
Isaac's POV:

It's been about two hours now... and Hachi hasn't come out of the bathroom. I frowned and walked back up to my room, going in. "Hachi?" I called softly and stepped lightly across the floor. I walked towards the bathroom, frowning when he didn't respond. I opened the door and peeked inside towards the tub to see if he was still taking his little evil bath. I swear... one day I will wipe water off the face of the Earth. I found Hachi in the tub still but the water was draining and he was curled up, seemingly asleep. I walked over quickly and pulled him out, setting him on the ground and leaned down to see if he was breathing as panic went through me. I widened my eyes when I didn't feel his breath and quickly checked for a pulse. "PARIS!" I shrieked for him when I found no pulse. I quickly opened his mouth to make sure nothing was in it and flipped him over to allow the water to drain out of it. I TOLD HIM WATER WAS EVIL! BUT NO! HE DIDN'T LISTEN! I TOLD HIM HE WASN'T IMMORTAL ANYMORE! I panicked and flipped him back over and tilted his head back to open his airways as I started to give him chest compressions, stopping to give him some air. I hope it's not too late! I started to cry as I made sure to press down hard enough to keep his blood pumping. "PARIS!" I screamed again. Paris appeared then in the doorway.

"What's wrong?" He asked quickly and widened his eyes when he seen Hachi. "Oh..." He disappeared then. I looked towards where he had been standing and felt my heart speed up. I need someone to take my spot.... I need to do that potion quickly! I have to give him immortality again! If his body can still accept it.... I looked towards his face to see if there were any signs of him coming back anytime soon. Paris appeared again and then rushed towards me, kneeling beside me.

"Ah hell." He grumbled out and snatched Hachi from me then opened his eye lids to check his eyes. "Hachi~ You didn't call for us? Idiot, even just for me! In your head." Paris shook him slightly as he glanced into his eyes. Hachi's eyes seemed faded... but they weren't  rolled into the back of his head. I smacked Paris's arm then.

"I KNOW YOU WERE NEVER ALIVE TO NEED TO KNOW THIS! BUT HE NEEDS CPR DUMMIE!" I shouted and got to my feet, rushing towards the closet and grabbed Hachi's cup off the nightstand as I passed it. I grabbed the necessary ingredients and came back, biting into my wrist and drained my blood into the glass. I put the herbs into the blood and started to mumble the enchantments quickly. The blood soon started to shimmer with the immortality curse. "Make him drink this- now!" I passed it to Paris and held my wrist. "It'll make him immortal again."

"Like it'll help." Paris grumbled and started to do as he was told. "You better find a stronger spell." He told me and then checked for Hachi's pulse. I clenched my jaw and held my hand out over his chest, mumbling a spell known to all fire wizards for these situations. We had developed this spell that removed all the water out of one's lungs to save each other quickly if one of us was drowning. We all knew it was a fate worse than murder to drown as a fire wizard. I watched as the water formed above his chest right under my hands and then splashed down into the floor. I reached down and touched his chest, using my magic to influence the mark into keeping him warm and sent electricity to his heart to try to start it. "Great idea. You might want to keep doing that." Paris told me. "Wake him up with a good old shock." I looked towards him then and bit my bottom lip as I looked towards Hachi.

"Wake up," I murmured to him. "You promised!" I hit him with another shock and felt my magic start to go out of my control as my fire magic started to make the water around us steam as it heated up. Paris loosened his shirt collar then and slipped out of his shirt, placing it up under Hachi's head. I hit him with another shock as I started to go through all the spells I knew. I stopped and pulled away from him quickly. "Hachi's spell book.... All his family secrets.... They had to have something powerful to reverse this. I'm sure of it. They're one of the oldest families." I got to my feet and rushed out into the room to get it then came back, flipping through it till I found one to bring back the dead. I looked at Hachi and started to murmur it. It only worked when the body was fresh and the spirit hadn't long been gone. Hachi would meet the requirements. I kneeled down beside his body and kept muttering the words, begging to have him back as I used his spell book.

"What are you doing?" Paris asked me and tilted his head, he looked towards Hachi and gave a small smile. "What spell is it?" I glanced at him and kept saying the ancient words. When I finished, I flipped through the book quickly to see if I could possibly find one to give him back his magic.

"That one was to bring him back. He hasn't been dead long... and his body is in almost perfect condition.... Now I'm going to find one to give him back his magic. If I can find one that is," I told him. "The spell says that he should be back within thirty minutes or so.... The spirit has to settle back in and reattach itself."

"Uh-huh." Paris nodded and sniffed Hachi. I glanced at him and frowned.

"What're you sniffing my mate for?" I hissed.

"Humans are strange. When they die, their corpse just stays there. Ours just.... flitters away with the wind." Paris mumbled. I shook my head.

"It's not just humans. Wizards just lay there too.... It's just your kind that disappears," I told him and then shut the book and set it down. "There's nothing to bring back his powers in here.... It seems his family wasn't concerned with that issue." I sighed and looked at Hachi before I reached out and shocked him again, making it a light one. I wanted him to hurry up and come back to me. He's scaring me like this....

"I'll prepare to go to hell." Paris mumbled, getting to his feet. He disappeared then. I whimpered and picked up Hachi's body, carrying him out to the bed and sat him down.

