
Raven's POV:

I smiled as I picked up my black dress and put it on, looking it over as I smoothed it out. It came down to my knees and showed off my figure just enough to grab attention. I grabbed a pair of heels and put them on to give myself more height. For extra measure, I grabbed a knife holster and slipped it up under my dress and tied it around my leg, putting my favorite knife in it. Safety first! I giggled and then looked towards my purse, grabbing it and putting it on then went to the bathroom, grabbing my make up. I started to play up my eyes a bit, knowing that if I wanted to get a successful hunt in today that I was going to need it. Of course, humans aren't really out there anymore... but that doesn't mean I can't find a vampire or a witch or something. I need a hunt. This stress needs to be taken out on a luxurious hunt to remind me of the older days. I giggled and put on a bit of pink lipstick then ran for my bedroom, going in and looking around. "Am I forgetting anything?" I glanced around and then walked over to my bed, seeing my phone on it. I grabbed it and put it in my purse, making sure my wallet was there and then walked out of my room and down to the garage. I grabbed a set of car keys and went to my favorite car, getting in and then drove towards the gates of the manor slowly, making sure not to hurt anything. I sped up as I got out and then giggled as I punched the gas, feeling free like I hadn't been in a long time. I turned on the radio and blasted the music as I raced down the street, going towards town.

When I pulled up to an ice cream shop, I turned off the car and went in, excited. Ice cream and a meal! I giggled and bounced, going over to the counter where a lady was cleaning the ice cream bar off. She smiled up at me. "Hello young miss, how can I serve you today?" I looked over the menu then and smiled at her sweetly.

"I'd like a chocolate malt," I told her, looking towards the shakes section. She nodded and went over to the ice cream, getting out a container and put ice cream in it before she went over to a machine and started to use it to stir it up into a fine, creamy texture. She looked at me then and tilted her head.

"Would you like whipped cream and a cherry to go with it miss?" I shook my head. She nodded and walked over. I paid for it and smiled happily as I got it then went over to a table by the window to eat it. A few others were here, but they were mostly with other people. A hot dating spot probably. I shrugged it off. There's always other places to stalk around. Besides, maybe I might see a loner somewhere. I caught a scent then that made me stiffen. It smelled so delicious that I was practically drooling. I shoved a bite of the malt into my mouth and glanced around for it, seeing it was a newcomer who had walked in. He laughed as he started some small talk with the one behind the counter, running a hand through his hair as he told her what he wanted. I watched him and smiled. He's alone like me.... He'll be easy. I giggled and looked out the window, making sure to listen to them to keep tabs on my new victim.

"Thank you, Ms. Lucy," he told her and took his ice cream after giving her the money for it. He turned then, glancing the customers over and then his eyes landed on me. He smirked as he caught me watching him then walked over, sitting down in front of me. "You don't mind, do you?" I blushed and took a bite of my ice cream.

"No... I don't mind," I told him and looked out the window.

"What's your name cutie?" He laughed and took a bite of his ice cream. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes and gave him a sweet smile.

"Raven," I told him and then turned to watch him. "What's yours?"

"Zach," he told me and tilted his head. I giggled then.

"I haven't seen someone named Zach before," I admitted. He laughed then.

"Yes, but I've never seen someone with gold eyes and purple hair before- much less someone as pretty as you sitting by yourself," he told me. I blushed and watched him as I took another bite. "So... Do you normally come here?" He asked me and tilted his head a little.

"No... I haven't been here before," I whispered.

"Same. I'm so glad that you were here. I would've been sitting by myself. I didn't think about this being where all the couples went. Should've thought it through." He smirked. "So what are you doing here by yourself?"

"Checking things out," I told him and smiled innocently. Hunting...

"Do you live here in Maine, or are you passing through?"

"I live here. I've just been away from home for a long time." He nodded.

"I understand... I'm visiting myself.... My home is over in Europe," he told me. I raised an eyebrow. "I live in Estonia," he told me and laughed. "Though I'm not Estonian." I giggled and shook my head. He leaned forward then. "So... what are you? You're not human. I know that. The humans are all in hiding or they're enslaved." I widened my eyes and looked at him.

"I'm...I'm... I'd rather not say," I whispered. He frowned.

"Is it that bad?"

"You'll run when I tell you," I told him and then looked down at my ice cream, trying to appear sad. "They all run..." But I like it when they do.

"I promise I won't run. You're very interesting. I don't plan to." He reached a hand across the table then and made me look up at him so I could see the smile on his face. "You can't be that bad. You're too cute to be a monster." I blushed then and moved back, taking a bite of my ice cream.

"Well, to be honest, I'm a vampire," I whispered to him. I saw a nearby mother bring her child closer to her then. I frowned and looked over, shrinking back a bit. Well... I didn't realize vampires weren't really accepted by others like that. I guess it's because we're the dominant race now and they're afraid. She must not be a vampire.

"Don't mind her," Zach told me and smiled. "She's a mother. It's her job." He finished his ice cream and looked at me. "So little vampire, do you have plans this afternoon?" I shook my head and gave him a smile, taking a liking to him.

"No, I don't have plans." Besides to eat you.... He smirked and stood up, holding out a hand.

"Then may I ask you to accompany me for the remainder of the day. I'll be a perfect gentleman and even drop you off wherever you live." I looked at him consideringly. I didn't want to seem eager. He'd think something was up. I glanced at his hand then took it, finishing off my malt.

"Ok," I murmured and glanced towards the mother. She looked at me like I was the devil come straight out of Hell. I smirked towards her and exposed my fangs to scare her, making sure to keep it out of Zach's sight. He pulled me towards the door then and outside.

"So... what do you like to do? We could go to the park... a bookstore, whatever you want," he told me and ran a hand through his hair. I smiled at him and then looked around.

"How about the park?" He smirked.

"Me too," he whispered. "The park is always better." He pulled me over to a black truck then and opened the passenger door for me, letting me in. I got in and smiled towards him as he shut the door then walked around to the driver's side, getting in and starting it up. He looked at me and then backed us out of the parking lot. "If you drove here, we can always get the car later," he told me and gave me a grin. I nodded and looked at the car I drove thoughtfully. I could honestly ditch it... but I'll come back for it later. I looked at him and watched as he drove us carefully towards the park. He talked about the weather with me and how he had been interested in those kinds of things for most of his life and then stopped when we were there. I smirked as I saw no one else was around. He was about to get out when I stopped him, giving him a fake frightened look.

"Zach... what if something happens? What if we get attacked?" I asked him. He looked at me and frowned, glancing down at my hand on his arm.

"We'll be fine... It's just a park," he murmured. I edged closer to him then.

"But werewolves can kill someone like me with a bite. What if we run into one?" I asked him. He glanced up at me and smiled then.

"I won't let you get hurt even though I'm sure that won't happen." I smiled sweetly at him then.

"Really?" He nodded. I giggled and leaned in, kissing his cheek. "You're a sweet boy," I mumbled to him then tightened the grip on his arm and bit down into his neck. He shrieked and tried to get away from me. He yanked on his arm, and he looked at me with fear, but I was gone almost instantly. His blood was so amazing. It was like nothing I'd ever tasted before. I pulled back from him with wide eyes and looked at him. "What are you?" He looked at me and winced.

"Raven, why'd you bite me?"

"That doesn't matter at the moment," I told him quickly and waved it off as I licked my lips to get another taste of his blood. He shivered at the sight. "Zach, what are you?"

"I'm... I'm a fairy," he whispered. I looked at him in awe then. Those went extinct! Didn't they?

"I'm so keeping you," I whispered to him and teleported us back to the manor immediately. I pulled him towards the stairs then, wanting to get him to my room for safety.

"Whatcha doing Raven?" I heard Hachi ask from the top of the stairs, he pulled a shirt over his head then. I looked up at him then and froze.

"Nothiiiing," I said quickly. "Just... taking my new pet to my room so others don't eat him," I told Hachi and yanked Zach up the stairs. He yelped and almost tripped.

"What's that guy?" Hachi asked, pointing a finger towards him. "I don't remember his face... I'm pretty familiar with faces."

"I caught him in town," I explained. "Don't tell Louis. He'll get upset."

"Nuh.... I won't tell you if you don't tell Isaac where I'm going." Hachi told me as he started down the stairs. "Point him in the opposite direction before he marks me in this form." I nodded towards him and pulled Zach close to me.

"Bye Hachi!" I waved to him and licked Zach's neck, moaning at the taste as I started to drag him towards my room. Isaac ran past me then and stopped when he saw me.

"Where'd Hachi go?!" He asked me quickly.

"The library," I told him and smiled innocently. He ran off then, growling.

"I can't believe he left me!"

"Who are these people?!" Zach looked at me then and shivered. I giggled.

"They're my friends," I purred. "When you've learned to defend yourself, I might let you meet a few of them." I tugged on him again, making him follow me. He looked at me and then glanced around, biting his lip.

"I can't believe you're kidnapping me...."

"I can't believe you're making it easy," I told him and giggled, looking at him. "This is the easiest kidnapping I've ever had."

"Raven~ Want to go out to the movie- Who's this?" I heard Nikolai then as he came out of a room. I widened my eyes. Did he just ask me to go to the movies with him after him ignoring me constantly?

"This is... my new pet," I told him, deciding to be honest. I gave Nikolai a sweet smile then. He looked Zach over and his eyes showed of slight jealousy.

"Oh..I'll go ask Donnie to go with me to the movies instead." Nikolai said as he spun around on his heels. I bit my bottom lip then.

"Nikolai, I didn't say I didn't want to go to the movies with you. I have him as a meal because I don't like bottled blood," I called after him, feeling slightly guilty.

"Do you have a crush on him or something?" Zach whispered in my ear. I widened my eyes. Where'd that come from?!

"Zach," I hissed his way. He laughed.

