for the next. He grabbed a shot and took it. Nikolai finished his drink and laughed softly, leaning up against Victor.

"See, that's what mates are like," Victor murmured to him. "Those two love each other." I smirked and started on the next shot.

"Love each other a little too much," I told them. Paris leaned in and kissed me passionately then took a shot. I widened my eyes and looked at him. "No kisses if you don't even want to have fun with me," I told him and took my next shot.

"Who said I don't?" Paris teased and got into my lap.

"Mom- dad." Donnie grumbled. I laughed and looked at Paris.

"Says you, Mr. No Blood and We're Going to Sleep Tonight," I teased and reached for the next shot. "That's why I'm winning." He grabbed another shot and downed it.

"I'm winning." He told me and laughed.

"Why? So we can actually sleep?" I asked and watched him.

"Mhmmm." He nodded and smirked. "To tease you."

"Out of all the nights, you'd choose the night I would actually end up subdominate if you won? You know that tonight is your one chance for a very long time."

"I get to dominate you all the time." He teased me and smirked. "You know it too."

"Not as of late," I teased back. "Who's been playing top? Me."

"S-so?" Paris asked and blushed. "I can change that."

"You can't if you don't win tonight and use your chance," I purred in his ear and then reached for another shot. He grabbed a shot and then drunk it.

"I'm winning though." He told me. "I don't have to be dominate if I don't want to be. We can just sleep. Then you also don't get any blood."

"Well... if you win and you don't use your chance, I'll tease you for a week straight," I whispered for his ears only. "I will stop every time you get into it."

"Get into what?" He asked, confused. I laughed and kissed his cheek.

"Every time you want me, you won't be able to have me," I whispered and then grabbed another shot.

"That's not fair..." He mumbled and grabbed another shot then downed it with another one to follow it. I sighed and downed another one to be on the same shot as Paris.

"We'll just see who wins," I told him and started to focus on the shots.

98 Shots Later:

I set the shot down and blinked, feeling a little tipsy, but I was alright. I knew it wasn't going to affect me yet. I glanced towards Paris who was still in my lap. "How are you doing?" I asked him with a smirk. He laid his head down on my shoulder then and groaned, then started to fall out of my lap.

"No more..." He mumbled. I laughed and got up, picking him up. I glanced towards the others.

"I'm taking Paris home. I'll see you guys later." I looked towards Donnie then started for the doors. Paris groaned and curled up in my arms.

"Don't have too much fun." Donnie called towards me.

"I'm just going to tease him big time," I called over my shoulder to him. "I'm getting him back for the no blood comment." I smirked and took him outside to the car and set him down in the passenger seat. I reached into his pockets and pulled out the car keys then went over to the driver's side and got in. I started up the car and began to drive us. Paris curled up in the seat and let out a groan.

"It's too tipsy..." He mumbled. I laughed and glanced over at him.

"Guess what?" I asked and then pulled my wrist back and bit into it so the smell would get to him. "I win," I purred. He got into my lap then and leaned in towards my neck and went to bite me. I laughed and put a finger against his lips. "Not so fast, sweetie." He groaned and then bit down into my finger. I yelped and moved him out of my lap quickly. He groaned and tried to crawl back into my lap.

"Richard..." He groaned. I laughed and kept him in his seat.

"Wait till we get home," I purred to him. He groaned and tried to get in my lap anyways.

"Why????" He asked and pouted. I laughed.

"You're the one who didn't want to play tonight anyways, so you'll wait till I'm ready."

"When are you going to be ready?" He asked and frowned. He looked towards the radio and started to play with it.

"Hmmm.... Depends," I told him. "How much do you like this car?"

"It wasn't that fast." He grumbled. "I don't care for it." I thought it over.