"Hachi, don't do this to me.... You promised you'd never leave me.... Don't go breaking your promises... You can't leave me- especially when you're mad at me.... Don't make Paris go to hell," I whispered to him and rubbed his cheek. "Come back to me...." I leaned in and kissed his lips softly. His lips were cold to the touch when I kissed them... I pulled back and whimpered before I got in the bed and curled up to him, using my fire magic to heat him up to keep him warm as I brought him close, nuzzling my face into his neck. I heard Paris walking back into the room and looked towards me.

"I'm going in two hours if he doesn't wake up by then." Paris decided. I glanced towards him then froze, knowing what that meant. Paris would become a demon again... and Hachi would be one too.... He doesn't know how to control the urges like I do. I shivered and hid my face against his body, not sure what to say.

"Smells like death." I heard a voice then, and the family demon appeared over Hachi, smelling him. I sat up quickly and hissed at him, flicking my tail angrily.

"Don't you dare get close to him!" I went to attack him then, refusing to let anyone near Hachi in case he was almost back. The demon disappeared then and ended up by Paris.

"You can't go back to hell. "The demon whispered to him. "You remember your deal." He hissed in his ear. I frowned and looked towards them.

"Deal?" I asked softly. "Paris, what deal?"

"You better send Nikolai or Louis." The demon whispered into Paris's ear. Paris looked troubled then.

"I wouldn't wish that on them." Paris mumbled. Louis appeared then and frowned.

"I could smell the stench of death from my room. Who's dead?" Louis asked, looking around. His eyes landed on Hachi then and he froze. "H-how... He can't be dead," he whispered and then looked towards Paris and the demon. "Y-you're here.... What are you doing here?" Paris frowned and looked towards me.

"Cover Hachi up." Paris told me quickly. He looked towards his twin then. "You should ask Isaac." I widened my eyes and looked towards Hachi, shaking my head.

"No! I'm not going to cover him up! He can't be dead because he promised me!" I hugged Hachi then and buried my face into his chest. "He promised!" I started to cry then as I clung to his body. Louis frowned and looked towards Paris.

"What do you mean ask Isaac?" He asked Paris. Paris walked over and covered Hachi's body to his chest then kissed the top of his head.

"Hachi was found like this in the bathroom." Paris told Louis. He looked towards him then. "I'm going to hell to get him." I shook my head and looked up at him.

"You can't go to hell. That demon just said it... and Hachi's not dead because he can't be," I murmured. Louis tsked and looked towards the demon then at Paris.

"Well... if you can't go to hell to get our beloved Hachi back.... then I'll go. He's part of our family." He walked towards the demon. "Guess we're calling it truce for now," he told the demon. "I still won't forget what you were telling Nikolai to do in the hall though, but for now, I will put it aside. You'll take me to hell to retrieve Hachi's soul."

"I'm not taking you either. You look like Paris." The demon laughed out. "Nikolai will have to go." Louis narrowed his eyes.

"And just why can't I go to hell? Just because I look like him?" He pointed towards Paris. "If I have to, I'll go dye my hair and stick some contacts in to change my eye color."

"You'll still smell like Paris." The demon told him.

"Please don't tell my twin." Paris began. "What happens to me in hell shouldn't be shared with others. We both can't go Louis." Paris told him firmly. Louis glared at him.


"NO~" Paris shook his head.

"I'm not taking either of you to hell." The demon snapped. "It's to look after both of your safty... I'll take Nikolai." Louis whirled on the demon then.

"You don't even care about me, so don't start acting like you do now! Nikolai is too young to go to hell! I'll go and we'll just have to deal!"

"No. I do care about you. You're family Louis. You are distant, but you are family. I did choose you as well as Paris. You should remember that. I could have picked Rose over the two of you. Now shut up. Both of you are not going." He said firmly. "Now. I'll go get Nikolai." I frowned then and sat up.

"I-is it too late to make him a vampire?" I whispered.

"Uh..." Paris looked towards me. "I don't think you should."

"Why? I just want him back," I mumbled and looked towards Hachi. "We...had a fight... and I don't want him to leave me- he promised he wouldn't. That was the last thing he said to me.... If I can't make him a vampire, is there a possibility that I could go to hell? I am part demon still," I whispered and looked towards Paris. Paris shook his head.

"We can only go because we were born part demon and we have a full demon take us there. Plus, hell isn't something you need on your shoulders Isaac." Paris crossed his arms. "You can't go." I whined then and curled up to Hachi.

"If I can't bring him back... and no one else is able...." I looked towards Paris and sniffled as my eyes stung. "I-if he can't be brought back... Paris... I don't want to be here alone.... I'd rather be dead," I whispered the last part and then buried my face into Hachi.

"I'll go." Paris insisted.

"No." The demon hissed. "You know what the devil told you."

"Then let me go!" Louis crossed his arms. "I'm about to go disguise myself anyways. I won't even look like my twin when they're through with me."

"You won't." Paris's eyes shown of jealousy now. "I won't let you dye that hair." He growled.

"There is always Nikolai." The demon suggested. Louis shook his head.

"No, Nikolai won't give his stone for cleansing when he gets back and you'll manipulate him. At least we know that with me, I will give my stone to Paris," Louis hissed. He turned on his heel then about to leave when Isabelle appeared in front of him with a box of black hair dye. She smiled at him.

"This the kind you wanted?" She asked him. Louis took it from her and then nodded.

"This should do nicely." Paris appeared by Louis then and snatched it from him.

"You are not dying your hair black." Paris hissed. He looked towards the demon. "I'm going and that is final." Louis let out a growl.