"You totally do, don't you? Bet he likes you too. He looked upset," he whispered, keeping his voice low. I narrowed my eyes.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Nikolai was putting distance between us, muttering to himself. Zach looked at me then at Nikolai.

"Why don't you go after him? He'd probably like that," he told me. I let go of him and crossed my arms.

"I'll do what I want!" I glared him down.

"Just a suggestion," he told me and smirked. "You're so cute when you're embarrassed." I let out a growl and pushed him up against the wall.

"I told you to be quiet," I hissed and bit down into his neck. I closed my eyes as I got lost in the flavor again and pressed against him for more. I let a moan slip and pulled back to look up at him. "Do you know how you taste?" I asked him and licked my lips again. He winced and looked at me.

"Stop biting me," he mumbled.

"No," I said simply and bit him again. "Now you will learn to listen to me," I hissed and moved away from him. I licked my lips again and looked at him with hunger. You don't need a pet. I giggled at that and nodded. No, I don't. I rushed back to him and bit down, making him yelp.

"Raven! Ow! Quit!" He tried to push me away then, but I didn't let go. I grabbed his arms and pinned them down, getting a good mouthful of his blood. He started to mutter something and I was suddenly thrown back from him. I shrieked in shock and felt like electricity was running through my body. His hands glowed for a moment, but they faded as he saw me fall to the floor. I looked up at him as I took deep breaths to steady myself. Guess he's not defenseless. I stood up after another minute and glared him down.

"You're too good... That's gotten you in trouble," I muttered and appeared beside him, biting into his wrist hard and tore a chunk out. "HEY MISTER GRUMPY PANTS! COME GET A BITE!" I shouted, knowing Nikolai was within ear shot. Nikolai didn't come though, his footsteps fading. I narrowed my eyes and then shook my head. Screw it. I'm not trying with him today. If he wants to be that way, he can be that way. I bit back down into him then and giggled when I heard him yelp. He tried to push me away, but I grabbed his other hand and snapped one of his fingers, making him scream out in pain. I looked up at him and smirked. "Good, you know how to scream," I purred. I leaned back in towards his neck and licked him, making him shudder. I bit back in and drained him quickly, pulling back just as the life left his body. I smiled and cleaned my face off then looked myself over. Good, I didn't ruin my outfit. I giggled and nudged his body with my foot. "You were fun while you lasted.... I think a maid should clean you up. I'm feeling like I'm in the mood for an afternoon nap." I giggled and bounced down the hall then, humming to myself. I pulled out my phone as I got to my room and laid down on the bed, deciding to tease Nikolai.

Me: Hey, you missed out. That was great. He was a fairy and everything.

Nikolai: So? I have other things to do. Like watch a movie with Donnie.

Me: Were you seriously going to ask me to watch a movie with you? Or was it because I was right there?

Nikolai: Yeah I was going to ask about going to watch a movie. TOO late now.

Me: You're so grouchy. It's not fair when you tell me I can't bite you and then you go and get jealous when I bite someone else so I don't starve.

Nikolai: I'm not jealous.

Me: Uh huh. Then tell me why it's too late now for me to watch a movie with you, Mr. Jealous.

Nikolai: I've already asked Donnie.

Me: Mhm, but you didn't have to. You're just jealous. It's cute though. Reminds me that you're still really little inside that head of yours.

Nikolai: I'm not that young anymore. Besides, you looked busy and now I am... Bye Raven.

Me: Enjoy your movie. Don't forget to check out bromance at the midnight show.

I giggled and rolled over in my bed. He's so much trouble. I should just avoid him. I'll end up hurt. I set the phone down and kicked my shoes off, deciding to take a little nap.

Isaac's POV:

I groaned as I left the library. Raven lied to me.... He wasn't in there. I went back towards our room and went inside, flopping down on the bed in defeat. He must've changed in there.... He seems to be avoiding me. I sighed and started to play with the covers. Maybe he doesn't like me anymore? I pouted at that. I grabbed his pillow and curled up to it. I really hope he's just being shy or something.... I'd hate for him to look at me and stay away from me because he doesn't love me anymore. I worked so hard too to get him to admit he loved me back... and then he didn't even recognize me when I saved him. He didn't want me to touch him when he got his memories back. Am I a plague or something to him? Hachi walked into our room then with a bowl of ice cream and brought it with him as he walked over towards our couch we had in our room then sat down on it, turning our TV on to Black Butler and started to eat his icecream.

"Isaac, come watch Black Butler with me." He shouted over his shoulder. I sat up and watched him cautiously before I got up and walked over, sitting down on the couch and curling up as I brought my knees to my chest. I think I'll hold off on telling him that I think we need that phoenix Agostein guy to get his powers back for Hachi. He might flip and leave me again. I curled my tail around my feet then, watching it and twitched the end of it like a cat.

"Hachi...." I trailed off and didn't look up at him as questions swirled through my mind about why he had been avoiding me earlier.

"Huh?" Hachi looked towards me. I bit my bottom lip then and reached down, touching my tail.

"Are you avoiding me?" I whispered.

"This isn't avoiding you." Hachi told me as he ate a spoon full of icecream and moaned at the taste. I nodded.

"I know... I meant earlier.... When you got your memories back, you didn't want me touching you... and you ran away from me about thirty or forty minutes ago."

"I wanted to get ice cream." He said innocently. I looked down at my toes then and gave a small nod.

"Ok," I mumbled.

"Plus... I was a bit scared... That you might.... mark me in this form." He whispered.

"Why?" I looked towards him then and pouted.

"Because I was scared." He told me.

"But why?"

"I don't know..." He mumbled softly.

"And you're still Hachi.... You just... momentarily lost your magic," I told him and studied him. "Whether or not you still love me is another question. But of the question of your form, you're still Hachi."

"I'm mortal." He mumbled.

"So? You know I wouldn't hurt you.... I don't see why you'd be afraid of me."

"Afraid of getting marked." He grumbled. I pouted and looked away from him then. Fine....

"Ok Hachi," I murmured softly and played with the end of my tail.

"Uh-huh." Hachi finished his ice cream then went to curl up to me. "I can't help my fears." I'll remember that when you get your magic back and you go to mark me....

"I know," I whispered softly and watched him. I kissed the top of his head then. "I love you." Even if you don't love me back... or you're afraid of me... or whatever is going on in your head.

"Hmmm." He smiled happily and looked towards the TV with interest. "How come you don't make demon contracts?" He teased me. I laughed a bit.

"I'm a Halfling," I told him. "I wasn't born a demon anyways. Besides, I'm sure that kind of stuff isn't real." I looked towards the TV and frowned. There's no way a demon would tolerate all that for a soul. He'd just take it. Hachi laughed softly for a few minutes before calming down and started to drift slightly to sleep. After I was sure he was asleep, I stopped smiling and turned off the TV, looking towards him. I sighed and thought about marking him but decided not to. I'd wait until he begged me or tries to throw me out, whichever comes first. I picked him up and carried him over to the bed, sitting him down on it and covered him up. "Goodnight Hachi," I whispered to him and rubbed his head gently. He grabbed my hand then and started to pull me down onto the bed with him.

"Isaac..." He mumbled softly. I widened my eyes slightly and watched him, letting him after a moment.

"What?" I didn't take my hand back as I studied him. Maybe he's sleep talking.

"Stay..." He sighed out, definitely sleep talking. I shook my head and laughed a little.

"At least he acts like he loves me in his sleep," I whispered to myself and laid down on the bed beside him. I grabbed my spell book off the nightstand and flipped through it for ideas. I wanted to get his magic back for him so that way he would maybe lighten up. Maybe his immortality back as well. He'd need it for later. I don't want to be left alone here.... I glanced the pages over, reading them quickly as I searched for a possible one. I titled my head as I came across an immortality curse. Why's it a curse? I frowned and read it through, getting to the side effects. Ok, so he'd get immortality... and he'd end up having a few nightmares here and there.... That shouldn't be a problem. He can't dream anymore. I smiled and read it over to see if I needed anything to do this for him then sat up. I'd need a thing of fresh blood. Other than that, not much else. I kissed Hachi's head and started to crawl towards the edge of the bed.

"You promised..." Hachi mumbled. I frowned and looked back at him then down at myself. I spotted a glass of water on the nightstand and sighed, grabbing it. I hate water anyways. I dumped it out on the floor and bit down into my wrist, letting my blood drain into the glass and then reached for a small container that Hachi had gotten me to put ingredients in. I grabbed it and pulled out a few herbs, dropping it in there and then looked at the spell again, muttering a few words. It glowed a light purple for about ten seconds and then faded back, shimmering just a bit. Now... he just has to drink it. I looked him over.

"Hachi, sit up," I whispered to him and went to help him sit up as I put the drink and book aside so I would drop one. Hachi groaned as I had him sit up.

"Isaac... I'm tired..." He mumbled, falling over onto his side.

"Hachi, I've got something for you- a gift," I told him and tried to sound encouraging. I sat him up again and moved him into my lap, kissing his neck. "You'll like it."

"Can it wait for in the morning?" Hachi asked, letting out a yawn. "What happened to Black Butler?" I laughed and watched him.

"No, it can't wait until morning. The spell specifically said fresh," I told him and grabbed the cup then put it in his hands. "It's got a bit of me in there, but that's because you told me not to leave you. I hope you don't mind." He sniffed it then shoved it away.

"I don't want that." He said quickly. "It smells.... bad." I sighed.

"Hachi, it'll restore you're immortality. You'll go back to being immortal. Then, we can work on getting your magic back," I purred in his ear and kissed him. I put the drink back in his hands. "Besides, I don't want to be left alone here if you grow old and die." He smiled softly.

"I'll think about it... After all... I accidentally made myself immortal... It was a mistake...." He let out a yawn and went to get out of my lap. I pouted then. Mistake? Does that mean meeting me was a mistake? He wouldn't have if he wasn't immortal.... I sighed and took the drink back from him.

