Drowning Mortality

Hachi's POV:

I walked outside after telling Isaac I would meet him then sat down on one of the porch swings. I hummed softly to myself, not knowing what he'd have in store for me.... What was it? Did he want to ask me to the movies or something? I felt a little nervous about finding out now... It was so important he had things set up for it... A dinner at Xandria's? A dance.... Picnic under the stars... I love stars... I held my chest where the stitches throbbed out in pain... I should take some pain killers soon.... Pain is so new to me... He appeared in front of me then and smiled, holding out a hand to me. "I have it set up for us. Let's go," he purred to me, looking confident in what he was doing. He didn't look afraid that I'd tell him no like he did a few minutes ago. I grabbed his hand then got to my feet and followed him to where he was wanting to take me. He led us towards the woods and gave me a smile. "It won't be a long walk. I promise. You'll be fine." He led me onto a trail and started to pick his way through it, holding my hand tightly. "Just promise me you won't faint or anything." He laughed as he joked about it and glanced over his shoulder at me. I frowned as I followed him.

"Why are we going into the woods?" I asked him curiously. I feel like the little red ridding hood about to get ate by her suspicious grandmother.

"Because I have it set up in the woods," he told me simply and then stopped, sniffing the air before he continued. He held up a hand and a fireball formed in it, lighting up the way we were walking.

"You know there could be that rogue still out here." I told him, getting closer to him.

"If he's out here, I will kill him," he whispered to me and looked at me. "Don't be afraid. We're out here together, and I will always protect you." He kissed the top of my head and then stopped, leading us off the main path to a smaller, less-worn path. I grew closer to him, not liking I was a human out in the woods... at dark.... I truly am becoming red riding hood. After a few minutes, he lowered his hand, putting out the fire and pulled me close. I could see something glowing just ahead in the trees, a soft kind of glow that made me feel warmer and safe. "It's right up there. I will ask you when we get there." I nodded and started for it quickly. I rather be in the glow that in the dark woods. He followed behind me and when we got there, I saw a few rocks with candles on them, lit up with Isaac's fire magic. A small bonfire was lit in a makeshift pit and there were a few rose petals scattered around the area. I could see the stars clearly from where I stood, the trees opening up to a clearing. Isaac stopped beside me and pulled me close, a small smile on his face as he waited for me to say something. I hesitated, scared of what he was doing now.... He might even eat me.... when I'm at my weakest point! I bit my bottom lip, deciding not to say anything to him. He pouted and moved away from me. "You're not happy. I can tell," he mumbled. "I did it wrong...."

"What!? I didn't say anything." I mumbled. What's up with him wanting me to be happy? It does look nice... He looked down at the ground, thinking about something really hard before he looked towards the fire. He smiled then and looked at me, reaching out a hand.

"Come here, I have something to give you before I ask you," he told me quickly and pulled me over to one of the rocks and sat me on it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his deck of trick cards he had played with when I first met him and shuffled through them. He grabbed out an ace of hearts and handed it to me. "Out of all the cards, I find that one most appealing. It's my favorite, and it describes me- fits me," he told me softly. He waved a hand over it, and it glowed brightly before it faded and shimmered before it looked normal again. "I want you to keep it. You will be able to summon me with it now. I enchanted it for your use." I looked the card over and then frowned.

"I'm not that weak." I mumbled. "I can handle myself." I slipped the card into my pocket though and then looked him in the eyes. "Thanks for the card." He smiled and nodded.

"I didn't give it to you for protection, my love. I gave it to you in case I'm not there and you're lonely. I want you to always know that I'm here- somewhere- and that you can use that card to bring me to you if I'm halfway across the world doing something. I want you to keep it for that. It's also a sign of trust. I trust you enough not to summon me and trap me," he purred to me. "I know you can handle yourself."

"I can trap you?" I asked curiously.  His eyes widened.

"Please don't ever try.... I'd be upset.... Honestly, you could use the card if you're mad at me or if I'm running from you... so it's a dangerous move on my part, but I want you to know that I trust you enough not to summon me to hurt me."

"I wouldn't purposely try to hurt you." I promised him. "Unless I'm hungry for flesh." I teased. He laughed.