"Give me that back! I'm dying my hair and I'm going!" He tackled his twin for the dye then. Isabelle sighed.

"We can dye your hair black too Paris, if that's what you're upset about," she told him.

"No!" Paris hissed. "Hachi will come back and be upset if our hair isn't white." He cried out.

"Then we'll shave it off and grow it back," Louis mumbled and grabbed the hair dye as he sat up on Paris's stomach. "One of us is going, and it's going to be me. I am your twin, so if there's a problem, I'll just say that if they think I'm you. Now, I'm going to dye my hair." He stood up and walked towards Isabelle. "How does this work anyways?" He turned the box over in his hands. She sighed and held out her hand.

"I'll be dying your hair. You're not doing it yourself." I felt Hachi's hand twitch then. Paris's eyes snapped towards us instantly. I hugged Hachi tightly, pulling him close as I snuggled up to his neck and used my mark on him to warm him up again.

"Hachi," I purred his name as sweetly as I could and kissed his neck. I felt a small wind pick up in the room then and the air stirred and seemed to circle around Hachi. He started to heat up then and glowed a ghostly color. I smiled and gave him another kiss as I purred to him lovingly. He's coming back to me.... He took in a ghasp of air then and his eyes flashed open, the galaxy started to light up in his eyes once again, before the phoenix got to him. I widened my eyes. Does that mean his magic is back? I reached down into my pocket and pulled out the globe to look in it to see if the galaxy was back in it or if the star of Hope was sitting there by itself. The galaxy was forming one again in the globe as one started up around Hachi, swirling through the room. I could smell his blood then and I heard Paris and Louis let out a sharp scream and fall to their knees, their blood lingered in the air as well. I widened my eyes and looked towards them to see stitches forming on their bodies again. I shivered and curled up in the bed as I watched Hachi. Everything in the room stopped then and the galaxy around us faded. I could hear Hachi breathing softly as his eyes shut. I let out a purr and then kissed his cheek happily.

"I love you," I murmured to him. "I'm sorry I ever argued with you...." Louis whimpered on the floor.

"It... happened.... again." He groaned out and sat up. He glanced towards me and frowned. "No fair... Isaac didn't get remarked. Why's it just us?" He started to crawl towards his twin for comfort. "Paris~" 

"Hachi personally stitched him." Paris mutterd to his twin as he clenched his jaw. The demon disappeared then. I looked towards them and gave an innocent smile as I shrunk into the bed.

"That's not my fault," I told them. Louis glared at me and then hugged his twin as he rested his head against him. Hachi tensed up in my arms then and gripped the sheets. I looked towards him then worriedly and pulled him close. "Hachi? Are you ok? Do you hurt anywhere?" I asked quickly and then kissed his neck. Harry appeared the as a butterfly and landed on his nose. That was the first sign of him in a long time. I smiled and looked towards him. "Harry.... You're here too," I whispered. "You must've sensed him come back." I relaxed. If Harry is here, Hachi is fine. I rubbed Hachi's cheek and then kissed his neck again before I laid my head down on his chest. Harry light up pink then and the color transferred over to Hachi, making him relax. "Why're you a butterfly though?" I mumbled as an afterthought and glanced him over before I looked across the room. "Harry... where've you been? You haven't come to talk with me for the longest time.... Even though Hachi's magic was gone...." I sighed. "Well... I guess you'd hide away then if something happened to Hachi to stay safe." Harry turned into his human form and laid down on Hachi, looking at me.

"I couldn't come back until his magic was back." Harry told me. "His spirit animal is a butterfly, so I'm naturally going to come back as one." He giggled out and kissed Hachi's cheek. "Hachi~" I laughed and rubbed Harry's head.

"It's good to see you again," I told him then sat up. "Can you watch over Hachi? I want to go get him a present for when he wakes up- to make up for everything." I glanced them over.

"You should bring him back a bowl of spaghetti." He suggested. I nodded.

"Yes, I will bring you both back some spaghetti.... Maybe we'll see if he wants some eyes too. I'll get some from a maid or something. Paris won't mind." I got out of the bed and tucked the two of them in as I went to the door. I went downstairs and started on the spaghetti in the kitchen and managed to get my hands on a maid and killed her then took her eyes before she could scream. I walked back into the kitchen and dished up two bowls of spaghetti and put sauce on it then teleported up into my bedroom with them. I set the two bowls on the nightstand and put the eyes in a container that was in here. I grabbed a glass and bit down into my wrist, draining my blood into it for Hachi's enjoyment. I glanced over at them and smiled, licking my wrist clean. "Hachi~ Wake up sweetie," I purred and crawled into bed, gently shaking him. "I've got you some food. It's your favorite."

"You can't wake him." Harry told me, he was back in a butterfly form. "He's in a deep sleep. He needs to rest. He just went through a lot to come back from the beyond." I looked at him and then gave a nod and frowned.

"Why're you a butterfly again? You should come play games with me while we wait... and I got you some spaghetti too," I told him and pouted. He turned back into the human form.

"I like being a butterfly." Harry told me and then got inbetween Hachi and me. I narrowed my eyes then grabbed him, pulling him out of the bed and over to the couch as I grabbed his bowl of spaghetti. He's lucky I like him... he just got between us... I used to glare at him for less. I gave him an innocent smile and sat him down on the couch and grabbed a gaming controller and handed it to him.

"Call of Duty?" I asked and then walked over to a shelf to look the games over.