"Whatever you say," I whispered and went to get up so I could dump it out. It'd loose it's ability if he didn't drink it anyways.

"Can I have a glass of water?" Hachi asked me, reaching out for where the glass had been on the table. I looked at him and nodded, going to the bathroom and dumped it down the sink. I watched my blood drain out of it then and shook my head. Such a waste.... I'm not doing anything nice like that for him again if he's going to keep that up. I rinsed the glass out and got him some water, making sure not to let it touch me and kept calm at the sound of the water running then went out and gave it to him.

"There." He grabbed the cup then sat it down on his bedside table and curled up to one of the pillows- my pillow. I sighed and walked over to the couch, laying down on it. I turned on the TV to a quiet level and started to watch a random movie. After a few minutes Hachi crawled out of the bed and started for the bathroom, leaving the door open and I heard him stumble a bit then push back the shower curtains and climb into the tub then lay down in it. I frowned and sat up, looking towards the bathroom then got up, walking over to it and looked in to see him curled up in it. I smirked and walked over, touching the handles to the faucet on the tub lightly as I drummed my fingers on it. Should I get him back for what he's been doing to me? Or should I just put him back in bed? I laughed evilly. He wasted my blood without a second thought and then ignored me part of the day when he just got back. I should punish him. I inched the cold water on a little, letting it run by his toes. He curled his body up into a tighter ball. I turned it on a little bit more and watched him, planning on stopping after getting his feet wet. He yelped when the water touched his toes and sat up quickly, trying to get away from the water. I turned it off then and snatched him out of the tub, taking him back to the bedroom and dropped him on the bed. I touched my hand to his chest as the thought of remarking him entered my mind. I smirked and started to pour a little of my magic into him, replacing what he lost. He started to blush then as utter confusion crossed his eyes.

"Isaac?" He asked softly and gripped at the sheets. I looked at him and let my magic radiate throughout him, warming him up.

"Shhh, you're fine," I told him. "Calm down." He let out a slight moan and curled up to my hand, smiling softly. "Are you even awake?" I asked him, looking at him curiously.

"Uh-huh." He nodded, his eyes shinned on me but were dazed with sleep.

"You're not going to remember this, are you?" I laughed a little. That's fine with me. He can question me tomorrow and I'll tell him exactly why I did this to him while he was vulnerable. He let out a small moan as he pulled me down to him. I kissed him then and started to trail kisses to his neck as I kept playing with the mark I had given him, letting my fire magic roam throughout his body to create ecstasy for him. I stopped when I got to his neck and then exposed my fangs, biting down gently and remarked him as a vampire. He yelped slightly from the bite but relaxed under me as my venom coursed through his veins.

"Isaac~" He mumbled softly in my ear. "What are you doing?"

"I'm marking you because you're being afraid of me and I don't like it. You're shunning me," I told him and then licked his neck. "I'm going to make sure that you stop fearing me."

"I'm not shunning you..." He mumbled and hid his face into my shoulder.

"You backed away from my touch earlier and you ran from me," I reminded him, sitting up as I finished and looked down at him with a pout. "I'd call that shunning."

"I- I didn't." He mumbled. "It's not shunning." He looked up at me innocently and let a yawn slip. I looked at him and shook my head.

"It sure felt like it," I whispered to it. "You just got back... and you didn't want me near you."

"Isaac... It's not you.... It's just other things." Hachi told me softly, reaching up for my hair and curled it around his fingers. I smiled a little and leaned against his hand.

"What other things?"

"Old things." He told me and kissed my cheek.

"Old things? Like...." His twin. I looked at him and then kissed his cheek. Maybe even Oz. I laid down beside him and curled up. "Ok."

"Can you hand me my glass of water?" He mumbled sleepily.

"Uh huh," I hummed and sat up, reaching for it then gave it to him. "So you're the reason why there is water by the side of the bed...."

"I like my water..." He mumbled as he took a sip then gave it back to me. "It tastes good." I looked at it and swirled it, shivering at the thought of drinking it.

"No, it doesn't," I whispered under my breath. "It's like it came straight out of hell." I sat it back on the table and then looked at him, giving an innocent smile before I laid back down. "Hachi, you won't ever leave me, right?"

"Nu-uh." Hachi kissed my cheek and pulled the covers over us. "I don't leave pets." He teased me and kissed my cheek again. "Or lovers." I frowned. He ate Oz... but can Oz be considered a lover?

"Well... does that make Paris, Louis, and I your first pets that lived then?"

"Oz was a meal." Hachi told me and rolled over to face away from me. "If that's what you are asking."

"Did he... do things to your other pets? I'm sure we weren't the first," I whispered, knowing it was a touchy subject with Hachi.

"Mhmm... I had this girl once... she had pretty blue hair... it reminded me of the sea. So I wanted to keep her... She was dead the next day after I brought her home to Oz." Hachi mumbled softly. "Then there was this guy that taught me card tricks.... He died..... a mysterious death. I didn't really try to make friends with others after that." I frowned.

"Would he have killed us?" I pulled Hachi closer and nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck.

"I don't know.... Paris is powerful and I think Oz knew that because it took him a while to try to get me." Hachi looked over his shoulder at me.

"That's terrible.... I'm sorry sweetie," I looked at him lovingly and kissed his cheek. "I'm sorry if that cookie brought all that back up. I was thinking about how much I wanted you back... not that you weren't back. It's just that you didn't remember us.... You might've cut off my tail in my sleep too."

"Haru's my special twin, of course I would have." Hachi laughed softly. "I'd do anything for him... I remember him now." Hachi seemed sad a bit as he turned to look away. "I ate him..." I grimaced and then hugged him tighter.

"I'm sure you didn't mean to," I whispered in his ear. "He's in a better place."

"Like stuck in limbo cat tails," I heard a voice from beside the bed. "No, not really. I'm just traveling." Hachi curled up to himself and hid his face.

"Sometimes I can hear him..." Hachi mumbled. I frowned and looked to the side to see a younger version of Hachi standing there. I shrieked and went to jump up.


"That? That's a little mean," the younger version said and pouted. "You shouldn't call me that. I prefer Haru." Hachi rubbed his eyes and looked towards the younger version of himself.

"H-Haru?" He asked softly and started to sit up. Haru smiled at him and crawled into bed with us, going towards Hachi.

"You remember me this time," he whispered. "Last time you told me to get and move on and that you didn't care who I was."

"I'm sorry Haru..." Hachi mumbled. "I'm sorry we couldn't finish our game of captain and ship mate... or what.... what was it called?"

"Sailors," Haru told him and giggled. "It was sailors!" I frowned and shrunk down in the bed, but it caught Haru's attention. "Hey cat tails, don't be afraid. I find you adorable, so it's not like I'm going to tell you to stay away from my twin."

"Haru...." Hachi mumbled, placing his head into his twin's chest. "My sweet Haru~"

"Hachi," Haru's attention turned to him then and he gave a soft smile, hugging him. "I love you.... I'll try to stay as long as I can again, mkay? I don't want to leave you again. You might forget me."

"I want to keep you here forever~" Hachi mumbled, sniffling. "I can't though... I don't have any magic." He explained softly. "It's gone... and I'm mortal." Haru nodded.

"I sense it," he whispered back. I frowned. I'm totally forgotten about.... I shifted in the bed and then went to crawl out of it, but I felt a grip on my tail then. I yelped and stopped moving as it was yanked on. Hachi looked towards me then.

"Isaac? Don't leave me." Hachi begged, reaching out for me. "Stay."

"Yeah, stay cat tails.... I don't want you to leave. Be mine?" Haru tugged on my tail again and gave me a cute look. "I'll treat you nice for as long as I'm here kitty."

"Isaac's mine." Hachi hissed then, showing his possessiveness over me. Haru looked at him and pouted.

"I wanna share then," he told Hachi.

"Nu-uh." Hachi shook his head. "He's not to share."

"Why not? He's cute. He's half kitty," Haru mumbled and tugged on my tail again, making me grip the bedsheets so I wouldn't yelp. Hachi tackled his twin then and made him let me go.

"He's mine." Hachi said sternly. "I want him to only be mine." Haru looked up at him and then giggled.

"I can't even share him as a pet?"

"No! Isaac is my love. He's not a pet." Hachi told his twin. Haru thought it through then.

"Then... he can be my pet and he can be your love," he told Hachi and smiled. "There."

"No." Hachi growled. "He's not a pet." He shook his head then and went to bite his twin's neck. Haru screamed and then stopped, looking at Hachi then. He smiled and shook his head as something dawned on him.

"You can't bite me. I'm dead," he told Hachi. He was beside me then and looked me over with a pout. "Hachi says I can't share with him kitty.... Are you sure you wouldn't want to be my pet?" I widened my eyes. NO! You tug on my tail! I shivered and curled up into myself.

"Please don't touch my tail," I murmured.

"Why not?" Haru wrapped my tail around his hand then and looked at it, petting it. "It's adorable."

"Haru, don't touch Isaac's tail." Hachi said firmly, spinning around to watch us. "He's my love. Only I get to touch him like that."

"What's wrong with touching his tail?" Haru looked up at Hachi then, confused as he let go of my tail. I relaxed and curled it around my torso so he couldn't do it so easily again. "It's not like bad touch...." Hachi stiffened then and looked Haru over. Haru looked back at him and frowned. "Hachi? Are you ok? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you," he said quickly and crawled over to him, looking ready to cry. "Please don't be mad at me." Hachi stiffened even more and stopped breathing as he went back into the phase I witnessed earlier.

"Haru, wait a few minutes," I told him softly, sitting up. "He's probably not mad at you. He just does that every once in awhile." Haru looked at me then with wide eyes.

"Is he ok?" I bit my bottom lip as I looked at Hachi.

