Sickness Breaking In

Nikolai's POV:

I walked into the living room on my phone as I listened to music with my headphones on. I spotted Raven laying down on the couch, sleeping as she stayed almost completely still, only twitching every once in awhile. I pulled out my headphones then and walked over to her then leaned in towards her, sniffing her. I caught her beautiful intoxicating scent then pulled back. I could feel my hunger rising up then and I fought to keep my cool. She made a small noise as she turned over in her sleep then and stretched out. "Kitty," she mumbled and yawned cutely. She snuggled back up to the couch then. I felt my phone vibrate as Donnie texted me back about my question I had just asked, over his plans for becoming king. I looked towards my phone then stuck it in my pocket. I leaned down towards Raven's neck then, catching her scent once more and slowly started to crawl over her, taking my time. I tried not to wake her as I done so. She didn't seem to notice as she smiled a little in her sleep and nuzzled her head against the couch. I got between her legs then, wrapped one of her legs around me, leaning in towards her neck and kissed it gently. Her smile stopped then and she made a small noise, starting to wake up but wasn't quite there yet. I pulled her body close to mine then and ran my fingers through her hair before I sunk my fangs into her neck like I done to so many maids before. I bit down deep into her and started to drink her blood, letting out a moan at the taste. She yelped and tensed up under me, her hands gripping my shoulders. I could hear her heart start to speed up in panic. I smirked and bit down deeper into her, then tensed up as I accidentally released some of my venom into her. Whoops. She moaned and relaxed under me then, melting at my touch as she arched her back a little. I pulled away from the bite and licked my lips.

"Jeeze Raven, I didn't know you was into me like that." I teased her and went to get off of her. She shrieked and shoved me off her quickly, practically jumping off the couch over the side. She fell into the floor as she tripped and I caught the smell of her blood again. She yelped and stood up shakily, glancing down at her hands. She licked one and then looked towards me and then at the door. I smirked as I looked her over then started for the kitchen. "Next time... don't lay on the couch and sleep." I told her. "Otherwise you might end up with one of the army brats." I pointed downstairs. She shivered and started for the door, mumbling something under her breath.

"Maybe Paris knows how to get that stuff out," she mumbled. I shook my head and left her, going ito the kitchen. I found Dannie cooking eggs with Donnie by his side.

"There you are." I purred towards Donnie. "I had a feeling it was either here or the livingroom." I flicked towards the doors behind me. "Whatcha cooking?"

"Something for Quinton." Dannie told me and blushed.

"NIKOLAI I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" I heard Raven shout from Paris's study.

"What'd you do?" Dannie asked me and looked towards me. I shrugged.

"Just bit her." I told him.

"Hah. More then that." Donnie muttered and then slid Dannie to the side to show him something with the eggs. I watched as Dannie ignored his twin and went for the fridge, pulling out bacon and milk.

"Can you help?" Dannie asked me, holding out the milk. "I need a glass of this for Quinton." I nodded and started to make a glass for him. Raven appeared by me then, glaring at me.

"You'll fix this, and I mean it. You will fix this right now," she hissed.

"What'd I do?" I asked and tilted my head. She narrowed her eyes.

"You freakin marked me! You better figure out a way to fix this Nikolai!"

"I don't know what your talking about." I told her, holding out the jug of milk to her. I heard Dannie start to giggle.

"He done what?" Dannie asked. Raven looked at him then blushed before glaring at me.

"Nikolai decided it'd be funny to pull a prank and mark me."

"I didn't mean to." I told her innocently. "The fangs wanted what the fangs wanted." I took the jug to the fridge and put it back inside. I turned around then watched as I seen Dannie stumble over to the bar and sat down on it, looking tired. I gave a small frown. Raven frowned and looked towards him before walking over and sniffing him.

"Well... that's interesting," she mumbled and backed away, giving him a look before she glared at me again. "And you! You stay the hell away from me!"

"Yeah whatever." I told her and snatched my keys out of my pocket. "I'm going for a ride." I told them and then walked out of the kitchen, heading for the garage door. I heard footsteps coming behind me then so I turned around and seen the family demon following behind me. He gave me a huge smile then.

"So you marked your mate, finally." The demon spoke up and passed me. "I thought I told you to stay away from her though. Mates aren't that interesting."

"I don't plan on going near her again." I said firmly. "She's mad at me." I started for the garage once more.

"Where do you want to go? I'll drive." I felt him snatch the keys from me. "How about we go to the mall and get some clothes for our collection back home in the castle."

"Sure." I nodded and followed him to my car and then got in the back seat, laying down in it. He got in the front seat then started to drive us to that mall he was talking about. I pulled out my phone then started to play a game on it. There was still a red light indicating I had a notification from Donnie, he was wanting to know about my plans for the week of ruling I get. We'll need to discuss them in private though. I pulled down my notification bar then clicked on the text message, opening it up and texted him back.

Me: Later, in private.

~Time Skip~

After shopping around for a bit, I felt someone grab my arm. The guy sniffed me and smiled sweetly then. "You smell amazing! You'll make a great addition!" He laughed and looked me over. "You're not a full demon though.... but I can work with what I've got," he told himself and then tilted his head. He smirked as he looked up at me and then dug his nails into my skin, drawing blood. He leaned in and licked it up before his eyes glowed a bright violet. He looked up at me and smirked again. I screamed out in pain as he had my arm then looked for the family demon, finding him gone. I yelped and then tried to pull away from the guy.

"Let go." I insisted, stomping down on his foot. He laughed and tilted his head.