"I know you wouldn't... but I'm not there and you want me there, you have the card now. You don't have to worry because I will be there every time you use it. All you have to do is use the mark I gave you- the wizard mark- and call my name." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. "Now, you begged me to tell you, so I will ask what I really brought you out here for." He pulled back and then reached into his jacket's pocket and pulled out a slip of paper and put it in my hands. I noticed it was the immortality curse from earlier that he had tried to get me to drink. He gave me a loving look and got down on his knees, grabbing my other hand. "Hachi, my sweet, darling love," he purred to me and rubbed his head against my hand before giving it a kiss, "will you choose to be immortal with me for the rest of eternity? I know you told me you wanted to think about it earlier, but I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you. I can't stand the thought of losing you, and if it was possible for me to age, I'd let things be until you wanted to be immortal again... but I can't age. I stopped aging. I don't want to be left alone in this world without you. I don't want you to get hurt and die because I was too late to save you, and I don't want you to die of a disease or old age. I don't want you to die at all. I know it's selfish of me, but I love you Hachi, and I would do anything for you. I want to love you for all eternity and be on this Earth with you by myside. I want to be your mate, and I want you to trust and love me back- even if you don't want to use the word mate because you don't believe wizards can be mates. I don't want to even think for a second of being with someone else, and I promise you that I will love you, and only you, for our eternity if you say yes, so please, before you think of flat out telling me no, please think about saying yes," he whispered and looked up at me with pure love in his eyes. His gorgeous eyes reflected the fire's light so perfectly that it seemed like it was made for him. He kissed my hand gently and didn't let his eyes leave mine for a second. I looked down towards the immortality curse and started to consider it... but if I take it... I definitely will never see Haru again... and last time I took a immortality potion.... I had done it on accident and carelessness... This time I have a choice. I looked towards Isaac..... I love him as much as I love my twin Haru... but I think I love Isaac more... I certainly did spend a good many years with him... It's been over ten years and Isaac has showed me nothing but faithfulness... He's never purposely hurt me. He's nothing like Oz or Dr. Philips. He's never going to betray or kill me... He won't eat me up like my family would. He showed enough affection to go all this way to asking me something like this... Eternity with Isaac vs flipping a coin and taking chances on meeting my twin again.... Hell.... or Isaac for eternity? It's simple when it's Issac vs Hell.... but if I couldn't remember Haru.... I know I would pick Isaac in a heartbeat. I love him... I do love him.... and who's to say I can bend a few rules and find a way into heven. If Paris can go to hell then I should be able to get into heaven and see my twin. If Laurencne can see the shadow king whenever he wants.... I can see my twin as I feel.... Once I gain my powers. Only if I glain my powers back.

"Isaac...." I whispered to him. "We've known eachother for quite a while." I told him softly. "I'll take this immortality curse... but only when I gain my powers back." I told him slowly. "You see.... it just wouldn't feel right..." I trailed off and crumbled up the paper in my hand. "I'll posion my own apple when the time comes." He looked a little crushed at first, but he gave a nod and let out a purr, rubbing his head against my hand again.

"Ok," he mumbled. "I understand."

"I'm glad you do." I whispered and put the curse back into his hands. "I'm sort of enjoying my mortality anyways... while it lasts." I purred. "It's sort of painful but fun." He nodded and pulled his head back and looked around the clearing.

"Well... I guess you didn't exactly tell me no...." He laughed a little and then threw the scrap of paper into the fire. "I wrote it out onto it, so it's fine to trash this copy of it. It's still in my book," he told me.

"I don't know if I want to use a curse though." I whispered to him. "That's not cool... I'll shop around."

"Well, it says it will give you nightmares, but we can fix that. That's the only downside," he told me. "I guess they titled it curse because everyone else gets to grow old but the one who drinks it will be stuck in one stage of life for the rest of creation." He stood up then and held out a hand, giving me a smile. "Come on, let's get you back home. I don't want to keep you out here any longer than we have to." He grabbed my hands and we were back in our room then. He stretched and walked over to the bed, crawling in it. I looked towards the bed with little interst then went towards my closet and went inside and towards my chest. I opened it the went through some of my old stuff, pulling out an old spell book I hid inside it. I sat down on the chest then opened up the spell book to start reading through it.

Quinton's POV:

Isaac said he'd see about my father today.... I sat down on the couch and held my breakfast close to me as I started to eat it. He better not forget again. I sighed and then took a bite of it. He appeared in front of me and flicked his tail, looking me over. "I owed your father a check up... didn't I? I need to do it now if you want it done today. I have plans." I set my bowl down and smiled. He didn't forget! Maybe he's not a bad... whatever he is. I stood up and walked over to him, but he backed up a bit.

"Are you ok Isaac?" I frowned and went to touch him, but he flinched.

"N-no... I just... well... minor nightmare- my bad." He gave me a nervous smile and then grabbed my hand. "It's fine. Let's go check on August." We were suddenly in my parents' room, right by the bed. "August! Wake up," he called out and let go, crawling into the bed and right next to my father. He shook him. August grumbled and tried to move away from Isaac.

"Stop... I'm tired." He mumbled softly. Isaac shook his head and then opened my father's eyes up, holding the eyelids open.

"Hmmmm.... Oh- that's not good.... You really hurt yourself. This won't be able to be cured all the way- at least with my skills. Hachi might have been able to do more for you, but I don't possess the same skill level as him. You'll have to settle for what I can give you till Hachi can help you. I hope you're ok with it. I'll start on something to give you back your sight soon, ok? It'll probably be in the form of eyedrops which will have to be repeated every few hours."

"Okay." August grumbled, not sounding to happy. "Just go away Isaac."

"Why? Do you have a problem with kitty demons?" He asked and smirked. "Do I offend you Mister Werewolf Alpha?"

"I'm not in the mood." August said simply.

Isaac's POV:

I laughed and patted his head. "Ok Mr. Wolf." I got out of the bed and looked towards Quinton who smiled in gratitude.

"Thanks Isaac. I know he doesn't seem grateful, but I'm sure my father is. He's just tired."