"I don't know.... I don't know what happens in his head when he goes like that.... If he doesn't breath soon, he'll knock out and his body will kick in and make him breath to save his life. If it doesn't.... I will make him into a newborn," I told him. He frowned.

"Newborn?" I smirked towards him then. That's right... he probably doesn't realize what I am.

"I'm special. You see, I'm a Halfling," I told him and exposed my fangs. He yelped and went to hide behind Hachi. Hachi fell back from Haru's touch and let out a sigh, not breathing back in. I frowned and crawled over to Hachi, pulling him to me and kissed his cheek. "Hachi, you need to breath... Don't hurt yourself...." I kissed him again then bit down gently into his neck to hopefully make him come back. I felt him stiffen slightly under me. I licked his neck and pulled back to look at him, brushing his hair out of his face. "Hachi...." I softened my gaze as I looked him over. He usually comes out of this fine... but his twin is here. He might end up disappearing and Hachi would be upset when he comes to. Hachi took in a sharp breath then and his heart started to pound in his chest as he twitched in my arms.

"I did it again." He husked out. I nodded and sat him up. Haru tackled him into a hug, crying his little heart out.

"I'M SO SORRY! I didn't mean to upset you!" He sobbed into Hachi.

"You upset me?" Hachi asked innocently.

"He thinks you're upset with him because he didn't want to put down my tail even though you told him that you were the only one that was allowed to touch it. He said something about bad touch and then you zoned out." I rubbed Hachi's head and gave him a nervous smile.

"Bad touch..." Hachi mumbled softly and tensed up slightly. I frowned.

"Please don't zone out again," I whispered and tilted his face up to mine. "I'll scratch that phrase from my vocabulary if I need to.... I'm sure Haru will as well."

"Uh-huh." Hachi nodded and his eyes shown of struggle. I bit my bottom lip then leaned in and gave him a small kiss.

"Hachi, you are safe," I murmured to him and looked him in the eyes. "No one is going to hurt you. You don't have to revert back to your self-defenses with me."

"Hachi, I'm so sorry," Haru mumbled and hugged his twin tightly as he kept crying. "Please forgive me."

"Self-defenses?" Hachi asked me. "It's not for either of you...." He promised us. "I love you both." He rubbed his twin's head and looked up towards my eyes. His eyes seemed calm then. "It was a memory..." I nodded and kissed the top of his head. Hopefully not that doctor guy he told me about... or Oz.

"So... if you're not mad, can I hold his tail?" Haru asked timidly, looking up at Hachi.

"NO!" Hachi frowned. "Not at all."

"Why?" Haru whined and squeezed Hachi in his arms. "It's not like I am hurting him."

"It does hurt him though. Plus he doesn't like it." Hachi told him. I laughed then and kissed Hachi's head.

"How does just holding it hurt him? I won't tug on it," Haru promised. I glanced at him then nuzzled into Hachi's side, bringing him close. Haru didn't let go of Hachi, so they both ended up real close to me. Hachi squirmed around in Haru's arms.

"Let go Haru." He muttered. "I don't want anymore tight hugs." Haru let go then crawled over to Hachi's pillow and curled up with it, laying down as he watched us. He gave Hachi a small smile and closed his eyes.

"I love you," he told Hachi and sighed as he laid his head on it.

"I love you too." Hachi mumbled to him then curled up to me, humming softly as he went to fall back to sleep on me. I laughed and laid us down, starting to go to sleep with him.

Sometime in the middle of the night, I felt like I was falling and I felt a sharp pain go through me as I landed on the floor. I yelped and sat up quickly, looking around to see that I was in our dark bedroom, on the hardwood floor. I frowned. How'd I fall off? That's unusual.... I stood up and looked to see that Haru had gotten between us while we were sleeping. He must've nudged me over to the edge.... I narrowed my eyes slightly and went for the couch. Fine. I'll sleep over here if Haru is going to get between me and Hachi like that. Hachi started to squirm then, kicking around in the covers as he tried to get out of them. I laughed a bit as I saw it and shook my head. He can be so cute when he's trying to sleep. I sat down on the couch then curled up, resting my head on the arm of the couch. At least he gets bonding time with his twin again. He could've been left forever without him.... I heard Hachi let out a shriek then and sat up in bed, holding his face. I sat up quickly, looking at him with wide eyes. "Hachi? Are you alright?" I called towards him as his twin stirred a bit, groaning as he rolled over in the bed.

"I- I had a nightmare." Hachi mumbled softly, starting for the edge of the bed. I frowned. He's not supposed to be getting any dreams.

"Hachi, you're not supposed to dream anymore. That potion took them away from you. Are you ok?"

"No..." Hachi mumbled as he fell out of bed and groaned. "I had a nightmare...." I tensed up. Did everything become undone on Hachi? Is Dr. Phillips plaguing his dreams again?

"What... was it about?" I whispered as I watched him to make sure he was fine from the fall. He kept down on the floor, letting out a groan.

"I was drawing a door with white chalk..." He mumbled, tracing his fingers around on the floor. "Then I pushed it open into this fancy hallway.... I went through the door.... and down the hall to this dinning room. There was a table with a bunch of food on it... delicious food... but there was warning signs everywhere... telling me not to eat the food.... There was this creature there...." Hachi chocked a bit on his words as he started to cry. "I couldn't help myself... The grapes looked so tempting... I ate one.... then another.... and another... and the creature... began to move... it could smell me then... It wanted me.... It wanted to eat me... I ate the food that lead him to me... I died." I widened my eyes and got up, going over to him.

"Hachi, sweetie, nothing bad will happen to you... nothing bad like death," I told him and picked him up, cradeling him to me and rested my head against his as I looked down into his eyes. "I will always protect you... even if you aren't immortal or you don't have your magic. I don't need some mark on me to tell me that I belong to you as much as you belong to me. I will keep you safe and I won't let you die. I would sacrifice myself before I'd ever let you get hurt. I'd eat the food to get the creature to leave you alone."

"I-Isaac..." Hachi mumbled softly and rubbed my cheek. "T-thank you..." He mumbled. "That,,, beast... had no eyes... on his face.... but instead.... on his hands." Hachi held up his hands and waved them around then towards my eyes.

"I'd bite him," I told him and laughed to try to lighten the mood. "Then, I'd take those eyes and put them in a bowl with some sugar and give them to you." Hachi laughed softly, starting to feel better.

"I had a nightmare..." He mumbled.

"I know...." I told him and took him over to the couch, laying us down on it with him on top of me. I started to play with his hair as I smiled softly, glad he wasn't shunning me. "I bet it's because Haru took my spot so the nightmares got brave because they knew I wouldn't be able to snatch them up and put them in a jar then throw them to the sea." Hachi rubbed his cheek against my chest.

"No more nightmares..." He mumbled softly. "It's been a long night...." I gave a nod.

"Yes, it has been.... Not to be mean, but your twin certainly pushed me off the bed," I told him and kissed the top of his head. "I think he doesn't like the idea of sharing with me even though he finds my tail fascinating."

"I'm sorry he pushed you off the bed." Hachi told me softly. "I don't know why he's here... He knows there are distant years between us now..." Hachi yawned then. I rubbed his head and pulled him close to me.

"I think he's lonely," I whispered to him.

"He's got no one." Hachi agreed. "Our family was always distant from us." I shook my head and looked towards the bed. Poor thing. He didn't have anyone but Hachi.... No wonder he was acting that way.

"I could try to send him to the afterlife completely," I whispered to Hachi. "Move him to heaven if you'd like. He might find a friend there instead of being stuck in limbo or whatever this is for him. He said he traveled, didn't he?"

"Send him..." Hachi told me. "He deserves heaven." I nodded.

"I could do it now... while he's sleeping," I suggested. "He wouldn't be able to run away to avoid it."

"Please." Hachi moved off of me then and onto his knees in the floor. I sat up and sighed.

"Alright, go tell him goodbye," I whispered and stood up. "This will be the last time you see him if this works."

"I know... there's no place for me in heaven." Hachi mumbled and walked over to his twin then and sat down on the bed by him. He leaned down and kissed his cheek lightly. "I love you my brother..." I heard him whisper. I watched them and shook my head. Poor Hachi and Haru.... They would've been happy if their fate had been different. I walked over to the nightstand and lit the candles that were on mine with my magic. It gave the room a soft, warm glow as it lightened the room. I grabbed my spell book then and flipped it over to the spells dealing with the dead. I searched for the one I was thinking of and held the book out to Hachi when I found it.

"This one will do it," I whispered to him. "I'm going to need a few strands of your hair to do it though. You're the one he's haunting." I plucked a few out before he could tell me no and dumped his water out on the floor and put his hair into the glass. I grabbed my box with herbs in it, opening it up as I grabbed sage and a few other important witch herbs, dropping it into the glass. I glanced at the spell in Hachi's hands and then tsked. I shook my head and looked at Haru then at the glass in my hands, going over to our dresser and grabbed a feather out of my drawer of random ingredients. I dropped it into the glass and then walked back over and got onto the bed then grabbed Hachi and bit into him gently, holding his wrist over the glass. I watched as the leaves of the herbs sizzled and a little bit of smoke started to rise off them. I grabbed the spell book as I got a good base of Hachi's blood on all the ingredients then started to say the encantation. The hair burst into flames inside the glass and the herbs started to give off a black smoke. The white feather's tips turned a dark shade of red then and slowly started to change into a scarlet color, reaching towards the middle ever so slowly. Haru whimpered in his sleep then and curled up, holding his sides.

"Hachi," he mumbled in his sleep, sounding pained.

"I love you." Hachi whispered to his twin as he held his wrist. Haru's eyes opened then and he looked up towards Hachi.

"Hachi, what're you doing?" He sounded like he was starting to panic. He looked towards the glass then screamed when he saw what I was doing.

"It's for your own good. You'll miss me... but this is for you." Hachi told his twin, rubbing his head. "I want you to be brave." Haru shook his head quickly and grabbed Hachi's hand.