"Ok, if you want me, come get me," I purred his way. He went to crawl into my lap then. I laughed and let him this time, leaning in and kissing his neck. He exposed his neck for me then and grabbed my shirt, pulling it over my head. I laughed and sharpened my fangs, biting into him. I drank his blood and then made a split second decision to mark him. He groaned and grabbed my sides then, pulling me closer. I leaned in and licked his neck up to his cheek then pulled back as I felt the car shake from me going off road. I corrected it and then leaned in towards his lips. He kissed me deeply then reached down for my beltloop and smirked. I laughed and leaned back, deciding to drive a bit more instead of focus on him. He leaned the seat back then and smirked, going to bite me. I widened my eyes and tried to stay sitting up. "Paris! I'm driving!"

"So?" Paris asked. "Pull over!" He urged. I shook my head.

"I'm driving right now.... Besides, I don't think you want me to not be distracted."

"You're killing me." He grumbled and let the seat up then crawled into the backseat. I laughed and glanced back at him.

"What're you doing? Did I tell you that you could move?" I asked and smirked.

"I did anyways." He mumbled and curled up, starting to fall asleep. I sighed and drove us to the house then into the garage, parking the car. I got out and opened the back door and pulled him out, carrying him bridal style. I bumped the car door closed and then started to go to our room with him. He struggled to get out of my arms then. "Put me down." He mumbled. I laughed at him and held him close.

"No," I said simply and then made it to our room quickly. I took him inside and laid him down on the bed, crawling on top of him. I leaned in towards his neck and bit down. He groaned then and tried to push me off.

"Nu-uh." He mumbled. I laughed and then started to mark him again before I trailed hickies down to his shirt.

"Yes," I purred and slipped my hands under his shirt as I took it off him. I looked him over and then kissed his chest, starting a trail down his body. He groaned and arched his back.

"No fair..."He mumbled, going to sit up.

"What's no fair? You wanted me in the car, and now you don't?" I pushed him back down and wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his back. He pouted then.

"You didn't want me in the car and now you do." He mumbled. I smirked.

"We could go back to the car if that's what you'd like," I told him and then kissed his neck, giving him a love bite. He moaned and shook his head no.

"Then you wouldn't want me." He mumbled.

"We could destroy the car from the backseat," I purred in his ear.

"Nu-uh." He mumbled.

"So... you want me here then?" I asked him and then leaned in towards his lips, hovering right above them.

"Uh-huh." He nodded and leaned up, kissing me. I laughed and tilted my head, deepening the kiss as I licked his bottom lip. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, exploring it as I ran my hands down his sides. He smirked and exposed his fangs then bit down into my bottom lip. He flipped us then and pinned me down. I widened my eyes.

"Paris, what are you doing?" I asked and struggled a little.

"Dominating you." He purred and leaned down towards my neck. I gasped and tried to get my hands free, pushing my chest up against him. He pushed his chest into me and made me lay back and then laughed. "Got you." I exposed my fangs to him then and went for his neck. He bit down into my neck before I could get his. I yelped and then tilted my head to allow him better access, my instincts kicking in. He moaned as he started to drink my blood, then started to remark me. I bit my bottom lip hard, accidentally making it bleed as I tried to keep in my own moan.

"P-Paris," I whispered his name and arched my back. He grabbed onto my pants then started to yank them down. I blushed and tried to get my hands free again. He growled towards me and bit down harder into my neck. I groaned then and laid my head back into the pillows, pressing down into them. I tilted my head as my fangs sharpened instinctively and then looked towards him. He pulled back and licked his lips then laid down by me, groaning. I smirked and got on him then, biting into his neck quickly. He let out a soft moan and arched his back. "Mine," I whispered against him and then started to slowly trail kisses down his body, leaving a trail of his blood to mark the kisses. He closed his eyes and groaned.

"Richard~ I'm tired." He complained. I laughed.

"We made a deal," I told him and then came back to his neck and bit down for blood.

"What was that..." He mumbled. "I don't remember."

"Whoever gets drunk first has to play along with the one who's sober," I purred into his ear and nipped at it. "I won... so your blood is mine."

"Okay..." He exposed his neck for me and closed his eyes. I laughed then.