"S-sure." He mumbled and started to turn the xbox on. "Is this even appropriate to do with him sleeping? Shouldn't we wait on him to wake up?" Harry asked. I glanced at him and gave a smile.

"I'm sure he won't mind us spending time together. He used to get on to me for glaring at you, so I'm sure he'll be happy to see us playing games together when he comes to." I grabbed Call of Duty and walked over, putting it in the system and sat down beside him as I grabbed my controller. "Hachi will be fine as long as we don't start screaming." Paris slowly got to his feet then and went to leave. I frowned and stopped, looking towards him as his twin slowly followed. "Paris... If he tries to drag me down to the dungeon and mark me again, will you rescue me, or will you let him?" I asked, shivering as I remembered the dungeon.

"It's not my problem." Paris told me and left the room quickly. I whimpered then. I'm so screwed if he attacks me. I glanced towards Harry as I got the game started.

"Harry... I think I better start watching my back," I mumbled.

"I think you should too." Harry agreed and started to eat the spaghetti I made him. I glanced towards Hachi then in curiosity, wondering if I needed to remark him or not.

"Hey, does he still have my marks on him... or do I need to get him again?" I asked and tilted my head.

"You'll have to get him again." Harry told me. "Can I sleep in here tonight?" I gave a nod.

"Sure... just don't push me off the bed or get inbetween me or Hachi... You can sleep on the other side of him. We'll put him in the middle." I leaned over and ruffled his hair before loading up an online game.

We played for about four hours before I noticed Hachi again and glanced towards him. "Hey... is it ok to wake him?" I asked and glanced at Harry. "It's been four hours.... and I am going to have to refresh his glass."

"Mhmmm." Harry nodded and got up, taking his bowl out of the room. I got up and walked over to Hachi's food, reheating up his spaghetti and then dumped my blood out on the floor and refilled it. I glanced towards him and got into the bed, giving his lips a kiss.

"Sweetie, I have food for you," I purred to him as I looked down at him. He let out a small groan and then started to curl up to himself. I smirked and leaned in towards his neck, giving it a kiss before I bit down quickly and remarked him as a vampire. He let out a moan and gripped my shirt, pulling me closer. I purred to him again and licked his neck clean before looking towards his chest then put my hand over his heart and started my wizard mark. He opened his eyes then and looked up into my eyes with wonder and grabbed my wrist. I frowned and looked down at my hand over his chest. I kept pouring my heat into him and let it spread throughout his body. He leaned in towards my lips then and kissed me deeply, pressing his tongue into my lips. I gasped in surprise and stopped what I was doing. He started to push me onto my back then and grabbed my shirt, tugging on it. I blushed and went for his hands. He leaned in towards my neck and bit down into me, letting out a small growl. "Eek!" I stopped trying for his hands and froze up, looking towards him in worry. He's never this dominate.... He bit down harder into me then pulled out a chunk and started to eat it. I screamed and went to push him off me to get away. He held me down with magic and smirked towards me wickedly. The light in his eyes were gone as he licked his lips. "Don't eat me," I pleaded and shrunk down into the bed. "Eat your spaghetti!" He leaned in towards my neck and went to bite me again, letting out another growl. I quickly used the new mark on him to try soothing him, making my warmth spread throughout him. "I'm not dinner," I told him, trembling a little. "The spaghetti is.... And there is blood and a set of eyes over there too as gifts." He sat up on me and licked his lips then looked towards the eyes and picked one up then ate it, moaning at the taste. I slowly started to work my way out from under him, making sure to be quiet about it. I didn't want his attention to snap back to me... not while he's like this. He grabbed the other eye, hardly noticing me as he ate it. I slipped out from under him and crawled towards the edge of the bed, planning on running while I could. I wrapped my tail around my torso as I started to go over the edge. I felt my body stiffen up involuntarily.

"Where ya going?" I heard him purr. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes, my heart speeding up.

"To... to... take a bath?" I glanced towards the bathroom.

"You don't like water though." Hachi reminded me and then yanked me back with a flick of a finger. "How about you just stay in bed." I looked up at him and whimpered, curling up.

"Ok," I whispered, knowing better than to try it again while his attention was on me. He looked towards the glass of blood then grabbed it and started to drink it. I started to sneak towards the edge of the bed again, trying to be as quiet as possible. Maybe this time I'd get away from him... then I will go hide until this passes and he becomes my sweet loving mate who doesn't want to eat me. I kept down a whimper as my neck hurt and looked over the edge of the bed to the floor then started to get out, planning on making a break for the nearby bathroom. It's the closest door to us, and it has a lock on it. I could easily hide in there and put up some barriers to keep him out. The closer I got to the edge of the bed, I realized something was keeping me from exiting. Some sort of barrier he had up. It froze me within five inches of the edge and wouldn't let me pass. I heard him toss the empty glass then started coming for me. I widened my eyes. "Hachi, eat your spaghetti," I suggested and pointed to it. I backed away from him, going towards the foot of the bed as I crawled backwards to keep an eye on him. I have to figure out a way out of this mess.... He looked towards me with a pout.

"I want more of you though." He told me and smirked as he crawled towards me with a predator look. I shivered and when he got close, I pressed my foot against his chest and pushed him back to the top of the bed and pulled my foot back before he could snatch it. I curled up at the bottom and then widened my eyes as I remembered something. My ring! I started to dig around in my pocket for it, hoping it was there still. He laughed as he watched me then tried to grab my feet. "Come here Isaac~" He suggested. "Let's cuddle." I shrieked and kicked at him as I finally found it at the bottom of my pocket. I pulled it out and went to put it on quickly. He crawled down the bed, trying to get to me and snatch it away.  I screamed and slipped it onto my finger and backed away from him.