"You really think that's going to help?" He muttered something under his breath and I suddenly felt my body go rigid. "I'm a demon tamer, bright one," he teased and then looked around. "Where'd your friend go.... I was going to have fun with him too." He pouted. I widened my eyes... Did the demon suggest here to lead me to this?! I panicked then. Paris.... HELP ME! Laurence! Damn it! I growled towards the 'demon tamer'. He looked back at me and smiled. "Oh don't panic little one... You'll be alright." He glanced me over then. "I'll have to finish the rest of this at my place. The mall is too public. After all, if I'm going to truly tame you, I need to finish the ritual." He grabbed my hand and started to pull me to the mall exits. I widened my eyes and then tried to use one of my powers to knock him to the ground and send him flying across the floor- far from me. I couldn't find my powers though, and he laughed. "That's not going to work! I know how to bind your kind from lashing out at me. My sweet little Josephine taught me to do that. She used to have me almost drowning in a puddle to try to get away from me. I learned then that binding you guys is best. When trust is established, then I might let you have those powers of yours back~!" He pulled me out of the mall then and towards a truck.

"Stop! I'm not a demon." I told him quickly, trying to get free from him. "Let me go." He laughed.

"I can smell demon all over you... and your blood would've tasted like ash to me if it wasn't demonic," he told me and then opened the passenger door to the truck. "In you go~" My body started to move on my own then, getting me in the truck. I yelped and tried to get out of the truck.

"Quit this! Paris Grimm is going to kill you, you twit." I snapped towards him. "I'll make sure of it. If I don't go ahead and do it for him." He stopped then and tilted his head.

"What's your name? Mine is Aaron."

"Kendle." I snapped. He tsked.

"Really? You're going to lie to me when I already have your blood? You're definitely a bad demon.... I can tell when you lie," he told me and then shut the car door and got in on the driver's side. "Tell me, is Paris Grimm like you?" I looked towards him then tried to open the door, trying not to feel anything so he couldn't tell. My body froze up as soon as my hand landed on the handle. "Ah-ah-ah! No sir! You're coming home. I'm sure you'll love it. After all, everything you could practically want is right there!" He laughed and started up his truck. I shrieked and tried to pull my hand from the door handle.

"Don't take me away! I'm not into demon things, honest. I just wanted to shop today." I told him and squirmed around in the seat. He's not going to get me so easily. He laughed then.

"Hmm... you just wanted to shop? You don't like demon things? Well, I'll tell you what. I'll make you a deal. A demon for your freedom."

"I wouldn't ever do that." I told him and then used my quick reflexed to grab the wheel and spin it so we'd go off the road. I grabbed his leg then and made him increase the speed. He might not survive but I will... Victor taught me that. He screamed and then everything stopped. He let out a sigh of relief and then looked at me, his eyes glowing violet again.

"Bad demon! You're lucky I was able to stop that!" He smiled then. "I think I got this little trick from Tammy, but I'm not sure.... So Nikolai, what's your favorite food huh? I need to stock up on it just for you." Time restarted then and he started to drive us like everything was fine. I exposed my fangs then and went to bite his neck. "Oh! How delightful! You've got fangs!" He tapped my forehead then and laughed. "That's cute. Now sit in your seat and behave." I was thrown back into the seat, being held down by my own powers. I growled then and struggled to get free from them.

"Let me go, damn it. I won't be tamed. I'm not a slave. I'm free and I have other things to do." I snapped off towards him. He laughed then.

"Like go to that mate of yours? I can taste her in your blood. She's quite delicious.... Too bad she's not a demon or I'd bring her home with us. You'll just have to kiss her goodbye. Hey! I've got an idea! Would you like to say goodbye?" He glanced over at me.

"No." I snapped towards him. "Get out of my blood you fag." I growled. He stopped at a stop sign and then blanked out for a moment then snapped to.

"OH MY GOODNESS! You've got to be pulling my leg Nikolai! Your whole family is full of demons!" He squealed with delight then. "I know where we're going!"

"Fuck no we are not." I growled and tried to attack him. "Leave my family alone." I growled... "Or suffer from their wrath."

"But I can't let little Nikolai be lonely without his family," he purred and started in the direction of the manor. "Besides, you won't be objecting soon. I'm going to take your willpower to argue with me. I don't like the way you talk to me."

"I'll kill you before you do that." I growled. "My family is full of monsters. Who are made for war. You don't want to meet them. We house a cannibal wizard. You won't want to meet him on his bad days. He'll eat you up and ask for names later. Then there is his lover, he's not going to be too happy about him eating a male. So you'll be eaten by him too. That's if they get to you. There's the twins. Paris and Louis. My favorite twins. Laurence though...." I laughed. "He's got the true power. He's going to know exactly how he wants to prepare you for Hachi. Which combinations of food he should cook ahead of time before you get there. I bet he's already got it on silver platters, waiting on you. Let's not begin with the werewolf packs that protect the manor... and then.... There is my father. He's mental, and his heart beats for my mom only. You better drive the other way, boy." I laughed and licked my lips. "We might just feed you to our family demon."

"Ooohh! I wanna meet them all!" He smiled cheerfully then. "They all sound delightful."

"Delightful? You're a nutcase." I grumbled and looked away. "Nut."

"I'll break that cannibal wizard and take you all. I bet he claimed part of your family, didn't he? Well, not anymore! I'm in town now~" He giggled and sped up. "Hang onto your seat baby!"

"Hachi's going to kill you." I muttered. He ignored me and after a few minutes, a demon appeared in the back seat.

"Raimy!" He laughed and looked at her. "Hey sweetie! Meet Nikolai! He's your new brother, kay? We're getting some additions to the family. Go get your siblings and wait at Grimm manor for me, mhmm?"

"Oh hell." I grumbled and pulled my knees to my chest. "Maybe I better send Paris to an early grave." I grumbled. He'd come back with an army of demons then knowing him. He's always got something to bring back from down below.

Hachi's POV:

Isaac smiled at me as he heated up his bottle of blood in his hands and watched me lovingly. "So what do you want to do today?" He asked me and walked over. I curled up on the livingroom couch and shrugged.

"I don't know, I thought there'd be someone in here to hang out with... Where's Harry?" I asked curiously and looked around the livingroom. I got to my feet then and went for the kitchen to go check it out in there. I found Dannie and Quinton kissing eachother behind the counter then and froze up. Eweeeeeeeeeee.... but aweeeeeeeeeee. A demon appeared beside them then and sniffed them. She wrinkled up her nose.

"These two aren't even demons!" She growled at them, making Quinton look up at her in confusion.