"Well... you sure don't care when you're drunk." I kissed his neck and then ran my hands down to his pants, pulling them down as I bit into his neck again. He moaned and kicked off his pants then went to stretch out under me. I slipped in between his legs and grabbed one, wrapping it around me. I leaned my face into his neck and started to remark him again as I went for his hands and slipped my free hand up under my pillow. He let out a moan then tried to get out from under me.

"Mhhhh~ Nap time." He tried to tell me. I grabbed his hands and pulled out the handcuffs I had stashed under my pillow for him and then cuffed him to the bed.

"I don't want to sleep," I purred in his ear. He pulled on the cuffs.

"Richard!" He yelped. I laughed evilly and then started to kiss down his body again, slowing down as I went. I looked up towards him and smirked before I started to kiss down his happy trail. "R-Richard..." He gasped as he watched me. "Why did you put me in handcuffs?"

"Because you want to sleep," I told him and then moved back up to his lips and stole a kiss. He looked away from me then.

"No fair." He mumbled. I purred and gave him another kiss as I pulled him closer to me.

"It's fair," I told him and then stole another kiss, slipping my tongue into his mouth to deepen it. He tried to slip out of the cuffs then.

"Mhhhh, Richard." He begged. "Take them off." I pulled back and sat up on his stomach with a frown.

"You don't want me?" I asked him.

"I want my hands free." He mumbled. "I don't wanna play sub." He groaned. I frowned then.

"You don't want to play at all...."

"I do want to play..." He panicked then as he looked me over. He then gave me a loving look.

"Oh?" I smirked and leaned in again, stealing a kiss. "You'd rather play than sleep?"

"I- I want to play dominate." He mumbled. I kissed him again and then nodded.

"Ok... This once," I purred to him and reached for the key that I kept hidden inside my pillow case. I pulled it out and put it in his hands. "If you truly want to, uncuff yourself." He looked towards the key then started to try to uncuff himself. I purred and leaned in as I got between his legs again. I kissed his neck and gave him a love bite. He moaned and accidentally dropped the key. I laughed and picked it up, holding it up in front of him to see. He tried to get it then with his mouth. I let him and watched. wondering how it'd play out. He tried to place it in his hand then, managing to do so then started to work at uncuffing himself. I kissed his cheek and pressed into him as I purred encouragingly. He let out a moan as I leaned against him and almost dropped the key again. I laughed. "Do I need to give you a moment?" I teased as I looked towards his hands. He nodded and looked into my eyes then dropped the key. I frowned. "I thought you wanted to play dominate?" I looked towards the key and grabbed it from the bed. He reached out for the key then.

"Give me!" I laughed and went to uncuff him myself. He watched me in excitement. I slipped the cuffs off his wrist then and dropped them by his head, letting out a purr to him. I leaned in and kissed his lips passionately. He kissed me back then tried to flip us. I didn't let him though, deciding to play around first before I'd let him. I kissed his neck and started on another love bite as wrapped my arm around him. He groaned and tried to flip us back. "I want on top." He told me. I kissed his lips then flipped us so he was on top. I purred to him and then stole another kiss. He kissed me then started to run his fingers through my hair. He bit down into my neck then and started to drink my blood, moaning. I wrapped my arms around him and started to play with the bottom of his hair, curling it around my fingers. I kissed the side of his head and then exposed my neck so he could have what he wanted. He pulled back after a moment then laid down by me and curled up to me, yawning. I sighed. Liar.... I turned over onto my side, looking at the wall in irritation. I curled up to my pillow then. I'll just tease him for a full week and not let him touch or bite. He leaned in towards my neck and kissed me then got up and teleported away. I shook my head and got out of the bed, going for the door as I picked up my pants. I put them on and opened the door, leaving the room as I started for the music room. If Paris doesn't want to play with me, then I'll play with my piano. I went down to it and closed the doors, walking over to my piano. I sat down on the bench and smiled softly, touching a few of the keys and then put both my hands on the keys, starting to play my favorite song. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound, letting my hands do the work for me without having to focus on what I was doing. Paris teleported onto the piano then and tackled me, throwing me into the floor then went to bite my neck.