"Well, I can't help that I have five million things I want to do today." I smirked and flicked my tail then disappeared, going to the kitchen to get the present for Hachi. Some maid had found this dead guy in the hall earlier and asked if I wanted anything from it because of Hachi and his cannibalism. If you ever wonder where the dead bodies go, we don't bury them anymore. They just all go to us. I reached into the refrigerator and pulled out the container with the eyes in it then teleported to our room to give it to him. I glanced around and walked towards him as I pulled the lid off, giving him a bright smile. "Hachi! I got you a gift! They found this dead guy in the halls, and I thought you'd like a treat!" Hachi looked up from one of his ancient spell books he was reading on the couch and eyed the container down in my hand then closed the book quickly, sliding away from me.

"Don't get that near me." Hachi hissed sharply, holding the book up towards his mouth. I frowned and looked him over.

"What's the matter? You love the eyes..." I pulled one out and examined it then looked towards him. He just turned down the eyes.... Hachi got to his feet quickly and bolted for the bathroom, closing the door behind him. "Hachi!" I ran over to the door and pressed up against it then looked towards the eyes. Is something wrong with them? I glanced them over and shrugged when I didn't see a thing to think they were bad. I popped one into my mouth out of curiosity for why he liked them and moaned at the texture, falling to my knees as the flavor hit me. "Oh... my... god... You just turned down the most amazing thing ever!" I quickly grabbed the other and ate it, tossing the container to the side as I chewed it slowly. I could hear Hachi on the other side of the door gagging. Something must be wrong with him today.... I swallowed the eyes and then managed to get to my feet and went to open the door, going in to check on him. I frowned and walked over to him, seeing he was puking his guts up into the toilet. "Hachi? Are you alright? Are you getting sick?" I put my hands on his shoulders and massaged them comfortingly, looking him over with concern. He fell down by the toilet and curled up into a ball, groaning as he held his stomach. "Was it the eyes? You normally like them, but you looked like a preacher would at a demon just walking through his doors."

"My stomach got upset at the sight of them." Hachi mumbled. "I hardly can remember their taste... texture.... without wanting to puke." I frowned and remembered how he turned down my blood in that glass earlier and now the eyes.... This isn't the same cannibal Hachi who ate Evelyn and then tried to eat me on several occasions.... He's changed because he's human. I narrowed my eyes and started for the door. That phoenix is getting a visit! I rolled up my sleeves and went towards my spell book, grabbing it off the nightstand. "Isaac, what are you doing? Can you get me a glass of water?" I heard Hachi say from the bathroom. I sighed and grabbed the glass off the nightstand, taking it into the bathroom and set it down beside him before I waved a hand over it to fill it with water. I looked him over.

"I'll be back. I have to go do something, ok? I love you," I purred the last part and leaned in, kissing the top of his head.

"Don't go." Hachi begged me, grabbing my arm and pulled me down onto the ground by him. "I don't want to be alone." I smiled softly and kissed his cheek again.

"I'm sorry Hachi.... I'll be back within the next five minutes. I'll even let you watch me mess with what I'm getting so you won't be alone."

"You don't have to go." He told me, trying to persuade me into staying. I shook my head and gave him a sweet smile.

"I'm doing this for you, ok? I will make it back as soon as I can. Stay here."

"No... stay here." He wrapped his arms around my arm and frowned. "Please." I almost melted at his touch, but I pulled away and gave his cheek another kiss.

"I'll be back before you can say my name," I purred and stood up, teleporting to right outside the doors we left the jar in on that cursed island. I glanced around and slipped my tail up my shirt cautiously before I creaked the door open and walked inside. I spotted the jar on a table and walked over quickly, snatching it up then walked out of the room before I could be caught. I teleported back to my bathroom and set the jar on the counter, looking towards Hachi. "If you don't want to be alone, I have to do this somewhere safer than in the bathroom here, so you need to come here." Hachi looked up towards me then his eyes landed on the jar and they widened.

"Isaac! You disobeyed me and went for it anyways?" His eyes shown of heartbreak then. "You're not loyal to me now?" He whimpered then as his eyes scanned me. "Why would you do that?" I widened my eyes and sunk to my knees beside him, pulling him into a hug.

"I am loyal... I just want to help you," I whispered to him and buried my face into his neck. "I just want you to be ok... and I want you to be happy. If it means getting the ashes even though you told me no... then I'd do it for you. I love you so much that it kills me to see you get hurt and to see you get sick."  

"You still betrayed me." Hachi said firmly, sniffling then shoved me away. "Mates don't betray each other! I thought you loved me!" He hit his fists against my chest hard and then got to his feet, I could hear him crying up a terrible storm. He seemed to be very emotional now... It reminded me of the time I brought home dinner, for comfort. I shivered and then stood up, pulling him into a hug.

"I didn't betray you! I just want you to be ok! I don't want to be left alone here," I told him and then squeezed him into a hug. "I'm so sorry...." I buried my face into his neck and trembled, afraid he'd leave me for good. I would die right then and there. My reason for existing would be gone. I'd be lost.... I love him. "I love you," I whimpered out and then fell to my knees in front of him, hanging my head as I held onto his hands. "You know I do.... You know I love you, so don't even think I don't for a second. I'd never betray you. I gave up feeding off others for you which was a big step for me.... Please," I whispered and rubbed my head against his hands. "Please forgive me."