"Who the heck are-" I heard a scream from the living room then.

"Isaac." I muttered and then took of to the living room and searched for him. We're being invaded... by demons?! What the hell is this? I swear.... Paris. Isaac was being held by the throat by a demonic looking male.

"A halfbreed... but part demon. You'll do nicely for our master," he purred and forced Isaac to tilt his head so he could get a good look at him. I snarled then and had my magic take Isaac from him and place him on that special little planet I brought him to once.

"No one touched my mate." I snapped towards the demon. "Not without going through me. I wonder what you will taste like." I tilted my head back. "Come offer yourself to me."

"Umm... no. I don't feel like it today. Anyways, I got what he asked for," the demon purred and started to walk off, humming to himself as he stuck a vial into his pockets. I snapped my fingers back a bit and had him drop to his knees and get dragged towards me.

"Whatcha got there?" I asked and held out my hand, his throat coming directing into it. He growled at me and that female demon from earlier appeared by him. She laughed and reached down, taking the vial from him and disappeared with it. I had caught a flash of red liquid in it before it was gone with her. He smirked at me.

"Your mate won't be your mate for long." I squeezed his neck tight then.

"What's going on? Who's your master? Why'd you give her that vile?" I asked and pulled him closer. "Isaac is everything to me, you better fess up or die." I snarled. He sniffed me then and frowned.

"You're not demonic.... We have no business with you then," he mumbled and grabbed my hand. I sent a bold of electricity through him.

"What was that?" I asked him and then had his feet stick to the floor. I had the gravity increase with him and watched as he began to sink to the ground and get smooshed like a rat under a tire. "Who the hell is your master." He yelped.

"A-Aaron," he told me. A demon appeared out of nowhere and looked at him.

"Joseph! You know better! You're too careless! He told us to beware that one!" The demon shot his friend then and disappeared. I let Joseph go then and had my magic take me outside the manor and glanced around, smelling the air. There was a guy standing by a truck with Nikolai sitting on the ground at his feet. A few demons appeared to him and kneeled down, making the guy smile. He rubbed their heads and then held out a hand. I saw them drop at least three vials of that red stuff in his hands. He smirked and opened one up, looking towards Nikolai.

"See, I told you it'd be fine," he told Nikolai. I growled and glared Nikolai down... That little fucking traitor... I'll make sure he bur- I softened my expression when I seen the struggle in his eyes. I'll lighten up on him for now... I looked the demons over then looked towards the male. Demons worshipping one? That's a demon tamer..... I frowned and then walked towards the male then.

"GET. THE. HELL. AWAY. FROM. THIS. FAMILY." I hissed, deciding to approach him with the less amount of power first. Then.... Smack down. "It's not going to fall over to someone like you." I crossed my arms and then laughed evilly. "Especially not with a guard dog like me." He looked towards me and then smirked.

"Oh, you must be Hachi! Nikolai told me all about you. I'm the top dog now, so buzz off," he told me and then downed one of the vials of red liquid. His eyes glowed a bright violet then and he shivered. "That one is a halfbreed...." He wrinkled up his nose. "But at least he's powerful...." He opened another and sniffed it, his eyes lighting up with delight at the scent. "This one smells like you Nikolai!"

"Fuck you." Nikolai sneezed out. "Oh.... sorry... it's allergy season." He sniffled and whipped his nose. The demon tamer sighed and looked at him.

"I'll have to fix you later." He downed the next one and opened the last, smelling it. He frowned. "Did you bring me the same one? This one smells exactly like the other! You seriously expect me to be fooled by that-"

"Twins, master Aaron," one said quickly, shrinking back. Aaron's expression brightened up quickly.

"Twins? How adorable! I've always wanted twins!" He giggled and drank it.

"I always wanted a demon tamer." I told him and then smirked, stepping towards him. "How many demons do you have?" I asked and started up my storm of power, the galaxy forming around us to show off my power. "I'll use you like Nikolai uses his phone." Aaron looked towards me and then laughed.

"You're funny Hachi." He had me thrown back then by a force, reminding me of Nikolai's powers. I groaned as I put up a shield and then summoned Harry, he formed on my shoulder as a butterfly.

"We're going to kick some ass, get me that demon tamer." I told Harry and laughed. Harry light up blue then, as I poured my magic into him. Aaron mumbled something under his breath then laughed.

"Oh my... that half breed is your mate!" He giggled and looked at Nikolai. "I got that lover you were telling me about! How precious!"

"You're dead." Nikolai told me, looking towards me as I grew angry.

"You got Isaac!?" I screamed out and then transformed Harry into a dragon. He started to disappear then into the storm of the galaxy but was coming towards the demon tamer without him realizing it. He laughed and soon enough, he murmured his name and Isaac was beside him, wide eyed.

"There we are! Good little demon!" He purred towards Isaac. "Come here," he ordered. Isaac stumbled towards him, crying out as his body moved without him doing it.

"Isaac!" I shouted. I felt someone appear beside me then.

"Okay, right beside you." I heard Laurence purr to me. Aaron grabbed Isaac as he got close and looked him over.

"Interesting... you weren't born a demon.... That makes you even more valuable. Tell you what, you'll never betray me," he purred into Isaac's ear. Isaac went to shove him away, but he grabbed his hands and then leaned in and kissed Isaac in front of me to show off. I tensed up then as I watched them with shock.

"Isaac!" I yelled towards him. "Don't let him kiss you." I cried out. Why didn't I mark him earlier? I heard Aaron yelp after a second, and he pulled away quickly, holding his lip.

"You bit me!" Isaac smirked and exposed his fangs.

"And you taste good," he purred to Aaron. He narrowed his eyes at Isaac then and he was soon being grabbed by the other demons.

"Don't touch Isaac." I snarled and then had Harry appear then, taking the tamer down quickly and consuming him up into his dragon form. Aaron appeared a few feet away then and crossed his arms.