"Don't let him! Please, Hachi!" He started to cry in fear and hugged Hachi. I shivered as a cold chill went through me, but I pressed through the words, continuing the long process.

"You need to move on, my sweet Haru." Hachi told him softly. "It's for the best."

"No! I don't need to!" Haru cried out and buried his face into Hachi's chest. "Don't do this. Please... I'll leave. I won't bother you. Don't do this to me. I'm scared."

"You'll be at peace!" Hachi promised. "You can do whatever you want in heaven." He promised. "I'll come see you one day, I promise." No, you won't. I looked up at him sharply but kept saying the words, not breaking the spell. Haru would be able to escape if my voice faltered.

"I don't want to be alone! Don't do this! I don't want to move on! I love you! You promised! You said you'd play sailors with me!" Haru cried and trembled against Hachi.

"I'll be in heaven one day.... and we can play sailors together." Hachi told him, pulling him into a loving hug. "You'll see... but we have to separate for now." Haru shook his head.

"Hachi, help me," he begged and tightened his grip on his twin. "Please, don't do this to us! Not again!" Hachi leaned in then and kissed his twin's cheek, distracting him as he trailed the kisses to his neck. Haru shivered then and gripped Hachi's shirt. "H-Hachi," he mumbled and let out a small gasp. Hachi trailed his kisses around Haru's neck. "What're you..." He trailed off and exposed his neck a little to Hachi as he melted to his touch. Hachi started to trail his kisses towards Haru's lips then, taking it slow. I frowned a bit and kept saying the words, getting a little jealous. Haru whimpered and looked at Hachi, confusion shining in his eyes. Hachi kissed beside his lips though before kissing them and then rubbed his twin's sides.

"I love you Haru." He purred happily. "You'll go to heaven and wait for me there."

"I-I...I wanna stay with you," he whispered to Hachi.

"No you won't." Hachi told him firmly. "Go to heaven and wait."

"What if you don't come to heaven?" Haru whimpered then and buried his face into Hachi's chest. "I'm scared." I smiled a bit. At least he's not screaming anymore....

"Don't be scared." Hachi purred. "You're going to be better off up there." He promised.

"What if I'm not? We know nothing of heaven." Haru gripped his twin's shirt tighter then and whimpered. "Hachi, I feel weak...."

"I love my twin... goodbye." Hachi whispered to him. Haru looked up at Hachi then and whimpered when he found he couldn't keep his form enough to hold onto Hachi.

"Hachi, I'm scared," he said quickly. "Stop."

"Think of me." Hachi purred, rubbing his twin's head.

"This isn't fair," he whispered and curled up, laying beside Hachi the best he could. He yawned a little and looked up at Hachi. "I don't want to go without you.... You trapped me to do this...."

"I'll see you again one day." Hachi purred and rubbed Haru's head. "We'll play sailors then." Haru went to say something else, but he stopped when he saw his hand disappearing a little. The feather completely soaked up the red color then, turning a scarlet red. It glowed brightly, lighting up the room with a bright, white light and then when it dimmed down, Haru was gone. The feather burst into flames then and became nothing but ash. I set the glass down on the nightstand then looked over at Hachi, feeling drained.

"He should be there now. He won't be able to come back to this plane anymore." Hachi curled up into a ball then looked up at the ceiling. I frowned and crawled over to him, laying down beside him. "Are you alright? It must've been tough to see him cry," I whispered to him and pulled him close. "You could've asked me to stop if you wanted."

"No..." Hachi whispered. "He's in a good place now." Hachi looked me in the eyes. "It's what I wanted." I gave a small nod and then kissed his cheek.

"Alright, my love," I purred to him and then went to kiss his lips, hesitating a little. He might be too upset to accept one from me right now. I looked him in the eyes then at his lips, leaning in a little. He leaned in towards my lips then kissed my lips. He pulled me closer to him then onto him. I purred to him then and kissed him passionately then started to trail kisses down his chin to his neck. He let out a soft moan and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Isaac~" He mumbled. I growled playfully and licked his neck before I started a love bite on him. I gave him a comforting purr to encourage him then wrapped my arms around him, bringing him close. He let out another moan and arched his back, pressing it against me. I pushed him back down and smirked, glancing towards his eyes before I began to trail a few love bites down his neck towards the collar of his shirt. He let out a gasp then wrapped his legs around mine, rubbing his feet against me. I laughed and stopped at the collar of his shirt.

"You want me?" I asked him and smirked. I unwrapped my tail from around my torso and slipped it out from my shirt then twitched it excitedly as I looked him over.

"Uh-huh." Hachi nodded, blushing slightly. "I sort of do..." He admitted. I purred in his ear then, nipping on it then sucked on it to tease him. I felt my tail flick happily as I leaned in to him, getting a better angle to please him. He let out a gasp and tried to switch places with me then. I got caught off guard then and lost my position to him. I looked up at him with wide eyes. He looked down at me then leaned in towards my neck and started to kiss me there. He then bit down into me, breaking the skin. I yelped and leaned my head into his shoulder to hide my face from him.

"Hachi~!" I shivered at the pain and nuzzled myself into the crook of his neck, not really afraid. He couldn't kill me the way he is now. He licked at my neck then, letting out a soft moan as he started to drink my blood. I blushed and laid my head back down slowly, looking at him. I let out a small purr to let him know he could and exposed my neck for him. He pulled back after a minute then kissed my lips, getting my blood on them. I gasped then at the feel of it and then leaned up into him for more of it as I got a taste. I licked his lips clean then mine. He looked my body over then started to pull up on my shirt. I reached for his shirt then and leaned up into his neck, giving him another love bite. He gasped and fell down on me, kissing my cheek as he did. I pulled his shirt off then and tossed it to the side, traveling my hands down his sides as I kissed up to his lips from his love bites. I stopped as I got to his lips and smirked, breathing against his lips to tease him. I tilted my head and looked up at his eyes to give him a seductive look as I husked out another breath against his lips. Hachi looked down into my eyes and then leaned in towards my lips, pressing his tongue into my mouth then started to explore my mouth. I purred to him and went to get his tongue, sucking on it gently to pleasure him further. I leaned up against him then, eager to make him happy. He let out a moan and leaned further into me then started to switch our positions. I stopped him and then pulled back from his kiss.

"Hachi... are you sure? You never are dominate," I whispered in his ear then kissed right under it on his neck.

"Uh-huh. I like you on top." Hachi told me sweetly. "I don't care if I am or not..."

"I want you to at least know what it's like," I purred in his ear. I rubbed my foot against his leg then. I leaned in and kissed his lips again, sucking on his bottom lip. I looked up into his eyes, giving him a cute look as I purred to him to seduce him.

"UH....No..." He shook his head and blushed. "I don't know what to do even if I was wanting to." He mumbled and looked away from me, blushing. I sighed and laid my head down then watched him.

"You're funny," I mumbled. "Anybody else would leap at the chance." I flipped us then and smirked down at him. "Guess it's my turn again." I leaned in towards his neck and kissed him then started another love bite. He let out a moan and tensed up slightly.

"I'm not just anybody though." He told me softly.

"Mhmm, you're my Hachi," I purred against him and then started another one. I sharpened my fangs and dragged them across his skin lightly to tease him. He grabbed my belt then and unbuckled it then pulled it off quickly. I laughed and looked towards my belt and then down at him as I pulled back so he could see my fangs. He smirked towards me then kissed my lips seductively. I felt him flip us then and tied my hands down with the belt and to the bed before I could react. I widened my eyes and looked up at him. "Hachi! What are you doing?" I tugged on my hands then. He giggled and looked me over then winked and laid down beside me.

"Getting some sleep." He told me and laughed softly. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes.

"Hachi, this isn't funny," I told him and tugged on my hands again. "Let me out of this!"

"Why?" He asked curiously.

"Because I don't like it," I growled at him. "I don't like being tied up." I smirked then at him and got an idea. I started to heat up the belt then and snapped it as I got it to a burning point. I tossed the belt into the floor and then curled up, facing the other way from him as I grabbed my pillow. He shifted to look at me and pouted.

"That's so unfair." He mumbled towards me. "You're not fun at games. Cheater."

"Goodnight," I purred to him. "Troublemakers like you get put in a timeout." I smirked and got under the bedcovers as I looked towards my candles, playing with the flames as I influenced them with my magic. Hachi shifted around for a minute before crawling out of bed and started for the bathroom, going into it. I heard him start up the shower then. "Hachi?" I frowned and sat up, the candles going down immediately as my attention was caught by the sound. "Are you upset because I didn't want to play that game?"

"Huh!? No! I just decided I couldn't sleep anymore. So I am going to take a shower to calm down." He told me from in the bathroom.

"Well... if you hadn't tied me up, I might be making you feel better," I mumbled and then hugged the pillow tighter. I heard him taking off his clothing and then getting into the shower. I shivered at the thought of Hachi in that cursed water and buried my face into my pillow. I don't understand why he likes it so much! I thought about getting up then, wondering what time it was. I bet it was one in the morning or something.... I sat up a bit and then crawled out of the bed, not wanting Hachi to hear me. He'd get upset. I snuck over towards the door then, being slow about it and then grabbed the door handle, turning it as quietly as I could. I went out into the hall then and shut the door softly behind me, heading towards the kitchen. When I got down there, I got a bowl down and went over to the refrigerator, getting out the ice cream and scooped myself up some. I took my bowl towards the living room, peeking in to see if anyone was up or not to help me pass the time till I knew Hachi would almost be done with his shower. Paris was sitting in a lazy boy, with his legs propped up. He was writing in a book and looked fairly into it. I smiled. That must be his journal for the year. I snuck in and then used my magic to appear behind him, leaning over the chair to see what he was writing as I ate a spoonful of my ice cream.