"RAWR!" He growled. I put a finger over his lips then and gently pushed him off.

"Not right now. I'm playing," I purred and stood up, going back to the piano. He grabbed my foot then and pulled me back to him, making me fall. He pulled me back and kissed me passionately. I laughed a little and pressed up on his chest with my hands. "Paris! I'm trying to play!" I started to crawl for the piano then. He pulled me back and let out a growl. "Paris," I mumbled his name and looked at him. "You're not being serious with me right now, so I'm going to play," I told him and started for the piano again. He let me go and teleported onto the piano then ran his fingers acros the keys before teleporting away. I sighed and stood up, walking over to the piano. See, he's not being serious. He's drunk. My plan backfired. I sat down on the piano bench and ran my fingers over the keys then began to pick up where I left off. I played for a few hours and stopped when I got a little hungry. I stood up and walked over to the doors, peeking out to see if maybe a servant was out in the hall. I frowned and left the music room when I didn't see one on this hall and began to hunt around, hoping to find one soon. I found Hachi standing on a table and painting on a wall, laughing softly. I frowned and walked over. "What're you doing to the wall Hachi? You could just ask for a canvas...." Hachi yelped as he seen me and blushed. The butterfly on his shoulder shrunk a bit then hid inside his shirt. "Hachi..." I sighed and went to grab him off the table. "Let's get you a canvas. Paris will be upset when he sees the wall." He smelled me and wrinkled up his nose.

"Are you drunk?" He asked me, pointing me over then backed away from my touch. I shook my head.

"No, but Paris is. I got him drunk. Watch out, he's acting childish."

"Oh...." He went to keep up his painting on the wall, making a galaxy. I frowned. He does not respect me at all....

"Hachi, come on.... I can get you something else to paint on."

"I'm making this for Paris though..." He told me and then frowned. I sighed.

"Fine," I whispered and started down the hall again to hunt down a maid or someone.

"Bye bye!" I heard Hachi call to me. "Don't fall down the black holes." He teased. I waved him off and caught the scent of one of the butlers. I widened my eyes and followed it quickly, going down the hall he was on. I found him shutting the door to a room, probably having gone to clean it. I walked towards him and grabbed him before he could scream and bit down into him, moaning at the taste. I pressed him up against the wall and started to feed on him, tearing out a chunk. He screamed and tried to shove me back, but I bit down harder and made him weak, draining him quickly. I stopped when I felt a slight burning feeling in the back of my throat.

"M-master Richard," he whispered and held onto my hands. I looked towards him and whimpered.

"It hurts," I mumbled and leaned back in, hoping that his blood would help me. I bit in again and drained him completely, making the burning feeling stop for a minute until it came back when he dropped dead at my feet. Laurence appeared by me then and shrieked.

"Oh no.... Richard you're going to start blood binging again...." He trailed off and backed up. I looked at him with wide eyes and touched my throat. "You have to resist, Richard." He told me. I whimpered as a sharp pain went through me and the burning intensified. I looked towards the dead butler and then at Laurence as I sunk to my knees. He grabbed my hair then and used his shadows to take us to the dungeon downstairs and threw me into a cell then closed the doors. "Stay in there for a few hours." He told me.