"Tsk, tsk, and here I thought we could be friends," he told Harry. "You're a lost soul... aren't you? Well... I guess I will just have to take your master out. That's how this game works anyways!" He turned to me and smirked. "Nikolai, to your feet." Nikolai was forced up then and he was stumbling towards Aaron. "You... are going to have the privilege of fighting Hachi!" Harry appeared as a butterfly on my shoulder then. I let the storm fade and then held up my hands and balled them up, cracking my knuckles then waved them towards the demon tamer.

"You should have been a wizard tamer." I teased him. "I'm going to eat you after I go through your demons." He raised an eyebrow then.

"Well... I'll just throw your mate at you then," he suggested and looked towards where the demons were holding down Isaac and scratching his arm with their nails for punishment. I narrowed my eyes then pulled out my needle and threat.

"Send him over." I dared. I had the needle and thread float around me then, like a snake. Paris and Louis suddenly appeared beside Aaron then.

"How about your pets and your mate? I think that'd be entertaining." He laughed and flicked his hand towards me, making Paris and Louis stumble my way. "Eat him." Paris looked totally confused as he stumbled towards me.

"Who the hell is this guy, telling me what to do?" Paris asked then looked towards him, catching his eyes in his sight. "Kill yourself." Paris tried to compel the tamer.

"Oh, sweetie, that's not going to work," Aaron told him and laughed. "Compulsion doesn't work on me.... I learned better a long time ago than to let that happen to me." Louis screamed as he almost fell, but he caught Paris and stayed upright.

"Leave them alone." I snapped, flicking my fingers and had Paris and Louis wrapped up in sand then sunk down into the ground in quick sand. "There, safe for now."

"Aww, there goes my fun with those two...." Aaron pouted. He glanced towards Nikolai then. "Get him."

"I don't fight." Nikolai told him and yawned. "That's not my role." He said lazily. I felt Laurence leave my side then but I could feel him still in the darkness. Aaron glared him down then.

"You fight now," he hissed. Raven appeared behind Aaron then.

"Whatcha doing?" She asked him and looked around. "Oh... Hachi doesn't like you," she whispered and then giggled. "Guess that means you're not our friend." She went to attack him, making him scream. The demons left Isaac then to go get her, but she disappeared and then was by me. I looked towards her then heard the demon tamer let out a scream and turned to look at him. Laurence had him hanging upside down by his shadows and was gutting him with a knife. The body disintegrated then and he appeared by the truck again, beside Isaac. He glared Laurence down.

"That really hurt.... I don't like you." Laurence twirled his knife around in his hand as he turned to look at Aaron and then slung the knife his way, making it travel through shadows and hit his eye. Laurence grabbed the knife from it's target after appearing by it and then appeared by me, handing me the knife.

"Have a taste." He suggested. I licked the knife then looked at the tamer.

"Tastes foul." I hissed. The tamer groaned in pain and held his eye socket.

"Bastard," he hissed under his breath. "Demons, we're going home. We have what we came for," he told them and looked towards one of them. The one he glanced at ran over to him quickly and grabbed him, disappearing with him. A second one started for Isaac then. I tsked and then had Isaac appear by me as I used my magic to get him to me. I looked him over then kissed his cheek.

"You aren't going so fast." I hissed and had Nikolai appear by me. "Hello kitten." The two that were left looked at Isaac and Nikolai, a growl rising within them.

"You're coming home," they hissed at them and appeared beside them both. Raven snarled then and attacked the one that was after Nikolai, stabbing him and then kicked him away. She got inbetween him and Nikolai, glaring him down. The demon narrowed his eyes at her. Laurence had his shadows take the other demon and consumed him completely. Laurence gave an innocent smile as the demon seemed to be gone for good. The demon looked towards where his friend had been then at Laurence before looking at Nikolai and Raven. He studied her for a minute then went to take a step towards her, but she was behind him in an instant. She reached into him and ripped out his blackened heart, throwing it to the ground. The demon growled at her and whirled to get her, but she stabbed him in the head and kicked him to the ground as she exposed her fangs. I looked towards the heart the hand it explode with my glance. I pulled out a few herbs and a bottle of water then placed the herbs inside then shook it up before drinking a sip of it. I tossed the rest onto Isaac then watched as a red line appeared, visble to my eyes only. It would lead me straight towards that demon tamer. I laughed as I followed it. Raven looked towards me then at Nikolai, walking towards him. She gave him a hug.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you," she told him then let him go. "I should've kept my temper."

"Whatever." Nikolai grumbed, going after me. "Hachi, I'm sorry!" He started but I silenced him. Isaac appeared by me then.

"What're you doing?" He asked me, looking alarmed. "Hachi?"

"Hunting him." I whispered to Isaac. He nodded and kept walking with me.

"Ok, let's go eat him."

"He's not going to live, thinking he can just grab a Grimm right out from under my nose." I muttered and had Paris and Louis appear by me. I heard a small cry from behind me.

"Tony! Your heart!" I heard Aaron say from behind us. "Who did this to you?" I seen the red beam flicker then so I turned around and laughed.

"Back for more?" I asked and held out my hand, flicking my fingers a bit as a staff appeared in it then I stuck it in the ground hard, making the earth crackle towards him and consume him. He screamed and appeared in a nearby tree.

"You killed my Tony!" He shrieked at me. "Where's Calemn?" He hissed.

"Dead." I heard Laurence tell him. "Or.... still getting ate." He laughed out. I laughed then and pulled the staff out then flicked it towards him, having a spell cast in his direction and he was stuck- frozen in time.

"Try to get out of that." I told him. He took a minute before he was by me and then he snatched the staff from me and snapped it over his knee, tossing it into the ground. He looked towards Paris, Louis, Nikolai, and Isaac and pointed towards me.

"Get him or die trying," he ordered. Paris was the first one to be taken under his control again. I yelped as froze up as Laurence took Paris on for me, holding him back with shadows.

"Now Hachi!" Laurence shouted. I rushed towards the tamer then and tackled him to the ground then sunk my teeth down into his neck and chomped down on him. He shrieked and gripped my shirt, not having been prepared this time.