"Whatcha up to?" I purred to him, flicking my tail curiously.

"Writing about todays events... or rather what happened." Paris told me and looked towards me, his pen still glided over the paper without messing up. "I'm writing about August's eyes." I looked at him then and shrunk back, remembering that I promised Quinton that I would look at his father when I got back. Whoops....

"Um... he's alright still, right?" I asked him and smiled sheepishly. I can't believe I forgot. I'm supposed to be helping them now that Hachi can't.

"It's okay Isaac." Paris told me, looking me over. "I know you must feel like all the pressure is on you to fix todays events... but you don't need to feel pressured." He told me and gave a smile. "I'm sure Hachi will get his powers back soon." Yeah, now that I think about it... that's my job too. I sighed and sunk to the floor, eating my ice cream. Better enjoy my free time while I have it.

"I'll look at August in the morning," I mumbled. "I'm sure he's asleep with Louis... and I will start researching that phoenix to see if anyone ever escaped before. Maybe I can find a clue about how to get that bird to give back Hachi's powers.... Then, I'll have to fix Hachi's mortal problem as well.... I feel like I'm forgetting a job again.... Did you ask me to do something?" I glanced up at him and took another bite of my ice cream.

"Take a breather." Paris told me simply. "I've been keeping tabs on the Phoenix for a while. If you look in my library at my scrap books on him, you might find some interesting and needed things." Paris suggested. "I don't think he keeps his stolen powers through once he is ashed. So.... I don't think you can ask him for the powers back. Ask Laurence... He might see some hints. Although I doubt it.... but since Hachi is human now.... You should go ask him." Paris suggested quickly. I nodded and brightened up. So I'm not completely without help.

"Thank Paris!" I gave him a smile and then finished up my ice cream. "Can you do me a favor and tell me when Hachi is close to being done with his bath. I don't want to get caught."

"Hachi's thinking about heading to the kitchen after his shower and Laurence is wide awake in his room. He's doing his own research." Paris told me. "I'm not sure what it's about." I looked him over and then used my magic to go to Laurence's room. I appeared on the couch in it and I looked around before curling up.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked him as I looked towards him. I noticed Laurence had papers spread out across the room and he was walking around in them, muttering to himself.

"Hmmmm?" Laurence looked towards me. "I'm researching something, do you need me?" I shrugged.

"Depends. Whatcha researching?"

"Wizards." Laurence told me and picked up a book of family trees then showed me a page he had marked. It was Hachi's tree. "I'm trying to figure something out while I had access to Hachi."

"Whatcha trying to figure out? I probably already know it... or not.... Who knows? Hachi has a lot of secrets." I smiled innocently at him. "You could probably ask me or Hachi himself if you're brave enough." He tossed me the book then.

"Did you know that his tree is one of the oldest Wizards tree that isn't corrupted by other species? He's the purest wizard- his ancestors date back to the first seven. There was seven wizards and seven witches before the supernaturals. I believe Hachi, might just be the only one left of those seven. The other seven trees have broken up- stopped- or have been poisoned." He looked around his stacks of papers then. "Very interesting indeed that he ended up in the Grimm manor." I looked at the book and set it aside, laughing a little. Guess I'm poisoning that tree.

"Ok, so he's a very pure wizard," I said and shrugged. "We all knew he was powerful."

"Was being the keyword." Laurence pointed out. "Now he's mortal." Laurence stepped up onto a stack of books. "Okay, think here~ I'm very curious about poking him with a stick." He pulled out a pencil then. I growled then.

"You're not going to pester him for things if he doesn't want to tell you," I told him and then laid down on the couch. "Why're you so interested anyways? You know... I think he'd tell you what you wanted to know if you just asked. He likes you enough. You interest him too," I informed him and smirked as I flicked my tail. "He'd probably be upset he didn't get invited into the party in here."

"Isaac~ I'm curious about him because it's not every day I get to see into a wizards future, past, and the now. He's drying himself with a towel." He laughed to himself. I looked at him then and got curious myself. I wonder if he can see everything.

"Hey... Laurence... does he leave me ever? Or does he end up staying with me?" I asked him and sat up again.

"Awe Isaac, do you really have to ask me?" Laurence tilted his head then jumped off the books and fell to his knees. He picked up a sheet of paper and wrote something down on it. "He's too much in love with you to even think about leaving. Unless it's for a shower." He teased me. "Isaac, Do you have that galaxy ball of his in your pocket still?" I widened my eyes. He knows about that now? Not cool.

"Maaaybe..." I flicked my tail and looked him over as I reached a hand down to my pocket protectively.

"Can I see it?" He asked, holding out his hand.

"Why?" I asked sharply, looking him over suspiciously.

"Let me see it." He smirked towards me. "I'm curious to know if it is still there." I widened my eyes.

"You don't think... it could be destroyed because of that phoenix, do you?" I whispered. I lost my mark... and I don't feel Hachi's magic in me anymore... What if the globe is destroyed as well....

"We'll never know unless you show us." Laurence waited on me. I nodded then, reaching into my pocket as I prayed silently for it to still be alright. I pulled out the globe then and set it down on the couch beside me, afraid to look. "How peculiar." I heard Laurence mumble. "It's so small..." He leaned in towards it then. "It's hardly noticeable but there is a small star still there." I looked towards it then and picked it back up, looking at it to see what he was talking about. There was infact a small blue star in the center, hardly noticeable. It was all alone in there.

"Laurence... that means it's not hopeless, doesn't it? We can get his powers back because they still exist somewhere...." I smiled happily then, glad for that one little star. I held the ball close to me and looked in at it. "He can be given his powers back if we find them."

"Ah it's not about us." Laurence told me. "It's his job."

"He'll need help though...." I looked up at him and frowned. "Should I show him this? I don't know if he's even thinking about his powers right now.... He turned down being immortal with me earlier."

"Poke him with a stick." Laurence suggested. "Metaphorically speaking." I nodded and held the ball close to me then smiled at Laurence.

"Did you find out what happened to his family yet?" I asked him and tilted my head, wondering just how much he knew.

"He ate his family, spent some time in an asylum where he was sexually assaulted, then he met Oz, some crazy guy with cards, a girl with fancy blue hair, and he picked up gambling- you should ask him about that part of his life. Oh he also suffered terribly throughout his miserable immortal life. There isn't much I missed. He ate your girlfriend too. Oh and the whole cannibalism dates back centruies in his family. It's interesting. A very odd view for him. He's a patchwork wizard a birth. After he became a cannibal he gained secrets to the world. He's a very- very- very strang lad. I'm not even sure if there is a term for who he is when he has his magical powers. He holds back from what he actually can do. I don't know why he holds back though. He could do so much with his powers. Well... He could have. Maybe it was because of the influences in his life." Laurence purred. I shrunk back into the couch. I don't like him knowing all that... and he brought up Evelyn. I shuddered, remembering her.

"Please don't bring her up," I mumbled. "So... do you think that if he remembers what he can do and stuff like that and looks inside himself, he'll be able to get his magic back? Or do I need to go hunt down that bird and stick him over a fire?" I asked, looking Laurence over.

"Either is a good idea." Laurence told me. "Both futures will end with the same event."

"What same event? Him getting back his powers? Or something else?" I frowned and held the ball tighter to me, petting the top of it like it was precious.

"Now I can't tell you that, because it ends up blurry for me." Laurence shrugged. "You blur out the future being around him as well as others." I laughed then and looked at him.

"Does it make you upset because I make things hard for you?" I laughed again and brought my tail around my feet. "Wizards are such wild cards." Laurence smirked.

"I'm trusting you two won't disobey this family." He told me sharply. "Because if you do, I'll see to it personally both your devine souls are ripped from you and shoved into the deepest- darkest pits of hell to scream for all eternity with your brothern." I shivered and curled up into the couch.

"That's terrible.... I hate hell.... I wouldn't betray you guys anyways. I love you, and Hachi would kill me for it himself." I looked down at the lone star in the ball and smiled. "I'm naming you hope."

"Hope is a good name." Laurence told me.

"Well, it's true. Our hope is from this star," I murmured and brought it closer with a soft smile. "Thanks Laurence.... Oh- if you ever need or want to know something, just ask, kay? And if there was something I promised I'd do for you, you'll have to remind me. I'm having a hard time remembering my jobs I picked up. Hachi normally does those things. This is new for me... doing things magical for others." I stood up and looked at the papers then at him. I wonder how Hachi would feel about Laurence poking around his life.

"No- it's fine. I don't want to trouble either of you and I think I found out more then you two knew." Laurence told me. I gave a nod and carefully started picking my way through the papers, being careful not to scatter them. I had a fleeting thought about burning a few to mess with him, but I shut the idea down before I could think it over more. It would end badly... with the house on fire or Laurence attacking me for it. I laughed and left the room then went down to the kitchen to see if Hachi really went there. Hachi was in fact in the kitchen and I could hear him humming to himself inside. I went in quietly and snuck over to him with a smirk.

"Hello Hachi," I purred with a silk voice before wrapping my arms around his waist. "Guess what I found?" He stopped stirring something in a pot and looked towards me.

"Huh? What'd you find?" Hachi asked me curiously. I smiled and kissed his neck before I brought out the ball and showed it to him.

"Look real close, and you'll see what I found. I'm calling that star Hope. It means your magic is out there somewhere, whether hidden deep within or in that stupid bird I plan to fry." Hachi looked towards the star and then at me before looking down at his pot.

"I know." Hachi told me. "I can feel that star." I frowned. That wasn't the reaction I wanted. I wanted: 'you're the best ever! I love you!' I pulled away and got up on the counter, curling up with it.

"If you could feel it, why didn't you tell me it was there. Laurence scared me when he gave me the idea that it might not be there anymore."

"I don't know, I didn't think about telling you." Hachi told me and started to stir his pot again. I looked towards it then and frowned. Is he making food? Or is he making a potion? He can't be doing a potion, right?