"Laurence!" I ran towards the doors then and threw myself against it. "Don't do this to me!" I started to panic and beat on the door. He shook his head and motioned for a guard to guard the door. He disappeared then. "Laurence!" I shrieked and kicked at the door. "Let me out! Paris!" I banged on the door then. "PARIS! HACHI! SOMEONE!" I screamed. "GET ME OUT!" I looked towards the guard then as the pain spiked up in my throat. I leaned against the door and reached through the bars for the guard. The guard shot me then with his gun and I was zapped by electricity. I yelped and backed away quickly. "You better let me out of here! I'm Richard! You don't want to make me mad!" I hissed at the guard. He slipped headphones on then and hummed softly to himself. I let out a soft growl and went invisible, getting quiet. Maybe he'd think I was one of those teleporting vampires and come in to make sure I'm here.... He sat down by the door then and paid me no attention. I narrowed my eyes. What if I was a teleporting vampire?! He'd just let me go?! He's so getting killed when I get out. He doesn't do his job. I snuck over to the door then, getting close to it then slowly started to reach through the bars towards him. He wasn't within reach though... I snarled and stopped with my powers, practically throwing myself against the door to get him. He still wasn't in reach... I'm screwed. I kicked the door in frustration then. "CHARLIE! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THE BASEMENT! GET ME OUT OF THIS FREAKIN HOLE! CHARLIE!" I shouted. Charlie appeared then and snapped the guard's neck then looked towards me as he smirked and went to bite into the guard. "Charlie.... Lemme out.... Lemme out Charlie," I called, reaching for him.

"You want out?" Charlie asked, letting the guard go. He looked me over and stayed just out of my reach. "Hmmmm~ I want to see the sun." I thought it over then.

"Well... I want out," I told him. "Besides, you're supposed to be loyal to our family now, remember?" I continued to reach for him.

"You're the one in the cell." He told me and pointed me over. "Wouldn't it be betraying you if I unleashed you?" He asked and then smirked. I narrowed my eyes.

"Charlie, so help me... If you don't let me out, I'm going to punish you. I'm being imprisoned in my own manor! You know that it's not betraying to let me out if I live here!" I reached for him then. "Let. Me. Out." He titled his head.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors?" He asked and then held up his fist and hand.

"Why?" I frowned and stopped for a second to watch him.

"No one else talks to me down here." He told me. "Play a game with me... then I will let you out." I sighed. It won't kill me. I held up my hands in the game position. He nodded.

"Rock...." He started the game off then. "Paper...." He smirked towards me. "Scissors." He held out Rock then. I gave him scissors at the same time. I narrowed my eyes.

"Charlie, I played. Let. Me. Out." I growled as the burning hit me again.

"You lost though." He told me and frowned then walked over to the cell door and got inbetween the cell bars and smirked towards me. "You're still going to be in the cell too." He told me. I narrowed my eyes as I looked at his hands sticking through the bars. Maybe if I show him love.... I glanced at his eyes and then kissed his hands, keeping in a gag as I did so. I wanted to throw up.... He did so much to us... and I'm kissing his hands. He rubbed my head then and laughed. "Good prisoner." He smirked. I growled at him then and bit into his wrist, moaning as his blood helped the burning. I grabbed his arm quickly to keep him from pulling away. He yelped and tried to get his arm from me. "Richard, let go!" He yelped and I could feel his heart racing then. I growled in response and closed my eyes, enjoying the taste of it and kept drinking from him as the burning started to lesson some more. "Let me go... Or you won't be freed. If you let me go I will open the door." He promised me. I paused and looked towards him, fighting down the rising burning in my throat from the moment I stopped.

"Promise?" I asked. He nodded then.

"Yes, I promise." He told me. I let go and whimpered as soon as the burning feeling hit me stronger.

"Hurry," I begged, coming up to the bars. He slid away from the bars then grabbed the key from the guard and tossed it to me, making it land by my feet then ran off down the hall. "Bye Charlie!" I called and snatched up the key, starting to work at opening the door. I stepped out quickly and ran for the stairs, knowing better than to be down here if I had been locked up in a cell. If the other guards noticed a prisoner escaping, I'm sure they'd shoot me down and ask questions later. I ran up to the living room and collapsed on the couch, burying my face into the cushions as I whimpered and held my throat.

"Are you okay?" I heard Dannie asking, he was passing through the living room at the moment. I shook my head and made sure not to look at him. He didn't need to see me like this when he's sick... and I don't want to be tempted to eat him. "Dad?" He walked over to me and then hugged me. "I love you." He mumbled. I nodded and kept my fangs away from his skin, unable to unsharpen them from earlier.