"I-Isaac," he called. Isaac was by us in seconds and pulled him away from me, a dazed look in his eyes. I reached out for the tamer and let my hungry take over. Roots came out of the ground then, grabbing both of them and pulled them towards me.

"No Isaac can save you now." I heard Nikolai purring. Aaron screamed out in fear and then looked towards Nikolai and Louis.

"Get me out of here!" He ordered them. Louis shrieked as his body started to stumble him forward. I laughed and had my magic swirl around us, creating a barrier. I pulled out my needle and thread then grabbed his wrist.

"First stitch." I told him, sinking the needle into Aaron then had my magic stitch him all the way up instantly. Aaron screamed out in pain and tried to stop it, crying. I turned all the feelings off for Paris and Louis, focusing it dead on Aaron and I pulled on one of the stitching on my wrist. "The cat goes, moew.... the dog- goes..." I yanked on the stitch then, pulling it out. "What?" I asked. He shrieked out in pain and curled up into a ball, holding his wrist.

"Stop! Please!" He begged me.

"What does the dog say?" I asked and then yanked on another stitch. "You'll be obeying me now." I laughed out. "For the little hour I keep you alive." He screamed again and kicked out in pain.

"Stop... Stop, stop, stop," he begged me again and looked towards me, his eyes pleading.

"Don't touch my family again." I told him, leaning into his face. "Got it?" He shoved me back from him and looked towards the others outside the barrier. I laughed then and had the sitches dig into him then, starting to run together and squeeze him tight. He shrieked and thrashed on the ground, digging at the stitches as he tried to yank them out. Isaac's eyes widened as he came to and he looked at Aaron in confusion. I had the stitches squeeze around him tighter like a snake, especially around his throat.

"You should have listened to me." I heard Nikolai muttering. Aaron squeezed his eyes shut and grabbed at his throat. A small group of demons appeared a few feet away, looking around with worry on their face. They saw Aaron and started for us.

"Ah-ah-ah." I snapped towards them and looked at Aaron. "Back them off or die instantly." Aaron looked towards them then and they stopped dead in their tracks. I leaned down towards his ear. "Cut ya a deal. Release my family, and I will release you and we will go our separate ways. Never to cross paths again." He looked up at me and then at Nikolai, Paris, and Louis longingly. "Or... You promise to join our family and be a good boy." I told him. "But you still have to release them." He glanced back at me then at his demons that showed up for him.

"But... what about my family?" He whispered. "They need me...."

"They can live here too. We have plenty of room." I told him. He shook his head.

"I have over a thousand.... I stole from other tamers," he told me and then curled up.

"You can visit then." I told him. "But if you ever... try to pull what you did today... you won't have any demons under you... they'll be on you in hell." I promised. He looked up at me and then looked at the stitches.

"Get this off me," he hissed.

"Kill him. Think about all the demons he has enslaved. They'd go free." Nikolai snapped towards me. I smirked towards Nikolai... He'd like that. Aaron sat up and glared at Nikolai, and he was soon on the ground, finding it hard to breath. I widened my eyes.

"Stop Aaron." I told him sharply, using my magic to order him. Aaron stopped immediately, widening his eyes as he done so.

"H-how..." he trailed off and looked towards Nikolai who was fine now.

"I'm a wizard and you're now my pet." I told him and laughed. "I could easily make you release them.. but I want you to do it willingly to prove to me you are worthy enough to live." I told him. He narrowed his eyes then.

"You're going to kill me if I don't? And I'm nobody's pet! I'm a tamer, not a pet."

"You are my pet now." I smirked and looked towards Isaac. "Right baby?" Isaac looked him over and then tugged on one of the stitches.

"That's your collar," he told Aaron. Aaron smacked his hands away from him quickly, making Isaac yelp.

"Get use to your collar." I told him and laughed. "I'm keeping you. You have a debt to pay off." He narrowed his eyes at me and then crossed his arms, looking away.

"Not cool," he muttered. Isaac laughed and started to crawl over to me to be next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"You'll also release Paris, Louis, Nikolai, and Isaac from your powers." I told Aaron firmly. He shook his head.

"Nu-uh... They're mine." I used my magic then to get what I want. He whimpered and mumbled something under his breath. The ones I named froze up for a second then relaxed. He brought his knees to his chest and started to cry. I kissed the top of his head.

"Good pet." I purred and then got to my feet, taking down all the barriers around us and then went over to my staff and put it into my magical pocket. I looked towards Aaron. "Go." I ordered. He disappeared then, the group of demons leaving with him. Isaac sighed in relief and stood up.

"I'm going to go get something to eat," he said and started for the house. I started after him quickly.

"Wait for me." I begged.

"YAH! Job well done." Laurence said approvingly. "Now let's punish Nikolai." Raven looked towards Laurence then and pouted.

"Do we have to?" She asked him cutely. "After all... it's not like it was his fault for getting caught by whatever that guy was."

"A demon tamer." Nikolai sniffled out and went to walk back towards the house, his head hanging. I frowned towards him.

"No... we should be punishing the family demon too." Laurence snapped. He turned towards Paris. "He left Nikolai there."

"HE DID WHAT!?" Paris snarled. Louis started to summon him then, looking upset. Raven giggled.

"Are we gonna torture him?" She asked. I stopped then to watch it play out. The family demon appeared and stood by Nikolai, rubbing his head.

"You make me so proud." The demon told him, messing up his hair. Louis started for the demon then.

"YOU'RE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" He growled at the demon. Raven ran up to Paris's side and pulled out a knife, waiting for his orders. Paris crossed his arms then.

"Nikolai... did our family demon leave you?" Paris asked. Nikolai looked guilty then, not wanting to answer that question as he looked at everyone.

"Don't answer that." The demon told him. Louis snatched him then and tossed him towards Paris.

"I bet he did! He would ditch us to save his own hide! We all know it!" Louis glared the demon down. "I heard him trying to convince Nikolai to kill us to take over!" The demon yelped and disappeared then. Paris glared down where he had been at.

"Nikolai... is this true?" Paris asked him, looking him in the eyes.

"I- I wouldn't actually... do it Paris..." Nikolai said softly.