"What's that?" I asked, getting near the stove to peer in at it.

"Uh-" He looked me over then frowned. "Should I tell you?" He asked me then shook his head. "It'll only bore you." I frowned and got closer to it, putting my ball up.

"No, I want to know." I flicked my tail curiously and thought about getting whatever that was on my finger so I could look at it closer.

"Isaac, don't lean over it." Hachi tried to push me away. I whined and looked at him.

"What is it?" I pulled him close and then kissed the top of his head. "You can tell me."

"Hmmm? You are interested?" Hachi asked and smirked. "I'm making this to go outside and sit." He told me.

"What's it do?" I pouted and looked towards his sides then went to tickle him. "I'll tickle you till you tell me." He yelped and caused the spoon to flick the soup onto me, starting to burn me. I winced and stopped tickling him, looking to what was on me and towards the sink. I started to slide over to it and turned on the cold water then froze, screaming as I fell off the counter.

"AHHH! WATER! IT'S EVIL!" Hachi walked over to me then and rolled me over onto my back then leaned down, licking up what got on me.

"Don't do that again." He told me and cut the water off in the sink. I whimpered.

"Turn on the faucet again, or tickle you?" I asked weakly, looking towards the sink in horror.

"Get that stuff on you." He told me and went back to his pot.

"What is it?" I asked again and sat up, crawling towards him then sat down by his feet and wrapped my arms around one of his legs and started to wrap my tail around him to be cute. "You can tell me."

"I'm cooking this up to summon something." Hachi told me and blushed. I rubbed up against his leg then, letting out a soft purr.

"What are you summoning?" I asked him and nuzzled my face against him. I tightened my grip on him and kissed him.

"Uh- It's a surprise." Hachi told me and stirred his pot.

"But I wanna know," I said cutely and looked up at him with a pout. "Can't you tell me?" I got closer to his leg then and wrapped my legs around it as well, fully clinging to him. I kissed him again and nuzzled up to him to convince him to tell me.

"Hey~ What are you two doing in here- up so late? Or should I say early?" A male asked as he walked in and gave us a small smile. I never seen him before. He smelled like Paris in a way though... distantly. "What's in the pot?" He asked, walking over. He looked older then Paris, by a couple of years. He could be his father. I hissed at him then, glaring him down as he got close to my Hachi. I took my tail back from him and flicked it angrily, showing him not to come closer. He titled his head to the side. "You must be Isaac and he's Hachi.. correct?" He asked and pointed a finger towards us. "Wizards."

"What's your name?" I growled towards him, not liking that he knew this much but we only just met him. I exposed my fangs to him threateningly. Paris teleported in then and closed the book in his hand.

"This is my uncle Benjamine. He's staying for a while here with my cousins. Benjamine Choquette. He knows about you two because I send him a card often. Once a week. With a letter. He lives just across town actually. We held a council meeting in his house once when Louis was punished for trying to start a war with me." Paris told us. Hachi nodded and gave a smile.

"Pleasure meeting you Benjamine! Lauren's mate's name is Benjamin." Hachi told him. "That's very funny." I looked from Paris to Benjamine and then leaned my head against Hachi's leg, watching them. I don't care if that his is uncle or not.... He's not allowed to be close to Hachi. I flicked my eyes towards Paris and then at Benjamine, flashing my fangs towards him again before I unsharpened them.

"Be nice to my uncle and cousins." Paris told us. "They're my family from my mother's side and the only last living ones." Paris grabbed a glass down from a cabinet and started to make himself a glass of orange juice. I perked up as I watched him, eyeing him down as I glanced towards the refrigerator then let go of Hachi, crawling over to it and reached in while it was open to take a bottle of blood. I popped it open and curled up against the counter, sipping on it happily as I heated it up with my magic. "So where are my dearest cousins?" Paris asked his uncle.

"Probably stuck deciding on a room. You should've never gave them so many options." Benjamine joked and laughed as he started for the fridge. "Hachi, I heard about your recent misfortunes. I hope you get your powers back soon. Being a human in this time isn't the idea. You could get hurt just from stepping out of your bedroom now. If you'd like, I could turn you." I hissed and threw the bottle to the side, looking up at Benjamine as I exposed my fangs again.

"Touch him, and I'll paralyze you so fast, you won't be able to even scream for help."

"Isaac~" Paris purred towards me then looked at his uncle. "Dearest Uncle, I hope you hold your tongue next time." He smirked slightly.

"Oh, being sly?" Benjamine gave a small laugh and pulled out a bottle of blood from the fridge. "Too bad~" He said while looking towards Hachi. "I bet you would have tasted like candy." Paris widened his eyes and then stepped between us. I let out a sharp growl and heated up the bottle in his hand to the point where it was boiling inside and the glass was close to exploding into millions of pieces. Benjamine sat the bottle to the side, on a counter top and started for the door. "I'll go see what those boys are doing." I went to go after him then, still growling under my breath as my tail flicked back and forth in anger. Paris grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug.

"Stop- calm down. That's my uncle right there. I don't need Damien pissed at me because I let someone kill his father in my own home." Paris told me and rubbed my head. "He's a good guy, honest." I looked at him and flicked my tail some more, still seething with anger at what Benjamine had said.

"He deserves anything that happens to him," I hissed. "He just threatened to bite Hachi!"

"So what? He comes from a different time period that us." Paris whispered. "He tries not to upset those around him. That's why I let him live. So, calm down. He didn't actually bite Hachi, now did he? No." I thought it over and then nodded, relaxing a little.

"If he bites him, he'll find blood will be tasting like ash and that his head will be getting horrid headaches. I'll give him nightmares for eternity and I'll make sure that he finds it hard to leave his house," I hissed towards Paris.

"Isaac~" Hachi giggled. "He didn't mean anything. Come on, let it go. I'm perfectly fine." I looked towards him then and brightened up, walking away from Paris to go to him. I let out a happy purr and wrapped my arms around his waist, kissing his neck.

"Alright," I whispered against his skin and took a deep whiff of him, feeling slightly hungry. I kissed him on his neck again and nipped at his ear playfully before I went towards where my bottle had landed and picked it up, sipping on what managed to stay inside. I heard Paris leave the kitchen then. Hachi looked towards his pot then turned off the stove. He picked it up and started to carry it out of the kitchen. I followed him quickly, wanting to see what he'd do with it. "Are you going to tell me yet?" I asked eagerly and slipped my tail up my shirt to hide it from anyone who may be up. I bounced on my toes lightly with each step, taking a sip of my bottle of blood. "Pleaaaaaaase?"

"Oh I forgot... can you go get me some salt?" Hachi asked softly. I nodded and conjured up some salt easily. I had picked that little trick up to impress my mother when I was still with her. I wonder how she's doing.... I bet she's upset about my sister. I laughed and walked beside him, holding the jar of salt in my hand and my bottle in the other.

"Hachi, my love, my darling love, the very reason why I'm alive today, my very reason for existing, won't you tell me?" I asked him and gave him a sweet smile. He lead us outside and right off the back porch, towards the woods. "Haaaaachi," I whined then and followed. "Please? The curiosity is killing me! I need to know! Don't make me use my secret weapon to get you to tell me."

"Huh?" Hachi gave me an innocent smile then started to slush out some of the soup onto himself and then sat the pot down by the woods. He sat down by it and motioned for the salt. "Give me." I handed it over and sat down beside him.

"Are you trying to be a meal for some sort of forest creature?" I asked and frowned, worried. He just put that soup on himself after he told me not to get it on me. He grabbed the salt and poured some out onto his face then patted it down onto himself then tossed some onto me. He tossed a bit over his shoulder then a few into the soup. He tossed me the salt then smirked.

"Back up." He warned. I crawled a few feet away from him then, narrowing my eyes as I watched him. He threw that salt at me too.... What does he think he's doing? I started to draw in the dirt then and picked a blade of grass, slowly burning it from the top down as I watched it tinge black as the heat ate away at it. Hachi laid down then and closed his eyes. "Turn around."

"When whatever you are doing is over, you and I are going to have a talk about telling me things," I muttered and turned away from him. "Then we'll talk about salt throwing at me. I could talk that a multitude of ways. I'm part demon."

"Boohoo." Hachi mumbled softly. "I'm a cry baby demoncatwitchfirevampire and I can't handle salt being thrown at me or the fact that my lover never tells me anything. Boohoo." I clenched my jaw and didn't say anything back as I picked another blade of grass and tossed the other away, starting to burn this one as well. We'll just see who wins this. I heard something coming towards us then out of the forest. It was slow and stepped gently. I tensed up and listened behind me closely.

"Hachi... you really didn't come out here to get eaten, right?" I whispered quietly, not sure what was going on anymore. He told me to turn away.... I heard Hachi slipping his shirt over his head then. I went to glance over my shoulder, worried.

"Don't look." He told me sharply. "It's okay." I looked back at the blade of grass then, eyes wide.

"Hachi, what're you doing?" I asked softly. I heard my heart sped up in my chest, knowing we weren't alone. Why'd he take his shirt off?! What's up with the salt and the pot and spilling it on himself?! I heard the footsteps coming closer towards us. I tensed up and accidentally burned the grass to the point where it actually burst into flames. I dropped it quickly, putting it out and then went for another blade of grass. I couldn't help it. My magic was going crazy along with my mind, not knowing what he was doing and whether or not he was about to get hurt, eaten, or possibly offer himself up to whatever was coming out of the woods! I widened my eyes when I noticed the grass in front of me was burning slowly without it being my intention. I went to stop it, but they each lit into teeny tiny fires on the end, burning down to the ground and singeing black. I thanked the stars that it wasn't spreading out to the other blades of grass. Paris would kill me for hurting his lawn or catching the forest on fire. Hachi sat up then as the thing approached us.