"Love you too," I said forcefully and put a hand over my mouth. He rubbed his head against me then and let out a small cough. "A-are you alright?" I asked, wanting to check on him, but I held myself back as the burning hit me in another wave. I whimpered and curled up on the couch into a ball.

"I'm fine... I was going to get something to eat... Quinton is asleep still..." He mumbled then kissed the top of my head and then sat down by me. "You look like you are hungry, daddy." I couldn't help it. I glanced over at him then, keeping the hand over my mouth. He gave me a smile. "Want me to give you some of my blood?" He asked. I instinctively leaned towards him but forced myself to stop.

"Don't offer me any," I warned, managing to bury my face into the couch again. I held my throat with my free hand. "It hurts," I whispered.

"Why not?" He asked and rubbed my cheek with his hand and tried to make me look at him. "Daddy..." I glanced at him and leaned against his hand. I looked towards his wrist then, the burning hitting me again as I was tempted to bite him. I forced myself to stay still though. Dannie is not food. He's my child. "Want me to go get you a bottle of blood instead?" He asked. I nodded quickly.

"Please," I begged.

"Come with me." He urged. He went to stand up then. "Come on." I got up quickly and started to follow him to the kitchen.

"C-can... you go get your other dad? After this?" I asked him as I started to scratch at my throat to keep from whimpering at the burning. Laurence said I had to resist it.... Paris can help me if he's not still drunk somewhere.

"I don't know where dad is though..." Dannie told me. "Plus I shouldn't be too long away from Quinton... He might wake up... and then I will get in trouble." Dannie walked into the kitchen and went to the fridge. I followed him and looked towards the bottled blood with hunger, watching Dannie closely. I whimpered and held myself back from rushing over there and drinking all of it.

"C-can... you at least tell someone to find him for me?" I asked softly. He pulled out a bottle of blood and gave it to me then pulled out his phone and texted someone.

"I told Louis to." He said then put his phone away and started to cook himself a bowl of noodles. I opened the bottle quickly and sunk to the floor, gulping it down. Louis appeared by me then and looked down at me with a frown.

"Richard, take it easy with that," he told me and went to take it from me. I hissed his way and continued drinking. He sighed. "You know what happens when you get like this.... You don't want us to have to take your stone again, do you?" He asked. Dannie looked towards me and frowned.

"Don't drink too much, okay daddy?" Dannie asked me and then went back to focusing on the noodles. Louis glanced at Dannie then down at me, kneeling in front of me.

"How much have you had today?" He asked me quietly, trying to keep it down so Dannie wouldn't hear. I looked at him as I finished it and went towards the fridge as my throat burned again, making me whimper. He grabbed my foot and yanked me back. "How much?" I looked at him and touched my throat.

"A-a lot from Paris... a butler... some from Charlie... and that bottle," I whispered. He narrowed his eyes.

"You know better than to drink all that in a day," he told me and shook his head. "How many times are you going to do this to yourself Richard?" I whimpered and looked towards his neck as the burning worsened.

"It hurts," I told him.

"Of course it does," he hissed. "You're drinking too much."

Dannie finished his noodles and put seasoning in them then grabbed a fork. He put it on a tray then went to make him a glass of tea. "Water, Dannie!" Louis called over to him. "I heard you're sick. You want to drink water to help you."

"I like tea though." Dannie complained and gave a pout. "Please?" Louis sighed then.

"Alright, but you better be taking medication," he told him then looked at me again. "Richard, do I need to put you in a room by yourself?" I widened my eyes.

"N-no...." He watched me and then pulled out his phone.

"I'm telling Paris," he mumbled. "He'll make you stop drinking blood for a long time if he has to." Dannie started to rampage through the sweets cabinet then. "DANNIE! GET OUT OF THE SWEETS! You're sick, and you need to eat healthy!" Louis scolded and looked at him. Dannie looked like a deer caught in the headlights then grabbed a box of cookies anyways. "Put it back, or I'll have you grounded," he told him and crossed his arms.