"So he did tell you to and he ditched you?" Paris asked.

"-but.... I don't.... want harm to come to him even if he did so..." Nikolai looked towards his feet. "He's our family."

"So was my parents but they weren't the best company." Paris told Nikolai sharply. Louis looked at Paris then with an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell sooner about the demon doing that with Nikolai.... I knew it wasn't his fault, and I didn't want to spoil your week with your children," he told me. He walked over and grabbed Paris's hand then and his eyes glazed over as Louis used his powers to show Paris what he witnessed. Raven looked at Nikolai and softened her gaze as she put her knife up. She glanced down at her feet and then up at him before she started for the house, hesitating as she passed him. Paris pulled away after seeing the events and frowned.

"I'm going to have a long talk with that demon." Paris hissed.

"Please don't hurt him." Nikolai begged. "I know he's in the wrong.... but he's not convincing me." Louis looked at him.

"I will be with Paris when he summons the demon.... Anyways, Nikolai, it's your week as king and you still haven't done a thing yet!" He laughed and held out his arms to Nikolai. "C'mon Nikolai, it's time for you to look at what I do all day."

"Wait... we're already starting off the week!?" Nikolai asked and groaned. "I wish I had warning sooner and I would had stayed home and out of trouble." Nikolai took Louis's arm and then started for the house. Louis teleported them inside, leaving me out here with only Paris and Laurence. Paris walked over to Laurence and teleported away with him. I frowned then spun on my heels and ran for the door so I wouldn't be alone out here any further. I ran inside then shut the door behind me and started for the kitchen. I walked in then found Dannie still with Quinton in the kitchen along with Isaac. Isaac glanced up at me from where he was pouring his bottle of blood into a glass. He set the bottle down and then picked up the glass, heating the blood up with his magic.

"Hey Hachi," he purred then took a sip of the blood. I gave a small smile towards him then walked over to the counter and jumped up on it.

"Hachi! You have your magic back." Dannie laughed happily. "That's good." Isaac nodded and smirked.

"It means that I'll have to start watching my back again," he whispered and then walked over to me. "Thanks for saving us," he purred to me and then leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back then smiled.

"If another male kisses you again I'm going to fry him up." I hissed. "That male is lucky I let him go... but that's because he could be useful to Paris later with all those demons he has." I purred. "I'm going to use him like a pawn at chess." I laughed out. "First one to go." He nodded and touched his lips.

"I feel like I've been violated," he murmured. "I'd kill him myself if I was allowed."

"What happened?" Dannie asked, looking confused. "Is it about that demon that came in here?" Isaac looked down at then and took a sip of his blood.

"A demon tamer came in and tried to take the ones with demon in them away, but Hachi put him in his place," he explained. "He tried to take me too even though I wasn't born a demon."

"I let him run off but I got him under my thumb still. He's got my stitches in him." I told Dannie. Dannie widened his eyes and grabbed Quinton's arm and pulled him close. Isaac looked towards me and let out a purr before he leaned in and kissed me again.

"I liked the look of despair on his face," he whispered and then gave me another kiss.

"I don't ever want to meet another demon tamer again." I muttered.

"Me neither.... the only one that is allowed to tame me is you," he told me and then pulled back, sipping on his blood again. I laughed and nodded.

"Easy on the blood. You had so much earlier Isaac." I told him and took the blood from him. "You know what happens to vampires that drink too much blood?" I asked him. "They end up demonic. They can't control their selves and they go mad." I tried to spook him out of drinking the blood. He whined and started to reach for it.

"But I'm already a demon," he complained. "I control myself well enough!"

"You'll loose control." I told him and shook my head. "No more." I made the glass disappear. His eyes widened then.

"Hachi! I was drinking that!" He pouted at me.

"Too bad." I teased him and leaned back against the cabinets. I heard Dannie fall over then out of his chair. I looked towards him quickly. Isaac glanced over and frowned as we watched Quinton get up quickly and pick his mate up.

"Dannie? Are you alright?" He asked him and held him close. Dannie shivered slightly.

"I'm cold... and tired..." Dannie mumbled. "I want my stuffed bear." Quinton nodded and carried him towards the door.

"Let's go to bed. The bear is there," he promised him and carried him out of the room. Isaac looked at me and then came over, getting between my legs.

"Haaaachi... please?" He asked, bringing the blood topic back up. He gave me a cute look and leaned in, kissing me. "I wasn't done with it." I nodded.

"It's in the fridge." I admitted as I watched Quinton carry Dannie off. Isaac rushed for the fridge and got it out, heating it up in his hands as he shut the door to the fridge. He took a sip of it and moaned, starting for the door to the living room. I followed him out of the kitchen then. "Isaac." I purred, trying to sound happy. "Don't drink too much." He glanced back at me and pouted.

"But I can't eat anything else," he reminded me. I nodded.

"But you can't eat too much." I told him. "It's not healthy to just drink from that thing too."

"But you told me to stop drinking from anything that's not you," he mumbled and sat down on the couch.

"I think you can have a maid or two." I told him. "Once a week." He looked up at me and then tilted his head.

"Do I need to eat them in front of you?" He asked me.

"Nope. I'd be jealous." I told him. "Do it behind my back." He pouted then gave a nod.

"When I feel like it then," he mumbled and curled up on the couch as he set the blood down on the table top. I walked over then laid down on top of him and turned the TV on with my magic.

"Let's watch a movie together." He nodded and wrapped his arms around me as he looked towards the TV. He kissed my neck sweetly after a moment. I laid my head against his chest and watched the TV. He kissed my neck again and then bit down gently, remarking me.

"Mine," he mumbled. I let a small moan slip up and then slid down his body some more, away from his teeth. He let me and sighed, laying his head back on the couch and looked back to the TV. I rested my head on his stomach then and listened to it as I looked towards the TV seeing Titanic was on. He yawned after thirty minutes and closed his eyes, his breathing slowing down as he started to pass out on me. I slipped off of him then and looked towards his sleeping body then tugged on his hand.

"Let's go to bed." I whispered softly. He blinked a bit and then sat up.