"NO! YOU'LL EAT ME!" I shrieked and curled up at the foot of the bed, watching him with wide, fearful eyes. He growled and then snatched up his bowl of spaghetti then started to eating it, grumbling as he watched me. I watched him back as I took deep breaths to calm myself then started for the edge of the bed again, hoping he took the barrier down with the new knowledge of the ring being on me. It was down now and he looked down into his bowl then panicked once he noticed he was naked. He sat the bowl down and took off for the closet. I laughed and sat up. He's fine now. I sighed in relief and took the ring off, slipping it into my pocket as I got up. I'll make someone wake him up besides me next time... like a maid or something. I'm not being put on death row to make him wake up. He disappeared into his closet and shut the door behind him. I walked over to it and knocked on the door softly. "Hachi, are you alright?" I called to him and laughed. "I've seen you before."

"So? I still like having clothes on." I heard him say in the closet. I nodded and decided to mess with him, smirking.

"You don't need them," I purred and then scratched on the door lightly. "Because I'm going to get you back for what you did. Grawr," I said playfully. I heard the door lock then.

"Stay out." He ordered and I heard him fall over inside. I frowned.

"Hachi? What are you doing?" I asked and pressed up against the door as I got slightly worried. "Are you alright?"

"Oweee...." He mumbled. I could smell his blood then. I stopped and closed my eyes as I smelled it.

Hachi's POV:

The door was busted open then and Isaac stood there, his eyes red and his tail twitching behind him. He smirked as he saw me and started to come after me, a purr rising up in his throat. I couldn't see his normal light in his eyes. It was the light of the demon within him that he suppressed constantly. I pulled up my pants quickly as I kept backing up in the closet. I had tripped earlier trying to put them on and I accidentally opened up one of my stitches in the process... I'm not sure how it happened but it did. I panicked as finished pulling them up then zipped them and went for a shirt above my head as I crept further into them. He let out a sharp growl and was in front of me within seconds, pressing me up against the wall as he ignored the clothes hanging around us. He leaned in and kissed my neck roughly and started a trail of them before he licked back up towards my cheek. He let out a possessive growl and grabbed my hands, flicking his tail in excitement. I yelped and got down on my knees then started to crawl away from him. He grabbed me by the belt loops of my pants and yanked me back to him, kneeling down beside me as he shoved me down onto the floor on my back and crawled on top of me. His eyes looked me over and he smirked, kissing my chest and then started a love bite as he ran his hands down my sides slowly. I let out a soft moan but tried to stop myself and grabbed his hands.

"Nu-uh." I told him firmly. He growled and looked up at me from my chest as his tail twitched in anger. He exposed his fangs to me. I gasped and then used my magic to escape to the bedroom and hid under the bed. I heard him come out into the bedroom and his footsteps as he sniffed the air.

"Hachi," he purred my name, slowly coming closer as he caught onto my scent. "You can't hide... You're bleeding," he reminded me. I yelped as I remembered and looked down at my blood then healed my wound with a small spell. I then tensed up, waiting for him. He stopped by the bed and laughed darkly. "If you think you can get away from me," he purred out and then got down on his hands and knees, looking at me with a smirk. "I remember when the roles were switched. I believed you called me kitty?" His red eyes looked me over as he laughed again. "Come here. You don't belong under the bed."

"No." I shook my head and backed away from the side he was on. "Nu-uh."  He smirked and flicked his hands, his magic dragging me out from under the bed. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me to him, biting into my neck as he let out a possessive, dominate growl.

"Mine," he purred in my ear. I melted in his arms, feeling my head go dizzy for a few seconds.

"Uh-huh." I nodded against him. He smirked and picked me up then set me on the bed. He crawled on top of me and looked towards my pants, grabbing the top of them as he started to unbutton them. His tail flicked in excitement again as he started to unzip them after getting them unbuttoned. I tensed up then and tried to use my magic to escape from him again. I couldn't feel my magic, however, and as soon as I tried, he laughed at me.

"No more running away from me," he purred. "I've got you this time. It feels so good to finally be let out." He yanked my pants down. I yelped then remembered he had a ring in his pocket. I went for it then, digging my hands into his pocket for the ring and fiddled for it. He won't remember this... but I do. He growled and grabbed my hands. "Don't mess with my pockets," he told me and then pushed them away. I smirked as I had the ring in my hand then let my hands slip away from his and revealed the ring, going to put it on. He laughed and sat back. "Oh, that ring? That only works on me sweetie," he purred. "You forgot that little rule, didn't you? That particular ring suppresses me.... I should melt it while I'm in control," he mumbled and then grabbed my hand to take it back from me. I slipped it onto my fingers and shook my head.

"No. Bad kitty." I kneed him between his legs and then slipped off the bed and made a run for the door. I felt my feet get glued to the floor then as a growl escaped from Isaac.

"You're in so much trouble," he hissed and appeared in front of me. He bit down hard and grabbed my arms tightly. I yelped and tensed up.

"S-sorry! Sorry! Please stop!" I struggled to get away from him. "I didn't mean to wake you demon." He pulled back to look at me and flicked his tail a little as he studied me.