"You still betrayed me and that doesn't change what you done." Hachi grumbled. He shrugged me off and backed away from me, grabbing the jar of the phoenix and then started to walk off. "Don't touch this, I ordered you.... You went and got it anyways~ I'm mad at you! You can sleep in another bedroom tonight." I whined and stood up, following him.

"But I did it for the right reasons! It's not like I was doing it to hurt you... and I didn't hide it from you when I did it!" I started to cry then, not wanting to be alone. "Don't leave me alone for a whole night... not while you're mad at me! Please," I begged.

"You betrayed me." He growled. "You'll sleep alone tonight and think about what you done." He turned towards me, glaring me down. "What would have happened to you if he was there- out of the jar!?" Hachi asked, shoving my chest, making me stumble back a bit as he spun on his heels to leave me once again. I whimpered and went after him, trying to calm him down with my mark on him as I manipulated the warm feeling in his chest.

"Please, just listen to me," I begged again. I sniffled and whipped at my tears. "Don't do this." He stopped walking and sniffled.

"You done it though..." Hachi whispered. "You betrayed me. You should be punished." I stopped right behind him then and nuzzled my face against him.

"I didn't betray you," I whispered and then looked towards the jar. "Let me put it back on the island in that room.... I will get rid of him if you let me." I wanted to do anything to please him, as long as he would forgive me for it. I didn't want him mad at me. Not like this....

"You already got him here though." Hachi mumbled and tightened his grip of the jar. "I'm going to take it someplace safe."

"Not alone you're not," I growled to him. I reached for the jar then. "If we're going to play with the ashes, then let me take the risks." I muttered a spell over us both to protect us from his song in case he came back. "There, he can't hurt us if he comes back, but you're not handling those ashes. Not after what happened." He held the jar away from me.

"You are not touching this jar." He hissed. "One of us without powers is enough." He snapped and then started to walked towards Paris's study. I teleported in front of him and crossed my arms.

"Give me the jar. If he comes back, I'll handle him. Who do you think put him in that jar in the first place? He can't touch me," I told him and flicked my eyes towards the jar. "He's just a pile of goo and ashes, and if he dares come back, I'll send him to hell where he belongs." Hachi held the jar close to his chest then and shook his head.

"No. You aren't getting this jar." He frowned and tried to walk past me. I snatched him up and held him to me before kissing the top of his head.

"Hachi, how long have you known me? I don't get hurt easily. I've survived your feeding attempts numerous times. That phoenix can't do anything to me because I know that he only bested you because he put you to sleep. He can't do that to us anymore, so he's not a problem. He's just a bird with an ego problem. I'm not going to get hurt, and if we need to, we can lock him up after this. All I want to do is get your powers back from him and then I'll put him back in that room so he can't regenerate. That's what he deserves- darkness for eternity. I won't let him touch us." I nuzzled my face against him then and let out a purr to comfort him. "I know you don't want me to touch them, but I want to help you. That's what I'm here for... to help you and to love you."

"I'm fine though." Hachi whispered and brought the jar closer to his chest. "I don't want to let you near them. You also betrayed me. How can I trust you now?" He titled his head. "Especially with him. You can't go anywhere near this guy. Besides.... I'll find my powers some other way." I sighed and looked at him.

"Hachi... for the last time, I didn't betray you. Betraying you would look like leaving you somewhere to rot and kill and eat you," I told him and then kissed his cheek. "I love you too much to betray you.... All I did was disobey."

"You shouldn't have betrayed me." He mumbled. "Disobey... it felt like the same thing." He looked away from me and sniffled. "I trusted you." I frowned and then set him down.

"Trusted? You should still trust me.... Am I really that different from me from thirty minutes ago? Hachi... you know you can trust me because you know that I love you. I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose," I mumbled and took a step back, my eyes stinging again. He doesn't trust me.... He doesn't want me. He would be better off without me. Hachi started to walk in the direction he had been headed, whimpering softly as he curled up into the jar. "I love you," I whispered and sniffled, falling to my knees and then curled up on the floor. He just... walked away from me.... He really doesn't want me anymore. He stopped for a second but kept walking.

"Sure." He mumbled softly. "I'm sure you do." He didn't say it back.... I squeezed my eyes shut then. I want to go home.... He doesn't love me. I laid there for a bit before I got up and went to my room, grabbing some of my clothes and some of my ingredients and spell books before I shoved it all into my backpack that I kept for hiking and stuff. I sniffled as I looked towards my phone then picked it up and dropped it in the trash bin. I grabbed my bag and started for the door, planning to go get some of my things out of the laundry room. My favorite shirt was down there still. I teleported down there and grabbed it, shoving it into the bag and then zipped it up. I can't believe he doesn't want me anymore.... I trembled as I looked towards the bag, unsure about this now. If I left... he wouldn't care. He would forget about me like he forgot about Haru.... I would be truly alone.... He wouldn't come for me. He wouldn't try to call me. He'd be happy that I'm gone. I started to cry then. Why would I stay if he doesn't want me here? If he would be happier without me? I didn't want to hurt him... but I did. I hurt him. I clutched the bag then and held it close with my important possessions in it. I don't want to leave him... but it's best for him.