"Mhmm," he hummed sleepily then we were in our room. He went over to the bed and laid down on it, passing out again. I watched him then looked towards Harry, seeing he was asleep on my shoulder. I picked him up then placed him down on my pillow and used my magic to transform him back into a human then slid him over so there was room for me then I crawled into bed and snuggled up to Harry. Isaac whimpered in his sleep after a minute and curled up on his side of the bed, taking some of the cover with him. I watched him then remembered he didn't sleep well with others and got between the two of them and curled up in the middle, sighing.

~Time Skip Brought to You By a Sleepy Universe~

Quinton's POV:

I felt Dannie shift by me in the bed and start to slip out of it. Light was barely shinning out of our curtains indicating it was dawn. He started a coughing fit then, falling off and curled up in the floor. He groaned and pulled some of the covers with him along with his favorite bear. I frowned and sat up in the bed as I looked down at him. "Dannie, are you getting sick?" I asked cautiously and started to get out of the bed. "You've been strange since yesterday.... with being tired and falling out of chairs. Should I run to go get a doctor for you?" I asked and then sat down on the floor beside him, rubbing his head. He shook his head and looked up at me as he tried to settle the coughs.

"No.... I don't need a doctor. I think it's just a cold." He told me and then placed his hand over his mouth and looked like he was in pain as the coughing got worse. I let out a soft growl and pulled him close, giving his cheek a kiss.

"I'm going to go get a doctor," I told him. "You lay here in bed." I picked him up and set him on our bed then walked for the door. "Any preferences?"

"Please don't get one with needles and a labcoat... Can you get me Rose?" He asked weak sounding. I glanced back at him. I was thinking Hachi, but Rose actually is a doctor.

"Ok, I'll get Rose and Uncle Paris." I left the room and sniffed the air, starting for their rooms. I came across Paris's room first. I knocked on it softly to try to wake only Paris if they weren't up yet. Paris opened the door and gave a smile as he held a towel around his waist.

"Quinton! Hi cutie. What's the matter, is it August?" He asked and then frowned as he seemed to have read my mind. "I'll be down in a minute." He told me and closed the door. "RICHARD!" I heard him yelling.

"I'm sleeping!" Richard said stubbornly.

"I'm going to go check on Dannie, he's getting sick." I heard Paris telling him.

"I'm up!" I heard a thud on the other side and shook my head. Why is Uncle Richard so lazy? I walked away towards Rose's room and knocked on it.

"Rose! I need you to come take a look at Dannie!" I called out. Rose appeared by me then, sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Hmmm? Why? What's wrong with Dannie... is he pregnant?" Rose asked and took another sip. She was already dressed for the day. I widened my eyes and held up my hands.

"We haven't even done anything! I swear- he's getting sick, that's all," I said quickly.

"Sure sweetie. I'm going to go get my kit and then I will be in." She told me and kissed the top of my head. "Cold huh?" She mumbled and walked into her room. I shook my head and decided to go get Hachi as well. He wouldn't be pointing to pregnancy.... I walked down to the two wizards' room and knocked on it.

"Hachi! Can you come work with Rose for about thirty minutes?" I called in and waited for them. I heard a groan.

"Hachi, that's for you.... Don't eat whoever that is either." I heard the bed shifting around.

"Can I come?" I heard Harry mumbling.

"Sure." Hachi laughed softly and I heard two bodies shifting off the bed.

"I'll see you in the kitchen later... in about two hours," I heard Isaac telling Hachi. I stepped back from the door cautiously, knowing better than to be too close to the cannibal's door when he opens it. I've heard stories.... Hachi walked out then with a butterfly on his shoulder and shut the door behind himself.

"Hey kiddo~" Hachi looked up at me and smiled. It was funny how he was shorter- and now younger looking than me but he still called me the kid. "What am I doing again?"

"Looking at Dannie with Rose. He's getting sick, and he keeps coughing," I told him and then started for my room. "Rose will be in my room shortly along with Paris." Hachi followed after me.

"Yeah, he seemed off yesterday... I sort of wanted to look at him then but.... Of course I didn't. I had a hungry Isaac to take care of. You know when Dannie was younger he got sick often. I had to go take a look at him sometimes. He doesn't have a good immune system like a vampire does." Hachi told me and then frowned. "You should tell Donnie too. He'll want to know." I frowned then. I forgot about him.... Whoops. I'll play it off like I didn't.

"I'll be getting him soon," I said and gave a smile. I led Hachi to my room then pulled out my phone and texted Donnie about it and walked in over to Dannie. Paris was already sitting in our bed and holding his precious Dannie in his arms. Dannie was still coughing, hiding against Paris. Rose was fiddling around in a box at the foot of the bed. Hachi walked past me then and over to Paris.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Rose asked, pulling out a stethoscope, blood pressure monitor, and thermometer then walked up to Dannie and Paris then sat down right in front of them.

"Sore..." Dannie mumbled. I walked over to the bed and started to get in it, but that's when the door opened and Richard came in.

"Someone said my baby was sick! Are you alright? Do you have symptoms of the flu? I'll nurse you back to health!" Richard ran over to the bed and practically jumped up on it, crawling over to Dannie.

"Come on now. I want to see my patient. Let him go." Rose told Paris and pulled him out of his arms and sat him up right on the bed. Richard latched onto Dannie then, pulling him into his lap and wrapped his arms around him as he showered his face with kisses. Dannie groaned and tried to hid his face, trying not to cough.

"Quit it... I'm not five anymore.... where'd my bear go?" He asked and looked around for it. Richard reached for it then gave it to Dannie, cuddling him to him. I frowned and then got onto the bed all the way. My mate just got stolen by his parents....

"Richard, I need to run some tests on Dannie." Rose groaned out. "Let him go." Dannie looked towards Rose then at me and reached out for me. I held out my hand and grabbed one of his hands, kissing it.

"I'm right here," I told him softly and scooted closer. Richard glanced at me and slowly let Dannie go. Dannie crawled over to me then and placed his head into my lap then closed his eyes. Rose scooted over to me then. Richard crawled over to Rose's side, looking Dannie over worriedly.