"Are you going to behave like a good little mate?" He asked, glancing towards the bed then at me then at my neck. I looked towards the bed then towards him... then at his tail. His tail.... His tail is his weak point. I gave an innocent nod then.

"I'll behave." He smirked and I felt my feet get freed. He picked me up bridal style and carried me over to the bed, setting me down on it as he crawled in between my legs. He looked me over and let out a purr as he went to kiss my neck. I reached behind him then and went for his tail, trying to be sneaky about it. He didn't seem to notice as he got caught up in what he was doing. He started to give me a love bite as he ran his hands down my sides and then he pulled off his shirt and dropped it. He reached down to his pants and started to undo them, giving me another love bite. I grabbed his tail and then tugged on it. He yelped and gripped the bed sheets as he froze on top of me. He buried his face into my neck then to hide as he trembled. I held onto it to wait to see if I needed to do it again or not.

"H-Hachi," he mumbled, trying to get me to let go. He gripped the bedsheets tighter and let out a whimper. He kissed my neck again. I let go and relaxed under him, rubbing his sides. A purr rose up within him then and he smirked against my neck as he ran his hands down my arms to my hands. I widened my eyes and went to get his tail. He growled then and pulled back, trying to grab my hands quickly to stop me. I yelped as he got one and tried to avoid letting him have the other. He looked towards me and narrowed his red eyes as he kept moving his tail away from my free hand. "You're too much of a troublemaker," he growled and then bit down into my wrist of the hand he had. I yelped and grabbed onto his side with my free hand as pain shook through me.

"I-Isaac." I mumbled. He blinked then and pulled back from my wrist, looking at it in confusion. He stopped moving and then curled up on top of me, grabbing the bedsheets.

"Nu-uh," he mumbled and squeezed his eyes shut. I let out a sigh of relief and went to move slowly out from under him. He whimpered and hugged me, burying his face into my chest. "Don't leave me," he whispered.

"Can.... I at least get my pants?" I asked softly. He glanced up at me and blushed, his eyes back to normal. He glanced me over and then gave a small nod, crawling off me towards the top of the bed and stopped when he realized his pants were slightly undone. He started to fix it quickly, embarrassed. I blushed and slipped off the bed then went into the closet. I grabbed a shirt and slipped it on then a pair of shorts before returning to him. I slipped into the shorts and started for him, slipping back into bed. "I'm sorry... I accidentally pulled on a stitch and made it bleed while I was changing.... and it set you off." I told him. He nodded and then buried his face into his pillow.

"I'm sorry... I should have better control than that. I've been like this for years now.... A little stitch shouldn't have made me do that."

"It did though..." I whispered softly. "He's getting smart too... He's been learning how to use your magic to control me." He whimpered then.

"That's not cool.... Demons shouldn't have magic for a good reason," he mumbled. "I'm so sorry." He looked towards me then and kissed my cheek. "I will be more careful, I promise."

"Hey~ I had everything under control." I assured him and nodded. "I was going to cut off your tail if you kept it up." He widened his eyes and shrunk down into the bed, holding his tail to him.

"Don't cut off my tail! It'll hurt!" He curled up to himself and watched me closely. "I don't want to have to start watching my tail around you like I do with the others."

"Well don't go turning demon on me." I teased playfully and made scissors appear and smirked as I put them in my pocket. He shivered and curled his tail around his body then.

"No more tail for you," he mumbled and then looked at the bedsheets. "Did I... hurt you?" He asked softly and then looked back up at me.

"UH-" I blushed and shook my head. He didn't need to know everything that happened. He gave a nod then nuzzled his head into his pillow.

"Ok, as long as I didn't hurt you.... If I had hurt you, I was going to start thinking about wearing that ring again for a bit." He gave a small smile. "I'm glad you're alright." I pulled off the ring then and gave it to him. He looked at it and frowned before glancing up at me. "Are you wanting me to wear it?" He turned it over in his hands as he studied it.

"No. I just want you to have it back." I told him and then moved closer to him and curled up to his body, laying my head against his chest. He smiled and kissed the top of my head as he wrapped his arms around me and slipped the ring into his pocket.

"I love you. You know that, right?" He asked and ran his fingers through my hair. "Even though you try to eat me when I'm not paying attention."

"S-sorry... I just woke up really hungry." I told him and then rubbed my stomach. "It felt like I hadn't ate in a reallllllly long time." He laughed and kissed my head again.

"You almost had no Isaac anymore," he told me.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled and blushed. He smiled.

"It's ok... I know you get cravings. You're Hachi, I should've been prepared before I woke you up. You've been human so long that I dropped my guard for it. I'll have a maid wake you up next time when you haven't been yourself in a long time." He paused then. "Hachi, are you still hungry? I'll go get you a maid," he said and started to shift in the bed.

"No... I'm not hungry." I told him and went to grab his arm. "Don't go." He stopped and looked at me then came back with a sweet, loving look. He kissed my cheek and rubbed my head as he curled up to me with a purr.

"Ok," he mumbled. He closed his eyes then and rubbed his arm absentmindedly. I snuck a kiss from him then before hiding my face against his chest. He kissed the top of my head then. "Are you sure?" He asked me softly. "I will be right back if you'd like to eat."

"I don't want anything though." I told him then sniffed the air, catching Harry's scent. "Harry..." I looked up then and around. Of course he wasn't there... the scent was faded. Isaac smiled at me.

"Harry will be back. He wants to sleep with us tonight." He stole a kiss then. "I told him he could." I nodded and looked towards Isaac.