"Isaac~" I heard Nikolai say from behind me. "Having trouble?" I widened my eyes and froze up.

"Nikolai?" I slowly turned to look at him and hid the bag behind me. "What're you doing here?"

"What are you doing packing a bag? What's up with Hachi, he was crying and clutching some jar." Nikolai frowned as he looked me over. "What'd you do?"

"I..." I trailed off and looked towards the ground as I started to cry. "I hurt Hachi. He doesn't even want me anymore.... H-he... he didn't want to eat the eyes... and I thought I'd help him by getting his powers back from that phoenix, b-but, he says I betrayed him!" I dropped the bag and fell to my knees as I brought my tail around me and cried. "He doesn't love me!"

"Hachi does love you. Stop crying. Love doesn't end that quickly. Get up." Nikolai crossed his arms. "I might not be that old but I know from watching others that it takes a lot more than that to end love. Now, get up." He held out a hand for mine then. "You can't just run away like that either." I looked towards his hand and reached out for it as I tried to stop crying. I held onto it as I got to my feet and then hugged him.

"He hates me.... He doesn't want me anymore," I whispered as I hid my face. "He told me to start sleeping elsewhere."

"It's just for a few nights, get over it. I bet he won't even last that long Isaac." Nikolai told me, rubbing my back. "Now come on, stop pouting and throwing yourself a self pity party. Go fix your relationship with Hachi. It takes two people to do that." He kissed the top of my head and then sighed. "If you tell anyone I done that... I'll kill you."

"B-but... he doesn't want to see me. I can't fix it because he won't try," I whimpered and looked up at him as I sniffled. I pulled back and then looked towards my bag. I picked it up and held it close. The majority of my life can fit in a bag.... I gripped it tightly and looked towards him. But he's right... I can't leave. Hachi would forget me, and I don't want that. I don't want to become like poor Haru. I looked down at the floor then. "I don't even know what to do anymore.... He won't let me...."

"Oh boohoo, he won't let you. He wasn't going to let you in his pants either, now was he?" Nikolai asked me and frowned. "He says and does stuff that will eventually happen. But they won't just magically happen. They need a boost. You've got to convince him you are worthy enough for his love. I'm sure he still loves you. You just hurt him and he doesn't know how to react. You're going to go back to him though and you'll tell him sorry once more and make him accept your apology. You're the dominate one anyways of this relationship. Why are you letting him run all over you like this?" He shook me then. "Wake up Isaac." I dropped the bag and hissed at him.

"Don't shake me! I'm not letting him run all over me," I told him and brushed his hands away as I flicked my tail angrily.

"Yes you are." He hissed. "Look at yourself. You are beaten up over something like this!?" He shook his head. I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm not a whipped dog if that's what you're implying." I picked up my bag and started for the door. "I don't let people walk all over me. I'm Isaac the Halfling vampire demon wizard," I hissed.

"Who is running from a human Hachi." Nikolai snapped back. "What you should be doing is throwing that bag down in your room and then running off to wisk Hachi off to a fun dungeon for about a week to show him who's boss then after about.... a month you'll help get his powers back with that jar of dirt." I glanced back at him and smirked.

"Not a bad idea.... I'd hate to be mated to you. I'd have to watch my back," I joked. "For a little kid, you certainly do have adult ideas in that head of yours."

"I'm not little anymore though." He shrugged. "I'm old enough to have my own ideas~" He laughed softly. "Now go have fun for a week in the dungeon." I nodded and teleported up to my room, dropping the bag in the floor then went to Paris's study, not caring to knock. I walked in and shut the door behind me, twitching my tail as I looked for Hachi. Hachi was standing in front of the desk while Paris was holding the jar in his hands and examining it. I walked over then and picked Hachi up, looking towards Paris.

"Hold onto that jar, will you?" I asked and started for the door without another word.

"Put me down." Hachi cried out, realizing it was me. He struggled in my arms then. "I'm taking care of the jar- stop it." He whimpered. I looked down at him and gave him a sweet smile, kissing the top of his head.

"Hachi, there are more important things than that jar of dirt over there. You can forget about seeing that jar for a long time," I purred to him and opened the door.

"I'll take care of the jar, don't worry you two." Paris purred happily. "It'll be safe in my keep."

"Isaac!" Hachi sniffled as he looked in my eyes. I tilted my head and rubbed his cheek.

"What? Don't look at me like that."

"Look at you like what?" He asked innocently.

"Like you don't want to see me... like you don't love me back," I purred. "Do you know what you did?"

"Did?" Hachi whimpered. "You done worse." He hissed.

"Did not. I've been there for you even though you ate Evelyn. I forgave you for that when you tore my world apart, and I made do by rebuilding a new one with you. You made me fall in love with you and then you went and gave me that look that about killed me. I almost left," I whispered the last part and gave his cheek a kiss. "You're very lucky that I'd do anything for you. Not everyone ends up with someone that would do that for their mates."

"B-but I told you not to and you done it anyways." Hachi whispered. "Of course I would be mad... You should have known better." He looked away from me then. I laughed then and kissed him.

"I'm not saying that what I did was completely right.... I'm saying that even though you're mad at me, that's no reason to push me away and not say you love me back. That's no reason to let me become like your forgotten twin Haru."