"We better not be losing another child," he mumbled. "I won't be able to take it...." Paris smacked Richard then on the shoulder.

"We aren't loosing Dannie. Not this time." Paris snapped in a hushed tone. "Don't go scaring him either about that." Rose gave Dannie a kiss on the cheek then put the stethoscope on and made him sit up straight.

"I'm going to listen to your lungs, okay kid?" Rose asked and smiled softly. "You don't smoke, do you?" She teased him. Dannie shook his head and let out a soft cough. "Good." She lifted his shirt then and started to listen to his lungs, directing him to take in breaths. Richard moved over to Paris and crawled into his lap.

"I didn't mean to spook Dannie," he murmured in Paris's ear. "I just... well... He's sick again.... I'm worried."

"He's got a weak immune system but he's still a Grimm." Paris purred into Richard's ear. "He's going to be fine." I heard Rose tsk then and turned Dannie around, listening to his lungs from behind him. I bit my bottom lip, not liking the fact that she tsked. Richard glanced over at her, but he seemed to be calmer because of Paris. He kissed Paris's neck as he watched Rose closely. Rose turned him back around then and took out the stethoscope then tossed it and pressed her ear against his chest.

"Be quiet." She told everyone. I widened my eyes and grew still, finding it hard to breath as she did that. Richard stiffened and buried his face into Paris's neck, hiding. Rose pulled back and then gave him a themometor to put under his tongue as she looked towards me and then at Paris and Richard... then glanced towards Hachi.

"I'm going to give you a recipe to make." She told him quickly.

"Harry can do that." Hachi told her. "He's an excilent cook." Rose nodded then pulled out the themomentor and looked it over then placed it down.

"I think you're going to be okay." She told Dannie and then looked towards Donnie, giving a smile. "No need to worry." She told everyone and relaxed. "He's just got some fluid in his lungs and he's a bit sickly- running a temperature." She got off the bed then and rubbed Dannie's head. "Get some rest kid. Hachi is going to make you some medicine to take." I sighed and laid Dannie down beside me and got us under the covers as I snuggled up to him.

"I'll take naps with you," I promised. What about your beta? You have less than a month now. I'll figure something out. Richard looked relieved and kissed Paris on the lips. Paris kissed Richard back then went to move out of bed.

"Come on sweetie. I think we need to go- everyone so he should get some rest." Paris told them. He gave me a smile. "Take care of my boy, okay?" I gave a nod and nestled my head into Dannie's neck.

"I will... Can you tell Rick to give the pack a run? Dad can't do it, and I want to watch over Dannie till he improves." Richard gave a nod.

"Sure... if anything happens, let us know," he told me and pulled Paris out of the room. Donnie gave Dannie a longing look before leaving the room and Rose left after gathering her things, telling Hachi to meet her in her room. Hachi glanced Dannie over before he turned to leave. He seemed bothered but left us alone anyways. Dannie curled up into a ball once they left and let out a cough. I rubbed his head comfortingly.

"Get some rest, ok? When you feel better, I'll take you for a run with me. You can come watch me select a beta for our pack," I told him and kissed his cheek. Dannie groaned and started to cough up a storm then, sitting up as he done so and started to tremble. I rubbed his back as I sat up with him. That must be some serious fluid in his lungs. I stopped then as I remembered what I recently did to him. I winced. Is this because of what I did? Marking him? Dannie grabbed at his chest then and fell over, groaning from pain then held his mouth and coughed something up into it. He pulled his hand away and looked towards blood on his hand.

"Quinton..." Dannie mumbled.

"HACHI!" I screamed, rushing for the door. "HACHI!" Hachi wasn't too far from the door and spun around to look towards me.

"What's wrong?" Hachi asked softly. I ran out and grabbed him, dragging him back to Dannie.

"He's coughing up blood. Something is seriously wrong... It's not just fluid. It can't be," I told him quickly, worried for my mate.

"Well... Rose did say she heard fluid in his lung." Hachi told me and rubbed my cheek, trying to calm me. "I'm about to make him some medicine. Don't worry. Try to get him to sleep, that'll help him. He's bleeding from coughing so much. If he goes to sleep he won't cough that much and he won't bleed. Now, I'm going to go fix up that medicine for him. Okay?" Hachi kissed my cheek then looked towards Dannie with worry. "You should watch him carefully." I whimpered a little and gave a nod, crawling back into the bed beside Dannie.

"Hurry," I begged him, looking at Hachi.

"I will." Hachi promised me and disappeared, using his magic. Dannie looked up from me and whipped his hand off onto his shirt.

"I'm thirsty.... can you get me some water?" Dannie asked me. I nodded and then got up, going towards our bathroom. I grabbed the glass at the sink and filled it up with cool water then brought it back to him.

"Here you go sweetie," I whispered and sat him up to help him drink. He grabbed the glass then started to drink it, reaching the bottom within seconds then handed it back to me. He laid down then and looked up at the ceiling in a daze. He laid his ears back slightly then. I got in beside him and hugged him close, running my fingers through his hair. "Get some sleep, for me?" He closed his eyes and nodded towards me. He passed out almost instantly. After an hour, Hachi came into the room with three bottles.

"Morning." He told me firmly, holding up a bottle of liquid with the lable telling me it was for morning. "One table spoon a day and drink it with orange juice and something healthy to eat." He held up another one then. "This is for lunch. table spoon, healthy foods and drink." He held up the last one then. "Bet you can't guess what this one is for.... Dinner time." He smirked and tossed the bottles to me. "This should do it- Oh." He pulled out a last bottle, of pills. "This is for every six hour or less. Two at a time. It's pain killers." He told me and tossed them. "Make sure he gets all of those. If the pain killers aren't stong enough, let me know." Hachi gave a weak smile before turning for the door.

"Thank you," I whispered and set the medicine on the nightstand. I glanced at the time. Lunch would be in about two hours.... and I don't want to wake him. I set the alarm and then nuzzled against him as I closed my eyes for a nap.