"I haven't seen Harry in a while. I wonder where he's been." I told him and smiled. He frowned then.

"He's been stuck as a butterfly since you lost your powers," he told me. "He hasn't been able to take a human form to be with us because he's bound to you."

"Oh..." I blushed then.... I didn't think about that... I would have tried to get my powers back sooner... wait.... How'd I get my powers back... I paused then and widened my eyes. "Isaac..." I whispered softly. He kissed me then and pulled me close.

"Shhh, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"T-tell you what?" I asked him quickly and grabbed his shirt. "I don't remember how I ended up in bed.... I was taking a bath the last time I checked. What happened?" He tightened his grip on me then and buried his face into my neck, trembling a bit. "I-Isaac?" I asked softly. "Tell me." He shook his head then.

"No... I don't want to think about it," he whispered quickly.

"What happened?" I asked softly and tensed up. He started to cry then.

"You left me.... You died," he told me and didn't move away from my neck. "I found you dead in the bathtub, drowned. You wouldn't come back. I had to use your spell book, and I thought I lost you for good after you had just promised to never leave me. Then we had been fighting before hand- and..." He sniffled and held me close. "I thought I lost you."

"It takes more than that to kill me." I joked, trying to cheer him up. He shook his head.

"You... died," he whispered. "In water, you died."

"I didn't die. I'm perfectly fine." I told him and rubbed his cheek. He shook his head.

"You stopped breathing... and you died on me. You left me.... Paris and Louis were fighting over who would go to hell to retrieve you.... You died," he told me and hugged me tighter. "You left."

"I didn't leave." I told him and patted the top of his head. "I'm right here."

"But you did! You left and I was here alone! I was planning on having Paris kill me if you couldn't come back!"

"Hush." I shushed him and leaned in towards his lips, kissing him passionately. He whimpered and then kissed me back after a second. I pulled back then kissed his cheek. "I'd never leave you." He gave a small nod as he calmed down and then buried his face into my chest.

"I love you," he mumbled and sniffled a bit as he wiped at his tears.

"I love you too." I told him and blushed. I felt him smile a little and then he kissed my chest.

"I'm sorry that I let you get hurt while I wasn't paying attention," he told me and looked up at me from my chest. He kissed one of the stitches on my arms and then laid his head down on me. 

"I'm fine though Isaac." I told him quickly. "I'm not hurt." He gave a nod.

"Ok... I won't let it happen again though... I promise I will keep you safe... even if it means that I start taking baths with you again."

"Baths with me? I like alone time though...." I mumbled and shook my head.

"But you drowned in the tub," he mumbled. "Wait a moment." He sat up and looked down at me then frowned. "I think you were attacked. There were these marks on your neck when I pulled you out.... Hachi... were you killed?"  

"I don't know." I told him and shrugged. "I don't remember much." He looked me over curiously then nodded.

"Well... it doesn't matter anymore I guess. You're immortal, so it can't happen again- Oh, I made you immortal again," he told me sweetly and gave me a smile. "While you were dead that is... I had you drink it and then put did that spell to make your spirit come back."

"But those spells don't exactly work on someone who is dead.... Isaac." I told him and shook my head. He pouted.

"Then I'll make you drink it again," he told me.

"You wish!" I snapped. "I'm not drinking something without wanting to do it." He let out a growl then and looked away, crossing his arms. "I'm not doing it." I told him firmly. "I want to grow up a few years first. Give me that much." He laid down at the foot of the bed then and curled up. "Isaac... I don't want to be thirteen forever... Fourteen.... I don't even know how old I am anymore. I want to age a bit so maybe I can get away with buying alcohol." He whined and turned to look at me.

"I don't want you to get hurt or die on me again! Do you know how painful that was?!" He whimpered and curled up, holding a hand over his chest. "I wanted to die...."

"B-but I don't want to be so small. I have a chance now to get bigger." I cried out, started to tear up. He was by me in seconds and pulled me into his arms. He nuzzled his head into my neck and gave a nod.

"Ok... I'll let you age up till you're eighteen... Then I will make you drink it."

"O-okay." I nodded and gave a small smile, trying to calm down. I sniffled then. He rubbed my head.

"Are you sure though? Puberty is terrible... and you'll get these weird feelings and you'll start to get facial hair and I'll have to teach you to shave.... and you'll be wanting in my pants too."

"I'll be wanting in your pants?" I asked and tilted my head. "Is it a stronger feeling then what I feel now?" He gave a nod.

"Usually... and it depends on the person... I'm guessing you'll be attacking me when I've got my guard down," he mumbled.

"Oh...." I trailed off... starting to think about growing up now... Do I really want to? He smiled and kissed my head.

"Don't worry though.... I'll make you resist the temptations. It's only for a phase though.... You eventually even out when you get older, just around when you're fifteen and up or something."

"Uhmmm...." I scooted closer to him then and hid my face against him. "I'll think it over." He laughed.

"No, I think you should. You don't want to be a kid forever, do you? I will make sure that you're safe... and that you don't try to go around attacking people for kisses." He smirked and rubbed my head. "Besides, you'll probably not be interested in anyone else when puberty hits you. You'll probably get caught up in video games and stuff."

"Video games? Wait what other kind of stuff?" I asked and grabbed his pants loops. He laughed.

"You'll get interested in electronics probably... and maybe you'll be asking for me every night, but you might not. Like I said, it depends on the person. Not everyone feels like they want to when they go through puberty." He kissed me and laid his head down beside me. "You'll be fine though... You'll probably just be into video games and eating maids."