"It's been awhile. I wasn't sure you'd come." Hachi spoke towards it. I whimpered then and brought my knees close to me, burying my face into them. WHAT THE HECK IS HE TALKING TO?!

"Who's your friend?" I heard a soft voice ask. It was a mixture between male and female. There was no way in dividing it into one category.

"Isaac, my pet." Hachi told it.

"You're not too magical anymore. What happened?"

"I met a phoenix." Hachi mumbled. I got downgraded to pet! Why'd he bring me out here?! I balled up one of my hands that was holding my knees close to me and dug my nails into my skin. I stared down at the ground in front of me, refusing to look at them now. Fine. If I'm just a pet, then I guess he can go snuggle up to whatever is behind me with him. No... Hachi wouldn't do that to me. He loves me. I bit my bottom lip. He wouldn't call me just a pet unless it was necessary or something. He wouldn't cheat on me... and then bring me out here to hear this conversation. He wouldn't cheat on me at all.... He gets mad at me just for looking at a girl like I want to bite her. There's no way he'd do that to me. He loves me.... It must be an old friend of his. Maybe he's asking for help and brought soup as an offering? He trusts me enough to bring me out here. I heard it start to drink the soup then. "I hope you like it." Hachi mumbled. "It was hard remembering the ingredients." See, the soup was an offering. The only reason why he made fun of me earlier was because he thought I was being silly about this. He expects me to be more mature than acting like a little jealous child. I felt my magic calm down a little with my mind, and I let out a soft sigh, running a hand over the grass as I stopped digging my nails into my skin. It's fine. It's a friend that probably doesn't like strangers too well, so that's why Hachi asked me to look away. He didn't want to upset his friend. I heard the thing stop drinking the soup then got closer to Hachi and I heard Hachi let out a scream of pain. I widened my eyes and gripped the grass tightly.

"H-Hachi?" I called out his name and kept my eyes staring straight ahead, forcing myself to not look. Is he ok?! I could smell Hachi's blood then sour the air. He let out a groan and I could hear his body fall to the ground. I could hear something pull out of him then and walk away. I quickly turned around to see him, my heart beating loudly as the grass right beside me caught on fire. I couldn't see anything else with Hachi though and his chest had a stab hole in the center, he was trying to cover it up. I crawled over to him quickly and pulled him to me, resting his head in my lap as I looked at his chest with worry. "Hachi!" I covered his hands over his chest then and started to cry. "Why would you summon something if it was going to do this to you?!" I looked at him and then at his wound, trying to heat it up a little to burn it and make it stop bleeding. He screamed and swatted my hand away.

"Don't touch me Isaac!" He begged and tried to get away from me. I flinched and held him down, stopping what I was doing with my magic. I kissed the top of his head.

"What happened?" I closed my eyes tightly and kept my face against his head as I waited for an answer. He can't die.... He's not allowed to. That can't kill him.... I'd rather turn him than let him die if it comes down to it. He curled up to himself and let out a groan.

"I've been killed." Hachi told me. I opened my eyes wide then and shook my head quickly, holding him close.

"No..." I told him and looked at his wound, freaking out. "You can't be killed." I looked up at his eyes then and felt tears sting my eyes again. "Please," I begged. "I can stop the bleeding." He pulled his hands away from his wound and examined his blood that was on them.

"It's red." He mumbled. I touched his chest then and used my mark on him to rush to the site, heating him up as I used it to help me burn it from the inside out. I gave him my other hand for him to hold onto and squeezed his hand gently to comfort him as I started my work of making his chest stop bleeding. He looked towards his wound and started to touch it. "What'd you do?" I pulled my hand back as he stopped bleeding and smiled a smile of relief. I laughed shakily and held him close.

"I stopped the bleeding," I told him. "You won't bleed out."

"Oh...." He frowned. "You didn't have to do that Isaac." He pulled out his needle and thread then. "I could have gotten it." I looked towards it.

"Stitch it up anyways," I told him and kissed the top of his head. "You don't want it to get infected." Hachi nodded and started to stitch it up, letting out a shall shriek as he done so. I widened my eyes as I watched it hurt him.

"It...hurts you now?" I frowned. Was his immunity due to being a wizard- a patchwork wizard at birth? We need to get his magic back. "I will get your magic back," I promised. "I will go get that phoenix's ashes and make sure we get it back. He should still be in that jar. I will leave to go get it once you are safe in Paris's watchful eyes."

"Safe in his watchful eyes? I can take care of myself and you should stay far away from that phoenix!" Hachi told me sternly. I smiled at him, glad he was worried about me.

"I will be fine. I won't let him touch me. You'll have your magic back, and I will make sure his ashes stay in a little jar that way he can't come back," I purred to him and kissed his lips softly. "Now, let's get you to Paris so that way I can go grab the ashes and fix this."

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Hachi growled, glaring me down ."I won't allow it." I frowned then and looked him in the eyes.

"Why not?" I asked, being careful now.

"I don't want you ever going on that island again." He hissed. "You'll stay here." I opened my mouth to argue but stopped myself quickly as I thought of ways around this. I could do it while he's sleeping and risk him being angry at me when he finds out... or I could look through my spell book to see if I can somehow get the ashes without going on the island myself. I gave a nod.

"Ok, I won't go on the island. I will just get the ashes another way," I whispered.

"I don't want you messing with his ashes." Hachi told me and kissed my forehead. I pouted then and held him closer.

"But I want to do this for you... so you can protect yourself. I want you to have back what's rightfully yours. I'm a big bad scary demon-fire-wizard-vampire halfbreed. He won't be able to fight me if he comes back. I'll just turn him into a puddle of goo again."

"I don't think I will get my powers back from him." He mumbled softly. I hugged him closer.

"Laurence said that you could get your powers back.... He told me that it could come from me fighting the phoenix or from you searching within yourself," I whispered to him and kissed his cheek. "Hope was there in the ball, and I refuse to let it go."

"HEY! Laurence doesn't even know about our futures. He can't see us remember?!" Hachi narrowed his eyes. "He fed you a whole lie." I shook my head and touched his nose lightly.

"No, he sees you now, Mr. Human," I whispered. "He knows about Haru, about your family, he knows about your time in the asylum, he knows which family tree you're from, he knows how you met me and that you ate Evelyn. He's currently in his room with stacks of paper about you spread out all over his room. He's obsessed with you because he can see you now and he wants to learn what he can before you get your powers back and he can't." Hachi blushed and then went to get up, stumbling as he went for the house.

"Laurence!" He yelled. I stood up and picked him up, laughing a little.

"Calm down," I purred to him then used my magic to take us to Laurence's room, landing us on the couch. I kept him close to me and let him see what Laurence has been doing. Laurence was reading on the ceiling with his legs crossed, mumbled something as he held a book in his hands. Hachi dropped his jaw slightly at the sight. "See? He's just reading up on you," I told him. "He knows a lot about you, but I'm screwing up the future so he can't see too well about what will happen with you. Plus, you will eventually get your powers back more than likely. He refuses to tell me what exactly will happen and said it's our choice or something."

"It is your choice." Laurence told me. "Both of you. The future can always change. I've seen so many in the past hour for dear Hachi. I'm glad to get to narrow it down, now that I see he lives." I widened my eyes.


"Uh... you're the one that messes with my vision to see the future." He pointed towards me. I narrowed my eyes and held Hachi closer to me.

"Anyways... since you're not dead and you're alive with me, I have something planned for us later today," I purred in his ear and looked towards him. "I hope you will like it." I smirked as I thought over my options. It'd be perfect. "I will get the ashes back as well, but it can wait for a little bit. I don't want you upset with me for what I have planned."

"What's your plans?" Hachi asked me softly.

"You and I are going to go out to eat then we will return here. I will treat you to a few dances and we'll enjoy being with each other for the afternoon, and when it gets dark, I will take you to the surprise of the night under the stars," I purred and kissed his cheek.

"It's a cute idea." He admitted softly. Laurence gave a small smile then stood up and walked across the ceiling and straight down the wall to the floor.

"It's a cute idea because it's my idea. I thought of this all on my own," I told him and laughed, kissing his neck as I ignored Laurence. "I just hope you say yes."

"Yes to what?" He tilted his head in confusion. I laughed and looked towards Laurence, wondering if he knew what I had planned.

"It's a surprise, my love." Laurence walked over to his bed then faceplanted onto it. Hachi frowned towards me.

"I want to know~!" He grabbed my hands then. "Tell me!" I laughed and kissed him then. He kissed me back then tried to deepen it. "Tell me." I smiled against his lips and leaned into him.

"No. I don't want you to tell me no if you find out now," I whispered to him. "I want to do this right."

"Tell you no? Why? Is it that bad? Oh noo... I don't want to go then." I widened my eyes and pulled back slightly to look at him.

"It's not bad! I promise! It's just... I asked earlier, but I did it wrong and you told me no.... I want to do it right so that way you will tell me yes."

"I told you no before?" Hachi tilted his head. "What did I tell you no too?" I thought it over. Should I tell him? I smiled and used my magic to take us to the living room and lit the candles in there without even looking. I held him close.

"I will tell you... if you dance with me," I purred to him. Hachi blushed and nodded, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Tell me." Hachi begged. I smirked and put my hands on his waist, using my magic to start up a slow song for us.

"I will, don't worry," I whispered and started to sway with him to the music. "I want to make you happy before I ask you. We can go out to eat afterwards and do it now instead of waiting until tonight. It's still dark out. The stars are still there." I looked him in his eyes and gave a soft smile.

"What is it!?" He grabbed my arms and shook me. "I want to know." I laughed and kissed him to make him stop then grabbed one of his hands and spun him, bringing him back to me and hugged him.

"Alright, meet me outside," I whispered in his ear and stepped back. "I will be out within a few minutes. I have to get something."

"Sure~ I'll meet you out there." He hummed and started to sway his hips as he departed from me.