"I wouldn't forget you...." He whispered softly. "Haru's not forgotten either." He sniffled then. "I didn't purposely want to forget him. I didn't want to become immortal either or eat my family.... or kill Haru.... Or live after my sins... I didn't want any of it... it just happened...." He started to cry then and buried his face into my chest. I gave a small nod and relaxed, taking us to our room. I walked us inside and placed him down on the bed after shutting the door.

"I know you didn't want to.... You had it rough," I whispered and got in the bed with him as I rubbed his head and ran my fingers through his hair to comfort him. "No one should have to go through what you did... but it's no reason to lose everyone else along the way. The choices we make now determine our future, and for some, their future is short. Not everyone gets the opportunities you get, not everyone gets to fix their mistakes. Not everyone gets to change their destinies," I mumbled and pulled him close. "I don't want us to become separated over something like this... and I'd do anything to make you happy and to fix your opinion of me that you've somehow gotten stuck in your head. After all that's happened between us and in your past, would you really stand to lose me now? I didn't go through what you did... but I can tell you my answer to that question. I'd never let you go over this. I love you Hachi," I told him and gave him a kiss. "I hope you love me back because I'm not going anywhere." Hachi pressed his head into the crook of my neck and whimpered softly.

"I do love you Isaac.... I'm just upset at you... can't you understand that? You never do stuff like that but you did anyways... what were you thinking? You put your life on the line for that.... I don't think a jar is that worthy... It hurts me that you'd do something like that... without my consent." He whined and rubbed the tears away from his cheeks. "I don't want to risk loosing you.... ever.... that was a risk... You just jumped without considering how I'd feel about it." He sniffled. I widened my eyes and then pulled him close.

"I'm so sorry...." I didn't think of it like that. "I didn't mean to make you upset like that.... I didn't think you were upset because you were afraid of losing me." I kissed the top of his head and then started to shower him with kisses to make him feel better. "I'm sorry," I mumbled. "Forgive me, please? I didn't mean to make you upset with me. I don't like it when we're fighting."

"I don't like you acting foolish." Hachi mumbled. "So what are we gonna do?" He asked softly, stiff sniffling. "I don't want you doing this again..." I pulled back enough to look him in the eyes and frowned.

"Hachi... I'll listen next time," I promised. "I don't want to see you get hurt, and you got hurt this time because I didn't listen. I won't do it again... not like this. I promise...." I kissed him then, hoping he'd forgive me.

"You swear?" He asked softly. "Next time I might have to really be angry at you..." He rubbed his eyes then. I gave a smile and ran my fingers through his hair.

"I swear I won't do it again," I purred and then leaned in, kissing his neck. "I will listen to you and be the perfect mate you want me to be."

"Hmph." He looked away from me and sniffled. "I'm still upset at you though." He grumbled.

"Oh, you're still mad at me?" I pulled back from him then with a smirk. "Then you'll just have to witness my adorableness from over there and not get me today." I sat up on the bed and moved to the foot of it as I pulled my shirt off. "I'll just get comfortable down here," I purred and laid down on the bed as I played with my tail and laughed. I stretched out and ran a hand through my hair, getting it away from my face and then held up my hand, letting my fire magic loose as I started to make tiny flames in the air and had them dance between my fingers. "I know many ways to entertain myself, many tricks and games." I laughed and caught the flames in my hand and extinguished them then opened up the palm of my hand, sparking a slightly bigger flame in my hand. He curled up to my pillow then and looked away from me, letting out a heavy sigh. I smirked and put out the flame before I ran a hand down my side. I heard his breathing slow down as he buried his face into my pillow. I laughed and then tugged on the blanket to mess with him. I let out a teasing moan to get his attention and flicked my tail. He looked towards me then and got under the blanket, wrapping it around him as he got onto my side of the bed. "Hey now, I don't let people who are mad at me sleep on my side of the bed. They don't get to enjoy my scent," I teased and started to crawl towards him, wrapping my arms around his waist as I started to scoot him over. He let out a hiss as I moved him.

"No! I want to lay here, Isaac." He struggled to stay, grabbing the sheets. I laughed.

"Not until you forgive me," I purred in his ear then licked his neck to tease him. "You don't get to lay there until you forgive me." He hid his neck from me then.

"Nu-uh." He shook his head and curled up tighter to my pillow. I laughed and let go of him, starting to tickle him.

"Hachi, you know you want to forgive me," I purred and slipped my hands under his shirt to get at his sides better. He yelped and tried to get away from me then.

"No!" He shook his head and got onto his side of the bed, grabbing his pillow. I smirked.

"Mhmm, don't forgive me then. I don't need it," I told him and slipped out of the bed. "You'll eventually forgive me, but until then, you can stay on your side of the bed without me to hold you and tell you goodnight and kiss you and hold you." He looked towards me then longingly.

"What? Without you?" He asked softly. I glanced back at him and flicked my tail.

"Mhmm, you won't forgive me... so no kisses or hugs or goodnights until you do."

"I-I guess I could forgive you..." He said softly. "For now."