"Haha... eating maids." I gave a small smile. "I'd rather eat butlers." He narrowed his eyes.

"No... you're not eating butlers. I'll get jealous. I know that you won't be interested in doing things with the maids while you eat them," he told me and then looked away.

"Who said I don't like girls too?" I asked and tilted my head. He growled sharply at me and looked at me.

"Then I'm killing them before you can touch them," he hissed.

"That's no fair." I pouted then went to crawl out of bed. He grabbed me and pulled me back to him.

"It's no fair to me.... I shouldn't have to watch you to make sure that you don't love on someone else," he told me and then kissed my cheek. "Besides, you used to do it to me too when I was feeding off girls. You used to get really mad at me and you even once went to kill me for it."

"Well.... I won't do things with others. That's something you should know already." I told him firmly. He studied me and then gave a small nod, relaxing.

"Just... don't change your mind about me during puberty.... You might think you want someone else rather than me...." He snuggled up to me and then wrapped his tail around us.

"I wouldn't ever want someone else." I purred to him and then grabbed his tail, rubbing it. He moaned and started to purr beside me, pressing closer as he closed his eyes. I kissed his cheek and closed my eyes, leaning against him. He kissed my lips then and purred louder, running his hand down my side. He went to my neck then and gave me a love bite. I let his tail go then and groaned. "Isaac~" He purred in response and moved on top of me, flicking his tail behind him as he started to trail love bites down my neck towards the collar of my shirt. I grabbed his sides then and gasped. "Isaac, calm down." I told him softly. He stopped at the collar of my shirt and pouted.


"Because.... You might wake up your demon." I whispered. He shook his head.

"I'm fine now.... It'll only be me," he told me and then kissed my collarbone teasingly. "I won't hurt you.... You know that.... Besides, we're mates."

"I know..." I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Let's not lay in bed all day though." He sighed.

"But Harry's sleeping with us tonight.... I won't get to make it up to you for what I did." He kissed my neck again. I nodded.

"You made it up to me already." I promised. He tilted his head and then laid down on top of me.

"Mkay," he said cutely and kissed one of my stitches.

"Mhph." I felt the wind get knocked out of me as he laid down. "I think you need to lay off of the blood." I teased. He nuzzled against my neck.

"I haven't had a good meal in a bit," he purred.

"Then you better start cutting back extra hard." I purred.

"Pleaaaaaaaaase~!" He asked and sat up on me, giving me a really cute and irresistible look.

"Okay~" I titled my head for him to let him have a good view. "You can have all you want." I mumbled. He looked at it and then pouted.

"I don't wanna use my fangs though...." He touched his lips and then blushed. I looked towards him and then titled my head.

"What?" I asked softly. "I never offer my neck like that and you're not even going in for the kill?" He widened his eyes.

"I wouldn't kill you.... Oh... wait," he mumbled and then blushed as he realized what I meant. He looked towards my neck and then leaned in, licking it. "Ok." I giggled and grabbed his sides, tensing up under him. He scraped his fangs against my neck teasingly and then bit down hard. He moaned at the taste and leaned in, pressing up against me for more. I yelped and arched my back, pressing up against him. I could feel my heart start to face like a jack rabbit. He seemed to sense it and bit down as hard as he could, digging his fangs in deeply. He started to drink from me like he was starving and had cravings that hadn't been satisfied in months. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to think of a happy place so I wouldn't push him off with my magic. After a few minutes, I felt him grabbing for my hands as another moan escaped his lips. I widened my eyes and let him have my hands, not sure what he was doing. He took them and then pinned them at my sides before he went to the other side of my neck and bit in. I groaned, but didn't fight against him pinning my hands. I exposed my neck for him so he could get to it more. He purred then to comfort me as he licked my neck and then nipped at my ear playfully as he went in for another bite on my neck. I relaxed under him and felt my heart starting to calm down. He slowly traveled his hands up my arms and then to my chest before sliding them down, purring in my ear as he slowed down in his feeding. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I suddenly felt his venom coursing through me again as his hands reached the hem of my shirt. I let out a moan and tensed up under him, grabbing for the blanket under me. He grabbed my shirt then and started to pull it up my stomach, running his hands under it and across my skin. I let out a small giggle as it tickled and tried to push his hands away. He purred in my ear louder and hit me with another dosage of his venom as he slipped the shirt all the way to my chest. I grabbed his sides then and groaned, melting under him. He pulled back for a second and slipped my shirt over my head then before he went back to my neck and kept feeding as he started to run his hands downwards. I grabbed his hands then to stop them. He growled then and tried to get his hands back. I shook my head and gripped him tightly. He bit down into me again, upset with me. I yelped and let his hands go. He purred as soon as he got his hands back and ran them across my chest lightly. I giggled, then tried to get away from him. He laughed and then licked my neck before he started to suck on the wound for blood. He ran his hands down my sides then towards my pants. I grabbed his arms and then tried to get him off me.

"Easy~" I purred. "You can only have blood." I told him. He purred then and pulled back, giving me a cute look.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to, I just got my powers back.... and I just you know.... woke up." I told him. "Let's go downstairs." He sighed and got off me.

"Fine," he mumbled. I nodded and got to my feet, snatching my shirt up then put it on. I ran for the door then.

"Let's go." I urged. He followed me then. It's like sometimes I have him wrapped around my finger.