"B-but I want something sweet." He mumbled and then started to slowly put it back. I glanced over at him.

"You can have the cookies. Louis is only your uncle. He can't ground you," I told him as I kept scratching at my throat, making it bleed.

"Stop that," Louis hissed, snatching my hands. Dannie took the box of cookies then to his tray and then started for the door with the tray. I pouted up at Louis and then looked towards his wrists, leaning in to bite him as hunger hit me again. He yanked his hands back and then grabbed me by the hair, holding my head up. "I'll do it. I'll do it before Paris gets here. I'll take your stone and give it to him." I whimpered in fear then and tried to get away.

"Don't touch my stone!" Paris walked into the kitchen then- no more like stumbled in since he was still drunk.

"Richard~" He called for me. I stopped struggling and looked towards him. Louis slowly let me go.

"Don't bite him," he whispered to me. I whimpered and started to crawl towards Paris. Paris walked up to me then knelt down and scooped me up into a hug. I hugged him back and whined in pain as I held my throat.

"Paris, it hurts," I told him quickly. Paris looked towards my neck then kissed it.

"We'll cure you." He promised me. "Drink it all." He told me and then bit his bottom lip, making it bleed. I widened my eyes as I was drawn to it almost immediately, leaning in for it, but I quickly looked away. He leaned in and kissed my lips then. I whimpered and tried to block it out, but I got a taste. I attacked him then, going for his neck quickly. I felt someone yank me off him, and Louis held me back.

"Richard!" He hissed in my ear. "Don't drink from him. You shouldn't drink anything for a bit. Besides, he's drunk or else he'd be telling you to stop as well." Paris went towards the fidge and pulled out a bottle of rum then popped it open and started to drink from it. Louis dropped me on the floor and walked over to Paris, taking it from him. "You don't need anymore of this. Sober up first," he told him and dumped the rest down the sink.

"Whyyyyyyyyy." Paris sniffled then. "I want more...." He mumbled then walked off, scratching his shoulder. I whimpered and went after him, still smelling his blood.

"Pariiiis," I whined as my throat burned for more. He turned to look at me and gave a smile.

"Come love me. "He said and opened up his arms. I nodded and ran up to him, wrapping my arms around him. I kissed his neck and then went to bite down. He exposed his neck to let me and laughed. I drank from him greedily and pressed him up against a wall, his blood helping the burning. I purred and closed my eyes as I bit him again. He moaned and started to slide down the wall, taking me with him. I growled possessively and went to bite down on the other side of his neck. He growled back then and tried to bite me. I dodged him though and pulled back enough to look at him. The burning came back immediately, making me whimper as I curled up into him.

"It hurts," I whispered. "It burns..." He laughed and then kissed me.

"Well then feed until it stops hurting." He told me. I shivered as I heard him. It made so much sense... but I knew what would happen if I did.

"I'll be a demon," I whispered to him and nuzzled into his neck, licking his wounds.

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing." He mumbled. I couldn't help but bite back into him again, wrapping my arms around him. I moaned at the taste and felt the burning lesson. He moaned and started to fall weak under me. "Too much blood loss..." He grumbled. I pressed into him and licked his wounds, still craving more though I felt I should stop. He teleported away from me then. I whimpered as I fell forward onto the floor without him there and curled up, holding my neck as it burned again. I heard footsteps coming towards me, and Louis tsked.

"What'd I tell you Richard?" He asked me and picked me up. "I'll have to lock you into a room till this passes." He started to carry me away then, watching me closely. I looked towards his neck hungrily, but he glared at me as he saw it. "Don't you dare." He took me to a bedroom and set me down inside, shutting the door and locking it. "Get some sleep Richard," he told me through the door and was gone. I widened my eyes and went for the door, crying out as I started to bang on it.