"No for nows. I will wait until I get what I want," I purred and walked towards the couch. "You'll eventually realize that I don't play beg for too long." Hachi got out of bed then and started for the door, grumbling something. I had the door disappear and smirked as I sat on the couch. "Hmmm, I wonder if you'll end up like me. You used to do that door trick to me in the early days." Hachi froze up as the door disappeared then he looked towards me.

"Why'd you do that?" He asked softly. "I was going to go check on Paris."

"I told you to forget that jar. There are more important things for you to worry about." I sighed and propped my head up as I crossed my legs. "You're not seeming to care about me, so... you're not leaving the room."

"Ugh." He crossed his arms. "I'm only thirteen. I want outdoors." He started for the window seat and laid down on it, looking out the window. "Jerk."

"You're the jerk. You don't care about me enough to even try to forgive me. You take me for granted," I hissed.

"You're the one that disobeyed me." He grumbled, turning away from me and tapped the window.

"Oh? I disobeyed you, so you're going to go cry about it? You're not going to even look me in the eyes and make me pay? You really did change without your powers. I remember a time when I woke up in the dungeon and found you stitching my body up. I remember you telling me to be quiet when I cried out in pain because you said the pain would eventually fade away. I remember you sending Paris to hell, not caring what it'd do to him to get me back- but you are now willing to throw me away like yesterday's garbage?" I laughed then and shook my head. "Fine, sit there in the window and throw me away."

"I'm not throwing you away. Shut up." He hissed and shot me a glare. I raised an eyebrow.

"Did I hit a nerve?" I stood up then.

"Nu-uh." He glanced away from me then and started to make shapes on the glass. I tilted my chin up then.

"You're being silly. You used to hold onto me like I was the one thing you never wanted to lose, yet you treat me like this now." I walked over to the bed and got in it. "If you're going to be that way, then you can stay over there for all I care. I am not going to be treated like yesterday's garbage just because you don't want to forgive me." I curled up to my pillow then and shut my eyes. I heard him get to his feet then and walk over towards the bathroom door, cautious about doing it. I opened my eyes and made the bathroom door disappear as I watched him. "And no, you're not sneaking off to the bathroom either." He walked over to the closet door then- his closet door. I made all the doors and windows disappear then. He looked around at them then walked over to a corner and sat down in it, facing the walls. I watched him for a few minutes before I shut my eyes to take a nap. He'll eventually break and forgive me. He's throwing a temper tantrum.

Hachi's POV:

I looked towards the corner, tearing up from being trapped in the room with him.... It's unfair.... I can't even be alone to think over what I'm going to do to him... He's being mean. I leaned my head up against the wall then and sunk my head down against it then searched my pockets for something to do. I pulled out a pen then and started to doodle on the wall, making a stick figure me and made little stitches on it, humming softly. I then looked down at myself and remembered something. I pulled out the needle and threat then started to place a stitch in my wrist, I stopped from the pain that shot up me then bit my bottle lip. I placed the pen in my mouth then and started back on the stitches. I let out a soft whimper as I placed the new stitches on my precious wrist. If I can't go take a nice hot bath or check on Paris- my snow white haired pet.... then I'll just have to settle with this...

After about a few hours, Isaac stirred in the bed and fell out of it, letting out a whimper as he hit the floor. "It's so cold," he murmured. I heard him groan in pain as he started to sit up and dragged the blanket off the bed to curl up in. "I hate the cold...." I curled up to myself as I placed another stitch in me, now playing with them on my ankle. I heard him make a small noise of surprise as the smell of my blood reached him. "Hachi?! What're you doing?!" He ran over to me then and grabbed me up into his arms, looking me over with worry. "Hachi! Why'd you do this?! You're going to hurt yourself!" He started to cry and buried his face into my neck. "Don't hurt yourself.... Please don't."

"Huh? I done this before though...." I mumbled softly, not understanding why he was throwing a fit. I broke the threat then so I could start somewhere else and looked his skin over with a smirk. "Want some?" I asked and went to placed the needle into his wrist. He screeched and dropped me, moving away quickly.

"No! It won't even be a mark! It'll only be pain!" He shivered in fear as he looked the needle over. I looked towards my wrist then frowned as I seen a stitch crooked.

"I'm going to have to restart it." I muttered to myself and started to pull them out. I heard him mumble something under his breath and all the pain was gone. He relaxed and laid down on the floor, watching me.

"There... if you wanted to do it, you should've let me know. I would've done that sooner." I looked towards the stitches and then pulled them out without hesitation, going to restart them as blood started to drip down my arm. "If you start to bleed out, I'm going to stop you," he promised me, giving me a serious look. "I mean it. This is a condition thing. You're not allowed to kill yourself by giving yourself stitches." I licked at my wounds then and laughed towards him.

"Okay." I mumbled and leaned in towards him, licking his cheek to get some of my blood on him. His eyes widened and he looked up at me in confusion as he touched his cheek and then looked at his hand. I got to my feet then and walked of to the corner and sat back down in it, picking up on where I left off at. He was by me in seconds and kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry for acting like a brat," he mumbled in my ear. "I shouldn't be acting that way to get you to forgive me. After all... if I keep acting angry at you, this will never go anywhere. It's just... you don't see this from my side of things at all."

"Huh." I looked towards him and rubbed my wrist then scratched it a bit as it itched from the fresh wounds. "So what's your view? You wanted to betray me." He tsked.

"I did not want to betray you. That's just how you interpreted it. I just wanted to help you, but you weren't letting me do a thing for you. You keep things from me and then when I go to help you, you get all angry at me and yell at me. You don't act like you appreciate me, and you don't seem to want to love or forgive me for my mistakes when you know that people aren't perfect. I do everything I can to treat you right, and I respected you enough to stay out of your pants when you didn't want me in them. I waited until you were ready because I knew that you had a lot of problems in the past and I knew you were afraid. I forgave you for Evelyn and for wanting to originally eat me. I offered you my love on a silver platter and gave you what you wanted freely. Then, when I mess up one time like this, you don't even want anything to do with me, you treat me like I'm unworthy trash, and you make me want to just curl up and not move for months. You don't even realize what you're doing to me," he whispered the last part and moved away, looking towards the floor. "You don't return my love as easily, and I try Hachi. I really do...." I looked towards him then flicked some of my blood his way.

"I do love you though." I told him softly. "Be happy I do. I don't know much about love." I looked towards my fingers and watched as blood dripped off of it. "I only know misery..... But when I met Paris I started to learn about new- warming feelings. It was only recently though and I'm still getting used to these feelings." I rubbed my temples then. "It doesn't help though when you're always having- evil lurking." I run my fingers down the sides of my face then and looked towards the stitching the pulled them out all the way. He looked at me sadly then started to trace patterns on the floor.

"I'm sorry Hachi," he mumbled and the doors appeared again. "I must seem mean and terrible to you. I don't mean to though.... Here, I will give you space if that's what you're wanting... to think. I love you.... I'd do anything for you, so I can do at least that for you. I don't want to seem controlling or mean. I don't want to be like-" he stopped himself and shivered before looking up at me. "I don't want to be like them. I want you to love me back and not hate me... so I will give you space around the house to the best of my ability if that's what you want. When you're ready to forgive me, you have the card to summon me back to you," he whispered and then looked down at the floor. "I want you to be happy."

"Please don't go messing around with the phoenix's ashes." I muttered weakly as I got to my feet the started for the bathroom. "I don't care about what you do around the house... just don't go for them."

"I won't," he promised me. "I will stay away from them for you.... When you want me, you have the card," he whispered and then stood up, going towards the door. "I love you." I watched him going towards the door and sniffled, sad that he was wanting to go. I walked into the bathroom then and shut the door behind me and walked over to the tub. I turned on the hot water, waiting for it to get warm then plugged up the water. I stood up then and started to pull off my shirt. He walked in then and grabbed his toothbrush. "Sorry, forgot to brush my teeth after my nap. I'll be out of your hair after this," he told me and gave me an innocent smile. I looked down at the water and watched as steam rose out of it. I dropped the shirt on the floor by my feet and started on my pants, dropping them rather quickly.

"Okay." I mumbled. "I hope the water won't hurt you." I told him. He glanced at me and gave me a warm smile.

"It shouldn't," he whispered and then started to brush his teeth. I pushed my boxers off then slipped into the tub and sunk down in the water. I laid back then, putting my head under the rising water. After about a minute of this, Isaac rushed over and pulled me up out of the water. "Don't stay under for too long!" He let out a whimper and buried his face into my neck. "You'll get hurt! You could drown!" I blushed slightly.

"I wouldn't.. I stay underwater all the time when I take my bath. I can hold my breath for a long time."

"Yeah... but you're not immortal anymore. What if that changed?" He tightened his grip on me and nuzzled his face against me. "If you died... I don't know what I'd do," he whispered and started to cry.

"Isaac, I'm fine." I told him and watched the steam rising off of my skin. "You don't have to worry."

"I'll always worry about you," he mumbled. "You're my mate, my one love.... I don't want anyone else, and if you died, I'd be alone."

"I'm fine though..." I mumbled and tried to pull away from him. "I like the water...." He whimpered and tightened his grip on me.

"Don't leave me," he whispered and hid his face in the crook of my neck. I could feel his breathing against my skin as he held me.

"I wouldn't dare." I told him and then went to go under water. "Go watch a movie." He looked at me and rubbed at his eyes as he gave a small nod. He walked towards the door, hugging himself as he left the bathroom to give me privacy. I ducked back under the water and kicked off the water so it wouldn't overflow. I placed my head on the bottom of the tub and looked up at the ceiling through the water. I hummed then, hearing my voice through the water and laughed slightly. I listened in for him to shut the door entirely then closed my eyes. After a few minutes- I felt my lungs began to burn so I sat up and took a deep breath of air once I surfaced. I grabbed the shampoo bottle and went to squirt some onto my hand. I finished placing some shampoo in my hand then sat the bottle to the side. I caught a glimpse of a body in the water then and shieked as I realized there was someone in the bathroom. I felt someone grasp my mouth and shoved me down into the water, starting to drown me. I struggled under the arms and felt it grasp my throat and burry it's nails into me. I screamed then and water started to get into my lungs as I grasped for air. I felt weak then as my lungs burned for oxygen. I felt my body starting to fall numb... The world sunk into darkness around me.